Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997


1.1 Susan Brown, a solicitor from the law firm Lazier, Hickey, Langs, O=Neal was a guest speaker for the Office Administration Legal students. Susan graduated from the Office Administration Legal program in 1983. After working for two years as a legal secretary, Susan enrolled in law school. She was called to the bar in 1994. Susan=s lecture on powers of attorney, wills and estate matters helped students understand the value of these documents when she related the law to Areal-life@ stories.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.2 Students in the Executive, Legal, Medical and One-year Certificate program were on a two-week work experience in offices and hospital environments during March 6 - 17. Work experience provides students with an opportunity to practice the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom to the Areal world@.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.3 The students in the Legal Office Administration class visited the new John Sopinka Court House at 45 Main Street East to view a criminal matter before Mr. Justice Alan Whitten of the Superior Court of Justice. Mr. Justice Whitten briefly addressed the classes on January 27 and suggested he come to Mohawk at another time when he could explain the court system in detail. On February 9, Mr. Justice Whitten came to Mohawk for an informal session with the students.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.4 During the weeks of January 31, February 7 and 14 the two legal classes participated in practice interviews with lawyers and office managers from Hamilton law firms. A total of 13 individuals were on campus to conduct individual one-half hour practice interviews. This is a very successful annual activity which gives students an opportunity to experience a Areal-life@ interview. After conducting the actual interview, the interviewer spends 10 to 15 minutes providing constructive feedback on their resumes, cover letters and responses to the interview questions.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic. ]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

1.5 February 2 - Phil Clay, a solicitor with the Hamilton law firm of Harris & Henderson spoke to both legal classes about the practice of family law in . The area of family law is undergoing a great deal of change since the new Rules were introduced last year. Mr. Clay presented material to the audience about the various family law statutes and how they affect individuals and property, and he then answered questions from the students relating to family law issues. This presentation was made as part of the Family Law course.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.6 In March, Cathy Smart, a student of Office Administration - Legal, 2SL2, was asked to serve as Vice-Chair of Business on the Student Athletic Committee. Cathy has been active in student athletics while at Mohawk, and she was on the varsity team this year.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.7 The Business Studies and Business Management Departments held an information session for highschool Guidance Counsellors and Business Heads on March 8, 2000. The afternoon session was held in the North Cafeteria. Displays, projects and program information were available to all attendees. Brief program presentations were made by Alice Szrajber, Chair, Business Studies and Jane Guzar, Program Coordinator, Common Business. [Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.8 On January 4, Reid MacWilliam, Coordinator of the Small Business Management program was invited by a graduate of the SBM program, Wendy Edwards, to be a guest speaker to a class at Trios College of Information Technology - a privately owned college in Hamilton. The topic was ATowards Starting a Business of Your OwnCTips and Strategies@.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.9 On March 24th, Mohawk College received confirmation from the Certified General Accountant=s Association of Ontario, that the application to have the following three courses: LL041, Communications, LL122 Literature, and LL124 Research and Report Writing, recognized by the University of Calgary as an equivalent to Alberta=s Language 30 and CGA=s Communications 1 was approved. Mohawk College now is one of only two colleges in the province to have their Language courses approved for credit transfer directly into the Certification program and Bachelor of Accounting Sciences from the University of Calgary.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

1.10 The Nursing program is pleased to announce the establishment of a memorial award in celebration of the life and work of Cathy Flis, a much admired nursing professor who died in her 45th year after a brief but courageous battle with cancer. The Cathy Flis Memorial Award will honour the life and work of this remarkable person by recognizing the achievements of a student who exemplifies the values Cathy held most dear. Donations to this memorial award can be made through Anna Knibbs, Student Recruitment & Awards.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.11 The first group of International students from India for our Modified Mechanical Engineering Technology Program have received conditional admission into the McMaster Manufacturing Engineering Program. Thanks to the efforts of Tom Hodson of the International Education Department along with Gerry Dunsford and his team from Technology, who came up with a modified program of study, our partnership with Nirma Institute of Diploma Studies and McMaster University has been validated with these students being admitted into an engineering program at McMaster. Nirma Institute of Diploma Studies is one of the largest private sector institutions on the west coast of India. They have agreed to align many of their technology programs with Mohawk College programs so students will have an opportunity to complete their first few years in India and then come to Mohawk for a modified senior year. Upon graduation the opportunity is available for continuing post graduate studies with other universities and institutions. [Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.12 On March 16, 2000, the Business Management Department held their annual Awards Night. Pat Pollington from the International Education Department presented five international students with their awards. The recipients were: Merella Dorival - Norm Lukey Memorial Award. Merella is an International Business Administration student; George Rishmawi - International Student Award for Business Administration 2nd and 3rd Year Awards; Jim Wook Kim - International Student Award for Business - General Second Year Awards; Jieyu Yao - International Student Award for Accounting Second Year Awards; Young Woo Lee - International Student Award for Marketing Second Year Awards.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

