Acta Clin Croat 2016; 55:301-308 Review doi: 10.20471/acc.2016.55.02.18


Miro Kasum1, Sonja Anić-Jurica1, Ermin Čehić2, Tajana Klepac-Pulanić3, Josip Juras1 and Kristina Žužul1

1Clinical Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zagreb University Hospital Center, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; 2Zenica Cantonal Hospital, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 3Zagreb-East Health Center, Department of Gynecology, Zagreb, Croatia

SUMMARY – Th e aim of this review is to analyze current diagnostic approaches to obesity in adult men, the potential mechanisms linking obesity to , and treatment options aimed at improving reproductive health. Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic with the estimated preva- lence increasing from 28.8% to 36.9% between 1980 and 2013. In terms of diagnosis, numerous simple techniques have been developed including , waist to hip ratio, waist circumfer- ence, bioelectrical impedance analysis, ultrasound and skinfold measurements. Additionally, several other less available but more accurate techniques have been suggested, such as air displacement pleth- ysmography, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imag- ing. In addition to cardiovascular and other disorders, male obesity can negatively aff ect the male re- productive potential through abnormal reproductive levels, reduced semen quality, increased release of adipose-derived and adipokines, as well as thermal, genetic and sexual mecha- nisms. In the management of obesity related male infertility, natural weight loss is the cornerstone and regular exercise the fi rst-line treatment. Although bariatric surgery results in greater improvements in weight loss outcomes when compared to non-surgical interventions, further research is required to clarify its overall infl uence on male fertility. Key words: Male; Obesity – diagnosis; Obesity – complications; Infertility, male – therapy

Introduction weight and obesity in adults worldwide has increased between 1980 and 2013 from 28.8% to 36.9% in men Over the past three decades, many countries in the and from 29.8% to 38.0% in women, reaching epidem- urbanized world have witnessed a growing epidemic of ic proportions with 2.1 billion adults aff ected2. Th e overweight and obesity. Th e epidemic is largely fueled obesity epidemic has received considerable attention by urbanization, economic growth, industrialization, as a major global health challenge because it is associ- mechanized transport, and the adoption of sedentary ated with an increased risk of a wide array of health lifestyle, coupled with the high availability of foods problems, including diabetes, heart disease, hyperten- with high caloric content1. Since the 1970s, the rates of sion, cancers, as well as many digestive diseases, exert- excess body weight in reproductive-age men have ing a heavy toll on the economy with its massive nearly tripled, so that in westernized countries be- healthcare costs3. tween 65% and 70% of adult men are currently over- Reproductive consequences of excess body weight weight or obese. Th e estimated prevalence of over- in women have received substantial attention because obese women are more likely to experience ovulatory Correspondence to: Prof. Miro Kasum, MD, PhD, Clinical Depart- or menstrual disorders and delayed fertility. Th e ongo- ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zagreb University Hospital ing pregnancy rate/cycle among obese women was Center, Petrova 13, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia E-mail: [email protected] found to be lower than in normal weight women Received August 17, 2015, accepted November 12, 2015 (20.8% versus 28.3%)4. Moreover, obesity has been as-

