Student Council Meeting Agenda 15Th December 2020, 6Pm Via Microsoft Teams
Student Council Meeting Agenda 15th December 2020, 6pm Via Microsoft Teams 1. Housekeeping 2. Apologies 3. Approval of minutes from Last Meeting (Page 2) 4. Co-options (Page 2) a. Communities Committee b. Environment & Ethics Committee 5. Policy Updates 6. Student Partnership Agreement Update 7. Question and Answer Session with Principal and Vice Chancellor, Professor George Boyne (Fixed time of 6.30pm start) 8. Sabbatical Officers Accountability Session (Page 8) 9. Committees and Fora Updates (Page 41) 10.Motions a. Water Fountains and Microwaves (Page 45) b. Demilitarised Campus Policy (Page 46) c. Safe Name Changes for Trans Students (Page 48) 11.Byelaw Amendments a. Byelaw 9 (Rosie Benny) (Page 50) b. Byelaw 9 (Maria Kvarving) (Page 51) 12.AOCB a. Byelaw 3 Draft Amendment – Request for feedback (Circulated Seperately) Page 1 Minutes of Student Council Tuesday November 17th 2020, 6pm, Via Microsoft Teams Sederunt In Attendance: Matthew Angell (Chair), Ellie Dick (Clerk) , Scott Carle. Present: Adam Taylor, Ahlam Khaled Jahlan, Ahmed Kombaar, Alanna, Caitlyn Buchan, Alexander Odonnell, Alina Zorn, Alisa Koster, Alisa Morris, Amro Elsabagh, Annemarie Wilson, Anttoni Numminen, Ava Lindberg, Aya Samir, Beatrix Levsey-Stephens, Bemjamin Peplow, Braiden Smith, Bruce Donald, Camilo Alfonso Torres barragan, Carolijn Van Der Putten, Casimir Armand de Bonneval, Catalina Luiza Bocai, Cecilia Wallback, Chahel Nareshkumar Jagasha, Connor Mccausland, Daniel Cutts, Daniel Oconnor, Daniel Vonnak, David Merieca , Davide Bonne, Edward Wouter Grunewald, Eitan Godsi, Elizabeth Heverin, Emily Cope, Emily Strickland, Gavin James Mackenzie, George Bostick, Hariss Gills, Harnam Mann, Isaac Parsons, Ivana Drdakova, Jamie William Murphy, Jana Hamdach, Janet Gauthier, Jasmina Szarejko, Javier Gonzalez Cuervos, Joao Henriques Florido, Kaamil Hendricks, Katrina Dawn Leslie, Laura Ong, Lea Rattei, Lkhagvabazar Otgonjargal, Lola Wilson, Louise Cope, Louise Henrard.
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