Apple Imagewriter II Owners Manual 1985.Pdf
AfJp/£ II, II Plus, /le, /le, /11, Macintosh;' MadnfOSbXL/Lisa" 0 Copyright ©Copyright 1985, Apple Computer, Inc. for all Even though Apple has tested the software and reviewed nontextual material, graphics, figures, photographs, and the documentation, APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTY all computer program listings or code in any form, OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR including object and source code. All rights reserved. IMPLIED , WITH RESPECT TO SOFTWARE, ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, For some products, a multi-use license may be OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS purchased to allow the software to be used on more A RESULT, THIS SOFTWARE IS SOLD "AS IS," than one computer O\rnecl by the purchaser, including a AND YOU THE PURCHASER ARE ASSUMING THE shared-disk system. (Contact your authorized Apple ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND dealer for in formation on multi-use licenses.) PERFORMANCE. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleWorks, lmageWriter II , Lisa, IN NO EVENT WILL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR MacWorks, and Super Serial Carel are trademarks of DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR Apple Computer, Inc. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM AppleCare is a registered service mark of Apple ANY DEFECT IN THE SOFTWARE OR ITS Computer, Inc. DOCUMENTATION, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. ln particular, Apple shall have no Macintosh is a trademark of Mcintosh Laboratory, Inc. liabili ty for any programs or data stored in or used with and is being used with express permission of its owner. Apple products, incl uding the costs of recovering such Printed in Japan. programs or data. THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTH Limited Warranty on Media and Replacement ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR If you discover physical defects in the manuals IMPLIED.
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