Mississippi River Coastal Wetlands Initiative
Gulf Coast Joint Venture: Mississippi River Coastal Wetlands Initiative JO ST INT V OA EN C T F U L R U E G North American Waterfowl Management Plan 2002 Photo and Illustration Credits Cover and page i: American wigeon, G.D. Chambers, Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Page iii: (top) pintails, ( bottom) greater scaup, C. Jeske, U.S. Geological Survey. Page iv: U.S. Geological Survey. Page 7: mallard pair, B. Wilson, Gulf Coast Joint Venture. Page 8: scaup pair, B. Hinz, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Page 9: mottled duck pair, R. Paille, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Page 10: lesser snow geese, T. Hess, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Page 12: oil-drilling access canal plug, B. Wilson, Gulf Coast Joint Venture; breakwater structures, T. Hess, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Page 13: erosion control vegetation, T. Hess, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries; marsh burning, B. Wilson, Gulf Coast Joint Venture; hydrologic structure, B. Wilson, Gulf Coast Joint Venture; beneficial use of dredge material, T. Hess, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Page 19: B. Hinz, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Page 20: American wigeon pair, R. Stewart, Sr., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Page 22: northern shovelers and blue-winged teal, U.S. Geological Survey. Page 23: male ring-necked duck, W.L. Hohman, U.S. Geological Survey. Page 24: male American wigeon, C. Jeske, U.S. Geological Survey. Page 25: blue-winged teal males, W.L. Hohman, U.S. Geological Survey. Gulf Coast Joint Venture: Mississippi River Coastal Wetlands Initiative JO ST INT V OA EN C T F U L R U E G North American Waterfowl Management Plan This is one of six reports that address initiative plans for the entire North American Waterfowl Management Plan, Gulf Coast Joint Venture: the Chenier Plain Initiative, the Laguna Madre (Texas) Initiative, the Texas Mid-Coast Initiative, the Coastal Mississippi Wetlands Initiative, the Mobile Bay Initiative, and the Mississippi River Coastal Wetlands Initiative (southeast Louisiana).
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