A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Strata One (S1)

AUDIA ERIANA 1110026000100


Audia Eriana, Peirce’s Semiotics Analysis of Icon and Symbol on Perfume Advertisements. Thesis: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

The objective of this study is to find out the of on perfume advertisements and to explain its processes. This study applied descriptive analysis method. Through this method the researcher tries to describe, explain, and analyze the meaning of the signs and investigate its semiosis process using ’s . The unit analysis of this was the woman perfume advertisement from Sephora site (, Within the site, There are 510 advertisements of 72 But, only advertisements in English are selected As a result there are 194 perfume advertisements from 29 brands. Because of the large amount of the advertisements, the researcher does sampling by using simple random sampling. The data to be analyzed are 29 advertisements in which each represents 29 brands. For the semiotics analysis, the researcher downloaded and printed the data. . The classified data contain signs which consist of representament, object, and . The relationship of these three aspects can be delivered a clear meaning of a selected advertisement.. Through this relationship will create the process of delivering meaning and interpretation which is called the semiosis process. The researcher determines which one is the icon and the symbol first from the advertisement, and used it as the data. From the data (icon or symbol), the researcher analyzes the object of the icon or the symbol, and finally got the interpretant in order to give the meaning for the advertisement. In giving meaning, it is only based on the ’ formulation of icon and symbol and also based on the reseacher’s understanding in interpreting the . The researcher found 29 icons and 23 from the 29 advertisements. From the 29 icons and 23 symbols, the researcher got the 29 meaning of the advertisement. Besides, the researcher also found that the picture (icon) can be the first aspect that can give the direction to the meaning, then the language which is used in the advertisement (symbol). It could be concluded that each advertisement had different sign and also different meaning. These differences had given different interpretations. From the semiotics analysis of 29 advertisements, the advertiser’s complex can be easily delivered by the consumer.



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my and , it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the next.

Jakarta, March 2015

Audia Eriana



First and foremost, the writer likes to thank Allah SWT, the lord of the world for giving her the best guidance, brightest lights and deepest mercy. The pour of blessing lead her to finish this thesis. Shalawat and Salam always devoted to our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who has guided us from the darkness to enlightenment in the world.

The writer would like to express my gratitude for my advisors Hilmi,

M.Hum. and Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd. who always give inspirations, encouragements, critiques, and sincere guidance for me to finish the thesis. The writer also would like to take this opportunity for expressing my deep and sincere gratitude and thankfulness to:

1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag., The Dean of Faculty of Letters and


2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Department and advisor.

3. Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Letters Department.

4. Hilmi, M.Hum., as my super advisor who always give inspirations,

encouragements, critiques, and guidance.

5. M. Shohibussirri, MALG., MALGR., as my examiner and for sharing, helps,

and critiques so that my thesis is more much better.

6. Abdurrosyid, S.S., M.EIL., as my examiner.

7. All of the lecturers in English Letters Department for their valuable


8. All the librarians of Adab and Humanities Faculty and State Islamic

v University.

9. My beloved parents: Asyudi and Martini (the late) for their limitless support,

pray and endless love. And also my stepmother, Indah Puspa Dewi, indirectly

teaches me to be stronger and more patient.

10. My beloved brothers and sister: Ramanda Raya, Muhammad Adnan Agus

Maulana and Tia Gia Agatha, who always give me cheerful and joyful, and

those really help to decrease my stress.

11. My beloved fiance: Tatang Rusmanta for his support, pray, and spirit in

my thesis.

12. My friends especially Happy C Family for their support and suggestion in

writing my thesis.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is not perfect, that is why the writer welcomes to receive the critic and suggestion for this thesis to be better.

The writer hopes this thesis will be useful, particularly for the writer and for those who interested in this field.

Jakarta, March 2015

The Writer


Table 1: The List of Unit Analysis…...………………………………….. 6

Table 2: The Website Address of Data……….………………..………… 9

Table 3: Peirce’s Thought of Semiotics……………………….………… 24

Table 4: Result of Simple Random Sampling…………………………… 28



Figure 1: BALENCIAGA Rosabotanica, Data 1 B…….………………… 34

Figure 2: Bobbi Brown Beach fragrance, Data 1 BB…………………….. 37

Figure 3: Boyfriend Billionaire Boyfriend, Data 1 BF…………….….…. 40

Figure 4: Calvin Klein Eternity, Data 2 CK……………………………... 43

Figure 5: Carolina Herrera 212 Sexy, Data 2 CH……………….……….. 46

Figure 6: CLEAN Cool Cotton, Data 8 C……………..…………………. 49

Figure 7: CLINIQUE Happy Rollerball, Data 6 CQ…………………….. 52

Figure 8: COACH Poppy, Data 1 CC……..……………………………... 55

Figure 9: Commodity Gold, Data 3 CM………………………………….. 58

Figure 10: Desigual Fun, Data 3 D………..……………………………… 61

Figure 11: Donna Karan New York Be Delicious, Data 1 DKNY………. 64

Figure 12: Donna Karan Cashmere Mist Rollerball, Data 4 DK………… 67

Figure 13: Elizabeth and James Nirvana White Rollerball, Data 5 EJ…... 70

Figure 14: Escada Joyfull, Data 3 ES…………………………………….. 73

Figure 15: Gucci Flora by Gucci Eau de Parfum, Data 11 G……………. 76

Figure 16: I Love New York by Bond No.9 for All, Data 3 ILNY……… 79

Figure 17: Jimmy Choo Flash Rollerball, Data 6 JC…………………….. 82

Figure 18: Lavanila Vanilla Lavender Fragrance, Data 5 L……………... 85

Figure 19: MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA Beach Walk, Data 1 M….. 87

Figure 20: Nomaterra On-The-Go Fragrance Wipes, Data 1 N…………. 89

viii Figure 21: One Direction You & I, Data 1 OD………………………….. 65

Figure 22: Origins Ginger Essence Intensified Fragrance Spray,

Data 2 O……………………………………………………… 94

Figure 23: Pharell Williams Girl, Data 1 PW……………………………. 96

Figure 24: Falling in Love, Data 4 P………………………… 98

Figure 25: Pink Sugar, Data 1 PS………………………………………… 101

Figure 26: Ralph Lauren Midnight Romance, Data 2 RL………………... 104

Figure 27: Stella McCartney Stella Eau de Toilette, Data 2 SM…………. 107

Figure 28: Tocca Beauty Cleopatra, Data 3 TB…………………………... 109

Figure 29: Tory Burch, Data 1 TR………………………………………... 111


Diagram 1: Peirce’s Diagram of Semiosis…..…………………………..… 20

Diagram 2: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 B..………………………………… 35

Diagram 3: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 B..……………………………... 36

Diagram 4: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 BB………………………………… 38

Diagram 5: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 BB……………………………... 39

Diagram 6: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 BF…….………………..……….... 41

Diagram 7: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 BF…...……..………………….. 42

Diagram 8: Icon’s Diagram of Data 2 CK….…………………………….. 44

Diagram 9: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 2 CK….….………………….…... 45

Diagram10: Icon’s Diagram of Data 2 CH….…….……………………… 47

Diagram 11: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 2 CH…..……….……….……… 48

Diagram 12: Icon’s Diagram of Data 8 C……….………………………... 50

Diagram 13: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 8 C……..….……………………. 51

Diagram 14: Icon’s Diagram of Data 6 CQ….…………………………… 53

Diagram 15: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 6 CQ…….……………………... 54

Diagram 16: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 CC….…………………………… 56

Diagram 17: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 CC………………………..…... 57

Diagram 18: Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 CM…………….………………... 59

Diagram 19: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 CM……….….……………… 60

Diagram 20: Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 D……..………………………… 62

Diagram 21: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 D……………………………… 63

x Diagram 22: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 DKNY……………….…………. 65

Diagram 23: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 DKNY………………………. 66

Diagram 24: Icon’s Diagram of Data 4 DK……………………………… 68

Diagram 25: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 4 DK………………………….. 69

Diagram 26: Icon’s Diagram of Data 5 RJ………………………………. 71

Diagram 27: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 5 RJ…………………………… 72

Diagram 28: Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 ES………………………………. 74

Diagram 29: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 ES…………………………… 75

Diagram 30: Icon’s Diagram of Data 11 G………………………………. 77

Diagram 31: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 11 G…………………………… 78

Diagram 32: Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 ILNY……………………………. 80

Diagram 33: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 ILNY………………………… 81

Diagram 34: Icon’s Diagram of Data 6 JC……………………………….. 83

Diagram 35: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 6 JC……………………………. 84

Diagram 36: Icon’s Diagram of Data 5 L…………………………………. 86

Diagram 37: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 M………………………………… 88

Diagram 38: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 N………………………………… 90

Diagram 39: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 OD………………………………. 92

Diagram 40: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 OD…………………………… 93

Diagram 41: Icon’s Diagram of Data 2 O………………………………… 95

Diagram 42: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 PW………………………………. 97

Diagram 43: Icon’s Diagram of Data 4 P…………………………………. 99

Diagram 44: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 4 P……………………………… 100

xi Diagram 45: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 PS……………………………….. 102

Diagram 46: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 PS……………………………. 103

Diagram 47: Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 RL……………………………….. 105

Diagram 48: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 RL……………………………. 106

Diagram 49: Icon’s Diagram of Data 2 SM……………………………….. 108

Diagram 50: Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 TB………………………………... 110

Diagram 51: Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 TR………………………………... 112

Diagram 52: Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 TR…………………………….. 113


ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………... i

APPROVEMENT………………………………………………………. ii

LEGALIZATION………………………………………………………. iii

DECLARATION……………………………………………………….. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………... v

THE LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………….. vii

THE LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………. viii

THE LIST OF DIAGRAMS………………………………..………….. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………..... xi


A. Background of the Study………………………………………..... 1

B. Focus of the Study………………………………………………... 4

C. Research Question………………………………………………... 5

D. Significance of the Study……………………………………….... 5

E. Research …………………………………………… 6

1. The Objectives of Research…….…………………………..... 6

2. The Method of Research…….……………………………….. 6

3. The Instrument of Research………………………………….. 6

4. Unit of Analysis………………………………………………. 6

5. The Technique of Data Collection.………………………….. 8

6. The Technique of Data Analysis....………………………….. 12


A. Previous Research………………………………………………... 13

B. Definition of Semiotics..………………………………………..... 17

1. Saussurean Semiotics…………………………….…………... 17

2. Peircean Semiotics…………………………………………… 19

C. Definition of Advertisement..……………..……………….……. 25


A. Data Description………………………………………………..... 27

B. Data Analysis…………………………………………………….. 34


A. Conclusion……………………………………………………...... 114

B. Suggestion………………………………………………………... 115

BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………. 117

APPENDIX……………………………………………………………… 121



A. Background of The Study

Language is a sign, a , or a sound system which is

agreed by a certain group of society1 This certain group of society,

individually or collectively, uses a language as a media communication of

delivering a message, aim, or meaning of things2. Language, which is a sign

or symbol, makes identifies themselves or the others to understand

every aspect in life easily3. So, human tend to make the other aspects in sign

in order to ease them understanding and knowing its meaning. Sign and

meaning in semiology by can be examined in the language, art,

, and so forth. In other , language itself is part of sign which

is studied in semiology or semiotics4. Beside of that, in this global society era

with the varied language which is used demands people to use and speak well

in English as the communication media, which this has been agreed on before.

