ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF ERF 6289, HOUT BAY, WYNBERG DISTRICT, WESTERN CAPE Prepared for: Doug Jeffrey Environmental Consultants (Pty) Ltd (Att Jenna Theron) P O Box 44 Klapmuts 7625 Tel: 021 875 5272 Emai:
[email protected] January 2010 Prepared by: Lita Webley Archaeology Contracts Office Department of Archaeology University of Cape Town Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 Phone (021) 650 2357 Fax (021) 650 2352 Email:
[email protected] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Archaeology Contracts Office at the University of Cape Town was appointed by Doug Jeffrey Environmental Consultants (Pty) Ltd, on behalf of the owners of the property to undertake an Archaeological Impact Assessment as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process for the rezoning, subdivision and development of Erf 6289, Hout Bay, Cape Town. It is proposed to subdivide Erf 6289 and to create 10 new erven for residential use as well as providing 58% of the property as private open space. A review of archaeological and historical literature for the area indicates that no archaeological material has ever been recorded on or close to the proposed development site. The closest documented heritage site (other than Table Mountain National Park) is Conway Redoubt, the earthworks of which currently lie in the backyard of the Constantia Nek Restaurant. In terms of pre-colonial material, a single Early Stone Age cleaver was noted in the parking lot at Constantia Nek (Hart 2002). Recent surveys of the adjoining property (Hart 2005) and a nearby property (Hart 2003) failed to uncover any archaeological remains although the archaeologist recommended that a second survey be undertaken of these properties after they had been cleared of bush.