1.13 Grade 7 and 8 students from Regina Mundi School, Hamilton, were treated to a college tour and their own private Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition on Tuesday, February 29. After breaking their bridges, the students also mixed up a batch of concrete and made Aconcrete popsicles@ which will be returned to their school. Thanks to the Building & Construction Sciences Department and Terry Mote for hosting the students and introducing them to engineering technology.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.14 Peter Olynyk, Professor, Department of Building & Construction Sciences was key in bringing the Canada First Robotics Competition to Mohawk College on May 2-4,2000. Canada First rented the college facilities, and Mr. Olynyk assisted with arrangements including transportation, food, welding, electronics, etc. Many thanks to Peter for putting out a special effort.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.15 Nafia Al-Mutawaly, Professor, Department of Electrotechnology recently gave a technical presentation to the ESL students, to assist with their understanding of the technical language that they will encounter in our programs. Nafia chose to present the topic, AThe Cost of Electricity@ (i.e., understanding your hydro bill). Brian Chapell of the Chemical & Environmental Technology department has volunteered to give a technical presentation to the same group later this month. Thanks to both professors for volunteering to assist these students.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.16 The Textile Management Internship program, delivered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology, has been selected as one of two national winners by the Conference Board of Canada for its National Partners in Education Post-Secondary awards. The awards are presented annually to partnership programs that demonstrate originality, innovation, benefits to stakeholders and potential for a prototype for other organizations. This program was developed on behalf of the Canadian textile industry by the Textiles Human Resources Council in partnership with Mohawk College, McMaster University, North Carolina State University, and Human Resources Development Canada. Special thanks to Professor Dan Wilson for his efforts, well beyond the call of duty, on this program.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

1.17 The Department of Computer Science & Information Technology has entered into a partnership with McGraw Hill and WEB-CT to deliver a pilot project in generic computer training to a group of students in the Winter Term 2000.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.18 In addition, two Professors, Ron Bruch and Wayne Collins, are in the process of developing new courses in Web-Technologies.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

1.19 COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIV. On March 22, 2000, community partners in Hamilton-Wentworth hosted the annual Employment Expo. This year=s event attracted approximately 5,500 job seekers and over 80 employers from the region. People attending the Expo had access to such employment support services as Internet-based job search tools, resume assistance counselling, job boards, job-finding workshops, and employer and community exhibits. Mohawk College faculty and staff contributed significantly to the success of Employment Expo 2000, behind the scenes in planning and organizing the event, as well as in assisting attendees during the full day of activities. Congratulations to those staff and faculty who contributed their time and energy to making this such a worthwhile event. [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

1.20 BUSINESS & INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIV. On March 8, 10, 13 and 15, we tested 11 employees of the Hamilton Police Services for fitness in our PREP facility at the Campus. Dennis Campbell, Manager, Student Affairs, was the trainer. [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

1.21 On March 25, we delivered our third Police Seminar with 15 clients. This seminar is designed to increase awareness of policing careers, and is a full-day event. Speakers from the RCMP. Brantford Police Services and the OPP attended and spoke at the event. [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

1.22 The first class of SC Johnson Packaging Operator training has been completed, and the second class for this year is scheduled to commence shortly.[Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

1.23 Two Quickstart Programs started in March at the Brantford Campus: CNC/CAD/CAM and IMM. [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

1.24 Preparation for moving Chedoke Campus to the Mohawk-McMaster Institute for Applied Health Sciences (IAHS) building is in progress. Hugh Forster has been hired to fill an eight month contract assignment as Project Leader to co-ordinate the move. A Furniture Tender Package was sent to bidders for the IAHS, and the closing date was February 25th. The furniture for offices has been ordered and the process of listing and labelling of existing furniture which will be moved to the new location has begun. A check of the inventory listing is being carried out for the asset and non-asset items in preparation for the move. The inventory listing for the Planning and Physical Plant acquired items is also being checked and revised in order to provide information for Program Costing. [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

