50 Powerful Fluency Tips (in under 5 minutes) | Transcript

Hey everyone, it’s Hadar. Today I’m going to share with you 50 of my best tips that are going to boost your English fluency significantly. If you’re new to my channel, then welcome. My name is Hadar. I’m a non-native speaker of English, and I’m here to help you speak English with clarity, confidence, and freedom. You can check out my website – hadarshemesh.com to get started with a free pronunciation audio course, and a lot of other great stuff that are going to help you with your English. Let’s get started with my 50 powerful English tips. And by the way, I have prepared this list for you to download. So you can click the link in the description and download it. 1. Journal in English every day for five minutes. 2. Speak out your thoughts for 5 minutes every day. 3. Say ‘English is easy to me’ every time you face a struggle or feel English is hard. 4. Teach someone something that you’re good at in English. 5. Stop using subtitles or switch to English subtitles. 6. Change your phone settings or computer settings to English. 7. Use YouGlish to build your vocabulary and grammar. 8. Join the InFluency community on Facebook. 9. Say every new word you’re trying to remember out loud 30 times. 10. Memorize songs in English and sing along. 11. Read and practice movie scenes with friends. 12. Memorize TED talks and movie speeches. 13. Every time you need to write an email in English, consider making a phone call instead. 14. When fear comes, say to yourself: “I’m going to do it anyway.” 15. Spend 5 minutes a day, thinking in English. 16. Challenge yourself to do something that scares you in English once a week. 17. Practice the pronunciation of sounds that are challenging for you. 18. Do imitation or shadowing exercises. 19. Invent an alter ego who speaks English with a thick American accent, and pretend to be them. Have fun with it. 20. Speak in your native language with a thick American accent. 21. Go live once a week on Instagram or Facebook, speaking English. 22. Make a daily video answering different questions every day for 30 days. 23. Talk to your friends, kids, and family members in English. 24. Change the directions on your GPS, maps, or to English. 25. Change your , Alexa, or Siri to English.

2020 © All rights Reserved To Hadar Shemesh | 1 50 Powerful Fluency Tips (in under 5 minutes) | Transcript

26. Make a video explaining how to cook your favorite dish in English (with examples, of course!) 27. Practice three English tongue twisters every day. 28. Do pronunciation sprints. 29. Invent a story in English (and tell it out loud). 30. Practice telling a joke in English. 31. Listen to audiobooks in English and read along with the actual book. 32. Every time you make a mistake in English, say to yourself, “Amazing. Now I know how to improve.” 33. Never apologize for your English again. You are good enough. 34. Use speech-to-text to write . 35. Write book or movie reviews online. 36. If you practice every day, keep it up to 30 minutes so that you don’t overwhelm yourself. 37. Every now and then record yourself and listen back to the recording and give yourself notes for improvements. 38. Speak as much as possible. 39. Join a free speaking club online. 40. Write your to-do list in English. 41. Listen to a short clip in English and transcribe it. 42. Read out loud for 5minutes. It can be anything: an email, an article, a book. 43. Google ‘spaced repetition’ and consider using it when trying to learn new words. 44. Keep the list on your phone of words that you hear others used and you want to start using too. Make sure you keep this list short. 45. Get into the habit of making fun of your mistakes rather than getting angry at yourself. 46. When you practice or read English, create a distraction-free zone: no Facebook, no Instagram, no WhatsApp, no TikTok. 47. Remember that English belongs to you, just like it belongs to people who were born into it. 48. Practice giving a toast in English at your best friend’s wedding. 49. Practice giving your thank-you speech after winning the Oscar. 50. Last, but most important: celebrate your wins and accomplishments in English and share them with the people around you. And you can start right here in the comments. If you have any other tips, share them in the

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comments as well. Thank you so so much for being here. I hope this is helpful. If you want to get a copy of this list, you can download it by clicking the link in the description. Thank you so so much for being here. Remember, you are important and your voice is important. And mistakes, it’s just a way for you to learn. Have a beautiful day, and I’ll see you next week in the next video. Bye.

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