■ < ► -■} . <> y. No Isuseless whilehe has < > j doing rightly by j ,', man *' ; Usefulness is ; ; yourself a friend.— J; | and others. { i *' Robert Louis Stevenson. !I < ; —Mary Baker Bddy. < n '! «■ * * '** 4TTyT,t, tP *»' ">" *J* VTT*TW * 'M*Tv*'«* *VTTW The News CARDSTON, THE TEMPLE CITY OF VOL. 60, No. 27 CARDSTON, ALBEgTAj THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1958 Subscription Price $2.50 peryear —7c per single copy

which will keep prices downand $5,000 Bail Granted BloodDonors Clinic Champs Declared assure future suppUej. Natural gas was the Issue m Mrs. Veia LoveLowry of Card- another discussion, particular ston, was granted baii set at A Success InFight Tourney Your Government of by By interestto rural . Piano $5,000 Mr.Justice J. M. Cairns Out of quota Classy Harvey KEN MASON Proposed by a set at 175 bot- Rett of Taber Social Credlter A. In the Court House tles of talood, hard-punching Harry O. Spirit Give your child achance with a newpiano from Friday morning over "strenuous 181donors donated and Mof- Pinuite of River, the objections their blood atjthe blood donors fard of Rocky Mountain House — resolution called for establish- voicedby crown coun- clinic judged topi fighters Friday ment advisory FLOYD'S FURNITURE Hartigan. held here this week. were the of came of an boardtoaid sel D. V. Fifteenth to,i2oth year dona- the Alberta Amateur Boxing and went, and the Alberta Le- co-operatives and other groups It's only Must Report tions were given by Bruce Burt, championships, as the two-day gislature was still In session. interested m distribution of gas Ten Pilling, Sarah Spencer event endedhere Saturday night. Plazas for (prorogation at the m rural areas Mrs. Lowry, charged with the and week, murder of her eight-year-old Mrs. F. Dudley! Complete results —follow: endof last were washedout The motion was passed unan- $689*50 daughter, Blondie Takau Lowiy, The Junior Red Cross was m 65-pound final Douglas Kol- when it became apparent there ijnpusty.but only after the House is to report every other day to charge of registration, typing, be, Mercoal, decisioned Donny was too much work left to do. defeated a Liberal amendment ALSO TERMS! washing of tubes and serving. McGrath,Rooky MountainHouse. Members were,iback on the job suggesting the setting up of Garth Albiston, police chief at Monday. a Cardston, until the beginning of Mrs. Phoebe Sjencer and Mrs. 70-,pound junior final— Garry There was talk at the pilot area to iron out the practi- her preliminary hearing on the Henry Atkins supervisedwork m Sparrow, Edmonton, defeated tune of writing that only one cal difficulties of bringing gas charge. Ihe kitchen. who volun- Wayne Asker, Rocky Mountain day wouid be needed to wind to country points not served at Nurses things up, present. Defence counsel for Mrs.Lowry teered their heljp were Mrs. Tom House. but vhe way it's been Cardwell and 75-pound junior final— Harry goingwhowould be brave enough Here are some of the points wasM. E. Moscovich, QC. Mrs. Frank Sloan. brought Mr Hartigan had Objected to A special vote of is ex- Moffard, Rocky Mountain House to hazard a prediction? out m the debate: thanks Gosselin, A major hurdle still to Gas distribution the application for bail on the tended to Mr. DpiDuce, at whose defeated Camion Medi- be hinges mrural areas grounds might school the held; cine Hat. cleared was the.new liquor legis- on the development of a MEETING that there be clinic was also — big PUBLIC lation. entire ga& export danger to the welfare and lives to all the doners' and to the 80-pound junior final Rob- The section onpen- market. This of the other four Lowes.children. Junior Red Pross. ert Milner, Raymond, defeated aides was held back for study of would necessitate a province- However, the husband, Gilbert Bob Titley. Edson. apparent discrepanciesuncovered wide gathering system, which m An 'OpenMeeting',sponsoredby thelocal groupof 119-poundnovice final— Danny by eagle-eyed lawyers m the Op- turn would pat pipelines into Lowry, testtified thathe had ut- position. most faith mhis wife's devotion Lane, , outpointed areas where gas is at present not ANONYMOUS Conference Bruce Lambeth, Rocky Mountain As a result of this year's pro- available. ALCOHOLIC to her children andsaid he felt Visitors longed session, there danger injury House. next year's will Italso hinges on the develop- was "no of Mr. Bert Wiley and family and start earlier ment plastic willbeheld m the whatsoever" to them. Mr. George Cahpon took 125-pound open final— Gilbert and the throne of or cellulose pipe Said Justice 13 tea- Crowchief, Cardston, won fey a speech debate will ibe limited to suitable for gas transmission. Mr. Cairns m chers of the LDS 2nd Ward, to around eight days. The cost of steel Roxy Theatre, Cardston granting the bail: "Granting General Conference. Jim Matkin, split decisionoverEddieLeßaron pipe makes it bail instance of Lethbridge. XXX prohibitive. m an such as this president of the}Quorum, report- — government's may be unusual, but due to the ed the trip m services 132-pound novice final Ray The decision to Industries and Labor Minister circumstances feel bail be sacrament David of ,defeated Jerry abandonils programof free ma- Raymond Reierson warned rural Sunday, April 7:30 p-m. I can on Sunday. MrJand Mrs. Willis ternity hospital must have 20th. arranged at least until the pre- Pitcher reported 2nd Ward, Weiss of Medicine Hat.— care residents not to let their hopes liminary hearing. m 139-pound open final Harvey raised a lot of protest m circles ride too high.. There are many meeting There is no Mrs. Boyd Jensen, Carol Redford problems Thismeeting isdesigned as aninformative evidence before me that the ac- Ward; Reti of Taber, decisioned Ted close to the government which have to be and O.E.Bates m 4th the Germaine ol Edmonton. Health Minister Dr. J. D. Ross solved first, he said, and the ad- for thd general public. Everyone interested is cor- cused has treated the other four three members of the Bishopric visory children other than quite pro- reported ward, 147-pound novice final— Lerol announced last week that the iboard is a £ood place to dially to attend. In 3rd and A. O. Hovey Lethbridge government has reversed its de- start. But he stressed invited perly." Wiley. ■ ■;.? of defeated Al- that rural fred Muller of Calgary. cision. Maternity care will con- gas distribution "isn't just Temporary Wardship Denied Other conference visitors in- — charge. around cluded: Mr. and(Mrs. C. B. Rut- 156-pound novice final Wal- tinue to be free of the corner." An application for temporary ledge Jean;] lace Kostalansky of Taber, de- iWith the introduction of the XXX wardship Lowry and Richard Burton Crowchief, province-wide hospital Legislation of the four chil- and John Van Orman, Mr. and feated Louis Card- new in- which would have dren, sought by the (provincial Sommerfeldt, ston. surance plan this month, ma- authorized town and village Annual Meeting welfare department, was denied Mrs.Bruno Mr.Ro- 175-ipound open final — Gus ternity cases were treated the councils to guarantee circulation bert Tagg, Mrs. Jack Purnell, of weekly m Cardston' Saturday afternoon H^nry Atkins, Calfrobe of Cardston KOed Billy same as other cases. Mothers newspapers was thrown m a special hearing before Ma- Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Sands of Rocky Mountain House were charged $2.00 a day and out last week— at least for .the gistrate E. D.Fryett, held the and Mrs.. Olive Butler, Mr. and newborn infants $1.00. time being. m Mrs. Glen Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. at 1:40 of the first round.