ORE Open Research Exeter

TITLE The harmful health effects of recreational ecstasy: a systematic review of observational evidence.

AUTHORS Rogers, G; Elston, J; Garside, R; et al.

JOURNAL Health Technology Assessment


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The harmful health effects of recreational ecstasy: a systematic review of observational evidence

G Rogers, J Elston, R Garside, C Roome, R Taylor, P Younger, A Zawada and M Somerville

January 2009 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060

Health Technology Assessment NIHR HTA Programme www.hta.ac.uk HTA

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G Rogers,1* J Elston,1 R Garside,1 C Roome,2 R Taylor,1 P Younger,3 A Zawada4 and M Somerville1

1Peninsula Technology Assessment Group (PenTAG), Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, UK 2Devon Primary Care Trust, Exeter, UK 3Exeter Health Library, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter, UK 4The Agency for Health Technology Assessment in Poland, Warsaw

*Corresponding author

Declared competing interests of authors: none

Published January 2009 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060

This report should be referenced as follows:

Rogers G, Elston J, Garside R, Roome C, Taylor R, Younger P, et al. The harmful health effects of recreational ecstasy: a systematic review of observational evidence. Health Technol Assess 2009;13(6).

Health Technology Assessment is indexed and abstracted in Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Excerpta Medica/EMBASE, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch) and Current Contents/Clinical Medicine. NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme

he Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme, part of the National Institute for Health TResearch (NIHR), was set up in 1993. It produces high-quality research information on the effectiveness, costs and broader impact of health technologies for those who use, manage and provide care in the NHS. ‘Health technologies’ are broadly defined as all interventions used to promote health, prevent and treat disease, and improve rehabilitation and long-term care. The research findings from the HTA Programme directly influence decision-making bodies such as the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the National Screening Committee (NSC). HTA findings also help to improve the quality of clinical practice in the NHS indirectly in that they form a key component of the ‘National Knowledge Service’. The HTA Programme is needs led in that it fills gaps in the evidence needed by the NHS. There are three routes to the start of projects. First is the commissioned route. Suggestions for research are actively sought from people working in the NHS, from the public and consumer groups and from professional bodies such as royal colleges and NHS trusts. These suggestions are carefully prioritised by panels of independent experts (including NHS service users). The HTA Programme then commissions the research by competitive tender. Second, the HTA Programme provides grants for clinical trials for researchers who identify research questions. These are assessed for importance to patients and the NHS, and scientific rigour. Third, through its Technology Assessment Report (TAR) call-off contract, the HTA Programme commissions bespoke reports, principally for NICE, but also for other policy-makers. TARs bring together evidence on the value of specific technologies. Some HTA research projects, including TARs, may take only months, others need several years. They can cost from as little as £40,000 to over £1 million, and may involve synthesising existing evidence, undertaking a trial, or other research collecting new data to answer a research problem. The final reports from HTA projects are peer reviewed by a number of independent expert referees before publication in the widely read journal series Health Technology Assessment. Criteria for inclusion in the HTA journal series Reports are published in the HTA journal series if (1) they have resulted from work for the HTA Programme, and (2) they are of a sufficiently high scientific quality as assessed by the referees and editors. Reviews in Health Technology Assessment are termed ‘systematic’ when the account of the search, appraisal and synthesis methods (to minimise biases and random errors) would, in theory, permit the replication of the review by others.

The research reported in this issue of the journal was commissioned and funded by the HTA Programme on behalf of NICE as project number 07/64/01. The protocol was agreed in October 2007. The assessment report began editorial review in April 2008 and was accepted for publication in August 2008. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and publisher have tried to ensure the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the referees for their constructive comments on the draft document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses arising from material published in this report. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the HTA Programme or the Department of Health. Editor-in-Chief: Professor Tom Walley Series Editors: Dr Aileen Clarke, Dr Peter Davidson, Dr Chris Hyde, Dr John Powell, Dr Rob Riemsma and Professor Ken Stein ISSN 1366-5278 © 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO This monograph may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NCCHTA, Alpha House, Enterprise Road, Southampton Science Park, Chilworth, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK. Published by Prepress Projects Ltd, Perth, Scotland (www.prepress-projects.co.uk), on behalf of NCCHTA. Printed on acid-free paper in the UK by the Charlesworth Group. T DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Abstract The harmful health effects of recreational ecstasy: a systematic review of observational evidence G Rogers,1* J Elston,1 R Garside,1 C Roome,2 R Taylor,1 P Younger,3 A Zawada4 and M Somerville1

1Peninsula Technology Assessment Group (PenTAG), Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, UK 2Devon Primary Care Trust, Exeter, UK 3Exeter Health Library, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter, UK 4The Agency for Health Technology Assessment in Poland, Warsaw

*Corresponding author

Objectives: To investigate the harmful health effects of suggesting that ecstasy users performed worse than taking ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, controls on common measures of immediate and MDMA) for recreational purposes. delayed verbal recall (RAVLT, RBMT, digit span). No Data sources: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO difference was seen in IQ (NART). The 915 outcome and Web of Knowledge were searched. Additional measures identified in Level II studies were analysed information on deaths was collected from the General in broad domains: immediate and delayed verbal Mortality Register (GMR) and the Special Mortality and visual memory, working memory, two measures Register collated by the National Programme on of attention, three measures of executive function, Substance Abuse Deaths (np-SAD). perceptual organisation, self-rated depression, memory Review methods: Studies were categorised according and anxiety, and impulsivity measured objectively and to design, with systematic research syntheses (Level subjectively. Ecstasy users performed significantly worse I evidence) the most valid and least open to bias. than polydrug controls in 13/16 domains and significantly Where Level I evidence was not available, controlled worse than drug‑naïve controls in 7/12 domains for observational studies (Level II evidence) were which sufficient data were available. The largest, most systematically reviewed. If neither Level I nor Level II consistent exposure effects were seen in meta‑analyses evidence was available, uncontrolled case series and of memory (especially verbal and working memory, with case reports (Level III evidence) were systematically less marked effects seen in visual memory). Former surveyed. Data were extracted by one reviewer and ecstasy users frequently showed deficits that matched a sample checked by a second. The heterogeneity or exceeded those seen amongst current users. At of Level II evidence was addressed by undertaking aggregate level, the effects do not appear to be dose- stratified analyses for current and former ecstasy users related, but are variably confounded by other drug use, and comparing them either with control groups using particularly alcohol. Of Level III evidence, in the 10 years other illegal drugs but not ecstasy (polydrug controls) or to 2006, the np-SAD and the GMR recorded an average with controls naïve to illegal drugs (drug-naïve controls). of around 50 drug-related deaths per year involving Statistical heterogeneity was minimised by using a ecstasy; it was the sole drug implicated in around 10 random-effects model throughout and investigated using cases per year. Retrospective case series, based on study-level regression analysis (metaregression). hospital emergency department records, reported a Results: Five Level I syntheses were identified; for each death rate of 0–2% from emergency admissions related it was difficult to ascertain the exact methods adopted to ecstasy. Two major syndromes are most commonly and evidence included. Small but significant deficits for reported as the immediate cause of death in fatal cases: ecstasy users compared to controls were reported hyperthermia and hyponatraemia. in areas relating to attention, memory, psychomotor Conclusions: A broad range of relatively low‑quality speed, executive systems functioning, and self-reported literature suggests that recreational use of ecstasy is depressive symptoms. Data from Level II studies associated with significant deficits in neurocognitive were directly pooled for seven individual outcomes, function (particularly immediate and delayed verbal iii

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. memory) and increased psychopathological symptoms. are likely to be relatively small. Ecstasy is associated with The clinical significance of the exposure effect in a range of acute harms but appears to be a rare cause of individual cases will be variable but, on average, deficits death in isolation. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


Glossary and list of abbreviations ...... vii Acknowledgements ...... 163

Executive summary ...... ix References ...... 165

1 Aims and background ...... 1 Appendix 1 Expert Advisory Group ...... 189 Review question ...... 1 Pharmacology ...... 1 Appendix 2 Review protocol ...... 191 History ...... 1 Administration, purity, dose and price ...... 2 Appendix 3 Literature search: strategy and Usage ...... 2 results ...... 203 Safety ...... 3 Appendix 4 Updated literature search: results 2 Methods ...... 5 ...... 207 Review methods ...... 5 Appendix 5 Mapping of outcome measures 3 Results ...... 15 into composite domains ...... 209 Previous syntheses (Level I) ...... 15 Controlled (Level II) evidence (chronic harms) Appendix 6 Datasets used in meta-analyses of ...... 18 composite outcome measures ...... 233 Uncontrolled (Level III) evidence (acute harms) ...... 135 Appendix 7 Dose–response: estimated total lifetime dose of ecstasy plotted against effect 4 Discussion ...... 153 estimates ...... 295 Statement of principal findings ...... 153 Methodological considerations ...... 153 Appendix 8 Map of Level III evidence ...... 313 Strengths and limitations of the evidence: chronic harms ...... 156 Health Technology Assessment reports Strengths and limitations of the evidence: published to date ...... 317 acute effects ...... 160 Further research ...... 160 Health Technology Assessment Conclusions ...... 161 Programme ...... 335


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Glossary and list of abbreviations


Aneurysm Localised, blood-filled dilatation of Keratopathy Damage to, or dysfunction or a blood vessel. abnormality of the cornea.

Angiitis Inflammation of blood vessels. Mediastinum The central compartment of the thoracic cavity, containing the heart. Anuria Absence of urine output. Myopia Short-sightedness. Arteriovenous Relating to the blood vessels – arteries and veins. Necrosis Cell death.

Bruxism Tooth grinding. Neurocognitive deficit Reduction or impairment of mental processes relating to Co-drug use Use of more than one drug on thinking, learning or judgement. the same occasion. Nystagmus Involuntary rapid eyeball Diplopia Double vision. movements.

Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy A Oedema Excessive fluid in the tissue of the pathological process whereby systemic blood body causing swelling. starts to coagulate throughout the body. Pneumomediastinum Air or gas in the Ecological fallacy A recognised error in the mediastinum, usually resulting from a ruptured interpretation of statistical data, whereby bleb on the surface of the lung. inferences about the nature of individuals are based solely upon aggregate statistics collected Pneumopericardium Air between the heart for the group to which those individuals and the membrane around it (pericardium). belong. Pneumothorax Air or gas in the space around Glaucoma Increased pressure within the eye. the lungs, usually resulting from an air leak from the lungs and leading to lung collapse. Hemiparesis Paralysis affecting one side of the body. Polydrug use Use of multiple types of drugs.

Heterogeneity Difference in nature. Psychodysleptic Hallucinogenic.

Hyperpyrexia Exceptionally high fever. Psychopathology Behaviours or experiences that are indicative of psychological impairment. Hyperthermia Abnormally high body temperature, heat stroke. Psychosis Experience of loss of contact with reality which may be marked by hallucinations, Hyponatraemia Decrease in blood sodium agitated behaviour and delusions. concentration below the normal range. Rhabdomyolysis The destruction of skeletal muscle cells. continued


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Glossary and list of abbreviations

Snowball sampling A sampling method Tentorial herniation Brain tissue pushing whereby initial contacts recruit others to take through the tentorium as a result of brain part in the study, and so on. swelling.

Sympathomimetic Mimicking the effects of Trismus Disturbance of nerves leading to the sympathetic nervous system. spasm in jaw muscles and difficulty opening the mouth. Tachycardia Rapid heart beat. Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome A heart condition involving pre-excitement of the ventricles.


–– A&E accident and emergency MBDB 3,4-methylenedioxy-phenyl-N- methylbutanamine ANCOVA analysis of covariance MDA 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine ARF acute renal failure MDEA 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethyl CI confidence interval amphetamine, ’Eve’

DIC disseminated intravascular MDMA 3,4‑methylenedioxy- coagulopathy methamphetamine, ecstasy

DRD drug-related death MOOSE meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology EM effect measure np‑SAD National Programme on ETLD estimated total lifetime dose Substance Abuse Deaths

ETLE estimated total lifetime exposure OR odds ratio

GHB gamma-hydroxybutyric acid PMA paramethoxyamphetamine

GMR General Mortality Register REM rapid eye movement

HTA Health Technology Assessment SD standard deviation

IQ intelligence quotient SMD standardised mean difference

LSD lysergic acid diethylamide, ‘acid’ WMD weighted mean difference

MA methamphetamine, ‘crystal meth’ XTC ecstasy

All abbreviations that have been used in this report are listed here unless the abbreviation is well known (e.g. NHS), or it has been used only once, or it is a non-standard abbreviation used only in figures/tables/appendices, in which case the abbreviation is defined in the figure legend or in the notes at the end of the table. However, please note that, because of their large number, all abbreviations relating to outcome measures from contributing studies are defined in Appendix 5. viii DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Executive summary

Background screened. Only studies published in English were included. Meeting abstracts were included only Street drugs known as ‘ecstasy’ have been sold for if sufficient methodological details were given about 20 years in the UK. The active substance that to allow appraisal of study quality. Studies were such tablets contain – or purport to contain – is categorised according to a hierarchy of research 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). design, with systematic research syntheses (Level Shortly after consumption, MDMA releases I evidence) being preferred as the most valid and chemicals in the brain that tend to bring about least open to bias. Where Level I evidence was a sense of euphoria, exhilaration and increased not available, controlled observational studies intimacy with others. It is thought to be the third (Level II evidence) were systematically reviewed. If most commonly used illegal drug in the UK after neither Level I nor Level II evidence was available, cannabis and cocaine, with estimates suggesting uncontrolled case series and case reports (Level that between 500,000 and 2 million tablets are III evidence) were systematically surveyed. Data consumed each week. Most people who take extraction was undertaken by one reviewer and a ecstasy also use other legal and illegal drugs, sample checked by a second. sometimes at the same time. Ecstasy is commonly taken in nightclubs and at parties and is very often Synthesising Level II evidence posed substantial associated with extended sessions of dancing. challenges due to the heterogeneity of the included studies, the number and range of outcome Along with the pleasurable effects sought by users measures reported, the multiplicity of comparisons of MDMA, it has become clear that the drug can (differing ecstasy exposures, differing comparator cause a range of unintended harms. In the short groups) and outcomes, repeated measures and term, a range of adverse events have been reported the observational nature of the data. Analyses – some fatal – and consumption of MDMA may were stratified for current and former ecstasy also have long-term consequences, especially with users, with separate analyses for control groups regard to users’ mental health. using other illegal drugs but not ecstasy (polydrug controls) or controls naïve to illegal drugs (drug- naïve controls). Random-effects meta-analyses were Objectives used throughout. Heterogeneity was also explored through study-level regression analysis (meta- This review aims to address the question: ‘What regression). Where a sufficient number of studies are the harmful health effects of taking ecstasy had reported identical outcomes, they were meta- (MDMA) for recreational use?’ It does not examine analysed on their original scale. Other outcome the harmful indirect and/or social effects, such as measures were grouped into broad domains effects on driving and road traffic accidents and and effect sizes expressed as standardised mean the consequences of any effect MDMA may have on differences in order to combine data derived from sexual behaviour. multiple instruments. Objective and self-reported outcome measures within each domain were analysed separately. Methods For the Level III evidence, only narrative synthesis The following databases were searched using was possible. a comprehensive search syntax: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO (run 19 September 2007) and Web of Knowledge (run 7 October 2007). Results The search outputs were considered against pre- specified inclusion/exclusion criteria; the full text Of 4394 papers identified by our searches, 795 of all papers that could not confidently be excluded were reviewed in full and 422 met the inclusion on title and abstract alone was then retrieved and ix

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Executive summary

criteria. Five systematic syntheses, 110 controlled depression or impulsivity. The cumulative dose of observational studies and 307 uncontrolled studies ecstasy consumed was small (median 3–6 tablets). were included. The controlled observational studies exclusively investigated the chronic harms, mainly The remaining Level II evidence consisted of cross- neurocognitive and psychopathological, associated sectional studies only. Data were directly pooled with ecstasy use. Sixteen case series based on for seven individual outcomes. Six were common national and regional registries and databases measures of immediate and delayed verbal recall, were concerned with deaths from ecstasy (nine in which ecstasy users performed significantly were UK based). Additional information on deaths worse than polydrug controls. Effect sizes appeared was available from the General Mortality Register to be small, with the mean scores for each group (GMR) and the Special Mortality Register collated falling within the normal range for the instrument by the National Programme on Substance Abuse concerned. No difference was seen between ecstasy Deaths (np-SAD). The remaining case series and users and polydrug and drug-naïve controls in the case reports concerned both fatal and non-fatal remaining measure, IQ. acute harms. A total of 915 outcome measures were grouped Most of the included studies were small and subject into broad outcome domains as suggested in to biases in selection of subjects and controls, the literature and after consultation with expert measurement and reporting of confounders and advisers. For 16 of these meta-outcomes, there outcomes. were sufficient data for meta-analysis: immediate and delayed verbal and visual memory, working Previous research syntheses memory, sustained and focused attention, three (Level I evidence) measures of executive function (planning, response inhibition and shifting), perceptual organisation, For each identified Level I synthesis, it was difficult self-rated depression, memory, and anxiety and to ascertain the exact methods adopted and impulsivity measured objectively and subjectively. evidence included. Three reviews reported worse Ecstasy users performed significantly worse than performance for ecstasy users compared to controls polydrug controls on all outcome domains with in a variety of neurocognitive domains (attention, the exception of executive function (response verbal learning and memory, non-verbal learning inhibition and shifting) and objective measures of and memory, motor/psychomotor speed, executive impulsivity. Fewer comparisons were possible with systems functioning, short- and long-term drug-naïve controls, with statistically significant memory). A fourth study reviewed self-reported effects seen for verbal and working memory and depressive symptoms and found that ecstasy users self-rated measures of depression, memory and had increased levels compared to controls. The impulsivity. With both control groups, former final synthesis was primarily concerned with the ecstasy users frequently showed deficits that acute intoxication effects of ecstasy rather than matched or exceeded those seen among current health harms. In all analyses, the effect sizes seen users. were considered to be small. The small effect sizes seen were not consistently Controlled observational modified by any study-level demographic variables. studies (Level II evidence) There was little evidence of a dose–response effect: studies reporting heavier average use Of the 110 controlled observational studies of ecstasy did not provide more extreme effect included, there was one prospective study, the measures than those consisting of lighter users, Netherlands XTC Toxicity (NeXT) study, which and there was no demonstrable effect of length recruited a cohort of participants likely to start of abstinence from ecstasy. When assessing the using ecstasy and followed them for a year. Those impact of inter-arm differences on results, no who started using ecstasy were then compared to consistent effect was seen for imbalances in age a group of matched controls who had remained or gender. However, in several cases, it appeared ecstasy-naïve. Ecstasy-exposed participants had that imbalances in intelligence between cohorts poorer performance in some memory tests, may have been important. Use of other drugs also although the absolute test scores for both cohorts appeared to modify effects: alcohol consumption were comfortably within the normal range. proved the most consistent effect modifier, with Other tests suggested an association between increased exposure in ecstasy-exposed populations ecstasy exposure and certain aspects of sensation- apparently reducing the magnitude of deficits x seeking, but there was no evidence of an effect on across a range of neurocognitive outcomes. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

For the remaining outcome domains, there suicide. Acute renal failure and subacute liver were insufficient data for quantitative synthesis failure can occur without association with and the results were summarised narratively. hyperthermia. All these presentations were also For psychopathological symptoms, there was a seen in non-fatal cases, alongside an additional significant deficit for ecstasy users compared to range of symptoms including acute psychiatric polydrug controls in the obsessive–compulsive effects, urinary retention and respiratory domain only, with greater deficits seen in problems including pneumothorax and comparison to drug-naïve controls. In a few studies, pneumomediastinum. ecstasy users have been shown to have higher levels of subjectively rated aggression than drug- There are difficulties in estimating taken dose naïve controls. It was not possible to draw clear of MDMA from the available literature, and it is conclusions about the possible effects of ecstasy not clear why some people seem to have acute, consumption on dental health, loneliness, motor even fatal, reactions to doses that are commonly function or disturbance. tolerated in others.

Case series and case reports (Level III evidence) Discussion

Registry data from the np-SAD and GMR are not The evidence we identified for this review directly comparable due to differences in data provides a fairly consistent picture of deficits in sources and recording of drug use. The GMR neurocognitive function for ecstasy users compared (1993–2006) suggests that there were, on average, to ecstasy-naïve controls. Although the effects 17 deaths a year where ecstasy was recorded as the are consistent and strong for some measures, sole drug involved (2.5% of all deaths ascribed to a particularly verbal and working memory, the effect single drug) and another 33 per year where it was sizes generally appear to be small: where single reported as co-drug use. Ecstasy-associated deaths outcome measures were pooled, the mean scores of appear to have increased up to 2001 but to have all participants tended to fall within normal ranges stabilised thereafter. In the 10 years to 2006, the for the instrument in question and, where multiple np-SAD recorded an average of 50 drug-related measures were pooled, the estimated effect sizes deaths in which ecstasy was present (69 in 2006; 5% were typically in the range that would be classified of the total for the year). Ecstasy was believed to be as ‘small’. the sole drug implicated in an average of 10 deaths annually over the same time period. According to However, there are substantial shortcomings in the this registry, the typical victim of an ecstasy death methodological quality of the studies analysed. is an employed white male in his twenties, who Because none of the studies was blinded, observer is a known drug user co-using a number of other or measurement bias may account for some of substances. Nearly half of ecstasy-related deaths the apparent effect. There is a suggestion of occur on a Saturday or Sunday night. publication bias in some analyses, and we saw clear evidence of selective reporting of outcomes. Published case series and case reports document a wide range of fatal and non-fatal acute harms, Selection bias is an inevitable problem: due to the often very selectively. Two major syndromes observational nature of all relevant evidence, there are most commonly reported as the immediate is no guarantee that the cohorts being compared cause of death in fatal cases: hyperthermia (with were not subject to differences in areas other than consequences including disseminated intravascular exposure to ecstasy. This effect will have been coagulation, rhabdomyolysis and acute liver and exaggerated in those studies comparing ecstasy- renal failure) and hyponatraemia (commonly exposed participants to drug-naïve controls; in presenting with confusion and seizures due to these instances, it is impossible to isolate the effect cerebral oedema). Ecstasy users presenting with of ecstasy exposure from the impact of other hyponatraemia have invariably consumed a large substances. Within-study imbalances in intelligence amount of water. We found 41 deaths relating to and the use of other substances, particularly hyperthermia reported in the literature and 10 alcohol, appeared to explain some of the effects from hyponatraemia (all women). seen. We suggest that the apparently beneficial effect of alcohol consumption may be explained Other acute harms associated with fatal cases in two ways: either alcohol may mitigate the include cardiovascular dysfunction, neurological hyperthermic effects of ecstasy in the acute setting, dysfunction (seizures and haemorrhage) and attenuating damage to the brain, or ecstasy users xi

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Executive summary

who co-use alcohol may represent a population of ecstasy exposure and neurocognitive deficits and more casual ecstasy takers than those who tend not psychopathological symptoms. to drink. Further research synthesis of the social and other Although the NeXT study suggests that small indirect health harms of ecstasy would provide a deficits in memory may be secondary to ecstasy more complete picture. Similar synthesis of the exposure, all other included studies were health harms of amphetamines generally would cross-sectional in nature; without evidence of provide a useful comparison. the temporal relationship between exposure and outcome, it is difficult to draw any causal Future cross-sectional studies will only add to the inferences. evidence-base if they are large, as representative as possible of the ecstasy-using population, use well- We did not find any studies directly investigating validated outcome measures, measure outcomes the quality of life of participants, and we found as objectively as possible with researchers blind no attempts to assess the clinical meaningfulness to the ecstasy-using status of their subjects, report of any inter-cohort differences. The clinical on all outcomes used, and provide complete significance of any exposure effect is thus documentation of possible effect modifiers. uncertain; it seems unlikely that these deficits Cohorts should be matched for baseline factors, significantly impair the average ecstasy user’s including IQ and exposure to alcohol. everyday functioning or quality of life. However, our methods are unlikely to have identified The heterogeneity of outcome measures used by subgroups that may be particularly susceptible different investigators is unhelpful: consensus on to ecstasy. In addition, it is difficult to know how the most appropriate instruments to use should be representative the studies are of the ecstasy-using sought. Investigators should collect data directly population as a whole. Generalising the findings is reflecting the quality of life of participants and/or therefore problematic. attempt to assess the clinical meaningfulness of any inter-cohort differences. Ecstasy is associated with a wide range of acute harms, but remains a rare cause of death A registry of adverse events related to illegal when reported as the sole drug associated with intoxicants presenting to medical services (akin to death related to drug use. Hyperthermia and the ‘yellow card’ system for prescription medicines) hyponatraemia and their consequences are the would enable useful estimation of the incidence of commonest causes of death, but a wide range of harmful effects of ecstasy in comparison to other other acute fatal and non-fatal harms are reported. substances. Due to the poor quality of the available evidence, it is not possible to quantify the risk of acute harms in Future case reports of acute harms of ecstasy are any meaningful way. unlikely to contribute valuable information to the evidence-base. Where novel findings are presented, Research recommendations care should be taken to report toxicological findings confirming the precise identity of the Large, population-based, prospective studies are substance(s) consumed by the individual(s) in required to examine the time relationship between question.

xii DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Chapter 1 Aims and background

Review question commonly associated with the mood and pleasure systems of the brain. What are the harmful health effects of taking 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, On ingestion, MDMA is rapidly absorbed and first ecstasy) for recreational use? effects are felt 30–60 minutes later, peaking at 60–120 minutes.6,7 Psychoactive effects last for 2 to 4 hours although MDMA remains detectable in the Pharmacology blood much longer, with a half-life of 6 to 8 hours.6

‘Ecstasy’ is the common street-name for In controlled conditions in humans, cardiovascular drugs that contain – or purport to contain – effects are evident at doses of MDMA of 1.0 mg/ 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) as kg or higher.6 Heart-rate rises to a peak of their active ingredient. Following the convention an average of 20–30 beats per minute higher of Gowing et al.,1 the term ecstasy is used here to than baseline approximately an hour after denote the drug as it is sold on the street (with consumption of doses similar to those taken composition unknown), whereas MDMA refers to recreationally.8–10 Blood pressure increases over the known chemical substance. a similar period: systolic blood pressure rises by 25–40 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by MDMA is a synthetic chemical belonging to the 10–20 mmHg.8–10 Body temperature also rises amphetamine family. Several chemically closely (by 0.3–1.0°C), but this effect is less immediate, related substances are also commonly used as with a peak several hours after consumption.8,10,11 recreational drugs: Body temperature increase is related to ambient temperature, which may be more pronounced • amphetamine (‘speed’, ‘whizz’) in club settings.6 These responses mimic those • methamphetamine (MA; ‘crystal meth’) of the sympathetic nervous system, and may be • paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA) exacerbated by the environmental conditions • 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) under which ecstasy is typically taken – in clubs or • 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine parties, with loud music, flashing lights and long (MDEA; ‘Eve’) periods of dancing.12 The apparently non-linear • 3,4-methylenedioxy-phenyl-N- nature of MDMA pharmacokinetics has been methylbutanamine (MBDB). emphasised; blood concentrations of MDMA rise disproportionately as dosage is increased.13 Drugs sold as ‘ecstasy’ frequently contain one or more of these substances, instead of or in addition to MDMA.2 Another street-drug, gamma- History hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is colloquially known as ‘liquid ecstasy’, despite being pharmacologically The first documentary record of the synthesis of very different from this group. GHB is outside the MDMA is the 1912 German patent application of scope of this review. Merck pharmaceuticals, but there is no record of MDMA being tested in humans until 1960, and The intended effects for which ecstasy users take no commercial application was identified for the the drug are described in terms of euphoria, substance by Merck, or any other manufacturer.14 exhilaration and a sense of increased intimacy In the 1970s, some use was made by mental- and empathy with others,3 effects that have been health professionals in west coast USA to enhance reproduced by administration of MDMA in empathy, lower defensive barriers and enhance laboratory conditions.4 The neuropharmacological intimacy among people in psychotherapy.7 mechanisms by which these effects are produced Following very sporadic reports in the 1970s, involve the release of extracellular serotonin (5- recreational use of MDMA became more HT) and dopamine,5 neurotransmitters that are widespread during the 1980s.15 The term ‘ecstasy’ 1

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Aims and background

first appeared in print in reference to MDMA in pharmacologically weak (e.g. caffeine, paracetamol 198516 and in the British media in 1987.17 – 0.06% of tablets seized in 2006 contained no controlled drug26); however, there have also The US Drug Enforcement Administration been reports of stronger psychoactive substances classified MDMA as a Schedule 1 controlled (e.g. atropine, opiates, phenylbutanamine and substance with effect from 1 July 1985.18 In the dextromethorphan).2 In 2004, it was suggested UK, it had already been criminalised; a statutory that, following a period in the 1990s during which instrument of 1977, without naming MDMA ecstasy tablets were relatively unlikely to contain in particular, categorised all ring-substituted MDMA as their sole active ingredient, tablets phenethylamines as Class A substances under the had become rather more ‘pure’ at around the Misuse of Drugs Act,19 a classification that has turn of the millennium.2 One US source suggests remained in place. that any such effect may have been short lived: tablets analysed in 2005–7 appeared to have In the late 1980s and early 1990s, consumption approximately a one-in-three chance of containing of ecstasy became strongly associated with a only MDMA, MDMA along with other active widespread culture of dance parties (‘raves’),20 ingredients, or no MDMA at all.27 Such variations characterised by loud music, extensive light shows in dose, along with difficulties in obtaining accurate and marathon dancing sessions.21 As the 1990s self-reported consumption, cause difficulties in progressed, ecstasy retained its strong association estimating lifetime use, although many studies with dance music, although the scene moved into attempt to do this. nightclubs, partly as a result of legislation that sought to prevent raves taking place.22 Usage

Administration, purity, In the UK, reported MDMA consumption has dose and price remained relatively stable over the past decade, with around 2% of 16–59-year-olds reporting Ecstasy is usually taken orally in pill form. The ecstasy use in the preceding 12 months.28 Use is price of ecstasy has reduced dramatically over higher among young people, with a 1996 meta- recent years, from an average of more than £15 per analysis of general population surveys about use tablet in 1993 to around £5 in 2003.23 Most recent among 16–24-year-olds suggesting that 7% [95% figures show that the trend is continuing, with a confidence interval (CI) 6.1–7.8] had used ecstasy median price of £3 per tablet in 2006, although in the previous year, and 3% (95% CI 2.4–3.6) prices vary regionally and may be as little as £1.24 had used it in the previous month.29 This makes Over a similar period, the average MDMA content it the third most used illegal drug in the UK after of a tablet has also reduced – though not to the cannabis and cocaine. Among people regularly same degree – falling from 100 mg in 1993 to attending raves and nightclubs, the number of approximately 75 mg in 2001.25 people ever having used ecstasy may be as high as 80–90%.30,31It has been estimated that somewhere Most ecstasy used in the UK is sourced from the between 500,000 and 2 million doses of MDMA are Netherlands or Belgium.26 Ecstasy tablets as sold consumed each week in the UK.32 on the street contain a variable amount of MDMA, and tablets which look the same, sharing logos, The overwhelming pattern of ecstasy usage is may have very different compositions in terms as part of polydrug consumption (use of more of the amount and type of drug they contain.27 than one drug) and co-use (mixed consumption Analysis of the content of drugs purporting to of two or more drugs on the same occasion).31,33 be ecstasy tablets seized by the police in 2006 In a 2003 survey of UK users (recruited through showed the amount of MDMA ranging from an advertisement in a dance music publication), none to around 120 mg.27 MDMA was the main ecstasy-using respondents also reported extensive drug in the vast majority of cases, but other active concomitant use of alcohol (88% of users reported substances were dominant in a small proportion consumption on one or more occasions in of tablets (MDEA 0.04%, MDA < 0.01%, other conjunction with ecstasy), amphetamines (83%), amphetamines 0.2%, piperazines 1.5%). Some cannabis (82%), cocaine (58%) and amyl nitrate tablets also contain MDEA, MDA or amphetamine (51%), and there was also some use of lysergic acid in addition to MDMA. Ecstasy tablets may also be diethylamide (LSD), ketamine, fluoxetine, crack ‘cut’ with unrelated substances. Some of these are cocaine, herbal highs and sildenafil. In addition, 2 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

various substances were used in the ‘comedown’ In the UK, the first reported fatalities came in period following ecstasy consumption, most notably 1991.36,37 At around the same time, concerns about cannabis (82%), alcohol (60%), benzodiazepines long-term neuropsychiatric sequelae of ecstasy use (18%) and heroin (2%). began to be expressed in the popular press.38 The issue of ecstasy safety made a dramatic impression As a result of these factors, together with the on the popular imagination with the death of unknown composition of pills bought as ecstasy, Leah Betts, who died after taking a single ecstasy it is not possible to isolate exposure to MDMA tablet during her eighteenth birthday party in late in particular in any individual history or in 1995. However, it has been suggested that fatalities characteristics across cohorts. Even if there were related to ecstasy use receive a disproportionate such a thing as an identifiable group of individuals amount of attention in the media, particularly if whose ecstasy consumption alone distinguished the victim is young and female.39 An assessment of them from the general population, it would still be the number of newspaper reports of drug-related impossible to ascertain to which chemicals they had deaths in Scotland in the 1990s compared to been exposed, and at what dosage. Registrar General records of deaths approached a 1 : 1 ratio for ecstasy, while for other drugs the ratio was much higher (for example, for heroin there Safety was one newspaper report for every five deaths; for cocaine 1 : 8; for amphetamines 1 : 3; and for Reports from investigators assessing the paracetamol 1 : 265).39 psychotherapeutic potential of MDMA in 1986 suggested that the drug was ‘apparently physically This review assesses the published evidence of the safe’, despite some ‘undesirable’ effects.34 Within incidence and impacts of adverse health effects of a year of such claims, the first reports of ecstasy- recreational consumption of MDMA. related deaths appeared in the medical literature.35


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DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Chapter 2 Methods

Review methods Inclusion/exclusion criteria The review proceeded according to a prespecified The relevance of all evidence was appraised with protocol, which is reproduced in full as Appendix respect to the following criteria: 2. Departures from the planned protocol are acknowledged in the following description of Population methods. Except where otherwise specified, Included: the general methods of the review followed • Users of recreational drugs in the UK or in the guidance on the conduct of systematic populations relevant to the UK. reviews published by the Centre for Reviews and Excluded: Dissemination.40 • Animal studies. • Non-drug-using volunteers enrolled in Identification of evidence prospective research.

The search strategy comprised the following main Exposures elements: Included: • Recreational use of substances shown to or • searching of electronic databases believed by the investigator(s) to contain • contact with experts in the field MDMA. • scrutiny of bibliographies of retrieved papers. Excluded: Search strategy for electronic databases • Use of street drugs shown not to or believed A comprehensive search syntax using indexed by the investigator(s) not to contain MDMA, keywords (e.g. MeSH, EMTREE) and free-text whether referred to as ‘ecstasy’ or not. terms was developed. The search strategy is shown • Therapeutic use of MDMA. in full in Appendix 3. • Generic drug-using populations in which it is not possible to isolate a subgroup with Databases searched exposure to MDMA in particular. The following electronic databases were searched: MEDLINE, EMBASE and PsycINFO (all via Di a l o g Comparators Da t a St a r ); Web of Knowledge. Where comparative evidence was reviewed, studies with comparator arm(s) meeting the following Inclusion of relevant evidence characteristics were considered eligible:

The outputs of searches were considered against Included: the prespecified inclusion/exclusion criteria, with a • Recreational users of drugs other than MDMA. sample of citations screened by a second reviewer, • Non-drug-users. to appraise the validity of assessment. Studies that could confidently be identified as not meeting Outcomes eligibility criteria on the basis of title and abstract Included: were excluded. The full texts of all other papers • Death. were obtained, and assessed to ascertain whether • Acute, clinically observable health harms. they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. As a result • Long-term, clinically observable health harms. of the volume of material retrieved, it was not possible to satisfy our protocol requirement that Excluded: each potentially relevant paper would be reviewed • Surrogate measures of harm (e.g. for inclusion by two reviewers; however, a sample neuroimaging studies, biochemical markers), of inclusion decisions was checked by a second where there is no explicit correlation to reviewer, with good agreement. observed effect. 5

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• Biochemical indices of MDMA consumption Where neither Level I nor Level II evidence was (e.g. testing for MDMA use in blood or hair available, Level III evidence was systematically samples). surveyed. • Studies reporting therapeutic measures for adverse events without providing data on Critical appraisal individuals suffering such complications. Level I evidence • Subjective measures of psychostimulation Level I evidence was appraised with reference to (i.e. studies of the drug’s intended short-term a bespoke quality‑assessment instrument (Table 1), intoxicative effects). which was adapted from the recommendations of • Indirect harms, e.g. the MOOSE (meta-analysis of observational studies –– accidental injury where ecstasy in epidemiology) proposal.41 consumption is detected/implicated –– health consequences of high-risk sexual Level II evidence behaviour contributed to by ecstasy Level II evidence was appraised with reference consumption to a bespoke quality-assessment instrument –– birth defects secondary to maternal (Table 2), which was constructed with reference exposure to MDMA. to recommendations made by Levine and colleagues,42 Downs and Black, 43 the NHS Centre Papers in languages other than English for Reviews and Dissemination 40 and Mallen and Only studies published in English were included in co-workers. 44 the review. Level III evidence Meeting abstracts Because a very large amount of Level III evidence Reports published as meeting abstracts were was identified and there were few methodological included in the review only if sufficient characteristics with which it could be distinguished methodological details were reported to allow (i.e. all such evidence was, by definition, of a critical appraisal of study quality. poor quality), no formal critical appraisal was undertaken. Methods of analysis/synthesis General approach Data extraction Data were extracted using a bespoke database. Initially, all included evidence was reviewed to Because of the very large volume of material establish a taxonomy of reported outcomes. retrieved, it was not possible to satisfy our protocol For each outcome, the available evidence was requirement that all data extraction would be categorised in a predefined hierarchy of research double-checked by a second reviewer; however, the design: data extracted from the 20 studies on which our syntheses relied most heavily were checked by a • Level I Pre-existing systematic research second reviewer. There were no major errors, and syntheses (systematic reviews, meta-analyses, minor errors were corrected. Data extraction tables syntheses of qualitative data) have not been reproduced in this report because • Level II Controlled observational studies they would run to many hundreds of pages. Details (cohort studies, case–control studies, etc.) are available from the authors. • Level III Uncontrolled observational evidence (case reports and case series). Quantitative synthesis of Level II data: general approach Where adequately designed and conducted, Level I In deciding the approach to the meta-analysis of evidence was preferred. outcomes of the included studies, a number of aspects of this dataset need to be considered: Where no adequate Level I evidence was identified for a given outcome, any Level II evidence was • substantial heterogeneity in the design, risk of systematically reviewed. The quality of research bias, population and definition of ecstasy and was appraised and described, and findings were control exposures reported. Where possible and appropriate, • the wide range and large number of outcome quantitative synthesis of study outcomes was measures reported (in total, 915 different also undertaken (for methods, see Quantitative outcome measures were identified in the synthesis of Level II data: general approach, evidence-base) 6 below). DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

TABLE 1 Level I evidence: appraisal instrument

Item Possible responses Notes 1. Is study defined as a systematic review in title? Yes No 2. Are study aims clearly described and focused? Yes No 3. Do study objectives describe population, study Completely Full details of population, study design, design, exposure? exposure Partially Some details No 4. Search strategy supplied (or available) and Yes Details of databases searched and search appropriate? terms used No 5. Additional sources used? Yes For example, author contact or hand searching No Can’t tell 6. Double data extraction? Yes Either double-data entry or one reviewer recording data with second reviewer checking each datapoint No Can’t tell 7. Assessment of study quality? Yes List instruments used in notes No Can’t tell 8. Assessment of heterogeneity? Appropriate List methods used Not appropriate Not done 9. Results pooled? Yes List methods used No 10. Pooling appropriate? Yes Assessment of synthesis methods (fixed- vs random-effects models, etc.) No NA 11. Subgroups considered in pooling? Yes Either separate or stratified analyses No NA 12. Results of pooling presented as forest plots? All Some None NA 13. Strengths and weaknesses of review discussed? Yes No 14. Potential biases of review discussed? Yes No

NA, not applicable. 7

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Methods

TABLE 2 Level II evidence: appraisal instrument

Possible Item responses Notes 1. Are study aims clearly described Yes and focused? No 2. Is study design (controlled, Yes observational) appropriate to No If Q1 and Q2 are both answered ‘No’, then stop here answer these aims? 3. Was study prospective? Prospective Cross-sectional Ambidirectional 4. Exposure to MDMA Quantified Sufficient to analyse exposure history and estimate total lifetime exposure Partial Some details, but insufficient to quantify total lifetime exposure Inadequate Not possible to ascertain exposure history 5. Exposure to other substances Quantified Sufficient to analyse exposure history and estimate total lifetime exposure Reported Some details, but insufficient to quantify total lifetime exposure Partial Select if exposure to important substances is not reported, and list in notes NR 6. Are there explicit inclusion and Partial Some indication of eligibililty criteria, but incomplete exclusion criteria for study? information No Can’t tell Yes 7. How has sample been recruited? Advertising Note where, if stated Direct approach For example, individuals approached in club Other Describe Snowball NR 8. From where has MDMA Club cohort(s) (or cases in case– University control studies) been recruited? Community Health-care system Other Please note Mixture More than one of these categories 9. From where has control Club cohort(s) been recruited? University Community Health-care system Other Please note Mixture More than one of these categories 10. Are sample characteristics Partial Some details, but important information missing adequately described? No Yes For example, age and gender; depending on outcome, others – e.g. intelligence – may be important; SDs for continuous variables 8 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

TABLE 2 Level II evidence: appraisal instrument (continued)

Possible Item responses Notes 11. Are there significant differences Yes Significance testing should be undertaken, where possible, if between cohorts? authors have not reported this No Can’t tell 12. Do analyses attempt to control Yes – matched Cohorts are matched on important confounders for confounders? cohorts Yes – adjusted For example, exposure to other substance included as analyses a covariate in effect size calculations (ANCOVA; other regression) Yes – stratified analyses Partial Note any shortcomings in approach adopted No Can’t tell NA 13. Is there a power calculation? Yes No Can’t tell 14. Is sample size sufficient? Yes Only answer ‘Yes’ if sample size fulfils criteria of explicit power calculation No Only answer ‘No’ if there is an explicit power calculation but sample size does not fulfil criteria Not analysed All other cases 15. Is primary outcome measure Objective objective? Subjective Includes all self-reported measures; however, note if measured according to validated instrument 16. Are secondary outcome Objective measures objective? Subjective Mixed 17. Were outcome assessors blind to Yes exposure status? No Can’t tell NA 18. Are dose–response relationships Yes considered? No Can’t tell 19. Is temporal relationship correct? No Outcome precedes exposure Can’t tell Yes Exposure shown to precede outcome, enabling causal inference 20. Are drop-out rates similar Yes between MDMA cohort and No controls? Can’t tell NA Will be the case for most retrospective study designs

ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; NA, not applicable; NR, not reported; SD, standard deviation. 9

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Methods

• substantial level of multiplicity: each meta-analysis was, where possible, stratified –– multiple comparisons, i.e. inclusion of to distinguish between current ecstasy users and more than one ecstasy exposure (e.g. former users. Third, a random-effects meta-analysis heavy ecstasy users versus light ecstasy was used throughout, thereby explicitly recognising users versus ecstasy-naïve controls; current that the separate studies may be estimating ecstasy users versus former ecstasy users different effect sizes of ecstasy exposure. Last, versus ecstasy-naïve controls) or more than study-level regression (‘metaregression’) was used to one control arm (e.g. ecstasy users versus explore the statistical heterogeneity across studies. polydrug-using controls versus drug-naïve The association between the exposure effect size controls) in a single study and population [e.g. mean age, sex and baseline –– multiple outcomes, i.e. inclusion of more intelligence quotient (IQ)] and ecstasy exposure than one outcome measure assessing a characteristics (e.g. duration and frequency of given outcome domain within a single usage) was examined univariately. study, either through the reporting of several relevant subscales from a single Range and number of outcomes instrument (e.g. individual immediate To rationalise the range and diversity of outcomes memory trials from the RAVLT) or through reported, a pre-hoc decision was made to focus the reporting of several relevant measures and synthesise the results according to a series of (e.g. the RAVLT and the RBMT) domains, representing key areas of interest. The –– repeated measures, i.e. comparison underlying principle was to maximise parsimony, between exposure and control over more i.e. to reduce the heterogeneous evidence-base than one time point (e.g. follow-up over to as few meta-outcomes as could be sensibly a period of abstinence, with repeated delineated. The categorisation of outcomes into measurements at regular intervals) domains was initially defined by the reviewers, • observational basis of comparisons. with particular reference to the textbooks of Lezak et al.,48 Hersen et al.49 and Strauss et al.50 In the Collectively these issues pose a substantial particular areas of executive function and attention, methodological challenge to the application we were guided by conceptual models – based of standard meta-analysis methods. Our on principal components analyses – proposed methodological approach to each of these issues is by Miyake et al.51 and Mirsky et al.52 respectively. discussed below. These categories were reviewed and, where necessary, revised by our expert advisory group. Substantial (clinical) heterogeneity Where outcome domains featured some objective Four strategies were employed to minimise the measures and some self-reported measures, these potential problem of heterogeneity. First, separate were analysed separately. meta-analyses were conducted according to the types of control groups in included studies (ecstasy To combine studies using different outcome users versus polydrug-using controls without measures within each domain, effect sizes were exposure to ecstasy; ecstasy users versus drug-naïve expressed as a standardised mean difference controls). Throughout this document, the term (SMD). The SMD expresses the size of the exposure polydrug controls is used to refer to control groups in effect of ecstasy in each study relative to the which some or all of the participants had a history variability observed in that study. Accordingly, for a of exposure to illegal drugs other than ecstasy. In given study i, contrast, drug-naïve controls are those who have no experience of illegal substances, although most mm12ii− will have a history of alcohol consumption and/or di = , (1) 45–47 s tobacco smoking. Three studies were excluded i from analysis because they provided insufficient

information on whether control participants had where m1i and m2i represent the reported means in exposure to other substances; hence, it could ecstasy-exposed and control cohorts, respectively,

not be ascertained to which of our analyses data and si is the pooled standard deviation across both should contribute. Several studies were designed to groups, estimated as, compare ecstasy-exposed participants with separate polydrug and drug-naïve control arms; in these ()nn−+11SD2 ()− SD2 instances, the relevant comparisons are included 11ii22ii, (2) si = in each meta-analysis, as appropriate. Second, Ni − 2 10 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

where n1i, n2i and Ni represent the sample sizes of precision of each effect estimate, because ecstasy-exposed, control and combined cohorts the sample size feeds into the calculation respectively, and the reported standard deviations of standard error, and ensures that each of measurements in ecstasy-exposed and control individual comparison will have reduced groups are SD1i and SD2i. To pool SMDs, it is weight in the meta-analysis). necessary to derive the standard error, which is • Another approach to the same problem is to estimated as follows: pool all relevant datapoints to provide a single unit of analysis for the pairwise comparison of 2 interest. Using the same example as above, a N d i i . (3) meta-arm of 200 current and former ecstasy SE()di =+ nn12ii 22()Ni − users would be compared to the 100 control participants. For dichotomous data, event The method assumes that the differences in numbers are simply added; for continuous standard deviations among studies reflect outcomes, the mean for the combined arm differences in measurement scales and not real is estimated as the weighted mean from the differences in variability among study populations. multiple separate arms (where the numbers in each arm provide the weights), and the Multiplicity standard deviation for the combined arm is Multiple comparisons calculated according to the usual formula (an To include studies with multiple comparison arms extension of equation (2), above, accounting within a conventional meta-analysis, it is first for a combination of more than two estimates): necessary to decompose the data in question to a series of pairwise comparisons (so A versus B versus k ()ns−1 2 C becomes A versus C and B versus C, assuming ∑ ii C is the common comparator). However, it would i=1 , (4) sc = k be inappropriate to treat each such comparison ()n −1 ∑ i as an independent unit of analysis, by entering all i=1 datapoints into a single meta-analysis, because to do so is effectively to double-count data from the where i indexes a total of k arms being shared comparator (that is to say: if A versus C and combined, ni is the number of participants in

B versus C are entered into the same analysis, then each arm, and si is the standard deviation for the data representing C effectively appears twice) that arm. (see Section 16.5.4 of the Cochrane Handbook for The disadvantage of this latter approach is Systematic Reviews of Interventions49). that inter-arm heterogeneity – which, in itself, may be informative – is obscured. In particular, To minimise this unit-of-analysis error, we have it is difficult to perform metaregression on adopted two different approaches: analyses constructed in this way, because covariates of interest would also have to be • Our primary approach was to include each pooled, with the likely effect that any influence pairwise comparison in our analyses, but to of variables of interest on overall effect will be adjust the size of the shared comparator to disguised. For example, in the case previously reflect the number of comparisons in which it put forward, it would not make sense to is involved. For example, if a trial compared investigate the effects of duration of abstinence 100 current ecstasy users and 100 former on exposure effect, when two groups with very ecstasy users with 100 ecstasy-naïve controls, different profiles have been conflated. we assumed that half of the control group was committed to each comparison. Accordingly, In each instance, our primary analysis is based two comparisons would be entered into the on the separate pairwise approach. However, we meta-analysis: 100 current ecstasy users versus recognise that this method only partially overcomes 50 ecstasy-naïve controls and 100 former the unit-of-analysis error (because the resulting ecstasy users versus 50 ecstasy-naïve controls. comparisons remain correlated).53 Therefore, we For dichotomous outcomes, both the number also performed sensitivity analyses, adopting the of events and the total number of participants second aggregation method, to investigate whether is halved; for continuous outcomes, it is our choice of approach had any notable influence only necessary to adjust the total number on results. of participants (in turn, this decreases the 11

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Methods

Multiple outcomes omnibus outcome estimate by only some 10 to Methods are available for synthesising multiple 15%.57 outcome measures in a single meta-analysis.54–56 The benefit of such methods is that they take into We believe this approach should provide a more account the level of correlation that exists between informative – and less biased – estimate of effect outcomes from the same study in the analysis. On than those available in some previous meta- the other hand, these methods are complex, and analyses of the effects of ecstasy exposure which, may obscure within-study heterogeneity, which may when faced with a multiplicity of outcomes, be important. For these reasons, this approach was have simply selected a single outcome as most not pursued. representative of the domain in question.58,59 This approach not only discards potentially informative Instead, we derived single units of analysis by data but also relies very heavily on the assumption pooling domain-related outcomes into a single that the reviewer’s choice of outcome is truly ‘omnibus’ domain-specific outcome. Deriving these representative of the domain in question. estimates was a four-stage procedure: Other reviewers have adopted a similar approach 1. All potentially relevant outcome measures were to ours, basing their analyses on multiple outcomes screened to ensure no duplicate data content. ‘aggregated … to produce an average effect For example, if a study reported a series of size’.60,61 However, in each instance, the methods subtests along with an index score that had used to pool separate outcomes are not described. been categorised as relevant to the domain of interest, the index score only was included Repeated measures in our analysis. Wherever second-order A relatively small subset of studies reported manipulations of subscores were reported (e.g. repeated measurements of an outcome of interest a Stroop test in which interference effect was (e.g. over a period of abstinence,62,63 or before reported as time in interference trial minus and after an experimental procedure64). In such time in simple naming), those measures were cases, we have entered only the first measurement not included if the individual subscores on taken into our quantitative syntheses. An exception which they were based were already part of the to this principle was made for a few studies in dataset. In the event that such second-order which measurements had been taken in users measures were the only relevant datapoints experiencing the acute and/or subacute effects extracted from a study (in the above example, of ecstasy consumption, and then a subsequent where interference effect is reported without measurement recorded when such effects had worn raw trial times), there would be no double- off. In these instances, the later measurement – counting of data, so such datapoints were which more properly captures the long-term effects included. of ecstasy exposure – was used. Previous meta- 2. Data for each individual outcome measure analyses have explicitly61 or presumably58–60 taken were adjusted to reflect the multiplicity a similar approach. An alternative approach would of comparisons (as described in Multiple have been to use an effect estimate based on time- comparisons, above). to-event analysis (such as hazard ratio). However, 3. Each individual measure was expressed in no such analyses were reported. terms of SMD (see Range and number of outcomes, above). Observational basis of comparisons 4. For each comparison, a weighted average of all Because of the observational nature of the included SMDs was calculated, using the precision of the studies, potential confounders (e.g. participant estimates as the weighting factor (this could be age, exposure to legal and illegal drugs other seen as a sub-meta-analysis, adopting a fixed- than ecstasy) are highly unlikely to be equally effects model with inverse variance weighting). distributed across the exposure and control arms. Dependent on direction and magnitude, within- This method assumes that the correlation between study confounder imbalances are likely either to outcomes is uninformative (as described above overestimate or to underestimate any underlying for multiple comparisons). However, assuming exposure effect. This asymmetric distribution of a relatively conservative correlation between confounders has not been explicitly considered outcomes of 0.5 and based on three or four in previous meta-analyses of the effects of ecstasy. domain-specific outcomes, it estimated that our Using an extension of an analytic approach method will overestimate the precision of the recently described by Trowman et al.,65 we used 12 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

metaregression similar to analysis of covariance multivariate analyses, so regressions were (ANCOVA) to explore the evidence for important conducted solely on a univariate basis. confounding of effect, and to ‘adjust’ the exposure effect size for potential imbalance in confounder The metaregression analyses presented in our distribution between exposure and control groups: results fall into three categories:

observed difference = exposure effect + • ‘Classical’ metaregression, in which the (β × difference in confounder). covariate is a study-level characteristic (e.g. average age of all participants, average IQ of The output of particular interest is the constant all participants). (‘exposure effect’), which represents the ‘true’ • Dose–response analyses, in which the covariate effect of the exposure after accounting for is one of several estimates of ecstasy exposure baseline differences in confounders between the in the ecstasy arm [e.g. estimated total lifetime arms of individual studies. When the difference dose (ETLD), duration of use]. in confounder is 0, this value is equivalent to • Exploration of inter-arm confounding, unadjusted exposure effect size. This can be seen in which the covariate is a measure of the clearly when the relationship is plotted on a graph difference between cohorts in any one of as the point at which the estimated regression line several characteristics other than exposure to intersects the y-axis. ecstasy (e.g. difference in age, difference in exposure to other substances). Two methods Quantitative synthesis of Level were used to quantify asymmetry in drug II data: technical approach exposure. First, differences were calculated on Primary meta-analyses an absolute scale: difference in ETLD of the We used random-effects meta-analyses substance in question, calculated according (DerSimonian and Laird model66) only, regardless to uniform units (joints of cannabis, grams of of any statistical evidence of inter-study amphetamine and cocaine, units of alcohol). homogeneity. Heterogeneity was explored by In meta-analyses comparing ecstasy-exposed visualisation of results and, in statistical terms, by populations with drug-naïve controls (for calculation of both Cochran’s Q (compared to a whom the ETLD of illegal substances is, by chi-squared distribution)67 and the I2-statistic.68,69 definition, nil), this variable becomes a simple Small-study effects (including publication bias) index of consumption in the ecstasy-using arm. were visualised using funnel plots and quantified Second, because ETLD is only reported by a using Egger’s test.70 Analyses were conducted minority of studies, the SMD between arms using bespoke software, written in Visual Basic for was calculated using any one of several drug Applications and applied in both Microsoft Access exposure variables. Standardised difference and Microsoft Excel. Stata 9.1 was used to verify scores for drug consumption were based on the accuracy of analyses (metan command) and to the highest ranking measure available in each assess small-study effects (metabias command). study according to the following hierarchy: –– ETLD (amount of the substance ever taken; Metaregression any quantitative unit) Metaregression was undertaken using Stata 9.1 –– estimated total lifetime exposure (number (metareg command). The method of moments of occasions on which the substance has model was used for all metaregressions because, ever been taken) although the restricted maximum likelihood –– dose over a specified period (e.g. estimated estimator is generally recommended in this amount taken in past 12 months) situation,71,72 our methods extended to using the –– frequency (e.g. number of occasions taken outputs of metaregression analyses to calculate per month) adjusted effect estimates (see Observational basis of –– typical dose (amount of substance taken comparisons, above). Therefore, it was important per occasion) for us to compare the outputs of metaregressions –– exposure score (average score on a bespoke with our original meta-analyses, and the method ordinal scale) of moments model is identical to a classical –– duration of use (length of history of random-effects meta-analysis when the effect of exposure to the substance). the covariate is zero. Because of inconsistencies in Because single values cannot be manipulated the evidence-base, it was not possible to undertake in the same way as inter-arm differences,


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Methods

standardised differences in drug exposure were to the outcomes of interest, may potentially have only calculated for meta-analyses comparing an influence on observed effect. In some cases, the ecstasy-exposed populations with polydrug assumption of independence may be an inaccurate controls. In comparisons with drug-naïve one, and it may be more correct to use the term controls, these covariates were omitted from ‘effect modifier’, to emphasise that there is a causal analysis. interaction between the variable and the outcome. However, it is not possible for us to disentangle Throughout this document, the term ‘confounder’ such relationships on the basis of the evidence-base is used to refer to any variable that, while unrelated available to us.

14 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Chapter 3 Results

he papers identified by literature searches, effect size for studies was significant using the Tscreened against the inclusion criteria and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) (0.48; 95% CI finally included in the review are shown in Figure 1, 0.29–0.66; p < 0.001) and the Symptom Checklist- together with the reasons for exclusion of the rest. 90-revised (SCL-90R) (0.26; 95% CI 0.02–0.50; p < 0.05), but using the original SCL-90 it was not. Although we were not able to integrate new Metaregression also showed decreasing effect size findings in our review, we performed updated as study size increased: only studies with fewer literature searches on 28 February 2008. Of 289 than 40 subjects produced a significant effect new citations returned, 44 appeared – on the size (16/22). As the funnel plot was significantly basis of title or abstract alone – as though they asymmetrical, publication bias is likely in this might be relevant to the content of this project; review and is identified as an issue by the these references are given in Appendix 4. We authors. There is no narrative synthesis or quality recommend that any future update of this review assessment of the studies and the methods of the considers this evidence for inclusion. included studies are unclear.

Memory and neurocognition Previous syntheses (Level I) Three previous syntheses have conducted meta- analyses based on systematic identification of We identified five previous systematic reviews studies.59,60,73 None provide a critique of the quality and/or meta-analyses. One reported on self- of the included studies. reported depressive symptomatology in ecstasy users56 and three were concerned with the chronic Kalechstein et al.73 reported that in their ‘lenient’ neurocognitive effects of ecstasy.58–60,73,74 The fifth group of studies (n = 23), exposure to MDMA, was review discussed the acute subjective effects of associated with poorer performance in each of the ecstasy associated with intoxication and was not neurocognitive domains: attention [SMD (Cohen’s considered further.74 d ) = 0.40], verbal learning and memory (0.73), non-verbal learning and memory (0.58), motor/ Methods psychomotor speed (0.55) and executive systems functioning (0.52) (p < 0.001 for each domain). It is The characteristics and methods of the identified not clear what the matched controls were in terms studies are summarised in Table 3. of other drug use. For the more stringent group of studies (n = 11), results were similar, with verbal Findings learning and memory still showing the greatest Depressive symptomatology effect (SMD = 0.85). No narrative synthesis of the studies was included, so no detail of the quality of The meta-analysis by Sumnall and Cole 200558 the included studies is available. of self-reported depressive symptomatology in community samples of ecstasy users found a The effect sizes of Verbaten59 are based on significantly increased level of depressive symptoms comparisons between the highest ecstasy-using in ecstasy users compared to a mix of polydrug group and a non-ecstasy-using control from and drug-naïve controls – 22 studies, effect size each of the 10 included studies. For short-term 0.31 (95% CI 0.18–0.44; p < 0.001). The authors memory, the mean effect size of – 1.15 remained state that they used polydrug controls where significant after controlling for lifetime exposure to available rather than drug-naïve controls, but do ecstasy (– 0.95; p < 0.01) and cannabis use (– 0.67; not specify more detail. Weighted metaregression p < 0.01). For long-term memory, the mean effect analysis showed that estimated lifetime ecstasy size of – 1.25 remained significant after controlling use, but not duration of use, dose per episode or for lifetime ecstasy consumption, but not after abstention period, predicted effect size and that controlling for lifetime cannabis use (– 1.15; this effect remained after partially controlling p > 0.05). For sustained attention-processing speed, for alcohol, amphetamine and cannabis. The the mean effect size of 0.41 (p < 0.01) remained 15

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

4394 papers screened •1812 returned from MEDLINE search •2600 returned from EMBASE search •1259 returned from PsyclNFO search •1879 returned from Web of Science search •3156 duplicates removed

3599 studies excluded based on title and abstract: •564 excluded on population (animal/in vitro study 535; lab-based, short-term, non- recreational use 29) •1047 excluded on exposure (no exposure to drugs 697, no MDMA content in drugs (inc. GHB) 290; therapeutic use of MDMA 32; generic drug-users, no MDMA subgroup 28) •1095 excluded on outcome (patterns of MDMA use 530; surrogate measures 60; assay for MDMA 188; therapy for AEs only 45; pleasurable effects 13; indirect harms 94; analysis of Ecstasy tablets 55; biochemistry/pharmacokinetics 110) •889 excluded on design (narrative review, editorial, etc. 538; conference abstract 67; not in English 284) •4 administrative exclusions (2 duplicate citations; 2 erroneous citations)

795 papers ordered for detailed review

373 papers excluded following perusal of full text: •36 excluded on population (animal/in vitro study 10; lab-based, short-term, non- recreational use 26) •57 excluded on exposure (no exposure to drugs 8; no MDMA content in drugs (inc GHB) 21; therapeutic use of MDMA 2; generic drug-users, no MDMA subgroup 26) •59 excluded on outcome (patterns of MDMA use 20; surrogate measures 9; assay for MDMA 1; therapy for AEs only 2; pleasurable effects 9; indirect harms 5; biochemistry/ pharmacokinetics 4, no extractable data 9) •184 excluded on design (narrative review, editorial, etc. 177; conference abstract 4; not in English 3) •37 administrative exclusions (2 duplicate citations; 24 secondary publications; 11 not sourced)

422 studies met inclusion criteria

5 LEVEL I STUDIES 110 LEVEL II STUDIES 307 LEVEL III STUDIES (previous systematic (controlled (uncontrolled reviews/meta-analysis) observational studies) case series/case reports)

FIGURE 1 Review flowchart. AEs, adverse events.

significant after controlling for lifetime ecstasy term memory, ecstasy users performed worse than consumption. For attention performance, the controls in 22 of 25 studies (SMD – 0.63; 95% CI mean effect size of – 0.82 remained significant after – 0.91 to – 0.41). For long-term memory, ecstasy controlling for lifetime ecstasy consumption and users performed worse than controls in 17 of lifetime cannabis consumption. 19 studies (SMD – 0.87; 95%CI – 1.38 to – 0.45). Ecstasy users performed worse than controls on Laws and Kokkalis60 provide an updated meta- verbal memory (SMD – 1.00; 95% CI – 1.45 to 16 analysis for Verbaten59 of 28 studies. On short- – 0.59) and visual memory (SMD – 0.27; 95% CI DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

TABLE 3 Level I evidence: methods of included syntheses

Inclusion/exclusion Paper Search strategy criteria Research question Meta-analysis? Sumnall and Cole Web of Knowledge, Inclusion: self- To quantify self- Yes 200554 PsycINFO, MAPS MDMA reported depressive reported depressive databases searched 1914– symptomatology using symptomatology in 2004 validated measures in substance misusers community samples of reporting ecstasy use Ecstasy, MDMA, human, ecstasy users self-report, depressive, depression 25 studies identified

Reference lists of retrieved articles searched, experts consulted for unpublished data Verbaten 200355 PsycINFO and MEDLINE Inclusion: n, mean and Existence and Yes – regression for searched 1975–2002, SD reported for all strength of effect lifetime exposure search terms not dependent variables; of neurocognitive mentioned subjects drug free for damage from ecstasy at least a week use; evidence for a dose–response effect 10 studies included Laws and Kokkalis MEDLINE, Google Scholar, Inclusion: studies Impact of recreational Yes – no forest 200756 PsycINFO, National contained relevant MDMA use on plots presented, Institute on Drug Abuse, memory subtest data memory – updating fixed- and random- Erowid using MDMA, for an appropriate Verbaten’s review effects models used, memory, ecstasy, cogniti*, non-MDMA-using subgroup analyses for neuropsych* control group that studies addressing could be used to confounders Reference lists of retrieved derive an effect size articles and core on-line journals searched 28 studies identified Kalechstein et al. PsycINFO and MEDLINE Lenient group To quantify the Yes, but no forest 200769 searched using MDMA, inclusion: measures association between plots, summary neurocognition, of neurocognition, neurocognition and measures only neuropsychology, cognition matched controls MDMA misuse reported in tables

23 studies included

Stringent group inclusion: as above plus controls similar in age, education/premorbid IQ, MDMA users not treatment-seeking and abstinent at time of assessment

11 studies included

MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy).

– 0.55 to – 0.03). While the effect size was larger for Conclusions long-term than short-term memory, this difference None of these studies was judged to have exactly was not significant. Deficits were significantly the same focus as our review and, in each case, greater for verbal than for visual memory. No it was difficult to ascertain the exact methods significant differences in effect sizes were observed adopted in the review. This lack of detail may be when comparing drug-naïve with non-naïve the result of constraints imposed by journals on controls. There was no effect of lifetime exposure article length. A particular problem was identifying to ecstasy or cannabis use on effect sizes. what evidence had been included in quantitative 17

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

syntheses. For these reasons, we concluded that systematically from the ecstasy users in other ways, it would not be appropriate to rely on these such as socioeconomic status and educational previous reviews alone for any outcomes of interest. attainment. In some studies, urine samples were Accordingly, our review of Level II evidence screened during the study period, so that self- includes all the outcomes on which previous reported recent drug use could be objectively reviewers have reported. We compare our results validated. with theirs in Chapter 4 (Strength and consistency of effect). Study size In the majority of studies, a power calculation was not performed. Without a power calculation it is Controlled (Level II) not known what chance the study had of detecting evidence (chronic harms) a difference between groups, if a true difference exists. Given the very small sample size of many of Assessment of the these studies, it has to be assumed that the chance quality of studies of declaring false-negative findings (type 2 error) This section of the review uses data from 110 is high. This point is especially relevant where studies. Aside from data derived from the authors have reported that ecstasy-using groups Netherlands XTC toxicity study (NeXT), which did not differ from controls in terms of baseline will be discussed separately, all studies assessed characteristics. the effects of ecstasy in people who already had a history of ecstasy use. Virtually all studies, Confounding therefore, provide only cross-sectional data from Given the lack of randomised and other a group of ecstasy-exposed subjects compared to prospective studies, a major issue for this review a control group without or with minimal ecstasy was the extent to which confounding variables exposure. could be identified and controlled for in the included studies. Some sought to control for Recruitment potential confounding by matching of groups, Recruiting users of illegal drugs for research studies stratifying patients according to variables thought is challenging and authors have used various to be important, such as amount of ecstasy use (e.g. methods. Some subjects have been recruited from Dafters et al.75), or by conducting analyses using those attending programmes in drug addiction potentially important variables as covariates (e.g. centres or admitted to long-term rehabilitation Heffernan et al.76). Many studies, however, did not programmes, which include urine monitoring for control for the effect of differing prior exposure, MDMA and other drug use. Other studies recruited or other confounders, in either the design or the active users at raves/dance parties, while others analysis plan. Studies also varied in the extent to used advertising either in specialist media or via which they quantified prior exposure to ecstasy and their research institution. The snowball technique other drugs. In some, an estimate of total lifetime has been used extensively: participants initially exposure was made by the authors or sufficient data recruited are encouraged to recruit others by word were presented to enable an estimate to be made. of mouth. These methods are very likely to provide a non-representative sample of ecstasy users. The A limitation around the use of studies describing samples chosen could reflect subjects with a high matched groups is that there is no uniformity proportion of problems associated with ecstasy use amongst the variables considered important (in those already in drug addiction programmes) or to match. One study (Back-Madruga et al.46), those who share certain characteristics unrelated to which describes groups as matched, actually uses ecstasy use, such as those who choose to respond to historical archival controls in which ecstasy use an advertisement. The extent to which results from was not questioned. In most cases, matching has any of these studies can be generalised to the whole been restricted to basic demographic variables, ecstasy-using population is therefore uncertain. but some also include educational attainment, IQ, socioeconomic variables and concomitant drug use. Recruitment of the control group may also However, in 27 studies, the analyses had not been lead to bias in the result. Often the control adjusted to account for potential confounders. For group comprised individuals from the research example, Butler and Montgomery77 found that establishment who reported no illicit drug use. impulsivity and risk taking was greater in ecstasy These may be students at a university or health- users than in non-users and further that risk-taking care workers. Such individuals may be reluctant to scores were higher amongst high ecstasy users than 18 report illegal drug use and are also likely to differ low ecstasy users. However, there were significant DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

differences in the use of cocaine, amphetamines Dose-related effects and LSD between the groups which were not Determining any dose-related effects of MDMA is allowed for in the analysis and so the extent to more problematic than with prescribed medication which this result can be attributed to ecstasy use is in clinical trials or other studies for a number uncertain. Similarly, another analysis of depressive of reasons. Illegal drugs are not produced with symptomatology reports an ‘Ecstasy using’ cohort pharmaceutical quality assurance procedures whose history, when compared to that of controls, and there is ample evidence of great variability featured significantly more consumption of alcohol, in the dose of MDMA contained in available nicotine, cannabis, psilocybin, amphetamine, LSD, tablets. Consequently, there is no assurance of amyl nitrate, ketamine, cocaine and opiates78 but the dose taken by participants even if they can did not attempt to adjust the results to account recall accurately the number of tablets they have for these differences. Attributing harmful health taken. Aside from variability in content of the effects to MDMA use rather than to other drugs is desired active drug there is also variability in therefore extremely difficult.79 content of contaminants, some of which may exert a pharmacological action. Participants in these Using only cross-sectional data also limits the studies are perhaps also more likely than patients extent to which effects can be attributed to a in clinical trials to have inaccurate recall or to lie possible cause, as the causal association, should about their drug consumption. Any claims for there be one, can go in either direction. For a dose effect must therefore be interpreted very example, a group of studies have noted that cautiously. novelty-seeking behaviour is stronger among ecstasy users; in these cross-sectional studies the Despite this caution, a number of studies attempt explanation could equally well be either that to investigate the suggestion that long-term harm ecstasy leads to such behaviour or that individuals from ecstasy use is associated with heavy use rather who already exhibit that behaviour are more likely than low episodic use. There is variation in the to use ecstasy. thresholds that different researchers have set for low and high use, but all estimates are based on A small number of studies obtained cross-sectional self-reported use and are subject to recall bias, data and then followed patients up for a period particularly where use over a number of years is of days to several years to obtain further data. We recorded. have classified such studies as ‘ambidirectional’ because, although they have a prospective Abstinent period component (observing different groups over time), To maximise a study’s ability to distinguish long- the original exposure precedes enrolment into the term effects from acute and subacute sequelae study and the results may be confounded by factors of drug consumption, it is important to ensure that were present on enrolment. that participants are tested after a period of abstinence long enough to rule out any residual Disappointingly, we were compelled to exclude effects of their last dose(s). We did not routinely one of the very few prospective studies in this extract information about the extent of abstinence area (Lieb et al.80) from our review because it only required by each study before testing, or the reports results from a cohort exposed to ‘ecstasy, means by which compliance with such criteria amphetamine or related compounds’ (contact with was verified. However, we note that studies varied the authors failed to elicit data limited to those widely in this respect. For example, Gerra et al.82 exposed to ecstasy only). Similarly, the longitudinal required participants to have ceased consumption follow-up study by Daumann et al.81 conflates the of illegal drugs 3 weeks before testing, and used use of ecstasy and amphetamine for follow-up urine screening three times a week to ensure measurements (though not for baseline data, compliance. In another study, the same author which are included in our review). We appreciate ensured abstinence over a 12-month period that such classifications are more reflective of by the same method. At the other end of the common usage patterns; additionally, this means spectrum, Quednow et al.83 relied upon subjects’ that they are more practical to adopt from a study self-declaration that they were drug free for 3 days recruitment perspective. However, it is very difficult before participation in the study. to make use of such data in a policy-making context because it is impossible to disentangle Blinding the contributions of the various substances to the Many studies do not state whether the researchers reported results. carrying out the assessments were blinded to the exposure status of the participant. 19

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Outcome measures and reporting bias in the ecstasy-naïve group than in the incident A feature of the dataset for this review is the large ecstasy-using group, i.e. verbal memory test scores number and diverse range of outcome measures numerically increased in both groups but to a lesser that researchers have assessed. In many cases the degree in the ecstasy group. The scores remained outcomes assessed are subjective and rely on the within the normal range. There is some debate participants’ self-report of a characteristic. In as to whether the relative decline in scores is some cases well-established outcome measures attributable to ecstasy affecting verbal memory in a are used, whereas in others the validation of the way that serves to blunt the benefit of a retest some assessment tool is less clear. Studies assessing 18 months after the initial test. The conclusion personality dimensions and mood tended to make that these effects are apparent even after a low use of subjective measures, while those assessing cumulative dose has also been challenged as memory and cognitive function made greater use the range of ecstasy use was reported as 0.5–70 of objective measures. In many cases the studies tablets. In response to this challenge the authors did not identify a primary outcome measure but present some sensitivity analysis excluding four subjected the range of data to statistical analyses subjects (approximately 7% of the sample) who and hypothesis tests. In most cases no adjustment used in excess of 10 tablets, yielding a new group to significance level has been made for the mean consumption of 1.95 tablets (range 0.5–6), multitude of hypothesis tests conducted, and the which was found to have little effect on the results. findings of such studies should be regarded as Dose of ecstasy per occasion was also considered exploratory and hypothesis generating. briefly with data presented showing that 95% of users took no more than two tablets per occasion In addition, studies have not always reported all and that during the period of study the mean outcomes investigated, but have included only dose of MDMA per tablet was 78 mg. The authors those which yielded positive results. Together conducted logistic regression analysis which showed with the uncertain, but often large, number of an increased risk of a decline in a verbal learning outcomes investigated, this selective reporting adds test with increased consumption. to the interpretation difficulties and increases the likelihood that many results are chance findings. The strength of the Netherlands XTC toxicity study is the prospective nature whereby a cohort of The Netherlands XTC Toxicity Study ecstasy-naïve subjects was followed up for around The Netherlands XTC toxicity study is the only 2 years. The sampling methods resulted in a study study meeting the inclusion criteria for this review population that is probably not representative of that provided data which can truly be described the general population of young people, but the as prospective. A number of objective tests were varied situations from which recruitment occurred employed to assess different aspects of memory and and the fact that both the eventual ecstasy-using visuospatial functioning, and although references and the control groups came from this same sample are provided it is not clear to what extent the make this study stand out from many of the others. measurement tools used have been validated. It presents a range of objective cognitive measures, Statistically significant differences between the and subjective mood and personality measures. groups were only observed for measures of verbal memory. A large number of statistical comparisons Although many potential confounders are possible, have been made and it would be a moot point the authors attempt to identify these and adjust to discuss whether the p-values used to declare their analysis accordingly. The principal concerns significance should have been adjusted to reflect are centred on the direction of results in both the this. The authors also chose to use one-tailed tests active and control groups in one of only three as they hypothesised that ecstasy use could have measures out of a possible 12 that were statistically been associated only with impaired performance significant, and the relatively large p-values and not with enhanced performance. It would associated with these in the context of multiple have been more conservative to have used two- one-tailed hypothesis tests. tailed tests, keeping p < 0.05 constant as the level at which to declare statistical significance. The Results: the Netherlands conclusion that exposure to even a low dose of XTC Toxicity (NeXT) study MDMA may impair verbal memory has recently Methods been challenged. It was noted that the difference in scores between the groups arose because the This study started in 2002 with the aims of increased performance on retest was greater examining: 20 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

• the causality of ecstasy use in observed brain fairs, universities, etc.). For the prospective arm, pathology in humans subjects were asked about their future intention to • the long-term course of brain pathology in use ecstasy and included only if they had a high ecstasy users probability of intending to use ecstasy in the near • the clinical relevance of observed brain future. Subjects were paid for their participation in pathology in ecstasy users. the various assessments.

The study design included three arms: Follow-up Subjects in the prospective arm completed further • a cross-sectional study of heavy users of ecstasy questionnaires on drug use at 3-monthly intervals and controls using varying amounts of other for a year. The main outcomes were assessed at drugs three time points: after recruitment (i.e. before first • a prospective cohort study of subjects who were ecstasy use), shortly after first ecstasy use for those ecstasy-naïve at recruitment but had a high risk who started using ecstasy and 12–24 months after for future first ecstasy use baseline assessment in all ecstasy-users and in a • a retrospective cohort study of lifetime ecstasy sample of those who remained ecstasy-naïve. users with matched controls. Measuring exposure to ecstasy As this study is the only one we have identified Ecstasy exposure was assessed initially by that has included prospective data, we report its questionnaire. Subjects were asked to abstain from methodology and results separately from the rest of drug use for 2 weeks before testing and from the Level II evidence that is purely cross-sectional alcohol for 1 week before testing. Abstinence was in nature. checked by urinalysis and prior exposure to ecstasy and other amphetamines was checked by hair We have identified nine publications from the analysis. whole study. Two84,85 describe the methodology, including a detailed assessment of the recruitment Neuropsychological and techniques,85 particularly the possibility that the psychopathological outcomes investigators’ approach encouraged the drug- Included outcome measures were: working naïve subjects to start using ecstasy. Two more memory/executive functioning, verbal and publications86,87 report findings from the cross- visual memory, visuospatial functioning, verbal sectional study; one presents qualitative data intelligence, depression (BDI), impulsivity (Barratt from older ecstasy users86 and the other presents Impulsiveness Scale; BIS) and Spannings Behoefte neuroimaging data (functional magnetic resonance Lijst (SBL; Dutch version of the Sensation-Seeking imaging),87 which are not included in this review. A Scale). third report from the cross-sectional arm, identified through an update search and also not fully Results of the prospective study included in this review, presents cognitive effects in One hundred and eighty-eight ecstasy-naïve 71 subjects with a spectrum of drug-using histories subjects who were considering ecstasy use in the using a range of instruments. The remaining four near future and preferably had at least one friend publications present results from the prospective currently using ecstasy, were recruited over a 2-year cohort arm; two of these report functional period from April 2002 to April 2004. All 188 magnetic resonance imaging data and are not underwent initial assessment; 158 completed all included in this review,88,89 whereas the others the follow-up questionnaires of whom 64 said they report cognitive90 and depression, impulsivity and had started ecstasy use since inclusion in the study sensation-seeking91 data. To date, no publications and 59 of these 64 participated in the follow-up have been identified that report findings from the assessment session, 16–19 months after the initial retrospective cohort study of lifetime ecstasy users assessment, together with 61 of the 94 subjects who and matched controls identified from a pre-existing said they had not used ecstasy, matched for age, sex longitudinal study in the Netherlands. and IQ (Dutch Adult Reading Test). Subjects were young (average age 21 years) with slightly more Recruitment women (57%). Subjects were recruited to both the cross-sectional and the prospective arms by website, an internet At initial assessment, there were no significant campaign, snowball sampling and site sampling differences between those who started using ecstasy at a variety of locations (dance events, youth and those who did not in terms of age, sex, IQ, 21

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

educational status and the consumption of other In conclusion, the only prospective study we drugs (alcohol, tobacco, amphetamine and cocaine) have identified for this review found that a low with the exception of cannabis (greater in those cumulative dose of ecstasy is associated with a who started using ecstasy, mean joints per week (small) decline in verbal memory and may increase 48.8 versus 17.2, p < 0.05 Mann–Whitney test). certain aspects of sensation seeking, but is not There were also no significant differences in any of associated with depression or impulsivity. the neuropsychological or psychopathological tests between the two groups at baseline.86,87 The mean Syntheses: individual cumulative dose of ecstasy in those who started outcome measures using it was three or six tablets, depending on which paper you read. In the first instance, we searched the assembled evidence-base for outcome data that had been Baseline total scores for depression (BDI), reported by multiple studies using the same impulsivity (BIS) and sensation-seeking (SBL) instruments and the same scales. We identified did not predict incident ecstasy use, even after seven outcome measures that were reported with controlling for years of education and alcohol, enough consistency to be meta-analysed without cannabis and cocaine use.87 At follow-up, there further transformation in a meaningful number were significant differences between those of studies. With the exception of the National using ecstasy and the ecstasy-naïve subjects in Adult Reading Test IQ, all of these outcomes were three of the subscales of the SBL: experience- measures of verbal memory and could only be seeking (β-coefficient 1.76; 95% CI 0.09–3.42), analysed in comparisons between ecstasy users and disinhibition (β-coefficient 3.31; 95% CI 1.74–4.88) polydrug controls. and general sensation-seeking (β-coefficient 0.54; 95% CI 0.20–0.87) even after correcting The results of these syntheses are summarised in for baseline scores. After correcting for potential Table 4. Note that effect measures are presented confounders, ecstasy use had a significant effect on as weighted mean differences, meaning that the only the SBL general score and the disinhibition estimated effect reflects the difference between subscale. Cannabis use in the last year had a comparators on the original measurement scale. positive predictive value on future ecstasy use [odds ratio (OR) 1.30; 95% CI 1.08–1.56]. The thrill- and Measures of verbal memory showed an average adventure-seeking subscale unexpectedly had a deficit for ecstasy-exposed populations of sufficient negative predictive value on future first ecstasy use magnitude that the null hypothesis of no inter- (OR 0.95; 95% CI 0.91–1.00). cohort difference could be rejected at conventional levels of statistical significance (i.e. p < 0.05), with At follow-up approximately a year later, there the exception of the immediate prose recall score was a significant difference in the change in from the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test, scores (follow-up minus initial) between those which fell only marginally short (p = 0.052). subjects stating that they had started using ecstasy (mean cumulative dose three tablets) and There was no detectable difference between those who remained ecstasy-naïve for immediate populations in the National Adult Reading Test IQ, and delayed verbal memory (0.86 versus 3.90, in comparisons between ecstasy users and drug- p = 0.03; – 0.52 versus 0.65, p = 0.03 respectively). naïve controls or in comparisons between ecstasy A higher proportion of the ecstasy-using group users and polydrug controls. showed a decline in verbal recognition (22.4% versus 6.7%, p = 0.02). The effect of ecstasy use on Full details of these analyses are set out in the delayed verbal memory remained after controlling following section. for cocaine and amphetamine use. All other neuropsychological tests showed no significant Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test differences. The ecstasy-naïve subjects showed a verbal recall (immediate) – MDMA normal retest effect, but this was not demonstrated users versus polydrug controls in the ecstasy-using group even after controlling The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) for other drug use.92 Overall test performance for is one of the most widely used neuropsychological all subjects remained within the normal range of assessment instruments in our evidence-base. an age- and sex-comparable general population Amongst a broad range of subscales reflecting (indeed, all the RAVLT memory scores for which immediate memory, the most commonly reported differences were found represent very high- was the sum of items remembered across all five 22 functioning performance, when compared with initial trials in the test. These data are shown and norms). DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 0.001 p 0.626 (−1.081 to −0.170) 0.007 MD (95% CI) 6 – All ecstasy-exposed vs controls All ecstasy-exposed p n – MD (95% CI) Former ecstasy users vs controls 0.001 1 −3.000 (−5.435 to −0.565) − 7 −1.173 (−1.770 to −0.575) < p n MD (95% CI) 8 −3.912 (−7.124 to −0.700) 0.017 2 −5.497 (−17.216 to 6.221) 0.358 8 −4.049 (−6.994 to −1.105) 0.007 7 −3.727 (−6.784 to −0.671) < 6 −0.340 (−1.198 to 0.518) 0.437 4 −1.436 (−2.638 to −0.234) 0.019 6 −0.657 (−1.308 to −0.006) 0.048 6 −0.441 (−1.195 to 0.314) 0.252 4 −1.726 (−2.890 to −0.563) 0.004 6 −0.769 (−1.407 to −0.131) 0.018 5 −0.449 (−0.817 to −0.080) 0.017 1 −0.270 (−1.123 to 0.583) − 5 −0.421 (−0.759 to −0.082) 0.015 6 −0.372 (−1.657 to 0.913) 0.570 2 −1.174 (−4.501 to 2.153) 0.489 6 −0.474 (−1.618 to 0.670) 0.417 6 −0.626 (−1.081 to −0.170) 0.007 0 − – 13 0.002 (−0.953 to 0.957) 0.996 5 −2.745 (−5.299 to −0.191) 0.035 13 −0.321 (−1.248 to 0.606) 0.498 n Current ecstasy users vs controls Individual outcome measures: summary of meta-analysis results MDMA users vs polydrug controls RAVLT verbal recall (immediate) RAVLT verbal RAVLT recall (delayed) RBMT prose recall (immediate) RBMT prose recall (delayed) IQ (National Adult Reading Test) Digit span (forwards) MDMA users vs drug-naïve controls IQ (National Adult Reading Test) Digit span (backwards) MD, mean difference; MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy); RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; RBMT, Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test. RBMT, Learning Test; Auditory Verbal Rey MD, mean difference; MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy); RAVLT,


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synthesised using a random-effects meta-analysis in proportion of males was lower in the ecstasy- Figure 2. We include one study91 for which reported exposed arm than in the polydrug controls) is data are based on the Dutch translation of the test. associated with little or no difference between arms in memory performance. Conversely, those The evidence for worse performance in ecstasy- studies in which greatest difference was seen exposed populations is strong, with a mean between populations were also those in which difference of around four items. This difference ecstasy-exposed arms had a greater proportion of equates to slightly more than half a standard men than their respective control groups. These deviation in the normative population (the norm findings may not be a surprise because women are for those aged 20–29 is 56.1 items; SD 7.3).92 often found to score more highly in the RAVLT than men.48 Sensitivity analysis with aggregated comparisons for each study provides a mean difference estimated Figure 5 depicts the influence of imbalances at – 3.758 (95% CI – 7.126 to – 0.391), suggesting in cocaine exposure on measured memory that our primary analysis may marginally performance. If the model estimated in this overestimate the difference between populations. analysis were to be accepted, confounding by More notable than this slight reduction in effect exposure to cocaine would account for most of the estimate is the revised hypothesis test: whereas, difference between cohorts. The adjusted estimate in the primary analysis, evidence is strong for a of mean difference (i.e. the difference that would difference between populations (p = 0.007), the be expected if groups were perfectly matched for sensitivity analysis provides a p-value that, while cocaine exposure) is – 1.669 (95% CI – 5.294 to still comfortably within the bounds of conventional 1.955). Under this model, the evidence for an statistical significance, is somewhat less compelling underlying difference in populations appears weak (p = 0.029). (p = 0.367).

There is no evidence of small-study bias in this Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test dataset (Egger’s p = 0.336), and the funnel plot verbal recall (delayed) – MDMA (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. users versus polydrug controls In addition to the estimate of immediate Sufficient data were available to attempt memory, we were able to synthesise one RAVLT metaregression analyses for 15 covariates, shown subscale reflecting delayed verbal memory: items in Table 5. There was no evidence of a dose– remembered in trial 8. Seven studies provided data response effect per se (see Figure 88 in Appendix on this outcome measure. Details are presented, 7). There was the suggestion of an association along with a random-effects meta-analysis, in Figure between duration of use and extent of memory 6. deficit, with those who had used ecstasy for the longest performing worst, relative to their The results of this analysis reflect those obtained respective controls. However, this trend was not for RAVLT immediate memory (see Figure 2) strong enough to achieve conventional statistical fairly closely. Ecstasy-exposed individuals are significance. estimated to recall a little over one item fewer than polydrug controls. Again, this difference For metaregressions assessing the influence of equates to approximately half a standard deviation confounding (inter-arm asymmetry), significant in the normative population (the norm for those results were seen for age, gender and cocaine aged 20–29 years is 11.3 items; SD 2.3).92 The exposure. For age (Figure 3), a positive coefficient probability of such results occurring if there were was estimated, suggesting that the younger the no underlying difference between cohorts is very ecstasy users were in comparison to controls, the small (p < 0.001). worse their relative performance in the memory test. Sensitivity analysis with single, pooled comparisons for each study provides a mean difference The effect of gender imbalance is shown in Figure estimated at – 1.134 (95% CI – 1.805 to – 0.463), 4. It can be seen that the plot is characterised by which is extremely close to the primary analysis. a number of studies in which gender distribution is well balanced (six of the datapoints appear on Egger’s test for small-study bias falls some way or close to the graph’s y-axis). Aside from these short of significance (p = 0.145); nevertheless, we studies, it appears to be the case that a negative note that the funnel plot for this dataset (Figure 24 inter-arm gender difference (indicating that the 7) shows that the most extreme effect estimates tended to come from the least precise studies. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 8.76% 6.43% 6.24% 8.44% 6.93% 6.55% 8.67% 5.60% Weight 14.36% 10.22% 10.11% 13.09% 76.67% − 5.658) − 1.058) − 3.989) − 3.140) - 1.105) - 0.700) - 17.216 to 6.221) - 6.994 to − 13.211 to ( − 5.672 to 5.672) ( − 6.966 to 8.766) ( − 0.741 to 11.141) Mean difference EM (95% CI) 0.000 0.900 5.200 6 − 2.800 ( − 7.328 to 1.728) − 8.000 ( − 16.089 to 0.089) − 8.800− 8.60 0( ( − 16.542 to − 0.800 ( − 6.552 to 4.952) − 2.100 ( − 4.342 to 0.142) - 5.49 7( - 4.04 9( - 3.912 ( - 7.124 to − 13.000 ( − 20.342 to − 12.000 ( − 20.860 to 81 in MDMA users Better performance 0 − 8 RAVLT verbal RAVLT recall − 16 (immediate) (sum of trials 1–5) in MDMA users Worse performance − 24 0.017 Mean SD = 0.358 Controls = n p [null MD] 15.064); p [null MD] = 2 t 15.058); = 57.594); 2 67.6%; = t Mean SD 2 = t 2 MDMA users I 8 59.60 6.50 60 61.70 5.90 8 45.80 9.30 7 53.80 6.60 n 31 53.60 8.35 14.5 53.60 9.42 24 53.20 7.80 24 56.00 8.20 11 57.20 11.30 18 56.30 9.00 3022 58.80 47.00 9.59 8.60 14.5 4.33 53.60 60.00 9.42 6.80 1519 51.20 56.20 8.60 8.16 4.33 19 60.00 6.80 64.80 6.21 11 51.50 7.60 15 52.30 7.10 16 48.00 12.50 4.33 60.00 6.80 69.0%; = 80.0%; 2 0.001]; = I )5 = 2 I 90 0.901] = f 0.001]; = 0.025]; 1d on 10 df f = p on f 8d p 1d on 30.8 3[ on 0.02 [ = = Q 0.336 Q 5.0 [ p 25.82 [ p = = = p (het.: Q Q – users (moderate) control vs – users (heavy) control vs 96 96 83 (follow-up; from secondary pub. 97 97 95 97 gger’s 91 97 94 93 0.007 = (heterogeneity: (heterogeneity: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (immediate) (sum of trials 1–5) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. (RAVLT) Learning Test Rey Auditory Verbal neman et al. (2001) neman et al. (2006) neman et al. (2006) Overall pooled estimate Thomasius et al. (2005) Bolla et al. (1998) Reneman et Reneman al. (2006) de Win et al. (2006) Small-study effects :E Subtotal Subtotal Quednow et al. (2006) Lamers et al. (2006) Former users vs polydrug controls Croft et al. (2001) Re Thomasius et al. (2005) Re Study Current users vs polydrug controls Re Heterogeneity between strata: p [null MD]


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p (95% CI) WMD Adjusted effect estimate 0.046 −2.958 (−5.867 to −0.048) 0.046 p 2.4756.003 (−10.178 to 15.127)5.439 0.701 (−11.127 to −0.880) 0.022 −5.773 (−16.520 to 5.643) −1.669 0.336 (−13.948 to 2.403) −4.424 (−5.294 to 1.955) 0.166 (−8.369 to −0.480) 0.367 0.028 3.629 (−7.875 to 0.618) 0.094 −3.022 (−6.603 to 0.558) 0.098 4.1051.375 (−6.271 to 14.480) (−1.313 to 4.064) 0.438 0.316 −1.030 −2.486 (−6.432 to 4.373) (−6.560 to 1.588) 0.709 0.232 1.617 (0.028–3.206) 0.0100.003 (−0.028 to 0.048) (−0.007 to 0.000) 0.599 0.074 0.4181.901 (−0.729 to 1.565)0.003 (−0.208 to 4.010) 0.475 0.077 (−0.010 to 0.015) 0.689 20.519 (−36.621 to −4.416) 0.013 −3.299 (−5.887 to −0.710) 0.013 10.092 (−31.899 to 11.715) 0.364 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 5 95 9 – – 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 7 – 5 5 9 10 10 – 10 – 11 10 – 11 −1.167 (−2.466 to 0.132) 0.078 < < < < n Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (immediate) (sum of trials 1–5) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results (RAVLT) Learning Test Rey Auditory Verbal Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference; WMD, weighted difference. Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD)Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) < Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Sex (% male) Inter-arm differences Age (years) Period since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) Sex (% male) Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate

26 5 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

10.0 Metaregression line p = 0.046 5.0

–5.0 –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

–5.0 Mean difference in score



Inter-arm difference in age (years)

FIGURE 3 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (immediate) (sum of trials 1–5) – ecstasy users versu.polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in age.

10.0 Metaregression line p = 0.013 5.0

–40 –30 –20 –10 10 20 30 40 50

–5.0 Mean difference in score



Inter-arm difference in sex (% male)

FIGURE 4 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (immediate) (sum of trials 1–5) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in gender.

