FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 1 Spring 2015 CHRISTIAN ORTHODOXY

The Core Elements that all Mainstream Denominations agree, in other words, the shared beliefs and practices that bind us the universal: • God: is a monotheistic religion, followers believe in one God who is the creator and sustainer of the universe, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all- good. Other attributes include holiness, righteousness, and immutability; God is sovereign, merciful, graceful, and eternal. • Doctrine of the : God is composed of three persons: the Father, the Son ( ) and the . • Jesus Christ: the Son of God, consubstantial with the Father, fully human, fully God, born of the Mary, was crucified, buried, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven. Jesus is without sin, and his death was a substitionary sacrifice for our sins. He is the Messiah, the savior of humanity prophesied in the . • Holy Spirit: third person of the Trinity, not created by the Father or the Son, has always existed and is eternal.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 2 Spring 2015 CHRISTIAN ORTHODOXY

The Core Elements that all Mainstream Denominations agree, in other words, the shared beliefs and practices that bind us the church universal: (continued) • Sacred Texts: Holy (Old Testament and , varied usage of the Apochrypha) • : Apostles and (denominations vary on usage of confessions in addition to these creeds and on binding nature of creeds) • Man: created in God’s image, has fallen into sin, sin separates us from God. • : Death came into the world through Adam’s sin • : Jesus died for the sins of all, salvation is a free gift from God. • The Bible: the inspired, God-breathed Word of God • believe in the Afterlife and the of Christ

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 3 Spring 2015 THE CHURCH UNIVERSAL

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 4 Spring 2015 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH

• Christianity is the world’s largest religion with about 2.4 billion believers worldwide. • Christians have made up 33% of the world’s population for the last century, although this population has been substantially declining in North America and Europe and rapidly growing in the developing world. • The Church is split into three main branches: (1.2 billion), Orthodox (300 million), and Protestant (800 million). • These branches are further divided into over 40,000 Christian denominations; nearly all of these denominations accept the Nicene Creed as authoritative. • While these denominations generally agree upon the core tenets of Christianity as stated in the Nicene Creed, there is tremendous variation on doctrinal issues such as the nature of the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, the , Free Will, , Faith vs Works, End Times, Judgment, Heaven//Hell, Original Sin, Angels, Satan and Demons. • Christianity began as a small of Judaism meeting in the Temple Courts in Jerusalem in the first century AD and has since grown to become the world’s largest religion and carry the to every corner of the world.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 5 Spring 2015 OUR STUDY OF DENOMINATIONS

It’s obvious that as members here at First Presbyterian Church San Antonio, we are part of a tremendously large, vibrant, and living movement. Our purpose in this course is to better understand the different parts of our Christian family tree, so we will study the mainstream Christian denominations in America today: • Jan 14 – The Church Universal and the Church and the split with the Orthodox churches • Jan 21 – The Churches: Lutheran, Calvinist (Reformed), Presbyterian, Anabaptist • Jan 28 – The English Reformation Churches: Anglican & Episcopalian, Methodist, Church of Scotland/Presbyterian • Feb 4 – Growth of Denominations In America, Focus on Baptist and Congregational • Feb 11 – Recent changes: Pentecostal and non-Denominational

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 6 Spring 2015 DENOMINATIONAL FAMILY TREE

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 7 Spring 2015 FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 8 Spring 2015 FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 9 Spring 2015 ROMAN


FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 10 Spring 2015 THE EARLY CHURCH

The Church and the Roman Empire • Early Christians suffered persecution at the hands of Jewish authorities (as observed in Acts of the Apostles) but generally enjoyed protection from the Roman government. • Roman state persecution of Christians began under Nero in 64 AD(Tacitus quote); at this time calling oneself a Christian became a capital crime until Toleration Act of 313 AD. • Other significant persecutions occurred under Domitian (90-96), Trajan (98-117), Hadrian (117-138), Marcus Aurelius (161-180), Septimus Severus (202-211) Maximinus (235-236), Decius (249-251), Valerian (257-260) and the most severe under Diocletian (303-311) • Constantine became Emperor of the West at the battle of Mulvian Bridge to which he had a vision of a cross in the sky and the words “By this sign you shall conquer”, additionally, his mother was Christian. He and Licinius (East) jointly issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, preventing persecution of Christians. When Constantine became sole Emperor in 323 AD, Christianity effectively became the state religion of the Roman Empire • By 323 AD about 10% of the Roman Empire were Christians with larger concentrations in cities and among the influential middle class.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 11 Spring 2015 THE EARLY CHURCH

