Table of Contents

Page Sr. No. Contents No.

Confirmation of the minutes of the 28 CSMC meeting under PMAY (U) held 1 1 on 29th November, 2017 (Agenda 1)

Consideration for Central Assistance for 6 BLC (New) projects submitted by 2 2 State of Arunachal Pradesh (Agenda 2)

Consideration for Central Assistance for 14 BLC (New) and 30 AHP 3 3 projects submitted by Andhra Pradesh (Agenda-3)

Consideration for Central Assistance for 152 BLC (New) projects submitted 4 by State of Chhattisgarh (Agenda 4) 5

Consideration of Central Assistance for 76 ‘BLC (New) and 10 AHP projects 5 7 submitted by State of Karnataka (Agenda 5)

Consideration for Central Assistance for 2 AHP and 164 BLC (New) projects 6 10 submitted by State of (Agenda 6)

Consideration for Central Assistance for 20 AHP and 282 BLC (New) 7 12 projects submitted by State of (Agenda-7) Consideration for Central Assistance for 19 ISSR, 17 AHP projects and 24 8 BLC (N) projects submitted by State of Jharkhand (Agenda-8) 14 Proposal for Revised Operational Guidelines for construction of Demonstration Housing Projects (DHPs) in the States using green and 9 emerging technologies under the capacity building initiative of PMAY (U) 16

Review on Capacity Building activities under PMAY(U) programme 10 16 MIS/Geo tagging App 11 16 Other important observations/directions of CSMC 12 17

Minutes of the 29th meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)- Housing for All Mission held on 27 December 2017

The 29th meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) [PMAY(U)] was held on 27 December 2017 at 2:00 P.M. in the Conference Room, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, with Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in chair. The list of participants is at Annexure-I.

2. At the outset, Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) welcomed the participants/representatives from the State Governments, participants/officers of the Ministry and other Departments. During the meeting, Secretary (MoHUA) emphasised on the following:

i. States/UTs need to expedite grounding of projects so that they are completed within the scheduled timeline. ii. Guidelines on Demonstration Housing Projects (DHP) under Technology Sub-mission of PMAY (U) are under revision and will be finalised soon. iii. State/UT Governments should exempt sanctioning of building plan on plot size less than 100 sq. metre. States/UTs may also prepare and circulate standard building plan design for plot size upto 100 sq. metre. iv. States/UTs should ensure that the PMAY (U) logo is displayed in all housing units constructed under this Mission. v. The State/UT Governments should consider ISSR component of PMAY (U) for rehabilitation of slums since it requires lesser investment as land is used as a resource which is readily available with the State/UT/ULBs. A workshop on leveraging the ISSR component is being organized by the State Govt. of Gujarat on 16-17 February 2018 in which State representatives will be invited. vi. With regard to the vacant houses under JnNURM, the State Government/UTs should look for realistic, pragmatic options so as to allot these houses to eligible beneficiaries in urban areas, as per guidelines. vii. States/UTs should implement innovative, cost effective and high quality construction technologies for constructing the housing units under PMAY (U). The tender documents should preferably be technology neutral and a clause of quality assurance for the potential bidders should be included. viii. State Governments/UTs must expeditiously complete demand survey so that the target of the Mission – Housing for All by 2022 is achieved in time. ix. The criteria for selection of developer for ISSR projects could be ‘maximum number of EWS houses being offered by prospective bidder’ so that maximum number of eligible beneficiaries may be benefited. x. States/UTs may prefer arranging rent to the beneficiaries during the interim period of construction of houses under ISSR projects for its speedy completion. xi. The States/UTs Governments to furnish regular update on the above issues to the HFA Mission Directorate, MoHUA.

3. Joint Secretary and Mission Director (HFA) introduced the agenda for the meeting. The agenda items also form part of the minutes. The item wise minutes are recorded as follows:

Confirmation of the minutes of the 28 CSMC meeting under PMAY (U) 1. held on 29 November 2017 (Agenda 1)

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The minutes of the 28 CSMC meeting under PMAY (U) held on 29 November 2017 were confirmed without any amendments.

Consideration for Central Assistance for 6 BLC (New) projects submitted by 2 State of Arunachal Pradesh (Agenda 2)

A. Basic Information:

The proposal for consideration for CSMC was for Central Assistance for 6 Beneficiary Led Construction (New) projects submitted by State of Arunachal Pradesh. The salient details of the proposal are as under:

State: Arunachal Pradesh Component: BLC (New) No. of Cities: 6 No. of Projects: 6 Total Project cost Rs. 15692.42 lakh Central assistance Rs. 4233.00 lakh State Share Rs. 1411.00 lakh ULB Share Nil Implementing Agency Share Nil Beneficiary Contribution Rs. 10048.42 lakh Amount of 1st Instalment requested Rs. 1693.20 lakh Total No. of Houses proposed 2822 No. of EWS houses: 2822 Appraisal by SLAC & Date Yes; 27-11-2017 Approval by SLSMC& Date Yes; 28-11-2017

B. Additional information by the State:

i. Demand survey is complete in all the 29 cities. ii. The total demand in the State shall be validated by March, 2018. iii. For the construction of housing units, bamboo, timber and other eco-friendly building materials are being used. iv. Since the State falls under seismic zone-V, the RCC construction in columns, plinth beams and lintel beams have been adopted to mitigate catastrophe such as earthquake, flood etc.

C. CSMC observations:

i. The State needs to expedite construction and grounding of houses approved earlier under PMAY (U). ii. State to ensure that:  Adequate infrastructure is ensured including individual water, sanitation and electric

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connections.  There should be no duplication/change in the identified beneficiaries and consent of the beneficiaries are taken for relocation wherever applicable.  Demarcation of land and mutation is carried out before implementation.  The design and construction of houses is disaster resilient and the specifications conform to IS/ NBC norms. iii. A team of the Ministry officials may visit the State to review the progress of PMAY (U) in the State. iv. Out of 1734 houses sanctioned earlier, beneficiaries attached with valid Aadhaar are 608. State to expedite all MIS entries and beneficiaries’ attachment.

D. CSMC Decisions:

In view of the above, the CSMC: i. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 4,233.00 lakh for 6 projects under BLC (New) for construction of 2,822 houses under EWS category submitted by the State Government of Arunachal Pradesh under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure II. ii. recommended for release of the first instalment of the Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 1,693.20 lakh (40 % central assistance) for the 6 BLC (New) projects of Arunachal Pradesh.

‘ Consideration for Central Assistance for 14 BLC (New) and 30 AHP projects 3 submitted by Andhra Pradesh (Agenda-3)

A. Basic Information: The proposal for consideration of CSMC was for Central Assistance for 14 Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC) projects (New) and 30 Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) projects under PMAY(U) submitted by State Government of Andhra Pradesh. The salient details of the proposal are as under:

State/UT: Andhra Pradesh Component: BLC (New) and AHP No. of Projects: BLC - 14 AHP - 30 No. of Cities: BLC - 13 AHP - 24 Project cost (Housing) BLC - Rs. 96,879.50 lakh AHP - Rs. 754,674.70 lakh Total Project cost (Housing+ infrastructure) AHP - Rs. 895,025.25 lakh Central Assistance BLC - Rs. 35,943.00 lakh AHP - Rs.177,727.50 lakh State Share BLC - Rs. 23,962.00 lakh AHP - Rs.177,727.50 lakh ULB/Implementation Agency Share Nil Beneficiary Contribution BLC - Rs. 36,974.50 lakh

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AHP –Rs. 399,219.70 lakh Amount of 1stInstalment requested BLC - Rs. 14,377.20 lakh AHP - Rs. 71,091.00 lakh Total No. of Houses proposed BLC – 23,962 AHP - 1,18,485 No. of EWS houses: BLC – 23,962 AHP - 1,18,485 Whether Cities are approved under HFA Yes Appraisal by SLAC& Date Yes, 20th December 2017 Approval by SLSMC& Date Yes, 21st December 2017

B. Additional information given by the State:

i. The demand survey is complete in all the Mission Cities. The total demand of houses is 13.92 lakh. HFAPoAs/AIPs are under preparation and will be submitted shortly. ii. BLC: Out of 1,76,108 houses approved, 16,725 houses have been completed and 29,589 houses are in progress. 22,934 houses have been Geo-tagged. AHP: Out of 3,63,268 houses approved, 4,614 houses have been completed and 67,726 houses are in progress. iii. Under BLC projects, identified beneficiaries are paying property tax for their respective land. ULB/State assured that the land belongs to the beneficiary with clear title deed. iv. Fast Track Monolithic Shear Wall technology is being adopted in most of the projects under AHP to complete these well within the stipulated time with high quality of construction.

C. CSMC observations:

i. 3 AHP projects proposed at GVMC are having less than 250 houses in each project. ii. Demarcation and mutation is carried out before implementation in case of BLC projects. iii. Beneficiary list with Aadhaar linkage has not been furnished for BLC projects proposed. iv. In respect of the AHP project at Ongole, where the proposed building plan does not conform to NBC, the State Government assured that the carpet area specifications as per NBC will be reworked for compliance. v. State Government may ensure allotment of 10,047 unoccupied houses under JnNURM immediately vi. State to ensure that:  Progress of work is expedited so that the approved projects are completed as per schedule.  Adequate infrastructure is provided including individual water, sanitation and electricity connections.  Only eligible beneficiaries are selected as per PMAY guidelines and there should be no duplication/change in the identified beneficiaries.  Demarcation of land and mutation is carried out before implementation.  The design and construction of houses is disaster resilient and the specifications conform to IS/ NBC norms. vii. Out of 5,39,286 houses sanctioned earlier, beneficiaries’ attached with valid Aadhaar are 87,129. State to expedite all MIS entries and beneficiaries attachment.

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viii. Utilization Certificates of Rs.334.95 cr. is pending under PMAY (U). State to expedite submission of pending UCs.

D. Decision by CSMC

In view of the above, the CSMC:

i. accorded relaxation as per the provision at para 6.4 of PMAY (U)-HFA guidelines in respect of the 3 AHP projects at GVMC having less than 250 houses (96 houses in each project), ii. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 35,943.00 lakh for 14 BLC (New) Projects for construction of 23,962 houses of EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Andhra Pradesh under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure III A. iii. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 1,77,727.50 lakh for 30 AHP Projects for construction of 1,18,485 houses of EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Andhra Pradesh under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure III B. iv. recommended release of the first instalment of central assistance amounting to Rs. 14,377.20 Lakh (40% of central assistance) for the 14 BLC projects under BLC (New) for construction of 23,962 houses in EWS category on submission of the beneficiaries’ list mentioned in para 3C(iv) above. v. recommended release of the first instalment of central assistance amounting to Rs. 71,091.00 Lakh (40% of central assistance) for the 30 AHP projects for construction of 1,18,485 houses in EWS category.

Consideration for Central Assistance for 152 BLC (New) projects submitted by

4 State of Chhattisgarh (Agenda 4)

A. Basic Information: The proposal for consideration of CSMC was for Central Assistance for 152 BLC (New) projects under PMAY (U) submitted by State of Chhattisgarh. The salient details of the proposal are as under:

State: Chhattisgarh Component: BLC No. of Projects: 152 No. of Cities: 124 Total Project cost Rs.91,137.67 lakh Central Assistance Rs.44,554.50 lakh State Share Rs. 24,144.80 lakh ULB/Implementation Agency Share NIL Beneficiary Contribution Rs.22,438.37 lakh Amount of 1stInstalment requested Rs. 17,821.80 lakh Total No. of Houses proposed 29,703 No. of EWS houses: 29,703 Appraisal by SLAC & Date Yes, 14-12-2017

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Approval by SLSMC & Date Yes, 19-12 -2017

B. Additional information by the State:

i. Demand Assessment has been completed in all 168 ULBs. ii. HFAPoA for all 168 ULBs will be submitted by March 2018.

iii. Out of the total demand of 5,32,536 houses, validated demand is 3,69,101 houses. iv. JnNURM: Allotment of 6,038 completed houses under IHSDP/BSUP will be made shortly. v. 7,763 houses out of the 26,086 houses sanctioned under AHP will be proposed for curtailment. vi. Precast and aluminium shear wall monolithic shuttering technologies are planned in projects to expedite the construction works.

C. CSMC observations:

i. JNNURM: UCs and excess central assistance available with the State Government may be sent immediately. ii. The Government Order of other States like Madhya Pradesh may be referred for provisioning land tenure for beneficiaries selected on abadi lands. iii. The State may exempt lay out approval for BLC houses and standard design may be prepared for use by the beneficiaries. iv. State Government may furnish relevant Notification in respect to compliance of mandatory reforms. v. The curtailment of houses may be considered against submission of alternate proposal. vi. The State Government may organise a programme wherein patta of land be given to the beneficiaries. The State is to submit Status report on issuing pattas/permanent lease deeds to the beneficiaries’ on Abadi land by April 2018. vii. The State Government should expedite completion of AHP project at Naya Raipur, foundation stone of which was laid by Hon’ble PM. viii. Out of 59,286 houses sanctioned earlier, beneficiaries attached with valid Aadhaar are 27,166. State to expedite all MIS entries and beneficiaries attachment. ix. Utilization Certificates of Rs. 120.16 crore are pending under PMAY (U). State to expedite submission of pending UCs. x. State to ensure that:  Progress of work is expedited so that the approved projects are completed as per schedule.  Adequate infrastructure is provided including individual water, sanitation and electricity connections.  Only eligible beneficiaries are selected as per PMAY guidelines and there should be no duplication/change in the identified beneficiaries.  Demarcation of land and mutation is carried out before implementation.  The design and construction of houses is disaster resilient and the specifications conform to IS/ NBC norms.

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D. CSMC Decisions: In view of the above, the CSMC: i. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 44,554.50 lakh for 152 BLC (New) projects for construction of 29,703 houses of EWS category submitted by the State Government of Chhattisgarh under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure IV. ii. recommended for release of the first instalment of the Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 17,821.80 lakh (40 % central assistance) for the 152 BLC (New) projects (including Rs. 11,142 lakh for 61 BLC projects proposed on Abdai lands, which will be released on submission of status report of issuing of pattas or permanent lease deeds to the beneficiaries on Abadi land as a compliance of 4C(vi) above).