Sufficient data were available to attempt The one metaregression that did produce a p-value metaregression analyses for 13 covariates, shown < 0.05 was that using asymmetry in baseline in Table 6. There was a weak suggestion of a dose– intelligence as covariate (Figure 8). However, the response effect, with more extreme effects seen in negative coefficient means that the direction of this participants with greater ETLD of ecstasy. However, effect is counterintuitive, suggesting that greater this finding is based on a small and – visually, at memory deficits can be expected whenever ecstasy- least – not especially convincing dataset (see Figure exposed cohorts are more intelligent than their 89 in Appendix 7). comparators. It is difficult to explain this finding, so it is tempting to infer a Type I error, especially in the context of multiple testing. 27

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

10.0 Metaregression line p = 0.022 5.0

–1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

–5.0 Mean difference in score



Inter-arm difference in exposure to cocaine (SMD)

FIGURE 5 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (immediate) (sum of trials 1–5) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in cocaine exposure (standardised mean difference).

Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test analysis – the evidence for an exposure effect prose recall (immediate) – MDMA has a less statistically robust appearance [95% CI users versus polydrug controls – 1.572 to 0.133; p(null MD) = 0.098]. There is no The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) evidence of small-study bias in this dataset (Egger’s is another instrument that is well represented in p = 0.332), and the funnel plot (not shown) had an the assembled evidence-base. In particular, the unremarkable appearance. prose (story) recall test was administered by enough investigators to make meta-analysis possible for Sufficient data were available to attempt both immediate and delayed memory (for the metaregression analyses for 12 covariates; details latter, see next section). are shown in Table 7, with those analyses with results that achieved or approached conventional In total, this analysis includes 12 comparisons, levels of significance discussed in detail below. drawn from six different studies (eight comparisons There was no evidence of a dose–response effect from six studies providing data for current (see Figure 90 in Appendix 7). ecstasy users and four comparisons from four studies providing data for former ecstasy users). The most statistically robust – and intuitively One study was excluded from analysis because it appealing – metaregression assesses the presented only scaled scores.101 We included data relationship between baseline intelligence from the 2006 study by Reneman et al.,97 which imbalances and RBMT performance, as shown presents results as the sum of two consecutive in Figure 10. The positive coefficient implies administrations of the test, by halving the reported that, the greater the extent to which ecstasy figures (although this may not provide an accurate users outperformed ecstasy-naïve participants estimate of dispersion). on intelligence measures, the less they could be expected to suffer in comparison to controls when When meta-analysed (Figure 9), these data suggest it came to the outcome of interest. This strongly that ecstasy-exposed cohorts recall an average suggests that the apparent exposure effect is of two-thirds of an item fewer than polydrug confounded by this variable. The intercept of controls. It should be noted that there is a fairly the metaregression – which, in an analysis of this wide range of performance, with control group type, provides an adjusted estimate of effect size scores ranging from 4.3 to 9.5. Sensitivity analysis accounting for the influence of the covariate – is, using the aggregated data approach generated a at – 0.471 (95% CI – 1.126 to 0.183), somewhat comparable effect estimate (MD – 0.720); however reduced compared to the primary analysis. More – because this approach was, in this instance, notably still, the hypothesis test assessing the 28 subject to greater uncertainty than the primary evidence against a null effect appears much weaker DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 5.23% 9.86% 7.35% 4.77% 5.19% 5.64% Weight 11.35% 23.34% 27.27% 94.81% - 0.483) - 0.575) − 0.225) − 0.302) − 0.565) − 0.981) - 1.599 to - 1.770 to ( − 1.524 to 3.324) Mean difference EM (95% CI) 0.900 − 1.000− 0.640 ( − 2.481 to 0.481) ( − 1.400 to− 0.950 0.120) ( − 2.583 to 0.683) − 2.200 ( − 4.175 to − 0.900- 1.04 1( ( − 1.498 to − 2.400 ( − 4.956 to 0.156) - 1.17 3( − 3.000 ( − 5.435 to − 3.300 ( − 5.619 to 4 2 in MDMA users Better performance 0 − 2 (delayed) (Trial 8) (delayed) (Trial RAVLT verbal RAVLT recall − 4 in MDMA users Worse performance − 6 Mean SD 0.000 Controls = n 0.248); p [null MD] = 2 t 0.160); = 2 34.8%; Mean SD t = 2 MDMA users I 8 10.60 2.00 7 12.80 1.90 n 11 11.60 2.80 15 10.70 3.50 2428 11.00 13.79 2.9017 1.75 24 11.18 28 2.58 12.00 15 14.43 2.30 1.07 12.13 2.13 16 10.10 2.90 4.33 13.10 2.10 22 9.80 2.90 4.33 13.10 2.10 27.3%; = 2 0.139]; ) 58 13.20 2.00 60 14.10 1.20 I 90 = 0.104] f = 8d 0.211]; on = on 1 df p on 7 df 12.27 [ p p 2.65 [ = = Q 0.145 Q 9.63 [ = = p (het.: Q – users (heavy) vs control – users (moderate) vs control 15 10.70 3.20 4.33 13.10 2.10 98 100 (follow-up; from secondary pub. 95 97 97 97 98 91 93 (2000) (2004) (2001) (2006) (2006) (2006) (2006) (2006) 0.000 (1998) = et al. et al. (heterogeneity: et al. et al. et al. et al. Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (delayed) (trial 8) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. (RAVLT) Learning Test Rey Auditory Verbal et al. et al. et al. neman neman Current users vs polydrug controls Bolla de Win Gouzoulis Reneman Reneman McCardle Subtotal Former users vs polydrug controls Re Lamers p [null MD] Heterogeneity between strata: Study Overall pooled estimate Re Small-study effects: Egger’s


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results


0.1 Pseudo-95% CI




0.9 Standard error



1.5 –5.0 –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Effect measure

FIGURE 7 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (delayed) (trial 8) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: funnel plot.

(p = 0.158). According to this model, then, the reanalysis retained an exposure effect that would apparent difference between cohorts is at least conventionally be considered statistically significant partially ascribable to unequal intelligence status. [MD – 0.864; 95% CI – 1.688 to – 0.039; p(null MD) = 0.040]. The second metaregression producing results that would, conventionally, be considered statistically There is no evidence of small-study bias in this significant covaries asymmetry in exposure to dataset (Egger’s p = 0.571), and the funnel plot alcohol against the outcome of interest. The (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. relationship between these variables is depicted in Figure 11. While, at first glance, this looks like a Sufficient data were available to attempt relatively strong association, it should be noted that metaregression analyses for 12 covariates; details a positive correlation is estimated, suggesting that are shown in Table 8, with those analyses with those studies in which ecstasy-exposed participants results that achieved or approached conventional exhibited better memory performance were those levels of significance discussed in detail below. in which ecstasy users drank more alcohol than There was no evidence of a dose–response effect controls. (see Figure 91 in Appendix 7).

Rivermead Behavioural Memory A pronounced positive correlation was found Test prose recall (delayed) – MDMA between baseline intelligence imbalances and users versus polydrug controls RBMT delayed memory performance, as shown in This analysis includes the same 12 comparisons Figure 13. This association – which closely reflects from six studies described for immediate recall, the results for RBMT immediate memory (see above. Once more, the study by Zakzanis et al.101 Figure 10) – suggests that results may be at least was excluded, and the datapoints from Reneman partially explained by asymmetry in intelligence. et al.97 were halved. However, even when results are adjusted for this confounding, fairly strong evidence of an When meta-analysed (Figure 12), these data provide underlying exposure effect remains (p = 0.026). a very similar picture to that seen in the synthesis of immediate recall data (Figure 9), suggesting The effects of confounding in exposure to that ecstasy-exposed cohorts recall an average amphetamines and alcohol are shown in Figures of around three-quarters of an item fewer than 14 and 15 respectively. Once again, these findings polydrug controls. Again, a fairly wide range of are reminiscent of the results seen in equivalent performance was seen, with control group scores metaregressions for RBMT immediate memory. ranging from 3.85 to 8.95. Sensitivity analysis In both cases, a fairly strong positive correlation using the aggregated data approach generated a is seen, again suggesting that the studies in which 30 similar effect estimate and, in this instance, the ecstasy users also had additional exposure to other DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 0.097 0.100 0.432 p Adjusted effect estimate WMD (95% CI) p Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 995 −0.1835 −1.138 0.034 (−0.398 to 0.032)6 (−5.829 to 3.553)5 5 (−0.420 to 0.488) 0.084 −0.0028 0.584 5 0.826 0.001 (−0.006 to 0.001) −0.0019 (−0.017 to 0.018) 0.155 (−0.001 to 0.000) 0.293 0.931 0.104 (−0.123 to 0.710) 0.140 −1.090 (−1.724 to −0.456) 0.005 9 −4.338 (−10.024 to 1.347) 0.114 −1.055 (−1.692 to −0.418) 0.006 7 −2.034 (−3.977 to −0.091) 0.043 −2.082 (−3.271 to −0.893) 0.006 5 5 8 −0.776 (−1.850 to 0.297) 0.127 −0.743 (−1.668 to 0.182) 5 7 0.352 (−2.677 to 3.381) 0.777 −1.770 (−4.025 to 0.484) 5 6 −0.918 (−3.963 to 2.128) 0.450 −0.796 (−3.328 to 1.737) 5 7 0.978 (−1.469 to 3.425) 0.351 −1.768 (−3.173 to −0.362) 0.023 < < < < < < < n Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (delayed) (trial 8) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results (RAVLT) Learning Test Rey Auditory Verbal Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < Inter-arm differences Age (years) Covariate Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference; WMD, weighted difference.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

2.0 Metaregression line p = 0.043 1.0

–1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8


Mean difference in score –2.0


–4.0 Inter-arm difference in baseline intelligence measures (SMD)

FIGURE 8 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (delayed) (trial 8) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in baseline intelligence measures (standardised mean difference).

substances, when compared to controls, were also average span of approximately 0.4 digits less than those studies in which they performed best on the polydrug controls. This effect is just strong enough RBMT. to achieve conventional statistical significance. Sensitivity analysis using the aggregated data Because the analyses for immediate and delayed approach generated a very similar effect estimate memory as measured by the RBMT are based on [MD – 0.412; 95% CI – 0.746 to – 0.078; p(null the same studies, and have very similar results, it is MD) = 0.016]. not a surprise to see analogous pictures emerging in metaregression analyses. With this in mind, None of the average scores recorded by ecstasy it should be emphasised that the repetition of users or controls are outside the normal range for surprising results does not necessarily lend further this test (Lezak et al.48 refer to any span of six or credence to them. If the first paradoxical result- higher as ‘well within normal limits’). set is dismissed as a Type I error – that is to say, the apparently suggestive results have occurred by There is no evidence of small-study bias in this chance variation – then one might expect to see dataset (Egger’s p = 0.945), and the funnel plot that artefactual pattern repeated in other analyses (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. that are based on closely related data. The small size of the dataset meant that we were Digit span (forwards) – MDMA able to attempt metaregression analyses for users versus polydrug controls only five covariates, none of which provided any We identified seven comparisons, drawn from five significant results. Details are shown in Table 9. studies, in which a forwards digit span was used to There was no evidence of a dose–response effect assess differences in verbal memory between ecstasy (see Figure 92 in Appendix 7). users and polydrug controls (six comparisons from five studies providing data for current ecstasy Digit span (backwards) – MDMA users and a single comparison providing data for users versus polydrug controls former ecstasy users). The digit span data reported We identified eight comparisons, drawn from six by de Win and colleagues90,91 was excluded from studies, in which a backwards digit span was used this analysis, because the investigators had used to assess differences in verbal memory between modified methods (with three instead of two series ecstasy users and polydrug controls (all data related of digits per length), leading to scores that were not to current ecstasy users). Once more, we excluded directly comparable with the other studies. data from the studies by de Win’s group,90,91 because of their inconsistent methods. A random-effects meta-analysis of the identified 32 data (Figure 16) suggests that ecstasy users have an DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 ight 3.93% 8.97% 3.83% 4.38% 6.04% 4.93% 5.82% 6.40% We 13.38% 19.53% 25.28% 12.67% 10.12% 74.72% - 0.234) - 0.006) − 0.780) o 2.338) o 2.259) o 1.981) o 2.404) o 2.979) o o 2.914) o 0.391) o 1.895) o 0.541) o 1.746) − 3.12 0t ( − 0.73 8t ( − 1.98 1t ( − 2.97 9t ( − 2.07 4t ( − 1.29 5t Mean difference EM (95% CI) 0.800 0.300 0.000 0.000 0.420 − 0.800 ( − 4.00 4t − 1.95 0( − 0.900 ( − 4.05 9t − 2.400 ( − 5.19 1t - 1.436 ( - 2.638 to − 1.300 ( − 3.14 1t - 0.340 ( - 1.198 to 0.518) - 0.657 ( - 1.308 to − 0.800 ( − 3.34 6t − 1.310 ( − 3.724 to 1.104) 4 2 in MDMA users Better performance 0 − 2 RBMT: − 4 immediate prose recall score in MDMA users Worse performance − 6 0.437 0.019 Mean SD = = Controls n 0.209); p [null MD] = p [null MD] 2 t 0.494); 0.000); = 16.2%; = 2 t 2 = t Mean SD 2 I MDMA users 0 9.50 3.29 14.5 9.50 3.10 2 8.95 1.90 4.33 8.95 3.05 n 1619 4.60 5.10 1.70 1.60 7.5 7.5 4.30 4.30 1.90 1.90 16 8.15 2.90 4.33 8.95 3.05 25 6.14 2.23 22 8.09 1.86 1832 7.70 8.56 3.18 3.48 8 16 8.50 8.14 3.00 4.46 1532 6.10 6.83 3.68 2.97 8 16 8.50 8.14 3.00 4.46 0.0%; 34.0%; = = 0.286]; 2 2 I I = ) 31 8.20 2.62 14.5 9.50 3.10 )3 0.170] 105 105 = 0.887]; 0.157]; on 11 df = = f p f on 1 df p 3d 7d on on 13.12 [ p p 1.88 [ = = Q 0.332 Q 0.64 [ 10.6 [ 104 104 = = = oderate users controlsvs 15 8.05 2.60 4.33 8.95 3.05 p (het.: Q Q (data from secondary pub. (data from secondary pub. – heavy users control s2 vs –m 96 96 – heavy users controls vs – light users controls vs 97 97 97 103 103 75 75 (2005) (2005) (2006) (2006) (2006) 102 (2002) (2002) (2004) (2004) 0.048 et al. et al. = (heterogeneity: (heterogeneity: et al. et al. et al. Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (immediate) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test et al. et al. et al. et al. Thomasius Subtotal Reneman Subtotal Reneman Current users vs polydrug controls Morgan (1999) Study Morgan Dafters Curran and Verheyden (2003) Overall pooled estimate Dafters Reneman Former users vs polydrug controls Morgan p [null MD] Heterogeneity between strata: Curran and Verheyden (2003) Thomasius Small-study effects: Egger’s


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p WMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p 0.0070.4310.077 (−0.394 to 0.408) (−3.658 to 4.520) 0.974 (−0.101 to 0.256) 0.836 0.000 0.398 (−0.003 to 0.003)0.002 0.995 (−0.004 to 0.009)0.088 0.470 4.1701.656 (−0.286 to 0.461) (−0.195 to 8.535) 0.646 (0.522−2.792) 0.061 −0.6911.784 0.004 −0.4800.461 (−1.379 to −0.002) (−0.074 to 3.642) −0.471 (−1.099 to 0.139)1.263 0.060 (−0.943 to 1.864) 0.049 (−1.126 to 0.183) 0.128 0.520 (0.288–2.237) −1.848 0.158 −0.730 (−3.592 to −0.105) 0.011 (−1.692 to 0.232) 0.038 −0.682 0.137 (−1.257 to −0.107) 0.020 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 9 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 12 10 12 12 1211 −0.09210 (−1.336 to 1.152)12 0.885 −0.615 (−1.426 to 0.196) 0.137 12 < < < < < < < n Rivermead Behavioural Memory test (RBMT) prose recall (immediate) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregr ession results Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days)Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < < Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD)Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) 10 Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference; WMD, weighted difference Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate

34 7 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

1.0 Metaregression line p = 0.004

–1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

–1.0 Mean difference in score



Inter-arm difference in baseline intelligence measures (SMD)

FIGURE 10 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (immediate) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in baseline intelligence measures (standardised mean difference).


–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5

–1.0 Mean difference in score

–2.0 Metaregression line p = 0.011

–3.0 Inter-arm difference in exposure to alcohol (SMD)

FIGURE 11 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (immediate) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol (standardised mean difference).

Meta-analysed results (Figure 17) are fairly similar There is no evidence of small-study bias in this to those seen in the forwards digit span, with a dataset (Egger’s p = 0.416), and the funnel plot significant difference between ecstasy users and (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. controls of about 0.6 digits. Again, all average scores appear to be within the normal range. There were sufficient data to attempt Sensitivity analysis using the aggregated data metaregression analyses for seven covariates; approach generated a very similar effect estimate details are shown in Table 10. None of the analyses [MD – 0.638; 95% CI – 1.096 to – 0.181; p(null provided significant results, and there was no MD) = 0.006]. evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 93 in Appendix 7). 35

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results 9.24% 4.01% 5.34% 3.84% 4.55% 5.96% 4.72% 6.53% Weight 25.43% 14.86% 74.57% 16.90% 10.34% 13.72% - 0.131) − 0.615) 1.407 to - 2.890 to -0.563) - 1.195 to 0.314) - ( − 0.680 to 2.080) ( − 2.399 to 2.499) ( − 1.211 to 1.711) Mean difference 9( EM (95% CI) 0.700 0.050 0.250 − 0.430 ( − 2.320 to 1.460) − 1.300 ( − 4.353 to 1.753) - 1.72 6( - 0.44 1( − 1.870− 0.800 ( − 3.125 to ( − 3.404 to 1.804) − 1.670− 0.750 ( − 3.431 to 0.091) ( − 3.875 to 2.375) − 0.450 ( − 3.299 to 2.399) - 0.76 − 2.700 ( − 5.491 to 0.091) − 1.690 ( − 4.013 to 0.633) 4 2 in MDMA users Better performance 0 –2 RBMT: –4 delayed prose recall score in MDMA users Worse performance –6 0.252 Mean SD 0.004 = Controls = MD] n 0.217); p [null = p [null MD] 2 t 0.256); 0.000); = 17.5%; = 2 t 2 = Mean SD t 2 I MDMA users 0 8.52 3.12 14.5 8.95 2.96 1 7.28 2.51 14.5 8.95 2.96 n 32 7.57 3.53 16 7.52 4.33 19 4.55 1.45 7.5 3.85 1.70 2518 5.36 6.20 2.48 3.39 22 8 7.23 7.00 1.90 3.00 15 4.30 3.6816 6.90 8 3.10 7.00 4.33 3.00 7.65 2.90 32 5.83 2.73 16 7.52 4.33 16 4.10 1.65 7.5 3.85 1.70 22.2%; 0.0%; = = 0.272]; 2 2 I = I )3 )3 105 105 0.061] = 0.253]; 0.838]; on 11 df = = p on 1df p on 7 df on 3 df 13.34 [ p p 3.5 [ = = Q 0.571 Q 8.99 [ 0.85 [ 104 104 = = = p (het.: (data from secondary pub. (data from secondary pub. Q Q – heavy users controlsvs 22 7.20 1.95 4.33 7.65 2.90 – moderate users controlsvs 15 6.35 2.70 4.33 7.65 2.90 96 96 – light users controls vs – heavy users controls vs 97 97 97 103 103 75 75 (2005) (2005) (2006) (2006) (2006) 102 (2002) (2002) (2004) (2004) 0.018 et al. et al. = Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (delayed) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test et al. et al. et al. (heterogeneity: (heterogeneity: et al. et al. et al. et al. neman Current users vs polydrug controls Morgan (1999) Reneman Subtotal Overall pooled estimate Thomasius Former users vs polydrug controls Morgan Morgan Curran and Verheyden (2003) Reneman Subtotal Re Study Heterogeneity between strata: p [null MD] Dafters Curran and Verheyden (2003) Thomasius Dafters Small-study effects: Egger’s

36 FIGURE 12 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate WMD (95% CI) −0.889−0.533−0.668 (−1.642 to −0.136) (−1.280 to 0.214) 0.021 (−1.256 to −0.079)−0.783 0.162 0.026 −2.874 (−1.622 to 0.056)−0.937 (−4.926 to −0.822) 0.067 −0.838 0.006 (−1.904 to 0.029) (−1.422 to −0.253) 0.057 0.005 p 0.097 (−0.021 to 0.215) 0.108 0.003 (−0.008 to 0.015)0.306 0.569 4.1191.511 (−0.155 to 0.767) (−2.129 to 10.367) 0.193 (0.366–2.657) 0.196 2.551 0.010 0.661 (0.491–4.612)1.379 (−0.946 to 2.269) 0.015 0.420 (0.447–2.311) 0.004 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 101211 −0.260 −0.084 (−0.805 to 0.285) (−4.189 to 4.022) 0.350 0.968 10 12 12 1211 −0.11510 (−1.686 to 1.456)12 0.886 10 −0.001 (−0.004 to 0.002) 0.646 < < < < < < < < n Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) verbal recall (delayed) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference; WMD, weighted difference. Characteristics of ecstasy exposure: ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) Period since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days)


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

1.0 Metaregression line p = 0.01 0.5

–1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 –0.5



Mean difference in score –2.0


–3.0 Inter-arm difference in baseline intelligence measures (SMD)

FIGURE 13 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (delayed) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in baseline intelligence measures (standardised mean difference).



–0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 –0.5



Mean difference in score –2.0

–2.5 Metaregression line p = 0.015 –3.0 Inter-arm difference in exposure to amphetamines (SMD)

FIGURE 14 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (delayed) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to amphetamines other than MDMA (standardised mean difference).

IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – doing so being to ensure a reasonable balance MDMA users versus polydrug controls between cohorts). Nevertheless, we have included Of all the measures in the assembled evidence-base, the National Adult Reading Test as an outcome the most frequently reported was IQ as measured measure of interest in our analyses because we by the National Adult Reading Test (it should be believed it was reasonable to look for differences noted that we include here studies using foreign- between populations with regard to this measure. language translations of the test). In the majority Of course, if the assumptions underpinning most of cases, investigators did not present these data as investigators’ use of the test are correct, then we outcomes of interest in their own studies, but rather would hope to see no difference between ecstasy- used them to estimate the underlying intelligence exposed and ecstasy-naïve populations. 38 of their participants (the most notable reason for DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6



–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 –0.5



Mean difference in score –2.0

–2.5 Metaregression line p = 0.004 –3.0 Inter-arm difference in exposure to alcohol (SMD)

FIGURE 15 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (delayed) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol (standardised mean difference).

Figure 18 shows our random-effects meta-analysis intelligence measures as an explanatory variable in of these data. It suggests that, while the IQs of metaregression analyses. In this instance, where the ecstasy-exposed individuals were rated an average intelligence of study participants is the response of 0.321 points lower than those of polydrug variable of interest, these covariates have been controls, this is unlikely to represent a significant excluded. difference (p = 0.498). Interestingly, the evidence of lower IQ scores among ecstasy users was somewhat There was no evidence of a dose–response effect: stronger in the ex-users’ stratum: former users had cohorts with high exposure to ecstasy were no more IQs an average of 2.75 points lower than controls, disadvantaged against controls than those who had with reasonable evidence against a null effect consumed comparatively little (see Figure 94 in (p = 0.035). It should be noted that this finding is Appendix 7). based on a relatively small number of studies, so high susceptibility to Type I error may be inferred. Figure 19 compares mean difference in IQ with In comparisons between current ecstasy users and asymmetry in the amount of alcohol exposure polydrug controls, the difference between groups between study arms. It should be noted that this was very nearly zero. analysis generates a positive coefficient, suggesting that those studies in which higher IQs were found Sensitivity analysis with single, pooled comparisons in the ecstasy-exposed participants were those for each study suggests that our primary analysis in which ecstasy users drank more alcohol than may very slightly underestimate the discrepancy controls. However, because this dataset shows between cohorts (by less than 0.1 of an IQ point: a reasonable balance across the spectrum of MD 0.418; 95% CI – 1.614 to 0.778). As might be imbalance of alcohol exposure, this variable has expected, the evidence of a difference between little influence on the estimated average effect of cohorts is equally weak in this analysis (p = 0.493). ecstasy exposure: the adjusted mean difference is less than 0.1 IQ points greater (– 0.506; 95% CI There is no evidence of small-study bias in this – 1.540 to 0.529), and just as consistent with a null dataset (Egger’s p = 0.862), and the funnel plot difference (p = 0.338). (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – In total, sufficient data were available to attempt MDMA users versus drug-naïve controls metaregression analyses for 16 covariates; details As in the comparison with polydrug controls, are shown in Table 11. It should be noted that, in we included studies using foreign-language other analyses in this review, we have used baseline translations of the test. 39

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results ight 8.33% 4.12% 4.36% We 28.14% 84.26% 15.74% 14.73% 24.57% - 0.080) - 0.082) − 0.022) o o 0.492) o 0.772) o 1.467) − 1.123 to 0.583) − 1.27 2t − 1.57 2t − 1.86 7t − 2.521 to 0.721) Mean difference EM (95% CI) − 0.660 ( − 1.29 8t - 0.449 ( - 0.817 to - 0.421 ( - 0.759 to − 0.27 0( − 0.39 0( − 0.40 0( − 0.220 ( − 0.903 to 0.463) − 0.20 0( − 0.90 0( 2 1 in MDMA users Better performance 0 − 1 Digit span (forwards) − 2 in MDMA users Worse performance − 3 0.015 = 0] 0.017 Mean SD = Controls = 0] = n p [MD p [MD 0.000); SD = 2 t 0.000); = 2 t 0.0%; Mean = 2 MDMA users I 0.0%; 1 9.00 2.00 8 9.90 1.60 n 42 6.52 1.23 15.5 6.74 1.15 17 6.41 0.8717 15 6.47 7.07 1.33 0.96 15.5 6.74 1.15 2811 8.54 9.20 1.84 1.60 28 18 8.93 9.60 1.51 1.50 = 2 I 0.966]; 0.706] = = f 0.939]; 6d = f on on 1 df p 5d on 1.4 [ p 0.14 [ p = = Q 0.945 Q 1.26 [ = = oderate users controlsvs 12 9.70 2.20 8 9.90 1.60 p (het.: Q –m – heavy users control s1 vs 99 100 107 107 gger’s 106 106 94 (2000) (2004) (2004) (2004) (2004) (2004) (2001) Digit span (forwards) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. et al. et al. (heterogeneity: et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Subtotal Small study effects :E Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis Study Former users vs polydrug controls Wareing Heterogeneity between strata: Overall pooled estimate Halpern Croft McCardle Wareing Halpern

40 FIGURE 16 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p 0.049 (−1.327 to 1.426) 0.944 −0.402 (−0.762 to −0.041) 0.029 WMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p 0.723 (−1.860 to 3.306) 0.583 0.020 (−0.216 to 0.256) 0.867 0.059 (−0.186 to 0.304) 0.636 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < n Digit span (forwards) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD)Exposure to amphetamines (SMD)Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) < Exposure to cocaine (SMD) < Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference; WMD, weighted difference. Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) 5 Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days)Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/ Frequency < months) Inter-arm differences Age (years) Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results 6.80% 3.51% 7.07% 24.00% 10.21% 16.86% 11.12% 20.44% Weight - 0.170) − 0.050) o 0.626) o 0.598) o 1.433) (95% CI) − 2.22 6t − 2.109 to 0.109) − 2.114 to 1.314) − 3.43 3t ( − 1.647 to 1.847) ( − 1.366 to 1.366) Mean difference EM 0.100 0.000 − 0.980 ( − 1.910 to − 0.80 0( − 1.00 0( − 0.40 0( − 0.410 ( − 1.41 8t − 1.00 0( - 0.626 ( - 1.081 to 2 1 in MDMA users Better performance 0 − 1 − 2 Digit span (backwards) − 3 in MDMA users Worse performance − 4 Mean SD Controls n 0.007 = 0] = p [MD 0.000); Mean SD = 2 t MDMA users 0.0%; n 15 5.61 1.19 15 6.59 1.40 3030 8.00 8.80 2.30 2.00 15 15 8.80 8.80 2.30 2.30 11 8.00 2.60 18 7.90 1.80 28 7.00 2.34 28 8.00 1.87 11 8.10 3.30 8 9.10 2.10 1217 8.70 5.12 1.60 1.65 8 15 9.10 5.53 2.10 1.25 = 2 I 0.898]; = f 7d on p 2.85 [ = Q 0.416 = oderate users vs controls p oderate users vs controls (het.: s –m – heavy users vs controls –m – heavy users vs controls 108 99 108 100 106 106 94 109 (2003) (2003) (2000) (2004) (2004) (2004) Digit span (backwards) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. (2001) (2006) et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Small-study effects: Egge r’ Halpern Gouzoulis Gouzoulis Croft Reay Overall pooled estimate Study McCardle Halpern Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis

42 FIGURE 17 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate WMD (95% CI) p 0.082 (−0.250 to 0.414) 0.628 2.416 (−1.974 to 6.806) 0.281 1.172 (−0.737 to 3.081) 0.229 −0.127 (−1.191 to 0.937) 0.815 0.220 (−0.558 to 0.998) 0.580 −0.826 (−1.672 to 0.021) 0.056 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) −0.001 (−0.002 to 0.001) 0.309 −0.149 (−0.395 to 0.098) 0.237 −0.541 (−1.044 to −0.038) 0.035 −2.492 (−6.390 to 1.406) 0.210 −0.642 (−1.125 to −0.160) 0.009 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 < < < < < < < < < < < n Digit span (backwards) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (day)Period Duration of ecstasy use (day) < Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/ Frequency month) Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) 5 Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD)Exposure to amphetamines (SMD)Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) < Exposure to cocaine (SMD) < Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference; WMD, weighted difference.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results 9.71% 0.89% 2.35% 2.33% 4.86% 0.67% 0.77% 0.66% 2.51% 3.92% 0.62% 0.74% 2.92% 2.78% 1.77% 2.74% 2.87% 2.74% 2.48% 2.51% 9.91% 9.78% 2.64% 2.87% 3.64% 3.49% 3.42% 10.52% 87.85% 12.15% Weight 0.191) − 1.214) - − 0.466) 0.953 to 0.957) 1.248 to 0.606) 5.299 to − 7.287 to 2.887) − 11.666 to − 15.261 to 5.461) − 9.170 to 0.170) ( − 8.145 to 10.745) ( − 5.537 to 5.937) ( − 1.245 to 6.445) ( − 4.442 to 17.442) ( − 5.695 to 16.295) ( − 4.518 to 6.518) ( − 3.836 to 4.836) ( - ( − 6.029 to 7.229) ( − 4.064 to 6.464) ( − 4.641 to 5.641) ( − 10.208 to 12.608) ( − 5.063 to 5.463) ( − 5.348 to 5.748) ( − 0.680 to 4.320) ( − 1.484 to 3.324) ( − 2.675 to 8.075) ( − 1.263 to 7.983) Mean difference EM (95% CI) 0.200 2.600 6.500 1.300 5.300 1.000 0.500 0.600 1.200 0.500 1.200 0.200 1.820 0.200 0.920 2.700 3.360 0.002 0.321 ( - 2.745 ( - − 3.000 ( − 5.534 to − 2.400 ( − 12.575 to 7.775) − 2.20 0( − 6.44 0( − 4.90 0( − 2.270 ( − 7.982 to 3.442) − 2.160 ( − 7.674 to 3.354) − 0.966 ( − 3.487 to 1.556) − 0.900 ( − 6.035 to 4.235) − 3.580− 4.50 0( ( − 8.096 to 0.936) - - 6 81 in MDMA users Better performance IQ (NART) − 80 in MDMA users − 16 Worse performance .80 Mean SD Controls = 0.498 n 5 111.70 8.83 5 108.80 4.70 = 0] = 0.996 = 0.035 p [MD .2 11 .8 01 = 0] = 0] p [MD = 0.703); p [MD 2 t Mean SD MDMA users = 0.461); 9 111.20 11.50 2.33 104.70 6.20 8 105.90 11.80 2.33 104.70 6.20 6 112.20 8.10 2.67 106.90 7.40 8 102.00 7.70 2.67 106.90 7.40 8 92.60 5.60 7 92.40 4.80 2 16 114.90 5.60 12 112.30 4.76 12 106.00 9.00 2.33 104.70 6.20 15 114.20 4.40 8 116.40 6.60 32 111.27 8.93 16 113.5 49 30 100.53 10.51 15 106.97 7.17 20 111.9 08 25 113.10 3.1311 20 104.50 8.40 116.10 2.67 5.06 106.90 7.40 11 109.30 7.90 6.67 108.70 6.20 14 109.70 5.50 6.67 108.70 6.20 1414 114.10 114.10 3.80 6.50 7 7 113.60 113.60 5.20 5.20 14 109.90 4.50 6.67 108.70 6.20 32 111.38 7.82 16 113.54 9.80 16 118.70 3.09 7.5 116.88 2.78 18 116.60 6.80 8 116.40 6.60 19 117.80 3.00 7.5 116.88 2.78 66 112.00 6.90 58 112.97 7.36 10 111.20 6.05 10 112.10 5.66 31 103.39 7.64 15 106.97 7.17 11 104.3 06 25 102.74 8.81 23 99.38 7.52 30 114.40 8.35 15 111.70 8.83 n = 0.000); t 2 = 11.9%; t 2 I = 9.1%; .287]; 2 I = 0.0%; 2 I = 0 = 0.048] = 0.339]; = 0.727];

p on 27 df p on 1 df p on 21 df p on 5 df = 30.63 [ = 3.91 [ Q Q – users (former) vs controls = 0.862 110 = 3.63 [ = 23.09 [ p 104 (het.: Q Q (women) – heavy users vs controls (men) – former users vs controls (men) – moderate users vs controls (women) – moderate users vs controls (women) – former users vs controls (men) – heavy users vs controls – ecstasy group control vs 95 111 111 111 111 111 111 – former users vs controls – heavy users vs controls – light users vs controls – users (former) vs controls – users (current) vs controls 117 115 103 103 – users (current) vs controls – user (former) vs controls 75 75 100 114 118 118 – high-dose users non-users vs – users (short-term) vs controls – low users non-users vs – medium users non-users vs – users (long-term) vs controls 116 116 (Study 1) (Study 2) 112 112 112 112 112 2001) 2007) (2001) 110 110 ( 2007) ( IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. IQ (National Adult Reading Test) (2006) (2006) et al. (2001) et al. ( et al. (2001) et al. (2001) et al. (2001) et al. et al. (2001) (heterogeneity: (2001) (2001) et al. et al. (2006) et al. (2002) et al. (2002) et al. (2004) et al. (2004) et al. (2006) et al. (2005) et al. (2007) et al. et al. et al. et al. (2001) et al. et al. (2001) et al. (2001) et al. rd rd iser iser Reneman Reneman Reneman Reneman Subtotal Morgan (1998) Wa Curran & (2003) Verheyden Dafters Roiser Roiser Curran and (2003) Verheyden Morgan Ro Reneman Reneman Wa Morgan Reneman Reneman Lamers McCann Fox Subtotal (heterogeneity: Ro Morgan Reneman Reneman Reneman Reneman Fox Reneman Reneman Fox Fox Fox Dafters Morgan (1998) Small-study effects: Egger’s Current users Study Former users Heterogeneity between strata: Overall pooled estimate

44 FIGURE 18 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate WMD (95% CI) p 0.034 −0.506 (−1.540 to 0.529) 0.338 0.080 (−0.401 to 0.561) 0.744 0.001 (−0.003 to 0.005) 0.646 0.715 (−4.922 to 6.353) 0.804 −0.364 (−1.374 to 0.645) 0.479 0.691 (−0.106 to 1.488) 0.089 −0.414 (−1.442 to 0.614) 0.430 0.285 (−1.616 to 2.185) 0.769 −0.227 (−1.720 to 1.266) 0.766 1.918 (0.142–3.694) −2.720 (−8.875 to 3.434) 0.386 −1.017 (−3.443 to 1.410) 0.411 −0.001 (−0.005 to 0.003) 0.643 −0.001 (−0.004 to 0.002) 0.620 −0.107 (−1.440 to 1.227) 0.875 −0.152 (−0.574 to 0.271) 0.481 −0.303 (−1.254 to 0.647) 0.532 −0.780 (−2.641 to 1.082) 0.412 −2.343 (−5.793 to 1.108) 0.183 −0.103 (−1.710 to 1.503) 0.900 −0.210 (−2.006 to 1.585) 0.818 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 5 5 5 28 28 12 19 21 17 28 28 12 21 20 17 21 < < < < < n IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results IQ (National Adult Reading Test) Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency 6 Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference; WMD, weighted difference.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Figure 20 shows our random-effects meta-analysis synthesis; these are considered in Other Level II of these data. It shows an extremely similar picture outcome measures (see p.133). to that seen in the comparison with polydrug controls. Ecstasy-exposed individuals’ IQs rated The remainder of available data – mapped into a an average of 0.474 points lower than those of total of 16 composite domains – was sufficiently polydrug controls, but this is unlikely to represent complete to make meta-analysis possible. It was a significant difference (p = 0.417). Again, ex-users possible to derive an effect estimate for ecstasy appear more disadvantaged than current users users compared to polydrug controls in all 16 although, in this case, the former users’ stratum cases, and for ecstasy users compared to drug-naïve is even more underpowered (comprising only two controls in 11 of the domains. These analyses are datapoints). In the comparison between current summarised in Tables 13 and 14, respectively. ecstasy users and controls, a non-significant average difference of less than 0.4 IQ points was Ecstasy users compared to seen. polydrug controls In 12 of 16 domains analysed, a significant effect Sensitivity analysis with single, pooled comparisons of ecstasy exposure was seen (p < 0.05 against the for each study generated results very similar to null hypothesis of no exposure effect). Estimated those of the primary analysis (MD – 0.491; 95% CI effect sizes ranged from 0.143 to 0.509, with most – 1.755 to 0.772; null effect p = 0.446). estimates falling between 0.15 and 0.4. According to Cohen’s rule of thumb,119 such differences can There is no evidence of small-study bias in this be considered to fall in the range of ‘small’ effects, dataset (Egger’s p = 0.992), and the funnel plot with some approaching ‘medium’ effect sizes. (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. The only domain in which an effect greater than Sufficient data were available to attempt 0.5 SD was found was that of self-rated memory. metaregression analyses for nine covariates; This is based on a small sample of studies (n = 5) details are shown in Table 12. Once more, we reporting a collection of subjective outcome excluded intelligence measures as explanatory measures, both factors that would tend to increase variables. None of the analyses were able to uncertainty in the finding. Self-rated measures provide a statistically convincing explanation of of impulsivity and anxiety also suggested a the heterogeneity seen amongst base-case effect comparatively pronounced effect. estimates. There was no evidence of a dose– response effect (see Figure 95, in Appendix 7). Among objective measures, the largest effects were seen in the domains of working memory (SMD Syntheses: controlled (Level II) – 0.391; 95% CI – 0.589 to – 0.192), delayed verbal evidence – composite measures memory (SMD – 0.377; 95% CI – 0.498 to – 0.257) and immediate verbal memory (SMD – 0.332; 95% We identified a total of 915 discrete outcome CI – 0.451 to – 0.214). For the outcomes we have measures, measured according to 135 different categorised as relating to attention, we identified instruments, among the Level II evidence. These a significant inter-population difference in the were mapped into a series of 38 domains (‘meta- ‘focus–execute’ component, but not for the ‘sustain’ outcomes’). Full details of the mapping, along with component. Amongst our executive function abbreviations by which instruments are referred to meta-outcomes, an exposure effect was seen for in this section, are provided in Appendix 5. the ‘planning’ component, but not for ‘response inhibition’ or ‘shifting’. Of the 38 outcome domains, 16 represented small collections of data that were not amenable to any Ecstasy users compared to form of synthesis, either because they comprised drug-naïve controls measures that were too general to fit among Eight of 12 domains analysed suggested a our domains (e.g. measures that sought to tap significant effect of ecstasy exposure, with ‘memory’ as a single construct) or because they estimated effect sizes ranging from 0.272 to examined single, specific factors that could not 1.037. As in the polydrug-controlled comparisons, be combined with other items in the evidence- self-rated measures generated some of the most base (e.g. ‘orientation’). These data were not sizeable effect estimates, while the largest effects analysed further. A further six meta-outcomes were in objective measures were seen in the domains identified as sensible units of analysis, but provided of immediate verbal memory (SMD – 0.840; 95% 46 insufficient data for meaningful quantitative DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6





–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 –2.0

Mean difference in score –4.0

–6.0 Metaregression line p = 0.034 –8.0 Inter-arm difference in exposure to alcohol (SMD)

FIGURE 19 IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – Ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in IQ against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol (standardised mean difference).

CI – 0.990 to – 0.690) and delayed verbal memory To contextualise the magnitude of this difference, (SMD – 1.037; 95% CI – 1.734 to – 0.341). we note that, in the Zakzanis et al. study,101 a standardised mean difference of precisely – 0.332 Verbal memory (immediate) – MDMA SD was seen between arms as a result of current users versus polydrug controls ecstasy users scoring 0.2 less than controls on the The dataset assembled for this measure comprises RBMT immediate prose recall test (1.5 versus 1.7; 100 datapoints, representing a total of 40 pairwise scaled scores). comparisons, drawn from 27 different studies (35 comparisons from 27 studies providing data A sensitivity analysis in which all individual arms for current ecstasy users and five comparisons were aggregated to provide single, study-level from five studies providing data for former estimates of effect for each outcome measure ecstasy users). For data published in multiple before meta-analysis revealed a very similar result studies originating from Liverpool John Moores (SMD – 0.339; 95% CI – 0.444 to – 0.234). This University, data from a single publication120 only suggests that our primary analysis is robust to the were included in this analysis, because it was not assumptions underpinning the pooling of data. possible to deduce the extent of duplicate reporting across the full range of papers. In total, 46 different There is little evidence of small-study bias, as outcome measures are included, the most common indicated by Egger’s test (p = 0.330); similarly, being RBMT: prose recall (10 datapoints), RAVLT: the funnel plot (Figure 22) shows no clear trend, sum of trials 1–5 (10 datapoints) and digit span – although there may be a slight tendency for the backwards (five datapoints). The complete dataset least precise studies to produce the most extreme is detailed in Table 51, in Appendix 6. effect estimates.

The meta-analysis (Figure 21) suggests that Sufficient data were available to attempt ecstasy-exposed cohorts tended to perform worse metaregression analyses for 17 covariates; details than polydrug controls by around one-third of a are shown in Table 15. There was no evidence of a standard deviation, with strong evidence against dose–response effect (see Figure 96 in Appendix 7). the null hypothesis of no difference between groups (p < 0.001). The stratified analysis identified Figure 23 plots estimated effect size against average no difference in exposure effect between current education level, showing that there is a tendency and former ecstasy users. for differences in performance to diminish as education level increases. Notably, the four 47

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results Weight 6.13% 7.47% 4.73% 9.69% 7.52% 5.74% 6.08% 19.06% 16.28% 17.30% 11.82% 88.18% − 0.181) (95% CI) 4.501 to 2.153) 1.618 to 0.670) 1.657 to 0.913) ( − 3.685 to 4.685) ( − 3.163 to 7.363) ( − 1.905 to 3.765) ( − 2.721 to 2.781) ( − 2.771 to 5.571) Mean difference EM 0.500 2.100 0.930 0.030 1.400 10 1.174 ( - 0.474 ( - 0.372 ( - − 4.800 ( − 9.419 to − 0.600 ( − 4.275 to 3.075) − 2.000 ( − 4.621 to 0.621) − 0.300− 2.000 ( − 5.074 to 4.474) ( − 6.640 to 2.640) - - - 5 in MDMA users Better performance 0 IQ (NART) − 5 in MDMA users Worse performance − 10 5.90 Mean SD Controls n p [null MD] = 0.417 D 0.000); = 2 t p [null MD] = 0.570 p [null MD] = 0.489 0.0%; = 2 I Mea nS 0.286); 0.000); MDMA users = = 2 2 t t 0.527]; = n 8.2%; 0.0%; 30 114.40 8.35 15 113.90 5.79 11 104.30 6.80 15 109.10 4.50 181619 116.6020 118.70 117.80 111.20 6.80 3.09 3.00 7.5 6.05 9.5 9.5 114.50 19 117.77 117.77 5.90 111.80 3.77 3.77 5.66 25 113.10 3.13 19 115.10 5.15 16 114.90 5.60 16 113.50 6.41 15 114.20 4.40 7.5 114.50 20 111.90 8.21 15 113.90 5.79 = = 2 2 I I on 9 df p 0.661] = f 0.367]; 0.617]; 8.07 [ 1d = = = on Q p on 7 df on 1 df p p 0.19 [ = 0.992 Q 7.63 [ 0.25 [ = = = p (heterogeneity: Q Q eavy users vs controls –h – light users vs controls 103 115 103 75 75 98 118 118 (Study 1) (Study 2) 110 110 (2002) (2002) (2006) (2004) (2004) (2006) IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis. IQ (National Adult Reading Test) (2007) (2007) (heterogeneity: (heterogeneity: et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. iser iser Morgan (1998) Morgan Ro Subtotal Lamers Morgan (1998) Dafters Dafters Subtotal Overall pooled estimate Study Current users vs drug-naïve controls Ro Heterogeneity between strata: Small-study effects: Egger’s Former users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan Morgan

48 FIGURE 20 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p 0.012 (−1.591 to 1.616) 0.988 −0.995−0.329 (−2.540 to 0.549) (−1.601 to 0.942) 0.207 0.612 Adjusted effect estimate WMD (95% CI) p 10.200) 0.609 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 8 −0.6105 (−1.953 to 0.734)7 0.374 5 5 0.0005 −0.0025 (−0.006 to 0.006) (−0.008 to 0.004)8 0.963 0.588 0.3505 5 (−0.506 to 1.206)5 5 0.423 5 8 −0.682 (−2.828 to 1.463) 0.533 10 −12.053 (−31.529 to 7.424) 0.225 10 −3.601 (−17.401 to < < < < < < < < n IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression results IQ (National Adult Reading Test) Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/months)Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) < Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.; WMD, weighted difference.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

TABLE 13 Composite measures: summary of meta-analysis results (ecstasy users versus polydrug controls)

Current ecstasy users versus controls Former ecstasy users versus controls All ecstasy exposed versus controls

Studies EM (95% CI) p Studies EM (95%CI) p Studies EM (95% CI) p Verbal memory (immediate) Figure 21 35 −0.342 (−0.468 to −0.217) < 0.001 5 −0.269 (−0.638 to 0.101) 0.154 40 −0.332 (−0.451 to −0.214) < 0.001 Verbal memory (delayed) Figure 27 27 −0.357 (−0.495 to −0.220) < 0.001 5 −0.468 (−0.720 to −0.216) < 0.001 32 −0.377 (−0.498 to −0.257) < 0.001 Visual memory (immediate) Figure 31 19 −0.151 (−0.295 to −0.007) 0.040 3 −0.064 (−0.277 to 0.149) 0.557 22 −0.143 (−0.270 to −0.016) 0.027 Visual memory (delayed) Figure 38 12 −0.180 (−0.327 to −0.034) 0.016 2 −0.213 (−0.647 to 0.221) 0.336 14 −0.184 (−0.323 to −0.045) 0.010 Working memory Figure 41 19 −0.361 (−0.579 to −0.144) 0.001 3 −0.649 (−0.960 to −0.337) < 0.001 22 −0.391 (−0.589 to −0.192) < 0.001 Attention (focus–execute) Figure 46 26 −0.240 (−0.351 to −0.128) < 0.001 4 −0.157 (−0.324 to 0.010) 0.065 30 −0.226 (−0.323 to −0.130) < 0.001 Attention (sustain) Figure 49 8 −0.086 (−0.288 to 0.115) 0.401 3 0.136 (−0.608 to 0.880) 0.719 11 −0.029 (−0.238 to 0.180) 0.784 Executive function (planning) Figure 54 10 −0.150 (−0.291 to −0.010) 0.036 0 − − − 11 −0.176 (−0.324 to −0.028) 0.020 Executive function (response inhibition) Figure 57 17 −0.133 (−0.360 to 0.093) 0.247 3 0.120 (−0.238 to 0.477) 0.512 20 −0.103 (−0.303 to 0.097) 0.314 Executive function (shifting) Figure 61 12 −0.199 (−0.516 to 0.118) 0.218 0 − − − 13 −0.184 (−0.483 to 0.115) 0.228 Perceptual organisation Figure 62 19 −0.151 (−0.295 to −0.007) 0.040 3 −0.064 (−0.277 to 0.149) 0.557 22 −0.143 (−0.270 to −0.016) 0.027 Depression (self-rated) Figure 64 33 −0.247 (−0.361 to −0.133) < 0.001 5 −0.503 (−0.804 to −0.202) 0.001 38 −0.272 (−0.377 to −0.167) < 0.001 Memory (self-rated) Figure 70 8 −0.509 (−0.690 to −0.328) < 0.001 0 − − − 8 −0.509 (−0.690 to −0.328) < 0.001 Anxiety (self-rated) Figure 72 27 −0.249 (−0.401 to −0.096) 0.001 5 −0.380 (−0.673 to −0.086) 0.011 32 −0.263 (−0.396 to −0.130) < 0.001 Impulsivity (objective measures) Figure 76 9 −0.247 (−0.495 to 0.001) 0.051 0 − − − 10 −0.200 (−0.417 to 0.017) 0.071 Impulsivity (subjective measures) Figure 81 12 −0.387 (−0.643 to −0.130) 0.003 2 −0.437 (−0.889 to 0.015) 0.058 14 −0.394 (−0.616 to −0.173) < 0.001

TABLE 14 Composite measures: summary of meta-analysis results (ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls)

Current ecstasy users versus controls Former ecstasy users versus controls All ecstasy exposed versus controls

Studies EM (95% CI) p Studies EM (95% CI) p Studies EM (95% CI) p Verbal memory (immediate) Figure 25 14 −0.852 (−1.031 to −0.672) < 0.001 4 −0.792 (−1.053 to −0.531) < 0.001 18 −0.840 (−0.990 to −0.690) < 0.001 Verbal memory (delayed) Figure 29 14 −1.114 (−1.994 to −0.233) 0.013 4 −0.732 (−1.044 to −0.421) < 0.001 18 −1.037 (−1.734 to −0.341) 0.004 Visual memory (immediate) Figure 37 6 −0.177 (−0.489 to 0.135) 0.266 0 − − − 7 −0.173 (−0.418 to 0.071) 0.165 Visual memory (delayed) Figure 39 6 −0.409 (−1.244 to 0.426) 0.337 2 −0.283 (−0.705 to 0.139) 0.189 8 −0.366 (−1.014 to 0.283) 0.269 Working memory Figure 45 6 −0.459 (−0.862 to −0.056) 0.025 0 − − − 7 −0.505 (−0.868 to −0.143) 0.006 Attention (focus–execute) Figure 48 14 −0.254 (−0.422 to −0.085) 0.003 2 −0.436 (−0.852 to −0.019) 0.040 16 −0.272 (−0.424 to −0.120) < 0.001 Attention (sustain) 4 0.159 (−0.180 to 0.498) 0.358 Executive function (planning) Executive function (response inhibition) Figure 59 8 −0.137 (−0.348 to 0.074) 0.204 2 0.123 (−0.265 to 0.511) 0.534 10 −0.088 (−0.282 to 0.105) 0.371 Executive function (shifting) Perceptual organisation Depression (self-rated) Figure 66 27 −0.538 (−0.785 to −0.292) < 0.001 4 −0.853 (−1.211 to −0.494) < 0.001 31 −0.573 (−0.803 to −0.343) < 0.001 Memory (self-rated) Anxiety (self-rated) Figure 74 22 −0.323 (−0.425 to −0.222) < 0.001 3 −0.571 (−0.977 to −0.165) 0.006 25 −0.338 (−0.437 to −0.239) < 0.001 Impulsivity (objective measures) Figure 79 9 −0.392 (−0.682 to −0.102) 0.008 0 − − − 10 −0.333 (−0.594 to −0.072) 0.012 Impulsivity (subjective measures) Figure 83 8 −0.780 (−1.096 to −0.465) < 0.001 0 − − − 9 −0.778 (−1.058 to −0.499) < 0.001

50 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Current ecstasy users versus controls Former ecstasy users versus controls All ecstasy exposed versus controls

Studies EM (95% CI) p Studies EM (95%CI) p Studies EM (95% CI) p Verbal memory (immediate) Figure 21 35 −0.342 (−0.468 to −0.217) < 0.001 5 −0.269 (−0.638 to 0.101) 0.154 40 −0.332 (−0.451 to −0.214) < 0.001 Verbal memory (delayed) Figure 27 27 −0.357 (−0.495 to −0.220) < 0.001 5 −0.468 (−0.720 to −0.216) < 0.001 32 −0.377 (−0.498 to −0.257) < 0.001 Visual memory (immediate) Figure 31 19 −0.151 (−0.295 to −0.007) 0.040 3 −0.064 (−0.277 to 0.149) 0.557 22 −0.143 (−0.270 to −0.016) 0.027 Visual memory (delayed) Figure 38 12 −0.180 (−0.327 to −0.034) 0.016 2 −0.213 (−0.647 to 0.221) 0.336 14 −0.184 (−0.323 to −0.045) 0.010 Working memory Figure 41 19 −0.361 (−0.579 to −0.144) 0.001 3 −0.649 (−0.960 to −0.337) < 0.001 22 −0.391 (−0.589 to −0.192) < 0.001 Attention (focus–execute) Figure 46 26 −0.240 (−0.351 to −0.128) < 0.001 4 −0.157 (−0.324 to 0.010) 0.065 30 −0.226 (−0.323 to −0.130) < 0.001 Attention (sustain) Figure 49 8 −0.086 (−0.288 to 0.115) 0.401 3 0.136 (−0.608 to 0.880) 0.719 11 −0.029 (−0.238 to 0.180) 0.784 Executive function (planning) Figure 54 10 −0.150 (−0.291 to −0.010) 0.036 0 − − − 11 −0.176 (−0.324 to −0.028) 0.020 Executive function (response inhibition) Figure 57 17 −0.133 (−0.360 to 0.093) 0.247 3 0.120 (−0.238 to 0.477) 0.512 20 −0.103 (−0.303 to 0.097) 0.314 Executive function (shifting) Figure 61 12 −0.199 (−0.516 to 0.118) 0.218 0 − − − 13 −0.184 (−0.483 to 0.115) 0.228 Perceptual organisation Figure 62 19 −0.151 (−0.295 to −0.007) 0.040 3 −0.064 (−0.277 to 0.149) 0.557 22 −0.143 (−0.270 to −0.016) 0.027 Depression (self-rated) Figure 64 33 −0.247 (−0.361 to −0.133) < 0.001 5 −0.503 (−0.804 to −0.202) 0.001 38 −0.272 (−0.377 to −0.167) < 0.001 Memory (self-rated) Figure 70 8 −0.509 (−0.690 to −0.328) < 0.001 0 − − − 8 −0.509 (−0.690 to −0.328) < 0.001 Anxiety (self-rated) Figure 72 27 −0.249 (−0.401 to −0.096) 0.001 5 −0.380 (−0.673 to −0.086) 0.011 32 −0.263 (−0.396 to −0.130) < 0.001 Impulsivity (objective measures) Figure 76 9 −0.247 (−0.495 to 0.001) 0.051 0 − − − 10 −0.200 (−0.417 to 0.017) 0.071 Impulsivity (subjective measures) Figure 81 12 −0.387 (−0.643 to −0.130) 0.003 2 −0.437 (−0.889 to 0.015) 0.058 14 −0.394 (−0.616 to −0.173) < 0.001

Current ecstasy users versus controls Former ecstasy users versus controls All ecstasy exposed versus controls

Studies EM (95% CI) p Studies EM (95% CI) p Studies EM (95% CI) p Verbal memory (immediate) Figure 25 14 −0.852 (−1.031 to −0.672) < 0.001 4 −0.792 (−1.053 to −0.531) < 0.001 18 −0.840 (−0.990 to −0.690) < 0.001 Verbal memory (delayed) Figure 29 14 −1.114 (−1.994 to −0.233) 0.013 4 −0.732 (−1.044 to −0.421) < 0.001 18 −1.037 (−1.734 to −0.341) 0.004 Visual memory (immediate) Figure 37 6 −0.177 (−0.489 to 0.135) 0.266 0 − − − 7 −0.173 (−0.418 to 0.071) 0.165 Visual memory (delayed) Figure 39 6 −0.409 (−1.244 to 0.426) 0.337 2 −0.283 (−0.705 to 0.139) 0.189 8 −0.366 (−1.014 to 0.283) 0.269 Working memory Figure 45 6 −0.459 (−0.862 to −0.056) 0.025 0 − − − 7 −0.505 (−0.868 to −0.143) 0.006 Attention (focus–execute) Figure 48 14 −0.254 (−0.422 to −0.085) 0.003 2 −0.436 (−0.852 to −0.019) 0.040 16 −0.272 (−0.424 to −0.120) < 0.001 Attention (sustain) 4 0.159 (−0.180 to 0.498) 0.358 Executive function (planning) Executive function (response inhibition) Figure 59 8 −0.137 (−0.348 to 0.074) 0.204 2 0.123 (−0.265 to 0.511) 0.534 10 −0.088 (−0.282 to 0.105) 0.371 Executive function (shifting) Perceptual organisation Depression (self-rated) Figure 66 27 −0.538 (−0.785 to −0.292) < 0.001 4 −0.853 (−1.211 to −0.494) < 0.001 31 −0.573 (−0.803 to −0.343) < 0.001 Memory (self-rated) Anxiety (self-rated) Figure 74 22 −0.323 (−0.425 to −0.222) < 0.001 3 −0.571 (−0.977 to −0.165) 0.006 25 −0.338 (−0.437 to −0.239) < 0.001 Impulsivity (objective measures) Figure 79 9 −0.392 (−0.682 to −0.102) 0.008 0 − − − 10 −0.333 (−0.594 to −0.072) 0.012 Impulsivity (subjective measures) Figure 83 8 −0.780 (−1.096 to −0.465) < 0.001 0 − − − 9 −0.778 (−1.058 to −0.499) < 0.001


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Verbal memory – immediate (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Parrott and Lasky (1998)121 (1) −1.195 (−2.145 to −0.245) 1.17% (2) −0.423 (−1.309 to 0.463) 1.30% Bolla et al. (1998)93 −0.351 (−0.637 to −0.066) 3.74% Morgan (1999)102 −0.944 (−1.549 to −0.339) 2.12% Rodgers (2000)122 −0.143 (−0.860 to 0.574) 1.73% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.371 (−0.635 to −0.106) 3.86% Fox et al. (2001)112 (1) 0.143 (−0.419 to 0.704) 2.30% (2) 0.044 (−0.494 to 0.582) 2.40% (3) 0.141 (−0.394 to 0.676) 2.41% Croft et al. (2001)94 −0.041 (−0.349 to 0.267) 3.61% Reneman et al. (2001)95 −0.980 (−2.062 to 0.102) 0.95% Simon and Mattick (2002)123 −0.427 (−0.880 to 0.025) 2.81% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.256 (−1.092 to 0.580) 1.41% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.099 (−0.524 to 0.327) 2.95% Gouzoulis et al. (2003)108 (1) −0.348 (−0.972 to 0.276) 2.05% (2) 0.000 (−0.620 to 0.620) 2.07% Zakzanis et al. (2003)101 −0.332 (−1.032 to 0.367) 1.79% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −0.441 (−0.818 to −0.064) 3.21% (2) −0.146 (−0.513 to 0.221) 3.27% McCardle et al. (2004)100 −0.326 (−0.574 to −0.078) 3.95% Dafters et al. (2004)75 (1) −0.088 (−0.704 to 0.528) 2.08% (2) 0.173 (−0.429 to 0.774) 2.14% Medina et al. (2005)124 −0.470 (−0.866 to −0.074) 3.11% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 0.268 (−0.179 to 0.715) 2.84% Montgomery et al. (2005)120 (1) −0.518 (−0.784 to −0.252) 3.85% (2) −0.724 (−0.998 to −0.450) 3.80% Reneman et al. (2006)97 (1) −0.712 (−1.470 to 0.046) 1.61% (2) −0.681 (−1.459 to 0.096) 1.56% Reay et al. (2006)109 −0.754 (−1.497 to −0.012) 1.66% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −1.551 (−1.995 to −1.107) 2.86% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.109 (−0.888 to 0.669) 1.55% de Win et al. (2006)91 −0.009 (−0.218 to 0.201) 4.16% McCann et al. (2007)117 −0.764 (−1.352 to −0.177) 2.19% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.165 (−0.540 to 0.210) 3.23% Groth et al. (2007)126 −0.429 (−0.979 to 0.121) 2.35% Subtotal (p[MD = 0] = 0.000) -0.342 (-0.468 to -0.217) 88.07%

Former users vs polydrug controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.692 (−1.575 to 0.191) 1.30% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.465 (−0.895 to −0.035) 2.93% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.231 (−0.675 to 0.212) 2.86% Reneman et al. (2006)97 −0.634 (−1.404 to 0.135) 1.58% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.260 (−0.108 to 0.629) 3.26% Subtotal (p[MD = 0] = 0.154) -0.269 (-0.638 to 0.101) 11.93%

Overall pooled estimate -0.332 (-0.451 to -0.214) (p[MD = 0] = 0.000)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.330 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 88.56 [p on 34 df = 0.000]; I2 = 61.6%; t 2 = 0.076 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 9.85 [p on 4 df = 0.043]; I2 = 59.4%; t 2 = 0.099 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 99.9 [ p on 39 df = 0.000]; I2 = 61.0%; t2 = 0.076 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 1.50 [p on 1 df = 0.221]

FIGURE 21 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

52 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

comparisons in this dataset estimating the greatest Verbal memory (immediate) – MDMA deficit for ecstasy users are also those in which users versus drug-naïve controls participants have the lowest average education The dataset assembled for this measure comprises levels. If this model were to be believed, one would 41 datapoints, representing a total of 18 pairwise not expect to see a difference between cohorts if it comparisons, drawn from 12 different studies (14 could be assumed that a study’s participants had comparisons from 12 studies providing data for received around 15½ years of education. However, current ecstasy users and four comparisons from the dataset is a restricted one: only 12 of the 40 four studies providing data for former ecstasy pairwise comparisons available in the full meta- users). Twenty different outcome measures are analysis provide covariate data (although the included, the most common being RBMT: prose estimated effect size in this subgroup is comparable recall (seven datapoints), digit span – backwards to that seen in the full analysis: SMD – 0.371; 95% (six datapoints) and RAVLT: sum of trials 1–5 (five CI – 0.659 to – 0.083). datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in Table 52 in Appendix 6. Figure 24 plots estimated effect size against inter- arm asymmetry in intelligence. The fact that When this dataset was meta-analysed (Figure 25), most comparisons are located in the ‘south-west’ both current and former ecstasy users tended to quadrant of the plot shows that, in the majority perform worse than drug-naïve controls by around of studies, ecstasy-exposed participants not only 0.8 of a standard deviation, with strong evidence performed worse in the memory tasks but also against the null hypothesis of no difference were less intelligent than controls. Conversely, between groups (p < 0.001). According to Cohen’s the effect size is smaller (indeed, in several cases rule of thumb, this would qualify as a ‘large’ inter- suggesting an advantage for the ecstasy users), population difference. To give an indication of the when intelligence measures favour those cohorts. magnitude of this standardised difference in real The regression analysis suggests that there may be terms, the datapoint from Morgan’s 1999 study102 a general trend for worse performance in those appears relatively typical of the pattern of results studies in which ecstasy users had lower intelligence seen here. In this study, current ecstasy users scores than controls. However, even if this model recalled an average of 1.95 fewer items than drug- is to be believed, asymmetry in intelligence does naïve controls in the immediate prose recall task of not explain differences between cohorts entirely, the RBMT (SMD – 0.852). and the evidence for worse performance in ecstasy- exposed cohorts remains strong (adjusted effect The stratified analysis identified no difference in estimate: SMD – 0.240; 95% CI – 0.384 to – 0.096; exposure effect between current and former ecstasy p = 0.003). users.

0.0 Pseudo-95% CI 0.1



Standard error 0.4


0.6 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Effect measure

FIGURE 22 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: funnel plot. 53

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) −0.321 (−0.452 to −0.189) 0.000 −0.310 (−0.441 to −0.178) 0.000 −0.240 (−0.384 to −0.096) 0.001 −0.402 (−0.833 to 0.029) 0.067 −0.184 (−0.315 to −0.053) 0.006 −0.116 (−0.272 to 0.040) 0.146 −0.112 (−0.318 to 0.094) 0.287 −0.131 (−0.307 to 0.046) 0.147 −0.250 (−0.390 to −0.111) 0.000 p 0.006 0.244 0.874 0.016 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 6 0.001 (−0.001 to 0.003) 0.190 5 5 6 −0.001 (−0.003 to 0.001) 0.210 5 36 0.022 (−0.029 to 0.074) 0.395 36 −0.304 (−0.924 to 0.317) 0.337 18 0.032 (−0.011 to 0.076) 0.145 12 0.295 (0.085–0.506) 20 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.586 17 0.000 (0.000–0.001) 24 0.000 (0.000–0.000) 36 0.034 (−0.025 to 0.093) 0.256 36 −0.191 (−1.109 to 0.728) 0.684 12 −0.028 (−0.309 to 0.253) 0.847 26 −0.166 (−0.344 to 0.011) 0.066 23 −0.135 (−0.331 to 0.062) 0.180 19 −0.242 (−0.555 to 0.070) 0.129 23 −0.005 (−0.232 to 0.222) 0.966 < < < n Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Verbal Covariate Average values across all participants Age (year) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) Period since last consumption (days) Period duration of ecstasy use (days) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency 10 0.102 (−0.044 to 0.249) 0.171 Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) 30 0.356 (0.067–0.645) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.

54 15 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


0.0 13 14 15 16 17



Standardised mean difference –1.5 Metaregression line p = 0.006 –2.0 Education (years)

FIGURE 23 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against education of participants (average value across all cohorts).


–2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0


–1.0 Metaregression line

Standardised mean difference p = 0.016 –1.5

–2.0 Inter-arm difference in baseline intelligence measures (SMD)

FIGURE 24 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in baseline intelligence measures (standardised mean difference).

Sensitivity analysis with aggregated comparisons for 26) shows that the four estimates with the highest each study suggested that our primary analysis may precision provide a smaller-than-average estimate underestimate the difference between populations of exposure effect and, conversely, that those by around 0.1 SD [revised SMD – 0.959; 95% CI datapoints suggesting greatest difference between – 1.285 to – 0.633; p(null SMD) < 0.001]. cohorts tend to be amongst those that are subject to the greatest uncertainty. Accordingly, one There is some evidence of small-study bias (Egger’s might conclude that, had every relevant test ever p=0.023). The funnel plot for this dataset (Figure undertaken been available to this meta-analysis, the 55

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Verbal memory – immediate (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan (1999)102 −0.852 (−1.475 to −0.228) 4.16% Rodgers (2000)122 −1.819 (−2.678 to −0.959) 2.53% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.662 (−0.933 to −0.391) 10.04% Bhattachary and Powell (2001)127 (1) −1.271 (−1.946 to −0.595) 3.70% (2) −0.492 (−1.130 to 0.146) 4.03% Croft et al. (2001)94 −0.592 (−0.878 to −0.306) 9.67% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.664 (−1.537 to 0.208) 2.46% Dafters et al. (2004)75 (1) −1.181 (−1.803 to −0.559) 4.18% (2) −0.912 (−1.493 to −0.331) 4.60% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 (1) −0.271 (−0.712 to 0.169) 6.52% Yip and Lee (2005)128 −0.676 (−0.860 to −0.492) 12.18% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −1.218 (−1.630 to −0.806) 7.01% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −1.336 (−2.201 to −0.471) 2.50% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −1.138 (−1.549 to −0.727) 7.03% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.852 (-1.031 to −0.672) 80.63%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Bhattachary and Powell (2001)127 −1.224 (−1.953 to −0.495) 3.30% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −1.029 (−1.960 to −0.098) 2.21% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 (1) −0.851 (−1.304 to −0.397) 6.30% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.591 (−0.974 to −0.209) 7.56% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.792 (-1.053 to -0.531) 19.37%

Overall pooled estimate -0.840 (-0.990 to -0.690) (p[null SMD] = 0.000)

−3 −2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.023 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 27.86 [p on 13 df = 0.009]; I2 = 53.3%; t2 = 0.052 Former users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 2.72 [p on 3 df = 0.437]; I2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 30.61 [p on 17 df = 0.022]; I2 = 44.5%; t2 = 0.039 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.02 [p on 1 df = 0.876]

FIGURE 25 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta- analysis. estimated exposure effect may have been somewhat users). Twenty-two different outcome measures lower. are included, the most common being RBMT: prose recall (10 datapoints), RAVLT: trial 8 (seven Sufficient data were available to attempt datapoints) and Buschke: overall score (four metaregression analyses for 10 covariates; details datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in are shown in Table 16. None of the metaregressions Table 53 in Appendix 6. generated results that achieved or approached conventional levels of significance, and there was The meta-analysis, shown in Figure 27, suggests no evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 97 that ecstasy-exposed individuals’ long-term verbal in Appendix 7). memory is worse than that of polydrug controls by a little under 0.4 SD. According to Cohen’s Verbal memory (delayed) – MDMA guidelines, this would probably be thought of users versus polydrug controls as somewhere between a ‘small’ and a ‘medium’ The dataset assembled for this measure comprises difference. The effect might appear to be greater in 49 datapoints, representing a total of 32 pairwise former ecstasy users, whom controls outperformed comparisons, drawn from 22 different studies (27 by almost 0.5 SD (a ‘medium’ difference, according comparisons from 22 studies providing data for to Cohen). However, there is insufficient evidence current ecstasy users and five comparisons from to reject a null hypothesis of homogeneous strata 56 five studies providing data for former ecstasy (p = 0.533). Sensitivity analysis with single, pooled DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

0.0 Pseudo-95% CI



0.3 Standard error


0.5 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 Effect measure

FIGURE 26 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: funnel plot.

comparisons for each study provides a SMD to that seen for immediate verbal memory (see estimated at –0.402 [95% CI – 0.515 to – 0.288; Figure 23). It should be noted, however, that both p(null SMD) < 0.001], which is extremely close to analyses are based on fairly restricted datasets. the primary analysis. Verbal memory (delayed) – MDMA To translate these findings back into a more easily users versus drug-naïve controls interpretable scale, it may be useful to return to The dataset assembled for this measure comprises the raw data on which the analysis was based, to 28 datapoints, representing a total of 20 pairwise see which individual datapoints are closest to the comparisons, drawn from 12 different studies (15 calculated average. For the comparison between comparisons from 12 studies providing data for current users and controls, a relatively typical current ecstasy users and five comparisons from datapoint is the WMS-III delayed memory index four studies providing data for former ecstasy score from the study by Groth et al.,126 in which users). Fifteen different outcome measures are the ecstasy-using cohort registered lower scores included, the most common being RBMT: prose than polydrug controls by an average of 3.8 recall (seven datapoints), prose retained (three points (108.4 versus 112.2; SMD – 0.356). Where datapoints) and prose recall (three datapoints). former users were compared to controls, the most The complete dataset is detailed in Table 54 in representative datapoint was that from Curran and Appendix 6. Verheyden,104 where the difference between cohorts was 1.69 items on the RBMT delayed prose recall In the meta-analysis (Figure 29), ecstasy-exposed test (5.825 versus 7.515; SMD – 0.506). individuals’ delayed verbal memory is estimated to be inferior to that of drug-naïve controls by very There is no evidence of small-study bias in this nearly 1 SD. However, the forest plot shows very dataset (Egger’s p = 0.254), and the funnel plot clearly that one effect estimate – that from Yip and (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. Lee’s study128 – is entirely atypical of results from other studies. If this single datapoint is excluded Sufficient data were available to attempt from the meta-analysis, the estimated SMD falls to metaregression analyses for 15 covariates; details – 0.717 (95% CI – 0.915 to – 0.518); however, the are shown in Table 15. There was no evidence of a evidence for an overall exposure effect remains dose–response effect (see Figure 98 in Appendix 7). strong (p < 0.001).

Figure 28 plots estimated effect size against average Yip and Lee’s anomalous datapoint represents education level, showing that there is a tendency a composite of two subtests from the RAVLT, for differences in performance to diminish as in both of which the performance of ecstasy- education level rises. This is a very similar picture exposed participants was less than half the 57

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) 0.096 0.352 p 0.047 (−0.439 to 0.533) 0.850 −0.828 (−1.012 to −0.645) 0.000 0.011 (−0.079 to 0.102) 0.810 −0.849 (−1.009 to −0.690) 0.000 0.000 (0.000–0.000) 0.000 (0.000–0.001) 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.969 −0.182 (−0.544 to 0.180) 0.325 −0.747 (−0.962 to −0.532) 0.000 −0.003 (−0.007 to 0.001) 0.139 −0.525 (−0.854 to −0.196) 0.002 −2.024 (−5.506 to 1.459) 0.255 −0.870 (−1.037 to −0.702) 0.000 −0.003 (−0.034 to 0.029) 0.855 −0.269 (−1.053 to 0.515) 0.501 −0.009 (−0.060 to 0.042) 0.733 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 7 5 14 16 17 18 11 11 17 18 < < < < < < n Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression results Verbal ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Sex (% male) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency Inter-arm differences < Age (years) Duration of ecstasy use (days) ETLE (occasions) Period since last consumption (days) Period Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) IQ Sex (% male) Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years)

58 16 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD

Study Verbal memory – delayed (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Bolla et al. (1998)93 −0.435(−0.722 to −0.148) 6.97% Morgan (1999)102 −0.839(−1.438 to −0.241) 3.00% Rodgers (2000)122 −0.648(−1.177 to −0.118) 3.57% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.441(−0.972 to 0.089) 3.57% Fox et al. (2001)112 (1) 0.294 (−0.673 to 1.262) 1.37% (2) −0.405(−1.336 to 0.527) 1.46% (3) 0.427 (−0.505 to 1.360) 1.46% Reneman et al. (2001)95 −1.126(−2.228 to −0.023) 1.08% Simon and Mattick (2002)123 −0.297(−0.615 to 0.021) 6.39% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.244(−1.079 to 0.592) 1.76% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.089(−0.514 to 0.335) 4.74% Zakzanis et al. (2003)101 0.219 (−0.477 to 0.916) 2.38% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −0.385(−1.036 to 0.265) 2.65% (2) −0.204(−0.839 to 0.430) 2.75% McCardle et al. (2004)100 −0.399(−1.101 to 0.303) 2.35% Dafters et al. (2004)75 (1) 0.150 (−0.718 to 1.019) 1.65% (2) 0.460 (−0.395 to 1.315) 1.69% Medina et al. (2005)124 −0.603(−1.166 to −0.040) 3.28% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 0.209 (−0.239 to 0.656) 4.45% Reneman et al. (2006)97 (1) −0.673(−1.419 to 0.074) 2.13% (2) −0.632(−1.403 to 0.140) 2.02% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −0.889(−1.275 to −0.502) 5.28% Lamers et al. (2006)98 0.279 (−0.503 to 1.061) 1.97% de Win et al. (2006)91 −0.499(−0.758 to −0.239) 7.52% McCann et al. (2007)117 −0.794(−1.383 to −0.205) 3.07% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.485(−1.141 to 0.171) 2.61% Groth et al. (2007)126 −0.356(−0.904 to 0.192) 3.41% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.001) -0.357 (-0.495 to -0.220) 84.57%

Former users vs polydrug controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.779(−1.668 to 0.111) 1.58% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.642(−1.077 to −0.208) 4.61% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.365(−0.810 to 0.081) 4.47% Reneman et al. (2006)97 −0.643(−1.414 to 0.128) 2.02% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.031(−0.666 to 0.603) 2.75% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.468 (-0.720 to -0.216) 15.43%

Overall pooled estimate (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.377 (-0.498 to -0.257)

−2 −1 0 1 2 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.254 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 40.83 [p on 26 df = 0.032]; I 2 = 36.3%; t2 = 0.042 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 3.31 [p on 4 df = 0.507]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 44.53 [p on 31 df = 0.055]; I 2 = 30.4%; t2 = 0.033 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.39 [p on 1 df = 0.533]

FIGURE 27 Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. standard achieved by drug-naïve controls. There unclear to us. Second, it is possible that there are are a number of possible explanations for this environmental and/or genetic factors that make extreme result. First, it should be noted that the ecstasy exposure effects unusual – or, at least, outlying datapoints are those based on the Chinese difficult to generalise to a UK context – in a Hong version of the RAVLT; this is the only study in Kong Chinese population. Third, the authors’ the evidence-base to rely on this instrument, description of the population from which their the validity and characteristics of which are cohorts were drawn implies that Hong Kong 59

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.037 0.649 0.994 0.033 (−0.007 to 0.072) 0.103 0.177 (0.011–0.344) 0.000 (0.000 – 0.001) 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.599 0.000 (0.000 – 0.000) 0.045 (−0.184 to 0.273) 0.702 0.042 (−0.015 to 0.099) 0.152 −0.395 (−0.524 to −0.267) 0.000 0.082 (−0.222 to 0.385) 0.598 −0.323 (−0.480 to −0.167) 0.000 0.027 (−0.207 to 0.260) 0.824 −0.374 (−0.707 to −0.040) 0.028 0.078 (−0.258 to 0.414) 0.649 −0.417 (−0.677 to −0.158) 0.002 0.000 (−0.003 to 0.002) 0.763 −0.100 (−0.541 to 0.341) 0.657 0.086 (−0.173 to 0.344) 0.517 −0.358 (−0.507 to −0.210) 0.000 −0.019 (−0.069 to 0.031) 0.454 −0.253 (−0.852 to 0.346) 0.407 −0.001 (−0.004 to 0.002) 0.600 −0.201 (−1.238 to 0.837) 0.705 −0.378 (−0.508 to −0.248) 0.000 −0.134 (−0.374 to 0.106) 0.275 −0.365 (−0.518 to −0.213) 0.000 −0.121 (−0.494 to 0.252) 0.525 −0.327 (−0.557 to −0.096) 0.005 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 6 5 5 5 5 30 30 18 12 17 17 21 30 30 28 12 23 21 18 21 < < < n Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) – Ecstasy users v. polydrug controls: Univariate metaregression results memory – delayed (composite measure) Ecstasy users v. Verbal Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) Period since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency 7 Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.

60 17 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6




0.0 13 14 15 16 17 –0.2




Standardised mean difference –1.0 Metaregression line –1.2 p = 0.037

–1.4 Education (years)

FIGURE 28 Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against education of participants (average value across all cohorts). clubbers use ecstasy and other drugs in a markedly (p = 0.003) but, on closer inspection, it becomes different way to the patterns seen elsewhere. They clear that this result is driven entirely by the claim to have recruited relatively uncontaminated single atypical estimate from Yip and Lee’s study: ecstasy-using and control cohorts, excluding the reanalysis without this datapoint is wholly participants with exposure to other substances, consistent with a homogeneous effect across strata including tobacco and alcohol (more than one (p = 0.595). drink per week). The fact that nearly two-thirds of potential participants were excluded for violating Sensitivity analysis with single, pooled comparisons these criteria would tend to enhance such claims; for each study provides a mean difference most other included studies had broad eligibility estimated at –1.253 (95% CI – 1.936 to – 0.571). rules, and appear to have included most or all This may appear to be a relatively substantial prospective participants. Accordingly, it could be discrepancy from the primary analysis; however, argued that – although it remains subject to all the further analysis reveals that this is because the limitations of the observational paradigm – Yip and aggregated approach is affected to an even greater Lee’s study overcomes some of the confounding extent by Yip and Lee’s outlying estimate (without seen in other research, with exposure to ecstasy this datapoint, the sensitivity analysis generates providing the only clearly observable difference a pooled estimate of – 0.745; 95% CI – 0.991 to between cohorts. Nevertheless, it would be a – 0.499, which is close to the primary analysis). substantial step to extend this argument to the suggestion that Yip and Lee’s estimate provides Returning to the raw data on which the analysis a ‘true’ exposure effect, while the additional was based, the individual datapoints that are closest confounding inherent in other studies serves to the calculated averages are – for the full dataset drastically to underestimate the real difference. including Yip and Lee – the RBMT prose recall subscore reported by Dafters and colleagues75 [in Unsurprisingly, this outlying estimate has a which heavy ecstasy users scored an average of substantial effect on calculated heterogeneity 1.85 less than controls (SMD – 0.979)], and – for statistics. With Yip and Lee’s data included, the restricted dataset without the outlying estimate tests reveal an extremely heterogeneous dataset – the delayed (trial 8) RAVLT recall score from (p < 0.001; I 2 = 96.0%), whereas reanalysis without Lamers et al.98 [in which the deficit for ecstasy users the anomalous estimate reveals a picture that is estimated at 1.5 items (SMD – 0.701)]. suggests a much more homogeneous dataset (p = 0.047; I 2 = 39.6%). Similarly, initial tests are When applied to the full dataset, Egger’s test strongly suggestive of interstratum heterogeneity suggested that there was no evidence of small- 61

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Verbal memory – delayed (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan (1999)102 −0.867(−1.492 to −0.242) 5.63% Rodgers (2000)122 −1.288(−1.854 to −0.722) 5.67% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.293(−0.819 to 0.234) 5.70% Reneman et al. (2001)111 −1.696(−2.983 to −0.410) 4.91% Bhattachary and Powell (2001)127 (1) −1.448(−2.134 to −0.762) 5.58% (2) −0.146(−0.779 to 0.488) 5.62% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.679(−1.553 to 0.194) 5.39% Dafters et al. (2004)75 (1) −0.979(−1.829 to −0.129) 5.42% (2) −0.801(−1.610 to 0.007) 5.46% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.210(−0.650 to 0.229) 5.76% Yip and Lee (2005)128 −4.976(−5.377 to −4.575) 5.78% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −0.421(−0.745 to −0.097) 5.82% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.701(−1.504 to 0.102) 5.47% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −1.071(−1.777 to −0.365) 5.56% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.013) -1.114 (-1.994 to -0.233) 77.78%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Bhattachary and Powell (2001)128 −0.616(−1.327 to 0.095) 5.55% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −1.149(−2.094 to −0.205) 5.32% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.759(−1.209 to −0.309) 5.75% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.571(−1.233 to 0.090) 5.60% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.732 (-1.044 to -0.421) 22.22%

Overall pooled estimate -1.037 (-1.734 to -0.341) p[null SMD] = 0.004)

−6 −4 −2 0 2 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.578 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 410.51 [p on 13 df = 0.000]; I 2 = 96.8%; t2 = 2.695 Former users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 1.09 [p on 3 df = 0.779]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 420.57 [p on 17 df = 0.000]; I 2 = 96.0%; t2 = 2.144 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 8.97 [p on 1 df = 0.003]

FIGURE 29 Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

study bias in this dataset (p = 0.578). Once more, Visual memory (immediate) – MDMA however, this result is substantially affected by users versus polydrug controls the single outlying estimate: if Yip and Lee’s data The dataset assembled for this measure comprises are excluded, then Egger’s test returns a p-value 66 datapoints, representing a total of 22 pairwise of 0.021, suggesting that the null hypothesis comparisons, drawn from 16 different studies (19 of no small-study effect is difficult to support. comparisons from 16 studies providing data for The trend for more precise studies to estimate a current ecstasy users and three comparisons from smaller difference can be clearly visualised in the three studies providing data for former ecstasy funnel plot for this dataset (Figure 30), as can the users). Forty-one different outcome measures are distorting influence of Yip and Lee’s study. included, the most common being Corsi Block: span (six datapoints), Corsi Block: span plus one Sufficient data were available to attempt (five datapoints) and WMS-R: visual reproduction metaregression analyses for 13 covariates (Table 18); (four datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed none provided significant results, and there was no in Table 55 in Appendix 6. evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 99 in Appendix 7).

62 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

The meta-analysis (Figure 31) suggests that Figure 32 plots memory performance against ecstasy-exposed cohorts performed worse than average age (classical metaregression, with controls by a small, but nonetheless significant, covariate measured across all participants). It margin. Sensitivity analysis using the aggregated appears that the most marked deficit for ecstasy data approach generated very similar results users may be found when populations with lower [SMD – 0.126; 95% CI – 0.233 to – 0.020; p(null average age are assessed (it is notable that the SMD) = 0.020]. The inter-population difference eight lowest effect estimates appear amongst appears to be even smaller in the former-ecstasy- the youngest cohorts). In contrast, inter-arm using stratum; however, the hypothesis test for differences, apparently, tend to be minimal in older interstratum heterogeneity provides no statistical cohorts. justification for supposing the participants belong to different distributions. There may also be a gender effect in evidence: Figure 33 plots the outcome of interest against The small magnitude of this standardised the gender composition of the populations under difference becomes apparent when one compares analysis (classical metaregression, with covariate the pooled estimate with the raw data on which measured across all participants). It shows that the meta-analysis is based. For example, in Bolla et deficits were greatest in ecstasy-using cohorts al.,93 ecstasy users scored an average of 0.2 less than that were predominantly made up of men. It is controls in WMS-R figural memory (7.3 versus 7.5; noticeable that the two datapoints contributed by SMD – 0.166) and, in the spatial recognition task comparisons of 100% male populations are those in Fox et al.,130 there was an additional response suggesting the greatest underperformance in latency of 110 milliseconds in the ecstasy-exposed ecstasy users. cohort (2.4 seconds versus 2.29 seconds; SMD – 0.168). For differential covariates, a very strong positive correlation was found between immediate visual There is no evidence of small-study bias in this memory outcomes and baseline asymmetry in dataset (Egger’s p = 0.523), and the funnel plot intelligence, suggesting that good performance in (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. these tests can be expected wherever one cohort has an advantage over the other in intelligence. Sufficient data were available to attempt This relationship is clear in Figure 34, which plots metaregression analyses for 17 covariates; details the variables against each other. It can be seen are shown in Table 19. There was no evidence of a that datapoints representing worst performance in dose–response effect (see Figure 100 in Appendix ecstasy users tend to be those in which they were 7). less intelligent than controls whereas, in studies

0.0 Pseudo-95% CI



0.3 Standard error


0.5 –6.0 –5.0 –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 Effect measure

FIGURE 30 Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: funnel plot. 63

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p (−5.560 to 1.499) 0.260 −0.703 (−0.898 to −0.509) 0.000 0.396 (−0.563 to 1.355) 0.419 0.0020.001 (−0.002 to 0.005) 0.290 (−0.004 to 0.005) 0.684 0.085 (−0.343 to 0.513) 0.697 −1.083 (−1.814 to −0.352) 0.004 0.001 (0.000–0.003) 0.126 0.057 (−0.364 to 0.477) 0.792 −0.740 (−1.021 to −0.460) 0.000 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification −0.118 (−0.319 to 0.082) 0.246 −0.014 (−0.047 to 0.018) 0.387 − 2.030 −0.545 (−2.812 to 1.722) 0.638 −1.073 (−1.926 to −0.219) 0.014 5 5 8 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 18 17 11 11 18 17 16 13 < < < < < < < n Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression results Verbal Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) since last consumption (days) Period ETLE (occasions) Duration of ecstasy use (days) Inter-arm differences Age (years) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Education (years) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.

64 18 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD

Study Visual memory – immediate (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Bolla et al. (1998)93 −0.122(−0.407 to 0.162) 6.99% Morgan (1998)110 0.725 (−0.049 to 1.499) 2.18% Rodgers (2000)122 0.397 (−0.326 to 1.120) 2.42% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.540(−0.918 to −0.162) 5.53% Croft et al. (2001)95 0.141 (−0.238 to 0.520) 5.51% Verkes et al. (2001)129 (1) −0.937(−1.497 to −0.378) 3.52% (2) −0.704(−1.252 to −0.157) 3.61% Fox et al. (2002)130 −0.159(−0.357 to 0.039) 8.49% Simon and Mattick (2002)123 0.035 (−0.412 to 0.482) 4.64% Zakzanis et al. (2003)101 0.000 (−0.694 to 0.694) 2.58% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −0.540(−1.079 to −0.001) 3.69% (2) −0.483(−1.008 to 0.043) 3.82% Medina et al. (2005)124 −0.280(−0.673 to 0.112) 5.32% Wareing et al. (2005)131 −0.280(−0.878 to 0.318) 3.21% Reneman et al. (2006)97 (1) 0.103 (−0.494 to 0.701) 3.21% (2) 0.229 (−0.391 to 0.850) 3.04% de Win et al. (2006)91 −0.240(−0.496 to 0.016) 7.47% Groth et al. (2007)126 −0.231(−0.777 to 0.314) 3.63% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.153 (−0.067 to 0.373) 8.10% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.027) -0.163 (-0.308 to -0.019) 86.95%

Former users vs polydrug controls Wareing et al. (2005)131 −0.581(−1.352 to 0.189) 2.19% Reneman et al. (2006)97 0.072 (−0.547 to 0.690) 3.06% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.035(−0.272 to 0.203) 7.80% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.557) -0.064 (-0.277 to 0.149) 13.05%

Overall pooled estimate (p[null SMD] = 0.018) -0.155 (-0.283 to -0.027)

−2 −1 0 1 2 Small study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.523 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 39.95 [p on 18 df = 0.002]; I 2 = 54.9%; t2 = 0.049 Former users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 1.98 [p on 2 df = 0.372]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 42.34 [p on 21 df = 0.004]; I 2 = 50.4%; t2 = 0.040 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.42 [p on 1 df = 0.517]

FIGURE 31 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. in which ecstasy users were more intelligent than metaregression line passes almost directly through controls, they could be expected to match or the origin of the graph. outperform controls in the memory tests. We note that a similar – albeit slightly less compelling – In addition to the absolute effect of age (see Figure picture was seen in the equivalent metaregression 32), inter-population asymmetry in age may for the analogous measure of verbal memory (see also have an effect on observed results. Figure 35 Figure 24). shows that this effect has a negative coefficient, suggesting that worse performance by ecstasy- This model suggests that the small exposure effect exposed cohorts is seen when they are older than seen in the primary analysis is ascribable entirely their control groups. to baseline imbalances in intelligence: when accounting for this confounding, the adjusted SMD Figure 36 shows the effect of differential is estimated at – 0.028 (95%CI – 0.148 to 0.092), amphetamine exposure on observed results. which is consistent with a null effect (p = 0.623). Although there appears to be a trend associating This can be clearly seen in Figure 34, because the poorer performance with increased exposure 65

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p 0.022 (−0.092 to 0.136)0.002 0.704 (−0.216 to 0.221) 0.984 Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) 0.752 0.986 0.6450.001 −0.109 −0.028 (−0.249 to 0.032) (−0.137 to 0.081) 0.129 0.614 0.782 0.808 −0.237 (−0.463 to −0.012) 0.039 0.382 0.868 −0.117 (−0.321 to 0.086)0.941 0.259 −0.096 (−0.258 to 0.066) 0.246 0.705 0.564 0.740 0.017 p (−0.077 to 0.107) (−0.117 to −0.003) 0.040 −0.124 (−0.247 to −0.002) 0.047 (0.000–0.000) (−1.314 to 0.814) (0.174–0.670) (−0.001 to 0.001) (−0.177 to 0.138) (−0.001 to 0.000) (−0.360 to 0.304) (−0.344 to 0.371) (−0.117 to 0.173) (−0.426 to −0.004)(−0.402 to 0.219) 0.046 (−0.049 to 0.068) (0.011–0.113) (−1.851 to −0.152) 0.021 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 7 −0.020 5 5 5 5 5 7 0.028 6 0.010 20 −0.060 18 −0.250 15 0.000 15 0.422 11 0.000 15 −0.028 17 0.000 1210 −0.215 14 −0.091 0.013 18 −1.002 20 0.062 < < < < < n Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Inter-arm differences Age (years) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency 6 0.015 Sex (% male) Duration of ecstasy use (days) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Education (years) Covariate Sex (% male) IQ Average values across all participants Age (years)

66 19 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 22 24 26 28 30 32 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 Standardised mean difference –0.8 Metaregression line –1.0 p = 0.017 –1.2 Age (years)

FIGURE 32 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against average age (all participants).

0.8 Metaregression line p = 0.021 0.4

0.0 40 60 80 100

–0.4 Standardised mean difference –0.8

–1.2 Sex (% male)

FIGURE 33 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against gender (across all participants).

asymmetry (i.e. ecstasy users taking more datapoint is excluded from the evidence-base, the amphetamines than controls), it should be noted apparent association with outcome disappears that a single datapoint is exerting considerable entirely (p = 0.379). leverage on this analysis. The bubble on the left- hand side of the plot represents the study by Roiser Visual memory (immediate) – MDMA et al.,118 in which there was substantially greater users versus drug-naïve controls exposure to amphetamines in the control group The dataset assembled for this measure comprises than in the current ecstasy users. If this single 25 datapoints, representing a total of seven 67

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

0.8 Metaregression line p = 0.001 0.4

–2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0


Standardised mean difference –0.8

–1.2 Inter-arm difference in baseline intelligence measures (SMD)

FIGURE 34 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in baseline intelligence measures.

