


TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 / RAMADAN 8, 1442 AH emergency number 112 NO. 17668 16 PAGES 150 FILS U.S. EMBASSY OPENS RENEWAL OF VISAS SANS INTERVIEW Gulf airlines eye digital COVID pass

Emirates Airlines to use IATA corona passport Opinion KUWAIT CITY, April 19: Some Gulf airlines have passengers since the application consists of the health started using the digital corona passport issued by data of the passenger, reports Al-Qabas daily quot- Circus or country? Beware of taking the International Air Transport Association (IATA), ing an official source from the airport. while the concerned departments in some airlines op- In case some airlines operating at the airport decide to implement the digital corona passport, the system will be tested on some fl ights Kuwait into the era of ‘Ruwaibidah’ erating at Kuwait International Airport are planning with the aim of monitoring observations before its full implementa- to do the same in order to facilitate the movement of tion, the source explained. Saudi Airlines unveiled its By Ahmed Al-Jarallah trophes in tenders, unemployment, and plan to start implementing the Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times the tendency to brag about illicit wealth. electronic IATA document for Your Highness the Prime Minister, the traveler through its network INDEED, we no longer know whether the proper treatment starts with admin- of stations but it will not be we are living in a circus or in a country istrative control, and keenness about mandatory, indicating the initial that we owe to more than it owes us. We timeliness and accurate implementation implementation will be on ex- no longer know if the government and of projects. It is not just about saving the perimental basis in its Kuala the National Assembly are the ones ad- public funds because this is the money Lumpur-Jeddah fl ight Monday. ministrating and legislating, or if they of all Kuwaitis. It is owned by neither an Emirates Airlines also an- are for squabbling as though they are not employee nor an official. It is not meant nounced its intention to use the responsible for the destiny of the people to appease an MP or any particular influ- IATA corona passport system. and the nation. ential person. This treatment is aimed at The IATA traveler electronic I am saying this with bitterness be- preserving Kuwait- both the entity and document is a smart application cause the situation has not improved the nation. for mobile devices that allows from what it was prior to the immuniza- Over the past several months, we did travelers to create digital pass- tion of His Highness the Prime Minister not see any indications of good will. The ports, download test data and in the parliament against impeachment, country is regressing on a daily basis, as coronavirus vaccines; and share and cementing of the constitutional fact discord is increasing and disputes are them securely in order to ensure that the National Assembly Speaker raging. Therefore, I openly say – Your compliance with government cannot be dismissed by a parliamentary Highness the Prime Minister and honor- health regulations at all departure vote. able Speaker of the National Assembly, and arrival points. This duo has managed to achieve a the immunity should not render you to Kuwait’s Cabinet’s COV- victory over the opponents, and now relax. ID-19 Emergency Committee they have a comfortable parliamentary This is due to the fact that the oppo- discussed a proposal regarding majority that is needed to pave way for nents continue to read between the lines the operation of the Kuwait-Lon- initiating projects and amending legisla- to find the devil that would qualify them don-Kuwait air route by Kuwait tions that are regressive and unproduc- to achieve a victory, even if it is by hurt- Airways, reports Al-Qabas daily. tive. ing everyone, including themselves. According to high ranking Such legislations were approved un- Unfortunately, both of you provide government sources, the route der duress through a blackmailing pro- opportunities every day for the players, will soon be operational, and cess imposed by political blocs in the who juggle with the fire of division and there will be two fl ights per day. previous parliaments, which had well- go further, by not taking your initiative known but unpopular agendas. Their to settle matters, and by preoccupying aim was not to destabilize Kuwait, but to yourselves with responding to oppo- shut it down, and portray it in a way that nents. Curfew renews does not resemble its essence. This had Your Highness the Prime Minister, caused harm to everyone, as it cuffed the and honorable Speaker of the National KUWAIT CITY, April 19: The society and the economy. Assembly, what Kuwait needs is for you Cabinet approved a decision to Indeed, His Highness the Prime Min- to show courage, decisiveness and reso- continue implementing partial ister, as well as the National Assembly lution, and not to let go of the odds of curfews in the country from Speaker have been immunized, but their reactions, with which we will undoubt- the evening of Thursday, April immunity remains exposed if it is not edly reach a situation that is not to be People gather at the site where a passenger train derailed injuring at least 100 people, in Banha, Qalyubia 22, 2021, starting from 7:00 coupled with work and effort. envied upon. province, Egypt, April 18. At least eight train wagons ran off the tracks, the provincial governor’s office said pm until 5:00 in the morning It is not every time that affairs are We will reach a situation which is in a statement. (AP) of the next day, until the end left unmarked, given that our affairs are not different from that of Lebanon, of the blessed month of Ra- currently threatened by agendas from which has become a failed state due to Amir condoles madan, and this decision will abroad, and in consideration of the infor- squabbling and maliciousness, or like be reviewed in a timely man- mation received from friendly countries, Iraq which sinks deeper into corruption ner, after re-evaluation of the which are keen about the stability of Ku- whenever it attempts to get out of it. His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- Sabah sent cables of identical sentiments of condo- Jaber Al-Sabah on Sunday cabled Egyptian Presi- lences to President el-Sisi. epidemiological situation in the wait, especially in light of the very sen- What Kuwaitis want is for their coun- country. sitive regional situation and the internal dent Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, expressing his sincere National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim try to return to being an oasis of hope, a condolences on the deadly train accident which also sent two cables to Speaker of the Egyptian conflict of personal interests. Therefore, source of freedom of opinion and expres- took place in the Nile Delta city of Qalioubiya earlier House of Representatives Hanafy el Gebali and it has become necessary to have a clear sion, and a factory of economic initia- They indicated that Kuwait today. President of the Egyptian Senate Abdel-Wahab Airways is awaiting the response methodology that would also render Ku- tives. For all of this, those in the govern- In his cable, His Highness the Amir prayed for Abdel-Razeq to express sincere condolences on waitis to know where their country is ment and the Parliament are responsible, souls of the deceased and wished the victims’ fami- Sunday tragic train accident. of the Ministry of Health. heading to so that they do not sleep in not only before the people, but also before lies and loves ones patience and endurance of the In his cables, Al-Ghanim prayed for the souls of The sources revealed a gov- fear and wake up with anxiety about the your conscience as well as before Allah, tragic event. the dead and wished the wounded quick recovery. ernment approach to approve the future. and the political leadership. He also wished the injured people quick recov- Earlier, the Egyptian Ministry of Health an- resumption of fl ights, with the The first step that must be taken with- Finally, we reiterate the fact that hesi- ery. nounced that 11 people were killed and 98 others evaluation of indicators of the out delay is administration reform. Cor- tation in decision-making, mismanage- His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal were injured when a train went off the track in the health situation in London, and ruption is not only about squandering ment, and the appointment of people in Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Nile Delta city of Qalioubiya, north of Cairo today. after ensuring that the pandemic of the public funds, but rather it is the positions for which they are not quali- Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al- (KUNA) will not spread in the country if result of what is more subversive, which fied can be considered as corruption. It the airline resumes its fl ight op- is dysfunction and mismanagement. If is as if we are in the era of “Ruwaibidah” erations to London. (Vile and baseless individuals who con- The US Ambassador to Ku- these factors were fine and the employ- Deliberate attempts to dissolve Assembly wait, HE Alina Romanowski said ees abide by the law and act with con- trol the affairs of the public). Kuwaitis and residents can now science, no one would dare to illegally Email: [email protected] apply to renew a United States touch the public funds. Follow me on: visa, without an interview if the If there was no favoritism in appoint- In, out ... Speaker saga continues visa is valid, or expired in the ments, deals, and settlements, the pro- last 48 months, reports Al-Qabas ductivity of a Kuwaiti employee would the Assembly into a grocery, indi- daily. not have declined to less than 30 minutes By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Romanowski said on the em- per day, and we would not witness catas- [email protected] Arab Times Staff cating the Assembly Decree clearly stipulates that a grilling motion can Tehran talks bassy’s Twitter account that KUWAIT CITY, April 19: MP Sh- be postponed for two weeks upon ap- those wishing to apply for re- uaib Al-Muwaizri has announced his proval of the legislature. newal of their visas, should do so plan to submit a proposal to dismiss Addressing the ministers, Jawhar see progress according to the laid out proce- National Assembly Speaker Marzouq asked about their feelings towards dures. Newswatch Al-Ghanim. their children when they approved the BERLIN, April 19, (AP): High- Also: Al-Muwaizri disclosed the pro- level talks in Vienna aimed at proposal to suspend deliberations on KUWAIT CITY: The Educational posal is his response to Al-Ghanim’s the grilling motions against HH the bringing the United States back into the 2015 nuclear deal with Affairs Committee of the Nation- KUWAIT CITY: His Highness the Amir KUWAIT CITY: The Al-Nahda Health repeated violation of the Constitu- Prime Minister for one and a half year. tion and parliamentary traditions. He Iran are moving ahead with ex- al Assembly met in the presence Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Center continues to receive people for He also asked his colleagues if of the Minister of Education, Al-Sabah expressed his condolences COVID-19 during the mornings and eve- cited the incidents during the session they are satisfied with their partici- perts working on drafting pro- on April 14, pointing out that call- posals this week, but a solution Dr Ali Al-Mudhaf, Minister of over the death of Turkmenistan Presi- nings, reports Al-Rai daily. pation in allowing the government Health, Dr Sheikh Basil Al-Sa- dent Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow’s The daily said the center vaccinates ing security guards to the podium to implement its wretched agenda; remains “far away,” Russia’s of the session hall to engage in a delegate said Monday. bah and a large number of senior father, in a letter sent to the leader on about 450 people per day, especially in the which includes imposing tax and in- offi cials from the ministries of Monday. evening when the more people queue up physical altercation with the MPs is creasing fees for various utilities such The US unilaterally left the an unprecedented occurrence in the agreement, which promises Iran Education and Health, reports His Highness the Crown Prince for the vaccination in an orderly manner as electricity, water and fuel. Al-Seyassah daily. Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- in what the center employees called ‘easy history of the Assembly. He said Al- He then stressed the need for MPs economic incentives in return for procedures’. Ghanim should be held responsible curbs on its nuclear program, in The meeting was devoted Sabah and His Highness the Prime Min- to form a solid bloc supported by to discussing the preparations ister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad ❑ ❑ ❑ as the Speaker has the sole authority the public in facing the government 2018 under then President Don- Al-Sabah both sent similar messages. and arrangements that are being TEHRAN: A high-ranking general key to issue instructions to the security and its allies. He pointed out those ald Trump, who said it needed (KUNA) guards, indicating one of the secu- to be renegotiated and imposed made by the two ministries to or- to Iran’s security apparatus has died, the engaged in corruption are suffering ganize written tests for Grade 12 ❑ ❑ ❑ rity guards was carrying a weapon crippling sanctions. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps an- from political bankruptcy, so they students scheduled for next May, -- Smith Gun. In response, Iran has steadily nounced on Sunday. resorted to the adoption of an evil including preventive measures KUWAIT CITY: Kuwait’s Ministry of He also urged Al-Ghanim to stop been violating the restrictions set Health has confi rmed recording 1,127 new Brig Gen Mohammad Hosseinzadeh strategy to tear the national fabric by and measures to protect the stu- coronavirus infections and eight related Hejazi, who died at 65, served as deputy accusing the opposition MPs of try- instigating sectarian disputes or con- by the deal, by enriching uranium far past the purity allowed and dents so that they are not exposed deaths in the past 24 hours. commander of the Quds, or Jerusalem, ing to ignite fire in the nation. He flicts between political blocs. to the virus infection, and ensure stockpiling vastly larger quantities, The new fi gures take the total cases up force of Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary asked: “Is this the Speaker’s message He concluded: “We will not be the that parents are reassured of the to 256,987 and deaths to 1,448 respec- Guard. The unit is an elite and infl uential for the citizens, opposition or politi- bridge for the government to achieve in a thus-far unsuccessful effort to group that oversees foreign operations, safety of their children. tively, noted the ministry’s spokesman cal leadership?” its goals which are not in the interest force the other countries involved to In this context, the head of the Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad in statements to and Hejazi helped lead its expeditionary In a related development, MP Has- of the citizens.” provide economic relief that would forces and frequently shuttled between committee, MP Dr Hamad Al- KUNA. san Jawhar invited Al-Ghanim and His On the other hand, MP Mubarak offset the American sanctions. Matar, said in a press statement He pointed out that some 1,438 more Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Al-Hajraf called on His Highness the US President Joe Biden wants to Born in 1956 in the city of Isfahan, after the meeting that the com- people had been cured of the virus over Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah to a public Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al return Washington to the deal, and mittee has asked offi cials and the past day, raising the total of those Hejazi joined the Guard after the 1979 debate in order to prove that the pro- Iran has been negotiating with the Islamic Revolution and came to lead the Jaber Al-Sabah to dissolve the As- representatives of the ministries who have overcome the disease to paramilitary Basij volunteer corps for a posal to suspend deliberations on the sembly and leave the decision regard- five remaining powers – Germany, of Education and Health to pre- 240,465. decade – a tenure that saw the force trans- grilling motions against HH the Prime ing the next legislature in the hands France, Britain, China and Russia – He added that the number of people pare a separate report for each of form into a pillar of the country’s security Minister is in line with the Constitution of the people. If the departure of Al- for the past two weeks on how that them concerning paper tests for hospitalized with the virus currently and political apparatus. and the National Assembly Decree. Ghanim and His Highness the Prime might take place. Diplomats from stands at 15,074, with 250 of them in in- Grade 12 including the decisions Hejazi took up the position of deputy Jawhar asserted it is now crystal Minister will end the crisis, then let the world powers have been shut- of each of them and the measures tensive care units. commander of the Quds Force in April of clear that there are systematic and de- them leave, he added. tling between the Iranian delegation Al-Sanad revealed that some 6,269 they have taken to implement the last year after leading the Guard’s para- liberate attempts to dissolve this As- In another development, MP and an American one, which is also decision and the recommenda- swab tests were conducted over the last military forces in Lebanon. Iranian me- sembly. He believes Al-Ghanim is the Ahmed Al-Hamad submitted a pro- in Vienna but not talking directly day, increasing the total to 2,219,893. tions put forward by each of them dia reported that he joined forces fi ght- brain behind such illegal and unjust posal to conduct training courses with the Iranian side. in this aspect. He renewed calls for nationals and ing against the Islamic State in Iraq and steps, stressing the speaker ignored the for Kuwaiti graduates to make them Two expert groups have been expatriates alike to abide by health pre- Syria. brainstorming solutions to the cautions to curb the spread of the virus. law when he asked Minister of Health qualified for jobs in public institu- The Guard statement said he died of Dr Basel Al Sabah how long the latter tions, ministries, companies and two major issues: The rollback of (KUNA) heart disease, without providing any fur- Ramadan Timings ❑ ❑ ❑ wants to postpone deliberations on the banks. He suggested that the trainees American sanctions on one hand, ther details. (AP) grilling motion against him. He added will receive wages during the training and Iran’s return to compliance Iftar ...... Tuesday ...... 18:18 it seems Al-Ghanim has transformed period until they are hired. on the other. Imsak .... Wednesday .... 03:42 ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 2