Consideration of Central Assistance for 76 ‘BLC (New) and 10 AHP 5 projects submitted by State of Karnataka (Agenda 5)

A. Basic Information: The proposal for consideration of CSMC was for Central Assistance for 76 BLC (New) and 10 AHP projects under PMAY(Urban) submitted by State of Karnataka. The proposal also included 13 BLC (New) projects of 3098 EWS houses which were deferred in the 20th meeting of CSMC held on 21 March 2017 as Model Code of Conduct was in force due to bye-elections in two districts (Mysore and Chamarajnagar). The salient details of the proposal are as under:

State: Karnataka Component: BLC (New) and AHP No. of Projects: BLC (New) -76 AHP -10 No. of Cities: BLC (New) -60 AHP -9 Project cost (Housing) BLC - Rs. 30,713.00 lakh AHP - Rs. 6,02,412.49 lakh Project cost (Housing and Infrastructure) AHP - Rs. 6,56,245.09 lakh Central assistance BLC - Rs. 13,113.00 lakh AHP - Rs. 1,64,856.00 Lakh State Share BLC - Rs. 14,087.10 lakh AHP - Rs. 1,61,112.00 lakh ULB / IA Share BLC - Rs. NIL AHP - Rs. 5,222.57 lakh Beneficiary Contribution BLC - Rs. 3,512.90 lakh AHP - Rs. 2,71,221.92 lakh Amount of 1stInstalment requested BLC - Rs. 5,245.20 lakh AHP - Rs. 65,942.40 lakh Total No. of Houses proposed BLC – 8,742 AHP - 1,09,904 Total – 1,18,646 No. of EWS houses: BLC – 8,742 AHP - 1,09,904 Total – 1,18,646 Whether Cities are approved under HFA Yes

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Appraisal by SLAC & Date Yes, 19.12.2017 Approval by SLSMC& Date Yes, 21.12.2017 State level Nodal agency (SLNA) Rajeev Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (RGRHCL) Implementing agency Karnataka Slum Development Board (KSDB), Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (RGRHCL), District Administration and ULBs

B. Additional information given by the State:

i. PMAY is being implemented in convergence with State’s Vajapayee & Ambedkar Housing schemes. ii. The demand survey is complete in all the 271 Mission Cities. The total demand of houses is 12.87 lakh. HFAPoAs/ AIPs are under preparation. iii. BLC: Out of 90,233 houses approved, 22,073 houses have been completed and 33,147 houses are in progress. 23,698 houses have been Geo-tagged. AHP: Out of 1,05,116 approved houses, 11,181 houses have been grounded. iv. In the instant proposal under BLC component, out of 8,742 EWS houses in 76 projects, 1,399 EWS houses from 5 cities (Saraguru-216, Bilagi-573, Hole Narsipura-394, Surupur-36 and Honalli-180) have been proposed for conversion to BLC from already approved AHP Projects for which Central Assistance was accorded in the 13th CSMC held on 30.09.2016. v. In the instant proposal under AHP component, one of the projects at Bangalore has 1.00 lakh houses. The houses will be taken up at 43 different sites in Bangalore. The unit housing cost of Rs. 5.50 lakh is indicative, detailed estimation with layout designs will be prepared on case to case basis. Assessment of Infrastructure is being carried out by RGRHCL vi. Application from eligible beneficiaries under BLC have been verified by the ULB and finally selected by Urban Ashraya Committee. Land ownership has been certified by the ULBs. Type design and estimate have been prepared. The beneficiary may modify the plan and construct with carpet area as per NBC after getting approval for the same. vii. Fast Track Monolithic Shear Wall Technology is being adopted in five AHP projects to complete these well within the stipulated time with high quality of construction against floods and natural calamities. viii. A state level training programme was organized to enhance the capacity and speed up the Beneficiary Attachment/ Geo-Tagging. It was also planned to organize a workshop/ training at regional level to all CLTC staff for Beneficiary Attachment/ Geo-Tagging and to all engineers working under the projects in association with BMTPC. ix. Additional projects with 5 to 6 lakh houses under PMAY verticals shall be submitted by March 2018.

C. CSMC observations:

i. Progress of grounding of earlier approved houses under AHP is to be expedited and 1,399 houses in 5 projects approved earlier under AHP have been proposed to be converted to BLC. CSMC directed that the earlier approved projects (houses) are grounded immediately and revision/dropping of the earlier approved 5 AHP projects be submitted expeditiously.

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ii. The estimation for the project at Bangalore with 1.00 lakh houses is not finalised yet. CSMC directed that this may be finalised immediately and intimated to the Ministry. iii. 3 AHP projects proposed are having less than 250 houses in each project. iv. In case of BLC projects proposed, location wise details with list of beneficiaries with valid Aadhaar have not been furnished. The State should submit the Aadhaar seeded beneficiary list urgently. v. State to ensure that:  Progress of work is expedited so that the approved projects are completed  Adequate infrastructure is provided including individual water, sanitation and electricity connections.  Only eligible beneficiaries are selected as per PMAY guidelines and there should be no duplication/change in the identified beneficiaries.  Demarcation of land and mutation is carried out before implementation.  The design and construction of houses is disaster resilient and the specifications conform to IS/ NBC norms. vi. Out of 1,95,349 houses sanctioned earlier, beneficiaries attached with valid Aadhaar are 97,944. State to expedite all MIS entries and beneficiary attachment within a month. vii. Utilization Certificates of Rs. 179.36 cr. is pending under PMAY (U). State to expedite submission of pending UCs. viii. There are 5866 houses constructed under JnNURM remaining unoccupied. The State should strategize a plan to allot these houses to the beneficiaries by March 2018.

D. Decision by CSMC

In view of the above, the CSMC:

i. accorded relaxation as per the provision at para 6.4 of PMAY(U)-HFA guidelines for 3 AHP projects having less than 250 houses (Jagaluru-207, Kanakpura-43 and Gundulpete- 13) ii. accorded “in principle” approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 13,113.00 lakh for 76 BLC (New) projects under PMAY(U) for construction of 8,742 houses of EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Karnataka under PMAY(U) as per details at Annexure V A. iii. accorded “in principle” approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 1,64,856.00 lakh for 10 AHP Projects under PMAY(U) for construction of 1,09,904 houses of EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Karnataka as per details at Annexure V B. iv. recommended release of the first instalment of central assistance amounting to Rs. 5,245.20 lakh (40% of central assistance) for the 76 BLC (New) projects subject to compliance of 5C(i) and (iv) above. v. recommended release of the first instalment of central assistance amounting to Rs. 65,942.40 lakh (40% of central assistance) for the 10 AHP projects subject to compliance of 5C(ii) above.

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Consideration for Central Assistance for 2 AHP and 164 BLC (New) projects 6 submitted by State of Madhya Pradesh (Agenda 6)

A. Basic Information:

The proposal for consideration of CSMC was for Central Assistance to 2 Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) and 164 Beneficiary Led Construction (New) projects submitted by State of Madhya Pradesh. The salient details of the proposal are as under:

State: Madhya Pradesh Component: AHP BLC(New) No. of Cities: AHP- 02 BLC (New) – 164 No. of Projects: AHP- 02 BLC (New) – 164 Total Cost AHP- Rs. 1,49,420.90 lakh BLC (New)- Rs. 3,61,563.40 lakh Central Assistance AHP- Rs. 15,012.00 lakh BLC (New)- Rs.1,35,499.50 Lakh State Share AHP- Rs. 10,486.50 lakh BLC (New)- Rs. 90,333.00 Lakh ULB Share AHP- Rs. 11,636.40 lakh (and Rs.87,744.00 Lakh through cross subsidy from LIG, MIG & Commercial) BLC – Rs.13,803.50 lakh Beneficiary Contribution AHP- Rs.24,542.00 lakh BLC (New)- Rs.12,1927.40 lakh Amount of 1st Instalment requested AHP- Rs. 6004.80 lakh BLC (New)- Rs. 5,4199.80 lakh Total No. of Houses proposed AHP- 15,936 BLC (New)- 90,333 Total – 1,06,269 No. of EWS houses: AHP- 10,008 BLC (New)- 90,333 Total – 1,00,341 Whether Cities are approved under HFA Yes Appraisal by SLAC & Date Yes; 18th and 21st December 2017 Approval by SLSMC & Date Yes; 21st December 2017

B. Additional information given by the State:

i. State has instituted an award to be given to Municipal Corporations, ULBs, Divisions, Districts and Banks/HFIs on the basis of overall performance in implementation of PMAY(U). ii. Demand survey is complete in all the 379 cities approved under PMAY (U). The total demand of houses is 11.52 lakh.

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iii. 264 HFAPoAs and AIPs approved by SLSMC, have been submitted. iv. ISSR- Out of 2,172 houses approved in 4 projects, tenders have been invited for 960 houses. There is lack of response from builders/developers. v. AHP- Out of 1,30,682 houses approved, 2,392 houses have been completed and work is commenced in 80,946 houses for which work orders have been issued. Tenders have also been invited for 47,344 houses. vi. BLC- Out of 2,12,526 houses approved, 22,521 houses have been completed and work is commenced in 1,36,910 houses. vii. CLSS: Subsidy has been released to 5,312 beneficiaries.

C. CSMC observations:

i. There is no progress in grounding of the houses in the approved ISSR projects. State Government may consider suitable modification of the terms and conditions in the tender document for better participation of developers. It was also advised that officials should interact with their counterparts in Gujarat and visit the completed/ in progress ISSR projects in Gujarat to emulate the Gujarat experience in implementing ISSR projects. ii. State to ensure that:  Adequate infrastructure is ensured including individual water, sanitation and electric connections.  There should be no duplication/change in the identified beneficiaries and consent of the beneficiaries are taken for relocation wherever applicable.  Demarcation of land and mutation is carried out before implementation.  The design and construction of houses is disaster resilient and the specifications conform to IS/ NBC norms. iii. Out of 3,45,380 houses sanctioned earlier, beneficiaries attached with valid Aadhaar are 1,54,356. State to expedite all MIS entries and beneficiary attachment within a month. iv. Utilization Certificates of Rs. 262.76 crore is pending under PMAY (U). State to expedite submission of pending UCs.

D. Decision by CSMC

In view of the above, the CSMC: i. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 15,012.00 lakh for 02 projects under AHP for construction of 10,008 houses in EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Madhya Pradesh under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure VI A. ii. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 1,35,499.50 Lakh for 164 projects under BLC (New) for construction of 90,333 houses in EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Madhya Pradesh under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure VI B. iii. recommended release of the first instalment of central assistance amounting to Rs. 6004.80 lakh (40% of central assistance) for the 02 AHP projects in Madhya Pradesh. iv. recommended release of the first instalment of central assistance amounting to Rs. 54,199.80 lakh (40% of central assistance) for the 164 BLC (New) projects in Madhya Pradesh.

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Consideration for Central Assistance for 20 AHP and 282 BLC (New) projects 7 submitted by State of Uttar Pradesh (Agenda-7)

A. Basic Information: The proposal for consideration of CSMC was for Central Assistance for 20 Affordable Housing in Partnership and 282 Beneficiary Led Construction (New) projects submitted by State of Uttar Pradesh. The salient details of the proposal are as under:

State: Uttar Pradesh Component: Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC)-New No. of Cities: AHP - 10 BLC - 282 No. of Projects: AHP - 20 BLC - 282 Total Cost (EWS houses) AHP - Rs. 1,37,455.76 lakh BLC - Rs. 3,70,162.94 lakh Central Assistance AHP - Rs. 27,897.00 lakh BLC - Rs. 1,53,070.50 lakh State Share AHP - Rs. 18,598 lakh BLC - Rs. 1,02,047.00 lakh ULB Share AHP - Rs.53,764.76 lakh BLC - Nil Beneficiary Contribution AHP - Rs.37,196.00 lakh BLC - Rs. 1,15,045.44 lakh Amount of 1st Instalment requested AHP - Rs. 11,158.80 lakh BLC - Rs.61,228.20 lakh Total No. of Houses AHP - 18,598 BLC - 1,02,047 Total – 1,20,645 No. of EWS houses: AHP - 18,598 BLC - 1,02,047 Total – 1,20,645 Whether Cities are approved under HFA Yes Appraisal by SLAC & Date Yes; 12 and 23 December, 2017 Approval by SLSMC & Date Yes; 26 December, 2017

B. Additional information given by the State:

i. Total applications received after de-duplication is 27,34, 293. Demand survey has been taken up in all the 653 approved cities and data has been validated in 539 Cities. HFAPoAs/ AIPs are under preparation. ii. BLC: Out of the 1,62,464 houses approved, 10,032 houses are under progress and all have been Geo-tagged. iii. All the 1,02,047 beneficiaries of the instant BLC proposal have been validated and

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found eligible as per PMAY (U) guidelines. All the beneficiaries are Aadhaar linked. iv. Pre-approved designs and layouts conforming to NBC norms have been proposed depending on the earthquake prone zones and type of foundation strata. Different layout designs will be prepared to construct the houses. Minor variation depending upon size and shape of the land would be done. ULBs will monitor and approve the changes as required, if any, ensuring NBC norms. v. The ownership of houses will be ensured in favour of Women/ Joint name. vi. For 2017-18 the target fixed is 5.00 lakh EWS houses including 1.00 lakh under CLSS.

C. CSMC observations:

i. 3 AHP projects namely Meerut (144 houses), Meerut(128 houses) and Sultanpur (192 houses), are having less than 250 houses in each. ii. Progress of grounding of earlier approved houses under BLC is not satisfactory. It was directed that the approved projects are grounded immediately and completed within the scheduled timeline. iii. The compliance of already sanctioned BLC (E) projects is pending. The State needs to take necessary action. iv. ISSR projects for slum rehabilitation should be taken up on priority. There is considerable scope for ISSR projects in towns such as Lucknow,Varanasi, Kanpur, Allahabad, Agra, Gorakhpur etc. v. The State should also focus on developing projects under AHP vertical of PMAY (U). The State should take on board the Housing Board, Development Authorities, SUDA and other Government agencies, developers etc. and may consider to conduct a workshop wherein representative from the GoI will also participate to promote more AHP projects. vi. To create awareness on PMAY(U), the State Government should actively promote IEC activities. vii. State to ensure that:  Adequate infrastructure is provided including individual water, sanitation and electricity connections.  Only eligible beneficiaries are selected as per PMAY guidelines and there should be no duplication/change in the identified beneficiaries.  Demarcation of land and mutation is carried out before implementation.  The design and construction of houses is disaster resilient and the specifications conform to IS/ NBC norms. viii. Out of 1,62,464 houses sanctioned earlier, beneficiaries attached with valid Aadhaar are 1,00,383. State to expedite all MIS entries and beneficiary attachment within a month.

D. Decision by CSMC

In view of the above, the CSMC:

i. accorded relaxation as per the provision at para 6.4 of PMAY(U)-HFA guidelines for 3 AHP projects having less than 250 houses (Meerut-144, Meerut-128 and Sultanpur-192). ii. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 27,897.00 lakh for 20 projects under AHP for construction of 18,598 houses in EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure VII A.

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iii. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 1,53,070.50 Lakh for 282 projects under BLC (New) for construction of 1,02,047 houses in EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh under PMAY (U) as per details atAnnexure VII B. iv. recommended release of the first instalment of central assistance amounting to Rs. 11,158.80 lakh (40% of central assistance) for the 20 AHP projects of Uttar Pradesh. v. recommended release of the first instalment of central assistance amounting to Rs. 61,228.20 lakh (40% of central assistance) for the 282 BLC (N) projects of Uttar Pradesh.

Consideration for Central Assistance for 19 ISSR, 17 AHP projects and 24 BLC 8 (N) projects submitted by State of Jharkhand (Agenda-8)

A. Basic Information: The proposal for consideration of CSMC was for Central Assistance for 19 in-situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR), 17 Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) projects and 24 Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC) (New) projects. The salient details of the proposal are as under:

State: Jharkhand Component: ISSR, AHP and BLC(New) No. of Cities: ISSR : 13 AHP : 17 BLC(N): 24 No. Of Projects: ISSR : 19 AHP : 17 BLC(N): 24 Total Project cost ISSR : Rs. 2,99,178.00 lakh AHP : Rs. 46,847.53 lakh BLC(N): Rs. 37687.37 lakh Central assistance ISSR : Rs. 13,789.00 lakh AHP : Rs. 9,433.50 lakh BLC(N): Rs. 15,612.00 lakh State Share ISSR : Nil AHP : Rs. 34,269.11 lakh BLC(N): Rs. 7806.00 lakh ULB Share ISSR : Nil AHP : Nil BLC(N): Nil Implementing Agency Share ISSR : Nil AHP : Nil BLC(N): Nil Beneficiary Contribution ISSR : Rs. 6,894.50 lakh AHP : Rs. 3,144.50 lakh BLC(N): Rs. 14,269.37 lakh Amount of 1st Instalment requested ISSR : Rs. 5,515.60 lakh AHP : Rs. 3,773.40 lakh

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BLC(N): Rs. 6244.80 lakh Total No. of Houses proposed ISSR : 13,789 AHP : 6,289 BLC(N): 10,408 No. of EWS houses: ISSR : 13,789 AHP : 6,289 BLC(N): 10,408 Appraisal by SLAC & Date Yes; 21/12/17 Approval by SLSMC & Date Yes; 26/12/17

B. Additional information given by the State:

i. Out of the approved 44 towns, demand survey is complete in 41 towns. After validation, it is anticipated that the demand shall be between 2.18 to 2.62 lakh houses. ii. For SLTC, out of the approved 10 experts, 8 are deployed. iii. For CLTC, out of the approved 68 experts, 44 are deployed. Recruitment of the remaining experts is in process. iv. The State is planning to issue a monthly newsletter on PMAY (U). The newsletter shall cover the success stories highlighting the change in the livelihood of the beneficiaries due to this programme. v. For developing ISSR projects, 50 per cent of the land is allotted to private players for development.

