Available online at www.sciencedirect.com R Marine Geology 202 (2003) 79^120 www.elsevier.com/locate/margeo Geophysical constraints on the surface distribution of authigenic carbonates across the Hydrate Ridge region, Cascadia margin Joel E. Johnson a;Ã, Chris Gold¢nger a, Erwin Suess b a Oregon State University, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, 104 Ocean Admin. Bldg., Corvallis, OR 97331, USA b GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, 24148 Kiel, Germany Received 28 June 2002; received in revised form 30 June 2003; accepted 18 August 2003 Abstract On active tectonic margins methane-rich pore fluids are expelled during the sediment compaction and dewatering that accompany accretionary wedge development. Once these fluids reach the shallow subsurface they become oxidized and precipitate cold seep authigenic carbonates. Faults or high-porosity stratigraphic horizons can serve as conduits for fluid flow, which can be derived from deep within the wedge and/or, if at seafloor depths greater than V300 m, from the shallow source of methane and water contained in subsurface and surface gas hydrates. The distribution of fluid expulsion sites can be mapped regionally using sidescan sonar systems, which record the locations of surface and slightly buried authigenic carbonates due to their impedence contrast with the surrounding hemipelagic sediment. Hydrate Ridge lies within the gas hydrate stability field offshore central Oregon and during the last 15 years several studies have documented gas hydrate and cold seep carbonate occurrence in the region. In 1999, we collected deep-towed SeaMARC 30 sidescan sonar imagery across the Hydrate Ridge region to determine the spatial distribution of cold seep carbonates and their relationship to subsurface structure and the underlying gas hydrate system. High backscatter on the imagery is divided into three categories, (I) circular to blotchy with apparent surface roughness, (II) circular to blotchy with no apparent surface roughness, and (III) streaky to continuous with variable surface roughness. We interpret the distribution of high backscatter, as well as the locations of mud volcanoes and pockmarks, to indicate variations in the intensity and activity of fluid flow across the Hydrate Ridge region. Seafloor observations and sampling verify the acoustic signals across the survey area and aid in this interpretation. Subsurface structural mapping and swath bathymetry suggest the fluid venting is focused at the crests of anticlinal structures like Hydrate Ridge and the uplifts along the Daisy Bank fault zone. Geochemical parameters link authigenic carbonates on Hydrate Ridge to the underlying gas hydrate system and suggest that some of the carbonates have formed in equilibrium with fluids derived directly from the destabilization of gas hydrate. This suggests carbonates are formed not only from the methane in ascending fluids from depth, but also from the shallow source of methane released during the dissociation of gas hydrate. The decreased occurrence of high-backscatter patches and the dramatic reduction in pockmark fields, imaged on the eastern part of the survey, suggest gas hydrate near its upper stability limit may be easily destabilized and thus, responsible for these seafloor features. High backscatter along the left-lateral Daisy Bank fault suggests a long history of deep-seated fluid venting, probably unrelated to destabilized gas hydrate in the subsurface. * Corresponding author. Fax: +1-541-737-2064. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.E. Johnson). 0025-3227 / 03 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0025-3227(03)00268-8 MARGO 3397 29-10-03 80 J.E. Johnson et al. / Marine Geology 202 (2003) 79^120 ß 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: SeaMARC 30; sidescan sonar; gas hydrate; £uid £ow; accretionary wedge 1. Introduction ROVs, tv-camera tows, and coring and dredging devices. Pore £uid expulsion is a common process in The ¢rst documentation of authigenic carbon- accretionary wedges on active continental margins ates and chemosynthetic biological communities and is coincident with the dehydration and com- associated with pore £uid expulsion on an active paction of the sediment column during accretion- continental margin occurred at the ¢rst accretion- ary wedge development. Fluid expulsion can (1) ary ridge west of Hydrate Ridge, o¡shore central be episodic along high-porosity stratigraphic ho- Oregon (Fig. 1), in the mid-1980s (Suess et al., rizons and/or faults exposed at the sea£oor (e.g. 1985; Kulm et al., 1986; Ritger et al., 1987). Since Kulm et al., 1986; Lewis and Cochrane, 1990; then, other sites along the Paci¢c rim have also Moore and Vrolijk, 1992; Sample, 1996; Sample been discovered (e.g. Henry et al., 1989; Le Pi- and Reid, 1998), (2) occur during mud volcanism chon et al., 1992; Ohta and Laubier, 1987). The (e.g. Brown, 1990; Kopf, 2002), and/or (3) occur occurrence of authigenic carbonates