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\ FAIR FALL SEIeason J i STRAIGHT TlfHE RIGHT CHOICE? ^OUTDOORS, Big gam e huntnting I J h T F H S b o yys s continue to ErEnvironmental groupu p j o i n s jB ^as average butJt b i r d s 'top Jeromele on hardwood, opopposition to Interiorior choicel^B k r weren’t as abureindant. poms. Dl LOCAL, A3 ME-----WWcValejixora'S-r — ---------------- 75 cents December 18,:8,2008 --------- -------- 25.1 ^ m 26.3 26.3 Biu r le y nmayor: I pefM nt,^ adults in percent were perce^ of Idaho p<percent were p e r ^ilkuil' l c ' percentwere . obese ' 8QUIIS were obiobese In 2007 adultsIs iwere obese in 20077 southcentral Idaho overweight In 2007 ' overweight{ht in 2007 who were overweight in 2007 C(;o im c ilim a n /io la te dilaw ta m H n n e lw Anderson said the deci ut ElMWO Ine»New> witter sionsli was prompted by a1 O OFS .. .................. rcrcccnt rvcrcatlon committcci .. Burley Mayor Ion m eciing at City Hall to dis Andeiderson will remove City cussci die d ty golf-pro's con Cour)uncllman Jay Lcnkers- tract.tr Councilmcn Denniss dorfc>rfer from council commit- Dexter,D Vaughn Egon andi 1 tecc tassignments, saying hc GordonG Hansen are mem IS violated state law and ber!bi of the committee, bulIt J hascIS committed ethical tions- recentlyrc Hansen was absentIt grcssessions regarding his posi- nndni was replaced at a m eet;- tionm as editor of a weekly ingIr by Lcnkeisdorfer. swspaper. The mayor said that hcc I At th e end o f a tense toldtc Lenkcrsdorfcr thal hec ! icsdoy night council meet- wasw nol a member of diee Ing,.g, Anderson told an audi- committcc,ci and die council1- enccICC of about 50 that hc vrili mann responded by suggest1- ; re-oi•organize committee ingIr that the session couldd isignments for 2009 — and cidiercl be conductcd at Cityy ll willill exclude Lenkcrsdorfcr fromomall of them. PleaseI see BUTtuy, Page A22 i H _________________i mk )lh1M aFal«.‘Oot1 ■ iiolH Gahrn, 9, duiig & k Bh mi i i 'i t t W ^ M qnkil ideetSM« dMd t at BklwlElMHfltary SchoolMl i I lbuda(H«ttiy,8,taftCt}oi iutsHaroudMtbteoKh*dl M ii« bNkoM,'Bm m saM aakert k t e CbistMt bcMk. NMmn I m i u : Health ofBficials release3 Study of overirweight third-l-grad^ J ByKriePopplM Tlm—^eYW writer Onttthe Web ^ M uU SUftM U m aamt(|M « lloill«tlliolU •lM klo^•» For mornore on physical activity \ m ] ntK n i l . toot ttl M IM mnlarlnlilaH iIi lkiiloiikilodleIf Nearly one-ihlrd of'Idaho Idt third'graders ar>d nutrition:nu http://www. A ii> tmtHtanr aoM uittot etac tM ff i li mi.111 Ir w 0 h t t i i i T t risk of becom ing healthilthandwetrare.idaho.gov/site/4183. arc overweight or at rl ‘83/ m fto'iM W tlittIt . ' overweight at on sgc wt:w hen they’rc form - default3ult.aspx ing their eating and exercisec« habits, the state's health offldjIcials announced Welfareare’s Bureau of Communitylity and Wednesday. Enviroironm ental H ealth, along withvith the HbusefuiEre suspectt I A study conductcdd tlthis spring meas- state'st's sevens health districts. f urcd the height and vrel{veIghtofal>out2,l25 AllI sevensc districts a rc fairly consisnslsteni, thlrd-graders from 44I scschools around th e said HealthHi and Welfare spokeswc state to determine each>ach student's body- Emilyly Simnitt,{ and almost none: ofo f thclr offers defifenses mass Index. The studyiy vwas conducted by the Idaho Departmeniicnt of Health and Please see OVERVraOHT,,P Pai 3 8 e A 2 ' KKutran claims mmental disabilityy in manslaughterer charge ByAidrMiMkMi violated his rights, Invalliii- Idaho armongworirst 5 stateslinanimali i cruelty ^nme»New» writer daUng the chargc againsnst him. i cruelty ncg* O tto, a lawyer for th e ALDF. lighting isIs different from a- Brlmd$.HonUBS sions for anim al a A m an accuscd of Invol Stepan Kutran, told thith e led or abandonlonmeni; no “Inthecaseoflofldaho particu- one for gencralgc cruelty, Otto / Time»W ewt w riter ununtary manslaughter for a1 court during a full day ofo mental health cevaluations lorly, I get thele si sense that laws said, February house fire thatt m otion hearings in SllSth n d no rcstric- haven't caughtght up with how In comimparing Idaho to Fei Idaho Is o n e o f thith e five for offenders: and killed a young child iss District Court in TVrtn Fallalls e possession society feelsIs iaboul cruelty other statiates, Otto said dicrc kill worst states in th e natlilaiionfor tions on future ] claiming to be mentallyV Ihat h e had m enln^U s asis ai ,1 cruelty, after convictions,ns, according with animals."Is." arc slatesIS Ihat m ake it illegal cla laws against animal ci spectator at a dog-. retarded,ret and his lawyerr childinthcUkiaine.Hc8aliaid Animal