29, PART II 2 HERALD: SUJSTDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1907. of each month at 8 p. m. In Johnson. Edith Luper, Agnes Cowen, nua waa a member of a Sierra Madre Tuesdays Elizabeth Slaughter, Pearl Luper, Anna house party Thursday and Friday. room 216 Collins building, 213- West Johnson, Edith Beldle, Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Fred Lambourne and Miss Ade- Third street. Out of Town Society Messrs. Clarence Bradford, Juda Clark, laide, and Miss Lucy Brown, are at Ar- Women's Clubs Ed Peterson, George Booth, Eugene rowhead, where they plan to remain for Wednesday Morning Club Society News | Slaughter, Ray Tyler, Leo Slaughter, Ben several weeks. Among tho first clubs to commence Sallada and Leonard Beldle. Miss M. E. Kelly of Hotel Woodward GENERAL, FEDERATION the winter work Is the Wednesday returned Tuesday from New York, wh#re President —Mrs. Sarah S. Platt Morning club of East Los Angeles, and PASADENA society women, as represented rled pair will leave for From Wedoing she has been for five weeks. Decker, Denver, under the able leadership of Mrs. Frank Coronado. Sunday and Colo. association willconvene The most notable society event of the membership of The Assistance there they will go to their future home of city F. W. Conner, son of Mr. Mrs. STATE FEDERA- E. Prior this by the Miss Kstelle Wlnzlnskl this and J. A. Conner thin city, gone to hall, the of past week In Pasadona was the wedding present a society In San Francisco. Joseph Citron of Francisco are of has TION in Schllcher's on corner LOCALleague, are going to V. San Memphis, Term., where he will avenue and Daly street, Oc- of Miss Marguerite Austin and Clarence entertainment at the Mason to today at the residence of assume President—*Mrs. Edwin D. Buss, Pasadena The ceremony vaudeville be married control of the circulation department of Unkprslii'lil. tober C. This nrst meeting Is to be ob- Austin. took place at the opera bouse Monday night, November 18, For Mrs. Sayford UrlCitron, 143S Alvarado street. home of the bride's onu of the Memphis newspaper?. Vice president —Mrs. J. W. served as "Old Home Day," and every parents, Mr. and that promises to eclipse all previous per- Mrs. Irving Sayford of Ban Francisco, Mrs. W. J. Austin of 281 South Orange Mr. and Mrs. John S. Morris and daugh- 714 North street, one who ever belonged has been In- formances of a similar character. who for a fortnight has been the guest Meeting of Season Bishop, Main- Grove boulevard, and was witnessed by a siHter, First ter, Miss .formerly of 1475 West Santß. Ana. vited to be present. There will be The vaudeville committee of the league, of her Mrs. A. F. Johnsor of San- and Mrs. William Almee.- — number of Intimate friends and Miner, home Mrs. J. W. Kemper Twenty-second street, are now at home president at large Mrs. greetings from all the past presidents relatives. consisting of Mrs. Randolph Mrs. ta Monica, left for her northern H. Fuller will entertain Eschicholtzla Vice the of the A color scheme of pink and yesterday. at 1301 Constance etroet. J. Woodbury, 1216 and a word from leaders sec- white was Oranville MacGowan and Mrs. Walter Rev- Charles Brush music, beautifully carried out in tho house by the chapter, Daughters of the American Miss Allen ami Miss Lois Allen of ¦treet, Oakland. tions, and and then the ladies Newhall, has been actively engaged In During her stay Mrs. Sayford was olution, the opening meeting for the — informally tho tea cups. the lavish use of pink roses. Tho . complimented several pretty af- at Pasadena avenue are expected to return Recording secretary Mrs. J. willmoet over bride the preparation of a program that will guest at Ebell club house, Eigh- (.'Htallna the Wcojneßday Morning wore a handsome white laco robe for fairs, among them being a kaffee season at the from tomorrow, where they Benson Wrenn, 2003 B street, As always, over contain a wealth of novel features klatoh' teenth and Flgueroa streets, at E:3O have will take up tho study of of taffeta. In her fiair was a of now that given Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. been for several weeks. club some wreath the past two months and their o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. W. Beckett plan- Bakersfleld. — Shakespeare's pjays, and tho mornings lilies of the valley, and she carried a end, far the Adolph at her home on Fourth W. are Corresponding: secretary Mrs. shower work Is nearing an so as Petsch ning trip Atlantic of the second, third and fourth Wednes- bouquet of tho same blossoms, Itself Is con- street In Santa Morlca. a three weeks' to the J. F. Kaar, 914 M street, Kern. with maidenhair ferns. *Mrs. planning of the program the Thimble Club coast next month. — L«- days of each month willbe so occupied, Frederick It becomes more apparent than In the near future, probably by Treasurer Mrs. Charles Grable, the bride's sister, acted as cerned. middle of October, Mr. Mrs. Sayford The of hive, O. M., Mr. T. W. and' daughter, Mlas Donohoe, with Mrs. H. E. Brett as Instructor. ma- that the function willbe more than and ladies Pacific L. T. Wallace Willows. tron of honor, and was handsomely «ver willleave for New York, where Mr.Say- met the home of Lady Commander Gertrude of Ocean Park and Rlalto, left LOS ANGELES The first Wednesday afternoons a mat- commonly successful. at DISTRICT FED- presented. gowned in white embroidered chiffon ford goes to take responsible position Itussell YVednesd ly organized a last week for San Francisco, Intending ERATION inee program will be over The billwill the names of about a and at- pale green taffeta. Miss Louise Austin, contain Angeles on editorial staff of tha Associated thimble club. The next meotlng of the to remain in the north for several — Mrs. Florence "Household Economics'/ willreceive •very person