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The BG News November 28, 1990

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Wednesday Vol.73 Issue 50 November 28, 1990 Bowling Green, Ohio The BG News «?An Independent Student Voice for 70 Years««

Shipping Out Into the Gulf: BRIEFLY Campus BG student prepares for Gulf duty Commencement speaker named: by Jennifer Taday Chan Hahn, the Owens- staff writer Illinois professor of man- Even though Operation Desert agement Shield is more than 5,000 miles aFthe away, the crisis is hitting closer Universi- to home for at least seven Uni- ty, will be versity students who have been the Uni- called to active duty. versity's Minutes before 5 p.m. Monday, fall com- a University student was sitting mence- next to his phone drinking a beer ment while waiting to answer his call to speaker. duty. Hahn, who was named the Charles Ross, sophomore cri- University's second Distin- minal justice major, who is also a f;uished Teaching Professor member of the 641st Quartermas- ast May, is nationally ter Detachment of Covington, O.. known for his work in the said his Army National Guard fields of purchasing and unit was placed on official alert production/operations Saturday. management. In 1988 he "My dad woke me up and was awarded the Universi- showed me an article in the paper ty's first endowed profes- and later in the afternoon our unit sorship, which was created clerk informed me on what was by a $225,000 gift from going on," Ross said. "I kind of Owens-Illinois Inc. to the figured we'd go sooner or later." College of Business Admin- At exactly 5 p.m. his phone istration. rang, and when Ross answered, The professor has taught his expectation was confirmed — at the University since 1970 he was told by another Guard and served as chairperson member he was to report to his of the management de- unit Tuesday. eartment from 1973-86. He Although he was informed of olds a bachelor's degree this possibility upon enlistment, from Yonsei University and Ross said he never actually ex- master's and doctoral de- pected it to happen. grees from Ohio State Uni- "My intentions when I enlisted versity. in January 1987 were to have the military as a career, but I sure Hahn has published nu- didn't see this [deployment to the merous articles about pro- Gulf] as a possibility in the duction and purchasing and National Guard, he said. has been an associate editor "I really don't want to go be- of the Journal of Purchasing cause of school, but I'm not going and Materials Manage- to cop out [go AWOL1," he added. ment, a leading business "I'm going to go -nd do my duty journal. because I signed up and it's my * I responsibility. \ ' *' . Graduation ceremonies 'I packed everything Sunday * * « i ' for about 1,000 students are and it's all waiting," Ross said. scheduled for 10 a.m. Satur- "I also talked to my friends and day, Dec. 22, in Anderson family while I was home." Arena. Ross said his unit is a water Sophomore Charles Ross listens as fellow National Guard mem- ■O News/John Grleshop D See Charles, page 3. ber Randy Hill tells him Is to report to his base In Covington, O. tor active duty Tuesday. Ross had been on alert since Saturday. COCO sponsors comedy show: The University comedy troup, Screw's Loose, will perform in the Off-Campus Conservatives elect Major Student Center, Friday Nov. 30, at 7:30 p.m. The per- formance is sponsored by the Commuter Off-Campus as Britain's prime minister Organization [COCO] and is open to all. There will be no LONDON (AP) — John Major, endorsed by received 131 and Foreign Secretary Dougla Hurd admission fee. Margaret Thatcher as the politician closest to her had 56. heart, was elected by the Conservative Party Hurd and Heseltine conceded within minutes, Tuesday night to succeed her as prime minister. and party officials declared Major elected. Farces performed: Major, 47, fell two votes short of winning a "It is a very exciting thing to become leader of Two farces from the majority in voting among the 372 Conservative the Conservative Party, and particularly exciting, Middle Ages, "The Second Party members of Parliament, but his two oppo- I think, to follow one of the most remarkable Shepherd's Play" and nents quickly conceded defeat and the party con- leaders the Conservative Party has ever had," "Peter Quill's Shenani- firmed Major as the winner. Major said. gans, '' will be presented by Thatcher, ending 11 and one-half years in power, the University's Theatre intends to submit her resignation to Queen Eli- "Our job now I think is quite clear. We are going group at 8 p.m. today zabeth II this morning, and Major would then be to unite totally and absolutely, and we're going to through Nov. 30 and Dec. 1-2 called to lead the government. win the next general election," said Major, who at 2 p.m. Maior, the chancellor of the exchequer, emerged will be the youngest British prime minister in this In "Peter Quill's Shenan- from his official residence at 11 Downing St. Tues- century. igans," a poor but fast- day night smiling and holding hands with his wife, talking 'lawyer' dupes oth- Norma. He haa first accepted congratulations Thatcher said she resigned to let someone from ers until he gets his from Thatcher, who stepped in from the prime the Cabinet stand against Heseltine. Major and comeuppance. The shenan- minister's official residence next door. Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd both joined the igans in "The Second Shep- Major received 185 votes, two short of a majori- race, but before the vote her aides spread the word herd's Play" culminate in ty. Former Defense Secretary Michael Heseltine that she was backing Major. the shepherds' reverent visit to the Nativity. Both plays provide humor and music f ittingof the holiday season. The plays Voting locally insures rights are being staged in 405 Uni- versity Hall. Admission is $2 at the door. Rally urges student action Weather by J.J. Thompson "I encourage you to stand for confused with what to do next." staff writer your rights," said Steven Lab, Turner said students need to assistant criminal justice profes- take action since the city failed to Showers then cloudy: sor. "The need to [to do this] can respond to their requests. Today, showers and thun- University leaders warned stu- be highlighted by the events at "We have to start taking con- derstorms in the morning, dents last night city officials East Merry and Frazee." trol," he said. then mostly cloudy and would not respect their rights un- Student Rights Activism Coali- Lab also emphasized the im- windy. Morning high in the til students registered to vote in tion leader Kevin Turner kicked portance of registering to vote in lower 60s, becoming colder Bowling Green. off the rally, telling a crowd of the city. during day. Chance of rain ■O News/Jay Murdock The warning was part of "Put it about 110 students how he helped "I urge you to register in this 80 percent. Tonight, cloudy to a vote: student power," an Un- form SRAC in response to police town," he said. "We can change with a chance of rain mixed dergraduate Student Govern- actions during the East Merry things through the electorate." with snow. Low in the lower ment-sponsored rally encourag- and Frazee Street block parties. Lab said students need to regis- 30s. Chance of precipitation Peace Protest ing students to vote locally. The group tried to work with ter due to a "double standard" 40 percent. Thursday, clear- Rally speakers focused on the ing. High in the upper 30s. Sophomore Ktlsten Herbster eyes the weather during an ongo- city officials to have an in- the city police have been giving ing protest against the Persian Gull crisis In the Union Oval Tues- East Merry-Frazee block party vestigation of police actions dur- students by enforcing the same issue while encouraging students ing the event, he said, but did not situations with students and local compiled from local and day afternoon. The protests will continue at noon each day this week, followed by a candlelight vigil at 5:30 each evening. to register, explaining problems receive any support. citizens differently. wire reports with city police could end if they "We were met with belittle- registered to vote. ment," Turner said. "We were See Bally, page 3. Wednesday. November 28, 1990 THE BG NEWS Editorial