0.8 Metaregression line p = 0.046 0.4

–5.0 –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0


Standardised mean difference –0.8

–1.2 Inter-arm difference in age (years)

FIGURE 35 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in age.

pairwise comparisons, drawn from six different datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in studies (six comparisons from six studies providing Table 56 in Appendix 6. data for current ecstasy users and one comparison from one study providing data for former ecstasy When meta-analysed (Figure 37), these data suggest users). Seventeen different outcome measures are that there is little evidence of an exposure effect in included, the most common being PRM: latency this area. The effect estimate is noticeably similar (two datapoints), PRM: correct (two datapoints) to that seen in the comparison with polydrug and CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous–latency (two controls (see Figure 31) but, in this instance, the 68 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6



–0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Standardised mean difference –0.8 Metaregression line p = 0.046 –1.2 Inter-arm difference in exposure to amphetamines (SMD)

FIGURE 36 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to amphetamines other than MDMA. analysis is based on a smaller dataset, and is subject (five datapoints), R-OCFT: total score (four to greater uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis using datapoints) and WMS-R: visual paired associates the aggregated data approach did not produced (two datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed markedly different findings [SMD – 0.132; 95% CI in Table 57 in Appendix 6. – 0.294 to 0.029; p(null SMD) = 0.107]. When meta-analysed (Figure 38), these data are There is no evidence of small-study bias in this strongly reminiscent of the immediate visual dataset (Egger’s p = 0.921), and the funnel plot memory findings discussed above (see Figure 31), (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. with ecstasy-exposed individuals apparently subject to a small but significant deficit in performance. Sufficient data were available to attempt Once more, sensitivity analysis using the metaregression analyses for six covariates; details aggregated data approach generated extremely are shown in Table 20. None of the analyses similar results [SMD – 0.186; 95% CI – 0.325 to were able to provide a statistically convincing – 0.047; p(null SMD) = 0.009]. explanation of the heterogeneity seen amongst base-case effect estimates. Both covariates A typical datapoint feeding this analysis is found relating to gender distribution generated p-values in Reneman et al.,93 in which the WMS-R visual approaching 0.05; however, little credence can be reproduction score was a single point lower in the given to these findings, in the context of multiple ecstasy-exposed arm than in the controls (35.4 testing with very limited (n = 6) datasets. There was versus 36.4; SMD – 0.187). no evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 101 in Appendix 7). There is no evidence of small-study bias in this dataset (Egger’s p = 0.173), and the funnel plot Visual memory (delayed) – MDMA (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. users versus polydrug controls The dataset assembled for this measure comprises Sufficient data were available to attempt 22 datapoints, representing a total of 14 pairwise metaregression analyses for nine covariates; comparisons, drawn from 10 different studies (12 details are shown in Table 21. None of the analyses comparisons from 10 studies providing data for were able to provide a statistically convincing current ecstasy users and two comparisons from two explanation of the heterogeneity seen amongst studies providing data for former ecstasy users). base-case effect estimates, and there was no Ten different outcome measures are included, the evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 102 most common being WMS-R: visual reproduction in Appendix 7). 69

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Visual memory – immediate (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan (1998)110 0.150 (−0.544 to 0.844) 7.98% Rodgers (2000)122 0.380 (−0.342 to 1.103) 7.57% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.515 (−0.894 to −0.137) 14.53% Croft et al. (2001)94 −0.198 (−0.543 to 0.148) 15.43% Yip and Lee (2005)128 −0.610 (−0.894 to −0.327) 17.15% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.086 (−0.134 to 0.305) 18.89% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.266) -0.177 (-0.489 to 0.135) 81.57%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.111 (−0.348 to 0.127) 18.43%

Overall pooled estimate -0.173 (-0.418 to 0.071) (p[null SMD] = 0.165)

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.921 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 20.64 [p on 5 df = 0.001]; I 2 = 75.8%; t2 = 0.104 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 20.96 [p on 6 df = 0.002]; I 2 = 71.4%; t2 = 0.070 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.33 [p on 1 df = 0.566]

FIGURE 37 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

Visual memory (delayed) – MDMA homogeneous dataset (Q = 5.68; p on 6 df = 0.460; users versus drug-naïve controls I 2 = 0.0%). Without Yip and Lee’s study,128 the The dataset assembled for this measure comprises estimated SMD falls somewhat to – 0.191 but, 11 datapoints, representing a total of seven because the heterogeneity term in the random- pairwise comparisons, drawn from five different effects model is much reduced, the estimate studies (five comparisons from five studies appears rather more precise (95% CI – 0.423 to providing data for current ecstasy users and two 0.041). The evidence for an overall exposure effect comparisons from two studies providing data remains weak (p = 0.460). for former ecstasy users). Six different outcome measures are included, the most common being Our initial sensitivity analysis, adopting single, R-OCFT: total score (three datapoints), PRM: aggregated comparisons for each study, generated correct (two datapoints), and PRM: latency (two an SMD estimated at – 0.520 (95% CI – 1.239 to datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in 0.198), which is noticeably higher than that seen Table 58 in Appendix 6. in the primary analysis. However, as previously, this discrepancy appears to be an artefact of Meta-analysis (Figure 39) suggests that, although the distortions of Yip and Lee’s study: repeated ecstasy exposure is associated with worse sensitivity analysis excluding the outlier is closely performance in the majority of cases, pooled comparable to the primary analysis using the results do not provide convincing evidence against restricted dataset [SMD – 0.234; 95% CI – 0.605 to the null hypothesis of no exposure effect. This is 0.137; p(null SMD) = 0.216]. true of the two strata individually and of the overall pooled estimate. When applied to the full dataset, Egger’s test suggested that evidence of small-study bias As in the analogous measure of delayed verbal approached significance (p = 0.053). However, Yip memory (see Figure 29), the forest plot shows that and Lee’s study is exerting considerable leverage in the effect estimate from Yip and Lee’s study128 is this analysis; reanalysis with the datapoint excluded markedly atypical of results from other studies. If is much more suggestive of an unbiased dataset this single datapoint is excluded from the meta- (p = 0.338). The funnel plot for this analysis (Figure 70 analysis, results become much more suggestive of a 40) is unlikely to cause concern about publication DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p (−0.098 to 0.080) 0.842 (−7.306 to 0.180) 0.062 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.470 (−0.171 to 0.154) 0.921 −0.160 (−0.461 to 0.141) 0.297 (−0.407 to 9.194) 0.073 −0.112 (−0.282 to 0.059) 0.200 (−0.398 to 1.474) 0.260 −0.122 (−0.471 to 0.227) 0.493 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 7 −0.009 6 −3.563 5 5 6 0.000 5 5 5 5 7 −0.008 6 4.394 5 0.538 5 5 5 5 5 5 < < < < < < < < < < < n Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression results Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency Inter-arm differences < Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Visual memory – delayed (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Bolla et al. (1998)93 −0.297 (−0.626 to 0.033) 17.76% Rodgers (2000)122 −0.459 (−0.979 to 0.061) 7.14% Simon and Mattick (2002)123 −0.083 (−0.530 to 0.365) 9.65% Zakzanis et al. (2003)101 0.119 (−0.373 to 0.611) 7.98% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −0.390 (−1.044 to 0.264) 4.51% (2) −0.293 (−0.930 to 0.343) 4.77% Reneman et al. (2006)97 (1) −0.187 (−1.218 to 0.845) 1.81% (2) −0.039 (−1.108 to 1.030) 1.69% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.238 (−1.019 to 0.543) 3.16% de Win et al. (2006)91 −0.244 (−0.606 to 0.119) 14.71% Groth et al. (2007)126 −0.107 (−0.651 to 0.437) 6.52% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.080 (−0.358 to 0.519) 10.04% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.016) -0.180 (-0.327 to -0.034) 89.74%

Former users vs polydrug controls Reneman et al. (2006)97 −0.126 (−1.188 to 0.937) 1.71% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.230 (−0.705 to 0.245) 8.55% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.336) -0.213 (-0.647 to 0.221) 10.26%

Overall pooled estimate -0.184 (-0.323 to -0.045) (p[null SMD] = 0.010)

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.173 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 5.33 [p on 11 df = 0.914]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Former users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 0.03 [p on 1 df = 0.860]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 5.38 [p on 13 df = 0.966]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.02 [p on 1 df = 0.889]

FIGURE 38 Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

bias, though it reinforces the outlying nature of Yip span (three datapoints), spatial recall (three and Lee’s effect estimate. datapoints) and reading span (two datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in Table 59 in Sufficient data were available to attempt Appendix 6. metaregression analyses for seven covariates; details are shown in Table 22. None of the analyses When meta-analysed (Figure 41), these data reflect were able to provide a statistically convincing an inter-population difference of approximately explanation of the heterogeneity seen amongst 0.4 SD. This effect size approaches a ‘medium’- base-case effect estimates, and there was no sized difference, according to Cohen’s rule of evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 103 thumb. Sensitivity analysis with data pooled at in Appendix 7). study level produced a closely comparable result [SMD – 0.406; 95% CI – 0.587 to – 0.225; p(null Working memory – MDMA users SMD) < 0.001]. There is evidence of interstratum versus polydrug controls heterogeneity: former users performed less well, The dataset assembled for this measure comprises in comparison to controls, than current users. For 47 datapoints, representing a total of 23 pairwise current users, the average inter-arm difference was comparisons, drawn from 15 different studies (20 of the order of one-third of an SD, while ex-users’ comparisons from 15 studies providing data for scores showed an effect size approaching two-thirds current ecstasy users and three comparisons from of an SD. three studies providing data for former ecstasy users). Twenty-nine different outcome measures are A representative datapoint from the underlying 72 included, the most common being computation dataset is found in the 2002 study by Morgan et DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p (−0.084 to 0.020) 0.223 (−0.886 to 1.588) 0.578 (−0.068 to 0.118)(−0.574 to 0.215) 0.599 0.372 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.952 (−0.001 to 0.000) 0.749 (0.000–0.000) 0.799 (−0.101 to 0.031) 0.302 −0.144 (−0.297 to 0.009) 0.065 (−1.191 to 1.934)(−0.321 to 0.260) 0.641 0.838 −0.157 −0.156 (−0.310 to −0.003) (−0.332 to 0.021) 0.045 0.084 (−0.191 to 0.284) 0.700(−0.415 to 0.365) 0.901(−0.533 to 0.242) −0.134 0.461(−0.748 to 0.682) −0.126 (−0.465 to 0.196) 0.928 0.426 −0.088 (−0.329 to 0.077) 0.224 −0.124 (−0.305 to 0.129) 0.428 (−0.560 to 0.312) 0.578 (−0.283 to 0.471) 0.626 −0.158 (−0.370 to 0.053) 0.143 0.351 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.371 0.047 0.094 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 6 58 −0.180 5 6 8 5 5 5 95 9 −0.025 5 8 −0.146 5 9 −0.033 1212 −0.032 1212 −0.035 12 −0.030 < < < < < n Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period duration of ecstasy use (days) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency Inter-arm differences < Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Visual memory – delayed (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls sregdoR sregdoR (2000)122 −0.469 (−0.999 to 0.061) 13.16% yrahcattahB yrahcattahB andPowell (2001)127 (1) 0.454 (−0.404 to 1.313) 11.52% (2) 0.246 (−0.646 to 1.137) 11.34% Yipand Lee (2005)128 −1.875 (−2.208 to −1.542) 13.90% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.529 (−1.321 to 0.263) 11.87% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.072 (−0.511 to 0.366) 13.54% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.337) -0.409 (-1.244 to 0.426) 75.34%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Bhattachary andPowell (2001)127 −0.033 (−0.936 to 0.871) 11.27% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.353 (−0.830 to 0.125) 13.39% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.189) -0.283 (-0.705 to 0.139) 24.66%

Overall pooled estimate -0.366 (-1.014 to 0.283) (p[null SMD] = 0.269)

−3 −1.5 0 1.5 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.053 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 65.73 [p on5df = 0.000]; I2 = 92.4%; t2 = 0.975 Former users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 0.38 [p on1df = 0.539]; I2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 71.79 [p on7df = 0.000]; I2 = 90.2%; t2 = 0.758 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 5.69 [p on1df = 0.017]

FIGURE 39 Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

0.0 Pseudo-95% CI



0.3 Standard error


0.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Effect measure

FIGURE 40 Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: funnel plot.

al.,103 in which the ecstasy-using cohort made an shown) showed no pronounced trend, although average of 0.675 more errors than controls in the there was a cluster of more powerful studies around subtraction task (1.725 versus 1.05; the null effect point. SMD – 0.439). Sufficient data were available to attempt There is no evidence of small-study bias (Egger’s metaregression analyses for 15 covariates, shown in 74 p = 0.238), and the funnel plot for this dataset (not DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p (−0.468 to 0.457) 0.981 (−1.159 to 0.659) 0.590 (−0.438 to 0.138) 0.308 (−1.188 to 0.294) 0.237 (95% CI) SMD Adjusted effect estimate p 0.535 (−1.958 to 3.028) 0.674 −0.250 0.133 (−0.265 to 0.531) 0.512 −0.447 2.027 (−2.256 to 6.310) 0.354 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 5 5 5 5 5 6 −0.206 (−0.866 to 0.455) 0.541 −0.006 7 7 −1.630 (−8.268 to 5.008) 0.630 −0.150 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 6 −0.022 (−0.058 to 0.013) 0.213 7 8 −0.133 (−0.312 to 0.046) 0.145 < < < < < < < < < < n Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression results ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Sex (% male) Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < Inter-arm differences Age (years) IQ Sex (% male) Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Working memory (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Rodgers (2000)122 −0.094 (−0.810 to 0.622) 3.70% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.851 (−1.239 to −0.463) 5.61% Fox et al. (2001)112 (1) −1.107 (−2.144 to −0.070) 2.42% (2) −0.954 (−1.925 to 0.018) 2.63% (3) −0.483 (−1.418 to 0.452) 2.76% Fox et al. (2002)130 −0.335 (−0.573 to −0.097) 6.47% Simon and Mattick (2002)123 −0.148 (−0.596 to 0.299) 5.23% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.439 (−1.281 to 0.403) 3.12% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 0.045 (−0.379 to 0.470) 5.38% Gouzoulis et al. (2003)108 (1) −0.051 (−0.362 to 0.260) 6.07% (2) −0.002 (−0.313 to 0.309) 6.07% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −0.602 (−1.535 to 0.331) 2.77% (2) −0.130 (−1.026 to 0.765) 2.91% von Geusau et al. (2004)132 (1) 0.009 (−0.382 to 0.400) 5.59% (2) −1.710 (−2.173 to −1.247) 5.14% Wareing et al. (2004)107 −0.802 (−1.229 to −0.375) 5.36% Medina et al. (2005)124 −0.165 (−0.719 to 0.389) 4.58% de Win et al. (2006)93 −0.039 (−0.294 to 0.217) 6.38% Groth et al. (2007)126 0.177 (−0.367 to 0.722) 4.64% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.001) -0.361 (-0.579 to -0.144) 86.83%

Former users vs polydrug controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.219 (−1.080 to 0.642) 3.05% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.799 (−1.240 to −0.358) 5.28% Wareing et al. (2004)107 −0.598 (−1.108 to −0.088) 4.85% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.649 (-0.960 to -0.337) 13.17%

Overall pooled estimate -0.391 (-0.589 to -0.192) (p[null SMD]) = 0.000)

−3 −2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.238 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 72.47 [p on 18 df = 0.000]; I2 = 75.2%; t2 = 0.152 Former users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 1.44 [p on 2 df = 0.486]; I2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 78.6 [p on 21 df = 0.000]; I2 = 73.3%; t2 = 0.144 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 4.69 [p on 1 df = 0.030]

FIGURE 41 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

Table 23. There was no evidence of a dose–response The relationship between inter-arm asymmetry in effect (see Figure 104 in Appendix 7). education and the response variable is visualised in Figure 43. The positive coefficient suggests Figure 42 plots working memory performance that, in the various tasks synthesised here, worse against inter-arm asymmetry in gender. The most performance tends to be seen amongst those immediately noticeable feature of the graph is ecstasy-exposed cohorts who had also received the dense cluster of datapoints around the origin; less education, on average, than their respective this suggests that those studies that were well controls. There was limited availability of covariate matched for gender tended to show no difference data so this analysis is based on a fairly small subset in working memory between arms. Otherwise, the of the full dataset; however, if the model were to preponderance of data appears in the ‘south-east’ be accepted, it would entirely explain the inter- quadrant of the graph, showing that, where ecstasy- population difference that might otherwise be using participants were more likely to be men than ascribed to exposure to ecstasy. controls, they tended to record worse test scores. 76 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.000) 0.526 0.0000.000 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.908 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.790 0.074 (−0.069 to 0.217) 0.312 0.244 (−0.975 to 1.464) 0.695 0.036 (−0.066 to 0.139) 0.490 0.356 (−0.319 to 1.032) 0.301 −0.292 (−0.561 to −0.024) 0.033 0.365 (0.036–0.694) 0.030 −0.101 (−0.471 to 0.269) 0.592 0.014 (−0.518 to 0.546) 0.959 −0.324 (−0.671 to 0.024) 0.068 0.383 (0.089–0.677) 0.011 −0.224 (−0.355 to −0.092) 0.001 −0.053 (−0.185 to 0.078) 0.426 −0.342 (−0.588 to −0.096) 0.006 −0.088 (−0.524 to 0.348) 0.692 −1.922 (−3.550 to −0.294) 0.021 −0.239 (−0.465 to −0.013) 0.038 −0.082 (−1.233 to 1.069) 0.889 −0.220 (−1.010 to 0.571) 0.586 −0.461 (−1.533 to 0.612) 0.400 0.041 (−0.948 to 1.030) 0.935 Effect modification β ‑ coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 7 8 8 5 5 5 8 5 9 20 17 14 10 18 20 18 16 14 13 < < < < < n Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Working Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < Inter-arm differences Age (years) ETLE (occasions) Duration of ecstasy use (days) Period since last consumption (days) Period Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) Covariate IQ Sex (% male) Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Figure 44 plots inter-arm asymmetry in exposure When synthesised in a random-effects meta- to alcohol against working memory performance. analysis (Figure 46), these data suggest that ecstasy- It shows that, once more, greater exposure to exposed populations tend to perform worse than alcohol appears to be associated with better relative polydrug controls by a little over 0.2 SD. This performance in the ecstasy-exposed cohort. The would be considered a ‘small’ inter-population adjusted effect estimate from this analysis is, at difference, according to Cohen’s schema. There – 0.224, a fair amount lower than that calculated is no evidence of interstratum heterogeneity. in the primary analysis; however, because the Sensitivity analysis using study-level aggregated regression gradient is relatively shallow, the overall data produced similar results [SMD – 0.256; 95% exposure effect remains significant (p = 0.001). CI – 0.360 to – 0.153; p(null SMD) < 0.001].

Working memory – MDMA users To compare the pooled estimate with a typical versus drug-naïve controls datapoint from a well-known instrument from the The dataset assembled for this measure comprises underlying dataset, a good example would be the 12 datapoints, representing a total of seven WAIS digit–symbol test reported by McCardle et pairwise comparisons, drawn from five different al.,100 in which current ecstasy users scored 2.01 studies (six comparisons from five studies providing points less than controls (64.06 versus 66.07; SMD data for current ecstasy users and one comparison – 0.205). from one study providing data for former ecstasy users). Ten different outcome measures are There is no evidence of small-study bias in this included, none of which is adopted in more than dataset (Egger’s p = 0.768), and the funnel plot one study. The complete dataset is detailed in Table (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. 62 in Appendix 6. Sufficient data were available to attempt When meta-analysed (Figure 45), this dataset metaregression analyses for 17 covariates; details suggests an exposure effect in the order of 0.5 SD, are shown in Table 25. There was no evidence of a which slightly exceeds that seen in the comparison dose–response effect (see Figure 106 in Appendix with polydrug controls and would be classified as a 7). ‘medium’-sized effect in Cohen’s schema. Figure 47 depicts the influence of inter-arm There is no evidence of small-study bias in this asymmetry in age on the outcome of interest. It dataset (Egger’s p = 0.879), and the funnel plot shows that, in studies in which ecstasy users were (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. younger than controls, inter-population differences tended to be relatively slight but, where they were Because of the very small size of this dataset, it was older, the exposure effect had a tendency to be only possible to perform metaregressions on four larger. However, because this dataset is relatively covariates; none was significant (Table 24), and well balanced on this variable, this gradient has no there was no evidence of a dose–response effect notable effect on the overall pooled effect estimate (see Figure 105 in Appendix 7). (the adjusted value is only 0.01 SD lower than the base-case estimate). Attention (focus–execute) – MDMA users versus polydrug controls Attention (focus–execute) – MDMA The dataset assembled for this measure is the users versus drug-naïve controls largest in this review. It comprises 119 datapoints, The dataset assembled for this measure comprises representing a total of 30 pairwise comparisons, 36 datapoints, representing a total of 16 pairwise drawn from 19 different studies (26 comparisons comparisons, drawn from 12 different studies (14 from 19 studies providing data for current ecstasy comparisons from 12 studies providing data for users and four comparisons from four studies current ecstasy users and two comparisons from providing data for former ecstasy users). In total, two studies providing data for former ecstasy 49 different outcome measures are included, the users). A total of 21 different outcome measures are most common being TMT: Part A – time (seven included, the most common being MFFT-20: total datapoints), TMT: Part B – time (seven datapoints) errors (six datapoints), MFFT-20: latency to first and Stroop: colour reading – time (six datapoints). response (six datapoints) and TMT: Part B – errors The complete dataset is detailed in Table 61 in (two datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed Appendix 6. in Table 62 in Appendix 6.

78 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


–30 –20 –10 10 20 30 40


–1.0 Standard mean difference –1.5 Metaregression line p = 0.021

–2.0 Inter-arm difference in sex (% male)

FIGURE 42 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in gender.

Metaregression line 0.5 p = 0.030

–3.0 –2.0 –1.0 1.0



Standardised mean difference –1.5

–2.0 Inter-arm difference in education (years)

FIGURE 43 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in education.

Our random-effect meta-analysis of these data – results [SMD – 0.295; 95% CI – 0.538 to – 0.052; (Figure 48) suggests that ecstasy users tended to p(null SMD) = 0.017]. In the dataset on which this perform worse than controls by a little over one- meta-analysis is based, the most typical datapoint quarter of an SD. This result is comparable to is the nine-letter comparison speed task reported that seen in the comparison between ecstasy users by Wareing et al.,136 in which former ecstasy users and polydrug controls (see Figure 46). Sensitivity achieved 0.8 fewer correct items than controls (11.7 analysis using the aggregated data approach versus 12.5; SMD – 0.288). generated similar – though slightly more uncertain 79

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results



–1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 –0.2


–0.6 Standardised mean difference

–0.8 Metaregression line p = 0.011 –1.0 Inter-arm difference in exposure to alcohol (SMD)

Figure 44 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol (standardised mean difference).

Standardised MD

Study Working memory (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls Rodgers (2000)122 −0.117 (−0.834 to 0.599) 14.45% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.495 (−0.872 to −0.119) 24.44% Moeller et al. (2002)133 (1) −1.030 (−2.026 to −0.034) 9.47% (2) 0.765 (−0.201 to 1.732) 9.87% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −1.000 (−1.899 to −0.102) 10.92% Jacobsen et al. (2004)134 −0.711 (−1.215 to −0.208) 20.22% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.025) -0.459 (-0.862 to -0.056) 89.36%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.866 (−1.782 to 0.050) 10.64%

Overall pooled estimate -0.505 (-0.868 to -0.143) (p[null SMD] = 0.006)

−2 −1 0 1 2 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.879 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 10.63 [p on 5df = 0.059]; I2 = 53.0%; t2 = 0.124 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 11.23 [p on 6df = 0.082]; I2 = 46.6%; t2 = 0.103 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.60 [p on 1df = 0.439]

FIGURE 45 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

There is no evidence of small-study bias in this Sufficient data were available to attempt dataset (Egger’s p = 0.562); the funnel plot (not metaregression analyses for 13 covariates; details shown) suggests a slight trend towards lower are shown in Table 26. None of the analyses exposure effects in higher-precision studies, but all were able to provide a statistically convincing datapoints appear within the expected range. explanation of the heterogeneity seen amongst 80 base-case effect estimates, and there was no DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.0490.819 (−0.034 to 0.132) (−1.421 to 3.060) 0.248 0.474 0.699 (−3.873 to 5.272) 0.764 −0.569 (−0.839 to −0.298) 0.000 −0.002 (−0.005 to 0.001) 0.150 −0.195 (−0.434 to 0.044) 0.109 −0.557 (−0.884 to −0.230) 0.001 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 < < < < < < < < < < < < n Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression results. Working Covariate Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) < Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. able 24

T 81

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Attention (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Parrott and Lasky (1998)121 (1) −0.258 (−1.138 to 0.622) 1.07% (2) −0.258 (−1.138 to 0.622) 1.07% Morgan (1998)110 (1) −0.346 (−0.900 to 0.208) 2.33% (2) −0.163 (−0.586 to 0.260) 3.43% Rodgers (2000)122 −0.171 (−0.589 to 0.247) 3.48% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 0.025 (−0.346 to 0.395) 4.05% Fox et al. (2001)112 (1) −0.415 (−1.388 to 0.558) 0.90% (2) −0.845 (−1.807 to 0.116) 0.92% (3) −0.459 (−1.393 to 0.475) 0.96% Verkes et al. (2001)129 (1) −0.436 (−1.195 to 0.323) 1.39% (2) −0.684 (−1.131 to −0.238) 3.19% Fox et al. (2002)130 −0.402 (−0.841 to 0.037) 3.26% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.594 (−0.911 to −0.277) 4.81% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.261 (−0.764 to 0.242) 2.69% Gouzoulis et al. (2003)108 (1) 0.229 (−0.373 to 0.831) 2.05% (2) −0.704 (−1.019 to −0.390) 4.86% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −0.202 (−0.502 to 0.098) 5.10% (2) −0.446 (−0.857 to −0.036) 3.57% McCardle et al. (2004)100 −0.032 (−0.280 to 0.215) 6.04% Medina et al. (2005)124 0.012 (−0.444 to 0.468) 3.09% Morgan et al. (2006)115 0.046 (−0.368 to 0.460) 3.53% Reneman et al. (2006)97 (1) 0.312 (−0.036 to 0.659) 4.36% (2) 0.020 (−0.337 to 0.378) 4.22% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −0.163 (−0.618 to 0.291) 3.11% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.458 (−0.913 to −0.002) 3.10% Wareing et al. (2007)135 −0.313 (−0.476 to −0.151) 7.81% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.240 (-0.351 to -0.128) 84.39%

Former users vs polydrug controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.311 (−0.822 to 0.199) 2.63% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.283 (−0.886 to 0.320) 2.04% Reneman et al. (2006)97 0.041 (−0.314 to 0.396) 4.26% Wareing et al. (2007)135 −0.187 (−0.403 to 0.029) 6.68% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.065) -0.157 (-0.324 to 0.010) 15.61%

Overall pooled estimate -0.226 (-0.323 to -0.130) (p[null SMD] = 0.000)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.768 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 44.48 [p on 25 df = 0.010]; I2 = 43.8%; t2 = 0.032 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 1.79 [p on 3 df = 0.617]; I2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 47.12 [p on 29 df = 0.018]; I2 = 38.5%; t2 = 0.024 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.85 [p on 1 df = 0.358]

FIGURE 46 Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 107 comparisons, drawn from seven different in Appendix 7). studies (eight comparisons from seven studies providing data for current ecstasy users and Attention (sustain) – MDMA three comparisons from three studies providing users versus polydrug controls data for former ecstasy users). Sixteen different The dataset assembled for this measure comprises outcome measures are included, the most common 27 datapoints, representing a total of 11 pairwise being G/N‑G: correct responses (four datapoints), 82 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p SMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p 0.019 (−0.277 to 0.316) 0.898 −0.192 (−0.337 to −0.048) 0.009 0.094 (−0.125 to 0.313) 0.399 −0.204 (−0.454 to 0.046) 0.110 0.025 (−0.103 to 0.153) 0.703 −0.223 (−0.365 to −0.081) 0.002 0.146 (−0.155 to 0.446) 0.341 −0.151 (−0.297 to −0.004) 0.044 0.655 (−0.102 to 1.411) 0.090 −0.206 (−0.312 to −0.100) 0.000 0.000 (0.000–0.000) 0.698 0.000 (0.000–0.000) 0.416 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.000) 0.642 0.024 (−0.016 to 0.065) 0.235 −0.068 (−0.475 to 0.340) 0.745 −0.124 (−0.387 to 0.138) 0.353 −0.227 (−0.458 to 0.004) 0.054 −0.183 (−0.319 to −0.047) 0.008 −0.049 (−0.092 to −0.006) 0.025 −0.211 (−0.300 to −0.122) 0.000 −0.075 (−0.162 to 0.013) 0.094 −0.028 (−0.063 to 0.006) 0.105 −0.091 (−0.650 to 0.468) 0.750 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 5 5 5 5 8 5 5 8 18 13 15 16 19 26 28 18 16 18 14 26 28 < < < < < n Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results. ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Education (years) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Sex (% male) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < Inter-arm differences Age (years) Duration of ecstasy use (days) ETLE (occasions) Period since last consumption (days) Period Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) Education (years) IQ Sex (% male) Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

0.8 Metaregression line 0.6 p = 0.025 0.4


–6 –4 –2 2 4 6 –0.2


Standardised mean difference –0.6


–1.0 Inter-arm difference in age (years)

FIGURE 47 Attention – focus-execute (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter-arm asymmetry in age.

visual scanning: non-critical trials – time (three amphetamines other than MDMA. This analysis is datapoints) and visual scanning: critical trials – plotted in Figure 51. A relatively polarised picture time (three datapoints). The complete dataset is can be seen: where ecstasy users had taken fewer detailed in Table 63 in Appendix 6. amphetamines than controls, their performance was superior, and the opposite is the case where Our random-effects meta-analysis of these data amphetamine consumption was greater in the (Figure 49) suggests that there is essentially no ecstasy-exposed arms. The adjusted estimate of difference between populations, with no evidence effect size remains consistent with a null hypothesis of interstratum heterogeneity. However, for the of no exposure effect. only occasion in this review, our sensitivity analysis with data aggregated at study level generated Although neither achieves a conventional level of markedly different results from our primary statistical significance, two further metaregressions analysis, with a significant negative exposure effect are worthy of note. First, the relationship between estimated [SMD – 0.157; 95% CI – 0.304 to – 0.009; asymmetry in alcohol consumption and test p(null SMD) = 0.037]. This borderline-significant performance appears to show quite a strong trend estimate of an exposure effect may represent a (Figure 52). As has been seen in other analyses, more accurate synthesis of the available data, increased alcohol exposure appears to result in a although, even if it is preferred, it remains a very lesser degree of underperformance in the ecstasy- small difference. exposed arms.

Although Egger’s test did achieve conventional Second, Figure 53 shows the relationship between levels of significance (p = 0.024), a positive exposure effect and inter-arm imbalance in coefficient is estimated by the test, which suggests participant age. Although this metaregression did that a greater negative exposure effect is associated not reveal a statistically significant relationship, it with high precision estimates. This trend is clearly is worth emphasising the strong similarity between seen in the funnel plot for this dataset (Figure 50). this graph and the analogous analysis for attention focus–execute (see Figure 47). The coefficient Sufficient data were available to attempt estimated in that case suggests that, for every year metaregression analyses for 17 covariates; details by which ecstasy users were older than controls, the are shown in Table 27. There was no evidence of a exposure effect can be expected to grow by 0.049 dose–response effect (see Figure 108 in Appendix SD. For sustained attention, a coefficient of – 0.098 7). A significant coefficient was estimated for one SD is estimated. 84 covariate: inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD Attention Study Focus–execute (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan (1998)110 (1) −0.226(−0.742 to 0.290) 5.85% (2) −0.010(−0.435 to 0.416) 7.45% Wareing et al. (2000)136 −0.286(−0.913 to 0.342) 4.41% Rodgers (2000)122 −0.080(−0.498 to 0.338) 7.60% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.006(−0.376 to 0.365) 8.68% Croft et al. (2001)94 −0.871(−1.585 to −0.158) 3.61% Moeller et al. (2002)133 (1) −0.599(−1.551 to 0.354) 2.23% (2) −0.054(−0.984 to 0.876) 2.32% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.344(−0.872 to 0.185) 5.65% Yip and Lee (2005)128 −0.453(−0.619 to −0.288) 14.78% Morgan et al. (2006)115 0.033 (−0.436 to 0.502) 6.61% Dafters (2006)137 −0.057(−0.463 to 0.349) 7.85% Quednow et al. (2006)83 0.015 (−0.440 to 0.470) 6.87% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.971(−1.447 to −0.495) 6.49% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.003) -0.254 (-0.422 to -0.085) 90.39%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Wareing et al. (2000)136 −0.501(−1.165 to 0.162) 4.05% Morgan et al. (2002)83 −0.393(−0.928 to 0.142) 5.56% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.040) -0.436 (-0.852 to -0.019) 9.61%

Overall pooled estimate -0.272 (-0.424 to -0.120) (p[null SMD] = 0.000)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.562 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 24.56 [p on 13 df = 0.026]; I2 = 47.1%; t2 = 0.042 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 0.06 [p on 1 df = 0.804]; I2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 25.0 [p on 15 df = 0.050]; I2 = 40.0%; t2 = 0.033 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.38 [p on 1 df = 0.538]

FIGURE 48 Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

Attention (sustain) – MDMA users comparisons from five studies providing data for versus drug-naïve controls current ecstasy users and one comparison from Only four studies in the evidence-base reported one study providing data for former ecstasy users). measures of sustained attention in comparisons Fourteen different outcome measures are included, between ecstasy users and drug-naïve the most common being ToL: Planning time (five controls,61,83,99,125 so we did not pursue extensive datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in analysis of this dataset. When meta-analysed Table 64 in Appendix 6. according to the model used in other analyses, these data generate a non-significant SMD of 0.159 Random-effects meta-analysis (Figure 54) estimates [95% CI – 0.180 to 0.498; p(null SMD) = 0.358]. a pooled effect size of under 0.2 SD, i.e. less than a ‘small’ difference, in Cohen’s schema. The dataset Executive function (planning) – MDMA appears to be relatively homogeneous. Sensitivity users versus polydrug controls analysis with data aggregated at study level The dataset assembled for this measure comprises generated a very similar result [SMD – 0.179; 95% 40 datapoints, representing a total of 11 pairwise CI – 0.497 to 0.140; p(null SMD) = 0.271]. comparisons, drawn from five different studies (10


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) −0.274 (−0.430 to −0.118) 0.001 −0.257 (−0.454 to −0.060) 0.011 −0.270 (−0.548 to 0.007) 0.056 −0.316 (−0.607 to −0.025) 0.033 −0.451 (−0.778 to −0.124) 0.007 p Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 6 0.077 (−0.013 to 0.167) 0.093 5 −0.103 (−0.271 to 0.064) 0.227 5 9 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.395 8 0.000 (0.000–0.000) 0.109 8 0.107 (−0.491 to 0.704) 0.727 5 0.580 (−0.140 to 1.300) 0.114 5 5 5 5 6 −0.184 (−0.475 to 0.108) 0.217 16 −0.010 (−0.063 to 0.042) 0.699 13 0.413 (−0.690 to 1.515) 0.463 12 0.000 (0.000–0.001) 0.405 16 0.017 (−0.132 to 0.167) 0.819 13 0.493 (−1.970 to 2.955) 0.695 < < < < < n Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results. Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency 5 −0.055 (−0.151 to 0.041) 0.260 Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.

86 26 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD Attention Study Sustain (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 0.032 (−0.339 to 0.403) 11.42% Fox et al. (2002)130 −0.413 (−0.635 to −0.191) 14.84% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 0.241 (−0.362 to 0.843) 7.19% Gouzoulis et al. (2003)108 (1) −0.186 (−0.465 to 0.094) 13.52% (2) −0.168 (−0.446 to 0.111) 13.55% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −0.279 (−0.946 to 0.387) 6.34% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.179 (−0.469 to 0.827) 6.57% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.601 (−0.031 to 1.234) 6.77% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.401) -0.086 (-0.288 to 0.115) 80.21%

Former users vs polydrug controls Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.470 (−1.078 to 0.137) 7.11% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.823 (0.159 − 1.486) 6.38% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.083 (−0.587 to 0.753) 6.30% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.719) 0.136 (-0.608 to 0.880) 19.79%

Overall pooled estimate -0.029 (-0.238 to 0.180) (p[null SMD] = 0.784)

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.024 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 14.47 [p on 7 df = 0.043]; I 2 = 51.6%; t2 = 0.039 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 7.94 [p on 2 df = 0.019]; I 2 = 74.8%; t2 = 0.323 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 24.34 [p on 10 df = 0.007]; I 2 = 58.9%; t2 = 0.064 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 1.94 [p on 1 df = 0.164]

FIGURE 49 Attention – sustain (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.


Pseudo-95% CI


0.2 Standard error


0.4 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Effect measure

FIGURE 50 Attention – sustain (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: funnel plot.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p 0.0450.107 (−0.178 to 0.269) (−0.227 to 0.441) 0.691 0.099 0.529 0.168 (−0.153 to 0.350) 0.441 0.414 (−0.074 to 0.410) 0.174 0.000 (−0.122 to 0.950) 0.130 (−0.314 to 0.314) 0.999 −0.078 (−0.280 to 0.124) 0.450 Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.0380.333 (−0.062 to 0.139) (−0.623 to 1.288) 0.455 0.495 0.0000.000 (−0.001 to 0.001)0.0000.043 0.774 (0.000–0.001) (0.000–0.001) (−0.066 to 0.151) 0.421 0.443 0.547 0.364 (−0.395 to 1.124) 0.347 0.881 (−0.038 to 1.800) 0.060 −0.098−4.220 (−0.207 to 0.010) (−9.602 to 1.162) 0.076 −0.327 0.124 −0.560 (−0.710 to 0.057)−0.624 0.095 (−0.936 to −0.184) 0.004 (−1.440 to 0.192) 0.134 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 7 5 5 5 9 5 7 5 7 5 5 7 5 6 7 11 11 11 11 10 < < < < < < < < n Attention – sustain (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results. Average values across all participants Age (years) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Covariate Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/months)Frequency Inter-arm differences 8 Age (years) Sex (% male)

88 27 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

1.0 Metaregression line 0.8 p = 0.004




–0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 –0.2

Standardised mean difference –0.4


–0.8 Inter-arm difference in exposure to amphetamines (SMD)

FIGURE 51 Attention – sustain (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to amphetamines other than MDMA.






–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 –0.2

Standardised mean difference –0.4 Metaregression line –0.6 p = 0.060 –0.8 Inter-arm difference in exposure to alcohol (SMD)

FIGURE 52 Attention – sustain (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol (standardised mean difference).

There is no evidence of small-study bias in this Significant coefficients were estimated for two dataset (Egger’s p = 0.525), and the funnel plot covariates: study-level average IQ (classical (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. metaregression, Figure 55) and duration of abstinence from ecstasy (Figure 56). For the former, Sufficient data were available to attempt a clear shape is seen amongst the five datapoints, metaregression analyses for 13 covariates; details with lower average IQ associated with a larger are shown in Table 28. There was no evidence of a disadvantage for ecstasy users in the outcomes dose–response effect (see Figure 109 in Appendix of interest. However, it is easy to conclude that 7). the neatness of the correlation is dependent on 89

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

1.0 Metaregression line 0.8 p = 0.076




–4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 –0.2

Standardised mean difference –0.4


–0.8 Inter-arm difference in age (years)

FIGURE 53 Attention – sustain (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against inter- arm asymmetry in age.

the small number of contributing datapoints. When synthesised in a random-effects meta- For the latter, a less visually arresting significant analysis (Figure 57), these data suggest that there is association is seen. It may be that, as this picture no difference between ecstasy users and polydrug suggests, the ecstasy users that have been abstinent controls in this domain. The estimated SMD of for the longest are those that perform least well in approximately 0.1 SD would be considered very comparison to controls but, given the small sample small, even if the difference was certain enough to and less-than-unequivocal p-value, a Type I error is meet conventional levels of significance. Sensitivity a real danger, so a degree of scepticism is probably analysis with study-level aggregate data reveals a appropriate. similar picture [SMD – 0.090; 95% CI – 0.338 to 0.159; p(null SMD) = 0.480]. We note that one Executive function (planning) – MDMA datapoint in the forest plot appears atypical: the users versus drug-naïve controls comparison between female ecstasy users and We were only able to identify two studies reporting controls in von Geusau et al.132 Above all, this the appropriate comparison for this outcome.110,125 extreme value is driven by performance in the When meta-analysed according to the model used HvdM Eriksen–Flankers test, in which ecstasy elsewhere in this review, a small, non-significant users outperformed controls by 3.7 SD (99.3% SMD of – 0.170 (95% CI – 0.484 to 0.144) was correct versus 96.7% correct; it should be noted estimated. that although this may seem to be a relatively small discrepancy, both estimates are subject to very small Executive function (response inhibition) variance, so the difference between them is strongly – MDMA users versus polydrug controls significant and, when standardised, it becomes The dataset assembled for this measure comprises substantial). If the entire comparison for the female 34 datapoints, representing a total of 21 pairwise subgroup in this investigation is removed from comparisons, drawn from 13 different studies (18 analysis, then the estimated overall difference comparisons from 13 studies providing data for between populations does become borderline- current ecstasy users and three comparisons from significant, although the effect size remains three studies providing data for former ecstasy small [SMD – 0.172; 95% CI – 0.336 to – 0.008; users). Eighteen different outcome measures p(effect=0) = 0.040]. are included, the most common being Stroop: interference – time (seven datapoints) and G/N-G: There is no evidence of small-study bias in this reaction time (four datapoints). The complete dataset (Egger’s p = 0.381), and the funnel plot dataset is detailed in Table 65 in Appendix 6. (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. 90 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD Executive function Study Planning (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Morgan (1998)110 (1) 0.045 (−0.331 to 0.420) 10.77% (2) 0.094 (−0.204 to 0.391) 14.53% Fox et al. (2001)112 (1) −0.337(−0.826 to 0.151) 7.28% (2) −0.498(−0.966 to −0.029) 7.78% (3) −0.436(−0.904 to 0.031) 7.79% Gouzoulis et al. (2003)108 (1) −0.231(−0.542 to 0.080) 13.77% (2) −0.285(−0.597 to 0.027) 13.73% von Geusau et al. (2004)132 (1) −0.118(−0.518 to 0.281) 9.86% (2) 0.086 (−0.488 to 0.660) 5.59% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.269 (−0.386 to 0.924) 4.46% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.036) -0.139 (-0.271 to -0.008) 95.56%

Former users vs polydrug controls Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.707(−1.364 to −0.051) 4.44%

Overall pooled estimate -0.176 (-0.324 to -0.028) (p[null SMD] = 0.020)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.525 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 10.97 [p on 9 df = 0.278]; I 2 = 17.9%; t2 = 0.009 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 13.66 [p on 10 df = 0.189]; I 2 = 26.8%; t2 = 0.016 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 2.69 [p on 1 df = 0.101]

FIGURE 54 Executive function – planning (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

Sufficient data were available to attempt data for current ecstasy users and two comparisons metaregression analyses for 14 covariates, shown in from two studies providing data for former Table 29. There was no evidence of a dose–response ecstasy users). Ten different outcome measures effect (see Figure 110 in Appendix 7). are included, the most common being Stroop: interference – time difference (three datapoints) Only one covariate generated a significant and G/N-G (two datapoints). The complete dataset coefficient: inter-arm asymmetry in baseline is detailed in Table 66 in Appendix 6. intelligence. Figure 58 plots this variable against the outcome of interest. The preponderance of When meta-analysed (Figure 59), this dataset datapoints in the ‘south-west’ quadrant of the is closely analogous to the results seen when graph indicates that, in the majority of cases, comparing ecstasy users with polydrug-using ecstasy-exposed cohorts scored lower than controls controls (see Figure 57). As in that analysis, a on both the explanatory and response variables (i.e. small, non-significant difference is seen between they had lower baseline measures of intelligence cohorts, and inter-study heterogeneity is not and also performed worse on tests of response especially pronounced. Sensitivity analysis with inhibition). The fact that the regression line passes data aggregated at study level is comparable through the graph’s origin suggests that, when one [SMD – 0.107; 95% CI – 0.364 to 0.151; corrects for this imbalance, no inter-population p(null SMD) = 0.416]. difference would be expected at all. Although Egger’s test did achieve conventional Executive function (response inhibition) – levels of significance (p = 0.048), it seems unlikely MDMA users versus drug-naïve controls that this analysis is biased by small-study effects. A The dataset assembled for this measure comprises positive coefficient is estimated by the test, which 15 datapoints, representing a total of 10 pairwise suggests that a greater exposure effect is associated comparisons, drawn from eight different studies with high precision estimates. This trend is clearly (eight comparisons from eight studies providing seen in the funnel plot for this dataset (Figure 60). 91

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p SMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p 0.0750.097 (−0.801 to 0.950) (0.027–0.167) 0.867 0.000 0.006 (−0.001 to 0.000)0.000 0.337 (0.000–0.000) 0.694 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 5 5 6 5 76 −0.001 −0.047 (−0.002 to 0.000) 0.043 (−0.255 to 0.161) 0.656 9 −0.232 (−0.638 to 0.173) 0.261 −0.224 (−0.401 to −0.048) 0.013 5 5 8 −0.156 (−0.487 to 0.176) 0.357 0.003 (−0.272 to 0.278) 0.983 5 8 −0.098 (−0.463 to 0.268) 0.600 −0.066 (−0.283 to 0.151) 0.553 5 5 −0.035 (−0.510 to 0.440) 0.885 −0.023 (−0.478 to 0.431) 0.920 5 5 1111 −0.042 (−0.102 to 0.018) 0.175 11 11 −0.053 (−0.123 to 0.017) 0.141 −0.166 (−0.305 to −0.026) 0.020 11 −0.519 (−1.475 to 0.438) 0.288 −0.138 (−0.299 to 0.023) 0.093 < < < < < < < < n Executive function – planning (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.

92 28 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6



0.0 109 110 111 112 113 114 115


–0.4 Standardised mean difference –0.6 Metaregression line p = 0.006 –0.8 IQ

FIGURE 55 Executive function – planning (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against IQ (across all participants).

0.4 Metaregression line p = 0.043 0.2

200 400 600 800 1000 1200


–0.4 Standardised mean difference –0.6

–0.8 Ecstasy consumption: period since last consumption (days)

FIGURE 56 Executive function – planning (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against duration of abstinence in ecstasy users.

Sufficient data were available to attempt Executive function (shifting) – MDMA metaregression analyses for eight covariates; users versus polydrug controls details are shown in Table 30. There was fairly The dataset assembled for this measure comprises good evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 41 datapoints, representing a total of 13 pairwise 111 in Appendix 7). It should be noted, however, comparisons, drawn from seven different studies that a positive coefficient is estimated, implying (12 comparisons from seven studies providing data that those ecstasy-exposed cohorts that had taken for current ecstasy users and one comparison from most ecstasy were those that performed best in one study providing data for former ecstasy users). comparison to their respective controls. Fifteen different outcome measures are included, the most common being WCST: categories 93

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD Executive function Study Response inhibition (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.373(−0.750 to 0.004) 6.68% Croft et al. (2001)94 −0.131(−0.881 to 0.620) 3.92% Gouzoulis et al. (2003)108 (1) −0.246(−0.868 to 0.376) 4.75% (2) −0.307(−0.930 to 0.316) 4.74% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −1.152(−1.854 to −0.451) 4.22% (2) −0.413(−1.053 to 0.227) 4.62% von Geusau et al. (2004)132 (1) 1.118 (0.579–1.657) 5.35% (2) −0.478(−0.937 to −0.019) 6.00% Medina et al. (2005)124 −0.198(−0.519 to 0.122) 7.15% Roiser et al. (2005)114 0.268 (0.017–0.519) 7.69% Dafters (2006)137 −0.045(−0.630 to 0.540) 5.01% Reneman et al. (2006)97 (1) 0.039 (−0.991 to 1.069) 2.64% (2) −0.072(−1.141 to 0.997) 2.50% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −0.606(−1.086 to −0.126) 5.82% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.265(−0.818 to 0.289) 5.24% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.283 (−0.178 to 0.743) 5.98% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.140 (−0.480 to 0.761) 4.76% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.247) -0.133 (-0.360 to 0.093) 87.08%

Former users vs polydrug controls Reneman et al. (2006)97 −0.201(−1.265 to 0.862) 2.52% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.150 (−0.311 to 0.611) 5.98% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.184 (−0.487 to 0.855) 4.41% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 1.488) 0.120 (-0.238 to 0.477) 12.92%

Overall pooled estimate -0.103 (-0.303 to 0.097) (p[null SMD] = 0.314)

−2 −1 0 1 2 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.381 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 50.88 [p on 16 df = 0.000]; I 2 = 68.6%; t2 = 0.141 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 0.4 [p on 2 df = 0.818]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 52.35 [p on 19 df = 0.000]; I 2 = 63.7%; t2 = 0.119 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 1.07 [p on 1 df = 0.301

FIGURE 57 Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

(eight datapoints), WCST: Total no. errors (four analysis (see Figure 57), the good performance datapoints) and WCST: perseverative errors (four of the ecstasy-exposed participants in the female datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in subgroup of von Geusau et al.132 makes the Table 67, in Appendix 6. datapoint appear to be somewhat of an outlier in the forest plot. If this comparison is excluded from The meta-analysis for this data-set (Figure 61) is the overall analysis, a significant exposure effect is reminiscent of the two analyses seen for response estimated [SMD – 0.281; 95% CI – 0.509 to –0.054; inhibition (see Figures 57 and 59 respectively). p(null SMD) = 0.015]. Although a small exposure effect (with ecstasy users performing worse than polydrug controls) There is no evidence of small-study bias in this is estimated, the dataset is also entirely consistent dataset (Egger’s p = 0.302), and the funnel plot with a null result. Sensitivity analysis with study- (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. level aggregated data generates a similar result [SMD – 0.158; 95% CI – 0.635 to 0.319; p(null Sufficient data were available to attempt SMD) = 0.516]. Much as in the response inhibition metaregression analyses for 15 covariates; details 94 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p SMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p 0.0190.073 (−0.056 to 0.093) 0.626 (−0.008 to 0.153)0.000 0.077 (−0.002 to 0.001)0.0000.098 0.773 (0.000–0.001) (−0.122 to 0.317)0.815 0.383 0.570 0.540 (−0.488 to 2.117) (0.020 to 1.060) 0.220 0.042 −0.0870.000 (−0.291 to 0.117) 0.0180.150 (−0.227 to 0.263) 0.404 (−0.005 to 0.004)0.053 (−0.337 to 0.638) 0.830 0.887 0.545 (−0.773 to 0.880) −0.041 −0.063 0.899 (−0.458 to 0.376) (−0.484 to 0.357) −0.050 0.848 (−0.251 to 0.152) 0.767 0.628 −0.219 (−1.334 to 0.897) 0.701 −0.013 (−0.140 to 0.114) 0.838−0.010 −0.052−0.042 (−0.292 to 0.188) (−0.370 to 0.349) 0.955 0.668 (−0.568 to 0.484) −0.048 0.876 (−0.324 to 0.228) −0.001 (−0.322 to 0.320) 0.734 0.994 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 18 18 11 10 18 18 12 14 13 11 < < < < < < < n Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregressio n results. Average values across all participants age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) Ssex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Covariate


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

1.0 Metaregression line p = 0.042 0.5

–1.20 –0.80 –0.40 0.40 0.80


Standardised mean difference –1.0

–1.5 Inter-arm difference in baseline intelligence measures (SMD)

FIGURE 58 Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in baseline intelligence measures.

Standardised MD Executive function Study Response inhibition (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.366 (−0.746 to 0.014) 13.84% Croft et al. (2001)94 −0.620 (−1.321 to 0.081) 6.06% Yip and Lee (2005)128 −0.374 (−0.654 to −0.095) 18.36% Dafters (2006)137 0.034 (−0.540 to 0.608) 8.21% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −0.129 (−0.614 to 0.356) 10.36% Lamers et al. (2006)98 0.149 (−0.417 to 0.714) 8.39% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.158 (−0.331 to 0.647) 10.26% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.360 (−0.265 to 0.984) 7.25% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.204) -0.145 (-0.354 to 0.063) 82.74%

Former users vs polydrug controls Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.015 (−0.483 to 0.454) Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.408 (−0.269 to 1.085) 10.85% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.534) 0.123 (-0.265 to 0.511) 6.41%

Overall pooled estimate -0.088 (-0.282 to 0.105) (p[null SMD] = 0.371)

−2 −1.5 −1 −.5 0 .5 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.048 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 10.87 [p on 7 df = 0.145]; I 2 = 35.6%; t2 = 0.032 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 1.01 [p on 1 df = 0.314]; I 2 = 1.3%; t2 = 0.001 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 13.89 [p on 9 df = 0.126]; I 2 = 35.2%; t2 = 0.033 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 2.01 [p on 1 df = 0.156]

FIGURE 59 Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

96 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


Pseudo-95% CI


0.2 Standard error


0.4 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Effect measure

FIGURE 60 Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: funnel plot. are shown in Table 31. None of these analyses did highlight that the three datapoints suggesting generated results that achieved conventional levels a negative exposure effect are those that are subject of significance, and there was no evidence of a to the greatest uncertainty. dose–response effect (see Figure 112 in Appendix 7). Sensitivity analysis with aggregated comparisons for each study provided a rather different effect Executive function (shifting) – MDMA estimate, with ecstasy-exposed individuals users versus drug-naïve controls estimated to perform better than controls (SMD Only one datapoint was found comparing ecstasy- 0.114; 95% CI – 0.010 to 0.238). However, this exposed individuals with drug-naïve controls for reanalysis remained consistent with a null effect this outcome.98 The data reported in this study (p = 0.072). The discrepancy between primary and equate to a SMD of – 0.03 (95% CI – 0.81 to 0.75). secondary analysis is explained by the very large number of datapoints contributing to the omnibus Perceptual organisation – MDMA outcome in Roiser et al.118 users versus polydrug controls The dataset assembled for this measure comprises Because of the small size of this dataset, it 31 datapoints, representing a total of six pairwise was possible to perform metaregression on a comparisons, drawn from four different studies single covariate – standardised mean difference (five comparisons from four studies providing data in intelligence measures – only (Table 32). for current ecstasy users and one comparisons Nevertheless, this analysis generated significant from one studies providing data for former ecstasy results, suggesting that any difference between users). Sixteen different outcome measures are populations in the studies under analysis may included, the most common being WAIS-R: Block be ascribable entirely to baseline imbalances in design (three datapoints). The complete dataset is intelligence (see Figure 63). There was no evidence detailed in Table 68, in Appendix 6. of a dose–response effect (see Figure 113 in Appendix 7). When meta-analysed (Figure 62), these data provide little evidence of an exposure effect in this area, Perceptual organisation – MDMA with a non-significant SMD of only 0.05 SD. users versus drug-naïve controls Only two studies in our evidence-base provided There is no evidence of small-study bias in this data relevant to this comparison.99,118 When meta- dataset (Egger’s p = 0.105), and the funnel plot (not analysed according to the model used elsewhere in shown) was not especially illuminating, because of this review, a non-significant SMD of – 0.204 (95% the very small sample under analysis, although it CI – 0.501 to 0.093) is estimated.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.000 (−0.068 to 0.068) 0.992 0.105 (−0.851 to 1.060) 0.830 0.001 (0.000–0.002) 0.008 0.000 (0.000–0.001) 0.473 0.084 (−0.019 to 0.188) 0.111 2.262 (−2.848 to 7.373) 0.386 −0.048 (−0.250 to 0.155) 0.645 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 9 5 7 5 5 7 5 5 9 5 −0.115 (−0.879 to 0.649) 0.768 −0.183 (−0.581 to 0.215) 0.368 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 −0.033 (−0.144 to 0.078) 0.557 −0.099 (−0.304 to 0.106) 0.342 < < < < < < < < < < n Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregress ion results. Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) Education (years) IQ Period since last consumption (days) Period ETLE (occasions) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasons/months) Frequency Duration of ecstasy use (days) Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Education (years)

98 30 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD Executive function Study Shifting (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Fox et al. (2001)112 (1) −0.061 (−0.493 to 0.370) 8.81% (2) −0.328 (−0.744 to 0.087) 8.93% (3) −0.048 (−0.462 to 0.365) 8.95% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −0.926 (−1.606 to −0.245) 6.92% (2) −0.224 (−0.859 to 0.410) 7.26% von Geusau et al. (2004)132 (1) 0.784 (0.417−1.151) 9.28% (2) −0.911 (−1.344 to −0.479) 8.81% Montgomery et al. (2005)138 0.004 (−0.394 to 0.403) 9.06% Reneman et al. (2006)97 (1) −0.154 (−0.883 to 0.575) 6.58% (2) 0.030 (−0.726 to 0.786) 6.39% Reay et al. (2006)109 −0.976 (−1.736 to −0.216) 6.36% Lamers et al. (2006)98 0.186 (-0.593 to 0.966) 6.23% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.218) -0.199 (-0.516 to 0.118) 93.57%

Former users vs polydrug controls Reneman et al. (2006)97 0.020 (−0.731 to 0.771) 6.43%

Overall pooled estimate -0.184 (-0.483 to 0.115) (p[null SMD] = 0.228)

−2 −1 0 1 2 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.302 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 48.75 [p on 11 df = 0.000]; I 2 = 77.4%; t2 = 0.231 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 48.88 [p on 12 df = 0.000]; I 2 = 75.5%; t2 = 0.216 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.13 [p on 1 df = 0.720]

FIGURE 61 Executive function – shifting (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

Depression (self-rated) – MDMA justification for supposing the participants belong users versus polydrug controls to different distributions. The dataset assembled for this measure comprises 38 datapoints, representing a total of 38 pairwise Sensitivity analysis with single, pooled comparisons comparisons, drawn from 20 different studies for each study provides a SMD estimated at – 0.340 (33 comparisons from 20 studies providing data [95% CI – 0.478 to – 0.202; p(null SMD) < 0.001], for current ecstasy users and five comparisons which is close to the primary analysis. There is no from five studies providing data for former evidence of small-study bias in this dataset (Egger’s ecstasy users). Five different outcome measures p = 0.591), and the funnel plot (not shown) had an are included, the most common being SCL-90: unremarkable appearance. depression score (15 datapoints), BDI: overall score (nine datapoints) and BDI-II: overall score (six For the comparison between current users and datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in controls, a relatively typical datapoint is the SCL- Table 69, in Appendix 6. 90 depression score reported by Dughiero et al.140 Ecstasy-exposed participants rated 0.15 points The meta-analysis, shown in Figure 64, suggests higher on the subscale, although both cohorts that ecstasy-exposed individuals tend to exhibit averaged well below 1.0, which is considered the more depression than polydrug controls by a little upper threshold for normality in this test (0.78 over one-quarter of an SD. According to Cohen’s versus 0.63; SMD – 0.247). Where former users guidelines, this would probably be thought of as were compared to controls, the most representative a ‘small’ difference. The effect might appear to datapoint was that from Curran and Verheyden’s be greater in former ecstasy users, whom controls 2003 study,104 in which ecstasy users scored a little outperformed by 0.5 SD (a ‘medium’ difference, less than three points more on the BDI (overall according to Cohen), but the hypothesis test for score: 8.48 versus 5.59; SMD – 0.493). interstratum heterogeneity provides no statistical 99

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p SMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p 0.304 (−0.921 to 1.529) 0.551 −0.414 (−1.774 to 0.946) 0.469 0.445 (−2.564 to 3.453) 0.702 −0.260 (−2.193 to 1.673) 0.728 0.052 (−0.216 to 0.320) 0.582 −0.033 (−0.463 to 0.397) 0.823 0.368 (−0.450 to 1.187) 0.299 −0.079 (−0.426 to 0.267) 0.582 0.000 (0.000–0.001) 0.282 0.000 (−0.008 to 0.009) 0.931 0.000 (−0.005 to 0.005) 0.914 0.193 (−0.713 to 1.098) 0.546 0.030 (−0.181 to 0.241) 0.755 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 −0.232 (−2.982 to 2.517) 0.805 −0.195 (−0.957 to 0.567) 0.476 5 7 5 6 5 8 −0.099 (−1.060 to 0.862) 0.809 −0.034 (−1.055 to 0.987) 0.937 5 7 5 8 5 5 6 5 5 11 −0.261 (−1.966 to 1.444) 0.737 −0.098 (−0.522 to 0.327) 0.615 11 −0.031 (−0.132 to 0.071) 0.514 −0.139 (−0.532 to 0.254) 0.446 11 −0.109 (−4.049 to 3.830) 0.951 11 < < < < < < < n Executive function – shifting (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results. ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Education (years) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Sex (% male) Inter-arm differences Age (years) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/months) Frequency Duration of ecstasy use (days) Period since last consumption (days) Period ETLE (occasions) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) Education (years) Sex (% male) IQ Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate

100 31 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD Perceptual organisation Study (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 −0.814(−1.360 to −0.268) 13.58% Halpern et al. (2004)106 (1) −0.358(−1.277 to 0.560) 7.02% (2) −0.674(−1.595 to 0.248) 6.99% de Win et al. (2006)93 0.233 (−0.023 to 0.489) 22.57% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.293 (0.120−0.466) 25.11% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.521) -0.131 (-0.532 to 0.269) 75.27%

Former users vs polydrug controls Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.004 (−0.183 to 0.191) 24.73%

Overall pooled estimate -0.056 (-0.337 to 0.226) (p[null SMD] = 0.699)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Worse performance Better performance Egger’s p = 0.105 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 19.16 [ p on 4 df = 0.001]; I2 = 79.1%; t2 = 0.135 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 21.22 [ p on 5 df = 0.001]; I2 = 76.4%; t2 = 0.074 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 2.07 [ p on 1 df = 0.151]

FIGURE 62 Perceptual organisation (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

Sufficient data were available to attempt depression score (four datapoints). The complete metaregression analyses for 15 covariates; details dataset is detailed in Table 70 in Appendix 6. are shown in Table 33. There was no evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 114 in Appendix A random-effects meta-analysis of these data is 7). shown in Figure 66. It suggests that ecstasy-exposed cohorts tend to exhibit more depression than drug- The only apparently strong explanatory variable naïve controls; in current users, the size of effect is inter-arm difference in age, which is plotted is approximately 0.5 SD (a ‘medium’ difference, against the outcome of interest in Figure 65. This according to Cohen) while, in former users, the dataset looks surprisingly heterogeneous, given difference is a little over 0.8 SD (which would be the strongly significant p-value, and further considered ‘large’). analysis shows that disproportionate leverage is being exerted by the single datapoint provided The most notable feature of the forest plot is the by Fingeret et al.145 (appearing in the bottom-left outlying status of four datapoints, all of which are of the graph). When this study is excluded from drawn from studies published by an Italian research analysis, the association between variables becomes collaboration headed, in each case, by Gilberto substantially weaker (β = 0.031; p = 0.288). Gerra.63,82,146,147 In comparisons between current users and controls, these are the only datapoints Depression (self-rated) – MDMA with an estimated effect size greater than 0.8. It is users versus drug-naïve controls not clear why these studies should have produced The dataset assembled for this measure comprises such disparate findings, although we note that 35 datapoints, representing a total of 31 pairwise they rely on an instrument – the Hamilton comparisons, drawn from 13 different studies Depression Rating Scale – that is not used by other (27 comparisons from 13 studies providing data investigators. for current ecstasy users and four comparisons from four studies providing data for former When these extreme datapoints are excluded ecstasy users). Eight different outcome measures from analysis, a clearer picture emerges. There is are included, the most common being SCL- strong evidence of within-stratum homogeneity in 90: depression score (12 datapoints), SCL-BSI: both current users (Q = 19.72; p on 22 df = 0.600; depression score (five datapoints) and SCL-90-R: I 2 = 0.0%) and former users (unchanged from primary analysis), but there is equally forceful 101

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p (0.255–1.715) 0.023 −0.019 (−0.231 to 0.194) 0.795 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 0.985 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < n Perceptual organisation (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results. Perceptual Covariate Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) < Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE to exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Average values across all participants Age (years) Education (years)

102 32 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

0.4 Metaregression line p < 0.001 0.2

–0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.2 0.4 –0.2


–0.6 Standardised mean difference –0.8

–1.0 Inter-arm difference in baseline intelligence measures (SMD)

FIGURE 63 Perceptual organisation (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in baseline intelligence measures. evidence of between-stratum heterogeneity • For the comparison between current users and (Q = 13.14; p < 0.001). Current users are seen controls in the restricted dataset excluding to display additional depressive symptoms to a Gerra’s team’s publications, the most typical small but significant degree [SMD – 0.167; 95% datapoint is the SCL-90 depression score CI – 0.261 to – 0.072; p(null SMD) = 0.001], reported for the comparison of heavy ecstasy whereas the difference between former users and users and drug-free controls by Milani et al.143 drug-naïve controls is much more pronounced where users scored an average of 0.17 points [SMD – 0.853; 95% CI – 1.211 to – 0.494; p(null higher than controls (0.91 versus 0.74; SMD SMD) < 0.001]. The revised overall effect size is – 0.154). estimated at – 0.245 [95% CI – 0.356 to – 0.134; • For the comparison between former users and p(null SMD) < 0.001]. controls, no individual datapoint provides an especially good approximation of the estimated Initial sensitivity analysis with single, pooled pooled effect. It falls somewhere between two comparisons for each study provided an SMD of estimates using the SCL-90-R depression score: – 1.173 (95% CI – 1.524 to – 0.822). The fairly large those from the studies of Morgan et al.103 [in size of the discrepancy between this estimate and which ecstasy users scored 0.57 points higher that from the primary analysis arises because the than controls (0.92 versus 0.35); SMD – 0.696] aggregated approach is affected to an even greater and Thomasius et al.96,105 [in which ecstasy users extent by Gerra’s team’s outlying estimates (these scored 0.56 points higher than controls (0.98 studies comprise 34.3% of total weight in the versus 0.42)]; SMD – 1.040]. It will be noted sensitivity analysis, compared to 10.8% in primary that the absolute differences are very similar analysis). Without the anomalous datapoints, in these two studies; however the greater the aggregate approach estimates an effect size variability in the paper by Morgan et al.103 leads of – 0.330 (95% CI – 0.520 to – 0.139), which is to a lower SMD. comparable to that generated in our primary reanalysis. There is strong evidence of small-study bias in this dataset (Egger’s p < 0.001). The funnel plot (Figure Returning to the raw data on which the analysis was 67) shows a clear trend for the effect estimate to based, several individual datapoints could be cited decrease as the precision of the study increases, and as providing a reasonable example of the calculated emphasises the outlying nature of the datapoints average effect sizes: discussed above. However, excluding all four of the studies by Gerra et al. did nothing to diminish 103

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Depression (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Parrott et al. (2000)139 (1) −0.595 (−1.433 to 0.243) 1.53% (2) −0.522 (−1.303 to 0.259) 1.70% Dughiero et al. (2001)140 −0.247 (−0.621 to 0.128) 4.02% Parrott et al. (2001)141 (1) −0.029 (−0.403 to 0.345) 4.02% (2) −0.152 (−0.532 to 0.228) 3.97% (3) 0.071 (−0.306 to 0.449) 4.00% (4) −0.046 (−0.428 to 0.336) 3.95% Verkes et al. (2001)129 (1) −0.711 (−1.486 to 0.064) 1.55% (2) −0.262 (−1.019 to 0.494) 1.62% Gamma et al. (2001)142 −0.864 (−1.580 to −0.148) 1.94% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.624 (−1.476 to 0.227) 1.49% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.089 (−0.689 to 0.512) 2.46% von Geusau et al. (2004)132 (1) 0.000 (−0.781 to 0.781) 1.71% (2) −0.513 (−1.265 to 0.238) 1.80% Milani et al. (2004)143 (1) −0.014 (−0.448 to 0.420) 3.53% (2) −0.165 (−0.631 to 0.301) 3.29% (3) 0.113 (−0.356 to 0.582) 3.27% (4) −0.039 (−0.537 to 0.458) 3.07% (5) −0.157 (−0.958 to 0.645) 1.64% (6) −0.179 (−0.931 to 0.573) 1.80% (7) −0.040 (−0.707 to 0.627) 2.14% (8) −0.077 (−0.684 to 0.530) 2.42% McCardle et al. (2004)100 −0.901 (−1.632 to −0.170) 1.88% Travers and Lyvers (2005)144 −0.426 (−0.893 to 0.041) 3.28% Medina et al. (2005)124 0.125 (−0.429 to 0.679) 2.72% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.086 (−0.713 to 0.541) 2.32% Fingeret et al. (2005)145 −0.885 (−1.196 to −0.573) 4.59% Roiser et al. (2005)114 −0.651 (−1.013 to −0.289) 4.13% Guillot and Greenway (2006)78 0.000 (−0.490 to 0.490) 3.12% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.653 (−1.453 to 0.147) 1.65% de Win et al. (2006)91 −0.283 (−0.642 to 0.077) 4.15% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.235 (−0.414 to 0.885) 2.22% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.308 (−0.931 to 0.315) 2.34% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.247 (-0.361 to -0.133) 90.31%

Former users vs polydrug controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.600 (−1.477 to 0.277) 1.43% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.493 (−1.101 to 0.116) 2.41% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.401 (−1.030 to 0.228) 2.31% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.303 (−0.940 to 0.335) 2.27% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.823 (−1.521 to −0.125) 2.01% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.001) -0.503 (-0.804 to -0.202) 10.43%

Overall pooled estimate -0.272 (-0.377 to -0.167) (p[null SMD] = 0.000)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: More depression Less depression Egger’s p = 0.591 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 48.13 [ p on 32 df = 0.033]; I2 = 33.5%; t2 = 0.035 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 1.33 [ p on 4 df = 0.856]; I2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 51.88 [ p on 37 df = 0.053]; I2 = 28.7%; t2 = 0.029 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 2.42 [ p on 1 df = 0.120]

FIGURE 64 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. 104 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.079 0.393 0.000 −0.284 (−0.372 to −0.195) 0.000 0.273 (−0.418 to 0.965) 0.438 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.000) 0.699 0.002 (0.000–0.005) 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.882 0.000 (0.000–0.000) 0.068 (0.030–0.105) 0.011 (−0.936 to 0.958) 0.982 −0.332 (−0.475 to −0.189) 0.000 0.372 (−0.317 to 1.061) 0.290 −0.303 (−0.496 to −0.110) 0.002 0.000 (−0.002 to 0.002) 0.749 −0.303 (−0.612 to 0.005) 0.054 0.092 (−0.228 to 0.411) 0.574 −0.158 (−0.268 to −0.048) 0.005 −0.030 (−0.075 to 0.016) 0.201 −0.028 (−0.082 to 0.026) 0.307 −0.178 (−0.445 to 0.089) 0.191 −0.266 (−0.445 to −0.088) 0.003 −0.244 (−0.553 to 0.065) 0.121 −0.097 (−0.310 to 0.116) 0.370 −0.214 (−0.556 to 0.128) 0.220 −0.131 (−0.328 to 0.065) 0.190 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 8 5 6 5 5 5 5 7 5 38 30 23 12 12 38 30 11 17 17 15 26 < < < < < n Depression – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate Sex (% male) IQ Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) Education (years) ETLE (occasions) Period since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency < Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results



–8.0 –6.0 –4.0 –2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 –0.2


–0.6 Standardised mean difference

–0.8 Metaregression line p < 0.001 –1.0 Inter-arm difference in age (SMD)

FIGURE 65 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in age.

the suggestion of bias, with Egger’s p remaining comparisons, drawn from five different studies less than 0.001. Similarly, even if one overlooks (all providing data for current ecstasy users only). extreme observations, the funnel plot has the Eleven different outcome measures are included, typical appearance of a dataset with substantial the most common relating to the PMQ and CFQ. small-study bias. In particular, we note that all of The complete dataset is detailed in Table 71 in the studies with the highest precision cluster on or Appendix 6. around the point of null effect. When synthesised in a random-effects meta-analysis Sufficient data were available to attempt (Figure 70), this dataset suggests that ecstasy users metaregression analyses for 12 covariates, report significantly more memory problems than shown in Table 34. There was some evidence of controls, with an average effect size of around 0.5 a dose–response effect, with studies in which the SD (a ‘medium’ difference). Sensitivity analysis participants had a higher average ETLD more with single, aggregated comparisons for each study likely to report increased depression amongst users provides an SMD estimated at – 0.549 [95% CI (see Figure 115, in Appendix 7). In view of this – 0.756 to – 0.343; p(null SMD) < 0.001], which is finding, it might be seen as paradoxical that the closely comparable to the primary analysis. metaregression in which duration of ecstasy use is the covariate (Figure 68) produces a significant There is no evidence of small-study bias in this positive coefficient, suggesting that the largest dataset (Egger’s p = 0.341), and the funnel plot depression effects are seen in those who have been (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. using ecstasy for the shortest time. Sufficient data were available to attempt A significant regression coefficient was also metaregression analyses for four covariates, calculated for the association between depression shown in Table 35. There was no evidence of a and study-level gender distribution (Figure 69). dose–response effect (see Figure 116 in Appendix This suggests that the greater the extent to which 7). The bubble-plot comparing study-level gender men outnumbered women in studies, the higher distribution with the outcome of interest (Figure the relative level of depression that could be 71) shows an apparently convincing association expected to be seen amongst ecstasy-exposed arms. between these variables, with those studies in which men were outnumbered by women being more Memory (self-rated) – MDMA likely to report a sizeable deficit for ecstasy users. users versus polydrug controls However, with very few datapoints contributing The dataset assembled for this measure comprises to the analysis, it is easy to imagine such an 106 20 datapoints, representing a total of eight pairwise appearance occurring by chance. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD

Study Depression (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls Gerra et al. (1998)146 −3.885 (−4.770 to −2.999) 2.54% Gerra et al. (2000)63 −1.596 (−2.182 to −1.010) 3.23% Parrott et al. (2001)141 (1) −0.200 (−0.527 to 0.127) 3.78% (2) −0.186 (−0.527 to 0.155) 3.75% (3) −0.100 (−0.429 to 0.229) 3.77% (4) −0.077 (−0.421 to 0.266) 3.75% Gerra et al. (2002)147 −1.359 (−1.993 to −0.725) 3.12% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.703 (−1.578 to 0.172) 2.57% Gerra et al. (2003)82 −4.887 (−6.098 to −3.676) 1.92% Milani et al. (2004)143 (1) −0.150 (−0.548 to 0.249) 3.64% (2) −0.154 (−0.613 to 0.304) 3.52% (3) 0.000 (−0.436 to 0.436) 3.57% (4) −0.015 (−0.506 to 0.476) 3.45% (5) −0.151 (−0.828 to 0.526) 3.02% (6) −0.336 (−1.011 to 0.340) 3.02% (7) −0.082 (−0.595 to 0.430) 3.40% (8) −0.274 (−0.784 to 0.235) 3.41% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.739 (−1.378 to −0.100) 3.11% Milani et al. (2005)148 (1) −0.407 (−0.907 to 0.094) 3.42% (2) −0.249 (−0.712 to 0.215) 3.51% (3) −0.071 (−0.603 to 0.461) 3.36% (4) −0.251 (−0.695 to 0.193) 3.55% (5) −0.319 (−0.850 to 0.212) 3.36% Yip and Lee (2005)128 0.157 (−0.121 to 0.435) 3.86% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.927 (−1.748 to −0.106) 2.69% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.047 (−0.709 to 0.615) 3.05% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.736 (−1.375 to −0.097) 3.11% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.538 (-0.785 to -0.292) 88.45%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.696 (−1.598 to 0.206) 2.51% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −1.040 (−1.693 to −0.386) 3.07% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.476 (−1.134 to 0.182) 3.06% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −1.183 (−1.911 to −0.456) 2.90% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.853 (-1.211 to -0.494) 11.55%

Overall pooled estimate -0.573 (-0.803 to -0.343) (p[null SMD] = 0.000)

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: More depression Less depression Egger’s p = 0.000 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 174.92 [ p on 26 df = 0.000]; I2 = 85.1%; t2 = 0.343 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 2.48 [ p on 3 df = 0.478]; I2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 186.17 [p on 30 df = 0.000]; I2 = 83.9%; t2 = 0.336 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 8.77 [ p on 1 df = 0.003]

FIGURE 66 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

Memory (self-rated) – MDMA controls,76,99,122 so we did not pursue extensive users versus drug-naïve controls analysis of this dataset. When meta-analysed Only three studies in the evidence-base according to the model used in other analyses, reported measures of self-rated memory in these data generate a non-significant SMD of 0.156 comparisons between ecstasy users and drug-naïve (95% CI – 0.210 to 0.521). 107

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Anxiety (self-rated) – MDMA analysis was based, the most representative appears users versus polydrug controls to be the BAI overall score from Ward et al.,116 in The dataset assembled for this measure comprises which ecstasy-exposed participants scored 2.07 32 datapoints, representing a total of 32 pairwise points higher than controls (10.1 versus 8.03; SMD comparisons, drawn from 14 different studies – 0.238). (27 comparisons from 14 studies providing data for current ecstasy users and five comparisons There is no evidence of small-study bias in this from five studies providing data for former dataset (Egger’s p = 0.322), and the funnel plot ecstasy users). Six different outcome measures are (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. included, the most common being SCL-90: anxiety score (14 datapoints), SCL-90-R: anxiety score Sufficient data were available to attempt (seven datapoints) and STAI: trait anxiety (five metaregression analyses for 14 covariates; details datapoints). Measures of in-test state anxiety (e.g. are shown in Table 36. There was no evidence of a those reported by Medina et al.124) were excluded. dose–response effect (see Figure 117 in Appendix The complete dataset is detailed in Table 72 in 7). Appendix 6. The only covariate for which a significant When analysed in a random-effects meta‑analysis regression coefficient was estimated was inter-arm (Figure 72), these data suggest that ecstasy users asymmetry in age. The positive coefficient suggests display significantly greater symptoms of anxiety that the extent to which ecstasy-exposed cohorts than controls, with the magnitude of difference in were younger than controls was associated with the the order of one-quarter of an SD (which Cohen extent to which they exhibited more anxiety. This would label a ‘small’ difference). No substantial is a very similar picture to that seen for self-rated differences were seen between strata, although, on measures of depression (see Figure 65). In common face value, former users showed a larger effect size. with that analysis, disproportionate leverage is being exerted by the single datapoint provided Sensitivity analysis with aggregated comparisons by Fingeret et al.145 (appearing in the bottom-left for each study suggests that our primary analysis of Figure 73). When this study is excluded from is relatively robust, but may slightly underestimate the analysis, the association between variables the inter-population difference, with the alternative disappears entirely (β = 0.005; p = 0.897). estimate equating to exactly one-third of an SD [SMD – 0.333; 95% CI – 0.514 to – 0.152; p(null Anxiety (self-rated) – MDMA users SMD) < 0.001]. versus drug-naïve controls The dataset assembled for this measure comprises Using the calculated pooled value to identify a 25 datapoints, representing a total of 25 pairwise typical datapoint in the raw data on which the comparisons, drawn from eight different studies

0.0 Pseudo-95% CI 0.1



0.4 Standard error 0.5


0.7 –6.0 –5.0 –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 Effect measure

108 FIGURE 67 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: funnel plot. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.093 (−0.162 to 0.349) 0.474 −0.316 (−0.540 to −0.093) 0.005 3.063 (−0.232 to 6.359) 0.068 −1.163 (−1.661 to −0.665) 0.000 0.108 (−0.013 to 0.229) 0.079 −0.808 (−1.134 to −0.482) 0.000 0.001 (0.000–0.002) 0.043 0.012 (0.000–0.025) 0.057 0.014 (−0.060 to 0.088) 0.706 0.027 (−0.077 to 0.131) 0.612 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 5 5 5 8 −0.018 (−1.294 to 1.258) 0.978 −0.514 (−0.965 to −0.063) 0.025 5 −0.744 (−1.517 to 0.030) 0.060 5 5 5 17 15 26 13 11 −0.001 (−0.001 to 0.000) 0.075 19 −0.001 (−0.002 to 0.000) 0.004 15 −2.671 (−4.647 to −0.696) 0.008 26 < < < < < < n Depression – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression results. ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Sex (% male) Inter-arm differences Age (years) Frequency of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Duration of ecstasy use (days) Period since last consumption (days) Period ETLE (occasions) Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) IQ Sex (% male) Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years)


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results


0.0 1000 2000 3000 –1.0



–4.0 Standardised mean difference

–5.0 Metaregression line p = 0.043

–6.0 Ecstasy consumption: duration of ecstasy use (days)

FIGURE 68 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against duration of ecstasy use.


0.0 25 50 75 100 –1.0



–4.0 Standardised mean difference –5.0 Metaregression line p = 0.008

–6.0 Sex (% male)

FIGURE 69 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against gender (across all participants.

(22 comparisons from eight studies providing data were excluded. The complete dataset is detailed in for current ecstasy users and three comparisons Table 73 in Appendix 6. from three studies providing data for former ecstasy users). Six different outcome measures are The random-effects meta-analysis (Figure 74) included, the most common being SCL-90: anxiety is similar to that seen in the comparison with score (12 datapoints), SCL-BSI: anxiety score (five polydrug controls (Figure 72), with a slightly larger datapoints) and SCL-90-R: anxiety score (four effect size estimated at all levels of the analysis. datapoints). As before, measures of in-test state The overall difference between populations is anxiety (e.g. those reported by Wareing et al.136) approximately one-third of an SD (this would 110 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD Memory – Study self-rated (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Parrott et al. (2000)139 (1) −0.568(−1.404 to 0.268) 4.15% (2) −0.326(−1.099 to 0.447) 4.77% Rodgers (2000)122 −0.539(−1.268 to 0.191) 5.27% Gouzoulis et al. (2000)99 0.265 (−0.261 to 0.791) 8.92% Heffernan et al. (2001)77 (1) −0.705(−0.918 to −0.492) 24.01% (2) −0.633(−0.886 to −0.379) 21.08% (3) −0.539(−1.268 to 0.191) 5.27% Montgomery and Fisk (2007)149 −0.505(−0.685 to −0.325) 26.54%

Overall pooled estimate -0.509 (-0.690 to -0.328) (p[null SMD] = 0.000)

−2 −1 0 1 Worse performance Better performance Small-study effects: in MDMA users in MDMA users Egger’s p = 0.341

Heterogeneity statistics: Overall pooled estimate: Q = 12.24 [ p on 7 df = 0.093]; I2 = 42.8%; t2 = 0.024

FIGURE 70 Memory – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis. probably fall into the category of a ‘small’ effect Impulsivity (objective measures) – size), a similar effect was seen in the current users MDMA users versus polydrug controls stratum, while a ‘medium’ difference a little over The dataset assembled for this measure comprises one-half of an SD was estimated amongst former 20 datapoints, representing a total of 10 pairwise users. Sensitivity analysis with single, pooled comparisons, drawn from five different studies comparisons for each study provides a mean (nine comparisons from five studies providing data difference estimated at – 0.340 [95% CI – 0.438 to for current ecstasy users and one comparison from – 0.242; p(null SMD) ≤ 0.001], which is extremely one study providing data for former ecstasy users). close to the primary analysis. Seven different outcome measures are included, the most common relating to the RGT and MFFT. In the raw data underpinning this analysis, the The complete dataset is detailed in Table 74 in datapoint that most closely reflects the meta- Appendix 6. analysed effect size is the comparison by Parrott et al.141 between heavy ecstasy users and alcohol– The meta-analysis of these data (Figure 76) tobacco controls, in which users scored 0.19 points generates a pooled estimate which, at 0.2 SD higher on the SCL-90 anxiety score (0.88 versus (precisely matching Cohen’s definition of a ‘small’ 0.69; SMD – 0.351). effect size), falls just short of conventional statistical significance. Sensitivity analysis with single, pooled Statistical testing provided no evidence of small- comparisons for each study provides a very similar study bias (Egger’s p = 0.228), although the funnel effect estimate [SMD – 0.181; 95% CI – 0.367 to plot for this dataset (Figure 75) appears to show a 0.006; p(null SMD) = 0.058]. trend towards larger effect sizes in the least precise comparisons. There is no evidence of small-study bias in this dataset (Egger’s p = 0.249), and the funnel plot Sufficient data were available to attempt (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. metaregression analyses for 11 covariates; details are shown in Table 37. None of these analyses Sufficient data were available to attempt generated results that achieved conventional levels metaregression analyses for nine covariates; details of significance, and there was no evidence of a are shown in Table 38. There was no evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 118 in Appendix dose–response effect (see Figure 119 in Appendix 7). 7).


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.063 (−0.043 to 0.169) 0.243 −0.422 (−0.654 to −0.189) 0.000 4.439 (1.598–7.280) 0.002 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 85 5 −0.7975 5 5 (−3.099 to 1.506)5 0.4985 5 −0.4185 5 (−0.721 to −0.115) 0.007 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 88 −0.034 (−0.117 to 0.049) 0.420 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < n Memory – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results. Covariate Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Sex (% male) Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) Average values across all participants Age (years) IQ Sex (% male)

112 35 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

0.4 Metaregression line p = 0.002 0.2

0.0 40 45 50 55 60


–0.4 Standardised mean difference –0.6

–0.8 Sex (% male)

FIGURE 71 Memory – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against gender (across all participants).

Significant coefficients were estimated for two Figure 79 shows a random-effects meta-analysis of covariates: inter-arm asymmetry in gender these data. The estimated effect size is exactly one- distribution and inter-arm asymmetry in exposure third of an SD (which would probably be a ‘small’ to alcohol. The impact of imbalances in gender difference, in Cohen’s schema). The evidence is visualised in Figure 77. It appears that greater against the null hypothesis of no inter-population impulsivity is seen amongst ecstasy users in difference is sufficiently weak to meet conventional those studies in which the proportion of men definitions of statistical significance. is smaller in the exposed arm than in controls. A positive coefficient was also estimated for Sensitivity analysis with aggregated, study-level confounding by alcohol (Figure 78), suggesting estimates of effect generated a slightly lower effect that greatest additional impulsivity was found estimate than that seen in the primary analysis, in those studies where ecstasy users drank more but shared the key feature of a small but significant than polydrug controls. Because this model runs difference [SMD – 0.264; 95% CI – 0.460 to – 0.068; in a counterintuitive direction, it suggests that p(null SMD) = 0.008]. imbalances in alcohol exposure are masking a greater effect than is seen in the primary analysis A representative datapoint from the underlying (the adjusted effect estimate provides reasonably dataset is found in the 2006 study by Morgan et strong evidence against the null hypothesis of al.,115 in which the ecstasy-using cohort responded no effect). Both these analyses are based on very more swiftly than controls by 677 milliseconds in restricted datasets. the gains-only trial of the RGT (3589 milliseconds versus 4266 milliseconds; SMD – 0.337). Impulsivity (objective measures) – MDMA users versus drug-naïve controls There may be a tendency towards small-study bias The dataset assembled for this measure comprises in this dataset (Egger’s p = 0.075). This suspicion is 23 datapoints, representing a total of 10 pairwise strengthened by scrutiny of the funnel plot (Figure comparisons, drawn from six different studies (nine 80), in which a trend with a negative coefficient – comparisons from six studies providing data for suggesting high study precision is associated with current ecstasy users and one comparison from lower exposure effects – is discernible. one study providing data for former ecstasy users). Ten different outcome measures are included, the Sufficient data were available to attempt most common relating to the RGT and MFFT. metaregression analyses for seven covariates; The complete dataset is detailed in Table 75 in details are shown in Table 39. None of the analyses Appendix 6. were able to provide a statistically convincing explanation of the heterogeneity seen amongst 113

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Anxiety (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Parrott et al. (2000)139 (1) −1.162(−2.052 to −0.271) 1.74% (2) −0.421(−1.197 to 0.356) 2.14% Dughiero et al. (2001)140 −0.136(−0.509 to 0.238) 4.88% Parrott et al. (2001)141 (1) −0.117(−0.491 to 0.258) 4.87% (2) −0.167(−0.546 to 0.213) 4.82% (3) 0.017 (−0.360 to 0.394) 4.85% (4) −0.033(−0.415 to 0.349) 4.80% Verkes et al. (2001)129 (1) −0.707(−1.482 to 0.068) 2.15% (2) −0.202(−0.957 to 0.553) 2.23% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.884(−1.753 to −0.014) 1.81% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 0.018 (−0.582 to 0.618) 3.03% von Geusau et al. (2004)132 (1) 0.035 (−0.746 to 0.816) 2.12% (2) −1.028(−1.816 to −0.240) 2.09% Milani et al. (2004)143 (1) −0.082(−0.516 to 0.352) 4.30% (2) −0.147(−0.613 to 0.319) 4.02% (3) 0.051 (−0.418 to 0.520) 4.00% (4) −0.030(−0.528 to 0.468) 3.76% (5) −0.974(−1.823 to −0.125) 1.87% (6) −0.317(−1.072 to 0.437) 2.23% (7) 0.084 (−0.584 to 0.751) 2.65% (8) −0.036(−0.642 to 0.571) 2.99% Medina et al. (2005)124 0.000 (−0.553 to 0.553) 3.34% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 0.264 (−0.366 to 0.893) 2.86% Fingeret et al. (2005)145 −0.984(−1.300 to −0.669) 5.49% Ward et al. (2006)116 −0.238(−0.856 to 0.381) 2.92% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −1.077(−1.913 to −0.242) 1.92% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 0.033 (−0.614 to 0.680) 2.76% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.001) −0.249(−0.401 to −0.096) 86.65%

Former users vs polydrug controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.528(−1.401 to 0.345) 1.80% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.529(−1.139 to 0.081) 2.97% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.329(−0.957 to 0.298) 2.87% Ward et al. (2006)116 −0.346(−0.970 to 0.278) 2.89% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.225(−0.861 to 0.411) 2.82% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.011) −0.380(−0.673 to −0.086) 13.35%

Overall pooled estimate −0.263(−0.396 to −0.130) (p[null SMD] = 0.000)

−3 −2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: More anxiety Less anxiety Egger’s p = 0.322 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 52.85 [ p on 26 df = 0.001]; I2 = 50.8%; t2 = 0.076 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 0.6 [ p on 4 df = 0.963]; I2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 54.21 [ p on 31 df = 0.006]; I2 = 42.8%; t2 = 0.058 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.75 [ p on 1 df = 0.385]

FIGURE 72 Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

114 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 −0.0316 (−0.085 to 0.023)8 0.264 0.001 0.000 (−0.002 to 0.004) (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.352 0.985 3224 −0.021 0.309 (−0.075 to 0.034)20 (−0.504 to 1.121) 0.460 0.457 0.00010 (−0.001 to 0.000) 0.00032 0.557 24 (0.000–0.001)11 0.073 −0.216 0.318 0.28413 (0.024–0.121) (−1.371 to 0.940)13 −0.221 (−0.406 to 0.973) 0.714 0.00411 0.420 −0.115 −0.299 (−0.660 to 0.219) −0.27823 −0.222 −0.290 (−0.488 to −0.111) 0.325 (−0.554 to 0.325) (−0.390 to −0.166) (−0.493 to 0.049) 0.002 0.609 −0.315 0.000 0.233 (−0.667 to 0.088) 0.108 (−0.549 to −0.082) 0.133 −0.201 (−0.144 to 0.610) 0.008 (−0.497 to 0.094) −0.098 0.225 (−0.335 to 0.138) 0.181 −0.169 0.414 (−0.286 to −0.053) 0.004 < < < < < < < n Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression results Covariate Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) Inter-arm differences Age (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ ETLE (occasions) of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Education (years) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days)


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–8 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 –0.2




Standardised mean difference –1.0

–1.2 Metaregression line p = 0.004 –1.4 Inter-arm difference in age (years)

FIGURE 73 Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in age.

base-case effect estimates, and there was no – 0.406) – is closest to the estimated pooled overall evidence of a dose–response effect (see Figure 120 effect size. in Appendix 7). There is no evidence of small-study bias in this Impulsivity (subjective measures) – dataset (Egger’s p = 0.502), and the funnel plot MDMA users versus polydrug controls (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. The dataset assembled for this measure comprises 14 datapoints, representing a total of 14 pairwise Sufficient data were available to attempt comparisons, drawn from eight different studies metaregression analyses for 12 covariates; details (12 comparisons from eight studies providing data are shown in Table 40. There was no evidence of a for current ecstasy users and two comparisons dose–response effect (see Figure 121 in Appendix from two studies providing data for former ecstasy 7). users). Only two different outcome measures are included: IVE: overall score (10 datapoints) and The only apparently strong explanatory variable BIS-II: total (four datapoints). The complete is inter-arm difference in age, which is plotted dataset is detailed in Table 76 in Appendix 6. against the outcome of interest in Figure 82. This graph shows a very similar picture to that seen for When synthesised in a random-effects meta-analysis previous self-rated measures of depression (Figure (Figure 81), these data suggest that ecstasy users 65) and anxiety (Figure 73). In common with those report significantly more impulsive behaviour than analyses, disproportionate leverage is being exerted controls, with the size of the difference estimated by the single datapoint provided by Fingeret et at approximately 0.4 SD. There is no evidence of al.145 (appearing in the bottom-left of the graph) differential effects among current and former users and, when this study is excluded from analysis, the of ecstasy. Sensitivity analysis with data aggregated association between variables disappears entirely at study level generates results that are very close to (β = 0.010; p = 0.819). the primary analysis [(SMD – 0.387; 95% CI – 0.660 to – 0.115; p(null SMD) = 0.005]. Impulsivity (subjective measures) – MDMA users versus drug‑naïve controls Of all the observations in the raw dataset on which The dataset assembled for this measure comprises the meta-analysis is based, the IVE impulsivity 11 datapoints, representing a total of nine pairwise score from Butler and Montgomery’s 2004 study78 – comparisons, drawn from five different studies in which light ecstasy users scored 1.6 points higher (eight comparisons from five studies providing data than cannabis-using controls (10.3 versus 8.7; SMD for current ecstasy users and one comparison from 116 one study providing data for former ecstasy users). DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD

Study Anxiety (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls Parrott et al. (2001)141 (1) −0.351(−0.679 to −0.023) 9.05% (2) −0.421(−0.765 to −0.077) 8.24% (3) −0.204(−0.534 to 0.126) 8.95% (4) −0.275(−0.620 to 0.070) 8.18% Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.993(−1.891 to −0.095) 1.21% Milani et al. (2004)143 (1) −0.405(−0.807 to −0.002) 6.02% (2) −0.429(−0.892 to 0.034) 4.54% (3) −0.281(−0.719 to 0.157) 5.09% (4) −0.313(−0.807 to 0.181) 3.99% (5) −0.386(−1.066 to 0.295) 2.11% (6) −0.583(−1.264 to 0.099) 2.10% (7) −0.097(−0.610 to 0.415) 3.71% (8) −0.270(−0.779 to 0.239) 3.76% Jacobsen et al. (2004)134 0.417 (−0.729 to 1.563) 0.74% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.264(−0.886 to 0.358) 2.52% Milani et al. (2005)148 (1) −0.548(−1.053 to −0.043) 3.83% (2) −0.161(−0.624 to 0.302) 4.55% (3) −0.063(−0.595 to 0.468) 3.45% (4) −0.309(−0.753 to 0.136) 4.94% (5) −0.413(−0.947 to 0.121) 3.42% Lamers et al. (2006)98 −0.843(−1.657 to −0.029) 1.47% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.201(−0.864 to 0.463) 2.21% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) −0.323 (-0.425 to -0.222) 94.09%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan et al. (2002)103 −0.648(−1.547 to 0.251) 1.21% Thomasius et al. (2005)96 −0.683(−1.316 to −0.051) 2.43% Hoshi et al. (2007)125 −0.410(−1.065 to 0.246) 2.27% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.006) -0.571 (-0.977 to -0.165) 5.91%

Overall pooled estimate (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.338 (-0.437 to -0.239)

−2 −1 0 1 2 Small-study effects: More anxiety Less anxiety Egger’s p = 0.228 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 10.43 [p on 21 df = 0.973]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 0.38 [p on 2 df = 0.826]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 12.16 [p on 24 df = 0.978]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 1.35 [p on 1 df = 0.246]

FIGURE 74 Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta-analysis.

