CONTENTS YEAR IN REVIEW President’s report 2 Executive director’s report 6 ABOUT US Bar Council and office bearers 10 Bar Association staff 11 Statistics 12 Events 14 REPORTS Arranging & promoting continuing professional development 16 Promoting the interests of practising barristers 20 Making recommendations and promoting the administration of justice 33 Promoting access to justice 48 Professional Conduct Department 55 APPOINTMENTS Bar Association committees, sections, working parties 62 Courts, legal professional bodies, educational institutions, statutory authorities 64 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Bar Association financial statements 70 Barristers’ Benevolent Association 92 Indigenous Barristers’ Trust 106 CORPORATE DIRECTORY Registered office Bankers Lower Ground Floor National Australia Bank Selborne Chambers 75 Elizabeth Street 174 Phillip Street Sydney 2000 Sydney 2000 Ph : + 61 2 9232 4055 Annual General Meeting Fax :+ 61 2 9221 1149 The Annual General Meeting will be held at 5.00pm on Auditor 6 November 2014 in the Bar Association Common Room. HLB Mann Judd (NSW Partnership) Level 19 207 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 E-mail:
[email protected] YEAR IN REVIEW PRESIDENT’S REPORT Jane Needham SC @NSWBarPresident The New South Wales Bar was privileged to benefit from the leadership of Philip Boulten SC for most of the 2013 and 2014. I was elected president on Boulten SC’s resignation on 22 May 2014, and so a report on the 2013–14 year must draw heavily on his achievements. A matter of focus for the Bar Association has been an improvement in communications. In February 2014, the Bar Council approved social media guidelines for use of the association’s LinkedIn and Twitter presences.