We would prefer either a full re-opening on a set date, co-ordinated nationally, ideally as part of a phased removal of the lockdown, but we could accommodate a separate move to re-open the sites if it was co- ordinated nationally and there is enough lead time built into the planning. Hope this helps – I will send it direct to Defra and MHCLG as requested, but thought you might want it separately. Personal Information Personal Information bcpcouncil.gov.uk From: LGRelationships <
[email protected]> Sent: 17 April 2020 19:54 To: Personal Information Subject: 9CEX Friday 17 April 2020 Dear all, Thank you for your help and engagement this week. Here are today’s updates. 1. LG Finance questions for Treasurers 2 As Alex Skinner promised during our call yesterday, please see attached the list of additional qualitative questions he has drafted with HM Treasury, which aim to get a more nuanced understanding of local authorities’ financial circumstances. 2. Draft Managing Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRC) Guidance As Personal Information discussed during our call yesterday, please see attached draft guidance on HWRCs which the DEFRA Waste team have shared with LA stakeholders today (‘Covid 19 HWRC’). This covers social distancing, communications to residents, other considerations such as staffing, and a note on materials accepted. DEFRA are very keen to get your thoughts and comments, please send them directly to
[email protected] (copied to
[email protected]) by the end of Monday, 20 April. 3. WasteSupport Related to item 2, the Chartered Institute of Wastes Management (CWIM) has launched a new resource- sharing platform, WasteSupport, which enables local authorities in urgent need of support during the coronavirus crisis to link up with private sector contractors with resources to spare.