Grammy-nominated Lebanese-American singer and songwriter Mayssa Karaa. Inset: Reem Al Tamimi (known as Tamtam) First of its kind Abu Dhabi fest in cultural, spiritual journey

n its 18th edition, Abu Dhabi Festival (ADF), under Tamimi (known as Tamtam), Marwan Fagi, Moham- music innovators will perform in the Ramadan Series, ebrate the Arabic language as a vessel of expression and Ithe theme “The Future Starts Now,” with Lead med Khayran Al Zahrani and Rami Basahih will including young Saudi talents Tamtam, who will a tool for creativity. The performance of Fusha Arabic Partner Mubadala Investment Company (“Mubadala”), perform under the mentorship of composer, soprano, perform “A Dreamer’s Serenade”, comprised of her music draws inspiration from Arabic tradition and announced its Ramadan Series of performances titled academic and founder of the Hiba Al Kawas Academy, four composed songs. The lyrics of her performance are world heritage, infusing it with the values of humanity, “Human Fraternity: Dignity and Hope”. The exclusive Dr. Hiba Al Kawas. taken from Sufi poets Al Hallaj and Rabia al-Adawiyya, and highlighting cross-cultural aesthetics that tie the digital productions and commissions will be launched The Series includes 25 songs and chants performed as well as English lyrics written by Tamtam. past, present and future. via ADF’s digital and social platforms. A unique group by eight brilliant vocalists and chanters, written by 11 The gifted Saudi singer and composer Marwan Fagi’s Grammy-nominated Lebanese-American singer and of artists come together in spectacular spiritual perfor- poets and played by 60 musicians. Performances will performance “Wajd” (Devotion) will include “Ateh Fik” (I songwriter Mayssa Karaa will showcase her impressive mances, bringing audiences on a journey of unity and take place from April 20 to May 2. Adore You), arranged by Saudi composer, Rami Basahih. vocal range across several octaves. She will convey a hope, based on peace and love that all humanity share. Her Excellency Huda I. Alkhamis-Kanoo, founder The fi rst Saudi classical opera singers and a promising art- cross-cultural message with “Kun Fa Yakun”, com- The series was unveiled in a virtual panel with H.E. of the Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation and artistic ist, Mohammed Khayran Al-Zahrani will perform a unique posed by Oscar and Grammy-winner AR Rahman in Huda I. Alkhamis-Kanoo, Founder of Abu Dhabi Music director of Abu Dhabi Festival, said: “Reaffi rming our Arabic opera experience titled “Ethereal”, including the collaboration with Indian artist Javed Ali, and “Doua’a” & Art Foundation, and Founder and Artistic Director commitment to further Abu Dhabi’s cultural vision of song “Ala Wa Amjad” (More and More Sublime). (Prayer), with lyrics by Lebanese poet Henri Zoghaib. of ADF, with renowned media personality Dr. Nashwa tolerance and understanding, the Ramadan Series unites Fagi and Al-Zahrani’s performances will be led by Karaa collaborated with renowned Jordanian violinist Al-Ruwaimi introducing the rich lineup of artists. The us all in our humanity. The series highlights the values the Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Dr. Yarub Smarait for the song’s music arrangement. announcement can be seen here: htt ps://abudhabifesti- of togetherness, inclusion and cross cultural dialogue, Hiba Al Kawas, who is famous for merging Western For visual art enthusiasts, ADF is launching a compe- through inspiring spiritual performances. Under the classical music styles with musical traditions of the tition, as part of the Ramadan Series, held throughout Returning to Abu Dhabi Festival after her memora- theme of ‘Human Fraternity: Dignity and Hope’, our Middle East. She is establishing, for the fi rst time, a truly the holy month. “Painting with Words” invites talented ble 2015 performance, Lebanese-American Grammy- Ramadan programme shines a light during these dif- unique methodology for Arab Opera. Her guidance of the people around the world to create works of art using nominated singer and songwriter Mayssa Karaa presents fi cult times. As with every great challenge, our human diverse lineup of artists helped them explore their talents words in any language, inspired by the theme of Human “Doua’a” (Prayer). Sheikh Mahmoud Al Tohamy, the fraternity shall carry us through. and master spiritual singing in their own style. Fraternity: Dignity and Hope. leading spiritual chanter in Egypt and the world, joins the On the 50th anniversary of the UAE, we are commit- Sheikh Mahmoud Al Tohamy, the leading spiritual The year-long programme for the 18th edition of Abu Ramadan Series for a second year in “A Call for Love”, ted to continue our cultural journey of creativity and chanter in Egypt and the world, will present “A Call for Dhabi Festival combines a unique hybrid programme accompanied by Mohamed Tarek and Wael El Fashny. enlightenment. Together as one, the future starts now.” Love”, accompanied by renowned chanters Mohamed of virtual and in-person performances, exhibitions and Gifted emerging talents from Saudi Arabia Reem Al Renowned international artists and pioneering Arab Tarek and Wael El Fashny. 16 songs and chants cel- events by over 500 artists from more than 50 countries.

Mohammed Khayran Al Zahrani

Hiba Al Kawas

Sheikh Mahmoud Al Tohamy

Javed Ali Rami Basahih editor’s choice H.E. Huda I. Alkhamis-Kanoo ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 3

Weather Expected weather for the next moderate north westerly wind Abdaly 40 21 Prayer Timings 24 hours: with speeds of 12-32 km/h and Jahra 40 23 Fajr ...... 03:54 Asr ...... 15:22 By Day: Hot with moderate to some scattered clouds will Salmiyah 33 27 Sunrise .. 05:17 Maghrib ...18:17 fresh north westerly wind with appear. Ahmadi 34 26 Zohr ...... 11:48 Isha ...... 19:37 speeds of 20-55 km/h causing ris- Station Max Exp Min Rec Nuwaisib 41 19 ing dust. Kuwait City 38 27 Wafra 39 19 By Night: Fair with light to Kuwait Airport 39 20 Salmy 38 20


Photo by Bassam Abu Shanab Long queues inside the vaccination hall. NBK scales 4 fils, KIPCO flat ‘Students vaccination cause of rush’ The COVID-19 vaccination center at the Kuwait International Fairs According to informed sources from the Ministry of Health, the con- Kuwait bourse notches modest Ground witnessed long queues of students extending up to the main gestion and the long queues were due to a large turnout of students gate, as part of an annual school vaccination campaign, reports of grades five, six and twelve along with their parents. Al-Qabas daily. The ministry had set the vaccination process to take place from gains, volume turnover ‘surges’ The students were accompanied by their parents in Hall No. 6 of the 9:00 am to 10:00 pm, and that the process took about an hour for the fairs ground. students to arrive, queue up and get vaccinated. By John Mathews Arab Times Staff ■ UUS$/KDS$/KD 0.30140/500.30140/50 KUWAIT CITY, April 19: Kuwait stocks ▲ Euro/KD 0.3626 swung higher on Monday following last ses- sion’s slight pullback. The All Shares Index ■ Yen/KD 0.0027 ‘End plan to expel 60s expats’ climbed 29.65 points in a broad advance to 5,978.16 pts paced by some of the blue ▲ British £/KD 0.4187 chips and mid caps even as the overall mood turned buoyant. Abolish sponsorship system: Kuwait Human Rights Society The Premier Market scaled 22.29 points ■ Indian Rs/KD 0.0040 to close at 6,542 pts while Main Market jumped 47.84 points. The BK Main 50 ral- ■ Philippines Peso/KD 0.0062 KUWAIT CITY, April 19: The Kuwait lied 42.34 pts to 5033.68 points. The vol- Society for Human Rights (KSHR) called ume turnover meanwhile rose for the third ▲ FTSE +15.74 pts at 13:20 hr, April 19 consecutive session. Over 391 million Other Voices for the cancellation of the decision to stop shares changed hands – a 26 percent surge the renewal of work permits for expatri- from the day before. ▲ Nikkei +2.00 pts at closing April 19 All sectors, barring one, closed in green ates who reached 60 years old and hold turf. Telecommunications outshone the rest high school certificates or below, reports with 2.36 pct gain whereas Healthcare was ■ Gold 1766.45 per oz (London) Al-Jarida daily. unchanged. Volume wise, Financial ‘Poor control by Finance’ In a press statement, the society explained that the above- Services topped with 153.3 million shares ▲ NYMEX crude $63.35 per barrel mentioned decision should be rescinded; taking into consid- and the sector also dominated in value with By Ahmad alsarraf finger or express an objection, logically over KD 13 million. or technically to show that the decision eration the constant threat to the livelihood of some migrant ▲ Brent crude $66.91 per barrel workers. The society also reiterated its call for the govern- Among the standout performers, sector hen an agency decides to dis- to postpone loan installments does not bellwether National Bank of Kuwait rallied 4 Wtribute money to a number of have any prudence or sufficient finan- ment to bear its responsibilities by abolishing the sponsor- LIBOR rate 0.18825% ship system and implement an alternative system that pro- fils on back of 2.67 million shares recouping people, it is important to act with cial understanding and this is definitely Sunday’s losses and Kuwait Finance House prudence. For example, distributing his lack of resourcefulness. tects the rights of everyone. added 3 fils with a volume of 2.9 million to one dinar to ten children, at a rate of “From time to time, PAM surprises us with decisions lower. Of the 138 counters active on Throughout its modern history, close at 723 fils. Boubyan Bank was up 4 fils Monday, 19 closed flat. 100 fils per child is not considered Kuwait has not had a distinguished that do not take into account the humanitarian aspects. at 634 fils and Mabanee Co paced 6 fils par- This happens in a country regarded as the International In the banking sector, Gulf Bank slipped good behavior because if we bought a finance minister, except for very rare ing the month’s losses to 14 fils. 3 fils to 210 fils with brisk trading whereas ball for one ones, including the plunderer of state Humanitarian Center,” the society asserted. Zain dialed up 2 fils to close at 605 fils According to the society, the decision does not take into Kuwait International Bank paused at 205 dinar, they can investments and the bankruptcy of some whereas Ooredoo clipped 2 fils. stc eased 1 fils. Burgan Bank dialed up 2 fils on back of all play and ben- of its assets in foreign companies, and consideration many immigrants who have been residing in fils to 899 fils and logistics major Agility 5.3 million shares and Warba Bank was efit from it more the loss of public money worth tens of Kuwait all their lives, along with their children and grand- sprinted 11 fils 769 fils on back of 1.9 million unchanged at 246 fils. than the 100 billions of dollars. children with only the passport linking them to their shares. Humansoft Holding gave up 5 fils Ahli United Bank BSC clipped 1 fil fils. The current finance minister is not mother country, while many of them belong to unstable before settling at KD 3.842 and Boursa extending Sunday’s downtick with a vol- Kuwait Securities closed 3 fils in red. Mezzan Spending or better than others in poor performance, countries and their exit from Kuwait could be a threat to ume of 6.4 million shares whereas squandering 400 as if he does not exist at all, and his their security and lives. Holding and Aznour took in 1 fil each where- as Integrated Holding fell 2 fils to 412 fils. Commerial Bank held ground at 500 fils million dinars of excuse may be that his lack of capabili- The society pointed out this decision has no link with with razor thin trading. Al Ahli Bank and government ties or his management was with him National Industries Group slipped 3 fils the demographic structure or national employment, won- to 205 fils erasing most of Sunday’s gains Ahli United Bank Kuwait added 1 fil each money to cover even when he was an undersecretary of dering why it was retracted more than once and then to close at 201 fils and 315 fils respectively. the ministry for many years, so why was and Gulf Cable followed suit Boubyan the interest of alsarraf modified in a completely incomprehensible manner. KIPCO and National Investment Co banks as a result he chosen? Petrochemical Co jumped 21 fils to 924 The society called on the government to polish national fils whereas Al Qurain Petrochemical Co paused at 162 fils and 185 fils respectively of the decision to Some may accept this justification, legislation, including administrative decisions that regu- and Al Imtiaz Investment too did not budge postpone the installments of 470,000 but it is fatal. He who does not know tripped 1 fil. Jazeera Airways stalled at 620 late and supplement the laws in line with its international fils after last session’s drop while ALAFCO from its earlier close of 114 fils. Kuwait debtors was an imprudent decision. No how to drive a passenger bus should obligations in the field of human rights and the charters Investment Co and Arzan Financial Group party will benefit in a practical manner refuse to drive it even if the voices of was down 3 fils at 207 fils. Kuwait National Cinema Co paced 6 fils. gave up 3 fils each whereas KMEFIC added from the postponement of installments the masses and leaders demand him to and conventions it has joined, especially the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial The market opened steady and edged 2 fils. KAMCO sprined 8.7 fils to 93.7 fils except the creditors, such as the banks, do so. higher in early trade. The main index revved and Al Ahleia Insurance darted 45 fils. for which the government extended the Tony Blair’s report (2010), which Discrimination. It also stressed the need to issue decisions based on up pact the mid-session amid broad buying Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz) took in terms of its debts to the citizens with cost millions and ended up being 0.2 fil on back of 1.4 million shares and Gulf specialized studies and research. “We recommend that interest and a spurt in the final minutes remunerative benefits without they shelved, warns of political chaos and helped the market close with modest gains. Investment House dialed up 2 fils. Aayan exerting any effort, while it did not civil strife whenever there is a deficit in these decisions should be discussed seriously with the Leasing slipped 4 fils to 144 fils and KFIC representatives of non-government organizations Top gainer of day, Marakez soared a whop- mean anything to the majority of the the budget, which will force the govern- ping 43 percent to 43 fils while KSHC sprint- trimmed 1 fil. Noor Financial Investment debtors especially since a large number ment to sacrifice the future of the nation (NGOs),” it added. ed 25.93 pct to stand next. National Ranges Co was flat at 234 fils and Tamdeen Investment of them did not ask the government for to perpetuate an artificial reality so that The society reiterated its demand for Kuwait to join and skidded 4.97 pct, the steepest decliner of the jumped 10 fils to 216 fils. The Securities postponement in the first place, and the people live in peace. activate the Convention on the Protection of Migrant day and Gulf Petroleum Investment topped the House inched 0.7 fil up to 50.3 fils. amount of the deferred installments will The report stated any changes that Workers and Members of Their Families; in addition to volume with over 23 million shares. The market was mixed so far during the definitely be spent on unnecessary mat- will be made at a late stage to combat activating the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Reflecting the day’s gains, the market week and has gained 24 pts in last two ses- ters. the growing budget deficit will become Regular Migration (GCM) which was adopted in spread was heavily skewed towards the win- sions. It has rallied 201 points from start of The party responsible for the issuance more difficult to explain to people who December 2018 in Marrakech. ners. 84 stocks advanced whereas 35 closed the month and is up 431 points year-to-date. of this decision is not the Council of are unwilling to change their life style. Ministers, whose president may have This will also push the government to thought that delaying the payment of the reach a situation in which it preserves loans of a number of citizens will civil peace through damage control pol- Kuwaiti ‘drug addict’ increase his popularity, and may con- icies that will ultimately lead to bank- tribute to winning the friendship of ruptcy of the state in the long run. some deputies. ❑ ❑ ❑ documents accident Rather, the blame falls on the Minister of Finance himself, who did not move a [email protected] By Munif Nayef Al-Seyassah Staff KUWAIT CITY, April 19: Securitymen have taken into Two housing units in offing custody a Kuwaiti for admitting to consuming narcotics via ‘Snapchat’ and saying again and again that he wants to see the Minister of Interior. The man is seen getting into his car and colliding with Residences eyed for workers another vehicle on the King Fahd Road which resulted in the death of an Asian. The incident is documented live on KUWAIT CITY, April 19: The Public and safety. the Snapchat. Authority for Manpower (PAM) has On the other hand, the Ministry of Justice The victim’s body has been referred to Forensics requested Kuwait Municipality to allot sites asked the Municipality to allocate two sites medicine and the suspect has been arrested and taken to for the accommodation of expatriates who to construct buildings for the Experts hospital under heavy security guard. Several cases have will work in the construction of approxi- Affairs Department in Ahmadi and been registered against him. mately 30,000 housing units in Mutla’a and Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorates. The Directorate General of Public Relations and South Abdullah Al-Mubarak residential In its letter to the Municipality, the min- Security Media Department of the Interior Ministry stated areas, reports Al-Qabas daily. istry disclosed that the organizational struc- The daily obtained a copy of PAM’s let- the suspect after he is discharged from hospital will be ture of the department has been modified ter to the Municipality, in which it affirmed referred to the concerned authority and legal measures its commitment to ensure the provision of a and it has become a public administration will be taken against him. safe and decent health environment for which is currently operating in rented Security sources have called on parents to monitor the workers in accordance with international buildings in the two governorates. behavior of their children and to report to the authorities standards that will be reflected in the qual- It clarified these buildings are not enough if they see anything weird, stressing that drug users do not ity of workers’ productivity; as well as to for the new structure, vision and growing realize what they are doing and therefore commit crimes, improve the development process for all needs of the department; hence, the need the most recent of was the death of an Asian pedestrian, private companies and institutions comply- for the construction of separate buildings the recent run-over accident which killed a police patrol- ing with regulations on occupational health for the department in the two governorates. man manning the checkpost. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 LOCAL 4