Only two different outcome measures are included: [SMD – 0.784; 95% CI – 1.041 to – 0.528; p(null IVE: overall score (seven datapoints) and BIS-II: SMD) < 0.001]. total (four datapoints). The complete dataset is detailed in Table 77, in Appendix 6. The most typical datapoint in the raw dataset underlying the meta-analysis is the IVE impulsivity A random-effects meta-analysis of these data score from Morgan’s study,110 in which the ecstasy- (Figure 83) suggests that there is a ‘large’ difference exposed arm averaged 3.53 points higher than of just under 0.8 SD between cohorts, with ecstasy drug-naïve controls (12.00 versus 8.47; SMD users reporting significantly more impulsive – 0.760). behaviour than controls. Sensitivity analysis with study-level aggregated data generated results There is no evidence of small-study bias in this that were extremely close to the primary analysis dataset (Egger’s p = 0.718), and the funnel plot (not shown) had an unremarkable appearance. 117

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

0.0 Pseudo-95% CI 0.1



Standard error 0.4


0.6 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Effect measure

FIGURE 75 Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: funnel plot.

Sufficient data were available to attempt be. A significant exposure effect was seen in the metaregression analyses for 17 covariates; details planning but not in the response-inhibition or are shown in Table 41. None of the analyses could shifting components of executive function. provide a statistically meaningful explanation of • There was a fair degree of inter-study the intercomparison heterogeneity seen in the heterogeneity in most of the meta-analyses we meta-analysis, and there was no evidence of a dose– performed. In some cases, the heterogeneity response effect (see Figure 122 in Appendix 7). was substantially ascribable to single studies (or groups of studies from the same research Summary of quantitative centres), with a much more homogeneous syntheses of Level II evidence picture emerging when outlying estimates were excluded from analysis [for examples, The key findings of our quantitative syntheses are see sections on Verbal memory (delayed) – shown in Table 42. These results may be further MDMA users versus drug-naïve controls, Visual summarised as follows: memory (delayed) – MDMA users versus drug- naïve controls, and Depression (self-rated) – • Ecstasy-using populations performed worse than MDMA users versus drug-naïve controls]. their controls in all except one of our meta- • In our stratified meta-analyses, former ecstasy analyses, and the effect was strong enough users frequently showed deficits that matched to meet conventional definitions of statistical or exceeded those seen among current users. significance in six out of eight individual A significant difference between strata, with measures and 20 out of 28 composite meta- a greater exposure effect seen in ex-users, outcomes. was found in three instances (with a further • The magnitude of difference between ecstasy users case very close to conventional levels of and polydrug controls tended to be no more significance). In contrast, none of the analyses than 0.5 SD, with many falling in the range showed a significant advantage for former over 0.15–0.4 SD. When drug-naïve control groups current users, when compared to controls. Most are considered, evidence becomes slightly more of the analyses showed no difference between heterogeneous, with effect sizes ranging from strata. very small to relatively large (the greatest SMD • Significant evidence of small-study bias was a little over 1 SD). was found in a few analyses, but only in • The largest, most consistent exposure effects were comparisons between ecstasy users and drug- seen in meta-analyses of memory domains. naïve controls. There is strong evidence that Deficits appear to be greatest in verbal and the meta-analysis of depression in ecstasy users working memory, with less marked effects versus drug-naïve controls may be distorted by seen in visual memory. The focus–execute this bias [see Depression (self-rated) – MDMA component of attention also appears to be users versus drug-naïve controls]. 118 affected, though sustained attention may not DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p SMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p 0.985 0.070 (−0.890 to 1.029)0.000 0.887 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.000)0.000 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.230 (0.000–0.000) 0.924 0.008 (−0.240 to 0.257) 0.947 −0.363 (−0.576 to −0.151) 0.001 −0.013−0.038 (−0.062 to 0.036) (−0.112 to 0.036) 0.602 0.310 −0.010−0.053−0.102 (−0.065 to 0.045) (−0.997 to 0.892) (−0.911 to 0.707) 0.721−0.392 0.913 0.805 −0.325 (−1.270 to 0.487) −0.349 (−0.493 to −0.158) −0.486 0.382 (−0.558 to −0.140) 0.000 (−0.775 to −0.196) 0.001 −0.211 0.001 (−1.203 to 0.781) 0.676 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 5 9 5 8 5 5 5 5 5 20 12 17 10 20 12 17 < < < < < < n Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression results. Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month)Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) < Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years)


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

Standardised MD

Study Impulsivity (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Morgan (1998)110 (1) −0.838 (−1.620 to −0.055) 5.93% (2) −0.562 (−1.162 to 0.038) 8.69% Butler and Montgomery (2004)77 (1) −0.454 (−1.264 to 0.356) 5.62% (2) −0.775 (−1.551 to 0.002) 6.00% (3) 0.376 (−0.329 to 1.080) 6.94% (4) 0.136 (−0.510 to 0.782) 7.86% Morgan et al. (2006)115 −0.288 (−0.569 to −0.007) 18.10% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −0.438 (−1.082 to 0.206) 7.89% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.101 (−0.210 to 0.412) 16.95% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.051) -0.247 (-0.495 to 0.001) 83.97%

Former users vs polydrug controls Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.021 (−0.314 to 0.357) 16.03%

Overall pooled estimate (p[null SMD] = 0.071) -0.200 (-0.417 to 0.017)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Higher impulsivity Lower impulsivity Egger’s p = 0.249 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 14.54 [p on 8 df = 0.069]; I 2 = 45.0%; t2 = 0.058 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 15.89 [p on 9 df = 0.069]; I 2 = 43.4%; t2 = 0.047 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 1.35 [p on 1 df = 0.245]

FIGURE 76 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta- analysis.

• Our metaregression analyses sought to explain Additional description of metaregressions heterogeneity in estimated exposure effects The results of these analyses (encompassing both with reference to study-level and arm-level individual and composite outcome measures) are characteristics, as well as inter-arm differences. discussed in the following section. Most results were inconsistent and, in the context of multiple testing, should be seen as Average values across all participants uncertain. For two covariates, a more uniform Our first category of metaregressions was the pattern emerged: ‘classical’ type, in which covariates representing a –– Several meta-analyses appeared to be characteristic of all participants were investigated, biased by asymmetry in the baseline to ascertain the extent to which study-level factors intelligence of participants in the studies. may influence outcomes. In these cases, a preponderance of studies in which ecstasy users were less intelligent Age than their respective controls appeared to Sufficient information about participant age was have an influence on the estimated inter- provided to enable metaregression on this covariate population effect. in most cases. The resulting picture was ambiguous: –– In the 25 separate analyses for which only one of 34 analyses was significant (immediate sufficient data were available to perform verbal memory in ecstasy users versus polydrug metaregression analyses with asymmetry controls), and there was an even split between in exposure to alcohol as the explanatory positive and negative coefficients (17 : 17). variable, 19 (76%) estimated a positive coefficient and, in five of these cases, a Gender significant p-value (< 0.05) was generated. Again, most studies reported this variable, so we This suggests that effects were least in were able to perform metaregressions in 33 cases. studies in which ecstasy users had greater Three analyses generated significant results: exposure to alcohol than their controls. immediate visual memory (polydrug), self-rated 120 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 p SMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p 0.653 (0.131–1.174) 0.014 −0.223 (−0.402 to −0.044) 0.015 0.285 (−0.483 to 1.054) 0.467 −0.197 (−0.468 to 0.074) 0.154 4.229 (1.077–7.380) 0.009 −0.094 (−0.257 to 0.069) 0.258 0.014 (−0.122 to 0.151) 0.835 −0.206 (−0.448 to 0.036) 0.096 0.001 (0.000–0.002) 0.144 0.094 (−0.039 to 0.226) 0.165 −1.004 (−2.447 to 0.438) 0.172 −0.211 (−0.487 to 0.066) 0.135 −0.153 (−0.451 to 0.146) 0.316 −0.402 (−1.881 to 1.077) 0.594 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 < < < < < < < < < < < < n Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression r esults. ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Sex (% male) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) IQ Sex (% male) Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results




–10% –5% 5% 10% 15% –0.2


–0.6 Standardised mean difference

–0.8 Metaregression line p = 0.009 –1.0 Inter-arm difference in sex (% male)

FIGURE 77 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in gender.




–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 –0.2


–0.6 Standardised mean difference Metaregression line –0.8 p = 0.014 –1.0 Inter-arm difference in exposure to alcohol (SMD)

FIGURE 78 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol.

memory (polydrug) and self-rated depression IQ (drug-naïve). The first and last of these had Baseline IQ was reported with insufficient negative coefficients, suggesting that deficits were frequency to enable many metaregressions to be greatest in ecstasy cohorts when the proportion performed; where they were possible, they appear of males was higher, but there was a positive uninformative. coefficient for the remaining variable, indicating the opposite relationship. It is hard to draw any Education conclusions from these ostensibly contradictory Sufficient study-level covariate data for years of findings. education was available for only 10 meta-analyses. In two cases, a significant, positive coefficient was 122 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD

Study Impulsivity (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Morgan (1998)110 (1) −0.953(−1.687 to −0.220) 7.15% (2) −0.407(−1.010 to 0.196) 8.77% Moeller et al. (2002)133 (1) −1.131(−1.847 to −0.416) 7.36% (2) 0.191 (−0.471 to 0.853) 7.99% Butler and Montgomery (2004)77 (1) −0.951(−1.504 to −0.399) 9.47% (2) −0.087(−0.540 to 0.366) 11.00% Morgan et al. (2006)115 −0.317(−0.603 to −0.030) 13.74% Quednow et al. (2006)83 −0.472(−1.118 to 0.173) 8.21% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.119 (−0.192 to 0.430) 13.35% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.008) -0.392 (-0.682 to -0.102) 87.05%

Former users vs polydrug controls Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.037 (−0.298 to 0.372) 12.95%

Overall pooled estimate (p[null SMD] = 0.012) -0.333 (-0.594 to -0.072)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Hight impulsivity Low impulsivity Egger’s p = 0.075 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs drug-naïve controls: Q = 23.61 [p on 8 df = 0.003]; I 2 = 66.1%; t2 = 0.110 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 26.25 [p on 9 df = 0.002]; I 2 = 65.7%; t2 = 0.099 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 2.64 [p on 1 df = 0.104]

FIGURE 79 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta- analysis.


Pseudo-95% CI


0.2 Standard error


0.4 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Effect measure

FIGURE 80 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: funnel plot. estimated (immediate and delayed memory in Characteristics of ecstasy exposure comparisons with polydrug controls), suggesting Our metaregressions suggested that very little of that reported exposure effects diminished as study- the heterogeneity in reported exposure effects level education values rose. However, this was not a could be explained by aggregate measurements universal finding. 123

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.028 (−0.125 to 0.181) 0.717 −0.350 (−0.635 to −0.064) 0.016 0.001 (−0.001 to 0.002) 0.283 0.068 (−0.106 to 0.243) 0.442 β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 −0.317 (−1.799 to 1.165) 0.675 −0.261 (−0.644 to 0.122) 0.181 8 −0.248 (−4.208 to 3.712) 0.902 −0.309 (−0.583 to −0.035) 0.027 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 −0.003 (−0.323 to 0.318) 0.988 8 −0.515 (−1.913 to 0.883) 0.470 10 10 < < < < < < < < < < < n Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression r esults Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Education (years) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Sex (% male) Period since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) ETLE (occasions) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) Education (years) IQ Sex (% male) Average values across all participants Age (years) Covariate

124 39 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Standardised MD

Study Impulsivity (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs polydrug controls Morgan (1998)110 −0.305 (−0.896 to 0.287) 7.35% Parrott et al. (2000)139 (1) −1.105 (−1.989 to −0.222) 4.47% (2) −0.468 (−1.247 to 0.310) 5.31% Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.630 (−1.244 to −0.016) 7.07% Butler and Montgomery (2004)77 (1) −0.267 (−1.067 to 0.533) 5.13% (2) −0.568 (−1.333 to 0.197) 5.44% (3) −0.113 (−0.808 to 0.582) 6.13% (4) −0.406 (−1.056 to 0.243) 6.63% Travers and Lyvers (2005)144 0.222 (−0.241 to 0.685) 9.22% Fingeret et al. (2005)145 −0.964 (−1.278 to −0.649) 11.79% de Win et al. (2006)91 −0.236 (−0.595 to 0.123) 10.99% Roiser et al. (2007)118 0.048 (−0.571 to 0.668) 6.99% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.003) -0.387 (-0.643 to -0.130) 86.52%

Former users vs polydrug controls Curran and Verheyden (2003)104 −0.458 (−1.065 to 0.150) 7.15% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.411 (−1.088 to 0.266) 6.33% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.058) -0.437 (-0.889 to 0.015) 13.48%

Overall pooled estimate (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.394 (-0.616 to −0.173)

−2 −1 0 1 Small-study effects: Higher impulsivity Lower impulsivity Egger’s p = 0.502 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 26.01 [p on 11 df = 0.006]; I 2 = 57.7%; t2 = 0.109 Former users vs polydrug controls: Q = 0.01 [p on 1 df = 0.920]; I 2 = 0.0%; t2 = 0.000 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 26.02 [p on 13 df = 0.017]; I 2 = 50.0%; t2 = 0.083 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.00 [p on 1 df = 0.976]

FIGURE 81 Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: random-effects meta- analysis.

of ecstasy exposure. A significant coefficient was be explained by imbalances between the ecstasy- estimated for ETLD of ecstasy in two instances exposed cohort(s) and their controls. – executive function (response inhibition) and self-rated depression (both drug-naïve). However, Asymmetry in age a positive coefficient was estimated in the former Although this variable appears to be an case and a negative one in the latter, which influential one, with five statistically significant suggests that any apparent differences may well metaregressions, the direction of results is have developed by chance. None of the other inconsistent. In two cases – immediate visual ecstasy exposure variables for which we collected memory (polydrug) and attention (focus–execute) and analysed data provided informative results. We (polydrug) – a negative coefficient suggests that conclude that – at aggregated study level, at least worse performance is seen in ecstasy-exposed – there is no reliable evidence of a dose–response cohorts who are older than their controls. In effect between exposure to ecstasy and long-term contrast, the remaining three significant analyses neurocognitive deficit. – self-rated depression, self-rated anxiety and subjective measures of impulsivity (all with Inter-arm differences polydrug controls) – have positive coefficients, These analyses sought to examine the extent to which indicates that the studies in which ecstasy which heterogeneity in reported effects could users were younger than their controls were


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p 0.239 (−0.680 to 1.158) 0.610 SMD (95% CI) Adjusted effect estimate p β -coefficient (95% CI) Effect modification 6 −0.010 (−0.063 to 0.043) 0.701 5 7 0.000 (−0.002 to 0.001) 0.420 5 6 0.000 (−0.001 to 0.001) 0.465 5 5 6 0.287 (−0.505 to 1.078) 0.478 −0.249 (−0.521 to 0.023) 0.073 5 6 0.231 (−0.731 to 1.193) 0.638 −0.335 (−0.584 to −0.087) 0.008 5 5 6 −0.384 (−0.889 to 0.121) 0.136 −0.157 (−0.453 to 0.138) 0.297 5 6 −1.125 (−2.960 to 0.711) 0.230 5 6 0.186 (−0.508 to 0.879) 0.600 −0.326 (−0.556 to −0.096) 0.005 14 −0.095 (−0.193 to 0.003) 0.056 14 −0.193 (−1.449 to 1.062) 0.763 14 0.068 (0.013–0.123) 0.015 −0.365 (−0.540 to −0.190) 0.000 14 0.361 (−1.954 to 2.676) 0.760 −0.408 (−0.657 to −0.158) 0.001 < < < < < < < < < n Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: univariate metaregression res ults. Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) ETLE (occasions) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (SMD) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Education (years) Exposure to amphetamines (SMD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (SMD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference.

126 40 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6



–8.0 –6.0 –4.0 –2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 –0.2



–0.8 Standardised mean difference

–1.0 Metaregression line p = 0.015 –1.2 Inter-arm difference in age (years)

FIGURE 82 Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against inter-arm asymmetry in age.

Standardised MD

Study Impulsivity (SMD) EM (95% CI) Weight

Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan (1998)110 −0.760 (−1.379 to −0.142) 11.88% Moeller et al. (2002)133 (1) −1.217 (−2.238 to −0.196) 5.94% (2) 0.341 (−0.596 to 1.278) 6.78% Butler and Montgomery (2004)77 (1) −0.812 (−1.357 to −0.267) 13.65% (2) −0.678 (−1.140 to −0.215) 15.96% Dafters (2006)150 (1) −1.102 (−1.708 to −0.497) 12.17% (2) −1.443 (−2.076 to −0.809) 11.55% Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.361 (−0.985 to 0.264) 11.74% Subtotal (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.780 (-1.096 to -0.465) 89.66%

Former users vs drug-naïve controls Roiser et al. (2007)118 −0.744 (−1.437 to −0.050) 10.34%

Overall pooled estimate (p[null SMD] = 0.000) -0.778 (-1.058 to -0.499)

−2 −1 0 12 Small study effects: Higher impulsivity Lower impulsivity Egger’s p = 0.718 in MDMA users in MDMA users

Heterogeneity statistics: Current users vs polydrug controls: Q = 13.43 [p on 7 df = 0.062]; I 2 = 47.9%; t2 = 0.096 Overall pooled estimate: Q = 13.44 [p on 8 df = 0.097]; I 2 = 40.5%; t2 = 0.072 Heterogeneity between strata: Q = 0.01 [p on 1 df = 0.903]

FIGURE 83 Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: random-effects meta- analysis.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results p Adjusted effect estimate SMD (95% CI) p 0.080 (−0.132 to 0.293) 0.458 0.000 (−0.002 to 0.001) 0.551 −1.628 (−3.926 to 0.671) 0.165 −0.792 (−1.020 to −0.563) 0.000 −0.078 (−0.243 to 0.087) 0.355 −0.746 (−1.039 to −0.452) 0.000 −0.156 (−1.931 to 1.620) 0.864 Effect modification β -coefficient (95% CI) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 9 9 7 < < < < < < < < < < < < < n Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: univariate metaregression res ults. Education (years) Exposure to cannabis (ETLD) Exposure to amphetamines (ETLD) Exposure to cocaine (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (ETLD) Exposure to alcohol (SMD) ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; ETLE, exposure; SMD, standardised mean difference. Baseline intelligence measures (SMD) Sex (% male) Education (years) Characteristics of ecstasy exposure ETLD (tablets) since last consumption (days) Period Duration of ecstasy use (days) of ecstasy use (occasions/month) Frequency Inter-arm differences Age (years) Sex (% male) IQ ETLE (occasions) Covariate Average values across all participants Age (years)

128 41 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued – Inter-arm asymmetry in sex (% male) – Inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to cocaine – Inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol + Inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to amphetamines + Inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol + Inter-arm asymmetry in intelligence + Inter-arm – Sex (% male) asymmetry in age – Inter-arm asymmetry in intelligence + Inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to amphetamines – Inter-arm SS bias Significant effect-modifiers No asymmetry in age + Inter-arm NoNo asymmetry in intelligence – Inter-arm asymmetry in intelligence + Inter-arm No asymmetry in intelligence + Inter-arm NoNo None No None asymmetry in exposure to alcohol + Inter-arm No None No + Education NoNo + Education + Age No None Interstratum heterogeneity No No Former?< current No NA Former sig. < current No No No No Inter-study heterogeneity items Low items Low items High items Moderate No Result Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.42Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.63 None None Syntheses of Level II evidence: summary findings Individual outcome measures – polydrug controls verbal recall (immediate)RAVLT Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 4.0 Outcome verbal recall (delayed)RAVLT RBMT prose recall (immediate) Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 1.2 Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.66 RBMT prose recall (delayed) Ecstasy users sig.< controls by 0.77 Digit span (forwards) Digit span (backwards) Test)IQ (National Adult Reading Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.32 points None Individual outcome measures – drug-naïve controls Test)IQ (National Adult Reading Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.47 pointsComposite outcome measures – polydrug controls None memory – immediateVerbal memory – delayedVerbal Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.33 SDVisual memory – immediate High Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.38 SD Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.15 SD Low ModerateVisual memory – delayed No Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.18 SD None


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results ‑ arm asymmetry in age + Inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol + Inter-arm + Inter-arm asymmetry in education + Inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to alcohol + Inter-arm since last consumption of ecstasy –Period NoMaybe None None NoNo + Sex (% male) No asymmetry in age + Inter-arm asymmetry in sex (% male) + Inter-arm No asymmetry in age + Inter-arm YesNo None None SS biasNo Significant effect-modifiers – Sex (% male) Maybe asymmetry in exposure to amphetamines –Inter-arm No + IQ No asymmetry in intelligence + Inter-arm NoNo None No asymmetry in intelligence + Inter-arm + Inter No asymmetry in age – Inter-arm No No No Interstratum heterogeneity Former sig. < current No No No No No High Moderate No High High High Inter-study heterogeneity High High Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.51 SDEcstasy users sig. < controls by 0.26 SD Moderate ModerateEcstasy users sig. < controls by 0.39 SD NA No Moderate No Ecstasy users sig.< controls by 0.39 SD High Result No significant difference No significant difference Syntheses of Level II evidence: summary findings (continued) Visual memory – delayed No significant difference Memory – self-rated Anxiety – self-rated Impulsivity – objective measures No significant difference Impulsivity – subjective measures Composite outcome measures – drug-naïve controls memory – immediateVerbal memory – delayedVerbal Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.84 SDVisual memory – immediate Moderate Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 1.04 SD No significant difference High No Working memory Working Executive function – planning Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.32 SD Low Executive function – shifting organisationPerceptual No significant difference Depression – self-rated No significant difference Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.27 SD Moderate No Outcome Attention – focus–executeAttention – sustain Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.23 SDExecutive function – response Moderateinhibition No

130 42 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 – ETLD of ecstasy + Duration of ecstasy use NoNo None None Maybe + ETLD of ecstasy Yes – Sex (% male) NoMaybe None None No None SS bias Significant effect-modifiers Former sig. < current No Interstratum heterogeneity Moderate No Moderate No Inter-study heterogeneity – No significant difference – Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.34 SD None Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.78 SD Moderate No Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.50 SD Moderate No Result Attention – focus–executeAttention – sustain Executive function – planning Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.27 SDExecutive function – response – inhibition ModerateExecutive function – shifting organisationPerceptual No – Depression – self-rated – Memory – self-rated Ecstasy users sig. < controls by 0.57 SDAnxiety – self-rated Impulsivity – objective measures High No significant difference Impulsivity – subjective measures sig., significantly; SS, small study. Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test; RBMT, Learning Test; Auditory Verbal Rey ETLD, estimated total lifetime dose; NA, not applicable; RAVLT, Working memory Working Outcome 131

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

those in which the greatest deficits were seen. in exposure to cannabis was the covariate of As explained in the description of each analysis, interest. there are good statistical reasons to be sceptical about these findings because they are very heavily Amphetamines No clear pattern appeared in influenced by a single datapoint. Aside from this, analyses in which the explanatory variable was the fact that all three of these meta-outcomes are inter-arm asymmetry in exposure to amphetamines based on self-reported measures may be significant. other than ecstasy. In 11 of 18 cases (61%), a negative coefficient was estimated (suggesting Another speculative explanation is that this variable that greater exposure effects were estimated in could, in fact, be expected to act in different those studies in which the ecstasy-using arms directions, with increasing age representing a also had greater exposure to amphetamines disadvantage in measures of cognitive function, than their respective controls). In one instance whereas the opposite applies for measures of (delayed RAVLT verbal recall), the association was mood. statistically significant. On the other hand, there were seven metaregressions (39%) in which the Asymmetry in gender opposite relationship was suggested. This is another variable which produced inconsistent results in our metaregressions. Three Cocaine In 13 of the 18 (72%) metaregressions for significant coefficients were estimated – two which there were sufficient covariate data to analyse negative (immediate RAVLT verbal recall and the potential influence of inter-arm asymmetry working memory) and one positive (objective in exposure to cocaine, a negative coefficient was measures of impulsivity) – all in comparisons with estimated, implying that greater exposure effects polydrug controls. The equivocal nature of these were estimated in those studies in which the analyses, together with a similar lack of consistency ecstasy-using arms also had greater exposure to in non-significant metaregressions, suggests that cocaine than their respective controls. However, in this variable does not have any detectable, uniform only one instance (immediate RAVLT verbal recall) effect on reported exposure effects. was the association statistically significant.

Asymmetry in baseline intelligence Alcohol In 25 separate analyses, sufficient data were In 30 separate analyses, sufficient data were available to perform univariate metaregression available to perform metaregression analyses with analyses with a standardised difference in exposure asymmetry in baseline intelligence (standardised to alcohol as the explanatory variable. Of these, difference across various measures) as the 19 (76%) estimated a positive coefficient and, in explanatory variable. Of these analyses, 21 (70%) five of these cases, a significant p-value (< 0.05) estimated a positive coefficient and, in six of these was generated. In contrast, a negative coefficient cases, a significant p-value (< 0.05) was generated. was estimated in only six instances, none of In contrast, a negative coefficient was estimated in them significant by conventional standards. nine instances, of which only one was significant These results are relatively clear, but somewhat by conventional standards. These results suggest counterintuitive, because they suggest that effects that baseline imbalance in this area could have an were least in studies in which ecstasy users had adverse influence on the ability of a study to detect greater exposure to alcohol than their controls. and quantify inter-population differences that Nevertheless, these findings may be explicable. could be ascribed to the exposure of interest. Early experimental research suggests that there is a complex pharmacological interaction between Asymmetry in exposure to other drugs MDMA and alcohol, which may include some (absolute differences in ETLD) degree of attenuation of the hyperthermic There were very few instances in which sufficient effect of MDMA,151 so it is possible that alcohol studies reported ETLD of substances of interest consumption is, to some degree, neuroprotective to in standard units in a way that would permit ecstasy users. Alternatively, it is possible that there metaregression analyses. As a result, we were are differences between ecstasy users who drink unable to draw any conclusions about the influence alcohol and those who tend not to. One Australian of these variables. study has found that ecstasy users who do not drink alcohol tend to be more disadvantaged, with Asymmetry in exposure to other drugs greater levels of unemployment, less education, (standardised mean differences) higher rates of drug-user treatment and prison Cannabis No significant coefficients were estimated history, as well as being more likely to be drug 132 in metaregressions in which inter-arm asymmetry injectors and to be positive for hepatitis C virus, DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

in comparison with those who use ecstasy and Ecstasy users versus drug- alcohol together.152 Whether or not these findings naïve controls can be generalised to a UK context, they can Data from fewer studies were available for be interpreted as indicative of radically distinct comparisons of ecstasy users and drug-naïve populations of ecstasy–alcohol and ecstasy-only comparators, with only two studies reporting consumers. A difference such as this – with low on each of the outcomes (one study each using alcohol consumption characteristic of high-risk the original and revised scales). For the global ecstasy users, and heavier drinking associated with severity index, pooled analysis of psychoticism and a more casual approach to ecstasy – could easily obsessive–compulsive domains shows higher scores, explain the results seen in our analyses. meaning worse outcome, in ecstasy users (Table 44). No significant difference was seen between Other Level II outcome measures exposure groups in the measure of sensitivity.

We found a number of reported outcomes in Aggression/anger the Level II evidence-base which could not be We found 14 studies that provided data assessing combined into pools that were amenable to full- measures of aggression/anger/hostility. Seven scale quantitative synthesis. This evidence is studies assessed subacute effects with measures described in the following section. recorded between 0 and 15 days after an exposure to ecstasy.62,125,153–158 These were excluded from Psychopathology analysis because the data were not judged to A small number of included studies reported represent either an acute health harm or a long- measures of long-term psychiatric harm using term, clinically observable health harm. Data the SCL-90. This instrument measures self- recorded after a minimum abstinence period of reported symptom severity on a number of 21 days were available from the remaining seven psychological subscales for 90 items using a studies;61,82,104,125,147,148,158,159 this time period was Likert scale. There are nine primary symptom judged sufficiently long after exposure that any dimensions (Somatisation, Obsessive–Compulsive, effects noticed might represent a long-term effect. Interpersonal Sensitivity, Depression, Anxiety, Hostility, Phobic Anxiety, Paranoid Ideation and Two studies of subjects with a minimum abstinence Psychoticism) and three global indices (the Global period of 21 days provided data derived from Severity Index, The Positive Symptom Distress objective measures; however, they were considered Index and the Positive Symptom Total). A revised unsuitable to be pooled for further analysis because edition also exists (SCL-90-R) which replaces some one experimental design used an interpretative items on the Anxiety and Obsessive–Compulsive paradigm158 while the other used a behavioural dimensions that were considered psychometrically measure.159 The study using a behavioural flawed. paradigm found aggressive-responding behaviour more frequent among a predominantly ecstasy- We were able to provide pooled estimates for using group compared to non-drug users, whereas the global severity index, domains of obsessive– the interpretive paradigm study found an angry compulsion, somatisation, sensitivity, psychoticism cognitive bias among three groups of substance and hostility. For these pooled analyses we have misusers including current and ex-ecstasy users, but used scores generated from both revised and this study lacked a non-drug-using control group. unrevised checklists and, because scores have been reported differently in different studies, we have The remaining studies provided data from used standardised mean differences. subjective measurement tools. One was considered to use control groups (ex-users and polydrug-using Ecstasy users versus polydrug controls controls) that were too dissimilar from the other For most analyses, including the global severity studies to permit pooling (non-drug-using controls index, pooled data shows no difference between verified by urine screens). Subjective measures were ecstasy users and polydrug using controls. Pooled available from five studies (all originating from the data for one domain, Obsessive–Compulsive, same research group)63,82,147,158,159 which were similar suggests this is greater in ecstasy users (see Table in key aspects of design relevant to this outcome 43). Only one of the studies pooled used the domain. They all assessed the same measure of revised SCL-90. Tests for heterogeneity were not aggression (BDHI direct subscale) at 3–4 weeks significant. after discontinuing ecstasy and compared the results with those obtained from a control group 133

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

of non-drug-using hospital workers and high Pegboard test speed and fine control (number of school students. Two of the papers63,158 appeared drops) using either hand did not differ significantly to present data from the same or substantially the between groups in the second study. The third same cohort as part of a longitudinal study, so we study found that pegboard speed using the right had data from four studies that were potentially hand (controlled by the left hemisphere of the suitable to be pooled for further analysis. brain as reported) was significantly faster in ecstasy Throughout this work we have considered that users than in polydrug controls. five or more datapoints would be required for meaningful meta-analysis to be carried out and Given the small number of studies, the unsuitability we therefore decided not to present the results as of the data for pooling and the contrasting results, a table with subsequent analyses. Nevertheless, it is not possible to draw even tentative conclusions we subjected these data to some statistical analysis on the effects of ecstasy exposure on measures of and found a weighted mean difference in BDHI motor control. direct hostility score of 16.58 (95% CI 15.08–18.08; p < 0.001) with no evidence of heterogeneity in Sleep disturbance the data (I2 = 0%). These data from four studies We found 11 papers reporting outcome measures with little heterogeneity suggest that ecstasy users assessing various aspects of sleep. Four of these have significantly higher levels of subjectively-rated emanated from the same research group, reporting aggression than non-drug-using controls. This five studies, and we could not be sure that these finding is limited by all the comparisons being were reporting mutually exclusive cohorts. As made between ecstasy users who were seeking a result, we decided not to consider these for treatment or advice regarding their drug use pooling with others for meta-analysis. The paper and non-drug-using hospital workers and high including the largest number of participants120 school students. We note that this research group found no significant difference between ecstasy produced results that were markedly divergent users and controls (around a quarter of whom used from those reported in other centres for self-rated cannabis) on either the Epworth Sleepiness Scale depression [see Depression (self-rated) – MDMA or the average amount of sleep per night. This users versus drug-naïve controls, above]. The wider finding was in accordance with the results reported generalisability of these findings, therefore, is not by the same group in three out of four of their clear. other papers.138,149,161 Five other papers were found reporting self-reported measures of sleep. In three Motor function of these,132,139,162 no significant difference was found We found three studies reporting data for the between ecstasy users and controls (polydrug-using outcome domain of motor function. These studies and drug-naïve). In two papers140,163 ecstasy users did not provide sufficient datapoints considered reported poorer sleep than did polydrug controls. suitable for meta-analysis but brief summaries of findings are presented here. Two outcome Two papers reported the results from measures were used to assess motor function – polysomnographic sleep studies. One of these finger tap and pegboard – which were assessed in investigated the effect of pharmacologically dominant and non-dominant hands in one study,47 induced inhibition of monoamine synthesis and the non-dominant hand only in one study,160 and the direct clinical relevance of the differences in left and right without defining dominance in the sleep architecture observed are not clear.117 The third study.94 Unsurprising findings were that other study found differences in sleep architecture motor function speed and fine dexterity were between ecstasy users and controls with less total greater in dominant hands. Finger tap speed was sleep time amongst ecstasy users, primarily because found to be faster in the dominant hand only in of less time in REM sleep.164 drug-naïve controls compared to current ecstasy users in the first study. This contrasts with the These studies provided insufficient data that were second study, which found no differences in non- suitable for meta-analysis. An effect on sleep is dominant hands between ex-users, current users suggested from both objective sleep measures in and drug-naïve controls. However, this study polysomnographic studies and self-reported sleep probably lacked statistical power because this was quality. It is not clear if this results in daytime one measure contributing to a composite ‘cognitive sleepiness or other clinical sequelae. battery’ assessment. Finger tap scores decreased numerically in the order ex-ecstasy users, drug- Dental damage/oral health naïve controls, and finally current ecstasy users. We found two papers assessing aspects of oral 134 health. These provided insufficient data for DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

TABLE 43 Results from pooled analyses of psychopathological measures for ecstasy users compared to polydrug users.

SCL-90 measure SMD (95% CI) p(null SMD) p (heterogeneity) Studies included in analysis GSI 0.187 (−0.039 to 0.413) 0.106 0.41 Thomasius et al. 2005;92 Morgan et al. 2002;99 Dughiero et al. 2001136 Somatisation 0.194 (−0.048 to 0.255) 0.181 0.78 Thomasius et al. 2006;58 von Geusau et al. 2004;128 Parrott et al. 2000;135 Parrott et al. 2001137 Sensitivity 0.132 (−0.061 to 0.325) 0.181 0.21 Thomasius et al. 2005;92 von Geusau et al. 2004;128 Parrott et al. 2000;135 Parrott et al. 2001137 Hostility 0.079 (−0.076 to 0.234) 0.318 0.47 von Geusau et al. 2004;128 Parrott et al. 2000;135 Parrott et al. 2001137 Psychoticism 0.233 (−0.012 to 0.478) 0.063 0.04 Thomasius et al. 2006;58 Parrott et al. 2000;135 Parrott et al. 2001137 Obsessive– 0.264 (0.092–0.435) 0.003 0.29 Thomasius et al. 2005;92 Parrott et compulsive al. 2000;135 Parrott et al. 2001137

GSI, Global Severity Index.

TABLE 44 Results from pooled analyses of psychopathological measures for ecstasy users compared to drug-naïve controls.

SCL-90 measure SMD (95% CI) p (null SMD) p (heterogeneity) Studies included in analysis GSI 0.908 (0.538–1.281) < 0.001 0.90 Thomasius et al. 2005;92 Morgan et al. 200299 Sensitivity 0.164 (−0.080 to 0.407) 0.19 0.05 Thomasius et al. 2005;92 Parrott et al. 2001137 Psychoticism 0.367 (0.204–0.531) < 0.001 0.85 Thomasius et al. 2006;58 Parrott et al. 2001137 Obsessive– 0.670 (0.420–0.921) < 0.001 0.05 Thomasius et al. 2005;92 Parrott compulsive et al. 2001137

GSI, Global Severity Index. meta-analysis. One study165 reports significantly more loneliness (including ‘Unfulfilling Intimate increased wear of molar teeth in a group of 30 Relationships’ and ‘Social Marginality’) than ecstasy users compared to 28 polydrug controls. non-users. The relevance and robustness of these There was no difference in wear of front teeth. findings is unclear. The authors attribute these findings to reports of teeth clenching by the ecstasy users. The second study166 compared responses to an oral sensation Uncontrolled (Level III) questionnaire amongst 119 polydrug users. Those evidence (acute harms) who used ecstasy reported grinding of teeth, the desire to chew something and temporomandibular The Level II evidence we identified covered most joint tenderness significantly more frequently than chronic harms of interest, so our review of Level non-ecstasy drug users. III evidence is dominated by the acute harms of ecstasy. Loneliness A single researcher has published two studies There are a number of fatal and non-fatal acute comparing the experience of ecstasy-exposed harms that may result from the use of ecstasy. individuals with controls measured according to These harms may be direct (for example as the a self-created ‘Loneliness Questionnaire’.167,168 result of toxicity) or indirect (relating to accidents Results suggest that ecstasy users may experience while under the influence of a drug, for example.) 135

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

We are primarily concerned with direct harms. experienced. Only one such study comes from Information about acute harms may be gleaned the UK, and presents a series of 48 cases, none of from a number of sources – registry data records, which were fatal. However, these studies suggest and case series or case reports in the medical that, even among those experiencing adverse literature, none of which is without problems. effects serious enough to present at Accident and We have focused on datasets that are drawn from Emergency (A&E), fatal instances are rare. coherent sampling frames, for example registry data relating to death certificates and coroners’ It is difficult to assess what might be a fatal dose reports for fatalities related to ecstasy (see Deaths of ecstasy. Fatalities have occurred from doses related to ecstasy use) and audits of consecutive that are the same as a normally active dose which cases presenting at emergency rooms for non-fatal others tolerate. It is difficult to know how much harms (see Acute harms reported in retrospective MDMA has been ingested because self-reports may case series from hospital emergency departments). be unreliable, and the composition of any taken While these registries give an indication of the substance may vary. Most studies use (femoral) scale of fatalities associated with ecstasy use, clinical blood following a postmortem to assess the levels causes of death are not well described, so data of MDMA concentration; however, levels of MDMA available from other case series in the literature are in the blood are known to rise following death also surveyed (see Acute harms of ecstasy reported because MDMA is released from body tissues.169 in case series and case reports). Conversely, in a few studies, the levels of MDMA in blood were from the time of admission to Given the large number of papers identified A&E, leading to an underestimation of levels in a and their study design, we did not assess the comparison. quality of individual study reports as originally planned. Case reports and case series of acute The case series of non-fatal acute harms were harms suffer from a number of well-recognised heterogeneous, selective in their reporting of problems. They are unlikely to be representative outcomes and unlikely to be generalisable to the of the population under study, and there is no whole population of recreational ecstasy users. comparison group from which to draw inferences. We have made no attempt to report or calculate Further, publication bias is a problem, as case frequencies of individual health harms and have reports on any particular condition are more likely confined ourselves to simply listing the main effects when these are first reported, or are reported documented. in novel circumstances. Later, as effects become recognised by clinicians and therefore become well Deaths related to ecstasy use described and researched, they are less likely to be reported in the literature as worthy of note. This Deaths associated with ecstasy use are recorded means that the information found in such reports in national and regional database studies cannot be used to indicate the prevalence of any (retrospective case series), as well as in case series particular adverse effect, or cause of death, but or in individual case reports in the literature. In is restricted to providing a catalogue of events as this section we report registry data which give an reported in the literature. Even in this there were indication of the incidence of death in England limitations. We found acute outcomes difficult to and Wales, information about whether ecstasy was catalogue accurately because there are overlapping the sole drug involved or whether other drugs were outcomes in many cases that are the result of an co-used and some demographic information. There initiating event such as hyperthermia. We found are two main national sources for information on that there was poor and inconsistent reporting number of drug-related deaths (DRDs) for England and indexing of outcomes, with symptomatic and and Wales from which those involving ecstasy can clinical sequelae not always clear and missing be identified:23 data about the nature of drug-taking history and co-used substances common. Our reporting of • General Mortality Register (GMR), collated by these data sources remains necessarily brief and the Office of National Statistics impressionistic. • Special Mortality Register collated by the National Programme on Substance Abuse Audit data based on all those presenting at Deaths (np-SAD) St George’s Hospital, emergency rooms having taken ecstasy are London. generally of too short a duration to provide enough cases to enable an accurate picture of the This section will describe the number of deaths 136 frequency with which different adverse effects are related to ecstasy use (alone or in combination with DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

other substances) from available registry data. Data an annual average of 681 deaths related to a will be presented to allow an overview of trends single illicit drug is recorded, of which heroin and and comparison with deaths related to other illicit morphine account for two-thirds, and methadone drugs. a further 22%. Similar numbers are attributable solely to cocaine or amphetamines (4.6%, 4.9%) General Mortality Register data and half of all amphetamine deaths are attributed The GMR is a database maintained by the Office to ecstasy (n = 17; 2.5% of the annual average of for National Statistics based on information from sole illicit DRDs). death certificates and coroner’s reports.170,171 For registry data, accuracy relies on the information Figure 85 shows trends in deaths related to illicit recorded on the death certificate by the coroner. drug use (and methadone) for 1993–2006. Cocaine About 10% of deaths on the GMR relate to a deaths appear to be increasing year on year, general description only (such as ‘drug overdose’), while amphetamine deaths generally, and ecstasy limiting its use in the data, while in others it is not specifically, appear to have increased to 2001 but always possible to determine which is the primary stabilised thereafter. drug involved where more than one is identified.170 The much higher fatal impact of heroin, morphine Included on the GMR are deaths as a result and methadone masks the detail of stimulant of illegal drugs, prescription drugs (such as trends. We therefore excluded these substances antidepressants) and over-the-counter medications from Figure 86. In addition, we separated out (such as paracetamol). Deaths from accidents amphetamine deaths that were related to MDMA/ and suicides, as well as poisoning as the result of ecstasy and other amphetamine deaths. Given abuse and drug dependence, are reported. As no that the absolute number of deaths due to sole detailed information is recorded on toxicology,23 drugs is small, there may be natural variations in a death may be categorised as ecstasy related deaths which appear as large fluctuations when without MDMA (or its metabolites) being reported presented graphically. To ameliorate the impact on postmortem forms.172 The GMR therefore of these fluctuations, 3-year rolling averages were combines deaths related to substances known to calculated. Figure 86 shows 3-year rolling averages be MDMA and those related to reported ingestion in relation to deaths which are attributable to a of a substance believed to be ecstasy. In the case of sole drug only. Amphetamines data in Figure 86 multiple substances (co-drug use) being present, have been calculated by the reviewers based on the GMR records all those mentioned on the death all amphetamine deaths less those recorded as certificate. This was the case in 31% of DRDs MDMA/ecstasy. These are not cleanly distinct recorded in 2006. categories so some misclassification is likely. There was a relatively rapid rise in ecstasy deaths between Between 1993 and 2006, the average annual 1999–2001, where it overtook deaths from other number of DRDs in England and Wales according amphetamines which were falling at the same time. to the GMR was 2727, about two-thirds of which Thereafter, the number of ecstasy deaths plateau were in men. Trends are shown in Figure 84. In while other amphetamine deaths rise, so that these men, 30% of deaths were accidental, while this two appear to be converging. Deaths from cocaine was the case in 24% of deaths in women. (Other continue to rise steeply. drug-related deaths are recorded as intentional, undetermined, mental and behavioural disorders National Programme on Substance due to drug use or due to assault.) There were Abuse Deaths (np-SAD) data 1102 records annually of illicit (and related The National Programme on Substance Abuse prescription) drugs over the same time period. Deaths (np-SAD) maintains the Special Mortality These include heroin, morphine, methadone, Register (SMR) at St George’s Hospital, London. cocaine, amphetamines (including MDMA/ecstasy), This records voluntary submissions of coroners’ cannabis and GHB. Because the GMR records all reports for England and Wales, including post co-use drugs mentioned, this figure will be higher mortem and toxicological reports.173 Records than the number of people dying from these drugs. implicating ecstasy will rely on evidence and reports from the scene as well as toxicology reports. Table 45 shows the average annual number of As this database relies on coroners voluntarily deaths where illicit drugs were recorded by the returning their reports, it is unlikely to be a GMR either as the sole drug or as one of the drugs complete record.173,174 Comprehensiveness is also involved. The category ‘all amphetamines’ includes limited by differences in the way coroners, or their those related to ecstasy/MDMA. For 1993 to 2006, 137

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

pathologists, incorporate findings.174 Despite this, drugs were also implicated, these results are broken it also has advantages over the GMR data in that it down in Table 46. In 62% of cases relating to ERS, relates to greater detail recorded on the coroners’ three or more drugs were identified at post mortem reports, including toxicology, which may not have and all the drugs implicated are recorded, meaning been available at the time of the death certificates that the percentages presented in the table cannot being filed. While returns from coroners’ reports be summed. were low initially (13% in 1997), they rose to over 90% by 1999. In addition, the np-SAD database Data about amphetamines are also shown in Table records greater contextual and social demographic 46. Amphetamine was thought to be the sole drug information than the GMR.23 or was not implicated in the death in proportions similar to those in ERS-related deaths. Again, in For the np-SAD, MDMA, MDA, MDEA, PMA more than two-thirds of cases, co-use of drugs was and methylthioamphetamine (MTA) are classed implicated. Amphetamine fatalities are less likely as ecstasy. It should be noted that this definition than ecstasy fatalities to have co-used cocaine or is broader than that adopted elsewhere in this alcohol. review. To emphasise this distinction, the term ecstasy-related substances (ERS) has been used in Table 47 shows the characteristics of people with the following discussion. The amphetamine ERS-related deaths from 1997 to 2006. Similar category includes amphetamine sulphate and data are presented for other amphetamines, methamphetamine. cocaine and heroin/morphine. This updated analysis of data kept by np-SAD was undertaken In 2006, there were 1366 drug-related deaths for this review. The cohorts are similar, although recorded by the np-SAD database, of which 69 fewer ERS users are known drug addicts and more (5.0%) mentioned ERS as present. In the same year, are employed. A picture of the usual ERS-related 78 (5.7%) mentioned amphetamines. fatality emerges as an employed white male in his twenties, who is a registered drug addict and who Figure 87 shows deaths recorded by GMR and has co-used a number of other substances. np-SAD over the same time period, 1997–2006. These are deaths in which ERS were mentioned Nearly half of the ERS-related deaths (49%) (GMR) or implicated (np-SAD), meaning that other occurred on Saturday or Sunday night, whereas substances may be co-implicated or causal in the this was the case for about a third (36%) of fatality. After an initial lower count (when fewer amphetamine fatalities. This could indicate coroners returned their reports), the np-SAD has different patterns of use. consistently shown more deaths in which ERS were involved. For 1997 to 2005, over which period data Identified studies reporting are available from both databases, the np-SAD database and registry data recorded 426 deaths in which ERS were implicated, Our searches identified 16 studies which were compared to 343 in the GMR. Both sources show based on national and regional registries and similar trends. databases (retrospective case series). Seven studies are not related to the UK and were not considered Between 1997 and 2006, 495 deaths were recorded in detail (two from the USA,175,176 and one each by np-SAD in which ERS were implicated. This from Belgium,177 Spain,178 Greece,179 Slovenia180 compares to 689 in which other amphetamines and the Netherlands.181) were implicated, 1917 in which cocaine was implicated and 6643 in which heroin/morphine Nine UK studies were reviewed in detail and was implicated. Table 46 shows whether these drugs these are summarised in Table 48. Three of these were considered to be the sole drug implicated, relate to data from the np-SAD over different time to have contributed to the death together with periods up to 2002,182–184 and one to GMR for the another substance or, although present, were UK 1994–2003.23 A further two studies audited not considered to have contributed to the death death certificates in Scotland in the 1990s (using according to the np-SAD. In 14% of cases ERS Registrar General data)39 or in Scotland 1995–7 were not believed to have contributed to the (using Registrar General data) and England in death although it was present, while they were the 1995–6 (using death certificates).29 Three studies sole drug implicated in 20% of cases. ERS were audited regional data, one in Sheffield 1997–9,185 considered to have contributed, together with one in London 2003186 and one in Strathclyde another substance, in 67% of cases. Where other 1995–8.187 138 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

3500 All deaths Males 3000 Females



1500 Number of deaths 1000


0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year

FIGURE 84 General Mortality Register all drug-related deaths 1993–2006.

Given the lack of solid information about the in the previous year, but not in the previous month, number of people taking ecstasy, the amount they reflects sporadic use. So some sporadic users will take (in terms of the number of tablets taken, the be first-time users.29) However, this calculation composition of those tablets and their purity), it is does not take into consideration the number of very difficult to make sensible estimates about the exposures (or dose and purity) within the previous risk to any individual taking any particular pill. year (excluding the previous month). Three In the literature, estimates of the death rates from death rates were estimated for Slovenia,180 the ecstasy are few. Gore estimates that the ecstasy- Netherlands181 and USA,175 where population size related death rate in those aged 15–24 years in was provided. Rates were 0.15, 0.73 and 0.88 per 1995–6 in England was between 0.2 and 5.3 per million population per year respectively. However, 10,000 (all users), i.e. between 1 in 2000 to 1 in these estimates did not take into consideration the 50,000.29 She compares this with a death rate of number of users, dose or purity, while the Dutch 1.0 per 10,000 from road traffic accidents. More study also included deaths in the presence of specifically, the death rate for first-time users was amphetamine and other phenethylamines. estimated to be approximately two to four times (1.29/0.38 and 0.70/0.38) that of sporadic users – Cause of death data from registries defined as having used ecstasy in the past year for It is not possible to identify causes of death in more than 1 year – depending on the method of the np-SAD registry data. The data are presented calculation.29 (Gore argues that use in the previous for all ERS-related deaths, whether the drug was month is assumed to reflect regular user, and use present or causal, or a single or co-used substance.

TABLE 45 Annual number of deaths recording illicit drugs (General Mortality Register 1993–2006).

Mean annual deaths (%) Mean annual deaths – sole drug – co-use drug mentions Heroin and morphine 447 (65.6) 622 Methadone 150 (22.0) 276 Cocaine 31 (4.6) 86 All amphetamines 34 (4.9) 70 MDMA/ecstasy 17 (2.5) 33a Cannabis 1 (0.2) 14 Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) 1 (0.2) 2

a Alcohol was also recorded in an annual average of six co-drug-use deaths involving ecstasy. Source: Office for National Statistics. 139

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

3500 Heroin and morphine 3500 MethadoneHeroin and morphine Methadone 3000 Cocaine 3000 AllCocaine amphetamines MDMA/ecstasyAll amphetamines MDMA/ecstasy 2500 Cannabis 2500 Cannabis

1500 1500

Number of deaths 1000

Number of deaths 1000

500 500

0 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year Year FIGURE 85 General Mortality Register drug-related deaths 1993–2006 (including co-drug mentions).

60 Cocaine (1993–2006) 60 MDMA/ecstasyCocaine (1993–2006) (1993–2006) AllMDMA/ecstasy amphetamines (1993–2006) 50 All amphetamines 50 (1993-2006), less MDMA/ecstasy(1993-2006), less MDMA/ecstasy 40 40

30 30

Number of deaths 20

Number of deaths 20

10 10

0 0 1993 1995–97 1997–99 1998–01 2001–03 2003–05 1995–97 2003–05 1993 1994–96 1996–981997–991998–20001998–012000–022001–032002–04 2004–06 1994–96 1996–98 1998–2000 2000–02 2002–04 2004–06 Year Year

FIGURE 86 General Mortality Register drug related deaths 1993–2006 (sole drug mentioned): three-year rolling averages for cocaine, MDMA/ecstasy and amphetamines (excluding MDMA/ecstasy).

In addition, the majority of cases are recorded due to a traffic accident or to drowning) accounted as accidental poisonings – which do not give an for another 7%. indication of the clinical picture. For example, 69% of ecstasy deaths are categorised as ICD code X42 As the information about cause of death was (accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics limited, we turned to case series and case reports and psychodysleptics) or X41 (accidental poisoning in the literature. The following sections report by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative– first on retrospective case series which are based hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic on consecutive data about people presenting with drugs). Suicide was recorded as the cause of death ecstasy-related harms at hospital emergency rooms, in 7% of cases and traumatic injury (such as that both fatal and non-fatal, and second on other case series and case reports in the literature. 140 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6






30 Number of deaths

20 Np-SAD 10 GMR

0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year

FIGURE 87 Comparison of deaths in which ecstasy was present for General Mortality Register (GMR) and the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths ( np-SAD) 1997–2006.

Acute harms reported in 13%) and hyperthermia (32% versus 13%). Other retrospective case series from emergency room studies have also noted that hospital emergency departments coma was only present in those who co-used other substances (specifically GHB and opiates188). We identified three retrospective case series that were based on audits of hospital emergency All three emergency room audits showed very high department databases of admissions due to ecstasy proportions of presentation at the weekend (67– use. These are based on self-reported use, clinical 75%). In the UK, 40% of cases reported previous signs and toxicologically confirmed cases (Table ecstasy use whereas the Swiss study reported 87% 49). These papers record a death rate between 0 had a previous history of drug use.188 and 2%, suggesting that most acute adverse effects resolve either spontaneously or with treatment, Acute harms of ecstasy reported even among those serious enough to present at in case series and case reports hospital.188–192 We identified a total of 57 case series or case study Only one such audit was identified from the UK. papers reporting on fatalities related to the use of This report, by Williams et al.,192 uses all cases ecstasy. Six of these did not report causes of death treated over a 15-month period at one London or preceding symptoms, leaving 51 papers that A&E department where case notes recorded reported a number of adverse effects of ecstasy that MDMA involvement (n = 48). (This involved triage were associated with fatalities: notes on arrival relating to ecstasy, substance misuse/ingestion, intoxication, overdose or a • hyperthermia number of other key clinical symptoms.) Cases • cardiovascular dysfunction were aged 16–30 years (mean 23 years) and 67% • disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) were men. One-third had taken solely ecstasy, and other haematological disorders with the remainder co-using alcohol and/or other • seizures illicit drugs. Differences in symptoms and clinical • rhabdomyolysis (and other muscular signs at presentation between those solely using dysfunction) ecstasy and those co-using additional substances • kidney failure are reproduced in Table 50. Numbers are too small • brain haemorrhage/other organic brain to permit meaningful statistical comparisons; damage however, some possible differences between those • hyponatraemia who have only taken ecstasy and those who have co- • liver failure used other drugs are collapse/loss of consciousness • suicide/attempted suicide (6% versus 31%), hyperventilation (18% versus • neurological dysfunction 141

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results 6643) mean = Ann. = 664.3 1866 (28)195 (3) 186.6 19.5 23 (<1) n (%) (n = 4582) 2389 (36) 1193 (18) 790 (12) 432 (6) 935 (14) 113 (2) 237 (4) 2 (<1) 1603 (24) 435 (7) 46 (1) 81 (1) Heroin/morphine ( n Annual mean = 191.7 1917) = 1) 396 (21)1303 (68) 39.6 13.03 4582 (69) 458.2 218 (11) 21.8 ( n = 1303) 558 (29) 1002 (52) 299 (16) 320 (17) 188 (10) 96 (5) 8 (<1) 409 (21) 124 (7) 16 (1) 20 (1) 6 (< n (%) 69 (4) Cocaine ( n Annual mean = 68.9 689) = ( n = 473) 137 (20) 260 (38) 94 (14) 110 (16) 101 (15) 76 (11) 85 (12) 5 (1) 116 (24) 63 (9) 6 (1) 15 (2) 6 (1) Other amphetamines ( n n (%) 495) Annual mean Annual = 49.5 = 97 (20) 9.7( n = 331) 145 (44) 110 (33) 103 (15)44 (13) 41 (12) 10.3 60 (18) 95 (29) 78 (24) 9 (3) 74 (22) 31 (9) 3 (1) 5 (2) 1 (<1) n (%) Ecstasy-related Ecstasy-related substances ( n Drugs implicated in ecstasy, amphetamine, cocaine and heroin/morphine deaths recorded in the np-SAD 1997–2006 Drugs implicated in ecstasy, Sole drug Other drug implicated (drug of interest present)Drug of interest and another drug implicated 67 (14)Other drugs co-implicated in death Alcohol 331 (67)Heroin/morphine 6.7Other opiates 33.1Methadone Cannabis 113 (16)Cocaine 473 (69) 11.3 substances Ecstasy-related 47.3 Amphetamines Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Hypnotics/sedatives Antidepressants Antiepileptics Antipsychotics Antiparkinsonism drugs Drug implicated in deaths

142 46 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

TABLE 47 Summary of characteristics of MDMA/ecstasy and other amphetamine deaths (less MDMA/ecstasy) in England and Wales 1997–2006

Ecstasy- related substances Amphetamines Cocaine Heroin Characteristic (n = 495) (n = 689) (n = 1917) (n = 6643) Sex Male (%) 83 80 84 86 Age (years) Mean 29 32 33 34 Mode 24 27 31 29 Range 14–71 15–62 16–83 1–95 Employment status Employed (%) 52 32 38 26 Unemployed (%) 34 55 52 64 Student/pupil (%) 6 3 2 1 Other (%) 9 5 8 9 Ethnicity White (%) 84 84 79 84 Not known (%) 11 14 13 13 Other (%) 5 2 8 3 Known drug addicts (%) 76a 86a 87a 89a Place of death Private residence (%) 50 59 63 66 Hospital (%) 40 32 28 25 Other (%) 10 9 9 9 No. of drugs found at postmortem 0 (%) 7 4 <1 4 1 (%) 11 11 9 17 2 (%) 20 22 22 28 3 (%) 24 26 29 26 4+ (%) 38 36 39 25

Source: National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths. Some characteristics may not sum to 100 as a result of rounding. a Drug addict status unknown in a further 11%, 8%, 8% and 5%, respectively.

• respiratory dysfunction outcomes, particularly where a major syndrome is • psychotic episodes involved): • hypoglycaemia • immunological dysfunction (aplastic anaemia, • hyperthermia etc.) • seizures • movement disorder (dystonia) • acute central nervous system abnormalities • diabetic complications • liver failure • vascular abnormalities. • hyponatraemia • rhabdomyolysis (and other muscular For an evidence map showing the number of and dysfunction) references for case series which reported these • pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax and outcomes, please see Appendix 8. Note that this similar list includes symptoms that were reported in the • acute psychotic episodes same case (for example, hyperthermia-related DIC, • DIC and other haematological disorders rhabdomyolysis and organ failure). • brain haemorrhage/other organic brain damage We also identified 236 case series and case reports • kidney failure which reported on non-fatal acute harms of ecstasy. • acute movement disorders In descending order of the frequency with which • acute cardiac events they are reported, these harms are (note again • sensorineural dysfunction (auditory, optical) that one case may be subject to multiple negative • urogenital dysfunction (including urinary retention) 143

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results General (Scotland) Audit of toxicological database, University of Glasgow np-SAD database (England) Audit of Registrar General (Scotland) Scotland, N. Ireland Audit of Sheffield’s coroner’s reports coroners 68 Audit of Registrar DRD) 81 np-SAD database DRD) NR Death certificates NR GMR for England, DRD) 80 Audit of 7/8 London Male (%) Data source NR 28 (all DRD) 81 (all <30 years 73% 80 27.2 np-SAD database 37.7 (all DRD) 80 (all Only those aged 15–24 included NR 29.4 (all DRD) 92 (all 35.8 Age (mean years) 7 (33%) 34 (17%), 6 annual average, 0.5/month average, 0.2/month NR 165 (42%) NR 1 (6%) Deaths ecstasy sole drug (% all ecstasy deaths) a In Scotland, an ecstasy DRD is defined by being found in the body (other illegal 37 2.9/month post mortem 11, 3.7 annual mean of death) for all amphetamines) No. of ecstasy deaths NA 202, 36 annual mean NA 81, 27 annual meanNA 6 (7%), 2 annual 18, 9 annual mean NR Total Total no. of DRDs 1996–April 2002 June 2000 1995–6 (England) 1990–91994–2003 2255 NA 28, 4.0 annual mean 1997–9 394 2003 821995–8 148 2 (contributory cause 443 16 (combined total 12, 3.0 annual mean NR 1995–7 (Scotland) Year of Year deaths England and Wales August England and Wales July 1997– England and Wales 2000England and Scotland 1037 Scotland 26 implicated 30, on UK Sheffield London Strathclyde Location 183 182 178 179 23 181 180 39 29 Summary of studies reporting ecstasy-related deaths from registries and databases Summary of studies reporting ecstasy-related There were no ecstasy deaths recorded in 1990–2, so this annual mean is for 1993–9. For 1990–9 the 2.8 deaths. ed toxicologically. drugs may also have been found), whereas in England recording of Ecstasy death on the certificate not confirm ed toxicologically. a Study Schifano et al . 2006 Ecstasy-related deaths are defined differently in Scotland compared with England and Wales. deaths are defined differently in Scotland compared with England and Ecstasy-related Gore 1999 Forsyth 2001 UK regional Oliver et al. 2002 Hickman et al . 2007 Seymour et al . 2001 Schifano et al . 2003 et al. 2003 Webb UK national Schifano et al. 2003

144 48 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Most managed in A&E. 11% to ICU; one fatality. Most managed in A&E; 15% admitted (one ecstasy use alone); no fatalities. One admitted to ICU; two fatalities Outcomes 198 90% co-used other substances (commonly alcohol, cocaine, GHB, amphetamines, cannabis); 72% had co-used illicit drugs 67% had co-used other substances; 50% had co- used other illicit substances (commonly other amphetamines, cocaine) 67% co-used other drugs or alcohol Collapse/loss of consciousness 36%, palpitations 19%, dizziness/weakness 15%, anxiety 14% Five severe presentations – symptoms included cardiac arrest, hyperthermia, rhabdomyolysis, DIC, renal liver failure, insufficiency, seizures Feeling unwell/dizzy/strange 31%, collapse/loss of consciousness 23%, palpitations 21%, dizziness/weakness 23%, anxiety 23% Six severe presentations – symptoms included delirium, seizure, coma agitation, cognitive Anxiety, disturbances, loss of consciousness, fits. Three severe presentations Common presentations (all) Other substances All 52 self-reported cases of ecstasy intoxication at emergency department 2001–3; aged 16–44 years (mean 26); 79% men department where case notes recorded MDMA involvement; n = 48; aged 16–30 years (mean 23); 67% men toxicologically confirmed amphetamine ingestion 2000–2 no. of ecstasy cases 135; aged 16–47 years (mean 24); 68% men Sample Zurich, Switzerland London, UK All cases treated at one A&E Barcelona, Spain All cases of self-reported or Country 186 a 184 Emergency room audits of ecstasy-related presentations Emergency room audits of ecstasy-related Note that this paper is written in Spanish, so details used here have been taken from the abstract and those reproduced Liec hti et al . 2005. Williams et al . 1998 Sanuro et al . 2004 DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy; ER, emergency room; ICU, intensive care unit. a Liechti et al . 2005 Author


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results 32) = ( n 0 0 1 (3) 3 (9) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 3 (9) 1 (3) 1 (3) 2 96) 6 (19) 4 (13) 6 (19) 4 (13) 6 (19) 12 (38) 19 (59) Ecstasy and other drugs/alcohol No. (%) 16) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 (6) 1 (6) 1 (6) 3 (19) 2 (13) 5 (32) 6 (38) 13 (81) Ecstasy alone ( n No. (%) mmHg) 0 160/95 bpm) 37.1°C) 20 breaths/minute 6 (38) 100 Other Missing data No abnormality found Tremulousness Unconscious Sweating Hallucination Seizure Nystagmus Dehydration Shivering High blood pressure (> Drowsiness Hyperventilation (> Anxiety/agitation/disturbed behaviourHigh temperature (> 4 (25) Clinical findings High pulse rate (> Dilated pupils 32) = ( n 1(3) 1 (3) 3 (9) 1 (3) 1 (3) 3 (9) 1 (3) 3 (9) 2 (6) 3 (9) 3 (9) 4 (13) 4 (13) 6 (19) 4 (13) 6 (19) 8 (25) Ecstasy and other drugs/alcohol No. (%) 10 (31) 16) 0 0 = 1 (6) 1 (6) 4 (25) 2 (13) 2 (13) 3 (19) 2 (13) 2 (13) 2 (13) 5 (31) 6 (38) 3 (19) No. (%) Ecstasy alone ( n with permission from BMJ Publishing Group. 190 Clinical features associated with A&E presentations for sole ecstasy users and co-use of alcohol/other illicit drugs Reproduced from Williams H, Dratcu L, Taylor R, Roberts M, Oyefeso A. Saturday night fever: ecstasy related problems in a London accident and emergency department. J Accident R, Roberts Dratcu L, Taylor from Williams H, Reproduced Emerg Med 1998; 15: 322–6, Twitching Other Seizure Thirst Visual disturbance Muscle aches/pains Abdominal pain More than one sign/symptom may be recorded for each case. Numbers are too small to permit meaningful statistical comparison. Shaking Headache Chest pain Difficulty breathing Complaint Nausea/vomiting Panic/anxiety/restlessnessPalpitations Feeling feverish/shivering 5 (31) Sweating 4 (25) Collapse/loss of consciousness 1 (6) Strange/unwell/dizzy/weak 7 (44)

146 50 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

• dental damage/other oral injury The physiological manifestations of MDMA- • dermatological disorders induced hyperthermia are similar to those seen in • stroke severe heatstroke.197 The most noteworthy effects • ocular injury are: • vascular abnormalities • movement disorders (including parkinsonism) • Rhabdomyolysis Rapid breakdown of • attention deficit disorder skeletal muscle, leading to tissue necrosis, • dependency with intracellular constituents (most notably • diabetic complications myoglobin) leaking into the circulation. • hypoglycaemia • Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy • attempted suicide (DIC) Serious derangement of blood • asthma exacerbation/other respiratory distress coagulation, which results in both excessive • hyperkalaemia clotting (leading to localised ischaemia and • hypothermia tissue necrosis) and widespread bleeding. • immunological dysfunction (aplastic anaemia, • Acute renal failure (ARF) Kidney dysfunction etc.). can develop as a consequence of either of the above. ARF secondary to rhabdomyolysis is For an evidence map showing the number of and caused by myoglobinuria (meaning the renal references for case series which reported these filtration system becomes obstructed by a outcomes, please see Appendix 8. build-up of the myoglobin that has leaked into the circulation). ARF secondary to DIC occurs This chapter now outlines what is known about when microvascular thrombosis causes renal the major syndromes associated with ecstasy ischaemia. use – hyperthermia and hyponatraemia – and • Acute liver failure Hepatic necrosis is a their sequelae in fatal and non-fatal cases. It primary effect of hyperthermia,198,199 and it is then moves on to consider other major acute possible that such injury may be exacerbated harms in cardiovascular dysfunction, neurological in the presence of amphetamines, which may dysfunction, respiratory dysfunction, liver failure, impair the liver’s natural thermotolerance.200 kidney failure, suicide and other psychiatric effects. DIC and ARF may both contribute to and be exacerbated by liver failure. Major syndromes The most critical acute complications of ecstasy These changes are often accompanied by a variety consumption are, in a majority of cases, related of symptoms, the most commonly reported being to two well-recognised syndromes, each involving palpitations, anxiety, agitation and confusion serious derangement of homeostasis leading (and to a lesser extent tremors, myoclonus and to multiple organ failure: hyperthermia and seizures).188–190,201 In some cases, these result in hyponatraemia. rapid presentation (i.e. within hours) to A&E departments.188–190 Collapse or loss of consciousness Hyperthermia is reported in a significant proportion of Derangements of thermoregulation are a widely admissions (8.8–36.5%).188–190 reported feature of MDMA toxicity,191 repeatedly demonstrated in experimental settings,192,193 and We found hyperthermia to be the most commonly commonly observed in humans. The mechanism reported adverse effect of ecstasy use for both by which body temperature is increased is still fatal and non-fatal cases. There were 41 fatalities debated; activation of the sympathetic nervous relating to hyperthermia reported in the literature system and the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid between 1991 and 2007.36,37,169,181,188,194–196,201–216 axis might be involved.194 The susceptibility of However, these numbers should be treated with a small minority of ecstasy users to dangerous caution given the nature of case series evidence, degrees of hyperthermia is idiosyncratic, and and because there were also a number of other probably multifactorial, involving factors such as cases where the cause of death or the precursors co-ingestants, ambient room temperature, physical of fatal organ failure were not clear. In addition to activity and fluid intake.194,195 It is also possible that the fatal cases, we identified 43 case series or case underlying medical or genetic conditions affect reports giving details of non-fatal hyperthermia either thermoregulation or fatal susceptibility to and related conditions. hyperthermia.194–196


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Results

The association between ecstasy use and prolonged as dancing) substantial amounts of sodium can be dancing may be important for hyperthermia lost in perspiration. This problem is significantly because core temperature also rises during compounded by the tendency of ecstasy users to intensive exercise.217 Furthermore, ambient drink large quantities of water, for which there temperature is believed to influence MDMA- are several reasons: ‘dry mouth’ is a common impaired thermoregulation, and ecstasy is subjective response to MDMA;3 users exposed to commonly consumed in environments that are publicity regarding the dangers of MDMA-induced likely to be crowded, hot and poorly ventilated. hyperthermia may overcompensate by consuming In rats, MDMA induces an exaggerated degree of excessive amounts of water;222 and MDMA may hyperthermia when ambient temperature is high induce compulsive repetitive behaviour such as but, conversely, hypothermia is engendered in cold obsessive drinking of water.223 conditions.218–220 However, recent research suggests that the latter effect may not be reproduced in The combination of sodium loss and excessive humans.11 In the literature, slightly more than half water consumption may also be exacerbated by of reported fatal cases occurred after the subject excess fluid retention (as the result of inappropriate had been at a club, nightclub or rave (22/41). secretion of antidiuretic hormones and/or impairment of renal function224). The resultant Peak body temperature varied from 38.5 to 46.1°C. hyponatraemic state sees a fall in serum osmolar The average of the 31 cases that reported a pressure, allowing intracellular displacement temperature was 41.5°C, with only five fatal cases of water, the most hazardous result of which is reporting a temperature below 40°C.176,204,211,213 cerebral oedema.225 Note, however, that such very high temperatures have also proved non-fatal with medical The early clinical manifestations of hyponatraemic intervention.221 cerebral oedema are headache and nausea, progressing to confusion and seizures,224–227 Two studies based on retrospective A&E databases although such altered states may be difficult to suggest that hyperthermia is more common among distinguish from the ‘normal’ intoxicative effects those solely ingesting ecstasy, compared to those of MDMA or alcohol.222 If not corrected, the co-using other drugs.195,211 Substances such as syndrome will commonly progress to tentorial GHB and opiates when ingested with MDMA are herniation, respiratory arrest, cerebral hypoxia and reported to reduce body temperature, sometimes death. resulting in hypothermia.198–200 However, co-use of PMA may compound the problem.211 In 13 of the Retrospective studies of A&E admissions suggest cases, co-use of other drugs was noted; however, that hyponatraemia and associated brain oedema this was not reported in all of the studies. Other is a severe but rare complication of MDMA drugs noted (some cases had multiple drug use) toxicity.188 We identified 10 deaths resulting from were alcohol (n = 4), PMA (n = 2), MDA (n = 6, hyponatraemia reported in the eight case reports although this is a metabolite of MDMA and may and case series.206,224–233 Most were reported not have been ingested separately), LSD (n = 1) between 1997 and 2002, with one in 2006.232 Only and cannabis (n = 1). three were in England and Wales.206,224 Twenty- four case series or case reports involving non-fatal Four deaths were known to be in first-time or hyponatraemia were also identified.234–254 second-time users of MDMA,36,202,205 although the type of user was not reported in all studies, All fatal cases were women aged between 16 and and deaths for first-time users may also be more 21 years (average 18.4 years), which could support ‘newsworthy’ in terms of publishing case reports. suggestions that women (and children) are more In 14 deaths, the number of MDMA tablets was prone to hyponatraemia.230,255 A retrospective study reported, with an average of 2.9 (range 1–10), and of enquiries to the London Centre of the National in 26 deaths, the concentration of MDMA in the Poisons Information Service from December blood was reported, with an average of 1.1 mg/l 1993 to March 1996 identified 17 such enquiries (0.02–7.15 mg/l) (although see the note in the regarding hyponatraemia associated with ecstasy earlier section, Cause of death data from registries, use, two of which were fatal, both in women. Seven about measuring MDMA concentrations). non-fatal cases were in men.224

Hyponatraemia The clinical pattern reported in the literature When the hyperthermogenic properties of MDMA was remarkably uniform, with initial vomiting, 148 are combined with intense physical activity (such disturbed behaviour, followed by seizures, DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

drowsiness, a mute state of disorientation,224 loss earlier. Cases have also been reported of MDMA- of consciousness,206,224–230 tentorial herniation,230 induced seizures which apparently do not involve respiratory arrest,228 pulmonary and cerebral either of these underlying causes.276 We identified oedema,224,229,231,232,256 hypoxia,224,230,232 and three studies that reported seizures without finally brain death.224,228,230 Four cases were hyperthermia or hyponatraemia. However, it has identified as hypothermic (i.e. body temperature been emphasised that concomitant administration < 35°C).224,230,232 Levels of MDMA intoxication of other substances may be an important element were relatively low (0.03–0.4 mg/l, with an average in such findings, with the conclusion that, for those 0.13 mg/l, where reported). who have taken MDMA alone, central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction appears rare in the Of the 10 deaths, there were seven cases in absence of hyponatraemia or hyperthermia.1 which prior dancing or party attendance was reported,206,224,229,230,232,233 in four of which the Most of the CNS problems reported in the consumption of large amounts of water and literature were non-fatal – we identified 63 case consumption of alcohol were also recorded.224,229,232 series reporting 88 non-fatal cases and 66 fatal Although not all reported on co-use of other drugs, cases, 20 of which were the result of indirect causes three reported that alcohol (n = 3), cannabis (n = 1) such as road traffic accidents.176,177,179,190,202,222,244,250, and other amphetamines (n = 1) were used. 254,277–299 In the majority of cases (n = 58) other drugs had also been ingested, most commonly Isolated acute harms other amphetamines (n = 28) and cannabis (n = 14), Cardiovascular dysfunction but also opiates, cocaine, LSD, benzatropines and Tachycardia is an invariable response to MDMA ketamine. consumption, and is the most frequently reported clinical symptom in series detailing Nearly three-quarters of patients were aged acute admissions in A&E departments.188,192 under 25 years and 70% were men. Most made There are reports of MDMA-related myocardial a full recovery (63 cases, 72%). However, in 18 infarction157–260 and sudden cardiac death.261 The cases (12% of patients with brain disorders), importance of excluding concomitant use of other a more severe course of CNS disorders led to drugs (especially cocaine, which is well known to complications which may be the result of chronic induce critical cardiovascular dysfunction) has been cerebral/cerebellar damage: four papers reported emphasised.262 psychological personality disorders,290,293,300,301 two reported epilepsy,291,292 three reported chronic We identified seven deaths due to cardiovascular movement disorders,284,285,302 and three reported dysfunction that appeared unrelated to the serious neurological disorders (such as vegetative major syndromes described in the previous state).213,282,295 section.35,178,179,201,261–265 All were in men, aged 17–39 years (mean 27 years). Where reported, levels of Brain haemorrhage/haematoma related to ecstasy MDMA intoxication were 0.2–4.56 mg/l (mean use has been reported in 21 cases, six of which were 1.65 mg/l). Co-use of other drugs was reported in fatal.176,202,230,276,277,292 Such events are commonly four cases, for alcohol (n = 3) and MDEA (n = 1). associated with pre-existing cerebrovascular vulnerabilities (e.g. aneurysm278,288 or arteriovenous One man had a history of Wolff–Parkinson– malformation283,292); however, cases have also White syndrome261 and another was human been reported in which no such features were immunodeficiency virus-positive and his death identified.292,303 It has been postulated that long- was thought to be the result of interaction between term MDMA use may expose individuals to a ecstasy and ritonavir medication.263 In one case, the higher risk of cerebrovascular accident, either victim fell down stairs and hit his head, although it through vasculitis292,303,304 or as a consequence is not clear if this caused, or was the result of, the of arterial damage sustained through repeated cardiac arrest.265 episodes of vasoconstriction and hypertension (‘surge’).288 Of the 15 patients who recovered, Fourteen case series and case reports reporting 12 recovered fully278–280,283,288,292,305,306 while three non-fatal cardiac events were also identified.90,258–260, experienced ongoing effects such as hemiparesis 266–275 and seizures.284,285,292

Neurological dysfunction We identified two reports in the literature of non- Seizures are a recognised manifestation of both fatal cerebral ischaemic stroke, both of whom hyponatraemia and hyperthermia as discussed recovered fully.289,307 One study reported a lesion 149

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of the spinal cord C1–C4 causing residual mild slightly longer period than in hyperthermic liver hemiparesis.302 failure, with cases becoming symptomatic a matter of days, rather than hours, after MDMA ingestion. Respiratory dysfunction In most reported cases, acute hepatitis appears to Pneumomediastinum is an abnormal presence of develop following a history of repeated MDMA air in the mediastinal tissues. The main symptoms use. However, cases involving very limited exposure include chest pain, dyspnoea and neck pain.308 (including, ostensibly, consumption of a single Chest pain secondary to pneumomediastinum tablet) have also been described.199,332,333,335 may be reported by those presenting for medical attention following MDMA consumption.309–321 Spontaneous resolution of symptoms can be Less frequently, pneumothorax313,317 and expected in some cases; however, failure can also be pneumopericardium316 have also been reported. irreversible, leading to death or requiring salvage Pneumomediastinum is believed not to be a direct liver transplantation.334 It has been emphasised pharmacological effect of MDMA, but rather the that, in common with other hepatotoxic substances, result of physical activity over a prolonged period MDMA could be expected to cause silent liver accompanied by episodes of forced expiratory damage in a number of cases over and above those effort against a closed airway, such as that that are clinically evident.200 through screaming, whistle blowing, coughing or vomiting.322–325 Onset of symptoms is mostly One retrospective case series reported acute liver reported within 12 hours of taking ecstasy, and failure in the absence of hyperthermia. This was some symptoms, such as shortness of breath or based on consecutive non-paracetamol-induced chest pain, may appear even sooner.316 In most fulminant hepatic failure presenting at the Scottish cases, symptoms resolve spontaneously in few days. Liver Transplant Unit (which serves the whole of Scotland) in 1992–2004.340 Of 30 cases, six were We identified 29 cases of pneumomediastinum related to ecstasy use and had not been preceded in 22 studies. In six cases pneumothorax was by hyperthermia, and two of these proved fatal. also present.269,308,319–322 Most (24/25) were under Of the four survivors, two had a liver transplant.231 25 years old and two-thirds were men. Only One other study reported on a successful liver five were known to be smokers and one was transplant in a 25-year-old woman with liver and asthmatic, both of which are known risk factors kidney failure.231 for pneumomediastinum. In one case, symptoms were experienced after taking only half a tablet Kidney failure and other of ecstasy.312 Most studies (23/29) do not report urinary tract abnormalities whether other substances were co-used. It is thought that MDMA-induced kidney dysfunction can occur in the absence of Other types of isolated respiratory failure appear hyperthermia or hyponatraemia. A similar to be uncommon following MDMA consumption. causative mechanism to that postulated in respect One case of acute pulmonary oedema326 and of cerebral vasculitis (see above) may be implicated one asthma-related death35 have been reported because renal arteritis has been demonstrated (although, in the latter case, the causal relationship in postmortem examinations.341 However, we between the exposure and the outcome is unclear). did not identify any fatal cases with acute renal Two other instances of respiratory complication failure that did not also record hyperthermia. One that have been cited elsewhere1 appear to be fatal case study of chronic renal failure reported related to consumption of MDEA.329,330 on a 30-year-old man in the UK who presented 1 week after having taken ecstasy and other Liver failure amphetamines.341 He was reportedly apyrexial Critical hepatic dysfunction is a notable although no temperature is given, was hypertensive consequence of hyperthermia and extensive and had pulmonary oedema. Postmortem revealed hepatic necrosis is an invariable postmortem necrotising angiitis confined to the kidney. finding in MDMA deaths.206 In addition, it is well established that MDMA-induced acute liver Transient urinary retention is a relatively common failure can also occur without thermoregulatory characteristic of the 24 hours following MDMA dysfunction.199,231,331–338 This type of acute hepatic consumption, with catheterisation occasionally failure (the term fulminant liver failure is also used, required to resolve symptoms.244,342–344 All four cases either synonymously or in reference to the most we identified were under 20 years (mean 18, range rapidly symptomatic cases339) develops over a 17–19) and three were men. 150 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Suicide to 72 hours later. The authors report that eight It is postulated that impaired serotoninergic (23%) of this sample were still receiving treatment function as a result of ecstasy use could lead to from psychiatric services 8 months after admission, depression and suicide.345 We identified 10 cases including two as inpatients. None of these eight of suicide related to ecstasy use in the literature had any previous history of mental illness.351 either as a means of overdose, or reported as having been taken in the run-up to suicide by other We also identified 25 cases of acute psychiatric means.177,210,214,345–350 Eight cases were in men, aged episodes in 15 case reports and case 17–53 years (mean 31), and two were in women, series.296,298,301,352–362 Four cases in two series whose ages were not recorded. One woman hanged were from the UK.358,359 Reports were published herself in jail after a 3-day session of injecting fairly evenly from 1986 to 2005 and cases were ecstasy. The other woman committed suicide among those aged 17–52 years (mean 25.4), of having been admitted to a psychiatric ward as the whom 18 were men (72%). No prior history of result of paranoid delusions after ingesting an psychiatric disorder was recorded in 22/25 cases. unknown quantity of ecstasy.345 She is reported as Two cases were reported after first-time use of having a long history of undefined ‘drug abuse’. ecstasy353,362 and, in a further two, ecstasy was taken unintentionally for the first time following friends In three cases, MDMA was deliberately taken as ‘spiking’ drinks.350,354 the means of suicide, following a personal crisis or imprisonment.210,214,349 In two cases, MDMA was Commonly reported presentations were panic found at autopsy but no further details about its attacks (reported in 12/25 cases), auditory and/ use are provided – in one of these cases, heroin and or visual hallucinations (11/25) and paranoid antidepressants were also found and, in the other, delusions or psychosis (7/25); other symptoms suicide was assumed after the man died under a included delirium, aggression, obsessional train.177 In five cases, MDMA had been consumed behaviour, self-harm and suicide ideation. before expression of suicidal intention.345–347,350 Additional physical symptoms such as palpitations, In three of these cases, ecstasy use seemed to hyperthermia and seizures were also reported. precipitate a psychotic episode leading to suicide (although there was also some reporting of prior In only two cases was ecstasy the only substance emotional distress or depression345,346), in one taken, although this is not reported in four papers. case within 3 hours, in another within 8 days, this Reported co-used substances included alcohol latter following admission to and discharge from (3/21), cannabis (9/21), cocaine (4/21), heroin psychiatric hospital. One case was in the UK, in a (1/21, with a further two having a prior history of 17-year-old boy, who was apparently a first-time heroin addiction), methadone (2/21), LSD (2/21), user.347 other amphetamines (1/21), benzodiazepine (1/21), citalopram (1/21), valium (1/21) and opioid-based Other psychiatric effects painkillers (1/21) – in six cases multiple substances We identified one retrospective case series based were co-used. on audit data from a psychiatric admission ward in Cardiff. Over a 12-month period, this records Symptoms manifested from minutes to days after that 50 out of 390 admissions were drug related, ingesting ecstasy and persisted for hours, days or and that ecstasy was implicated in 35 cases months with treatment. Most papers report full (70% of all drug-related admissions).351 Usual recovery, after 3 hours to 7 months of treatment, presentations included panic attacks, restlessness but five papers report symptoms remaining at and psychotic behaviour. Most were initially treated 1–9 months.301,359,360,363 with tranquillisers with behaviour change seen 48


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DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Chapter 4 Discussion

Statement of (69 in 2006): 5% of the total for the year (see Figure principal findings 87). Ecstasy was the sole drug implicated in an average of 10 deaths annually over the same time This systematic review assesses the health harms period (other amphetamines implicated as the sole of the recreational use of MDMA. We adopted drug in an annual average of 10 deaths, cocaine in a much broader remit than previous syntheses, 22 and heroin in 187). encompassing and expanding on previous areas of interest. In addition, our review provides greater The GMR reports an average annual number of detail about the methods used for meta-analysis all drug-related deaths between 1993 and 2006 and we use innovative methods to pool data and to of 2727, about two-thirds of which were in men. examine possible confounders between study arms. There were, on average, 17 deaths a year in this We also distinguish between polydrug-using and period where ecstasy was recorded as the sole drug drug-naïve controls, which was not the case in all involved (2.5% of all deaths ascribed to a single previous meta-analyses. drug) and an additional 33 per year where it was reported as co-drug use (see Table 45). Ecstasy We include a large number of studies that have deaths appear to have increased up to 2001, but to investigated a wide range of possible chronic have stabilised thereafter, while cocaine deaths are harmful effects of ecstasy on recreational users of increasing year on year. Heroin and morphine, as the drug. There is good agreement in the results expected, account for the great majority of drug- of these studies, whether they emanate from related deaths (65.6%). previous meta-analyses or from meta-analyses undertaken for this review of either individual The typical victim of an ecstasy death is an outcome measures or composite outcomes. Ecstasy employed white male in his twenties, who is a users consistently perform worse than controls known drug addict co-using a number of other across a wide range of neurocognitive tests and substances (see Table 46). Given the paucity of data psychopathological instruments. The effects about scale and patterns of use, the risk associated are most consistent and marked for memory, with taking an ecstasy tablet is very difficult to particularly measures of verbal and working assess. memory, but are also seen particularly strongly in self-rated measures of depression, memory, anxiety and impulsivity. While the commonest comparison Methodological made in studies is that of current recreational considerations users of ecstasy with polydrug-using controls (subjects who use other legal and illegal drugs but The controlled observational studies (Level II not ecstasy), similar results are seen when current evidence) included in the report investigated the ecstasy users are compared to controls naïve to chronic harmful effects of recreational ecstasy illegal drugs and when former ecstasy users are use, largely neurocognitive effects and depressive compared to either control group. Substantial symptomatology. All these studies, apart from one caution, however, should be taken in interpreting with a prospective design, are cross-sectional in these results, the key reasons for which are outlined nature and compare ecstasy users either with users below. of other legal and illegal drugs or with users who were naïve to illegal drugs. Key registry data about drug-related deaths is available from the np-SAD and GMR registry We did not identify any Level II evidence databases. These data are not directly comparable concerning the acute harmful effects of ecstasy: all because of differences in data sources and the included literature on this aspect of the review recording of drug use. In the 10 years to 2006, the consisted of Level III evidence, either case series or np-SAD recorded an average of 50 drug-related case reports. deaths in which ecstasy was mentioned as present 153

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Chronic harms attribute, sometimes in the same study. In addition, Our systematic review has included many more some papers used subscales while others used the studies of controlled observational data than full scale of the same instrument. Some scales have previous meta-analyses: 110 compared to 28 revised or amended versions, and a mixture of in the largest of the previous relevant meta- the original and the revised scales was used in the analyses we have included. The range of health included studies. It is not possible to determine outcomes considered is also broader, with previous what the impact of pooling across these scales reviews focused on self-reported depression or might be. In addition, it is unclear what we should neurocognitive damage generally, and memory be trying to measure. It is possible that some specifically. In addition, we have provided more understanding of impact on total brain function detailed critical appraisal of the included studies, is important, rather than the specific domains which are all cross-sectional in design, except one (such as memory, cognition or behaviour) on which prospectively conducted study, and have numerous studies tend to focus. significant methodological flaws, which are discussed in detail (see Chapter 3, Assessment of We identified only eight outcome measures for the quality of studies). which a meaningful number of studies had used the same instrument and the same scales, all Inclusion/exclusion criteria of which were measures of verbal memory or With the time constraints of this project, we had intelligence; all except one compared ecstasy‑using to confine our review to studies published in the groups to polydrug‑using controls. English language, which may have led to the exclusion of relevant studies published in other Where several different outcome measures were languages. It is difficult to predict what effect this used to measure the same attribute, we categorised exclusion may have on our results: papers in other and collapsed these into similar domains to languages may be more likely to report negative allow meta-analysis. These domains and the findings which would weaken the associations identification of outcomes that were appropriate we have found. We have found some evidence of to include within them were based initially on publication bias in the outcomes we have assessed reviewers’ classification and then validated by our (especially in comparisons between ecstasy users expert advisory group. Necessarily, some of these and drug‑naïve controls), suggesting that there may classifications are matters of judgment and other be other unpublished studies reporting negative investigators may have chosen to group outcomes findings, which would also weaken our findings. differently.

We excluded laboratory‑based studies for two Many of the outcomes used in the studies, main reasons: recreational use of ecstasy means especially those assessing personality dimensions that the dangers of pills taken as ecstasy need to and mood, rely on self-reports of a characteristic be considered, regardless of their actual purity or rather than objective measurement. This may be dose; and the impact of ecstasy, in terms of both a particular problem in self-selected study groups, acute and chronic harms, is influenced by the who may participate because of preconceived environment in which it is taken. While these are notions of the effect of ecstasy. In pooled analyses, strengths in interpreting the data, they also cause self-rated measures showed the greatest impact of limitations in that the actual impact of MDMA, ecstasy use in comparison to both polydrug-using as opposed to other substances, may not be being and drug-naïve controls. measured. Many laboratory studies also focus on the acute pleasurable effects of taking ecstasy, To pool data from different studies using disparate which are beyond the scope of this review. scales to measure the same outcome, effect sizes were converted to a standardised mean difference. We excluded studies which assess the health harms One consequence of this strategy is to complicate of the recreational use of amphetamines generally the interpretation of the analyses further, because it if it was not possible to identify which results is unclear how to decipher the clinical meaning of specifically assessed the harms of ecstasy. a difference of any magnitude.