Gas of Ohio near Poe Road without receiving special that may be used for Greek housing is S-l, planned res- zoning variances required before the R-5 specifica- idential, zoned land. Present S-l regulations for Greek New R-5 zone tion. housing are so strict — requiring 60 feet of space in The new Greek zone was developed as part of Bowl- front of the building and one parking space for each ing Green's 20-year master plan because the city rec- bed — they make development impossible. Even if the ognized its responsibility to provide a place for Uni- council were to relax S-l regulations, or grant exemp- not sufficient versity related housing. tions to Greek house builders on a case by case basis, In a world where a lack of adequate housing has Establishing the zone and applying it to land near only a small portion of S-l land is close enough to the brought marches upon Washington, media out- the University are good ways to begin to provide space University to be considered for Greek housing. cries and countless fundraisers, government in Bowl- for off-campus greeks, but the city has a long way to Greek Life Director Wayne Colvin and Interfrater- ing Green should be careful to provide every group — go to follow-through on its promise to University stu- nity Council President Terry Michelitch have claimed including Greeks — adequate room for housing. dents. the city's zoning regulations discriminate against Last Monday city council set aside an area just east The newly-zoned space for Greeks is not nearly Greeks. They do. of town for future greek housing. The new R-5 zone will large enough to accomodate all the fraternities and Council claims they have made off-campus housing allow Greeks to move their houses — group kitchens, sororities in search of off campus housing. Only a available to Greeks by creating the R-5 zone and as- giant letters and all — off campus into their own small part of the new zone is undeveloped, leaving signing it to land near the University. They have, but neighborhood. This is a good start but more needs to little room for new structures to house Greeks. they need to do more. be done to accomodate off campus fraternity and so- City planning officials say the space allotted Greeks More R-5 zones need to be created in larger undeve- rority housing. can be expanded if the need arises. Let's hope the loped areas close to the University and the red tape To be sure, the new Greek zone is an achievement. council also sees fit to expand the R-5 zone, as the surrounding Greek housing development needs to be Any one of the seven Greek organizations presently present space zoned is not adequate. City council minimized. without any housing — not to mention on-campus members need to keep the fever that inspired them to Greeks who wish to move or Greek organizations who assign R-5 to the new space in the first place and look The city's pledge to provide space for University re- may colonize here in the future — are now free to es- around town for a few more places to put Greeks as lated housing is noble, but officials will have to do tablish a house in the zone west of Thurstin Avenue to well. more than create a small token zone to fulfill their the railroad tracks and from Pike Street to Columbia Under present zoning law, the only other property promise of fair housing. Budget plan not a complete cure WASHINGTON (AP) - De- campaign criticizing as in- spite new rules, new taxes and a side-the-beltway arithmetic, in new scoring system, all part of which reductions are figured the five-year plan advertised as against projected levels and so tough deficit control, the federal serve to limit future increases, debt numbers are about to get not to cut from actual past per- worse, rising to record levels next formance. year. They re supposed to get better later. But the deal Presi- Darman estimated the deficit dent Bush called good medicine for the current budget year will for the deficit problem is not a be between $250 and $300 billion cure, only a first dose. That when the books are closed next leaves both sides of the bargain Sept. 30. For the year just ended, with some explaining to do as the the deficit was $220.4 billion, just budget cycle begins again next short of the record high of 1986. winter. There will be new, almost cer- tainly higher deficit projections in the budget Bush is to send to Guest Congress by Feb. 4. The new budget deal eliminates the system of annual deficit tar- Column gets that were supposed to be en- forced by automatic, across-the- board spending cuts. The targets by are adjustable now, depending on Walter circumstances. For the current Mears budget yoar and the two to follow, the new process sets limits in three categories: domestic, de- Congress and the White House fense and foreign aid. When both left the impression that their spending exceeds the ceiling, au- Letters five-year budget agreement tomatic spending cuts would be charts the way out of chronic def- triggered on all the programs in icits. It took the better part of that category. That strengthens seven months, and in the process, ly intends to strive to make this vision reality, or if he is under the as- the administration hand in en- Student gives interpretation of Gulf crisis according to budget director forcing spending restraints be- sumption that lip service about a better University community is real- Richard Darman, '"the political Editor, TheNewf ly all he has to do. cause the Office of Management system seems to have exhausted and Budget will be keeping score, This letter is in response to a short-sighted letter to the editor by Upon review of Kevin's record, one may wonder just how much of [even disgusted] itself with its Edward Dougherty on Nov. 14. Ed condemns President Bush's latest what he has to say is truly what he believes. While expounding on the and thus deciding when automa- effort." tic cuts are warranted. "offensive" action in the Persian Gulf and states he will not fight be- idea that USG ought to be free from political parties, Kevin has actu- While nobody said the problem cause of his frail love for humanity. Ed seems to need a little enlight- ally advanced partisanship to new heights. Not only does one political was solved, Bush and Democratic The new law also requires pay- ening. party have a USG seat while the other is denied, Kevin introduced a leaders said it had been tamed. as-you-go measures to offset any Wars are usually not started to prove something or somebody right, candidate for Ohio's attorney general to a political science class — And political rhetoric obscured tax reductions or increased entit- they are usually started to stop something or somebody from doing after identifying himself as a USG representative. Kevin also lined up the fine print of red numbers to something wrong. I think that it is quite obvious that what President lement spending programs. It is a certain state representative [of the same political party as the can- come. an intricate process that comes Hussein is doing is wrong. If you don't do something about it then you didate for attorney general] to speak at the USG retreat to Port Clin- "It's cut about $492 billion over are condoning it. Ed, your "frail" love for humanity doesn't seem to ton in September. with no guarantees. extend past the United States border. What about the people in Kuw- five years off the deficit; that's progress," Bush said shortly be- "With legally binding spending ait? Dia they not lose their homeland, their freedom, their security — While Kevin insists that he is an advocate of a discrimination-free fore the Nov. 6 elections. "And and some of their lives?! This is not even mentioning what Hussein's caps and the new pay-as-you-go University, he refused to support a USG resolution which would have 1350 billion of that was in spend- system, we may be able to break attempt to control the OPEC cartel is doing to the rest of the world. protected the right of homosexuals to be In ROTC. This is what most people fail to understand. Higher prices at the gas ing cuts ... And we did put Con- free, somewhat, from the con- The USG faculty course evaluation booklets, touted by Kevin as one gress — and this is the most im- sume now, promise to pay later pump is only one of many places that affects the economy. Higher gas of USG's major accomplishments, is actually a classic example of portant part of it — on a pay-as- approach," Darman said, hedg- prices lead to higher food prices because of the added cost to deliver poor planning and execution. When it only takes five student opinions you-go plan." ing his forecast. which means that those who could not afford much food for their fami- of a professor to be included in the booklet, we must wonder about the Some of those reductions are ly can afford even less now. That is if they still have a job left after the representativeness of the evaluation booklet and how students actual- based on a system of counting It sounded simpler and surer in cut-backs in their company due to the added costs of heating, trans- ly feel about their teachers. that Bush had spent part of the the shorthand of the campaign. portation and raw materials. Finally, Kevin has pronounced to the student body time and again Where is your "frail" love now, Ed — when people are not able to that he is for student rights and is angered by the treatment students buy food for their families, those without a job — these are the lucky receive from the permanent Bowling Green residents. Where is the ones. What about those being held hostage in their own homeland and action to back up these words? He was noticeably absent from the those about to be killed to defend their right to be free? You better majority of Student Rights Activism Committee organizational meet- The BG News stick with English Ed because I don't think you would do too well in ings, yet managed to take credit for the protest march to the police - An Independent Student Voice - American studies. station. And now that fall elections are over, he intends to have a John Tillman, major voter registration drive on campus, kicked off by the student Editorial Board MBA, rally held Nov. 27. Where was the effort in late September and early Barbara A. Weadock October when the events of East Merry were fresh in students' minds? editor Coughlin's sincerity questioned The reign of Kevin Coughlin has been marked by too little effort too James A. Tinker Deborah Hippie late. He may claim to do all sorts of wonderful things for Bowling managing editor assistant managing editor Editor, The News; Green's student body — but how meaningful are they? And do they re- John Kohlstrand In his Nov. 14 "President's Pen" column, Undergraduate Student ally have any impact? Your Utopian vision sounds like a dream, Ke- city editor Government President Kevin Coughlin allowed the University com- vin. Maybe for you, that's all it ever has been. Jill Novak Christian Thompson munity some insight as to what he wants for its future. While his Uto- news editor news editor pian vision is certainly admirable, it made me wonder if Kevin actual- Sara Parish, Wynne Everett Lynn M Gagel junior, history major, editorial editor assistant editorial editor 5:15 By J.A. Holmgren The BG News Staff Photo Editor PW Varnon Copy Editor Irish Davis Photo Editor John Gnesbop Copy Editor Michelle Laharty Sport* Editor Matt Schroder Copy Editor Matthew Migheu Sports Editor Chute* To* Copy Editor Lon Meter Insider Editor Dennis Rofieugh Copy Editor Knsti Miespauoh Insider Msng Editor Michelle Banks Copy Editor Michelle Taylor Insider Asst Editor P Franc* Esposito Copy Editor JJ. Thompson Whs Editor Ivan Qroger Copy Editor Jeremy Weber Asst Wke Editor Tanya Moore Copy Editor Kathleen Lowry Chlel Copy Editor Matthew A Daneman Prod Sup'r Morris Near Chief Copy Editor Anthony Bums Prod. Sup'r Gene Powell Copy Editor Irene Babeaux Prod Sup'r Sean Risser Copy Editor Nancy Carrol