prominent in Los the President Col- second Wednesday, under the groom's sister, and Miss Constance be Press, club will be held Wednesday at Mra. months. lins Porter, tention each •oclety. The different acts that will SoutlvPasadona. — direction of Mrs. L. C. Crossman, McCllntock were bridesmaids and under Russell's home, 1247 lonia street. Miss Bertha Lummls, daughter of Corresponding secretary Mrs. the woro given are already' being rehearsed Charles Mrs. Lou V. will a class creations of sheerest white silk, with of Edgar Temple, whose Seeley degree team of Pacific hive gave F. Lurnmla, Is in the east. Miss F. Jones, 2114 Bonsallo Chapin conduct princess pleated the able direction For Miss The Lummie in Hooker in current history the third week, and lace accordion over pink stage direction was evidenced Mrs. H. M. Bishop of 2027 South Hoover their beautiful drill last Saturday even- willmake an extended visit' avenue, Los Angeles. taffeta. They carried huge bouquets auperior New tho meeting of the fourth week has of the of the Callfornlans at the street was the charming hostess Thurs- ing for the ladles of Pacific chapter, England. pink carnations and ferns tied with pink In work Temple Is into the foothills O. E. S. Is the team carried Mr. ana Oscar been reserved for the music section last spring. Mr. day of an excursion This that Mrs. Lawler are oc- The fifth ribbon. Mr. Frederick Grable acted Auditorium the pros- beyond Glendale, the outing being In off the prize at Redondo Maccabee cupying their new home at 612 Coronado October! Her fair face Is Just under Mrs. Vogt. Wednes- as remarkably enthusiastic over at the dates, beat man. Mrs. W» J. Austin, the bride's street. ¦« crest of the days have been left open and on for an that willap- compliment to Miss Pearl Seeley. picnic recently. appearing over the mother, wore a handsome robe of pects entertainment Glendale Mrs. Locke, who ALOHA, grave 30 willprobably take place the black proach,, not excel, the professional The guests went by trolley to Curay.Enright Katherine Oraenleaf Sierras, her eyes are and October lace white taffeta, and groom's if driven in carriages been the guest of her mother at and in her hand she brings the annual reception for new members. over the In the matter Its general ex- and from there were Enright daughter of Mrs. has* sweet, pre- mother, Mrs. F. W. Austin, a white stand.rd of to ranch, where Miss Ellen family home in this priceless gift of opportunity. All hall! A "harvest home fete" is being wore cellence. a foothill luncheon was Alice Ehrlght. 1123 South Hill street, be- the Pasadena sum- and taffeta gown. The- Reverend T. Tues- served. The return trip made at mer, wliry-eturn to New York about With October's advent will the pared for the evening of October 11, Cum* The sale of willcommence was came the of Edward Curay Monday No- come tho attractions be presented mings Beatty read tho Episcopal ring seats ticket office the of delightful afterneon. bride vember. Mrs. Locke's in maga- opening of the club year throughout among to day morning at the Behymer close a evening. Rev. J. M. Schacfle of Pico articles are vaudeville, Indian songs service, after which a reception was The interest Those who enjoyed the delightful after- zines and other periodical! make her Southern California, nnd allup and down war held in Bartletfs music store. Chandler, Heights Congregational church officiated. and dance, a baby show, palmistry, llv- and a bridal collation served. In the ap- noon were Mrs. Jefferson Paul name a familiar one to readers of cur- our summer land the club centers are that has been manifested Drake, Misses Miss Nora Enright attended her slstnr literature. enthusiasm pictures and the usual booths. The eighteenth anniversary of a triple proaching Is so great that Mrs. Seeley, Mrs. Jean and Dr. Glen Miller stood with tho rent buzzing, like beehives with Inix entertainment seating Elizabeth Drake, Plnlta Dr,ake, Rowena and Mrs. J. Burton Prosser, who and the faith that moves mountains. But beside the regular club work the wedding was celebrated Tuesday at the it pretty certain the entire groom. Little Adrlenne Enright, a niece Mr. accomplish Mr.and Is disposed Blosiom, Melluß, Guendolen Laugh- have occupied their cottage in Millard Beginning with the state organization women are planning; to home of Mrs. S. J. Keese, one of capacity of the Mason wl.ibe Grace of the bride, was ring bearer. Mrs. En- the couples who sale. The ln, Edith Herron and Lucy Clark. canyon since June, came down Monday there are to be things doing all down the something along the line of household were married at tho the first day of the ticket right, the bride's mother, played Men- others, among Henry of $1 each, and are at home at the corner of Twen- line. The new department, philanthropy, economics for and other same time. Mr. and Mrs. Newby seats will be $3, $2 and accord- delssohn's wedding march. enactment of better things will endeavor to better Mr. Mrs. W. N. Nuys and but night at Farewell Gathering The bride a white dress of sheer ty-second street and Normandle. Mr». El- looking toward the secure and and Van com- Ing to location, as one wore sie laws in the Interest of women, is to be housing for the poor of the neighbor- pleted the doubli trio. Each succeeding is for the society Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Phillips of 2969 filmy stuff, lace trimmed, with orange Van Dyke of Salt Lake, Mrs. Pros- the Mason available ser'a Is her made prominent, effort being directed hood. In January the Wednesday year the recurrence of their anniversary it Is readily apparent that the Francis avenue, in the Wilshire boule- blossoms In her hair, and her bouquet cousin. guest. vaudeville the supply Friday maid honor Mr. and Mrs. Water? of &3 West mainly to raising the age of