1 , Course in General ; Translated by Wade Baskin (New York: McGraw-Hill Paperback, 1966), p.16. 2 Ibid., 3 Benny H. Hoed, Semiotika dan Dinamika Sosial Budaya; Edisi Kedua (Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2011), p.3. 4 , Elemen-elemen Semiologi, Sistem Tanda Bahasa, Hermeneutika, dan Strukturalisme; Translated by M. Ardiansyah (Yogyakarta: IRCiSoD, 2012), p.9 and 20.



Nowadays, people not only use language as communication media, but

also people use the technology such as electronic message, television, radio,

newspaper, and magazine. People tend to use all of those to deliver their

purposes like invitation, , exclamation, and argumentation. It must

be seen in electronic or printed advertisement which is used by advertisement

maker to persuade the reader, listener, and audience as a consumer. The

advertisement itself is one of the communication media to motivate and

persuade collectively in order to attract people on the goods and services

which are offered5.

In order to persuading the reader, listener, or audience, an advertisement

should be made as attractive as possible. Usually, there is a simple text, object

or the picture of the product, and such as the surroundings of the

product, a man, or the other living creature6. All of those aspects are used to

deliver the message and to form the image of product (, idea, themes).

In addition, the image in the advertisement will change well the perception of

product7. The image causes the consumers see the good or the service which

is offered is a needy, although it is only a desire.

In the other hand, the image of advertisement has the possibility of

differences between the image and the real product’s usage or benefits. It

5 William Wells, John Burnett and Sandra Moriarty, Principles & Practice; Fifth Edition (New Jersey: Prentice Hall International, Inc., 2000), p.6. 6Yasraf Amir Piliang, Hipersemiotika Tafsir Atas Matinya Makna (Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2010), p.280. 7 Ibid., p.287-288. 3

demands the consumers to be smarter in seeing or an advertisement.

Then in understanding an advertisement, semiotics should be applied because

an advertisement contains several signs. Generally, semiotics is a branch of

science which is examined a sign or symbol and the procedure of signaling

system. The word of semiotics itself is from Greece language, seme, means

sign interpretation. In the beginning, semiotics is appeared when

understanding a language in Cratylus. Yet, semiotics nowadays can be applied

in medical science, , art, movies, and so on8.

Furthermore, there are two important in exegesising a sign.

Firstly, Ferdinand de Saussure introduces two sides of sign, the signifier and

the signified9. Then, he calls it semiology. The second view of semiotics

comes from Charles Sanders Peirce. He that semiotics has three

sides. He calls them as sign itself (representamen), object, and interpretant.

Peirce calls these three subjects as semiosis10. Nevertheless, they agree that all

of the exegesising study of sign is conventional.

For instance, symbol can be found anywhere such as on the road. There

is a black-white line which is used to across the road by people when the red

light is on. According to Saussure, the black-white line is signifier. And then,

the signified is the meaning or the concept of that line in the so the

8Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz, Mengenal Semiotika For Beginners; Translated by Ciptadi Sukono (Bandung: Mizan, 2002), p.4. 9Benny H. Hoed. 2011. Op.cit., p.3. 10Charles Sanders Peirce (1905), Logical Interpretants in and Paul Weiss (ed.), The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1931- 1935), p.1874. 4

people who see it can understand its conventional meaning. According to

Pierce, representament is the line itself, the object is the or concept

of a thing (black-white line) which appears in the mind, called zebra-cross.

And the last, it is interpretant. Interpretant is the meaning of the line in the

mind, the place where people can across the road.

It is the same in an advertisement. It has been said previously that the

advertisement has three elements, which can be examined by semiotics. The

advertisement as a direct communication has a big effect to the society11. It

influences the people’s view of a thing. The advertisement which appeared

anywhere sometimes gives the false image to the consumers, and because of

that it can cause a serious problem to individual or the society in global. So,

semiotics is needed to see the meaning of an advertisement.

In this research, semiotics of Peirce will be used in examining some of

the advertisement which has been chosen. The signs in the advertisements will

be examined one by one until the exact meaning of each advertisement


B. Focus of The Study

In this research, the way of interpreting advertisements based on icon

and symbol of Peirce’s semiotics theory is focused on the signs of several

advertisements. The signs (text, object, and context) are focused on the

advertisements of perfumes. The 29 selected woman perfume advertisements

11 Yasraf Amir Piliang. 2010. Op.cit., p. 263. 5

are chosen randomly which consist of the three elements of advertisement by

using simple random sampling12.

C. Research Question

Based on the background and the focus of the study, the questions are

formulated for getting more specific purposes. The research questions are:

1. How is the semiosis process in each perfume advertisement based on Peirce


2. What is the meaning of icon and symbol of each perfume advertisement?

D. Significance of The Study

This research is expected to increase the awareness and attention of

signs in the advertisement to the reader, listener, and audience as customer in

seeing or an advertisement through knowing and understanding the

meaning of the advertisement through its icon and symbol. In addition, this

research hopefully can be useful to enrich the knowledge about semiotics

especially and can be benefit for the reader.

Besides that, the research can be advantageous for further

who would like to conduct the research with similar case as additional

reference especially in semiotics.

12 Hermawan Wasito, Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992), p.54 6

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objectives of Research

The objectives of this research are:

a. To know the process of semiosis in each advertisement based Pierce’s

theory; and

b. To know and reveal the meaning of the advertisements.

2. The Method of Research

This research will use qualitative method by using descriptive analysis

technique to reveal and describe the meaning on icons and symbols in the

advertisements used through the Pierce’s semiotics theory.

3. The Instrument of Research

In this research, the classified datum from an advertisement is compiled

in a data card. The data card is used for all the advertisements. Then, the data

in data card will be examined one by one.

4. Unit of Analysis

The units of analysis of this research are:

Table 1. The List of Unit Analysis No Brands Advertisement Code 1 BALENCIAGA Rosabotanica Data 1 B 2 Bobbi Brown Beach Fragrance Data 1 BB 3 Boyfriend Billionaire Boyfriend Data 1 BF 4 Calvin Klein Eternity Data 2 CK 5 Carolina Herrera 212 Sexy Data 2 CH 6 CLEAN Cool Cotton Data 8 C 7 CLINIQUE Happy Rollerball Data 6 CQ 8 COACH Poppy Data 1 CC 7

9 Commodity Gold Data 3 CM 10 Desigual Fun Data 3 D Data 1 11 DKNY Be Delicious DKNY Cashmere Mist 12 Donna Karan Data 4 DK Rollerball Elizabeth and Nirvana White 13 Data 4 EJ James Rollerball 14 Escada Joyfull Data 3 ES Flora by Gucci Eau de 15 Gucci Data 11 G Parfum I Love New I Love New York for Data 3 16 York by Bond All ILNY No. 9 17 JIMMY CHOO Flash Rollerball Data 6 JC Vanila Lavender 18 Lavanila Data 5 L Fragrance MAISON 19 MARTIN Beach Walk Data 1 M MARGIELA On-The-Go Fragrance 20 NOMATERRA Data 1 N Wipes 21 One Direction You & I Data 1 OD Ginger Essence 22 Origins Intensifieed Fragrance Data 2 O Spray 23 Pharell Williams Girl Data 1 PW Falling in Love 24 Philosophy Data 4 P Fragrance 25 Pink Sugar Pink Sugar Data 1 PS 26 Ralph Lauren Midnight Romance Data 3 RL Stella 27 Stella Eau de Toilette Data 2 SM McCartney 28 Tocca Beauty Cleopatra Data 3 TB 29 Tory Burch Tory Burch Data 1 TR

All of advertisement also accessed from on April, 9-

10th 2015.


5. The Technique of Data Collection

The data for this research are collected by bibliography technique

(teknik kepustakaan) which is taken from the chosen printed advertisements.

The bibliography technique is the technique which uses the written resources

to acquire the data13. The steps of data collecting are conducted as follow:

a. The data are downloaded from, and then printed them.

b. Every datum or advertisement is given the code as identity, such as B for

perfume advertisement of BALENCIAGA, and so forth.

c. From 72 brands of woman perfume advertisement with variant language,

the data which will be observed are chosen with condition that the

advertisement using English. And, there are 29 English woman perfume

advertisement brands with 194 advertisements (with variant amount of

each ).

d. It is taken one advertisement for one brand by using simple random

sampling, so there are 29 English woman perfume advertisement.

e. After the data are collected, the data are analyzed. The resources in this

research are the downloaded advertisements. The data are collected in

three steps. First, the advertisement is downloaded from Sephora

( then printed. There are 510 advertisements of 72

brands of woman perfume advertisement. Second, the advertisement

13D. Edi Subroto, Pengantar Metoda Penelitian Linguistik Struktural (Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press, 1992), p.42. 9

chosen are the woman perfume advertisements which using English from

the website, so there are 194 advertisements in 29 brands of it. , The last

step is that the advertisements which will be analyzed are chosen by using

simple random sampling from those 194 advertisements. As a result, there

are only 29 advertisements from 29 brands to be analyzed. After that, the

data are processed and analyzed.