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Charles C Continued from page 1. purification one, which provides take the course. "I've always wanted to be in water to soldiers in the field for Also, to obtain any refund from the Army and I have seriously drinking, cooking, showers and the University, he said he will thought about withdrawing from laundry. have to send the Veteran's Ad- school and going active duty as a Ross said his unit is not a com- ministration office at the Univer- career," Ross said. "I enjoy it — bat unit, but they are trained for sity a copy of his activation or- I love the military." the possibility of war. ders. Future plans include returning "We've set up a defense per- to the University to finish his ed- imeter around my base before, Even though Ross was able to ucation, he said. dug fox holes and are trained with spend Thanksgiving with his fam- One final piece of advice for weapons," he said. "We're not ily, he said he will not be back for current University students from offensive, we're defensive — we a minimum of six months. Ross: supply troops up front. "I won't be here for Christ- 'I'm not scared or at least I mas," he said. "I don't think I'll "Take care of yourself, do good don't want to admit it," he said. be back for a year or two — un- in school. Maybe we won't go to "Maybe when I get over there it less I would be injured or killed." war, but if we do, hopefully I will hit me." His National Guard unit des- tination is unknown, but Ross "I really don't want to go because ot school, said he has heard rumors they will first be deployed to a base in but I'm not going to cop out [go AWOL], I'm Wisconsin for training prior to going to go and do my duty because I shipping out to the Gulf region. '^we're definitely going over- signed up and it's my responsibility. seas, but I won't know my exact destination until arrival," he Charles Ross, sophomore criminal justice said. major and member of the 641st Quartermas- An Associated Press story Tuesday said the 641st unit will ter Detachment ot Covington, O. report to duty Thursday and then go to Fort Knox, Kentucky. They One fear Ross said he has is dy- won't see any of you over there. BO Naws/Mlchelle Stone eventually will go to Saudi Ara- ing from nerve gas and other Be aware of the situation now be- Kevin Turner speaks to a crowd ot about 110 In Lenhart Grand Ballroom during the All-Amerlcon Ral- bia. chemical weapons because they fore a possible draft is imple- ly Tuesday night. The rally was held to Increase student-voter registration and to encourage students Before leaving Ross said he cause a slow, painful death. mented because this can happen to voice their concerns. tried to contact his professors, "I'd rather get than die to anyone." but was only able to inform his from nerve gas, because you English professor about the situa- can't see the chemicals coming," Editor's note: At press time, Ra||y tion. he added. we were notified of the official ac- [: Continued from page 1. Since he will not be at the Uni- Even though Ross's life tivation status of Ross's unit, the versity to take the proficiency in changed within a weekend, he 641st Quartermaster Detachment "There was more aggression "The city of Bowling Green ister any interested students, and English, he said his professor in- said he does not regret joining the Army National Guard unit of Co- placed on [the East Merrry and could not survive without the Coughlin said the final count of formed him he would have to re- Frazee parties [than football tail- University —it's a fact," she said. new registered voters would be a service. vington, O. gates and the tractor pull," he USG president Kevin Coughlin good indication of the rally's suc- said. "If I had a party police finished the rally, stating the city cess. would not forcibly enter my home did not listen to student concerns "One of the most important without a warrant." because few were registered to things we will gauge the rally on French culture the focus USG vice president Linda vote. is the number of people who reg- Schnetzer emphasized positive "I wonder if the city forgot the ister to vote," he said. contributions made by students to students of Bowling Green out- Students who had trouble with the city. number [city] voters by almost police in the past were also en- of summer study abroad ••The Greek community raised two to one, he said."[City offi- couraged to fill out a form sup- over $52,000 for local charities cials] have no obligation to us be- plied by USG during the rally. [last year]," she said. cause students do not vote, but we The forms will be used to show by Morrella Raleigh do a lot of independent travel, Chittle said. Schnetzer also said local busi- can change that," he said. specific examples to the police writer "It combines classroom learning with outside nesses would not exist without the Throughout the rally, deputy when students nave had problems learning." students. registrars were available to reg- with police actions. During the fifth week of the program, students University students can study in France next will have the opportunity to visit Brussels, Bel- summer through a program sponsored by the Col- gium, which is the European economic headquar- lege of Business Administration in order to gain a ters, according to Pissarides. whole new view of the world. Carmen Magaden, a graduate business student, Bush, Salinas close talks The Summer Study in France program takes participated in the program last summer and rec- place June 20 through July 24 at the Nantes Grad- ommends it to students. MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) agreement over the question of would work toward opening nine uate School of Management in Nantes, France. — President Bush said Tuesday whether Mexico's vast oil in- new border points-of-entry to University professor of economics Charles Chit- "It was a lot of fun," Magaden said. the U.S. economic slowdown dustry should be open to U.S. or ease congestion at crossing tie, director ot the program, said, "This will be the Nina Kamal, a sophomore international studies could make it harder to obtain a other foreign investment. Salinas stations and to make it easier for 12th year of the program. major from Toledo, plans to participate in the pro- free trade pact with Mexico, but has insisted the state-run and both Americans and Mexicans to "It offers students the opportunity to learn about gram. Bledged to "write a new page in subsidized oil industry be exempt travel across across each other's other cultures." "I'm really looking forward to going. I want to ortn American history" with his from the free-trade talks. borders. Students with any major can participate, but participate so I will be prepared to work abroad," veto pen if necessary to stop Treasury Secretary Nicholas Roman Popadiuk, a White they must be in good standing, Chittle said. she said. protectionist bills. Brady told reporters here that the House spokesman, said "both the Students can earn six credit hours by participat- Bush wrapped up a two-day dispute has been eased by Mexi- United States and Mexico favor ingin the program. Chittle said 22 students from Nantes are at the state visit and talks with Presi- co's agreement to allow an Ex- having new and additional ports The classes offered will cover the European University this semester. dent Carlos Salinas de Gortari port-Import Bank loan for drill- of entry between the two coun- business and economic community, according to Arnaud Barres, a business student from Nantes, with new agreements on oil in- ing and supplying equipment in tries where feasible, and after Panayiotis Pissarides, Chittle's graduate assis- said students should not be intimidated by the lan- vestment, border crossings and Mexican oil exploration. study and approval, by both tant. guage barrier. on educational exchanges. Brady said that, "for the first sides." He said specific sites for The classes will be taught in English by "Everybody in the school speak some English,' In a joint statement issued time, the services of American the nine new crossings had not European professors. Barres said. shortly before the president companies will be welcome and been determined. "This is a great experience for students because Frederic Valion, a marketing student from Nan- headed home from this northern sought after with regard to drill- "This agreement will unleash they can learn more about Europe and the tes, said, "Students [who participate] will defini- Mexico industrial city, Bush and ing and other supplies in the Mex- powerful energies in both econo- European economic community," Pissarides said. tly see a different life. It will raise consciousness of Salinas proclaimed "excellent ican oil fields." mies," Bush said in a toast at a The program costs $1900, which includes tuition, European life." cooperation" between their Brady said the agreement will state luncheon. "We're not on an fees and housing with a French family, Chittle Chittle said The Ohio State University, Universi- governments and reiterated a continue to prohibit U.S. com- easy path, but I believe we're on said. Payment will be due in the middle of the ty of Rhode Island and University of Denver will mutual call for a free-trade panies from owning direct inter- the right one." spring semester and financial assistance is avail- also be participating in the program. Students agreement. ests in Mexican oil production. Salinas said the free trade pact able to those who qualify. from other schools may participate by applying In a key agreement, the pair The two presidents also an- would help Mexicans find jobs in "The program is designed to enable students to through the University. resolved a U.S.-Mexican dis- nounced that both governments their own country.



MY DEGREE GOT ME THE INTERVIEW. ARMY ROTC GOT ME THE JOB. You can begin to develop impressive leader- ship skills with an Army ROTC elective. FOOD OPERATIONS SNACK BARS TAKE MILITARY SCIENCE 101 NEXT SEMESTER ► Amani Down Under Galley • 2 ELECTIVE CREDIT HOURS Commons lower level • INTERESTING, EXCITING TRAINING Harshman lower level • NO OBLIGATION Sunday - Thursday Sunday - Thursday • SEVERAL CONVENIENT SECTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM ARMY ROTC AT BGSU 6:00 pm - midnight 6:00 - Midnight 372-2476 Garden Terrace Deli McDonald North Sunday - Thursday 11:00 am - 11:00 pm 'Zzas • Chily's Express ARMY ROTC Founders main floor Kreischer Darrow THE SMARTEST COLLECI Sunday - Thursday Sunday - Saturday 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm 2:00 pm - 11:30 pm COURSE TOD CAM TAKE. Wednesday. November 28. 1990 THE BG NEWS Campus Bookstores offer variety Accent: pleasure reading

interested in books as books our customers have doubled," by Diane While rather than books as textbooks," she said. writer he said. Schifferli said he will either Wicks said every For University students who have the book someone is looking Grounds For Thought features a enjoy pleasure reading but do not for or find it — no matter what it local amateur's art throughout enjoy the high prices of new the store. books, two Bowling Green book Scnifferli said he does not see stores may be a welcome alterna- other Bowling Green used book ' "Their art makes our store look tive. stores as competition, and hopes E retry and it gives them a chance Pauper's Books and Grounds more will open in Bowling Green. o advertise their work," Wicks For Thought buy used books and "Bookstores are never compet- said. sell a wide variety of used books itive, they're always complimen- at reduced prices. tary. The more used book stores Wicks said the store also has Leo Scnifferli, owner of there are in town, the more book- poetry readings on the last Sun- Pauper's Books, 206 N. Main St., type people will gravitate day of every month. said he carries about 175,000 towards this location," he said. books. He buys some books new if Grounds For Thought, 174 S. One thing Wicks said she has they are always requested, but Main St., opened less than a year learned from being owner of about 99 percent of his books are ago and has an atmosphere not Grounds For Thought is how used. completely centered on books, large the reading population is. Schiff erli said he tries to sell all said owner Sandy Wicks. of his books at a reduced price of Grounds For Thought not only "We [the Wicks family] are re- either two-thirds the original has books, but also has a coffee ally pleased with the reading price, or "if I get a special and pastry shop. population. It's really encourag- request for a book and order it Wicks said she decided to open ing to see how many people come from a distributor I usually buy a coffee shop/book store because in and are really avid readers — from, I try and allow a 10 percent she liked the combination. especially among young people," •O N«ws/John Grieshop discount, he said. "I've always loved coffee shops she said. Acting coach Arch Hosier gives Instructions to members of the University cheerleadlng squad during Many of the big names among and book stores so I decided to a recent basketball game. the college students are beat- put the two together, "she said. Melinda Kindsvatter, a senior generation writers and poets, Wicks' pricing policy is fairly vocal performance major, said Schiff erli said. simple — all books are half-oft Bowling Green needed a store His books are purchased from a cover price. like Grounds For Thought. variety of sources, he said. "Many people bring in bags of Cheerleading team utilizes "A lot of books people trade in their books and get credit. So "Hove Grounds For Thought — for credit and I also buy them when they want to buy a book, when I first arrived at college I when I go on trips from other they can use their credit to buy wondered why there was no tea used book stores," he said. the book," Wicks said. shop/book store. I've always member's coaching ability Only 50 percent of his cus- Wicks said she believes one of wanted a shop with a bit of an In- tomers are college students — a the most important factors to tellectual air — yet cozy and fact he said is due to the store's consider when opening a book friendly," she said. Arcn Hasler, previously co- the squad, whose season lasts all distance from campus. store is volume. by Melissa KraviU captain with Deanna Peters, was year, as the same squad cheers One thing Scnifferli said he "I think that one of the keys to Pauper's Books is open 10 a.m. writer appointed acting coach, and for football and basketball. tries to stay away from is text- having a book store is volume. — 6 p.m. every day except Sun- Peters is now captain of the "They're a talented young books. People come in a used book store day. Grounds For Thought is group with a lot of potential," he "The reason why I don't sell and like to see a lot of books. As open from 8 a.m.-11 p.m. seven squad. days a week. exactly what the University Some squad members said said. textbooks is because I am more we have doubled our inventory, cheerleaders had to do last year Hasler's position as coach and The squad believes the amount when they were informed their cheerleader has made it easier to of work and effort they put forth coach, Paula Wright, was resign- work together. often is overlooked, he said. ing. "Because he's also a squad In addition to performing well Mock trial team places Given the experience and talent member, we don't consider him on the field, one of their goals this of the squad, the athletic depart- just our coach," Elli Conrad, jun- year is to compete in the national ment decided not to hire a new ior squad member said. cheerleading competition spon- coach. "Not much has changed, the sored by the United Cheer- Instead of hiring a new person only difference is that there isn't leader's Association. first in local tournament who would first have to get orien- an outsider to critique our work. The squad practices a mini- ted to the University and then to Arch steps back and watches us mum of three times a week in the by Greg Watson of Cincinnati, and Central Penn Working with professional at- the squad, they decided to utilize — and we all listen to him." Student Recreation Center's staff writer State College in a series of auto- torneys familiar with trial proce- the competent captains they Hasler said the team's strong combat room, in addition to prac- matic elimation mock trials. Of dures before the tournament also already had. bond makes them easy to coach. ticing on their own. last year's members, only Eric helped the team, Debra Marshall, •••••••••••••••••••••a*, "The team is very mature; "Irs a volunteer organization, When a team loses its captain See, Kelly Warner, and Charlotte a sophomore business/pre-law they adapt to any situation," Has- but probably one of the hardest two days before a tournament, Tennant returned, said Dennis major, said. Apartments ler said. We're a closely meshed courses they've ever taken," the team usually is not expected OiMarzio, visiting legal studies The Toledo tournament was a team." Hasler said. to contend, let alone win. The professor and team coach. large confidence builder bringing Eff., One and Two Bdrms Hasler has been on the squad "They may not feel their time University mock trial team then, two days before the the team closer together, See, a for three years and said he knows and energy is noticed — but it is. proved otherwise. Toledo tournament, Tennant was junior criminal justice major, TOP 10 REASONS what the athletic department ex- If they suck together and keep The mock trial team won the called into active duty in the said. TO RENT pects from the squad. progressing at the rate that they first place trophy in the mock Middle East by the ROTC. DiMarzio was impressed with from Six female and six male start- are, they can be one of the best trial tournament in Toledo on "It would have been easy for how rapidly the group of students ers plus two alternates make up squads in the nation." Nov. 17. the team to panic under the cir- grew from a "terribly inexper- R.E. MANAGEMENT The team competed with ten cumstances, DiMarzio said. ienced team" to a team with no 113 Railroad Street other schools including Wright "But the team came through with personal conflicts, ego problems, ^c- »* ^T~ ^V ^c- ^r- wF ^P- State University, the University a clutch performance." or "too many chiefs." 10. You can party out real Chuck Gollahon, a junior phi- Warner, a junior political sci- late, oversleep and still losophy/pre-law major, said ence major who was a mock trial "We learned to work as a team team member last year, said this walk to class on time. Campus Pollueues 440 €. Court 352-9638 and utilize our skills." year's team is closer and was Because of the loss of Tennant, able to learn trial procedures 9. Apts. are cable ready Live Jazz Music! 9-1 Wednesday the team did not expect to win the quicker than last year's team. so you can see news, Toledo tournament, but was See and Warner won first place $3.00 Spaghetti plate m/garlic bread & side salad pleasantly surprised when they awards for best attorney, while weather, movies and did, Tammi Diehl, a senior soci- Sweet and Gollahon placed first sports 24-hrs a day. ology/pre-law major, said. as best witnesses, DiMarzio said. Kelly Wood, a sophomore The mock trial team will go to 8. Ours are not dorms. interpersonal communica- the University of Dayton for the tions/pre-law major said "The State Invitational Tournament 7. Apts. are just blocks Toledo tournament taught us how Jan. 26, and then will go to Drake to compete, and how to accept University to participate in the from the best winning with grace." national tournament, homemade pizza shop in BG.