Outcome measures There was substantial heterogeneity in study We identified a huge number of wide‑ranging design, which may have implications for the outcome measures: 915 different outcome meta-analyses, although we used random-effects measures were used in the included studies, many models for all analyses to account for the expected 154 of which were ostensibly measuring the same heterogeneity. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

There were a number of outcome domains for reduced negative effects. As discussed earlier (see which data were not sufficient to pool for meta- Chapter 3, Inter-arm differences), it is possible analysis. Narrative synthesis only was possible for that alcohol use is a marker of different patterns some of these outcomes while other individual of drug use, or that alcohol consumption may outcomes have not been considered in the review. beneficially attenuate the hyperthermic effects of ecstasy, leading to less long‑term damage. These Confounding are speculative suggestions which should be treated As all the included studies were observational, it is with caution. unlikely that potential confounders (such as age, exposure to other drugs, educational status, etc.) One Hong Kong study, by Yip and Lee,128 indicated are equally distributed in the study arms. We used a much bigger impact of ecstasy use for delayed metaregression techniques to explore the impact of verbal and visual memory outcomes than other such potential confounders, in univariate analyses studies included in these meta-analyses. The only. Multivariate analyses would be desirable in characteristics of this study’s participants might future syntheses, but availability of covariate data mean that this represents a unique insight into was too patchy to enable such an approach in the pure effects of ecstasy, as this study was able to this case. In addition to standard metaregression recruit clubbing cohorts of ecstasy-only users and techniques, we examined the effect of imbalances drug-naïve controls, neither of which were exposed in arm characteristics on the exposure effect to other substances, including alcohol and tobacco. estimated in studies (a technique that, as far as It would be very useful to have more studies with we are aware, has not been used previously). The comparisons between such groups; however, these benefit of this approach is that it should enable us have proved very difficult to recruit in European to identify the extent to which observed differences settings. Other qualities might also account for in outcomes may be confounded by factors other these outlying results, as this is the only study to than exposure to ecstasy. use the Chinese version of the RAVLT measure. In addition, ketamine contamination was reportedly Despite these analyses, it has not been possible to common in pills sold as ecstasy in Hong Kong at explore or control for all possible confounders, that time. because of the variable and incomplete documentation of possible confounders in the Acute harms literature. In addition, confounders are measured at population levels rather than individual levels, We did not identify any controlled observational and attempts to extrapolate to individuals may lead studies concerning acute health harms of ecstasy to ecological fallacy. that met our inclusion criteria. There was, however, a large number of uncontrolled case series and The small size of many of the studies together case reports which met our inclusion criteria, with the suggestion of publication bias in several including several case series of deaths and hospital analyses suggest that caution is needed in admissions, based on data from death registers, interpreting the results, which may be subject coroners’ reports, emergency department databases to Type I errors (false rejection of the null and hospital statistics. We obtained additional hypothesis). We found that imbalances in baseline information from authors who maintain the np- intelligence had a significant impact on observed SAD in the UK, to bring the data on UK deaths outcomes in a number of cases: where ecstasy‑using from ecstasy as up-to-date as possible. Establishing groups were, on average, less intelligent than cause of death caused particular difficulties because their control arms, they tended to perform worse death registers record the underlying cause of in neurocognitive tests. Other drug use, mainly death only as due to poisoning, rather than stating amphetamines, cocaine and cannabis, may affect the immediate cause or mode of death, such as the results in either direction, with no consistent hyperthermia or renal failure. pattern, suggesting that these findings may be artefacts. It is possible, however, that these drugs Inclusion/exclusion criteria may act to ameliorate the impact of ecstasy by As outlined in the protocol, we did not consider lessening its hyperthermic effects. This is seen indirect harms of ecstasy, for example the role in some studies of acute harms (see Chapter 3, of ecstasy in accidental deaths due to road traffic Hyperthermia) and chronic effects could also be accidents, or users’ vulnerability to acquiring influenced by increases in body temperature. In sexually transmitted infections following unsafe addition, metaregression in 25 analyses found that sex. An assessment of such outcomes would increased co-use of alcohol was associated with 155

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contribute to a more complete picture of all real and attributable to the recreational use of possible harms relating to ecstasy use. ecstasy, the quality of the evidence is discussed below according to relevant criteria for assessing Confounding causality:364 Three-quarters of deaths recorded in registries relate to ecstasy use among known drug users. • strength and consistency of the effect From the data, it is not possible to ascertain • dose–response effect whether the minority who die with ecstasy as the • temporal relationship sole drug in their system were also known drug • plausibility and coherence. users. In any event, it seems that those most at risk of death related to ecstasy are also co-using other Strength and consistency of effect drugs or have a history of polydrug abuse. The detrimental effects of ecstasy on memory, depression, anxiety and impulsivity are consistently Analysis identified in previous meta-analyses and the The weak nature of the evidence-base, in terms meta-analyses undertaken for this review, for of both study design and poor and incomplete both individual outcome measures and composite reporting of outcomes and confounders, measures derived by pooling outcomes measuring made a detailed synthesis of the acute harms the same domain. This is despite different focus, unfeasible. We have therefore confined ourselves outcome groupings and inclusion criteria between to describing the case series of deaths from this systematic review and those previously ecstasy in a narrative way. As the case series and published. The three previous meta-analyses of case reports of non-fatal acute harms were so neurocognitive function all found that ecstasy users heterogeneous, selective in their reporting of performed worse than controls in all domains: outcomes and unlikely to be generalisable to the verbal learning and memory, attention, non- whole population of recreational ecstasy users, verbal learning and memory, psychomotor speed, we have made no attempt to report or calculate executive systems function, short-term memory, frequencies of individual health harms and have long-term memory and visual memory.59,60,73 The confined ourselves simply to listing the main effects greatest deficits (‘moderate ’to ‘large’ using Cohen’s documented. guidelines) were seen for verbal learning in all three reviews. Effect sizes were not modified by lifetime exposure to ecstasy, but former users were Strengths and limitations of not analysed in these studies so further exploration the evidence: chronic harms of dose–response is not possible. It is worth noting that Verbaten confined his analysis to heavy users As outlined earlier in this chapter (see Statement of of ecstasy where possible and his effect sizes were principal findings), there was a small but consistent larger than other meta-analyses. Our analyses do negative effect of ecstasy use across a large number not suggest the presence of such a dose–response of studies. The fact that this effect was seen across effect. so many different outcome measures suggests that there is a real association of ecstasy with Sumnall and Cole’s previous review of depressive impairment of neurocognitive function, particularly symptoms also found very similar results to our some aspects of memory, and with increased analyses of such outcomes, including suggestions psychopathological symptomatology. There are, of publication bias.58 Again, this review found however, very substantial cautions attached to such a positive association with lifetime exposure to an interpretation. With one exception, the evidence ecstasy and, while we found a weak association on which these findings are drawn is based on between ETLD and depression effect size when cross-sectional studies, so that causation cannot be ecstasy users were compared with drug-naïve inferred. There are also significant methodological controls, there was no such evidence in the flaws in many of the studies. The weakness in the comparison with polydrug-using controls. study designs is also apparent in the difficulty in controlling for the many possible confounders in The commonest comparison made in our analyses these studies. is between current ecstasy users and polydrug‑using controls. Polydrug‑using controls are those who In assessing whether the association between use legal and illegal drugs, but not ecstasy, and ecstasy and poor neurocognitive function and have generally been recruited in the same way as increased psychopathological symptomatology ecstasy users. While, given the observational nature 156 (such as anxiety, depression and impulsivity) is of all the evidence available, it is not possible to DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

be certain that both groups come from the same None of the included studies collected data population, it seems reasonable to assume that directly reflecting the quality of life of participants. polydrug-using controls and ecstasy users are fairly Similarly, we found no attempts to assess the similar in most respects apart from ecstasy use. This clinical meaningfulness of any inter-cohort assumption is generally borne out by the reported differences, and it is difficult for us to assess this levels of other drug use and sociodemographic on the basis of aggregate level data alone. As we variables in the individual studies. are not aware that ecstasy users present in any great numbers to drug services, unlike other drug Drug-naïve controls, on the other hand, are a misusers, it seems unlikely that the differences more heterogeneous group and while, in some described cause major clinical or functional cases, they may have been recruited in a similar problems for the majority of consumers. way to the ecstasy users, there are also instances in which they have been drawn from very different Methodological flaws in the included studies may populations, such as researchers and hospital also partially explain the effects seen, particularly workers. While ecstasy users also perform worse because the effects are generally small. None of than this control group on neurocognitive tests and the included studies stated whether the researchers have more psychopathological symptomatology, were blind to the ecstasy-using status of each it is likely that unidentified (and therefore subject; while some of the outcomes are sufficiently uncontrolled) confounders may be modifying this objective to make this weakness unlikely to lead effect to a greater extent than with polydrug‑using to significant observer bias, other outcomes are controls. It is also impossible to disentangle the more open to interpretation. Observer bias cannot effects of ecstasy from those of the other drugs to therefore be excluded as a partial explanation which the ‘ecstasy’ arms of these trials have been of our findings. In addition, it not clear what exposed. information on the nature of the study was given to subjects at recruitment. As subjects in these studies Although consistent in direction, the size of all cannot be blind to their own ecstasy-using status, identified effects is generally small. For individual they may have prior beliefs or expectations about outcome measures, the mean effects in both user its effects that could influence their performance. groups (current and former ecstasy users) and both The effect of such beliefs could affect our results control groups (polydrug users and drug-naïve in either direction: subjects may accept that controls) are within the normal range of the tests ecstasy causes memory problems or may be keen used. For the composite outcome domains, the to demonstrate that ecstasy use has no effect, or a effect sizes generally fall in the range classified beneficial effect, on their brain function. as ‘small’ according to the Cohen guidelines.119 This statement is true for all comparisons of Our metaregression analyses did not consistently ecstasy users with polydrug-using controls, with identify confounders, although other drug use and the exception of self-rated memory, where the differences between study arms in age, sex and difference is 0.51 SD (a ‘moderate’ effect according intelligence do affect some analyses, in some cases to Cohen). The range of differences is 0.15–0.51 in a counterintuitive direction. Such inconsistent SD. findings weaken the associations identified and strengthen the methodological concerns about Differences between users and drug-naïve controls the included studies. The apparently consistent, are larger, with those for immediate and delayed positive effect of additional alcohol consumption verbal memory, 0.84 and 1.04 SD, being classified may be explained either as a direct chemical effect as ‘large’ (range of differences 0.27–1.04 SD). Self- or as an indicator of more casual modes of ecstasy rated depression, memory and impulsivity also consumption, as discussed above. produced ‘moderate’ to ‘large’ differences for this comparison. Less weight should be attached to self- Many of the included studies were very small, rated measures than to objective outcomes, even which means that they are subject to substantial though the effect is consistent. uncertainty. However, in common with all conventional meta‑analyses, our syntheses give We remain uncertain of the clinical meaning or weight to contributing studies according to their relevance of any of these identified differences precision, which is directly influenced by the size between ecstasy users and control groups. It is not of the sample on which they are based. These clear what, if any, impact the ‘deficits’ described methods were developed for synthesising the might have on everyday living or quality of life. results of randomised controlled trials, where 157

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it can be assumed that, as long as they are well Most metaregression analyses showed no impact conducted, larger studies are more likely to of exposure, and of the two that did show a provide an accurate estimate of treatment effect. relationship, one showed a positive effect and This assumption does not necessarily hold true in the other a negative effect; chance findings are observational studies: a large study may very well therefore a possibility. be more biased than a small one.72 As a result our meta‑analyses can only reflect the biases inherent Ecstasy exposure has been defined in various ways: in underlying evidence. as total lifetime exposure measured as number of tablets consumed, as duration of ecstasy use, as While the total number of outcome measures frequency of ecstasy consumption and as number reported in the studies is very large, it is not of tablets consumed on each occasion. Measuring clear to what extent they are truly independent exposure to ecstasy is difficult. All our included measures. The consistency of the effects seen studies rely on self-reported consumption of tablets may be artefactually strengthened by the sold as ecstasy, sometimes over a period of several interdependence of the outcomes. In addition, years. Such information is highly subject to recall we are aware that many studies do not report bias, with both overestimates and underestimates of results for all of the outcomes they state have been consumption likely. Compounding this is the lack measured. Selective reporting of outcomes may of knowledge of the exact composition of any tablet also apparently strengthen any effects, as negative sold as ecstasy. Amount of MDMA present varies findings are perhaps less likely to be reported. and other psychoactive and non-psychoactive substances may also be present. All estimates of Significant evidence of small‑study bias was found ecstasy use are likely to be inaccurate indications in a few analyses, but only in comparisons between of MDMA consumption. As a result, it may not be ecstasy users and ecstasy‑naïve controls. This may surprising that we cannot demonstrate a dose– be a chance finding, or it may reflect a lower level response effect in current ecstasy users. of methodological rigour in such studies, leading to biased findings. Selective outcome reporting As most ecstasy users co-use other drugs or use – which one would expect to find in low-quality other drugs at other times, isolation of an effect studies – might be a contributory factor. There particular to ecstasy is very difficult. Use of other appears to be especially strong evidence that drugs is clearly an important potential confounder; the meta-analysis of depression in ecstasy users however, details about the frequency, volume and compared to drug-naïve controls may be distorted combinations of consumptions are varied and by this bias (see Chapter 3, Depression (self-rated) subject to the same difficulties of accurate estimate – MDMA users versus drug-naïve controls). seen for ecstasy use. The importance of co-use, as opposed to poly-use on separate occasions, is not Finally, subjects have been recruited for the known. individual studies in a number of ways, none of which suggests that they can be considered truly Contrary to expectation when looking for a dose– representative of the ecstasy-using population response effect, former ecstasy users appear to as a whole. Those participating are self-selected have a disadvantage comparable to – and, in some populations, often recruited through snowball instances, significantly greater than – current users. methods which may exaggerate any specific, We suggest that this may be an artefact of the self- local qualities of the sample, particularly because selection process, with people worried about the individual study sizes are often very small. impact of former drug use more likely to volunteer Generalising these effects to the total population of to participate. Additionally, negative experiences ecstasy users is therefore problematic. with ecstasy use may cause people to stop taking it. In all cases, the number of studies providing data Dose–response for pooling about former ecstasy users is smaller If the associations seen are real and causally than for current users and so the sample of studies linked, we would expect to find greater effects in may be subject to greater chance variation. cases where more ecstasy has been consumed. In addition, the effects in former ecstasy users might Similarly, we have not demonstrated any effect diminish the longer they abstain from ecstasy of length of abstinence on effect size. While it is use. In fact, we found very little evidence that possible that any effect of ecstasy is permanent studies in which subjects were exposed to more and does not improve after exposure ceases, a ecstasy reported greater deficits in neurocognitive number of methodological explanations should 158 function or psychopathological symptomatology. also be considered. Some studies established quit DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

status objectively, while others relied on self-report, adds to the consistency of findings (see Strength and both methods could result in inaccuracies and consistency of effect). of measurement over longer periods of time. In other studies, it is not clear how long subjects had Other longitudinal studies have investigated abstained from ecstasy consumption. The sampling the performance of ecstasy users over time in biases discussed in the previous paragraph may comparison to controls. Most of them, however, also apply. started by recruiting pre-existing users and controls using the same sort of methods as the cross- On the other hand, the nature of our analysis, sectional studies, making it as difficult to establish combining data at study level rather than causation as in the rest of the literature, despite individual level, means that any large effects seen their subsequent longitudinal nature.365–369 All five in a small number of individuals would not be studies are small, but did follow up subjects for identified. It is possible that a minority of ecstasy between 1 and 2 years after recruitment, noting users are substantially affected by the drug. those who became abstinent during follow-up. Such idiosyncratic responses have been noted The largest study was subject to substantial drop- in the acute effects of ecstasy with some people out (only 38/60 users were tested at the 18‑month experiencing severe, even fatal, responses to doses follow-up), a finding likely to substantially bias the tolerated by others. Unfortunately, such subgroup results, as the authors acknowledge.368 Overall, analysis is not possible with the aggregate‑level the results from these longitudinal studies are data identified for this review. conflicting: one reported no change over time in task performance for current or ex-users,81 another Temporal relationship showed no difference between ecstasy users and Cross-sectional studies, which make up the bulk of ecstasy abstainers at follow-up,368 another showed available evidence about possible chronic health that ex-users failed to improve over time while harms of ecstasy, do not permit causal relationships current users did not deteriorate366 and two showed to be inferred, as it is never possible to ascertain if that scores remained static or improved for ex- exposure preceded outcome. The one prospective users while they declined for current users.366,369 study that we identified for this review found These studies are also as subject to confounding as small deficits in memory and increased self-rated the rest of the literature and their small size makes depression in a group of subjects who started using their evidence very weak. Overall, they cannot be ecstasy in the year after they were recruited to a taken as providing any evidence of a causal link longitudinal study (although test results for all between ecstasy use and neurocognitive deficits. participants were comfortably within the range of normal function).84,90,91 The comparison group for One final longitudinal study provides substantially this study comprised matched controls that had not better evidence that mental disorders are more started using ecstasy. The reported cumulative dose likely to precede illegal drug use than develop as of ecstasy in this group is small (averaging only a consequence.80 This study used a pre-existing three to six tablets), which makes their findings population-based longitudinal study of young important if such a small exposure to ecstasy can people being followed for the early development result in defects of measurable magnitude, even if of mental disorders to investigate symptomatology their clinical significance appears to be extremely with and without exposure to ecstasy and other minor. Controls and ecstasy users did not differ at amphetamines. As it is not possible to separate out baseline and were recruited at the same time and in results relating to ecstasy use, we have not included the same way without investigators knowing which the study’s results in our meta-analyses. It did not would become ecstasy users. However, it is not clear include any neurocognitive testing in its methods. whether researchers at the follow-up testing were Nevertheless, the size and methodological quality aware of the ecstasy-using status of the subjects, of this study suggest that we should give weight so observer bias is a possibility that cannot be to these results, which show outcome preceding excluded. Nevertheless, the methodological quality exposure in the majority of cases (that is to say, of this study is good, and we should give more participants started using ecstasy after the onset weight to its findings than to those of other studies. of psychopathological symptoms). These findings We can cautiously suggest, therefore, that a small suggest that amphetamines generally do not cause causal effect of ecstasy on neurocognitive function mental disorders, but rather that their use follows is possible. The fact that the results from this study the onset of such disorders. support those from the meta-analyses in this review


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Discussion

Plausibility and coherence samples, we had to use other case series literature The link between ecstasy and neurocognitive to explore the nature of acute harms. Such data deficits in particular is plausible and can be are subject to a number of well-known limitations predicted from animal, pharmacological and [see Chapter 3, Uncontrolled (Level III) evidence experimental studies which have not been reviewed (acute harms)] Most fatal and non-fatal acute for this report. harms reported appear to be related to the main syndromes of hyperthermia and hyponatraemia – The consistent confounding effect of alcohol women may be more susceptible to the latter. on the associations was initially surprising, but may be explained in two ways (either as a direct The scope of our review was such that transient neuroprotective effect or via the existence of subacute health harms of ecstasy consumption different populations with different consumption have not been reviewed. This may be particularly patterns), as outlined in Chapter 3, Inter-arm relevant where short-term disturbance of mood is differences. concerned, as this phenomenon may be related to long-term depressive outcomes.591 Strengths and limitations of the evidence: acute harms Further research

Registry data for the UK provides an indication of Our recommendations for future research are as the scale of ecstasy‑related deaths; however, without follows: detailed understandings of the scale and nature of ecstasy use, it is not possible to assess the risk • Large, population-based, prospective studies of taking any ecstasy tablet. This uncertainty is are required to examine the time relationship compounded by apparent idiosyncratic responses between ecstasy exposure and neurocognitive in some people which cause acute harms including, deficits and psychopathological symptoms. in some cases, death, after ingesting doses that are • Further research synthesis of the social and tolerated by others. We identified no studies that other indirect health harms of ecstasy would offered ways of identifying those most at risk of provide a more complete picture. Similar fatal effects. The variable content of ecstasy tablets synthesis of the health harms of amphetamines is also an issue. generally would provide a useful comparison. • Future cross-sectional studies will only add Two‑thirds of those deaths recorded in registry data to the evidence-base if they are large, as as having ecstasy as a contributory factor were in representative as possible of the ecstasy- individuals who were also found to have consumed using population, use well-validated outcome other drugs. In nearly 60% of these cases, heroin, measures, measure outcomes as objectively methadone or other opiates were also found. In as possible with researchers blind to the populations recruited for the comparative studies ecstasy-using status of their subjects, report about chronic harms of ecstasy use, heroin was not on all outcomes used, and provide complete a commonly co-used drug. It is possible that the documentation of possible effect modifiers. majority of those fatal cases involving ecstasy use Cohorts should be matched for baseline are in those who are opiate abusers who also use factors, including IQ and exposure to alcohol. other drugs, a subgroup which is not representative • The heterogeneity of outcome measures of the majority of ecstasy users. used by different investigators is unhelpful: consensus on the most appropriate instruments There are few audits of presentations in emergency to use should be sought. Investigators should rooms related to ecstasy use and only one of collect data directly reflecting the quality of these was from the UK, in which no fatal cases life of participants and/or attempt to assess were recorded. In other such hospital‑based the clinical meaningfulness of any inter-cohort audits, fatalities are seen in between 0 and 2% differences. of presentations, suggesting that most adverse • A registry of adverse events related to illegal effects resolve spontaneously or with treatment, intoxicants presenting to medical services (akin even where they are severe enough to result in to the ‘yellow card’ system for prescription presentation at A&E. medicines) would enable useful estimation of the incidence of harmful effects of ecstasy in Given the lack of information about cause of death comparison to other substances. 160 in registries and the small size of hospital audit DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

• Future case reports of acute harms of ecstasy No dose–response effect for ecstasy is seen in are unlikely to contribute valuable information most of the analyses, whether dose is measured as to the evidence-base. Where novel findings duration or frequency of use, size of dose at each are presented, care should be taken to report use or lifetime exposure. Period of abstinence toxicological findings confirming the precise from ecstasy before testing also has no identifiable identity of the substance(s) consumed by the effect. In some cases (notably the NeXT study), individual(s) in question. neurocognitive effects are demonstrable after apparently very low doses of only a few tablets. Our lack of identified dose–response effect is, perhaps, Conclusions surprising. It certainly might be expected that Chronic harms differences exist between novice users taking only a few tablets and those who have taken hundreds The one prospective study identified for this of tablets over many years. The lack of identified review (the Netherlands XTC study) found that dose–response effect may relate to the difficulties in subjects using ecstasy had a poorer performance measuring exposure, which include both recall bias on neurocognitive testing of various aspects in subjects and variable quantities of MDMA plus of memory and reported increased depressive possible other psychoactive ingredients in tablets symptomatology, when compared to subjects who consumed as ecstasy. had not used ecstasy. Other explanations include methodological ones, Previous meta-analyses of cross-sectional studies such as the lack of blinding of investigators to report small to medium decreases in performance the drug-using status of subjects: the differences on various neurocognitive outcomes concerned tend to be greater when subjective outcomes are with memory, and an increase in depressive measured. The artificiality of separating illegal symptomatology. drug users into those declaring that they use ecstasy and those who do not may also contribute. Meta-analyses undertaken for this review also find Polydrug‑using controls are likely to be the the same deficits, whether for individual outcome population of subjects from which ecstasy users measures or for pooled outcomes measuring are drawn, while drug-naïve controls may be quite the same function (e.g. immediate or delayed different and more heterogeneous, making it likely memory). These neurocognitive deficits remain that they differ markedly from the recreational largely within the normal range for individual ecstasy users in many unmeasured ways. In measures or are classified mostly as small effects, addition, our analyses will not pick up individual with some verging on medium‑sized effects. severe effects, as there is a big variation in exposure Slightly larger effect differences are generally (but within most studies and the large effects in a few not universally) seen when current ecstasy users individuals will be averaged out (i.e. subject to the are compared to users naïve to illegal drugs rather ecological fallacy). than users of other illegal drugs. The differences are frequently slightly larger for former ecstasy Estimated exposure effects are consistently small users compared to both control groups than for or within normal ranges, suggesting that effects current ecstasy users. are unlikely to have serious clinical implications for the average user. However, there are no long- As all the data for these meta-analyses are derived term follow-up data to monitor any persistent from cross-sectional studies, no causal inference effects over time or any rate of comparative can be made. Metaregression shows that differences neurocognitive decline in these groups. in baseline intelligence and consumption of other drugs, particularly alcohol, partially explain Acute harms the difference between groups, although not necessarily in the expected direction (e.g. higher Death remains a rare event following exposure consumption of alcohol amongst ecstasy‑using to ecstasy. Documentation is inconsistent and cohorts appears to be associated with better relative incomplete, but, such as it is, suggests that death performance in neurocognitive tests). Level of usually occurs within a few hours of ingestion of education, intelligence, age and gender do not ecstasy and is associated mainly with hyperthermia consistently explain the differences seen between and its consequences or hyponatraemia. studies. Occasionally, it is associated with isolated liver


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. failure occurring over a period of days or weeks of this is not always complete. Women appear to rather than hours. It is not possible to calculate a bemore susceptible to fatal hyponatraemia, but risk of death from taking ecstasy, not least because this phenomenon is extremely rare and is likely to many victims have been exposed to other drugs, be reported more completely and thoroughly than both alcohol and other illegal drugs, and reporting other deaths. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


e particularly acknowledge the invaluable strategy, contributed to the review (study selection; Whelp of the Expert Advisory Group for this data extraction and checking; critical appraisal of project (Appendix 1), who provided advice and studies; data synthesis), contributed to drafting comments on the protocol and drafts of this report. the report (all sections) and compiled and edited Any errors that remain are the responsibility of the the report. Julian Elston contributed to the review authors. (study selection; data extraction and checking; critical appraisal of studies; data synthesis) We would like to thank the Advisory Council on the and contributed to drafting the report (results; Misuse of Drugs for their guidance throughout the discussion). Ruth Garside was co‑responsible project, especially Professor David Nutt, Professor for project direction, contributed to the review Les Iversen and other members of the Technical (study selection; data extraction and checking; Committee, and Will Reynolds and Mohammed Ali critical appraisal of studies; data synthesis) and of the secretariat. We were also assisted by Professor contributed to drafting the report (all sections). Val Curran (Professor of Psychopharmacology, Chris Roome contributed to the review (data University College London), who commented on a extraction and checking; critical appraisal of draft of this report, on behalf of ACMD. studies; data synthesis) and contributed to drafting the report (results). Rod Taylor contributed to We are extremely grateful to John Corkery at the the design, implementation and checking of National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths quantitative synthesis, contributed to the review (np-SAD), who was very generous in the provision (data checking), and contributed to drafting the of data and expertise. Gary Wallace (Plymouth report (methods). Paula Younger devised the Drug and Alcohol Action Team) provided useful search strategy, conducted the literature searches orientation at the beginning of the project. and contributed to drafting the report (methods; results). Anna Zawada contributed to the review At PenTAG, Jo Perry and Sue Whiffin provided (critical appraisal of studies; data synthesis) exemplary administrative project support, and Ken and contributed to drafting the report (results). Stein offered useful insights. We are also grateful to Margaret Somerville was co‑responsible for project Tiffany Moxham, who performed update searches. direction, contributed to the review (data checking; critical appraisal of studies; data synthesis) and contributed to drafting the report (all sections). Contribution of authors

Gabriel Rogers co-ordinated the project, drafted the protocol, contributed to devising the search


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DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


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Appendix 1 Expert Advisory Group

Dr Lewis Jones, Consultant in Emergency Dr Jacqui Rodgers, Senior Academic Tutor Medicine, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Newcastle Dr Michael Morgan, Senior Lecturer in Experimental Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Sussex


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DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Appendix 2 Review protocol

Title of the project MDMA has been a Class A illegal substance for 30 The harmful health effects of recreational ecstasy: a years. This means that it is classified among the systematic review of observational evidence most dangerous drugs, and serious penalties are imposed for possession or supply. Most people who Name of TAR team take ecstasy also use other legal and illegal drugs, and project lead sometimes at the same time. Ecstasy is commonly taken in nightclubs and at parties, and is very often Group: Peninsula Technology Assessment associated with extended sessions of dancing. Group (PenTAG) Along with the pleasurable effects sought by users Host institution: Peninsula College of Medicine of MDMA, it has become clear that the drug can and Dentistry, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth cause a range of unintended harms. In the short term, the most serious dangers arise when MDMA Project co-ordinator: Mr Gabriel Rogers interferes with the body’s ability to maintain a constant temperature. In severe cases, multiple Post held: Associate Research Fellow organ failure can develop, and this can prove swiftly fatal. To counteract this danger, ecstasy Address: Noy Scott House Barrack Road Exeter users are advised to drink plenty of fluid. However, EX2 5DW, UK some people overcompensate, drinking excessive amounts, and a condition can result in which Telephone: 00 44 (0)1392 406971 [group the excess fluid leaks into the brain, causing it to administrator: 00 44 (0)1392 406966] swell, often with fatal consequences. A variety of other adverse events have been reported in the Fax: 00 44 (0)1392 406401 immediate aftermath of MDMA consumption, including heart failure, brain haemorrhage, and E-mail: [email protected] liver failure.

Other staff Consumption of MDMA may also have long-term Dr Julian Elston, Academic Specialist Trainee in consequences, especially as regards users’ mental Public Health/Honorary Research Fellow health. People who have taken ecstasy in the past may have increased susceptibility to depression, Ms Paula Younger, Electronic Resources Librarian and their memory may also be affected. There are other possible psychiatric effects, some of them Ms Ruth Garside, Research Fellow serious.

Dr Margaret Somerville, Senior Lecturer and This project will systematically review the medical Consultant in Public Health literature detailing the harms to human health from ecstasy. Electronic databases will be searched Plain English summary for journal articles describing the incidence and impact of adverse events. The identified material Street-drugs known as ecstasy have been sold for will be analysed and summarised. Consideration about 20 years in the UK. The active substance that will be given to the features of the evidence that such tablets contain – or purport to contain – is may make its interpretation complex (for example: 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). to what extent is it possible to isolate the long- MDMA does not exist in nature; it can only be term harms of MDMA from those of the other made chemically. Shortly after consumption, substances that users have almost always taken?) If MDMA releases chemicals in the brain that tend several papers report the same kind of numerical to bring about a sense of euphoria, exhilaration information, these data will be combined by meta- and increased intimacy with others. In the UK, analysis. An effort will also be made to analyse 191

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factors that might make some types of user more or The apparently non-linear nature of MDMA less likely to suffer an adverse event. pharmacokinetics has been emphasised; blood concentrations of MDMA rise disproportionately as Scope of the review dosage is increased.P9 Review question History What are the harmful health effects of taking The first documentary record of the synthesis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, MDMA is the 1912 German patent application ecstasy) for recreational use? of Merck pharmaceuticals in relation to haemostasis,P10 but it was not tested on humans Background until 1960.P10 Following very sporadic reports in Ecstasy is the common street-name for the 1970s, recreational use of MDMA became more drugs that contain – or purport to contain – widespread during the 1980s,P11 with discussion 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) as proliferating in the popular press in 1985.P12 The their active ingredient. Following the convention term ecstasy first appeared in print in reference of Gowing et al.,P1 the term ecstasy is used here to to MDMA in 1985P13 and in the British media in denote the drug as it is sold on the street, whereas 1987.P14 MDMA refers to the known chemical substance. The US Drug Enforcement Administration Pharmacology classified MDMA as a Schedule 1 controlled MDMA is an entirely synthetic chemical substance with effect from 1 July 1985,P15 In the belonging to the amphetamine family, a group UK, it had already been criminalised; a statutory of phenethylamines. Several substances that are instrument of 1977, without naming MDMA closely related in chemical structure are also in particular, categorised all ring-substituted commonly used as recreational drugs: phenethylamines as Class A substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act.P16 • amphetamine (‘speed’, ‘whizz’) • methamphetamine (MA; ‘crystal meth’) In the UK, reported ecstasy consumption has • paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA) remained relatively stable over the past decade, • 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) with somewhere in the region of 2% of 16- to • 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine 59-year-olds reporting ecstasy use in the preceding (MDEA; ‘Eve’) 12 months (Office for National Statistics crime • 3,4-methylenedioxy-phenyl-N- survey). This makes it the third most-used illegal methylbutanamine (MBDB). drug in the UK. It has been estimated that somewhere between 500000 and 2 million doses of Drugs sold as ‘ecstasy’ frequently contain one ecstasy are consumed each week in the UK.P17 or more of these substances, instead of or in addition to MDMA.P2 The intended effects for Usage which ecstasy users take the drug are described The overwhelming pattern of ecstasy usage is as in terms of euphoria, exhilaration and a sense of a part of polydrug consumption.P18 A 2003 survey increased intimacy and empathy with others.P3 of UK ecstasy-using respondents also reported The neuropharmacological mechanisms by which extensive concomitant use of alcohol (88%), these effects are produced involve the release amphetamines (83%), cannabis (82%), cocaine of extracellular serotonin and dopamine,P4 (58%) and amyl nitrate (51%), and there was also neurotransmitters that are commonly associated some use of LSD, ketamine, fluoxetine, crack with the mood and pleasure systems of the brain. cocaine, herbal highs and sildenafil. In addition, various substances were used in the ‘comedown’ The physiological effects of MDMA in humans period following ecstasy consumption, most notably have been studied in controlled conditions. Heart cannabis (82%), alcohol (60%), benzodiazepines rate rises to a peak an average of 20–30 beats per (18%) and heroin (2%). minute higher than baselineP5–P7 approximately an hour after consumption of doses similar to those Ecstasy tablets as sold on the street contain a taken recreationally. Blood pressure increases over variable amount of MDMA, ranging from none a similar period (systolic by 25–40 mmHg, diastolic to around 150 mg.P2 As noted above, some tablets by 10–20 mmHg).P5–P7 Body temperature also rises contain MDEA, MDA and/or amphetamine in (by 0.3–1.0°C), but this effect is less immediate, addition to or instead of MDMA. Ecstasy tablets 192 with a peak several hours after consumption.P5,P7,P8 may also be ‘cut’ with unrelated substances. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Many of these are pharmacologically weak Hyponatraemia When the hyperthermogenic (e.g. caffeine, paracetamol); however, there are properties of MDMA are combined with intense reports of stronger psychoactive substances physical activity, profuse sweating inevitably (e.g. atropine, opiates, phenylbutanamine and results, and substantial amounts of sodium can be dextromethorphan).P2 One US source analysed lost in perspiration. This problem is significantly tablets in 2005–7 and found them to have compounded by the tendency of MDMA users to approximately a one in three chance of containing drink large quantities of water. The combination only MDMA, MDMA along with other active of sodium loss and excess water consumption may ingredients, or no MDMA at all.P19 also be exacerbated by excess fluid retention (as the result of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic As a result of these factors, it is not possible to hormones and/or impairment of renal functionP32). isolate exposure to MDMA in particular in any The resultant hyponatraemic state sees a fall in individual history or in characteristics across serum osmolar pressure, allowing intracellular cohorts. Even if there were such a thing as an displacement of water, the most hazardous result of identifiable group of individuals whose ecstasy which is cerebral oedema.P32 consumption alone distinguished them from the general population, it would still be impossible The early clinical manifestations of hyponatraemic to ascertain to which chemicals they had been cerebral oedema are headache and nausea, exposed, and at what dosage. progressing to confusion and seizures.P32–P35 If not corrected the syndrome will commonly progress Safety to tentorial herniation, respiratory arrest, cerebral Reports from investigators assessing the hypoxia and death. psychotherapeutic potential of MDMA in 1986 suggested that the drug was ‘apparently physically Subgroup effects may be an issue. Regardless safe’, despite some ‘undesirable’ effects.P20 of cause, hyponatraemia is known to be Within a year of such claims, the first reports of most hazardous in women, especially during ecstasy-related deaths appeared in the medical menstruation.P36 literature.P21 In the UK, the first reported fatalities came in 1991.P22,P23 Over the past 20 years, a wide Isolated acute harms variety of fatal and non-fatal complications have Acute cardiovascular dysfunction Tachycardia is an been ascribed to consumption of ecstasy. invariable response to MDMA consumption, and is the most frequently reported clinical symptom in Acute harms series detailing acute admissions in accident and Major syndromes emergency departments.P37,P38 There are reports The most critical acute complications of MDMA of MDMA-related myocardial infarctionP39–P42 consumption are, in a majority of cases, related and sudden cardiac death.P43 The importance to two well recognised syndromes, each involving of excluding concomitant use of other drugs serious derangement of homeostasis leading (especially cocaine, which is well known to induce to multiple organ failure: hyperthermia and critical cardiovascular dysfunction) has been hyponatraemia. emphasised.P44

Hyperthermia Derangements of thermoregulation Acute neurological dysfunction (seizures) Seizures are are a widely reported feature of MDMA toxicity,P24 a recognised manifestation of both hyponatraemia with temperatures as high as 43°C reported in and hyperthermia (see above). Cases have also some cases.P25–P29 In this context, the association been reported of MDMA-induced seizures between MDMA use and prolonged dancing may which apparently do not involve either of these be important because core temperature rises underlying causes.P45 during intensive exercise.P30 Intracranial haemorrhage There are several The physiological manifestations of MDMA- reports of intracranial haemorrhage following induced hyperthermia are similar to those seen in consumption of MDMA. Such events are commonly severe heatstroke.P31 The most noteworthy effects associated with pre-existing cerebrovascular are rhabdomyolysis, disseminated intravascular vulnerabilities (e.g. aneurysmP46,P47 or arteriovenous coagulopathy (DIC), acute renal failure (ARF) and malformationP48,P49); however, cases have also acute liver failure. been reported in which no such features were identified.P49,P50 193

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Respiratory dysfunction Chest pain secondary to clinical manifestations may result. Studies have pneumomediastinum (leakage from the airways most commonly examined the impact of MDMA into the mediastinum; also known as mediastinal use on depression, neurocognitive impairment emphysema) is a relatively commonly reported (with a particular focus on both short- and long- condition in those presenting for medical term memory), psychomotor dysfunction and attention following MDMA consumption.P51–P63 psychotic symptomatology. Less frequently, pneumothoraxP55,P59 and pneumopericardiumP58 have also been reported. Depression It is hypothesised that, if MDMA use compromises serotonergic function, long-term Acute liver failure Critical hepatic dysfunction is a consumption can be expected to result in chronic notable consequence of hyperthermia (see above), depression of mood.P91 and extensive hepatic necrosis is an invariable post mortem finding in MDMA deaths.P64 In addition, it Neurocognition It is suggested that recreational is well established that MDMA-induced acute liver MDMA use is associated with deficits in general failure can also occur without thermoregulatory neurocognitive function,P92 with particularly dysfunction.P28,P65–P74 This type of acute hepatic strong evidence of short- and long-term memory failure develops over a slightly longer period than impairment.P92–P94 in hyperthermic liver failure, with cases becoming symptomatic a matter of days, rather than hours, Psychomotor symptoms Psychomotor symptoms, such after MDMA ingestion. as tremor and even Parkinson’s disease, appear to be more common in those with a history of MDMA Renal failure and other urinary tract use.P95,P96–P100 abnormalities Occasionally, MDMA-induced kidney dysfunction can occur in the absence Psychosis and other psychiatric disorders Paranoia of hyperthermia or hyponatraemia. Such and anxiety are recognised characteristics of the cases are frequently associated with severe short-term experience of MDMA.P86,P87,P101 Specific hypertension.P75–P77 persistent psychiatric abnormalities lasting beyond the acute phase are also recorded. Rhabdomyolysis A few cases of isolated rhabdomyolysis without evidence of hyperthermia Other long-term harms have been reported.P78,P79 Dental damage Trismus and bruxism are very frequent characteristics of MDMA intoxication,P3 Acute ophthalmic injury There are reports of ocular and excessive toothwear can result. The problem problems arising from MDMA consumption, may be exacerbated by consumption of carbonated including retinal haemorrhage,P80 keratopathy,P81 drinks, which is common.P102 glaucoma,P82 diplopiaP83 and myopia.P84 Long-term susceptibility to seizure There is some Long-term harms discussion about whether long-term exposure to For all potential long-term harms, it is extremely MDMA predisposes users to epilepsy.P33 difficult to disentangle the long-term effects of MDMA use from those of the other legal and illegal Methods for systematic substances with which the histories of users are review of evidence invariably confounded.P85 Inclusion/exclusion criteria

Neuropsychiatric sequelae The relevance of all evidence will be appraised with While short-term depression of mood in the few respect to the following criteria. days following MDMA use is a common finding in qualitativeP86,P87 and observationalP88 literature, the Population long-term neuropsychiatric effects of MDMA use Included are the subject of much research and are widely • Users of recreational drugs in the UK or in believed to be irreversible.P89 Some biochemical populations relevant to the UK. analyses have shown depletion of serotonin metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid of human Excluded MDMA users, from which permanent impairment • Animal studies. of serotonergic function is inferred.P90 The impact • Non-drug-using volunteers enrolled in of MDMA consumption on dopamine activity prospective research. 194 has been a more controversial topic. A variety of DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

• Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB, ‘liquid Excluded ecstasy’). • Surrogate measures of harm (e.g. neuroimaging studies, biochemical markers), Exposures where there is no explicit correlation to Included observed effect • Recreational use of substances shown or • Biochemical indices of MDMA consumption believed by the investigator(s) to contain (e.g. testing for MDMA use in blood or hair MDMA. samples) • Studies reporting therapeutic measures for Excluded adverse events without providing data on • Use of street-drugs shown or believed by the individuals suffering such complications investigator(s) not to contain MDMA, whether • Subjective measures of psychostimulation referred to as ‘ecstasy’ or not. (i.e. studies of the drug’s intended short-term • Therapeutic use of MDMA. intoxicative effects) • Generic drug-using populations in which • Indirect harms it is not possible to isolate a subgroup with –– accidental injury where ecstasy exposure to MDMA in particular. consumption is detected/implicated –– health consequences of high-risk sexual Comparators behaviour contributed to by ecstasy Some uncontrolled evidence will be considered consumption in the review, where appropriate (see below). • Birth defects secondary to maternal exposure Where comparative evidence is reviewed, studies to MDMA. with comparator arm(s) meeting the following characteristics will be eligible. Methods Except where otherwise specified, the general Included methods of the review will follow the guidance on • Recreational users of drugs other than MDMA. the conduct of systematic reviews published by the • Non-drug-users. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination.P103

Outcomes Identification of evidence Included The search strategy will comprise the following • Death main elements: • Acute, clinically observable health harms, including (but not limited to) • searching of electronic databases –– hyperpyrexia • contact with experts in the field –– hyponatraemia • scrutiny of bibliographies of retrieved papers. –– acute cardiovascular dysfunction –– acute neurological dysfunction (seizures) Search strategy for electronic databases –– acute renal failure/anuria A comprehensive search syntax using indexed –– acute liver failure (including ‘subacute’ keywords (e.g. MeSH, EMTREE) and free-text liver failure and hepatitis) terms will be developed. This will build upon the –– intracranial haemorrhage search syntax devised and used for the scoping –– respiratory dysfunction (including searches (Preliminary search strategy). pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax) –– rhabdomyolysis Databases to be searched –– disseminated intravascular coagulopathy The electronic databases that will be searched –– acute ophthalmic injury (including retinal include: MEDLINE, EMBASE and PsycINFO (all haemorrhage, keratopathy, glaucoma, via Dialog DataStar); PubMed (limited to recent diplopia, myopia). publications and in-process citations); Web of • Long term, clinically observable health harms, Knowledge; the Cochrane Library (including the including (but not limited to) Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, Cochrane –– neuropsychiatric sequelae (including Controlled Trials Register); DARE; NHS HTA depression, psychosis, memory database. Simple keywords (e.g. ‘Ecstasy’; ‘MDMA’) impairment, disorders of neurocognition, will also be used to consult research registers, to psychomotor symptoms) identify any relevant prospective studies. • Dental damage. 195

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Inclusion of relevant evidence be appraised and described, and findings reported. The outputs of searches will be considered against Where possible and appropriate, quantitative the prespecified inclusion/exclusion criteria, with a synthesis of study outcomes will also be undertaken sample of citations screened by a second reviewer, (for methods, see below). A brief tabulation and/or to appraise validity of assessment. Studies that can summary of Level III evidence will be provided. confidently be identified as not meeting eligibility criteria on the basis of title and abstract will be Where neither Level I nor Level II evidence is excluded. The full texts of all other papers will be available, Level III evidence will be systematically obtained. Two reviewers will independently assess surveyed. whether these studies fulfil the inclusion criteria, with disagreements resolved by consensus. Critical appraisal of evidence The internal validity of included studies will be Papers in languages other than English assessed using methods appropriate to study As a result of the time restraints on this project, design. only studies published in English will be included in the review. Level I: systematic research syntheses Systematic reviews of observational evidence will be appraised Meeting abstracts with reference to a quality assessment instrument Reports published as meeting abstracts will only be adapted from the recommendations of the included in the review if sufficient methodological MOOSE (Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in details are reported to allow critical appraisal of Epidemiology) proposal.P104 study quality. Level II: controlled observational studies Cohort Methods of analysis/synthesis studies and case–control studies will be appraised General approach using a bespoke quality assessment instrument, Initially, all included evidence will be reviewed which will be constructed with reference to to establish a taxonomy of reported outcomes. recommendations made by Levine et al.,P105 Downs For each outcome, the available evidence will be and Black,P106 the NHS Centre for Reviews and categorised in a predefined hierarchy of research Dissemination (2004)P103 and Mallen et al.P107 design: Level III: Uncontrolled observational studies Case • Level I Pre-existing systematic research series and case reports will be appraised using a syntheses (systematic reviews, meta-analyses, bespoke quality assessment instrument, which will syntheses of qualitative data) be constructed with reference to the findings of • Level II Controlled observational studies Dalziel et al.P108 (cohort studies, case–control studies, etc.) • Level III Uncontrolled observational evidence Data extraction (case reports and case series). Data will be extracted using a bespoke database. Recorded information, where available, will Where it is adequately designed and conducted include: (see below for methods of critical appraisal), Level I evidence will be preferred. Any such synthesis • study design (e.g. design, country, setting, of primary research can be expected to include dates, length of follow-up) consideration of all relevant Level II evidence, if it • details of study participants, including is appropriately comprehensive. Accordingly, where –– baseline demographics (e.g. age, gender) reasonable-quality Level I evidence is available –– previous exposure to ecstasy and other for a given outcome, Level II evidence will only legal and illegal substances) be considered to the extent that it supplements • details of exposure, including the pre-existing syntheses. For example, Level II –– details of ecstasy consumed (e.g. number of studies that post-date the higher-level evidence tablets, MDMA content, other substances will be reviewed and appraised. Where possible contained in tablets) and appropriate, attempts will be made to extend –– other substances consumed (e.g. alcohol, any quantitative analyses contained in Level I other recreational drugs) evidence to include such additional evidence. • outcome data, including Where no adequate Level I evidence is identified –– quantitative data describing key study for a given outcome, any Level II evidence will be outcomes 196 systematically reviewed. The quality of research will • inter-cohort comparisons. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

All extracted data will be checked by a second project team and their role in the project are listed reviewer. Discrepancies will be resolved by below. discussion, with involvement of a third reviewer when necessary. Mr Gabriel Responsible for project coordination Rogers, Associate Responsible for drafting the protocol Research Fellow Quantitative synthesis Contributor to devising the search Where it is possible and appropriate, meta-analysis strategy will be carried out using random-effects models by Contributor to review (study default. If there is statistical evidence of inter-study selection; data extraction and homogeneity and no reason to suspect clinical checking; critical appraisal of studies; heterogeneity, sensitivity analyses using fixed- data synthesis) Contributor to drafting report (all effects models will be undertaken. s t a t a software sections) will be used to pool results and estimate an overall effect measure. Heterogeneity will be explored Responsible for compiling and editing report through consideration of the study populations, methods and exposures, by visualisation of results Dr Julian Elston, Contributor to review (study Academic selection; data extraction and and, in statistical terms, by the chi-squared test for Specialist Trainee checking; critical appraisal of studies; homogeneity and the I 2 statistic. Small-study effects in Public Health/ data synthesis) (including publication bias) will be assessed and Honorary Contributor to drafting report quantified. Research Fellow (results; discussion) Ms Paula Younger, Responsible for devising the search Subgroup effects Electronic strategy For all outcomes, consideration will be given Resources Responsible for conducting the a to the possibility of differential effects existing Librarian literature searches in subgroups (e.g. by age group, by gender, Contributor to drafting report by exposure to other substances, etc.) Where (methods; results) quantitative synthesis is undertaken, stratified Ms Ruth Garside, Co-responsible for project direction analyses and metaregression, using potential Research Fellow Contributor to drafting report predictors of effect size as covariates, will be (executive summary; discussion) considered. Dr Margaret Co-responsible for project direction Somerville, Contributor to drafting report Expertise in the review team Principal Lecturer (executive summary; discussion) Peninsula Technology Assessment Group and Consultant in Public Health The Peninsula Technology Assessment Group a Exeter Health Library, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS is part of the Institute of Health and Social Foundation Trust (1st Floor, Peninsula Medical School Care Research at the Peninsula Medical School. Building, Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW) PenTAG was established in 2000 and carries out independent Health Technology Assessments for Competing interests of authors the UK HTA Programme and other local and national decision-makers. The group is multi- None. disciplinary and draws on individuals’ backgrounds in public health, health services research, Timetable computing and decision analysis, systematic reviewing, statistics and health economics. The The report will be delivered to NCCHTA by 20 Peninsula Medical School is part of the Peninsula December 2007. College of Medicine and Dentistry within the Universities of Plymouth and Exeter. References

Team members P1. Gowing LR, Henry-Edwards SM, Irvine RJ, Ali RL. The PenTAG team members who will undertake the The health effects of ecstasy: a literature review. project have previously produced reports for NICE, Drug Alcohol Rev 2002;21:53–63. the Health Technology Assessment Programme and the Department of Health. These projects have P2. Parrott AC. Is ecstasy MDMA? A review of the included Technology Assessment Reports, National proportion of ecstasy tablets containing MDMA, their dosage levels, and the changing perceptions Guidelines, and short reports. The members of the of purity. Psychopharmacology 2004;173:234–41. 197

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 2

P3. Baylen CA, Rosenberg H. A review of the acute P18. Schifano F, Di Furia L, Forza G, Minicuci N, subjective effects of MDMA/ecstasy. Addiction Bricolo R. MDMA (‘ecstasy’) consumption in 2006;101:933–47. the context of polydrug abuse: a report on 150 patients. Drug Alcohol Depend 1998;52:85–90. P4. White SR, Obradovic T, Imel KM, Wheaton MJ. The effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine P19. Summary Statistics for EcstasyData.org Lab Testing (MDMA, ‘Ecstasy’) on monoaminergic Results. Website 2007 [cited 2007 Sept. 20]. neurotransmission in the central nervous system. Available from: URL:http://www.ecstasydata.org/ Prog Neurobiol 1996;49:455–79. datastats.php.

P5. Mas M, Farre M, de la Torre R, Roset PN, P20. Greer G, Tolbert R. Subjective reports of the effects Ortuno J, Segura J, et al. Cardiovascular and of MDMA in a clinical setting. J Psychoactive Drugs neuroendocrine effects and pharmacokinetics of 1986;18:319–27. 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in humans. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1999;290:136–45. P21. Dowling GP, McDonough ET, Bost RO. ‘Eve’ and ‘Ecstasy’. A report of five deaths associated with the P6. Lester SJ, Baggott M, Welm S, Schiller NB, use of MDEA and MDMA. JAMA 1987;257:1615– Jones RT, Foster E, et al. Cardiovascular effects of 17. 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. A double- blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Intern Med P22. Chadwick IS, Curry PD, Linsley A, 2000;133:969–73. Freemont AJ, Doran B. Ecstasy, 3–4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), P7. de la Torre R, Farre M, Roset PN, Lopez CH, Mas a fatality associated with coagulopathy and M, Ortuno J, et al. Pharmacology of MDMA in hyperthermia. J R Soc Med 1991;84:371. humans. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000;914:225–37. P23. Campkin NT, Davies UM. Another death from P8. Freedman RR, Johanson CE, Tancer Ecstasy. J R Soc Med 1992;85:61. ME. Thermoregulatory effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in P24. Green AR, O’Shea E, Colado MI. A review of the humans. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2005;183:248– mechanisms involved in the acute MDMA (ecstasy)- 56. induced hyperthermic response. Eur J Pharmacol 2004;500:3–13. P9. de la Torre R, Farre M, Ortuno J, Mas M, Brenneisen R, Roset PN, et al. Non-linear P25. Connolly E, O’Callaghan G. MDMA toxicity pharmacokinetics of MDMA (‘ecstasy’) in humans. presenting with severe hyperpyrexia: a case report. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2000;49:104–9. Crit Care Resusc 1999;1:368–70.

P10. Freudenmann RW, Oxler F, Bernschneider-Reif S. P26. Greene SL, Dargan PI, O’Connor N, The origin of MDMA (ecstasy) revisited: the true Jones AL, Kerins M. Multiple toxicity from story reconstructed from the original documents. 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (‘ecstasy’). Addiction 2006;101:1241–5. Am J Emerg Med 2003;21:121–4.

P11. Seymour RB. MDMA: another view of Ecstasy. P27. Ferrie R, Loveland RC. Bilateral gluteal Pharmchem Newsletter 1985;14:1–4. compartment syndrome after ‘ecstasy’ hyperpyrexia. J R Soc Med 2000;93:260. P12. Shulgin AT. The background and chemistry of MDMA. J Psychoactive Drugs 1986;18:291–304. P28. Henry JA, Jeffreys KJ, Dawling S. Toxicity and deaths from 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine P13. Los Angeles Times 1985;Mar 28:V. (‘ecstasy’). Lancet 1992;340:384–7.

P14. Six held after drug seizure. The Times 1987;May 14. P29. Screaton GR, Singer M, Cairns HS, Thrasher A, Sarner M, Cohen SL. Hyperpyrexia and P15. DEA Will Ban Hallucinogen Known to Users as rhabdomyolysis after MDMA (‘ecstasy’) abuse. ‘Ecstasy’. The Washington Post 1985;Jun 1:A1. Lancet 1992;339:677–8.

P16. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Modification) Order. SI P30. Saltin B, Hermansen L. Esophageal, rectal, and Number 1243. 1977. muscle temperature during exercise. J Appl Physiol 1966;21:1757–62. P17. Hall AP, Henry JA. Acute toxic effects of ‘ecstasy’ (MDMA) and related compounds: overview of P31. Kalant H. The pharmacology and toxicology pathophysiology and clinical management. Br J of ‘ecstasy’ (MDMA) and related drugs. CMAJ 198 Anaesth 2006;96:678–85. 2001;165:917–28. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

P32. Hartung TK, Schofield E, Short AI, Parr MJ, P47. Gledhill JA, Moore DF, Bell D, Henry JA. Henry JA. Hyponatraemic states following Subarachnoid haemorrhage associated with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, MDMA abuse. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry ‘ecstasy’) ingestion. QJM 2002;95:431–7. 1993;56:1036–7.

P33. Giorgi FS, Lazzeri G, Natale G, Iudice A, P48. Selmi F, Davies KG, Sharma RR, Neal JW. Ruggieri S, Paparelli A, et al. MDMA and Intracerebral haemorrhage due to amphetamine seizures: a dangerous liaison? Ann N Y Acad Sci abuse: report of two cases with underlying 2006;1074:357–64. arteriovenous malformations. Br J Neurosurg 1995;9:93–6. P34. Sue YM, Lee YL, Huang JJ. Acute hyponatremia, seizure, and rhabdomyolysis after ecstasy use. P49. Harries DP, De SR. ‘Ecstasy’ and intracerebral J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 2002;40:931–2. haemorrhage. Scott Med J 1992;37:150–2.

P35. Magee C, Staunton H, Tormey W, Walshe JJ. P50. Yin Foo LG, Wooi Kee GG, Vrodos N, Patrick BB. Hyponatraemia, seizures and stupor associated ‘Ecstasy’-induced subarachnoid haemorrhage: an with ecstasy ingestion in a female. Ir Med J under-reported neurological complication? J Clin 1998;91:178. Neurosci 2003;10:705–7.

P36. Arieff AI. Management of hyponatraemia. BMJ P51. Mutlu H, Silit E, Pekkafali Z, Incedayi M, Basekim 1993;307:305–8. C, Kizilkaya E. ‘Ecstasy’(MDMA)-induced pneumomediastinum and epidural pneumatosis. P37. Liechti ME, Kunz I, Kupferschmidt H. Acute Diagn Interv Radiol 2005;11:150–1. medical problems due to Ecstasy use. Case-series of emergency department visits. Swiss Med Weekly P52. Hutchison RP, Burgess B. Spontaneous 2005;135:652–7. pneumomediastinum – a right pain in the neck? Injury 2005;36:801–3. P38. Williams H, Dratcu L, Taylor R, Roberts M, Oyefeso A. ‘Saturday night fever’: ecstasy related P53. Bernaerts A, Verniest T, Vanhoenacker F, problems in a London accident and emergency Van den BP, Petre C, De Schepper AM. department. J Accid Emerg Med 1998;15:322–6. Pneumomediastinum and epidural pneumatosis after inhalation of ‘Ectasy’. Eur Radiol P39. Sadeghian S, Darvish S, Shahbazi S, Mahmoodian 2003;13:642–3. M. Two ecstasy-induced myocardial infarctions during a three month period in a young man. Arch P54. Rejali D, Glen P, Odom N. Iran Med 2007;10:409–12. Pneumomediastinum following ecstasy (methylenedioxymetamphetamine, MDMA) P40. Lai TI, Hwang JJ, Fang CC, Chen WJ. ingestion in two people at the same Methylene 3, 4 dioxymethamphetamine-induced ‘rave’. J Laryngol Otol 2002;116:75–6. acute myocardial infarction. Ann Emerg Med 2003;42:759–62. P55. Mazur S, Hitchcock T. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax and ecstasy P41. Qasim A, Townend J, Davies MK. Ecstasy induced abuse. Emerg Med (Fremantle) 2001;13:121–3. acute myocardial infarction. Heart 2001;85:E10. P56. Ryan J, Banerjee A, Bong A. Pneumomediastinum P42. Duflou J, Mark A. Aortic dissection after ingestion in association with MDMA ingestion. J Emerg Med of ‘ecstasy’ (MDMA). Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2001;20:305–6. 2000;21:261–3. P57. Quin GI, McCarthy GM, Harries DK. Spontaneous P43. Suarez RV, Riemersma R. ‘Ecstasy’ and sudden pneumomediastinum and ecstasy abuse. J Accid cardiac death. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1988;9:339– Emerg Med 1999;16:382. 41. P58. Ahmed JM, Salame MY, Oakley GD. Chest pain in P44. Rella JG, Murano T. Ecstasy and acute myocardial a young girl. Postgrad Med J 1998;74:115–16. infarction. Ann Emerg Med 2004;44:550–1. P59. Pittman JA, Pounsford JC. Spontaneous P45. Sawyer J, Stephens WP. Misuse of ecstasy. BMJ pneumomediastinum and Ecstasy abuse. J Accid 1992;305:310. Emerg Med 1997;14:335–6.

P46. Auer J, Berent R, Weber T, Lassnig E, Eber B. P60. Rezvani K, Kurbaan AS, Brenton D. Ecstasy Subarachnoid haemorrhage with ‘Ecstasy’ abuse in induced pneumomediastinum. Thorax a young adult. Neurol Sci 2002;23:199–201. 1996;51:960–1. 199

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P61. Onwudike M. Ecstasy induced retropharyngeal P75. Woodrow G, Harnden P, Turney JH. Acute renal emphysema. J Accid Emerg Med 1996;13:359–61. failure due to accelerated hypertension following ingestion of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine P62. Levine AJ, Drew S, Rees GM. ‘Ecstasy’ induced (‘ecstasy’). Nephrol Dial Transplant 1995;10:399– pneumomediastinum. J R Soc Med 1993;86:232–3. 400.

P63. Ng CP, Chau LF, Chung CH. Massive spontaneous P76. Woodrow G, Turney JH. Ecstasy-induced renal haemopneumothorax and ecstasy abuse. Hong vasculitis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1999;14:798. Kong J Emerg Med 2004;11:94–7. P77. Bingham C, Beaman M, Nicholls AJ, Anthony PP. P64. Milroy CM, Clark JC, Forrest AR. Pathology of Necrotizing renal vasculopathy resulting in chronic deaths associated with ‘ecstasy’ and ‘eve’ misuse. renal failure after ingestion of methamphetamine J Clin Pathol 1996;49:149–53. and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (‘ecstasy’). Nephrol Dial Transplant 1998;13:2654–5. P65. Brncic N, Kraus I, Viskovic I, Mijandrusic- Sincic B, Vlahovic-Palcevski V. P78. Verdone F. Rhabdomyolysis and 3,4 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): methylenedioxymethamphetamine in an important cause of acute hepatitis. Med Sci rheumatological practice. J Rheumatol Monit 2006;12:CS107–9. 2001;28:1936–7.

P66. Caballero F, Lopez-Navidad A, Cotorruelo J, P79. Halachanova V, Sansone RA, McDonald S. Delayed Txoperena G. Ecstasy-induced brain death and rhabdomyolysis after ecstasy use. Mayo Clin Proc acute hepatocellular failure: multiorgan donor and 2001;76:112–13. liver transplantation. Transplantation 2002;74:532– 7. P80. Jacks AS, Hykin PG. Retinal haemorrhage caused by ‘ecstasy’. Br J Ophthalmol 1998;82:842–3. P67. De Carlis L, De Gasperi A, Slim AO, Giacomoni A, Corti A, Mazza E, et al. Liver transplantation P81. O’Neill D, Dart JK. Methylenedioxyamphetamine for ecstasy-induced fulminant hepatic failure. (‘Ecstasy’) associated keratopathy. Eye 1993;7:805– Transplant Proc 2001;33:2743–4. 6.

P68. Andreu V, Mas A, Bruguera M, Salmeron JM, P82. Trittibach P, Frueh BE, Goldblum D. Bilateral Moreno V, Nogue S, et al. Ecstasy: a common angle-closure glaucoma after combined cause of severe acute hepatotoxicity. J Hepatol consumption of ‘ecstasy’ and marijuana. Am J 1998;29:394–7. Emerg Med 2005;23:813–14.

P69. Brauer RB, Heidecke CD, Nathrath W, P83. Schroeder B, Brieden S. Bilateral sixth nerve Beckurts KT, Vorwald P, Zilker TR, et al. Liver palsy associated with MDMA (‘ecstasy’) abuse. Am J transplantation for the treatment of fulminant Ophthalmol 2000;129:408–9. hepatic failure induced by the ingestion of ecstasy. Transpl Int 1997;10:229–33. P84. Kumar RS, Grigg J, Farinelli AC. Ecstasy induced acute bilateral angle closure and transient myopia. P70. Fidler H, Dhillon A, Gertner D, Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:693–5. Burroughs A. Chronic ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine) abuse: a P85. Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Daumann J. The recurrent and unpredictable cause of severe acute confounding problem of polydrug use in hepatitis. J Hepatol 1996;25:563–6. recreational ecstasy/MDMA users: a brief overview. J Psychopharmacol 2006;20:188–93. P71. Ellis AJ, Wendon JA, Portmann B, Williams R. Acute liver damage and ecstasy ingestion. Gut P86. Rodgers J, Buchanan T, Pearson C, Parrott 1996;38:454–8. AC, Ling J, Hefferman TM, et al. Differential experiences of the psychobiological sequelae of P72. Dykhuizen RS, Brunt PW, Atkinson P, Simpson JG, ecstasy use: quantitative and qualitative data from Smith CC. Ecstasy induced hepatitis mimicking an internet study. J Psychopharmacol 2006;20:437– viral hepatitis. Gut 1995;36:939–41. 46.

P73. Shearman JD, Chapman RW, Satsangi J, Ryley P87. Davison D, Parrott AC. Ecstasy (MDMA) in NG, Weatherhead S. Misuse of ecstasy. BMJ recreational users: self-reported psychological and 1992;305:309. physiological effects. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 1997;12:221–6. P74. Gorard DA, Davies SE, Clark ML. Misuse of 200 ecstasy. BMJ 1992;305:309. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

P88. Parrott AC, Lasky J. Ecstasy (MDMA) effects upon P98. O’Suilleabhain P, Giller C. Rapidly progressive mood and cognition: before, during and after a parkinsonism in a self-reported user of ecstasy and Saturday night dance. Psychopharmacology (Berl) other drugs. Mov Disord 2003;18:1378–81. 1998;139:261–8. P99. Kuniyoshi SM, Jankovic J. MDMA and P89. Ricaurte GA, Yuan J, McCann UD. Parkinsonism. N Engl J Med 2003;349:96–7. (+/–)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (‘Ecstasy’)-induced serotonin neurotoxicity: studies P100. Mintzer S, Hickenbottom S, Gilman S. in animals. Neuropsychobiology 2000;42:5–10. Parkinsonism after taking ecstasy. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1443. P90. McCann UD, Eligulashvili V, Ricaurte GA. (+/–)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine P101. Winstock AR. Chronic paranoid psychosis after (‘Ecstasy’)-induced serotonin neurotoxicity: clinical misuse of MDMA. BMJ 1991;302:1150–1. studies. Neuropsychobiology 2000;42:11–16. P102. Milosevic A, Agrawal N, Redfearn P, Mair L. P91. Montoya AG, Sorrentino R, Lukas SE, Price BH. The occurrence of toothwear in users of Ecstasy Long-term neuropsychiatric consequences of (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine). ‘ecstasy’ (MDMA): a review. Harv Rev Psychiatry Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1999;27:283–7. 2002;10:212–20. P103. NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. P92. Smilkstein MJ, Smolinske SC, Rumack BH. A case Undertaking Systematic Reviews of Research on of MAO inhibitor/MDMA interaction: agony after Effectiveness. 2nd edn. York: NHS Centre for ecstasy. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 1987;25:149–59. Reviews and Dissemination; 2001.

P93. Verbaten MN. Specific memory deficits in ecstasy P104. Stroup DF, Berlin JA, Morton SC, Olkin I, users? The results of a meta-analysis. Hum Williamson GD, Rennie D, et al. Meta-analysis of Psychopharmacol 2003;18:281–90. observational studies in epidemiology: a proposal for reporting. JAMA 2000;283:2008–12. P94. Laws KR, Kokkalis J. Ecstasy (MDMA) and memory function: a meta-analytic update. Hum P105. Levine M, Walter S, Lee H, Haines T, Holbrook A, Psychopharmacol 2007;22:381–8. Moyer V. Users’ guides to the medical literature. IV. How to use an article about harm. Evidence-Based P95. Lamers CT, Bechara A, Rizzo M, Ramaekers JG. Medicine Working Group. JAMA 1994;271:1615– Cognitive function and mood in MDMA/THC 19. users, THC users and non-drug using controls. J Psychopharmacol 2006;20:302–11. P106. Downs SH, Black N. The feasibility of creating a checklist for the assessment of the methodological P96. Topp L, Hando J, Dillon P, Roche A, Solowij quality both of randomised and non-randomised N. Ecstasy use in Australia: patterns of use and studies of health care interventions. J Epidemiol associated harm. Drug Alcohol Depend 1999;55:105– Community Health 1998;52:377–84. 15. P107. Mallen C, Peat G, Croft P. Quality assessment P97. Parrott AC, Rodgers J, Buchanan T, Scholey AB, of observational studies is not commonplace in Heffernan T, Ling J. The reality of psychomotor systematic reviews. J Clin Epidemiol 2006;59:765–9. problems, and the possibility of Parkinson’s disorder, in some recreational ecstasy/MDMA P108. Dalziel K, Round A, Stein K, Garside R, users: a rejoinder to Sumnall et al. (2003). Castelnuovo E, Payne L. Do the findings of case series Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2004;171:231–3. studies vary significantly according to methodological characteristics? Health Technol Assess 2005;


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 2

Preliminary search strategy The following search was run in MEDLINE only (via PubMed) on 15 August 2007, with 2204 hits identified. The review’s final search strategy will build upon this approach and syntax.

“n-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine/adverse effects”[MH] OR ((“n-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine”[MH] OR MDMA[TW] OR Ecstasy[TW]) AND ( ( (hyperthermia[TW] OR “fever”[MH] OR pyrexia[TW] OR “fever”[TW] OR “Heat Exhaustion”[MH] OR “Heat Stress Disorders”[MH] OR heatstroke[TW] OR heat stroke[TW]) OR (hyponatremia[TW] OR hyponatraemia[TW] OR “hyponatremia”[MH]) OR (“seizures”[MH] OR seizure*[TW] OR fit[TW]) OR (“cardiovascular system”[MH] OR cardiovascular[TW] OR “heart”[MH] OR cardiac[TW] OR heart[TW]) OR (“intracranial hemorrhages”[MH] OR brain haemorrhage[TW] OR brain hemorrhage[TW]) OR respiratory[All Fields] OR (mediastinal[TW] OR pneumomediastinum[TW] OR (intra-alveolar[TW] AND pressure[TW])) OR (ophthalm*[TW] OR “cornea”[MH] OR cornea*[TW]) OR (“tooth”[MH] OR tooth*[TW] OR teeth*[TW] OR “bruxism”[MH] OR bruxism[TW]) OR (“liver”[MH] OR liver[TW] OR “hepatitis”[MH] OR hepatitis[TW]) OR (“death”[MH] OR death*[TW]) OR (rhabdomyolysis[MH] OR rhabdomyoly*[TW]) OR (hyponatremia[MH] OR hyponatremia[TW] OR hyponatraemia[TW]) OR (Kidney[MH] OR Kidney[tw] OR renal[tw] OR nephro*[tw]) OR (Hematologic-diseases[MH] OR (disseminated[tw] AND intravascular[tw] AND coagul*[TW]) OR DIC) OR (“Mental Disorders”[MH] OR depress*[TW] OR neuropsych*[TW] OR psychopatholog*[TW] OR neurocogniti*[TW] OR cogniti*[TW] OR psychiatric[TW] OR panic*[TW] OR delus*[TW] OR memory[TW] OR motor[TW] OR psychomotor[TW] OR attention[TW] OR concentration[TW]) ) OR (“street drugs/adverse effects”[MH] OR “substance-related disorders/epidemiology”[MH] OR “Designer Drugs/adverse effects”[MH]) ) ) No study design filters or language restrictions applied.

202 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Appendix 3 Literature search: strategy and results

Dialog DataStar (MEDLINE; EMBASE; PsycINFO); run 19 September 2007 –– No. Database Search term Results 1 MEDLINE (N-METHYL–3–4-METHYLENEDIOXYAMPHETAMINE-AE OR N-METHYL– 928 3–4-METHYLENEDIOXYAMPHETAMINE-PO OR N-METHYL–3–4- METHYLENEDIOXYAMPHETAMINE-TO).DE. 2 MEDLINE N-METHYL–3–4-METHYLENEDIOXYAMPHETAMINE#.DE. OR 3251 (methylenedioxymethamphetamine OR MDMA OR ecstasy OR ecstasy OR ectasy OR ectacy).TI,AB. 3 MEDLINE 2 AND ((DESIGNER-DRUGS-AE OR DESIGNER-DRUGS-PO OR DESIGNER-DRUGS- 643 TO OR STREET-DRUGS-AE OR STREET-DRUGS-PO OR STREET-DRUGS-TO).DE. OR (adverse OR harm OR harms OR harmful OR safety OR consequence$OR outcome$OR sequel$).TI,AB.) 4 MEDLINE 2 AND (DEATH#.DE. OR (death OR deaths OR fatal$OR mortal$).TI,AB.) 290 5 MEDLINE 2 AND ((FEVER# OR HEAT-STROKE#).DE. OR (hyperthermi$OR pyrexi$OR 299 hyperpyrexia$OR fever OR febrile OR heatstroke OR heat ADJ stroke).TI,AB.) 6 MEDLINE 2 AND (WATER-ELECTROLYTE-IMBALANCE#.DE. OR (hyponatraemia OR 55 hyponatremia OR water ADJ intoxication).TI,AB.) 7 MEDLINE 2 AND ((CARDIOVASCULAR-SYSTEM# OR CARDIOVASCULAR-DISEASES#).DE. OR 270 (heart OR cardiovascular OR cardiac).TI,AB.) 8 MEDLINE 2 AND ((RESPIRATORY-SYSTEM# OR RESPIRATORY-TRACT-DISEASES# OR 99 MEDIASTINAL-EMPHYSEMA# OR PNEUMOTHORAX#).DE. OR (respiratory OR respiration OR lung OR lungs OR pulmonary OR pneumomediastin$OR pneumothora$). TI,AB.) 9 MEDLINE 2 AND ((LIVER# OR LIVER-DISEASES#).DE. OR (liver OR hepatic OR hepatitis OR 187 hepatotox$).TI,AB.) 10 MEDLINE 2 AND ((KIDNEY# OR KIDNEY-DISEASES#).DE. OR (kidney OR renal).TI,AB.) 97 11 MEDLINE 2 AND (RHABDOMYOLYSIS#.DE. OR (rhabdomyoly$OR myoglobinur$).TI,AB.) 70 12 MEDLINE 2 AND ((NEUROLOGIC-MANIFESTATIONS# OR EPILEPSY# OR SEIZURES#).DE. OR 271 (seizure OR seizures OR fit OR fits OR fitting OR convuls$).TI,AB.) 13 MEDLINE 2 AND (INTRACRANIAL-HEMORRHAGES#.DE. OR ((brain OR cerebral OR 19 intracerebral OR intracranial OR subarachnoid) ADJ (haemorrhage OR hemorrhage OR bleed OR bleeds OR bleeding)).TI,AB.) 14 MEDLINE 2 AND (DISSEMINATED-INTRAVASCULAR-COAGULATION.DE. OR (disseminated ADJ 31 intravascular ADJ (coagulation OR coagulopathy OR clotting) OR DIC).TI,AB.) 15 MEDLINE 2 AND ((EYE# OR EYE-DISEASES#).DE. OR (eye OR ophthalmic OR ophthalmol$OR 58 retina OR retinas OR retinal OR cornea OR corneas OR corneal OR keratopath$OR glaucoma OR diplopi$OR myopi$).TI,AB.) 16 MEDLINE 2 AND (WOUNDS-AND-INJURIES#.DE. OR (accident$OR trauma OR traumas OR 88 traumatic).TI,AB.) 17 MEDLINE 2 AND (MENTAL-DISORDERS#.DE. OR (neuropsychi$OR neuropsycho$OR psychology 1380 OR psychologic$OR psychiatric OR psychiatry OR psychopatholog$OR neurocogniti$OR cognitive OR cognition OR psychosis OR psychoses OR depression OR depressive OR depressed OR panic OR delus$OR hallucinat$OR memory OR mood OR impulsiv$OR motor OR psychomotor OR parkinson OR parkinsons OR parkinsonism).TI,AB.) 18 MEDLINE 2 AND ((TOOTH# OR TOOTH-DISEASES#).DE. OR (tooth OR teeth OR toothgr$OR 23 teethgr$OR toothwear OR dental OR Bruxism).TI,AB.)

continued 203

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 3

No. Database Search term Results 19 MEDLINE 1 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 8 OR 9 OR 10 OR 11 OR 12 OR 13 OR 14 OR 15 OR 2297 17 OR 18 20 MEDLINE 19 NOT (ANIMAL=YES NOT HUMAN=YES) 1812 21 EMBASE (3–4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE-CO 1368 OR 3–4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE- SI OR 3–4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE-AE OR 3–4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE-TO).DE. 22 EMBASE 3–4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE#.DE. OR 4109 (methylenedioxymethamphetamine OR MDMA OR ecstasy OR ecstasy OR ectasy OR ectacy).TI,AB. 23 EMBASE 22 AND ((DESIGNER-DRUG-CO OR DESIGNER-DRUG-SI OR DESIGNER-DRUG-AE 650 OR DESIGNER-DRUG-TO OR STREET-DRUG-CO OR STREET-DRUG-SI OR STREET- DRUG-AE OR STREET-DRUG-TO).DE. OR (adverse OR harm OR harms OR harmful OR safety OR consequence$OR outcome$OR sequel$).TI,AB.) 24 EMBASE 22 AND (DEATH#.DE. OR (death OR deaths OR fatal$OR mortal$).TI,AB.) 448 25 EMBASE 22 AND (BODY-TEMPERATURE-DISORDER#.DE. OR (hyperthermi$OR pyrexi$OR 429 hyperpyrexia$OR fever OR febrile OR heatstroke OR heat ADJ stroke).TI,AB.) 26 EMBASE 22 AND ((DISORDERS-OF-MINERAL-ELECTROLYTE-AND-METAL-METABOLISM# 171 OR ABNORMAL-SUBSTRATE-CONCENTRATION-IN-BLOOD#).DE. OR (hyponatraemia OR hyponatremia OR water ADJ intoxication).TI,AB.) 27 EMBASE 22 AND ((CARDIOVASCULAR-SYSTEM# OR CARDIOVASCULAR-DISEASE#).DE. OR 540 (heart OR cardiovascular OR cardiac).TI,AB.) 28 EMBASE 22 AND ((RESPIRATORY-TRACT-DISEASE# OR PNEUMOMEDIASTINUM#).DE. OR 243 (respiratory OR respiration OR lung OR lungs OR pulmonary OR pneumomediastin$OR pneumothora$).TI,AB.) 29 EMBASE 22 AND ((LIVER# OR LIVER-DISEASE#).DE. OR (liver OR hepatic OR hepatitis OR 312 hepatotox$).TI,AB.) 30 EMBASE 22 AND ((KIDNEY# OR KIDNEY-DISEASE#).DE. OR (kidney OR renal).TI,AB.) 159 31 EMBASE 22 AND (RHABDOMYOLYSIS#.DE. OR (rhabdomyoly$OR myoglobinur$).TI,AB.) 116 32 EMBASE 22 AND (SEIZURE-EPILEPSY-AND-CONVULSION#.DE. OR (seizure OR seizures OR fit 234 OR fits OR fitting OR convuls$).TI,AB.) 33 EMBASE 22 AND (BRAIN-HEMORRHAGE#.DE. OR ((brain OR cerebral OR intracerebral OR 43 intracranial OR subarachnoid) ADJ (haemorrhage OR hemorrhage OR bleed OR bleeds OR bleeding)).TI,AB.) 34 EMBASE 22 AND (DISSEMINATED-INTRAVASCULAR-CLOTTING.DE. OR (disseminated ADJ 46 intravascular ADJ (coagulation OR coagulopathy OR clotting) OR dic).TI,AB.) 35 EMBASE 22 AND ((EYE# OR EYE-DISEASE#).DE. OR (eye OR ophthalmic OR ophthalmol$OR 152 retina OR retinas OR retinal OR cornea OR corneas OR corneal OR keratopath$OR glaucoma OR diplopi$OR myopi$).TI,AB.) 36 EMBASE 22 AND (INJURY#.DE. OR (accident$OR trauma OR traumas OR traumatic).TI,AB.) 543 37 EMBASE 22 AND ((MENTAL-DISEASE# OR MENTAL-FUNCTION#).DE. OR (neuropsychi$OR 2140 neuropsycho$OR psychology OR psychologic$OR psychiatric OR psychiatry OR psychopatholog$OR neurocogniti$OR cognitive OR cognition OR psychosis OR psychoses OR depression OR depressive OR depressed OR panic OR delus$OR hallucinat$OR memory OR mood OR impulsiv$OR motor OR psychomotor OR parkinson OR parkinsons OR parkinsonism).TI,AB.) 38 EMBASE 22 AND (MOUTH-AND-TEETH#.DE. OR (tooth OR teeth OR toothgr$OR teethgr$OR 18 toothwear OR dental OR Bruxism).TI,AB.) 39 EMBASE 21 OR 23 OR 24 OR 25 OR 26 OR 27 OR 28 OR 29 OR 30 OR 31 OR 32 OR 33 OR 34 3253 OR 35 OR 36 OR 37 OR 38 40 EMBASE 39 NOT (ANIMAL=YES NOT HUMAN=YES) 2600 41 PsycINFO METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE#.DE. OR 1614 (methylenedioxymethamphetamine OR MDMA OR ecstasy OR ecstasy OR ectasy OR ectacy).TI,AB. 204 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

No. Database Search term Results 42 PsycINFO 41 NOT (PO=ANIMAL NOT PO=HUMAN) 1259 43 combined sets 20, 40, 42 5671 44 dropped duplicates from 43 1840 45 unique records from 43 3831

Web of Science; run 7 October 2007

No. Search term Results # 1 TS=(Methylenedioxymethamphetamine OR MDMA OR ecstasy OR ecstasy OR ectasy OR ectacy) 4424 # 2 #1 AND (TS=(adverse OR harm OR harms OR harmful OR safety OR consequence* OR outcome* OR 518 sequel*)) # 3 #1 AND (TS=(death OR deaths OR fatal* OR mortal*)) 369 # 4 #1 AND (TS=(hyperthermi* OR pyrexi* OR hyperpyrexia* OR fever OR febrile OR heatstroke OR (heat 329 ADJ stroke))) # 5 #1 AND (TS=(hyponatraemia OR hyponatremia OR (water ADJ intoxication))) 44 # 6 #1 AND (TS=(heart OR cardiovascular OR cardiac)) 156 # 7 #1 AND (TS=(respiratory OR respiration OR lung OR lungs OR pulmonary OR pneumomediastin* OR 76 pneumothora*)) # 8 #1 AND (TS=(liver OR hepatic OR hepatitis OR hepatotox*)) 182 # 9 #1 AND (TS=(kidney OR renal)) 68 # 10 #1 AND (TS=(rhabdomyoly* OR myoglobinur*)) 65 # 11 #1 AND (TS=(seizure OR seizures OR fit OR fits OR fitting OR convuls*)) 113 # 12 #1 AND (TS=((brain OR cerebral OR intracerebral OR intracranial OR subarachnoid) SAME 24 (haemorrhage OR hemorrhage OR bleed OR bleeds OR bleeding))) # 13 #1 AND (TS=((disseminated SAME intravascular SAME (coagulation OR coagulopathy OR clotting)) OR 23 DIC)) # 14 #1 AND (TS=(eye OR ophthalmic OR ophthalmol* OR retina OR retinas OR retinal OR cornea OR 18 corneas OR corneal OR keratopath* OR glaucoma OR diplopi* OR myopi*)) # 15 #1 AND (TS=(accident* OR trauma OR traumas OR traumatic)) 72 # 16 #1 AND (TS=(neuropsychi* OR neuropsycho* OR psychology OR psychologic* OR psychiatric OR 909 psychiatry OR psychopatholog* OR neurocogniti* OR cognitive OR cognition OR psychosis OR psychoses OR depression OR depressive OR depressed OR panic OR delus* OR hallucinat* OR memory OR mood OR impulsiv* OR motor OR psychomotor OR Parkinson OR Parkinsons OR Parkinsonism)) # 17 #1 AND (TS=(tooth OR teeth OR toothgr* OR teethgr* OR toothwear OR dental OR bruxism)) 20 # 18 #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR 1879 #15 OR #16 OR #17 unique additional citations after de-duplication against Dialog DataStar results 563


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DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Appendix 4 Updated literature search: results

ur updated literature searches identified the impairments. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering 2007;67:4105. Ofollowing potentially relevant studies, which should be considered for inclusion in any update of Hoshi R, Cohen L, Lemanski L, Piccini P, Bond A, this review. Curran HV. Ecstasy (MDMA) does not have long- term effects on aggressive interpretative bias: A study Ahmed M, Islam S, Hoffman GR. Widespread oral and comparing current and ex-ecstasy users with polydrug oropharyngeal mucosal oedema induced by ecstasy and drug-naive controls. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol (MDMA): A case for concern. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007;15:351–8. 2007;45:496–8. Hoshi R, Mullins K, Boundy C, Brignell C, Piccini P, Brown J, Edwards M, McKone E, Ward J. A long- Curran HV. Neurocognitive function in current and term ecstasy-related change is visual perception. ex-users of ecstasy in comparison to both matched Psychopharmacology 2007;193:437–46. polydrug-using controls and drug-naïve controls. Psychopharmacology 2007;194:371–9. de Win, Reneman L, Jager G, Vlieger E, Olabarriaga S, Lavini C, et al. A prospective cohort study on sustained Jager G, de Win MM, Vervaeke H, Schilt T, Kahn effects of low-dose ecstasy use on the brain in new ecstasy R, van den Brink W, et al. Incidental use of ecstasy: users. Neuropsychopharmacology 2007;32:458–70. No evidence for harmful effects on cognitive brain function in a prospective fMRL study. Psychopharmacology Droogmans S, Cosyns B, D’haenen H, Creeten E, 2007;193:403–14. Weytjens C, Franken PR, et al. Possible association between 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine abuse Jager G, de Win MML, van der Tweel I, Schilt T, Kahn and valvular heart disease. Am J Cardiol 2007;100:1442– RS, van den Brink W, et al. Assessment of cognitive 5. brain function in ecstasy users and contributions of other drugs of abuse: results from an fMRI study. Eifinger F, Roth B, Kröner L, Rothschild MA. Life- Neuropsychopharmacology 2008;33:247–58. threatening ecstasy ingestion in a young infant. Notarzt 2007;23:165–6. Kalechstein A, De La Garza R II, Mahoney J, Fantegrossi W, Newton T. MDMA use and neurocognition: a meta- Falck RS, Jichuan W, Carlson RG. Depressive analytic review. Psychopharmacology 2007;189:531–7. symptomatology in young adults with a history of MDMA use: a longitudinal analysis. J Psychopharmacol Krebs T, Johansen P. No evidence of decrease in 2008;22:47–54. cognitive function in users of low-dose ecstasy. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008;65:236. Feldman KW, Mazor S. Ecstasy ingestion causing heatstroke-like, multiorgan injury in a toddler. Pediatr Kuypers K, Ramaekers J. Acute dose of MDMA (75 mg) Emerg Care 2007;23:725–6. impairs memory for location but leaves contextual processing of visuospatial information unaffected. Golding JF, Groome DH, Rycroft N, Denton Z. Cognitive Psychopharmacology 2007;189:557–63. performance in light current users and ex-users of ecstasy (MDMA) and controls. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse Laws K, Kokkalis J. Ecstasy (MDMA) and memory 2007;33:301–7. function: a meta-analytic update. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2007;22:381–8. Groth M, Howchar H, Marsh A. Memory performance in abstinent 3,4-methylendeioxymethamaphetamine Mathias S, Lubman D, Hides L. Substance-induced (MDMA, ‘ecstasy’) users. Percept Mot Skills 2007;104:43– psychosis: a diagnostic conundrum. J Clin Psychiatry 55. 2008;69:358–67.

Guillot C. Is recreational ecstasy (MDMA) use associated McCann U, Peterson S, Ricaurte G. The effect of with higher levels of depressive symptoms? J Psychoactive catecholamine depletion by alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine Drugs 2007;39:31–9. on measures of cognitive performance and sleep in abstinent MDMA users. Neuropsychopharmacology Hanson K. Neurocognitive and personality function 2007;32:1695–706. in MDMA and polydrug users: evidence of nonspecific 207

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 4

Medina K, Shear P. Anxiety, depression, and behavioral Schilt T, de Win MM, Koeter M, Jager G, Korf D, van symptoms of executive dysfunction in ecstasy users: den Brink W, et al. Cognition in novice Ecstasy users with contributions of polydrug use. Drug Alcohol Depend minimal exposure to other drugs: a prospective cohort 2007;87:303–11. study. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2007;64:728–36.

Montgomery C, Fisk JE. Everyday memory deficits in Schilt T, de Winn MM, Koeter M, Jager G, Korf Den ecstasy-polydrug users. J Psychopharmacol 2007;21:709– Brink W, et al. ‘Cognition in novice Ecstasy users with 17. minimal exposure to other drugs: a prospective cohort study’: reply. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008;65:236–7. Montgomery C, Fisk JE, Wareing M, Murphy P. Self reported sleep quality and cognitive performance in Shah HV, Irvine GH, Bradley M. Rhabdomyolysis of the ecstasy users. Hum Psychopharmacol 2007;22:537–48. masseter muscle: case report. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008;46:138–40. Nicolato R, Pacheco J, Boson L, Leite R, Salgado JV, Romano S, et al. Cotard’s syndrome induced by ecstasy. Silins E, Copeland J, Dillon P. Qualitative review of J Bras Psiquiatr 2007;56:64–6. serotonin syndrome, ecstasy (MDMA) and the use of other serotonergic substances: hierarchy of risk. Aust NZ J Quednow B, Kühn K, Hoppe C, Westheide J, Maier W, Psychiatry 2007;41:649–55. Daum I, Wagner M. Elevated impulsivity and impaired decision-making cognition in heavy users of MDMA Stull BW. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum following (‘Ecstasy’). Psychopharmacology 2007;189:517–30. ecstasy ingestion and sexual intercourse. Emerg Med J 2008;25:113–14. Reid L, Elifson K, Sterk C. Hug drug or thug drug? Ecstasy use and aggressive behavior. Violence and Victims Wareing M, Fisk J, Montgomery C, Murphy P, Chandler 2007;22:104–19. M. Information processing speed in ecstasy (MDMA) users. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2007;22:81–8. Rendell PG, Gray TJ, Henry JD, Tolan A. Prospective memory impairment in ‘ecstasy’ (MDMA) users. Yen CF, Hsu SY. Symptoms of ecstasy dependence Psychopharmacology 2007;194:497–504. and correlation with psychopathology in Taiwanese adolescents. J Nerv Mental Dis 2007;195:866–9. Roiser J, Rogers R, Sahakian B. Neuropsychological function in ecstasy users: a study controlling for polydrug Yucel M, Lubman DI, Solowij N, Brewer WJ. use. Psychopharmacology 2007;189:505–16. Understanding drug addiction: a neuropsychological perspective. Aust NZ J Psychiatry 2007;41:957–68. Sadeghian S, Darvish S, Shahbazi S, Mahmoodian M. Two ecstasy-induced myocardial infarctions during a Zakzanis K, Campbell Z, Jovanovski D. The three month period in a young man. Arch Iran Med neuropsychology of ecstasy (MDMA) use: a quantitative 2007;10:409–12. review. Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2007;22:427–35.

Sauvageau A. Death from a possible anaphylactic reaction to ecstasy. Clin Toxicol (Philadelphia PA) 2008;46:156.

