RESEARCH ARTICLE NORTH AMERICAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH (NAAR) JOURNAL 2021, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1, PAGES 191-199 Comparison of Pashto and Dari Noun Cases Ahmadullah kargar1* 1Department of Pashto, University of Paktia, Afghanistan ABSTRACT Comparison of Pashto and Dari noun cases is syntactical issue Accepted Jan 21,2021 which is just belong to Pashto and Dari official languages of Published Jan 26,2021 Afghanistan. The study used qualitative descriptive method to *Corresponding Author: find out similarities and difference in noun cases of Pashto and Ahmadullah kargar Dari languages. The result of this study showed that both
[email protected] languages has differences in noun cases. In addition, the result DOI : also elucidated that in Pashto language nominative, vocative enodo.4468199 and little bit accusative case are alive which are real oblique Pages: 191-199 cases and the other cases are appearing by the support of some Funding: N/A preposition and postposition. On the other hand, without Distributed under vocative case, Dari language also appear noun cases by the aid Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 of some preposition and postposition. Copyright: © The Author(s) Keywords: Case marks, Direct form, Noun case, Oblique form How to cite this article (APA): Ahmadullah kargar (2021). Comparison of Pashto and Dari Noun Cases. North American Academic Research, 4(1), 191- 199.doi: zenodo.4468199 Conflicts of Interest There are no conflicts to declare. Introduction Pashto and Dari are Members of Indo-European language family, which are belong to Indo-Aryan branch and Aryan Group.