1.25 The Information Technology Division responded to 220 calls to the HelpDesk in February, and 251 calls in March.[Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

1.26 Construction of the Student Residence building is close to schedule. Work on the roofing commenced during the last week of March.[Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

1.27 The wide area network connection accessing Fennell Campus to Stoney Creek Campus and to the Hamilton Library is up and running at 10 Mbps (megabytes per second). The next cycle of network upgrade is being implemented for approximately 480 network connections. All cable enhancements will be upgraded to UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) cabling and fibre optics cabling to the backbone router. Office areas at Fennell Campus and at Stoney Creek campus will be rewired. This upgrade was completed at the end of March. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

1.28 A test pilot has been completed with Windows Terminal Server and Binatech Inc. The test environment included academic lab usage, internet cafe usage, SAM station usage, administrative workstation testing and Remote Access testing.[Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

1.29 The following vendors have been selected to provide information technology services to the new Student Residence: Golden Triangle of GCS Group, Kitchener for Internet Services; Bell Canada of Hamilton for telephone services; Mountain Cablevision Ltd. of Hamilton for television services.[Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

1.30 A government grant for a smoking cessation program has been received which will assist in educating the College community on smoking issues. The proposal was submitted by and includes, as partners, , the , the , Queen=s University, McMaster University and Mohawk College.

The key objectives are to reach staff and as many students as possible with a media campaign, to maximize recruitment into smoking cessation interventions, to reduce smoking prevalence, to involve students in a way that contributes to their knowledge and skill development and to generate a self-sustaining tobacco control initiative.

Mohawk=s portion of the grant will be used to hire six of our students from March to October 2000 to man display tables, test students on the carbon monoxide monitor recruit students for the AStages of Change@ computer program. This project will provide an opportunity for these students to learn about health promotion and to interact with all members of the College community and students from other educational settings. [Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

1.31 Several claims were filed this month with the Workers Safety Insurance Board for students on clinical and field placements. These included: a Nursing student who sustained back muscle strain after wearing a large leaded apron over a period of several days while on placement in the radiography department of a hospital; a Child & Youth Worker student who was accidentally struck on the back with a plastic bat by a resident at Lynwood Hall; a Nursing student sustained a needle stick injury while administering insulin to a patient who was Hepatitis C positive; a Nursing student had two allergic reactions while on duty and is being investigated for an allergy to latex or the powder used inside latex gloves; and a Child and Youth Worker student was involved in a car accident and sustained soft tissue injury to her neck and upper back while driving her own car in order to take a client to an appointment.[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

1.32 Counsellors noted that many students became very focussed on what they needed to do to prepare for exams and asked for assistance with time management and, sometimes, for assistance in redirecting to other programs. Counsellors had many consultations with various Admissions Advisors regarding applicants= circumstances and the best possible advice to give them regarding applications to over-subscribed programs. Consultations with program faculty regarding students= special circumstances have been necessary and useful in developing alternatives which allow students to continue with their semester in spite of a range of difficulties (e.g. family illness, death, their own illness, stress, mature student=s balance of workload and complex personal lives, financial emergencies). Financial Aid Advisors have been very supportive in working collaboratively to assist students with financial emergencies. Student success seminars offered included AManaging Time and Materials@, APreparing for Exams@ and AApplying to University@. [Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

1.33 Award ceremonies are now in progress for all academic faculties and hundreds of scholarships have been awarded to outstanding full-time students this year.[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

1.34 The March Break recruitment event, ADiscover Mohawk@, held at all campuses on March 15 and 16 was very successful with over 1,300 visitors in attendance (700 at Fennell, 475 at Chedoke, 110 at Brantford and 30 at Stoney Creek). The two-day event featured program information tours, counsellling and consultation on financial planning, disability services, admissions, the student residence and student services. [Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