on Hydrate during di¡use, intergranular £uid £ow (e.g. Ridge was documented during ODP (Ocean Drill- Moore and Vrolijk, 1992 and references therein). ing Program) Leg 146 drilling in 1992(see West- An abundant component in the £uids escaping brook et al., 1993), inferred from reprocessed from organic-rich accretionary wedges is dissolved GLORIA sidescan sonar imagery by Carson et thermogenic and biogenic methane. When sub- al. (1994), and further constrained by submersible jected to the lower temperature, lower pressure, observations and sea£oor sampling (e.g. Torres et and oxidizing bacteria-rich environment near the al., 1999; Bohrmann et al., 2000; Greinert et al., sea£oor surface, these methane-rich £uids can 2001). Gas hydrates are also well developed at precipitate cold seep carbonates of aragonite, cal- Hydrate Ridge and were ¢rst inferred on seismic cite, and/or dolomite compositions (Ritger et al., re£ection pro¢les collected as the site survey for 1987; Greinert et al., 2001). In addition, some of ODP sites 891 and 892( MacKay et al., 1992). The this methane is temporarily incorporated as free widespread distribution of the BSR (bottom sim- gas into the gas hydrate fabric near the sea£oor ulating re£ector), marking the base of gas hydrate prior to expulsion (Suess et al., 2001), if at high stability (Hyndman and Spence, 1992), or the top enough gas concentrations and appropriate pres- of a free gas zone trapped beneath the hydrate sure (water depths at least 300 m) and temper- (MacKay et al., 1994), suggests the ridge is ature (bottom water temperatures approaching capped by gas hydrate (Tre¤hu et al., 1999). The 0‡C) conditions (Kvenvolden, 1993). ¢rst recovery of gas hydrate on Hydrate Ridge Both surface and deep-towed sidescan sonar occurred during ODP Leg 146 at site 892( Hov- surveys o¡er a unique method for regional map- land et al., 1995) when the crest of the northern ping of sea£oor £uid venting sites because the summit was drilled through a hydrologically ac- acoustic impedence contrast (densityUsound tive fault (Fig. 1). Since then, several researchers velocity) between the authigenic carbonates pre- have returned to collect samples of the gas hy- cipitated at these sites and the surrounding drate and authigenic carbonates and to conduct hemipelagic sediments is detectable. Sidescan so- other geophysical surveys to characterize the be- nar surveys are valuable because they provide a havior of the hydrate system in this active tectonic regional-scale survey of sea£oor £uid venting oc- setting (e.g. Torres et al., 1999; Bohrmann et al., currences and distributions, and they also help 2000; Suess et al., 1999, 2001; Tre¤hu et al., 2002; guide later sea£oor observation and sampling this study). e¡orts conducted with manned submersibles, On Hydrate Ridge and in other accretionary MARGO 3397 29-10-03 J.E. Johnson et al. / Marine Geology 202 (2003) 79^120 81 Fig. 1. Shaded relief bathymetry of the Hydrate Ridge region. Contour interval is 100 m and bathymetric grid is 100-m pixel res- olution. Inset shows Paci¢c Northwest bathymetry and topography (Haugerud, 1999) and the location of Hydrate Ridge region on the lower continental slope of the Cascadia accretionary prism. Hydrate Ridge is a NE^SW-trending thrust ridge with north- ern and southern summits; (NHR) Northern Hydrate Ridge; (SHR) Southern Hydrate Ridge. The ridge is located V10 km from the deformation front (DF) and bordered on the west and east by slope basins (HRB-W) Hydrate Ridge Basin-West and (HRB-E) Hydrate Ridge Basin-East. ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) site 891 on the crest of the ¢rst accretionary ridge (FAR) and site 892on NHR are shown. Daisy Bank (DB) is also shown. ridges within the hydrate stability zone, a close preted on sidescan sonar records and observed on association between gas hydrates and carbonates the sea£oor. may exist because £uids dewatered from the prism Our recent research e¡orts have been focused not only supply methane to the gas hydrate stabil- on identifying the structural controls on the dis- ity zone, but also transfer heat to shallower tribution of authigenic carbonates in the Hydrate depths, which can induce the destabilization of Ridge region and their relationship to the under- the gas hydrate (Suess et al., 2001). On both the lying gas hydrate system. In this paper, we present northern and southern summits of Hydrate Ridge, the results of our 1999 SeaMARC 30 (SM30) the authigenic carbonate and pore water carbon deep-towed sidescan sonar survey coupled with and oxygen isotopes support this association by sea£oor observations and samples and subsurface suggesting the carbonates are precipitated in part geologic mapping, based on seismic re£ection from methane derived from destabilized gas hy- data, to determine the distribution of authigenic drate (Bohrmann et al., 1998; Greinert et al., carbonates and their relationship to large-scale 2001).
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