Following are the addresses of the data.

Table 2. The Website Address of Data No Brands Advertisement Code Website Address Data 1 m/productimages/produ 1 BALENCIAGA Rosabotanica B ct/p384808-av-01- hero300.jpg Beach Data 1 m/productimages/sku/s 2 Bobbi Brown Fragrance BB 1289594-main-hero- 300.jpg Billionaire Data 1 m/productimages/sku/s 3 Boyfriend Boyfriend BF 1387323-main-hero- 300.jpg Data 2 m/productimages/sku/s 4 Calvin Klein Eternity CK 77776-main-hero- 300.jpg Carolina Data 2 m/productimages/sku/s 5 212 Sexy Herrera CH 795393-main-hero- 300.jpg Data 8 m/productimages/produ 6 CLEAN Cool Cotton C ct/p385169-av-01- hero300.jpg Happy Data 6 m/productimages/sku/s 7 CLINIQUE Rollerball CQ 1364769-main-hero- 300.jpg 10 Data 1 m/productimages/sku/s 8 COACH Poppy CC 1282243-main-hero- 300.jpg Data 3 m/productimages/sku/s 9 Commodity Gold CM 1700053-main-hero- 300.jpg Data 3 m/productimages/sku/s 10 Desigual Fun D 1607563-main-hero- 300.jpg Data 1 m/productimages/produ 11 DKNY Be Delicious DKNY ct/p79615-av-01- hero300.jpg Cashmere Mist Data 4 m/productimages/sku/s 12 Donna Karan Rollerball DK 1636232-main-hero- 300.jpg Elizabeth and Nirvana White Data 4 m/productimages/sku/s 13 James Rollerball EJ 1570241-main-hero- 300.jpg Data 3 m/productimages/sku/s 14 Escada Joyfull ES 1647031-main-hero- 300.jpg Flora by Gucci Data m/productimages/sku/s 15 Gucci Eau de Parfum 11 G 1236884-main-hero- 300.jpg I Love New I Love New Data 3 m/productimages/sku/s 16 York by Bond York for All ILNY 1508191-main-hero- No. 9 300.jpg Data 6 m/productimages/sku/s 17 JIMMY CHOO Flash Rollerball JC 1583566-main-hero- 300.jpg Vanila Data 5 m/vanilla-lavender- 18 Lavanila Lavender fragrance- L Fragrance P231501?skuId=11503 82 11

MAISON Data 1 m/productimages/produ 19 MARTIN Beach Walk M ct/p385358-av-02- MARGIELA hero300.jpg On-The-Go Data 1 m/productimages/sku/s 20 NOMATERRA Fragrance N 1629518-main-hero- Wipes 300.jpg Data 1 m/productimages/sku/s 21 One Direction You & I OD 1655448-main-hero- 300.jpg Ginger Essence Data 2 m/productimages/sku/s 22 Origins Intensifieed O 1465749-main-hero- Fragrance Spray 300.jpg Pharell Data 1 m/productimages/sku/s 23 Girl Williams PW 1648971-main-hero- 300.jpg Falling in Love Data 4 m/productimages/sku/s 24 Philosophy Fragrance P 659094-main-hero- 300.jpg Data 1 m/productimages/sku/s 25 Pink Sugar Pink Sugar PS 796524-main-hero- 300.jpg Midnight Data 3 m/productimages/sku/s 26 Ralph Lauren Romance RL 1606987-main-hero- 300.jpg Stella Stella Eau de Data 2 m/productimages/produ 27 McCartney Toilette SM ct/p394597-av-01- hero300.jpg Data 3 m/productimages/produ 28 Tocca Beauty Cleopatra TB ct/p54900-av-02- hero300.jpg Data 1 m/productimages/produ 29 Tory Burch Tory Burch TR ct/p384967-av-01- hero300.jpg


6. The Technique of Data Analysis

The non-statistical analysis is used in this research. Because of this

research used qualitative method, the non-statistical is the best choice to

analyze these data14. The researcher tries to determine and describe which one

the icon and symbol of the advertisement using the triangle of Peirce. After

that, the researcher draws the meaning of the advertisement from the


14Hermawan Wasito. 1992. Op.cit., p. 88-89. CHAPTER II


A. Previous Research

This research is about semiotics which refers to Peirce‟s theory. There

are many researches which use the Peirce‟s theory of semiotics. The research

about advertisement observed semiotics in State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta has been done by Hendi (2011) with title A Semiotic

Analysis on Nokia’s Advertisement Based on C.S. Peirce’s Theory1. Hendi

used a Nokia‟s advertisement as his substance research, with details

advertisement of Nokia 5310 Xpress Music, Nokia N73, Nokia N97, Nokia

E75, Nokia N70, and Nokia C3. The differences between Hendi‟s and this

research are on the advertising data used. The data which is used by Hendi is

about handphone technology of Nokia. Hendi‟s objective is to help the readers

who learn semiotics to understand signs in technological area easily and also

the relation between the linguistics and pictotial symbols. His conclusion is

that all of advertisements which he analyzed have the three part semiosis

(representamen, object, interpretant) based on Peirce that the three part of

semiosis can deliver a clear meaning and message. Furthermore, he also

1Hendi, A Semiotic Analysis on Nokias’s Advertisement Based on C.S. Peirce Theory, Skripsi pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, (Jakarta: Jakarta, 2011), tidak dipublikasikan.



concludes that Nokia‟s advertisements use attractive sign to attract the


Another semiotics research on advertisement is from Marissa Suci

Syahrani (2011) with title A Semiotic Analysis on Chocolate Advertisement in

inSTYLE Magazine2. The differences between this research and Marissa‟s is

the corpus that is used and the objective. Marissa seeks how to make a good

and attractive advertisement by knowing the semiosis process and the

relationship among the advertisement using the sign theories. Nevertheless,

this research is aimed to know the semiosis process and the meaning. Marissa

gives a boundary in the advertisements, that are only in inSTYLE Magazine,

but this research is the woman English perfumes in the site of Sephora

. Then, the product of advertisements are also different.

She analyzed the chocolate advertisements; Toblerone advertisement, Nabisco

100 Calorie Milk Chocolate advertisement, and Dove Chocolate with Peanut

Butter advertisement. For the research, Marissa finds that in making a good

and attractive advertisement the advertisement maker can modify the relation

between the representamen and th einterpretant in such way. She describes

the relationship by telling in Toblerone Chocolate advertisement it is

represented by interpretant. She says that the interpretant presents „makes the

reader wish‟. For the Nabisco advertisement, the relationship is that the

2 Marissa Suci Syahrani, A Semiotic Analysis on Chocolate Advertisement in inSTYLE Magazine, Skripsi pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, (Jakarta: Jakarta. 2011), tidak dipublikasikan. 15

interpretant presents the enjoyment of the chocolate because it has low

calorie. Furthermore, the relationship of Dove Chocolate advertisement is that

the interpretant shows a desirable : beauty, luxury and seduction. So,

she concludes the advertisements have closed relationship based on what she

found on the analyzing process. Because of that, she finally understands how

to make a good and creative advertisement in order to attract the consumer‟s


Furthermore, another research is from Yasin Anwar (2011)3 and

Riwalnu Hakim Putra (2012)4. Yasin with his title A Semiotic Analysis on

Education Advertisement on Campus Magazine observed education

advertisements, those are different with this research which uses fragrance or

perfume advertisements. He aims to find the meaning of the advertisement in

order to people who want to continue their education can see these

advertisements objectively. It is caused by the advertisements describes the

visions, programs, and facilities, therefore the university can give people the

success future. So from the analyzing process, Yasin concludes that in the

advertisement every university has decribed about their visions, programs,

and facilities. From the advertisement also, they claim that their universities

are the best and can give a success future for the students. Then, Riwalnu

3 Yasin Anwar, A Semiotic Analysis on Education Advertisement on Campus Magazine, Skripsi pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, (Jakarta: Jakarta, 2011), tidak dipublikasikan. 4 Riwalnu Hakim Putra, Peirce’s Semiotics Analysis of Cigarette Advertisement on Billboard in South Jakarta in Year of 2011, Skripsi pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, (Jakarta: Jakarta, 2012), tidak dipublikasikan. 16

Hakim Putra observed semiotics in cigarette advertisements on billboard with

title Peirce’s Semiotics Analysis of Cigarette Advertisement on Billboard in

South Jakarta in the Year of 2011. He tries to analyze the meaning of the

cigarette advertisements. Then, he concludes that the semiotics is anywhere

even in the cigarette advertisement billboard. The last research from theses

conducted at Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is from

Dwi Prayogo (2012) with title Semiotic Analysis on 2005-2012 Java Jazz

Festival Posters5. He used some of posters of Java Jazz Festival around 2005-

2012 for the corpus, then he took the some samples of them to be analyzed.

Dwi concludes the semiosis and the three part of semiosis process exist in

every advertisement he analyzed.

So, the between this research and the others is the corpus used

and also the objective. In addition, the data in this research also will be

presented by describing which one the icons and the symbols based on the

triangle semiosis of Pierce. The icons and the symbols in each datum will be

analyzed separately by using the triangle semiosis of Pierce. Then, the

researcher can get the meaning of advertisement.

5 Dwi Prayogo, Semiotic Analysis on 2005-2012 Java Jazz Festival Posters, Skripsi pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, (Jakarta: Jakarta, 2012), tidak dipublikasikan. 17

B. Definition of Semiotics

1. Saussurean Semiotics

Semiotics is one of a knowledge which is examining a sign for a long

time before. The comprehension or view about semiotics is divided into two.

