2013 Newsletter

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2013 Newsletter 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374847540880753868917521266338622235369317931800607667263544333890865959395829056383226613199282902679 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427427466391932003059921817M e t r o M4135966290435729003342952605956307381323286279434907632338298807531952510190 a t h N e w s l e t t e r Metropolitan New York Section of The Mathematical Association of America April 2013 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303820 Bronx Brooklyn Columbia Dutchess Greene Manhattan Nassau Orange Putnam Queens Richmond Rockland Suffolk Sullivan Ulster Westchester 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104215933593992359880576723488486772677766467093694706329174674951463144724980708248096050401448654283622417399764492353625350033374293733773767394279259525824709492 A N N U A L M E E T I N G Sunday, 5 May 2013 8:30 AM 5:15 PM Farmingdale State College (SUNY) Farmingdale, NY (More Information Contained Within) 0.68268949213708589717046509126407584495582593345320878197478890048598288397440965900176983681127865505654537517323384300945434414234924089321879626546752479682206254609568685354544015799175873205748337 SECTION OFFICERS Section Governor Dan King (845) 365-0117 (2011 – 2014) Sarah Lawrence College dking@sarahlawrence.edu Chair Jerry G. Ianni (718) 482-5739 (2012 – 2015) LaGuardia Community College (CUNY) iannije@lagcc.cuny.edu Chair-Elect Elena Goloubeva (516) 671-2215 x111 (2012 – 2015) Webb Institute egoloubeva@gmail.com Secretary Emad Alfar (516) 572-7383 x 26865 (2012 – 2015) Nassau Community College (SUNY) Emad.Alfar@ncc.edu Treasurer Mohammad Javadi (516) 572-7383 x 26882 (2012 – 2015) Nassau Community College (SUNY) javadim@ncc.edu Vice-Chair for Four-Year Colleges Janet Liou-Mark (718) 260-5929 (2012 – 2015) NYC College of Technology (CUNY) jliou-mark@citytech.cuny.edu Vice-Chair for Two-Year Colleges Chia-Ling Lin (516) 572-7383 x 26866 (2012 – 2015) Nassau Community College (SUNY) Chia-ling.Lin@ncc.edu Vice-Chair for High Schools Ken Gittelson (718) 279-6527 (2012 – 2015) Benjamin Cardozo High School kgitt@optonline.net Math Fair Chair – NYC Randy J. Asher (718) 804–6500 Brooklyn Technical High School rasher@schools.nyc.gov Math Fair Chair – Long Island Joseph Quartararo (631) 584-2016 Northport-East Northport Public Schools cmleague@optonline.net Newsletter Editor and Abraham S. Mantell (516) 572-7383 x 26841 Speakers Bureau Chair Nassau Community College (SUNY) mantell@ncc.edu Student Chapter Coordinator David Seppala-Holtzman (718) 636-7254 St. Joseph’s College dholtzman@sjcny.edu Public Relations Chair David Seppala-Holtzman (718) 636-7254 St. Joseph’s College dholtzman@sjcny.edu Book Exhibit Coordinator Elena Goloubeva (516) 671-2215 x111 Webb Institute egoloubeva@gmail.com Liaison Coordinator Raymond N. Greenwell (516) 463-5573 and Webmaster Hofstra University matrng@hofstra.edu Graph Theory Notes Liaisons John W. Kennedy, Queens College johnwken@gmail.com Louis V. Quintas, Pace University lquintas@pace.edu Daniel Gagliardi, SUNY Canton gagliardid@canton.edu Section Archivist Agnes M. Kalemaris (631) 420-2217 Farmingdale State College (SUNY) kalemaam@farmingdale.edu 1.1447298858494001741434273513530587116472948129153115715136230714721377698848260797836232702754897077020098122286979891590482055279234565872790810788102868252763939142663459029024847733588699377892031 Section Web Page – sections.maa.org/metrony National Web Page – www.maa.org (both sites are linked to each other) 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Section Officers . 2 Table of Contents . 3 Map and Membership Count of the Metro NY Section . 3 Message from the Chair, by Jerry G. Ianni . 4 Message from the Chair-Elect, by Elena Goloubeva . 4 Message from the Governor, by Dan King . 5 Treasurer’s Report, by Mohammad Javadi . 7 25 and 50 Year Members . 7 2013 Annual Spring Meeting Program (Preliminary) . 7 Abstracts and Brief Speaker Biographies . 8 Registration Form for Spring Meeting . 9 Directions to Farmingdale State College and Map . 10 Featured Article: The Cajori Two Project Wants You!, by Walter Meyer . 11 Featured Article: Going Back in Time for the New York Metro Section of the MAA, by Agnes M. Kalemaris . 11 Featured Article: A High School Mathematics Magazine, by Deborah Stepelman . 12 Call for Participants and Involvement . 14 News from the MAA . 14 Paid Advertising . 17 Annual Spring Meeting Announcement Poster (please post in your department) . 