Arnold Math J. (2015) 1:445–471 DOI 10.1007/s40598-015-0032-4 RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION Solvability of Linear Differential Systems with Small Exponents in the Liouvillian Sense R. R. Gontsov1 · I. V. Vyugin1,2 Received: 25 November 2014 / Revised: 20 August 2015 / Accepted: 11 November 2015 / Published online: 26 November 2015 © Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS), Stony Brook University, NY 2015 Abstract The paper is devoted to solvability of linear differential systems by quadra- tures, one of the classical problems of differential Galois theory. As known, solvability of a system depends entirely on properties of its differential Galois group. However, detecting solvability or non-solvability of a given system is a difficult problem, because the dependence of its differential Galois group on the coefficients of the system remains unknown. We consider systems with regular singular points as well as those with non- resonant irregular ones, whose exponents (respectively, so-called formal exponents in the irregular case) are sufficiently small. It turns out that for systems satisfying such restrictions criteria of solvability can be given in terms of the coefficient matrix. Keywords Picard–Vessiot extension · Differential Galois group · Liouvillian solution · Stokes matrices Mathematics Subject Classification 34M03 · 34M15 · 34M35 · 12H05 B I. V. Vyugin
[email protected] R. R. Gontsov
[email protected] 1 Insitute for Information Transmission Problems RAS, Bolshoy Karetny per. 19, Moscow 127994, Russia 2 National Research University Higher School of Economics, Vavilova str. 7, Moscow 117312, Russia 123 446 R. R. Gontsov, I. V. Vyugin 1 Introduction Consider on the Riemann sphere C a linear differential system dy = B(z) y, y(z) ∈ Cp, (1) dz of p equations with a meromorphic coefficient matrix B (whose entries are thus rational functions) and singularities at some points a1,...,an.