to the report. It also finds Tho rankingng <comes despite to be a s] according to The A IVC expanded fighting saidsai Wednesday lawV 1, an ani- reporting suspectected animal the Idaho L c^e ^ la iu r c In 2008 • fight; havt Legal Defense Fund, a Jons to ali animals; enforcementcn authoritiess Please see KUTRAN, Page A!A2 oup that abuse to be probliiblcmatlc. making dog flg(flghilng a felony, prohlbltlo mal protection grou{ ike penalties stiffer reviewed cruelty law s;across . “It's n o l alwraystys on th e fore- a change crccredited to the and maki wer NFL player whencrutaielty is performed in i;:^.M' ag|cva!ley.c^ . c o m ' the couniry. front of legislateators' minds, publicity ovei ick’s high-profile fro n ioa fa mltior. 1 Idaho's ranking isis cdue to but there’s plenrinty of voters Michael Vick’s WATCH: A video of \Wednesday's round of moUonn s, includ- out there whoD <care about dog-flghtingIg case. But a seven broad reasons, Ii see MdMALS, Page A2 hearings at Magicv!ycvalley.com. Ing a lack of felonyny provi- these issues," salsaid Stephen felony chargtirge for animal Please s< :aslvstaived Chiysleiler Idling 30 plants factories, GDM delays nelew plant gk tight credflmaAot. woak u le s andmd <a near.mlnimum cash levei has Chrysler,r, Ford idle f »rcod Chryslor 10 coase oporaUonst$ al 30 auto plants, starling Friday, r planta In th e U 3. General Motors)rs fear they IIKU C in r mated 220( to 25 percent of pep>epulatlon worUrtg et Chiyttar pU BrTonKrhter Iw lW t their volt)lumc bccausc pf this Awoclated Preta writerHer mlj^it not ha\lave enough m oney to pay thrthclr bills in a OPEN annoiinounces record credit sitsituation," the state- MSC0N8N ' ' Chrysler matter of weeks, Je prices tumble. aid.. DETHOIT — Cl 3. em s; crude | Bush adm inistration is sday it is Attempting to cut costs, «pageBl mullingg ways to help the .closing all Its North AAmericanit GM was haltingg cconstrucdon See pi autom akakers after Congrcss manufacturing plantsnts for at of a plant tied1 uto one of its - 0 reach a deal o n S14 'least a month, thee sstarkest mosl importantu iprojects, the The lack of cconsum er crcd- failed to in loans for GM and ■ PSNWIVANIA N move taken by U.S. automak-aut Volt. Ford also saisaid It will shut it is hampcrlng per sales and billion ir W w. Ford has applied for jsly await down 10 plantsts Ifor an extra forcing the! piproduction cuts, Chrysler. ers as they anxiously Uion lino o f credit but .OHO • ' vernment week In lanuaryuy because of Chrysler L|£)jC said In a state- aS9blllli word about govcr has enough cash w ' slug^sh sales, menl. Chrysirysler. Jeep an d says it h c X . - ^ 3oans. 1 through 2009. : All three companlemies have Chrysler saidaid it would Dodge d^enders say they have, make it ti ilng for tho loans is ^ w ow U ;been taking dramaticslie steps as extend the normrmal two-weck willing buyertyers for vehldes, Fundir '? Lirvive the holiday shutdjtdown that bul they can'lui'i d ose the deals, cxpccujdcd to comc from the -they strug^c to surv illlonVM Street rcscue ^fcccsslon an d U.S. sal<sales have be^ns Friday to at least Jan. Chrysler said,lid. STOObiUl d ip p e d to their slowestvest rate in 19 at aU 30 of Itsts ffactories due 'The deale;alcrs have stated Msaouw--'./’ ioot»o.iaooo % have lost an esti- Pleasfise see AUIOS, Pago A4 126 yeors. Chrysleisler and to slum ping sales)]es. th at they ha% “ ap cope.................£8 Opinion......... w rK 24 ixm iB I I I OMtuariMoo---------______________ Comi Commodities............ B2 Horoscoi - CfO»!Rossword.................E9 JIjmble8 ...... ................E7 Soldoiku...... 1 Comics......................C4 DearJearAbby.......- .......E8 Movies.8 ....................M Today In Histillstory........K ®CkHidy, snow peealbk D ettlB B4 III BfWSe.....................E ll t/World............ 08 Wsalher...... w d Ive at mKevaley»eii0maii i w 30"*9 Classifieds..........El-122 Community...............C5 Or.X G Gott..................... C5 Nallon/V « TH TliW>Hi«,TM*F»h,l<UI» U nml«DNMbirU,»08I FM y t o i [SM RIEI m TODM’S HAPPENENINGS t hawh, Christmas music; all wivessand an UrnUNMEKT guestssts Invited, noon,_Loong Hing Restaursaurant. lar^^cioitoaay ■ HoUday C ibM t “At Time Oo«Joes By,", featuring 1719.9 lUn^rlyk Road,'IWin f^iis, 735-909:3092 or lis Lord o f the Dance and Trisha Baker, MelodioTaytof'Mfr-MsukJin, Brandon' 73334^ 2 9 . ■.•Looking(for ft a dfffcrcnt •AHolHoliday cabaret callcd, his I Ellison and Craig Williams, accaccompanied by a four- FUafu Optindst CM), open to intereste« e d m c m - UnM o f Christistm as gift? Go to "As Timeme Goes By," accom - Intetitem ational Irish dance mefnber )azz combo, 6:30 p.mp.m.