MEW, MoH and other parties to continue meeting on weekly basis Deal to supply new vaccination center with electricity KUWAIT CITY, April 19: Khaled as the first stage for the operation ing in the establishment of the center locations, especially at the sites relat- Al-Enezi, the Superintendent of the of the center, reports Aljarida will continue to meet on a weekly ed to dealing with the COVID-19 Capital Governorate commissioned daily. basis to speed up the completion of crisis. by the Ministry of Electricity, In a press statement, he indicated the center within the deadline. It is worth mentioning that the revealed the initial agreement to that the 500KW electricity load will He stressed that the Ministry of concerned authorities have started supply the COVID-19 vaccination be delivered through three cables. Electricity and Water is making use their preparations to provide various center, which will be established Al-Enezi affirmed that the Ministry of its services to provide the neces- services on the island, and the center on the island south of Jaber Bridge, of Electricity and Water, the Ministry sary electrical energy that the will use these services during its with an electricity load of 500 KW of Health, and the parties participat- Ministry of Health needs in various operation. Ministry of Health’s CSS plays vital role regarding Covid-19 pandemic

Center receives calls 24/7 in Arabic and English

KUWAIT CITY, April KUNA photo 19: The Citizens National Assembly Speaker Al-Ghanim. Service Sector (CSS), affiliated to the Audiences of HH the Crown Prince Ministry of Health, His Highness the Crown Prince Al-Sabah, Foreign Minister and played an important Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs role during the corona Al-Sabah received National Assembly Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Nasser pandemic and the sec- Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim at Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah, and Interior Bayan Palace on Sunday. Minister Sheikh Thamer Ali Sabah tor continues to receive His Highness also received His Al-Salem Al-Sabah. intense communication Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh His Highness the Crown Prince Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. also received Deputy Prime Minister, from the public about Moreover, he received Deputy Minister of Justice and Minister of the pandemic, reports Prime Minister and Minister of State for Integrity Enhancement Al-Jarida. Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Abdullah Al-Roumi. (KUNA) The center receives incom- ing calls 24/7 in Arabic and English, related to the corona- virus, medical consultations, and requests for drugs deliv- ery, general inquiries, com- plaints and suggestions. Number ‘151’ affiliated to the citizens service sector in the Ministry of Health has received more than one million calls, including more than 250,000 inquiries during the past three months -- about 80,000 calls and inquiries during last January, Photo by Rizk Taufiq about 50,000 during February, Fire personnel during the rescue operation. and about 120,000 in March 2021. The website and the Family pulled out ‘alive’ from rubble ‘WhatsApp’ service of the call center witnessed nearly 7,000 An Asian family of three, who was General of Fire Department from under the rubble and para- communications from the public, trapped under the rubble of the (DGFD) said it received a call at medics rushed them to a hospi- which varied between inquiries, house they were living in, was res- dawn about the accident and tal. suggestions and observations cued by firemen from the Al-Bida immediately the force was sent to The fire-fighting teams have during last March as well. fire center and personnel from the the accident site. opened an investigation to know The ministry succeeded in pro- Technical Rescue Centers, reports The DGFD indicated the fire- how the annex of the house which Al-Seyassah daily. men and personnel from the res- was allegedly being renovated viding medical, technical and Personnel from the Directorate- cue center rescued the family caved in. administrative personnel qualified to respond to inquiries and ques- tions quickly, or to call back in the event the queries were not answered due to crowding or severe pressure on the part of the public. During pandemic the number of The Guest Show flyer. employees working at the center increased from 27 to more than 160 who receives and deals with TGS presents Samar Al-Mutawa incoming calls. The number of doctors has also increased to more ON April 22, The Guest Show on Vivacious, creative and inspirational, than 40 in various specialties. Radio Kuwait presents Samar she gives herself wholeheartedly to The call center of the sector Al-Mutawa, a remarkable woman of each aspect of her life. On The Guest responds to all the inquiries and many parts. A Life coach, Show, Samar Al-Mutawa speaks of communications received regard- Mompreneur, Fitness Instructor, Artist what makes her tick, the hiccups on & Designer, Samar exudes calmness her personal front, her many identi- ing the ‘Shlonak’ application, and positive energy. Founder of ties, which gives her a strong social and coordination is made with Kashtat Samar, Masahat Samar, media presence and her journey with the doctors supervising the appli- Gabgat Samar, her work is strongly coaching which led her to rediscover cation by transferring the reports focused on empowering women. herself. and inquiries, in addition to the requests to change the address that exceeded 1,500, and the Al-Failakawi congratulates new KPC hires request for medical exit permis- sions which exceeded 1,100, in addition to the inquiries regard- ing technical support issuance of Power minister shuffles 6 officers certificate after the end of the By Muhammad Ghanem the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation quarantine period and inquiries Al-Seyassah Staff (KPC) and its affiliate oil companies, about the bracelet which a person reports Al-Seyassah daily. has to wear to monitor the where- KUWAIT CITY, April 19: In a move He pointed out this is a distinctive abouts in case of infection or to pump new blood into various home quarantine. step on the road to Kuwaitize employ- departments, the Minister of ment in the oil sector and hoped the Electricity, Water and Renewable appointment of all those who have ‘Reconfiguration’ of Energy, Minister of Social Affairs, passed the exams will be completed as Labor and Community Development, soon as possible. joint panel proposed Dr Masha’an Al-Otaibi, has issued 6 Al-Failakawi said in a press state- By Muhammad Ghanem decisions to transfer personnel from ment the response of the KPC CEO one department to another. Al-Seyassah Staff Hashem Hashem to the demands of Those transferred include Director the KSE to increase the number of KUWAIT CITY, April 19: President of the Administrative Development engineers who have passed the exams of the Federation of Kuwaiti and Training Department in the confirms the oil sector’s keenness to Engineering Offices and Consulting Planning and Training Sector, Eng. benefit from the educational outputs Houses, Badr Al-Salman, said a pro- Awatef Al-Shaheen who will be and employing them in this vital sec- posal has been submitted to recon- Director in the Statistics Department figure a joint committee between the tor of the country. in the same sector; the director of the He pointed out despite the increase Ministry of Electricity and Water electrical wiring department in the and the Union, for the approval of in employment of Kuwaiti engineers it electrical and air-conditioning engi- electrical distribution networks sector is very necessary to reconsider the neers and the mechanism for study- to work has been transferred to the nation’s educational outcomes and ing and approving electrical and air planning and follow-up department in directing the Kuwaiti students to study conditioning plans, examining and the same sector in the same position. the specializations needed by the labor developing an automatic link system The decision includes the transfer of market in the public and private sec- between the ministry and engineer- the Director of the Fuel Networks tors of the country. ing offices and advisory houses. Projects Department in the Water He said: “We appreciate this coop- Al-Salman said in a press Projects Sector, Abdulaziz Al-Kandari eration to double the number of engi- statement it is the desire of the to work as Director of the Studies and neers and the KPC’s its affiliates’ con- Minister of Electricity, Water Research Department in the Planning tinuous efforts to train the workers, and Renewable Energy, the and Training Sector, and the Director of but the number of applicants for jobs, Minister of Social Affairs and the Statistics Department in the Planning according to the KPC’s recent Community Development, Dr. and Training Sector, Eng Shatha Mishaan Al-Otaibi, and the announcement, far exceeded the num- Undersecretary of the Ministry Al-Tamimi to work as Director of the ber of advertised jobs, which confirms of Electricity, Water and Fuel Networks Projects Department in the defect in our educational out- Renewable Energy to commis- the Water Projects Sector. comes. sion Engr Jassem Al-Nouri to The decision also includes the trans- He explained this imbalance in enhance and support cooperation fer of the mechanical maintenance striking a balance between educational between the two parties. watchdog at the Subbiya power plant, outputs and the market need puts He indicated the Union and the Engineer Khaled Al-Saffar who will before us a problem that we must all Ministry agreed to develop a be supervisor in the security and safe- cooperate to solve and direct our edu- mechanism and methods for the ty control, and the transfer of the cational outputs and study programs in maintenance and management of inspection and audit officer in the our higher educational and profession- power generating stations, main departments of the inspection and al-training institutions to the disci- and subsidiary stations and water auditing office in the office of Minister plines revealed by the crisis that we stations, and they also agreed to Nour Al-Anzi to work as a follow-up work to develop an electronic witnessed during our confrontation guide that would follow up and development officer in the person- with the Corona pandemic. remotely and give indications of nel affairs department. Al-Failakawi stressed that attracting the defect and the shelf life of parts Meanwhile, the treasurer of the Kuwaiti engineering and professional and equipment, and train and qual- Kuwait Society of Engineers (KSE), expertise to work in our oil sector, ify Kuwaitis to manage them, Eng Ali Al-Failakawi, has sent con- which is our lifeline, will achieve the which need specialized local and gratulations to colleagues who are sustainability and human development international consultants. selected to work in the oil sector by sought by the state. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 LOCAL 5 DIWANIYA A DIGEST OF PUBLIC OPINION ‘Time has now come to calm down, go for a constructive dialogue’ “THE government claims it is right, the Speaker of the National Assembly the functioning of the parliament,” columnist Nassar Al-Khaldi wrote for Al- “The media plays a vital role in the lives of people and the progress of na- claims he is right, the balanced opposition members claim they are right, the Shahed daily. tions, particularly in times of crises that require a strong media capable of raising extremist opposition MPs claims they are right, the voters claim they are in the “This article has never been activated and resorted to in the history of par- awareness and refuting rumors. right direction and the silent majority claims they have the right but in the end liamentary life in Kuwait except for one time, therefore, if it is activated, the “This confi rms the government’s interest in continuous communication with the nation is at stake,” columnist Iqbal Al-Ahmad wrote for Al-Qabas daily. violation of the deputies to whom it is applied must be clear, explicit and agreed the media during the past period in all events as such moves enabled it to clearly “Amid this harsh scenario in Kuwait which we live, the voice of truth is no- upon and apply the penalties gradually. explain its decisions and policies to both the local and global media. where to be heard due to the tyranny of the loud voices and demagogic behavior “Everyone knows that what happened in the last session of the National As- “This is evident in the strategy of the Information Ministry to achieve the that drags behind it young men who have not committed any fault except that sembly was the result of the tension caused by the practices of the Speaker from State’s objectives in providing information in a proactive manner, thereby, cut- emotionally they are overwhelmingly looking for con- the fi rst session until now, and we must remember that the Parliament is a dis- ting the way for the spread of rumors. frontation wherever and whoever it may be with a tone of cussion session between deputies to reach the best ideas regarding legislation “The ministry’s policy is based on coordination and harmony among all State defi ance and compete to insult and belittle others. and oversight, and the role of the presidency platform to strike a balance be- institutions regarding the media framework when dealing with various crises in “Today, we are part of history and trying to enter tween the various trends to reach the best possible results. light of developments at the national and international levels, as well as commit- through the narrow gate with a suffocating soul and a “Nevertheless what happened during this period of the parliamentary life was ment to transparency and objectivity in dealing with events.” painful heart in a homeland we boasted about, and we still characterized by practices that disturbed the balance. All possible tools were ❑ ❑ ❑ are a part of this wide world – a homeland that has be- used to silence the parliamentary majority, starting from the president’s gavel stowed on us its blessings and the joy we are living. to closing the microphones to not giving the MPs the required points of order, “Local newspapers and news services reported that several expatriate teach- “However, all this is forgotten immediately with the in addition to not taking their observations, and we do not really know why the ers had resigned from the Ministry of Education. There is no doubt that their blink of an eye just because we no longer love our ‘neigh- deputy is forbidden to speak under the pretext of preserving the session time, resignations suddenly disrupted the educational process because of the Ministry bor’; cannot tolerate another and a third we want to dis- and why this insistence on the time of the sessions if the parliament has not held of Education’s reliance on them particularly in scientifi c disciplines for the inter- Tareq Al-Dirbas Al-Anba mantle from his place. since its session until now except for a few sessions. mediate and secondary stages,” columnist wrote for daily. “The hatred, the challenge and the persistence of ex- Iqbal Al-Ahmad “It is clear that the presidency of the current parliament failed to organize “I believe that the educational and health cadres are among the elements of pressing all of this amounted to arrogance. I am not a de- work within the parliament, to achieve a balance between its political compo- nents, and to listen to all parties, and it only succeeded in restraining and silenc- national security. Today’s students are the leaders of tomorrow and the future of fender of the Prime Minister, the Speaker of Parliament, or any minister. Kuwait. Attention to this wealth should be through an organized strategic work “Sometimes the prime minister and parliament speaker may make mistakes, ing the parliamentary majority, and its insistence on listening to one party and one point of view, which is the governmental view. that relies on national cadres. and the parliamentarians may make mistakes, and the government may make “Therefore, I call on the Minister of Education Dr. Ali Al-Mudhaf, and the mistakes but that does not allow considering entire Kuwait makes mistakes and “The National Assembly’s presidency was able to immunize the prime minis- ter before the deputies and confi scate their right to question him, but this will ex- Minister of Oil and Higher Education Dr. Muhammad Al-Faris to coordinate deviates from the path of change, development and advancement. in order to qualify fresh graduates from the College of Engineering and its pro- “Any differences at any level can only be resolved with calm, dialogue and pose the ministers, and even target the majority representatives, and the minister will fi nd himself targeted in parliament for the least mistakes, which will result grams and those who wish to join the educational corps to meet the Ministry of some concessions provided neither party persists in rejection or a condition in the fall of ministers, and the deputy will also fi nd himself a permanent target Education’s need for scientifi c disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chem- of acceptance. I call on everyone to calm down and return to constructive and for the tools of the presidency and threatened with expulsion and the result is istry, geology and computer, and encourage them to join the educational corps meaningful dialogue and create new channels otherwise a party will be forced to more congestion and the reason is simply not accepting the opinion of the other.” and fi ll the shortage of teachers of scientifi c specializations at the Ministry of do what we do not want.” ❑ ❑ ❑ Education. Also: “I think this step will contribute to replacing large numbers of jobs in the “The Kuwaiti Ministry of Information faces several challenges posed by the Ministry of Education with national cadres, increasing the percentage of Ku- “The political crisis in the relationship of the National Assembly with the health crisis in Kuwait and the world due to the spread of coronavirus, including waitis there, and reducing the waiting queues for engineers at the Civil Service executive power is going from bad to worse until it appears that we have reached efforts exerted in the media to raise citizens’ awareness on the virus and ways to Commission. a stage of closing the horizon in the relationship of the two authorities, and deal with it,” columnist Yousef Al-Braik wrote for Annahar daily. “In conclusion, I call on the Kuwait Engineering Society and Kuwait Teach- in the relations within the National Assembly between the presidency and the “The efforts of the ministry in handling the pandemic that looms over all ers Society to adopt this idea and coordinate to implement it with the coopera- parliament’s offi ce on the one hand, and the parliamentary majority on the other aspects of life are not hidden to anyone, especially the strong coordination be- tion of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.” hand, the last of which is the activation of Article 89 of the bylaw to expel the tween the ministry, its health counterparts and other ministries to push Kuwait members whom the presidential platform considers ‘rioters’ or that they disturb towards safety and get rid of the corona pandemic. – Compiled by Ahmad Al-Shazli

