Lower Beeding Parish

HDC SHELAA Housing Land Report by Parish, December 2018 Lower Beeding Parish

The following sites have been considered as part of the December 2018 SHELAA Housing Land Assessment.

A map depicting the entire site area and summary of each site assessment is included on the following pages.

Please note that the classification of a site is based on the classification of the developable area within that site, therefore if part of a site is considered ‘developable’ 6‐10 years, the whole site would be coloured yellow, however in reality only part of that site may be considered suitable for development.

The outcome of the assessment for Lower Beeding Parish is summarised as follows:

SHELAA Site Name Site Address Outcome of Assessment Total Reference Units SA567 Land at Glayde Farm Land at Glayde Farm / Land at Yellow (6-10 Years 8 Road, Lower Beeding Developable) SA575 Land North of Sandygate Land North of Sandygate Lane, Yellow (6-10 Years 20 Lane West Developable) SA584 Land south of Church Farm Church Farm House, Lower Beeding Yellow (11+ Years 6 House Developable) SA090 Limekiln Copse Winterpit Lane, Lower Beeding Not Currently Developable 0

SA369 Land Adjoining Sandygate Lane, Lower Beeding Not Currently Developable 0 Cisswood House Hotel SA532 The Wheatsheaf PH Handcross Road, Plummers Plain Not Currently Developable 0

SA657 Land at Cedar Cottage Sandygate Lane, Lower Beeding Not Currently Developable 0

SA663 Plot Between Foresters and Handford Way Plummers Plain Not Currently Developable 0 Rowans SA700 Land North of Brighton Road Brighton Road Monk's Gate Not Currently Developable 0 Monk's Gate SA729 Land at Sandygate Sandygate Lane Lower Beeding Not Currently Developable 0

HDC SHELAA Housing Land Report by Parish, December 2018 This page is intentionally blank Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA567 Site Name Land at Glayde Farm, West of Church Lane

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land at Glayde Farm, West of Church Lane, Years 6-10 Developable Lower Beeding Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 2.687 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 8 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site is located in the countryside adjoining the built up area boundary of Lower Beeding, which is a Smaller Village as defined by Policy 3 of the District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF), having limited services facilities and social networks. Unless allocated for development through the review of the HDPF or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF.

The settlement hierarchy and current planned development approach set out in the HDPF therefore impacts upon suitability and achievability. The HDPF is however under review and additional site allocations will need to be considered through this process. In addition, Lower Beeding Parish is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. There may be potential for a small amount of linear development or a small cul-de-sac to mirror that in the existing settlement, subject to access considerations which would need to be agreed with WSCC as highways authority. On this basis, recognising that the SHELAA is a high level assessment, the site is assessed as 6-10 years developable for 8 units taking into account its proximity to the built up area boundary. A scheme of this size would likely be delivered in a single phase.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 567 : Land at Glayde Farm West of Church Lane, Lower Beeding

´ Pinewood Plummers Plain Collects




Crest Bramlea

Winterpick Winterpick Wood Pond

Hyland Shieling


Pond Riccles Forge Pond The Quest Cheriton

Path (um) 100.2m

Track Pond Bede Idmiston


Village Pantry Hillview House 100.7m Docker's GP 1 2 Homelea

Vicarage 15 Pond Barn

14 Docker's Lodge TCB Trinity Cottage 100.7m 10 Church Mews Courtyard The 1 4 1 BRICK KILN CLOSE 5 5 Firtree1 6 15 2 E Primary School 1 Cott Built Up Area Boundary 5 100.5m Recreation Ground The Gate 13 Excluded Land Designations (PH) Play Area 31 29 School 35 30 Sites of Special Scientific Interest El 31 Lower Beeding 1 1 41 CHURCH CLOSE Track Cedar Special Protection Areas Cottage Pond 14 38 3 26

26 Scheduled Monuments 2

2 Registered Parks and Gardens Sandygate 7

8 11 RAMSAR sites

B 2110 10 Steer's Hill

White Gables Site Assessment Ranking 15 19 Paddocks Pond 18 Deliverable Little

Timberlands Developable

4 Pond Pond Not Currently Developable


Leechpond Hill Scale : 1:5000 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA575 Site Name Land North of Sandygate Lane

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land North of Sandygate Lane, Lower Beeding Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 1.1 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 20 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site abuts the built up area of Lower Beeding, which is a Smaller Village as defined by Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF), having limited services and facilities. Unless allocated for development through the review of the Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered that development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF.