19 0.69314718055994530941723212145817656807550013436025525412068000949339362196969471560586332699641868754200148102057068573368552023575813055703267075163507596193072757082837143519030703862389167347112335 Metropolitan New York Section of the MAA Membership Count: 609 as of 18 March 2013 3 MESSAGE FROM THE SECTION CHAIR I would like to begin this message by thanking the previous Section Chair, Farley Mawyer, for his service in this position and for many years of service to the Section in various other capacities. As I proceed through my first year as Chair, I am grateful to be able to draw from the collective wisdom of Farley and several other former Chairpersons. One of the most comforting and enjoyable aspects that I have experienced in my service as an officer of the Section is consistent support from a team of professional colleagues. It is my hope to develop that camaraderie further so that the programming of the Section remains diverse, meaningful, and rewarding for the entire membership. Among the activities planned during the next couple of years is another joint meeting with the New Jersey Section. We had a joint meeting back in 2007 that was well received by all participants. The current team of officers has started talking with the New Jersey Section about conducting a joint meeting in November 2014. I will also try to encourage more interdisciplinary activities during the next couple of years. Such activities might be part of the Annual Meeting or they might take place in other meetings during the year. Finally, one new idea that the team of officers is beginning to discuss is to create guidelines and an application process for support (financial and/or otherwise) from the Section for meetings and/or workshops. I can see the potential for several half-day meetings with one invited speaker each year in various locations throughout our Section. We have a very healthy operating budget that should be used to increase opportunities to promote interactions, to stimulate creativity, and to foster professional growth. I hope that the Section will be able to pilot such an application process sometime during the next couple of years. I look forward to greeting all of you at the upcoming Annual Meeting on May 5 at Farmingdale State College. We have two invited speakers giving exciting talks: David Gleich from Purdue University will discuss the mathematics of search processes on the internet, and Alan Tucker from Stony Brook University will discuss the history of undergraduate mathematics programs in the United States. Please look elsewhere in this newsletter for more details. As always, I welcome your input and feedback on all Section matters. Jerry G. Ianni, Fiorello H. LaGuardia Community College (CUNY) 0.43429448190325182765112891891660508229439700580366656611445378316586464920887077472922494933843174831870610674476630373364167928715896390656922106466281226585212708656867032959337086965882668833116361 MESSAGE FROM THE SECTION CHAIR-ELECT Dear Metro New York Members and Friends, The section appreciates you, needs you and it is here for you. We need your help, your ideas, and your participation! We encourage you to visit the MAA Metro North Website and see what is happening. Contact section officers or committee chairs to seek more information and to share ideas with them. Express your interest in committees or offices that become open on an annual basis, nominate colleagues who would be interested and make a valuable contribution if they thought they were needed. We are constantly looking for opportunities to meet other mathematicians, to grow professionally and to improve the MAA Metropolitan section program. Finally if you would like to extend your participation in the MAA beyond the section, we support and strongly encourage you to seek involvement in MAA at the state and national levels. We cordially invite you to attend our section meeting at Farmingdale State College on May 5. Please consider giving a talk at this meeting. A Call for Papers, Meeting Registration Form, and Lodging & Directions are on our web page http://sections.maa.org/metrony/. Consider coming to MAA MathFest at Hartford Connecticut in July- August. This meeting will be a Joint Meeting with the Canadian Society for 4 The History & Philosophy of Mathematics. Come to the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston on January 4-7. If you come to any of these meetings and see me, please feel free to come up and introduce yourself. Tell us about your concerns, suggestions and ideas. We will be happy to hear them. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as Chair-Elect of the Metropolitan NY Section of MAA, and to be a part of an amazing team of section officers. I look forward to seeing you on May 5 at Farmingdale State College. Elena Goloubeva, Webb Institute 3.3598856662431775531720113029189271796889051337319684864955538153251303189966833836154162164567900872970453429288539133041367890171008836795913517330771190785803335503325077531875998504871797778970060
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