— , council chamber. Donald Remington and family, 165-pound exhibition Frank Dr. Ross said the decision to Amendments to the Town and The children will bepermitted Woodruff, Wolfchild, Cardston, defeated return .to free treatment will^be Village Act wouldprovide for the Poultry to live athome with their moth- Mrs. Norma Mr. and retroactive to April 1. publishing of meeting Marketers Mrs. Duane Remington, John Mohnkr of Edmonton. council Alberta Mr. and — XXX er,Mrs. Veia LoveLowry, free on Mrs. Bruce and family, .;' 89-pound final Herby Garnett minutes m local weeklies. The (Alberta Poultry Producers) $5,000 bail while charged with Burt Mr. of Rocky Mountain House de- Natural gas provided fuel for muncipal council wouldbeable to and Mrs. Cal Hiatt, Mrs. Alice provide the murder of her daughter, Crabtree, Mr. and Mrs. Myron feated Bruce McMillan of Edson most of the talking during the for distribution of the Blondie Takau Lowry, and wl+h '■ by a TKO m second round. final days of last week. newspaper to all ratepayers. father,. Berry. provision their Gilbert Lowry. The 'en 110-pound junior final— Butch Premier Manningheld the spot The was killed after magistrate ruled, however, that Boehmer defeated Bill Titley of light with an hour-long policy Opposition LeaderHarper Prowse Tuesday, April 29 it will be Mr. Lowry's resiponsi- Elder Ray Caldwell reported Edson. — statement on what the govern- and Municipal Affairs Minister — — ibili'y to see that another per- his mission toAustralia m Card- 119-pound open final Max ment hopes to do about protect- Hooke said they had receivedre- 2 p.m. son stays withhis wife and chil- ston Ist Ward' oh Sunday'last. Gibb of Raymond defeated Fred ing Alberta gas consumersm the presentation from some weekly dren onoccasions when it is ne- Edmonton. face of an inevitable newspaper publishers. - Mr. and Mrs.Maley and family Brunner of increasem cessary for him be away,from- Cardston to Calgary were,guests 165-pound open final— Frank prices. Mr. Hooke said he felt the Pioneer Home home during the day. of over the Wolfchild of Cardston, knocked Until now,gas prices m Alber- clause of the bill should be held weekend at the'^home of Mr. and Joe-Kigyosi .Calgary afr ta (the lowest on the continent) at least- weekly newspaper- Delegates _ Closed Hearing Mrs. |W. -C. Bowers.''"■'.- .-"-"-out.* of until Directors and m Attendance 1:20 of the fourth round. have been '"unrealistic," he said. men had a chance to discuss it The hearing was closed to the Hornburger champions They at Members and Patrons Please Come! public. Mrs. Celeste .and Fighters named are bound to rise because their annual convention. daughters,of , vis- without entering the ring were of development m the oil and There is a similar provision Arguments concerning the ap- steadily plication ited withher mother, Mrs. I.O. RedAnonson, Camrose, 90-pound gas industry and in- now m effect m the Municipal wereheard from D. V. Moffard, Rocky creasing export domestic Hartigan, acting as agent for the Schow over the weekend. junior; Gerald and de- District Act. department; Mountain House. 105-pound jun- mand. XXX attorney-general's Mrs. Vera Orcutt is illm Card- Hat, has been that One Thomas Spanos, counsel for Mrs. hospital. Her daughter, ior; Dennis Sehr, Medicine The situation of the sesson's most con- ston 125-pound novice; Bernie Mar- only a domesHc market was av- tentious issues— the question of Lowry; KenSoady,child welfare Dorothy, left school at the BYU producers Lethbridge and dis- to be with her mother. chand, Rocky Mountain House, ailable for gas, and who shouldput the false teethm official for 147-ipound opun; Joe Kigyosi, had to sell at whatever prices your mouth— died quietly last trict; and Cpl. J. M. Camipbell of export Investiga- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrus and Calgary, 156-pound open; Steve were offered. With an week. ATTENTION.. the RCMP Criminal+ family,including Mrs. Ross Jen- 165-pound marketing offering higher prices, The House private bills Timer, Calgary, nov- com- tionBureau,jLe hbridge. (Marie) trip longer ... Preliminary hearing sen wenton ashort ice, and John Mohnkr, Edmon- that situation will no ex- mittee decided not to proceed on the during murder charge has beenreman- to Great Falls Easter ton, 178 .pound novice. ist. with abill which would haveIn- RESIDENTS,OF CARDSTON, WATERTON expected week. PremierManning said the gov- corporated the Public Denturists ded to Aprli 18 anditis ernment is considering several of Alberta, a further remand willbe granted Mrs. Myrtle Olsen, librarian of m effect, it would LAKES, , , Library,recently approaches to keeping prices as have permitted dental technic- at that time. ■<& Cardston Public Engagement possible. AND VICINITY: returned from a three-months' Announced low as ians to deal 'directly with the RURAL .daughter The mostpromising at present public m making and fitting visit with her m Cali- Mr. and Mrs. William W. Jen- program "integrating" all strong- formerly is a of false teeth.Dentists were fornia.' sen, of Cardston and gas fields m the province, along ly opposed. Morris is hospital now residing at 2534 Texas S\, and domestic Legion 4-H Members Mrs. Wm. m Lake, Wash., with the export After about 13 hours of rep- Canadian with pneumonia. The baby of Moses announce the [Tti'ji.rkets etitious discussion, the commit- Leonard Purnell engagement of their daughter, would be done by build- Judge Calves Mr. and Mrs. Sgt. This tee decided to carry out a study also is a pneumonia patient m IWildaDarlene to Staff Ron- ing a vast, .province-wide gath- m the coming yeaf aimed atset- 6, meeting hospital. ald L. Leßlanc of Larson Air ering system llniking all gas-pro- ting District Zone 5 Judging of the Card- Base, Moses Lake, Wash., up a training" course for ston 4-H Chinook Calf Club, Harold Olsen of Force ducing areas. Such a system dental technicians and possibly they are sponsoring magazine subscrip- Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Le- go way toward Announces that a held at the Glen Calgary spent Easter weekend at Fitchburg, Mass. would a lon£ — establishing an association for campaign for the purpose of purchasing sick room Powlesland ranch In the Del Jay Blanc of equalizing