C. CSMC observations:

i. ISSR: The State Government should not focus on the premium from the developers. In big cities, the main focus should be on construction of more houses including rental housing for migrants and daily labourers. ii. The State needs to expedite the grounding of projects so that they are completed within the scheduled timeline. iii. The State should ensure access to various locations proposed in the projects. iv. State to ensure that: o Adequate infrastructure is ensured including individual water, sanitation and electric connections. o There should be no duplication/change in the identified beneficiaries and consent of the beneficiaries are taken for relocation wherever applicable. o Demarcation of land and mutation is carried out before implementation. o The design and construction of houses is disaster resilience and the specifications conform to IS/ NBC norms. v. Out of 1,20,182 houses sanctioned earlier, beneficiaries attached with valid Aadhaar are 66,734. State to expedite all MIS entries and beneficiary attachment within a month. vi. Utilization Certificates of Rs.75 cr. is pending under PMAY (U). State to expedite submission of pending UCs.

D. Decision by CSMC

[In view of the above, the CSMC:

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i. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 13,789.00 lakh for 19 ISSR projects for construction of 13, 789 houses of EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Jharkhand under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure VIII A. ii. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 9433.50 lakh for 17 AHP projects for construction of 6, 289 houses of EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Jharkhand under PMAY (U) as per details at Annexure VIII B. iii. accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 15,612.00 lakh for 24 BLC (New) projects for construction of 10,408 houses of EWS category as submitted by the State Government of Jharkhand under PMAY(U) as per details at Annexure VIII C. iv. recommended release of the first instalment of Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 5,515.60 lakh (40% of Central Assistance) for the 19 ISSR projects of Jharkhand. v. recommended release of the first instalment of Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 3,773.40 lakh (40% of Central Assistance) for the 17 AHP projects of Jharkhand. vi. recommended release of the first instalment of Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 6244.80 lakh (40% of Central Assistance) for the 24 BLC (New) projects of Jharkhand.

Proposal for Revised Operational Guidelines for construction of 9 Demonstration Housing Projects (DHPs) in the States using green and emerging technologies under the capacity building initiative of PMAY (U)

The proposal was not discussed and stand deferred.

10 Review on Capacity Building activities under PMAY(U) programme

A presentation was made to the States/UTs on the overall progress of capacity building under PMAY (U). The States/UTs were presented with an overview of deployment of specialists in SLTCs/CLTCs and the need for deploying the right specialists to the right position was explained. JS&MD (HFA) advised the State/UT Governments not to depute Government employees in SLTCs or CLTCs. All States/UTs will have to ensure 100% deployment of specialists in SLTCs and CLTCs for better implementation of the scheme. States were urged to position both Capacity Building specialist and IEC specialist in the SLTC or in the event that two positions cannot be filled in, one specialist could be delegated to perform both roles. The Annual Capacity Building plans for 2018-19 need to be submitted by 31st March 2018 along with SLSMC minutes and utilisation certificates. With respect to preparation of IEC plan, it is important for State/UT Governments to project strategies determining quantity, quality & outreach. States/UTs need to engage Independent Facilitating Agency for Social Audit and TPQMA at the earliest.

11 MIS/Geo tagging App

i. Geo-tagging mobile app developed for monitoring AHP/ISSR projects was demonstrated and all States were requested to geo-tag their project site locations by January 15, 2018.

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ii. States were requested to start reporting monthly physical and financial progress online in PMAY(U) MIS with effect from January 2018. iii. After identifying beneficiaries for AHP/ISSR projects in MIS, the allotment of houses should also be done online through PMAY(U) MIS portal through Aadhar authentication. iv. NRSC was present in a video conference to address issues raised by States regarding geo- tagging of BLC projects. States had issues pertaining to slow performance of NRSC server as a result of which lot of time is taken to upload photos on Bhuvan portal. Also, they raised issues regarding non-availability of photo on server even after sending from mobile app and thus supervisors are not able to accept those stages many a time. NRSC was requested to develop a tracking mechanism wherein time taken for photo upload can be reported and timely action could be taken, in case delays are observed.

12 Other important observations/directions of CSMC

The following important observations were made regarding project proposals and implementation of projects under PMAY (U). States should take note of the observations of CSMC and take further action accordingly:

i. All States have been requested to provide details of ongoing residential housing projects in a format sent to all Secretaries/Principal Secretaries dealing with housing. Representatives present in the meeting were requested to expedite the information. ii. State/UTs to expedite finalisation of agencies for TPQM and Social Audit as per the guidelines. iii. First instalment of Central Assistance in case of BLC/ISSR projects shall be released when all beneficiaries in the project are Aadhaar seeded and in case of AHP projects 2nd instalment shall be released only after Aadhaar seeding of all beneficiaries is captured in the project. Hence, claim for release of 2nd instalment of Central Assistance for a project must be submitted only after the Aadhaar seeding of all the beneficiaries in the project is completed in PMAY (U)-MIS by the State/UT Governments. iv. Secretary, MoHUA directed that MIS report(s) captured in PMAY (U) may be shared with States/UTs on fortnightly basis. v. It was directed that all North-Eastern States, smaller States like Kerala and Goa, Hilly States (Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir) and all UTs should saturate their total demand for sanction in the year 2017-18 itself, which would enable them to complete all the houses by 2020. All other States should saturate their 50% of the demand for sanction in the year 2017-18 and balance 50% in 2018-19, which would enable them to complete the houses by 2021-22 along with UCs and completion certificates etc. vi. Secretary (HUA) desired the States/UTs to collect data in respect of houses of EWS/LIG category which are being constructed through State sponsored schemes, Development Authorities, Housing Boards, Private Developers and Individual constructions in all statutory towns. EA/NBO will coordinate the efforts and will update regularly the progress made. vii. States/UTs to share good quality images of the housing for documentation of case studies. It was also advised to document success stories of the PMAY (U) projects

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which highlight a tangible change in the livelihood of the beneficiates due to this programme. viii. MoHUA will document, film and disseminate the good practices through its quarterly newsletters. ix. The States were advised to incorporate latest technology in construction of housing units and document the same. x. A robust MIS System is critical for PMAY (U) Mission. States need to constantly monitor the progress of survey data entries and link of beneficiaries to sanctioned projects in PMAY (U)-MIS. All States/UTs to ensure that the Aadhaar details of beneficiaries with regards to their number and name is accurate while updating in MIS. Beneficiary’s details to be entered in the PMAY (U) MIS should be Aadhaar based and name of beneficiary as in Aadhaar should entered. xi. Under PMFS/DBT process, the funds would have to be transferred at every stage only through electronic mode. This may relate to PMAY(U) as under: a. In case of Centrally Sponsored Schemes: o For Beneficiary Led individual house Construction (BLC) and ISSR, under PMAY (U), the bank account details of the beneficiaries should necessarily be mapped so that the funds can flow to the beneficiaries’ bank account directly. o In the case of Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP), the 2nd instalment to the State Government should be released only after receipt of beneficiary list with linkage of Aadhaar numbers of the beneficiaries duly certified by the State Government/ UT concerned and uploaded in the PMAY- MIS portal. b. In case of Central Sector Scheme: o for CLSS, the Central assistance is deposited upfront in the loan account of the beneficiary, after the bank receives the funds from CNAs xii State Level Appraisal Committee is expected to thoroughly appraise the DPRs before submitting the same to State Level Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee for approval. Combining SLAC and SLSMC meeting is not permissible as the mandate of the two bodies is distinct. xiii Projects such as VAMBAY, JNNURM, which have already been funded under housing schemes of GoI should not be considered for further funding under PMAY (U). xiv Under BLC, all individual houses shall have to be Geo-tagged on the BHUVAN (MoHUA) application. Further, the States are advised to release funds to the beneficiary only after the beneficiary completes the construction up to foundation level through their own funds. xv. It has come to notice that some individual/organizations are collecting registration money etc. from potential beneficiaries seeking dwelling units in PMAY (U). The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has not authorized any individual/organization/agency to collect application/registration fee for applying for Houses in PMAY (U). Thus, no individual/agency/organization can collect any money/application fee from the beneficiary for enrolment under PMAY (U). All State Governments may also issue disclaimer to this effect in their relevant websites/advertisements etc. to stop this fraudulent activity. xvi BMTPC to come out with a standard layout for BLC projects for all States/UTs. (Action: BMTPC).

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xvii Since Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) is subsumed in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana PMAY (U), Third Party Quality and Monitoring Agencies (TPQMA) appointed for PMAY (U) may also certify quality aspects of RAY projects. xviii All States/UTs should utilize the released central funds expeditiously and submit Utilisation Certificates duly signed by competent authority in State/UT Governments as in the prescribed format given in the scheme guidelines. Parking of funds should be avoided. xix. The MoHUA has formulated ‘PPP Models for Affordable Housing’ to enable States/UTs to facilitate private sector participation, in order to meet the growing need of affordable housing in the country. The States/UTs are advised to make use of these guidelines suitably for PPP projects on affordable housing.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


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List of participants in the 29th meeting of Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee CSMC) of PMAY (U) held under the chairpersonship of Secretary (HUA) on 27.12.2017

1 Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, M/o HUA………………………………in Chair 2 Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Additional Secretary, M/o HUA, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 3 Ms. Jhanja Tripathy, JS & FA, M/o HUA, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 4 Shri Amrit Abhijat, Jt. Secretary & MD (HFA), M/o HUA, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 5 Shri Ramesh Chand, Director, IFD, M/o HUA, New Delhi 6 Shri R.K. Gautam, Director (HFA-V), M/o HUA, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. 7 Shri Umraw Singh, Director. NBO, M/o HUA, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 8 Shri R.S. Singh, Director, M/o HUA, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 9 Shri Shashi Kumar Valiathan, M/o HUA, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 10 Shri Jagdish Prasad, US, M/o HUA, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 11 Shri Vinod Gupta, US, M/o HUA, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 12 Shri B.K. Mandal, US (HFA-V), M/o HUA, Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 13 Shri Rajesh Goel, CMD, HPL, New Delhi. 14 Dr. Shailesh Kr. Agrawal, ED, BMTPC, IHC Lodhi Road, New Delhi 15 Shri C.N. Jha, Dy Chief, BMTPC, IHC Lodhi Road, New Delhi 16 Shri Arvind Kumar, DC-MIS, M/o HUA,Nirman Bhavan,New Delhi. 17 Shri Praveen Suri, S. Analyst M/o HUA, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 18 Ms. Usha Prasad Mahavir, Executive Director, HUDCO, New Delhi. 19 Shri Kapil Mohan, Principal Secretary, Deptt of Housing, Govt. of Karnataka 20 Shri Diwan Mydeen, MD, APTIDCO, Govt. of A.P., Vijaywada 21 Shri Prabha Kant Katare, Urban Development Deptt., Govt. of M.P. 22 Shri Anand Singh, Urban Development Deptt., Govt. of M.P. 23 Shri Ashish Singhmar, Director UDHD, Govt. of Jharkhand 24 Shri Rajan Kumar, Team Leader, Govt. of Jharkhand 25 Shri Nagesh Hanche, Nodal Officer, RGRHCL, Govt. of Karnataka 26 Shri B.N. Biradar, General Manager, RGRHC, Govt. of Karnataka 27 Shri Abhinav Agrawal, IRS, Addl. CEO, SUDA, Govt of Chhatisgarh 28 Shri Devendra Pandey, Director SUDA, Govt. of U.P. 29 Shri Atul Singh Chauhan, Programme Officer, SUDA, U.P. 30 Shri Gomo Kamdak, UD&H, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh 31 Shri Hemant Singh Rajput, UAD, Govt. of M.P.

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32 Shri Soban Badonia, Urban Planner, Govt. of M.P. 33 Shri J. Srinivasa Reddy, APTIDCO, Vijaywada 34 Shri S. Dasgupta, NIS, MoHUA, New Delhi 35 Shri Anuj Shrivastava, SUDA, Govt. of Chhatisgarh 36 Shri Dinesh Kumar Dwivedi, UD&HD, Govt. of Jharkhand 37 Shri Pawan Kumar Shaw, SUDA, Govt of U.P. 38 Shri Deepak Rathi, NHB, New Delhi 39 Shri S. Muralidharan, HUDCO, New Delhi 40 Shri Pramod Kumar Singh, Under Secretary, Deptt of Financial Services, New Delhi 41 Shri Y.V. Ramana Murty, Welfare Admn. DGLW, M/o Labour and Employment 42 Shri Manoj Vasant Deodhdar, HUDCO, New Delhi 43 Shri Ashish Jain, NHB, New Delhi 44 Shri Manish Kumar, PMU-M/o HUA, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 45 Dr. D. Kaval Kumar, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. 46 Dr. Khatibullah Shiekh, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. 47 Dr. Sunil Pareek, Regional Coordinator, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 48 Shri R.M. Ravi, Regional Coordinator, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 49 Ms. Nitika Krishan, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 50 Shri Siddhartha Ayyagari, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 51 Ms Shikha Chopra, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 52 Shri Dev Raj Malik, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 53 Shri Rakesh Srivastava, PMU- M/o HUA , Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 54 Ms. Ankita Takkar, PMU- M/o HUA, Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi. 55 Ms Lavanya Gotety, PMU- M/o HUA, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

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Annexure-II : Salient Details of 6 BLC (New) projects submitted by Arunachal Pradesh

(Rs. in lakh)

Name of the Total No. of Central State share (@ ULB Beneficiary 1st installment of S.No. Project Town/ project cost beneficiaries assistance Rs. 0.5 lakh) share contribution central assistance ULB 1 Khonsa 389.94 67 100.50 33.50 - 255.94 40.20

2 Naharlagun 8615.74 1558 2337.00 779.00 - 5499.74 934.80

3 Itanagar 4661.79 843 1264.50 421.50 - 2975.79 505.80

4 Seppa 1625.64 276 414.00 138.00 - 1073.64 165.60

5 Tawang 44.31 7 10.50 3.50 - 30.31 4.20

6 Palin 355.00 71 106.50 35.50 - 213.00 42.60

Total 15692.42 2822 4233.00 1411.00 - 10048.42 1693.20

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Annexure-III A: Salient Details of 14 BLC (New) projects submitted by Andhra Pradesh

(Rs. in lakh)

1st installment @ Project City/ S. No EWS Houses Project Cost Central Assistance State Share Beneficiary Contribution 40% of Central ULB Assistance 1 Narsipatnam 2151 8174.00 3226.50 2151.00 2796.50 1290.60

2 Yelamanchili 1465 5494.00 2197.50 1465.00 1831.50 879.00

3 Markapur 157 549.50 235.50 157.00 157.00 94.20

4 Chimakurthy 342 1197.00 513.00 342.00 342.00 205.20

5 Chittoor 1 769 2691.50 1153.50 769.00 769.00 461.40

6 Guduru 1142 3997.00 1713.00 1142.00 1142.00 685.20

7 Dhone 2040 7140.00 3060.00 2040.00 2040.00 1224.00

8 Rayadurgam 609 2131.50 913.50 609.00 609.00 365.40

9 Tadepalligudem 671 2348.50 1006.50 671.00 671.00 402.60

10 GVMC 8000 40000.00 12000.00 8000.00 20000.00 4800.00

11 Yemmiganur 1511 5288.50 2266.50 1511.00 1511.00 906.60

12 Guntakal 2015 7052.50 3022.50 2015.00 2015.00 1209.00

13 Chittoor 2 572 2002.00 858.00 572.00 572.00 343.20

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14 Nellore 2518 8813.00 3777.00 2518.00 2518.00 1510.80