Teams identify illegal cash Defense delays loan payments Customs fi nds hashish in Indian’s luggage collection during Ramadan KUWAIT CITY, April 19, (KUNA): The General Both persons were taken into custody for further Administration of Customs has prevented smuggling interrogation. into Kuwait of 1.9 kilograms of marijuana wax and ❑ ❑ ❑ 79 hashish pieces, one in a parcel and the other found Violators face legal action in a passenger’s luggage. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense The Administration, in a statement late Sunday, (MoD) Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah on By Fares Al-Abdan tions with the start of the Ramadan month, said they arrested a person after he received a parcel Sunday issued a decision delaying for six months the Al-Seyassah Staff from Canada containing 1.9 kgs of marijuana wax. payment of loan installments for the military person- including cash collection and ‘attempts’ Inspectors informed the Ministry of interior drug nel, due for the army fund. KUWAIT CITY, April 19: The inspection made to collect donations. control department whose personnel arrested the man The General Staff of the Kuwait Army said in a teams affi liated to the Ministry of Social The sources pointed out that the ministry stressed after allowing him to get his package, it said. statement that the move came in recognition from Affairs have identifi ed a number of viola- all charity societies are prevented from collecting cash Meanwhile, Customs offi cials inspected luggage of the Ministry of Defense for the military person- a passenger who came from Delhi, India, and found nel’s national role in such emergency health condi- donations and that all such 79 pieces of hashish. tions. collections must be made Winery, ‘red’ tents raided, uprooted through bank deductions using the K-Net, and By Abdel Nasser Al-Aslami that the municipality has stopped the work other electronic means. If Al-Seyassah Staff of demolitions. anyone is found collecting The offi cial said to the contrary after the donations in cash exposes KUWAIT CITY, April 19: The encroach- month of Ramadan the campaigns will be himself/herself to legal ments demolition department of the Kuwait more intense. accountability. Municipality, Jahra Municipality, headed Al-Ghais praised the cooperation of some by Suleiman Al-Ghais, raided a ‘winery’ The sources said all chari- owners of sheds who themselves dismantled ty societies must abide by and tents where ‘wild’ parties took place. the sheds. Both the places were uprooted. Ministerial Resolution No. On the other hand, the control team in 28/A of 2016, which allows Al-Ghais said in a press statement said the Capital Governorate during a campaign the campaign was organized in Arhiyya “online” collection via lifted 16 neglected cars in the Sharq region, ‘K-Net” and smart phone area in the south of Saad Al-Abdullah hous- while the control team in Farwaniya Gover- applications, with a commit- ing project, in continuation of the elimina- norate made a tour of cooperative societies, ment to use only the soci- tion of negative manifestations of all kinds shops and markets and issued three citations ety’s bank accounts approved of violations, stressing the campaigns will and removed 67 hoardings for violating the by the ministry. continue contrary to what is being rumored laws. The sources pointed out the ministry monitors the social media to ensure that there are no invitations for donations in violation of the law, and only those who col- lect donations have obtained the approval of the ministry. It is noteworthy to men- tion that teams which are formed to follow up charity work during the blessed month of Ramadan compris- es personnel from the Ministry of Interior, the Kuwait Municipality, the Public Authority for Manpower and a number of other government agencies. ❑ ❑ ❑ Kuwaiti injured: Despite repeated warnings from the Interior Ministry about the danger of using scooter bikes on the streets, a Kuwaiti who is believed to be in his 20s and riding a scooter was injured in the suburb of Mishref. He has been admitted to Mubarak Hospital. He was hit by an Egyptian home food delivery ‘boy’. The Egyptian said the victim came in front of him from ‘nowhere’ at a roundabout. The victim was taken to the hospital by paramedics. ❑ ❑ ❑ Hot weather here: The Meteorological Department stated that the country is af- fected by an air height that gradually recedes, accom- panied by moderate to dusty northwesterly winds, with which the horizontal visibil- ity decreases over the open areas in the midst of hot weather conditions, reports Al-Seyassah daily. Weather forecasts observer Abdul Aziz Al-Qarawi, ex- plained Tuesday, the weather will be hot during the day and partly cloudy to cloudy with winds blowing at light to moderate speed, 10 and 35 kilometers per hour, and the expected maximum tempera- tures between 38 and 40 de- grees Celsius. The sea will be light to moderate with waves between 2 and 5 feet. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 LOCAL 6 Al-Faris hands over to PM ministry’s ‘executive plan’ Strategy seeks to invest expertise in the ministry

KUWAIT CITY, April 19, (KUNA): Minister of

Public Works and Minis- KUNA photo ter of State for Communi- Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Communications and In- cations and Information formation Technology Dr Rana Al-Faris with HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Technology Dr Rana Al- Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. Faris handed over to HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Project 17 years in row Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah the strategic ex- ecutive plan of the Ministry of Public Works for Vision Patient Fund distributes 2035 –the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) issued by total ‘160,440 Iftar meals’ her ministry. Minister Al-Faris told Kuwait KUWAIT CITY, April 19: The ment this year 5,348 meals pro- Director of the Social Develop- vided by the fund every day, an News Agency (KUNA) after meet- ment Department at the Patient increase of more than a thousand ing the Prime Minister, that the Aid Fund Association Jasim Al- and one hundred meals compared strategy seeks to invest the exper- Rabeeh, revealed the size of the to last year that the association tise in the ministry and complete project – Iftar meals – that the was distributing in over 28 hos- the efforts of the work teams to- association offers for this year, pitals and specialized health cen- wards achieving the vision of New and praised the dimension of ters affiliated with the Ministry Kuwait 2035. the strategic partnership with of Health throughout the Holy She emphasized the ministry also the Ministry of Health through Month but this year the number seeks to enhance the role of the nation- this project the association un- of hospitals and centers is 32. KUNA photo al component, build the capabilities dertakes for the benefit of work- Kuwait Red Crescent Society distributing meals to Syrian refugees in Jordan. of national workforce, empower and ers, technicians and security Support develop this workforce, since it is the guards working in hospitals and He added the General Secre- main pillar of the comprehensive de- specialized health centers and tariat of Awqaf was kind enough Iftar project helps 15,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan velopment to achieve the civilizational the administrative and techni- to provide cash support of 34,200 renaissance of Kuwait. cal support staff in these hospi- dinars. For his part, Undersecretary of the tals in Kuwait during the holy Al Rabeeh praised the suc- KRCS distributes food baskets to displaced Yemenis Ministry of Public Works, Ismail Al- month of Ramadan, reports Al- cess of the Iftar project this year, Failakawi, said in a similar statement Rai daily. which is held for the seventeenth to (KUNA) that the KPIs is universally year in a row, pointing to the ex- ADEN, April 19, (KUNA): The Ku- Kuwaiti Ambassador to Jordan tion of the directives of the higher Active wait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) Aziz Al-Daihani told KUNA, dur- political leadership to support refu- applicable to companies, institutions pansion of hospital needs and at on Sunday distributed 1,287 food ing the distribution process that gees. and governments, and explained that Al-Rabeeh indicated the as- the rate of 5,348 meals per day, baskets to internally displaced Yem- took place at the Jordanian Red The Ambassador mentioned that the application of this system needs sociation is active in the main the association will end up dis- eni families. Crescent Center in Balqa Governo- the project is implemented by the special detail to suit the ministry’s hospitals – the Amiri, Mubarak tributing a total of 160,440 meals In a press statement, KRCS Secre- rate, that the Kuwaiti Red Crescent Kuwait Red Crescent Society in tasks and competencies. Al-Kabir, Adan, Farwaniya, during the whole month of Rama- tary-General Abdulrahman Al-Oun has continued to provide humani- cooperation with the Jordanian Al-Failakawi added the system mea- Jahra and the Al-Sabah Maternity dan. said that the food aid were distrib- tarian support to Syrian refugees Red Crescent, and includes the sures the performance of employees Hospital, in addition to the hospi- Al Rabeeh thanked the General during the year through the extent to tals of the Al-Sabah Health Area Secretariat of Endowments for uted to the needy families in fi ve in Jordan since the outbreak of the distribution of 500 meals per day which they achieve the goals set for Yemeni governorates. Syrian crisis in 2011. to refugees throughout the days of where the number of patients is its support for providing 34,200 each supervisory or leadership position. huge such as Al-Sabah Internal dinars for the project, and also The Kuwaiti aid are meant to help Al-Daihani added that the State of the holy month of Ramadan and in He stated that the system links the war-affected Yemenis get their basic Kuwait is keen to alleviate the suf- various Jordanian cities and gov- Medicine Hospital, Al-Sabah thanked the donors and benefac- goals to be achieved with the strate- Hospital for Surgery, Al-Razi tors from private sector compa- needs of food, he said. fering of refugees and provide them ernorates with a total of 15,000 gic goals and plans of the state Vision Elsewhere, Kuwait Red Crescent with basic needs, taking into account meals. Hospital, Makki Juma Center nies, people and individual per- 2035, and ensures the existence of a for Cancer and the Al-Bahr Eye sonalities who interacted with the Society launched the Iftar project, the conditions in which they live and He pointed out that a number of self-drive for all sectors of the minis- which includes distributing meals committing to the moral and legal Kuwaiti students studying at the Center, in addition to other health project through the association’s try towards achieving this vision by centers. website or direct communica- to 15,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan role towards them, noting that these College of Medicine in Jordan and activating the idea of effective plan- Al-Rabie said in a press state- tions. throughout the holy month of Rama- offi cial and popular Kuwaiti efforts Kuwaiti volunteers participated in ning calling it the main engine of the dan. are nothing but a practical transla- the daily distribution program. ministry. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 INTERNATIONAL 7