transportation costs "those -who meet the require- tion the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darlene, anemployee of Moses gas prices. equipment community. Bonita district. baby given the the biggest factor m ments. for residents of the judged Moore. Their was LakeSchool District, is a gradu- wouldeliminate the ne- Members one class of name of Steven Harold m Sac- High It also equipment Hospital Bed, heifer calves and two classes of ate of Cardston School and cessity of setting aside certain This will consist of Wheel rament services Sunday. of a Calgary business.college. Total Chairs, Crutches, etc., any — bull calves. Results will be an- fields for certain areas. and will beloaned to resident meetip£. A birthday party was given by Ronald graduated from Fitch- gas would be considered — nounced at a later high joining reserves 4th. WardLadies FOR HOME USE WITHOUT CHARGE. Lunch was served by Mrs. Mrs. B. Y. Williams for her burg school before as a single unit— anything over daughter,Mary on Tuesday, the U.S. Air Force. would magazine (new renewal), help Powlesland. O. D. Steed* district Lou and above Alberta's needs Trophy Your order or will furthex agriculturist, supervisor April 15, celebrating her 9th The wedding will take place available for export immed- Win who is chapel Lake be this community project and *every resident is urged to co- for the club, and Evan Malm- birthday anniversary. Fourteen m theLDS at Moses iately. The fourthwardladies wonthe operate.Residents, whencalled on,shouldrequest tosee the berg, club leader, also were pre- of her friends werepresent. on June 11. Ano'her suggestion under trophy at the volley.ball tourna- representative's introduction, Signed by sent. Spring study is the .possible establish- ment heldat the StakeHouse on letter of ZoneNo. 5 Mrs.Belle Merrillof Hill marketing passed away at the home of her ment of a central gas Wednesday of last week. Executive Officers. board, Four represented, daughter,Mrs. N.E. Tanner,Cal- Further Remand To 22nd. whichwould act as acom- + wards were The Alberta Tuberculosis Asso- Monday, April mon buyer and seller of gas at wi h Mrs. Ann Godfrey, stake gary, on. 14th. protect DONATIONS ARE NOT SOLICITED OR ACCEPTED cia'ion's free chest X-ray sur- Funeral services will be held at. The date for the preliminary prices designed to the athletic director m charge. vey clinic is Cardston this hearing of Mrs. Veia Lowry, Alberta and encourage Each team had to lose two m Hill Spring Friday, April 18, at consumer games CANADIANLEGION ZONE 5,DISTRICT 6 week for six days ending Satur- 2 p.m. charged with the murder of her industry. before they were elimin- day, April 19th. 8-year-old daughter, has been disadvantage of this idea ated from the tournament. Arthur Bates and 22, One played National Mr. and Mrs. set for May whencounsels for the premier said, is that it could The final game was TJbe Waterton Lakes family arrived m Cardston Sat- both prosecution and defence competition. betweenGlenwood and Cardston Park registration office has op- 12th, stay- s'ifle very urday, April and are met today m Magistrate's court marketing setup 4th ward which was a ex- ened recently for what is expec- ing of his parents, The board citing game. display- The discussion was informal (tourist at the home and asked for a further remand for consideration Bothteams headed,by Steed, ted to be another banner Ormus Bates. They May was suggested very good with Central and School and was D. L. registration Mr. and Mrs.- until 22. proposed last ed team work Home Elaine Jacobs, Thelma Smith season.This year's is travelled from Cuba toKey West m a Liberal mot-ion very few made by either Central Home & expected to pass the record of boat, week. The House passes it unan- mistakes The Cardston and Mabel Gareau. Florida, by and from there after the premier said side. School meeting was held Wed- meeting had poor at- more than300,000 visitors set last they came to Cardston by car. imously Mrs. Freda Schow, very effi- p.m. The ac year. Holroyd, veteran regis- the government was studying it nesday, April 16 at 8 at the tendance and parents are wel- Joe on cient Young Ladies' athletic di- Parkview School. The topic for come encouraged tration office official is once anyway. rector, credit for Partici-, and are to at- charge. Phone deserves much discussion was "School tend these meetings. again m Jim Sherwood,bornandraised 482 Arbitrary price controls also her outstanding talent and ef- pation m the Cardston Agricul- Cardston, have beensuggested, the premier Mr. and Mrs. Carl Luscher cel- at arrivedhere Thurs- Shideler has "definitely fortm this work.Onthe winnin* tural Fair." ebrated their 57th wedding anni- day evening from Australia, Mrs. June said, but these were team are:Freda Schow, Bemice that more mis- mission undesirable," because they would Beazer, Itwas agreed Quick action by the Cardston versary Friday at tlieir home where he has filled a been appointed local cor- gas Pitcher, Berdene Marie sionary work is needed to en- Fire Department and Donald here. Their son Carl Jr. and two for the LDSchurch the past two depress the oil and indus- Pitcher, Betty Schow, Connie courage more exhibits, that bet- Palmer Thursday quelled a fire children of Cranbrook,BC. spent years. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. respondent for the Card- try. Archibald, Rhea Sommerfeldt, ter quality of exhibits are want- m the garage at the rear of the last week here and celebrated R. ESherwood of Edmontonmet News, The premier's talk climaxed a Shirley Shaw and Melva Quin- ed; that parents should encour- Dr. J. A. Bennie residence. The the occasion with them. They him here.He sailed home on the ston and anyone persistent Opposition campaign■ ton. age children to take part m the fire was prevented from spread- were immigrants from Switzer- Mariposa from Sydney to San having news items for to draw him into a discussion The 4th ward ladies' names fair, now. ing to adjoining buildings. It is land,coming here about 1920. He Francisco. Elder Sherwood spent on natural gas policies. Liberals,- will be engraved on the trophy Slides wereshown of last year's believed to have been started by was a tanner by trade, but 13 months m Adelaide and 11 The News should get m m particular have been and it will be presented to them exhibits and also of the children playing worked a gardener at the Al- months Melbourne. He plans hammering at charges that,the m leadership, meeting mMay at flower with matches. as m at 482. policy Toronto flower show. Damage wasslight. berta Temple-for many years. to resume his university studies. touch with her government lacks any the StakeHouse. Mayfair Theatre NOW SHOWING" Thus.Fri.and Sat. April17-1819 PAT BOONE and SHIRLEY JONES m April Love" "tSTTSTSi. ' ' ■ ■ '■■ m j i i ii ...... 1 You'll love it as you did "Tammy and the Bachelor" . 2 rat cardston NEWS THURSDAY, AfRIL 17, (956 I She Cardston IRew* % v 1 Spring fjk Member of Opening Pfl CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWBPAPBRS— ASS*N. | Forage | — and X, Seed HI I D The WEEKLY NEWBPAPER ADVT. BUREAU A %* Published every THURSDAY at the offlc« of f All Grasses & Legumes I THE CARDSTON NEWS— PUBLISHING Co., Ltd. | y .. » Main rtlroet Cardston, Alberta X £ We are again stocking quality seeds. % Authorized as Second Class Mail f — Post Office Department, Ottawa f % Stockmen'sMixtures— IrrigationMixes | — — I Alfalfas Clovers I* % i SUBSCRIPTION I | Large or small orders we'come. Available from us In Canada $2.60 | * % In Foreign Countries $3.50 * also on the additional grain quota system on 4 I amounts up to $400.00. | DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION I| WRITE FOR RATE CARD * your I Starts THURSDAY, April17th. | See us for 1958 I