The first view is concerned more by Ferdinand de Saussure. In his book

entitled Cours de linguistique générale, which is compiled and published by

his students Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye, Saussure stated his three

important thoughts:

a. The notion that linguistics should be primarily concerned with the study of

linguistic change;

b. The notion that articulatory phonetics, the study of the physiology of the

act, provides the foundation on which all linguistic research rests;

c. The assumption that individual is the superordinate discipline

under which linguistics should be subsumed.6

Furthermore, Saussure asserts that there are two ways in examining

linguistics: diachronic and synchronic. According to Saussure, dyachronic is

the linguistic observation based on its , but the synchronic is the

linguistic observation based on the language changing7. For ,

Saussure asserts also that there are two sides of interpreting a sign. He calls

6 W. Keith Percival, Semiotic Themes; Edited by Richard T. De George with title Ferdinand de Saussure and the History of Semiotics (Lawrence: University of Kansas Publications, 1981), p.12- 13. 7 Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz. 2002. Op.cit., p.9. 18

them as signifiant (signifier) and signifié (signified)8. What he means with signifiant is the material aspect of thing, such as a sound, then signifié is the mental aspect or the concept of thing9. For example, one says pen the sound of how /p//e//n/ is heard is the signifier or signifiant. Then, the concept of how a pen looks like is the signified or signifié. He calls the process of interpreting a sign as sémiologié or semiology10.

Nevertheless, Saussure believes that this signifier-signified system is a problem. For example, in English there is /p//e//n/ as signifier which refers to a tool for writing, then this prevailed with same signified in

Indonesia though in different signifier, /p//u//l//p//e//n/. Furthermore, Saussure also says that there are two basic principles about language, langue and parole. Saussure gives the definition about langue as the system and rule in language which is used for communication. For parole, Saussure describes it as a product of langue, that is language or language expressions11. Then, when language has a langue, it also has a structure which has a relation with the other elements of language itself. This relation allied with the other to build a language expression.

Based on Saussure, this relation is divided into two, those are syntagmatic and paradigmatic. Saussure says that syntagmatic is a group of

8 Op.cit., p.4. 9 Paul Cobley, and Litza Jansz, 2002. Op.cit., p.10-11. 10 Benny H. Hoed. 2011. Op.cit., p.4. 11 Ibid., p.29. 19

sign which is arranged in a such way in order to deliver a meaning. For

example, a group of sign is taken: “Her house is next to mine”. It is seen that

house has a meaning if it is added together with the other , and it also

can be differentiated with the others. This sign arrangement gives a meaning,

and also produces an arrangement of . In addition, paradigmatic is a

substitution condition of the sign yet still not to break the syntagmatic rule.

Such as the example above, the „house‟ can be substituted by another sign, let

say „dog‟. The word house and dog have the same of word, that is noun.

It is also prevail for the other sign. That is the paradigmatic relation12.

2. Peircean Semiotics

The second view comes from side, especially from Charles

Sanders Peirce. He says that there are three sides of sign. The sides are

representamen, object, and interpretant13. In that book, Peirce says that a sign

is something stands for something14. Peirce gives a definition of

representamen as the sign itself, the object is the thing which is referred, and

the interpretant is the product from the connection between interpretant and

object15. Taking the example above, according to Peirce the word pen is the

representamen, yet the object is the pen physically. For the interpretant is

12 Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz. 2002. Op.cit., p.16-17. 13 Charles Sanders Peirce, Philosophical of Peirce; Edited by Justus Buchler (New York: DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1940), p.101. 14 Ibid., p.99. 15 Ibid., p.21. 20

what thought which is appeared when someone hears pen, such as “writings”,

“ink”, “paper”, “letter”, and so on. Here is the Peirce‟s diagram:

Representamen Object


Diagram 1. Peirce’s Diagram of Semiosis16

Furthermore, Peirce says that in the semiosis process (the process of

interpreting a sign) there are three elements.

“A Sign, or Representamen, is a First which stands in

such a genuine triadic relation to a Second, called its

Object, as to be capable of determining a Third, called

its Interpretant, to assume the same triadic relation to

its Object in which it stands itself to the same Object.

The triadic relation is genuine, that is its three

members are bound together by it in a way that does

not consist in any complexus of dyadic relation. That it

the the Interpretant, or Third, cannot stand in a

mere dyadic relation to the Object, but must stand in

such a relation to it as the Representamen itself does.

16 John K. Sheriff, Semiotic Themes; Edited by Richard T. De George with title Charles S. Peirce and the Semiotics of Literature (Lawrence: University of Kansas Publications, 1981), p.53. 21

Nor can the triadic relation in which the Third stands

be merely similar to that in which the First stands, for

this would make the relation of the Third to the First a

degenerate Secondness merely.”17

It means that those sides (Representamen, Object, Interpretant) is something which should always together. They are inseparable in semiosis because they themselves have their functions to determining each other so that semiosis process can describe or determine the sign clearly.

Nevertheless, a sign cannot call as the Firstness, and so forth. Definitely,

Firstness is a probability or something which does not refer to anything else18.

Then, the Secondness is actual fact19, or the sensation of feeling appeared20.

The last is Thirdness which is the law or general role21 or a tendency of how representamen will be predicted22.

For example, there is a story of a woman who cries suddenly when she hears a song23. It can be seen that the crying is the Firstness which is only a crying (not refer to anything else), but in the other side the crying can be as a representamen. Next, the Secondness as the actual fact and the Object also is

17 Charles Sanders Peirce. 1940. Op.cit., p.99-100. 18 Ibid., p.56. 19 Ibid. 20 Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz. 2002. Op.cit., p.27. 21 Ibid., p.28. 22 John K. Sheriff. 1981. Op.cit., p.56. 23 Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz. 2002. Op.cit., p.27. 22

the song, and the Thirdness or/and the Interpretant is the connection between them. It can be said that the song reminds the woman about the sad or something else.

According to Peirce, every side of semiosis (representamen, object, interpretant) has its own classification. The representamen can be divided into qualisign which is formed by quality24, such as the concept of color, sinsign which is formed by the real physical or the shape of a thing25. Peirce says about sinsign (sin is “being only once” as in single, simple, Latin semel) is actual thing or event26. Then legisign is the law or rule of how the thing should be such as the sound of whistle in the soccer match27. Mostly the legisign is made by human being to organize the social life, and because of that almost all the convention is the legisign28.

As for the relationship between the representamen and the object, object has three classifications too. They are icon which the sign has the resemblance with the fact of what it refers, or a sign which denotes and have the character(s) of the Object, whether the Object exists or not29. The next classification is symbol, the sign connected with the object because of the agreement. Symbol is a general law or which operate only in a particular situation, areas, or society. It should be noticed to differentiate symbol with

24 Charles Sanders Peirce. 1940. Op.Cit., p. 101. 25 Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz. 2002. Op.cit., p.32. 26 Charles Sanders Peirce. 1940. Op.Cit.. 27 Op.cit,.. 28 Op.cit,. 29 Charles Sanders Peirce. 1940. Op.Cit.. p. 102 and 104. 23

legisign30. Then, the index which the sign connected with the object because of the cause and effect connection31. But, this connection is not so much.

Index is anything which takes attention or startles us32. Index has three characteristics: a. Index has no resemblance to their Object; b. It refers to individual or single unit; c. It directs the attention or startle to its Object.33

The interpretant has rheme, dicent, and argument34. The rheme is the probability for interpretant such as a concept, the dicent is the fact of interpretant or the real description of a thing, then argument is logical reasoning of interpretant35. In addition, in the Philosophical Writings of

Peirce, the rheme is a qualitative possibility36. It is the possibility interpretant which will be understood. The dicent (or dicisign) is a actual existence, and the argument is a sign of law such a sound of whistle in soccer competition37.

30 Ibid., p.102-103. 31 Charles Sanders Peirce. 1940. Op.Cit..p.33. 32 Ibid., p.108-109. 33 Ibid.. 34 Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz. 2002. Op.cit., p.34. 35 Ibid.. 36 Charles Sanders Peirce. 1940. Op.Cit., p.103. 37 Ibid., 24

Firstness Secondness Thirdness

Representamen Qualisign Sinsign Legisign

Object Icon Index Symbol

Interpretant Rheme Dicent Argument

Table 3. Peirce’s Thought of Semiotics38

In addition, Peirce says that the semiosis process is anunlimited process, because he thinks that the interpretant can be a new representamen, and if it joins with another Object it will produce the new interpretant again, and so forth. And finally, it can be unlimited. Yet, according to Roland Barthes semiosis has a limitation. Barthes says that the limitation of semiosis process depends on the individual autonomy (exegesising ability) or the supra- individual principles (the values and norms in a which regulate the human being‟s habit) of the person who does the semiosis. The semiosis will end when the person does not have anything else to be connected again with the last interpretant39.

In this research, the classification of Object, especially icon and symbol, is the possible research to do for the advertisements. It is caused of the limitation of time and place where the index and the other classifications need deeper research.

38 Paul Cobley and Litza Jansz. 2002. Op.cit,, p.31. 39Benny H. Hoed. 2011. Op.cit., p.31. 25

C. Definition of Advertisement

Advertisement is used in this research. Actually, advertisement is the

product of advertising. So, to understand what an advertisement is the

definition of advertising must be clear. According to William Wells, he says

that there are six elements of advertising‟s definition.

He believes that an advertising, which the sponsor is identified, is a paid

form of communication in order to persuade or influence the audience or mass

through mass media. Because of that, an advertising is non-personal

communication40. He also states the types of advertising: brand advertising,

retail or local advertising, political advertising, directory advertising, direct-

response advertising, business-to-business advertising, institutional

advertising, public service advertising, and interactive advertising41.

Furthermore, Belch states that advertising is used to create an image and

symbolic appeals in differentiating one product with the others42. It means that

advertising maker wants a product‟s (goods/service) uniqueness to be seen by

the audience, so the audience is interested in and to be influenced.

Then, Arens also gives a definition for advertising. He says “Advertising

is the structured and composed non-personal communication of ,

40 William Wells, John Burnet and Sandra Moriarty. 2000. Op.cit., p.6-8. 41 Ibid., p.6-8. 42 George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch, Introduction to Advertising and Promotion, An Integrated Marketing Perspective; Third Edition (Chicago: IRWIN, 1995), p.11. 26

usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods, services, and ideas) by identified sponsors through various media”43.

So, it is concluded that advertising is used for making an image and also an effort to persuade or influence the public about a product (goods, services, ideas) by a mass media.