consent for Morning club will enter upon Its thir- has brought together the six people who demand willmore than exceed vard district, entertained even- was of bride roses. The of A. J. ships ing- In compliment to Dr. C. H. Terry was attired in whitelawn, with lace, and Thirty-second street returned Tuesday women to 21 years ard to securing such teenth year. started their at the same time on of tickets. from an absence of three weeks legislation that girls who at present the sea of matrimony. Tho occasion this Assistance leagu>e was organized and Mm. Terry, who left yesterday for carried American Beauty roses. The little at Lake * The disaster, Tahoe and other northern points. cannot inherit as minors after they be- Friday year celebrated by at the shortly after the San Francisco San Francisco. ring bearer was In white and carried the Morning Club was a dinner are and R. Newberry among come 18, will have the same chance as club, its Jonathan club, with Mr. and Mrs. Keese when became obvious that a charitable Dr. Phillips and Dr. Terry mem- ring In a basket of orange blossoms and Mr. Mrs. J. are age The Friday Morning: with 'it altogether Dental company in this tulle. Los Angelenos who have returned from their brothers, who do not come of membership of thousand, will as host and hostess, and later the organization working along bers of the Rex of the father over a com- regularly estab- Dr. Terry goes north estab- Mr. and Mrs. Curay will receive their eastern trips and are again at home at until they are 21, in case gather Friday morning, October 4, In pany enjoyed a theater party at the Audi- different lines than the city,and to, dying and leaving his property by will of the city lish branch of the business in the friends at 1123 South Hill street their the Lankershlm. . the old quarters Flgueroa street, torium. The place cards used at the lished charitable societies a on to his wife and "minor" children. on prettily decoraMd table were A number of prom- northern metropolis. > return from a wedding trip. Frank Hadley, Interpreter at the Amer- where they have met so many years, water color was urgently needed. The club women of the southern sec- Hk<4fecs done by Mrs. Keese. of the Hty banded Other guests Included Mrs. ican embassy at Tokyo, Japan, who has but there is something almost pro- Each one inent society women Dr"and^ tion of the state willgive especial atten- a flower, inthe center of together to further this char- C. M. Rankln, Dr. and Mrs. W". L.Down- Complimentary Luncheon been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. phetic In the manner of the directors rep^Pented which themselves W. W. Hadley tion to local conditions resulting from was- sketched a likeness of the for itable and their efforts have been ing, Dr. and Mrs. C. I. Foote, Miss Mrs. S. M. Parkhouse of Los Angeles, of 1401 South Hope street, for as they "hope" that next year the club one work willleave Tuesday for ¦ the attraction our sunny climate has the place was designated. notably sucewjful. Their desire to have Evelyn Stacey, Dr. T. D. Terry, Dr. who has been the guest of Japan. who either with or willbe iri the elegant new home that wlwffi Mrs. Edward Mrs. Wilson and daughter, 'Miss those are threatened Lewis Salisbury an augmented treasury with which to Robert Slough, Dr. Parker. Winterer In for several weeks, Alletta are in the grasp of the great white has been planned for the site on the Mrs. and Miss Elva scope of the Mollle Byerly Wilson, who been In of and Hoover Huntley entertained at the prosecute the enlarged was the honored guest Friday at a lunch- have plague. Mrs. F. M. Pottlnger of Monro- corner Adams streets. home of Mrs. work planning the given by Mrs. Winterer. the east since last May, ealted for Eu- Tho committee on building Is ex- Salisbury Wednesday afternoon in league's resulted in October Bride eon rope via Is at the head of the sub-committee honor Every contributor to 3516 Covers were laid for Mrs. J. R. Cham- yesterday on the Penneylvania. pected to report at thlc first meeting, of Miss Cosetto Dorian1 of Long Beach, society vaudeville. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leary, Miss Wilson who willpush this work. big program is making a really great street, announcing the berlain, Mrs. C. F. Jones, Mrs. Charles I). will devote her attention work outlined at state head- which' Is for club members only, and who willwed MlloHalsey on the tne South Hope are to music In Berlin, Other 10th of sacrifice not only In the matter of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Klmball, Mrs. Robert Young, Mrs. J. E. and later, with her quarters has already been accomplished Mrs. Shelly Tolhurßt, who again returns October. All of. the guesta were former mother, will required for the rehearsa s Card- Williams, Mrs. Francis Lyon, Mrs. J. R. travel on the continent be- to occupy the president's chair, willde- college mates of Miss J_>orland and Mrs. many hours his Edna May Leary, to F. Arthur fore returning by the local civic movement. also in the matter of providing this city. ceremony will Hubbard and Miss Hlgglns. to America. liver the annual address. Salisbury at Pomona, and the but well of The Mrs. Burt Estes Howard conversa- or her own costume for the entertoln- take place at the Christian of Twenty- Angeles District The program for tho month willbe: tion was replete with pleasant reminis- these ninth street and avenue, ac- Los *— address; ment-and In numerous instances church, and Miss Clara Schwartz of For Miss Ccok Orchard October President's club mem- cences of the former college days. The been brought from Paris companied by her children, has returned The annual meeting of the Los Angeles bers only; luncheon. rooms with asters costumes have Minneapolis, Minn., willassist the bride Miss Maud Cook, whose engagement to