1.35 Planning is underway for the first annual VIP Weekend, a corporate recruitment event to be held on Saturday, May 13 at the Fennell Campus. The organizing committee, made up of representatives from academic and administrative areas of the College, is meeting on a regular basis to design the event and a dedicated phone line is now in place and information is on Mohawk=s web site. Invitations will be included in the Aoffer of admission@ packages and will also be sent to wait list applicants, individuals and institutions requesting information and to a number of other destinations. This event is intended to encourage accepted applicants to confirm with Mohawk, to market the College to potential applicants and to welcome members of the community to the College.[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

1.36 We are currently waiting notification from the Ministry on changes to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) for the 2000-2001 academic year. This includes the handling of the Canada Student Loan (CSL) by the Federal Government now that the participating lenders have withdrawn. [Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

1.37 We are currently reviewing internal guidelines for the distribution of the Student Assistance Bursary programs with the goal of making improvements to both the programs offered and communication with prospective students.[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997


2.1 In March 2000 there were 142 international students enrolled in post-secondary programs at the College. There were 60 international students studying ESL.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

2.2 Mr. Steven Clarke, the owner of Upper Canada Document Company Inc. has donated a series of UCDC forms (templates), which will be used by the legal students to prepare a variety of documents in related courses. This is an invaluable donation to the students of Office Administration Legal.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

2.3 Ishwar Singh, Professor, Department of Chemical & Environmental Technology along with two fifth semester students, Ryan LaChapelle and Todd Luscombe, visited Crestwood Vocational School to give an entertaining and informative talk on chemistry and Chemical Technology. In addition, a revised periodic table is being distributed to all local high schools. The physics formulae that used to adorn the back of the table have been replaced with testimonials from graduates, (along with their photographs). [Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

2.4 Peter Olynyk, Professor of Civil Engineering Technology, has visited 18 high schools to advertise the Building and Construction Sciences programs and to make a presentation for the High School Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition, planned for the evening of March 29, 2000. So far 20 high schools have signed on to build bridges and compete in an AutoCAD contest. [Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

2.5 Mohawk College is back into the Brick and Stone Mason apprenticeship training after a 5 year absence. Union Local 1, Brick and Stone and Mohawk College have worked with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Apprenticeship Branch to offer a much needed intermediate level course for 17 brick layers at the Leaside Building on very short notice.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

2.6 Professor Eric Flegg, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Technology, made a presentation at Sir Winston Churchill school on March 1, 2000. The presentation was to parents of students who would be entering Grade 9 at this High School in September, 2000. The presentation dealt with the advantages of a college education, potential career opportunities, and programs available through Mohawk College.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

2.7 Ishwar Singh, Professor of Chemical Technology and Cheryl Jensen, Chair, Department of Chemical & Environmental Technology, wrote an article for the March issue of Canadian Chemical News (ACCN) about the programs offered by the Chemical and Environmental Technology department at Mohawk College. The issue, dedicated to chemical education, will carry the photo of John Toito, a Chemical Engineering Technology graduate (from the ADo Your Dream@ campaign) on the front cover, as well as a photo of our students and graduate testimonials within the article. While high school students may not read this journal, it is expected that high school teachers, employers, university students (possible direct entries) and university professors will. The journal enjoys national distribution.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

2.8 The Business Development and the Building & Construction Sciences Department are working in partnership with Turkstra Lumber to provide an 8-week training course for residential wood framing. The first class of 20 students will begin with six weeks of intensive basic carpentry and framing skills, followed by a two week placement with a framing company in the area. Most of these students are then expected to continue working for their employer, possibly moving into an apprenticeship program at a later date.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

2.9 COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIV. This eight week training program commenced on March 20, 2000 with 20 participants in attendance. The program curriculum was specifically designed by Mohawk and Niagara Colleges in consultation with participating employers, represented by Turkstra Lumber, in the residential framing industry. The in-school portion of the program is being delivered on-site at the Stoney Creek Campus. [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

2.10 The program delivery consists of six weeks skill building and training through in-class theory in combination with a practical, hands-on structural format. The participants will participate in a two week job placement component, on-site with home builders and industry professionals. [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

2.11 The sixteen week Partners in Promoting Summer Employment Program (PPSE) project received Brantford-HRDC approval and was implemented on February 28. A project co-ordinator is in place and is currently involved in implementing activities that will promote the summer student hiring programs and services to the Brantford employer community. This will be done by implementing an aggressive marketing campaign in conjunction with attendance at community functions and special events. [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