208 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Appendix 5 Mapping of outcome measures into composite domains

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Aggression/anger Aggression questionnaire370 AQ Anger Hostility Physical Total Verbal Aggression Rating Scale371 ARS Overall score Angry Stories Task372 AST Reading time – angry endings – ms Reading time – non-angry endings – ms Buss–Durkee Hostility Inventory373 BDHI Direct Guilty Irritability Total Interpretative Bias test154,374 IB Reaction time Reaction time – aggressive – ms Reaction time – neutral – ms Sentences correctly identified Time to endorse as seen Time to endorse as seen – aggressive – ms Time to endorse as seen – neutral – ms Multidimensional Anger MAI Anger–arousal Inventory375 Anger–in Anger–out Hostile outlook Range Total Point Subtraction Aggression PSAP Aggressive responding – study end Paradigm376 Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R)377 SCL-90-R Aggression/hostility score Anxiety Beck Anxiety Inventory378 BAI Overall score DSM-IV379 DSM-IV Current anxiety disorder Lifetime anxiety disorder Hospital Anxiety and Depression HADS Anxiety score scale380 Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale381 HARS Overall score Mood Rating Scale (visual analogue MRS–VAS Anxiety vs calmness score scale)382 NS NS In-test state anxiety

continued 209

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 5

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Medication for anxiety disorder Profile of Mood States (visual POMS Anxiety score analogue scale)383 Symptom Check List (SCL-90) SCL-90 Anxiety score Phobic anxiety score Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R)377 SCL-90-R Anxiety score Phobic anxiety score Symptom Check List – Brief SCL– BSI Anxiety Symptom Inventory384 Anxiety score Phobic anxiety Phobic anxiety score Self-rated S-R Anxiety State–Trait Anxiety Inventory385 STAI State anxiety Trait anxiety State–Trait Anxiety Inventory STAI-DY Trait anxiety (Dutch)385,386 Attention Speed of Comprehension Test387 SCT Sentences correct (general) Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS-R Attention and concentration index score Revised388 Attention–focus- Automated Performance Test APTS AREACT execute System389 CANTAB intradimensional/extra- CANTAB 3D- Errors – simple dimensional dimensional test390 ID/ED Errors – simple dimensional – reversal Latency – simple dimensional Latency – simple dimensional – reversal Cognitive Drug Research battery391 CDR Choice 1 – correct [%] Choice 1 – reaction time [ms] Choice 2 – correct [%] Choice 2 – reaction time [ms] Simple reaction time [ms] FePsy392 FePsy Auditive reaction time – dominant hand [ms] Auditive reaction time – non-dominant hand [ms] Binary choice – errors [n] Binary choice – reaction time [ms] Visual reaction time – dominant hand [ms] Visual reaction time – non-dominant hand [ms] Matching Familiar Figures MFFT-20 Latency to first response [s] Task-20393 Total errors [n] NS NS Binary choice task – reaction time [ms] Complex reaction time [ms] Double digit cancellation – time – s Immediate memory task – correct [n] Letter cancellation – commission errors Letter cancellation – omission errors Letter cancellation – time – s 210 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Letter comparison speed task – three-letter – correct [%] Letter comparison speed task – three-letter – correct [n] Letter comparison speed task – three-letter – errors [n] Letter comparison speed task – six-letter – correct [%] Letter comparison speed task – six-letter – correct [n] Letter comparison speed task – six-letter – errors [n] Letter comparison speed task – nine-letter – correct [%] Letter comparison speed task – nine-letter – correct [n] Letter comparison speed task – nine-letter – errors [n] Pattern comparison speed task – three-pattern – correct [n] Pattern comparison speed task – three-pattern – errors [n] Pattern comparison speed task – six-pattern – correct [n] Pattern comparison speed task – six-pattern – errors [n] Pattern comparison speed task – nine-pattern – correct [n] Pattern comparison speed task – nine-pattern – errors [n] Simple auditory reaction time [ms] Simple visual reaction time [ms] Visual reaction time [ms] Visual search – time [s] Ruff 2 and 7 Selective Attention Ruff 2 and 7 Controlled search accuracy Test394 Controlled search speed Total accuracy Total speed Symbol Digit Modalities test395 SDMT Correct [n] Overall score Stroop test396 Stroop Colour reading – errors [n] Colour reading – time [ms] Colour reading – time [s] Word reading – errors [n] Word reading – time [ms] Word reading – time [s] Test for Attentional Performance397 TAP 1 – phasic reaction time [ms]

continued 211

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 5

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure 1 – tonic reaction time [ms] Test of Everyday Attention398 TEA Map search 1 Map search 2 Telephone search Trailmaking Test399–401 TMT Part A – errors Part A – time Part B – errors Part B – part A – time Part B – time Part B – T-score Colour trails test402 TMT-C Part 1 – time Part 2 – time Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – WAIS-III Digit symbol [standard score units] Third Edition403 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS-R Digit symbol – Revised404 Digit symbol [age-corrected scaled score] Walter Reed Army Institute of WRAIR PAB Code substitution Research Performance Assessment Battery405 Attention–sustain CANTAB intradimensional/extra- CANTAB 3D- Errors – compound dimensional dimensional test390 ID/ED Errors – compound dimensional – reversal Errors – intradimensional Errors – intradimensional – reversal Latency – compound dimensional Latency – compound dimensional – reversal Latency – intradimensional Latency – intradimensional – reversal Affective Go/No-go task406 CANTAB Omission errors [n] A-G/N-G Cognitive Drug Research battery391 CDR Number vigilance – correct [%] Number vigilance – reaction time [ms] Go/No-Go task397,407 G/N-G Correct responses Punishment-reward – omission errors Reward-punishment – omission errors Summed conditions – omission errors Rapid visual information RVIP 10-minute task – correct [n] processing408 Test for Attentional Performance397 TAP Visual scanning – accuracy/speed correlation [z-score] Visual scanning – critical trials – correct [n] Visual scanning – critical trials – time [ms] Visual scanning – non-critical trials – correct [n] Visual scanning – non-critical trials – time [ms] Visual scanning – time/accuracy correlation [z-score] Test of Everyday Attention398 TEA Elevator counting 212 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Elevator counting with distraction Elevator counting with reversal Decision-making Iowa Gambling Task409,410 IGT Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Net score Rogers Gambling Task411 RGT High loss – choices High loss – latency – ms High probability – choices High probability – latency – ms High win – choices High win – latency – ms Low loss – choices Low loss – latency – ms Low probability – choices Low probability – latency – ms Low win – choices Low win – latency – ms Overall – choices Overall – latency – ms Revised Strategy Applications R-SAT Total 1 – all pages Test412 Total 2 – not including first two pages Depression Beck Depression Inventory413 BDI Median Overall score Beck Depression Inventory II414 BDI-II Cognitive subscale Cognitive–affective subscale Overall score Somatic subscale Composite International CIDI Current diagnosis [n] Diagnostic Interview415 Hospital Anxiety and Depression HADS Depression score Scale380 Hamilton Depression Rating HDRS Overall score Scale416 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality MMPI Overall score Inventory417 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality MMPI 2 Overall score Inventory – 2418 NS NS Medication for depression Symptom Check List (SCL-90) SCL-90 Depression score Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R)377 SCL-90-R Depression score



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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Symptom Check List – Brief SCL–BSI Depression Symptom Inventory385 Depression score Self-rated S-R Depression Disinhibition Frontal Systems Behavioral scale419 FrSBe Overall score Executive function Behavioural Assessment of DEX Dysexecutive function score (general) the Dysexecutive Syndrome – Dysexecutive questionnaire420 Frontal Systems Behavioral scale419 FrSBe Executive dysfunction Random letter generation421,422 Random letter Alphabetical sequences – 1 s generation Alphabetical sequences – 2 s Alphabetical sequences – 4 s Alphabetical sequences [standardised score] Composite score [standardised score] Letters [standardised score] Number of letters – 1 s Number of letters – 2 s Number of letters – 4 s Redundancy – 1 s –% Redundancy – 2 s –% Redundancy – 4 s –% Redundancy [standardised score] Repeated sequences – 1 s Repeated sequences – 2 s Repeated sequences – 4 s Repeated sequences [standardised score] Vowels – 1 s – % Vowels – 2 s – % Vowels – 4 s – % Executive function NS NS Mean slowing [ms] – inhibition of return Executive function Behavioural Assessment of the BADS Action program test – planning Dysexecutive Syndrome420 Key search test Modified six elements test Temporal judgement test Total profile score Zoo map test Plan-A-Day simulation423 Plan-A-Day End score Peak – end score Peak score Sequences of deletions Single deletions Use of F2 key CANTAB Stockings of SOC Initial thinking time [ms] Cambridge424

214 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Tower of London425 ToL Errors – n Excess moves Excess moves – % Initial thinking time – ms Perfect solutions Planning time – s Solution time – s Subsequent thinking time – ms/move Total moves Total time – s Trials completed – n Executive function NS NS Letters – correct [n] – processing Patterns – correct [n] speed Total errors [n] Executive function Affective Go/No-go task408 CANTAB Commission errors – non-shift block – response A-G/N-G Commission errors – shift block inhibition Commission errors [n] Go/No-Go task397,407 G/N-G Commission errors Punishment–reward – commission errors Punishment–reward – gain Reaction time – ms Reward–punishment – commission errors Reward–punishment – gain Summed conditions – Σ commission errors Summed conditions – Σ gain Huizinga and van der Molen – HvdM EF EF – Eriksen Flankers – correct – % Eriksen Flankers test426,427 EF – Eriksen Flankers – reaction time – ms Huizinga and van der Molen – stop HvdM SS Stop signal – reaction time – ms signal428 Stroop test396 Stroop Colour naming – time [s] Inhibition/switching contrast [s] Interference – errors [n] Interference – negative priming – time [ms] Interference – no negative priming – time [ms] Interference – switching time difference [s] Interference – time [ms] Interference – time [s] Interference – time difference [s] Interference + switching – errors [n] Interference + switching – time [s] Switching – time [ms] Test for Attentional Performance397 TAP Selective visual attention – sustain – time [ms]



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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Executive function Behavioural Assessment of the BADS Rule shift cards test – shifting Dysexecutive Syndrome420 Brixton Spatial Anticipation task429 BSA Errors [n] CANTAB intradimensional/extra- CANTAB Errors – extra-dimensional dimensional test390 3D–ID/ED Errors – extradimensional – reversal Latency – extra-dimensional Latency – extra-dimensional – reversal Huizinga and van der Molen – HvdM DT Dots–triangles – correct – % dots–triangles47 Dots–triangles – response time – ms Huizinga and van der Molen – HvdM LG Local–global – correct – % local–global47 Local–global – response time – ms NS NS Number/letter switch cost Plus/minus task switch cost Test of Everyday Attention398 TEA Telephone search with counting Wisconsin Card-Sorting Test430 WCST Categories Conceptual level responses [%] Failure to maintain set Learning-to-learn score No. ambig. error No. correct ambig. Non-perseverative errors Non-perseverative errors – % Perseverative errors Perseverative errors –% Perseverative responses Total no. correct Total no. errors Total no. trials Trials to first category Executive function Keep Track Test51 Keep Track Words correct [n] – updating Test NS NS Consonant updating – score Non-spatial associative learning Executive function Delis–Kaplan Executive Function D-KEFS Closed – visual fluency System431 Open Switching Total accuracy Total score Ruff Figural Fluency Test432 RFFT Repeated designs [n] Unique designs – total [n] Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure R-OCFT Copy score Test433,434 Impulsivity Barratt Impulsiveness Scale435,436 BIS Total Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-II437 BIS-II Attentional 216 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Cognitive Motor Non-planning Total Impulsivity self-rating scale382 ISRS Overall score Adult impulsiveness, IVE Overall score venturesomeness and empathy scale438 Matching Familiar Figures Task439 MFFT Efficiency score Impulsivity score Matching Familiar Figures Task– MFFT-20 Impulsivity score 20393 NS NS Bets16 – risk-taking score Delayed memory task – adjusted commision errors [n] Immediate memory task – adjusted commission errors [n] Rogers Gambling Task411 RGT Gains only – latency [ms] Gains only – latency – ms Gains only – risk-averse choices Losses only – latency [ms] Losses only – latency – ms Losses only – risk-averse choices Losses only – risk-seeking choices Intelligence Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test440 K-BIT Overall score Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale441 Mill Hill Vocabulary Mehrfachwahl-Wortschatz- MWT-B Verbal IQ Intelligenztest (Multiple Choice Verbal Intelligence Test)442,443 National Adult Reading Test 444,445 NART 0 IQ Overall score National Adult Reading Test NART-D IQ (Dutch version)444–446 Quick Test447 Quick Verbal IQ Raven’s Progressive Matrices448 RPM D E Total correct – C+D+E Total correct – D+E Total score Shipley Institute of Living SILS Abstraction Scale449,450 IQ Verbal Spot the Word451 STW Overall score



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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Test of non-verbal intelligence TONI-3 Overall score (TONI-3)452 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – WAIS-III Full-scale IQ Third Edition403 Performance IQ Similarities Verbal IQ Vocabulary Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS-R Full-scale IQ – Revised404 General knowledge [information] Performance IQ Verbal IQ Vocabulary Vocabulary [median] Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of WASI Vocabulary Intelligence403 Woodcock–Johnson Revised Test WJR Letter-word identification of Achievement453 Letter-word identification – standard score Word attack Word attack – standard score Memory (general) Rivermead Behavioural Memory RBMT Total score Test454 Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III General index score Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS-R General index score Revised388 Memory (general) Lern- und Gedächtnis-test456 LGT-3 City map test – delayed German–Turkish test Library test Logos test Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III Auditory index score Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS-R Index score Revised388 Walter Reed Army Institute of WRAIR PAB Overall score Research Performance Assessment Battery405 Memory – self- Cognitive Failures Questionnaire457 CFQ Other-rated – slips reported [%] rated Other-rated – total score Self-rated – slips reported [%] Self-rated – total score Everyday Memory EMQ Overall score Questionnaire458 Fragebogen zum Alltagsgedächtnis FZ–EMQ Overall score (questionnaire on everyday memory)459 Prospective Memory PMQ Internally cued Questionnaire460 Long-term Long-term episodic Short-term 218 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Short-term habitual Strategies Rivermead Behavioural Memory RBMT Appointment Test454 Belonging First/second name Message Uplifts/hassles questionnaire461 Uplifts/hassles Cognitive failures Virtual Week462 VW All tasks – correct All tasks – correct – frequent ecstasy users All tasks – correct – infrequent ecstasy users All tasks – late All tasks – missed All tasks – wrong Irregular task – correct Irregular task – late Irregular task – missed Irregular task – wrong Regular task – correct Regular task – late Regular task –missed Regular task – wrong Time-check task – correct Time-check task – late Time-check task – missed Time-check task – wrong Memory (general) Automated Performance Test APTS Sternberg numbers – correct – n – immediate System389 Sternberg numbers – speed [s] Cognitive Drug Research battery391 CDR Sternberg numbers – speed [ms] FePsy392 FePSY Sternberg figures – serial Sternberg figures – simultaneous Sternberg words – serial Sternberg words – simultaneous Lern- und Gedächtnis-test456 LGT-3 City map test German–Turkish test Library test Logos test Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III Auditory index score Index score Memory Buschke selective reminding Buschke Trial 3 – trial 1 – learning task463 performance Rey Auditory Verbal Learning RAVLT Learning – trial 5 – trial 1 Test464

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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RAVLT-G Learning – trial 5 – trial 1 – German version464,465 Repetitions required for learning – n VIG: visuospatial memory466 VIG Learning – trial 5 – trial 1 Repetitions required for learning – n Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III Logical memory – verbal learning slope Memory – verbal California Verbal Learning Test – CVLT-II Total recognition – z-score (general) Second Edition467 Memory – verbal Automated Performance Test APTS Overall score delayed System389 Buschke selective reminding Buschke Overall score task463 Cognitive Drug Research battery391 CDR Word recall [n] California Verbal Learning Test – CVLT-II Long-delay cued recall – z-score Second Edition467 Long-delay cued recall correct Long-delay false positives Long-delay free recall – z-score Long-delay free recall correct Long-delay recognition hits NS NS Prose recall Prose retained – % Rey Auditory Verbal Learning RAVLT Overall score Test464 Recognition Recognition – errors – list A Recognition – errors – list B Recognition – list A Recognition – list B Trial 8 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RAVLT-C Overall score – Chinese version464 Recognition Trial 8 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RAVLT-D Recognition – Dutch version464,468 Trial 8 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RAVLT-G Trial 8 – German version464,465 Rivermead Behavioural Memory RBMT Prose recall Test454 Prose recall (est) Prose recall (sum of two tests) Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS adapted Logical memory adapted388 Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III Auditory index score Index score Logical memory Logical memory – story A recall unit score Logical memory – verbal % ret Verbal paired associates

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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS-R Logical memory Revised388 Verbal paired associates Verbal reproduction Memory – verbal Auditory Consonant Trigrams469 ACT Score immediate Automated Performance Test APTS Overall score System389 Buschke selective reminding Buschke Trial 1 task465 Trial 2 Trial 3 Cognitive Drug Research battery391 CDR Word recall [n] California Verbal Learning Test – CVLT-II Short-delay cued recall – z-score Second Edition467 Short-delay cued recall correct Short-delay free recall – z-score Short-delay free recall correct Total intrusions Total list B correct Total list B plus trial 1 correct Total repetitions Total trials 1–5 correct – n Trial 1 correct – n Trial 5 correct – n Trial B correct – n Matched verbal recall/ MRR Recall – hits – intrusions recognition470 Recognition – hits – false alarms NS NS Computation span Digit span – backwards Digit span – forwards Free recall Letter span – forwards Prose recall Verbal paired associates – perseverative responses – n Verbal paired associates – total forgotten – n Verbal paired associates – trials to completion Verbal paired associates – errors trial 1 Verbal paired associates – errors trial 2 Verbal paired associates – errors trial 3 Verbal paired associates – errors trial 4 Verbal paired associates – trial 1- correct – n Word span Rey Auditory Verbal Learning RAVLT Adjusted list A Test464 Adjusted list B

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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Interference – trial 5 – trial 7 List B Proactive interference – trial 1 – trial 6 Recall consistency –% Retroactive interference – trial 5 – trial 6 Sum of trials 1–5 Trial 1 Trial 1 – errors Trial 2 Trial 2 – errors Trial 3 Trial 3 – errors Trial 4 Trial 4 – errors Trial 5 Trial 5 – errors Trial 6 Trial 6 – errors Trial 6 – interference list Trial 7 Trial 7 – errors Trial 7 – post-interference Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RAVLT-C Items recalled in all trials 1–5 – Chinese version464 Overall score Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RAVLT-D Sum of trials 1–5 – Dutch version464,468 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RAVLT-G Interference – trial 5 – trial 7 – German version464,465 Trial 1 Rivermead Behavioural Memory RBMT Prose recall Test454 Prose recall (est) Prose recall (sum of two tests) Recognition memory tests RMT Recognition (Warrington)471 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – WAIS-III Digit span – forwards Third Edition403 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS-R Digit span – backwards – Revised404 Digit span – forwards Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS adapted Logical memory adapted388 Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III Auditory index score Index score Logical memory Logical memory – story A Logical memory – story B Logical memory 1 – 1st recall total score – stories A and B1 222 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure LOGICAL memory 1 – recall total score – sum recall unit scores stories A, B1, B2 Verbal paired associates Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS-R Digit span – total Revised388 Index score Logical memory Verbal paired associates Memory – visual Aggie figures learning test472 AFLT Overall score delayed Recognition Memory for Designs473 MFD Correct – n CANTAB Pattern recognition PRM Correct – % memory474 Latency – ms Rivermead Behavioural Memory RBMT Face recognition Test454 Picture recognition Route Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure R-OCFT Retained –% Test433,434 Total score Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III Visual Visual reproduction Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS-R Visual paired associates Revised388 Visual reproduction Memory – visual Aggie figures learning test472 AFLT Overall score immediate Automated Performance Test APTS ACODES – correct – n System389 ACODES – speed – s Benton Visual Retention Test – BVRT Correct – n Fifth edition475 Errors – n CANTAB Delayed match to CANTAB All delayed – latency – ms sample476 DMTS Delayed – 0s – correct –% Delayed – 12s – correct –% Delayed – 4s – correct –% Delayed – latency – ms Simultaneous – correct –% Simultaneous – latency – ms CANTAB Spatial Span test477 CANTAB SS Spatial span Corsi Block Tapping Test478 Corsi Block Span Span plus one Continuous visual memory test479 CVMT d´ False alarms Hits Recognition Total Memory for Designs473 MFD Correct – n

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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Trials to completion – n NS NS Paired associates – memory score – six-box trial Paired associates – memory score – eight-box trial Pattern recognition – correct [%] Pattern recognition – latency [s] Spatial recognition – correct [%] Spatial recognition – latency [s] Spatial span Visual paired associates – six-box trial – errors [n] Visual paired associates – six-box trial – trials to completion Visual paired associates – eight-box trial – errors [n] Visual paired associates – eight-box trial – trials to completion CANTAB Pattern recognition PRM Correct – % memory474 Latency – ms Rey Auditory Verbal Learning RAVLT List B Test464 Sum of trials 1–5 Trial 6 – interference list Rivermead Behavioural Memory RBMT Route Test454 Recognition memory tests RMT Recognition (Warrington)471 Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure R-OCFT Total score Test433,434 VIG: visuospatial memory466 VIG Recall Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III Spatial span – visual backwards Spatial span – visual forwards Spatial span – visual total Visual VISUAL reproduction Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS-R Figural memory Revised388 Index score Visual memory span Visual paired associates Visual reproduction Visual reproduction% ret. Visual reproduction 1 Memory – Huizinga and van der Molen – HvdM MC MC – mental counters – correct – % working mental counters480 MC – mental counters – reaction time – ms Huizinga and van der Molen – tic- HvdM TTT Tic-tac-toe – correct – % tac-toe480 Tic-tac-toe – reaction time – ms n-back test (NS) n-back 0-back – correct responses – n 0-back – reaction time – ms 224 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure 1-back – correct responses – n 1-back – reaction time – ms 1-back and 2-back – auditory – correct responses – simple – % 1-back and 2-back – auditory – reaction time – simple – ms 1-back and 2-back – divided – correct responses – % 1-back and 2-back – divided – reaction time – ms 1-back and 2-back – divided – reaction time – ms 1-back and 2-back – visual – correct responses – selective – % 1-back and 2-back – visual – correct responses – simple – % 1-back and 2-back – visual – reaction time – selective – % 1-back and 2-back – visual – reaction time – selective – ms 1-back and 2-back – visual – reaction time – simple – ms 2-back – correct responses – n 2-back – figures – correct responses – n 2-back – figures – reaction time – ms 2-back – letters – correct responses – n 2-back – letters – reaction time – ms 2-back – reaction time – ms NS NS Affective – correct – 500 ms delay – % Affective – correct – 8000 ms delay – % Affective – latency – 500 ms delay – ms Affective – latency – 8000 ms delay – ms Computation span Delayed memory task – correct [n] Reading span Serial subtraction – SS7 – correct – n Serial subtraction – SS7 – errors [n] Spatial recall – correct – n Spatial task – between errors–four-box trial Spatial task – between errors–six-box trial Spatial task – between errors–eight-box trial Spatial task – error score – 4000 ms delay Spatial task – error score – 4000–500 ms difference Spatial task – error score – 500 ms delay Spatial task – error score – 8000 ms delay Spatial task – error score – 8000–500 ms difference

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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Spatial task – latency – 4000 ms delay – ms Spatial task – latency – 4000–500 ms difference – ms Spatial task – latency – 500 ms delay – ms Spatial task – latency – 8000 ms delay – ms Spatial task – latency – 8000–500 ms difference – ms Spatial task – search strategy score Spatial task – within errors–four-box trial Spatial task – within errors–six-box trial Spatial task – within errors–eight-box trial Visuospatial span Visuospatial span – alphabetic generation Visuospatial span – control – no dual task Visuospatial span – overall mean Visuospatial span with random letter generation Paced Auditory Serial Addition PASAT Hits – 1.6 s Test481 Hits – 2.4 s Rapid visual information RVIP 5-minute task processing408 Test for Attentional Performance397 TAP 5 – divided attention – time [ms] 8 – intermodal integration – time [ms] Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – WAIS-III Letter number sequencing – scaled score Third Edition403 Wechsler Memory Scale – III455 WMS-III Index score Mental control Wechsler Memory Scale – WMS-R Mental control Revised388 Walter Reed Army Institute of WRAIR PAB Matching to sample task Research Performance Assessment Serial add and subtract test Battery405 Mood Affective Go/No-go task406 CANTAB Affective bias [ms] A-G/N-G EWL Mood Rating Scale482 EWL Activity Depressiveness Emotional excitability Extro-/introversion Inactivation Well-being Frontal Systems Behavioral Scale416 FrSBe Apathy Mood Rating Scale (visual analogue MRS Discontentedness scale)382 Sedation Nowlis Mood Adjective NMAC Overall score Checklist483 Profile Of Mood States (Visual POMS Anger–hostility Analogue Scale)383 Confusion Depression–dejection 226 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Fatigue Friendliness Tension Vigour Symptom Check List (SCL-90) SCL-90 Positive moods Self-rated S-R Abnormal Calm Clearheaded Depressed Drowsy Energetic Good tempered Ill Interested Quick witted Sad Sober Steady Unpleasant Unsociable Well co-ordinated Motor function Automated Performance Test APTS ATAP – finger tapping test – non-dominant hand System389 BTAP – finger tapping test – non-dominant hand Grooved pegboard484 Grooved Time – dominant hand pegboard Time – left hand Time – non-dominant hand Time – right hand NS NS Finger tapping test – dominant hand Finger tapping test – non-dominant hand Orientation Rivermead Behavioural Memory RBMT Date Test454 Orientation Perceptual Automated Performance Test APTS PATRNC correct – n organisation System389 PATRNC speed – s Judgment of Line Orientation485 JOLO Pairs Mental Rotation test486 Mental Completely perfect [n] rotation test Mirror – errors [n] Mirror – latency [ms] Reaction time [ms] Standard – errors [n] Standard – latency [ms] NS NS Heading task – angle 1 – correct [%] Heading task – angle 2 – correct [%] Heading task – angle 4 – correct [%]

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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Heading task – angle 8 – correct [%] Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS-R Block design – Revised404 Block test – tile manipulation – copy – moves per problem Block test – tile manipulation – copy – no. completely perfect Block test – tile manipulation – copy – reaction time Block test – tile manipulation – copy – thinking time Block test – tile manipulation – mental rotation – moves per problem Block test – tile manipulation – mental rotation – no. completely perfect Block test – tile manipulation – mental rotation – thinking time Block test – tile manipulation – mirror – errors Block test – tile manipulation – mirror – latency – ms Block test – tile manipulation – mirror – moves per problem Block test – tile manipulation – mirror – no. completely perfect Block test – tile manipulation – mirror – reaction time Block test – tile manipulation – mirror – thinking time Walter Reed Army Institute of WRAIR PAB Manikin task Research Performance Assessment Time wall task Battery405 Personality Eysenck Personality EPQ Extroversion Questionnaire487 Lies Neuroticism Psychoticism Goldberg’s Big Five questionnaire GB5 Agreeableness – Dutch version488 Conscientiousness Emotional stability Extroversion Open experiences Adult impulsiveness, IVE Empathy venturesomeness and empathy Venturesomeness scale438 Sensation-Seeking Scale 489 SSS Sensation-seeking – boredom susceptibility Sensation-seeking – disinhibition Sensation-seeking – experience seeking Sensation-seeking – overall Sensation-seeking – thrill and adventure seeking Sensation-Seeking Scale – Dutch SSS-D Sensation-seeking – boredom susceptibility version489,490 Sensation-seeking – disinhibition 228 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Sensation-seeking – experience seeking Sensation-seeking – general Sensation-seeking – thrill and adventure seeking Tridimensional Personality TPQ Harm avoidance Questionnaire491 Novelty seeking Reward dependence Psychopathology DSM-III-R – Structured Clinical DSM-III-R SCI Axis 1 disorders Interview492 Axis 2 disorders DSM-IV379 DSM-IV ADHD – current ADHD – lifetime Adjustment disorder – current Adjustment disorder – lifetime Affective disorder – current Affective disorder – lifetime Eating disorder – current Eating disorder – lifetime SIDP – axis II disorders ICD-10 ICD-10 Psychosis Personality Diagnostic PDQ-R Overall score Questionnaire – Revised493 Symptom Check List (SCL-90) SCL-90 Agoraphobia Anger–hostility Appetite Death cognitions Early waking Global score index Guilt Hostility Insomnia Insufficency Interpersonal sensitivity MDMA side effects Negative psychobiology Obessionality Obsession–compulsion Obsessive–compulsive Overeating Paranoid ideation Positive life experiences Positive psychobiology Psychoticism Sensitivity Sociability

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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Somatisation Total Total negative Total positive Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R)377 SCL-90-R Anger-hostility GSI Interpersonal sensitivity Obsessive–compulsive Overall score Paranoid ideation PSDI score Psychoticism Sensitivity Somatisation Symptom Check List – Brief SCL–BSI Anger–hostility Symptom Inventory384 Global severity index Global severity index – moderate Global severity index – severe Hostility – moderate Hostility – severe Interpersonal sensitiveness Obsessive–compulsive Obsessive–compulsive – moderate Obsessive–compulsive – severe Paranoid ideation Paranoid ideation – moderate Paranoid ideation – severe Positive symptom total Positive symptoms distress index Psychoticism Psychoticism – moderate Psychoticism – severe Somatic complaints – moderate Somatic complaints – severe Somatisation Reasoning Automated Performance Test APTS AREASON – correct – n System389 AREASON – speed – s Leistungsprüfsystem–4466,494 LPS–4 Logical thinking/problem solving NS NS Syllogistic reasoning – correct – NVC – n Syllogistic reasoning – correct – one model – n Syllogistic reasoning – correct – three model – n Syllogistic reasoning – correct – three model/ NVC – n Syllogistic reasoning – correct – total – % 230 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Syllogistic reasoning – correct – two/three model – n Syllogistic reasoning – incorrect – NVC – n Syllogistic reasoning – incorrect – one model – n Syllogistic reasoning – incorrect – three model – n Syllogistic reasoning – incorrect – total – s Syllogistic reasoning – no response – NVC – n Syllogistic reasoning – no response – one model – n Syllogistic reasoning – no response – three model – n Syllogistic reasoning – no response – total – n Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – WAIS-III Matrix reasoning – scaled score Third Edition403 Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of WASI Matrix reasoning Intelligence403 Walter Reed Army Institute of WRAIR PAB Logical reasoning task Research Performance Assessment Battery405 Sleep Epworth sleepiness scale495 Epworth SS Total score NS NS Hours/night Morning/evening type Quality Refreshed REM latency [min] Sleep efficiency [%] Sleep latency – min Sometimes miss out a night Total sleep time – min Wake time after sleep onset – min Rechtschaffen and Kales sleep Rechtschaffen NREM – min rating procedures496 and Kales REM – min Stage 1 – min Stage 2 – min Stage 3/4 – min Stage REM – min TST – min Symptom Check List (SCL-90) SCL-90 Self-reported sleep disturbances Self-rated S-R Scale 1–5 Verbal skills Boston naming test497 BNT Naming fluency Controlled Oral Word Association COWA Fluency – category – animals [n] (‘FAS’ test) (NS) Fluency – category [n] Fluency – errors [n]

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Domain Instrument Abbreviation Outcome measure Fluency – inappropriate words [n] Fluency – letter – FAS [n] Fluency – letter [n] Fluency – perseverative errors [n] Fluency – switching [n] Fluency – total [n] Fluency – total perseverations [n] Chicago Word Fluency Test498 CWF Fluency – letter – C4 [n] Fluency – letter – S [n] Delis–Kaplan Executive Function D–KEFS Fluency – category System431 Fluency – FAS Fluency – switching NS NS Anagrams – correct [n] Anagrams – ln – time – [s] Anagrams – time [s] Fluency – category [n]

CANTAB, Cambridge Automated Battery; DSM-V, Diagnostic and Stastical Manual IV; ms, milliseconds; NS, not specified (or a bespoke test); s, seconds.

232 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Appendix 6 Datasets used in meta-analyses of composite outcome measures


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD n 24 53.224 18.124 7.8 26.224 3.2 24 21.3 6.1 24 3.6 56 24 18.8 24 8.2 29.9 3.9 22.1 6.3 –0.350 –0.196 2.1 –0.597 (–0.920 to 0.220) (–0.763 to 0.371) –0.271 (–1.175 to –0.018) (–0.840 to 0.297) 25 6.1415 2.23 86.428 22 12.8 2.1428 8.09 15 2.07 7.8228 1.86 88.07 28 728 1.93 10.46 –0.944 8.54 1.5 28 –0.143 2.34 1.84 (–1.549 to –0.339) 8.71 1.77 28 28 (–0.860 to 0.574) 2.03 –0.332 8 8.93 –0.449 (–0.860 to 0.195) 1.51 1.87 (–0.980 to 0.081) –0.232 –0.472 (–0.757 to 0.294) (–1.003 to 0.059) MDMA users Controls (2) Users (medium) vs controls(3) Users (low) vs controls 14 14.9 14 5.6 15.4 6.67 4.3 14.5 6.67 5.3 14.5 –0.073 5.3 (–0.995 to 0.850) –0.195 (–1.119 to 0.730) (2) Users (novice) vs controls 15 13.9 2.711 7.5 15.1 3.098 –0.423 (–1.309 to 0.463) (2) Users (medium) vs controls(3) Users (low) vs controls 14 13.1(2) Users (medium) vs controls 14 5.4(3) Users (low) vs controls 14 14.9 6.67 17.7 5.4 16.3 14 5.9 6.67 21.4 5.2 6.67 16.3 4.4 19.8 0.599 5.2 6.67 4.6 19.8 0.262 (–0.343 to 1.541) –0.379 4.6 (–0.664 to 1.188) (–1.309 to 0.551) 0.359 (–0.571 to 1.288) (+/–) Comparison (+) (1) Users (regular) vs controls 15 12 2.324(+) 7.5(+) 15.1 3.098(–) –1.195 (–2.145 to –0.245) (–) (1) Users (high-dose) vs controls 11 11.9 6.8 6.67 16.3 5.2 0.702 (–0.291 to 1.695) (+) Free recall Free sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: WMS-R: digit span – totalWMS-R: logical memory (+) WMS-R: verbal paired associates (+) (+) prose recall RBMT: (+) WMS-R: index score interference – trial RAVLT-G: 5 – trial 7 MRR: recall (hits – intrusions) (–) (1) Users (high-dose) vs controlsMRR: recognition (hits – false alarms) 11 15.8 7.2 6.67 14.5 5.3 –0.198 (–1.162 to 0.767) RAVLT-G: trial 1 RAVLT-G: digit span – backwardsWAIS-R: (+) digit span – forwardsWAIS-R: (+) WMS adapted: logical memory (+) (1) Users (high-dose) vs controls 11 19.5 7.8 6.67 19.8 4.6 –0.044 (–1.006 to 0.918) 121 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis Verbal 99 93 102 122 112 Study Measure Current users vs polydrug controls and Parrott Lasky 1998 Morgan 1999 Bolla et al . 1998 Rodgers 2000 Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Fox et al . 2001

234 51 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD n 11 8 2.6 188 7.9 45.840 1.8 9.3 106.4 0.047 13.4 7 37 (–0.703 to 0.797) 53.8 112.4 6.6 14.7 –0.427 –0.980 (–0.880 to 0.025) (–2.062 to 0.102) 11 9.211 7.311 1.6 57.211 2.6 12.211 18 11.3 45.5 18 2.7 18 9.6 7 6.5 18 56.3 1.5 18 11.8 2.2 918 –0.260 3 48.3 7.7 0.340 0.09132 (–1.013 to 0.493) 1.8 3.182 6.15532 0.138 (–0.416 to 1.095) 8 8.56 1.93 (–0.660 to 0.841) –0.623 16 3.483 (–0.613 to 0.889) 8.5 16 (–1.391 to 0.145) 15 6.785 1.5 3 8.14 2.245 0.7 –0.309 4.455 –0.256 0.110 17 (–0.913 to 0.294) (–1.092 to 0.580) 1.7 (–0.491 to 0.710) 0.5 –0.332 (–1.032 to 0.367) MDMA users Controls (2) Users (moderate) vs controls 30 8.8 2 15 8.8 2.3 0.000 (–0.620 to 0.620) (2) Users (moderate) vs controls 12 66.2 7.3 8 66.5 8.8 –0.038 (–0.933 to 0.857) (2) Users (moderate) vs controls 12 9.5(2) Users (moderate) vs controls 12 3.1 8.7(2) Users (moderate) vs controls 12 8 1.6 9.7(2) Users (moderate) vs controls 12 8.9 8 2.2 52 2.6 9.1 8 9.1 0.206 2.1 9.9 8 –0.221 (–0.691 to 1.103) 1.6 52.8 (–1.118 to 0.677) –0.101 6.9 –0.096 (–0.996 to 0.795) (–0.991 to 0.799) (+/–) Comparison (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (1) Users (heavy) vs controls 11 63 9.6 8 66.5 8.8 –0.377 (–1.297 to 0.542) (+) (+) (+) (+) (1) Users (heavy) vs controls 11 7.9 3.2 8 8.9 2.6 –0.337 (–1.255 to 0.581) Digit span – backwardsDigit span – forwards (+) sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: WMS-III: auditory index score (+) (+) prose recall RBMT: Buschke: trial 1 Digit span – backwards prose recall RBMT: (+) total trials 1–5 correct CVLT-II: (1) Users (heavy) vs controls– n 30 8 2.3 15 8.8 2.3 –0.348 (–0.972 to 0.276) RAVLT: list B RAVLT: sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: trial 6 – interference listRAVLT: (+) recognition RMT: (+) prose recall RBMT: trial B correct – n CVLT-II: WAIS-R: digit span – backwardsWAIS-R: (+) digit span – forwardsWAIS-R: (1) Users (heavy) vs controls (+) 11WMS-III: logical memory (1) Users (heavy) vs controls 8.1 11 3.3 (+) 9 (1) Users (heavy) vs controls 8 2 11 9.1 49.1 8 2.1 11.5 8 9.9 –0.349 1.6 52.8 (–1.267 to 0.569) 6.9 –0.488 –0.375 (–1.413 to 0.438) (–1.294 to 0.544) 95 108 101 106 94 123 103 104 Study Measure Croft et al . 2001 Simon and Mattick 2002 Morgan et al . 2002 Zakzanis et al . 2003 Reneman et Reneman al . 2001 Curran and Verheyden 2003 Gouzoulis et al . 2003 Halpern et al . 2004 235

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD n 17 5.12 1.65 15 5.53 1.25 –0.278 (–0.975 to 0.420) 17 6.4117 7.4717 0.87 9.9417 1.84 15 1217 2.05 15 12.7617 7.07 15 2.03 12.41 1.8917 8.07 0.96 15 11.65 1.97 10.53 15 2.37 –0.723 2.42 15 2.5 12.07 13.4 –0.285 15 1.79 13.4 (–1.441 to –0.005) –0.260 1.3 11.93 (–0.983 to 0.413) 48 0.036 1.55 (–0.957 to 0.438) –0.390 2.46 –0.57 –0.55448 0.95 –0.115 (–0.731 to 0.658) –0.38 (–1.091 to 0.311) 17 (–1.263 to 0.154) 0.99 (–0.810 to 0.580) –0.03 17 0.8 –0.06 0.61 –0.591 –0.352 (–1.153 to –0.028) (–0.909 to 0.204) MDMA users Controls 30 58.830 9.585 9.5 14.5 3.286 53.6 14.5 9.424 9.5 0.545 3.096 (–0.092 to 1.183) 0.000 (–0.627 to 0.627) 105 105 (2) Users (moderate) vs controls 12 25.2 6.4 8 28.7 3.1 –0.653 (–1.572 to 0.267) (2) Light users vs controls 19 9.3 2.55 7.5 9.6 2.15(2) Low lifetime dose vs controls –0.122 17 0.71 (–0.968 to 0.723) 1.05 31 0.16 0.66 –0.673 (–1.280 to –0.066) (2) Light users vs controls 19 5.1 1.6 7.5 4.3 1.9(2) Low lifetime dose vs controls 0.475 17 6.59 (–0.381 to 1.330) 2.4 31 4.32 1.46 –1.232 (–1.875 to –0.589) (+/–) Comparison (+) (1) Users (heavy) vs controls 11 24.9 6.2 8 28.7 3.1 –0.737 (–1.681 to 0.207) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 16(+) 8.85 2.15 7.5 9.6(–) 2.15 –0.349 (1) High lifetime dose vs controls 18 0.67 (–1.222 to 0.525) 1.28 31 0.16 0.66 –0.547 (–1.138 to 0.045) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 16(+) 4.6 1.7 7.5 4.3 1.9(–) (1) High lifetime dose vs controls 0.170 18 5.67 (–0.699 to 1.039) 1.28 31 4.32 1.46 –0.966 (–1.579 to –0.353) (+) Data from secondary pub. WMS-III: verbal paired associates Digit span – backwardsDigit span – forwards (+) recall Free short-delay cued recall CVLT-II: ( z -score) sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+) paired associates – Verbal perseverative responses – n Data from secondary pub. RAVLT: trial 1 RAVLT: trial 2 RAVLT: trial 3 RAVLT: trial 4 RAVLT: trial 5 RAVLT: trial 7 RAVLT: prose recall RBMT: short-delay free recall CVLT-II: ( z -score) paired associates – trials Verbal to completion RBMT: prose recall RBMT: 120 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) Verbal 100 96 75 124 Study Measure McCardle et al . 2004 Dafters et al . 2004 Thomasius et al . 2005 Medina et al . 2005 Montgomery et al . 2005

236 51 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD n 15 5.61 1.19 1511 6.59 51.5 1.4 7.6 –0.754 15 52.3 (–1.497 to –0.012) 7.1 –0.109 (–0.888 to 0.669) 19 0.8519 0.7419 0.1 56.2 0.03 19 8.16 19 0.93 19 0.84 0.05 64.8 0.02 –1.012 6.21 –3.92225 –1.186 (–1.689 to –0.334) 39.72 (–5.029 to –2.815) 25 10.52 (–1.878 to –0.494) 5.3525 23 7.625 1.5 46.56 9.1 2 14.5 6.84 2 5.2 –0.764 14.5 14.5 1.62 8.1 (–1.352 to –0.177) 10 0.097 2.69 2.96 –0.220 (–0.550 to 0.744) –0.377 (–0.869 to 0.429) (–1.029 to 0.276) 58 59.658 6.5 11.858 60 2.4 15.5 61.7 60 2.8 5.9 11.4 60 2.9 –0.339 15.1 2.2 0.150 (–0.702 to 0.025) 0.159 (–0.211 to 0.511) (–0.202 to 0.521) MDMA users Controls

90 90 90 (2) Low lifetime dose vs controls 17 1 1.22 31 0.39 0.75 –0.649 (–1.255 to –0.042) (2) Low lifetime dose vs controls 17 0.47 0.87 31 0.1 0.35 –0.632 (–1.237 to –0.026) (2) Low lifetime dose vs controls 17 3.29 2.2 31 4.32 2.01 –0.496 (–1.096 to 0.104) (2) Users (moderate) vs controls 15 51.2 8.6 4.33 60 6.8 –1.062pub. (–2.188 to 0.064) (2) Users (moderate) vs controls 15 16.1 5.2 4.33 17.9 6.1 –0.334 (–1.409 to 0.740) pub. pub. (+/–) Comparison (–) (1) High lifetime dose vs controls 18 0.72 0.83 31 0.39 0.75 –0.423 (–1.010 to 0.164) (–) (1) High lifetime dose vs controls 18 0.06 0.24 31 0.1 0.35 0.127 (–0.454 to 0.708) (+) (1) High lifetime dose vs controls 18 2.67 1.81 31 4.32 2.01 –0.850 (–1.456 to –0.245) (+) (1) Users (heavy) vs controls 22(+) 17.9 3.8 4.33 17.9 6.1 0.000 (–1.030 to 1.030) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) Verbal paired associates – errors – associates paired Verbal 1 Trial Verbal paired associates – errors – associates paired Verbal 2 Trial Verbal paired associates – Trial paired associates – Trial Verbal 1 – correct n RAVLT: sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: prose recall (sum for 2 RBMT: (+)tests) (1) Users (heavy) vs controlsDigit span – backwards adjusted list A 22RAVLT: 47 (+) 8.6 sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: 4.33 sum of trials 1–5RAVLT-D: 60 (+) (+) 6.8 Follow-up. Data from secondary –1.552WMS-III: logical memory (recall total score) (–2.671 to –0.433) Buschke: trial 1 RAVLT: adjusted list B RAVLT: sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+) Buschke: trial 2 Buschke: trial 3 WAIS-R: digit span – backwardsWAIS-R: (+) digit span – forwardsWAIS-R: Follow-up. Data from secondary (+) Follow-up. Data from secondary 97 83 117 109 98 84 125 Study Measure Reneman et Reneman al . 2006 Quednow et al . 2006 de Win et al . 2005 Reay et al . Reay 2006 Lamers et al . 2006 Hoshi et al . 2007 McCann et al . 2007 237

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD n 16 48 12.5 4.33 60 6.8 –1.028 (–2.140 to 0.084) 26 107.4 15.215 26 6.132 113.2 3.679 5.75532 11.6 8 6.83 1.607 –0.429 16 2.973 8.5 16 (–0.979 to 0.121) 6.78516 3 2.245 8.14 16.328 –0.560 4.455 6.1528 –0.692 5.8 –0.372 8.8528 (–1.171 to 0.051) 2.12 4.33 9.95 (–1.575 to 0.191) 2.12 14.5 (–0.976 to 0.233) 17.9 2.65 14.5 5.2 6.1 14.5 8.1 1.62 10 –0.273 2.69 0.483 2.96 0.323 (–1.338 to 0.792) –0.018 (–0.160 to 1.126) (–0.316 to 0.961) (–0.652 to 0.616) MDMA users Controls 31 53.631 8.2 8.352 14.5 2.617 53.6 14.5 9.5 9.424 0.000 3.096 –0.469 (–0.624 to 0.624) (–1.100 to 0.163) 105 105 (+/–) Comparison (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) Data from secondary pub. WMS-III: index score prose recall RBMT: Buschke: trial 1 sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+) prose recall RBMT: Data from secondary pub. Buschke: trial 1 (+) RBMT: prose recall RBMT: Buschke: trial 2 Buschke: trial 3 RBMT: prose recall RBMT: Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) Verbal 96 97 124 103 104 125 Study Measure Groth et al . 2007 Former users vs polydrug controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Curran and Verheyden 2003 Thomasius et al . 2005 Hoshi et al . 2007 Reneman et Reneman al . 2006

238 51 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD 11 45.5 7 31 48.3 2.3 –0.695 (–1.400 to 0.009) 11 12.2 2.7 31 13.2 1.6 –0.517 (–1.214 to 0.180) 28 8.54 1.84 28 8.89 1.29 –0.22011 (–0.746 to 0.305) 57.2 11.3 31 62.4 7.7 –0.595 (–1.295 to 0.105) 28 7 2.34 28 9.11 2.67 –0.84011 (–1.388 to –0.293) 7.3 2.6 31 8.5 2.7 –0.449 (–1.143 to 0.246) 28 7.82 1.93 28 9.82 2.28 –0.94711 (–1.500 to –0.393) 9.2 1.6 31 10.5 1.8 –0.742 (–1.449 to –0.035) 2515 6.1428 86.4 2.23 2.14 12.8 19 2.07 15 8.29 28 109.7 2.87 12.79 0.89 –0.852 –1.819 1.55 (–1.475 to –0.228) (–2.678 to –0.959) –0.684 (–1.223 to –0.144) 11 8 2.6 31 9.318 2.2 7.7 3.182 –0.564 7.5 (–1.262 to 0.135) 9.95 3.873 –0.664 (–1.537 to 0.208) MDMA users n (2) Novice users vs controls 18(2) Novice users vs controls 5.56 18 1.09 14.44 6.67 1.97 5.85 6.67 1.04 15.8 –0.269 1.55 (–1.161 to 0.623) –0.726 (–1.639 to 0.188) (2) Light users vs controls 19(2) Light users vs controls 9.3 19 2.55 5.1 9.5 1.6 12.4 9.5 2.15 6.3 –1.276 2.7 (–2.128 to –0.425) –0.594 (–1.389 to 0.201) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) users vs controls (1) Regular 26 10.58 1.93 6.67 15.8 1.55 –2.798 (–3.900 to –1.696) (–) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 16 8.85 2.15 9.5 12.4 2.15 –1.651 (–2.582 to –0.720) (+/–) Comparison RMT: recognitionRMT: (+) RAVLT: trial 6 – RAVLT: interference list WAIS-R: digit span – WAIS-R: forwards sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+) WAIS-R: digit span – WAIS-R: backwards list B RAVLT: RAVLT-G: trial 1RAVLT-G: (+) Digit span – forwards (+) Prose recall Prose RBMT: prose recallRBMT: WMS-R: index score interference – RAVLT-G: (+) trial 5 – 7 (+) Digit span – backwards (+) users vs controls (1) Regular 26Digit span – backwards (+) 5.5 0.99 6.67 5.85 1.04 prose recallRBMT: recall Free –0.350 (+) (–1.206 to 0.505) RBMT: prose recallRBMT: (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 16 4.6 1.7 9.5 6.3 2.7 –0.803 (–1.638 to 0.032) Measure 103 75 94 122 102 127 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-na ï ve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis Verbal 99 Morgan et al . 2002 Bhattachary and 2001 Powell Rodgers 2000 Rodgers Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Dafters et al . 2004 Croft et al . 2001 Study Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan 1999


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD 100 5.2 0.819 100 56.2 10.51 1.45 8.1625 19 –4.535 9.1 (–5.060 to –4.009) 64.7 5.72 2 –1.206 13.5 (–1.901 to –0.512) 11.6 2.6 –1.12428 (–1.835 to –0.414) 9.95 2.65 13.5 11.6 2.6 –0.626 (–1.290 to 0.038) 100 6.66 0.9619 100 6.75 0.74 1.02 0.03 –0.09125 19 (–0.368 to 0.186) 7.6 0.81 0.03 2 –2.33316 13.5 (–3.167 to –1.500) 11.09 10.45 1.86 2.6 6.67 –1.282 15.828 (–2.006 to –0.557) 1.55 8.85 –2.646 2.12 (–3.857 to –1.434) 13.5 10.45 2.6 –0.701 (–1.368 to –0.033) 100 9.38 1.0119 100 9.57 0.85 1.03 0.111 –0.18625 19 51.5 (–0.464 to 0.092) 5.35 0.9 7.6 1.5 0.08 1516 13.5 –0.552 60 7.1 5.44 (–1.201 to 0.096) 15 5.3 2.08 0.96 6.1 –1.336 –1.017 6.6728 5.85 3.679 (–2.201 to –0.471) (–1.719 to –0.315) 7.5 1.04 6.15 9.95 –0.417 2.12 3.873 (–1.330 to 0.495) 13.5 –1.029 7.1 (–1.960 to –0.098) 2.08 –0.451 (–1.108 to 0.206) MDMA users 3030 58.8 9.5 9.585 15 3.286 15 60.3 8.216 10.75 3.286 –0.164 –0.380 (–0.784 to 0.457) (–1.005 to 0.245) 3131 53.6 8.2 8.352 15 2.617 15 60.3 8.216 10.75 3.286 –0.806 –0.896 (–1.445 to –0.167) (–1.540 to –0.251) n 105 105 105 105 (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+/–) Comparison RAVLT-C: items recalled RAVLT-C: in all trials 1–5 sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+) Buschke: trial 3 Buschke: trial 3 Digit span – forwards (+) adjusted list BRAVLT: (+) Buschke: trial 2 recall Prose Buschke: trial 2 RBMT: prose recallRBMT: (+) Data from secondary pub. prose recallRBMT: (+) Data from secondary pub. RAVLT: sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+)Digit span – backwards Data from secondary pub. (+) adjusted list ARAVLT: (+) sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+) Buschke: trial 1 Digit span – backwards (+) prose recallRBMT: sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+) (+) Buschke: trial 1 Data from secondary pub. Measure 103 98 128 125 125 127 Verbal memory-immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naive controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) memory-immediate Verbal 96 83 96 Quednow et al . 2006 Lamers et al . 2006 users vs drug-naïve controls Former Bhattachary and 2001 Powell Morgan et al . 2002 Hoshi et al . 2007 Thomasius et al . 2005 Yip and Lee 2005 Yip Hoshi et al . 2007 Study Thomasius et al . 2005

240 52 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD MDMA users Controls 15 18.4 12.3 15 20.1 8.9 –0.15840 (–0.875 to 0.559) 105.3 11.9 37 109.9 10.2 –0.414 (–0.866 to 0.038) 24 13.8 1.3 2425 14.3 5.36 0.9 2.48 –0.44728 22 13.79 (–1.020 to 0.126) 7.23 1.75 1.9 28 14.43 –0.8398 1.07 (–1.438 to –0.241) 10.6 –0.441 2 (–0.972 to 0.089) 18 7 6.232 12.8 3.394 7.315 8 1.9 3.04515 16 7 –1.126 1.8 7.905 (–2.228 to –0.023) 3.11 0.4 3 –0.192 17 –0.244 (–0.794 to 0.409) 1.7 (–1.079 to 0.592) 0.5 0.219 (–0.477 to 0.916) n 15 8.5 7.8 15 16.5 4.8 –1.23540 (–2.021 to –0.450) 104.5 13.4 37 106.9 12.9 –0.182 (–0.630 to 0.266) 24 11 2.9 24 12 2.3 –0.382 (–0.953 to 0.189) 32 7.565 3.528 16 7.515 4.33 0.013 (–0.587 to 0.613) 24 22 7.1 24 26.9 7.3 –0.680 (–1.263 to –0.098) 24 7.8 0.5 24 7.9 0.3 –0.243 (–0.810 to 0.325) (2) Medium-dose users vs controls 14(3) Low-dose users vs controls 15.8 14 6.6 20 6.67 18.2 4.3 4 6.67 18.2 –0.405 4 (–1.336 to 0.527) 0.427 (–0.505 to 1.360) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+/–) Comparison (+) (+) RAVLT: recognition RAVLT: prose recall RBMT: WMS-R: logical memory trial 8 RAVLT-G: (+) WMS adapted: logical memory (+) (1) High-dose users vs controls trial 8 RAVLT: 11WMS-III: auditory index score 19.8 (+) 6.1 prose recall RBMT: 6.67Buschke: overall score 18.2 4 prose recall RBMT: 0.294 (–0.673 to 1.262) Measure WMS-R: verbal paired associates (+) WMS-R: verbal reproduction (+) RAVLT: trial 8 RAVLT: prose recall RBMT: WMS-R: logical memory (+) WMS-R: verbal paired associates (+) 93 112 122 102 123 Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis Verbal 99 95 103 104 101 Study Reneman et al . Reneman 2001 Rodgers 2000 Rodgers Fox et al . 2001 Simon and Mattick 2002 Curran and Verheyden 2003 Current users vs polydrug controls Bolla et al . 1998 Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Morgan et al . 2002 Zakzanis et al . 2003 Morgan 1999


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 30 12.6530 2.465 8.52 14.5 3.122 11.15 14.5 2.962 8.95 0.570 2.962 (–0.069 to 1.208) –0.140 (–0.768 to 0.488) MDMA users Controls 17 11.18 2.58 1548 12.13 –0.57 2.13 1.1 –0.399 17 (–1.101 to 0.303) 0.06 0.86 –0.60319 (–1.166 to –0.040) 4.3 3.111 19 11.6 2.4 2.8 2 15 10.7 –0.728 3.5 (–1.386 to –0.071) 0.279 (–0.503 to 1.061) n 19 14 1.2 19 15 0.4 –1.118 (–1.804 to –0.432) 19 10.8 2.1 19 12.4 1.7 –0.837 (–1.502 to –0.173) 105 105 (2) Moderate users vs controls 12 34.1 4.5 8(2) Light users vs controls 34.8 5.8 19 4.55 –0.139 1.45 (–1.034 to 0.757) (2) Moderate users vs controls 7.5 3.85 15 10.7 1.7 3.2 0.460 4.33 (–0.395 to 1.315) 13.1 2.1 –0.795 (–1.896 to 0.306) (2) Moderate users vs controls 12 7.6 1.4 8 7.9 0.3 –0.270(2) Moderate users vs controls (–1.169 to 0.629) 15 12.7 5.4 4.33 15.3 5.8 –0.475 (–1.555 to 0.606) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls(+) (+) 16 4.1 Data from secondary pub. (+) 1.65 (1) Heavy users vs controls 7.5 3.85 22 1.7(–) 9.8 0.150 2.9 (–0.718 to 1.019) 4.33(+) 13.1 2.1 –1.177 (–2.259 to –0.095) (+) Data from secondary pub. (+/–) Comparison (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 22 14.4 3.9 4.33 15.3 5.8 –0.214 (–1.246 to 0.818) WMS-III: logical memory (+) trial 8 RAVLT: (1) Heavy users vs controls prose recall RBMT: 11 long-delay free recall 32CVLT-II: ( z -score) overall score 8.4RAVLT: 8 trial 8 RAVLT: 34.8 5.8 –0.376 recognition – errors list RAVLT: B (–1.296 to 0.543) trial 8 RAVLT: RBMT: prose recall RBMT: Measure WMS-III: verbal paired associates (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 11 7.5 1.3 8 7.9 prose recall (sum for 2 RBMT: 0.3tests) –0.394 (–1.314 to 0.526) RAVLT: recognition – list ARAVLT: (+) RAVLT: recognition – list BRAVLT: (+) Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) Verbal 106 100 75 124 96 97 83 98 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006 Study Medina et al . 2005 Dafters et al . 2004 Thomasius et al . 2005 Halpern et al . 2004 McCardle et al . 2004 Quednow et al . 2006 Lamers et al . 2006

242 53 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 31 10.831 7.28 3.229 14.5 2.505 11.15 14.5 2.962 8.95 –0.111 2.962 (–0.735 to 0.513) –0.629 (–1.266 to 0.009) MDMA users Controls 58 29.6658 0.8 13.2 60 2 29.93 0.3 60 14.1 –0.450 1.2 (–0.815 to –0.084) –0.548 (–0.916 to –0.180) 25 10.2425 4.8 5.2 2326 2.5 108.4 13.74 12.1 3.94 14.5 26 6.5515 –0.794 4.3 3.23 112.2 (–1.383 to –0.205) 32 9 –0.485 3.679 5.685 8 2.685 (–1.141 to 0.171) –0.356 16 7 (–0.904 to 0.192) 7.90516 3.11 3 10.1 –0.784 2.928 –0.779 (–1.406 to –0.163) 4.33 6.45 (–1.668 to 0.111) 13.1 3.17 2.1 14.5 6.55 –1.082 3.23 (–2.200 to 0.035) –0.031 (–0.666 to 0.603) n 32 5.825 2.733 16 7.51516 4.33 13.8 –0.506 6.2 (–1.115 to 0.103) 4.33 15.3 5.8 –0.245 (–1.309 to 0.820) 105 105

90 90 pub. pub. (+) Follow-up. Data from secondary (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) Data from secondary pub. (+) (+) (+) Data from secondary pub. (+/–) Comparison (+) Follow-up. Data from secondary (+) (+) RAVLT-D: recognition RAVLT-D: WMS-III: logical memory (story A recall unit score) Buschke: overall score WMS-III: index score prose recall RBMT: Buschke: overall score overall score RAVLT: trial 8 RAVLT: Buschke: overall score RBMT: prose recall RBMT: Measure RAVLT-D: trial 8 RAVLT-D: RBMT: prose recall RBMT: prose recall (sum for 2 RBMT: tests) 91 117 125 126 103 104 96 97 125 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006 Study McCann et al . 2007 Hoshi et al . 2007 Groth et al . 2007 users vs polydrug controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Curran and Verheyden 2003 de Win et al . 2006 Thomasius et al . 2005 Hoshi et al . 2007 243

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD n MDMA users Controls 30 8.52 3.122 15 9.45 3.012 –0.301 (–0.924 to 0.322) 25 5.36 2.48 1928 7.61 13.79 2.74 1.75 28 –0.867 14.21 (–1.492 to –0.242) 1.03 –0.293 (–0.819 to 0.234) 18 6.2 3.394 7.5 8.6 3.873 –0.679 (–1.553 to 0.194) 15 18.4 12.3 15 38.2 9.3 –1.816 (–2.675 to –0.957) 100 5.64 1.93 100 12.8 1.22 –4.435 (–4.952 to –3.917) 15 8.5 7.8 15 15.3 7.6 –0.883 (–1.635 to –0.131) 100 5.28 1.57 100 13.52 1.26 –5.789 (–6.423 to –5.155) 105 5 8.14 3.4 9 12.3 1.8 –1.696 (–2.983 to –0.410) 499 (2) Novice users vs controls 18 13.31 1.98 6.67 14.33(2) Light users vs controls 2.01 –0.513 19 (–1.414 to 0.388) 4.55 1.45 9.5 5.95 2.25 –0.801 (–1.610 to 0.007) (2) Novice users vs controls 18 92.22 6.84 6.67 90.67 8.46 0.213 (–0.678 to 1.104) (+/–) Comparison (+) (+) (+) Data from secondary pub. (+) users vs controls (1) Regular 26(+) 8.94 1.76(+) 6.67 14.33 (1) Heavy users vs controls 2.01 –2.980 16 4.1 (–4.111 to –1.848) 1.65 9.5 5.95 2.25 –0.979 (–1.829 to –0.129) (+) (+) (2) Data from secondary pub. (+) (+) users vs controls (1) Regular 26 84.96 10.59 6.67 90.67 8.46 –0.558 (–1.420 to 0.304) Measure RBMT: prose recall RBMT: WMS-R: logical memory (+) trial 8 RAVLT-G: trial 8 RAVLT: recall Prose prose recall RBMT: prose recall RBMT: overall scoreRAVLT: recognitionRAVLT-C: (+) (1) Data from primary pub. (+) 30 12.65 2.465 15 12.95 2.574 –0.120 (–0.740 to 0.500) RBMT: prose recall RBMT: WMS-R: verbal paired associates trial 8 RAVLT-C: Prose retained [%] Prose 75 128 122 102 127 Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis Verbal 99 111 103 96 Study Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan 1999 Bhattachary and 2001 Powell Yip and Lee 2005 Yip Rodgers 2000 Rodgers et al . Reneman 2001 Dafters et al . 2004 Thomasius et al . 2005 Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Morgan et al . 2002

244 54 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD n MDMA users Controls 31 7.28 2.505 15 9.45 3.012 –0.811 (–1.450 to –0.171) 19 0.2 0.5 19 0.211 11.6 0.3 2.8 0.00016 15 (–0.636 to 0.636) 10.38 13.1 1.6615 1.5 6.67 4.3 14.33 –0.701 2.01 3.679 (–1.504 to 0.102) 7.5 –2.241 8.6 (–3.373 to –1.108) 3.873 –1.149 (–2.094 to –0.205) 25 5.2 2.5 13.5 8.35 3.64 –1.071 (–1.777 to –0.365) 28 6.45 3.17 13.5 8.35 3.64 –0.571 (–1.233 to 0.090) 19 4.3 3.1 19 3.4 2.5 –0.32016 93.89 (–0.960 to 0.321) 6.83 6.67 90.67 8.46 0.440 (–0.473 to 1.354) 19 14 1.2 19 14.8 0.5 –0.870 (–1.537 to –0.203) 19 10.8 2.1 19 12.1 2.7 –0.537 (–1.185 to 0.110) 105 (+/–) Comparison (–) (+) (+) (+) (–) (+) (+) (2) Data from secondary pub. Measure RAVLT: recognition – errors RAVLT: – list A trial 8 RAVLT: Buschke: overall score recall Prose (+) prose recall RBMT: overall scoreRAVLT: Buschke: overall score (+) (1) Data from primary pub. (+) 31 10.8 3.229 15 12.95 2.574 –0.708 (–1.342 to –0.074) RAVLT: recognition – errors RAVLT: – list B retained [%] Prose RBMT: prose recall RBMT: RAVLT: recognition – list ARAVLT: (+) RAVLT: recognition – list BRAVLT: (+) 98 125 125 127 83 103 96 Study Quednow et al . 2006 Hoshi et al . 2007 Hoshi et al . 2007 Thomasius et al . 2005 Former users vs drug-naïve controls Former Bhattachary and 2001 Powell Morgan et al . 2002 Lamers et al . 2006 245

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 1.6 –0.208 (–0.830 to 0.414) 1.41 0.725 (–0.049 to 1.499) Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 24 36.8 2.2 24 37.6 3.211 40.9 –0.291 5.6 (–0.860 to 0.278) 18 40.7 3.7 0.044 (–0.706 to 0.795) 21 5.2 1.2 10 6.1 1.3 –0.731 (–1.507 to 0.046) 24 15.2 3.9 24 16.2 1.811 7.7 –0.329 2.5 (–0.899 to 0.241) 18 7.3 2.1 0.17720 (–0.574 to 0.929) 87.5 8.9 20 95.2 4.5 –1.092 (–1.759 to –0.425) 21 5 1.1 10 6.1 1.3 –0.944 (–1.735 to –0.152) 24 18.6 2.2 24 17.928 4.54 2.511 1.62 40.4 28 0.297 4.2 5.57 18 (–0.272 to 0.866) 34.9 1.53 –0.654 8.6 (–1.192 to –0.116) 0.75520 (–0.022 to 1.531) 4.6 2.2 20 5 21 5.7 1 10 6.4 1.1 –0.678 (–1.451 to 0.095) MDMA users Controls n 24 7.3 1.1 2416 6.8715 7.5 113.328 1.02 5.82 7.5 1211 1.3 0.77 15 6 6.5 28 110.3 –0.166 2.1 6.18 7.62 1821 (–0.733 to 0.401) 5.5 0.9 7.3 0.397 0.9 –0.430 (–0.326 to 1.120) 10 2.1 (–0.960 to 0.100) 6.4 –0.38120 4.7 1.1 (–1.138 to 0.376) 1.5 –0.931 20 4.5 (–1.721 to –0.141) 1.8 0.121 (–0.500 to 0.741) (2) Moderate users vs controls controls (2) Moderate users vs controls controls (+) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs (+) (+) (+/–) Comparison (+) (+) (+) (+) WMS-R: visual reproduction (+) recognition RMT: Pattern recognition – correct Pattern [%] WMS-R: visual paired associates (+) trial 6 – interference listRAVLT: (+) Corsi Block: span WMS-R: visual memory span (+) VIG: recall sum of trials 1–5RAVLT: (+) associates – memory Paired score (eight-box trial) Measure WMS-R: figural memory (+) SS: spatial spanCANTAB WMS-R: index score Corsi Block: span (+) Study 1 list B RAVLT: Corsi Block: span plus one (+) (1) Heavy users vs associates – memory Paired score (six-box trial) 122 110 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 93 99 94 129 130 Morgan 1998 et al . Verkes 2001 Fox et al . 2002 Croft et al . 2001 Current users vs polydrug controls Bolla et al . 1998 Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Rodgers 2000 Rodgers Study

246 55 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 20 3.8 2.5 20 2.9 1.1 –0.466 (–1.095 to 0.163) 20 7.7 7 20 4.7 2.9 –0.560 (–1.192 to 0.073) 20 1.7 0.8 20 1.8 1 0.110 (–0.510 to 0.731) 12 94.1 7.9 8 96.8 4.8 –0.393 (–1.297 to 0.510) 20 1.7 2.1 20 2.2 2.9 0.197 (–0.424 to 0.819) 11 94.9 3.7 8 96.8 4.8 –0.454 (–1.377 to 0.470) 20 2.4 0.77 20 2.29 0.51 –0.168 (–0.789 to 0.453) 12 19.8 2.4 8 21.6 2.9 –0.691 (–1.613 to 0.232) 20 85.8 6.5 20 84 8.2 0.243 (–0.379 to 0.865) 11 18.4 3.7 8 21.6 2.9 –0.943 (–1.907 to 0.021) 20 2.05 0.47 20 2.09 0.45 0.087 (–0.533 to 0.707) 48 2.8 2.2 17 2.2 1.8 –0.285 (–0.840 to 0.270) 12 20.2 5.4 8 22.3 6 –0.372 (–1.275 to 0.531) MDMA users Controls n 40 98.215 11.1 1.9 3711 0.5 20.5 97.8 7.4 17 8 1.9 11.9 22.3 0.035 0.2 6 (–0.412 to 0.482) 0.00048 –0.262 (–0.694 to 0.694) 7.8 (–1.177 to 0.653) 1.5 17 8.2 1.3 –0.276 (–0.831 to 0.280) (2) Moderate users vs controls controls (2) Moderate users vs controls controls (2) Moderate users vs controls controls (–) (–) (–) (–) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs (–) (+/–) Comparison (+) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs (+) Visual paired associates – eight- box trial – trials to completion Visual paired associates – eight- box trial – errors [ n ] Visual paired associates – six- box trial – trials to completion Visual paired associates – six- box trial – errors [ n ] WMS-III: visual reproduction (+) (1) Heavy users vs Spatial recognition – latency [s] (–) Spatial recognition – correct [%] WMS-III: spatial span – visual total Pattern recognition – latency [s]Pattern (–) BVRT: errors – n BVRT: Measure WMS-III: visual route RBMT: total score R-OCFT: correct – n BVRT: 123 101 106 124 Simon and Mattick 2002 Medina et al . 2005 Zakzanis et al . 2003 Halpern et al . 2004 Study 247

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 15 39.2 1.8 4.33 39.4 1.9 –0.110 (–1.179 to 0.960) 22 38.4 2.6 4.33 39.4 1.9 –0.398 (–1.434 to 0.639) 30 88.7 14.6 15 86.7 13.2 0.141 (–0.479 to 0.762) 15 5.7 1.1 4.33 5.2 0.7 0.483 (–0.598 to 1.564) 30 80.3 16.5 15 77.3 15.1 0.187 (–0.434 to 0.808) 22 5.6 1.3 4.33 5.2 0.7 0.324 (–0.710 to 1.358) 30 90.3 8.1 15 89 14.5 0.122 (–0.498 to 0.743) 15 5.9 1 4.33 5.6 0.6 0.320 (–0.754 to 1.395) MDMA users Controls n 36 4.5622 0.94 6 15.5 4.84 1.1 4.33 1.13 5.6 –0.280 0.6 (–0.878 to 0.318) 0.383 (–0.653 to 1.418) 26 97.130 13.6 2418 26 488 99.9 15 2815 10.4 842.6 –0.231 0.635 (–0.777 to 0.314) (0.001–1.269) 58 94.458 7.8 3.3 60 1.3 96.8 60 3.1 6.6 –0.333 1.4 (–0.696 to 0.031) –0.148 (–0.509 to 0.213)

90 90 (2) Moderate users vs controls controls (2) Moderate users vs controls controls (2) Moderate users vs controls secondary pub. controls secondary pub. (+) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs (+) (+/–) Comparison (+) (+) Follow-up. Data from (+) (–) s) s) – s) – WMS-R: visual reproduction (+) (1) Heavy users vs CANTAB DMTS: delayed (4 CANTAB correct [%] CANTAB DMTS: delayed (12 CANTAB – correct [%] Corsi Block: span CANTAB DMTS: delayed (0 CANTAB correct [%] MFD: trials to completion – n (–) Follow-up. Data from Measure Spatial span Corsi Block: span plus one (+) (1) Heavy users vs MFD: correct – n WMS-III: visual DMTS: delayed – CANTAB latency – ms Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (co ntinued) 131 97 91 126 118 de Win et al . 2006 Wareing et al . Wareing 2005 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006 et al . Roiser 2007 Groth et al . 2007 Study

248 55 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 20 1730 504.3 15 1673 383.3 –0.125 (–0.795 to 0.545) 20 86.2 14.9 15 91.4 10.7 –0.392 (–1.068 to 0.285) 20 3165 1226 15 3244 648.4 0.078 (–0.592 to 0.748) 30 1753 372.4 15 1673 383.3 –0.215 (–0.836 to 0.407) 20 94.5 8.9 15 95 7.3 –0.061 (–0.730 to 0.609) 30 88.9 15.1 15 91.4 10.7 –0.181 (–0.802 to 0.440) 20 87.5 15.2 15 86.7 13.2 0.056 (–0.614 to 0.725) 30 3020 818.8 15 3244 648.4 0.293 (–0.330 to 0.916) 16 37.7 3.2 4.3320 39.4 76.5 19 1.9 15 –0.566 77.3 (–1.643 to 0.511) 15.1 –0.046 (–0.715 to 0.624) 30 96.7 6.1 15 95 7.3 0.261 (–0.361 to 0.883) 16 5.7 1.320 4.33 88 5.2 10.6 15 0.7 89 0.412 14.5 (–0.658 to 1.482) –0.081 (–0.750 to 0.589) MDMA users Controls n 12 4.0816 1.51 6 15.5 4.8420 1.2 2609 4.33 604 1.13 5.6 15 –0.581 2815 0.6 (–1.352 to 0.189) 842.6 0.359 0.289 (–0.709 to 1.426) (–0.384 to 0.962) (–) (+) (–) (–) (+) (+) (+) (–) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+/–) Comparison (+) (–) s) s) – s) – PRM: latency – ms PRM: correct [%] CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous CANTAB – latency ms PRM: latency – ms CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous CANTAB – correct [%] PRM: correct [%] CANTAB DMTS: delayed (4 CANTAB correct [%] CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous CANTAB – latency ms WMS-R: visual reproduction (+) DMTS: delayed (12 CANTAB – correct [%] CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous CANTAB – correct [%] Corsi Block: span DMTS: delayed (0 CANTAB correct [%] Measure Spatial span Corsi Block: span plus one (+) DMTS: delayed – CANTAB latency – ms 131 97 118 Former users vs polydrug controls Former et al . Wareing 2005 Roiser et al . Roiser 2007 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006 Study 249

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Controls n Mean SD SMD (95% CI) SD 1.027.5 160.77 6.69 151.62 282.1 109.5 1.35 28 6.044.2 11.98 0.150 5.71 312.5 0.380 1.04 (–0.544 to 0.844) 315.6 6.7 1.24 –0.240 (–0.342 to 1.103) 311.58 39.9 –0.811 (–0.766 to 0.285) 2 31 8.2 6.5 (–1.357 to –0.265) 100 43 6.54 1.7 –0.099 0.083 2 (–0.787 to 0.589) 3.3 –0.259 (–0.605 to 0.771) (–0.949 to 0.431) –0.525 –0.610 (–1.222 to 0.173) (–0.894 to –0.327) 4888.1 15 2609 15 89.3 610.3 0.360 9.8 (–0.265 to 0.984) 0.115 (–0.505 to 0.735) 16.5 15 77.7 16.3 0.158 (–0.462 to 0.779) 14.6 15 89 11.2 –0.022 (–0.642 to 0.598) 6.1 15 94.7 7.3 0.307 (–0.316 to 0.930) 818.8 15 3121 628.9 0.133 (–0.488 to 0.753) 15.1372.4 15 15 92.2 1713 7.3 356.9 –0.109 –0.252 (–0.729 to 0.511) (–0.874 to 0.370) MDMA users 113.3 5.82 4.54 6.5 40.4 7.7 40.9 5.44 2418 90.3 80.3 88.7 96.7 3020 88.9 1753 (+/–) Comparison Mean (+)(+) Study 1(+) (+) 6.87 (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (–) s) – correct [%] (+) s) – correct [%] (+) s) – correct [%] (+) Measure CANTAB SS: spatial span CANTAB WMS-R: index score Corsi Block: span list B RAVLT: overall score AFLT: DMTS: delayed – latency msCANTAB (–) VIG: recall sum of trials 1–5 RAVLT: trial 6 – interference list RAVLT: recognition RMT: CANTAB DMTS: delayed (0 CANTAB DMTS: delayed (12 CANTAB CANTAB DMTS: delayed (4 CANTAB CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous – correct [%]CANTAB (+) CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous – latency msCANTAB (–) PRM: correct [%] PRM: latency – ms 94 122 110 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 99 128 118 Study Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan 1998 Rodgers 2000 Rodgers Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Croft et al . 2001 and Lee Yip 2005 et al . Roiser 2007

250 56 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Controls n Mean SD SMD (95% CI) SD 60410.6 15 15 2609 89.3 610.3 0.000 9.8 (–0.669 to 0.670) –0.127 (–0.797 to 0.544) 19 15 77.7 16.3 –0.067 (–0.737 to 0.603) 15.2 15 89 11.2 –0.110 (–0.780 to 0.560) 8.9 15 94.7 7.3 –0.024 (–0.694 to 0.645) 1226 15 3121 628.9 –0.043 (–0.713 to 0.626) 14.9504.3 15 15 92.2 1713 7.3 356.9 –0.037 –0.489 (–0.706 to 0.633) (–1.169 to 0.191) MDMA users 2609 88 76.5 87.5 94.5 3165 86.2 1730 (+/–) Comparison Mean (+) (–) s) – correct [%] (+) s) – correct [%] (+) s) – correct [%] (+) Measure CANTAB DMTS: delayed – latency msCANTAB (–) CANTAB DMTS: delayed (0 CANTAB DMTS: delayed (12 CANTAB CANTAB DMTS: delayed (4 CANTAB CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous – correct [%]CANTAB (+) CANTAB DMTS: simultaneous – latency msCANTAB (–) PRM: correct [%] PRM: latency – ms 118

Study users vs drug-naïve controls Former et al . Roiser 2007 251

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 24 33.2 4.7 24 35.9 4.1 –0.612 (–1.192 to –0.033) 15 1.9 0.5 17 1.9 0.2 0.000 (–0.694 to 0.694) 15 38.7 11.9 15 39 8.7 –0.029 (–0.744 to 0.687) 24 5.8 0.5 24 5.9 0.3 –0.243 (–0.810 to 0.325) 15 1.9 0.3 17 1.8 0.5 0.239 (–0.458 to 0.936) 40 96 12.4 37 97 11.8 –0.083 (–0.530 to 0.365) 15 6.3 7.6 15 12.1 4.3 –0.939 (–1.696 to –0.183) 24 20 6.6 24 20.3 5.6 –0.049 (–0.615 to 0.517) MDMA users Controls 15 36.2 5.5 4.33 36.4 3.4 –0.039 (–1.108 to 1.030) 12 21 3.5 8 22.3 6.3 –0.272 (–1.171 to 0.627) 12 87.4 9.1 8 90.6 11.6 –0.315 (–1.216 to 0.585) n (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (+) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 11 21.6 6.4 8 22.3 6.3 –0.110 (–1.022 to 0.801) (+) (+) (+) (+/–) Comparison WMS-R: visual reproduction (+) RBMT: route RBMT: WMS-R: visual reproduction (+) WMS-R: visual paired associates WMS-R: visual reproduction (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 22 35.4 5.6 4.33 36.4 3.4 –0.187 (–1.218 to 0.845) R-OCFT: total score R-OCFT: WMS-III: visual reproduction (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 11 80.5 16.5 8 90.6 11.6 –0.688 (–1.628 to 0.252) RBMT: picture recognitionRBMT: (+) WMS-III: visual WMS-R: visual paired associates R-OCFT: total score R-OCFT: Measure 93 122 123 Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 97 106 101 Rodgers 2000 Rodgers Halpern et al . 2004 Simon and Mattick 2002 Zakzanis et al . 2003 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006 Study Current users vs polydrug controls Bolla et al . 1998

252 57 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 20 1850 591.8 15 1749 472.9 –0.186 (–0.857 to 0.485) 20 83.8 16.5 15 87.9 12.4 –0.275 (–0.948 to 0.398) 30 1702 346.7 15 1749 472.9 0.120 (–0.500 to 0.740) 16 35.9 4.1 4.33 36.4 3.4 –0.126 (–1.188 to 0.937) 30 88.3 8.4 15 87.9 12.4 0.040 (–0.579 to 0.660) 26 99.2 11.2 26 100.3 9.2 –0.107 (–0.651 to 0.437) 11 20.6 7.6 15 22.3 6.8 –0.238 (–1.019 to 0.543) 58 20.8 0.5 60 20.9 0.3 –0.244 (–0.606 to 0.119) MDMA users Controls n

90 secondary pub. (–) (+) (–) (+) (+) (+) Follow-up. Data from (+) (+/–) Comparison PRM: latency – ms PRM: correct [%] PRM: latency – ms WMS-R: visual reproduction (+) PRM: correct [%] WMS-III: visual MFD: correct – n R-OCFT: total score R-OCFT: Measure 97 118 118 126 91 98 Former users vs polydrug controls Former et al . Reneman 2006 Roiser et al . Roiser 2007 de Win et al . 2006 Groth et al . 2007 Roiser et al . Roiser 2007 Study Lamers et al . 2006 253

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 15 38.7 11.9 15 36.9 7.630 0.180 1702 (–0.537 to 0.898) 346.7 15 167820 392.9 1850 –0.065 591.8 (–0.685 to 0.555) 15 1678 392.9 –0.332 (–1.006 to 0.342) MDMA users Controls 15 6.3 7.6 15100 13.4 5.4511 1.57 2.6 20.6 10030 –1.250 7.6 8.81 88.3 (–2.037 to –0.463) 15 1.99 8.4 –1.875 23.716 15 (–2.208 to –1.542) 23.28 4.2 8920 2.91 83.8 –0.529 6.67 9.4 (–1.321 to 0.263) 16.5 23.38 –0.080 3.44 15 (–0.700 to 0.540) –0.033 89 (–0.936 to 0.871) 9.4 –0.373 (–1.049 to 0.302) n (2) Novice users vs non-users 18 24.11 2.8 6.67 23.38 3.44 0.246 (–0.646 to 1.137) (–) (–) (+) (+) users vs non-users (1) Regular (+) 26 24.92(+) 3.38 6.67(+) 23.38 3.44 0.454(+) (–0.404 to 1.313) (+) (+/–) Comparison WMS-R: visual reproduction (+) PRM: latency – ms PRM: latency – ms WMS-R: visual paired associates total score R-OCFT: overall score AFLT: total score R-OCFT: PRM: correct [%] total score R-OCFT: PRM: correct [%] Measure 122 127 127 Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 128 98 118 118 Yip and Lee Yip 2005 Bhattachary and 2001 Powell users vs drug-naïve controls Former Bhattachary and 2001 Powell Lamers et al . 2006 et al . Roiser 2007 et al . Roiser 2007 Current users vs drug-naïve controls 2000 Rodgers Study

254 58 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD MDMA users Controls 28 671.6 57 28 62520 35.1 0.6 –0.984 (–1.540 to –0.429) 2.1 20 0.1 0.3 –0.333 (–0.958 to 0.291) 18 1.725 1.591 8 1.05 1.4 –0.439 (–1.281 to 0.403) 15 4.9 3.211 15 24.5 5.3 3.7 5.1 6.67 28.3 –0.094 (–0.810 to 0.622) 2.9 –1.107 (–2.144 to –0.070) 40 105.1 13.1 3732 107 28.5 12.5 13.9 –0.148 16 (–0.596 to 0.299) 27.7 11.7 0.061 (–0.540 to 0.661) n 28 412.2 80.7 28 364.9 44.820 –0.725 5.8 (–1.266 to –0.183) 4.7 20 3.8 4.8 –0.421 (–1.048 to 0.206) 32 19.9 6.7 16 19.7 6.4 0.030 (–0.570 to 0.630) 20 17.1 14.2 20 8.3 5.8 –0.811 (–1.457 to –0.165) 20 32.7 5.3 20 32 4.1 0.148 (–0.473 to 0.768) 20 0.1 0.2 20 0.1 0.2 0.000 (–0.620 to 0.620) 20 0.9 1.6 20 0.7 1.6 –0.125 (–0.745 to 0.495) 20 2.9 3.3 20 0.7 1.1 –0.894 (–1.546 to –0.243) controls (2) Medium users vs controls 14 25.4 3.1 6.67 28.3 2.9 –0.954 (–1.925 to 0.018) (1) Light users vs controls 14 26.9 2.9 6.67 28.3 2.9 –0.483 (–1.418 to 0.452) (+) (+) (1) High-dose users vs (+) (+) (+/–) Comparison (+) WMS-R: mental control 5 – divided attention time [ms]TAP: (–) Spatial recall – correct n Spatial task – between errors four-box (–) WMS-III: index score Serial subtraction (SS7) – errors [ n ]Serial subtraction (SS7) – correct n (–) TAP: 8 – intermodal integration time [ms]TAP: (–) Spatial task – between errors six-box (–) RVIP: 5-minute task – correct [ n ] RVIP: Spatial task – between errors eight-box (–) Spatial task – search strategy score (+) Spatial task – within errors four-box (+) Spatial task – within errors six-box (–) Spatial task – within errors eight-box (–) Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis Working 99 122 112 130 123 103 104 Study Measure Curran and Verheyden 2003 Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Morgan et al . 2002 Current users vs polydrug controls Rodgers 2000 Fox et al . 2001 Fox et al . 2002 Simon and Mattick 2002


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD MDMA users Controls 9 89.7 1.8 21 89.7 1.2 0.000 (–0.781 to 0.781) 42 3.12 1.85 15.5 5.23 2.1 –1.100 (–1.717 to –0.482) n 17 89.6 1.2 12 92.9 1.6 –2.396 (–3.373 to –1.419) 42 2.57 0.94 15.5 3.1 1.16 –0.529 (–1.120 to 0.062) 9 544.7 50 21 540.3 33.1 –0.114 (–0.895 to 0.668) 17 586.2 34.2 12 413.6 44.1 –4.478 (–5.883 to –3.074) 9 93 2.7 21 93 1.8 0.000 (–0.781 to 0.781) 17 91.1 2.2 12 94.9 2.4 –1.664 (–2.526 to –0.802) 9 376.8 20 21 379.1 13.1 0.149 (–0.632 to 0.931) 17 385.6 16.1 12 376.6 17.4 –0.541 (–1.294 to 0.212) (2) Male (2) Moderate users vs controls 30 8.7 2.8 15 9.7 3 –0.349 (–0.973 to 0.275) (2) Moderate users vs controls 12 28.3 4.1 8 28.8 3.4 –0.130 (–1.026 to 0.765) (2) Male (2) Moderate users vs controls 30 723.4 153.4 15 742.5 131.6 0.130 (–0.490 to 0.751) (2) Male (2) Moderate users vs controls 30 12.9 1.7 15 12.3 3.2 0.261 (–0.361 to 0.883) (2) Male (2) Moderate users vs controls 30 630.1 153.9 15 622.2 140.9 –0.053 (–0.673 to 0.567) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 30 8.9 3.1 15 9.7 3(+) –0.261 (1) Heavy users vs controls (–0.883 to 0.361) 11 25.9 5.6 8 28.8 3.4(+) –0.602 (–1.535 to 0.331) (+/–) Comparison (+) (–) (1) Female (–) (1) Heavy users vs controls 30 695.2 146.5 15 742.5 131.6 0.334 (–0.290 to 0.957) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 30 11.9 2.7 15 12.3 3.2 –0.139 (–0.760 to 0.481) (–) (1) Female (–) (1) Heavy users vs controls 30 641.8 149.4 15 622.2 140.9 –0.134 (–0.754 to 0.487) n -back: 2-back – figures correct responses – n WMS-III: mental control HvdM MC: Mental counters – correct % (+) (1) Female Computation span Reading span Reading HvdM MC: Mental counters – reaction time – ms n -back: 2-back – figures reaction time ms HvdM TTT: Tic-tac-toe – correct %HvdM TTT: (+) (1) Female n -back: 2-back – letters correct responses – n HvdM TTT: Tic-tac-toe – reaction time HvdM TTT: ms n -back: 2-back – letters reaction time ms 132 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) Working 108 106 107 Study Measure Gouzoulis et al . 2003 von Geusau et al . 2004 Wareing et al . Wareing 2004 Halpern et al . 2004

256 59 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD MDMA users Controls 58 45.558 8 55 60 5 46.3 60 8.4 54.9 –0.097 (–0.459 to 0.264) 5 0.020 (–0.341 to 0.381) 15 1.3532 1.356 22.8 8 5.4 1.05 16 1.4 27.7 –0.219 11.7 (–1.080 to 0.642) –0.611 (–1.224 to 0.002) 48 10.1 2.2 17 10.526 107.6 3 14.6 –0.165 26 (–0.719 to 0.389) 105.5 8.2 0.17717 (–0.367 to 0.722) 2.82 1.63 15.5 5.23 2.1 –1.290 (–2.051 to –0.529) n 32 13.7 5.8 16 19.7 6.4 –1.000 (–1.634 to –0.366) 17 3.06 1.39 15.5 3.1 1.16 –0.031 (–0.719 to 0.657)

90 90 secondary pub. secondary pub. (+) Follow-up. Data from (+) (+) (+) (+/–) Comparison (+) Follow-up. Data from (+) (+) s s WAIS-III: letter number sequencing – WAIS-III: scaled score hits – 1.6 PASAT: WMS-III: index score Serial subtraction (SS7) – errors [ n ]Serial subtraction (SS7) – correct n (–) Computation span (+) PASAT: hits – 2.4 PASAT: RVIP: 5-min task – correct [ n ] RVIP: Reading span Reading 124 91 126 103 104 107 Study Measure Groth et al . 2007 Curran and Verheyden 2003 de Win et al . 2006 users vs polydrug controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Medina et al . 2005 Wareing et al . Wareing 2004 257

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 15 1.35 1.356 7.5 0.325 0.678 –0.866 (–1.782 to 0.050) MDMA usersn Controls 6 0.886 0.14 15006 6 141.9 0.77 66 0.89 0.15 0.89 1208 0.066 6 119.2 0.1 –0.093 0.92 –2.224 (–1.225 to 1.039) 6 0.78 6 (–3.717 to –0.730) 0.03 1272 0.07 6 0.97 212.1 –0.085 6 0.05 (–1.218 to 1.047) 0.92 –1.012 932.7 0.09 (–2.227 to 0.203) 95.8 0.000 –2.064 (–1.132 to 1.132) (–3.512 to –0.615) 18 1.725 1.591 7.5 0.325 0.678 –1.000 (–1.899 to –0.102) 8 77.58 15.15 96 10 90 5.772 10 9.127 90 –1.030 (–2.026 to –0.034) 9.127 0.765 (–0.201 to 1.732) 28 671.628 57 412.2 80.7 28 28 638.7 380.5 69.7 49.2 –0.517 –0.474 (–1.050 to 0.016) (–1.006 to 0.057) 15 4.9 3.2 15 5.4 5.1 –0.117 (–0.834 to 0.599) controls (2) Infrequent users vs controls (+/–) Comparison (+) (–) (+) (+) (+) (–) (+) Serial subtraction (SS7) – errors [ n ] (–) Measure n -back: 1-back and 2-back (auditory) – correct responses (simple) [%] n -back: 1-back and 2-back (auditory) – reaction time (simple) [ms] n -back: 1-back and 2-back (divided) – correct responses [%] n -back: 1-back and 2-back (visual) – correct responses (selective) [%] n -back: 1-back and 2-back (visual) – correct responses (simple) [%] reaction – (visual) 2-back and 1-back n -back: time (simple) [ms] Serial subtraction (SS7) – errors [ n ] (–) Delayed memory task – correct [ n ] (+) (1) Heavy users vs TAP: 5 – divided attention time [ms]TAP: 8 – intermodal integration time [ms]TAP: (–) (–) WMS-R: mental control 122 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis Working 103 134 103 133 99 Study Current users vs drug-naïve controls 2000 Rodgers Former users vs drug-naïve controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Jacobsen et al . 2004 Morgan et al . 2002 Moeller et al . 2002 Gouzoulis et al . 2000

258 60 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95%CI) n Controls Mean SD n MDMA users 1625 12.4816 12 6.6425 11.81 1215 11.73 3.71 7.5715 14.73 1090 5.88 20 5.27 1215 272 261.7 13.16 2028 0.369 4.83 357.5 3.76 1528 8.25 77.49 (–0.386 to 1.124) 2.25 214.8 71.78 0.311 951.511 15 4.44 –1.176 218.9 15 24.8 122.8 (–0.281 to 0.902) (–1.990 to –0.363) 292.3 –0.658 291.2 –0.67914 28.2 349.6 28 95.47 (–1.262 to –0.053) (–1.416 to 0.058) 96.97 35.4 0.233 28 301 214 –0.093 6.67 (–0.485 to 0.952) 221.111 (–0.809 to 0.623) 26.7 277.9 28.2 26.3 25.4 –0.031 19.5 0.081 6.67 (–0.555 to 0.493) –0.415 277.9 (–0.443 to 0.605) 4.9 (–1.388 to 0.558) 25.4 –0.845 18 (–1.807 to 0.116) 17.9 2.7 –0.436 (–1.195 to 0.323) (2) Novice users vs controls 15(2) Study 2 2.7(2) Study 2 0.775 7.5 2.5 0.775 –0.258 (–1.138 to 0.622) controls (2) Medium users vs controls (3) Low users vs controls 14 292.2 33.5 6.67 277.9 25.4 –0.459 (–1.393 to 0.475) (+/–) Comparison (–) users vs controls (1) Regular 15 2.7(–) (1) Study 1 0.775(–) 7.5 2.5(–) 0.775 –0.258 (–1.138 to 0.622) MFFT-20: total errors [ n ] MFFT-20: Simple auditory reaction time [ms]Visual reaction time [ms] (–) 1 – tonic reaction time [ms]TAP: (–) Visual search – time [s] latency to first response [s]MFFT-20: (–) (1) Study 1 Complex reaction time [ms] 1 – phasic reaction time [ms]TAP: (–) Simple visual reaction time [ms] (–) (1) High-dose users vs Stroop: word reading – time [s] (–) 121 Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 99 110 122 112 94 Current users vs polydrug controls and Parrott Lasky 1998 Study Measure Morgan 1998 Rodgers 2000 Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Fox et al . 2001 Croft et al . 2001


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95%CI) n Controls Mean SD n MDMA users 21 34721 64 239 1021 33 326 25820 42 10 2.5 3720 224 –0.362 (–1.120 to 0.397) 23 0.7 10 3.320 246 –0.496 3.02 20 1.120 (–1.260 to 0.268) 27 1.5 1.97 3.91 2018 –0.351 1.2 2018 0.2 2.27 (–1.109 to 0.408) 8.518 2.03 –0.403 15.8 0.5 2032 (–1.029 to 0.224) 0.73 4.667 0.95 2.56 –0.585 5.091 8 –0.666 81.34 (–1.219 to 0.048) 1.3 8 1.57 (–1.304 to –0.029) 17.52 13 8 –0.730 9.2 1612 (–1.371 to –0.089) 5.2 0.13 86.25 7.6 1.5 27.83 0.932 0.32 –1.112 0.22912 (0.058–1.806) –0.615 (–2.003 to –0.222) 1.5 (–0.373 to 0.831) (–1.466 to 0.235) 53.7 8 8 0.9 8 1.3 51.7 –0.421 (–1.326 to 0.484) 5.3 –0.283 (–1.182 to 0.617) (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (+/–) Comparison (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) Simple auditory reaction time [ms] (–)Simple visual reaction time [ms] (1) Heavy users vs controls 21 (–) 247 (1) Heavy users vs controls 3D – ID/ED: errors simple CANTAB dimensional 36 21 3D – ID/ED: latency simple CANTAB dimensional (reversal) 273 10 3D – ID/ED: latency simple CANTAB 224dimensional 39 23 10 total errors [ n ] MFFT-20: –0.707 B – errors ( n ) Part 246TMT: (–1.482 to 0.068) 27 –0.756 (–1.534 to 0.022) Stroop: colour reading – time [s] (–)Stroop: word reading – errors [ n ] (1) Heavy users vs controls (–) 11 (1) Heavy users vs controls 61.3 11 10.8 1.1 8 51.7 1.1 5.3 8 –1.072 0.6 (–2.052 to –0.093) 0.7 –0.523 (–1.451 to 0.404) Binary choice task – reaction time [ms] (–) (1) Heavy users vs controls 21 364 72 3D – ID/ED: errors simple CANTAB 10dimensional (reversal) 326 42 –0.592 (–1.360 to 0.176) latency to first response [s]MFFT-20: (–) Double digit cancellation – time [s] (–) Stroop: colour reading – errors [ n ] (–) (1) Heavy users vs controls 11 1.7 1.3 8 0.9 1.3 –0.615 (–1.549 to 0.319) Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis( continued) 129 130 103 104 106 Verkes et al . Verkes 2001 Study Measure Fox et al . 2002 Morgan et al . 2002 Curran and Verheyden 2003 Halpern et al . 2004

260 61 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95%CI) n Controls Mean SD 12 1.112 1.3 41.4 812 5.9 0.6 0.4 8 0.712 1 41.3 –0.452 21.8 5.8 (–1.359 to 0.455) 12 8 4.9 –0.017 0.3 0 (–0.912 to 0.878) 812 0.7 22.1 0.5 52.6 6.3 –0.475 812 (–1.383 to 0.433) 17.4 0.055 0.3 69.8 8 (–0.840 to 0.949) 0.4 12.7 48.2 0.000 15.4 8 (–0.895 to 0.895) –0.264 69.6 (–1.163 to 0.635) 12.5 0.016 (–0.879 to 0.910) n MDMA users 1717 64.0617 34.02 8.7448 68.09 9.99 1548 44.9 15.47 1548 66.07 46.3 15 10.8948 10.3 24.49 10.2 –0.205 64.7 8.0548 8.9 17 10.4 (–0.901 to 0.491) 25.35 2 –1.043 45.4 52.7 17 –0.164 (–1.786 to –0.300) 3.1 7.5 (–0.859 to 0.532) 48.6 10.9 17 17 7.9 –0.052 10.6 17 10.5 (–0.605 to 0.502) –0.266 2.3 53.5 3.2 (–0.821 to 0.289) 13.3 0.192 0.032 –0.069 (–0.362 to 0.746) (–0.521 to 0.585) (–0.623 to 0.484) (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (–) (1) Heavy users vs controls(–) 11 0.6 (1) Heavy users vs controls(–) 11 0.7 24.7 (1) Heavy users vs controls 8(–) 11 9.9 0 0.7 (1) Heavy users vs controls 8(+) 11 0.5 0.6 22.1 (1) Heavy users vs controls 58.5 –0.959 6.3 8 11 (–1.925 to 0.007) 13.6 –0.302 0.3 62.4 (–1.219 to 0.614) 8 0.4 10.3 48.2 –0.759 8 15.4 (–1.705 to 0.187) –0.717 69.6 (–1.659 to 0.225) 12.5 –0.640 (–1.575 to 0.296) (+/–) Comparison (+) (–) (–) (+) Stroop: word reading – time [s] (–) A – errors (n) Part TMT: (1) Heavy users vs controls A – time (s) Part 11TMT: 47.1 B – errors (n) Part TMT: 7.8 8 B – time (s) Part TMT: 41.3 5.8 digit symbol WAIS-R: –0.823 (–1.775 to 0.129) TMT: Part A – time (s) Part TMT: B – time (s) Part TMT: 2 and 7: total speed –T-scoreRuff Stroop: colour reading – time [s] (+) Stroop: word reading – time [s] B –T-score Part TMT: (–) (–) ?WAIS: digit symbol ?WAIS: 2 and 7: total accuracy –T-scoreRuff (+) 100 124 McCardle et al . 2004 Study Measure Medina et al . 2005 261

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95%CI) n Controls Mean SD n MDMA users 20 12.5 6.485 20 7.85 5.36722 –0.781 245.5 (–1.425 to –0.137) 15 26.8 250.122 4.33 24.1 244.4 515 34.6 4.33 244.4 2.6 –0.03922 7.2 34.6 (–1.069 to 0.991) 353.7 –0.216 3.115 4.33 (–1.287 to 0.856) 2.5 67.9 368.2 4.3322 2.5 4.33 3.4 53 382.9 257.415 3.4 112.6 –0.367 30.7 4.33 0.386 (–1.403 to 0.668) 287.722 –0.032 382.9 4.33 (–0.650 to 1.422) 112.6 (–1.101 to 1.037) 55.2 282.1 268.715 0.214 52.2 4.33 31.7 (–0.857 to 1.286) 282.1 298.6 0.71722 52.2 4.33 56.2 (–0.333 to 1.767) 316 53.2 –0.10215 4.33 (–1.172 to 0.967) 92.8 316 9 56.7 1.045 92.8 10.5 (–0.026 to 2.117) 4.33 0.268 53.9 4.33 (–0.804 to 1.341) 53.9 9 9 0.078 –0.274 (–0.953 to 1.108) (–1.347 to 0.799) 20 13.13333 5.814 713 2022 683 17.9 134 245.215 133 6.037 17 30.2 0.810 246.7 17 724 4.33 (0.164–1.456) 28.3 242.5 684 120 22.1 4.33 124 0.085 242.5 –0.092 22.1 0.008 (–0.500 to 0.670) (–1.123 to 0.938) –0.154 (–0.577 to 0.593) (–1.224 to 0.916) control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control (+/–) Comparison (–) (–) (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs (–) (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs (–) (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs (–) (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs (–) (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs FePsy: binary choice – errors [ n ]FePsy: (–) binary choice – reaction time FePsy: (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs [ms] visual reaction time – dominant FePsy: hand [ms] visual reaction time – non- FePsy: dominant hand [ms] Stroop: colour reading – time [s] (–) (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs MFFT–20: total errors [ n ] Stroop: word reading – time [ms] (–) auditive reaction time – non- FePsy: dominant hand [ms] MFFT–20: latency to first response [s] (–) Stroop: colour reading – time [ms] (–) auditive reaction time – FePsy: dominant hand [ms] Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) 115 137 97 Morgan et al . 2006 Study Measure Dafters 2006 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006