43 Williams F. Arens, Contemporary Advertising (New York: Mc-Graw Hill, 2004), p.7. CHAPTER III


A. Data Description

The data are compiled into data card. After that, there are 29 brands on

data card. Then, one advertisement as data observed is chosen from each

brand and totally 29 woman perfume advertisement will be analyzing. The

random sampling technique is used in this research. This choosing of sample

is based on Wasito’s technique. In his book, there are three techniques to

choose and to take a random sample. Those are simple random sampling,

systematic random sampling and stratified random sampling1.

The first is simple random sampling which is described that the samples

are chosen in particular manner in order to every population has an equal

opportunity to be chosen and observed as a sample. There are two manners in

this simple random sampling, those are raffle and random numeral table.

The second is systematic random sampling. The only first member is

chosen randomly, then the next member is chosen systematically following a

specific pattern.

The third is stratified random sampling. It is used when the sampling

determination not only depends on whole population, but also on analyzed

1 Hermawan Wasito. 1992. Op.cit., p. 54-59.



variable. The member of population in every stratum, that has been divided

before, is chosen randomly and then calculated. All of number stratum

member is being a sample member which is called stratified random


Because of the number of the corpus, the raffle of simple random

sampling is used in this research, with the steps are mentioned below:

1. Every population member (194 English woman perfume advertisement) is in

the list and the serial number is given to it;

2. The serial number is rewritten on the piece of paper;

3. The paper is rolled and put them in the box or glass;

4. The box, which is contained the data from one brand, is shaken to get data to

be analyzed;

5. Then, the box is shaken until all brands have its turn.

For the effectiveness of this paper, the corpus data of 194

advertisements are put on the Appendix. Here are the data that will be

analyzed in this research result of the simple random sampling.

Table 4. Result of Simple Random Sampling No Brand Data Source Code



2 Bobbi Brown Data 1 BB

3 Boyfriend Data 1 BF

4 Calvin Klein Data 2 CK

5 Carolina Herrera Data 2 CH

6 CLEAN Data 8 C


8 COACH Data 1 CC


9 Commodity Data 3 CM

10 DESIGUAL Data 3 D

11 DKNY Data 1 DKNY

12 Donna Karan Data 4 DK

Elizabeth and 13 Data 5 EJ James

14 Escada Data 3 ES

15 Gucci Data 11 G


I Love New York 16 Data 3 ILNY by Bond No. 9

17 Jimmy Choo Data 6 JC

18 Lavanila Data 5 L



21 One Direction Data 1 OD

22 Origins Data 2 O


23 Pharell Williams Data 1 PW

24 Philosophy Data 4 P

25 Pink Sugar Data 1 PS

26 Ralph Lauren Data 3 RL

27 Stella McCartney Data 2 SM

28 Tocca Beauty Data 3 TB

29 Tory Burch Data 1 TR


This research employs descriptive analysis to analyze the data by giving

semiosis process then describing each datum one by one to reveal the

meaning. The semiosis is based on Pierce’s theory of semiotics which

emphasizing the second trichotomy of sign concerning of the relationship

between representamen and its object. The second trichotomy based on Pierce

are icon, symbol and index. In this research, it is only icon and symbol which

will be analyzed. The icon itself is the photo or image in the advertisement,

and the symbol is written text or language on the advertisement. Index will not

be analyzed because it relates to causality effect which requires more time in

another or different research. Furthermore, the limitation of the semiosis

process is based on the reseacher’s capacity like Barthes says in his book that

semiosis process depends on the individual autonomy (exegesising ability) or

the supra-individual principles (the values and norms in a culture which

regulate the human being’s habit) of the person who does the semiosis2. The

semiosis will end when the person does not have anything else to be

connected again with the last interpretant. As addition, in Handbook of

Semiotics by Winfried Nöth is written that the Peirce’s theory of semiotics is

often used in the advertisements to reveal the purpose3. So, this research uses

Peirce’s theory of semiotics on the advertisements.

2 Benny H. Hoed. 2011. Loc.cit., p.17. 3 Winfried Nöth, Handbook of Semiotics (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995), p.480. 34

B. Data Analysis

B.1. Data 1 B

Figure 1. BALENCIAGA Rosabotanica, Data 1 B

In this data, there is a picture of a woman looks like not wearing a shirt,

with flowers in her arm. She is Kristen Stewart. Her expression shows a

mildness and also firmness from the eyes. But her body interprets natural and

pure. The picture is the representamen [R] for this observation of icon. So, the

semiosis process for this data is that the representamen [R] is the picture of

mentioned above, which represents the mildness, firmness, nature, and purity.

[O]. The relationship between representamen-object produces interpretant [I]:


A woman like Kristen Stewart without any shirt and with flowers in her arms. Her looking is firmness, mildness, nature and purity [R]

This perfume gives you image of both mildness and firmness and Mildness, also its natural firmness, nature fragrance can and purity [O] show up more your natural personality [I]

Diagram 2. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 B

The next is the symbol analysis. The symbol of this data is the written language: Rosabotanica. From the Pierce’s theory of semiotics, this is the representamen [R] of the symbol. After that, the semiosis process is the word rosabotanica is the representamen [R] which personates beauty of rose and a naturalness of botanic [O]. Then, because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Rosabotanica [R]

This perfume gives you the beauty and fragrance of roses and also Beauty of rose the naturalness and a naturalness sensations of of botanic [O] botanic which can give you the natural but exclusive [I]

Diagram 3. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 B

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that the fragrance from this perfumes is the perfume gives you an image that you will have mildness but firmness personality because of its roses (as firmness) and natural botanic (as mildness) fragrance. As people know that rose is beautiful but it is dangerous too as it has sharp thorns.


B.2. Data 1 BB

Figure 2. Bobbi Brown Beach Fragrance, Data 1 BB

This is the chosen advertisement from Bobbi Brown. This perfume is

made only for women. This advertisement lades picture (icon) and written

language (symbol). The icon is the first which will be observed, then the

symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a perfume bottle. The image of it is

clean, transparent, light but luxurious. This picture is the icon and also as the

representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

The semiosis process is that the picture of a perfume bottle which is

clean, transparent, light but luxurious is the representamen [R], which

personates light and luxurious [O]. Because of the relationship between the

representamen and object, the interpretant is: 38

A perfume bottle which is clean, transparent, light but luxurious [R]

You will smell a light fragrance

Light and luxurious but still [O] luxurious from this perfume [I]

Diagram 4. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 BB

The next is the symbol analysis. Symbol is the written language that is used in this advertisement. The symbol in this advertisement is Beach. This written language, beach, is the representamen [R] which personates wave and sea which looks strong, mysterious but also in harmony or balanced [O].

Furthermore, the relationship between the representamen and object produces the interpretant [I]. The semiosis process is:


Beach [R]

This perfume gives you a harmony or

Strong, good balanced mysterious, in fragrance, and also harmony or gives you strong balanced [O] and mysterious image [I]

Diagram 5. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 BB

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that wearing this perfume will give you light but balanced fragrance that can make you relax. In order hand, this perfume also can give you a luxurious, strong and mysterious image.


B.3. Data 1 BF

Figure 3. Boyfriend Billionaire Boyfriend, Data 1 BF

This is the chosen advertisement from Boyfriend. This perfume is

made only for women. This advertisement lades picture (icon) and written

language (symbol). The icon is the first which will be observed, then the

symbol. In this data, there is a picture of perfume bottle which due to royalty,

high class and exclusive. This description is the icon and also as the

representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture is mentioned above

is the representamen [R], which personates high class, due to royalty and

exclusive [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and

object, the interpretant is:


A perfume bottle which due to royalty, high class and exclusive [R]

If you want to look like a lady from royal High class, exclusive, family, high class royalty [O] and exclusive, you can wear this perfume [I]

Diagram 6. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 BF

The next is the symbol analysis. Symbol is the written language that is used in this advertisement. The symbol in this advertisement is Billionaire

Boyfriend. This written language, billionaire boyfriend, is the representamen

[R] which personates by having a super rich boyfriend is great [O].

Furthermore, the relationship between the representamen and object produces the interpretant [I] and also the semiosis process is:


Billionaire Boyfriend [R]

By wearing this By having a perfume, you can

super rich attract a super boyfriend is great rich man so that [O] being your boyfriend [I]

Diagram 7. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 BF

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that wearing this perfume will make you being a lady from royal family, high class and exclusive person so that super rich man can be your boyfriend.


B.4. Data 2 CK

Figure 4. Calvin Klein Eternity, Data 2 CK

This is the chosen advertisement from Calvin Klein. This advertisement

lades picture (icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which

will be observed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a perfume

bottle which can personate a gentleness or tenderness from the color of liquid.

Then, the shape of it also clear and firm.. This description is the icon and also

as the representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above is

the representamen [R], which personates gentleness, clearness, and firmness

[O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the

interpretant is:


A perfume bottle which looks gentleness/tenderness from the liquid color, clear and firm [R]

The fragrance of perfume can show up Gentleness, clearness, your both gentleness firmness [O] and firmness clearly [I]

Diagram 8. Icon’s Diagram of Data 2 CK

The next is the symbol analysis. Symbol is the written language that is used in this advertisement. The symbol in this advertisement is Eternity. This written language, eternity, is the representamen [R] which personates immortal, ever-lasting, forever, imperishable [O]. Furthermore, the relationship between the representamen and object produces the interpretant

[I] and also the semiosis process is:


Eternity [R]

The fragrance of Immortal, ever- perfume is lasting, forever, keeping for imperishable [O] long time. It is worth to buy [I]

Diagram 9. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 2 CK

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the exact meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that not only the perfume can show up your gentleness and firmness clearly, but also its fragrance is keeping for long time. So, this perfume is worth to buy.