America America

‘Law an atrocity’ Summit nears Abrams measured Biden faces a ‘vexing’ on voting law fight task on gas emissions ATLANTA, April 19, (AP): President Joe Biden called Georgia’s new voting WASHINGTON, April 19, (AP): When President Joe Biden law an “atrocity.” A leading Black bishop convenes a virtual climate summit on Thursday, he faces a called for a national boycott of compa- vexing task: how to put forward a nonbinding but symbolic nies headquartered in the state. But when goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that will have a tan- Stacey Abrams, the state’s well-known gible impact not only on climate change efforts in the U.S. but voting rights advocate, is asked about the throughout the world. law that has set much of her party on fi re, The emissions target, eagerly awaited by all sides of the she is critical but measured. climate debate, will signal how aggressively Biden wants to “These are laws that respond to an in- move on climate change, a divisive and expensive issue that crease in voting by has riled Republicans to complain about job-killing govern- people of color,” ment overreach even as some on the left worry Biden has not Abrams told The gone far enough to address a profound threat to the planet. Associated Press re- The climate crisis poses a complex political challenge for cently. But she dis- Biden, since the problem is harder to see and far more diffi cult couraged boycotts and to produce measurable results on than either the pandemic re- reassured Democrats lief package or the infrastructure bill. they can still win races The target Biden chooses “is setting under the new rules, the tone for the level of ambition and even as she hoped the pace of emission reductions over the they would be struck next decade,” said Kate Larsen, a for- down in the courts. mer White House adviser who helped The approach Abrams develop President Barack Obama’s cli- demonstrates how mate action plan. Abrams, a former and potentially future The number has to be achievable candidate for governor, is navigating the by 2030 but aggressive enough to sat- politics in the new battleground. Abrams, isfy scientists and advocates who call her allies say, knows statewide Demo- the coming decade a crucial, make- cratic victories - whether Biden’s in No- or-break moment for slowing climate vember or her own in 2022 - require win- change, Larsen and other experts said. Biden Michael Wilson (right), talks with community organizer Anthea Yur Kokoro during a rally at the site where George Floyd ning more than just Democrats’ racially Scientists, environmental groups and was killed April 18, in Minneapolis. (AP) diverse and liberal base outraged over even business leaders are calling on Biden to set a target that Republicans’ attempts to make it harder would cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% be- tazumi, a former Nikkei business newspa- Offi cer punches protester: A police of- for some citizens to vote. Democrats also low 2005 levels by 2030. The 50% target, which most experts per reporter currently based in Yangon as a fi cer in Kentucky was seen on video repeat- need moderate voters more reluctant to consider a likely outcome of intense deliberations underway News in Brief freelance journalist. edly punching a protester in the head while take sides on the matter. at the White House, would nearly double the nation’s previ- “We will continue asking the Myanmar the man was face down on the ground and “Stacey’s been responsible. She’s tried ous commitment and require dramatic changes in the power side for his early release, while doing our being arrested by several offi cers during a to create a dialogue where we can create and transportation sectors, including signifi cant increases in Protesters detained: Several protesters utmost for the protection of the Japanese police brutality protest Sunday afternoon. change,” said Democrat Steven Henson, renewable energy such as wind and solar power and steep cuts were taken into custody Sunday night after citizens in that country,” Kato said. (AP) Several Louisville Metro police offi cers a former state legislative leader alongside authorities in North Carolina declared a po- in emissions from fossil fuels such as coal and oil. ❑ ❑ ❑ were seen in a Facebook video of 29-year- Abrams. Certainly, Abrams cannot be lice brutality demonstration an “unlawful old Denorver “Dee” Garrett being arrested Anything short of that goal could undermine Biden’s prom- assembly.” described as anything but a staunch op- ise to prevent temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Pope calls on Russia: Pope Francis near Jefferson Square Park, the site of nu- For a third night in a row, demonstra- on Sunday voiced apprehension over a re- ponent of the new law. Celsius, experts say, while likely stirring up sharp criticism merous demonstrations over police brutality Her political organization, Fair Fight, tors marched through downtown Raleigh cent Russian troop buildup near the border and the death of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year- from international allies and Biden’s own supporters protesting the police killings of 20-year-old with Ukraine and called for efforts to ease backs federal lawsuits to overturn the chang- The target is signifi cant, not just as a visible goal for the old Black woman who was shot and killed Daunte Wright in Minnesota and 13-year- tensions in the 7-year confl ict in eastern by Louisville police in March 2020. es. She’s frequented national cable networks U.S. to achieve after four years of climate inaction under Presi- old Adam Toledo in Chicago. Ukraine pitting Ukrainian forces against In the video, an offi cer attempting to hand- and published national op-eds criticizing the dent Donald Trump, but also for “leveraging other countries,’’ The evening started as a vigil for Wright, Russia-backed rebels. cuff Garrett tells him several times to “stop measure. In the newspaper USA Today, Larsen said. “That helps domestically in the battle that comes Toledo and others killed by police. (AP) Ukrainian authorities say cease-fi re vio- fl exing.” The offi cer then yells “stop” once she called on big business to oppose related after, which is implementing policies to achieve that target. ❑ ❑ ❑ lations have become more frequent in recent more before multiple offi cers force Garrett to GOP measures pending in Texas and else- We can make a better case politically at home if other coun- weeks, with nearly 30 troops killed this the ground. The initial offi cer then punches where and to put corporate muscle behind tries are acting at the same level of ambition as the U.S.” Radical party frees 11 policemen: An year. They accused Russia of fueling ten- Garrett’s head at least three times while on- Democrats’ counter proposals in Congress. The 2030 goal, known as a Nationally Determined Contri- outlawed Pakistani Islamist political group sions by deploying 41,000 troops near the lookers scream at offi cers to stop. It appeared “Republicans are gaming the system be- bution, or NDC, is a key part of the Paris climate agreement, freed 11 policemen almost a day after taking border with eastern Ukraine and 42,000 to Garrett’s glasses were broken in the struggle. cause they’re afraid of losing an election,” which Biden rejoined on his fi rst day in offi ce. It’s also an them hostage in the eastern city of Lahore Crimea, where Russia maintains a large na- (AP) Abrams told the AP. amid violent clashes with security forces, val base. ❑ ❑ ❑ important marker as Biden moves toward his ultimate goal of the country’s interior minister said Monday. Yet Abrams has mostly avoided harsh net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. “I observe with great apprehension the individual criticism of Gov Brian Kemp, Supporters of the hardline Tehreek-e-La- increase of military activities,” Pope said in Greens launch 1st bid: Germany’s en- “Clearly the science demands at least 50%” in reduced baik Pakistan party attacked a police station vironmentalist Greens chose co-leader An- her 2018 Republican rival whom she once greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, said Jake Schmidt, a cli- remarks to the public gathered in St Peter’s dubbed an “architect of voter suppres- near their rallying point and on Sunday took Square. nalena Baerbock on Monday to make their mate expert at the Natural Resources Defense Council, a lead- the policemen hostage. The group is pro- fi rst bid for the chancellery in the country’s sion.” She rarely mentions former Presi- ing environmental group. “Please, I strongly hope that an increase dent Donald Trump, who falsely blames testing the arrest of their leader, Saad Rizvi, of tensions is avoided, and, on the contrary, September election, while a power struggle The 50% target “is ambitious, but it is achievable,’’ he said and pressuring the government of Prime in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right his defeat on voter fraud. And she’s in an interview. It’s also a good climate message, he said: gestures are made capable of promoting re- pointedly not backed business boycotts of Minister Imran Khan to immediately expel ciprocal trust and favoring the reconciliation bloc entered its second week. “People know what 50% means - it’s half.’’ France’s envoy over the publication of con- and the peace which are so necessary and so Baerbock’s nomination was unveiled by her home state or consumer boycotts of Whatever target Biden picks, the climate summit itself troversial cartoons. desired,” Pope said. (AP) the party’s other co-leader, Robert Habeck, the major fi rms, including Delta Air Lines in a smoothly staged announcement that “proves the U.S. is back in rejoining the international effort” Initially, police said the protesting Islam- ❑ ❑ ❑ and the Coca-Cola Co., based there. to address climate change, said Larsen, now a director at the ists held fi ve policemen hostage. (AP) contrasted with the increasingly heated “I understand the notion of boycotts as Rhodium Group, an independent research fi rm. ❑ ❑ ❑ standoff in Merkel’s Union bloc. a macro good,” she told the AP, noting The Sept 26 parliamentary election is un- her upbringing as a Black woman in the The summit is “the starting gun for climate diplomacy” af- Japan seeks scribe release: Japan’s ter a four-year “hiatus” under Trump, she said. John Kerry, predictable, in part because the incumbent Deep South and her parents’ voter regis- government said Monday it is asking My- isn’t seeking re-election. Merkel vowed in Biden’s climate envoy, has been pressing global leaders in anmar to release a Japanese journalist who tration work during the Jim Crow era. But 2018 not to seek a fi fth four-year term. Abrams said boycotts ultimately hurt “the person and online ahead of the summit for commitments and was arrested by security forces in its largest Recent polls have shown the Greens run- alliances on climate efforts. city of Yangon the previous day. ning second behind the Union and ahead of victims of these bills.” Nathaniel Keohane, another former Obama White House Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato Germany’s traditional big center-left party, Abrams’ position puts her somewhat at adviser and now a vice president at the Environmental Defense told reporters Monday that his government the Social Democrats. odds with fellow activists. “It seems to in- Fund, said experts have coalesced around the need to reduce is asking Myanmar authorities to explain the Baerbock, 40, has been a lawmaker in fer that if we do absolutely nothing and the emissions by at least 50% by 2030. arrest and provide other details while asking the national parliament since 2013 but lacks votes of Black people and people of color “The number has to start with 5,” he said, adding, “We’ve for his release as soon as possible. government experience. She said: “I stand are suppressed, that is not a problem,” said done the math. We need at least 50%.’’ He did not identify the detainee, but for renewal, others stand for the status quo.” Bishop Reginald Jackson of the African Japanese media identifi ed him as Yuki Ki- Kitazumi Pope Francis (AP) Methodist Episcopal Church in Georgia. ABN AMRO pays multimillion fine in money laundering probe

The ABN ABN AMRO has agreed to pay 480 million eu- a longer period of time,” the Dutch Public Pros- “presumably are effectively responsible” for AMRO head ros ($574 million) as part of a settlement with ecution Service said in a statement. the violations. It did not identify the three and office is seen prosecutors who accused the Dutch state- ABN is not the first major Dutch bank to said investigations are continuing into wheth- in the capital’s owned bank of “serious shortcomings” in tack- agree a multimillion euro settlement over er there is sufficient evidence to prosecute business ling money laundering, prosecutors and the lax adherence with a law aimed at clamping them. district, in bank said Monday. down on money laundering and terrorism fi- However, in Denmark Danske Bank said its Amsterdam, The settlement was made up of a 300 million- nancing. In 2018, ING paid 775 million euros CEO Chris Vogelzang had resigned after be- Netherlands, euro fine and 180 million euros paid to cover ($897 million) t o settle a huge money laun- ing named as one of the suspects. Gerrit Zalm, March 2, 2020. “unlawfully obtained gains,” prosecutors said. dering case. a former Dutch finance minister and ex-ABN (AP) The fine “reflects that as a result of the seri- Prosecutors said Monday that the ABN AMRO board member, also quit Danske Bank’s ous shortcomings, certain clients that engaged AMRO’s breaches are attributed to the bank, board. in ... criminal activities were able to abuse bank but added that their investigation also identi- Vogelzang said he was surprised by the accounts and other services of ABN AMRO for fied three former members of its board who Dutch probe. (AP)

Market Movements 19-04-2021 Change Closing pts Change Closing pts AUSTRALIA - All Ordinaries +2.27 7,328.04 S. KOREA - KRX 100 -5.72 6,867.69 JAPAN - Nikkei +2.00 29,685.37 PHILIPPINES - PSEi -35.05 6,459.76 CHINA - Shanghai SE +50.93 3,477.55 INDIA - Sensex -882.61 47,949.42 PAKISTAN - KSE 100 -392.06 44,913.57 Business

Some Republican leaders say Fed is overstepping its mandate Powell defends Fed’s consideration of climate change risks