262 61 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95%CI) n Controls Mean SD n 22 19.915 3.7 20.622 4.33 6.5 46.415 24.8 4.33 15.7 7.5 49.7 24.8 4.33 1.109 14.5 7.5 47.9 (0.033–2.185) 4.33 12.5 0.627 47.9 0.098 (–0.463 to 1.716) 12.5 (–0.932 to 1.128) –0.127 (–1.197 to 0.942) MDMA users 1919 49.5 8.16 19.3 4.09 19 19 53.3 5.95 21.7 4.36 0.185 –0.523 (–0.452 to 0.822) (–1.170 to 0.124) 11 5129 17.7 1.6129 15 1.24 14.91 4529 23 1.6 1.28 13.329 1.09 –0.392 23 1.09 10.72 1.0129 (–1.178 to 0.393) 15.53 23 –0.454 2.04 3.17 1.4329 (–1.009 to 0.100) 0.75 23 –0.256 1.47 21.34 0.54 (–0.806 to 0.293) 29 10.96 23 2.29 –0.595 3.6 1.2329 (–1.154 to –0.035) –0.111 0.94 23 (–0.659 to 0.436) 0.94 5.35 0.9 19.96 23 5.37 –0.391 2.8 0.91 (–0.944 to 0.161) 0.309 23 1.19 (–0.242 to 0.860) 14.4 –0.303 3.49 (–0.853 to 0.248) –2.898 (–3.687 to –2.110) 1111 26.8 24.229 9.7 3.8 26 15 15 22.3 3.7 22.7 8.5 2.5 23 –0.499 (–1.290 to 0.292) 26.91 –0.483 4.95 (–1.272 to 0.307) –0.212 (–0.761 to 0.337) 500 500 control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control control (2) MDMA users (moderate) vs control (+/–) Comparison (–) (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs (–) (1) MDMA users (heavy) vs (–) Data from secondary pub. (–) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) TMT: Part A – time (s) Part TMT: B – time (s) Part TMT: MFFT–20: total errors [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – six- letter – correct [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – six- letter – errors [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – nine- letter – correct [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – nine- letter – errors [ n ] comparison speed task – Pattern three-pattern – correct [ n ] comparison speed task – Pattern three-pattern – errors [ n ] comparison speed task – six- Pattern pattern – correct [ n ] TMT: Part B – part A time (s) Part TMT: B – time (s) Part TMT: (–) Letter comparison speed task – three- letter – errors [ n ] MFFT–20: latency to first response [s] (–) A – time (s) Part TMT: Data from secondary pub. Letter comparison speed task – three- letter – correct [ n ] 83 98 135 Study Measure Quednow et al . 2006 Lamers et al . 2006 Wareing et al . Wareing 2007 263

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95%CI) n Controls Mean SD n 29 1.5929 1.27 13.7429 23 1.74 1.73 1.33 23 1.54 1.27 13.08 23 3.03 –0.205 (–0.753 to 0.344) 0.276 1.31 1.67 (–0.274 to 0.826) –0.263 (–0.812 to 0.287) MDMA users 1515 14.4 0.64 5.035 8 0.891 8 9.216 0.13 7.6 254.3 0.3216 –0.86516 –0.680 32.3 2.6 (–1.762 to 0.032) (–1.562 to 0.203) 4.33 368.316 244.4 1.9 69.5 34.6 270.316 4.33 –0.302 4.33 46.6 2.5 382.9 279.9 (–1.368 to 0.763) 16 112.6 4.3316 3.4 53.6 0.185 282.1 53.516 52.2 4.33 24 –0.044 (–0.879 to 1.248) 316 7.9 0.248 (–1.106 to 1.017) 52.5 92.8 (–0.817 to 1.312) 11.6 4.33 13.5 53.9 0.577 4.33 4.33 24.8 9 (–0.501 to 1.655) 47.9 7.5 12.5 0.049 0.073 –0.345 (–1.012 to 1.111) (–1.413 to 0.722) (–0.989 to 1.135) 15 10.232 4.648 8 93.6216 13 25.07 16 244.1 5.2 86.25 29.3 0.579 27.83 4.33 –0.283 (–0.297 to 1.454) 242.5 (–0.886 to 0.320) 22.1 –0.057 (–1.118 to 1.005) (+/–) Comparison (–) (+) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) Pattern comparison speed task – six- Pattern pattern – errors [ n ] comparison speed task – nine- Pattern pattern – correct [ n ] comparison speed task – nine- Pattern pattern – errors [ n ] TMT: Part B – errors ( n ) Part TMT: binary choice – errors [ n ]FePsy: binary choice – reaction time FePsy: [ms] (–) visual reaction time – dominant FePsy: hand [ms] visual reaction time – non- FePsy: dominant hand [ms] Stroop: colour reading – time [s] A – time (s) Part TMT: B – time (s) Part TMT: (–) MFFT-20: total errors [ n ] MFFT-20: auditive reaction time – non- FePsy: dominant hand [ms] MFFT-20: latency to first response [s]MFFT-20: (–) Double digit cancellation – time [s] (–) auditive reaction time – FePsy: dominant hand [ms] Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) 103 104 97 Study Measure users vs polydrug controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Curran and Verheyden 2003 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006

264 61 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95%CI) n Controls Mean SD n MDMA users 10 1.210 0.72 13.8310 23 3.16 0.6310 1.09 23 0.6 10.1 1.0110 15.53 3.17 –0.118 23 2.34 0.8710 (–0.861 to 0.625) –0.537 0.75 23 (–1.291 to 0.218) 0.61 17.610 0.54 10.96 23 2.29 0.215 4.8 1.1710 0.94 –0.373 (–0.529 to 0.959) 23 1.29 14.23 0.9 (–1.121 to 0.375) 10 19.96 23 3.22 0.085 1.1 5.3710 0.91 23 (–0.658 to 0.827) –0.453 13.53 1.19 1.1210 14.4 (–1.204 to 0.298) –0.213 3.7 23 3.49 2.07 (–0.957 to 0.531) –0.050 1.33 23 2.22 (–0.792 to 0.693) 1.27 13.08 23 3.03 0.187 1.31 0.139 (–0.557 to 0.931) 1.67 (–0.604 to 0.882) –0.412 (–1.161 to 0.338) 10 23.1 5 23 26.91 4.95 –0.767 (–1.534 to –0.001) (+/–) Comparison (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+) Letter comparison speed task – six- letter – correct [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – six- letter – errors [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – nine- letter – correct [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – nine- letter – errors [ n ] comparison speed task – Pattern three-pattern – correct [ n ] comparison speed task – Pattern three-pattern – errors [ n ] comparison speed task – six- Pattern pattern – correct [ n ] comparison speed task – six- Pattern pattern – errors [ n ] comparison speed task – nine- Pattern pattern – correct [ n ] comparison speed task – nine- Pattern pattern – errors [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – three- letter – errors [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – three- letter – correct [ n ] 135 Wareing et al . Wareing 2007 Study Measure 265

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users 10 18.9 5.61 515 22.7 1090 3.02 261.728 –0.766 15 214.8 953.211 24.8 (–1.879 to 0.347) 120.9 19.58 28 –0.673 4.9 214.78 81 25.2 (–1.410 to 0.064) 31 87.5 15.8718 16.7 –0.004 10 11.54 8.5 2.4 88 10 (–0.528 to 0.520) 88 4.667 –0.871 6.845 7.5 6.845 –0.599 14.3 (–1.585 to –0.158) –0.054 6.584 (–1.551 to 0.354) 1.101 (–0.984 to 0.876) (0.193–2.009) n 10 14.6 4.62 515 15.5 272 2.17 77.4928 15 –0.223 218.9 279.8 28.2 67.35 (–1.300 to 0.854) 28 0.108 218.7 27.5 (–0.608 to 0.824) –0.00718 15.8 (–0.531 to 0.517) 5.091 7.5 7.8 3.486 –1.701 (–2.682 to –0.720) 10 12.9 4.6515 5 357.5 12.5 71.78 1.72 15 379.3 0.100 75.96 0.295 (–0.974 to 1.175) (–0.425 to 1.015) 18 0.95 1.57 7.5 0.14 0.349 –0.601 (–1.470 to 0.268) (2) Study 2 25 12 3.71 19 13.9 7.02 0.353 (–0.248 to 0.954) (heavy) vs control (2) MDMA users (infrequent) vs control (2) Study 2 25 11.73 5.88 19 9.68 4.93 –0.373 (–0.975 to 0.229) (–) (1) Study 1(+) 16 12.48 6.64 16 16.19 5.83 0.594 (–0.115 to 1.303) (+) (1) MDMA users (–) (+/–) Comparison (–) (1) Study 1(+) 16 11.81 7.57 16 5.18 3.1 –1.146 (–1.897 to –0.395) (–) (+) (–) (–) MFFT-20: latency to first response MFFT-20: [s] Letter comparison speed task – three-letter – correct [ n ] Complex reaction time [ms] (–) 1 – phasic reaction time [ms]TAP: (–) Stroop: word reading – time [s]Immediate memory task – correct (–) [ n ] MFFT–20: latency to first response [s] Measure MFFT-20: total errors [ n ] MFFT-20: Letter comparison speed task – six- letter – correct [ n ] Simple auditory reaction time [ms] (–) 1 – tonic reaction time [ms]TAP: (–) MFFT–20: total errors [ n ] Letter comparison speed task – nine-letter – correct [ n ] Visual reaction time [ms] B – errors ( n ) Part TMT: 122 110 Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 136 99 94 131 103 Moeller et al . 2002 Morgan et al . 2002 Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan 1998 Study Wareing et al . Wareing 2000 Croft et al . 2001 Rodgers 2000 Rodgers Gouzoulis et al . 2000

266 62 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users 19 49.519 19.3 8.16 19 4.09 60.5 19 29.9 6.47 0.437 4.23 –0.406 (–0.207 to 1.081) (–1.049 to 0.237) 100 60.97 4.4320 100 13.1 66.333 5.814 3 19 713 22 –1.409 134 11.55 18 (–1.719 to –1.099) 11 0.981 699 26.8 129 (0.315–1.648) 9.7 –0.1068 15 19 (–0.681 to 0.469) 20 5.7 215 –1.023 5 10.2 (–1.853 to –0.193) 22.7 4.648 3.02 7.5 14.3 –1.115 6.584 (–2.326 to 0.095) 0.768 (–0.139 to 1.676) n 100 27.62 3.33 10020 27.42 12.5 3.1133 6.485 683 –0.062 19 133 6.75 (–0.339 to 0.215) 18 6.3211 682 –0.898 24.2 117 3.8 (–1.558 to –0.237) –0.008 158 19.1 (–0.582 to 0.566) 14.9 6.4 3.67 –0.933 515 15.5 (–1.754 to –0.111) 14.4 2.17 5.035 7.5 –0.187 7.8 (–1.307 to 0.933) 3.486 –1.435 (–2.415 to –0.454) 100 64.44 6.92 100 63.88 7.04 –0.080 (–0.358 to 0.197) 11 51 17.7 158 38.1 9.3 11.7 3.23 –0.95915 5 (–1.783 to –0.135) 0.64 12.5 0.891 1.72 7.5 –0.288 0.14 0.349 (–1.412 to 0.836) –0.656 (–1.556 to 0.243) 500 500 secondary pub. secondary pub. (+) (–) (–) Data from (–) (+) (–) (–) Data from (+/–) Comparison (–) (–) (+) (–) (–) (–) (+) (–) SDMT: overall score SDMT: latency to first response MFFT-20: [s] Stroop: colour reading – time [ms] (–) latency to first response MFFT-20: [s] A – time (s) Part TMT: Letter comparison speed task – three-letter – correct [ n ] latency to first response MFFT-20: [s] MFFT-20: total errors [ n ] MFFT-20: Measure TMT-C: Part 1 – time (s) Part TMT-C: total errors [ n ] MFFT-20: Stroop: word reading – time [ms] (–) B – part A time (s) Part TMT: (–) Letter comparison speed task – six- letter – correct [ n ] total errors [ n ] MFFT-20: TMT-C: Part 2 – time (s) Part TMT-C: B – time (s) Part TMT: Letter comparison speed task – nine-letter – correct [ n ] B – errors ( n ) Part TMT: 137 128 115 83 98 136 103 Lamers et al . 2006 Yip and Lee Yip 2005 Study Dafters 2006 Quednow et al . 2006 Morgan et al . 2006 users vs drug-naïve controls Former et al . Wareing 2000 Morgan et al . 2002 267

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Controls 20 2.6 0.93 20 2.15 0.9 –0.492 (–1.121 to 0.138) 20 1.92 0.77 20 1.57 0.49 –0.542 (–1.174 to 0.089) 20 3.42 3.01 20 3.17 3.59 –0.075 (–0.695 to 0.545) 20 2.37 0.91 20 1.85 0.52 –0.702 (–1.341 to –0.062) 20 1.2 1 20 0.9 0.9 –0.315 (–0.939 to 0.308) 20 1.4 0.9 20 1.1 0.3 –0.447 (–1.075 to 0.181) 28 3281 101720 28 2.2 3416 868.2 3.7 0.143 20 (–0.382 to 0.667) 1.4 1.7 –0.278 (–0.901 to 0.345) 30 44.8 3.5 15 45.5 3.2 –0.206 (–0.827 to 0.416) 30 44.8 4.1 15 45.5 3.2 –0.183 (–0.804 to 0.438) 28 1959 493.720 28 1.9 1921 445.7 1.7 –0.079 20 (–0.603 to 0.445) 1.3 0.5 –0.479 (–1.108 to 0.150) 32 32.4 7.830 16 19.5 30.5 0.7 8.1 0.241 15 19.4 (–0.362 to 0.843) 0.9 0.130 (–0.491 to 0.750) MDMA users n Mean SD 30 19.7 0.5 15 19.4 0.9 0.456 (–0.171 to 1.084) (2) Moderate E users vs controls vs controls (2) Moderate E users vs controls vs controls (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (+) (1) Heavy E users (+/–) Comparison (–) (–) (+) (+) (1) Heavy E users CANTAB 3D – ID/ED: latency CANTAB intradimensional CANTAB 3D – ID/ED: latency CANTAB intradimensional (reversal) CANTAB 3D – ID/ED: latency compound CANTAB dimensional CANTAB 3D – ID/ED: latency compound CANTAB dimensional (reversal) CANTAB 3D – ID/ED: errors CANTAB intradimensional CANTAB 3D – ID/ED: errors CANTAB intradimensional (reversal) TAP: visual scanning – non-critical trials TAP: time [ms] 3D – ID/ED: errors compound CANTAB dimensional visual scanning – critical trials correct TAP: [ n ] TAP: visual scanning – critical trials time TAP: [ms] 3D – ID/ED: errors compound CANTAB dimensional (reversal) 10 min task – correct [ n ] RVIP: G/N-G: correct responses Attention – sustain (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 99 108 130 104 Curran and Verheyden 2003 Fox et al . 2002 Gouzoulis et al . 2003 Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Study Measure

268 63 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Controls 30 4765 1753 15 4368 1269 –0.246 (–0.868 to 0.376) 30 4993 1192 15 4368 1269 –0.513 (–1.143 to 0.116) 30 48.1 1 15 48.5 1 –0.400 (–1.026 to 0.226) 30 48.2 1.1 15 48.5 1 –0.281 (–0.903 to 0.342) 30 2542 840.7 15 2445 729.8 –0.120 (–0.740 to 0.501) 30 2756 778.2 15 2445 729.8 –0.408 (–1.034 to 0.218) 25 65 432 14.5 26.4 63.527 12.92 9 0.179 69.8 16 1.56 (–0.469 to 0.827) 30.5 14.5 63.5 8.1 12.92 –0.470 0.823 (–1.078 to 0.137) (0.159–1.486) MDMA users n Mean SD 18 10.94 6.8330 17 3 9.18 5.69 2.7 –0.279 15 (–0.946 to 0.387) 5.220 5.1 4.8 0.601 4.6 (–0.031 to 1.234) 15 5.2 5.1 0.083 (–0.587 to 0.753) 500 501 501 (2) Moderate E users vs controls vs controls (2) Moderate E users vs controls vs controls (2) Moderate E users vs controls vs controls secondary pub. secondary pub. secondary pub. (–) (1) Heavy E users (+) (1) Heavy E users (–) (1) Heavy E users (+/–) Comparison (–)(+) Data from (+) (+) TAP: visual scanning – non-critical trials TAP: time [ms] TAP: visual scanning – non-critical trials TAP: correct [ n ] TAP: visual scanning – critical trials time TAP: [ms] G/N-G: summed conditions – Σ omission errors G/N-G: correct responses A-G/N-G: omission errors [ n ]CANTAB (–) 10-min task – correct [ n ] RVIP: Data from G/N-G: correct responses A-G/N-G: omission errors [ n ]CANTAB (–) Data from 83 125 118 104 125 118 Quednow et al . 2006 Roiser et al . Roiser 2007 Hoshi et al . 2007 et al . Roiser 2007 Hoshi et al . 2007 users vs polydrug controls Former Curran and Verheyden 2003 Study Measure 269

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Controls Mean SD 14 11.6 0.5 6.67 11.8 0.6 –0.376 (–1.306 to 0.554) 11 11.8 0.4 6.67 11.8 0.6 0.000 (–0.962 to 0.962) 24 817 951 20 710 838 –0.11914 (–0.713 to 0.475) 6.5 1.5 6.67 5.8 1.3 –0.485 (–1.421 to 0.450) 16 1561 1335 12 1541 1510 –0.014 (–0.763 to 0.734) 11 6.2 1.8 6.67 5.8 1.3 –0.244 (–1.210 to 0.721) 24 57.51 13.19 20 56.83 14.22 0.050 (–0.544 to 0.643) 16 59.06 19.99 12 61.11 18.91 –0.105 (–0.854 to 0.644) 14 9.8 5.4 6.67 6.5 2.9 –0.690 (–1.639 to 0.258) 24 2337 1401 20 2521 1535 0.12611 (–0.468 to 0.720) 15.3 11.6 6.67 6.5 2.9 –0.933 (–1.949 to 0.083) 16 3434 2106 12 4668 3686 0.428 (–0.329 to 1.186) 24 1.45 0.59 20 1.65 0.6614 0.321 5.1 (–0.276 to 0.919) 3 6.67 3.8 2.7 –0.446 (–1.380 to 0.487) 16 1.52 0.88 12 1.42 0.7411 –0.121 4.6 (–0.871 to 0.628) 3.8 6.67 3.8 2.7 –0.232 (–1.198 to 0.733) n MDMA users (3) Low users vs controls 14 11.6 0.5 6.67 11.8 0.6 –0.376 (–1.306 to 0.554) (2) Medium users vs controls controls (3) Low users vs controls 14 6.8 1.5 6.67 5.8 1.3 –0.693 (–1.642 to 0.255) (2) Study 2 (2) Medium users vs controls controls (2) Study 2 (3) Low users vs controls 14 8.9 4.7 6.67 6.5 2.9 –0.567 (–1.507 to 0.373) (2) Medium users vs controls (2) Study 2 controls (3) Low users vs controls 14 4.1 2.2 6.67 3.8 2.7 –0.127 (–1.050 to 0.796) (2) Study 2 (2) Medium users vs controls controls (+) (1) High-dose users vs (–) (1) Study 1 (–) (1) High-dose users vs (–) (1) High-dose users vs (–) (1) Study 1 (–) (1) High-dose users vs (+/–) Comparison move) / ToL: trials completed – n ToL: ToL: subsequent thinking time ToL: (ms solution time – s ToL: ToL: perfect solutions (%)ToL: (+) (1) Study 1 ToL: planning time – s ToL: ToL: initial thinking time (ms)ToL: (–) (1) Study 1 ToL: excess moves ( n ) ToL: errors – n ToL: Executive function – planning (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 110 112 Fox et al . 2001 StudyCurrent users vs polydrug controls Measure Morgan 1998

270 64 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Controls Mean SD 30 21.6 10.6 15 19.3 6.117 –0.245 26.5 (–0.867 to 0.377) 2.1 12 30.7 2.5 1.849 (0.961–2.737) 30 21.1 9.1 15 19.3 6.19 –0.218 33.5 (–0.840 to 0.403) 2.8 21 33.4 1.9 –0.046 (–0.827 to 0.735) 30 24.1 19.1 15 19.1 15.3 –0.27917 (–0.901 to 0.344) 31.9 1.3 12 27.3 1.5 –3.321 (–4.475 to –2.168) 30 20.6 13.7 15 19.1 15.3 –0.1059 (–0.726 to 0.515) 34.7 1.8 21 33.1 1.2 –1.145 (–1.981 to –0.308) 30 12.2 7.9 15 8.4 5.2 –0.53317 (–1.163 to 0.097) 7.7 1.7 12 14.5 2 3.720 (2.483–4.957) 30 10.8 7.4 15 8.4 5.2 –0.355 (–0.979 to 0.269) 9 8.8 2.3 21 10.1 1.5 0.736 (–0.068 to 1.540) 30 25.1 7.6 15 25.8 7.7 –0.092 (–0.712 to 0.528) 17 54.1 3.7 12 31.7 4.4 –5.600 (–7.266 to –3.934) 30 24 7.1 15 25.8 7.7 –0.247 (–0.869 to 0.375) 9 55.6 5.1 21 55.224 3.3 8400 –0.10327 7348 (–0.884 to 0.679) 14.5 15000 10200 7408 5385 14.5 0.269 10200 5385 (–0.386 to 0.924) –0.707 (–1.364 to –0.051) n MDMA users (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Male controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Male controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Male controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Male controls (–) (1) Female (–) (1) Female (–) (1) Heavy users vs (–) (1) Female (+/–) Comparison Plan-A-Day: use of F2 keyPlan-A-Day: (–) (1) Heavy users vs total time – s ToL: Plan-A-Day: single deletionsPlan-A-Day: (–) (1) Heavy users vs total moves ToL: Plan-A-Day: sequences of Plan-A-Day: deletions planning time – s ToL: Plan-A-Day: end scorePlan-A-Day: (+) (1) Heavy users vs excess moves [%]ToL: (–) (1) Female SOC: initial thinking time [ms] (–) SOC: initial thinking time [ms] (–) 132 108 125 125 von Geusau et al . 2004 Hoshi et al . 2007 Former users vs polydrug controls Former Hoshi et al . 2007 StudyGouzoulis et al . 2003 Measure 271

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 17 195.2 39 12 204.9 62.6 0.194 (–0.547 to 0.935) 9 236.8 91.9 21 202.8 68.4 –0.448 (–1.238 to 0.341) 12 98.7 18.7 8 91.117 445.6 15.5 12.4 –0.434 12 (–1.339 to 0.472) 414.6 15.4 –2.262 (–3.217 to –1.308) 9 417.8 14 21 437.6 9.3 1.824 (0.909–2.740) 11 115 18.9 8 91.1 15.5 –1.360 (–2.378 to –0.341) 48 10.2 2.5 17 10.2 2.7 0.000 (–0.553 to 0.553) 30 403.8 7512 15 3 382.6 54.8 2 –0.307 8 (–0.930 to 0.316) 17 2.2 96.6 1.2 2.1 12 –0.392 96.7 (–1.296 to 0.511) 1.5 –0.075 (–0.814 to 0.664) 28 532 65.4 28 484.4 57.9 –0.771 (–1.314 to –0.227) 48 10.1 1.9 17 9.3 2.3 –0.398 (–0.956 to 0.159) 30 398 66.111 15 5.1 382.6 3.5 54.8 8 –0.246 (–0.868 to 0.376) 2.29 2.1 99.3 –0.965 0.9 (–1.932 to 0.001) 21 96.7 0.6 3.720 (2.471–4.968) MDMA usersn Controls 28 –3.84 4.38 28 –3.86 6.13 –0.004 (–0.528 to 0.520) 11 22.1 5.2 18 21.5 4.2 –0.131 (–0.881 to 0.620) 48 10.6 2.9 17 10 3.3 –0.200 (–0.754 to 0.355) (2) Male (2) Male (2) Moderate users vs controls controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (2) Male controls controls (–) (1) Heavy users vs (–) (1) Female (–) (–) (–) (1) Heavy users vs (–) (1) Heavy users vs (–) (+/–) Comparison HvdM SS: stop signal – reaction time ms (–) (1) Female Stroop: interference – time [s] Eriksen Flankers – reaction time HvdM EF: – ms Stroop: interference + switching – time [s] (–) TAP: selective visual attention – time [ms]TAP: (–) Stroop: interference + switching – errors [ n ] Stroop: interference – time difference [s] (–) Stroop: interference – time [s] G/N-G: reaction time – ms Stroop: interference – errors [ n ] Eriksen Flankers – correct [%]HvdM EF: (+) (1) Female Stroop: interference – time [s] Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-ana lysis 99 108 132 94 106 124 Medina et al . 2005 von Geusau et al . 2004 Halpern et al . 2004 Croft et al . 2001 Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Gouzoulis et al . 2003 Study Measure

272 65 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 15 83.5 12 4.33 82.6 14.4 –0.072 (–1.141 to 0.997) 66 6.345 0.927 58 6.761 1.095 0.412 (0.056–0.769) 11 16.325 17.4 355 15 25 10.6 14.5 9.8 359 –0.422 59.2427 (–1.209 to 0.365) 0.098 382 (–0.549 to 0.745) 51.96 14.5 359 59.24 –0.422 (–1.066 to 0.223) 22 82 15.5 4.33 82.6 14.4 0.039 (–0.991 to 1.069) MDMA usersn Controls 18 22.1118 9.44 6.86 17 1.26 17.29 17 6.75 7.61 –0.58530 1.12 (–1.262 to 0.093) 10.1 –0.628 7.2 (–1.308 to 0.052) 15 11.1 720 10 0.140 5.1 (–0.480 to 0.761) 15 11.1 7 0.184 (–0.487 to 0.855) 66 5.413 1.055 5833 5.538 834 0.9 85 0.127 17 (–0.226 to 0.480) 829 15011 –0.045 40.5 (–0.630 to 0.540) 925 11.8 15 3.5 39.5 14.5 9.1 13.616 –0.110 4.31 85.527 (–0.889 to 0.668) 14.4 0.472 10.2 4.33 (–0.183 to 1.128) 4.68 82.6 14.5 14.4 13.6 –0.201 4.31 (–1.265 to 0.862) 0.746 (0.087–1.405) 500 500 501 501 pub. (2) Moderate users vs controls controls pub. pub. pub. (+) Data from secondary (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (1) Heavy users vs (–) Data from secondary (–) (–) (–) (–) (+/–) Comparison G/N-G: summed conditions – Σ gain CANTAB A-G/N-G: commission errors CANTAB (shift) Stroop: interference – time difference [s] (–) G/N-G: reaction time – ms G/N-G: reaction time – ms CANTAB A-G/N-G: commission errors CANTAB (non-shift) Stroop: interference – time [ms] Stroop: interference – time [s] G/N-G: summed conditions – Σ commission errors Stroop: interference – switching time difference [s] G/N-G: commission errors A-G/N-G: commission errors [ n ]CANTAB (–) Data from secondary Stroop: interference – time [s] G/N-G: commission errors A-G/N-G: commission errors [ n ]CANTAB (–) Data from secondary 137 83 114 97 98 125 118 97 125 118 Quednow et al . 2006 Dafters 2006 Dafters Hoshi et al . 2007 et al . Roiser 2007 et al . Roiser 2007 Roiser et al . Roiser 2005 Lamers et al . 2006 users vs polydrug controls Former et al . Reneman 2006 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006 Hoshi et al . 2007 Study Measure 273

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users 18 22.1118 9.44 6.86 15 1.26 20.87 12.87 15 –0.112 7.11 (–0.797 to 0.574) 2.1230 –0.147 10.1 (–0.833 to 0.539) 7.2 1520 13 10 9.6 5.1 0.360 15 (–0.265 to 0.984) 13 9.6 0.408 (–0.269 to 1.085) 28 –3.8428 4.38 53211 28 65.4 22.1100 –3.1 28 13.7 5.2 633 478.6 2.38 31 834 48.4 0.141 100 19.5 85 –0.928 13.03 (–0.384 to 0.665) 3.8 0.86 (–1.480 to –0.376) 18 –0.620 –0.37411 838 (–1.321 to 0.081) (–0.654 to –0.095) 40.5 16311 9 0.034 16.325 (–0.540 to 0.608) 1525 17.4 11.8 48.2 355 15 3.5 9.9 10.6 25 1327 5.4 0.808 13 9.827 10.2 (–0.003 to 1.618) –0.476 385 4.08 382 4.68 (–1.266 to 0.313) 45.89 –0.540 51.96 13 0.897 (–1.222 to 0.142) 13 9.8 (0.195–1.598) 385 4.08 45.89 –0.089 0.060 (–0.751 to 0.573) (–0.602 to 0.722) n 500 500 501 501 (+) Data from secondary pub. (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) Data from secondary pub. (–) (–) Data from secondary pub. (–) Data from secondary pub. (–) (–) (+/–) Comparison G/N-G: summed conditions – Σ gain Stroop: interference – time difference [s] Stroop: interference – time [s] Stroop: interference – time difference [s] Stroop: interference – time [ms] G/N-G: summed conditions – Σ commission errors Stroop: interference – switching time difference [s] G/N-G: commission errors (–) A-G/N-G: CANTAB commission errors [ n ] G/N-G: commission errors (–) A-G/N-G: CANTAB commission errors [ n ] TAP: selective visual TAP: attention – time [ms] Stroop: interference – time difference [s] G/N-G: reaction time – ms (–) G/N-G: reaction time – ms (–) Measure 125 125 94 137 Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-a nalysis . 2007 al . et . 2007 al . et 99 128 83 98 118 118 Lamers et al . 2006 users vs drug-naïve controls Former Hoshi Croft et al . 2001 and Lee Yip 2005 Dafters 2006 Quednow et al . 2006 Hoshi et al . Roiser 2007 et al . Roiser 2007 Study Current users vs drug-naïve controls Gouzoulis et al . 2000

274 66 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n (2) Medium users vs controls(3) Low users vs controls 14 4.6(2) Medium users vs controls 14(3) Low users vs controls 14 2.1 5.3 0.8 6.67(2) Medium users vs controls 14 1.8(3) Low users vs controls 5.3 14 0.8 0.9 6.67 1.3 15.9 6.67(2) Medium users vs controls 5.3 14 1.2(3) Low users vs controls 14.4 –0.370 0.6 14 1.3 14.6 6.67 6.67 (–1.300 to 0.560) 1.2 15.8 10.3 0.000(2) Medium users vs controls 0.6 14 11.7(3) Low users vs controls 10.2 –0.213 6.67 14 (–0.922 to 0.922) 1.2 11.4 8.4 6.67 (–1.138 to 0.712) 11.7 27.6 6 –0.250(2) Moderate users vs controls –0.326 14 12.6 8.4 12 40.8 (–1.176 to 0.676) (–1.254 to 0.602) 13.6 7.3 6.67(2) Moderate users vs controls –0.297 6.67 8.7 12 3.2 –0.340 12.6 (–1.224 to 0.630) 14.1 1.4(2) Moderate users vs controls (–1.269 to 0.589) 8.7 7.3 6.67 6.2 17 8 14.1 0.187 4.1 –0.395 94.9 6.2 (–0.737 to 1.111) (–1.325 to 0.536) 8 8.9 2 0.115 1.2 7.2 12 (–0.808 to 1.038) –0.151 6.2 89.2 (–1.047 to 0.745) –0.299 2.5 (–1.199 to 0.601) 2.571 (1.563–3.579) (+/–) Comparison (+) (1) High-dose users vs controls 11 5.5 0.7(–) 6.67 (1) High-dose users vs controls 5.3 11(–) 1.3 14.1 (1) High-dose users vs controls 0.208 7.5 11 (–0.757 to 1.173) 6.67 11.8 11.7 5.3(+) 8.4 6.67 (1) Heavy users vs controls –0.306 12.6 (–1.274 to 0.662) 7.3 11(+) 0.131 7.4 (1) Heavy users vs controls (–0.832 to 1.094) 1.7 9 8 92.3 8.9 2.7 1.2 21 –0.991 86 (–1.960 to –0.021) 1.8 3.004 (1.896–4.113) Measure WCST: categories WCST: failure to maintain setWCST: (–) (1) High-dose users vs controls non-perseverative WCST: 11errors – % 0.9 perseverative errors WCST: 1.3–% 6.67 trials to first categoryWCST: 0.6 (–) 1.2 (1) High-dose users vs controls –0.237 categories WCST: (–1.203 to 0.728) perseverative errorsWCST: (–)11 dots–triangles – HvdM DT: (1) Heavy users vs controlscorrect – % 15 9.8 6.67 11 12.2 14.1 6.2 5.5 –0.104 (–1.066 to 0.859) 8 7.2 6.2 –0.862 (–1.818 to 0.093) 112 Executive function – shifting (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 106 132 Study Current users vs polydrug controls Fox et al . 2001 Halpern et al . 2004 von Geusau et al . 2004


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n 4242 39.27 18.14 28.63 17 19.46 17 38.52 18.98 29.58 –0.041 18.1811 0.050 (–0.604 to 0.523) 11.5 (–0.514 to 0.613) 7.8 15 12.9 7.3 0.186 (–0.593 to 0.966) 15 17 3.8216 1516 4.7 13.57 35.5 3.18 2.1 19.2 –0.976 4.33 4.33 (–1.736 to –0.216) 4.6 35.3 1.5 24 0.050 –0.010 (–1.071 to 1.051) (–1.012 to 1.111) (2) Moderate users vs controls 17(2) Moderate users vs controls 910.4 17 50.1(2) Moderate users vs controls 97 12 17(2) Moderate users vs controls 0.6 697.8 459.2 17 62.2 15 12(2) Moderate users vs controls –3.841 18.8 17 12 95.3 (–5.104 to –2.578) 2.2 70.8 0.7 412.1 12 2.6 17.9 2.645 –2.900 11.3 12 (1.624–3.667) (–3.969 to –1.830) 2.6 77.1 –3.163 3.1 (–4.285 to –2.042) –2.238 (–3.188 to –1.288) (2) Moderate users vs controls 15(2) Moderate users vs controls 4.8 15 1.7 36.7 4.33 22.8 4.6 4.33 35.3 1.5 24 0.120 –0.061 (–0.949 to 1.190) (–1.130 to 1.008) (+/–) Comparison (–) (1) Heavy users vs controls(+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 9(–) 938.6 9 (1) Heavy users vs controls 68.9 97.1 21 9 0.9 826.7 440.3 21 46.2 21.9 –2.086 21 96.2 (–3.039 to –1.133) 0.6 457.2 13.9 1.288 1.019 (0.437–2.138) (0.194–1.844) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 22(–) 4.4 1.6 4.33(+) 4.6 1.5 –0.126 (–1.157 to 0.905) Measure HvdM DT: dots – triangles HvdM DT: response time – ms HvdM LG: local – global correct –% HvdM LG: local – global response time – ms perseverative errorsWCST: (+) total no. correctWCST: (1) Heavy users vs controls (+) 9 (1) Heavy users vs controls 14.4 9 3 75.7 21 3.6 14.4 21 2 69.2 0.000 2.3 (–0.781 to 0.781) 2.376 (1.378–3.375) Number/letter switch cost (s) (–)Plus/minus task switch cost (s) (–) categories WCST: Study 2 Study 2 total no. errorsWCST: BSA: errors [ n ] (–) total no. errorsWCST: (1) Heavy users vs controls (–) 22 categories WCST: 38.8 18.3 4.33 35.3 24 –0.182 (–1.214 to 0.849) WCST: total no. errorsWCST: (–) 109 Executive function – shifting (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (co ntinued) 138 97 98 97 Study Montgomery et al . 2005 Reneman et al . Reneman 2006 users vs polydrug controls Former et al . Reneman 2006 Reay et al . 2006 Reay Lamers et al . 2006

276 67 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n 28 36.11 6.0912 28 36.9 40.86 6.9 5.57 –0.814 830 (–1.360 to –0.268) 41.6 5.230 7.1 694.2 4.430 –0.674 105.7 (–1.595 to 0.248) 15 5.530 15 6.4 732.8 796.8 530 135.7 6.4 95.4 4.2 0.33230 15 15 0.234 (–0.292 to 0.956) 5.6 4.1 0.34 839.7 (–0.388 to 0.855) 30 154.8 15 6.5 1500 1.130 0.363 4.3 0.018 590.8 (–0.261 to 0.988) 15 4.830 15 (–0.602 to 0.638) 0.38 3.9 1928 2.4 0.76 0.28330 1.1 1182 (–0.340 to 0.906) 15 2387 1.2 0.515 4.8 0.182 1176 (–0.114 to 1.144) 15 (–0.439 to 0.803) 0.69 15 2.1 2983 0.000 1.3 (–0.620 to 0.620) 1692 0.437 0.243 (–0.190 to 1.063) (–0.379 to 0.865) 58 24.158 3.5 26.2 60 8.1 23.3 60 3.8 24.4 0.219 6.4 (–0.143 to 0.581) 0.247 (–0.115 to 0.609)

90 90 (2) Moderate users vs controls secondary pub. secondary pub. (+/–) Comparison (–) (–) (–) (–) (+) (–) (–) (+) (–) (+) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 11(+) 39.3 Follow-up. Data from 5.9(–) 8 41.6 7.1 –0.358 (–1.277 to 0.560) (+) Follow-up. Data from Measure Mental rotation test: standard – latency [ms] Mental rotation test: mirror – errors [ n ] Mental rotation test: mirror – latency [ms] block test – copy moves WAIS-R: per problem block test – copy no. WAIS-R: completely perfect block test – copy thinking WAIS-R: time block test – mental WAIS-R: rotation – moves per problem block test – mental WAIS-R: rotation – no. completely perfect block test – mental WAIS-R: rotation – thinking time WAIS-R: block design WAIS-R: block design WAIS-R: pairs JOLO: Mental rotation test: standard – errors [ n ] Mental rotation test: completely perfect [ n ] Perceptual organisation (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis Perceptual 99 106 91 118 Study Current users vs polydrug controls Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Halpern et al . 2004 de Win et al . 2006 Roiser et al . Roiser 2007


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n 30 4.530 2.6 0.5630 15 2416 1.2 4.8 1004 1519 0.79 15 2.2 6.419 2979 0.466 1.4 (–0.162 to 1.093) 1684 693.6 4.919 0.445 0.315 106.5 15 7.419 (–0.182 to 1.071) 15 (–0.308 to 0.939) 6.4 732.8 824.2 6.920 135.7 6.4 105.6 15 4.4 0.32620 15 0.000 5.6 (–0.355 to 1.008) 839.7 3.8 0.33 (–0.677 to 0.677) 20 154.8 6.5 15 2050 0.120 0.9520 4.3 –0.268 (–0.558 to 0.797) 897.7 15 (–0.948 to 0.413) 4.720 15 0.38 3.9 1928 2.2 0.68 –0.28420 1.1 (–0.957 to 0.389) 1182 15 2489 1.120 –0.119 –0.098 4.8 923.4 (–0.789 to 0.551) (–0.768 to 0.571) 15 4.920 15 0.69 2.1 2983 2 0.85 0.14620 1.3 1692 (–0.524 to 0.817) 15 2932 0.378 1.5 4.8 0.084 1438 (–0.297 to 1.054) (–0.586 to 0.754) 15 0.79 15 2.2 2979 –0.121 (–0.791 to 0.549) 1684 1.4 0.030 –0.137 (–0.639 to 0.700) (–0.807 to 0.533) (+/–) Comparison (+) (–) (–) (–) (–) (–) (+) (–) (–) (+) (–) (–) (+) (–) (–) (+) Measure block test – mirror no. WAIS-R: completely perfect block test – mirror WAIS-R: thinking time Mental rotation test: standard – latency [ms] Mental rotation test: mirror – errors [ n ] Mental rotation test: mirror – latency [ms] block test – copy moves WAIS-R: per problem block test – copy no. WAIS-R: completely perfect block test – copy thinking WAIS-R: time block test – mental WAIS-R: rotation – moves per problem block test – mental WAIS-R: rotation – no. completely perfect block test – mental WAIS-R: rotation – thinking time block test – mirror WAIS-R: moves per problem block test – mirror no. WAIS-R: completely perfect block test – mirror WAIS-R: thinking time WAIS-R: block test – mirror WAIS-R: moves per problem Mental rotation test: standard – errors [ n ] Perceptual organisation (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) Perceptual 18 Study Former users vs polydrug controls Former et al . Roiser 2007

278 68 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Controls Mean SD n 59.5 0.9359.5 0.7 0.9357.5 51 0.7 0.8657.5 0.91 48.5 0.7 0.86 0.83 0.7 51 0.721 0.6 –0.029 0.91 48.5 (–0.403 to 0.345) 3.9 –0.152 0.83 0.7 (–0.532 to 0.228) 3.3 0.6 0.071 10 –0.046 (–0.306 to 0.449) (–0.428 to 0.336) 7 6.3 0.696 (–0.078 to 1.470) 43 0.78 0.67 77 0.63 0.57 –0.247 (–0.621 to 0.128) 16 11.718 9.2 1.0632 17 1.146 6.06 89 5 5.0517 0.44 16 21.9 6.1 21.1 0.44 3.1 5.59 –0.864 5.5 –0.624 5.77 (–1.580 to –0.148) 21 (–1.476 to 0.227) 12 –0.089 21.9 (–0.689 to 0.512) 18.8 5.4 2.3 0.000 –0.513 (–0.781 to 0.781) (–1.265 to 0.238) MDMA users (2) Light users vs controls 16 16polydrug controls (2) Heavy users vs cannabis 11.4controls 11(3) Light users vs polydrug controls 10.5(4) Light users vs cannabis controls 9.1 –0.522(2) Moderate users vs (–1.303 to 0.259) controls (2) Male (+/–) Comparison (–) (1) Heavy usersvs controls(–) 12(–) 16.4 (1) Heavy users vs 10.6 11 10.5 9.1(–) –0.595 (–1.433 to 0.243) (1) Heavy users vs controls 21(–) 3 3.7(–) 10 7 6.3 0.858 (0.073–1.642) Measure SCL-90: depression score SCL-90: depression score SCL-90: depression score SCL-90: BDI: overall score HDRS: overall score depression scoreSCL-90-R: BDI: overall score (–) depression scoreSCL-90-R: (–) (1) Female Depression – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 139 140 141 129 142 103 104 132 Current users vs polydrug controls et al . Parrott 2000 Dughiero et al . 2001 Verkes et al . Verkes 2001 Gamma et al . 2001 Parrott et al . Parrott 2001 Morgan et al . 2002 Curran and Verheyden 2003 von Geusau et al . 2004 Study


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Controls Mean SD n 47 0.9147 1.357 0.9134 36 1.357 0.7534 0.89 28.5 0.825 0.72 0.75 1.52710.5 36 –0.014 1.07 0.679 0.825 (–0.448 to 0.420) 10.5 –0.165 0.89 28.5 0.321 1.07 (–0.631 to 0.301) 0.72 1.527 1422.5 0.113 0.321 1.03 0.679 1.01 19.522.5 –0.039 (–0.356 to 0.582) 0.537 0.99 1.03 0.423 (–0.537 to 0.458) 1417 –0.157 0.5 0.537 (–0.958 to 0.645) 1.01 12.35 19.543 –0.179 9.41 0.99 0.423 (–0.931 to 0.573) 9.5 –0.040 15 0.5 (–0.707 to 0.627) 7.05 5.53 –0.077 31 (–0.684 to 0.530) 4.6483 6.8 –0.901 4.14766 (–1.632 to –0.170) 5.2 4.747 8.75932 91 –0.426 6.763 (–0.893 to 0.041) 10.3 1.035 58 1.771 8 4.99 –0.885 (–1.196 to –0.573) 4.428 32 –0.651 10.3 (–1.013 to –0.289) 8.8 0.000 (–0.490 to 0.490) MDMA users 48 930 0.78 8.1 0.548 17 14.5 0.73 10 0.646 7.7 –0.086 (–0.713 to 0.541) 0.125 (–0.429 to 0.679) 502 105 polydrug controls (2) Men: heavy users vs cannabis controls (3) Men: light users vs polydrug controls (4) Men: light users vs cannabis controls heavy users vs (5) Women: polydrug controls heavy users vs (6) Women: cannabis controls light users vs (7) Women: polydrug controls light users vs (8) Women: cannabis controls pub. pub. (+/–) Comparison (–) (1) Men: heavy users vs (–) (–) (–) Data from secondary (–) (–) (–) Measure SCL-90: depression score SCL-90: BDI-II: overall score BDI: overall score BDI-II: overall score depression score SCL-90-R: HDRS: overall score (–)BDI: overall score Data from secondary BDI-II: overall score 78 144 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) 143 100 124 96 145 114 Milani et al . 2004 McCardle et al . 2004 and Travers 2005 Lyvers Medina et al . 2005 et al . Roiser 2005 Guillot and Greenway 2006 Study Thomasius et al . 2005 Fingeret et al . 2005

280 69 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Controls Mean SD n 11 9.8259 12 4.625 15 4.9 5.16 4.4 3.4 61 3.9 14.5 3.4 6.03 –0.653 3.532 (–1.453 to 0.147) 4.17 –0.283 0.235 8.48 (–0.642 to 0.077) (–0.414 to 0.885) 5.9128 16 7.57 5.59 5.49 5.77 –0.493 14.5 (–1.101 to 0.116) 6.03 4.17 –0.303 (–0.940 to 0.335) 15 0.92 0.93 8 0.44 0.44 –0.600 (–1.477 to 0.277) MDMA users 30 7.9 6.5 15 631 5.4 0.98 –0.308 0.61220 (–0.931 to 0.315) 14.5 0.73 12.6 0.646 9.5 –0.401 15 (–1.030 to 0.228) 6 5.4 –0.823 (–1.521 to –0.125) 500 105 500 pub. pub. pub. (+/–) Comparison (–) (–) Follow-up data (–) (–) Data from secondary (–) (–) (–) Data from secondary Measure BDI-II: overall score BDI: overall score BDI: overall score BDI-II: overall score depression scoreSCL-90-R: BDI: overall score (–) depression scoreSCL-90-R: BDI: overall score (–)BDI-II: overall score Data from secondary 98 91 125 118 103 104 96 125 118 Lamers et al . 2006 de Win et al . 2006 Hoshi et al . 2007 et al . Roiser 2007 Thomasius et al . 2005 et al . Roiser 2007 Curran and Verheyden 2003 Study users vs polydrug controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Hoshi et al . 2007 281

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n 15 14.915 3.4 1659.5 15 0.93 8.443 5.1 15 0.7 2.2 5.07 92.5 0.79 4.648 –3.42212 (–4.569 to –2.275) –1.604 0.7 (–2.434 to –0.774) 17.118 –0.200 10.74 (–0.527 to 0.127) 1.06 1215 1.146 5.1 12.6 7.547 2.3 8.66 0.35 0.91 –1.230 15 0.503 1.357 (–2.109 to –0.351) –0.703 50 4.1 (–1.578 to 0.172) 0.75 1.5 0.7 –4.378 (–5.729 to –3.026) –0.150 (–0.548 to 0.249) 15 64.315 3.7 59.87 15 12.39 15 48.5 43.5 3.2 7.669 –4.568 –1.588 (–5.962 to –3.174) 12 (–2.416 to –0.761) 62.6 11.43 1215 48.8 60 6.235 3 –1.499 (–2.413 to –0.584) 15 46.1 2.3 –5.200 (–6.739 to –3.662) 57.5 0.86 0.7 92.5 0.79 0.7 –0.100 (–0.429 to 0.229) 34 0.75 0.825 50 0.75 0.7 0.000 (–0.436 to 0.436) 10.5 1.07 0.321 42 0.98 0.642 –0.151 (–0.828 to 0.526) 10.5 1.07 0.321 44.5 0.85 0.708 –0.336 (–1.011 to 0.340) 22.5 1.03 0.537 42 0.98 0.642 –0.082 (–0.595 to 0.430) 22.5 1.03 0.537 44.5 0.85 0.708 –0.274 (–0.784 to 0.235) controls controls (2) Heavy users vs drug-free controls 59.5 0.93 0.7 75 0.81 0.6 –0.186 (–0.527 to 0.155) (2) Men: heavy users vs drug-free controls 47 0.91 1.357 30 0.74 0.465 –0.154 (–0.613 to 0.304) (3) Light users vs alcohol/tobacco controls (3) Men: light users vs alcohol/tobacco controls (4) Light users vs drug-free controls 57.5 0.86 0.7 75 0.81 0.6 –0.077(4) Men: light users vs drug-free controls (–0.421 to 0.266) 34 0.75 0.825 30 0.74 0.465 –0.015 (–0.506 to 0.476) (5) Women: heavy users vs alcohol/ (5) Women: tobacco controls (6) Women: heavy users vs drug-free (6) Women: controls (7) Women: light users vs alcohol/ (7) Women: tobacco controls (8) Women: light users vs drug-free (8) Women: controls (+/–) Comparison (–) HDRS: overall scoreHDRS: overall score (–) depression score SCL-90: (–) (–) 3 weeks abstinent (1) Heavy users vs alcohol/tobacco HDRS: overall score depression SCL-90-R: (–) score HDRS: overall score depression score SCL-90: (–) (–) (1) Men: heavy users vs alcohol/tobacco MMPI: overall scoreMMPI 2: overall score (–) (–) 3 weeks abstinent MMPI: overall score (–) MMPI 2: overall score (–) Depression – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 146 63 141 147 103 82 143 Current users vs drug-naïve controls Gerra et al . 1998 Study Measure Gerra et al . 2003 Gerra et al . 2000 et al . Parrott 2001 Morgan et al . 2002 Milani et al . 2004 Gerra et al . 2002

282 70 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users 30 0.78 0.548 15 0.42 0.329 –0.739 (–1.378 to –0.100) 30 7.9 6.5 1531 3.8 0.98 0.612 2.820 15 –0.736 12.6 0.42 (–1.375 to –0.097) 9.5 0.329 –1.040 15 (–1.693 to –0.386) 3.8 2.8 –1.183 (–1.911 to –0.456) n 44 1.07 0.87 24.2 0.73 0.77 –0.407 (–0.907 to 0.094) 100 1.3111 1.15 9.8225 100 12 1.48 5.16 3.4 1.01 15 0.157 2.47 13.515 (–0.121 to 0.435) 4.96 2.2 0.92 5.47 –0.927 0.93 –0.047 (–1.748 to –0.106) 28 (–0.709 to 0.615) 7.5 7.57 0.35 5.49 0.503 13.5 –0.696 4.96 (–1.598 to 0.206) 5.47 –0.476 (–1.134 to 0.182) 70 0.95 0.92 24.2 0.73 0.77 –0.249 (–0.712 to 0.215) 31 0.79 0.9 24.2 0.73 0.77 –0.071 (–0.603 to 0.461) 103 0.94 0.85 24.2 0.73 0.77 –0.251 (–0.695 to 0.193) 32 1.01 0.95 24.2 0.73 0.77 –0.319 (–0.850 to 0.212) 113 501 105 501 controls (2) MDMA polydrug (monthly cannabis) vs controls (3) MDMA polydrug (weekly cannabis) vs controls (4) MDMA polydrug (daily cannabis) vs controls (5) MDMA polydrug (former heavy cannabis) vs controls (+/–) Comparison (–) Data from secondary pub. (–) (–) Data from secondary pub. SCL-90-R: depression SCL-90-R: score SCL–BSI: depression score (–) (1) MDMA polydrug (no cannabis) vs BDI: overall scoreBDI-II: overall score (–) BDI: overall score (–) BDI-II: overall score (–) (–) depression SCL-90-R: score Data from secondary pub. depression SCL-90-R: score BDI: overall scoreBDI-II: overall score (–) (–) Data from secondary pub. 96 96 148 128 98 125 118 103 125 118 Thomasius et al . 2005 Study Measure Milani et al . 2005 users vs dr ug-naïve controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Hoshi et al . 2007 Lamers et al . 2006 Hoshi et al . 2007 et al . Roiser 2007 Thomasius et al . 2005 et al . Roiser 2007 Yip and Lee Yip 2005 283

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 28 3.29 1.65 35 2.84 1.41 –0.296 (–0.796 to 0.204) 28 1.26 0.32 35 1.19 0.32 –0.219 (–0.717 to 0.280) 28 3.06 1.52 35 2.52 0.76 –0.466 (–0.969 to 0.038) 28 2.92 1.25 35 2.3 0.76 –0.616 (–1.125 to –0.107) 43 97.24 35.34 51 77.28 28.07 –0.632 (–1.048 to –0.216) 43 46.95 15.28 51 39.68 12.93 –0.517 (–0.930 to –0.105) 15 45.228 8.11 27 15 40.8 10.61 28 8.23 29.86 10.95 –0.539 0.265 (–1.268 to 0.191) (–0.261 to 0.791) 26 14.65 6.44 31 10.71 3.63 –0.772 (–1.313 to –0.231) MDMA users Controls 4630 4.3546 3.35 1.8430 4.17 1.15 4646 3.45 1.62 3.09 3730 2.37 0.91 2.85 4646 1.18 2.39 1.03 2.72 3730 1.3 3.79 1.12 –0.815 2.25 4615 1.25 2.91 1.64 1.47 37 0.82 –0.405 45.2 1.17 –1.002 1.34 46 (–1.241 to –0.390) 0.59 8.11 –1.393 3.75 37 0.47 (–0.891 to 0.082) –1.072 3.33 15 (–1.436 to –0.568) 2.15 –1.271 40.8 (–1.931 to –0.855) 1.61 –0.021 (–1.510 to –0.635) 8.23 0.294 (–1.800 to –0.743) –0.539 (–0.430 to 0.388) (–0.191 to 0.778) (–1.268 to 0.191) n (2) Light users vs controls 16 7.4 3.6 11 6.2 3.8 –0.326 (–1.099 to 0.447) (2) Study 2 (2) Study 2 (2) Study 2 (2) Study 2 (–) (–) (–) (–) (1) Study 1 (–) (1) Study 1 (–) (1) Study 1 (–) (1) Study 1 (+/–) Comparison PMQ: strategies PMQ: short-term habitual (–) PMQ: long-term episodic (–) PMQ: internally cued EMQ: overall score CFQ: self-rated – total score (–) Uplifts/hassles: cognitive failures (–)CFQ: self-rated – total score (1) Heavy users vs controls 12FZ–EMQ: overall score (–) 8.3PMQ: internally cued 3.6 (–) PMQ: long-term 11 6.2PMQ: short-term 3.8PMQ: strategies –0.568CFQ: self-rated – total score (–1.404 to 0.268) – total scoreCFQ: other-rated (–) (–) (3) Study 3 Memory – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 139 122 99 76 149 Gouzoulis et al . 2000 Heffernan et al . 2001 Rodgers Rodgers 2000 Montgomery and Fisk 2007 Study Measure Current users vs polydrug controls et al . Parrott 2000

284 71 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD MDMA usersn Controls 43 0.81 0.59 77 0.73 0.59 –0.13618 (–0.509 to 0.238) 1.01 0.891 89 0.33 13.7 0.32 1.6 –0.884 21 (–1.753 to –0.014) 13.8 3.2 0.035 (–0.746 to 0.816) 12 13.8 9.8 11 4.9 4.221 –1.162 38.8 (–2.052 to –0.271) 10.4 1032 32.1 37.09 8.91 7 16 37.25 –0.707 9.28 (–1.482 to 0.068) 0.018 (–0.582 to 0.618) 17 13.2 3.2 12 10.6 0.9 –1.028 (–1.816 to –0.240) 16 7.5 7.2 11 4.9 4.221 –0.421 33.5 (–1.197 to 0.356) 6.9 10 32.1 7 –0.202 (–0.957 to 0.553) 10.5 0.96 0.092 14 0.89 0.053 –0.974 (–1.823 to –0.125) (2) Heavy users vs cannabis controls 59.5 0.88 0.6 48.5 0.78 0.6 –0.167(2) Male (–0.546 to 0.213) (2) Men: heavy users vs cannabis controls 47 0.84 0.679 28.5 0.74 0.679 –0.147 (–0.613 to 0.319) (2) Light users vs controls (2) Moderate users vs controls (3) Light users vs polydrug controls 57.5 0.8 0.6 51 0.81 0.6 0.017 (–0.360 to 0.394) (3) Men: light users vs polydrug controls 34 0.76 0.66 36 0.79 0.509 0.051 (–0.418 to 0.520) (4) Light users vs cannabis controls 57.5 0.8 0.6 48.5 0.78 0.6 –0.033 (–0.415 to 0.349) (4) Men: light users vs cannabis controls 34 0.76 0.66 28.5 0.74 0.679 –0.030 (–0.528 to 0.468) (5) Women: heavy users vs polydrug (5) Women: controls (+/–) Comparison (–) (–) (–) (1) Female SCL-90: anxiety score SCL-90: (–) anxiety SCL-90-R: (1) Heavy users vs controls score anxiety score SCL-90: (–) (1) Heavy users vs polydrug controls trait anxietySTAI-DY: 59.5 (–) 0.88 anxiety SCL-90-R: 0.6score (1) Heavy users vs controls trait anxietySTAI: 51 0.81 (–) anxiety SCL-90-R: 0.6score –0.117 anxiety score SCL-90: (–) (–0.491 to 0.258) (1) Men: heavy users vs polydrug controls 47 0.84 0.679 36 0.79 0.509 –0.082 (–0.516 to 0.352) Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 132 139 140 139 129 103 104 143 Study Measure Current users vs polydrug controls et al . Parrott 2000 Parrott et al . Parrott 2001 Curran and Verheyden 2003 von Geusau et al . 2004 Milani et al . 2004 Dughiero et al . 2001 Morgan et al . 2002 Verkes et al . Verkes 2001


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD MDMA usersn Controls 48 5330 12.2 0.42 17 0.411 14.5 53 0.54 0.539 7.3 0.264 0.000 (–0.366 to 0.893) (–0.553 to 0.553) 31 0.775 0.779 14.5 0.54 0.539 –0.329 (–0.957 to 0.298) 15 0.71 0.852 8 0.33 0.32 –0.528 (–1.401 to 0.345) 83 5.28231 5.751 91 10.111 1.216 8.88 10.3 1.57 1525 10.4 8.03 35.52 –0.984 15 7.55 8.3 (–1.300 to –0.669) 2.9 14.5 35.76 –0.238 1.9 6.9332 (–0.856 to 0.381) 42.87 0.033 –1.077 11.22 (–1.913 to –0.242) 16 (–0.614 to 0.680) 37.2530 9.28 11.8728 12.21 –0.529 15 37.75 (–1.139 to 0.081) 9.67 8.03 14.5 8.3 35.76 6.93 –0.346 –0.225 (–0.970 to 0.278) (–0.861 to 0.411) 10.5 0.96 0.092 19.5 0.83 0.5 –0.317 (–1.072 to 0.437) 22.5 0.85 0.604 14 0.89 0.053 0.084 (–0.584 to 0.751) 22.5 0.85 0.604 19.5 0.83 0.5 –0.036 (–0.642 to 0.571) 105 105 502 pub. secondary from (6) Women: heavy users vs cannabis (6) Women: controls (7) Women: light users vs polydrug (7) Women: controls (8) Women: light users vs cannabis (8) Women: controls (+/–) Comparison (–) Data from secondary pub. (–) (–) Data from secondary pub. STAI: trait anxietySTAI: anxiety SCL-90-R: (–)score HARS: overall score Data BAI: overall score (–) BAI: overall score (–) trait anxietySTAI: (–) (–) anxiety SCL-90-R: score trait anxietySTAI: (–) anxiety SCL-90-R: score BAI: overall score trait anxietySTAI: (–) (–) Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) 96 96 124 145 116 98 125 103 104 116 125 Study Measure Thomasius et al . 2005 Fingeret et al . 2005 et al . Ward 2006 Curran and Verheyden 2003 Ward et al . Ward 2006 Lamers et al . 2006 Hoshi et al . 2007 users vs polydrug controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Thomasius et al . 2005 Hoshi et al . 2007 Medina et al . 2005

286 72 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n 59.5 0.88 0.657.5 92.5 0.8 0.69 0.618 0.5 92.5 1.0147 –0.351 0.69 (–0.679 to –0.023) 0.891 0.8447 0.5 7.5 0.07 0.24 –0.204 0.8434 50 (–0.534 to 0.126) 0.31 0.07 0.76 0.6 –0.993 3010.5 0.08 (–1.891 to –0.095) 0.05 0.57 0.96 50 –3.96610.5 0.07 0.02 0.6 (–4.656 to –3.276) 0.96 –3.85722.5 42 0.05 0.02 (–4.626 to –3.089) 0.85 0.8 –2.50822.5 44.5 0.09 0.71 (–3.089 to –1.927) 0.85 0.056 42 0.05 –3.487 0.09 0.8 –5.425 (–4.446 to –2.528) 30 44.5 0.5 0.71 (–6.657 to –4.193) 0.05 0.42 3.6 0.05 –0.752 0.411 –2.122 6 (–1.280 to –0.223) 15 (–2.747 to –1.498) 2.2 0.32 0.301 4.5 –0.264 0.417 (–0.886 to 0.358) (–0.729 to 1.563) controls (2) Heavy users vs drug-free controls(3) Light users vs alcohol/tobacco controls 59.5(4) Light users vs drug-free controls 0.88 0.6 57.5 75 0.8controls 0.65(2) Men: heavy users vs drug-free 0.6controls 0.5(3) Men: light users vs alcohol/tobacco 75 –0.421controls 0.65(4) Men: light users vs drug-free controls (–0.765 to –0.077) 34 0.5 heavy users vs alcohol/ (5) Women: tobacco controls –0.275 0.76 heavy users vs drug-free (6) Women: (–0.620 to 0.070) controls 0.08 light users vs alcohol/ (7) Women: 30tobacco controls light users vs drug-free 0.57(8) Women: controls 0.07 –2.517 (–3.178 to –1.856) (+/–) Comparison SCL-90: anxiety score SCL-90: (–) (1) Heavy users vs alcohol/tobacco anxiety score SCL-90-R: (–) anxiety score SCL-90: (–) (1) Men: heavy users vs alcohol/tobacco POMS: anxiety score anxiety score SCL-90-R: (–) (–) Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 96 141 103 143 134 Study Measure Current users vs drug-naïve controls et al . Parrott 2001 Milani et al . 2004 Jacobsen et al . 2004 Thomasius et al . 2005 Morgan et al . 2002


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n 44 1.1270 0.84 0.8231 24.2 0.85 0.69 0.73103 24.2 0.67 0.6 0.69 0.9332 –0.548 24.2 0.8 0.67 (–1.053 to –0.043) 0.69 1.0711 –0.161 24.2 1.07 0.67 0.69 (–0.624 to 0.302) 10.325 –0.063 24.2 0.67 10.4 0.69 (–0.595 to 0.468) 35.52 –0.309 15 7.55 0.67 (–0.753 to 0.136) 15 4 –0.413 13.5 33.94 (–0.947 to 0.121) 0.7131 8.44 4.3 0.852 –0.201 0.77528 7.5 –0.843 0.779 (–0.864 to 0.463) 0.24 (–1.657 to –0.029) 15 37.75 9.67 0.31 0.32 –0.648 13.5 0.301 33.94 (–1.547 to 0.251) –0.683 8.44 (–1.316 to –0.051) –0.410 (–1.065 to 0.246) controls (2) MDMA polydrug (monthly cannabis) vs controls (3) MDMA polydrug (weekly cannabis) vs controls (4) MDMA polydrug (daily cannabis) vs controls (5) MDMA polydrug (former heavy cannabis) vs controls (+/–) Comparison SCL–BSI: anxiety score (–) (1) MDMA polydrug (no cannabis) vs BAI: overall score trait anxietySTAI: (–) (–) anxiety score SCL-90-R: (–) anxiety score SCL-90-R: (–) trait anxietySTAI: (–) Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) 96 148 98 125 103 125 Study Measure Milani et al . 2005 Lamers et al . 2006 Hoshi et al . 2007 users vs drug-naïve controls Former Morgan et al . 2002 Thomasius et al . 2005 Hoshi et al . 2007

288 73 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD 20 0.225 0.242 20 0.144 0.244 –0.334 (–0.958 to 0.290) 20 2410 1373 20 2392 868 0.016 (–0.604 to 0.635) 20 0.769 0.273 20 0.8 0.285 0.112 (–0.508 to 0.732) 25 0.51 1.72 20 –0.420 1.48 –0.562 3589 (–1.162 to 0.038) 1948 20 4266 2063 –0.337 (–0.962 to 0.287) MDMA users n 19 0.76 1.43 19 0.12 1.49 –0.438 (–1.082 to 0.206) 16 1.04 2.19 12 –0.4920 1.16 –0.838 1.075 (–1.620 to –0.055) 1.342 20 –0.23 1.342 –0.973 (–1.630 to –0.315) 500 (3) Light users vs polydrug controls 14 4.3 4.2 18 6.1 5.2 0.376 (–0.329 to 1.080) (2) Heavy users vs cannabis controls 9 8.3 4 27 4.9 4.5 –0.775 (–1.551 to 0.002) (2) Study 2 (–) (4) Light users vs cannabis controls 14 4.3 4.2 27 4.9 4.5 0.136 (–0.510 to 0.782) (+) (–) (+) (–) (1) Study 1 (–) (1) Heavy users vs polydrug controls 9(–) 8.3 4 18 6.1(–) 5.2 –0.454 Data from secondary pub. (–1.264 to 0.356) RGT: losses only – RGT: risky choices RGT: losses only – RGT: latency – ms RGT: gains only – RGT: risky choices RGT: gains only – RGT: latency – ms Measure (+/–) Comparison MFFT-20: MFFT-20: impulsivity score Bets16 – risk- taking score MFFT-20: impulsivity score impulsivity MFFT: score 110 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 77 115 83 Quednow et al . 2006 Morgan et al . 2006 Butler and Montgomery 2004 Current users vs polydrug controls Morgan 1998 Study


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD 30 0.27 0.32 15 0.37 0.320 0.319 0.42 (–0.305 to 0.942) 0.29 15 0.37 0.3 –0.170 (–0.841 to 0.501) 30 3834 1771 15 3579 169120 0.146 (–0.474 to 0.767) 3728 1704 15 3579 1691 0.088 (–0.582 to 0.758) 30 0.8 0.27 15 0.73 0.3220 –0.244 0.76 (–0.866 to 0.378) 0.32 15 0.73 0.32 –0.094 (–0.764 to 0.576) MDMA users n 30 2220 1318 15 2006 776.320 0.183 (–0.438 to 0.804) 2280 1199 15 2006 776.3 0.263 (–0.410 to 0.935) (–) (–) (+) (+) (–) (–) (+) (+) RGT: losses only – RGT: risky choices losses only – RGT: risky choices RGT: losses only – RGT: latency – ms losses only – RGT: latency – ms RGT: gains only – RGT: risky choices gains only – RGT: risky choices Measure (+/–) Comparison RGT: gains only – RGT: latency – ms gains only – RGT: latency – ms Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis ( continued) 118 118 Former users vs polydrug controls Former et al . Roiser 2007 Roiser et al . Roiser 2007 Study

290 74 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 continued Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n 16 1.04 2.19 16 –0.67 1.28 0.95320 1.075 (0.220–1.687) 1.342 19 –0.85 1.962 1.151 (0.471–1.832) 20 3589 1948 19 4528 2120 0.462 (–0.175 to 1.098) 28 4.3 4.2 56.520 3.9 0.769 0.273 4.8 19 0.822 0.087 0.261 (–0.366 to 0.540) –0.201 (–0.830 to 0.429) 25 0.51 1.72 19 –0.28 2.2 0.407 (–0.196 to 1.010) 20 2410 1373 19 3044 3717 0.229 (–0.401 to 0.859) 20 0.225 0.242 19 0.211 0.191 0.066 (–0.562 to 0.694) (2) Infrequent users vs controls 8 0.14(2) Light users vs controls 0.13 10 0.21 0.169 –0.457 (–1.401 to 0.486) (2) Study 2 (2) Infrequent users vs controls 8 0.22 0.159 10 0.21 0.137 0.068 (–0.862 to 0.998) (+/–) Comparison (+) (1) Study 1 (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 8(+) 0.4 (1) Heavy users vs controls(+) 0.245 10 18 8.3 0.21 4 0.169 0.923 56.5 (–0.060 to 1.906) 3.9 4.8 0.951 (0.399–1.504) (–) (+) (–) (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls 8 0.426 0.182 10 0.21 0.137 1.366 (0.323–2.409) (+) Measure MFFT-20: impulsivity MFFT-20: score Delayed memory task – adjusted commission errors [ n ] Bets16 – risk-taking score impulsivity MFFT-20: score RGT: gains only – latency RGT: – ms RGT: gains only – risky RGT: choices RGT: losses only – RGT: latency – ms Immediate memory task – adjusted commission errors [ n ] RGT: losses only – risky RGT: choices 110 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 133 77 115 Study Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan 1998 Morgan et al . 2006 Moeller et al . 2002 Butler and Montgomery 2004


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) Controls n Mean SD MDMA users n 19 0.76 1.43 19 0 1.77 0.472 (–0.173 to 1.118) 30 2220 1318 15 2353 158420 0.095 2280 (–0.525 to 0.715) 1199 15 2353 1584 0.053 (–0.616 to 0.723) 30 0.8 0.27 15 0.81 0.2420 0.76 –0.038 0.32 (–0.658 to 0.581) 15 0.81 0.24 –0.173 (–0.844 to 0.498) 30 3834 1771 15 3566 192820 –0.147 3728 (–0.768 to 0.473) 1704 15 3566 1928 –0.090 (–0.760 to 0.580) 30 0.27 0.32 15 0.4 0.3620 0.42 –0.390 0.29 (–1.015 to 0.235) 15 0.4 0.36 0.062 (–0.607 to 0.732) 500 (+/–) Comparison (–) (–) (+) (+) (–) (–) (+) (+) Measure MFFT: impulsivity scoreMFFT: (+) gains only – latency RGT: Data from secondary pub. – ms gains only – latency RGT: – ms RGT: gains only – risky RGT: choices gains only – risky RGT: choices RGT: losses only – RGT: latency – ms losses only – RGT: latency – ms RGT: losses only – risky RGT: choices losses only – risky RGT: choices Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis (continued) 83 118 118 Study Quednow et al . 2006 Roiser et al . Roiser 2007 Former users vs drug-naïve controls Former et al . Roiser 2007

292 75 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Mean SD 25 1216 4.25 11.1 20 4.7 10.7 11 4.29 8.9 –0.305 4.743 9.42 (–0.896 to 0.287) 83 –0.468 4.49 68.0459 31 (–1.247 to 0.310) 13.01 71.3 9130 10.42 9.8 8.4 57.43 4.53 61 8.819 4.4 0.222 68.9 –0.964 15 (–0.241 to 0.685) 10.520 (–1.278 to –0.649) 8.6 10.5 –0.236 3.5 5.3 (–0.595 to 0.123) 15 0.048 8.6 (–0.571 to 0.668) 3.5 –0.411 (–1.088 to 0.266) n MDMA users Controls 32 57.63 14.49 16 51.03 14.29 –0.458 (–1.065 to 0.150) 32 59.84 13.83 16 51.03 14.29 –0.630 (–1.244 to –0.016) 158 158 (2) Light users vs controls (2) Heavy users vs cannabis controls 9(3) Light users vs polydrug controls(4) Light users vs cannabis controls 14 11.1 14 10.3 5.4 10.3 4.2 27.5 4.2 18.5 8.7 27.5 9.8 3.8 8.7 4.6 3.8 –0.568 –0.113 (–1.333 to 0.197) –0.406 (–0.808 to 0.582) (–1.056 to 0.243) (–) Data from secondary pub. (–) (–) Follow-up (–) Data from secondary pub. (+/–) Comparison IVE: overall scoreIVE: overall score (–) (–)BIS-II: total Study 2 (1) Heavy users vs controlsIVE: overall score (–) 12 13.4controlspolydrug vs users Heavy (1) 9IVE: overall score 3.4 11.1 (–) BIS-II: total 11 5.4 8.9BIS-II: total 18.5IVE: overall score 4.7 9.8 (–) 4.6 –1.105BIS-II: total (–1.989 to –0.222) –0.267IVE: overall score (–1.067 to 0.533) (–) Measure 110 144 Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 139 104 77 145 93 118 104 118 Parrott et al . Parrott 2000 Curran and Verheyden 2003 and Travers 2005 Lyvers Fingeret et al . 2005 de Win et al . 2006 et al . Roiser 2007 users vs drug-naïve controls Former Curran and to Verheyden 2003 Butler and Montgomery 2004 Current users vs polydrug controls Morgan 1998 Study et al . Roiser 2007


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 6 Mean SD SMD (95% CI) n Controls Mean SD MDMA users n 25 12 4.25 19 8.47 5.1230 –0.760 (–1.379 to –0.142) 8.420 4.4 10.5 15 5.3 6.8 15 4.5 6.8 –0.361 4.5 (–0.985 to 0.264) –0.744 (–1.437 to –0.050) (2) Heavy users vs controls 18 11.47 3.3 9 7.44 2.7 –1.291 (–2.168 to –0.415) (2) Infrequent users vs controls 8(2) Light users vs controls 59(2) Heavy users vs controls 28 11.54 10 10.3 18 4.2 62.5 81.3 9.127 6.7 58 0.341 7.5 9 (–0.596 to 1.278) 4.1 69.7 8.2 –0.678 (–1.140 to –0.215) –1.608 (–2.524 to –0.692) (+/–) Comparison (+) (1) Heavy users vs controls(+) 8 (1) Light users vs controls 73 7.937 18 10 81.4 62.5 11.9 9.127 9 –1.217 (–2.238 to –0.196) 69.7 8.2 –1.078 (–1.932 to –0.224) IVE: overall score (+) (1) Light users vs controls 18 11.12 3.5 9 7.44 2.7 –1.127 (–1.986 to –0.268) Measure IVE: overall scoreBIS-II: total (+)IVE: overall score Study 2 (+)BIS-II: total (1) Heavy users vs controls 18IVE: overall score 11.1 (+) IVE: overall score 5.4 (+) 58 7.5 4.1 –0.812 (–1.357 to –0.267) 77 118 118 110 150 Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: dataset used in meta-analysis 133 Roiser et al . 2007 Roiser Butler and Montgomery 2004 Dafters 2006 Study Current users vs drug-naïve controls Morgan 1998 Moeller et al . 2002 users vs drug-naïve controls Former et al . 2007 Roiser

294 77 TABLE DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Appendix 7 Dose–response: estimated total lifetime dose of ecstasy plotted against effect estimates



200 400 600 800 1000


–10.0 Mean difference in score ( Σ trials 1–5)

–15.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 88 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (immediate) (sum of trials 1–5) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


1.0 Metaregression line p = 0.155 0.5

200 400 600 800 1000 –0.5 –1.0


–2.0 Mean difference in score –2.5 –3.0

–3.5 –4.0

Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 89 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) verbal recall (delayed) (trial 8) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA. 295

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –0.5


–1.5 Mean difference in score –2.0


–3.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 90 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (immediate) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –0.5


–1.5 Mean difference in score –2.0


–3.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 91 Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) prose recall (delayed) – ecstasy users versus. polydrug controls: mean difference in score against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

296 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6



0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600

–0.5 Mean difference in score


–1.5 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 92 Digit span (forwards) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.



0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600

–0.5 Mean difference in score


–1.5 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 93 Digit span (backwards) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in score against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7





100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 –2.0 Mean difference in score –4.0


–8.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 94 IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: mean difference in IQ against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900


Mean difference in score –2.0


–4.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 95 IQ (National Adult Reading Test) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: mean difference in IQ against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

298 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


200 400 600 800 1000



Standardised mean difference –1.5


Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 96 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900



–1.2 Standardised mean difference –1.6

–2.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 97 Verbal memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7



200 400 600 800 900


Standardised mean difference –1.0


Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 98 Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900




–4.0 Standardised mean difference –5.0

–6.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 99 Verbal memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

300 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

–0.4 Standardised mean difference –0.8

–1.2 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 100 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

–0.4 Standardised mean difference

–0.8 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 101 Visual memory – immediate (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Standardised mean difference –0.4

–0.8 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 102 Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900


–1.0 Standardised mean difference –1.5

–2.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 103 Visual memory – delayed (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

302 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


100 200 300 400 500 600


–1.0 Standardised mean difference –1.5

–2.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 104 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.



0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600

–0.5 Standardised mean difference –1.0

–1.5 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 105 Working memory (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


–0.4 Standardised mean difference –0.6


Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 106 Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.



0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600


Standardised mean difference –1.0


Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 107 Attention – focus–execute (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

304 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6






0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –0.2

Standardised mean difference –0.4


–0.8 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 108 Attention – sustain (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.



0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600


–0.4 Standardised mean difference –0.6

–0.8 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 109 Executive function – planning (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

–0.5 Standardised mean difference –1.0

–1.5 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 110 Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.






100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –0.2

Standardised mean difference –0.4

–0.6 Metaregression line p = 0.008 –0.8 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 111 Executive function – response inhibition (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

306 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6


0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

100 200 300 400 500 600 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 Standardised mean difference –0.8 –1.0 –1.2 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 112 Executive function – shifting (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900



–0.6 Standardised mean difference


–1.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 113 Perceptual organisation (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900


–1.0 Standardised mean difference


–2.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 114 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900


–1.0 Standardised mean difference –1.5 Metaregression line p = 0.048 –2.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 115 Depression – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

308 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6



50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


–0.4 Standardised mean difference –0.6

–0.8 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 116 Memory – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –1.0


–3.0 Standardised mean difference


–5.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 117 Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –1.0



–4.0 Standardised mean difference


–6.0 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 118 Anxiety – self-rated (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.






100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –0.2 Standardised mean difference


–0.6 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 119 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

310 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6







0.2 Standardised mean difference 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –0.2

–0.4 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 120 Impulsivity – objective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.







Standardised mean difference 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 –0.2

–0.4 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 121 Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus polydrug controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 7




0.5 Standardised mean difference

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

–0.5 Ecstasy consumption: ETLD (tablets)

FIGURE 122 Impulsivity – subjective measures (composite measure) – ecstasy users versus drug-naïve controls: standardised mean difference against estimated total lifetime dose (ETLD) of MDMA.

312 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Appendix 8 Map of Level III evidence

Outcomes identified in case series and case reports containing fatal cases –– Outcome n References Asthma exacerbation/other respiratory 1 35 distress (see also: Pneumomediastinum) Brain haemorrhage/other organic brain 14 169,176,195,202,204,206,207,212,213,277,281,286,292,503 damage Cardiac events (acute) (not sinus 22 176–179,188,195,196,201,203,206,208,209,212,213,215,216, tachycardia) 263,264,278,342,503 Central nervous system abnormalities 5 208,213,229–231 (acute) (see also: Seizures) Death 69 23,29,36,37,39,169,175–188,194–196,199,201,216,224–233, 263–265,277,281,286,292,330,340,342,345–349,503–508 Dental damage/other oral injury 3 195,201,203 Diabetic complications 1 214 Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy 17 37,168,188,196,199,201–203,205–212,214 and other haematological disorders Hyperkalaemia 3 201,211,213,215 Hyperthermia 25 37,168,176,181,188,194–196,199,201–214,216,228 Hypoglycaemia 1 286 Hyponatraemia 8 206,224–233 Hypothermia 3 188,228,230 Immunological dysfunction (aplastic 1 188 anaemia, etc.) Kidney failure 13 168,188,194,196,199,201,205,207,210,211,213,214,345 Liver failure 12 188,194–196,199,205–207,213,214,340,503 Memory (including learning) 1 224 Movement disorder (acute)(dystonia) 1 292 Psychoses/personality disorders (chronic) 1 347 Psychotic episode (acute) (including panic) 2 345,347 Rhabdomyolysis (and other muscular 12 168,188,196,199,202,205,209–211,213,214 dysfunction) Seizures 15 37,168,188,195,199,203–205,207,209,216,228,230,263,292 Suicide/attempted suicide 8 177,210,214,345–349 Vascular abnormalities 1 181


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Appendix 8

Outcomes identified in case series and case reports containing non-fatal cases

Outcome n References Asthma exacerbation/other respiratory 1 302 distress (see also: Pneumomediastinum) Attention deficit disorder 2 509,510 Brain haemorrhage/other organic brain 15 222,250,276,278–280,282–285,287–291 damage Cardiac events (acute) (not sinus 14 190,266–275 tachycardia) Central nervous system abnormalities 30 190,241,244,248,271,273,276,293,295,300,305–307,511–524 (acute) (see also: Seizures) Dental damage/other oral injury 5 525–529 Dependency 2 530,531 Dermatological disorders 5 298,532–538 Diabetic complications 2 536,537 Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy 16 221,274,295,298,306,521,523,535,538–544 and other haematological disorders Hyperkalaemia 1 276 Hyperthermia 43 221,226,262,249,251,267,260,273,275,290,291,293,295,298,301,306, 511,512,516,519–522,540,541,544–559 Hypoglycaemia 2 290,540 Hyponatraemia 24 205–224 Hypothermia 1 220 Immunological dysfunction (aplastic 1 560 anaemia, etc.) Kidney failure 15 221,271,282,291,521,523,539,541–543,552,581,561–563 Liver failure 30 271,274,298,306,332,521,539,543,549,561,564–576 Memory (including learning) 18 221,295,365,368,371,510,525,577–602 Mood (depression, anxiety, etc.) 27 290,352,361,509,525,577,578,581,584–602 Movement disorder (acute) (dystonia) 15 190,222,244,254,280,283–285,295–299,525 Movement disorder (long-term) 3 581,603,604 (including parkinsonism) Neurocognitive function (including 12 295,365,366,369,510,577–580,583,585,592 decision-making, attention, learning) Ocular injury 4 355,605–607 Personality traits (including impulsivity, 10 295,578,581,586,590,598,607–609 aggression, loneliness, etc.) Pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax and 21 268,308,319,322 similar Psychoses/personality disorders (chronic) 32 251,280,293,300,301,351,353,357–369,509,513,514,578,581,585–587, 592–599,610–614 Psychotic episode (acute) (including 19 296,298,300,301,306,350–363 panic) Rhabdomyolysis (and other muscular 24 220,240,242,248,250,271,274,282,293,298,520,523,541–543,546,549, dysfunction) 550,555,561,615–618 Seizures 35 190,222,233–237,240,241,243,245,246,249,270,274,278,293,300,306,337, 353,363,517,520,522,531,540,541,546,547,551,554,555,619,620 Sensorineural dysfunction (auditory, 9 242,289,550,593,621–625 optical) Sexual dysfunction (chronic) 2 581,598 314 DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Outcome n References Sleep 6 299,525,581,585,595,597 Stroke 5 300,307,600,606,627 Suicide/attempted suicide 2 350,611 Susceptibility to infection (chronic) 2 581,628 Urogenital dysfunction (including urinary 6 244,344,552,629–631 retention) Vascular abnormalities 4 308,548,625,626


© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Health Technology Assessment reports published to date

Volume 1, 1997 No. 11 No. 6 Newborn screening for inborn errors of Effectiveness of hip prostheses in No. 1 metabolism: a systematic review. primary total hip replacement: a critical Home parenteral nutrition: a systematic By Seymour CA, Thomason MJ, review of evidence and an economic review. Chalmers RA, Addison GM, Bain MD, model. By Richards DM, Deeks JJ, Sheldon Cockburn F, et al. By Faulkner A, Kennedy LG, Baxter TA, Shaffer JL. K, Donovan J, Wilkinson M, Bevan G. No. 12 No. 2 Routine preoperative testing: a No. 7 Diagnosis, management and screening systematic review of the evidence. Antimicrobial prophylaxis in colorectal of early localised prostate cancer. By Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J. surgery: a systematic review of A review by Selley S, Donovan J, randomised controlled trials. Faulkner A, Coast J, Gillatt D. No. 13 By Song F, Glenny AM. Systematic review of the effectiveness of No. 3 laxatives in the elderly. No. 8 The diagnosis, management, treatment Bone marrow and peripheral By Petticrew M, Watt I, Sheldon T. and costs of prostate cancer in England blood stem cell transplantation for and Wales. malignancy. No. 14 A review by Chamberlain J, Melia J, A review by Johnson PWM, When and how to assess fast-changing Moss S, Brown J. Simnett SJ, Sweetenham JW, Morgan GJ, technologies: a comparative study of Stewart LA. No. 4 medical applications of four generic Screening for fragile X syndrome. technologies. No. 9 A review by Murray J, Cuckle H, A review by Mowatt G, Bower DJ, Screening for speech and language Taylor G, Hewison J. Brebner JA, Cairns JA, Grant AM, delay: a systematic review of the McKee L. literature. No. 5 By Law J, Boyle J, Harris F, A review of near patient testing in Harkness A, Nye C. primary care. Volume 2, 1998 By Hobbs FDR, Delaney BC, No. 10 Fitzmaurice DA, Wilson S, Hyde CJ, No. 1 Resource allocation for chronic Thorpe GH, et al. Antenatal screening for Down’s stable angina: a systematic review of effectiveness, costs and No. 6 syndrome. cost-effectiveness of alternative Systematic review of outpatient services A review by Wald NJ, Kennard A, interventions. for chronic pain control. Hackshaw A, McGuire A. By McQuay HJ, Moore RA, Eccleston By Sculpher MJ, Petticrew M, C, Morley S, de C Williams AC. No. 2 Kelland JL, Elliott RA, Holdright DR, Screening for ovarian cancer: a Buxton MJ. No. 7 systematic review. Neonatal screening for inborn errors of By Bell R, Petticrew M, Luengo S, No. 11 metabolism: cost, yield and outcome. Sheldon TA. Detection, adherence and control of A review by Pollitt RJ, Green A, hypertension for the prevention of McCabe CJ, Booth A, Cooper NJ, No. 3 stroke: a systematic review. Leonard JV, et al. Consensus development methods, By Ebrahim S. and their use in clinical guideline No. 12 No. 8 development. Postoperative analgesia and vomiting, Preschool vision screening. A review by Murphy MK, Black NA, with special reference to day-case A review by Snowdon SK, Lamping DL, McKee CM, Sanderson Stewart-Brown SL. surgery: a systematic review. CFB, Askham J, et al. By McQuay HJ, Moore RA. No. 9 No. 4 Implications of socio-cultural contexts No. 13 A cost–utility analysis of interferon beta for the ethics of clinical trials. Choosing between randomised and A review by Ashcroft RE, Chadwick for multiple sclerosis. nonrandomised studies: a systematic DW, Clark SRL, Edwards RHT, Frith L, By Parkin D, McNamee P, Jacoby A, review. Hutton JL. Miller P, Thomas S, Bates D. By Britton A, McKee M, Black N, McPherson K, Sanderson C, Bain C. No. 10 No. 5 A critical review of the role of neonatal Effectiveness and efficiency of methods No. 14 hearing screening in the detection of of dialysis therapy for end-stage renal Evaluating patient-based outcome congenital hearing impairment. disease: systematic reviews. measures for use in clinical trials. By Davis A, Bamford J, Wilson I, By MacLeod A, Grant A, Donaldson A review by Fitzpatrick R, Davey C, Ramkalawan T, Forshaw M, Wright S. C, Khan I, Campbell M, Daly C, et al. Buxton MJ, Jones DR. 317

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Health Technology Assessment reports published to date

No. 15 No. 4 No. 15 Ethical issues in the design and conduct A randomised controlled trial of Near patient testing in diabetes clinics: of randomised controlled trials. different approaches to universal appraising the costs and outcomes. antenatal HIV testing: uptake and A review by Edwards SJL, Lilford RJ, By Grieve R, Beech R, Vincent J, acceptability. Annex: Antenatal HIV Mazurkiewicz J. Braunholtz DA, Jackson JC, Hewison J, testing – assessment of a routine Thornton J. voluntary approach. By Simpson WM, Johnstone FD, No. 16 No. 16 Boyd FM, Goldberg DJ, Hart GJ, Positron emission tomography: Qualitative research methods in health Gormley SM, et al. establishing priorities for health technology assessment: a review of the technology assessment. literature. No. 5 A review by Robert G, Milne R. Methods for evaluating area-wide and By Murphy E, Dingwall R, organisation-based interventions in No. 17 (Pt 1) Greatbatch D, Parker S, Watson P. health and health care: a systematic The debridement of chronic wounds: a review. systematic review. No. 17 By Ukoumunne OC, Gulliford MC, By Bradley M, Cullum N, Sheldon T. The costs and benefits of paramedic Chinn S, Sterne JAC, Burney PGJ. skills in pre-hospital trauma care. No. 17 (Pt 2) By Nicholl J, Hughes S, Dixon S, No. 6 Assessing the costs of healthcare Systematic reviews of wound care Turner J, Yates D. technologies in clinical trials. management: (2) Dressings and topical A review by Johnston K, Buxton MJ, agents used in the healing of chronic No. 18 Jones DR, Fitzpatrick R. wounds. Systematic review of endoscopic By Bradley M, Cullum N, Nelson EA, ultrasound in gastro-oesophageal No. 7 Petticrew M, Sheldon T, Torgerson D. cancer. Cooperatives and their primary care emergency centres: organisation and By Harris KM, Kelly S, Berry E, No. 18 impact. Hutton J, Roderick P, Cullingworth J, By Hallam L, Henthorne K. A systematic literature review of et al. spiral and electron beam computed No. 8 tomography: with particular reference No. 19 Screening for cystic fibrosis. to clinical applications in hepatic Systematic reviews of trials and other A review by Murray J, Cuckle H, lesions, pulmonary embolus and studies. Taylor G, Littlewood J, Hewison J. coronary artery disease. By Sutton AJ, Abrams KR, Jones DR, By Berry E, Kelly S, Hutton J, No. 9 Sheldon TA, Song F. Harris KM, Roderick P, Boyce JC, et al. A review of the use of health status measures in economic evaluation. No. 20 By Brazier J, Deverill M, Green C, No. 19 Primary total hip replacement surgery: Harper R, Booth A. What role for statins? A review and a systematic review of outcomes economic model. and modelling of cost-effectiveness No. 10 By Ebrahim S, Davey Smith associated with different prostheses. Methods for the analysis of quality- G, McCabe C, Payne N, Pickin M, A review by Fitzpatrick R, Shortall of-life and survival data in health Sheldon TA, et al. technology assessment. E, Sculpher M, Murray D, Morris R, A review by Billingham LJ, No. 20 Lodge M, et al. Abrams KR, Jones DR. Factors that limit the quality, number No. 11 and progress of randomised controlled Volume 3, 1999 Antenatal and neonatal trials. haemoglobinopathy screening in the A review by Prescott RJ, Counsell CE, No. 1 UK: review and economic analysis. Gillespie WJ, Grant AM, Russell IT, By Zeuner D, Ades AE, Karnon J, Informed decision making: an Kiauka S, et al. Brown J, Dezateux C, Anionwu EN. annotated bibliography and systematic No. 21 review. No. 12 Antimicrobial prophylaxis in total hip By Bekker H, Thornton JG, Assessing the quality of reports of replacement: a systematic review. Airey CM, Connelly JB, Hewison J, randomised trials: implications for the By Glenny AM, Song F. Robinson MB, et al. conduct of meta-analyses. A review by Moher D, Cook DJ, No. 22 No. 2 Jadad AR, Tugwell P, Moher M, Jones A, et al. Health promoting schools and health Handling uncertainty when performing promotion in schools: two systematic economic evaluation of healthcare No. 13 reviews. interventions. ‘Early warning systems’ for identifying By Lister-Sharp D, Chapman S, A review by Briggs AH, Gray AM. new healthcare technologies. Stewart-Brown S, Sowden A. By Robert G, Stevens A, Gabbay J. No. 3 No. 23 No. 14 The role of expectancies in the placebo Economic evaluation of a primary A systematic review of the role of effect and their use in the delivery of human papillomavirus testing within a care-based education programme for health care: a systematic review. cervical screening programme. patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. By Crow R, Gage H, Hampson S, By Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Davies P, A review by Lord J, Victor C, 318 Hart J, Kimber A, Thomas H. Adams J, Normand C, Frater A, et al. Littlejohns P, Ross FM, Axford JS. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Volume 4, 2000 No. 11 No. 21 Cost and outcome implications of the Systematic reviews of wound care No. 1 organisation of vascular services. management: (3) antimicrobial agents The estimation of marginal time By Michaels J, Brazier J, for chronic wounds; (4) diabetic foot preference in a UK-wide sample Palfreyman S, Shackley P, Slack R. ulceration. (TEMPUS) project. By O’Meara S, Cullum N, Majid M, A review by Cairns JA, No. 12 Sheldon T. van der Pol MM. Monitoring blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. No. 22 No. 2 By Coster S, Gulliford MC, Seed PT, Using routine data to complement and enhance the results of randomised Geriatric rehabilitation following Powrie JK, Swaminathan R. controlled trials. fractures in older people: a systematic By Lewsey JD, Leyland AH, Murray review. No. 13 The effectiveness of domiciliary GD, Boddy FA. By Cameron I, Crotty M, Currie C, health visiting: a systematic review of Finnegan T, Gillespie L, Gillespie W, international studies and a selective No. 23 et al. review of the British literature. Coronary artery stents in the treatment By Elkan R, Kendrick D, Hewitt M, of ischaemic heart disease: a rapid and No. 3 Robinson JJA, Tolley K, Blair M, et al. systematic review. Screening for sickle cell disease and By Meads C, Cummins C, Jolly K, thalassaemia: a systematic review with No. 14 Stevens A, Burls A, Hyde C. supplementary research. The determinants of screening uptake By Davies SC, Cronin E, Gill M, and interventions for increasing uptake: No. 24 Greengross P, Hickman M, Normand C. a systematic review. Outcome measures for adult critical By Jepson R, Clegg A, Forbes C, care: a systematic review. No. 4 Lewis R, Sowden A, Kleijnen J. By Hayes JA, Black NA, Jenkinson C, Community provision of hearing aids Young JD, Rowan KM, Daly K, et al. and related audiology services. No. 15 A review by Reeves DJ, Alborz A, The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness No. 25 Hickson FS, Bamford JM. of prophylactic removal of wisdom A systematic review to evaluate the teeth. effectiveness of interventions to No. 5 A rapid review by Song F, O’Meara S, promote the initiation of breastfeeding. By Fairbank L, O’Meara S, False-negative results in screening Wilson P, Golder S, Kleijnen J. programmes: systematic review of Renfrew MJ, Woolridge M, Sowden AJ, impact and implications. No. 16 Lister-Sharp D. By Petticrew MP, Sowden AJ, Ultrasound screening in pregnancy: No. 26 Lister-Sharp D, Wright K. a systematic review of the clinical Implantable cardioverter defibrillators: effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and arrhythmias. A rapid and systematic No. 6 women’s views. review. By Bricker L, Garcia J, Henderson J, Costs and benefits of community By Parkes J, Bryant J, Milne R. postnatal support workers: a Mugford M, Neilson J, Roberts T, et al. randomised controlled trial. No. 27 No. 17 By Morrell CJ, Spiby H, Stewart P, Treatments for fatigue in multiple Walters S, Morgan A. A rapid and systematic review of the sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review. effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of By Brañas P, Jordan R, Fry-Smith A, No. 7 the taxanes used in the treatment of Burls A, Hyde C. Implantable contraceptives (subdermal advanced breast and ovarian cancer. implants and hormonally impregnated By Lister-Sharp D, McDonagh MS, No. 28 intrauterine systems) versus other Khan KS, Kleijnen J. Early asthma prophylaxis, natural forms of reversible contraceptives: two history, skeletal development and No. 18 systematic reviews to assess relative economy (EASE): a pilot randomised Liquid-based cytology in cervical effectiveness, acceptability, tolerability controlled trial. screening: a rapid and systematic and cost-effectiveness. By Baxter-Jones ADG, Helms PJ, review. By French RS, Cowan FM, Russell G, Grant A, Ross S, Cairns JA, By Payne N, Chilcott J, McGoogan E. Mansour DJA, Morris S, Procter T, et al. Hughes D, et al. No. 19 No. 29 Randomised controlled trial of non- Screening for hypercholesterolaemia No. 8 directive counselling, cognitive– versus case finding for familial An introduction to statistical methods behaviour therapy and usual general hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic for health technology assessment. practitioner care in the management of review and cost-effectiveness analysis. A review by White SJ, Ashby D, depression as well as mixed anxiety and By Marks D, Wonderling Brown PJ. depression in primary care. D, Thorogood M, Lambert H, By King M, Sibbald B, Ward E, Humphries SE, Neil HAW. No. 9 Bower P, Lloyd M, Gabbay M, et al. Disease-modifying drugs for multiple No. 30 sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review. No. 20 A rapid and systematic review of By Clegg A, Bryant J, Milne R. Routine referral for radiography of the clinical effectiveness and cost- patients presenting with low back pain: effectiveness of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa No. 10 is patients’ outcome influenced by GPs’ antagonists in the medical management Publication and related biases. referral for plain radiography? of unstable angina. A review by Song F, Eastwood AJ, By Kerry S, Hilton S, Patel S, By McDonagh MS, Bachmann LM, Gilbody S, Duley L, Sutton AJ. Dundas D, Rink E, Lord J. Golder S, Kleijnen J, ter Riet G. 319

© 2009 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO. All rights reserved. Health Technology Assessment reports published to date

No. 31 Volume 5, 2001 No. 11 A randomised controlled trial Effectiveness of autologous chondrocyte of prehospital intravenous fluid No. 1 transplantation for hyaline cartilage replacement therapy in serious trauma. Clinical and cost-effectiveness defects in knees: a rapid and systematic By Turner J, Nicholl J, Webber L, of donepezil, rivastigmine and review. Cox H, Dixon S, Yates D. galantamine for Alzheimer’s disease: a By Jobanputra P, Parry D, Fry-Smith rapid and systematic review. A, Burls A. No. 32 By Clegg A, Bryant J, Nicholson T, No. 12 Intrathecal pumps for giving opioids in McIntyre L, De Broe S, Gerard K, et al. Statistical assessment of the learning chronic pain: a systematic review. curves of health technologies. No. 2 By Williams JE, Louw G, By Ramsay CR, Grant AM, Wallace The clinical effectiveness and cost- Towlerton G. SA, Garthwaite PH, Monk AF, Russell IT. effectiveness of riluzole for motor No. 33 neurone disease: a rapid and systematic No. 13 Combination therapy (interferon review. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness alfa and ribavirin) in the treatment By Stewart A, Sandercock J, Bryan S, of temozolomide for the treatment of of chronic hepatitis C: a rapid and Hyde C, Barton PM, Fry-Smith A, et al. recurrent malignant glioma: a rapid systematic review. and systematic review. By Shepherd J, Waugh N, No. 3 By Dinnes J, Cave C, Huang S, Hewitson P. Equity and the economic evaluation of Major K, Milne R. healthcare. No. 34 By Sassi F, Archard L, Le Grand J. No. 14 A systematic review of comparisons of A rapid and systematic review of effect sizes derived from randomised No. 4 the clinical effectiveness and cost- and non-randomised studies. Quality-of-life measures in chronic effectiveness of debriding agents in treating surgical wounds healing by By MacLehose RR, Reeves BC, diseases of childhood. secondary intention. Harvey IM, Sheldon TA, Russell IT, By Eiser C, Morse R. By Lewis R, Whiting P, ter Riet G, Black AMS. No. 5 O’Meara S, Glanville J. Eliciting public preferences for No. 35 healthcare: a systematic review of No. 15 Intravascular ultrasound-guided techniques. Home treatment for mental health interventions in coronary artery By Ryan M, Scott DA, Reeves C, Bate problems: a systematic review. disease: a systematic literature review, A, van Teijlingen ER, Russell EM, et al. By Burns T, Knapp M, Catty J, with decision-analytic modelling, of Healey A, Henderson J, Watt H, et al. outcomes and cost-effectiveness. No. 6 No. 16 By Berry E, Kelly S, Hutton J, General health status measures for How to develop cost-conscious Lindsay HSJ, Blaxill JM, Evans JA, et al. people with cognitive impairment: guidelines. learning disability and acquired brain No. 36 By Eccles M, Mason J. injury. A randomised controlled trial to By Riemsma RP, Forbes CA, evaluate the effectiveness and cost- No. 17 Glanville JM, Eastwood AJ, Kleijnen J. effectiveness of counselling patients The role of specialist nurses in multiple sclerosis: a rapid and systematic review. with chronic depression. No. 7 By De Broe S, Christopher F, By Simpson S, Corney R, An assessment of screening strategies Waugh N. Fitzgerald P, Beecham J. for fragile X syndrome in the UK. By Pembrey ME, Barnicoat AJ, No. 18 No. 37 Carmichael B, Bobrow M, Turner G. A rapid and systematic review Systematic review of treatments for of the clinical effectiveness and atopic eczema. No. 8 cost-effectiveness of orlistat in the By Hoare C, Li Wan Po A, Issues in methodological research: management of obesity. Williams H. perspectives from researchers and By O’Meara S, Riemsma R, commissioners. Shirran L, Mather L, ter Riet G. No. 38 By Lilford RJ, Richardson A, Stevens Bayesian methods in health technology A, Fitzpatrick R, Edwards S, Rock F, et al. No. 19 assessment: a review. The clinical effectiveness and cost- By Spiegelhalter DJ, Myles JP, No. 9 effectiveness of pioglitazone for Jones DR, Abrams KR. Systematic reviews of wound type 2 diabetes mellitus: a rapid and systematic review. care management: (5) beds; By Chilcott J, Wight J, Lloyd Jones No. 39 (6) compression; (7) laser therapy, M, Tappenden P. The management of dyspepsia: a therapeutic ultrasound, electrotherapy systematic review. and electromagnetic therapy. No. 20 By Delaney B, Moayyedi P, Deeks J, By Cullum N, Nelson EA, Extended scope of nursing practice: Innes M, Soo S, Barton P, et al. Flemming K, Sheldon T. a multicentre randomised controlled trial of appropriately trained nurses No. 40 No. 10 and preregistration house officers in A systematic review of treatments for Effects of educational and psychosocial preoperative assessment in elective severe psoriasis. interventions for adolescents with general surgery. By Griffiths CEM, Clark CM, diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. By Kinley H, Czoski-Murray C, Chalmers RJG, Li Wan Po A, By Hampson SE, Skinner TC, Hart J, George S, McCabe C, Primrose J, 320 Williams HC. Storey L, Gage H, Foxcroft D, et al. Reilly C, et al. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

No. 21 No. 31 No. 5 Systematic reviews of the effectiveness Design and use of questionnaires: a The clinical effectiveness and cost- of day care for people with severe review of best practice applicable to effectiveness of inhaler devices used mental disorders: (1) Acute day hospital surveys of health service staff and in the routine management of chronic versus admission; (2) Vocational patients. asthma in older children: a systematic rehabilitation; (3) Day hospital versus By McColl E, Jacoby A, Thomas L, review and economic evaluation. outpatient care. Soutter J, Bamford C, Steen N, et al. By Peters J, Stevenson M, Beverley C, By Marshall M, Crowther R, Lim J, Smith S. Almaraz- Serrano A, Creed F, Sledge W, No. 32 Kluiter H, et al. A rapid and systematic review of No. 6 the clinical effectiveness and cost- The clinical effectiveness and cost- No. 22 effectiveness of paclitaxel, docetaxel, effectiveness of sibutramine in the The measurement and monitoring of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in non- management of obesity: a technology surgical adverse events. small-cell lung cancer. assessment. By Bruce J, Russell EM, Mollison J, By Clegg A, Scott DA, Sidhu M, By O’Meara S, Riemsma R, Shirran Krukowski ZH. Hewitson P, Waugh N. L, Mather L, ter Riet G.

