COWBOY FAST DRAW ASSOCIATION S JUNE/JULY ’ ISSUE 2016 GUNSLIN ER’S Official Journal of the Cowboy fast Draw assoCiation AZETTE the RomanceG and Legend of th ~ Honoring e Old West ~ OKLAHOMA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 article on page 8 west North Territo eat ria Gr Championship l article on page 10 Showdown in Cowtown 2016 Texas State 2016 Southern Championship & Territorial Championship article on page 16 article on page 18 Cover Photo Courtesy Angie McCormick Page 2 June/July 2016 Gunslinger’s Gazette Shaniko HolstersTM Congratulations to the 2015 World Champions Oregon Ranger & Miss Kitty! Visit Our Website tO see Our Variety Of HOlsters including: Mexican Loop Rig 1800 Slim Jim Mexican Drop Loop Rig 1870 Mexican Loop Rig Hollywood Drop Loop Shaniko Buckles Hollywood High Ride Accesories Mexican Loop Rig Shaniko Holsters, Inc. 21111 S. Springwater Rd, Estacada, Or 97023 (503) 631-7459 The Choice of Champions HIGHLY REGARDED AS THE MOST DEPENDABLE SIX-GUN IN THE WORLD Gunslinger’s Gazette June/July 2016 Page 3 GUNSLINGER”S GAZETTE Publisher EditOrial ATTENTION Cowboy Fast Draw Association, LLC ting to create the Gunslinger’s Gazette for Deadline to submit articles Director many reasons. It lets me be creative, and it for next Gazette is: Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” #L9 lets me stay in the loop with whats going on Editor in CFDA around the nation since I don’t get Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder” #L46 to travel to contests much. Though I have August 5th Contributing Editors a feeling that will soon change as my old- Please submit all articles and Alotta Lead #L37 est daughter, Kaelynn aka “Little Miss Sun- pictures to: Mongo #L57 shine” will be celebrating her 8th birthday
[email protected] in August and cannot wait to start compet- Copy Editor ing and traveling to contests with her older Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” Life #46 cousin “Sheriff Rango”.