Total 23962 96879.50 35943.00 23962.00 36974.50 14377.20

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Annexure-III B: Salient Details of 30 AHP projects submitted by Andhra Pradesh (Rs. in lakh) S. EWS Project Cost including Project Central State Beneficiaries 1st installment @ 40% of Project City/ ULB No Houses Infra structure* Cost Assistance Share Contribution Central Assistance 1 Amaravathi (CRDA) 7876 53525.00 48431.00 11814.00 11814.00 24803.00 4725.60 2 Addanki 1536 9320.00 7677.80 2304.00 2304.00 3069.80 921.60 3 Tirupathi 2560 21478.59 16640.00 3840.00 3840.00 8960.00 1536.00 4 Hindupur 10781 75467.00 62928.60 16171.50 16171.50 30585.60 6468.60 5 GVMC 8904 78613.00 63930.70 13356.00 13356.00 37218.70 5342.40 (Pulagavanipalem) 6 GVMC (Mulagada) 2335 20615.60 16765.30 3502.50 3502.50 9760.30 1401.00

7 GVMC 11508 95039.32 76686.90 17262.00 17262.00 42162.90 6904.80 (Bakkannapalem) 8 GVMC (Ferryroad) 96 613.14 477.10 144.00 144.00 189.10 57.60 9 Ongole 14656 98070.00 90464.10 21984.00 21984.00 46496.10 8793.60 10 Kanigiri 928 7273.50 6264.00 1392.00 1392.00 3480.00 556.80 11 Giddalur 1408 10428.90 9504.00 2112.00 2112.00 5280.00 844.80

12 Kandukur 1664 11005.40 10022.80 2496.00 2496.00 5030.80 998.40 13 Dhone 306 2168.00 1836.00 459.00 459.00 918.00 183.60 14 Rayadurgam 1791 12725.00 10454.00 2686.50 2686.50 5081.00 1074.60 15 Guntakal 4719 33141.50 28894.40 7078.50 7078.50 14737.40 2831.40 16 Yemmiganur 2500 18237.30 14592.40 3750.00 3750.00 7092.40 1500.00 17 Mydukur 927 7045.20 5410.80 1390.50 1390.50 2629.80 556.20

18 Pulivendula 1000 7013.20 5612.90 1500.00 1500.00 2612.90 600.00 19 Ananthapur 6117 41664.00 35704.90 9175.50 9175.50 17353.90 3670.20

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20 GVMC 12864 113575.60 92363.50 19296.00 19296.00 53771.50 7718.40 (Paradesivanipalem)

21 GVMC (Yedugullu) 96 613.10 477.10 144.00 144.00 189.10 57.60

22 GVMC (Velampet) 96 613.10 477.10 144.00 144.00 189.10 57.60

23 Nuzvid 1024 7960.20 7116.80 1536.00 1536.00 4044.80 614.40

24 Allagadda 2284 15753.00 13331.60 3426.00 3426.00 6479.60 1370.40

25 Ichapuram 830 4749.00 3469.00 1245.00 1245.00 979.00 498.00

26 Palasa / Kasibugga 1995 11647.00 8539.00 2992.50 2992.50 2554.00 1197.00

27 Ramachandrapuram 2052 15460.90 14364.00 3078.00 3078.00 8208.00 1231.20

28 Markapuram 3600 32545.00 30590.00 5400.00 5400.00 19790.00 2160.00

29 Jaggaiahpet 1920 12824.70 12422.40 2880.00 2880.00 6662.40 1152.00

30 Nellore 10112 75840.00 59226.50 15168.00 15168.00 28890.50 6067.20

Total 118485 895025.25 754674.70 177727.50 177727.50 399219.70 71091.00

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Annexure IV : Salient details of 152 BLC (New) projects submitted by Chhattisgarh a) List of DPRs on valid Abadi land (91 DPRs) (Rs. in Lakh)

1st S. Total Project Cost including PMC Instalment Division District Name of the No. of N @ 40% of Name Name City Beneficiary Central State Beneficiary Average o. Total Central Share Share Share Cost Share 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Bastar Bijapur Bijapur 20 30.00 16.75 16.54 63.29 3.16 12.00 2 Bijapur Konta 88 132.00 73.69 72.84 278.53 3.17 52.80 3 Bastar Bastar 92 138.00 75.70 72.10 285.80 3.11 55.20 4 Bastar Jagdalpur 140 210.00 116.20 112.74 438.94 3.14 84.00 5 Kanker kanker 36 54.00 29.50 27.87 111.37 3.09 21.60 6 Kanker Ppankhajur 236 354.00 194.18 184.96 733.14 3.11 141.60 Bhanupratapu 7 Kanker 16 24.00 13.06 12.23 49.29 3.08 9.60 r Kondagao 8 Farasgaon 85 127.50 69.89 66.48 263.87 3.10 51.00 n Kondagao 9 Keshkal 41 61.50 33.73 32.14 127.37 3.11 24.60 n 10 Sukma Sukma 74 111.00 60.88 58.00 229.88 3.11 44.40 11 Sukma Dornapal 29 43.50 24.42 24.41 92.33 3.18 17.40 Ssouth Bastar 12 Barsur 23 34.50 18.90 18.03 71.43 3.11 13.80 (Dnatewad a) Ssouth Bastar 13 Dantewada 65 97.50 52.68 48.54 198.72 3.06 39.00 (Dnatewad a) Ssouth 14 Geedam 46 69.00 37.93 36.29 143.22 3.11 27.60 Bastar Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 27 of 68

(Dnatewad a) Narayanpu 15 Narayanpur 53 79.50 43.61 41.54 164.65 3.11 31.80 r 16 Bilaspur Korba Churikala 44 66.00 36.20 34.49 136.69 3.11 26.40 17 Mungeli Pathriya 171 256.50 141.12 135.30 532.92 3.12 102.60 18 Mungeli Lormi 35 52.50 27.61 23.89 104.00 2.97 21.00 19 Bilaspur Bilaspur 300 450.00 250.05 244.78 944.83 3.15 180.00 20 Bilaspur Kota 77 115.50 63.02 59.35 237.87 3.09 46.20 21 Bilaspur Mungeli 64 96.00 51.77 47.47 195.24 3.05 38.40 22 Bilaspur Bilha 86 129.00 68.20 59.75 256.95 2.99 51.60 23 Bilaspur Sirgitty 33 49.50 27.89 28.06 105.45 3.20 19.80 24 Bilaspur Pendra 98 147.00 81.28 78.76 307.04 3.13 58.80 25 Bilaspur Takhtapur 492 738.00 406.97 392.12 1537.09 3.12 295.20

26 Bilaspur Gorella 95 142.50 79.35 78.02 299.87 3.16 57.00 27 Bilaspur Malhar 44 66.00 36.66 35.84 138.50 3.15 26.40 28 Bilaspur Ratanpur 439 658.50 349.65 309.47 1317.62 3.00 263.40

29 Raigarh Kharsiya 41 61.50 33.31 30.88 125.69 3.07 24.60

30 Raigarh Dhramjaigarh 179 268.50 145.70 135.58 549.78 3.07 107.40 31 Raigarh Baramkela 35 52.50 28.75 27.30 108.55 3.10 21.00 32 Raigarh Raigarh 52 78.00 43.84 43.93 165.77 3.19 31.20 33 Raigarh Sarangarh 400 600.00 336.15 334.64 1270.79 3.18 240.00

34 Raigarh Lailunga 112 168.00 92.10 87.64 347.74 3.10 67.20 35 Raigarh Gharghdoda 25 37.50 20.50 19.30 77.30 3.09 15.00 Janjgir- 36 Baloda 100 150.00 82.59 79.29 311.88 3.12 60.00 Champa 37 Janjgir- Dhabra 81 121.50 66.51 63.35 251.36 3.10 48.60

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 28 of 68

Champa Janjgir- Naya 38 294 441.00 233.25 204.60 878.85 2.99 176.40 Champa Baradwar Janjgir- Janjgir- 39 58 87.00 46.84 42.84 176.68 3.05 34.80 Champa Champa Janjgir- 40 Rahod 43 64.50 35.14 33.00 132.64 3.08 25.80 Champa Janjgir- 41 Sakti 228 342.00 185.14 171.38 698.52 3.06 136.80 Champa Janjgir- 42 Shivrinarian 47 70.50 37.88 34.48 142.86 3.04 28.20 Champa Janjgir- 43 Jaijepur 187 280.50 154.74 149.21 584.45 3.13 112.20 Champa Janjgir- 44 Akaltara 31 46.50 25.40 23.98 95.88 3.09 18.60 Champa Janjgir- 45 Saragaon 120 180.00 99.07 95.02 374.09 3.12 72.00 Champa 46 Raipur Dhamtari Dhamtari 216 324.00 175.17 161.67 660.84 3.06 129.60 47 Dhamtari Nagri 108 162.00 88.86 84.65 335.51 3.11 64.80 48 Dhamtari Amdhi 55 82.50 45.30 43.27 171.07 3.11 33.00 Balodabaz 49 Simga 131 196.50 102.33 86.33 385.16 2.94 78.60 ar Balodabaz 50 Bhatapara 481 721.50 392.44 367.06 1481.00 3.08 288.60 ar Balodabaz 51 Lavan 164 246.00 137.53 136.34 519.87 3.17 98.40 ar Mahasamu 52 Pithora 30 45.00 24.76 23.77 93.53 3.12 18.00 nd Mahasamu 53 Saraipali 47 70.50 37.00 31.83 139.33 2.96 28.20 nd 54 Raipur Balodabazar 152 228.00 118.02 98.00 444.02 2.92 91.20 55 Raipur Kasdoil 46 69.00 37.99 36.47 143.46 3.12 27.60 56 Raipur Kurra 41 61.50 33.45 31.30 126.25 3.08 24.60

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 29 of 68

57 Raipur Birgaon 186 279.00 152.85 145.20 577.05 3.10 111.60 58 Raipur Palari 35 52.50 28.76 27.31 108.57 3.10 21.00 59 Raipur Abhanpur 26 39.00 21.54 20.82 81.36 3.13 15.60 60 Raipur Raipur 917 1375.50 736.42 664.56 2776.48 3.03 550.20 Gobranavapa 61 Raipur 21 31.50 16.91 15.35 63.76 3.04 12.60 ra 62 Raipur Manacamp 215 322.50 179.73 177.01 679.24 3.16 129.00 Gariyaban 63 Fingeshwar 80 120.00 65.90 62.94 248.84 3.11 48.00 d Gariyaban 64 Chura 41 61.50 33.82 32.38 127.70 3.11 24.60 d 65 Sarguja Jashpur Kunkuri 38 57.00 31.39 30.15 118.54 3.12 22.80 66 Balrampur Kusmi 197 295.50 165.13 154.87 615.50 3.12 118.20 Manendragar 67 Koriya 71 106.50 57.80 53.80 218.10 3.07 42.60 h Shivpurcharc 68 Koriya 205 307.50 169.19 162.24 638.93 3.12 123.00 ha 69 Sarguja Ambikapur 579 868.50 475.27 450.49 1794.26 3.10 347.40 70 Sarguja Wadrafnagar 12 18.00 10.14 10.20 38.34 3.20 7.20 71 Surajpur Baikunthpur 55 82.50 44.98 42.30 169.78 3.09 33.00 72 Jashpur Jashpurnagar 45 67.50 37.71 37.33 142.54 3.17 27.00 JashpurNa 73 Pathalgaon 92 138.00 75.65 71.99 285.64 3.10 55.20 gar 74 Durg Balod Balod 47 70.50 37.44 33.16 141.10 3.00 28.20 Kabeerdha 75 Kawardha 52 78.00 41.70 37.50 157.20 3.02 31.20 m Kabeerdha 76 Pandriya 43 64.50 35.66 34.54 134.70 3.13 25.80 m Kabeerdha 77 Pandatarai 49 73.50 40.36 38.60 152.46 3.11 29.40 m Kabeerdha Sahaspur 78 151 226.50 124.54 119.28 470.32 3.11 90.60 m lohara 79 Rajnandga Kherasgarh' 59 88.50 48.53 46.23 183.26 3.11 35.40

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 30 of 68

on Rajnandga 80 Dongargarh 197 295.50 162.28 152.58 610.36 3.10 118.20 on Rajnandga 81 Rajnandgaon 181 271.50 141.40 119.29 532.19 2.94 108.60 on Rajnandga Ambagarh 82 35 52.50 28.20 25.64 106.34 3.04 21.00 on Chowki 83 Durg Bemetara 54 81.00 44.45 42.32 167.77 3.11 32.40 84 Durg Ahiwara 31 46.50 23.66 24.47 94.63 3.05 18.60 85 Durg Kumhari 226 339.00 181.90 165.00 685.90 3.03 135.60 86 Durg Bhilai 132 198.00 110.13 108.70 416.83 3.16 79.20 87 Durg Chiklaksa 22 33.00 18.15 17.40 68.55 3.12 13.20

88 Durg Saja 126 189.00 106.28 106.56 401.84 3.19 75.60

89 Durg Doundi 47 70.50 38.44 36.54 145.48 3.10 28.20

90 Durg Durg 295 442.50 226.37 233.85 902.72 3.06 177.00

91 Durg Jamul 45 67.50 35.88 31.83 135.21 3.00 27.00

11133 16699.50 9089.21 8561.552 34350.26 3.09 6679.80 Total (91 DPR)


Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 31 of 68

List of DPRs on valid Patta land (61 DPRs)

Total Project Cost including PMC No. of 1st Instalment Division Avera S. District Name Name of the City Benefici Central State Beneficia @ 40% of Name Total ge No. ary Share Share ry Share Central Share Cost

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bastar 1 Bastar Bastar 31 46.50 25.47 24.18 96.15 3.10 18.60

2 Bastar Jagdalpur 58 87.00 47.03 45.78 179.81 3.10 34.80

3 Kankar Narharpur 97 145.50 79.81 76.02 301.33 3.11 58.20

4 Kondugaon Keshkal 325 487.50 267.39 254.72 1009.61 3.11 195.00 Bilaspur 5 Korba Churikala 22 33.00 17.66 15.92 66.58 3.03 13.20

6 Bilaspur Bilha 195 292.50 153.85 133.08 579.43 2.97 117.00

7 Bilaspur Sirgitti 184 276.00 149.65 139.01 564.66 3.07 110.40

8 Bilaspur Tifra 89 133.50 72.18 66.61 272.29 3.06 53.40

9 Bilaspur Pendra 281 421.50 218.68 182.71 822.89 2.93 168.60

10 Bilaspur Sakri 182 273.00 147.68 136.46 557.14 3.06 109.20

11 Bilaspur Gorella 185 277.50 153.66 149.34 580.50 3.14 111.00

12 Bilaspur Malhar 35 52.50 28.09 25.30 105.89 3.03 21.00

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 32 of 68

13 Bilaspur Ratanpur 582 873.00 453.98 381.56 1708.54 2.94 349.20

14 Raigarh Dharmjaigarh 229 343.50 188.41 179.48 711.39 3.11 137.40

15 Raigarh Kharsia 159 238.50 126.78 112.51 477.79 3.00 95.40

16 Raigarh Baramkela 95 142.50 78.15 74.47 295.12 3.11 57.00

17 Raigarh Kirodimalnagar 104 156.00 85.31 80.71 322.02 3.10 62.40

18 Raigarh Pussore 328 492.00 259.12 224.62 975.74 2.97 196.80

19 Raigarh Raigahr 100 150.00 84.54 84.95 319.49 3.19 60.00

20 Raigarh saiya 757 1135.50 619.92 584.58 2340.00 3.09 454.20

21 Raigarh sarangarh 680 1020.00 570.11 574.11 2164.22 3.18 408.00

22 Raigarh Lelunga 502 753.00 413.02 393.44 1559.46 3.11 301.20

23 Raigarh Gharghoda 188 282.00 149.17 130.83 562.00 2.99 112.80

24 Janjgir Champa Kharod 144 216.00 118.66 113.40 448.06 3.11 86.40

25 Janjgir Champa Saragaon 108 162.00 87.31 79.97 329.28 3.05 64.80 Raipur 26 Baloudabazar Tundra 189 283.50 151.01 134.66 569.17 3.01 113.40