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2016 301 M. Kasum et al. Male obesity and fertility sociated with an increased rate of polycystic ovary syn- or reproductive diffi culties12. Furthermore, male obe- drome, infertility and treatment failure, multiple com- sity may be associated with various comorbidities, in- plications of pregnancy including , gesta- cluding , hypercholesterolemia, tional diabetes, preeclampsia, fetal macrosomia and hyperleptinemia, psychological depression, sleep ap- cesarean delivery with poor neonatal and maternal nea, renal failure, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardio- pregnancy outcomes5. vascular diseases, all of which have independently been Until recently, the reproductive consequences of linked to male subfertility. Th erefore, it seems that the obesity on the male reproductive potential have been eff ects of male obesity and comorbidities on fertility studied to a lesser extent, although it has equally been are multifactorial, infl uencing sperm parameters, preg- linked to male infertility. Th e studies reporting correla- nancy and subsequent child health. Because it is un- tions between obesity and fertility have generally been clear to what extent obesity aff ects the reproductive inconclusive because it remains unclear to what extent potential in men, it remains to be determined whether obesity aff ects the reproductive potential in men. In the exact eff ects occur through its higher level per se, an several studies, it has been suggested that overweight associated comorbidity, or a combination of both13. and obese men showed no signifi cantly increased rela- Th e purpose of the present review is to analyze the tive risk of abnormal semen parameters6-8. A system- current diagnostic methods used to defi ne obesity in atic review with meta-analysis of 31 studies on 6800 adult males, the underlying mechanisms contributing men revealed little association between increased body to male infertility, as well as the treatment options mass index (BMI), average sperm concentration and which may lead to improvements in reproductive total sperm count. Th ere was, however, strong evidence health. for a negative relationship between increased BMI and the levels of , sex hormone binding globu- Diagnosis of Overweight and Obesity lin (SHBG) and free testosterone6. Th ese results sup- port the earlier fi ndings in a study on 2139 cases where Currently, the terms ‘overweight’ and ‘obesity’ refer overweight and obese men had a markedly changed to abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that is sex hormone profi le in serum, whereas reduction of se- greater than what is generally considered healthy for a men quality was marginal7. Similarly, no signifi cant given height. Th e terms also identify ranges of weight correlation was found between BMI and semen pa- that have been shown to increase the likelihood of cer- rameters measured in a recently published cross-sec- tain diseases, as well as other health problems14. tional study on 511 men8. However, since recently, it is Numerous simple and accessible anthropometric being increasingly documented that male excess body techniques have been developed to evaluate the body weight has a negative impact on semen parameters9-11. fat content such as BMI, waist to hip ratio (WHR), A recent meta-analysis including 21 studies and a WC, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), ultra- sample of 13 077 men concluded that overweight and sound and skinfold measurements15-23. Traditionally, obesity were associated with an increased prevalence of BMI has been the most widely used method in classi- azoospermia or oligozoospermia and a signifi cantly el- fying overweight and obesity in adult populations be- evated risk of abnormal sperm count, when compared cause it provides a relatively good estimate of the risks with normal weight subjects9. It seems that obesity associated with developing diseases that occur more leads to a higher risk of sperm DNA damage in infer- frequently in people with higher body fat content. Al- tile patients because the DNA fragmentation rate was though BMI provides a signifi cantly better representa- found to be signifi cantly higher in obese, but not in tion of the body fat content when compared to simply overweight men10. When examining semen parame- measuring body weight, it is only moderately corre- ters, ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and total lated with the body fat mass. BMI is calculated as body 2 sperm count were found to show linear decline with weight adjusted for height (weightkg/heightm ) and it is increasing BMI and waist circumference (WC)11. the most commonly used diagnostic tool for general- Moreover, and low testosterone ized obesity. Despite its frequent use, BMI cannot be are frequently accompanied by obesity, particularly used to diff erentiate between subcutaneous and vis- central obesity, which can also be a cause of infertility ceral fat compartments. A BMI greater than 25 kg/m2