B.5. Data 2 CH

Figure 5. Carolina Herrera 212 Sexy, Data 2 CH

This is the chosen advertisement from Carolina Herrera. This perfume is

made only for women. This advertisement lades picture (icon) and written

language (symbol). The icon is the first which will be observed, then the

symbol. In this data, there is a picture of perfume bottle which shaped like a

pink capsule. This capsule consists of two perfume bottles. This description is

the icon and also as the representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture of perfume bottle

which shaped like a pink capsule. And this is the representamen [R], which

feminine and sexy [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen

and object, the interpretant is:


A perfume bottle which shaped like a pink capsule [R]

This perfume will make the women who Feminine and sexy [O] wear it look more feminine

and sexier [I]

Diagram 10. Icon’s Diagram of Data 2 CH

The next is the symbol analysis. Symbol is the written language that is used in this advertisement. The symbol in this advertisement is 212 Sexy. This written language, 212 sexy, is the representamen [R] which personates sexy

[O]. Furthermore, the relationship between the representamen and object produces the interpretant [I] and also the semiosis process is:


212 Sexy[R]

The women who Sexy [O] wear this perfume will be looked sexier [I]

Diagram 11. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 2 CH

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that wearing this perfume will make you more feminine and sexier even more.


B.6. Data 8 C

Figure 6. CLEAN Cool Cotton, Data 8 C

This is the chosen advertisement from CLEAN. This perfume is made

only for women. This advertisement lades picture (icon) and written language

(symbol). The icon is the first which will be observed, then the symbol. In this

data, there is a picture of shelled orange and mint leave, blue bottle, and

cotton. This description is the icon and also as the representamen [R] of the

semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture of shelled orange

and mint leave, blue bottle, and cotton is the representamen [R], which

personates freshness, refreshing, softness, and comfortness [O]. Because of

the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant is:


Shelled orange, mint leave, blue bottle, and cotton [R]

This perfume gives you freshness like an orange and mint leaf, Freshness, and softness like refreshing, cotton. So it will be softness, refreshing your mood comfortness [O] and also it is comfort and saves for your skin [I]

Diagram 12. Icon’s Diagram of Data 8 C

The next is the symbol analysis. Symbol is the written language that is used in this advertisement. The symbol in this advertisement is Cool Cotton.

This written language, pure, is the representamen [R] which personates cool scent, fresh, and comfortness [O]. Furthermore, the relationship between the representamen and object produces the interpretant [I] and also the semiosis process is:


Cool Cotton [R]

Cool scent, This perfume gives freshness, and you freshness,

comfortness comfortness and cool scent [I] [O]

Diagram 13. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 8 C

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the exact meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that wearing this perfume can be your mood-booster because of its freshness, cool scent, and comfortness fragrance.


B.7. Data 6 CQ

Figure 7. CLINIQUE Happy Rollerball, Data 6 CQ

This is the advertisement from CLINIQUE. This perfume is made for

women. It lades a picture (icon) and the written language (symbol). At first,

the icon is the picture of an orange perfume bottle, and it is like a sunset

which brings composure and beauty. So, this picture or a pose of the models is

the icon.

So, the semiosis process is the picture of an orange bottle like sunset

which brings composure and beauty is the representamen [R], which

personates composure and beauty, relaxation [O]. Their relationship,

representamen-object, produces interpretant [I]:


An orange perfume bottle like a sunset which brings composure and beauty [R]

This perfume will give you relaxation Composure, beauty, relaxation by its composure [O] and show you beauty up. [I]

Diagram 14. Icon’s Diagram of Data 6 CQ

The next is the symbol analysis. It has been told before that symbol is a sign which is made by convention context. It means that language is one of the symbols. The symbol in this datum is Happy. The written language, happy, itself is the representamen [R], which stands for its object happiness and joyful [O]. Because of their relation, it produces the interpretant [I]; this perfume can give you happiness and joyful by lifted your mood through its scent.


Happy [R]

This perfume can give you happiness Happiness and joyful and joyful by lifted [O] your mood through its scent [I]

Diagram 15. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 6 CQ

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the exact meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that this perfume like its name can give you happiness and joyful by lifted you mood, its composure and relaxation scent so that your beauty shows up more.


B.8. Data 1 CC

Figure 8. COACH Poppy, Data 1 CC

This is the advertisement from COACH. It lades a picture (icon) and the

written language (symbol). At first, the icon is the bottle of the perfume with

orange ribbon, round shaped bottle and round lid. So, this picture is the icon.

This picture describes something cute, childish, and cheerful

So, the semiosis process is the picture of the perfume bottle with orange

ribbon, round shaped bottle and round lid is the representamen [R], which

personates something cute, childish, and cheerful. [O]. Their relationship,

representamen-object, produces interpretant [I]:


A perfume bottle with orange ribbon, round shaped bottle and round lid [R]

If you want to look cuter like a child

Cute, childish, and more cheerful, cheerful [O] you can wear this perfume [I]

Diagram 16. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 CC

The next is the symbol analysis. It has been told before that symbol is a sign which is made by convention context. It means that language is one of the symbols. The symbol in this datum is Poppy. The written language, made to measure, itself is the representamen [R], which stands for a beloved name, a beloved one [O]. Because of their relation, it produces the interpretant [I]; you can be a beloved one by wearing this perfume.


Poppy [R]

If you want to be a beloved one for A beloved people, you can name [O] wear this perfume [I]

Diagram 17. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 CC

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the exact meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that wearing this perfume will make you cuter and cheerful so that you can be a beloved one for people


B.9. Data 3 CM

Figure 9. Commodity Gold, Data 3 CM

This is the advertisement from Sean John. It lades a picture (icon) and

the written language (symbol). At first, the icon is the picture of a perfume

bottle. The bottle is white and shows a purity. So, this picture or a pose of the

models is the icon. This picture describes a purity

So, the semiosis process is the picture of white perfume bottle is the

representamen [R], which personates purity [O]. Their relationship,

representamen-object, produces interpretant [I]:


A white perfume bottle [R]

This perfume can be pure or real Purity [O] mark of your personality [I]

Diagram 18. Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 CM

The next is the symbol analysis. It has been told before that symbol is a sign which is made by convention context. It means that language is one of the symbols. The symbol in this advertisement is Gold. The written language itself is the representamen [R], which stands for its object prestigious and luxury [O]. . Because of their relation, it produces the interpretant [I].


Gold [R]

You can look more prestigious Prestigious and and luxurious luxury [O] like gold by wearing this perfume [I]

Diagram 19. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 CM

From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that wearing this perfume will make you look prestigious, luxurious, and also special besides it can show up more your ‘pure’ personality though.


B.10. Data 3 D

Figure 10. Desigual Fun, Data 3 D

This is the advertisement from Desigual. It lades a picture (icon) and the

written language (symbol). At first, the icon is the picture of a colorful round

perfume bottle. This picture describes a cheerful or joyful atmosphere.

So, the semiosis process is the picture of a colorful round perfume bottle

is the representamen [R], which personates a cheerful or joyful [O]. Their

relationship, representamen-object, produces interpretant [I]:


A colorful round perfume bottle [R]

This perfume can give you or bring A cheerful or you’re your joyful [O] cheerful or joyful of the day [I]

Diagram 20. Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 D

The next is the symbol analysis. It has been told before that symbol is a sign which is made by convention context. It means that language is one of the symbols. The symbol in this datum is Fun. The written language, fun, itself is the representamen

[R], which stands for its object pleasure and enjoyment [O]. Because of their relation, it produces the interpretant [I]; this pleasure fragrance of this perfume will come right to you and you will enjoy it.


Fun [R]

The pleasure fragrance of this perfume will Pleasure and enjoyment [O] come right to you and you will enjoy it [I]

Diagram 21. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 D

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that the pleasure fragrance of this perfume will come right to you, then you will enjoy it. At the end, it will bring back your cheerful and joyful.


B.11. Data 1 DKNY

Figure 11. Donna Karan New York Be Delicious, Data 1 DKNY

In this data, there is a picture of a woman looks like without wearing any shirt

with messy hair while holding a green apple. The picture is the representamen [R] for

the analyzed icon. So, the semiosis process for this data is that the

representamen [R] is the picture of mentioned above which represents a

desire, freshness, attractive woman [O]. The relationship between

representamen-object produces interpretant [I] is:


A woman looks like without wearing any shirt with messy hair while holding a green apple [R]

You can be a desire and more A desire, attractive and freshness, fresher like a attractive woman green apple by [O] wearing this perfume [I]

Diagram 22. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 DKNY

The next is the symbol analysis. It has been told before that symbol is a sign which is made by convention context. It means that language is one of the symbols. The symbol in this datum is Be Delicious. The written language, be delicious, itself is the representamen [R], which stands for its object delightful, dainty and charming [O]. Because of their relation, it produces the interpretant [I]:


Be Delicious [R]

The women who wear this perfume Delightful, will be delightful, dainty, dainty and

charming [O] charming. So, it will increase the confidence [I]

Diagram 23. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 DKNY

The last conclusion for these two semiosis process is that the woman who wears this perfume can be a desire, more attractive woman and fresher person like a green apple, delightful, dainty and also charming personality.

So, this perfume can increase your confidence.


B.12. Data 4 DK

Figure 12. Donna Karan Cashmere Mist Rollerball, Data 4 DK

This is the advertisement from Donna Karan. This advertisement lades

picture (icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of perfume bottle.

The bottle is clear, simple with golden lid. This description is the icon and

also as the representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture of a clear simple

perfume bottle with golden lid is the representamen [R], which personates

elegance, simplicity, and clearness [O]. Because of that relationship, the

interpretant [I] is:


A clear simple perfume

bottle with golden lid [R]

The fragrance of Elegance, this perfume simplicity, will make you clearness [O] look simple but elegant clearly [I]

Diagram 24. Icon’s Diagram of Data 4 DK

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is Cashmere

Mist. Cashmere is the kind of fabric which is very delicate and expensive whereas Mist is the kind of perfume based of the durability of fragrant. So, the written language here, Cashmere Mist, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates delicate, expensive, exclusive [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Cashmere Mist [R]

The fragrance of this perfume is delicate or light Delicate, exclusive which can give you the expensive [O] exclusiveness/ex pensivenss [I]

Diagram 25. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 4 DK

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that although the fragrance of this perfume is delicate or light but it can bring simplicity, elegance, and exclusiveness like cashmere.


