The 2015 Brand Identity Guidelines

LOGO The master artwork must not be modified, altered, amended, added to, or subtracted from, in any manner. It MINIMUM SIZE 25-MM should always appear on a plain background that provides a high contrast and no smaller than 25mm wide. Under no circumstances should the MasterCard logo or the text “BRIT Awards 2015 with” be cropped, moved, or removed from the artwork.


WORDING FONT The first reference to the event in any copy must be The BRIT Awards primary typeface is Myriad Pro. “The BRIT Awards [year if applicable] with MasterCard”. All weights of this typeface may be used. This is the preferred route for our name and this should Light is preferred for headings. be used wherever possible. For example “The BRIT Awards 2015 HEADINGS in association with MasterCard” or “The BRIT Awards 2015 with MasterCard”. Light The acronym “BRIT” must always be in upper case. BRIT BODY COPY stands for The British Record Industry Trust, the UK music charity which receives proceeds of the BRIT events. Regular or Light If shortening the event title to “The BRITs”, BRIT must be spelt in capital letters with a lower case “s”. There must be a capitalised “The” before “The BRIT Awards” or “The BRITs” when referring to the event directly. THE BRIT AWARDS 2015 BRAND IDENTITY GUIDELINES

TROPHY IMAGERY The master trophy imagery must not be cropped, modified, altered, amended, distorted, added to or subtracted from, in any manner. It should always appear on a plain background that provides a high contrast and no smaller than 50mm high. The BRIT Awards trophy styled by in all cases where the trophy is used it must be credited as the following. “Trophy styled by Tracey Emin”


CONTACT DOWNLOADS If you have any questions, queries, needs, or problems Logo and Brand imagery: please contact: [email protected]