district will be held in Monrovia Novem- October B— directors willre- were decorated white at cost of of after an absence of some weeks Bay The officers and and asparagus fern in color and London a hundreds as maid of honor. Nat Finehout has. been announced, was City, Mich. In ber 19, 20 and 21, but as the program ceive the members of the club from 3 to 5 a scheme of Mrs. Howard was called white and green. A dainty was the guest of honor at a linen shower and east by her comr-.ittee has not yet finished the pre- o'clock. collation membership The Assistance Mabel father's Illness, and he passed October 11—"Independence in MunicipalPoli- after the playing of several The of For Mrs. Michaux five hundred party given by Miss away after her r mary work a detailed program will served amus- league is as follows: Watkins Wednesday afternoon at her soon arrival. tics," Lee C. Gates. ing games. Mrs. Jefferson D. Glbbs of 424 Park L. of 1010 not be ready for publication for a week ' composers; the H. B. Ainsworth, E. A. Bry- home, avenue. Mrs. E. Swaine Elden ave- October 18—Modern Slavic Miss Augusta Gould of Washington Mesdames View avenue, who has been 923 Lovelace nue, or more. Fuhrer String quartet— R. Fuhrer, first A. C. Balch, W. J. Barlow, W. D. The first prize, hand painted dish, was accompanied by her son, Leroy Bessie street had her guest Wednesday ant ing- her sister, Mrs. F. W. OTlchaux of a Swaine, and her mother, At the coming meeting prominence will violin;Helolse Dcslree Coutolonce, second vio- as of M. A. Briggs, Harry Bixby. E. awarded to Mrs. Barry. A musical pro- Mrs. C. Van lin; "Rosenblum, viola; Fuh- Mrs. J. Harrington of Hollywood, and Babcock. Houston, Tex., gave a beautifully ap- Alen Sldell, will be given to the work of the different de- Ethel Y. Elsa T. a R Bryant, Hancock Banning, W. B. gram was presented by Mrs. Berry, Miss leave tomorrow for New which there This number of her former classmates of J. Ross pointed luncheon Inher honor Friday. York city, Mrs. former partments, of are ten. Society," Cllne J. E. Cook, Wesley Clark, Bernice Marcher and Miss Vera Lothrop Swaine's home. Is necessarily day of October 26— "Sex and William I. Throop Institute were invitml to meet Caswell, C. C. Carpenter, The occasion was In the nature of a The party expect to be away until the a specialization, Thomas of Chicago university; Margaret Col- Clark, W. M. farewell, leaving The guests were Mmes. A. Macgreagor, one group 'of devote them- her. Mrs. Harrington was formerly Miss Cates, M. J. Connell, as JVirs. Mlchaux was New Year. when women lier Graham; luncheon. Gladys Chase, of Throop's H G Guy cochran. Forgetmenots George A. Ralphs, John Edwards, A. selves to the study of art, another to for one popular Chllds, G. J. Denis, J. C. Drake, for her home Saturday. Hutchinson, Bergin, Ray Miner, Miss Z. Weaver, who has/ spent the The club house is to be reserved students. The afternoon was Emellne formed the Charles Paris, civics, another to philanthropy and still their friends every passed on Earl, Charles Fox, Joseph Foxton, and Cecil Bruner roses_ cen- Howard Anthony, Barry, B. A. Cook, F. summer in arrived New York lines, members with veranda, and devoted B. T. terpiece and the place* cards bore the Tuesday, in another to work along educational Tuesday afternoon, when tea will be was to Fleming, Burton E. Green, William Watkins, Misses Anna Powers, Leona and will return to Los Angeles fancy work and the the T*J music and words of the of October and when there is neither time nor vital- served. exhibition of May Garland, Griffith, Gilbert T. flr.st verse Hutchinson, Ada Smith, Hazel Ralphs, about 1. every kodak pictures gathered by the guests Frank "Auld Lang Syne." Mrs. Thomas ity enough for woman to study on Gay, Francis E. Garnsey, John T. Grif- Row, Juanlta Lane, Vera Lothrop, Faulkes of 2374 West along every line; so, In to bring vacations. Those invited F. A. Mrs. Glbbs' guests were a of FldV Washington street, left order their summer fith T. B. Gibbon, M. A. Wllcox, number Vesta Edwards, Margaret Cardner, Ml yesterday for the all clubs in the district into sympathetic The Ebell Miss Ethel Scudder, Miss Wills, How- Mrs. Michaux's former classmates, who east, expecting to join her were Ouina Walton, William Le Moyne nona Brlzzolarl. Margaret Hough, Ber- hukband In touch, each chairman will be given an The following forecast of the Ebell Lisk, Miss Malsle Lynch, Miss Elizabeth Hicks, S. P. are residing in Los Angeles, the com- nice Marcher, Kathleen Hamilton, Evelyn Chicago. Mr. Faulkes has been making speaks ard E. Huntlngton. F. S. Abbott, opportunity to present the work being for the month of October more Sargent, Miss Clara Vaughn, Miss Cora Helm, Hinman, W. pany including Mrs. Adelbert S. Lewis and Lois Colt. an tour of Europe. Mr. and loudly than many words in regard to Hunt, Scott Marshall H. H. extensive done her department. Hill, Miss June Chapin, Miss Alice Cha- Margaret B. Hobbs, West Mrs. Lewis R. Garrett, Mrs. The young people planning to be Mrs. Faulkes will eastern cities, In standards of the organization and S. Hook. Kerckhoff, and the Misses Harriet were visit the the ! pin, Miss Beula Haskell and Mrs. Ned John G. Johnston, Hancock married in November, but the ceremony returning here In three weeks. the plane to which it has attained. Chapin. Hughes, Longstreet, Clara Bosbyshell, Edith Johnston, W. G. Kerckhoff, J. O. Koepfll, has been postponed in account of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. HoweU of 1122 Woman's Parliament i The president, Mrs. Philip Gen- A bridge party arranged Wednes- Harkness and Mabel Clute. West An occasion that willbring together was B. H. Lacy, H. T. Lee, Henry C. Lee, Flnchout's ivealth. Seventh street are entertaining Mrs. a gembre Hubert, is stillIn the east, but day afternoon