[email protected] RATIONALITY VERSUS DOGMA Here is the preserved finger of Galileo. It is in the Galileo museum in Florence. I have seen it. While I was being formally interviewed by the deputy HR Director and the Head of the Physics Department at the University of Bath, regarding my views on Islam, I thought of Galileo and his battle against religious dogma. Some four centuries on, his finger admonishes the University of Bath, and its siding with Islam rather than with rationality and modern science. My experience is utterly surreal. “Eppur si muove” 1 Dedication: This book is dedicated to all of the children who find themselves growing up in an increasingly Islamised world. You did not deserve to be abandoned by your Governments. You should be enjoying the rights and freedoms that your parents enjoyed. Cover artwork: the three goddesses. The religious ideology of Islam is today strictly monotheistic. However, for a brief period it was polytheistic, with a male god, Allah, and his three female companion goddesses, whose names were Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat — Moon, Venus and Fate. The Islamic prophet Mohammed initially praised these three goddesses, but later believed that the revelation of their existence had been sent from Satan rather than Allah. The verses in the Koran describing them, the “Satanic Verses”, were subsequently removed. This raises the question: how many other verses might also have been ‘inspired by Satan’, but not removed? From the descriptions given in Islamic scripture, it is clear that the area that Mohammed inhabited with olive trees and rivers could not have been Mecca.