WASHINGTON, April 19, (AP): Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Pow- ell defended the Fed’s increasing scrutiny of the threat that climate change could pose to the health of US rebound gains momentum the nation’s banks, after some Re- publican members of Congress had complained that by doing so the Fed was overstepping its mandate. Layoffs down and spending up Over the past year, the Fed has taken steps to incorporate the risks from climate change into its over- WASHINGTON, April employers added a healthy 916,000 sight of the fi nancial system. A jobs, the most since August, during key part of the Fed’s mandate, in 19, (AP): A much-awaited March. The unemployment rate fell to addition to setting short-term inter- economic boom coming off 6%, less than half the pandemic peak est rates to either stimulate or slow the pandemic recession ap- of 14.8% in April of last year. the economy, is regulating banks to peared to edge closer to re- Kamins, the Moody’s economist, guard against excessive risk-taking. noted that data from Google’s mobility Last year, the central bank joined ality Thursday with fresh tracking service shows that Americans an international organization of data showing the pace of lay- are increasingly venturing out to shop, central banks and regulators to visit restaurants and go to movie the- offs dwindling, consumers aters and other entertainment venues. coordinate on managing the risks spending freely and manu- Even so, travel to worksites hasn’t that climate change poses to the picked up as much, a sign that many peo- fi nancial industry. In a report last facturing rebounding. year on fi nancial stability, the Fed The latest barometers point to a ple - mostly in white-collar professions - are still working from home. A result is for the fi rst time cited such risks U.S. economy that’s steadily re- that lower-income workers in large cities and established an internal climate gaining its health as vaccinations are likely still struggling, because many committee. accelerate, business curbs are lift- downtown restaurants and coffee shops “The reason we’re focused on ed in many states and more people haven’t yet reopened or, if they have, are climate change is that our job is to are willing to travel, shop, eat out seeing far fewer customers. make sure that fi nancial institutions, and otherwise resume their spend- Most analysts have grown bullish banks, particularly the largest ones, ing habits. Though many Ameri- about the economy’s prospects for the coming months. They include Fed understand and are able to manage cans who have lost jobs or income the signifi cant risks that they take,” are still suffering, hopes are rising Chair Jerome Powell, who expressed his belief in an appearance last Sunday Powell said in an interview with that the benefits of the recovery on “60 Minutes” that the economy is the Economic Club of Washington. will spread further in the coming at “an inflection point” and appears “We see it only through the lens of months to groups of people who poised for a boom. that existing mandate.” have yet to benefit. “We feel like we’re at a place where Climate risks include the po- The number of Americans applying the economy’s about to start growing tential for banks to hold too many for unemployment benefits tumbled much more quickly and job creation mortgage loans for homes in coast- last week to 576,000, the Labor De- coming in much more quickly,” Powell al areas that are threatened by ris- partment said Thursday, a post-CO- said. “This growth that we’re expecting ing sea levels, or loans to oil and VID low and a sign that layoffs are In this file photo, Ford Motor Co line workers put together ventilators that the automaker is assembling at the Ford in the second half of this year is going to easing. Rawsonville plant in Ypsilanti Township, Michigan. (AP) be very strong. And job creation, I would gas drillers that could fail if energy And sales at retail stores and res- generation switches to renewable benefits, down from 18.2 million in the retail spending. Restaurants and bars re- counts receivable at a school system. expect to be very strong.” taurants jumped 9.8% in March, the Many economists, in fact, are con- sources. biggest gain since last May, when previous week. That decline suggests ported a 13% increase in sales, the most At the same time, factories are Last month, 12 Republican sena- that some of the unemployed are being since last June. Most states have allowed humming again. In March, the Fed- cerned more about a potential burst of the economy first started to rebound inflation stemming from the unleash- tors wrote a letter to Powell ac- from the virus’ initial blow. With U.S. called back to jobs. But the large num- more indoor dining, and outdoor dining eral Reserve said Thursday, manu- ing of pent-up consumer demand. cusing the central bank of moving household savings high, economists ber of ongoing recipients also points to likely picked up as well. facturing output increased 2.7%. Prices for lumber, copper, oil and oth- “beyond the scope of the Federal are optimistic that the faster spending the harsh impact of the pandemic on Among the consumers who are step- Many economists expected a larger er raw materials have already risen as tens of millions of households. ping up their spending is Teresa Gold- gain after output had fallen in the Reserve’s mission.” is sustainable. demand for gas, homes and electronic “We question both the purpose “We are really kicking into that next Trillions of dollars of government en of Renton, Washington state, who midst of February’s unseasonably equipment has jumped. stimulus, including $1,400 checks that said she used her first two federal stim- cold weather. But shortages of raw and effi cacy of climate-related gear now,” said Adam Kamins, senior Consumer prices rose 0.6% in banking regulation and scenario regional economist at Moody’s Ana- have gone to most adults, as well as ulus checks to catch up on rent and bill materials and parts, from lumber March, the most since 2012, the gov- lytics. “Things are moving more deci- higher savings that many households payments. With the most recent check, to semiconductor chips, probably ernment reported Tuesday, and are up analysis, especially because the sively in the right direction than at any have managed to build, have fueled she said she spent $500 on Levi’s slowed factory production. 2.6% in the past year. Excluding the Federal Reserve lacks jurisdiction time in the past year.” more spending. Auto sales soared 15% jeans, Old Navy clothing and shoes Still, manufacturing in the New volatile food and energy categories, over and expertise in environmental The pace of weekly applications for in March, according to the govern- from Finish Line. An additional $500 York and mid-Atlantic regions is re- though, prices rose by a more benign matters,” the letter said. unemployment aid is now down sig- ment’s retail sales report. Purchases went to restocking her pantry with covering strongly, according to sepa- 1.6% year over year. The letter was signed by Sen. Pat nificantly from a peak of 900,000 in at electronics and appliance stores items that will last a while - ketchup, rate surveys by the Federal Reserve Powell has said that while infla- Toomey, the senior Republican on early January and has dropped below jumped more than 10%. Sales at cloth- sugar, spices and Clorox wipes, among Banks of New York and Philadelphia, tion will likely pick up in the coming the Banking Committee, and by Re- the 700,000-plus level where it had ing stores soared 18%. other things. with both reports showing more hiring, months, the price increases will prob- publican senators Richard Shelby been stuck for months. Warm weather in March, after ice “I finally caught up on my bills and growing shipments and rising orders. ably ease as the pandemic-induced of Alabama, Mike Crapo of Idaho A total of 16.9 million people are storms in some states had held back con- could go on a bit of a spending spree,” Thursday’s encouraging news fol- disruptions in many industries’ supply and Tim Scott of South Carolina, continuing to collect unemployment sumers in February, likely drove more said Golden, 49, who works in ac- lows a report earlier this month that chains are worked out. among others. In the interview, Powell also re- iterated the criteria the Fed will use to consider any future increases to Syria devalues its local its short-term rate, which has been pegged near zero since the pandem- ic erupted in March of last year. currency against dollar The job market’s recovery would have to be “effectively complete,” BEIRUT, April 19, (AP): Syria deval- Assad sacked central bank governor Powell said. And infl ation would ued the official price of its local cur- Hazem Qarfoul from the post he held have to reach the Fed’s 2% annual rency two days after the central bank since late 2018. No replacement has target and appear “on track to run governor was sacked, state media re- been named so far. moderately above 2% for some ported. The pound has been hit hard by the time.” The decision came after the Syrian war, corruption, Western sanctions and “That’s when we’ll consider pound crashed over the recent months more recently a financial and econom- raising interest rates, and that’s in the war-torn country, hitting records ic collapse in neighboring Lebanon. when we’ll raise interest rates,” low and throwing more Syrians into Syrians are believed to have billions of the chairman said. “Until then, we poverty. dollars blocked in Lebanese banks that won’t.” The central bank said the official have imposed harsh capital controls The Fed has been buying $120 price of the dollar will be 2,512 pounds since late 2019. after it was fixed at 1,256 since June The average salary in Syria is about billion in Treasury and mortgage last year. 90,000 pounds ($29) per month mak- bonds each month to keep long- The Syrian pound set a record in ing it difficult for many Syrians to sur- er-term borrowing costs, such as March trading on the black market at vive. mortgage rates, low. Powell said 4,600 pounds to one U.S. dollar be- The United Nations estimates that the Fed would start slowing those fore improving to 3,100. At the start nearly 80% of Syrians live under the purchases after “we make sub- of the conflict in mid-March 2011, poverty line. In recent months, fuel stantial further progress” toward the U.S. dollar was worth 47 Syrian and wheat have been in short supply, its goals. pounds. driving the government to reduce sub- “That would, in all likelihood, On Tuesday, President Bashar sidies and ration resources. be well before the time we’d con- sider raising interest rates,” Pow- ell said. As in the past, Powell also ac- knowledged that many disadvan- taged Americans haven’t benefi ted from the recovery and in fact have continued to suffer. He mentioned a group of homeless people he sees living in tents in Washington on his way to or from work at the Fed’s headquarters, something he had also noted in an interview last Sun- day on “60 Minutes.” “It’s a lot of tents, it’s a lot of people,” he said. “It strikes me every day as I drive by it. ... We don’t have tools that deal directly with them. But, you know... many of them probably were working in February of 2020, before the pan- In this file photo, released on the official Facebook page of the Syrian Presidency, Syrian President Bashar Assad heads a cabinet meeting, in demic hit. And I think they need to Damascus, Syria. Syria devalued the official price of its local currency two be in the room with us as we make days after the central bank governor was sacked by Assad, state media our decisions about monetary pol- reported. (AP) icy.” ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 BUSINESS 9

Kohl’s names 3 new directors in deal with investors

Kohl’s Corp. says it’s adding Burlington Stores, the company Holdings, Legion Partners store label assortment, cut three independent members to said Wednesday. They will join Asset Management and 4010 expenses and improve its app its board of directors as part of Kohl’s board as of the close of Capital, accounts for 9.3% of and website, among other In this file an agreement it struck with a this year’s annual shareholders’ the company’s shares. things. Kohl’s had been pushing photo a woman key activist investor group that meeting, to be held in May. An For several months, the back, arguing that any efforts to arrives at a has been fighting to exert more additional independent director group has been fighting with take control of the board would Kohl’s store in control. identified by Kohl’s, and agreed Kohl’s, pushing to nominate derail its progress. West Des The new independent directors to by the investor group, will join nine members to its board that it Like many department stores, Moines, Iowa. nominated by the investor group the board at the same time: said could fix its problems. The Kohl’s faced challenges even (AP) are Margaret Jenkins, a former Christine Day, former CEO of group believes that Kohl’s before the pandemic forced the marketing executive at restaurant Lululemon. hasn’t kept up with the fast- chain and its peers to close chain Denny’s, and Thomas The investor group, made up changing retail landscape and temporarily during the spring of Kingsbury, former CEO of of Macellum Advisors, Ancora needs to cut its inventory, fix its 2020. (AP)

Company sues to prevent securities division from continuing its administrative case Massachusetts looks to bar Robinhood Financial in state NEW YORK, April 19, (AP): Stakes are required by the state, something called the the administrative case to consider revoking rule, such as showing customers lists of rising in Massachusetts’ legal battle against “fiduciary rule.” It said Robinhood used Robinhood’s registration as a broker-dealer popular stocks without considering whether Robinhood Financial, and regulators are techniques to make investing seem like a in the state. they were suitable investments. asking for the popular trading app’s broker- game, such as showering users’ screens with Also on Thursday, Robinhood filed its “We don’t believe our customers are age registration to be revoked, which would confetti, in hopes of encouraging unsophis- own suit in Massachusetts state court, ask- naive as the Massachusetts Securities effectively bar it from the state. ticated customers to make more and more ing a judge to prevent the securities division Division paints them to be,” Robinhood said Robinhood, meanwhile, calls the com- trades. from continuing its administrative case and in a blog posting. “Showing a list of compa- plaint brought by Secretary of the On Thursday, the securities division to declare that applying the fiduciary rule to nies in a certain sector is not a recommenda- Commonwealth William Galvin’s office said Robinhood’s culture has not changed brokerages is invalid, in part because doing tion.” elitist and based on a rule that should not since the initial filing and that it “contin- so runs counter to state law. Robinhood said the complaint “reflects apply in its case. It’s asking to move the ues to entice and induce inexperienced The company also said in a court filing the old way of thinking: That new, younger, issue to a state court, rather than continue to customers into risky trading.” Regulators that the state’s fiduciary rule, which requires and more diverse investors don’t have a work through an administrative process. cited Robinhood’s offering bonuses to someone to provide advice solely in the place in the markets.” The legal battle began in December, when paring to sell its own stock on the market customers for depositing cash in their financial interest of the customer, should not Earlier this month, Robinhood stopped state regulators filed an administrative com- through an initial public offering. accounts as an example of tactics that it apply to self-directed brokerages like using animations of confetti bursting on plaint against Robinhood, whose easy-to- In its initial complaint, Massachusetts’ said demonstrate a “cavalier approach to Robinhood, which doesn’t provide invest- users’ screens after they made their first use app has helped bring a new generation securities division alleged Robinhood complying with the duties it owes ment advice. It criticized examples that trade and reached other milestones, saying of investors to the market. The app has exploited its customers to make bigger prof- Massachusetts customers.” Massachusetts regulators gave when accus- criticism of the animation had created a dis- grown so popular that the company is pre- its and failed to meet standards of conduct Regulators are asking a hearing officer in ing Robinhood of violating the fiduciary traction. VW, Ford unveil SUVs at China auto show under virus controls Carmakers look to China to reverse multibillion-dollar losses

SHANGHAI, April 19, (AP): Volkswagen, Ford and Chinese brands unveiled new SUVs for China’s growing market on Monday at the Shanghai auto show, the industry’s biggest marketing event in a year overshadowed by the coronavirus pandemic. Automakers are looking to China, the biggest auto market by sales volume and the first major economy to rebound from the pandemic, to propel a sales revival and reverse multibillion-dollar losses. Auto Shanghai 2021 takes place under anti-virus controls that included holding some news conferences by video link. Few executives from abroad are attending. Reporters were required to undergo virus tests. The latest models reflect accelerating momentum toward electrification and designing models for Chinese tastes. Automakers rely increasingly on research and design centers Attendees pass by a vehicle from the GAC Group displayed during the Shanghai in China to create models for global sale. Auto Show in Shanghai on Monday, April 19, 2021. (AP) Volkswagen AG said its all-electric ID.6, available in six- and seven-seat models, aims to create a “lounge on wheels” with semi-automated driving and other technology. The show also highlights the fast-growing technology and design skills of China’s young but ambitious domestic brands. Geely Auto, part of the Geely Holding group of brands that includes Sweden’s Volvo Cars, debuted a new flagship SUV, the Xingyue L. The company says self-driving tech- nology enables the Xingyue L to park itself and return from a parking lot to pick up its driver. General Motors Co. debuted the Envision Plus midsize SUV and the Verano Sedan, among 13 new and refreshed GM models planned this year in China. GM’s Wuling joint venture released the electric Macaron, part of its lower- priced Hong Guang line, in early April. Ford Motor Co. unveiled a midsize SUV, the EVOS, the first vehicle developed largely by a China-based team under a 2-year-old strategy to use Ford’s Chinese operations more in product development. The automaker also debuted a plug-in hybrid SUV, the Escape, and an all-electric Mustang Mach-E. China’s first-quarter sales of SUVs, sedans and minivans in China jumped 75.6% over a year earlier, when the ruling Communist Party shut down the economy to fight the virus, according to the China Association of Auto Manufacturers. By contrast, Inc. forecasts quarterly U.S. sales should rise 8.9% over a year earlier but would be off 8.6% from the final quarter of 2020. Sales of electric vehicles in China, which accounts for about half of global purchases of the technology, nearly tri- pled in the first three months of 2021 over a year earlier to 515,000 units, according to CAAC. Honda Motor Co. unveiled a prototype of an SUV that will be its first electric vehicle sold in China and the Breeze, the first plug-in hybrid from its joint venture with state- owned Chinese brand GAC. Honda plans to release 10 electric models within five years.

Stephan Wollenstein, CEO of Volkswagen Group China, prepares to present the ID 6 SUV during a launch event at the Shanghai Auto Show in Shanghai on Monday, April 19, 2021. (AP)

Attendees examine the latest car from Ford during the Shanghai Auto Show in Shanghai on Monday, April 19, 2021. (AP) ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 BUSINESS 10 Asia up amid cautious outlook for global econ Crude oil prices slip, dollar weakens against yen

TOKYO, April 19, (AP): Asian shares rose moder- Coke sales rise ately Monday amid cau- tious optimism about a in fi rst ‘quarter’ global rebound from the coronavirus pandemic. New York, April 19, (AP): Sales are Japan’s benchmark closed less steadily improving at Coca-Cola Co as vaccinations allow for the opening of than 0.1% higher at 29,685.37, in stadiums, restaurants and theaters in the fi rst Tokyo market reaction to a many regions globally. weekend by Prime Minister Yoshi- Coke historically had booked half hide Suga with President Joe Biden its sales from restaurants, stadiums over the weekend. Suga also spoke and other public places. The pandemic with the Pfi zer chief executive, broadsided the company. asking to ensure a more steady sup- As of March, case volumes had re- ply of the company’s COVID-19 turned to 2019 levels, the beverage gi- vaccine. Japan has lagged other ant said. First quarter volume growth was particularly strong in China, wealthy nations, with barely 1% of which was locked down last year. its population inoculated so far. Sales rose 5% in the January-March The government measures against period this year, the Atlanta company COVID-19 infections already in some said Monday. But the recovery is un- urban areas, including Tokyo, are being even. Case volume declined in North expanded to other areas of Japan, start- America and Europe, where many din- ing Tuesday, but the cities of Tokyo ing rooms and other venues remain and Osaka are considering strengthen- closed. ing them to a “state of emergency.” Sales of soft drinks were fueled by Japan has never had a lockdown, and new products like Coca-Cola Zero its laws would need to be changed for Sugar. Sales of juice and milk also such action. rose. But bottled water sales declined Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 inched up globally. Coffee sales dropped 21% less than 0.1% to 7,065.60, while South as many of the company’s Costa retail Korea’s Kospi also was little changed, stores remained closed. at 3,198.84. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Net income dropped 19% to $2.2 rose 0.5% to 29,106.10. The Shanghai billion in the fi rst quarter. Excluding Composite gained 1.5% to 3,477.74. one-time items, the company earned Even though the possibility of fast- 55 cents per share. That exceeded Wall er delivery of vaccines was a plus, the Street’s forecast of 50 cents, according summit between Biden and Suga has to analysts polled by FactSet. added to tension with China, noted People walk past a bank’s electronic board showing the Hong Kong share index at Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Hong Kong Monday, April 19, 2021. Coke’s revenue rose 5% to $9.0 bil- Yoshimasa Maruyama, chief market Asian shares were mixed Monday amid cautious optimism about a global rebound from the coronavirus pandemic. (AP) lion, ahead of the $8.6 billion analysts economist at SMBC Nikko Securi- had forecast. ties. many’s DAX inched down less than edged down to 108.07 Japanese yen heavy Nasdaq inched up 0.1%, to corporate profi t growth as more busi- People are regaining some mobility “The Suga administration has taken 0.1% to 15,457.17. Britain’s FTSE 100 from 108.78 yen late Friday. The euro 14,052.34 after recovering from an nesses reopen. as the vaccine push in the US goes into a risk in China relations, in accordance edged up 0.1% to 7,028.72. U.S. shares rose to $1.2022 from $1.1978. early slide. The Russell 2000 index The last round of stimulus from the overdrive. to the U.S. request,” Maruyama said. were set for a slow start to the week, On Wall Street, the S&P 500 and of smaller companies added 0.2% to government helped lift retail sales, and Half of all adults in the US have re- Suga may have hoped Biden would with Dow futures down 0.3% and the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended 2,262.67. investors now have to weigh other pro- ceived at least one COVID-19 shot, the more forcefully express support for the future for the S&P 500 0.2% lower. last week at new highs. The S&P 500 U.S. stocks have rallied in recent posals in Washington, which include government announced Sunday. Tokyo Olympics, set to open in July In energy trading, benchmark U.S. rose 0.4% to 4,185.47, led by gains in weeks amid a string of encouraging investments in infrastructure and po- Almost 130 million people 18 or despite widespread public objections crude fell 7 cents to $63.12 a barrel companies that rely directly on con- reports on hiring, consumer confi dence tential tax changes. older have received at least one dose and worries about the pandemic, but in electronic trading on the New York sumer spending, health care stocks and and spending that point to an accelerat- Investors also are focusing on earn- of a vaccine, or 50.4% of the total adult their joint statement merely said the Mercantile Exchange. It lost 32 cents banks, which benefi ted from higher ing U.S. economy. COVID-19 vacci- ings, with dozens of U.S. companies population, the Centers for Disease U.S. supports Japan’s “efforts to hold to $63.19 per barrel on Friday. Brent Treasury yields. nations, now reaching half of the U.S. due to report results this week, includ- Control and Prevention reported. Al- a safe and secure” Games. crude, the international standard, was The Dow gained 0.5% to 34,200.67. population, and massive support from ing Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, most 84 million adults, or about 32.5% France’s CAC 40 added 0.3% in unchanged at $66.77 a barrel. The S&P and Dow also hit all-time the U.S. government and Federal Re- Verizon Communications, Dow Chem- of the population, have been fully vac- early trading to 6,305.64, while Ger- In currency trading, the U.S. dollar highs on Thursday. The technology- serve are fueling expectations for solid ical and American Airlines. cinated.