2.12 In response to Mohawk College=s proposal, Human Resources Development Canada has approved the renewal of the Return to Work Services agreement with the College. The approval was significant in that it demonstrated the high level of confidence that HRDC has in the College with respect to RTWS, particularly in light of the public scrutiny HRDC has experienced over the past few months. The proposal was submitted locally to HRDC officials, but required deputy minister approval in Ottawa in order for it to proceed to the agreement stage. This approval represents the third year of operation of RTWS. It is projected that the initiative will serve 1,600 clients from April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001. ($1,400,000) [Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

2.13 The renovation of the former Pre-school Children Daycare Room (F133) has been completed to convert the space into a large classroom and an office area for the Human Services programs.[Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

2.14 In support of the introduction of amortization expense of Capital Assets in program costing beginning with the 1998/99 fiscal year, the Information Technology and Physical Resources areas performed a physical inventory count of assets that they initially purchased that are utilized by the College at large, and utilized by specific departments. A physical inventory count will be requested of all other College areas in the early Spring.[Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

2.15 The PeopleSoft evaluation project was completed. The decision was taken not to accept the PeopleSoft offer at this time, as there are too many functional questions left unanswered. Instead, the decision has been made to produce a set of functional specifications for Mohawk=s administrative systems, and to use this as the first step toward selecting a strategic solution. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

2.16 The Accounts Receivable Collections project is working towards the successful completion of the second component of the project: a formal collection program whereby customer statements are mailed on a monthly basis with appropriate notification requesting payment. Response has been positive, resulting in lower bad debt for the College.[Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

2.17 Renovations to the Return to Work Services Centre in J-Wing have been completed. Faculty and staff currently located in a temporary area were moved to the renovated space at the end of March. Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.

2.18 The development of the 2000-2001 budget has been completed and prepared for presentation to the Finance Committee and approval by the Board of Governors. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

2.19 Renovation work in the Payroll Office area, Room F104, has been completed. Payroll staff are scheduled to move back to the renovated space as soon as the furniture is in place. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

2.20 Planning for the move of the Fluid Power Lab from Fennell Campus to the Stoney Creek Leaside Building is underway. Planning for subsequent renovations required for moving the Xerox Lab into the space vacated by the Fluid Power Lab will follow. The Foundry Lab, the Modern Foundries Technology Institute (MFTI) project sponsored by the Canadian Foundry Association, will move into the space vacated by the Xerox Lab. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

2.21 In February, approximately 5,200 T4s and T4As were issued by Payroll Services totalling approximately $54 million. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

2.22 The financial services areas are communicating with the College community on various requirements and deadline dates concerning the upcoming 1999/2000 fiscal year-end. BDO Dunwoody LLP, an external audit firm, will begin the financial audit in May, 2000. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

2.23 We have achieved our goal of sending out our admission decision letters by the deadline of March 31. The Admissions Office processed 11,411 offers of admission which were at Canada Post on Thursday, March 30 for delivery on Friday, March 31. This represents approximately 7,400 individual letters with multiple offers of admission. In addition, 3,481 wait list letters were sent on March 31. The Admissions Office was able to achieve the March 31 deadline, which was approximately 7 weeks less processing time due to the system deadline change, with additional overtime and extra staff hired and trained during the peak period of January 1 to March 31, 2000.[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

2.24 The 8th Annual Mohawk College Kids= Korner Sale will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2000 in the Fennell Campus Gymnasium from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Fifty-six vendors will sell used, new and handmade children=s toys, clothes, furniture, etc. (Revenue = $2,000).[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997


3.1 On Tuesday, March 28, Jane Kouri, Pat Pollington and Sherry Yep-Lam from the International Education Department attended a one-day seminar on Conflict Management and Confrontational Skills.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

3.2 Mr. Peter Dawn, Chair, Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, attended CeBIT in Germany. CeBIT is the largest Information Technology conference and exhibition in the world.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

3.3 Congratulations to John McDonald, Professor, Department of Electrotechnology for his recent graduation from the Microcomputer Systems Diploma program offered by McMaster University. Completion of this program will enrich John=s delivery of PLC training to electrical apprentices, and will help him to manage the local area network in the Electrotechnology department at the Stoney Creek campus.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