B.13. Data 5 EJ

Figure 13. Elizabeth and James Nirvana White Rollerball, Data 5 EJ

This is the advertisement from Elizabeth and James. This advertisement

lades picture (icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which

will analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of perfume

bottle. The bottle is white, simple and with golden lid. This description is the

icon and also as the representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture of a white simple

perfume bottle with golden lid is the representamen [R], which personates

elegant and simple [O]. Because of that relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A white simple bottle with golden lid [R]

You will get the simple and Elegant and elegant look by simple [O] wearing this perfume [I]

Diagram 26. Icon’s Diagram of Data 5 EJ

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is Nirvana. So, the written language here, nirvana, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates heaven, pleasure place, final destination [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Nirvana [R]

By wearing this perfume, you will be like in the heaven and feel Heaven, pleasure its pleasure as the place, final final destination. destination [O] So, you will feel the happiness from the nirvana [I]

Diagram 27. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 5 EJ

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that the simple elegant image from this perfume by wearing it. Then, you will feel the pleasure and happiness like in the nirvana.


B.14. Data 3 ES

Figure 14. Escada Joyful, Data 3 ES

This is the advertisement from Escada. This advertisement lades picture

(icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of pink perfume

bottle. This description is the icon and also as the representamen [R] of the

semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture of a pink perfume

bottle [R], which personates elegant and feminine [O]. Because of that

relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A pink perfume bottle [R]

This perfume can give Elegant and you an image of elegant feminine [O] and feminine [I]

Diagram 28. Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 ES

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is Nirvana. So, the written language here, nirvana, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates heaven, pleasure place, final destination [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Joyful [R]

The enjoyment and

Enjoyment and cheer will come to you all day long by cheer [O] wearing this perfume [I]

Diagram 29. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 ES

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that elegant and feminine look, enjoyment and cheer will be gotten all day long by wearing this perfume.


B.15. Data 11 G

Figure 15. Gucci Flora Eau de Parfum, Data 11 G

This is the advertisement from Gucci. This advertisement lades picture

(icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a perfume bottle

which dominated by golden color and decorated by black string. This

description is the icon and also as the representamen [R] of the semiosis


Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above is

the representament [R], which personates exclusive and feminine [O].

Because of that relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


The picture of perfume bottle which dominated by golden color and decorated by black string [R]

This perfume will make you look more Exclusive and exclusive or special feminine [O] and show you feminine more up [I]

Diagram 30. Icon’s Diagram of Data 11 G

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is Flora. So, the written language here, flora, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates plantings and nature [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Flora [R]

This perfume is made from scent of plants Plantings and and can bring the nature [O] beauty of nature to you [I]

Diagram 31. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 11 G

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that you will get the exclusiveness and feminine image by wearing this perfume, also from its floral scent you will look more beauty of nature.


B.16. Data 3 ILNY

Figure 16. I Love New York by Bond No.9 for All, Data 3 ILNY

This is the advertisement from Gucci. This advertisement lades picture

(icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a black star shaped

perfume bottle. This description is the icon and also as the representamen [R]

of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture of a black star

shaped perfume bottle is the representament [R], which personates

mysterious, famous, recognized [O]. Because of that relationship, the

interpretant [I] is:


A black star shaped perfume bottle [R]

This perfume will make up more Mysterious, mysterious, and make famous, you are being famous recognized and recognized like a [O] star because its fragrance [I]

Diagram 32. Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 ILNY

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is I Love NY.

NY is the abbreviation of New York. So, the written language here, I love

NY, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates loving New

York, New York is lovable [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


I Love NY [R]

You can be a lovable person by Loving New wearing this York, New York perfume like New is lovable [O] York which always has its charm [I]

Diagram 33. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 ILNY

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that by wearing this perfume you can be a mysterious but famous or recognized person like a star, and also you can be a lovable person like New York City which always has its charm.


B.17. Data 6 JC

Figure 17. Jimmy Choo Flash Rollerball, Data 6 JC

This is the advertisement from Gucci. This advertisement lades picture

(icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a white perfume

bottle with black lid. This description is the icon and also as the

representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture of a white perfume

bottle with black lid is the representament [R], which personates simplicity

and always in style or being up-to-date, not old [O]. Because of that

relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A white perfume bottle with black lid [R]

The simplicity will not Simplicity, make you look old or always in style not in style. It‘s always or being up-to- being up-to-date date, not old [O] because white-black is never wrong [I]

Diagram 34. Icon’s Diagram of Data 6 JC

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is Flash. So, the written language here, Flash, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates quick and shiny [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Flash [R]

This perfume makes Quick and you shining shiny [O] gorgeously instantly quick like a flash [I]

Diagram 35. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 6 JC

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that this perfume will make you looks simple but in style and also make you shining gorgeously instantly quick like a flash.


B.18. Data 5 L

Figure 18. Lavanila Vanila Lavender Fragrance, Data 5 L

This is the advertisement from Lavanila. This advertisement lades only

the picture (icon).In this data, there is a picture of a white perfume bottle with

its box. The motive of the box shows a vine, and the bottle shows a clear and

elegant look. This description is the icon and also as the representamen [R] of

the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above is

the representament [R], which personates violet flower and floral [O].

Because of that relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A white clear elegant perfume bottle with its purple vine motive box [R]

This perfume has violet and Violet floral flower, fragrance that floral [O] will make you fresher [I]

Diagram 36. Icon’s Diagram of Data 5 L

The last is the conclusion for this semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that this perfume can make you are fresher because of its violet flower and floral scent.


B.19. Data 1 M

Figure 19. MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA Beach Walk, Data 1 M

This is the advertisement from MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA. This

advertisement only lades picture (icon). In this data, there is a picture of a

beach, sea, sand, wave, and the back of a woman with long hair. This

description is the icon and also as the representamen [R] of the semiosis


Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above

[R], which personates nature, strength, sexy, memories [O]. Because of that

relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A beach, sea, sand, wave, and the back of a woman with long hair [R]

This perfume can show up your sexy naturally and bring out the Nature, strength of your strength, sexy, personality clear. memories [O] And all of these will be remembered by people [I]

Diagram 37. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 M

The conclusion of this semiosis process can be drawn from its interpretant; the perfume can show up your sexy naturally and bring out the strength of your personality. Futhermore, you and all your images will be remembered by people.


B.20. Data 1 N

Figure 20. Nomaterra On-The-Go Fragrance Wipes, Data 1 N

This is the advertisement from Nomaterra. This advertisement only

lades picture (icon). In this data, there is a picture of a fragrance wipes box.

The box is rectangular and black at the edge, with flower at the middle of the

box. This description is the icon and also as the representamen [R] of the

semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above

[R], which personates classic and feminine [O]. Because of that relationship,

the interpretant [I] is:


A fragrance wipes box. The box is rectangular and black at the edge with a flower at the middle of the box [R]

The fragrance from this wipes is Classic flowery yet classic and which can be your feminine fragrance mark [O] because of its classical fragrance [I]

Diagram 38. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 N

The conclusion of this semiosis process can be drawn from its interpretant; the fragrance from this wipes is flowery yet classic which can be your fragrance mark because of its classical fragrance.


B.21. Data 1 OD

Figure 21. One Direction You & I, Data 1 OD

This is the advertisement from One Direction. This advertisement lades

picture (icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a transparent

bottle with pink liquid of perfume. The shape of bottle is also like a shape of

diamond, a hexagonal diamond. This description is the icon and also as the

representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above

[R], which personates precious like diamond, feminine [O]. Because of that

relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A transparent bottle with pink liquid. The shape of bottle is like a hexagonal diamond [R]

If you are a precious woman like a diamond Precious and and wants to look feminine [O] more feminine, you can wear this perfume. [I]

Diagram 39. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 OD

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is You & I.

So, the written language here, You & I, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates intimate and special [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


You & I [R]

This perfume is made for only Intimate and special and intimate special [O] one, like you and I [I]

Diagram 40. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 OD

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that a precious woman who wants to look more feminine can wear this perfume. In addition, this perfume is only made for you, the intimate and special one.


B.22. Data 2 O

Figure 22. Origins Ginger Essence Intensified Fragrance Spray, Data 2 O

This is the advertisement from Origins. This advertisement only lades

picture (icon). In this data, there is a picture of a perfume bottle. The shape of

bottle is like a shape of woman’s body, it is like hourglass. This description is

the icon and also as the representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above

[R], which personates special, simple, dazzling [O]. Because of that

relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


The image of perfume bottle which is like a shape of woman’s body, a hourglass [R]

If a woman wants to look simple yet Special, simple special and and dazzling [O] dazzling, she can wear this perfume [I]

Diagram 41. Icon’s Diagram of Data 2 O

The conclusion of this semiosis process can be drawn from its interpretant; if a woman wants to look simple yet special and dazzling, she can wear this perfume.


B.23. Data 1 PW

Figure 23. Pharell Williams Girl, Data 1 PW

This is the advertisement from Pharell Williams. This advertisement

only lades picture (icon). In this data, there is a picture of a perfume bottle in

abstract color and drawing. This description is the icon and also as the

representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above

[R], which personates modern and youth [O]. Because of that relationship, the

interpretant [I] is:


An image of perfume bottle with abstract color and image [R]

To look more modern and younger or to want to show Modern and your youthful spirit, youth [O] you can wear this perfume [I]

Diagram 42. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 PW

The conclusion of this semiosis process can be drawn from its interpretant; to look more modern and younger or to want showing your youthful spirit, you can wear this perfume.


B.24. Data 4 P

Figure 24. Philosophy Falling in Love, Data 4 P

This is the advertisement from Philosophy. This advertisement lades

picture (icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a clear transparent

bottle of perfume with metallic black lid. This description is the icon and also

as the representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture of a clear

transparent perfume bottle with metallic black lid is representament [R],

which personates simplicity and openness [O]. Because of that relationship,

the interpretant [I] is:


A clear transparent perfume bottle with metallic black lid [R]

If you want to look having like an open-minded Simplicity and personality and openness [O] simple, you can wear this perfume


Diagram 43. Icon’s Diagram of Data 4 P

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is Falling in

Love. So, the written language here, falling in love, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates romance and romantic [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Falling in Love [R]

This perfume will Romance, show up more your romantic side romantic [O] or your loving personality [I]

Diagram 44. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 4 P

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that the woman who wants to look simple, open-minded, and shows up more her romantic side or her loving personality, she can wear this perfume.