— (Not YOURFLIER IS IN THEMAIL READINGNOTES run except where advertisers ? I Commercial Fertilizer Needs 1 also run a display ad., and are marked as adver- | " tlsement) 10c per count line. | GET YOURS AND GET INON THE BIG SAVINGS! I CO-OP INDIAN BRAND | | 11-48-0 — 16-20-0 — 27-14-0 i % 331/2-0-0 — 21-0-0 — 10-32-10 I GIVING WITH A REASON 4&M% IIBE Continues oneverythingelse m the store 0/ (except Zenith Freezers) There is an old saying that thinking comes from the Ms%o /0 SI head but giving comes from theheart. i Southern Alberta But can we say that givingis entirely emotional? _ — | Giving is a responsibility; it involves thought and ZENITH FREEZER TAPPAN RANGE Co-op. current Crusade of the Cancer Society ap- I I reason. The 15 Cubic Feet — peals to the heart, yes, but also to the sense of responsi- TheNewest andLatest i Phone 72 Cardston £ to help stamp out 5-year warranty AllAutomatic bility of thoughtful Canadians a sin- I . "You'll Save at the Co-op" disease which kills nearly 21 ,000 of us each year * *% ister Regular $429.00 and which will strike two out of every three Canadian €970 families. OR Industry and labor recognize this responsibility to- Only at price "O ftUV ward the health and welfare of their workers and their oneleft this W /0 UII members m their efforts to improve working conditions and provide for health checkups— the annual examina- tions which the Canadian Cancer Society advocates as a means of detecting cancer m its earliest andmost curable Marshall-Wells stages. Store Cardston, — i This is encouragingprogress, but much moreneeds Alberta Phone 400 be done through research andeducation to help save the many Canadians who died every year needlessly from cancer. They could have been saved if they had been be reckoned. Let us also think of the appalling loss not April Love", now showing at treated m time. theMayfair regular only m human termsbut m the mounting deficit m man- Theatre is oneof the a* prices 1 Any disease as pervasive as cancer robs the Cana- films you shouldn't miss seeing. H powerand dollars. It is a gay, tender story dian labor force of thousands of lives each year.The cost of re- We can be thoughtful givers.— We give with our habilitation of Chicago delin- m dollars and cents reaches into the many millions. hearts,but wegive witha reason to fight the scourge of quent by bluegrass country life with the Emotionally tragedy : assistance of the girl we can say that this can never cancer. next door. f

seams do not fray. Thesynthetic fibresarequick- Suggests For THE ly and easily sewn at home. For BEAVEtt LUMBER the most the techniques are the same as for the 1 for all farm needs I natural fibres. There are a few suggestions " " Summer Living HUMEMAKER which might be helpful to you jl more acres per gallon H 1. Usesharp shears— cut witha " l»ng clean stroke.Cutagenerous B quicker starts 11 seamallowanceIf there a dency is ten- " to ravel. faster wqrm-ups O THE BEAVER LAKESIDE by 2. Use fine pins and needles If /T\ m (machine IRENE and hand). You may M. have to change your machine m BETTER FARMING WITH 5 REIO needle moreoftenbecause of the /^Kri toughness of the' man-made District fibres will dull the needle. 1TEXACO PRODUCTS Home 3. best W 1 Il^s to use thread that Economist has approximately the same 11 Manufactured andDistributed m Canada \ f ii qualities as the fabrics to Si by McColl-Frontenac Oil Company limited / I Dept. of- sewn. be JII Agriculture .4.aest stitcn onadouble tnick. mess of " your .material before Claresolm sewing your garment. You may find that lengthening the stitch SYNTHETIC FIBRES will prevent puckering on some of the synthetics. Last week someone asked me 5.Press onthe wrong s'de— use for the differencesbetweennylon temperature. and a low It is best to dacron. Perhaps you are test the temperature on wondering also. Both nylon and first. a scrao dacron Creases m dacron are hard are called man-made or to so do not press synthetic fibres as compared remove im- the to portant places unless you are natural fibers such as wool, sure they are correct. cottonand linen. your organization Nylon If is inter- was introduced m 1938 ested having or day and was the first commercially m a3 4 sew- ing clinic, please write to me for successful true synthetic. Itis a further sheer fabric and is durable and information. easily cared for. It is used for piece goods,dresses, curtains,lin- A 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE gerie, upholstery, hosiery and TAYLORVILLE area countless other things. Nylon Ideal for any lake or resort has good weaj: and tear resist- Mr. and Mrs.Meriin Steed and ance and good recovery from family spent several days holi- wrinkling. Nylon also resists da- daying m Spokane and Misoouia, mage from mildew, moths and visaing with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril BUDGET PRICED AT $999.00 perspiration. This fabric washes Lowry and family. easily, is very quick drying and Mr. and Mrs.Byron no payment as as$35.00 per family Wolsev and or with down and little month needs little ironing. There is the spent the weekend at Does your complaint that nylon yellows Coutts vJsiting wilh the latter's Call m today to your local Beaver Lumber and after a while. This yellowing is parents. Savings Account keep get full particulars on these and other important quite a problem and there does- Bishop and Mrs. Rega Gfegson n't seem to he too much on the returned,home from holidaying features. market to takeit out. m Mexico and attending confer- GOING DOWN? " Dacron is stronger than the ence at Salt Lake City. Materials Precut... To Assure Fast Accurate Construction natural fibres and most synthet- Mr. and Mrs. Karl Meier visir- " Picture Window Unit Factory Manufactured butknocked down for easyhandling ics. It has outstanding wrinkle td at the Elmo Pitts home " ... — I < on All Other Window Units... Factory Manufactured and Assembled You just slip resistance and crease retention, Sunday. Here's a new and simple good draping qualities andis re- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vaughn"were them into the wall Sunday " Plywood Floors Assuring A Draft-Free Floor sistant to shrinkage- or stretch- ! dinner guests of Mr. and waytokeepyoursavingsbuoy- " ... ing. Dacron spot cleans easily "Mrs. Heber Sheen. " Plywood Siding ...Giving A Smart Easy To Keep Appearance and can be readily washed. It,I Miss Jessie Gregson is -home ant. For paying bills, open Plywood Roof Deck ... A Lasting Base For Windtite Asphalt Shingles like nylon,is resistant tomildew from hospital where she hadher of Your Color Choice and moths. Included m its many itonsils removed. a Royal Personal Chequing .