6. They have full-time weekend in maintenance men. York City! 5. You can walk to the arena, catch the Falcons and be home in time for Knots 18-21, 1990 Landing. Only $110 will 4. They have the hippest ad campaign you've cover your hotel ever seen. and transportatoion 3. Right next door to the costs. Vou con office is a fax machine so you can send enjoy this extended requests to 93-Q. weekend in stylel 2. They have the BG News available in their office. Sign up NOW 1. They're nice. in the UflO R.E. MANAGEMENT office, 3rd (next to Kinkos) Rental office open floor Union. Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 9-3 and reserve 352-9302 your spot! T. NIMH •••••••••••••••••••••I THE BG NEWS Wednesday, November 28 1990 5 Elsewhere Ohio unit War plans in Gulf debated 'Recession is here' activated Urgency of military action questioned by Senate Democrats Qg &COYIOYYI V SJDlVCllS

WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Democrats on top military officials — Defense Secretary Dick for desert Tuesday challenged President Bush's Persian Cheney and Gen. Colin Powell, chairman of the by John D. McClaln Gulf policy, questioning the immediate need for Joint Chiefs of Staff. The two will testify Monday Associated Press writer offensive military action to oust Iraqi forces from morning. operation Kuwait and demanding a greater role in the crisis. Sen. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., said the policy change WASHINGTON — Three out of four of the nation's top business "The question is not whether military action is to underline a U.S. attack capability undermines economists believe the United States has skidded into a recession, in COLUMBUS (AP) - A Sstified. It is," said Sen. Sam Nunn, chairman of the nation's attempts to maintain international part because of the rapid rise in oil prices following the Iraqi invasion military reserve unit in Co- e Senate Armed Services Committee, which be- support for the sanctions "by declaring, through of Kuwait. vington was activated gan several days of hearings on the gulf its own word and those of the imminent U.N. "Recession is here," the National Association of Business Econo- Tuesday and others in crisis."The question is whether military action is resolution, that our patience was almost spent." mists said Tuesday in a report on its canvass of 51 professional fore- Toledo and Lorain were put wise at this tune and in our own national interest." Committee member Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., casters. on alert because of the crisis The hearings were called in reaction to Bush's declared, "If ever there is a case for giving peace The report reflects a sharp jump in pessimism among the econo- in the Middle East. decision to send an additional 200,000 troops to the a chance, this is it." mists, wno just three months ago still felt the country could avoid an The activation of the Ohio gulf to provide an "offensive military option." Yet another panel Democrat, Alan DUon of Illi- imminent downturn. National Guard's 641st With the administration seeking U.N. approval for nois, suggested that the administration's "priori- "We think that the recession began in the fourth quarter and that Quartermaster Detachment the use of force in the gulf, some committee mem- ties are slightly misplaced." the [Persian Gulf] oil-price shock played a major role in ending the in Covington brought the bers said the president also must make the same "To the best of my knowledge it is the United expansion," Richard Rippe, NABE president and chief economist number of Guard units acti- request of Congress. States Congress that declares war for the United with Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., told a news conference. vated in support of Opera- House Speaker Thomas Foley, in remarks to States," Dixon said. "In our view the economy was on a slow-growth track prior to the tion Desert Shield to four. newly elected House Democrats, underscored the Republican John McCain of Arizona declared, invasion of Kuwait" Aug. 2, Rippe said. "That slow-growth track has Nearly 500 Guard mem- . "I would personally want to have some as- "The issue is not prerogatives, it is patriotism." been converted into a mild recession outlook by the oil-price shock bers from Ohio have been surance from the administration that no action John Glenn, D-Ohio, said the administration has that has developed." activated, the office of would be taken prior to this Congress meeting, or it yet to make its case for military attack in the gulf, In a survey following the Iraqi invasion, only 45 percent of the fore- Ohio's adjutant general would be necessary to think seriously about calling arguing that the nation "cannot get into a war that casters said a recession either had begun or was imminent. Just a said. in the previous Congress," he said. is not fully understood and backed by the Ameri- year ago, 62 percent of the forecasters predicted the economy would The 641st, with about 55 The opening day of the session also was marked can people. We need more than sound-bite justifi- escape a recession through 1992. members in Miami County by the conspicuous absence of the administration's cation.'' Two other reports Tuesday provided further gloomy news about the community in Western economy: Ohio, provides water for ■The Commerce Department reported the U.S. trade deficit drinking, cooking, showers jumped 28.9 percent in the July-September quarter, to $29.75 billion, and laundry to soldiers in the highest imbalance in a year. the field. Fisher leads election race Imports rose 5 percent to a record $125.91 billion, as the Persian Members of the 641st are CLEVELAND (AP) — Demo- ing County, however, provided stemmed largely from ballots Gulf crisis drove up the cost of oil. Exports, damped by falling over- to report for duty Thursday seas demand for American farm products, fell 0.6 percent to $96.16 bil- and then go to Fort Knox in crat Lee Fisher on Tuesday led final, unofficial results. cast under a new state law per- Kentucky. They eventually Republican Paul Pfeifer by 1,452 "I am not declaring victory to- mitting voters who did not meet lion. the 30-day residency require- ■The National Association of Realtors said October sales of existing will go to Saudi Arabia, the votes in the Ohio attorney general day, and I want to make that homes fell 4.7 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.02 mil- Guard statement said. race with the release of final elec- clear," Fisher told reporters at ments to vote at county boards of election. Also counted were ab- lion, the lowest rate since February 1985, when it was 2.95 million. The Guard's 160-member tion results from two counties. his law office. "Today is a de- Realtors' president Harley Rouda said reports of persistent budget 323rd Military Police Com- The results from Cuyahoga and claration that things look very sentee ballots from overseas. "I'd rather be on the fat side of deficit woes, economic sluggishness nationwide and the threat of war pany in Toledo was placed Mahoning counties more than good." have created psychological Barriers that are blocking home sales. on alert. tripled Fisher's lead from a day Pfeifer said there may have this than the thin side, ob- viously." said Pfeifer, speaking Despite the gloomy news, Rippe, the president of the business econ- Under the alert notifica- earlier, when he led by 442 votes, been enough tabulation error in omists, said any recession "should be shallow by historical stan- tion, the unit commander according to an Associated Press the vote count statewide to pro- from his law office in Bucyrus. "Between election night and the dards." The median estimate of the forecasters is for economic may call in up to 10 percent tally. vide for a swing to his favor in a growth to decline 1.0 percent in this quarter and 0.8 percent in the of the unit's members to Most of the increase resulted recount. official canvass, there appears to The race for attorney general be at least 1,500 votes worth of er- next. prepare equipment and frpm ballots in Cuyahoga County, While two-thirds of the group believe the downturn will last two notify other members. the state's largest county, which likely would not be settled for Juarters or less, 29 percent said it would continue for three quarters, includes Cleveland. several weeks if there is a re- our percent said it would continue for 12 months. None felt it would The Army Reserve's 316th Fisher led Pfeifer by 0.04 per- count. He said he believes he could Medical Detachment in cent of the vote from nearly 3.36 A recount is required by law if still win. last beyond a year. Lorain also was placed on million cast in the Nov. 6 general the margin of victory is below alert. election. 0.25 percent. Fisher led by about After the election, Fisher asked The helicopter "medi- Lucas and Mahoning are the 900 votes in the unofficial count the 88 boards of election to sepa- - vac" unit is composed of only counties among 88 in the released the day after the elec- rate the votes cast at county " Bowl *N' Greenery about 50 officers and en- state that have not yet reported tion. boards under the new law to listed personnel based at the final, official vote counts. Mahon- Increases in the official count make vote challenges easier. All you Can Eat Lorain County Regional Airport. It received the 11:30 - 2:00 $3 99 alert notice Friday, said 4:00 - 7:00 $4.50 Carol Massar, spokeswo- man for the Fourth Army (.Oinill.14 StH • Soup 'n' Salad headquarters, near Chi- • Hot Entrees cago. US* The unit held two days of ^/VcarinNV^^^ • Baked Potato w/ Sour Cream training last weekend, a ^^JJ^rilic 1991 Key )(V/ • Choice of Beverage week ahead of schedule. Maj. Ernie Hollo, com- Located in the University Union mander, described the unit ^^^