by Mrs. Thomas J. Orbin- Lee, Mu- Howell's cousin large number oof representative ,¦ club- Mary Longstreet, Thomas John * and Mrs. W. E. Maples . ItIs hoped that she willreturn In sea- of 292 East' Colorado street in honor Morgan, G. G. Mulllns, R. Esker-Luck and daughter, Miss Jane Maples of women•Is the sixteenth annual session for the charter day reception, Octo- son rletta, Cosmo Mrs. HeAcks Entertains the Woman's of Southern son of Miss Dlxon of Philadelphia. Miss Miner, J. J. Meyler, G. Mac Gowan, Miss Clara Luck and Merman Fsker Shreveport, La. They willgo south with of Parliament ber 28. • In her- absence Mrs. Willetts H. Wade HamptfflT chapter. Daughters of California, which• will open Tuesday Dixon is the sister of Mrs. Torrey Ever- Avery McCarthy, were married In St. Patrick's church at Mrs. Howeil, who plans to leave for v-1,v Dan McFarland, E. the Confederacy, entertained with a card Bir- morning, October -1, Cumnock hall, J. Hole, first vice president, willpreside ett of St. John avenue. The bridge prizes Mac Neil, W. S. Newhall, John 7:30 Thursday morning. Rev. Father T. party Wednesday afternoon at the home mingham, Ala., October 10, to visit her !in at the meetings. '. by Mrs. Harrison I. Louise O'Melveny, G. S. McGrath reading the marriage office. daughter, Mark with the president, Mrs. O. Shepard Bar- ' were won Drummond H. Weston. Henry W. J. of Mrs. Sarah Hendricks, 1316 Vermont Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Howell The evening before The department of expression Is a and Mrs., Charles Cranz Perkins. Those Potter, Wlllard H. The bride was gowned In white or- willbe away unti! the holidays. num, In the chair. Patton, Mllo M. avenue. The affair was largely attended^ the Galpln Shakespeare club willreceive new feature of the work. ' present were Mrs. Charles Cranz Perkins, Stimson, Solano, Charles Silent, gandy, trimmed daintily with lace, and program Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Caroe, have • Monday, Drummond, Lloyd Alfred and an excellent musical under who members of the ¦ parliament and October 7 Mrs. Harrison I. Mrs. Williams. Ar- wore a Galnsboro hat. She carried a returned from a trip that the only. . Joseph F. Sartorl, Curtis the direction of Earl Valentine. included Seat- -In the 'Shakespeare at Members I Macy, Mrs. Torrey Everett, Mrs. Samuel Workman, H. B. white prayer book in the place of the tle, Portland, San friends ' rooms by thur G. Wells, William Francisco and other ¦' Call to order Past President Mrs. Robert Cupples Pierce and Mrs. Chapman Trask, Keef, cities, Cumnock. '. ] \ ' Smith. Wing, Stevens, Walter J. usual bouquet. Miss Margaret northern will be at home after ', J. Burdette. Annual address' of president. Re- Otheman bride, East Side Club October home, The program for the parliament is marks by curators. ¦ Thomas, H. Utley, William who attended the was In 1 in their ¦ Frank J. J. cream Some of the young people of the east new 935 West given: • ¦ MUSIC yon Schmidt, Kate S. silk and wore a picture hat. Her bou- Twentieth street. Mrs. will ' M. Van Dyke, Jaro side have organized a culture club, with Caroo re- Mrs. W. F. Botsford, . piano; Mrs. F. B. LONG BEACH Edward D. Silent; Misses El- quet was a cluster of pink roses. ceive the second^Friday of each month. Tuesday Evening; Sllverwood, Vosburg, Arthur Adams as president. Thursday by vocal. liott, Mary Beatrice Fox, Belle Ham- Frank Austzen stood with the groom. Dr. F. K.Ledyard of San Jose, B:oo—Music the College Settlement or- Tea served. honor of his -twenty-sixth birthday night they gave a Jolly evening to their brother chestra. "•¦.¦-¦ - . In burger, Evelyn Hamburger, Wilson, Lacy, Mies Luck had been a member of the of Miss Mary Ledyard, has come to '. Monday, October 14 :y. anniversary Marco Vessella, leader of choir choir, and a nuptial sung. friends in Conaty hall. Los Angeles with his Illustrated lecturs, "Wordsworth,"' Mrs. An- : MENDELSSOHN QUARTET Isabel Lacy and Mary Ryan. mass was family to reside. drew Stewart Loblngier. the Italian band, gave a special concert H. B. Ains- Miss Kllnkhammer being at the organ. Dr. ar-4 Mrs. Gordon . . Miss Bessie Chapin, violin; Miss Gertrude by Honorary Members— Messrs. Frank of 812 Bon- ¦ Wednesday night, which was attended For Little People C Wednesday Evening: Cohen, piano; Mme. Elsa VonGraiTe Menasco, worth, Dr. E. A. Bryant, Dr. W. J. Bar- nie Brae left recently for Madison, Wls., . large number of society folk. The pop- 9:3o—lnvocation. Rev. Dana W. Bartlett. 'cello; Robert Messenger, viola; assisted by a Denis, J. M. Miss Lottita Corolla willact as hostess where they .... * low C. H. Bennett, G. J. For Miss Jobson will visit Dr. Gordon's Reports of committees and delegates: Legis- Charles Bowes, i ular director was the recipient of numer- children's party to be given at Cum- parents. - B. baritone. I Elliott, F. W. Flint, M. L. Graff, William Mr. and Mrs. Lyman A. Craig, 803 at a lative, In.iluii relief, nominating. ' Monday, October 21 ous elegant floral gifts, and also a gold- May Garland, Howard E. Huntington, West Thirtieth street, entertained with nock Saturday afternoon. In addition to Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Bradley of 2920 Election*! officers. < Program In charge of Mrs. Frank A. Kelley. tipped baton from the members of his ~ *-¦ ' • ¦ - the usual games and dances there willbe .¦ Godfrey Holterhoff, Jr., F. S. Hicks, W. G. hearts party Saturday evening In Wi'.shlre boulevard," who left An- Recess. .. -..' . Home affairs, Miss Helen Louise Klmball; band. a Los .. foreign some unique German figures. 