Tuesday 30 June 2020 16:57 pm

New online pre-approval process for travel into From tomorrow 1 July 2020, a new online cross-border travel process will be in place for travellers entering South Australia from interstate. While border restrictions have been eased for people entering South Australia directly from , , and , all workers inbound to South Australia (including workers returning from rosters interstate) should complete an online form that will be available from midnight tonight at this web page. Travellers are required to complete an online questionnaire and upload the supporting letter previously used to enable border crossings. The traveller will then receive an email containing a unique code that will have to be shown at the border to ensure entry into South Australia. Importantly, there are no other changes to the Cross Border Travel Direction. While there will be an adjustment period in the transition to the new system this week, SA Police are committed to ensuring this roll-out does not adversely impact on existing essential worker movements for industry. Any issues will be managed pragmatically as they have been to date. Cross-border movements by workers should continue as planned – those moving tonight and early tomorrow will simply need to complete the process on arrival, with all others subsequently crossing the border required to complete the online process as soon as it is available. Once fully operational, this process will streamline the cross-border process and provide further operating certainty to all companies working across borders. Voluntary asymptomatic testing Given concern about community transmission of Covid-19 in , SA Pathology has seen an increase in contact from companies regarding the opportunity to have inbound workers tested, particularly those arriving from Victoria, in order to mitigate risk to their operations and reputation. I encourage all companies to consider implementing this strategy - further detail on how to access this service can be found in my recent update. Victorian border closure extended Premier Steven Marshall today announced the deferral of the planned removal of border restrictions between South Australia and Victoria on 20 July due to a recent increase in COVID-19 infections in that state. Further consideration is also being given to the timing of the opening of borders to the Australian Capital Territory and . Updates will be circulated when further information becomes available.

Stay well Paul Heithersay Chief Executive Department for Energy and Mining

Further details are provided in this SAPOL update:

NEW ONLINE CROSS BORDER TRAVEL PRE-APPROVAL PROCESS FOR TRAVEL INTO SOUTH AUSTRALIA A new online cross border travel process will commence at 12.01 am on Wednesday 1 July 2020 for people travelling into South Australia. The new online pre-approval form is available on www.sa.gov.au and www.police.sa.gov.au websites. The new online application is part of measures to streamline processes and provide more certainty for cross border travellers before they reach South Australian borders. Having a central body of assessors provides a greater consistency of application of the current Emergency Management Cross Border Directions. A central assessment team will review the application against the current Emergency Management Cross Border Directions providing greater consistency in determinations. UPDATE FROM SAPOL continued Tuesday 30 June 2020 16:57 pm

Pre-Travel Requirements All people travelling to South Australia should complete the online “Cross Border Travel Registration” prior to travelling, regardless of the location they are travelling from. The pre-approval process will allow assessment of which, if any restrictions apply, which could be the traveller: y is classified as an essential traveller, with or without self-quarantine restrictions; y needs to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival; or y is able to travel without restrictions (for example people coming from QLD, WA, TAS, NT). If the traveller is unable to complete the online application they may still proceed to the border and a police officer will assist them. The border process will be significantly faster if a traveller details have been entered before they arrive and a central assessment has been made. Following completion of the online form the traveller will receive confirmation and a reference number indicating the application has been submitted. Central Assessment A Central Assessment Unit within South Australia Police will process the applications against the current Emergency Management Act Cross Border travel Direction. These Directions do change and people should familiarise themselves with the current restrictions and categories contained within them. The Central Assessment Unit will confirm all the details on the application have been completed and make a determination on the relevant ‘status’ for the traveller. A Single or Ongoing approval will be issued for travellers meeting the criteria of Essential Travellers or confirmation of the need to self-quarantine will be made. The applicant will be advised by email of the decision within 72 hours. Following assessment a unique number will be emailed to the applicant that is required at the border. Border Process South Australia Police officers are currently deployed to border checkpoints located at roads into South Australia from New South Wales, Victoria and at Adelaide Airport. People coming from NSW, Victoria and through the Airport can expect to be spoken to by Police regarding their travel. At the South Australia border point (or Airport), a police officer will verify the traveller’s identity and reason for travel against the unique pre-approval number. The officer at the location can also search for an online application, should the unique number not be readily available. The traveller’s arrival will then be registered on police systems allowing compliance checking of self- quarantine requirements if required. If the traveller arrives at a South Australian border point without already completing an online application, a police officer will facilitate and process an online pre-approval application utilising the standard online process. In this instance an ‘interim status’ will be provided and the Central Assessment Unit will confirm the decision after that interim assessment. The traveller will be then be able to enter South Australia under the ‘interim status’. No travellers will be turned away, all people travelling to South Australia can enter, it is only the circumstances and restrictions applying to the traveller that differ. A traveller who already has Essential Traveller status – under the cross border community member category only needs to attend the border with their existing approval notice. Provided their circumstances has not changed they will not need to re-apply. A traveller who already has Essential Traveller status under the cross border community member category only needs to attend the border with their existing approval notice. Provided their circumstance has not changed they will not need to re- apply. All other persons who have pre-existing Essential Traveller Status intending to travel into SA from 1 July 2020 will need to apply online. An instructional video explaining how the new form will work will be available on the SA Police website, along with Frequently Asked Questions. Please note: If you have been forwarded this email and would like to receive future updates directly to your in-box subscribe here.