The settlement hierarchy and current planned development approach set out in the HDPF therefore impacts upon suitability and achievability. The HDPF is however under review and additional site allocations will need to be considered through this process. In addition, Lower Beeding Parish is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. On this basis, recognising that the SHELAA is a high level assessment, the site is assessed as 6-10 years developable for 20 units taking into account its proximity to the built up area boundary.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 575 : Land North of Sandygate Lane, Lower Beeding

´ Path (um) Track


Hillview House


Trinity Cottage 100.7m Bakers Church Mews Church Farm Courtyard The 1 FIR TREE CLOSE The Old

Lyndhurst Firtree 4 5 1 6 15 Heredith 2 Cott Conifers 1 5 100.5m B 2115 CHURCH CL Fir Cone The Gate 13


29 31 27 to 29 School

35 30 El 31 41 1 1 Sta CHURCH CLOSE Cedar

Pond Cottage 14

26 3

26 2Built Up Area Boundary Track

Sandygate 2 Excluded Land Designations 7

8 Sites of Special Scientific Interest 98.2m 11 TRINITY FIELD Special Protection Areas B 2110 Scheduled Monuments 10 White Gables Registered Parks and Gardens 15 RAMSAR sites 19 The Hawthorn Paddocks Site Assessment Ranking 18 Little Deliverable Developable Timberlands Not Currently Developable

4 Pond Leechpond Hill Excluded Scale : 1:2500Tennis Court

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA584 Site Name Land south of Church Farm House

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land south of Church Farm House Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.5 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 6 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is located in the countryside but adjoins the built up area boundary of Lower Beeding, which is a Smaller Village as defined by Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF), having limited services and facilities. The site is relatively unconstrained but the impact of any development on the Grade II listed Holy Trinity Church would require further consideration. Unless allocated for development through the review of the Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered that development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF.

The settlement hierarchy and current planned development approach set out in the HDPF therefore impacts upon suitability and achievability. The HDPF is however under review and additional site allocations are being considered. On this basis, recognising that the SHELAA is a high level assessment, the site is assessed as 11+ years developable for 6 units taking into account its proximity to the built up area boundary and proportionate high level regard to the constraints. A scheme of this size would likely be delivered in a single phase.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA-584 : Land south of Church Farm House, Lower Beeding

Church Farm ´ House


Trinity Cottage 100.7m

Holy Trinity Church Church Farm

Courtyard The Burrow


Lyndhurst Firtree Cottage 4 5

1 6 Church 15 2 Conifers Cott Heredith

1 Built Up Area Boundary 5 100.5m B 2115 Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Red Tiles Special Protection AreasFir Cone CHURCH CL The Gate 13 Scheduled Monuments House Registered Parks and Gardens The Plough Inn (PH) RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking 29 31 27 to 29 Deliverable Developable 35 30 Not CurrentlyEl Developable Sub 31 41 Scale : 1:1,250 1 1 ExcludedSta

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA090 Site Name Limekiln Copse

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Winterpit Lane, Lower Beeding Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 2.9 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The availability of this site is uncertain due to a lack of an up to date expression of interest to develop from the landowner. The site is in an isolated rural location and unrelated to any settlement boundary. It is therefore assessed as 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 090 : Limekiln Copse, Winterpit Lane, Lower Beeding ´

Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking

Deliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:2500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. "NAME" = 'SA308'Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA369 Site Name Land Adjoining Cisswood House Hotel

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Sandygate Lane, Lower Beeding Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 2.5 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL PDL Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest in developing this site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is located in the countryside remote from the built up area boundary of any settlement. It is considered that development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. It is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 369: Land Adjoining Cisswood House Hotel, Lower Beeding ´


Cisswood Racing Stables


Top House

4 Cisswood Cottages



95.4m Cisswood House Hotel

Newells Cottages A 281 1 Corner 2 94.1m Cottage

B 2115

GP Cottage

Pond Issues

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Area

Path (um) Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR site 100.3m Built Up Area Boundary Newells Lodge Site Assessment Ranking Path (um) Deliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:2,500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: 26/11/2013 Revision: 29/10/2018 Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA532 Site Name The Wheatsheaf

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land at The Wheatsheaf PH, Handcross Road, Years 6-10 Developable Plummers Plain Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.42 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Both Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is located in an isolated rural location, unrelated to any settlement boundary and is wholly located within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 532 : The Wheatsheaf, Lower Beeding

Long House

´ 105.5m




Green LB Valley


Cooks Cottage

Taradeau 99.1m


Wheatsheaf (PH)

September Cottage

Built Up Area BoundaryHunters End

Excluded Land Designations

The Little Sites of Special Scientific Interest

Rough Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking Deliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:1,500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA657 Site Name Land at Cedar Cottage

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Sandygate Lane, Lower Beeding Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 1.1 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Both Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site lies in the countryside outside but adjoining the western built up area boundary (BUAB) of Lower Beeding which is classified as a smaller village in Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF), having a limited level of services and facilities. The Local Plan Review Issues & Options (April 2018) proposed an extension to the built up area boundary of Lower Beeding. The proposed boundary partially includes the site (Cedar Cottage and residential curtilage). However the Issues & Options document is an early stage of the local plan review and holds little weight. Unless allocated for development or similar through the review of the HDPF or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. It is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 657: Land at Cedar Cottage, Lower Beeding