France restricting travel Bitter experience aids ICUs crest ‘new wave’ ROUEN, France, April 19, (AP): Slowly suffocating in a French intensive care ward, Patrick Aricique feared he would die from his diseased lungs that felt “completely burned from the inside, burned like the cathedral in Paris,” as tired doctors and nurses labored day and night to keep gravely ill COVID-19 patients like him alive. A married couple in the same ICU died within hours of each other as Aricique, feeling as fragile as “a soap bubble ready to pop,” also wrestled the coronavirus. The 67-year- old retired building contractor credits a divine hand for his survival. “I saw archangels, I saw little cherubs,” he said. “It was like communicating with the afterlife.” On his side were French medical professionals who, forged on the bitter experiences of previous infection waves, now fi ght relentlessly to keep patients awake and off me- chanical ventilators, if at all possible. They treated Aricique with nasal tubes and a mask that bathed his heaving lungs in a constant fl ow of oxygen. That spared him the discomfort of a thick ventilation tube deep down his throat and heavy seda- tion from which patients often fear - sometimes, rightly so - that they will never awake. While mechanical ventilation is unavoidable for some patients, it’s a step taken less systematically now than at the start of the pandemic. Dr. Montravers Philippe Gouin, who heads the ICU ward where Aricique underwent treat- ment for severe COVID-19, said, “We know that every tube we insert is going to bring its share of complications, exten- A nurse tends to a patient affected by COVID-19 virus in the ICU unit at the Charles Nicolle public hospital, April 15, in Rouen, France. A renewed rush of COVID-19 sions in stay, and sometimes morbidity.” cases is again forcing intensive care units across France to grapple with the macabre mathematics of how to make space for thousands of critically ill patients. (AP) About 15% to 20% of his intubated patients don’t survive, he said. “It’s a milestone that weighs on survival,” Gouin said. Coronavirus ”We know that we will lose a certain number of patients who we won’t be able to help negotiate this corner.” The shift to less-invasive breathing treatments also is helping French ICUs stave off collapse under a renewed crush of coronavirus cases. Almost 84m adults have been fully vaccinated Contagious Super-charged by a more contagious virus variant that first ravaged neighboring Britain, the third infection Half of US adults got at least 1 shot wave in France has pushed the country’s COVID-19-re- lated death toll past 100,000 people. Hospitals across the WASHINGTON, April 19, (AP): Half country are grappling again with the macabre mathemat- of all adults in the US have received at ics of making space for thousands of critically sick pa- least one COVID-19 shot, the govern- Australia-New Zealand travel tients. ment announced Sunday, marking an- “We have a continuous fl ow of cases,” said Dr. Philippe other milestone in the nation’s largest- Montravers, an ICU chief at Bichat Hospital in Paris, which ever vaccination campaign but leaving bubble opens with joy, tears is again shoe-horning patients into makeshift critical care more work to do to convince skeptical units. “Each of these cases are absolutely terrible stories - Americans to roll up their sleeves. WELLINGTON, New Zealand, family and it was amazing the bub- for the families, for the patients themselves, of course, for Almost 130 million people 18 or April 19, (AP): As the passengers ble had opened. the physicians in charge, for the nurses.” older have received at least one dose walked a little dazed through the “I wished it had happened earlier, Sedated patients kept alive with mechanical ventilation of a vaccine, or 50.4% of the total adult airport gates, they were embraced but it’s happened now,” she said. “I often occupy their ICU beds for several weeks, even months, population, the Centers for Disease one after another by family mem- just wanted to get on that fi rst fl ight and the physical and mental trauma of their ordeals can take Control and Prevention reported. Al- bers who rushed forward and dis- because you never know, it may go In this photo, provided by Norton most 84 million adults, or about 32.5% solved into tears. south. Let’s hope it sticks around.” months more to heal. But 13 days after he was admitted for Sound Health Corp., are Joey Annogi- Elation and relief marked the Danny Mather said he wanted to ICU care in the Normandy cathedral city of Rouen, Aricique of the population, have been fully vac- yuk (left), and Miriam Toolie signing cinated. opening of a long-anticipated travel keep New Zealand safe from the was suffi ciently recovered for another critically ill patient to up to receive the Pfi zer vaccine at the The US cleared the 50% mark just a bubble between Australia and New virus but also thought the time was take his place. Savoonga Clinic in Savoonga, Alaska, day after the reported global death toll Zealand at the Wellington Airport right to open the bubble. A non-invasive nasal ventilation system dispensing thou- on Jan 14. Some of Alaska’s highest from the coronavirus topped a stagger- on Monday. Children held balloons The idea of a travel bubble be- sands of liters (hundreds of gallons) of life-sustaining oxy- vaccination rates among those 16 or and banners and Indigenous Maori tween Australia and New Zealand older have been in some of its remot- ing 3 million, according to totals com- gen every hour got him through the worst of his infection, piled by Johns Hopkins University, performers welcomed the arrivals had been talked about for months until he was well enough for the fl ow to be reduced to a est, hardest-to-access communities, home with songs. but faced setbacks because of sev- where the toll of past fl u or tubercu- though the actual number is believed trickle and to sit upright, his New Testament bible at his side. to be signifi cantly higher. The start of quarantine-free trav- eral small virus outbreaks in both Tucking into a small lunch of omelette and red cabbage to losis outbreaks hasn’t been forgotten. el was a long time coming for fami- countries, which were eventually (AP) The country’s vaccination rate, at start rebuilding his strength, Aricique said he felt resurrect- lies who have been separated by stamped out. 61.6 doses administered per 100 peo- the coronavirus pandemic as well To mark the occasion, Welling- ed. A nurse freed him from drips that had been plugged into ple, currently falls behind Israel, which arms, binning the tubes like entrails. as to struggling tourist operators. It ton Airport painted an enormous leads among countries with at least 5 marked the fi rst, tentative steps to- welcome sign near its main runway Making rounds with junior doctors and nurses in tow, Dr. million people with a rate of 119.2. ward what both countries hope will and Air New Zealand ordered some Dorothee Carpentier allowed herself a mini-celebration as Health The US also trails the United Arab become a gradual reopening to the 24,000 bottles of sparkling wine, she swept past Aricique’s room, having declared him fi t for Emirates, Chile and the United King- rest of the world. offering a complimentary glass to discharge. The patient in the adjacent room also could leave, dom, which is vaccinating at a rate of Danny Mather was overcome to adult passengers. she decided. She described the imminent departures as “lit- India’s capital to lock down: New 62 doses per 100 people, according to see his pregnant daughter Kristy Air New Zealand’s Chief Oper- tle victories” for the full 20-bed ward, a temporary set-up Delhi was being put under a weeklong Our World in Data, an online research and his baby grandson for the fi rst ating Offi cer Carrie Hurihanganui in what was previously a surgical unit and is now entirely lockdown Monday night as an explosive site. time in 15 months after they fl ew said the carrier had previously converted for C0VID-19 care. surge in coronavirus cases pushed the In- in from Sydney for a visit on the been running just two or three “I imagine they’ll be fi lled again by the morning,” Car- dia’s capital’s health system to its limit. Campaign fi rst fl ight after the bubble opened. fl ights a day between the two pentier said of the two vacated beds. “The tough thing about Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said The vaccine campaign offered hope What did they say to each other? countries but that jumped to 30 this third wave is that there is no stop button. We don’t know in a news conference the national capital in places like Nashville, Tennessee, “Not a thing,” he said, laughing. fl ights on Monday carrying 5,200 when it will start to slow.” was facing shortages of oxygen and some where the Music City Center bustled They just hugged. “It’s just so good passengers. medicine. Sunday with vaccine seekers. High to see her and I’m just so happy to She said the day marked a turn- Corridor “I do not say that the system has col- demand for appointment-only shots at have her back.” ing point and people were excited. Further down the corridor, a 69-year-old woman placed lapsed, but it has reached its limits,” Ke- the convention center has leveled off Kristy Mather said it was over- “You can feel it at the airport and face-down on her stomach was struggling with the effort of jriwal said, adding that harsh measures enough that walk-ins will be welcome whelming to be reunited with her see it on people’s faces,” she said. breathing with an oxygenation mask and getting dangerously were necessary to “prevent a collapse of starting this week. close to the point where doctors would decide to anesthe- the health system.” Amanda Grimsley, who received align with how states vote. But poll- number was 31%. tize and intubate her. Nurse Gregory Bombard recruited the According to India’s health ministry her second shot, said she’s ready to ing from The Associated Press-NORC Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s woman’s visiting daughter-in-law in an effort to stave off on Monday, Delhi reported 25,462 cases see her 96-year-old grandmother, who Center for Public Affairs Research has top infectious disease expert, said the that next step, impressing on her the importance of sticking and 161 deaths in the past 24 hours. India lives in Alabama and has been nervous shown trends that link political lean- goal is to get community fi gures, from with the mask. overall reported 273,810 new infections about getting the vaccine after having ings and attitudes about the vaccines athletes to clergy, to encourage vacci- “Morale is so important, and she has to turn this corner,” on Monday, its highest daily rise since a bad reaction to a fl u shot. and other issues related to the pandem- nations, particularly as the seven-day Bombard said. “We do what we can. They have to make the the start of the pandemic and now has re- “It’s a little emotional. I haven’t ic, which has killed more than 566,000 national average of cases remains over effort to win, too, otherwise they will lose.” ported more than 15 million infections, a been able to see my grandmother in a people in the US 60,000 new infections per day. “Do what you can,” the nurse told the daughter-in-law.. total second only to the United States. year and a half almost,” said Grimsley, A poll conducted in late March “What we are doing is we’re trying The relative later emerged from the patient’s room misty- The Health Ministry also reported 35. “And that’s the longest my entire found that 36% of Republicans said to get, by a community core, trusted 1,619 deaths from COVID-19 in the past family has ever gone without seeing they will probably or defi nitely not messages that anyone would feel com- eyed and shaken. 24 hours, pushing the toll over 178,769. her. And we’ll be seeing her in mid- “It’s really tough to see her like this,” she said. “She is get vaccinated, compared with 12% of fortable with listening to, whether India has the fourth highest number of May now.” Democrats. you’re a Republican, a Democrat, an letting herself go.” deaths after the US, Brazil and Mexico The states with the highest vacci- In another room, Gouin gently pleaded with a 55-year-old Similarly, a third of rural Americans independent or whomever you are, that - though, with nearly 1.4 billion people, nation rates have a history of voting said they were leaning against getting you’re comfortable,” Fauci said Sun- market stall operator who complained that his oxygenation it has a much larger population than any Democratic and supporting President shots, while fewer than a fourth of peo- day on ABC’s “This Week.” mask made him feel claustrophobic. of those countries. The soaring cases Joe Biden in the 2020 election: New ple living in cities and suburbs shared Fauci also indicated Sunday that the “You have to play the game,” the doctor insisted. “My and deaths come just months after India Hampshire at the top, with 71.1%, fol- that hesitancy. government will likely move to resume goal is that we don’t get to the point where we have to put thought it had seen the worst of the pan- lowed by New Mexico, Connecticut, Overall, willingness to get vaccinat- use of Johnson & Johnson’s COV- you to sleep.” demic, but experts say even these fi gures Massachusetts and Maine, CDC data ed has risen, polling shows. ID-19 vaccine this week, possibly with The patient concurred. “I don’t want to be intubated, be are likely an undercount. show. In January, 67% of adult Americans restrictions or broader warnings after in a coma, not knowing when you are going to wake up,” Similar virus curbs already have been The demand has not been the same were willing to get vaccinated or had reports of some very rare blood clot he said. imposed in the worst-hit state of Maha- in many areas of Tennessee - particu- already received at least one shot. The cases. In a series of news show inter- Intubations can be traumatic for everyone involved. A pa- rashtra, home to India’s fi nancial capital, larly, rural ones. fi gure has climbed to 75%, according views, Fauci said he expects a decision tient who sobbed when he was put to sleep remained sedated Mumbai. The closure of most industries, Tennessee sits in the bottom four to the latest AP-NORC poll. when advisers to the CDC meet Friday in the ICU nearly two weeks later. businesses and public places Wednesday states for rates of adults getting at least Nationwide, 24% of Black Ameri- to discuss the pause in J&J’s single- “You could see he was terrifi ed,” Bombard recalled. “It night is to last 15 days. (AP) one shot, at 40.8%. It’s trailed only cans and 22% of Hispanic Americans dose vaccine. was awful.” ❑ ❑ ❑ by Louisiana, Alabama and Missis- say they will probably or defi nitely not “I would be very surprised if we sippi - three other Southern states that get vaccinated, down from 41% and don’t have a resumption in some form Also: Pfi zer doubles jabs to Canada: Prime lean Republican and voted for Donald 34% in January, respectively. Among by Friday,” he said. “I don’t really an- PARIS: France is imposing entry restrictions on travelers Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday Trump last fall. white Americans, 26% now say they ticipate that they’re going to want it from four countries - Argentina, Chile, South Africa and Pfi zer is doubling the amount of vaccines Vaccination rates do not always will not get vaccinated. In January, that stretch it out a bit longer.” Brazil - in hopes of keeping out especially contagious coro- to Canada over the next month and he navirus variants, the government has announced. announced the Red Cross is ready to be The restrictions include mandatory 10-day quarantines deployed in Ontario to help with vaccina- other provinces to send nurses and other real-world study of millions of Chileans both doses of the vaccine and 1.5 million with police checks to ensure people arriving in France ob- tions amid a record wave of coronavirus health workers. In a letter to all provinces who had received the Chinese-developed who had received a single dose between serve the requirement. Travelers from all four countries will infections fueled by variants. and territories, the Ontario government CoronaVac vaccine has found it 67% Feb. 2 and April 1. be restricted to French nationals and their families, EU citi- Trudeau said the pandemic is particu- noted it is short thousands of nurses. The effective against symptoms and 80% It counted cases starting 14 days after zens and others with a permanent home in France. larly bad in Canada’s largest city of To- deputy minister of health, Helen Angus, against death from COVID-19, the South application of the second dose of the vac- France previously suspended all fl ights from Brazil. The ronto, where record-breaking numbers also asked whether her counterparts have American country’s Health Ministry said cine, which in Chile was given 28 days suspension will be lifted next Saturday, after 10 days, and are fi lling intensive care hospital beds. any resources to spare. Her letter says the Friday. after the fi rst. “Ontario has reached out for more The vaccine has been widely used the new restrictions “progressively” put in place by then, pandemic has strained hospital capacity, Ministry adviser Rafael Araos said the government said. The fl ight suspension for Brazil will support. I can tell you today that we are particularly intensive care. across the world, though not in the United standing by to deploy the Canadian Red the study covered 10.5 million people, States or Europe. be lifted followed by “drastic measures” for entering France Angus estimated Ontario will be short including 2.5 million who had received from all four countries, plus the French territory of Guiana, Cross to help with their mobile vaccina- 4,145 nurses in the hospital sector alone Araos said it had reduced hospitali- French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said. tion teams. This is about getting doses to over the next four months. zations by 85%, intensive care visits by The four countries “are the most dangerous in terms of people where the situation is most seri- “We are projecting a need for this criti- 89% and deaths by 80%. the number of variants that exist and in the evolution of the ous,” Trudeau said. cal support for four months following the It is one of the broadest studies so far pandemic in these countries,” Le Drian said Saturday on the A spokesperson for Ontario’s premier anticipated peak of the third wave,” An- published of any of the vaccines used France 3 television station. denied it had asked for help. “While we ap- gus wrote. Trudeau said this is likely the against the new coronavirus. Most previ- The list of countries subject to tougher border checks preciate the prime minister’s offer, unless it fi nal and toughest stretch of the pandem- ous studies were based on clinical studies could be extended, he said. is matched with an increase in supply, we ic, but he announced Canada will receive of limited groups of thousands of people do not need the Red Cross at this time for 4 million additional Pfi zer vaccine doses given the vaccines to test effi cacy and Under the new restrictions, travelers must provide an ad- safety prior to general use. Chile has led dress for where they plan to observe the 10-day confi nement the administration of vaccines in Ontario. in May, another 2 million in June, and 2 We do not have a capacity issue, we have a the region with a vaccination campaign period and police will make visits and fi ne those who are million more in July. (AP) that has reached 40% of its 19 million found in violation, the government said. supply issue,” said Ivana Yelich, a spokes- ❑ ❑ ❑ person for Ontario’s premier. people overall - and 27% of those have so Ontario, however, is pleading with Chinese vaccine lowers deaths: A Kejriwal Trudeau far received both doses. (AP) Music TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 FFeatureseatures lar ontheir realityseries“Wahl- and the motherofentertainers was adreamcometrue. in suchaprojecthishomeland said. state Premier in become thebiggestfi in mid-2023andisexpectedto 2015 installment. played byCharlizeTheroninthe version ofFuriosa,whowas will starinthefi Gambit” miniseries,Taylor-Joy unusually green. left OutbackNewSouthWales in Nambiabecauseunseasonalrain released in2015,wasmostlyshot chise, “MadMax:FuryRoad,” the movies. the post-apocalypticlandscapesof which havetraditionallyprovided of Wales, includingtheminingtown to locationsacrossNewSouth is certainlymotivating,”headded. pressure, butexcitingpressurethat Hemsworth said. up watchingitandit’ssoiconic,” self moment,becauseI’vegrown I’ve done,thebiggestpinch-my- star saidinSydney. fi tralia, offi Hemsworth Anya Taylor-Joy Max” moviefranchisestarring Miller starring started the“MadMax”franchise recovery fromthepandemic.(AP) boom wasplayinginthenation’s by theroleanAustralianfi pandemic’s impact. said, referringtotheCOVID-19 down twoorthreetimes,”Miller shooting moviesthatwereshut and federalgovernments. fi in hishomecountry,thanksto he wasgratefultoshootthefi cord andwhohavealsoshapedherowncareer. Awards thisyear. Remember Everything,”whichearnedPrinetwoposthumousGrammy fan ofPrine’sforyears,shewasinhishometorecordlastsong,“I Kacey Musgraves,BrandiCarlileandTheHighwomen.Afriend been workingforispayingoff,”saidJohnson. engineer toeverbenominated. year bytheAcademyofCountryMusic,shewasalsofi morning tolearnthatnotonlywasshenominatedforengineerofthe with enoughremindersthatJohnsonisamongthecity’stopengineers. but herownhomestudiohasthelaid-backcomfortofafriend’shouse Prine namedafterhimself. cocktail calledHandsomeJohnny,asignaturedrinkthatthelateJohn are scatteredonhermixingboard,andasignintheloungeoffers sits nexttotheentrance.PolaroidsofherandsingerAshleyMonroe I LOS ANGELES: SYDNEY: Keith Urbanperformsatthe56thannualAcademyofCountryMusicAwardsonApril17,GrandOleOpryinNashville,Tenn. ACM nominatedengineerGenaJohnsoncraftshitrecords lm hereinAustralia,”the“Thor” nancial supportfromthestate Australia, NewSouthWales “This willbemyfourthorfi Hemsworth saidbeinginvolved “Furiosa” isslatedforrelease Writer anddirector The leadactorin“TheQueen’s The latestmovieinthefran- Actors andcrewswilltravel “It isahugehonor.Alotof “It reallyis,outofeverything Miller saidhewasalsoexcited “I hadfriendsin Broken Hill son, shehasmementosfrommanyoftheartistsshe’shelpedtore- nside theNashvillebasementstudioofaudioengineerGenaJohn- A turnofthecenturyuprightpianothatBenFoldshelpedherfi A yearafterhisdeathfromCOVID-19complications,Prineisstilla Johnson hasworkedonhitrecordsbyChrisStapleton,JasonIsbell, “It feelslikeI’vebeenseenbymycommunityandthatwhat But shewasstillsurprisedtogetwokenupwithcallsonerecent Johnson worksbehindtheboardsatpremierestudiosintown, Donnie Wahlberg , whowith Mel Gibson ❑ cials saidonMonday. Aprequeltothe“Mad willbefi Gladys Berejiklian , thesurroundsof lm asayounger Alma Wahlberg Byron Kennedy and England lm evermade in1979,said lmed inAus- andaregu- George Chris By KristinM.Hall Mark lm

