Tréhu, A.M., Bohrmann, G., Torres, M.E., and Colwell, F.S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Volume 204 2. SEISMIC SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY AND TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF SOUTHERN HYDRATE RIDGE1 Johanna Chevallier,2,3 Anne M. Tréhu,2 Nathan L. Bangs,4 Joel E. Johnson,2,5 and H. Jack Meyer6 ABSTRACT 1Chevallier, J., Tréhu, A.M., Bangs, N.L., Johnson, J.E., and Meyer, H.J., This paper presents a seismic sequence and structural analysis of a 2006. Seismic sequence stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of southern high-resolution three-dimensional seismic reflection survey that was Hydrate Ridge. In Tréhu, A.M., acquired in June 2000 in preparation for Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Bohrmann, G., Torres, M.E., and Leg 204. The seismic data were correlated with coring and logging re- Colwell, F.S. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. sults from nine sites drilled in 2002 during Leg 204. The stratigraphic Results, 204: College Station, TX and structural evolution of this complex accretionary ridge through (Ocean Drilling Program), 1–29. doi:10.2973/ time, as inferred from seismic-stratigraphic units and depositional se- 2COAS, Oregon State University, quences imaged by the seismic data, is presented as a series of inter- Ocean Administration Building 104, preted seismic cross sections and horizon time or isopach maps across Corvallis OR 97331, USA. southern Hydrate Ridge. Our reconstruction starts at ~1.2 Ma with a Correspondence author: shift of the frontal thrust from seaward to landward vergent and thrust-
[email protected] 3Present address: Wintershall AG, ing of abyssal plain sediments over the older deformed and accreted Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 160, D-34119 units that form the core of Hydrate Ridge.