WORKOUT: CIRCUIT :40s WORK----- :20s SWITCH/REST Repeat 1-3 times (1 circuit = 8 min) Rest ~ 1-2 min between circuits 1.Cable Bar Curls 5.Bench Dips

2. 1 Lat Pull Down (do both sides) 6. Machine

3. Kneeling 1 Arm Press (do both sides) 7. Seated Machine

4. Bench Step up (do both sides) 8. Standing cycling With or without dumbbells

WORKOUT: AMRAP Complete as many reps/rounds as possible in _____ min

1. 15 Cal cycle 2. 15 Dumbbell Thrusters

3. 15/15 Skater Hops 4. 10 Incline Plyo Push ups

5.10/10 Bench Hop Over Choose a time amount, such as 4, 6, or 8 minutes. Complete as many rounds of the list as possible in that time. Choose a short time to stay in a high intensity zone. Choose a longer time to make it a lower intensity zone.

WORKOUT: Tabata Each A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H for :20s work & :10s rest = 4 min + 1 min rest = 5 min A. Feet Over Bench Hops B. Bench Step ups Right leg

C. Bench Step ups Left leg D. Dumbbell

E. Dumbbell Swing F. Table Top Toe Taps

G. Kneeling Slam H. Ball Sit ups

Complete each for :20s, then rest for :10s. Go through the list in order. This will take 4 minutes to complete. Rest for 1 min and repeat as many times as desired. WORKOUT: STRENGTH – LOWER BODY Low reps/Heavy weight/Long rest 1.Wide Stance Leg Press 2.Sandbag 2 x 10/10 light to moderate (:30 rest) 4 x 8-10 (:60 rest) 3 x 6-8 moderate to hard (:60 rest)

3. Sandbag 4.DB Walking lunges 4 x 8-10 (:60s rest) 3 x 10/10 (:60s rest)

5.DB Good Mornings 6.Curtsey Lunges (all 1 side then other) 3 x 10-12 3 x 8-12 Rest :30-60 between sets Rest :30s -:60 between sets

Complete all sets of 1 exercise before moving onto the next exercise. Complete the list in order from 1-6

WORKOUT: STRENGTH – UPPER BODY Low reps/Heavy weight/Long rest 1.Machine Chest Press 2.1 Arm Kettlebell Row 2 x 10 light to moderate (:30 rest) 2 x 10 easier version (:30 rest) 3 x 6-8 moderate to hard (:60 rest) 2 x 5-10 hard version (:60 rest)

3. Cable Machine 4.Cable Machine kneeling Lat Pull Down 4 x 8-10 moderate to hard (:60s rest) 4 x 6-10 moderate to hard (:60 rest)

5.Standing 1 Arm Press 6.KeSandbag 1 x 10 easy (:30s rest) 4 x 6-10 hard (:60 rest) 4 x 6-8 hard (:60 rest)

7.Seated Curls 8. Dumbbell Skull crushers 3 x 10-12 *Alternate with 8 3 x 10-12 *Alternate with 7

Complete all sets of 1 exercise before moving onto the next exercise. Complete the list in order from 1-6. Pair 7 & 8 and alternate 7 & 8. WORKOUT: ABS & GLUTES :30s WORK-----:30s REST OR 10-15 reps each/each side 1.Standing weighted twist 2.Romanian DB Deadlift

3.Bench V-Sit Crunches (legs in/out) 4.Bench straight leg lifts

5. Straight Leg Sit up 6. Butterfly

7.Single leg BOSU glute bridge 8.BOSU Bird Dog

Complete each exercise either for a set amount of time or a set number of repetitions. Rest as needed between exercises. Complete 1-3 x through the list. Modify as needed.