27 Makahsamund Basna 279 418.50 225.60 206.83 850.93 3.05 167.40

28 Makahsamund Tumgaon 235 352.50 186.36 163.09 701.95 2.99 141.00

29 Makahsamund Saraipali 256 384.00 203.42 179.03 766.45 2.99 153.60

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 33 of 68

30 Makahsamund Baghbahra 240 360.00 220.56 186.15 766.71 3.19 144.00

31 Raipur Baludabazar 210 315.00 167.76 149.52 632.28 3.01 126.00

32 Raipur Kurra 822 1233.00 657.32 587.30 2477.62 3.01 493.20

33 Raipur Birgaon 518 777.00 413.42 367.68 1558.10 3.01 310.80

34 Raipur Tildaneora 81 121.50 65.48 59.98 246.96 3.05 48.60

35 Raipur Abhanpur 1109 1663.50 916.02 879.95 3459.47 3.12 665.40

36 Raipur Raipuir 1660 2490.00 1341.19 1227.29 5058.48 3.05 996.00

37 Raipur Kharora 73 109.50 59.18 54.57 223.25 3.06 43.80

38 Raipur Gobranavapara 627 940.50 493.35 423.35 1857.20 2.96 376.20

39 Gariyabandh Churra 127 190.50 104.50 99.52 394.52 3.11 76.20

40 Gariyabandh Rajim 274 411.00 229.29 226.46 866.75 3.16 164.40

41 Gariyabandh Gariyabandh 230 345.00 183.22 162.24 690.46 3.00 138.00 Durg 42 Kabererdham Kawardha 226 339.00 183.55 169.94 692.49 3.06 135.60

43 dchj/kke Pandiya 729 1093.50 570.95 502.85 2167.30 2.97 437.40 Ambagahrh Rajnandgaon 113 169.50 92.64 87.56 349.70 3.09 44 Chowki 67.80

45 Rajnandgaon Kheragarh 180 270.00 146.60 136.58 553.18 3.07 108.00

46 Rajnandgaon Churiya 87 130.50 69.76 62.67 262.93 3.02 52.20

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 34 of 68

47 Rajnandgaon Gandai 121 181.50 98.13 90.57 370.20 3.06 72.60

48 Durg Benetara 83 124.50 68.37 65.32 258.19 3.11 49.80

49 Durg Berla 151 226.50 113.91 115.24 455.65 3.02 90.60

50 Durg Kumhari 66 99.00 54.42 52.09 205.51 3.11 39.60

51 Durg Bhilai 1258 1887.00 1032.58 984.27 3903.85 3.10 754.80

52 Durg Bhilai Charoda 997 1495.50 806.28 739.41 3041.19 3.05 598.20

53 Durg Thankhamriya 164 246.00 135.49 130.21 511.70 3.12 98.40

54 Durg Dondi 40 60.00 32.86 31.60 124.46 3.11 24.00

55 Durg Arjunda 86 129.00 70.56 66.82 266.38 3.10 51.60

56 Durg Doundilohara 242 363.00 197.64 185.28 745.92 3.08 145.20

57 Durg Jamul 147 220.50 120.03 112.48 453.01 3.08 88.20

58 Durg Ahiwara 859 1288.50 694.10 635.30 2617.90 3.05 515.40

59 Durg Dhamdha 303 454.50 252.41 246.86 953.77 3.15 181.80

60 Durg parpodi 60 90.00 48.94 45.75 184.69 3.08 36.00

61 Durg Devkar 68 102.00 53.06 44.64 199.70 2.94 40.80 27855.0 Total (61 DPR) 18570 15055.59 13876.82 56787.41 3.06 11142.00 0

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 35 of 68

Annexure V A : Salient Details of 76 BLC (New) projects submitted by Karnataka (Rs. in lakh)

No of EWS Project Central State Beneficiary 1st installment (40%) District Project City/ ULB S.No Houses Cost Assistance Share Contribution of Central Assistance

1 Bilagi 573 2005.50 859.50 770.4 375.60 343.80 2 Mahalingpura 60 210.00 90.00 72.00 48.00 36.00 3 Rabkavi-Banhatti 135 472.50 202.50 162.00 108.00 81.00 4 Ilkal 147 514.50 220.50 194.40 99.60 88.20 5 Amingad 27 94.50 40.50 32.40 21.60 16.20 6 Amingad 18 63.00 27.00 23.40 12.60 10.80 7 Kamatagi 29 101.50 43.50 34.80 23.20 17.40 8 Bagalkot Belagali 27 94.50 40.50 32.40 21.60 16.20 9 Guledgudda 60 210.00 90.00 72.00 48.00 36.00 10 Terdal 39 136.50 58.50 46.80 31.20 23.40 11 Bilagi 30 105.00 45.00 36.00 24.00 18.00 12 Bagalkote 108 378.00 162.00 129.60 86.40 64.80 13 Jamkhandi 118 413.00 177.00 141.60 94.40 70.80 14 Hungund 36 126.00 54.00 43.20 28.80 21.60 15 Kamatagi 26 91.00 39.00 37.20 14.80 15.60 16 Kurekoppa 259 906.50 388.50 464.40 53.60 155.40 Ballari 17 Ballari 268 938.00 402.00 426.00 110.00 160.80

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 36 of 68

18 Tekkalkote 1 3.50 1.50 1.80 0.20 0.60 19 Sirguppa 180 630.00 270.00 297.00 63.00 108.00 20 Sirguppa 111 388.50 166.50 199.80 22.20 66.60 21 Hosapete 137 479.50 205.50 215.40 58.60 82.20 22 Bangalore(Rural) Vijayapura 55 192.50 82.50 66.00 44.00 33.00 23 Bangalore(Urban) Hebbagodi 138 483.00 207.00 248.40 27.60 82.80 24 Belagavi 22 77.00 33.00 39.60 4.40 13.20 25 Kittur 10 35.00 15.00 18.00 2.00 6.00 26 Chikkodi 20 70.00 30.00 35.40 4.60 12.00 27 Sankeshwar 69 241.50 103.50 82.80 55.20 41.40 28 Sankeshwar 16 56.00 24.00 27.00 5.00 9.60 29 Soudatti Yellamma 98 343.00 147.00 130.80 65.20 58.80 30 Belagavi Saudatti Yellamma 6 45.00 9.00 36.00 0 3.60 31 Bailhongal 2 15.00 3.00 12.00 0 1.20 32 Sankeshwara 32 112.00 48.00 38.40 25.60 19.20 33 Sadalaga 10 35.00 15.00 18.00 2.00 6.00 34 Mallapura PG 30 105.00 45.00 45.30 14.70 18.00 35 Mallapura PG 10 35.00 15.00 12.00 8.00 6.00 36 Sadalaga 43 150.50 64.50 52.80 33.20 25.80 37 Chitradurga Nayakanahatti 92 322.00 138.00 165.60 18.40 55.20 38 Dakshina Sulya 115 402.50 172.50 198.60 31.40 69.00

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 37 of 68

39 kannada Kotekaru 33 115.50 49.50 39.60 26.40 19.80 40 Mulki 10 35.00 15.00 13.80 6.20 6.00 41 Honnali 180 630.00 270.00 221.4 138.60 108.00 Davanagere 42 Malebennuru 65 227.50 97.50 117.00 13.00 39.00 43 Gadag Mulugunda 100 350.00 150.00 120.00 80.00 60.00 44 Hassan Holenarasipura 394 1379.00 591.00 541.8 246.20 236.40 45 Bankapura 32 112.00 48.00 48.60 15.40 19.20 Haveri 46 Shiggaon 23 80.50 34.50 40.20 5.80 13.80 47 Kolar Robertosonpete 63 220.50 94.50 113.40 12.60 37.80 48 H D Kote 458 1603.00 687.00 819.60 96.40 274.80 49 Bannur 5 17.50 7.50 7.80 2.20 3.00 50 Saraguru 20 70.00 30.00 36.00 4.00 12.00 51 Nanjangudu 226 791.00 339.00 351.00 101.00 135.60 Mysore 52 Nanjangudu 146 511.00 219.00 256.80 35.20 87.60 53 T. Narasipura 10 35.00 15.00 18.00 2.00 6.00 54 Saraguru 216 756.00 324.00 303.6 128.4 129.60 55 Nanjangudu 13 97.50 19.50 78 0 7.80 56 Channapatna 70 245.00 105.00 126.00 14.00 42.00 Ramnagar 57 Ramnagar 170 595.00 255.00 306.00 34.00 102.00 58 Jog-Kargal 77 269.50 115.50 128.40 25.60 46.20 Shimoga 59 Jog-Kakal 19 66.50 28.50 34.20 3.80 11.40

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 38 of 68

60 Tumakuru Turuvekere 8 60.00 12.00 48.00 0 4.80 61 Udupi Kapu 13 45.50 19.50 15.60 10.40 7.80 62 Yadagiri Surupur 36 126.00 54.00 64.2 7.80 21.60 63 Yadgir Kembhavi 100 350.00 150.00 144.00 56.00 60.00 64 Chamarajanagar CMC 570 1995.00 855.00 984.60 155.40 342.00 65 Gundlupet 96 336.00 144.00 168.00 24.00 57.60 66 Chamarajanagar Hanur 86 301.00 129.00 151.80 20.20 51.60 67 Kollegala 332 1162.00 498.00 582.00 82.00 199.20 68 Yelandur 161 563.50 241.50 286.20 35.80 96.60 69 Bannur 127 444.50 190.50 218.40 35.60 76.20 Heggadadevanakote 70 116 406.00 174.00 204.00 28.00 69.60 TP 71 Hunsur 91 318.50 136.50 142.80 39.20 54.60 Krishnarajanagara 72 107 374.50 160.50 180.00 34.00 64.20 Mysore TMC 73 Mysore 1161 4063.50 1741.50 2089.80 232.20 696.60 74 Nanjangud 77 269.50 115.50 132.60 21.40 46.20 75 Periyapatna 57 199.50 85.50 87.00 27.00 34.20 76 T Narasipura 117 409.50 175.50 207.60 26.40 70.20

Total (76 BLC) (New) 8742 30713.00 13113.00 14087.10 3512.90 5245.20

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 39 of 68

Annexure V B: Salient details of 10 AHP projects submitted by Karnataka

(Rs. in lakh)

Housing Total Total project Cost 1st installment Project Implementing Infrastructure S.No EWS including (40%) of Central City/ULB Agency Project Central State Beneficiary ULB cost house infrastructure Cost assistance Share Contribution share assistance

1 Shiralakoppa KSDB 250 1336.80 1227.50 375.00 334.80 517.70 0.00 109.30 150.00 2 Jagaluru ULB 207 1118.54 1015.04 310.50 298.80 131.57 274.17 103.50 124.20 3 BBMP KSDB 1155 6329.41 6329.41 1732.50 1878.00 658.61 2060.30 0.00 693.00 4 Bilagi KSDB 500 2750.00 2500.00 750.00 819.00 283.75 647.25 250.00 300.00 5 Vijayapur KSDB 1800 9900.00 9000.00 2700.00 3101.40 957.75 2240.85 900.00 1080.00 District 6 Ballari 5616 31834.00 29484.00 8424.00 8424.00 12636.00 0.00 2350.00 3369.60 Administration Hubballi- 7 ULB 320 2479.80 2400.00 480.00 1920.00 0.00 0.00 79.80 192.00 Dharwad 8 Kanakpura ULB 43 399.05 359.05 64.50 258.00 36.55 0.00 40.00 25.80 9 Gundlupete ULB 13 97.50 97.50 19.50 78.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.80 10 BBMP RGRHCL 100000 600000.00 550000.00 150000.00 144000.00 256000.00 0.00 50000.00 60000.00 Total 109904 656245.09 602412.49 164856.00 161112.00 271221.92 5222.57 53832.60 65942.40

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 40 of 68

Annexure VI A: Salient details of 2 AHP projects submitted by Madhya Pradesh (Rs. in lakh)

Total No. of Dwelling Units No. of EWS Houses 1st Name EWS installment S. Project Central State ULB of Project Commercial Beneficiary (40 %) of No. Space MIG LIG EWS Total Cost Assistance Share Share City Share the Central (In M2) Non- Slum Total Assistance Slum

1 Bhopal 30,631.04 216 17,718.00 3,312 7,392 10,920 5,436 1,956 7,392 99,466.40 11,088.00 8,154.00 7,870.40 4,435.20

2 Pithampur - 720 2,616 6,824.00 1,680 2,616 5,016 1,555 1,061 49,954.50 3,924.00 2,332.50 3,766.00 1,569.60

15,012.00 10,486.50 24,542.00 Total 30,631.04 936 4,992 10,008 15,936 6,991 3,017 10,008 149,420.90 11,636.40 6,004.80

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 41 of 68

Annexure VI B: Salient details of 164 BLC (New) projects submitted by Madhya Pradesh (Rs. in lakh)

S. Name of Project City No. of EWS Project Cost Central State Share ULB Share Beneficiary 1st installment (40 %) of No. Houses Assistance Share the Central Assistance

1 Chicholi 447.00 1,759.60 670.50 447.00 39.40 602.70 268.20 2 Harda 4,736.00 18,225.80 7,104.00 4,736.00 - 6,385.80 2,841.60 3 Bankhedi 193.00 767.40 289.50 193.00 24.60 260.30 115.80 4 Sultanpur 228.00 909.00 342.00 228.00 31.60 307.40 136.80 5 Sanchi 68.00 261.80 102.00 68.00 - 91.80 40.80 6 Babai 500.00 2,202.20 750.00 500.00 277.20 675.00 300.00 7 Ashta 733.00 2,910.20 1,099.50 733.00 88.10 989.60 439.80 8 Begamganj 269.00 1,035.70 403.50 269.00 - 363.20 161.40 9 Raisen 625.00 2,293.80 937.50 625.00 - 731.30 375.00 10 Pachore (Rajgarh) 260.00 1,030.70 390.00 260.00 29.70 351.00 156.00 11 Mandideep 2,043.00 7,865.60 3,064.50 2,043.00 - 2,758.10 1,225.80 12 Amla 110.00 423.50 165.00 110.00 - 148.50 66.00 13 Bhainsdahi 350.00 1,347.50 525.00 350.00 - 472.50 210.00 14 Seoni-Malwa 566.00 2,179.10 849.00 566.00 - 764.10 339.60 15 Rehti 174.00 700.30 261.00 174.00 30.40 234.90 104.40 16 Pipariya 855.00 3,324.90 1,282.50 855.00 289.70 897.70 513.00 17 Betul 761.00 3,044.80 1,141.50 761.00 114.90 1,027.40 456.60 18 Itarsi 341.00 1,203.70 511.50 341.00 - 351.20 204.60 19 Khirkiya 393.00 1,630.90 589.50 393.00 118.40 530.00 235.80 20 Multai 72.00 277.10 108.00 72.00 97.10 43.20