«■ Easy Step by Step Building Inductions Diagrams uses are dresses, ties, sweaters,i Mrs. Olga Neilson is m Cham- Free To Follow and : " Complete blouses. 1pion visiting wth her daughters, Account. Keep your Savings Free Material Lists Orion is another synthetic :Mrs. Elva Smith Mary " Free Beaver Advisory Service ' and Mrs. which has many of the (proper- Carlson. Account strictly for saving. ties of nylon and dacron. It is Miss Veronica Brien' visited PLAN YOUR BEAVER LAKESIDE NOW !!! characterized toy its bulk with Twith Mr. and Mrs. Karl Meiers Ask about this new Royal (c.p. fur) 'during little weight orlon' and the Easter holidays. Plan. HAVE 17 READY FOR THE SUMMER SEASON drapeabill'y. It has excellent Mr. andMrs. Bill Campbelland Two-Account chemical resistance, especially to ;son Richard and Mr. and Mrs acids. Orion is resistant to dam- ;Kenneth Conlon visited with Mr. age from sunlight and atmos- ' foot- — Mr. and Mrs. S. J. S. Readreki"■' caslon.Prizes weregiven for nov- installed m the chapel. EAST GLACIER, Mont. — An- ball ana basfcetaJali^ooacJies will weekend'-afletrj:j COTTAGES" FOR RENT Gas DIRECTORY turned home:last elty and spot dances. A good clinic; Friges, spending holiday ' at- A crew of other>."first"' has been assured fori staff the -In- addition to heated, Stoves, private a with their tendance of teen-agers werepre- men have been wor- Glacier National special- coaching ; king Park visitors! Inside tricks baths, etc. Will rent by day, i son and family,Dr amTMrs. Efcl>■i surrounding- at the school this- week,do- summer; ! " sent from the dis- this- from.the big-names, the two- week or month. Apply Hol- win 'Read of Ellensburg, Wash."; trlcts. ing repair 'work -arid tttrrtntf the A. CAHOON, M.Sc. They roof. ■The first big-time Coaching: day Clinic" will offer pointers m ■■-; landfe Motel. F27tfn. |D. also visited with friends m Mrs. Grace Lytobert entertained Clinic m-area history was an-1. six-man football as well -as the Auditor, Seattle, Yakima and otherpoints;!i large groiip boys girls ; a of and on the Sunday School held their, nouhced today by Don Knutson,- nei#:rules. ' Mr. and Mrs. VirgilQuinton 0f■ the occasion of Larry's eighth faculty meeting managing FERE, AUTO AND LIFE Acres, Wash., Monday evening: the Glacier Park Com- College andHighSchoolcoach- Green were weeki-iIbirthday anniversary. m the Relief Society room.Ther- pay for the Grsat Northern es m Montana and surrounding HUDSON'SBAY INSURANCE end visitors"m Glenwood. They April on Olsen, stake represent- Railway. Alberta, attending wedding On 9 the MenandLadies board states, as well as 7Bri- were the of'participatedm the Stake Volley- ative, gave the lesson on the en- The Clinifi .will be staged at tish Columbia, 'and Saskatche- 'Phone 650 their son Virgil m the Alberta program. i Saturday. ball tournament. The men won listment the Glacier Park Lodge June 16! wan, are invited*.to attend. J Temple being — ~— "^ Miss Shirley Greene returned the trophy, victorious over r to Edmonton on Saturday after Cardston 4th Ward. The ladies i BLANKETS having attended general confer- wentdown to defeat again at the D.L. CARD ence m Salt lakeCity. hands of the 4th Ward. FOR SALE— Registered Hereford Miss Gayla Archibald, daugh- The Quorum of Seventy held Yearling Bull Calves; also 32- Chartered Accountant ter of Mr. Wallace their council meeting Thursday -volt Windcharger, and Mrs. Ar- 1800 watt. Cahoon Lumber BulUUaf chibald, visited for a week m at the home+ of Mr. and Mrs. Apply Nelson Farms, ph. R9ll Scandia at the home of her sis- Peter Ga es. A lovely evening I Couple Wanted For Ranch Qwendale. Phone 84 Res. 353 enjoyed toy _ or R916, n6tfn. ter, Mrs.Roy Buetther'and fam- was the men and ( LOST — s — ./ ily. She returned home Satur- their wives. A delicious lunch i Since last August mmm . day accompanied by served toy the hostess. to take full charge of the operationconsisting of feeding cattle only. 2 young Hereford cows * Mrs. BUett- was I from wSI ner. A senior M Men and Gleaner Nohaying or work, purchased. Mountain View area.■ r The three-act comedy "Bolts fireside was held onSunday ev- other farm as allfeed is This isanideal Branded on left ribs. Reward. Nuts", ening George and was taken to Orton at the home of Mr. and positionsinceitcombines the security and advantages working Contact orJoe Navratilor on Thursday Dale Wood. The guest of for a phone R503, . evening. It was Mrs. spea- Du-eet Cafe played ker Ray Caldwell large company independence being your _ 6mlp. to a full house. Mrs.Dor- was of Card- with the of own boss. The een Leavitt part iston. Best Place to Eat took the of Re- jobis well paid, includes companylife,hospital, anddoctor insurance, FOR SALE— Telephonepoles, and King'Size Meals becca as Mrs. Loma Bonne was Mrs. Pearl Thomas returned to poles, ill with laryngitis. Calgary with her'daughter Joyce all sizes and Chinese Food Every Day High free brand newmodern dwelling 1 mile from mainhighwaynearCole- Ewerlgths. Write or phone: B. C v J The School sponsored an Mr. and Mrs. Keith Law and fa- Lumber Sales,Box 336.Ph. 735 Easter program on Friday even-:mily have also returned to Cal- man. This is a choice lifetime jobthat will be filled only with acouple Fort Macleod. 3al7p ing with the Dixielanders m at- igary since visiting m Glenwood tendance. The chosen was:for the holidays. that have many years' experiencem ranching. Sendall particulars' m FOR — Queen SALE 2'/2 h.p. Simplicity Miss Kaye Davidson. Her attend- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beaves Ltd., 000, Garden Tractor, Simplicity ants were Miss Collette Reed, 1left last week for a trip to Shel- first letter to Timber Valley Ranch Box 1 Lethbridge, Alta. Plow,Simplicity Cultivator and DUDLEY'S Miss Patsy O'Neill and Miss Car- ilby, Montana, Spokane, iWash., Simplicity Rotary Tiller, $200.— Iroll Smith. Miss Davidson wasliand other points south. Jj Mrs. Sarah Weston, iph. 23. I 3al7p ii BODY SHOP ii _ * 1941DODGE COACH (Tair con- J (former Cardston Sheet \ \ dltion) for sale or trade for <; MetalBuilding,Main St.) j; grain or stock. Apply G. Lehr, " < ffhone R9OB, Cardston. 