No. 23 No. 33 No. 7 Action research: a systematic review and Subgroup analyses in randomised The cost-effectiveness of magnetic guidance for assessment. controlled trials: quantifying the risks resonance angiography for carotid By Waterman H, Tillen D, Dickson R, of false-positives and false-negatives. artery stenosis and peripheral vascular de Koning K. By Brookes ST, Whitley E, Peters TJ, disease: a systematic review. Mulheran PA, Egger M, Davey Smith G. By Berry E, Kelly S, Westwood ME, No. 24 Davies LM, Gough MJ, Bamford JM, A rapid and systematic review of No. 34 et al. the clinical effectiveness and cost- Depot antipsychotic medication effectiveness of gemcitabine for the in the treatment of patients with No. 8 treatment of pancreatic cancer. schizophrenia: (1) Meta-review; (2) Promoting physical activity in South By Ward S, Morris E, Bansback N, Patient and nurse attitudes. Asian Muslim women through ‘exercise Calvert N, Crellin A, Forman D, et al. By David AS, Adams C. on prescription’. By Carroll B, Ali N, Azam N. No. 25 No. 35 No. 9 A rapid and systematic review of the A systematic review of controlled Zanamivir for the treatment of evidence for the clinical effectiveness trials of the effectiveness and cost- influenza in adults: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness of irinotecan, effectiveness of brief psychological and economic evaluation. oxaliplatin and raltitrexed for the treatments for depression. By Burls A, Clark W, Stewart T, treatment of advanced colorectal By Churchill R, Hunot V, Corney R, Preston C, Bryan S, Jefferson T, et al. cancer. Knapp M, McGuire H, Tylee A, et al. By Lloyd Jones M, Hummel S, No. 10 Bansback N, Orr B, Seymour M. No. 36 Cost analysis of child health A review of the natural history and surveillance. epidemiology of multiple sclerosis: No. 26 implications for resource allocation and Comparison of the effectiveness of By Sanderson D, Wright D, Acton C, Duree D. health economic models. inhaler devices in asthma and chronic By Richards RG, Sampson FC, obstructive airways disease: a systematic Beard SM, Tappenden P. review of the literature. By Brocklebank D, Ram F, Wright J, Volume 6, 2002 No. 11 Barry P, Cates C, Davies L, et al. Screening for gestational diabetes: No. 1 a systematic review and economic No. 27 A study of the methods used to select evaluation. The cost-effectiveness of magnetic review criteria for clinical audit. By Scott DA, Loveman E, McIntyre resonance imaging for investigation of By Hearnshaw H, Harker R, L, Waugh N. the knee joint. Cheater F, Baker R, Grimshaw G. By Bryan S, Weatherburn G, Bungay No. 12 H, Hatrick C, Salas C, Parry D, et al. No. 2 The clinical effectiveness and cost- Fludarabine as second-line therapy for effectiveness of surgery for people with No. 28 B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a morbid obesity: a systematic review and A rapid and systematic review of technology assessment. economic evaluation. the clinical effectiveness and cost- By Hyde C, Wake B, Bryan S, Barton By Clegg AJ, Colquitt J, Sidhu MK, effectiveness of topotecan for ovarian P, Fry-Smith A, Davenport C, et al. Royle P, Loveman E, Walker A. cancer. By Forbes C, Shirran L, Bagnall A-M, No. 3 No. 13 Duffy S, ter Riet G. Rituximab as third-line treatment for The clinical effectiveness of refractory or recurrent Stage III or IV trastuzumab for breast cancer: a No. 29 follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: systematic review. Superseded by a report published in a a systematic review and economic By Lewis R, Bagnall A-M, Forbes C, later volume. evaluation. Shirran E, Duffy S, Kleijnen J, et al. By Wake B, Hyde C, Bryan S, Barton No. 30 P, Song F, Fry-Smith A, et al. No. 14 The role of radiography in primary The clinical effectiveness and cost- care patients with low back pain of at No. 4 effectiveness of vinorelbine for breast least 6 weeks duration: a randomised A systematic review of discharge cancer: a systematic review and (unblinded) controlled trial. arrangements for older people. economic evaluation. By Kendrick D, Fielding K, Bentley By Parker SG, Peet SM, McPherson By Lewis R, Bagnall A-M, King S, E, Miller P, Kerslake R, Pringle M. A, Cannaby AM, Baker R, Wilson A, et al. Woolacott N, Forbes C, Shirran L, et al. 321

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No. 15 No. 24 No. 33 A systematic review of the effectiveness A systematic review of the effectiveness The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of metal-on- of interventions based on a stages-of- of imatinib in chronic myeloid metal hip resurfacing arthroplasty for change approach to promote individual leukaemia: a systematic review. treatment of hip disease. behaviour change. By Garside R, Round A, Dalziel K, By Vale L, Wyness L, McCormack K, By Riemsma RP, Pattenden J, Bridle Stein K, Royle R. McKenzie L, Brazzelli M, Stearns SC. C, Sowden AJ, Mather L, Watt IS, et al. No. 34 No. 16 No. 25 A comparative study of hypertonic The clinical effectiveness and cost- A systematic review update of the saline, daily and alternate-day rhDNase effectiveness of bupropion and nicotine clinical effectiveness and cost- in children with cystic fibrosis. replacement therapy for smoking effectiveness of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa By Suri R, Wallis C, Bush A, cessation: a systematic review and antagonists. Thompson S, Normand C, Flather M, economic evaluation. By Robinson M, Ginnelly L, Sculpher et al. By Woolacott NF, Jones L, Forbes CA, M, Jones L, Riemsma R, Palmer S, et al. Mather LC, Sowden AJ, Song FJ, et al. No. 35 No. 26 A systematic review of the costs and No. 17 A systematic review of the effectiveness, effectiveness of different models of A systematic review of effectiveness cost-effectiveness and barriers to paediatric home care. and economic evaluation of new drug implementation of thrombolytic and By Parker G, Bhakta P, Lovett CA, treatments for juvenile idiopathic neuroprotective therapy for acute Paisley S, Olsen R, Turner D, et al. arthritis: etanercept. ischaemic stroke in the NHS. By Cummins C, Connock M, By Sandercock P, Berge E, Dennis M, Fry-Smith A, Burls A. Forbes J, Hand P, Kwan J, et al. Volume 7, 2003

No. 18 No. 27 No. 1 Clinical effectiveness and cost- A randomised controlled crossover trial How important are comprehensive effectiveness of growth hormone in of nurse practitioner versus doctor- literature searches and the assessment children: a systematic review and led outpatient care in a bronchiectasis of trial quality in systematic reviews? economic evaluation. clinic. Empirical study. By Bryant J, Cave C, Mihaylova B, By Caine N, Sharples LD, By Egger M, Juni P, Bartlett C, Hollingworth W, French J, Keogan M, Chase D, McIntyre L, Gerard K, et al. Holenstein F, Sterne J. Exley A, et al. No. 19 No. 2 No. 28 Clinical effectiveness and cost- Systematic review of the effectiveness Clinical effectiveness and cost – effectiveness of growth hormone and cost-effectiveness, and economic consequences of selective serotonin in adults in relation to impact on evaluation, of home versus hospital or reuptake inhibitors in the treatment of quality of life: a systematic review and satellite unit haemodialysis for people sex offenders. economic evaluation. with end-stage renal failure. By Adi Y, Ashcroft D, Browne K, By Bryant J, Loveman E, Chase D, By Mowatt G, Vale L, Perez J, Wyness Beech A, Fry-Smith A, Hyde C. Mihaylova B, Cave C, Gerard K, et al. L, Fraser C, MacLeod A, et al. No. 29 No. 3 No. 20 Treatment of established osteoporosis: Systematic review and economic Clinical medication review by a a systematic review and cost–utility evaluation of the effectiveness of pharmacist of patients on repeat analysis. infliximab for the treatment of Crohn’s prescriptions in general practice: a By Kanis JA, Brazier JE, Stevenson disease. randomised controlled trial. M, Calvert NW, Lloyd Jones M. By Clark W, Raftery J, Barton P, By Zermansky AG, Petty DR, Raynor Song F, Fry-Smith A, Burls A. DK, Lowe CJ, Freementle N, Vail A. No. 30 Which anaesthetic agents are cost- No. 4 No. 21 effective in day surgery? Literature A review of the clinical effectiveness The effectiveness of infliximab and review, national survey of practice and and cost-effectiveness of routine anti-D etanercept for the treatment of randomised controlled trial. prophylaxis for pregnant women who rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic By Elliott RA Payne K, Moore JK, are rhesus negative. review and economic evaluation. Davies LM, Harper NJN, St Leger AS, By Chilcott J, Lloyd Jones M, Wight By Jobanputra P, Barton P, Bryan S, et al. J, Forman K, Wray J, Beverley C, et al. Burls A. No. 31 No. 5 No. 22 Screening for hepatitis C among Systematic review and evaluation of the A systematic review and economic injecting drug users and in use of tumour markers in paediatric evaluation of computerised cognitive genitourinary medicine clinics: oncology: Ewing’s sarcoma and behaviour therapy for depression and systematic reviews of effectiveness, neuroblastoma. anxiety. modelling study and national survey of By Riley RD, Burchill SA, By Kaltenthaler E, Shackley P, current practice. Abrams KR, Heney D, Lambert PC, Stevens K, Beverley C, Parry G, By Stein K, Dalziel K, Walker A, Jones DR, et al. Chilcott J. McIntyre L, Jenkins B, Horne J, et al. No. 6 No. 23 No. 32 The cost-effectiveness of screening for A systematic review and economic The measurement of satisfaction with Helicobacter pylori to reduce mortality evaluation of pegylated liposomal healthcare: implications for practice and morbidity from gastric cancer and doxorubicin hydrochloride for ovarian from a systematic review of the peptic ulcer disease: a discrete-event cancer. literature. simulation model. By Forbes C, Wilby J, Richardson G, By Crow R, Gage H, Hampson S, By Roderick P, Davies R, Raftery J, 322 Sculpher M, Mather L, Reimsma R. Hart J, Kimber A, Storey L, et al. Crabbe D, Pearce R, Bhandari P, et al. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

No. 7 No. 16 No. 26 The clinical effectiveness and cost- Screening for fragile X syndrome: a Can randomised trials rely on existing effectiveness of routine dental checks: literature review and modelling. electronic data? A feasibility study to a systematic review and economic By Song FJ, Barton P, Sleightholme explore the value of routine data in evaluation. V, Yao GL, Fry-Smith A. health technology assessment. By Davenport C, Elley K, Salas By Williams JG, Cheung WY, C, Taylor-Weetman CL, Fry-Smith A, No. 17 Cohen DR, Hutchings HA, Longo MF, Bryan S, et al. Systematic review of endoscopic sinus Russell IT. surgery for nasal polyps. No. 8 No. 27 By Dalziel K, Stein K, Round A, A multicentre randomised controlled Evaluating non-randomised Garside R, Royle P. trial assessing the costs and benefits intervention studies. of using structured information and By Deeks JJ, Dinnes J, D’Amico R, No. 18 analysis of women’s preferences in the Sowden AJ, Sakarovitch C, Song F, et al. management of menorrhagia. Towards efficient guidelines: how to By Kennedy ADM, Sculpher MJ, monitor guideline use in primary care. No. 28 Coulter A, Dwyer N, Rees M, Horsley S, By Hutchinson A, McIntosh A, A randomised controlled trial to assess et al. Cox S, Gilbert C. the impact of a package comprising a patient-orientated, evidence-based self- No. 9 No. 19 help guidebook and patient-centred Clinical effectiveness and cost–utility Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness consultations on disease management of photodynamic therapy for wet of acute hospital-based spinal cord and satisfaction in inflammatory bowel age-related macular degeneration: injuries services: systematic review. disease. a systematic review and economic By Bagnall A-M, Jones L, Richardson By Kennedy A, Nelson E, Reeves D, evaluation. G, Duffy S, Riemsma R. Richardson G, Roberts C, Robinson A, By Meads C, Salas C, Roberts T, et al. Moore D, Fry-Smith A, Hyde C. No. 20 Prioritisation of health technology No. 29 No. 10 assessment. The PATHS model: The effectiveness of diagnostic tests for Evaluation of molecular tests for the assessment of shoulder pain due prenatal diagnosis of chromosome methods and case studies. to soft tissue disorders: a systematic abnormalities. By Townsend J, Buxton M, review. By Grimshaw GM, Szczepura A, Harper G. By Dinnes J, Loveman E, McIntyre L, Hultén M, MacDonald F, Nevin NC, Waugh N. Sutton F, et al. No. 21 Systematic review of the clinical No. 30 No. 11 effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of The value of digital imaging in diabetic First and second trimester antenatal tension-free vaginal tape for treatment retinopathy. screening for Down’s syndrome: of urinary stress incontinence. By Sharp PF, Olson J, Strachan F, the results of the Serum, Urine and By Cody J, Wyness L, Wallace S, Hipwell J, Ludbrook A, O’Donnell M, Ultrasound Screening Study (SURUSS). Glazener C, Kilonzo M, Stearns S, et al. By Wald NJ, Rodeck C, Hackshaw et al. AK, Walters J, Chitty L, Mackinson AM. No. 22 No. 31 The clinical and cost-effectiveness of No. 12 Lowering blood pressure to prevent patient education models for diabetes: The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness myocardial infarction and stroke: a new a systematic review and economic of ultrasound locating devices for preventive strategy. central venous access: a systematic evaluation. By Law M, Wald N, Morris J. review and economic evaluation. By Loveman E, Cave C, Green C, By Calvert N, Hind D, McWilliams Royle P, Dunn N, Waugh N. No. 32 RG, Thomas SM, Beverley C, Clinical and cost-effectiveness of Davidson A. No. 23 capecitabine and tegafur with uracil for The role of modelling in prioritising the treatment of metastatic colorectal No. 13 and planning clinical trials. cancer: systematic review and economic A systematic review of atypical By Chilcott J, Brennan A, Booth A, evaluation. antipsychotics in schizophrenia. Karnon J, Tappenden P. By Ward S, Kaltenthaler E, Cowan J, By Bagnall A-M, Jones L, Lewis R, Brewer N. Ginnelly L, Glanville J, Torgerson D, No. 24 et al. Cost–benefit evaluation of routine No. 33 Clinical and cost-effectiveness of new influenza immunisation in people and emerging technologies for early No. 14 65–74 years of age. localised prostate cancer: a systematic Prostate Testing for Cancer and By Allsup S, Gosney M, Haycox A, Treatment (ProtecT) feasibility study. review. Regan M. By Donovan J, Hamdy F, Neal D, By Hummel S, Paisley S, Morgan A, Peters T, Oliver S, Brindle L, et al. Currie E, Brewer N. No. 25 The clinical and cost-effectiveness of No. 15 No. 34 Early thrombolysis for the treatment pulsatile machine perfusion versus cold Literature searching for clinical and of acute myocardial infarction: a storage of kidneys for transplantation cost-effectiveness studies used in health systematic review and economic retrieved from heart-beating and non- technology assessment reports carried evaluation. heart-beating donors. out for the National Institute for By Boland A, Dundar Y, Bagust A, By Wight J, Chilcott J, Holmes M, Clinical Excellence appraisal system. Haycox A, Hill R, Mujica Mota R, et al. Brewer N. By Royle P, Waugh N. 323

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No. 35 No. 2 No. 11 Systematic review and economic Systematic review and modelling of the The use of modelling to evaluate decision modelling for the prevention investigation of acute and chronic chest new drugs for patients with a chronic and treatment of influenza A and B. pain presenting in primary care. condition: the case of antibodies By Turner D, Wailoo A, Nicholson K, By Mant J, McManus RJ, Oakes RAL, against tumour necrosis factor in Cooper N, Sutton A, Abrams K. Delaney BC, Barton PM, Deeks JJ, et al. rheumatoid arthritis. By Barton P, Jobanputra P, Wilson J, No. 36 No. 3 Bryan S, Burls A. A randomised controlled trial The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness No. 12 to evaluate the clinical and cost- of microwave and thermal balloon Clinical effectiveness and cost- effectiveness of Hickman line insertions endometrial ablation for heavy effectiveness of neonatal screening in adult cancer patients by nurses. menstrual bleeding: a systematic review for inborn errors of metabolism using By Boland A, Haycox A, Bagust A, and economic modelling. tandem mass spectrometry: a systematic Fitzsimmons L. By Garside R, Stein K, Wyatt K, review. Round A, Price A. By Pandor A, Eastham J, Beverley C, No. 37 Chilcott J, Paisley S. Redesigning postnatal care: a No. 4 randomised controlled trial of protocol- A systematic review of the role of No. 13 based midwifery-led care focused bisphosphonates in metastatic disease. Clinical effectiveness and cost- on individual women’s physical and By Ross JR, Saunders Y, effectiveness of pioglitazone and psychological health needs. Edmonds PM, Patel S, Wonderling D, rosiglitazone in the treatment of type By MacArthur C, Winter HR, Normand C, et al. 2 diabetes: a systematic review and Bick DE, Lilford RJ, Lancashire RJ, economic evaluation. Knowles H, et al. No. 5 By Czoski-Murray C, Warren E, Systematic review of the clinical Chilcott J, Beverley C, Psyllaki MA, No. 38 effectiveness and cost-effectiveness Cowan J. Estimating implied rates of discount in of capecitabine (Xeloda®) for locally No. 14 healthcare decision-making. advanced and/or metastatic breast Routine examination of the newborn: By West RR, McNabb R, Thompson cancer. the EMREN study. Evaluation of an AGH, Sheldon TA, Grimley Evans J. By Jones L, Hawkins N, Westwood M, extension of the midwife role including Wright K, Richardson G, Riemsma R. a randomised controlled trial of No. 39 appropriately trained midwives and Systematic review of isolation policies No. 6 paediatric senior house officers. in the hospital management of Effectiveness and efficiency of guideline By Townsend J, Wolke D, Hayes J, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus dissemination and implementation Davé S, Rogers C, Bloomfield L, et al. aureus: a review of the literature strategies. with epidemiological and economic By Grimshaw JM, Thomas RE, No. 15 modelling. MacLennan G, Fraser C, Ramsay CR, Involving consumers in research and By Cooper BS, Stone SP, Kibbler CC, Vale L, et al. development agenda setting for the Cookson BD, Roberts JA, Medley GF, NHS: developing an evidence-based et al. No. 7 approach. Clinical effectiveness and costs of the By Oliver S, Clarke-Jones L, Rees R, No. 40 Sugarbaker procedure for the treatment Milne R, Buchanan P, Gabbay J, et al. Treatments for spasticity and pain in of pseudomyxoma peritonei. No. 16 multiple sclerosis: a systematic review. By Bryant J, Clegg AJ, Sidhu MK, A multi-centre randomised controlled By Beard S, Hunn A, Wight J. Brodin H, Royle P, Davidson P. trial of minimally invasive direct coronary bypass grafting versus No. 41 No. 8 percutaneous transluminal coronary The inclusion of reports of randomised Psychological treatment for insomnia angioplasty with stenting for proximal trials published in languages other than in the regulation of long-term hypnotic stenosis of the left anterior descending English in systematic reviews. drug use. coronary artery. By Moher D, Pham B, Lawson ML, By Morgan K, Dixon S, Mathers N, By Reeves BC, Angelini GD, Bryan Klassen TP. Thompson J, Tomeny M. AJ, Taylor FC, Cripps T, Spyt TJ, et al.

No. 42 No. 9 No. 17 The impact of screening on future Improving the evaluation of Does early magnetic resonance imaging health-promoting behaviours and therapeutic interventions in multiple influence management or improve health beliefs: a systematic review. sclerosis: development of a patient- outcome in patients referred to By Bankhead CR, Brett J, Bukach C, based measure of outcome. secondary care with low back pain? A Webster P, Stewart-Brown S, Munafo M, By Hobart JC, Riazi A, Lamping DL, pragmatic randomised controlled trial. et al. Fitzpatrick R, Thompson AJ. By Gilbert FJ, Grant AM, Gillan MGC, Vale L, Scott NW, Campbell MK, et al. No. 10 A systematic review and economic Volume 8, 2004 No. 18 evaluation of magnetic resonance The clinical and cost-effectiveness No. 1 cholangiopancreatography compared of anakinra for the treatment of What is the best imaging strategy for with diagnostic endoscopic retrograde rheumatoid arthritis in adults: a acute stroke? cholangiopancreatography. systematic review and economic By Wardlaw JM, Keir SL, Seymour J, By Kaltenthaler E, Bravo Vergel Y, analysis. Lewis S, Sandercock PAG, Dennis MS, Chilcott J, Thomas S, Blakeborough T, By Clark W, Jobanputra P, Barton P, 324 et al. Walters SJ, et al. Burls A. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

No. 19 No. 28 No. 37 A rapid and systematic review and Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness Rituximab (MabThera®) for economic evaluation of the clinical of imatinib for first-line treatment aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs of chronic myeloid leukaemia in systematic review and economic for treatment of mania associated with chronic phase: a systematic review and evaluation. bipolar affective disorder. economic analysis. By Knight C, Hind D, Brewer N, By Bridle C, Palmer S, Bagnall A-M, By Dalziel K, Round A, Stein K, Abbott V. Darba J, Duffy S, Sculpher M, et al. Garside R, Price A. No. 38 No. 20 No. 29 Clinical effectiveness and cost- VenUS I: a randomised controlled trial Liquid-based cytology in cervical effectiveness of clopidogrel and of two types of bandage for treating screening: an updated rapid and modified-release dipyridamole in the venous leg ulcers. systematic review and economic secondary prevention of occlusive By Iglesias C, Nelson EA, Cullum analysis. vascular events: a systematic review and By Karnon J, Peters J, Platt J, NA, Torgerson DJ, on behalf of the economic evaluation. Chilcott J, McGoogan E, Brewer N. VenUS Team. By Jones L, Griffin S, Palmer S, Main C, Orton V, Sculpher M, et al. No. 21 No. 30 Systematic review of the long-term Systematic review of the effectiveness No. 39 effects and economic consequences of and cost-effectiveness, and economic Pegylated interferon α-2a and -2b treatments for obesity and implications evaluation, of myocardial perfusion for health improvement. scintigraphy for the diagnosis and in combination with ribavirin in the By Avenell A, Broom J, Brown TJ, management of angina and myocardial treatment of chronic hepatitis C: Poobalan A, Aucott L, Stearns SC, et al. infarction. a systematic review and economic By Mowatt G, Vale L, Brazzelli M, evaluation. No. 22 Hernandez R, Murray A, Scott N, et al. By Shepherd J, Brodin H, Cave C, Autoantibody testing in children Waugh N, Price A, Gabbay J. with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes No. 31 mellitus. A pilot study on the use of decision No. 40 By Dretzke J, Cummins C, theory and value of information Clopidogrel used in combination with analysis as part of the NHS Health Sandercock J, Fry-Smith A, Barrett T, aspirin compared with aspirin alone Technology Assessment programme. Burls A. in the treatment of non-ST-segment- By Claxton K, Ginnelly L, Sculpher elevation acute coronary syndromes: M, Philips Z, Palmer S. No. 23 a systematic review and economic Clinical effectiveness and cost- evaluation. No. 32 effectiveness of prehospital intravenous By Main C, Palmer S, Griffin S, Jones The Social Support and Family Health fluids in trauma patients. Study: a randomised controlled trial L, Orton V, Sculpher M, et al. By Dretzke J, Sandercock J, Bayliss and economic evaluation of two S, Burls A. alternative forms of postnatal support No. 41 for mothers living in disadvantaged Provision, uptake and cost of cardiac No. 24 inner-city areas. rehabilitation programmes: improving Newer hypnotic drugs for the short- By Wiggins M, Oakley A, Roberts I, services to under-represented groups. term management of insomnia: a Turner H, Rajan L, Austerberry H, et al. By Beswick AD, Rees K, Griebsch I, systematic review and economic Taylor FC, Burke M, West RR, et al. evaluation. No. 33 By Dündar Y, Boland A, Strobl J, Psychosocial aspects of genetic No. 42 Dodd S, Haycox A, Bagust A, et al. screening of pregnant women and Involving South Asian patients in newborns: a systematic review. clinical trials. No. 25 By Green JM, Hewison J, Bekker HL, By Hussain-Gambles M, Leese B, Development and validation of Bryant, Cuckle HS. Atkin K, Brown J, Mason S, Tovey P. methods for assessing the quality of diagnostic accuracy studies. No. 34 No. 43 By Whiting P, Rutjes AWS, Dinnes J, Evaluation of abnormal uterine Clinical and cost-effectiveness of Reitsma JB, Bossuyt PMM, Kleijnen J. bleeding: comparison of three continuous subcutaneous insulin outpatient procedures within cohorts infusion for diabetes. No. 26 defined by age and menopausal status. EVALUATE hysterectomy trial: By Colquitt JL, Green C, Sidhu MK, By Critchley HOD, Warner P, Lee AJ, Hartwell D, Waugh N. a multicentre randomised trial Brechin S, Guise J, Graham B. comparing abdominal, vaginal and No. 44 laparoscopic methods of hysterectomy. No. 35 Identification and assessment of By Garry R, Fountain J, Brown J, Coronary artery stents: a rapid ongoing trials in health technology Manca A, Mason S, Sculpher M, et al. systematic review and economic evaluation. assessment reviews. No. 27 By Hill R, Bagust A, Bakhai A, By Song FJ, Fry-Smith A, Davenport Methods for expected value of Dickson R, Dundar Y, Haycox A, et al. C, Bayliss S, Adi Y, Wilson JS, et al. information analysis in complex health economic models: developments on No. 36 No. 45 the health economics of interferon-β Review of guidelines for good practice Systematic review and economic and glatiramer acetate for multiple in decision-analytic modelling in health evaluation of a long-acting insulin sclerosis. technology assessment. analogue, insulin glargine By Tappenden P, Chilcott JB, By Philips Z, Ginnelly L, Sculpher M, By Warren E, Weatherley-Jones E, Eggington S, Oakley J, McCabe C. Claxton K, Golder S, Riemsma R, et al. Chilcott J, Beverley C. 325

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No. 46 No. 4 No. 13 Supplementation of a home-based Randomised evaluation of alternative Cervical screening programmes: can exercise programme with a class- electrosurgical modalities to treat automation help? Evidence from based programme for people bladder outflow obstruction in men systematic reviews, an economic with osteoarthritis of the knees: a with benign prostatic hyperplasia. analysis and a simulation modelling randomised controlled trial and health By Fowler C, McAllister W, Plail R, exercise applied to the UK. By Willis BH, Barton P, Pearmain P, economic analysis. Karim O, Yang Q. Bryan S, Hyde C. By McCarthy CJ, Mills PM, Pullen R, No. 5 Richardson G, Hawkins N, Roberts CR, No. 14 A pragmatic randomised controlled et al. Laparoscopic surgery for inguinal trial of the cost-effectiveness of hernia repair: systematic review of No. 47 palliative therapies for patients with effectiveness and economic evaluation. Clinical and cost-effectiveness of once- inoperable oesophageal cancer. By McCormack K, Wake B, Perez J, daily versus more frequent use of same By Shenfine J, McNamee P, Steen N, Fraser C, Cook J, McIntosh E, et al. potency topical corticosteroids for Bond J, Griffin SM. atopic eczema: a systematic review and No. 15 economic evaluation. No. 6 Clinical effectiveness, tolerability and By Green C, Colquitt JL, Kirby J, Impact of computer-aided detection cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for Davidson P, Payne E. prompts on the sensitivity and epilepsy in adults: a systematic review specificity of screening mammography. and economic evaluation. No. 48 By Taylor P, Champness J, Given- By Wilby J, Kainth A, Hawkins N, Epstein D, McIntosh H, McDaid C, et al. Acupuncture of chronic headache Wilson R, Johnston K, Potts H. disorders in primary care: randomised No. 7 No. 16 controlled trial and economic analysis. A randomised controlled trial to By Vickers AJ, Rees RW, Zollman CE, Issues in data monitoring and interim analysis of trials. compare the cost-effectiveness of McCarney R, Smith CM, Ellis N, et al. tricyclic antidepressants, selective By Grant AM, Altman DG, Babiker serotonin reuptake inhibitors and AB, Campbell MK, Clemens FJ, No. 49 lofepramine. Generalisability in economic evaluation Darbyshire JH, et al. By Peveler R, Kendrick T, Buxton M, studies in healthcare: a review and case Longworth L, Baldwin D, Moore M, et al. studies. No. 8 By Sculpher MJ, Pang FS, Manca A, Lay public’s understanding of equipoise No. 17 and randomisation in randomised Drummond MF, Golder S, Urdahl H, Clinical effectiveness and cost- controlled trials. et al. effectiveness of immediate angioplasty By Robinson EJ, Kerr CEP, for acute myocardial infarction: No. 50 Stevens AJ, Lilford RJ, Braunholtz DA, systematic review and economic evaluation. Virtual outreach: a randomised Edwards SJ, et al. By Hartwell D, Colquitt J, Loveman controlled trial and economic No. 9 E, Clegg AJ, Brodin H, Waugh N, et al. evaluation of joint teleconferenced Clinical and cost-effectiveness of medical consultations. electroconvulsive therapy for depressive No. 18 By Wallace P, Barber J, Clayton W, illness, schizophrenia, catatonia A randomised controlled comparison of Currell R, Fleming K, Garner P, et al. and mania: systematic reviews and alternative strategies in stroke care. economic modelling studies. By Kalra L, Evans A, Perez I, Knapp M, Swift C, Donaldson N. By Greenhalgh J, Knight C, Hind D, Volume 9, 2005 Beverley C, Walters S. No. 19 The investigation and analysis of No. 1 No. 10 Randomised controlled multiple critical incidents and adverse events in Measurement of health-related quality healthcare. treatment comparison to provide a cost- of life for people with dementia: By Woloshynowych M, Rogers S, effectiveness rationale for the selection development of a new instrument Taylor-Adams S, Vincent C. of antimicrobial therapy in acne. (DEMQOL) and an evaluation of By Ozolins M, Eady EA, Avery A, current methodology. No. 20 Cunliffe WJ, O’Neill C, Simpson NB, By Smith SC, Lamping DL, Banerjee Potential use of routine databases in et al. S, Harwood R, Foley B, Smith P, et al. health technology assessment. By Raftery J, Roderick P, Stevens A. No. 2 No. 11 Do the findings of case series studies Clinical effectiveness and cost- No. 21 vary significantly according to effectiveness of drotrecogin alfa Clinical and cost-effectiveness of newer methodological characteristics? (activated) (Xigris®) for the treatment immunosuppressive regimens in renal By Dalziel K, Round A, Stein K, of severe sepsis in adults: a systematic transplantation: a systematic review and modelling study. Garside R, Castelnuovo E, Payne L. review and economic evaluation. By Woodroffe R, Yao GL, Meads C, By Green C, Dinnes J, Takeda A, Bayliss S, Ready A, Raftery J, et al. No. 3 Shepherd J, Hartwell D, Cave C, et al. Improving the referral process No. 22 for familial breast cancer genetic No. 12 A systematic review and economic counselling: findings of three A methodological review of how evaluation of alendronate, etidronate, randomised controlled trials of two heterogeneity has been examined in risedronate, raloxifene and teriparatide interventions. systematic reviews of diagnostic test for the prevention and treatment of By Wilson BJ, Torrance N, accuracy. postmenopausal osteoporosis. Mollison J, Wordsworth S, Gray JR, By Dinnes J, Deeks J, Kirby J, By Stevenson M, Lloyd Jones M, De 326 Haites NE, et al. Roderick P. Nigris E, Brewer N, Davis S, Oakley J. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

No. 23 No. 32 No. 40 A systematic review to examine Longer term clinical and economic A randomised controlled trial and the impact of psycho-educational benefits of offering acupuncture care to cost-effectiveness study of systematic interventions on health outcomes patients with chronic low back pain. screening (targeted and total and costs in adults and children with By Thomas KJ, MacPherson population screening) versus routine difficult asthma. H, Ratcliffe J, Thorpe L, Brazier J, practice for the detection of atrial By Smith JR, Mugford M, Holland Campbell M, et al. fibrillation in people aged 65 and over. R, Candy B, Noble MJ, Harrison BDW, The SAFE study. et al. No. 33 By Hobbs FDR, Fitzmaurice DA, Cost-effectiveness and safety of Mant J, Murray E, Jowett S, Bryan S, No. 24 epidural steroids in the management et al. An evaluation of the costs, effectiveness of sciatica. and quality of renal replacement No. 41 By Price C, Arden N, Coglan L, therapy provision in renal satellite units Displaced intracapsular hip fractures Rogers P. in England and Wales. in fit, older people: a randomised By Roderick P, Nicholson T, Armitage comparison of reduction and fixation, No. 34 A, Mehta R, Mullee M, Gerard K, et al. bipolar hemiarthroplasty and total hip The British Rheumatoid Outcome arthroplasty. No. 25 Study Group (BROSG) randomised By Keating JF, Grant A, Masson M, Imatinib for the treatment of patients controlled trial to compare the Scott NW, Forbes JF. with unresectable and/or metastatic effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of gastrointestinal stromal tumours: aggressive versus symptomatic therapy No. 42 systematic review and economic in established rheumatoid arthritis. Long-term outcome of cognitive evaluation. By Symmons D, Tricker K, Roberts C, behaviour therapy clinical trials in By Wilson J, Connock M, Song F, Davies L, Dawes P, Scott DL. central Scotland. Yao G, Fry-Smith A, Raftery J, et al. By Durham RC, Chambers JA, No. 35 Power KG, Sharp DM, Macdonald RR, No. 26 Conceptual framework and systematic Major KA, et al. Indirect comparisons of competing review of the effects of participants’ interventions. and professionals’ preferences in No. 43 By Glenny AM, Altman DG, Song F, randomised controlled trials. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness Sakarovitch C, Deeks JJ, D’Amico R, By King M, Nazareth I, Lampe F, of dual-chamber pacemakers compared et al. Bower P, Chandler M, Morou M, et al. with single-chamber pacemakers for bradycardia due to atrioventricular No. 27 No. 36 block or sick sinus syndrome: systematic Cost-effectiveness of alternative review and economic evaluation. The clinical and cost-effectiveness of strategies for the initial medical By Castelnuovo E, Stein K, Pitt M, implantable cardioverter defibrillators: management of non-ST elevation acute Garside R, Payne E. a systematic review. coronary syndrome: systematic review and decision-analytical modelling. By Bryant J, Brodin H, Loveman E, No. 44 By Robinson M, Palmer S, Sculpher Payne E, Clegg A. Newborn screening for congenital heart M, Philips Z, Ginnelly L, Bowens A, et al. defects: a systematic review and cost- No. 37 effectiveness analysis. No. 28 A trial of problem-solving by By Knowles R, Griebsch I, Outcomes of electrically stimulated community mental health nurses for Dezateux C, Brown J, Bull C, Wren C. gracilis neosphincter surgery. anxiety, depression and life difficulties By Tillin T, Chambers M, Feldman R. among general practice patients. The No. 45 CPN-GP study. The clinical and cost-effectiveness of No. 29 By Kendrick T, Simons L, left ventricular assist devices for end- The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness Mynors-Wallis L, Gray A, Lathlean J, stage heart failure: a systematic review of pimecrolimus and tacrolimus for Pickering R, et al. and economic evaluation. atopic eczema: a systematic review and By Clegg AJ, Scott DA, Loveman E, economic evaluation. No. 38 Colquitt J, Hutchinson J, Royle P, et al. By Garside R, Stein K, Castelnuovo The causes and effects of socio- E, Pitt M, Ashcroft D, Dimmock P, et al. demographic exclusions from clinical No. 46 trials. The effectiveness of the Heidelberg No. 30 Retina Tomograph and laser diagnostic By Bartlett C, Doyal L, Ebrahim S, Systematic review on urine albumin glaucoma scanning system (GDx) in Davey P, Bachmann M, Egger M, et al. testing for early detection of diabetic detecting and monitoring glaucoma. complications. By Kwartz AJ, Henson DB, Harper No. 39 By Newman DJ, Mattock MB, RA, Spencer AF, McLeod D. Is hydrotherapy cost-effective? Dawnay ABS, Kerry S, McGuire A, A randomised controlled trial of Yaqoob M, et al. No. 47 combined hydrotherapy programmes Clinical and cost-effectiveness of No. 31 compared with physiotherapy land autologous chondrocyte implantation Randomised controlled trial of the cost- techniques in children with juvenile for cartilage defects in knee joints: effectiveness of water-based therapy for idiopathic arthritis. systematic review and economic lower limb osteoarthritis. By Epps H, Ginnelly L, Utley M, evaluation. By Cochrane T, Davey RC, Southwood T, Gallivan S, Sculpher M, By Clar C, Cummins E, McIntyre L, Matthes Edwards SM. et al. Thomas S, Lamb J, Bain L, et al. 327

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No. 48 No. 6 No. 15 Systematic review of effectiveness of Systematic review and evaluation Measurement of the clinical and cost- different treatments for childhood of methods of assessing urinary effectiveness of non-invasive diagnostic retinoblastoma. incontinence. testing strategies for deep vein By McDaid C, Hartley S, Bagnall By Martin JL, Williams KS, Abrams thrombosis. A-M, Ritchie G, Light K, Riemsma R. KR, Turner DA, Sutton AJ, Chapple C, By Goodacre S, Sampson F, et al. Stevenson M, Wailoo A, Sutton A, No. 49 Thomas S, et al. Towards evidence-based guidelines No. 7 The clinical effectiveness and cost- for the prevention of venous No. 16 thromboembolism: systematic effectiveness of newer drugs for Systematic review of the effectiveness reviews of mechanical methods, oral children with epilepsy. A systematic and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone® anticoagulation, dextran and regional review. for the treatment of occlusal pit/fissure anaesthesia as thromboprophylaxis. By Connock M, Frew E, Evans B-W, By Roderick P, Ferris G, Wilson K, Bryan S, Cummins C, Fry-Smith A, et al. caries and root caries. Halls H, Jackson D, Collins R, et al. By Brazzelli M, McKenzie L, Fielding No. 8 S, Fraser C, Clarkson J, Kilonzo M, et al. No. 50 Surveillance of Barrett’s oesophagus: exploring the uncertainty through The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness No. 17 systematic review, expert workshop and of parent training/education Randomised controlled trials of economic modelling. programmes for the treatment conventional antipsychotic versus By Garside R, Pitt M, Somerville M, of conduct disorder, including new atypical drugs, and new atypical Stein K, Price A, Gilbert N. oppositional defiant disorder, in drugs versus clozapine, in people with children. No. 9 schizophrenia responding poorly to, or By Dretzke J, Frew E, Davenport C, Topotecan, pegylated liposomal intolerant of, current drug treatment. Barlow J, Stewart-Brown S, Sandercock J, doxorubicin hydrochloride and By Lewis SW, Davies L, Jones PB, et al. paclitaxel for second-line or subsequent Barnes TRE, Murray RM, Kerwin R, treatment of advanced ovarian cancer: et al. a systematic review and economic Volume 10, 2006 evaluation. No. 18 By Main C, Bojke L, Griffin S, Diagnostic tests and algorithms used No. 1 Norman G, Barbieri M, Mather L, et al. in the investigation of haematuria: The clinical and cost-effectiveness of systematic reviews and economic donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine No. 10 evaluation. Evaluation of molecular techniques and memantine for Alzheimer’s By Rodgers M, Nixon J, Hempel S, disease. in prediction and diagnosis Aho T, Kelly J, Neal D, et al. By Loveman E, Green C, Kirby J, of cytomegalovirus disease in Takeda A, Picot J, Payne E, et al. immunocompromised patients. By Szczepura A, Westmoreland D, No. 19 Cognitive behavioural therapy in No. 2 Vinogradova Y, Fox J, Clark M. FOOD: a multicentre randomised trial addition to antispasmodic therapy for evaluating feeding policies in patients No. 11 irritable bowel syndrome in primary admitted to hospital with a recent Screening for thrombophilia in high- care: randomised controlled trial. stroke. risk situations: systematic review By Kennedy TM, Chalder T, By Dennis M, Lewis S, Cranswick G, and cost-effectiveness analysis. The McCrone P, Darnley S, Knapp M, Forbes J. Thrombosis: Risk and Economic Jones RH, et al. Assessment of Thrombophilia No. 3 Screening (TREATS) study. No. 20 The clinical effectiveness and cost- By Wu O, Robertson L, Twaddle S, A systematic review of the Lowe GDO, Clark P, Greaves M, et al. effectiveness of computed tomography clinical effectiveness and cost- screening for lung cancer: systematic effectiveness of enzyme replacement No. 12 reviews. A series of systematic reviews to inform therapies for Fabry’s disease and By Black C, Bagust A, Boland A, a decision analysis for sampling and mucopolysaccharidosis type 1. Walker S, McLeod C, De Verteuil R, et al. treating infected diabetic foot ulcers. By Connock M, Juarez-Garcia A, By Nelson EA, O’Meara S, Craig D, Frew E, Mans A, Dretzke J, Fry-Smith A, No. 4 Iglesias C, Golder S, Dalton J, et al. et al. A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of neuroimaging No. 13 No. 21 assessments used to visualise the seizure Randomised clinical trial, observational Health benefits of antiviral therapy for focus in people with refractory epilepsy study and assessment of cost- mild chronic hepatitis C: randomised being considered for surgery. effectiveness of the treatment of controlled trial and economic By Whiting P, Gupta R, Burch J, varicose veins (REACTIV trial). evaluation. Mujica Mota RE, Wright K, Marson A, By Michaels JA, Campbell WB, By Wright M, Grieve R, Roberts J, et al. Brazier JE, MacIntyre JB, Palfreyman SJ, Main J, Thomas HC, on behalf of the Ratcliffe J, et al. No. 5 UK Mild Hepatitis C Trial Investigators. Comparison of conference abstracts No. 14 and presentations with full-text articles The cost-effectiveness of screening for No. 22 in the health technology assessments of oral cancer in primary care. Pressure relieving support surfaces: a rapidly evolving technologies. By Speight PM, Palmer S, Moles DR, randomised evaluation. By Dundar Y, Dodd S, Dickson R, Downer MC, Smith DH, Henriksson M, By Nixon J, Nelson EA, Cranny G, 328 Walley T, Haycox A, Williamson PR. et al. Iglesias CP, Hawkins K, Cullum NA, et al. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

No. 23 No. 31 No. 40 A systematic review and economic Etanercept and infliximab for the What are the clinical outcome and cost- model of the effectiveness and cost- treatment of psoriatic arthritis: a effectiveness of endoscopy undertaken effectiveness of methylphenidate, systematic review and economic by nurses when compared with doctors? dexamfetamine and atomoxetine evaluation. A Multi-Institution Nurse Endoscopy for the treatment of attention deficit By Woolacott N, Bravo Vergel Y, Trial (MINuET). Hawkins N, Kainth A, Khadjesari Z, hyperactivity disorder in children and By Williams J, Russell I, Durai D, Misso K, et al. adolescents. Cheung W-Y, Farrin A, Bloor K, et al. By King S, Griffin S, Hodges Z, No. 32 Weatherly H, Asseburg C, Richardson G, No. 41 et al. The cost-effectiveness of testing for hepatitis C in former injecting drug The clinical and cost-effectiveness of oxaliplatin and capecitabine for the No. 24 users. adjuvant treatment of colon cancer: The clinical effectiveness and cost- By Castelnuovo E, Thompson-Coon systematic review and economic effectiveness of enzyme replacement J, Pitt M, Cramp M, Siebert U, Price A, et al. therapy for Gaucher’s disease: a evaluation. systematic review. By Pandor A, Eggington S, Paisley S, No. 33 By Connock M, Burls A, Frew E, Tappenden P, Sutcliffe P. Computerised cognitive behaviour Fry-Smith A, Juarez-Garcia A, McCabe C, therapy for depression and anxiety et al. No. 42 update: a systematic review and A systematic review of the effectiveness economic evaluation. of adalimumab, etanercept and No. 25 By Kaltenthaler E, Brazier J, infliximab for the treatment of Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness De Nigris E, Tumur I, Ferriter M, of salicylic acid and cryotherapy for Beverley C, et al. rheumatoid arthritis in adults and cutaneous warts. An economic decision an economic evaluation of their cost- model. No. 34 effectiveness. By Thomas KS, Keogh-Brown MR, Cost-effectiveness of using prognostic By Chen Y-F, Jobanputra P, Barton P, Chalmers JR, Fordham RJ, Holland RC, information to select women with breast Jowett S, Bryan S, Clark W, et al. Armstrong SJ, et al. cancer for adjuvant systemic therapy. By Williams C, Brunskill S, Altman D, No. 43 No. 26 Briggs A, Campbell H, Clarke M, et al. Telemedicine in dermatology: a A systematic literature review of the randomised controlled trial. effectiveness of non-pharmacological No. 35 By Bowns IR, Collins K, Walters SJ, interventions to prevent wandering in Psychological therapies including McDonagh AJG. dementia and evaluation of the ethical dialectical behaviour therapy for implications and acceptability of their borderline personality disorder: a No. 44 use. systematic review and preliminary Cost-effectiveness of cell salvage and By Robinson L, Hutchings D, Corner economic evaluation. alternative methods of minimising L, Beyer F, Dickinson H, Vanoli A, et al. By Brazier J, Tumur I, Holmes M, Ferriter M, Parry G, Dent-Brown K, et al. perioperative allogeneic blood No. 27 transfusion: a systematic review and A review of the evidence on the effects No. 36 economic model. and costs of implantable cardioverter Clinical effectiveness and cost- By Davies L, Brown TJ, Haynes S, defibrillator therapy in different effectiveness of tests for the diagnosis Payne K, Elliott RA, McCollum C. patient groups, and modelling of cost- and investigation of urinary tract effectiveness and cost–utility for these infection in children: a systematic No. 45 groups in a UK context. review and economic model. Clinical effectiveness and cost- By Buxton M, Caine N, Chase D, By Whiting P, Westwood M, Bojke L, effectiveness of laparoscopic surgery Connelly D, Grace A, Jackson C, et al. Palmer S, Richardson G, Cooper J, et al. for colorectal cancer: systematic reviews and economic evaluation. No. 37 No. 28 By Murray A, Lourenco T, de Verteuil Cognitive behavioural therapy Adefovir dipivoxil and pegylated R, Hernandez R, Fraser C, McKinley A, in chronic fatigue syndrome: a interferon alfa-2a for the treatment of randomised controlled trial of an et al. chronic hepatitis B: a systematic review outpatient group programme. and economic evaluation. By O’Dowd H, Gladwell P, Rogers No. 46 By Shepherd J, Jones J, Takeda A, CA, Hollinghurst S, Gregory A. Etanercept and efalizumab for the Davidson P, Price A. treatment of psoriasis: a systematic No. 38 review. No. 29 A comparison of the cost-effectiveness By Woolacott N, Hawkins N, An evaluation of the clinical and cost- of five strategies for the prevention Mason A, Kainth A, Khadjesari Z, Bravo effectiveness of pulmonary artery of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Vergel Y, et al. catheters in patient management in drug-induced gastrointestinal toxicity: intensive care: a systematic review and a a systematic review with economic No. 47 randomised controlled trial. modelling. By Harvey S, Stevens K, Harrison D, Systematic reviews of clinical decision By Brown TJ, Hooper L, Elliott RA, tools for acute abdominal pain. Young D, Brampton W, McCabe C, et al. Payne K, Webb R, Roberts C, et al. By Liu JLY, Wyatt JC, Deeks JJ, No. 30 No. 39 Clamp S, Keen J, Verde P, et al. Accurate, practical and cost-effective The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness assessment of carotid stenosis in the of computed tomography screening No. 48 UK. for coronary artery disease: systematic Evaluation of the ventricular assist By Wardlaw JM, Chappell FM, review. device programme in the UK. Stevenson M, De Nigris E, Thomas S, By Waugh N, Black C, Walker S, By Sharples L, Buxton M, Caine N, Gillard J, et al. McIntyre L, Cummins E, Hillis G. Cafferty F, Demiris N, Dyer M, et al. 329

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No. 49 No. 7 No. 16 A systematic review and economic Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: Additional therapy for young model of the clinical and cost- a systematic review and cost–utility children with spastic cerebral palsy: a analysis. effectiveness of immunosuppressive randomised controlled trial. By Kanis JA, Stevenson M, therapy for renal transplantation in McCloskey EV, Davis S, Lloyd-Jones M. By Weindling AM, Cunningham CC, children. Glenn SM, Edwards RT, Reeves DJ. By Yao G, Albon E, Adi Y, Milford D, No. 8 Bayliss S, Ready A, et al. Epidemiological, social, diagnostic and No. 17 economic evaluation of population Screening for type 2 diabetes: literature No. 50 screening for genital chlamydial review and economic modelling. Amniocentesis results: investigation of infection. By Waugh N, Scotland G, McNamee By Low N, McCarthy A, Macleod J, anxiety. The ARIA trial. P, Gillett M, Brennan A, Goyder E, et al. By Hewison J, Nixon J, Fountain J, Salisbury C, Campbell R, Roberts TE, et al. Cocks K, Jones C, Mason G, et al. No. 18 No. 9 The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness Methadone and buprenorphine for the of cinacalcet for secondary Volume 11, 2007 management of opioid dependence: hyperparathyroidism in end-stage renal a systematic review and economic disease patients on dialysis: a systematic No. 1 evaluation. review and economic evaluation. Pemetrexed disodium for the treatment By Connock M, Juarez-Garcia A, By Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, of malignant pleural mesothelioma: Jowett S, Frew E, Liu Z, Taylor RJ, et al. Mealing S, Roome C, Snaith A, et al. a systematic review and economic evaluation. No. 10 Exercise Evaluation Randomised No. 19 By Dundar Y, Bagust A, Dickson R, Trial (EXERT): a randomised trial The clinical effectiveness and cost- Dodd S, Green J, Haycox A, et al. comparing GP referral for leisure effectiveness of gemcitabine for centre-based exercise, community-based metastatic breast cancer: a systematic No. 2 walking and advice only. review and economic evaluation. A systematic review and economic By Isaacs AJ, Critchley JA, See Tai model of the clinical effectiveness S, Buckingham K, Westley D, Harridge By Takeda AL, Jones J, Loveman E, and cost-effectiveness of docetaxel SDR, et al. Tan SC, Clegg AJ. in combination with prednisone or prednisolone for the treatment of No. 11 No. 20 hormone-refractory metastatic prostate Interferon alfa (pegylated and non- A systematic review of duplex pegylated) and ribavirin for the cancer. ultrasound, magnetic resonance treatment of mild chronic hepatitis angiography and computed By Collins R, Fenwick E, Trowman R, C: a systematic review and economic Perard R, Norman G, Light K, et al. evaluation. tomography angiography for By Shepherd J, Jones J, Hartwell D, the diagnosis and assessment of No. 3 Davidson P, Price A, Waugh N. symptomatic, lower limb peripheral A systematic review of rapid diagnostic arterial disease. tests for the detection of tuberculosis No. 12 By Collins R, Cranny G, Burch J, infection. Systematic review and economic Aguiar-Ibáñez R, Craig D, Wright K, evaluation of bevacizumab and By Dinnes J, Deeks J, Kunst H, et al. Gibson A, Cummins E, Waugh N, et al. cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. By Tappenden P, Jones R, Paisley S, No. 21 No. 4 Carroll C. The clinical effectiveness and cost- The clinical effectiveness and cost- effectiveness of treatments for children effectiveness of strontium ranelate for No. 13 with idiopathic steroid-resistant the prevention of osteoporotic fragility A systematic review and economic nephrotic syndrome: a systematic fractures in postmenopausal women. evaluation of epoetin alfa, epoetin review. By Stevenson M, Davis S, Lloyd-Jones beta and darbepoetin alfa in anaemia By Colquitt JL, Kirby J, Green C, M, Beverley C. associated with cancer, especially that attributable to cancer treatment. Cooper K, Trompeter RS. No. 5 By Wilson J, Yao GL, Raftery J, No. 22 A systematic review of quantitative and Bohlius J, Brunskill S, Sandercock J, et al. A systematic review of the routine qualitative research on the role and monitoring of growth in children of effectiveness of written information No. 14 primary school age to identify growth- available to patients about individual A systematic review and economic related conditions. medicines. evaluation of statins for the prevention By Raynor DK, Blenkinsopp of coronary events. By Fayter D, Nixon J, Hartley S, A, Knapp P, Grime J, Nicolson DJ, By Ward S, Lloyd Jones M, Pandor A, Rithalia A, Butler G, Rudolf M, et al. Pollock K, et al. Holmes M, Ara R, Ryan A, et al. No. 23 No. 6 No. 15 Systematic review of the effectiveness of A systematic review of the effectiveness Oral naltrexone as a treatment for preventing and treating Staphylococcus and cost-effectiveness of different aureus carriage in reducing peritoneal relapse prevention in formerly opioid- models of community-based respite dependent drug users: a systematic care for frail older people and their catheter-related infections. review and economic evaluation. carers. By McCormack K, Rabindranath K, By Adi Y, Juarez-Garcia A, Wang D, By Mason A, Weatherly H, Spilsbury Kilonzo M, Vale L, Fraser C, McIntyre L, 330 Jowett S, Frew E, Day E, et al. K, Arksey H, Golder S, Adamson J, et al. et al. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

No. 24 No. 32 No. 40 The clinical effectiveness and cost Current practice, accuracy, effectiveness Taxanes for the adjuvant treatment of of repetitive transcranial magnetic and cost-effectiveness of the school early breast cancer: systematic review stimulation versus electroconvulsive entry hearing screen. and economic evaluation. therapy in severe depression: a By Bamford J, Fortnum H, Bristow K, By Ward S, Simpson E, Davis S, Hind multicentre pragmatic randomised Smith J, Vamvakas G, Davies L, et al. D, Rees A, Wilkinson A. controlled trial and economic analysis. By McLoughlin DM, Mogg A, Eranti No. 33 No. 41 S, Pluck G, Purvis R, Edwards D, et al. The clinical effectiveness and cost- The clinical effectiveness and cost- effectiveness of inhaled insulin in effectiveness of screening for open No. 25 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review angle glaucoma: a systematic review A randomised controlled trial and and economic evaluation. and economic evaluation. economic evaluation of direct versus By Black C, Cummins E, Royle P, By Burr JM, Mowatt G, Hernández indirect and individual versus group Philip S, Waugh N. R, Siddiqui MAR, Cook J, Lourenco T, modes of speech and language therapy et al. for children with primary language No. 34 impairment. Surveillance of cirrhosis for No. 42 By Boyle J, McCartney E, Forbes J, hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic Acceptability, benefit and costs of early O’Hare A. review and economic analysis. screening for hearing disability: a study By Thompson Coon J, Rogers G, of potential screening tests and models. No. 26 Hewson P, Wright D, Anderson R, By Davis A, Smith P, Ferguson M, Hormonal therapies for early breast Cramp M, et al. Stephens D, Gianopoulos I. cancer: systematic review and economic evaluation. No. 35 No. 43 By Hind D, Ward S, De Nigris E, The Birmingham Rehabilitation Contamination in trials of educational Uptake Maximisation Study (BRUM). Simpson E, Carroll C, Wyld L. interventions. Homebased compared with hospital- By Keogh-Brown MR, Bachmann No. 27 based cardiac rehabilitation in a multi- MO, Shepstone L, Hewitt C, Howe A, Cardioprotection against the toxic ethnic population: cost-effectiveness Ramsay CR, et al. effects of anthracyclines given to and patient adherence. children with cancer: a systematic By Jolly K, Taylor R, Lip GYH, No. 44 review. Greenfield S, Raftery J, Mant J, et al. Overview of the clinical effectiveness of By Bryant J, Picot J, Levitt G, positron emission tomography imaging Sullivan I, Baxter L, Clegg A. No. 36 in selected cancers. A systematic review of the clinical, By Facey K, Bradbury I, Laking G, No. 28 public health and cost-effectiveness of Payne E. Adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab rapid diagnostic tests for the detection for the treatment of ankylosing and identification of bacterial intestinal No. 45 spondylitis: a systematic review and pathogens in faeces and food. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness economic evaluation. By Abubakar I, Irvine L, Aldus CF, of carmustine implants and By McLeod C, Bagust A, Boland A, Wyatt GM, Fordham R, Schelenz S, et al. temozolomide for the treatment of Dagenais P, Dickson R, Dundar Y, et al. No. 37 newly diagnosed high-grade glioma: No. 29 A randomised controlled trial a systematic review and economic Prenatal screening and treatment examining the longer-term outcomes evaluation. strategies to prevent group B of standard versus new antiepileptic By Garside R, Pitt M, Anderson R, streptococcal and other bacterial drugs. The SANAD trial. Rogers G, Dyer M, Mealing S, et al. infections in early infancy: cost- By Marson AG, Appleton R, Baker effectiveness and expected value of GA, Chadwick DW, Doughty J, Eaton B, No. 46 information analyses. et al. Drug-eluting stents: a systematic review By Colbourn T, Asseburg C, Bojke L, and economic evaluation. Philips Z, Claxton K, Ades AE, et al. No. 38 By Hill RA, Boland A, Dickson R, Clinical effectiveness and cost- Dundar Y, Haycox A, McLeod C, et al. No. 30 effectiveness of different models Clinical effectiveness and cost- of managing long-term oral anti- No. 47 effectiveness of bone morphogenetic coagulation therapy: a systematic The clinical effectiveness and proteins in the non-healing of fractures review and economic modelling. cost-effectiveness of cardiac and spinal fusion: a systematic review. By Connock M, Stevens C, Fry-Smith resynchronisation (biventricular pacing) By Garrison KR, Donell S, Ryder J, A, Jowett S, Fitzmaurice D, Moore D, for heart failure: systematic review and Shemilt I, Mugford M, Harvey I, et al. et al. economic model. By Fox M, Mealing S, Anderson R, No. 31 No. 39 Dean J, Stein K, Price A, et al. A randomised controlled trial of A systematic review and economic postoperative radiotherapy following model of the clinical effectiveness No. 48 breast-conserving surgery in a and cost-effectiveness of interventions Recruitment to randomised trials: minimum-risk older population. The for preventing relapse in people with strategies for trial enrolment and PRIME trial. bipolar disorder. participation study. The STEPS study. By Prescott RJ, Kunkler IH, Williams By Soares-Weiser K, Bravo Vergel Y, By Campbell MK, Snowdon C, LJ, King CC, Jack W, van der Pol M, Beynon S, Dunn G, Barbieri M, Duffy S, Francis D, Elbourne D, McDonald AM, et al. et al. Knight R, et al. 331

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No. 49 No. 4 No. 12 Cost-effectiveness of functional Does befriending by trained lay workers The clinical effectiveness and cost- cardiac testing in the diagnosis and improve psychological well-being and effectiveness of central venous catheters management of coronary artery quality of life for carers of people treated with anti-infective agents in disease: a randomised controlled trial. with dementia, and at what cost? A preventing bloodstream infections: The CECaT trial. randomised controlled trial. a systematic review and economic By Sharples L, Hughes V, Crean A, By Charlesworth G, Shepstone L, evaluation. Dyer M, Buxton M, Goldsmith K, et al. Wilson E, Thalanany M, Mugford M, By Hockenhull JC, Dwan K, Boland Poland F. A, Smith G, Bagust A, Dundar Y, et al. No. 50 No. 13 Evaluation of diagnostic tests when No. 5 Stepped treatment of older adults on there is no gold standard. A review of A multi-centre retrospective cohort laxatives. The STOOL trial. methods. study comparing the efficacy, safety By Mihaylov S, Stark C, McColl E, By Rutjes AWS, Reitsma and cost-effectiveness of hysterectomy Steen N, Vanoli A, Rubin G, et al. JB, Coomarasamy A, Khan KS, and uterine artery embolisation for Bossuyt PMM. the treatment of symptomatic uterine No. 14 fibroids. The HOPEFUL study. A randomised controlled trial of No. 51 By Hirst A, Dutton S, Wu O, Briggs cognitive behaviour therapy in Systematic reviews of the clinical A, Edwards C, Waldenmaier L, et al. adolescents with major depression effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treated by selective serotonin reuptake proton pump inhibitors in acute upper No. 6 inhibitors. The ADAPT trial. gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods of prediction and prevention By Goodyer IM, Dubicka B, By Leontiadis GI, Sreedharan of pre-eclampsia: systematic reviews of Wilkinson P, Kelvin R, Roberts C, A, Dorward S, Barton P, Delaney B, accuracy and effectiveness literature Byford S, et al. Howden CW, et al. with economic modelling. By Meads CA, Cnossen JS, Meher S, No. 15 No. 52 Juarez-Garcia A, ter Riet G, Duley L, The use of irinotecan, oxaliplatin A review and critique of modelling in et al. and raltitrexed for the treatment of prioritising and designing screening advanced colorectal cancer: systematic programmes. No. 7 review and economic evaluation. By Karnon J, Goyder E, Tappenden The use of economic evaluations in By Hind D, Tappenden P, Tumur I, P, McPhie S, Towers I, Brazier J, et al. NHS decision-making: a review and Eggington E, Sutcliffe P, Ryan A. empirical investigation. No. 16 No. 53 By Williams I, McIver S, Moore D, Ranibizumab and pegaptanib for An assessment of the impact of the Bryan S. the treatment of age-related macular NHS Health Technology Assessment degeneration: a systematic review and Programme. No. 8 economic evaluation. By Hanney S, Buxton M, Green C, Stapled haemorrhoidectomy By Colquitt JL, Jones J, Tan SC, Coulson D, Raftery J. (haemorrhoidopexy) for the treatment Takeda A, Clegg AJ, Price A. of haemorrhoids: a systematic review and economic evaluation. No. 17 Volume 12, 2008 By Burch J, Epstein D, Baba-Akbari Systematic review of the clinical A, Weatherly H, Fox D, Golder S, et al. effectiveness and cost-effectiveness No. 1 of 64-slice or higher computed A systematic review and economic No. 9 tomography angiography as an model of switching from The clinical effectiveness of diabetes alternative to invasive coronary nonglycopeptide to glycopeptide education models for Type 2 diabetes: a angiography in the investigation of antibiotic prophylaxis for surgery. systematic review. coronary artery disease. By Cranny G, Elliott R, Weatherly H, By Loveman E, Frampton GK, By Mowatt G, Cummins E, Waugh N, Chambers D, Hawkins N, Myers L, et al. Clegg AJ. Walker S, Cook J, Jia X, et al.

No. 2 No. 10 No. 18 ‘Cut down to quit’ with nicotine Payment to healthcare professionals for Structural neuroimaging in psychosis: replacement therapies in smoking patient recruitment to trials: systematic a systematic review and economic cessation: a systematic review of review and qualitative study. evaluation. By Albon E, Tsourapas A, Frew E, effectiveness and economic analysis. By Raftery J, Bryant J, Powell J, Davenport C, Oyebode F, Bayliss S, et al. By Wang D, Connock M, Barton P, Kerr C, Hawker S. Fry-Smith A, Aveyard P, Moore D. No. 19 No. 11 Systematic review and economic No. 3 Cyclooxygenase-2 selective non- analysis of the comparative A systematic review of the effectiveness steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effectiveness of different inhaled of strategies for reducing fracture risk (etodolac, meloxicam, celecoxib, corticosteroids and their usage with in children with juvenile idiopathic rofecoxib, etoricoxib, valdecoxib and long-acting beta2 agonists for the arthritis with additional data on long- lumiracoxib) for osteoarthritis and treatment of chronic asthma in adults term risk of fracture and cost of disease rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic and children aged 12 years and over. management. review and economic evaluation. By Shepherd J, Rogers G, Anderson By Thornton J, Ashcroft D, O’Neill T, By Chen Y-F, Jobanputra P, Barton P, R, Main C, Thompson-Coon J, 332 Elliott R, Adams J, Roberts C, et al. Bryan S, Fry-Smith A, Harris G, et al. Hartwell D, et al. DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

No. 20 No. 27 No. 35 Systematic review and economic A preliminary model-based assessment Systematic review and economic analysis of the comparative of the cost–utility of a screening modelling of effectiveness and cost effectiveness of different inhaled programme for early age-related utility of surgical treatments for men corticosteroids and their usage with macular degeneration. with benign prostatic enlargement. long-acting beta2 agonists for the By Karnon J, Czoski-Murray C, By Lourenco T, Armstrong N, N’Dow treatment of chronic asthma in children Smith K, Brand C, Chakravarthy U, J, Nabi G, Deverill M, Pickard R, et al. under the age of 12 years. Davis S, et al. By Main C, Shepherd J, Anderson R, No. 36 Rogers G, Thompson-Coon J, Liu Z, No. 28 Immunoprophylaxis against respiratory et al. Intravenous magnesium sulphate syncytial virus (RSV) with palivizumab and sotalol for prevention of atrial in children: a systematic review and No. 21 fibrillation after coronary artery economic evaluation. Ezetimibe for the treatment of bypass surgery: a systematic review and By Wang D, Cummins C, Bayliss S, hypercholesterolaemia: a systematic economic evaluation. Sandercock J, Burls A. review and economic evaluation. By Shepherd J, Jones J, Frampton By Ara R, Tumur I, Pandor A, GK, Tanajewski L, Turner D, Price A. Duenas A, Williams R, Wilkinson A, et al. Volume 13, 2009 No. 29 No. 22 Absorbent products for urinary/faecal No. 1 Topical or oral ibuprofen for chronic incontinence: a comparative evaluation Deferasirox for the treatment of iron knee pain in older people. The TOIB of key product categories. overload associated with regular study. By Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, blood transfusions (transfusional By Underwood M, Ashby D, Carnes Gage H, Clarke-O’Neill S, Jamieson K, haemosiderosis) in patients suffering D, Castelnuovo E, Cross P, Harding G, et al. with chronic anaemia: a systematic et al. review and economic evaluation. No. 30 By McLeod C, Fleeman N, Kirkham No. 23 A systematic review of repetitive J, Bagust A, Boland A, Chu P, et al. A prospective randomised comparison functional task practice with modelling of minor surgery in primary and of resource use, costs and effectiveness. No. 2 secondary care. The MiSTIC trial. By French B, Leathley M, Sutton C, Thrombophilia testing in people with By George S, Pockney P, Primrose J, McAdam J, Thomas L, Forster A, et al. venous thromboembolism: systematic Smith H, Little P, Kinley H, et al. review and cost-effectiveness analysis. No. 31 By Simpson EL, Stevenson MD, No. 24 The effectiveness and cost-effectivness Rawdin A, Papaioannou D. A review and critical appraisal of minimal access surgery amongst of measures of therapist–patient people with gastro-oesophageal reflux No. 3 interactions in mental health settings. disease – a UK collaborative study. The Surgical procedures and non-surgical By Cahill J, Barkham M, Hardy G, r e f l u x trial. devices for the management of non- Gilbody S, Richards D, Bower P, et al. By Grant A, Wileman S, Ramsay C, apnoeic snoring: a systematic review of Bojke L, Epstein D, Sculpher M, et al. clinical effects and associated treatment No. 25 costs. The clinical effectiveness and cost- No. 32 By Main C, Liu Z, Welch K, Weiner effectiveness of screening programmes Time to full publication of studies of G, Quentin Jones S, Stein K. for amblyopia and strabismus in anti-cancer medicines for breast cancer children up to the age of 4–5 years: and the potential for publication bias: a No. 4 a systematic review and economic short systematic review. Continuous positive airway pressure evaluation. By Takeda A, Loveman E, Harris P, devices for the treatment of obstructive By Carlton J, Karnon J, Czoski- Hartwell D, Welch K. sleep apnoea–hypopnoea syndrome: a Murray C, Smith KJ, Marr J. systematic review and economic analysis. No. 33 By McDaid C, Griffin S, Weatherly H, No. 26 Performance of screening tests for Durée K, van der Burgt M, van Hout S, A systematic review of the clinical child physical abuse in accident and Akers J, et al. effectiveness and cost-effectiveness emergency departments. and economic modelling of minimal By Woodman J, Pitt M, Wentz R, No. 5 incision total hip replacement Taylor B, Hodes D, Gilbert RE. Use of classical and novel biomarkers approaches in the management of as prognostic risk factors for localised arthritic disease of the hip. No. 34 prostate cancer: a systematic review. By de Verteuil R, Imamura M, Zhu S, Curative catheter ablation in atrial By Sutcliffe P, Hummel S, Simpson E, Glazener C, Fraser C, Munro N, et al. fibrillation and typical atrial flutter: Young T, Rees A, Wilkinson A, et al. systematic review and economic evaluation. By Rodgers M, McKenna C, Palmer S, Chambers D, Van Hout S, Golder S, et al.


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DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Health Technology Assessment Programme

Director, Deputy Director, Professor Tom Walley, Professor Jon Nicholl, Director, NIHR HTA Director, Medical Care Research Programme, Professor of Unit, University of Sheffield Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool

Prioritisation Strategy Group Members

Chair, Dr Andrew Cook, Professor Paul Glasziou, Ms Lynn Kerridge, Professor Tom Walley, Consultant Advisor, NCCHTA Professor of Evidence-Based Chief Executive Officer, Director, NIHR HTA Medicine, University of Oxford NETSCC and NCCHTA Programme, Professor of Dr Peter Davidson, Clinical Pharmacology, Director of Science Support, Dr Nick Hicks, Dr Ruairidh Milne, University of Liverpool NCCHTA Director of NHS Support, Director of Strategy and NCCHTA Development, NETSCC Deputy Chair, Professor Robin E Ferner, Professor Jon Nicholl, Consultant Physician and Dr Edmund Jessop, Ms Kay Pattison, Director, Medical Care Research Director, West Midlands Centre Medical Adviser, National Section Head, NHS R&D Unit, University of Sheffield for Adverse Drug Reactions, Specialist, National Programme, Department of City Hospital NHS Trust, Commissioning Group (NCG), Health Dr Bob Coates, Birmingham Department of Health, London Consultant Advisor, NCCHTA Ms Pamela Young, Specialist Programme Manager, NCCHTA

HTA Commissioning Board Members

Programme Director, Professor Deborah Ashby, Professor Freddie Hamdy, Professor Ian Roberts, Professor Tom Walley, Professor of Medical Statistics, Professor of Urology, Professor of Epidemiology & Director, NIHR HTA Queen Mary, University of University of Sheffield Public Health, London School Programme, Professor of London of Hygiene and Tropical Clinical Pharmacology, Professor Allan House, Medicine University of Liverpool Professor John Cairns, Professor of Liaison Psychiatry, Professor of Health Economics, University of Leeds Professor Mark Sculpher, Chair, London School of Hygiene and Professor of Health Economics, Professor Jon Nicholl, Tropical Medicine Dr Martin J Landray, University of York Director, Medical Care Research Reader in Epidemiology, Unit, University of Sheffield Professor Peter Croft, Honorary Consultant Physician, Professor Helen Smith, Director of Primary Care Clinical Trial Service Unit, Professor of Primary Care, Deputy Chair, Sciences Research Centre, Keele University of Oxford University of Brighton Dr Andrew Farmer, University Senior Lecturer in General Professor Stuart Logan, Professor Kate Thomas, Practice, Department of Professor Nicky Cullum, Director of Health & Social Professor of Complementary & Primary Health Care, Director of Centre for Evidence- Care Research, The Peninsula Alternative Medicine Research, University of Oxford Based Nursing, University of Medical School, Universities of University of Leeds York Exeter and Plymouth Professor Ann Ashburn, Professor David John Professor of Rehabilitation Professor Jenny Donovan, Dr Rafael Perera, Torgerson, and Head of Research, Professor of Social Medicine, Lecturer in Medical Statisitics, Director of York Trials Unit, Southampton General Hospital University of Bristol Department of Primary Health University of York Care, Univeristy of Oxford Professor Steve Halligan, Professor Hywel Williams, Professor of Gastrointestinal Professor of Dermato- Radiology, University College Epidemiology, University of Hospital, London Nottingham


Ms Kay Pattison, Dr Morven Roberts, Section Head, NHS R&D Clinical Trials Manager, Programmes, Research and Medical Research Council Development Directorate, Department of Health 335

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Diagnostic Technologies & Screening Panel Members

Chair, Dr Stephanie Dancer, Dr Anne Mackie, Dr W Stuart A Smellie, Professor Paul Glasziou, Consultant Microbiologist, Director of Programmes, UK Consultant in Chemical Professor of Evidence-Based Hairmyres Hospital, East National Screening Committee Pathology, Bishop Auckland Medicine, University of Oxford Kilbride General Hospital Dr Michael Millar, Deputy Chair, Professor Glyn Elwyn, Consultant Senior Lecturer in Dr Nicholas Summerton, Dr David Elliman, Primary Medical Care Research Microbiology, Barts and The Consultant Clinical and Public Consultant Paediatrician and Group, Swansea Clinical School, London NHS Trust, Royal Health Advisor, NICE Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Wales London Hospital Great Ormond Street Hospital, Ms Dawn Talbot, London Dr Ron Gray, Mr Stephen Pilling, Service User Representative Consultant Clinical Director, Centre for Outcomes, Professor Judith E Adams, Epidemiologist, Department Research & Effectiveness, Dr Graham Taylor, Consultant Radiologist, of Public Health, University of Joint Director, National Scientific Advisor, Regional Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Collaborating Centre for DNA Laboratory, St James’s Central Manchester & Mental Health, University University Hospital, Leeds Manchester Children’s Professor Paul D Griffiths, College London Professor of Radiology, Professor Lindsay Wilson University Hospitals NHS Turnbull, Trust, and Professor of University of Sheffield Mrs Una Rennard, Service User Representative Scientific Director of the Diagnostic Radiology, Imaging Dr Jennifer J Kurinczuk, Centre for Magnetic Resonance Science and Biomedical Consultant Clinical Dr Phil Shackley, Investigations and YCR Engineering, Cancer & Epidemiologist, National Senior Lecturer in Health Professor of Radiology, Hull Imaging Sciences, University of Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Economics, School of Royal Infirmary Manchester Oxford Population and Health Ms Jane Bates, Sciences, University of Dr Susanne M Ludgate, Newcastle upon Tyne Consultant Ultrasound Medical Director, Medicines & Practitioner, Ultrasound Healthcare Products Regulatory Department, Leeds Teaching Agency, London Hospital NHS Trust


Dr Tim Elliott, Dr Catherine Moody, Dr Ursula Wells, Team Leader, Cancer Programme Manager, Principal Research Officer, Screening, Department of Neuroscience and Mental Department of Health Health Health Board

Pharmaceuticals Panel Members

Chair, Dr Peter Elton, Professor Jonathan Ledermann, Dr Martin Shelly, Professor Robin Ferner, Director of Public Health, Professor of Medical Oncology General Practitioner, Leeds, Consultant Physician and Bury Primary Care Trust and Director of the Cancer and Associate Director, NHS Director, West Midlands Centre Research UK and University Clinical Governance Support for Adverse Drug Reactions, Dr Ben Goldacre, College London Cancer Trials Team, Leicester City Hospital NHS Trust, Research Fellow, Division of Centre Birmingham Psychological Medicine and Dr Gillian Shepherd, Psychiatry, King’s College Dr Yoon K Loke, Director, Health and Clinical Deputy Chair, London Senior Lecturer in Clinical Excellence, Merck Serono Ltd Professor Imti Choonara, Pharmacology, University of Professor in Child Health, Mrs Barbara Greggains, East Anglia Mrs Katrina Simister, University of Nottingham Service User Representative Assistant Director New Professor Femi Oyebode, Medicines, National Prescribing Mrs Nicola Carey, Dr Bill Gutteridge, Consultant Psychiatrist Centre, Liverpool Senior Research Fellow, Medical Adviser, London and Head of Department, School of Health and Social Strategic Health Authority University of Birmingham Mr David Symes, Service User Representative Care, The University of Dr Dyfrig Hughes, Reading Dr Andrew Prentice, Reader in Pharmacoeconomics Senior Lecturer and Consultant Dr Lesley Wise, Mr John Chapman, and Deputy Director, Centre Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Unit Manager, Service User Representative for Economics and Policy in The Rosie Hospital, University Pharmacoepidemiology Health, IMSCaR, Bangor of Cambridge Research Unit, VRMM, University Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Observers Mr Simon Reeve, Dr Heike Weber, Dr Ursula Wells, Ms Kay Pattison, Head of Clinical and Cost- Programme Manager, Principal Research Officer, Section Head, NHS R&D Effectiveness, Medicines, Medical Research Council Department of Health Programme, Department of Pharmacy and Industry Group, Health 336 Department of Health

Current and past membership details of all HTA Programme ‘committees’ are available from the HTA website (www.hta.ac.uk) DOI: 10.3310/hta13060 Health Technology Assessment 2009; Vol. 13: No. 6

Therapeutic Procedures Panel Members

Chair, Mrs Val Carlill, Mr Paul Hilton, Dr Kate Radford, Dr John C Pounsford, Service User Representative Consultant Gynaecologist Senior Lecturer (Research), Consultant Physician, North and Urogynaecologist, Royal Clinical Practice Research Bristol NHS Trust Mrs Anthea De Barton-Watson, Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Unit, University of Central Service User Representative upon Tyne Lancashire, Preston Deputy Chair, Professor Scott Weich, Mr Mark Emberton, Professor Nicholas James, Mr Jim Reece Professor of Psychiatry, Division Senior Lecturer in Oncological Professor of Clinical Oncology, Service User Representative of Health in the Community, Urology, Institute of Urology, University of Birmingham, University of Warwick, Coventry University College Hospital, and Consultant in Clinical Dr Karen Roberts, London Oncology, Queen Elizabeth Nurse Consultant, Dunston Hill Professor Jane Barlow, Hospital Hospital Cottages Professor of Public Health in Professor Steve Goodacre, the Early Years, Health Sciences Professor of Emergency Dr Peter Martin, Research Institute, Warwick Medicine, University of Consultant Neurologist, Medical School, Coventry Sheffield Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge Ms Maree Barnett, Professor Christopher Griffiths, Acting Branch Head of Vascular Professor of Primary Care, Barts Programme, Department of and The London School of Health Medicine and Dentistry


Dr Phillip Leech, Dr Morven Roberts, Professor Tom Walley, Dr Ursula Wells, Principal Medical Officer for Clinical Trials Manager, Director, NIHR HTA Principal Research Officer, Primary Care, Department of Medical Research Council Programme, Professor of Department of Health Health Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool Ms Kay Pattison, Section Head, NHS R&D Programme, Department of Health Disease Prevention Panel Members Chair, Dr John Jackson, Dr Julie Mytton, Dr Kieran Sweeney, Dr Edmund Jessop, General Practitioner, Parkway Locum Consultant in Public Honorary Clinical Senior Medical Adviser, National Medical Centre, Newcastle Health Medicine, Bristol Lecturer, Peninsula College Specialist, National upon Tyne Primary Care Trust of Medicine and Dentistry, Commissioning Group (NCG), Universities of Exeter and London Professor Mike Kelly, Miss Nicky Mullany, Plymouth Director, Centre for Public Service User Representative Deputy Chair, Health Excellence, NICE, Professor Carol Tannahill, Dr David Pencheon, London Professor Ian Roberts, Glasgow Centre for Population Director, NHS Sustainable Professor of Epidemiology and Health Development Unit, Cambridge Dr Chris McCall, Public Health, London School General Practitioner, The of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Professor Margaret Thorogood, Dr Elizabeth Fellow-Smith, Hadleigh Practice, Corfe Professor of Epidemiology, Medical Director, West London Mullen, Dorset Professor Ken Stein, University of Warwick Medical Mental Health Trust, Middlesex Senior Clinical Lecturer in School, Coventry Ms Jeanett Martin, Public Health, University of Director of Nursing, BarnDoc Exeter Limited, Lewisham Primary Care Trust


Ms Christine McGuire, Dr Caroline Stone, Research & Development, Programme Manager, Medical Department of Health Research Council


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Expert Advisory Network Members Professor Alan Horwich, Professor Miranda Mugford, Mr Jonothan Earnshaw, Professor Douglas Altman, Dean and Section Chairman, Professor of Health Economics Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Professor of Statistics in The Institute of Cancer and Group Co-ordinator, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Medicine, Centre for Statistics Research, London University of East Anglia in Medicine, University of Gloucester Oxford Professor Allen Hutchinson, Professor Jim Neilson, Professor Martin Eccles, Director of Public Health and Head of School of Reproductive Professor of Clinical Professor John Bond, Deputy Dean of ScHARR, & Developmental Medicine Effectiveness, Centre for Health Professor of Social Gerontology University of Sheffield and Professor of Obstetrics Services Research, University of & Health Services Research, and Gynaecology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne University of Newcastle upon Professor Peter Jones, Liverpool Tyne Professor of Psychiatry, Professor Pam Enderby, University of Cambridge, Mrs Julietta Patnick, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Professor Andrew Bradbury, Cambridge National Co-ordinator, NHS Institute of General Practice Professor of Vascular Surgery, Cancer Screening Programmes, and Primary Care, University of Solihull Hospital, Birmingham Professor Stan Kaye, Sheffield Sheffield Cancer Research UK Professor Mr Shaun Brogan, of Medical Oncology, Royal Professor Robert Peveler, Professor Gene Feder, Chief Executive, Ridgeway Marsden Hospital and Institute Professor of Liaison Psychiatry, Professor of Primary Care Primary Care Group, Aylesbury of Cancer Research, Surrey Royal South Hants Hospital, Research & Development, Southampton Mrs Stella Burnside OBE, Centre for Health Sciences, Dr Duncan Keeley, Chief Executive, Regulation Barts and The London School General Practitioner (Dr Burch Professor Chris Price, and Improvement Authority, of Medicine and Dentistry & Ptnrs), The Health Centre, Director of Clinical Research, Belfast Thame Bayer Diagnostics Europe, Mr Leonard R Fenwick, Stoke Poges Ms Tracy Bury, Chief Executive, Freeman Dr Donna Lamping, Project Manager, World Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne Research Degrees Programme Professor William Rosenberg, Confederation for Physical Director and Reader in Professor of Hepatology Mrs Gillian Fletcher, Therapy, London Psychology, Health Services and Consultant Physician, Antenatal Teacher and Tutor Research Unit, London School University of Southampton Professor Iain T Cameron, and President, National of Hygiene and Tropical Professor of Obstetrics and Childbirth Trust, Henfield Medicine, London Professor Peter Sandercock, Gynaecology and Head of the Professor of Medical Neurology, Professor Jayne Franklyn, School of Medicine, University Mr George Levvy, Department of Clinical Professor of Medicine, of Southampton Chief Executive, Motor Neurosciences, University of University of Birmingham Dr Christine Clark, Neurone Disease Association, Edinburgh Mr Tam Fry, Northampton Medical Writer and Consultant Dr Susan Schonfield, Honorary Chairman, Child Pharmacist, Rossendale Professor James Lindesay, Consultant in Public Health, Growth Foundation, London Professor Collette Clifford, Professor of Psychiatry for the Hillingdon Primary Care Trust, Professor of Nursing and Professor Fiona Gilbert, Elderly, University of Leicester Middlesex Consultant Radiologist and Head of Research, The Professor Julian Little, Dr Eamonn Sheridan, NCRN Member, University of Medical School, University of Professor of Human Genome Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Aberdeen Birmingham Epidemiology, University of St James’s University Hospital, Professor Barry Cookson, Professor Paul Gregg, Ottawa Leeds Professor of Orthopaedic Director, Laboratory of Hospital Professor Alistaire McGuire, Dr Margaret Somerville, Surgical Science, South Tees Infection, Public Health Professor of Health Economics, Director of Public Health Hospital NHS Trust Laboratory Service, London London School of Economics Learning, Peninsula Medical Bec Hanley, School, University of Plymouth Dr Carl Counsell, Professor Rajan Madhok, Co-director, TwoCan Associates, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medical Director and Director Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown, West Sussex Neurology, University of of Public Health, Directorate Professor of Public Health, Aberdeen Dr Maryann L Hardy, of Clinical Strategy & Public Division of Health in the Professor Howard Cuckle, Senior Lecturer, University of Health, North & East Yorkshire Community, University of Professor of Reproductive Bradford & Northern Lincolnshire Warwick, Coventry Epidemiology, Department Health Authority, York Mrs Sharon Hart, Professor Ala Szczepura, of Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Healthcare Management Professor Alexander Markham, Professor of Health Service Gynaecology, University of Consultant, Reading Director, Molecular Medicine Research, Centre for Health Leeds Unit, St James’s University Services Studies, University of Professor Robert E Hawkins, Dr Katherine Darton, Hospital, Leeds Warwick, Coventry CRC Professor and Director Information Unit, MIND – The of Medical Oncology, Christie Dr Peter Moore, Mrs Joan Webster, Mental Health Charity, London CRC Research Centre, Freelance Science Writer, Consumer Member, Southern Professor Carol Dezateux, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Ashtead Derbyshire Community Health Manchester Council Professor of Paediatric Dr Andrew Mortimore, Epidemiology, Institute of Child Professor Richard Hobbs, Public Health Director, Professor Martin Whittle, Health, London Head of Department of Primary Southampton City Primary Clinical Co-director, National Mr John Dunning, Care & General Practice, Care Trust Co-ordinating Centre for Consultant Cardiothoracic University of Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Dr Sue Moss, Health, Lymington Surgeon, Papworth Hospital Associate Director, Cancer NHS Trust, Cambridge Screening Evaluation Unit, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton 338

Current and past membership details of all HTA Programme ‘committees’ are available from the HTA website (www.hta.ac.uk)

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