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 42 of 68

21 Jawar-Sehore 217.00 835.50 325.50 217.00 - 293.00 130.20 22 Bhind 1,098.00 4,330.70 1,647.00 1,098.00 105.20 1,480.50 658.80 23 Gohad 480.00 1,902.20 720.00 480.00 55.00 647.20 288.00 24 Sabalgarh 374.00 1,502.90 561.00 374.00 63.60 504.30 224.40 25 Badarwas 699.00 2,831.90 1,048.50 699.00 141.90 942.50 419.40 26 Khaniyadhana 190.00 763.00 285.00 190.00 31.50 256.50 114.00 27 Beraidh 125.00 567.70 187.50 125.00 86.40 168.80 75.00 28 Kolaras 902.00 3,493.70 1,353.00 902.00 20.90 1,217.80 541.20 29 Karera 134.00 541.00 201.00 134.00 25.30 180.70 80.40 30 Lahar 485.00 2,090.40 727.50 485.00 218.30 659.60 291.00 31 Bhitarwar 537.00 2,145.30 805.50 537.00 77.80 725.00 322.20 32 Akoda 38.00 158.30 57.00 38.00 12.00 51.30 22.80 33 Sewda 226.00 884.70 339.00 226.00 14.60 305.10 135.60 34 Pichhore (Gwalior) 394.00 1,543.80 591.00 394.00 26.90 531.90 236.40 35 Aron 629.00 2,476.20 943.50 629.00 54.60 849.10 377.40 36 Antri 149.00 594.60 223.50 149.00 20.90 201.20 89.40 37 Raghavgarh- Vijaypur 998.00 4,066.00 1,497.00 998.00 223.70 1,347.30 598.80

38 Rajgarh(Dhar) 257.00 1,021.70 385.50 257.00 32.20 347.00 154.20 39 Pithampur 1,159.00 4,615.20 1,738.50 1,159.00 153.00 1,564.70 695.40 40 Kukshi 494.00 2,024.10 741.00 494.00 122.30 666.80 296.40 41 Khargone 778.00 3,144.10 1,167.00 778.00 148.80 1,050.30 466.80 42 Anjad 500.00 1,924.30 750.00 500.00 - 674.30 300.00 43 Rajpur 338.00 1,300.80 507.00 338.00 - 455.80 202.80 44 Dhar 421.00 1,683.00 631.50 421.00 - 630.50 252.60

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45 Omkareswar 168.00 767.80 252.00 168.00 121.30 226.50 100.80

46 Manpur 281.00 1,128.90 421.50 281.00 47.00 379.40 168.60 47 Mohgaon 257.00 1,138.40 385.50 257.00 148.90 347.00 154.20 48 Barwaha 286.00 1,100.70 429.00 286.00 - 385.70 171.60 49 Bamnibanjar 217.00 874.60 325.50 217.00 39.50 292.60 130.20 50 Lakhnadon 146.00 589.80 219.00 146.00 27.90 196.90 87.60 51 Nainpur 541.00 2,209.70 811.50 541.00 126.80 730.40 324.60 52 Mandla 972.00 4,081.90 1,458.00 972.00 289.60 1,362.30 583.20 53 Kareli 141.00 542.60 211.50 141.00 - 190.10 84.60 54 Chand 302.00 1,162.00 453.00 302.00 - 407.00 181.20 55 Jamai 287.00 1,104.30 430.50 287.00 - 386.80 172.20 56 Niwas 356.00 1,369.80 534.00 356.00 - 479.80 213.60 57 Katangi (Balaghat) 250.00 997.10 375.00 250.00 35.20 336.90 150.00 58 Chichli 730.00 2,939.60 1,095.00 730.00 129.10 985.50 438.00 59 Kymore 140.00 627.70 210.00 140.00 88.70 189.00 84.00 60 Panagar 476.00 2,248.90 714.00 476.00 359.70 699.20 285.60 61 Seoni 901.00 3,635.60 1,351.50 901.00 168.20 1,214.90 540.60 62 Katangi (Jabalpur) 883.00 3,941.10 1,324.50 883.00 541.50 1,192.10 529.80 63 Sali-Chowka 904.00 3,932.40 1,356.00 904.00 452.00 1,220.40 542.40 64 Saikheda 894.00 3,888.90 1,341.00 894.00 447.00 1,206.90 536.40 65 Gotegaon 881.00 3,832.40 1,321.50 881.00 440.50 1,189.40 528.60 66 Baikunthpur 501.00 2,010.30 751.50 501.00 81.40 676.40 300.60 67 Rampur-Naikin 496.00 1,970.40 744.00 496.00 60.80 669.60 297.60 68 Burhar 504.00 2,045.50 756.00 504.00 105.90 679.60 302.40

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 44 of 68

69 Kotma 709.00 2,812.30 1,063.50 709.00 82.60 957.20 425.40 70 Kotar 385.00 1,548.20 577.50 385.00 65.90 519.80 231.00 71 Govindgarh 443.00 1,904.20 664.50 443.00 198.60 598.10 265.80 72 Singrauli 1,000.00 4,437.80 1,500.00 1,000.00 44.00 1,893.80 600.00 73 Bijuri 1,093.00 4,354.00 1,639.50 1,093.00 145.90 1,475.60 655.80 74 Jaithari 217.00 942.70 325.50 217.00 107.60 292.60 130.20 75 Beohari 208.00 763.40 312.00 208.00 - 243.40 124.80 76 Churhat 828.00 3,186.60 1,242.00 828.00 - 1,116.60 496.80 77 Chakghat 501.00 1,928.10 751.50 501.00 - 675.60 300.60 78 Sirmour 196.00 953.20 294.00 196.00 198.60 264.60 117.60 79 Gurh 200.00 1,151.50 300.00 200.00 381.50 270.00 120.00 80 Hanumana 478.00 1,839.60 717.00 478.00 - 644.60 286.80 81 Teonthar 281.00 1,081.40 421.50 281.00 - 378.90 168.60 82 Naigarhi 909.00 3,498.30 1,363.50 909.00 - 1,225.80 545.40 83 Mauganj 811.00 3,121.10 1,216.50 811.00 - 1,093.60 486.60 84 Sidhi 902.00 3,621.70 1,353.00 902.00 149.00 1,217.70 541.20 85 Umaria 1,011.00 3,890.80 1,516.50 1,011.00 - 1,363.30 606.60 86 Anuppur 463.00 1,824.20 694.50 463.00 42.40 624.30 277.80 87 Chandia 1,388.00 5,341.70 2,082.00 1,388.00 - 1,871.70 832.80 88 1,100.00 4,362.20 1,650.00 1,100.00 129.00 1,483.20 660.00 89 471.00 1,836.10 706.50 471.00 22.70 635.90 282.60 90 551.00 2,205.50 826.50 551.00 85.00 743.00 330.60 91 Lavkush Nagar 112.00 469.20 168.00 112.00 38.20 151.00 67.20 (Loundi) 92 243.00 956.60 364.50 243.00 21.00 328.10 145.80 93 100.00 506.30 150.00 100.00 121.40 134.90 60.00

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 45 of 68

94 Nowgaon 344.00 1,451.50 516.00 344.00 127.70 463.80 206.40 95 424.00 1,721.60 636.00 424.00 89.90 571.70 254.40 96 Banda 492.00 1,998.60 738.00 492.00 104.40 664.20 295.20 97 467.00 1,882.90 700.50 467.00 84.90 630.50 280.20 98 Maharajpur 200.00 845.80 300.00 200.00 76.10 269.70 120.00 99 354.00 1,731.70 531.00 354.00 326.70 520.00 212.40 100 137.00 560.00 205.50 137.00 32.80 184.70 82.20 101 Niwari 566.00 2,246.60 849.00 566.00 67.50 764.10 339.60 102 Taricharkalan 600.00 2,459.00 900.00 600.00 149.00 810.00 360.00 103 140.00 569.60 210.00 140.00 30.80 188.80 84.00 104 349.00 1,429.60 523.50 349.00 86.50 470.60 209.40 105 148.00 599.90 222.00 148.00 30.10 199.80 88.80 106 310.00 1,244.80 465.00 310.00 51.30 418.50 186.00 107 1,374.00 5,496.40 2,061.00 1,374.00 208.70 1,852.70 824.40 108 Buzurg 2,469.00 9,563.00 3,703.50 2,469.00 57.20 3,333.30 1,481.40 109 3,745.00 14,853.70 5,617.50 3,745.00 441.60 5,049.60 2,247.00 110 Panna 701.00 2,777.30 1,051.50 701.00 78.40 946.40 420.60 111 243.00 976.90 364.50 243.00 41.70 327.70 145.80 112 1,251.00 5,043.10 1,876.50 1,251.00 228.80 1,686.80 750.60 113 Rajnagar 240.00 924.00 360.00 240.00 - 324.00 144.00 114 Hatta 400.00 1,652.90 600.00 400.00 113.60 539.30 240.00 115 Kari (Tikamgarh) 343.00 1,354.90 514.50 343.00 34.30 463.10 205.80 116 315.00 1,239.40 472.50 315.00 26.70 425.20 189.00 117 Shahpur 281.00 1,168.70 421.50 281.00 87.30 378.90 168.60 118 518.00 2,082.50 777.00 518.00 88.20 699.30 310.80

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 46 of 68

119 Garhi-Malhera 66.00 254.00 99.00 66.00 - 89.00 39.60 120 Rampura 77.00 296.50 115.50 77.00 - 104.00 46.20 121 Kukdeshwar 178.00 685.30 267.00 178.00 - 240.30 106.80 122 Mahidpur 186.00 714.00 279.00 186.00 - 249.00 111.60 123 Dewas 2,091.00 8,208.80 3,136.50 2,091.00 158.40 2,822.90 1,254.60 124 Pipliya-Mandi 211.00 812.40 316.50 211.00 - 284.90 126.60 125 Khachrod 495.00 1,816.70 742.50 495.00 - 579.20 297.00 126 Khategaon 535.00 2,059.80 802.50 535.00 - 722.30 321.00 127 Satwas 527.00 2,029.00 790.50 527.00 - 711.50 316.20 128 Kannod 285.00 1,097.30 427.50 285.00 - 384.80 171.00 129 Narayangarh 194.00 846.80 291.00 194.00 99.90 261.90 116.40 130 Manasa 528.00 2,305.20 792.00 528.00 272.40 712.80 316.80 131 Sarwaniya Maharaj 430.00 1,936.40 645.00 430.00 285.20 576.20 258.00 132 Jawara 1,015.00 3,802.50 1,522.50 1,015.00 - 1,265.00 609.00 133 Ujjain 1,156.00 4,448.70 1,734.00 1,156.00 - 1,558.70 693.60 134 Nayagaon 124.00 510.40 186.00 124.00 33.00 167.40 74.40 135 Jabalpur 1,523.00 5,482.80 2,284.50 1,523.00 - 1,675.30 913.80 136 Katni (Mudwara) 1,000.00 4,477.40 1,500.00 1,000.00 44.30 1,933.10 600.00 137 Satna 879.00 3,511.90 1,318.50 879.00 127.70 1,186.70 527.40 138 Chhindwara 3,101.00 12,064.20 4,651.50 3,101.00 125.20 4,186.50 1,860.60 139 Amarwada 126.00 509.40 189.00 126.00 24.30 170.10 75.60 140 Chaurai 248.00 1,001.60 372.00 248.00 46.80 334.80 148.80 141 Harrai 287.00 1,169.40 430.50 287.00 64.40 387.50 172.20 142 Diken 359.00 1,663.80 538.50 359.00 285.20 481.10 215.40 143 Garoth 485.00 2,207.70 727.50 485.00 345.30 649.90 291.00

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 47 of 68

144 Barghat 599.00 2,304.80 898.50 599.00 - 807.30 359.40 145 Bichhua 282.00 1,085.10 423.00 282.00 - 380.10 169.20 146 Lodhikheda 329.00 1,265.90 493.50 329.00 - 443.40 197.40 147 Piplanarayanwar 205.00 788.80 307.50 205.00 - 276.30 123.00 148 Ratangarh 130.00 500.50 195.00 130.00 - 175.50 78.00 149 Jiran 143.00 550.60 214.50 143.00 - 193.10 85.80 150 Badawda(Ratlam) 150.00 619.60 225.00 150.00 72.10 172.50 90.00 151 Shujalpur 140.00 539.00 210.00 140.00 - 189.00 84.00 152 Paankhedi( Kalapipal) 131.00 537.60 196.50 131.00 59.40 150.70 78.60

153 Polaykalan 190.00 748.30 285.00 190.00 54.80 218.50 114.00 154 Taal 200.00 832.20 300.00 200.00 102.20 230.00 120.00 155 Makdon 464.00 2,006.40 696.00 464.00 312.80 533.60 278.40 156 Dhamnod (Ratlam) 150.00 606.70 225.00 150.00 59.20 172.50 90.00 157 Majholi(Jabalpur) 43.00 144.50 64.50 43.00 - 37.00 25.80 158 Patan 468.00 1,819.80 702.00 468.00 - 649.80 280.80 159 Baihar 183.00 969.10 274.50 183.00 142.40 369.20 109.80 160 Shahpura(Jabalpur) 402.00 1,748.70 603.00 402.00 201.00 542.70 241.20 161 Vijayraghavgarh 139.00 467.00 208.50 139.00 - 119.50 83.40 162 Semaria 137.00 527.20 205.50 137.00 - 184.70 82.20 163 Mungaoli 300.00 1,155.00 450.00 300.00 - 405.00 180.00 164 Burhanpur 1,571.00 6,048.40 2,356.50 1,571.00 - 2,120.90 942.60 Total: 90,333.00 3,61,563.40 1,35,499.50 90,333.00 13,803.50 1,21,927.40 54,199.80

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 48 of 68

Annexure VII A: Salient Details of 20 AHP projects submitted by State of Uttar Pradesh

(Rs. in lakh)

Implementation Name of No .of EWS Project Central State Beneficiary IA 1st instalment (40%) S. No. Agency (IA) Project City houses Cost Assistance Share Share Share of Central assistance Agra Development 1 Agra 2016 12539.52 3024 2016 4032 3467.52 1209.6 Authority Allahabad 2 Development Allahabad 312 2614.9 468 312 624 1210.9 187.2 Authority Bareily Development 3 Bareily 254 1234.57 381 254 508 91.57 152.4 Authority Ghaziabad 4 Development Ghaziabad 1440 10808.29 2160 1440 2880 4328.29 864 Authority Gorkhapur 5 Development Gorkhapur 384 3007.07 576 384 768 1279.07 230.4 Authority Kanpur Development 6 Kanpur 5040 33264 7560 5040 10080 10584 3024 Authority Kanpur Development 7 Kanpur 576 4521.6 864 576 1152 1929.6 345.6 Authority UP Housing & 8 Lucknow 992 8134.4 1488 992 1984 3670.4 595.2 Development Board UP Housing & 9 Lucknow 672 5510.4 1008 672 1344 2486.4 403.2 Development Board UP Housing & 10 Lucknow 960 7872 1440 960 1920 3552 576 Development Board UP Housing & 11 Lucknow 2128 17449.6 3192 2128 4256 7873.6 1276.8 Development Board

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 49 of 68

Lucknow 12 Development Lucknow 432 2656.8 648 432 864 712.8 259.2 Authority Lucknow 13 Development Lucknow 768 8040.96 1152 768 1536 4584.96 460.8 Authority Lucknow 14 Development Lucknow 912 9466.56 1368 912 1824 5362.56 547.2 Authority UP Housing & 15 Meerut 144 1193.04 216 144 288 545.04 86.4 Development Board Meerut Development 16 Meerut 384 1967.04 576 384 768 239.04 230.4 Authority Meerut Development 17 Meerut 128 655.68 192 128 256 79.68 76.8 Authority Meerut Development 18 Meerut 576 2950.56 864 576 1152 358.56 345.6 Authority UP Housing & 19 Moradabad 288 2165.29 432 288 576 869.29 172.8 Development Board UP Housing & 20 Sultanpur 192 1403.48 288 192 384 539.48 115.2 Development Board

Total 18598 137455.8 27897 18598 37196 53764.76 11158.8

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 50 of 68

Annexure VII B: Salient Details of 282 BLC (New) projects submitted by State of Uttar Pradesh

(Rs. in lakh)