3al7p |Is now open for business! j get WANTED IMMEDIATELY To 4 [ 'Come m and let's J! Rent 3 roomsor 2 bedroom ap- J » acquainted! x artment or house. Phone 234 jl or R612 (collect) Glenwood. PHONE 12 X 2alBp. HELP WANTED— We offer max- imum return on minimum in- THE DIESEL FIREMAN DISPUTE ON CANADIAN PACIFIC vestment to a man for exclu- sive agencywhois ambitiousto make a successful career sel- ling.There are untouchedmar- AUCTIONSALE kets m your area for this ser- AT THE TWO YEARS AGO, m April 1956 the Firemen's Union demanded wage increases and other benefits involving vice. Initial investment recov- substantial increasedcosts. ered m minimum time. Our Alberta Stockyards service is provincially adver-- tised. Send partculars 3610 ATTHESAME TIMECanadianPacificproposedthat, not they longer 16 St.S.W., Calgary. p Every TUESDAY, as firemen were necessary, should ho becarried on diesel locomotives m freight and yard service. FOR SALEOR TRADE— For late modelhalf-ton— 1957 Chev.Se- Wednesday, Thursday dan, very low mileage. Phone CANADIAN PACIFIC also proposed dropping both arbitrary wage payments for which no service was rendered R617, Cardston. 2a24p. 1 and FRIDAY and differential wagerates m mountain territory. WANTED— Lady to take charge Until Furthar Notica of home and one child while SALE STARTS AT 10 a.m. INDECEMBER . mother works. May live m or 1956 a FederalBoard of Conciliation recommended substantial wageincreases and other benefits. out. Phone Mrs. Bob Wiley at For BESTRESULTS At the same time, it found that were not required yard 303 after 6 p.m. IP firemen on diesel locomotives m freight and service and andPROMPT madeprovisionfor protectionof theiremployment.Italso found that paymentof FOR SALE— 3O-inch gas stove, 4 arbitraries and mountain differen- burners. . No xeasonable offer SETTLEMENTS tialshould be modified. phone "r'efused.— "R". H. Jensen, Consign Your Livastock to 709. 2a24p. CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the Conciliation Board's report. WEDDINK CAKESDECORATED. & EARL, Top ornaments, pillars, etc., HAYS Lid. available.For information con- ALBERTA STOCKYARDS THE FIREMEN'S UNION rejected the report and called a strike on January 2, 1957. tact (Miss) Ardith Webster, LETHBRIDttE Telephone No. 5048 Mountain View, phone'R2217. THE STRIKE WAS ENDED on January 11, on 2a24p AUCTIONEERS: 1957 the following basis:— ROMERIL'S GREENHOUSE — L.B. (Blair) Holland No.51-51-52 Potted plants of allkinds, gla- E. L. (Tad) Nawby, No. 41-51-52 1. Canadian Pacific agreed to pay the substantial wage increases retroactive to April 1 of the previous year and dilus bulbs.'Ourbeddingplants other benefits recommended by the Conciliation Board. are excellent this year. We ■BSBSBaa>a>aMa«B«MBVB«BaVB«aBaBVBHBHBB have 500 geranium plants to 2. The Union and Canadian Pacific agreed to refer the DIESEL ISSUEas well as payment of arbitraries choose frOm— nonebetter. Pat- andmountain ronize your owntown. 3mBp differential to a ROYAL COMMISSION. Better PIAtJo — Mason and Reisch at See Batter ... Learn 3. The Union and Canadian Pacific agreed to negotiate these issues m the light of and immediately following the Floyd's'Furniture, only $689.50. publication of the ROYAL COMMISSION'SReport. c CliffoidPalmer FOR SALE— Child's Stroller, used THE KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION of senior judges devoted to hearing less than one year.Price $6.50. OPTOMETRIST three ten months 1 19 witnesses and, at Maybe seen at Mrs. Mary the request of the Firemen'sUnion, made on-the-ground investigationsacross Canada and alsomade observations Frank's. 2a24p Eyes Examined — - on four major European railway systems. It was the most extensive and thorough investigationm the history of FOR SALE Hotpolnt 4-burner 407 sth St.S, relationsm Canada. electric 'range, deep well, and (Opposite Capitol Theatre) labour ~~ practically new. Price $100. Contact Mrs. Paljkhurst, Leth- Phone FA 7-4222. Lethbridge published February 4, bridge, phone FA 7-2204 or IN ITS UNANIMOUS REPORT 1958 the ROYAL COMMISSION found that:— Burton Payne, Cardston. 3mBc. 1 Firemen are not required ondiesel locomotives freight on i . m and yard service Canadian Pacific either for safety pf FOR SALE— 6 head Whlteface or any other a Heifers,2 yearsold, withcalves. AETNA reason. Also saddle ponies (palomino). The proposalof Canadian Pacific for protecting firemen from loss of employment and fair R620, Blackmore. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gillies 2. seniority is andgenerous. Phone Dan and children of Athabasca c were 3. Arbitraries have become unrealistic and should be dropped and made on the basis — Easter weekend visitors at the payment of service rendered. LOST Black leather waUet home of Mr and Mrs. Nephi Ri- 4. Mountain differential payments should be dropped and replacedby valley (truck driver's style) contain- chards. differential. ing currency and important Speakers — Bate- at Sacrament services papers. Reward. J. T. on Sunday were Edna Hansen. CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the report of the KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION as it had undertaken to man, Royal Bank, Cardston. Lyda May and Jim May. Edna do c Hansen reported Primarycon- when the Commission was appointed. vention and the Mays reported general conference. THE UNION rejected the report,stating that nothing m it was acceptableto them. They did so knowing that not MEETING Mrs. Zelma Bohne and Mari- X GOLF CLUB ;; lyn were Calgary visitors for the one fireman wouldsuffer loss of railwayemployment who was hired before the proposal to discontinue firemen !', will be called " ■ weekend. on freight and yard diesels was made m April, 1956. All across ;'; CAHOON HOTEL |[ Mrs. Florence Oviatt of Hart- Canada there are less than 100 firemen hired » APRH. 21at 8 pan. J; ley was a visitor withher daugh- after that date and now working who face possible lay-off. \ \ All interested please attend * ter, Mrs. Shirley Richards and family last week. Mr. Bill jensen of Moses Lake ALL EFFORTS of Canadian Pacific to settle the dispute throughnegotiationswith the Firemen's Union have failed. is here "isiting wltn relatives. MIA officers and teachers FOR TWO YEARS firemen have enjoyed substantial wage increases. During these two HARTLEY meeting was held Sunday even- years action on the diesel ing with Pres. Necia Bennett ta- issue has been postponed while the Union had every contention it could advance investigated by two enquiries. Mrs. Zina Jensen had her king charge. three daughters, Mrs. Lora Har- Mr. and Mrs Owen Richard3 ker of Magrath, Mrs. Verda Pil- of Lethbiidge were weekend vis- CANADIAN PACIFIC has a duty to the public to operatethe railwayefficiently and economically. ling of Aetna and Mrs. Gwen with Hillspring her guests itors litre relatives. Olsen of as Primary preparation meeting PACIFIC, to fulfill duty, to last (Wednesday. was held Monday evening with CANADIAN this has givennotice the Firemen's Union that the findings of the KELLOCK Mrs. Roumelia Hartley is vis- Ruth Jen?en'giviv; the les'on. iting with relatives m Utah. Mr. arid Mrs. Bruce Richards ROYAL COMMISSION