* Miscellany term preferably is for Spring 1991 354-6166 and Fall 1991, although candidates available Dr A. Neumann, DC • Dr. K. Marland, DC. • Dr. S. Mesick, D.C. for Spring '91 only will be considered. JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE SUMMER & FALL RENTALS LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSES, DUPLEXES, & APARTMENTS (TOO MANY TO LIST) STOP IN TO 319 E. WOOSTER FOR A BROCHURE OF COMPLETE DETAILS AND SPEAK WITH OUR FRIENDLY STAFF. JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE 319 E.WOOSTER

ATTENTION STUDENTS . . . Ticket pickup for Saturday's Bowling 354-2260 Green / Michigan State basketball game begins today and will (ACROSS FROM TACO BELL) continue tomorrow at the Memorial Hall Ticket Office. One-half of the student allotment will be distributed each day.

For the remainder of the season, student ticket exchange will begin the Monday prior to each game, and will continue until the allotment is depleted. Students must present your student I.D. ■■* ■• ■■■■■I •Mil■■■■ III!,ril ^. for pickup and also at the gate, with the ticket, for admission. TONIGHT'S WOMEN'S BASKETBALL GAME WILL FEATURE THE OFFICIAL iiii""Miiiiniiiiiiiiiiii' PRESENTATION OF THE 1989-90 NCAA TOURNAMENT BANNER AT PREGAME THE BG NEWS

Falcons prepare for road test Women face ISU Akron attempts to avenge last year's loss to BG in Anderson in home opener berg. All have turned into bona- cons escaped with a 77-71 win in we're playing (Akron)," Larran- by Chris Miller fide BG blowouts and all have Anderson Arena. aga said. "They are pretty simi- by Jamie Joss fportft writer seen BG use its swarming de- "We had a terrific game with lar to many of the teams in the sports writer fense and potent offense to ac- them last year," Larranaga said. league in that they try to control Men's basketball coach Jim count for the wins. "Both teams played well, but we the tempo with a half-court In only the infant stages of a rivalry, the Bowling Green-Illinois Larranaga is looking at tonight's Yet, tonight poses one problem were fortunate to come out on offense. State women's basketball series has already proven that homecourt 7:30 p.m. contest with Akron as a the Falcons haven't had to deal top. This year, I expect pretty The Falcons placed five people advantage is a crucial factor. chance to see some different with so far. much the same thing from in double figures in the 116-80 rout The inaugural contest of the series saw the Falcons take advantage things. Forget the quick, athletic them." over Heidelberg. Senior point of their home floor to down the Redbirds 81-73. They may not Slayers. Each club, even Division The Zips will return three guard Clinton Venable scored 23 Last year, after the Falcons lost Jackie Motycka, all be good !I Heidelberg, had a couple of starters, out lost second-leading i lead three starters in double Paulette Backstrom, and Megan McGuire, ISU things, though. decent players. And toss out the scorer Mark Alberts (15.7) last figures. caught BG in a transition year and used the friendly "Every game fact that BG hasn't gone up week to a broken leg. However. Senior forwards Joe Moore (17) confines of Redbird Arena to defeat the Falcons presents against a squad trying to slow Akron has added the service of and Steve Watson (12) also hit 94-72. different prob- BG's frantic pace down. Each junior college All-American Roy double digits, while reserve The series travels back to Anderson Arena for to- lems and ob- opponent has tried, in some small Coleman. Coleman, a 6-4 guard, Suards Michael Huger and Billy night's home opener with the Falcons looking to viously the first way, to keep BG from running all averaged 25.1 points per game for ohnson hit for 12 and 11, resprec- redeem themselves after last year's setback. one is that we'- over Anderson Arena. Owens Tech last year. tively. "It's been a good rivalry and Illinois State is going re going away No, the big change Larranaga Akron is 0-1 after dropping a Although BG out rebounded to be a challenge," BG coach Fran Voll said. "They from home, Larranaga has to deal with tonight is in the 61-54 decision to Kansas State. Heidelberg 49-46, Larranaga have had one of the best programs for the last 10 Voll the fifth-year setting. Albert Jones, a 6-5 senior for- wasn't exactly pleased with the years." coach said. "Secondly, we'll be Akron, 16-12 last season, plays ward, led the Zips with 21 points effort under the boards. The Falcons are 1-0 after a victory over Dayton Saturday and was playing a team that is very quick in the cozy confines (6,250) of and nine rebounds. Point guard "I was disappointed that we the 17th win in their last 21 games dating back to last season. and athletic and will look to exe- James A. Rhodes Arena. But Brian Dawson added 12 points in didn't rebound better," he said. BG has won three of its last four home openers including last year's cute their half-court offense a more than that, they win in the loss. "They got a lot of offensive re- 79-43 victory over Morehead State. lot." Rhodes Arena. In the Zips, Larranaga does see bounds we thought should've It's hard to judge who will be relied on for scoring, but sophomore So far, BG has played two exhi- Last year's Zips squad finished some similarities to a couple been ours. It's important that we center Andrea Nordmann gave a glimpse of improvement from her bition games and the season 13-2 at home and presented a teams BG will face the last half of improve on our rebounding if we rookie campaign against UD, scoring 17 points and grabbing 10 re- opener Monday against Heidel- tough foe for BG before the Fal- the season. "I think it's good that want to be successful." bounds. Senior point guard Wanda Lyle scored 16 and had six assists, and senior Traci Gorman chipped in with 10 points and four rebounds. The Redbirds are returning four starters (three seniors) and seven letterwinners from last years 22-10 squad that finished sixth in the Briefly Swimmers try to 1990 NIT tournament. ISU competed in the 1989,1985, and 1983 NCAA tournaments and ad- Tickets for the Michigan State game Saturday will be availa- vanced to the second round 1989. ble for pickup at the Memorial Hall Ticket Office beginning at 9 This year, the Redbirds have jumped out to an early 2-0 start, in- upend Buckeyes cluding wins over in-state rival Illinois (78-73) and 1990 NCAA partici- a.m. today. pant California (81-61). eyes (2-0). After four Big 10 titles Tickets may be obtained free of charge by presenting a valid by Kevin Cummlngs ISU coach Jill Hutchinson enters her 20th season with a record of student ID. and Top 20 rankings every year in 344-190, having coached the Redbirds to three straight 20-plus win sports writer the 1980s, OSU currently stands seasons in which they finished first or second in the Gateway Colle- Only one ID per student may be presented and one ticket per 18th in the country. giate Athletic Conference. ID will be allowed. Approximately one-half of the student allot- No respect. The key to a Falcon victory will "We were pleased to win both games, especially this early in the ment will be held back until Thursday to accomodate those stu- Rodney Dangerfield doesn't get be to take advantage of OSU's season," Hutchinson said. "I think with this being our first road trip, it dents who are unable to get to the ticket office today. any, nor does the Mid-American lack of depth, an element that makes the game very important." Conference—at least not from the Gordon feels is not insurmounta- Headlining the Redbird lineup are 6-0 senior forward Cindy Kauf- Big Ten. ble. mann (14 points per game ana three rebounds per game) and 6-4 The women's The Buckeyes' strengths are in sophomore center Caryn Brune (13 ppg, 9.5 rpg). swim team will their diving program, which is In their first two games the Redbirds have nine players who are be out to change traditionally one of the best in the averaging 10 minutes a game. a Ohio State's nation, and the exploits of Susan "They nave very good team balance," Voll said. "Kaufmann is a opinion of the Gottlieb, who is an All-American power forward who can also shoot the three-point shot. She is probably >YOU SHOULD MAC today as in three events. their best player, but Brune is also a concern inside." they battle the "We need to focus in on their Buckeyes at 4 strengths and weaknesses," Kim In addition, ISU returns sophomore off guard Tami Baalke (16.5 BE CHECKING \ p.m. in Cooper Faircloth said. "We match up ppg, 5.5 rpg), senior small forward LuAnn Robinson (12.0 ppg, 6.0 Pool. very well with them." rpg), and senior point guard Shannon Fulton (8.0 ppg, 3.0 rpg). YOUR LIST "There is no Gordon "We are ready for Ohio State," rivalry between Gordon said. "Even if they do win Bowling Green and Ohio State per an event, we're looking to fill the TWICE! se." head coach Brian Gordon number two and three spots." said. "The rivalry is the MAC Although OSU is clearly the Bengals' Rembert versus the Big 10. favorite to win the meet, they also 352-9135 "The Big 10 doesn't respect the carry the burden of the pressure MAC, and it really gets our kids to win. A loss to BG could serious- WINTHROP TERRACE APTS. fired up." ly tarnish the school's image and It will take an all-out effort on hurt future recruiting. involved in crash features BG's behalf to topple the Buck- D See Swimming, page 7. • CAMPUS SHUTTLE FORT MITCHELL, Ky. (AP) — booked and then released on his • 9 & 12 month leases Cincinnati Bengals rookie recognizance. receiver Reggie Rembert was Rembert, who lives in nearby • Furnished & Unfurnished charged with alcohol intoxication Crescent Springs, can resolve the • 24 hour maintenance after he drove off a road and matter by paying a $67.50 fine or smashed his car into a sewer pipe can contest the charge in Kenton • Air conditioning early Tuesday, police said. County District Court if he be- ^Jhe If lute racker lieves he is innocent, a jail Police Chief Don Delaney said spokesman said. No court date police opted to charge Rembert was set. presented ou Ike (^tevetand l/Sailet with the misdemeanor offense of alcohol intoxication, rather than Police said a sobriety test per- Q. How much money should on Zrriday, ^Jjecenxber 7, 1990. the more serious charge of drun- formed on Rembert at the crash DEAR I have left now? ken driving, because the officer scene indicated he had been A. Check this reference guide did not see Rembert driving. The drinking. Delaney said he did not BERNIE t oin Ike kotldau spirit nu iianina up now in Ike I^^IKJ offici officer arrived after Rembert know the specific results of the was off the road and already out blood-alcohol test, and the officer \Jnlu S20 includes ticket ana transportation to Ike of his car, police said. who had administered it had gone off duty. BUDGET YOUR "QUANTUM 90" DOLLARS! {Jhio ,N/nf7 1/heatre "It's the officer's discretion on in ( A-i » 'land, Vjh. a charge like that," Delaney said. Rembert, who starred at West "In this case, it's a single-car ac- Virginia University, signed with Fall'90 MINIMUM COMFORT SUPER SUPER PLUS , >'furry, tickets are limited. cident, nobody else was in- the Bengals on Aug. 29 after the Beginning volved." New York Jets were unable to sign him and traded him to Cin- Balance S545 S710 S825 S1050 Rembert, 23, was not injured in cinnati for linebacker Joe Kelly the 4 a.m. crash in this northern and reserve offensive lineman Nov 25 S104 S132 $155 S198 Kentucky town near Cincinnati, Scott Jones. Rembert has had a police said. He was taken to the leg injury and hasn't played for Dec. 8 S68 S87 S104 S133 Kenton County Jail in Covington, the Bengals yet this season. Dec 21 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 Q. My Quantum 90 debit account Q. I have too much money in my balance is getting low. What Quantum 90 debit account, HOWARD'S club H can I do? What should I do? 210 N. Main 352-9951 A. You have several options. A. Remember, if you are You can deposit additional enrolled for Spring Semester, Let the Woodland Mall be your money (|20 or more) in your it will carry over along with Christmas Shopping Headquarters! account at the Bursar's your new plan dollars for the OROBOROS ™& Office. Any excess money in spring term, or you could use .woodland moll /BGSU your account at the end of the excess dollars to purchase * the semester will carry over shelf-stable packaged items Shopping Day and be added to Spring at Chily's Express for use Semester account if you are over the break. J'h5ie Thursday-Saturday Saturday, December 8 enrolled for the spring term. •Watch the BG News If you selected the $100 Q. When do I get a refund? Michels Nov.^.Dec.1 •93Q "Food for Friend/'Station charge option (most of you A. At the end of the year or Band Personalities & Giveaways for more details! did) and are in good when you withdraw from •In-store specials Free Transportation financial standing with the BGSU, if you purchased an •Fashion Show Bursar (bills are paid) you upgraded plan ($695, $800, or 18-20 Welcome •Raffle/Prizes may use the charge option $1000). If you purchased one $2.00 cover after 9:30 beginning Nov. 26. Actual of the larger plans you will charges will be billed to your be credited your unused 21 and Over Bursar's account, and are dollars minus the $545 $1.00 cover after 9:30 due upon billing. You can minimum per semester pay cash at any campus food plan, any bonus dollars, and HOURS: outlet. a $10 administrative fee. Mon.-Sat.: Noon 'til 2:30 a..m. Sunday: 2:00 p.m. "til 2:30 a.m.