Unification of Church and State • Despite Constantine’s favoritism, Christianity still faced challenges from other religions, particularly Eastern “Mystery Religions” and from skeptical intellectuals. • Increasing favor was shown to the church, including Sunday as a day of rest. • Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 to quell controversies. • Laws were instituted under Theodosius repressing heathenism and moving against such as . • Paganism continued to be repressed in the Byzantine Empire under Justinian. • As the church continued to enjoy increasing favoritism as the state religion, it became more profitable and increasingly secular. Pursuit of careers in church hierarchy for secular gain became commonplace.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 12 Spring 2015 THE EARLY CHURCH

Tightening the Organizational Control of the Church • Permanent Church officers were common by the end of the first century, elders (presbyters or ) and . • In the second century Bishops took on a more monarchal role to provide centralized local leadership and to prevent heretical leaders. • In the third century the ’s span of control included not only his local congregation but surrounding areas as well, with a cohort of elders as advisors. By this time Bishops could only be ordained by other Bishops. • With the effective union of church and state in the fourth century, the church modeled itself after civic administration. Bishops of large metropolitan areas became known as arch-bishops, and the bishops of , Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople and Jerusalem became know as Patriarchs. • In the fifth century, the Bishop/ of Rome claims universal supremacy over the church, establishing the role of the Pope.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 13 Spring 2015 THE EARLY CHURCH

Elaboration of Worship within the Church • As the church grew, uniformity of worship occasions, places, elements, and liturgy spread throughout the Empire. • The Lords Supper and became recognized as . • “Lower Christianity”, the veneration of the Virgin Mary and of martyrs () became commonplace Defining the Beliefs of the Church • Church doctrine was founded on the writings of the Apostles, the traditions of the Apostles, and the bishops as successors of the Apostles. • The New Testament was drawn up by Athanasius in 367 AD. • The Apostles Creed became the common baptismal creed of the church. • Doctrines of the Trinity and the Person of Christ were developed in response to heretics such as Arius and Nestorius Serving and Surviving the Roman Empire • The church raised the moral tone of the Empire, beginning with Constantine. • The church emphasized service to the poor elements of society and inspired sacrificial service. • As the Roman Empire began to collapse, the Church converted invading nations and preserved civilization.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 14 Spring 2015 IN THE MIDDLE AGES

• The Church used the collapse of the Roman Empire as a springboard into new territories in France, Germany, England, Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia, Poland, Moravia, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Russia. • In the 1054, the church suffered its most significant , when Pope Leo IX and Michael Cerularius, Bishop of Constantinople, excommunicated each other, causing the schism that split the Roman Catholic Church from the Greek Orthodox Church, a rift that remains unhealed to this day. • The Church faced a significant religious and political challenge with the rise of Islam, leading to significant loss of territory including Jerusalem. Military responses in the form of met with mixed success. • The Church also began systematic persecution of Jews at various times throughout the Middle Ages

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 15 Spring 2015 IN THE MIDDLE AGES

• The significantly increased their powers during the Middle Ages, turning the Church into a political entity with significant influence among the Franks, the Italian Princes, and Germany (Holy Roman Empire). • Eventually these power plays turned on the Papacy as French monarchs captured the Pope and temporarily moved the seat of the Papacy to Avignon. • In addition to political growth, the Church substantially expanded its doctrine regarding authority, the nature of God, the nature of Man, Salvation, and the Church • Sacraments were expanded to include , , extreme unction, marriage, and ordination • New movements such as Monasticism, Mysticism, Criticism and Dissent shaped the growth of the Church throughout the Middle Ages