will takeeffect onMay 11, 1958. Miss Jeanine Vance of Calgary and cnildren of Logan, Utah, was a weekendvisitor at the Le- have been home for a few days land Oviatt home. visiting with their yarents. THIS ACTION ism accordance withFederallabour law. Sunday Mr. end Mrs. Bud Thompson Speakers m church of Moscow, Idaho, were Wednes- were Bishop and Mrs. Chase overnight guests and Smith, Mr. Gilbert Hartley and day of Mr. Viberta and Gary Woodruff, who Mrs. Kelvin Jen&en. all reported on their attendance Salt Lake City. at conference m NEW shipment of cardboard (all Mutual was postponed this colors) 10c per sheet at the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY week from Tuesday until Thurs- Cardston News Office. COMPANY day because of extensive tests going on at the school. Relief Society work meeting Dinner guests at the Ovlatt was held Wednesday afternoon home on Sunday were: Miss with Mrs. Fay Hartley present- Twylla Davidson of Glenwood, ing aninteresting lesson on hob- Miss Marietta Lenz ofHillspring, bles. Refreshments were served Miss Jeanine Vance of Calgary to the ladies. and Wayne Smith, 4 THE CARDSTON NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 17, f956

Our Letter Box «■ sb mm He mm wm wm mmam mm mm mm mm mm mm wm ammm mm mm Provo, Utah. Dear Editor: Last weel^, we Canadians were able to see and visit many of our friends and relatives who came to Provo for short visits THE before and during April Confer- TAKE UP JXmxT ence. GiganticSpringSavings Last Thursday, The Brigham Sale \V i^m\m\m\mm. W/ Young University held an as- sembly where visitors and stu- dents could meet as a body and Starts Friday, April 18th. hear some inspiring messages and represent their country or state. After the assembly, reun- ions of wards and stakes were NEW SPRING STOCK DAILY scheduledm various class,rooms ARRIVING about the campus. Canadian met the FIOHtJU^with a Shakes on CANCEK^ffT... o J third floor of the Smith Family BOYS' WOVEN SPORT SHIRTS W A MmJ^m\ W Living Centre. The Calgary LADIES' COTTON DRESSES Stake had such visitors at Pres- |CHECK-UP Fully washable,plaid, long — ident Tanner and \^ sleeve. Sizes 12 to 20 Smart New Styles' President and a Reg. $1.59. Charles Ursenbach, as well as || Sizes6to 16. AA^ , ,nn Alex Muirhead of the Calgary SALE 99$ Regular 5.98. Fourth Ward Bishopric. Other $1.88 Truth and II .nirniir Stakes had their visitors also. Knowledge mm t t However, close to 3.0 s'udents aro tho most potent gathered weapons m mankind's pp from the Alberta Stake battle against Cancer. _ to visit 1 | Vrit1 wi'h the Bishors and The Canadian Cancer f^'M *"® _» Stake Presidents who were ex- Society supports a con- \', LADIES' LIGHTWEIGHT s «■» ATlO*"*" MEN,S aected to be there. After warine tinuous program oi ;m I »/"\tfl NYLON GLOVES IRON HORSE for up to one hour, we were all Cancer Education, He- V >* */"" Weliare. Jt&lill H/OV**** d'sillusioned when not one bish- search and $$$&: | J■C'Q'u^-'- Assortedcolors. . DRIJ^ WORK PANTS op or Stake rapxeserttatlve came TheSociety needs funds 'J ▼ _,<«T^K»*** *g m. to expand this work J SALE, per pair s©# Sizes to and to hasten tho con- s> 2 customer) .-, , reunion schedule for all Stakes. tho ranks with thoso A~& : , ! „- &%& t Regular 4.95. £5 aq Thus informationas to where the fighting Cancer by giv- W pS§F gf> *\ ■ tag generoujly i\ A #fc i\ sffc SALE VJ»zO Alberta Stake was *o meet could when Mw **^J* J%UU IIIJU : have been obtained from, nearly the volunteer- canvasser jjS@s& f ~— every student. Therefore, some caU> NEEDED NOW PLASTIC other reason must account for flf SKIPPING ROPES 'he disappointment to the stu- §M THIS IS CANCER CRUSADE ° dents. We have been left to spec- MONTH IN AI.BERTA GO D QUALITY ulate on this matter Were the jjf EACH Canadians snowed m? Hadn't Ut TERRY TOWELS they heard about this event. Jgp^Mfl Sincerely, IHI^iliPHH^ Pastel colors with goldthreadrunning Tom Williams Gordon Payne PLASTIC WATER GUNS through. Size 22 by 42. Jerry Tolman

Support this groat cause generously when tho canvasser EACH 1 I Ht ■- *H Spencer's Hardware ■ calls :« mail donation to ... ■ gg— NOW! LETHBRIDGE BRANCH: NEW SHIPMENT LADIES' BETTER 1273-3rd Aye.S. PHone FAirfax 7-5452 SPRING DRESSES SWIFT ANNOUNCES IN EVERY WEEK. SawsFiled — — — —— — — — All. types of saws filed ■^^— ■— .. quickly on our precision- TWO NEW LAYERS Foley Automatic Filer. You* dren while Mrs. West was m ASK FOR saws will cut faster, cleaner, MT. VIEW hospital. FLYER IN THE MAIL TODAY! Old retoothed. (this week) truer. saws (last weeik) Miss Marlon Tolley is a pa- Those leaving for conference m< tient m Cardston hospital with Lawnmowers Salt Lake City during the week; a badly cut eye. While playing Included Mr. and Mrs. Travers! onWednesday afternoonshe ac- Sharpened Smith, Carlyle Bradshaw, Mr. cidehMy ran into a splice iw a You'll save time and ef- and Mrs. Fen^on Webster, Bish- wire clothes line, injuring the C. W. op Perrett, & Mrs. Burt and Luell eye. Son fort when your mower is Mr. sharpened on our Foley and Mrs. Melvin Pilling and Mrs. Olyve West, Bob andDon- ESTABLISHED 1915 LawnMower Sharpener.All Glenda, Lynn Uibel and Beatrice-1 na, and Ruth Molcak were visit- work guaranteed. Tolley. ors m Calgary for three days. Mrs. Wiirmifred Smith stayed Those attending a birthday SKY-HI 314A—AVERAGES at the Travers Smith home dinner for Mrs. Eva Jacobs at 289 EGGS while they were away, to care her home on Sunday included: H. J.ORCUTT WHITE for the children. Mr. and Mrs. Ab'Cahoon, Lynn SouthHill Cardston during 1956-57, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wilde of and Allan of Calgary; Mr. and In tests Le'hbridge were honored at a Mrs. Don Heninger and family Swift's new Sky-Hi 314A party on their 34th wedding an- of Calgary; Mr."and Mrs. Ken- averaged 289.8 eggs per niversary onWednesday evening neth' Wilde and family of Wel- you at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ling;Miss Elaine Jacobs of Card- when sees!*** Card of Thanks hen, had less than 2% Albert Nelson. The evening was s'on; Mr. Sam Malmburg of many mortality to 17 monthsof spent visiting and a lunch was Blackie and Mr and Mrs. John We wish to thank our served by the hostess. River. friends m their assistance hi the age, and showed a feed Hanson of High rescue of our son from drowning. Mrs. O. D. Steed of Cardston Mr. and Mrs. GarthLybbert of deeply grateful efficiency of 3.83 lbs. of was substitute teacher for grades Davenport, Wash., and Mrs. La- We are to those one and who assisted any way. feed per dozen eggs. The two on Thursday, due Rue Kirkham of Calgary visited m to the illness of Mrs Iretta with friends m the district on The DeanSmith Family. nearest competitive layer Thompson. Friday. (P m the test averaged 18.2 Visitors m the district during Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foster of 'the Easter holiday were: Tommy Creston, B. C. are visi'ing with eggs less than the Sky-Hi Dials of Shelby, Idaho; Bryant their son Allan. 