More questions? Call University Food Operations 372-7933. * Mini-Pitchers Every Day* Sponsored by Pi Sigma Epsilon and the Woodland Mall Merchants Association. THE BG NEWS Wednesday. November 28. 1990 Hockey team lands four recruits Surgery a success by Sieve Easlon "The Cleveland area has made great Cressman and de Vries round out the Fal- sports writer strides concerning hockey talent in the last cons recruiting class. couple of years," York said. "The impact of Cressman, 6-1,175, plays for the Waterloo for BG's Flanagan the three Division I hockey programs in Ohio Siskins in the Midwest Junior B Hockey The Cleveland Connection has struck (BG, Ohio State, Miami) has had a large ef- League. BG assistant hockey coach be able to leave the hospital this Bowling Green again as the Falcon hockey fect on youth hockey in Ohio." Cressman, 17, was named the MJHI.'s Terry Flanagan underwent what weekend. He will return to his program recently signed four players, in- Holzinger is considered to be one of the top co-"Rookie of the Year" in 1989-90 after post- doctors termed a "succesful" parents' home in Stratford, Ont. cluding two from Cleveland suburbs, to five recruits in the country and chose BG ing 3.85 goals against average with Kitch- operation to remove a malignant at that time. national letters of intent. over Michigan State, Wisconsin, and Michi- ener. brain tumor Monday. During his recuperation, Flan- The signings came dur- gan. "Nathan is a goaltender with good size," The operation agan will undergo chemotherapy ing the National Collegiate He currently is playing center in his sec- York said. "He was a dominant player in took place at and radiation treatments at tne Athletic Association's ond year for the Detroit Junior Red Wings of games we watched him play in." University hospital to remove the rest of the early signing period of the North American Junior A Hockey De Vries, 6-2, 195, plays for the Stratford Hospital in tumor. Nov. 14-21. It is the first League (Tier II). Through Nov.S, Holzinger, dilutions which is in the same league as London, On- "The team was so excited when year schools have been 5-11, 175, was the NAJHL's second-leading Cressman. tario. they heard the news," BG head able to sign recruits early. scorer with 14 goals and 15 assists for 29 "Greg is a 17-year-old with all the neces- Doctors coach Jerry York said. "It's such Forwards Brian Hol- points in 10 games. Holzinger is the only sary skills and size to be a top player in the aimed to re- a high-risk operation, and he has zinger and Tony Prpic, de- 18-year old on the team. CCHA," York said. "He moves the puck well move at least 75 a long battle in front of him with fenseman Greg de Vries, Before playing with the Junior Red Wings, and combines the offensive and defensive percent of the the chemotherapy and radi- and goaltender Nathan Holzinger led Padua High School to state game into a solid package." tumor prior to ation." Cressman have agreed to championships in his freshman and sopho- Ice Chips: The Falcons' 5-1 victory over the operation. flanogan Get well wishes may be sent to play with BG next year. York more seasons. Western Michigan Friday was BG's 10th Flanagan currently is in inten- Flanagan's parents address at 38 • 'All four recruits are very well known on a "We think Brian is an outstanding pros- straight at the Ice Arena dating back to Jan. sive care at the hospital and may Wood St., Stratford, Ont. N5A1L8. national level," BG head coach Jerry York pect for our team based on his puckhandling 19 last year against Michigan said. "Their decision to attend Bowling skills and skating ability," York said. "His State...Defenseman Aris Brimanis (knee) Green really solidifies the future of the pro- quickness will be a real plus as he develops and center Jim Solly (shoulder) are healthy Cavaliers continue gram. This class is small number wise but in the CCHA (Central Collegiate Hockey As- and practicing this week...Goaltender Ang- features quality both academically and ath- sociation)." Prpic, 17, is playing for Culver elo Libertucci's performance against letically. Holzinger and Prpic are natives Military Academy in Indiana where fresh- Western this weekend earned him CCHA of Parma, 0. and Euclid, O., respectively, man Aris Brimanis played last year. The 6-4, Player of the Week honors for the first time Knicks' home woes which will bring the number of Cleveland 200 winger was chosen to the United States in his career... Libertucci's 8-2-1 record also residents on the Falcon roster to four. Select 16 and 17 squads the past two seasons. gives him the league lead in goalie victor- Knicks, who are 2-5 at home. Last by Bill Barnard season, they did not lose their ies...35 former CCHA players have seen ac- AP sports writer Sophomore center Brett Harkins and "Tony's skill level really impresses us," tion in the this fifth home game until March 6. freshman defenseman Aris Brimanis are York said. "His ability to handle the puck season. The Falcons lead the way with 11 fol- Brad Daugherty scored 27 both residents of the Cleveland suburbs. will be a tremendous asset to the team." lowed by MSU with 10. NEW YORK — Craig Ehlo points for Cleveland but fouled scored 5 of his 21 points during a out with 6:08 remaining. Daugh- decisive 9-0 fourth-quarter run erty also was called for a techni- that gave the fie ve land Cavaliers cal on the play and the resulting a 107-102 victory over New York free throws gave New York a NFL finally issues Olson verdict 95-92 lead. on Tuesday night, continuing the Knicks' home court woes. Kiki Vandeweghe scored 29 by Barry Wilner with speculation, rumor or rhet- was, and we cannot conclusively the interview of Hurst, Perryman points, his high in two years with AP sports writer oric." identity the person. "stood up, nearby but unseen by Mowatt and Timpson are still "Other players were laughing Olson and — according to one The loss was the third straight New York, and Patrick Ewing with the Patriots, but Perryman and some shouted, 'Make her viewer — 'adjusted' his genitals at Madison Square Garden for the added 27. NEW YORK — Two New Eng- was released on Nov. 6 and now look, make her look." and — according to another Stay tuned to land Patriots players and a form- plays for the Dallas Cowboys. The report said that Timpson, (viewer) shook his hips in an er teammate were fined a total of Tagliabue called the players' who denied making any of the exaggerated fashion, eliciting |22,500 and the team was fined actions and statements "com- remarks, was one of those shout- f urther laughter. The BG News $25,000 today by the NFL for in- pletely uncalled for and im- ing encouragement. "Perryman denied to in- volvement in the alleged sexual proper. Mo watt's conduct in- Moments later," the report vestigators any involvement in harassment of a female reporter. volved both verbal and demon- said, "Olson saw Mowatt on the the innident," the report said. Zeke Mowatt was given a strative actions. Timpson and scale (by Hurst's locker, where Heymann also found that no- $12,500 fine, while Michael Timp- Perryman encouraged the mis- she had been positioned). Accord- body tried to "bring the humiliat- son and Robert Ferryman were conduct." ing to a number of players, he ing activity around Lisa Olson to THE PHEASANT ROOM each fined $5,000. In addition to Tagliabue also concluded, turned toward her and said, a stop." the team fine, the Patriots were based on Heymann's report, that 'You're not writing, you're look- "Finally, according to Olson, ordered to pay $25,000 for instruc- the team's management failed to ing.' she felt she could not take any offers a tional materials on responsible comply with NFL policy on equal f'He smiled and purposely dis- more and abruptly ended her dealings with the media. media access "in that the club did played himself to her in a sugges- meeting with Hurst." Oldham de- SUNDAY BUFFET No suspensions were given in not adequately supervise its tive way. Laughter erupted and scribed her as "very distraught, the incident, which involved Lisa players, did not adequately in- shouts from the players contin- she couldn't see straight" as she Olson of the Boston Herald. vestigate and resolve a serious ued, especially, Is she looking?' left the scene. The fines, levied by NFL com- incident of misconduct in the After she left, Heymann re- All you can eat missioner Paul Taguabue, came club's locker room and appeared James Oldham, Patriots direc- ported, Perryman said to the after special counsel Phillip to condone the misconduct of the tor of media relations, quickly players present "If the kitchen is only $5.95 Heymann of the Harvard Law Patriots' players." moved toward the scene while Ol- too hot, get out." School submitted a 60-page report In a letter to Patriots owner son, "embarrassed by Mowatt's on the incident. Tagliabue con- Victor Kiam, Tagliabue re- actions, quickly lowered her head cluded that "a serious incident iterated "my strong belief that and continued her interview. located in the University Union occurred on Sept. 17 while Ms. the Patriots' organization and its "Mowatt's account of the same See the future. Quantum 90 card accepted Lisa Olson of the Boston Herald players have learned a hard les- period is not credible," the report was interviewing cornerback son from this episode and that said. Maurice Hurst in the Patriots' everyone involved will best be Several more players separate- Use a condom. locker room. The incident in- served if this controversy now S walked nude past Olson on volved misconduct of certain comes to an end without further eir way to the shower. "We be- 12 - 2 p.m. 372-7947 or 372-7949 Patriots' players that was de- recrimination." lieve Olson's account that two or grading to Ms. Olson. Olson alleged that a player three players whom we cannot i- "Professor Heymann's report stood at her side, naked, and dentify paused and 'modeled' is thorough and balanced," Tag- "said in a low voice, 'Here's what themselves briefly by her in some liabue said. "It treats the entire you want.' fashion," Heymann reported. episode on a factual basis, not "She did not see who the person While Olson tried to continue ENJOY GOOD LIVING IN '91 WITH Swimming PREFERRED PROPERTIES CO. □ Continued from page 6. 835 High St. - Rental Office "There is no pressure on us to Located at Cherrywood Health Spa win." Faircloth said. "They're in Phone 352-9378 9:00-4:30 Monday-Friday the Big 10, which is supposedly WfiNT€D big time. They feel they have to beat us." Housing Openings for Summer & Fall 9 month - 12 month leases "Our women are ready to give it everything they have," Gordon Features added. "They are mentally and Volunteers to serve as FOX RUN - MERCER RD. physically prepared, and will HAVEN HOUSE - E. WOOSTER 1 & 2 oedroom - 1V2 tooths simply lay it on the line." Tour Guides for PIEDMONT - 8th & HIGH ST. Furnished - wall to wall carpet Extra large closets - linen closet Just as homecourt advantage is BIRCHWOOD PLACE - 650 SIXTH ST. worth three points in basketball, PREVIEW DAY Gas heat and cooking Gordon believes swimming in SMALL BLDGS. - MANVILLE BETWEEN Laundry areas in each building their own pool is worth 25 points December 1, 1990 6th & 7th Patio area - grills available to the Falcons. MINI MALL - S. MAIN SounO-conditioned interior The Falcons will use their usual If interested attend the consistency and hard work ethic following informational meeting: All residents will have membership privileges to Cherrywood Health Spa to try and improve their 5-1 dual meet record. The hard work has Kid off thus far for BG as they Wednesday, November 28 ve outlasted most of its oppo- nents. • £■ 6:30 - 7:30 # • "If Ohio State does win the meet, they'll leave this building Admissions Office knowing they swam a great in McFall Center race," Gordon said. // anv questions please contact a Student "This is our biggest dual meet Tour Coordinator at 372-9866 of the season," Faircloth said. "It will really mean a lot to win."