3.4 Chris Blackwood, Chair, Department of Building & Construction Sciences, has successfully completed his Leadership Development Institute 1999 training with a final presentation of his group=s project AAnyone, Anytime, Anywhere: Education in the New Millennium@ at the ACAATO. conference in Niagara Falls. The group=s project focussed on the current state of Alternative Delivery in the College system and made recommendations for the future of Distance Learning.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]

3.5 Thanks to John Anger, Support Staff Technologist in the Department of Electrotechnology, for volunteering so much of his personal time to assist the students in the Canada First Robotics Competition. John kept our shop open throughout the competition, to enable students to make last minute changes and repairs to the robots. Special thanks to fifth semester Electrotechnology student George Voros for assisting John on Thursday and Friday evening.[Submitted by Shelagh Gill, Vice President, Academic.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

3.6 CONTINUING EDUCATION The Faculty of Continuing Education held its Faculty Professional Development Day and First Annual Awards Presentation on Saturday, March 25 at the Fennell Campus. Dick O=Brien, a motivational speaker, addressed the crowd in the morning, speaking on APersonal Resiliency in Challenging Times@. MCACES sponsored the luncheon that followed. Vice President Anne Hemsworth and C.E. Chairs presented 10 Year Awards and 20 Year Awards. MCACES Directors presented four Faculty Appreciation Awards to the following instructors: Alison Feirebend, Cost and Managerial Accounting; Tom Torrance, Language & Communications; Frank Tabuns, Computers in the Classroom; and Robert Anderson, Industrial Engineering and Quality Assurance. Approximately 115 people attended this event. Special thanks to Kate Kemp, Sherry Harrington, Lynne Smith, Lynda McDermott, Karen Lavell, Sandra Mason and many other C.E. staff who made this event a great success.[Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

3.7 Carolyn Gray, Chair, Continuing Education, Business and Community Studies, has agreed to Chair the Western Region Heads of Continuing Education.[Submitted by Anne Hemsworth, Vice President, Continuing Education & Business Development.]

3.8 Dianna Creamer, Financial & Systems Analyst, attended a three day, hands-on demonstration of the new version of the Ross financial information system (FIS) in Kanata, Ontario. Dianna is representing Mohawk on the Ontario Colleges= Ross FIS Group to determine whether the colleges should proceed with the current upgrade. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.9 Angie Thiessen, Manager, Accounting Co-ordinator, attended a seminar on AExcelling as a First-Time Manager or Supervisor@ offered by Skillpath Seminars in Burlington. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.10 Theresa Bain, Accounts Receivable Clerk, attended a workshop on ACollection Skills and Receivables Management@ offered by Dunn & Bradstreet in Hamilton. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

3.11 The Staff Development Office sponsored two seminars in the APlanning Your Future@ series of financial planning seminars. ASecrets that Revenue Canada Doesn=t Want You to Know@ was presented on February 9th and 22nd. On March 2nd, representatives from the C.A.A.T. Pension Plan facilitated a seminar to explain the amendments that have been made to the C.A.A.T. Pension Plan; to address questions; and to clarify retirement planning calculations. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.12 Senior staff members in the Financial Services areas attended a Microsoft Access training session in preparation for a new Capital Asset tracking database to support the introduction of amortization expense in program costing. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.13 Dick Raha and Anthony D=Alessandro attended a seminar, AOntario Construction Law@ th in Hamilton on February 16 . [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.14 A salary adjustment for administrative staff will be implemented in April 2000. Human Resources requested that supervisors of administrative staff forward recommendations for salary increases by March 17, 2000. A form was distributed for this purpose. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.15 Two support staff arbitration hearings took place in late January and early February. One of these is a Union Policy Grievance hearing, and has been scheduled to continue on June 9th, 2000. The second one is a Job Posting Grievance hearing, and has been th th scheduled to continue on October 13 and 26 , 2000. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.16 A total of 26 applications were received for the Early Retirement Incentive, and 11 employees have elected to accept the offer to retire by June 30, 2000. The applications have been approved by MEC. The Human Resources Officers will be processing the paperwork and meeting with the affected employees to finalize the retirements. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

3.17 Sue Gordon, Sheila Walsh and Krys O=Brien, Human Resources Officers, attended the annual Human Resources Professional Association of Ontario (HRPAO) Conference in Toronto from February 16th to 18th. Approximately 2,000 HR specialists from across Canada attended this event. This year=s Conference stressed the major investment that companies make in their employees and the value of these employees in the workplace.