302 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2016 M. Kasum et al. Male obesity and fertility is used to defi ne overweight, while a BMI over 30 kg/m2 tion of fat mass in a large sample of adults21. Despite a is characterized as obesity. Although BMI can be used nearly 50-year tradition of ultrasound usage to assess in most individuals, it may overestimate adiposity in body fat in addition to many other body composition men whose higher body weight can be attributed to techniques, this method has not been adopted. Ultra- greater muscle and bone mass. However, BMI may sound can provide a site-specifi c evaluation of the skin, also underestimate body fat in older people and others adipose tissue and muscle thicknesses, and it is being who have lost muscle mass. Th erefore, when BMI is increasingly used to discriminate between visceral and used to indicate adiposity, gender- and age-specifi c subcutaneous adipose tissue. A comparison of the body thresholds should also be taken into account15,16. In ad- fat measurements using a portable ultrasound to those dition to BMI, alternative measurements such as WC, measured by the calipers of the skinfold technique WHR and to a lesser extent the waist to height ratio demonstrated no signifi cant diff erences. Moreover, the can be used to more accurately describe the distribu- ultrasound procedure was shown to be faster and more tion of body fat. Th ese methods have been suggested as cost eff ective than the other laboratory methods. Th e superior to BMI in predicting health problems associ- biggest limitations of using ultrasound as a body com- ated with central or visceral adiposity because abdomi- position technique appear to be the lack of standard- nal or white fat tissue, rather than the total amount of ization in the measurement technique and the results fat, has been linked to obesity-related disorders17-19. highly dependent on the operator profi ciency. Th ere- WC is usually measured at the narrowest point be- fore, the availability of new, user-friendly devices with tween the lower border of the rib cage and the iliac the accompanying software, designed specifi cally for crest. Men and women with WC values ≤102 and ≤88 body composition analysis, may be desirable in the fu- cm, respectively, are considered to have a normal WC, ture22,23. whereas men and women with WC values >102 and Furthermore, several other less available techniques >88 cm, respectively, are considered to have a high have also been suggested, such as air displacement WC17. WHR can also be used to predict serious health plethysmography (ADP), dual energy x-ray absorpti- consequences as a result of increased body fat (normal ometry (DXA), computed tomography (CT) and WHR: males ≤0.9 and females <0.85)18. Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Th ese techniques general and measurements were can provide the most accurate data on the fat mass and found to be reliable predictors of obesity-related mor- off er better quantitative assessment of visceral adipos- tality, evidence from a recent meta-analysis suggests ity compared to previous general and abdominal obe- that WC or WHR provides additional information sity anthropometric measures. ADP and DXA can that is independent to BMI and should therefore be provide precise measures of fat mass but can only indi- used in clinical practice19. During the last decade, the rectly evaluate visceral adiposity by monitoring chang- conventional BIA, a safe and cost-effi cient method, es in pressure within a closed chamber or by measuring has been widely used to estimate body composition the total body and trunk fat masses24. For overweight and in particular the body fat content in clinical set- and obese patients, ADP was found to be a valid mea- ting. However, BIA lacks the specifi city and accuracy sure of fat mass, fat-free mass and percent body fat since it is based on measuring diff erences in resistance when compared with values determined by the DXA as the electrical current passes through fatty and lean criterion25. DXA is a simple noninvasive method with components of the body. Th e resistance between the short-scanning time and virtually no radiation, which conductors will provide a measurement of body fat can accurately measure body composition and visceral since resistance to the conduction of electricity varies fat with high precision and help defi ne the cardiovas- between adipose, muscular and skeletal tissue. Fat-free cular risk and the risk of diabetes26. Currently, x-ray, mass (muscle) is a good conductor as it contains a large CT or MRI present valuable methods and the refer- amount of water and electrolytes, while fat being an- ence standard for studying fat deposition by providing hydrous behaves as a poor conductor20. Recently, a images that generate the most accurate, very specifi c newer and more accurate methodological variant, the and comprehensive data, which can be used to directly bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA), has assess visceral adiposity24. A CT scan allows separate been used to successfully identify the relative propor- assessment of subcutaneous and visceral fat and the