Falcon Hoop* V Michigan Si POSTERS: Soviet. German others WANTED' Male Female Rmte . Second A Elm. CAMPUS ft CITY EVENTS Sal 4 pm Ano*r«on Arena Free catalog Global Art $185mo Can 352-4545 leave message FOR RENT WEDNESDAY IS ACOUSTIC NIOHT STUDENT PICKUP IS TODAY AND PO Bo« 20028 Dayton OH 45420 Wanted'Needed male or female roomate AT GOOD TYMES TOMORROW spring semester, own bedroom Grad student A.S.1.0. Trsa weak laatunng THIS YEARS FAR 1 $ 2 bedroom apts Thurs ALTERNATIVE STOMP"1 REMINDER opportunity but perty hardy undergrad okay loo' Ann All mlOTOt Oaaign ma«xa Fralaf nlly Mon and Sorority Woman Campus Brothers Meeting Cal 352-5803 leave message immediate Occupancy Moating WMrwMay Nov 28 Fn JERICHO TURNPIKE 352-7454 or 823-7555 Ssl VAMBO MARBLE EYE ' Applcations ara now avariabla m tne G/aofc Ufa TONIGHT. 7 00. Ashley flpaaliar UM Lonnaraal daicuaaig OffKia lor mtertralamrty and Pwinotonic Cabi- 9 & 12 month leases semester leases starting your own fxramaaa net positions SNAPPER II IS COMING' HELP WANTED TlmaaPtaca 12AHEBMQ »pm Get involved today*' ■ THE REVENGE OF SNAPPER! 1 and 2 Bdrm Apts Available for Immediate Occupancy Progressive Night CULTURAL CONVERSATIONS GAY/LESBIAN INFORMATION LINE Tracy Bums 5 Overweighl men & women needed Musi be EASTERN EURO'S » TRANSITION TO H you have questions about hornoeexualty or R E MANAGEMENT Progressvle Night 3 long months are almost over Just 1 more day 25 lbs or more overweight We are looking for POLITICAL DEMOCRACY tne gey community m Northwest Ohio, can 113 RAILROAD STREET Danko Maknkj Ph 0 M you see you honey I promise to take care of overweight men A women to participate in our (NexttoKmkos) Club SOP. 352 LAG A (352-5242) from 7-10 pm Mon- VIMng Oamaimil Fulmgnt ScnoHr «i Scotty paVow this time' This will be your best weight loss program for adv purposes If you 352-9302 days. Wednesdays and Fridays 1 PoMcalScWnca weekend ever I'm so exerted for you qualify you w* be specialty monitored through- Prizes and Giveawayi UnMarMy ol SkocO. VuBoaawa Greenpeece stands tor action on (he ecolo- Love you. out your weight loss unH you have reached 1 bdrm effic apt $250mo plus util Call Wadnaaday. NnwnW 2i. 1 ttO. 7 00 p.m. gical tront Come find out what you can do to Roomie your weight Your after p-cutre will then be 354-8800 after 1 pm Honor'* Canter (below Kraiacher Quad) help save the environment. considered for submission to our corporated I loai u* lor an mlormal duKuaaion witn ClubSOP adv dept for possible use m promtton Those 1 bedmr effic turn Free cable w movie Or MaMaMi who w* la* with ut Progressive Night Greenpeace stands tor action on the •coto- WANTED who participate in this special program wil channel for spring $210 mo lor Spring and'or about tha transitions m Eastern Europe Prizes and giveaways glcel Iront. Come find oul what you can do to receive a significant discount of the regular Summer CalChns354-8397 EVERYONE WELCOME' Every Wednesday help save the environment. program price CaH Formu 3 Weight Loss Center 354 4500 1 br. ful bath, all wooden floors Close to cam- HAPPY BIRTHDAY PI PHIS" • ONE MONTH RENT FREE • pus - very nice quiet location Cal 352-6701 1 Female needed to sublease apt for Spring . f roommate needed 2 bdrm washer Maureen Cunningham Kathleen Crosby or 352-1373. ask lor Lisa semester very close to campus Call Pam dryer datnwasher AC. micro $1/5 mo Plus ClubSOP Stephanie Peterson Business Students and Entrepreneurs 1 or 2 people needed to sublease turn. 1 bdrm u—aa Cai354 4568 354-6484 Earn $7,000 • $10,000 next summer (averag- apt Great location - 1 block from downtown 5 Progressive Night t Female Non Smoking Roommate needed lor ing $7200) while building your resume and I RO HAPPY HOURS 4 HOCKEY GAME mm walk lo campus No utilities Available im- Spring Semester in Fox Run Apts Cal gaining valuable business experience TASP' International RelationB Organization OSEA wiH be holding Happy Hours at Quarters mediately Cal collect 513-465-5547 ask for Every Wadnesdsy international is looking for highly motivated stu- All Welcome Wed . Nov 28. * 30pm Friday. Nov 30th 4 30 - 6 00 Everyone wel- 353 8036 Ann ^^^^ come' Bring a friend BGSU vs CIU 7 30 Re dents lo lid Management positions across Ohio F-rmte needed to sublease one bedroom and Michigan, particularly in Cleveland, Ak- See the Nutcracker Ballet Friday. December 7. sponsiWe (or your own ticket - Look lor OSEA 2 bdr.M person apartment available for su- PHI UPSILON 0MICRON Village Green Apt lor Spring Only at the Oho Slete Theatre in Cleveland S20 win mnneyt ron. Canton, Sandusky, and Monroe Ml. For bleasing In spring. All current occupants Discussion on Understanding $125. month plus electric Call 354-8284 graduating In Dec. Call today! 354-6976. gel you a ticket and transportation to this time- more information cal Gregg Merlons today al Sexual Harassment HEY CYCLISTS Female Roommate needed for Spring 91 1 800-543-3792 less holiday classic performed by the Cleveland 2-person apt for reni Utila paid, furnished, Meat In Oa liar la at 5:30 on Nov 28 Cortma rollers w'alloy drums $ 150 neg Two bedroom. Two bath, very large Baael> Stgn-up now in the UAO office, and hurry very close to campus $340month Cal LottS50neg Brian 2-4747 $600 for semester plus utilities because rickets are very limited OVERSEAS JOBS $900-2000 mo Summer 352 4405 PI Sigma EpslIon CaH 354-6939 or 352-4057 Yr round. AH Countries All fields Free info "BataThetaPT Apartment lor Rent Important Informal Mealing HOLIDAY FESTIVAL Wnte UC. PO Bx 52 OH03. Corona Del Mar. JOHN BIENIAS Cal 473-2099. please leave message Harshmen Quadrangle Main Lobbys CA 92625 Wad Nov 28 at 7 30 B» 110PI Sigma Epsl- Happy 21 at Birthday, hon' Female roommale needed 2 b r washer. ton Featuring France. Mexico, Italy, and England dryer, dishwasher. AC. micro $175 per mo You finally made it' SEMESTER BREAK OPENINGS Enjoy each country that will be depicted with Apartment For Reni Love plus utilities Call 354-4588 Vector Marketing Corp has a special 2-5 week decorations, music, pictures, food, and his- One bedroom, unfurnished, stove & refrigerator REACH OUT JuaeL Female roommate needed IMMEDIATELY 2 work program Can stay on permanently $7 15 tory. furnished Available now' 727 3rd Street Apt A new social service organization dedicated lo starting pey rate AH majors should apply Must Free and Open to Everyone bedroom apt close to campus Only $145 a C $280 plus utilities Call John Newlove Realty providing rasa! lo many dieadvantaged mdrvtdu- .ntefvlew now • start after finals Transportation Adoption • loving ImanciaHy secure couple de* Sponsored by Residence Education Services month plus electr*- NEGOTIABLE' One FREE 354-2260 all In Bowling Green and Northwest Ohio eve* to adopt white infant Please call collect and Harshman Quadangle Staff month renf'Please call Dawn at 288-2744 or required. Cal 382-1060 Apartment to share Wednesdays. 9 0OPM. 200 Mosley Hal AH Lynn S Harold 1 419 822 9288 454-2711 leave message SEMESTER BREAK WORK Home Falcon Hockey' Own room, good rent Majors Welcome $7 25starhng Attention Friday and Saturday Female sublessor needed for Spring '91 Please cal 354-5979 MR 1 Mortar board Beet KAnois - Chicago $146/mo. i Electric/Phone & Furnished Call Ful-tlme or part-time Co-ops available Don't forget our meeting Karen 372-1246 ■ leave message SERVICES OFFERED Al majors should apply Female Roommate needed for Spring Semester TONIGHT In 103 BA at 9:301 HOME FALCON HOCKEY HELP* I'm graduating in Dec and need a female Come as you are 1991 Close lo campus Contact Terri or Katie See ya therel FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! to sublease Nice apartment Close to campus PREGNANT? No experience needed at 353-7607 Get Your Ticket Today" Rent reasonable Elec only GREAT room- Training provided Wa can help FREE pregnancy tests & suppor- FOR RENT Single person/efficiency apart- Attention: All Seniors mates! Call 354-8653 May continue part-time Ova services Confidential BG Pregnancy ment, furnished; AC. good closet space; wel Don't miss the Senior Classics Male needed to sublease lurn Village Green During school Corner Cel 354 HOPE INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE water. $200^0 Call 352-3408 'Pro-Exam Blow Out" MEN'S WRESTLING NOV 28. MEN'S a apt (Spring) Call3547331 ON CAMPUS WED. DEC. S Typing. $1 50 per page 354 0371 Friday. Nov. 30 Quarters Cafe Apply in the Fort Room ol Umon Furn • Effic • UM • Furn • Except Elec - E WOMEN'S 3-PLAYER BASKETBALL • NOV Male roommate needed Appetizer and Drink Specials 29 ALL ENTRIES DUE BY 4 00 pm ON EN 11 am to 2pm Evers- 669 3036 Raffle Give-aways $107 50/month 353-8033 Call 1-382-1060 if TRY DUE PATE Houses 4 Apartments * Close to Campus PERSONALS Senior Cleesics Is sponsored by Senior Pro- Unable to apply m person For summer 1991 a 1991 -92 school year gramming Board. JonUrso One housemate needed for Spring Sem Own No words can express how wonderful the pest 1-287 3341 Club S O P room - furnished, great location, good times year and a halt has been (or me You're the Low rent - $550 for whole sem CaH Todd 1 best Thanks tor being there when I've needed Need 1 male roomate to sublease Village Green Progressive Nighl 354-3104 FOR SALE yOU< Apt Call 354-5251 BGSU SHOPPING DAY' I love you. Sue Roommate needed for Spring Semester' Saturday Dec 8 at the Woodland Man | aanj VV.'d'n'vJ,iy OWN ROOM Pay no gas or electric' Great loca- 1980 Pinto, very reliable $500 obo Needed female to sub-lease apt Spring sem. Special prices, prizes, and lots of fun tion on N Enterprise' Please CaH Call 354-7697 '91 For more info Call 353 3825 Stay tuned for details Need Help? Robin or Wendy 354-7740 Did You Know? II you are pregnant there are Free Tutoring Available) thousands of crisis pregnancy centers including Needed Immediately - 2 Male roommates, Help With 1984 Muslang-LX.' 5 litre engine Loaded, $650 a person per semester. 1 in BG which provide tree pregnancy tests and Roommate needed to sublease apt for Spring excelent condition Call 872-9911 after 6 00 Math. Biology Accounting, and Statistics, cal FREE CABLE • LOW UTILITIES - CLOSE TO support counseling any residence hall front desk lor details Spon- semester. Cheap rent Close to campu3 Heat pm CAMPUS sored by Residential Services and the Math paid Ca* Scott 352 4024 Department Macintosh Plus and 20 MB Hard Drive S cooling One apt . can be shared by 2 people for $175 Orders are now being taken lor beautiful fruit Roommate needed to live with BG grad in fan. Great condition CaH Mike at 354-5287 'or each or 1 person $350 a month Call baskets hand made baskets are each shrink S W Toledo area Call Bob 865-4943 after details 352-4966 wrapped & certain pineapple, grapefruit, ba- 5pm MERRY CHRISTMAS nanas, oranges, apples & candy, $ 12 To order One bedroom, very nice. a/c. dishwaher, Roommate needed for Spring Own room $175 call 353-1 439 atter 5 pm Why reni when you can invest? available Dec 8 354-5257 per month Call Mike 372-3857 For Sale by owner Close to campus Very Subleaser wanted for a one-bed apt $270 plus PI Sigma Epsllon Want to live close to both campus a town 4 pleasant 4 bedroom, i I 2 bath, screened m gas 8 electric For more information caH Mike at ^L from The BG News Important Inlormal Meeting lood for Spring? Female roommate needed. Cal porch, wood burning stove, hot tub Low 354-5481 Wed Nov 28 at 7 30 - BA 110 353-9293 S60'8 318 N Enterprise CaH 352-7723 PI Sigma Epsllon