1:15— Music by children from the foreign affairs, | Hamilton; new Kerckhoff, Dr. G. Mac Gowari, James Craig's geles early inJune for an extended Eu- : Miss Isabella A pleasant house party at the yon honor of Mrs. sister. Miss Ada Bethlehem .institution. I books, Edwin A. Curtis. now Slauson, F. Vetter, Count Jaro J. Jobson, whose marriage ropean trip, have arrived in New York, Mrs. ' Julian Mr. and Mrs. Burton, Louis to J. F. Wedding Address, "Gofl'a First Temple," E. J. Harper,' Tea served. ,:. •. , includes Wllcox Announcement ard willleave ;¦•• ¦ Schmidt, F. A. Walton, Alfred the 28th for home. city ¦¦¦ ¦-.. Misses Dorothy and Reynolds will take place December 2. on forester. ... : \ ¦ Monday, October 28 Miss Burton and the John H. hall, by and Clinton E. Worden. prizes were awarded. Miss Mabel Decker has 'chosen October Mrs-. Norton of West Twenty- Luncheon at Cumnock served do- Charter day reception. 3 o'clock. Each mem- (Ruth Burton of New York, and Mr. and R. marriage eighth street, department Poyltechnlc - ,H. Firms—American National bank. E. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jobson and Miss 2 as the date of her with with her daughter, Miss mestic science of the - ber allowed one guest on calling card. ¦¦¦¦;' Mrs. S. Burton and J. W. Burton Kellam, for Raymond Fuel and Feed Joseph Leddy. The young lady is being Amy Marie Norton, aijd her niece, high school. :-¦¦:'.-•."-*. '-.> ¦ • Alice Jobson, parents and sister of the Mise •.'•-' Wednesday of Cincinnati, 'O.¦.'•;. company; Los Angeles Gas and Electric hostess, much feted by her friends during theso Barnetta Norton, who have been passing :Department Work for October :. Colonial. Is assisted In entertaining, while ". I:3o—Anniversary celebration, "Sweet Six- Mrs. A. L. Young of the company, Los Angeles Trust opmpany, Miss Florence Chase Miss few weeks prior to her marriage. the summer in the north, are expected PARLIAMENTARY LAW—Mondays, '1:15 p. entertaining her nephew, .R. E. Harper, Bros, and Ruth teen," In charge of Mrs. D. O. Stephens. m. First meeting Monday, October 14. Review . Milo M. Potter, Wltmer company. Burke marked the home early In October. by quartet • county of county, scores. Music furnished a from the Lyric ¦ _.•¦.,. Ashtabula O. Reception Mrs. Guy and drill. treasurer The invited guests included Messrs. Knox.Kimball Cochran has returned from club: Miss Willy Smyser, Miss Jessica Law- EXPRESSION— First and third Tuesdays, 10 Mr. and^iMrs. Frank Dupuy, 2037 East At the Circus and the Play and Mesdames R. L.Brown, Harry Har- Mrs. Andrew Knox and Mrs. M. A. an absence of some weeks in the Yellow- rence, Miss Pearl Teetzel, Miss Kie*Chrlstln. a. m. Third, extempore speaking, story telling. Ocean avenue, have \ left for Monrovia, and ' "Resolved, City "Ho for the circus" and "Ho for low, Lynus Sheldon, W. H. Packard, Klmball entertained Tuesday afternoon stone the east. Dr. Cochran, who , Tuesday Morning Debate, Life Is More Condu- where they willmake their winter home. It was accompanied his cive to Development Than Country Life." - last week, and Monday John R. Reynolds, Misses Anna Caswell, with home the residence of Mrs. wife as far 9:3o— Assembly singing, '"Nearer, My Ood, .'Missv Nora Davla of East Ocean aye- the theater" an at at as Coltt ¦' to I rado, returned Thee.", ;; ¦¦- :¦ ¦ ,' <;¦: .-: MUSlC—Second and fourth Tuesdays, .10 a. night great night everywhere. It Anna Bermays, Mabel Colyer, Eleanor 1006 West Twenty-third over a week ago. ''. ' '¦ .• was a Knox. street. Invocation, .. Tupper.. ..• m. Second, music of France, 1100 to 1907; (Continued on Page) Fire.) Rev. Eliza Wllkes. only the little tads who went Duane, Maude Anderson, Jessie Myers, The hostesses were assisted In receiving Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Marsden • fourth, was not are Reports of officers and delegates. ¦ music of the Netherlands from 1360. see the elephants and the clowns and Mononah Brizzlliarl, Helen Glnther. by Mrs^.H. Forbes, Mrs. John L. Maile, at Riverside, whore they will be the - MusicalIllustrations by members at each meet- to Vocal solo, Mis? Cbarlena Welch. \¦' ¦ > their breaths the pretty girl Ethel Bowers, Margaret Hough, Edith Mrs. J. S. Harmon, Mrs. D. K. Boomer, guests over Sunday of Mrs. . ins. . •¦¦-, .'-. ¦:¦ , ¦¦:¦¦> ,:¦-. ¦-.' ¦. to catch as sister, Marsden's Report of committee on revision of the con- " ¦ SCIENCE— Third Tuesday, and her pony flashed through the hoops Ragan, Florence Chase; Messrs. Ernest Mrs. N. .3. Averill, Mrs. A. T. Stewart, Mrs. T. O. Gray. stitution, Mrs. D.¦G.;Stephens, chairman. 2 p. m.': "Crea- The "Kantstoop"

¦ (1) trpm who had children Spelcher, Mrs. John H. Peckham and Mrs. Hobbs. Mrs. O. W. and daughter. Miss President's address. Recess. ¦¦ -", .'¦¦'¦!. tion." Force and substance the oc- of fire. Grownups George Cortelyou, Harold Roberts ' '•-'< points; (2) Suspender - Rueh, solo, ¦ cult and materialistic view review Shoulder Brace and "went for the sake of the children;" Ferry, Conrad Davis, Philip Bermays, The little Misses Ada May Ford and Samono P. 920 South Alvarado 11 Vocal- Miss'• Whitesell. £ science, (3) street, "• "County Citizenship, Hon.' Frank G. Tyr-' of Haeckel's Mr. Svynanowskl; ac- no children borrowed boys Manuel, Bristol, Pearl Peckham received the guests at the returned Tuesday from European ¦ - : people with Robert Louis John a ¦¦¦ -• cordance of the Biblical version withmodern trip through England, Ireland, rell. 't . -1.-' >.-.¦:•¦•<¦ ¦¦--:•'¦ = ¦'• Strong and girls of their more fortunate neigh- Stum, Paul Staples, Norman Gray and door. Scotland, Luncheon at '¦Cumnock hall,' served by the theories of evolution. Meets at the 'residence (H^S!J™J2fy% young Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, "Jay Millard, bors and even men who had no Dr. Irving I. Bancroft. Germany domestic science department of the Poyltechnle of Mrs. '' • B. 638 South Alvarado - ¦ :¦ ¦ >'•¦¦ Effective relatives (and some who had), and France. ¦¦'. '¦'¦¦".. •",¦' street. .;¦*.>.>'' '." :.•.''