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2016 303 M. Kasum et al. Male obesity and fertility visceral fat area from a single CT slice. At the L4 level, Th erefore, it seems that dysregulation of the hypotha- it signifi cantly correlates with the total visceral fat vol- lamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis as a consequence ume measured by the multi-slice CT scan27. Th e adi- of male obesity might further explain the increased pose tissue MRI technique provides a reliable, quanti- risks of sperm disorders and infertility7,29-31. Another tative and noninvasive evaluation of central obesity, key hormone produced by white adipose tissue is which is feasible in a clinical setting because it permits the production of which increases with the rapid and accurate assessment of the total and visceral amount of body fat and which plays a pivotal role in adipose tissue. Th is can play a central role in the meta- regulating the energy intake and expenditure. In the bolic syndrome risk assessment, as well as in the vis- hypothalamus, leptin mainly targets its receptors by ceral/total fat tissue ratio28. counteracting the eff ects of neuropeptide Y and mod- ulating GnRH function through glutamate signaling or through a recently identifi ed hormone called kiss- Th e Mechanisms Linking Obesity peptin. Under normal conditions, leptin acts at all lev- to Male Infertility els of the HPG axis increasing the production of Th e exact pathophysiology underlying the infl u- GnRH and , stimulating steroidogene- ence of obesity on the male reproductive potential in sis in Leydig cells, and increasing by humans is still a matter of debate, as several possible stimulating the activity of Sertoli cells. However, most mechanisms including hormonal, genetic or epigene- of the obese individuals become insensitive to in- tic, environmental or physical factors can play a role in creased leptin production and develop hormonal resis- addition to the negative eff ects of obesity per se14. tance, which enables its stimulatory eff ects on the hy- Th e reproductive hormone profi les of most obese pothalamic neurons and the resultant pituitary secre- men deviate from what is considered the norm. Vis- tion of gonadotropins. Th erefore, hyperleptinemia in ceral obesity is more likely to lead to changes in hor- males with obesity as a consequence of GnRH/FSH/ mone levels than fat stored in other parts of the body LH disruption may contribute to aromatase overactiv- because white adipose tissue is a major endocrine or- ity in reducing testosterone levels and decreasing sper- gan that secretes a number of biologically active pep- matogenesis resulting in and subfertil- tides and proteins including adipose-derived hor- ity32,33. Furthermore, , another important medi- mones and adipokines. Due to obesity and the in- ator and modulator of the HPG axis beside leptin, has creased infl ux of white adipose tissue, obese men tend recently been reported as a contributing factor in the to present with elevated estradiol and low testosterone regulation of the male reproductive potential. As key levels because excess adipose tissue can possibly lead to stimulatory players, both hormones have demonstrat- increased aromatization of testosterone. Th e severity of ed a direct or indirect eff ect on GnRH, LH and FSH obesity determines the degree to which the levels of centrally and on Leydig and Sertoli cell function lo- estradiol are increased, accompanied by decreased tes- cally. However, obesity is associated with increased se- tosterone, SHBG and inhibin B levels. It is suggested rum and seminal insulin and leptin concentrations, that elevated concentrations resulting from which may additionally impact the male reproductive the increased conversion of into capacity leading to decreased sperm concentration and may be explained by the overactivity of the aromatase sperm vitality, and increased sperm mitochondrial cytochrome P450 enzyme, which is expressed at high membrane potential and DNA fragmentation33,34. In levels in white adipose tissue. Th e increase in estrogen contrast to leptin, currently available data suggest a and decrease in testosterone levels, in addition to low- largely inhibitory role of on the hypo- ered levels of inhibin B, deleteriously aff ect spermato- thalamus, pituitary and male gonads, however, circu- genesis and testicular function locally. Furthermore, lating levels of adiponectin are often decreased in obe- high estrogen levels contribute to the negative feed- sity33,35. Furthermore, a number of various adipokines back eff ect in the hypothalamus leading to decreased at higher concentrations from excess white adipose pulses of -releasing hormone (GnRH) tissue have been linked to male infertility. It was shown and consequently decreased release of follicle-stimu- that two -released adipokines (tumor necro- lating hormone (FSH) and (LH). sis factor-a and interleukin-6) signifi cantly reduced

