Congressional Record—Senate S11612

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Congressional Record—Senate S11612 S11612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 17, 2003 of sufficient magnitude that they could Iraq around to the kind of nation we a year after losing a league-worst 23 finance the rebuilding of the country of would like to see, and truly deal with games. The Shock’s victory is also the Iraq are now expected to barely cover the problems of terrorism globally. first time in the WNBA’s 7-year history the operating costs of Iraq’s govern- The Congress has to do it unless the that neither Houston nor Los Angeles ment ministries and the expenses of administration decides on its own to won the championship. the Interim Council. change course. If we don’t speak up in The enthusiasm and support for the What more evidence do any of us these coming days, if we just provide a Shock by the people of Detroit and need to be convinced that the time has blank check and a vote for $87 billion Michigan was clearly demonstrated by come for other governments to be wel- with nothing further to be said, we will the fact that last night’s game was at- comed as participants in rebuilding not have anyone to blame but our- tended by a WNBA record crowd of over Iraq and to reach out and to ask them selves in the coming days if this 22,000 people. to join in that effort? present policy continues to collapse. The Shock completed their incredible I strongly believe it is time for the And I believe it will. run from last to first with the leader- Congress to weigh in and to require the It is time for us to stop sitting on the ship of Coach Bill Laimbeer, finals administration to address two basic sidelines. Under the able leadership of Most Valuable Player Ruth Riley’s ca- questions: How do administration offi- Senator LUGAR, the Foreign Relations reer-high 27-point performance, as well cials plan to minimize American death Committee has been carrying out care- as the strong play of Swin Cash, who and casualties? How do they intend to ful oversight in Iraq. The Foreign Rela- finished with 13 points, 12 rebounds, minimize the expenditures of American tions Committee now has the responsi- and 9 assists. These performances were tax dollars that will have to be di- bility to develop some legislative pro- supported by Deanna Nolan’s 17 points, verted to this cause at the expense of posals—perhaps along the lines I have and Rookie of the Year Cheryl Ford’s other critically important programs in outlined for people to bring to the 10 points and 11 rebounds. our own Nation, such as to assist first table—in order to influence the con- It was a tremendously exciting game responders in keeping us secure at tents of the legislative package we will throughout. The Los Angeles Sparks home, programs to provide for prescrip- be asked to vote on in the coming days. erased a 14-point deficit in the first tion drugs for our seniors, and pro- I look forward to working with my col- half, and an 11-point deficit in the sec- grams to improve our schools so no leagues—Democrats and Republicans— ond half, and even had a 3-point lead child is truly left behind? because I know very deeply the con- with less than 4 minutes to go. But If history is any guide, the only way cerns I am expressing publicly are with less than a minute left, Deanna the administration will feel compelled shared by many in this Chamber re- Nolan, from Flint, MI, secured the to come up with answers is if we in the gardless of party, regardless of ide- Shock’s lead when she hit a 3-point Congress—the coequal legislative ology, and regardless of which States shot to give them a 75–73 lead. Then branch of Government—place some we represent. Cheryl Ford hit 2 free throws, and it conditions on the $20 billion in recon- There is a growing concern that we was a 4-point game with 43 seconds re- struction moneys. have this wrong and that we have to maining. In the end, the Shock were To me it seems pretty straight- get it right soon. Here is an oppor- victorious in what was the highest- forward what needs to be done to lower tunity that may not come again to us scoring WNBA finals game in history. the risks and costs of current partici- for many months to try to set this on The 2003 WNBA champion Detroit pation in Iraq. It is called the United a different course. Shock will celebrate its first-ever Nations. It is called the international We are at a very special and historic WNBA championship with fans tonight community. We need to invite them to moment. We cannot and must not sit at The Palace of Auburn Hills. This is be a part of this effort. That is why I idly by when we know Detroit’s first professional basketball believe the Congress should link the multilateralizing the reconstruction championship since our Pistons won provision of reconstruction moneys to and democratization of Iraq is the back-to-back championships in 1988 the passage of a United Nations resolu- right thing to do. It is the right thing and 1989. Shock Head Coach Bill tion that places responsibility for re- for Iraq. It is the right thing for the Laimbeer was actually cocaptain of building Iraq where it belongs—on us United States of America. But it is those Pistons teams, and in 1988 it was and the international community as a time we in the legislative branch, the the Los Angeles Lakers—the Los Ange- whole. To get such a resolution, obvi- coequal branch, step up and act in the les Sparks’ NBA counterparts—that ously the administration must ap- interests of our people and other like- Detroit defeated to win the champion- proach other member states with a minded people around the globe. ship. credible proposal, one that gives the I yield the floor and suggest the ab- I know our colleagues will join me United Nations some measure of au- sence of a quorum. and Senator STABENOW in congratu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The thority over the civilian administra- lating the Detroit Shock on their clerk will call the roll. championship and looking forward to tion of the country while also charging The assistant legislative clerk pro- it with mobilizing more resources from their drive to repeat next year. ceeded to call the roll. Mr. President, it is also my fervent member states. Clearly, the United Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I ask States should retain command of any hope that the Shock’s worst-to-first unanimous consent that the order for season will be an inspiration to the De- ongoing military operations in Iraq. the quorum call be rescinded. But on political, economic, and civic troit Tigers next year. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I yield the floor and suggest the ab- reconstruction, we better involve other objection, it is so ordered. sence of a quorum. nations fairly quickly. We cannot do f The PRESIDING OFFICER. The this alone. The American people will DETROIT SHOCK WIN WOMEN’S NA- clerk will call the roll. not support this over the long term. If The assistant legislative clerk pro- we don’t invite them to participate and TIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIA- TION CHAMPIONSHIP ceeded to call the roll. to help us, we are going to find it very Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask difficult with each passing day to find Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, last night unanimous consent that the order for anyone who will join us in this effort. the Detroit Shock won the Women’s the quorum call be rescinded. I don’t understand the reluctance on National Basketball Association Cham- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. the part of the administration to turn pionship, defeating the two-time de- HAGEL). Without objection, it is so or- over the civilian administration of the fending champion Los Angeles Sparks dered. country to an international body. 83–78. This tremendous accomplish- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask There is certainly ample precedent for ment is all the more special because unanimous consent to speak as in doing so. Not only would it lower the the Shock rose from the worst record morning business. profile of our presence in that country, in the league last year to champions Mr. REID. Will the Senator withhold but it would also likely unleash addi- this year. for just a brief minute? tional resources and cooperation both Over the course of this year’s season, Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I with- regionally and internationally, bring the Shock won a league-best 25 games, draw my request. VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:44 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S17SE3.REC S17SE3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 17, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11613 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- visited with a lot of people, including money on prescription drugs for their ator from Pennsylvania. chambers of commerce, labor unions, employees and retirees than they are f families, and community leaders. I for the rest of their health insurance would say for the third or fourth con- costs—more on prescription drugs. Pre- UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- secutive year, the report I received scription drugs are skyrocketing in MENT—HOUSE MESSAGE TO AC- from businesses in particular in my cost.
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