B.25. Data 1 PS

Figure 25. Pink Sugar, Data 1 PS

This is the advertisement from Pink Sugar. This advertisement lades

picture (icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a white perfume

bottle with pink lid, and there are like three big cross pink ribbons on whole

surface of bottle. This description is the icon and also as the representamen

[R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above is

representamen [R], which personates feminine, cute and cheerful [O].

Because of that relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A white perfume bottle with pik lid, and there are like three big cross pink ribbons on whole surface of bottle [R]

If a woman wants Feminine, to look feminine, cute, cheerful cute and cheerful, [O] she can wear this perfume [I]

Diagram 45. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 PS

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is Pink Sugar.

So, the written language here, pink sugar, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates feminine and sweet [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Pink Sugar [R]

This perfume can Feminine give you an image and sweet of feminine and [O] sweet [I]

Diagram 46. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 1 PS

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that if there is a woman who wants to look more feminine, cute, cheerful, and sweet, she can wear this perfume.


B.26. Data 3 RL

Figure 26. Ralph Lauren Midnight Romance, Data 3 RL

This is the advertisement from Ralph Lauren. This advertisement lades

picture (icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a transparent

perfume bottle with pink liquid, black lid, and black accent in the center of

bottle. This description is the icon and also as the representamen [R] of the

semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above is

representamen [R], which personates feminine, tough, clarity, mysterious [O].

Because of that relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A transparent perfume bottle with pink liquid, black lid, and black accent in the center of bottle [R]

This perfume can give you an image like open- minded (clarity) Feminine, but mysterious. tough, clarity, Yet, it also can mysterious [O] show up your feminine but tough person too [I]

Diagram 47. Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 RL

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is Midnight

Romance. So, the written language here, midnight romance, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates happiness, intimate, romantic [O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


Midnight Romance [R]

You will look a

happier and romantic person which it makes

Happiness, you more intimate, romantic attractive so [O] that men want

have intimate relationship with you [I]

Diagram 48. Symbol’s Diagram of Data 3 RL

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that this perfume can make you a open-minded but mysterious person, feminine but tough woman, happier person, and more attractive so it makes men want have intimate relationship with you.


B.27. Data 2 SM

Figure 27. Stella McCartney Stella Eau de Toilette, Data 2 SM

This is the advertisement from Stella McCartney. This advertisement

lades picture (icon). In this data, there is a picture of a bitten perfume bottle by

a woman. The lips and perfume bottle is in soft pink. This description is the

icon and also as the representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above is

representamen [R], which personates attractive, different, seductive [O].

Because of that relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A bitten pink perfume bottle [R]

You can be an

attractive, Attractive, different and different, also sexy in

seductive [O] one time by just wearing

this perfume [I]

Diagram 49. Icon’s Diagram of Data 2 SM

The last is the conclusion for this semiosis process. The conclusion can be drawn from its interpretant. The conclusion is a woman can be an attractive, different and also sexy in one time by just wearing this perfume.


B.28. Data 3 TB

Figure 28. Tocca Beaut y Cleopatra, Data 3 TB

This is the advertisement from Tocca Beauty. This advertisement lades

picture (icon). In this data, there is a picture of some edited picture. There are

three pictures of some women’s face, a put-on high heels, lace stockings, and

blurred glow sprinkles. This description is the icon and also as the

representamen [R] of the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above is

representamen [R], which glamour sexy high-fashioned woman [O]. Because

of that relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A picture of some women’s face, a put-on high heel, lace stocking, blurred glow sprinkles [R]

A woman who wants to look Glamour sexy glamour, sexy, high- high-fashioned fashioned can wear this woman [O] perfume. You can be like Cleopatra [I]

Diagram 50. Icon’s Diagram of Data 3 TB

The last is the conclusion for this semiosis process. The conclusion can be drawn from its interpretant. The conclusion is a woman who wants to look glamour, sexy, high-fashioned can wear this perfume and be like Cleopatra.


B.29. Data 1 TR

Figure 29. Tory Burch, Data 1 TR

This is the advertisement from Tory Burch. This advertisement lades

picture (icon) and written language (symbol). The icon is the first which will

analyzed, then the symbol. In this data, there is a picture of a beautiful woman

with almost bare make up, wearing dark blue turtle neck shirt and ethnic

background. This description is the icon and also as the representamen [R] of

the semiosis process.

Furthermore, the semiosis process is that the picture described above is

representamen [R], which personates warmth and simplicity [O]. Because of

that relationship, the interpretant [I] is:


A beautiful woman with almost bare make-up, wearing a dark

blue turtle neck shirt and ethnic background [R]

Warmth and This perfume will simplicity show up more your [O] warm and simple personality [I]

Diagram 51. Icon’s Diagram of Data 1 TR

The next is the symbol. The symbol of this advertisement is My First

Fragrance. So, the written language here, my first fragrance, is the representamen [R] of the symbol which personates the first is never forgotten

[O]. Because of the relationship between the representamen and object, the interpretant [I] is:


My First Fragrance [R]

You will never be wrong to choose The first this perfume as your is never first because once forgotten people smell the [O] fragrance, they will remember you [I]

Diagram 52. Symbol’s Diagram of data 1 TR

The last is the conclusion for these two semiosis processes to get the meaning of this advertisement. From what have been seen, this advertisement sends the message or meaning that your warm and simple personality will be more outpouring and through this perfume you will be always remembered.



A. Conclusion

The semiosis process is started from the representamen. The

representamen is the language, written language, picture, or the possible

combination of them. The picture or the written language which we see on

the advertisement is the representamen. Then, the semiosis process is

continued to the next step; determining object. The object is ‘something’

appeared in the mind which based on its representamen. In this step, the

object which will appear is based on the analyzer. The last is interpretant.

The interpretant is the analyzer’s of the combination of the

representamen and object. So, the semiosis process which occurs on the

advertisement of perfume happened in three steps: representamen, object,

and interpretant. And these steps are described by Peirce’s triangle.

Based on the research questions and the analysis, the researcher

found 29 icons and 23 symbols (reference to Peirce’s semiotic theory)

from 29 advertisements in 29 brands which have been chosen by simple

random sampling before. The researcher also found that the picture of the

advertisement (icon) gave the first impact to the researcher in getting the

meaning. The icon gives a direction/clue for getting the meaning of the

advertisement to the researcher. The icon can be the initial cause in



catching or getting the meaning of the advertisement, and then the symbol is as the effect of the icon in interpreting sign.

After determining the steps and describing the semiosis by using

Peirce’s triangle, the researcher combined the interpretant from the icon and symbol in each advertisement to get the meaning. The important thing to explain and to describe the meaning is from the interpretant of icon and symbol, and also the exegesis capability of the researcher. It could be concluded that from the 29 icons and 23 symbols, the researcher got the 29 meaning of the advertisement, and each advertisement had different sign and also different meaning. These differences had given different interpretations. From the semiotics analysis of 29 advertisements, the advertiser’s message can be understood clearly by the consumer.


B. Suggestion

The researcher would like to suggest the reader or another researcher

who wants to analyze semiotics to conduct research on other signs, index,

as the focus of the research.

Moreover, the reader or another researcher also can use Ferdinand de

Saussure theory to analyze a sign for enriching and giving variety in sign

research. In addition, the next researcher can use other media to analyze

the semiotics. Not only from the perfume advertisement, but also from the

others media; such as billboard of event, politic party banner, or even the

other kinds of advertisement. These varieties can give more understanding

of sign or semiotics, and also give variety of research in the university.


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No Brand Data Source Code Website Address m/productimages/produ 1 BALENCIAGA Data 1 B ct/p384808-av-01- hero300.jpg 2 Bobbi Brown Data 1 BB m/productimages/sku/s 1289594-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 3 Boyfriend Data 1 BF 1387323-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 4 Calvin Klein Data 2 CK 77776-main-hero- 300.jpg Carolina m/productimages/sku/s 5 Data 2 CH Herrera 795393-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/produ 6 CLEAN Data 8 C ct/p385169-av-01- hero300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 7 CLINIQUE Data 6 CQ 1364769-main-hero- 300.jpg


122 m/productimages/sku/s 8 COACH Data 1 CC 1282243-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 9 Commodity Data 3 CM 1700053-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 10 DESIGUAL Data 3 D 1607563-main-hero- 300.jpg Data 1 m/productimages/produ 11 DKNY DKNY ct/p79615-av-01- hero300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 12 Donna Karan Data 4 DK 1636232-main-hero- 300.jpg Elizabeth and m/productimages/sku/s 13 Data 5 EJ James 1570241-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 14 Escada Data 3 ES 1647031-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 15 Gucci Data 11 G 1236884-main-hero- 300.jpg


I Love New m/productimages/sku/s 16 York by Bond Data 3 ILNY 1508191-main-hero- No. 9 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 17 Jimmy Choo Data 6 JC 1583566-main-hero- 300.jpg m/vanilla-lavender- 18 Lavanila Data 5 L fragrance- P231501?skuId=11503 82

MAISON m/productimages/produ 19 MARTIN Data 1 M ct/p385358-av-02- MARGIELA hero300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 20 NOMATERRA Data 1 N 1629518-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 21 One Direction Data 1 OD 1655448-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 22 Origins Data 2 O 1465749-main-hero- 300.jpg

124 Pharell m/productimages/sku/s 23 Data 1 PW Williams 1648971-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 24 Philosophy Data 4 P 659094-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 25 Pink Sugar Data 1 PS 796524-main-hero- 300.jpg m/productimages/sku/s 26 Ralph Lauren Data 3 RL 1606987-main-hero- 300.jpg Stella m/productimages/produ 27 Data 2 SM McCartney ct/p394597-av-01- hero300.jpg m/productimages/produ 28 Tocca Beauty Data 3 TB ct/p54900-av-02- hero300.jpg m/productimages/produ 29 Tory Burch Data 1 TR ct/p384967-av-01- hero300.jpg