304 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2016 M. Kasum et al. Male obesity and fertility human sperm progressive motility in a dose- and time- varicocele and is associated with reduced sperm motil- dependent manner, by promoting the elevation of ni- ity, increased sperm DNA damage and increased tric oxide production to pathological levels36. More- sperm . Th erefore, thermoregulatory over, increased release of adipokines results in infl am- failure leading to testicular heat stress can compromise mation and can have a toxic eff ect on spermatozoa sperm quality and increase the risk of infertility through the release of excess reactive oxygen species through the molecular mechanisms including apopto- and reactive nitrogen species37. sis, DNA damage and autophagy44. On assessing the Several syndromes including Klinefelter, Prader- functional thermal impairment secondary to varico- Willi, Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedel, Prader-Willi cele, the scrotal thermoregulatory model indicates that and Alström due to diff erent genetic abnormalities, varicocele alters the local heat exchange processes be- display to various degrees, both obesity and infertili- tween cutaneous layers and inner structures45. Al- ty38. Furthermore, aromatase polymorphism may in- though no overall association may be observed be- fl uence the levels of estradiol in men by diff erentially tween regular physical activity and semen quality, bicy- modulating the quantitatively greater eff ects of obesity. cling at levels of ≥5 hours per week has been associated Th is could explain why only certain obese men experi- with a reduced sperm concentration and total sperm ence this rise in estradiol and subsequent fertility count46. problems, whereas others experience no fertility is- sues39. Moreover, factors secreted by the adipose tissue are able to alter the epigenetic regulation of genes by Treatment which the body responds to environmental pressures Given the apparent correlation between obesity 40 critical to the reproductive function . and male infertility, treatment approaches should pri- A growing number of reports suggest that chemi- marily focus on the management of obesity and the cal and physical agents in the environment, introduced obesity-related health issues. Th is can include lifestyle and spread by human activity, may negatively aff ect modifi cations, pharmacological interventions and sur- male fertility. Most environmental contaminants are gical options. Moreover, treatments are available not lipophilic and accumulate in fatty tissue around the only for infertility related to obesity, but also as a treat- scrotum and testes or elsewhere in the body. Epide- ment for other comorbidities arising from obesity14. miological studies evaluating the impact of environ- Lifestyle changes that lead to weight loss include diet mental exposures to pesticides, phthalates, polychlori- modifi cations, as well as making conscious eff orts to nated biphenyls (PCBs), air pollution, trihalomethanes exercise more in order to achieve a normal energy bal- and mobile phones on semen quality suggest aware- ance. Natural weight loss is the cornerstone and regu- ness of environmental factors which may have a detri- lar exercise the fi rst-line treatment of obesity-related mental eff ect on the semen quality41. Although PCBs infertility. Although reduction in body weight is were banned by most countries several decades ago, mostly associated with a consistent increase in SHBG, the general population continues to be exposed due to testosterone, LH and FSH levels and a reduction in their persistence and bioaccumulation and therefore estradiol, not much is known about the impact of diet/ concerns regarding the altered male fertility in relation exercise interventions on the semen parameters in to PCBs remain present42. Although the results of obese men47. In the fi rst cohort study of 44 severely studies analyzing the impact of pesticides on male fer- obese men having participated in a 14-week weight tility are not consistent, it seems that pesticide expo- loss program, weight loss was associated with an in- sure may aff ect spermatogenesis, leading to poor se- crease in total sperm count and semen volume in ad- men quality and reduced reproductive potential43. dition to improvement in testosterone, SHBG and Many obese men with increased visceral fat distribu- anti-müllerian hormone levels48. Pharmacological tion have a higher level of scrotal fat and this can in methods employed in obesity-related male subfertility conjunction with a more sedentary lifestyle lead to include the use of several drugs, such as aromatase in- increased testicular temperature. Elevation of scrotal hibitors, estrogen receptor modulators, gonadotropins, temperature is one of the major factors that impairs phosphodiesterase inhibitors, and insulin-sensitizing spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in testis with agents49. Among them, aromatase inhibitors represent

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M. Kasum, S. Anić-Jurica, E. Čehić, T. Klepac-Pulanić, J. Juras i K. Žužul

Svrha ove studije bila je analizirati današnje dijagnostičke metode debljine kod odraslih muškaraca, potencijalne meha- nizme koji povezuju debljinu s neplodnošću i mogućnosti liječenja s ciljem poboljšanja reprodukcijskog zdravlja. Debljina je širom svijeta poprimila epidemijski karakter s procijenjenom pojavnošću u porastu od 28,8% do 36,9% između 1980. i 2013. godine. U pogledu dijagnoze pretilosti razvijene su brojne jednostavne tehnike uključujući indeks tjelesne mase, omjer struka i kukova, opseg struka, analiza biolektričnog otpora, ultrazvuk i mjerenje kožnih nabora. Uz to, postoji nekoliko drugih rjeđe dostupnih no preciznijih tehnika kao što su pletizmografi ja na temelju istiskivanja zraka, apsorciometrija s dva izvora zrače- nja, kompjutorizirana tomografi ja i magnetska rezonancija. Uz kardiovaskularne i druge bolesti pretilost muškarca može se nepovoljno odražavati na njegovu fertilnu sposobnost poremećajem razine reprodukcijskih hormona, smanjenom kvalitetom sjemena, pojačanim lučenjem hormona i masnog tkiva i adipokina, a isto tako kroz toplinske, genetske i spolne mehanizme. Pri vođenju neplodnosti muškarca povezane s pretilošću odlučujuće je prirodno smanjenje tjelesne težine, a redovite tjelo- vježbe predstavljaju prvu liniju liječenja. Premda su kirurški zahvati na želucu i crijevima znatno uspješniji glede ishoda smanjenja tjelesne težine u odnosu na neoperacijske metode, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja za razjašnjenje njihovog utje caja na plodnost muškarca. Ključne riječi: Muškarac; Debljina – dijagnoza; Debljina – komplikacije; Neplodnost, muška – terapija

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