Name of Project No. of EWS Central Beneficiary ULB 1st instalment (40%) of S. No. Project Cost State share City/ULB Houses assistance share share Central assistance 1 Ajhuwa NP 906 3041.42 1359.00 906.00 776.42 0.00 543.60 2 Chail NP 967 3246.20 1450.50 967.00 828.70 0.00 580.20 3 Sarai Aquil NP 689 2312.96 1033.50 689.00 590.46 0.00 413.40 4 Bharwari NP 32 107.42 48.00 32.00 27.42 0.00 19.20 5 Sirathu NP 299 1003.74 448.50 299.00 256.24 0.00 179.40 6 Manjhanpur NP 69 231.63 103.50 69.00 59.13 0.00 41.40 7 Mahoba NPP 527 1770.72 790.50 527.00 453.22 0.00 316.20 8 Agra NN 2153 7234.08 3229.50 2153.00 1851.58 0.00 1291.80 9 Kirawali NP 105 352.80 157.50 105.00 90.30 0.00 63.00 10 Fatehpur Sikri NPP 110 369.60 165.00 110.00 94.60 0.00 66.00 11 Fatehabad NP 102 342.72 153.00 102.00 87.72 0.00 61.20 12 Sikohabad NPP 71 238.56 106.50 71.00 61.06 0.00 42.60 13 Jasrana NP 20 67.20 30.00 20.00 17.20 0.00 12.00 14 Firozabad NN 609 2046.24 913.50 609.00 523.74 0.00 365.40 15 Tundla NPP 53 178.08 79.50 53.00 45.58 0.00 31.80 16 Fariha NP 24 80.64 36.00 24.00 20.64 0.00 14.40 17 Fatehpur NPP 3443 11558.08 5164.50 3443.00 2950.58 0.00 2065.80 18 Khaga NP 620 2081.33 930.00 620.00 531.33 0.00 372.00 19 Hathgram NP 515 1728.84 772.50 515.00 441.34 0.00 309.00

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 51 of 68

20 Lal Gopalganj NP 1050 3524.83 1575.00 1050.00 899.83 0.00 630.00 21 Allahabad NN 2137 7173.87 3205.50 2137.00 1831.37 0.00 1282.20 22 Pratapgarh City NP 314 1054.09 471.00 314.00 269.09 0.00 188.40 23 Antu NP 182 610.97 273.00 182.00 155.97 0.00 109.20 24 Bela Pratapgarh NPP 1024 3437.55 1536.00 1024.00 877.55 0.00 614.40 25 Mau NPP 989 3323.04 1483.50 989.00 850.54 0.00 593.40 26 Mahroni NP 93 312.20 139.50 93.00 79.70 0.00 55.80 27 Pali NP 52 174.56 78.00 52.00 44.56 0.00 31.20 28 Talbehat NP 42 140.99 63.00 42.00 35.99 0.00 25.20 29 Bakewar NP 44 147.71 66.00 44.00 37.71 0.00 26.40 30 Lakhna NP 129 433.05 193.50 129.00 110.55 0.00 77.40 31 Ekdil NP 330 1107.80 495.00 330.00 282.80 0.00 198.00 32 Barthana NPP 80 268.56 120.00 80.00 68.56 0.00 48.00 33 Jaswantnagar NPP 226 759.36 339.00 226.00 194.36 0.00 135.60 34 Etawah NPP 161 540.96 241.50 161.00 138.46 0.00 96.60 35 Rasulabad NP 83 278.63 124.50 83.00 71.13 0.00 49.80 36 Akbarpur NP 90 302.13 135.00 90.00 77.13 0.00 54.00 37 Derapur NP 11 36.93 16.50 11.00 9.43 0.00 6.60 38 Pukhrayan NPP 65 218.20 97.50 65.00 55.70 0.00 39.00 39 Shivli NP 69 231.63 103.50 69.00 59.13 0.00 41.40 40 Rura NP 117 392.77 175.50 117.00 100.27 0.00 70.20 41 Sikandra NP 35 117.49 52.50 35.00 29.99 0.00 21.00 42 Kanpur NN 1268 4256.65 1902.00 1268.00 1086.65 0.00 760.80

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 52 of 68

43 Dibiyapur NP 51 171.21 76.50 51.00 43.71 0.00 30.60 44 Phaphund NP 98 328.98 147.00 98.00 83.98 0.00 58.80 45 Achhalda NP 38 127.57 57.00 38.00 32.57 0.00 22.80 46 Talgram NP 186 624.40 279.00 186.00 159.40 0.00 111.60 47 Saurikh NP 85 285.34 127.50 85.00 72.84 0.00 51.00 48 Gursarhaiganj NPP 176 590.83 264.00 176.00 150.83 0.00 105.60 49 Chhibramau NPP 309 1037.31 463.50 309.00 264.81 0.00 185.40 50 Kannauj NPP 59 198.06 88.50 59.00 50.56 0.00 35.40 51 Gopamau NP 260 872.81 390.00 260.00 222.81 0.00 156.00 52 Bhagwantnagar NP 371 1245.44 556.50 371.00 317.94 0.00 222.60 53 Saifipur NP 711 2386.81 1066.50 711.00 609.31 0.00 426.60 54 Unnao NPP 534 1792.63 801.00 534.00 457.63 0.00 320.40 55 Bangarmau NPP 453 1520.71 679.50 453.00 388.21 0.00 271.80 56 Maurawan NP 252 845.96 378.00 252.00 215.96 0.00 151.20 57 Fatehpur Chaurasi NP 297 997.02 445.50 297.00 254.52 0.00 178.20 58 Auras NP 472 1584.49 708.00 472.00 404.49 0.00 283.20 59 Ganj Muradabad NP 312 1047.38 468.00 312.00 267.38 0.00 187.20 60 Ugu NP 89 298.77 133.50 89.00 76.27 0.00 53.40 61 Kursath NP 117 392.77 175.50 117.00 100.27 0.00 70.20 62 Sandi NPP 149 500.19 223.50 149.00 127.69 0.00 89.40 63 Madhoganj NP 45 151.06 67.50 45.00 38.56 0.00 27.00 64 Kachhauna Patseni NP 359 1204.50 538.50 359.00 307.00 0.00 215.40 65 Sandila NPP 281 943.31 421.50 281.00 240.81 0.00 168.60

Minutes of 29th CSMC / 27.12.2017 53 of 68

66 Bilgram NPP 106 355.84 159.00 106.00 90.84 0.00 63.60 67 Pali NP 126 422.98 189.00 126.00 107.98 0.00 75.60 68 Beniganj NP 270 906.38 405.00 270.00 231.38 0.00 162.00 69 Pihani NPP 391 1312.58 586.50 391.00 335.08 0.00 234.60 70 Mallawan NPP 310 1040.66 465.00 310.00 265.66 0.00 186.00 71 Shahabad NPP 257 862.74 385.50 257.00 220.24 0.00 154.20 72 Sitapur NPP 1097 3682.61 1645.50 1097.00 940.11 0.00 658.20 73 Biswan NPP 216 725.11 324.00 216.00 185.11 0.00 129.60 74 Khairabad NPP 1232 4135.80 1848.00 1232.00 1055.80 0.00 739.20 75 Lucknow NN 1020 3424.12 1530.00 1020.00 874.12 0.00 612.00 76 Satrikh NP 33 110.78 49.50 33.00 28.28 0.00 19.80 77 Akbarpur NPP 2528 8486.45 3792.00 2528.00 2166.45 0.00 1516.80 78 Tanda NPP 437 1467.00 655.50 437.00 374.50 0.00 262.20 79 Nawabganj NPP 243 815.75 364.50 243.00 208.25 0.00 145.80 80 Ramnagar NP 333 1117.87 499.50 333.00 285.37 0.00 199.80 81 Jaidpur NP 290 973.52 435.00 290.00 248.52 0.00 174.00 82 Dariyabad NP 275 923.17 412.50 275.00 235.67 0.00 165.00 83 Siddhaur NP 287 963.45 430.50 287.00 245.95 0.00 172.20 84 Deva NP 112 375.98 168.00 112.00 95.98 0.00 67.20 85 Fatehpur NP 33 110.78 49.50 33.00 28.28 0.00 19.80 86 Banki NP 68 228.27 102.00 68.00 58.27 0.00 40.80 87 Tikaitnagar NP 23 77.21 34.50 23.00 19.71 0.00 13.80 88 Faizabad NPP 311 1044.02 466.50 311.00 266.52 0.00 186.60

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89 Ayodhya NPP 868 2913.86 1302.00 868.00 743.86 0.00 520.80 90 Bikapur NP 73 245.06 109.50 73.00 62.56 0.00 43.80 91 Rudauli NPP 294 986.95 441.00 294.00 251.95 0.00 176.40 92 Badarsa NP 39 130.92 58.50 39.00 33.42 0.00 23.40 93 Salon NP 19 63.78 28.50 19.00 16.28 0.00 11.40 94 Parsadepur NP 37 124.21 55.50 37.00 31.71 0.00 22.20 95 Sultanpur NPP 66 221.56 99.00 66.00 56.56 0.00 39.60 96 Dostpur NP 60 201.42 90.00 60.00 51.42 0.00 36.00 97 Koeripur NP 26 87.28 39.00 26.00 22.28 0.00 15.60 98 Saidpur 497 1669.92 745.50 497.00 427.42 0.00 298.20 99 Bahadurganj NP 328 1102.08 492.00 328.00 282.08 0.00 196.80 100 Ghazipur NPP 1088 3655.68 1632.00 1088.00 935.68 0.00 652.80 101 Badlapur NP 127 426.72 190.50 127.00 109.22 0.00 76.20 102 Mogra badshahpur NPP 134 450.24 201.00 134.00 115.24 0.00 80.40 103 Jaunpur NPP 228 766.08 342.00 228.00 196.08 0.00 136.80 104 Kulpahar NP 213 715.68 319.50 213.00 183.18 0.00 127.80 105 Varanasi NN 560 1881.60 840.00 560.00 481.60 0.00 336.00 106 Barsana NP 228 866.40 342.00 228.00 296.40 0.00 136.80 107 Chaumuhan NP 225 855.00 337.50 225.00 292.50 0.00 135.00 108 Raya NP 72 273.60 108.00 72.00 93.60 0.00 43.20 109 Chhata NP 276 1048.80 414.00 276.00 358.80 0.00 165.60 110 Bajna NP 67 254.60 100.50 67.00 87.10 0.00 40.20 111 Baldeo NP 41 155.80 61.50 41.00 53.30 0.00 24.60

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112 Mathura Vrindavan NPP 646 2454.80 969.00 646.00 839.80 0.00 387.60 113 Farah NP 27 102.60 40.50 27.00 35.10 0.00 16.20 114 Mahaban NP 49 186.20 73.50 49.00 63.70 0.00 29.40 115 NP 75 285.00 112.50 75.00 97.50 0.00 45.00 116 Bilram NP 74 281.20 111.00 74.00 96.20 0.00 44.40 117 NPP 41 155.80 61.50 41.00 53.30 0.00 24.60 118 Sahawar NP 87 330.60 130.50 87.00 113.10 0.00 52.20 119 Patiyali NP 48 182.40 72.00 48.00 62.40 0.00 28.80 120 NP 356 1352.80 534.00 356.00 462.80 0.00 213.60 121 Mohanpur NP 43 163.40 64.50 43.00 55.90 0.00 25.80 122 NPP 425 1615.00 637.50 425.00 552.50 0.00 255.00 123 Bhargain NP 121 459.80 181.50 121.00 157.30 0.00 72.60 124 Awagargh NP 36 136.80 54.00 36.00 46.80 0.00 21.60 125 Nadhauli Kalan NP 69 262.20 103.50 69.00 89.70 0.00 41.40 126 Aliganj NPP 22 83.60 33.00 22.00 28.60 0.00 13.20 127 Etah NPP 80 304.00 120.00 80.00 104.00 0.00 48.00 128 Jaleshar NPP 228 866.40 342.00 228.00 296.40 0.00 136.80 129 Marehra NPP 81 307.80 121.50 81.00 105.30 0.00 48.60 130 Raja ka Rampur NP 44 167.20 66.00 44.00 57.20 0.00 26.40 131 Hathras NPP 92 349.60 138.00 92.00 119.60 0.00 55.20 132 Purdilnagar NPP 45 171.00 67.50 45.00 58.50 0.00 27.00 133 Sadabad NP 230 874.00 345.00 230.00 299.00 0.00 138.00 134 Hasayan NP 134 509.20 201.00 134.00 174.20 0.00 80.40

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135 Sahpau NP 45 171.00 67.50 45.00 58.50 0.00 27.00 136 Sikandrarau NPP 138 524.40 207.00 138.00 179.40 0.00 82.80 137 Aligarh NN 1505 5719.00 2257.50 1505.00 1956.50 0.00 903.00 138 Atrauli NPP 65 247.00 97.50 65.00 84.50 0.00 39.00 139 Beswan NP 101 383.80 151.50 101.00 131.30 0.00 60.60 140 Kauriaganj NP 57 216.60 85.50 57.00 74.10 0.00 34.20 141 Charra NP 121 459.80 181.50 121.00 157.30 0.00 72.60 142 Jatari NP 69 262.20 103.50 69.00 89.70 0.00 41.40 143 Khair NP 384 1459.20 576.00 384.00 499.20 0.00 230.40 144 Pilkhana NP 21 79.80 31.50 21.00 27.30 0.00 12.60 145 Harduaganj NP 56 212.80 84.00 56.00 72.80 0.00 33.60 146 Jalali NP 125 475.00 187.50 125.00 162.50 0.00 75.00 147 Vijaygarh NP 23 87.40 34.50 23.00 29.90 0.00 13.80 148 Sikanderpur NP 350 1330.00 525.00 350.00 455.00 0.00 210.00 149 Rasra NPP 310 1178.00 465.00 310.00 403.00 0.00 186.00 150 Ballia NPP 700 2660.00 1050.00 700.00 910.00 0.00 420.00 151 Khutar NP 380 1444.00 570.00 380.00 494.00 0.00 228.00 152 Kanth NP 166 630.80 249.00 166.00 215.80 0.00 99.60 153 Shahjahanpur NPP 1443 5483.40 2164.50 1443.00 1875.90 0.00 865.80 154 Puwaya NPP 101 383.80 151.50 101.00 131.30 0.00 60.60 155 Tilhar NPP 457 1736.60 685.50 457.00 594.10 0.00 274.20 156 Rly. Settlement Roza NP 30 114.00 45.00 30.00 39.00 0.00 18.00 157 Baheri NPP 205 779.00 307.50 205.00 266.50 0.00 123.00

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158 Thiriya Nizamat Khan NP 183 695.40 274.50 183.00 237.90 0.00 109.80 159 Sirauli NP 497 1888.60 745.50 497.00 646.10 0.00 298.20 160 Dhaura Tanda NP 356 1352.80 534.00 356.00 462.80 0.00 213.60 161 Shergarh NP 233 885.40 349.50 233.00 302.90 0.00 139.80 162 Fatehganj Paschimi NP 453 1721.40 679.50 453.00 588.90 0.00 271.80 163 Fatehganj Purvi NP 63 239.40 94.50 63.00 81.90 0.00 37.80 164 Richha NP 148 562.40 222.00 148.00 192.40 0.00 88.80 165 Sainthal NP 286 1086.80 429.00 286.00 371.80 0.00 171.60 166 Faridpur NP 51 193.80 76.50 51.00 66.30 0.00 30.60 167 Mirganj NP 153 581.40 229.50 153.00 198.90 0.00 91.80 168 Nawabganj NPP 45 171.00 67.50 45.00 58.50 0.00 27.00 169 Bisharatganj NP 507 1926.60 760.50 507.00 659.10 0.00 304.20 170 Shahi NP 27 102.60 40.50 27.00 35.10 0.00 16.20 171 Aonla NPP 180 684.00 270.00 180.00 234.00 0.00 108.00 172 Shishgarh NP 581 2207.80 871.50 581.00 755.30 0.00 348.60 173 Rithora NP 28 106.40 42.00 28.00 36.40 0.00 16.80 174 Faridpur NPP 153 581.40 229.50 153.00 198.90 0.00 91.80 175 Bareilly NN 1064 4043.20 1596.00 1064.00 1383.20 0.00 638.40 176 Pilipbhit NPP 1051 3993.80 1576.50 1051.00 1366.30 0.00 630.60 177 Bilsi NPP 430 1634.00 645.00 430.00 559.00 0.00 258.00 178 Faijganj NP 153 581.40 229.50 153.00 198.90 0.00 91.80 179 Islamanagar NP 156 592.80 234.00 156.00 202.80 0.00 93.60 180 Kakrala NP 473 1797.40 709.50 473.00 614.90 0.00 283.80