314A. Wright of Rexburg and Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Murray Ferguson Conduct Services Mrs. Bud Thompson of Moscow, and son of Lethbridge weredin- Idaho, at the Benare Wright ner guests onSunday of Mr.and For Lowry Child home; Katherine and HelenNel- Mrs. Benar /Wright.-- son of Calgary and Mr. and Mrs. Speakers meeting Graveside services held m Sacrament SURE TO Meecham BE were James ofBrighamCity, Pilling Friday Taylor- were Mr.and Mrs. Melvin afternoon at the ITah, at the home of Mr. and and Glenda; Mr. and Mrs. Trav- ville cemetery for Blondie Takau Mrs. George Nelson'; MarieRom- ers Smith andMrs. Beatrice Tol- Lowry, who died April 7 at the eril and Dawn Perrett visiting f ley. Colin Payne received his Calgary General Hospi al. Bish- at the homes of their parents; certificateofgraduation fromthe op M. F. Quihton of the fourth Mr. and Mrs. John, Petrica and Primary and was sustained as a ward LDS bishopric was m family of Bellevue at the C. L. deacon. Miss Ruth Romerilplay- charge of services with Bishop Brunsdale home; Mr. .and Mrs. ed an organ selection. Robert Low of the second ward Charles Marshall and daughter Mr.and Mrs.Reed Merrill (nee "giving the graveside prayer. at the Albert Perretthome; Mary Janet Bradshaw) of Calgary, are Pallbearers were: Vernon Low- Murray, Golda Wyatt and Peggy the proud parents of a son,(born ry,GlenLowry, Guy Neilson and SEX-SAL-LINK- Russell of Lethbridge at the on Friday, April 11. Ivan Sheen. Arrangements were iWm. Payne home; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Glenroy West is visiting at under the direction of Komm & OUTSTANDING NEW Sam Hornburger and family at parents, Christensen. thehome ofhis Mr.and BROWN EGG LAYER the home of Mr. andMrs. Harold Mrs. Vernon West. FERTILIZE!thefrost outout ground, you'reready to Watson; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jen- Mr. and Mrs. Danny McCul- the kins at the home of Mr. and lum and son, Mr. Paul Wllfort seed your 1958 crop or areyou? Do.youhave The date of the annual meet- Vernon West Mr. ... — ing the Poultry Swiftispleased toproduce Mrs. and and and Mr. Grewald Cowan of Stet- your supply Elephant fertilizeronhand of Alberta Mar- Mrs. Wesley Jensen of Barn- tler were guests of Mr. and Mrs. of Brand keters which was to have been and sell this new salmon well at the home of Mr. and give your seedlings abundant,readily held Tuesday, April 22, Park Strate Sunday. enough to the on has crossfromthe famousJ.J. Mrs. Garth Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. , Jess Sherman (been advanced one week and will Mrs Melba Webster has availableplant food they needtogrowinto a be held Tuesday, April 29'h, Warren BreedingFarm.In re- and family returnedhome Mon- on turnedhome after spending the day from a trip toNebraska. m the Pioneer Home at 2 p.m. the 1956 Storrs egg-laying past few months m Salt Lake Mrs. Janeva Strate has return- Don't forget the "Open Meet- City. YourElephantBrand agent is ready to fillyourorder. ing" by group test, the Sex-Sal-Link ed to her home after spending sponsored the local Mr. Sam Walburger was a pa- the winter See him or callhim now as youseed,fertilizewith of Alcoholics Anonymous, to be placed third out of 102 Hospital m Cardston. ... held tient m Cardston for a m the Roxy Theatre, Card- pens entered, withproduc- few days this week. ston, Sunday, April 20th, at 7:30 Dr. and Mrs. Glen Russell and p.m. Everyone interested is in- tion of 285 eggs per hen family were visitors at the home BEAZER vited to attend. housed. This is more of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Payne on The Canadian Legion, District 54 eggs Monday. The Stake Sunday School su- 6, which includes Cardston and than the average of The Sunday School presented perlntendency were m attend- rural vicinity, are sponsoring a Sunday School, magazine allbirds entered. anEaster program Sunday, with ance ait consist- fWith subscription ELEPHANT BRAND camnalgn the theme being "He Is Risen." ing of Floyd Godfrey, L. Mc- HIGH ANALYSIS for the purpose of raising Sky-Hiis a trademark of funds ■ Naughton and Del Steed. purchase Co., Taking part were: Mrs. Hazel to sick room equip- Swift Canadian Limited Brunsdale, Marlon Tolley, Edith In afternoon meeting Herbert ment. See advt. on front page. Webster, Sheila Henderson,Brent Prince and son Garth reported For these and otherfine Hancock and Robert Thompson. their visit to April conference FERTILIZER chicks, City. m Swift contact: Mrs. Susie Kenly and Mrs. Salt Lake Glen Cameron " Fanny Webster have returned to of Cardston also spoke. He was FORBIGGERYIELDS EARLIERMATURITY*LOWER COSTS their homes after spending the accompanied by his wife and PRODUCTION winter after church visited at the D. J. SWIFTS months m Cardston. Beazer home. GREATERFARMPROFITS The Junior and Senior M. Men Mrs. Ladeen - - and Gleaners held a fireside m Hoßenson and AMMONIUMPHOSPHATE -11-44-0- AMMONIUM SULPHATE .... 21-0-0- spending days *> (Ammonium Nitrate) ' New Lethbridge Society children are a few AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE-SULPHATE 1« .0 NITRAPRILU 3JJ- 0 0 the Relief rooms Sunday here with her parents, COMPLETE FERTILIZER - - Livestock evening. Mr. Ray Caldwell was Mr and AMMONIUM NITRATE-PHOSPHATE 11-11-0 . 10-13-10 Wanted Hatchery speaker reported Mrs. T. H. Prince. AMMONIUM NITRATE-PKOSPHATI XT-14-0 ANHYDROUS AMMONIA (NH,).. 42-0-0 WANTED — - »he and his After spending the Easter hol- Like sexed twin mission to Australia. After a idays nanujdC.ured by calves. Write Livestock Insect BOX 1106 question and answer period m Vancouver and New Laboratery,P.O. Box 270,Le'h- - 12th Street North Westminster, Mrs. Roy Beazer re- brldge, "224 lunch was served. turned Friday. THE CONSOLIDATED MIMING AND OF CANADA LIMITED Alta., or ph. FA 7-8504. Lethbridge, Alberta She was a guest - -SMELTINBJMMPANY" " 3m3c Mrs. Elenor Watson and" four passenger with her children, Dr. WnOHkm: CALGARY SASKATOON WINNIPIQ MONTREAL VANCOUVER ( narrowly PhoneFAirfax 8-1982 children missed serious and Mrs. LynnBeazer who went ELEPHANT BRAND FERTILIZERS ARE SOLD BY . , GRASS SEEDS — injury on Tuesday afternoon to visit with the latter's family Creeping Red driving Fesuce, "Summitt" Crested when the car she was the Erdman's and other rela- Wheat Grass, "Blue Label" left the road and overturned.The itives. Crested Wheat Grass, Merlon accident occured on the Card- Mr. andMrs.Leon Wright were Blue Grass. — Kenneth Long, ston Mountain View highway. 'In Calgary over the weekend. WOLFF & SON, Cardston (Phone 322. 4mlsc. Mrs. J.Derochle of Lethbridge They attended the business col- lege exercises banquet T„Sent Your was a visitor at the home of and as KENNETH C.LONG, SpringCoulee ,( FarmandFamilyBtthr Dr. and Mrs. Norris West for their son Dennis Is a student Additionalwant ads onpage 3) " ._ " " ' several dayst caring for thechil- there.