The Keynote Address was delivered by Dr. Margaret Wheatley, President of the Berkana Institute; and formerly Associate Professor of Management at the Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.18 Eleanor Masecar attended an Aggresso Software Demonstration in Mississauga on rd February 23 . [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.19 Linda Marshall, Professional Development Co-ordinator, participated in a conference call on February 22nd and attended a meeting at on March 13th with Western Region representatives to continue planning Phase I, II and III of the College Educator Development Program and the New Directions 2000 Conference. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.20 A flyer has been distributed to administrative staff regarding the Professional Development Workshops designed to assist College Managers in the areas of human resources, financial resources, human rights and conflict management issues. Response to date has been positive. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.21 A series of 24 workshops were offered by the Computer Coaches to college staff during the month of February. Sessions were one hour in length over the lunch hour period, and focused on small nuggets of information such as Sorting in MS Excel, Netscape E-mail formatting, Working with tables in MS Word, Presentations in MS PowerPoint, etc. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

3.22 A total of 19 applications were received in Human Resources for Professional Development leaves commencing in September 2000. Eighteen faculty members and one support staff employee applied. The Professional Development Leave Committee met on March 8th to review and evaluate all submissions. The recommendations from the Committee have been forwarded to the President and successful applicants are being notified. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.23 In accordance with the Academic Collective Agreement, Human Resources has informed all eligible academic employees of the opportunity to apply to have their sick credits cashed in at .75 cents on the dollar, based on the amount that would otherwise be payable upon separation from employment under the terms of the pre-existing Cumulative Sick Leave Plans. Of the 191 eligible faculty, 15 submitted their applications. These applications were forwarded to the Council of Regents on March 23rd. All applications received from across the system will be reviewed at a meeting on April 25th , and the reviewing task force will notify the colleges of the approved applications by May 23rd. Notification to successful applicants will be made no later than nd June 2 , 2000. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.24 Linda Marshall, Staff Development Co-ordinator and Mirela Cosic, Co-ordinator of the Computer Coach program made a presentation to the President=s Advisory Committee nd on February 2 . [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.25 Steve Evans and John Bowman, Director of Human Resources at McMaster, prepared a joint presentation regarding human resources policies related to the Mohawk/McMaster Institute for Applied Health Sciences. This presentation was made to the Governance Committee of the Health Sciences Institute on March 31, 2000. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]

3.26 Elizabeth Maracle updated the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) during the month of March. Faculty and support staff salary grids to the Human Resources web site, as well as the faculty seniority list. With the assistance of Eleanor Masecar, the new version of the HR Toolkit/Attendance System was finalized for implementation within the next few weeks. [Submitted by Monique Arbour, Vice President, Finance & Administration.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997

3.27 Staff in the Counselling and Disability Services Division attended professional development sessions on various topics including: human rights; students with disabilities; Future Employment Directions B Job and Career Trends; Career Training Seminar; the Survivability Conference, which dealt with an overview of the career development process with an emphasis on the approaches and competencies appropriate for career planning and job seeking in the 21st century; a seminar on Spirituality and Life Threatening Illnesses; and, two internal seminars offered by Health Sciences called >Academic Controversy= and >No, Your Behaviour is not OK=.[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

3.28 The annual Employee Picnic will be held at Christie=s Conservation Authority on Sunday, June 4, 2000.[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

3.29 The 19th Annual United Way Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, September 9, 2000.[Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]


Based on the Three Corporate Goals Listed in the Mohawk College Charter of Purpose Adopted by the Mohawk College Board of Governors ˜ August 1997


1. Motor vehicle theft continues to be high, despite increased patrols in the parking lots. Since January 2000, we have had nine vehicles stolen, seven of these in March. The College=s concerns have been passed on to the Chief of Police by the Director of College Services, John Guilfoyle. The police report that on the Hamilton Mountain Ajoy riding@ continues to be a youth crime with a slight increase in 1999 over 1998. Approximately 80% of these vehicles are recovered. [Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]

2. As a member of the Chief=s Citizens= Advisory Committee, John Guilfoyle attended a Community Safety Forum at Sir Alan McNab High School and he has also volunteered to attend, as a citizen representative, the Police Services Retreat at McMaster. [Submitted by Cal Haddad, Vice President, Student Affairs.]