Bowling Green Opera Theatre Prtsenti AN EVENING OF ONE ACTS

RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE NOW The Long Christmas Dinner DAYTONA BEACH '119 % by Paul Hindemith 7 NIGHTS df SOUTH PADRE ISLAND 5 AND 7 NIGHTS '129 There and Back The Prodigal Son STEAMBOAT (Hin und Zurock) (L'Enfant Prodigue) '96 "W.J~..Ja fa/" by Claude Debusay by Paul Hindemith FORT LAUDERDALE '137 7 NIGHTS ALL YOU CAN EAT PANAMA CITY BEACH '124 SPAGHETTI PERFORMED WITH ORCHESTRA CORPUS CHRISTII $4.25 Saturday, December 1,1890 MUSTANG ISLAND '108 Hours: S AND 7 NIGHTS 8:00 p.m. HILTON HEAD ISLAND '112 Sunday 12:00-2:00 P.M. KOBACKER HAI.I. S AND 7 NIGHTS Mon-Thurs 11:30-1:30 P.M. Moore Musical Arts Center CALL TOIL Ffff€ TODAY 4:30-7:00 P.M. 1-800-321-5911 Friday ll:30-l:30 P.M. Located in the University Union TICKETS: Strip Steak Sp«ipeool '5 95 advertised in yesterday i B G. news is for Tu«uesdoys only $5 Adults & $3 Students/Sr. Citizens Quantum oo card accepied afier 4:30 for on-campus sludenis CALL 372-8171 Depf ngmg wi orpj* fljff* jna ifigrn Of St3v Quantum 90 card accepied all day lor off-campus students

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