¦¦', \ small high school. -\u0084't ¦ For Miss Kurtzeborn '..' Tuesday, ,' ... Iri/: l Open ,MW':: other fellow's sister to go Mr. and Harry Howard Temperly, ¦¦ ClVlCS—Fourth 10 a. .m. ;.'Simple •.:,. asked some In honor of Miss Kurtzeborn, Mrs. , ; Tuesday.' Afternoon \u0084 - - Stag Party Laura formerly . discussion of local. problems. him. of 2819 South street, of discussion. "The Need .;'brace)' with Edmund Burke is planning a jollyeven- who left recently for her home in St. Flower are I:3o—An afternoon . 1 Wednesdays; study classes 9:30 to $&LJ< 'The only Anyone attending the Monday at Ponet Square for the winter. In Southern California of Juvenile Courts and book, edition; £3#tk -braces. Mason Louis after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. - > 10:30 a. m. First latest second 'that Posi-, ing for a party of Monday \u0084 ' . in fact, other nights as well, men friends A party just returned from eastern Other Forms •of Child Saying." Discussion book, /<^TiT%\- ¦•¦ j tho night, and. evening his home, 152 Bond Francisco, Miss Lily Olshausen of an Berlitz. Advanced class 11:30 .a. m. tlvely cures at North Soto trip are Mr. and Mrs. R. open to all. Three-minute limit. Incidents of "Le . Pauvre," &r /•a'>\''^>\' '¦¦ might have thought that all the world B. Williamson Roman dun Jeune Homme Oc- ' stooping. 1400 St. Andrews place entertained with a especially dis- « 4 habitsof and his wife were present there. It was street. and Mrs. H. K. Williamson, 601 Park View actual observation desired. The tave Feulllet. ;Advanced . prose composition, -'rML^i./3a-oC\ Produces that banquet principal farewell dancing party. Fifty guests re- cussion willbe divided into topics and led for ¦•"¦¦•.;¦¦ ¦¦<¦>:¦: .'.."¦ :-.¦>¦¦ /¦; Ln^y handsomely dressed crowd, too, in- A is to be the fea- avenue. Mr. A. L. Sendall of Chicago - Francois. \u0084 . military effect a occasion, sponded to invitations. five minutes by a representative . from each • , ¦^Bj^a jjgp*^ - so ture the but music accompanied ;¦•¦': BOOKS AND CONVERSATION— Second .; cluding who wore dresses and of and other them home. The ladies will county, ;¦-..--_' ¦ r :.'- women as follows: . Wednesday, 10:30 a. m. Luncheon 12:30.' Books ( .... much desired. interesting Items being planned. < hats and evening coats of such com- are be at home the first and third Fridays. San Diego county, "Industrial Schools," Mrs. to be reviewed: "Brain Women's, girls' and boys,' all sizes. $1.00 Among invited guests Messrs. O. E. S. Whist : and Personality," manding beauty that one just had to the are: Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Perkins have re- Geo. H. Ballou...... Thompson; "She Stoops to Conquer," Oliver Men's, allsizes >'. iWV. ..'.;...... ?1.25 Oliver, Lusk, of Palestine O. - Byron L. R. M. chapter, S., Orange county, School City," Mrs. John .. A. Members E. turned from the shore, they "Candida," gaze and admire, although "The Man C. where spent , ."The •" Goldsmith:' Bernard Shaw. FOR SALE! BY Feeney, McCormlck, Fred W. New- will entertain Monday night Masonic the Swanner. : ¦¦-, *¦'¦'- • FIrgt of the Hour" occupied the stage. J. C. at past six weeks. ART AND TRAVEL—- and third Thurs- Godfrey & Moore, 101-108 S. Spring St. Domlnguez, entertainment Riverside county, , "Truancy," Dr. Louise days, 10 a. m. First, Versailles at Among those noticed Monday evening pert, Dr. Newklrk, Frank ~-W. temple. An from 8 o'clock Mrs. Mllo M. Potter and Miss Jones ' the time of 219 Spring st. ¦ re- Harvey Clark. .:¦.-¦' ; ; XVI;third, Sun Drug Co:, 9. ;V- J. Arkell, Beardsley, Bernard Gil- 9 will be followed by progressive Portland, : •• \ Louis Panorama of a century, ¦ > Mason Messrs. and Mes- C. E. until turned Sunday evening from ¦.-¦ • • N. Spring st. at the were Recess. ..¦ '. ,'.. .-•'/ '. . Paris. Luncheon In charge of Mrs. C. H. A. Hamburger & Sons, •• Sturgis, '. ¦ Kcl- , pin, J. O. Knight, A. A. L. where they visited . ¦ st. dames John W. Mason, R. A. Rowan. M. whist. for several weeks after 3:00— series of ceremonial songs by a group log.. ¦--.-. :¦¦ _¦.•-,¦ .¦.:¦¦ . OB & Vaughn. 352" S. Spring Gen. Robert Wankowskl and Mrs. Wan- Orcutt, D. K. Trask, E. E. Se'.ph, H. J. concluding their trip through the Yellow- of Ogallala' Sioux from the Indian crafts ex- SHAKESPEARE— Second ¦ . The Off Drug Co., 214 S. Spring St. • ¦•¦¦¦¦"." ¦.::¦¦¦'.-¦ and fourth Tues- kowskl E. D. Silent, L. J. C. Spruance, Crawford, John P. Burke, R. P. Probasco, stone. hibition. ' ¦ days, 10 a. m. -'Two Gentlemen of Verona," Keln.Kibbee Los Angeles county, "Juvenile Courts," ad- Second, i, W. H. Workman, Charles Besselman, E. R. Dunlap, A. P. Maglrnls, F. C". Mrs. C. B. and daughters, . ' "Love's Conquest." acts 11, "Love's C. Benedict Company, Inc. :j Miss Violet Klbbee, daughter of Mr.and Woodhead dress by Mrs. C. L. Grout. . Awakening"; fourth, 111, lv, ' Sparks M. Berry, A. L. Cherry, Wlntrode, E. E. Milllken,W. A. Alder- the Misses Blanche, Florence, county, "Report . acts "Love's Dis- v Distributing Agent*, Luther Mrs. O. A. Klbbee of 2622 Darwin avenue, Lora and . San Bernardino of Progress," appointment." Mrs. William Jones, general . - T. Bradford, J. B. Cornwell, F. H. Cham- eon, Will Stephens, Theodore Martin, Helen, who have been the "Beginnings Crime," L. .'; ,• Oakland, Cnl. ', and Keln were married Wednesday on continent Mrs.' M. B. Qoodcell; of curator;.Mrs..Will P. Baker, ;assistant cura- . 'i E, Silent, Stevens, Jackson, Townsend, Calvin ¦¦ D. Otheman Grant F. S. , ¦ berlln, Francis evening at the home of the bride's for eighteen months, were expected to Mrs. B. A. Brooks. ' .. tor. -.:.-..: "-.¦-¦ '." :..-' V;:".. . -.