´ Trinity Cottage 100.7m

Church Church Farm Courtyard The FIR TREE CLOSE The Old

Lyndhurst Firtree 4 5

1 6 15 Heredith 2 Cott Conifers 1 5 100.5m B 2115 CHURCH CL Fir Cone 13 House (PH)

29 31 27 to 29

35 30 El 31 41 1 1 Sta CHURCH CLOSE Cedar

Pond Cottage 14


26 2

Track 2

Sandygate 7

8 98.2m 11 TRINITY FIELD

B 2110


White Gables 15

19 The Hawthorn Paddocks 18




Leechpond Hill Tennis Court



Leechpond Hill Leechpond Built Up Area Boundary Sewage ExcludedWorks Land Designations

Sites of Special Scientific Interest B 2110 B Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments

Leech Pond Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites Sluice Site Assessment Ranking

Deliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:2500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA663 Site Name Plot Between Foresters and Rowans

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Handford Way Plummers Plain Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.65 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site lies within the countryside, in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and in a remote area unrelated to any settlement edge. Half the site lies within a Tree Preservation Order. As such it is considered development would be in conflict with the adopted development plan and is assessed to be 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 663: Plot Between Foresters and Rowans, Lower Beeding


´ Drain

Path (um)

Cross Trees 106.7m Oak Hammer

105.5m Weald House


Oak Warleys White


Long House




Crossways ASHFOLD CROSSWAYS B 2110 Issues Court

Green LB

101.3m Cooks

Taradeau 99.1m Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations 98.5m Sites Wheatsheafof Special Scientific Interest SpecialPlantation Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Wheatsheaf (PH) Registered Parks and Gardens Cottage RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking

Deliverable Hunters End Developable

The Little Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:2500 Rough Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA700 Site Name Land North of Brighton Road Monk's Gate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Brighton Road Monk's Gate Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 9.2 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site lies within the countryside remote from any built up area boundary. Unless allocated for development through the review of the HDPF or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. It is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 700: Land North of Brighton Road, Monks Gate

Path (um) Pond 77.6m

0.91m RH ´ Pond Pond Pond

75.1m Pond Drain 0.91m RH Path (um)

Bow Holme Plantation 4 Pond Pond

2 Path (um) Frederick Pond LB House


Monk's Gate


GP Spring TCB Monks Gate 1 ED Bdy Thrift Southlands Def 79.1m Mara Cottage Drain Mile Stone

The Granary 86.0m Westlands Great Ventors Farm Und

CH Friarsfield


1 Track 2 Oak 3

Drain 92.6m Rose Old Camp Farm Fern

Path (um)


Drain SP

Pond 2 96.3m

Wayside GP Track Cottage

96.0m A 281

91.4m 95.4m

Track Built Up Area Boundary 90.0m Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest

Special Protection AreasPond

SP Newells Pond Scheduled Monuments CS Pond Registered Parks and Gardens

Track RAMSAR sites 91.2m Site Assessment Ranking Newells Pond Deliverable Track Spring Track 96.1m Pond Developable Pond Old Dairy Farm Not Currently Developable Tanks 1 ScalePath (um) : 1: 5,000 Newells Farm Excluded Pond Pond

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Lower Beeding

SHLAA Reference SA729 Site Name Land at Sandygate Lower Beeding

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Sandygate Lane Lower Beeding Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.54 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL PDL Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site lies in the countryside outside and to the west of the built up area boundary (BUAB) of Lower Beeding which is classified as a smaller village in Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF), having a limited level of services and facilities. The Local Plan Review Issues & Options (April 2018) proposed an extension to the built up area boundary of Lower Beeding. The proposed boundary adjoins the site which was excluded on the basis that it, along with other dwellings to the west, had characteristics of ribbon development. The Issues & Options document is an early stage of the local plan review and holds little weight. Unless allocated for development through the review of the HDPF or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. It is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 729: Land at Sandygate Lower Beeding




1 ´ 5

The Gate House


31 27 to 29

35 30

Cedar Cottage Gardeners Pond Cottage


Track 26

Sandygate 2 7



White Gables 15

Little 19 The Hawthorn Paddocks


Little Orchard Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Timberlands Special Protection Area

Scheduled Monuments 4

Tennis Court Registered Parks and Gardens

RAMSAR site 1 Built Up Area Boundary

Site Assessment Ranking Deliverable Developable

Leechpool Not Currently Developable Farm Cottage Scale : 1:1,500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: 31/10/2018 Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place