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 16 Spring 2015 THE COUNTER-REFORMATION

• The (Jesuits) became a Roman Catholic order to aggressively oppose . • The met from 1545-1563 to draw up a definitive statement of faith in response to the Protestantism confessions. • Trent recognized Church tradition as a co-ordinate authority with Scripture; by faith was rejected; the sacramental system was affirmed; and purgatory, veneration of saints, and use of relics and images were defended. • Trent did admit that the sale of led to abuses, but the theory of indulgences and their proper use was defended. • Trent did correct abuses within the Church system.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 17 Spring 2015 ECUMENICAL COUNCILS

• Nicaea 325 AD • Lyons 1 1245 AD • Constantinople 381 AD • Lyons 2 1274 AD • Ephesus 431 AD • Vienna 1311-1312 AD • Chalcedon 451 AD • Pisa 1409 AD (Great • Constantinople 553 AD Schism) • Constantinople 680-681 • Constance 1414-1418 AD AD • Nicaea 787 AD • Basel 1431-1449 AD • Lateran 1 1123 AD • Lateran 5 1512-1517 • Lateran 2 1139 AD • Trent 1545-1563 • Lateran 3 1179 AD • Vatican I 1870 • Lateran 4 1215 AD • Vatican II 1962-1965

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 18 Spring 2015 VATICAN II

• Opened under Pope John XXIII on Oct 11, 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI in 1965. • Addressed relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the modern world • Palpable changes included widespread use of vernacular language in Holy Mass, disuse of ornate clerical regalia, revision of Eucharistic prayers, aesthetic changes in worship organization, music and artwork. • Spoke against wars aimed at populations, issued statement of regret for actions leading to East-West Schism, made efforts for reconciliation with Jews, addressed the role of women within the church and relations with Protestant churches

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 19 Spring 2015 DISTINCTIVE CATHOLIC PRACTICES/ BELIEFS

• Mass: The of Holy Eucharist forms a key part of Catholic worshipped, typically celebrated weekly and in more formal liturgy than other denominations. • Sacraments (7): Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Healing, Marriage, Ordination, Penance • Monastic Orders: most well known are Jesuits, Dominicans, , ; vows of poverty, chastity and obedience focus life on God • Celibacy: Catholic priests take vows of celibacy and are considered married to the church. • Veneration of Saints: Saints are not worshipped but are powerful intermediaries/intercessors • Relics/Items: Use of crucifix and beads to focus prayer.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 20 Spring 2015 DISTINCTIVE CATHOLIC PRACTICES/ BELIEFS

• Special Authority of the Pope to guide the Church • Ability of saints to intercede for believers • Purgatory as a place of afterlife purification before entering Heaven • Sin Bank • Transubstantiation: the bread used in Holy Eucharist becomes the true when blessed by a priest. • Marianism: No original sin (), remained without sin throughout her life, Mother of God, Bodily Assumption into Heaven instead of death, is a powerful intercessor as Christ’s mother and venerated by Catholics • Holy Bible: Old Testament, New Testament, and Apochrypha • Creeds: Primarily Apostles and Nicene, but many others as well • Ecumenical Councils: Major guidance events for the Catholic Church worldwide

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 21 Spring 2015 DISTINCTIVE CATHOLIC PRACTICES/ BELIEFS

• Authority: Scripture and Tradition (, popes, bishops, councils) • Holy Spirit: Proceeds from the Father and the Son ( clause) • Angels: affirmed • Satan/Demons: Demons are fallen angels, Satan is pure spirit, powerful and evil, but limited by God • Original Sin: Tendency to sin • Free will: Free to do good or evil • Salvation: Received at Baptism, may be lost through sin, regained through penance. • Works: Good works are meritorious • Communion with other denominations: Catholic Church is the one true church, but elements of and truth are found outside its confines; Those who believe in Christ and are properly baptized are put in a certain, though imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church.

FPC Wednesday Night Intersection 22 Spring 2015