¦.... •\u0084 Emll Firth, Al Levy, H. B. Kay, W. S. Lyon, Judge Egan, Willis George Emer- arrive inLos Angeles yesterday. | Santa" Barbirr. county,| "Children's- Amuse- And not only from the abojie organ- parents. Miss Klbbee In a ¦ Collins, Drown, W. R. Leeds, son, Clifton Axtell,E. W. Gillette, David was attired ments Mrs. C Tallinn. ¦•¦ Clo.ror.ce gown of white chiffon over taffeta and A party that Is enjoying a week-end izations but from all clubs in this sec- Every WomanifOmafl1 Mrs. H. Frank and party, Mrs. W. T. McCartney, Carson, L. H. Valentine, Ventura county, "Girls," Mrs. F. H. Dudley. CVOrV* ' Vr. carried a cluster of white roses. The trip to Arrowhead Includes Dr. and Mrs. tion", both large and small, emanated an "lntw it d *guJ l lw'¦ '\u0084'•< - %W^;' r^ Mr. Mrs. Graves of Alham- Helm, F. Warm, James McLachlan, MARVKL,accept no '*'.Tjfe.'W/i!P^hnrWilffisZ , bra, withtheir daughter, Miss Katherine, A. white. The couple stood beneath a bell of 901 South Union avenue willaccompany opening meeting willbe Tuesday, Oc- ;"My dear, :I. wish you could make• bread other, send for "'¦ ¦-.- but itnmp -;- .m. W£,. f-i T. E. Gibbon, Judge W. R. Kelley, J. H. as .used ¦ / ?¦ ¦ ' son, Selwin, are entertaining a week during the ceremony, after which a rs- Miss Hale. tober 2, under the direction' of Mrs. W. such mother - to make." ... . Uliutrtted book— Itni«» yjm,g• m . and Waddlngton, W. R. Burke. W.< J. Hole, ceptlon held. Mrs. A. H.Busch, accompanied by W. Stilson. A feature of .The bride smiled, and answered in a vole* house pa»ty at was Mias new the •'..•>, ¦• end their summer cottage Martus, ¦ Campbell and John W. Kemp. bride's family until a year and Riordan, willleave Tuesday for study of Japanese that did not tremble:' . ftMStoe^^^Hp™ VUB». ¦>. i-ml at Terminal Island. The friends enjoy- The a an ex- work will be the en- "Well,Idear, Iwish|you ¦ «4 i.9BA »T.. .. . residents of tended trip. They willgo re- I • 1 . could make Ithe by Drug Co.. 824 So. Loa ing Mr. and Mrs. Graves' hospitality half ago were Chippewa eastern to New grdvlng and painting, and a partial dough that father used ¦to For sale the' Sun are make."—Watch- '• '¦¦ ' Falls, groom prominent Orleans, they stop (Dayton, Ohio.) ; '..'. ;-¦,;"¦¦ ¦:„¦:. ;;¦•¦".* '¦¦ •'-¦• ¦ > Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Griffith, Miss New- Card Matinee Wis. The is a where will for several view willbe made of the work at for- word Angeles St.' :..' ."¦ :-¦ ton, Miss Gertrude King and Archie Mac- Mrs. S. L. Clough and Mrs. J. D. Native Son. Mr. and Mrs. Kein will days, from there to Atlanta and then to mer years In black and white en- . lelsh. Clough have Issued invitations for a card spend three months in the north, after Washington, remaining In the latter place graving. Hector Allot has been en- party Thursday afternoon at Hotel Hol- which they will make Los Angeles their a week or ten days. From the capital gaged to deliver a series of lectures in lywood. borne. cjty they go to New York for two weeks line with the New Wedding programs. books October at the Waldorff-Astoria. Mr.Busch will dealing with Japanese art have been CM. Dv CREY'S Announcement of the approaching mar- join them in New Yofk, and on their re- purchased for the library. of Myrtle Roberts Mrs. Braden Entertains Coming ar.d Going Niagara club rjagp; V Miss ; of . San Grace turn they will visit Falls, Chi- c^VIME. '. land Fred J. Paris of San Fran- Mrs. Cochran of St. Paul, Minn., The many Los Angelee friends of Mrs. cago and several other places. Jacinto was the honored guest Friday Meeting »' cisco. itake .place '.Wednesday ,. October at an in- Laura F. Hinsdalu, who has resided in Business Dermatology <¦ t\l ; formal hearts party given by Mrs. Business Woman's Institute of 9, willnot ;be wholly a surprise ;to the Q. W. Denver for several, years, will de- The as- : Braden, 1634 street. be The Cheese California many]Los Angeles friends ;of;the young Shatto lighted to learn of her return to this sociation will open Its winter's "work removing wrinkles, smallpox freckles, moles, pim- : 1 •'•' ¦V- ¦ Thomas Ruger,", for pittings, couple. •»¦¦'.' .-• /;i, .'.'.."¦' city with mother, Alurich. Mrs. "The late General •H. laid Tuesday evening, 1. '.-.v.~ . her Mr*. a prominent army officer, "was, like many October V-' The '.wedding will take place at the "Poly" Surprise Hinsdale, who Is staying with her aunt, of Frederick B. Braden, the^weJl known ples and blackheads. Come^and see demonstration. Expert his brother officers, an authority on good cook- offlcor, parochial .house in'¦}this i, city A delightful surprise was given in Mrs. H. C. Moore, at 2288 Weßt Twen- ing, he detested strong* cheese. k At a din- attorney and trust willgive the electric needle work, electric massage and vibratory massage. cathedral V honor but "Elemen- and willbe private, only relatives and* the of Miss Minna Johnson Friday evening, tieth street, contemplates making her ner he said that a very rank cheese was once second lecture inhis series on '.moat Intimate 1friends jbeing preset) t. Im- September 27 at her home, 2729 San Marino permanent home in Los Angeh lc/t at his headquarters to be called (or, and tary Law as Applied to Business," tak- 1 - . unclaimed (or two days "Investment Se- mediately the." ceremony supper will street, by her schoolmates of the Poly- the last two years Hinsdale has after it had 'remained ing up the subject of f after : Mrs. ' , I'-*1'-*- Street at the home the ;groom's technic high school. the Rocky Moun- he posted ut> this, notice :{'cts ''""'••' '-~v~ *•**"•.• curities." Strangers Jn the city are in- 1400 West Seventh be served of ? The evening was been literary editor of r,".'lf the 'cheese hero addressed Pri- KIWI.-, ¦> sent to Phone sister, and .after a few days' visit ,with tpeht in games ard music. Those pres- News of Denver. ¦¦ ' > 'days llt vited. ¦ tain vate Jones Is not 'called for .In'.two ,relatives in Los Angeles the newly mar- ent were MUius Mac Chapman, Mia Mrs. Carl Schra