The Cape May Shoreline Ride the Cape May Shoreline Ride
Delaware River and Bay Authority’s Cape May-Lewes May-Lewes Cape Authority’s Bay and River Delaware Cape May Canal, then passes the entrance to the the to entrance the passes then Canal, May Cape Without the detour, the route heads north, crosses the the crosses north, heads route the detour, the Without Victorian-era homes, the route ends at the starting point. starting the at ends route the homes, Victorian-era Landmark city replete with well maintained maintained well with replete city Landmark Historic on the beach. the on the nation’s oldest seashore resort, a National National a resort, seashore oldest nation’s the “diamonds”, translucent quartz pebbles that wash up up wash that pebbles quartz translucent “diamonds”, leaving leaving After City. May Cape through riding before where lucky beachcombers may find Cape May May Cape find may beachcombers lucky where through the Wildwoods and again cross the canal canal the cross again and Wildwoods the through along Sunset Boulevard will take you to Sunset Beach, Beach, Sunset to you take will Boulevard Sunset along Lighthouse, Inlet Hereford to on continue Bridge, Sound Peninsula. Early in the ride, a slight detour westward westward detour slight a ride, the in Early Peninsula. Crossing the Stone Harbor Bridge and the Grassy Grassy the and Bridge Harbor Stone the Crossing Delaware Bay at the southern tip of the Cape May May Cape the of tip southern the at Bay Delaware May Lighthouse, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the the meets Ocean Atlantic the where Lighthouse, May Cape May with Atlantic City.
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