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181 Kachhla NP 163 619.40 244.50 163.00 211.90 0.00 97.80 182 Rudayan NP 34 129.20 51.00 34.00 44.20 0.00 20.40 183 Sakhanu NPP 114 433.20 171.00 114.00 148.20 0.00 68.40 184 Sahaswan NP 377 1432.60 565.50 377.00 490.10 0.00 226.20 185 Alapur NP 634 2409.20 951.00 634.00 824.20 0.00 380.40 186 Bisauli NPP 231 877.80 346.50 231.00 300.30 0.00 138.60 187 Dataganj NPP 566 2150.80 849.00 566.00 735.80 0.00 339.60 188 Ushait NP 370 1406.00 555.00 370.00 481.00 0.00 222.00 189 Ujhani NP 362 1375.60 543.00 362.00 470.60 0.00 217.20 190 Usawan NP 616 2340.80 924.00 616.00 800.80 0.00 369.60 191 Paliyakalan NPP 1010 3846.35 1515.00 1010.00 1321.35 0.00 606.00 192 Kheri NP 735 2799.08 1102.50 735.00 961.58 0.00 441.00 193 Lakhimpur NPP 1017 3873.01 1525.50 1017.00 1330.51 0.00 610.20 194 Gola Gokaran Nath NPP 539 2052.66 808.50 539.00 705.16 0.00 323.40 195 Rabupura NP 89 338.94 133.50 89.00 116.44 0.00 53.40 196 Bilaspur NP 26 99.02 39.00 26.00 34.02 0.00 15.60 197 Dankaur NP 31 118.06 46.50 31.00 40.56 0.00 18.60 198 Baghpat NPP 105 399.87 157.50 105.00 137.37 0.00 63.00 199 Baraut NPP 203 773.08 304.50 203.00 265.58 0.00 121.80 200 Aminagar Sarai 98 373.21 147.00 98.00 128.21 0.00 58.80 201 Khekada NPP 134 510.31 201.00 134.00 175.31 0.00 80.40 202 Bulandshahar NPP 735 2799.08 1102.50 735.00 961.58 0.00 441.00 203 Khurja NPP 768 2924.75 1152.00 768.00 1004.75 0.00 460.80

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204 Naraura NP 153 582.67 229.50 153.00 200.17 0.00 91.80 205 Meerut NN 7435 28314.49 11152.50 7435.00 9726.99 0.00 4461.00 206 Kharkhoda NP 31 118.06 46.50 31.00 40.56 0.00 18.60 207 Hapur NPP 301 1146.29 451.50 301.00 393.79 0.00 180.60 208 Ghaziabad NN 1527 5815.23 2290.50 1527.00 1997.73 0.00 916.20 209 Loni NPP 78 297.05 117.00 78.00 102.05 0.00 46.80 210 Modinagar NPP 181 689.30 271.50 181.00 236.80 0.00 108.60 211 Muradnagar NPP 159 605.51 238.50 159.00 208.01 0.00 95.40 212 Gulawati NPP 153 582.67 229.50 153.00 200.17 0.00 91.80 213 Khanpur NP 62 236.11 93.00 62.00 81.11 0.00 37.20 214 Anoopshahar NPP 90 342.74 135.00 90.00 117.74 0.00 54.00 215 Syana NPP 49 186.61 73.50 49.00 64.11 0.00 29.40 216 Chandausi NPP 136 516.80 204.00 136.00 176.80 0.00 81.60 217 Seohara NPP 125 475.00 187.50 125.00 162.50 0.00 75.00 218 Nazibabad NPP 369 1402.20 553.50 369.00 479.70 0.00 221.40 219 Bijnor NPP 282 1071.60 423.00 282.00 366.60 0.00 169.20 220 Kiratpur NPP 21 79.80 31.50 21.00 27.30 0.00 12.60 221 Nehtaur NPP 172 653.60 258.00 172.00 223.60 0.00 103.20 222 Dhanaura NPP 261 991.80 391.50 261.00 339.30 0.00 156.60 223 Moradabad NN 3045 11571.00 4567.50 3045.00 3958.50 0.00 1827.00 224 Umrikalan NP 27 102.60 40.50 27.00 35.10 0.00 16.20 225 Bhojpur Dharampur NP 402 1527.60 603.00 402.00 522.60 0.00 241.20 226 Bilari NPP 551 2093.80 826.50 551.00 716.30 0.00 330.60

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227 Rampur NPP 402 1527.60 603.00 402.00 522.60 0.00 241.20 228 Tanda NPP 46 174.80 69.00 46.00 59.80 0.00 27.60 229 Rampur Karkhana NP 41 155.80 61.50 41.00 53.30 0.00 24.60 230 Bhatni Bazar NP 116 440.80 174.00 116.00 150.80 0.00 69.60 231 Majhauliraj NP 498 1892.40 747.00 498.00 647.40 0.00 298.80 232 Gaurabarhaz NPP 186 706.80 279.00 186.00 241.80 0.00 111.60 233 Rudrapur NP 134 509.20 201.00 134.00 174.20 0.00 80.40 234 Lar NP 92 349.60 138.00 92.00 119.60 0.00 55.20 235 Bhatpar Rani NP 267 1014.60 400.50 267.00 347.10 0.00 160.20 236 Hata NP 784 2979.20 1176.00 784.00 1019.20 0.00 470.40 237 Gorakhpur NN 1555 5909.00 2332.50 1555.00 2021.50 0.00 933.00 238 Banat NP 80 304.66 120.00 80.00 104.66 0.00 48.00 239 Garhi Pukhta NP 44 167.56 66.00 44.00 57.56 0.00 26.40 240 Ailam NP 74 281.81 111.00 74.00 96.81 0.00 44.40 241 Shamli NPP 165 628.36 247.50 165.00 215.86 0.00 99.00 242 Jhinjhana NP 50 190.41 75.00 50.00 65.41 0.00 30.00 243 Un NP 201 765.46 301.50 201.00 262.96 0.00 120.60 244 Thana bhawan NP 854 3252.26 1281.00 854.00 1117.26 0.00 512.40 245 Jalalabad NP 261 993.96 391.50 261.00 341.46 0.00 156.60 246 Kandhla NPP 636 2422.06 954.00 636.00 832.06 0.00 381.60 247 Saharanpur NN 2034 7746.02 3051.00 2034.00 2661.02 0.00 1220.40 248 Purqazi NP 277 1054.89 415.50 277.00 362.39 0.00 166.20 249 Atarra NPP 426 1618.80 639.00 426.00 553.80 0.00 255.60

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250 Banda NPP 474 1801.20 711.00 474.00 616.20 0.00 284.40 251 Chunar NPP 239 908.20 358.50 239.00 310.70 0.00 143.40 252 Mirzapur NPP 2265 8607.00 3397.50 2265.00 2944.50 0.00 1359.00 253 Aharoura NPP 26 98.80 39.00 26.00 33.80 0.00 15.60 254 Kachhwa NP 48 182.40 72.00 48.00 62.40 0.00 28.80 255 Bhadohi NP 394 1497.20 591.00 394.00 512.20 0.00 236.40 256 Khamariya NP 460 1748.00 690.00 460.00 598.00 0.00 276.00 257 Gyanpur NP 49 186.20 73.50 49.00 63.70 0.00 29.40 258 Nai Bazar NP 22 83.60 33.00 22.00 28.60 0.00 13.20 259 Ghosia NP 221 839.80 331.50 221.00 287.30 0.00 132.60 260 Suriyawan NP 224 851.20 336.00 224.00 291.20 0.00 134.40 261 Gopiganj NP 50 190.00 75.00 50.00 65.00 0.00 30.00 262 Obra NP 26 98.80 39.00 26.00 33.80 0.00 15.60 263 Ghorawal NP 60 228.00 90.00 60.00 78.00 0.00 36.00 264 Chopan NP 38 144.40 57.00 38.00 49.40 0.00 22.80 265 Churk Ghurma NP 278 1056.40 417.00 278.00 361.40 0.00 166.80 266 Dudhi NP 103 391.40 154.50 103.00 133.90 0.00 61.80 267 Balrampur NPP 509 1934.20 763.50 509.00 661.70 0.00 305.40 268 Utraula NP 145 551.00 217.50 145.00 188.50 0.00 87.00 269 Tulsipur NP 59 224.20 88.50 59.00 76.70 0.00 35.40 270 Pachperwa NP 114 433.20 171.00 114.00 148.20 0.00 68.40 271 Uska Bazar NP 510 1938.00 765.00 510.00 663.00 0.00 306.00 272 Shohratgarh NP 77 292.60 115.50 77.00 100.10 0.00 46.20

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273 Orai NPP 1502 5720.02 2253.00 1502.00 1965.02 0.00 901.20 274 Kaunch NPP 130 495.08 195.00 130.00 170.08 0.00 78.00 275 Jalaun NPP 165 628.36 247.50 165.00 215.86 0.00 99.00 276 Kotra NP 49 186.60 73.50 49.00 64.10 0.00 29.40 277 Nadigaon NP 33 125.67 49.50 33.00 43.17 0.00 19.80 278 Rampura NP 27 102.82 40.50 27.00 35.32 0.00 16.20 279 Jhansi NN 730 2780.03 1095.00 730.00 955.03 0.00 438.00 280 Samthar NPP 771 2936.17 1156.50 771.00 1008.67 0.00 462.60 281 Chirgaon NPP 50 190.41 75.00 50.00 65.41 0.00 30.00 282 Gursarai NPP 60 228.49 90.00 60.00 78.49 0.00 36.00 Total 102047 370162.94 153,070.50 102047.00 115045.44 0.00 61,228.20

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Annexure VIII A: Salient details of 19 ISSR projects submitted by State of Jharkhand

(Rs. in lakh)

Central Beneficiary Share 1st instalment of S. Name of Project/ City/ No. of No. of Total Project Developer Assistance (@ Rs 0.50 lakh per central assistance No ULB houses projects cost Share (@ Rs.1.0 lakh) house) (40 %)

1 Madhupur 60 1 982.00 60.00 30.00 892.00 24.00 2 Lohardaga 140 1 4708.00 140.00 70.00 4498.00 56.00 3 Ranchi 9320 2 195730.00 9,320.00 4660.00 181750.00 3728.00 4 Dhanbad 1224 5 37448.00 1,224.00 612.00 35612.00 489.60 5 Gumla 75 1 813.00 75.00 37.50 700.50 30.00 6 Khunti 420 1 3835.00 420.00 210.00 3205.00 168.00 7 Bundu 50 1 1966.00 50.00 25.00 1891.00 20.00 8 Medininagar 680 1 13,665.00 680.00 340.00 12,645.00 272.00 9 Garhwa 160 1 4006.00 160.00 80.00 3766.00 64.00 10 Latehar 820 1 16,603.00 820.00 410.00 15373.00 328.00 11 Hazaribagh 220 1 5,649.00 220.00 110.00 5319.00 88.00 12 Chirkunda 500 2 12,636.00 500.00 250.00 11886.00 200.00 13 Simdega 120 1 1137.00 120.00 60.00 957.00 48.00 Total 13,789 19 2,99,178.00 13,789.00 6,894.50 2,78,494.50 5,515.60

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Annexure VIII B: Salient details of 17 AHP projects submitted by State of Jharkhand (Rs. in lakh)

Central Assistance Beneficiary Share 1st instalment of S. No Name of project/ ULB Project Location No. of houses Total Project Cost State Share (@ Rs.1.5 lakh) (@ Rs 0.50 lakh) central assistance 1 Sahibganj Laltok 180 1129.00 270 90 769.00 108.00

2 Bundu Tangra Toli 85 849.00 127.5 42.5 679.00 51.00

3 Deoghar Karnibad 640 4071.00 960 320 2791.00 384.00

4 Madhupur Nawadih 120 806.00 180 60 566.00 72.00

Kangoi 260 390 130 156.00 5 Mihijam 4766.00 3246.00 Butberia 500 750 250 300.00

6 Dumka Dudhani 160 1,083.00 240 80 763.00 96.00

7 Ramgarh Kaitha 170 1,599.00 255 85 1259.00 102.00

8 Jamtara Jamtara no. 3 70 464.00 105 35 324.00 42.00

9 Lohardaga Juriya 412 3,481.00 618 206 2,657.00 247.20

10 Seraikela Norodih 52 423.00 78 26 319.00 31.20

11 Garhwa Sonpurwa 360 2,643.00 540 180 1923.00 216.00

12 Medininagar Aghori Ashram 420 3,045.00 630 210 2205.00 252.00

Mandaikhurd 380 570 190 228.00 13 Hazaribagh 4026.00 2946.00 Lakhe 160 240 80 96.00

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Kala pathar 800 1200 400 480.00 14 Chas 7768.00 5808.00 Bhawanipur 180 270 90 108.00

15 Chirkunda Subhas nagar 140 962.00 210 70 682.00 84.00

16 Simdega Saldega 520 4215.42 780 260 3175.00 312.00 408.00 17 Ranchi Samlong 680 5517.11 1020 340 4157.11

TOTAL 6,289 46,847.53 9,433.50 3,144.50 34,269.11 3,773.40

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Annexure VIII C: Salient details of 24 BLC (New) projects submitted by State of Jharkhand

(Rs. in lakh)

Central Assistance @ State Share Beneficiaries Contribution 1st installment of S. No. ULB No. of Beneficiaries Total Project Rs.1.5 lakh (@ Rs. 0.75 lakh) (@ Rs. 1.37 lakh) central assistance 1 Bishrampur 894 3237.17 1341.00 670.50 1225.67 536.40 2 Basukinath 454 1643.93 681.00 340.50 622.43 272.40 3 Bundu 60 217.26 90.00 45.00 82.26 36.00 4 Chaibasa 162 586.60 243.00 121.50 222.10 97.20 5 Chakardharpur 148 535.91 222.00 111.00 202.91 88.80 6 Chakulia 397 1437.54 595.50 297.75 544.29 238.20 7 Chas 955 3458.06 1432.50 716.25 1309.31 573.00 8 Deoghar 802 2904.04 1203.00 601.50 1099.54 481.20 9 Dumka 189 684.37 283.50 141.75 259.12 113.40 10 Garhwa 149 539.53 223.50 111.75 204.28 89.40 11 Giridih 1612 5837.05 2418.00 1209.00 2210.05 967.20 12 Godda 241 872.66 361.50 180.75 330.41 144.60 13 Gumla 1070 3874.47 1605.00 802.50 1466.97 642.00 14 Jamtara 448 1622.21 672.00 336.00 614.21 268.80 15 Jugsalai 6 21.73 9.00 4.50 8.23 3.60 16 Khunti 213 771.27 319.50 159.75 292.02 127.80 17 Latehar 219 793.00 328.50 164.25 300.25 131.40 18 Medininagar 257 930.60 385.50 192.75 352.35 154.20 19 Mihijam 80 289.68 120.00 60.00 109.68 48.00 20 Nagar Uttari 1492 5402.53 2238.00 1119.00 2045.53 895.20 21 Rajmahal 53 191.91 79.50 39.75 72.66 31.80

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22 Ranchi 426 1542.55 639.00 319.50 584.05 255.60 23 Seraikela 43 155.70 64.50 32.25 58.95 25.80 24 Simdega 38 137.60 57.00 28.50 52.10 22.80 Total 10,408 37,687.37 15,612.00 7,806.00 14,269.37 6244.80

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