lm fth


and willcelebrate you,today and “I loveyou,miss thankyou mom,” DonnieWahlberg wrote. Instagram account. longer tributetohismotheron Mark Wahlbergtweeted. social mediaSunday.Shewas78. burgers,” hasdied,hersonssaidon “It’s timetorestpeacefully, Donnie Wahlbergposteda “My angel.Restinpeace,” formance. Then Winansjoinedin,matchingherstrongvocalper- “Amazing Grace”and“GreatIsThyFaithfulness.” hymns album“MySavior,”kickingoffthesetwith Underwood performedsongsfromherrecentgospel dynamic duoblendedtheirvoiceslikeangelsonstage. was joinedbygospellegendCeCeWinansandthe of theyear—theyownedSunday’sACMAwards. night’s topprize—LukeBryanwasnamedentertainer notch vocalperformance. woman tohosttheawardsshow,gaveapowerful,top- in ACMhistory.AndMickeyGuyton,thefi and heldontoherrecordasthemostdecoratedwinner of theyear.MirandaLambertperformedthreetimes church. MarenMorriswontwohonors,includingsong brought theAcademyofCountryMusicAwardsto NEW YORK,April19,(AP):CarrieUnderwood Luke BryanwinstopACMAward the roaddoingwhatwelove.” But toallthefansandeverybodywe’llbebackouton drivers, myband,crew,whatachallengingyear. with everybodythatmakesmeanentertainer.Mybus dio, wemisstouring.We’vemissedbeingontheroad Angeles. “Andtoallmyfansoutthereandcountryra- coronavirus. the showbecauseherecentlytestedpositivefor of medicalandhealthcareworkers. awards inrealtimefrontofsmallaudiencesmadeup The BluebirdCafe.Winners,wearingmasks,accepted the GrandOleOpryHouse,RymanAuditoriumand at variouslocationsinNashville,Tennessee,including formance waswithJackIngramandJonRandall. tribute toStapleton’sdogwhodied2019.Herfi year winnerChrisStapletonfor“Maggie’sSong,”a MuttNation, alsoperformedalongsidealbumofthe Home).” Lambert,whofoundedpetshelternonprofi of theirnewduet“Drunk(AndIDon’tWannaGo pop singerElleKingforafun,energeticperformance Lambert performedthreetimes,fi Underwood’s performancestoodoutthemost.She Though femalecountrystarsdidn’tcompeteforthe “I’m sosorryIcouldnotbethere,”hesaidfromLos Bryan wassettoperformSundaybutbackedoutof The performancesthatairedSundaywerepre-taped Variety rst female rst nd ‘She caresaboutthewords,songs’ Music bered thefi ACM Awards. “Starting Over,”whichwasnominatedforalbumoftheyearat eral ofthealbumshe’sproduced,includingStapleton’s2020record studio andhascontinueditslegacy,withJohnsonbyhissideforsev- “Jolene.” LaterGrammy-winningproducerDaveCobbtookoverthe toric RCAStudioAonMusicRow,whereDollyPartonhadfi esot Wahlberg Hemsworth Monroe, one-thirdofthecountrysupergroupPistolAnnies,remem- She thenstartedworkingwithFolds,whowasrunningthehis- cepts ofaudioengineering. hard rockbands.Heshowedheralotofthetechnicalskillsandcon- worked withMetallica,OzzyOsbourne,SkidRowandmanyother was workingwithMichaelWagener,aproducerandengineerwhohas ing justaboutanyjobtherewastodoinastudio.Herfi work asaninterninastudio,slowlymovinguptherungsbylearn- John wouldrecordanything.” just feltspecial,”Johnsonsaid.“Ididn’tthinkitwasthelasttimethat ing boardwhilesheworkedonanupcomingPrineliveproject. pup namedJune.JunesleptinalittledoggiebedunderJohnson’smix- and wisesongwriter,whoadoredJohnson’stinyChihuahuamixbreed big partofJohnson’slife.Sheeasilyrecountsfunnystoriesthewitty rstalongsiderock- The Mankato,Minnesota-nativecametoNashvilleaftercollege “I actuallyhadtearsinmyeyeswhenwewererecordingbecauseit rst timesheshowedupatRCAStudioAtorecordvocals rst Black rst nal per- t “I Hope”byGabbyBarrettappearedontheTVscreen. rectly announced“IHopeYou’reHappyNow”though nounced thewinnerofsingleyear.McBridecor- formances arehappeninginmultiplelocations.” bummed aboutit,butithappens,especiallywhenper- on thetelevisionbroadcast,”duotweeted.“We’re aired outofsync. latest hit,“GladYouExist,”butthepre-tapedmoment The Grammy-winningduoDan+Shayperformedtheir year. signifi marked Brown’sfi presented OldDominionwithgroupoftheyear.It worked on.” in late2019.“Thisisthelastsongthatmyproducer thanking busbee,whoproducedthesonganddied resonated witheverybody,”Pearcesaidonstage,also Happy Now,”wontheprize. Pearce andLeeBrice’splatinumduet,“IHopeYou’re nated songswereperformedbyfemaleartists.Carly Female actsownthenight segments. (AP) Another mishapoccurredwhenMartinaMcBridean- “Apparently therewasanaudio/videosyncissue But theentirethree-hourshowdidn’tgosmoothly. Another tendermomentcamewhenBlancoBrown “We wrotethissongaboutmystoryandIguessit Morris lostsingleoftheyear,whereallnomi- year. which toppedthecountrymusicchartsformonthslast the yearforherGrammy-nominatedhit“TheBones,” ending withakiss.Ateary-eyedMorriswonsongof show, andMorrishubbyRyanHurdsangtogether, so muchforinspiringme,”shesaid. best musicoutofallyouthispastyear.Sothank no one’sgottentoplayshows,Ihaveheardsomeofthe spired mesomuchtonoend,andeveninayearwhere heat tothegamecountrymusicthisyear.You’vein- that werenotabletotourthisyear,butbroughtsomuch sic whenshewonfemaleartistoftheyear. Produced cant injuriesinahead-onvehiclecollisionlast Collaborating onstagewasthethemeofawards “Really justhappytobeinacategorywithwomen Morris spokeaboutthetaxingyearwithoutlivemu- was stillAlma.” often confusedbut somehowshe “didn’t remember much andwas fans onherhealth, writingthatshe accounts andinJulyupdatedhis posted abouthismotheron death. DonnieWahlbergoften the cause,dateorlocationofher always.” The No informationwasgivenabout rstpublicappearanceaftersuffering Resonated Boston -born mother of nine -born mother ofnine rst bigbreak rst cut rst TheawardsshowairedonApril18withbothliveandprerecorded mit tocaringdeeplyaboutthemusic.(AP) neers istotreateachrecordtheyworkonlikeaninvestmentandcom- who arejuststartingtheircareers.Heradvicetothoseyoungerengi- space also,”saidJohnson. ers, anengineerwhoworkedforPrinceduringthe1980s. Sheryl Crow’s1998hitalbum“TheGlobeSessions,”andSusanRog- before her,likeTrinaShoemaker,theGrammy-winningengineerfor RCA StudioA.She’salsoquicktonotepioneersinthefi with otherfemaleengineers,LeslieRichterandSorrelBrigman,at mixers werewomen,aratioof38mentoeveryonewomanengineer. the Hot100Year-EndChartsfrom2012-2017,only2.6%ofengineers/ the AnnenbergInclusionInitiativefoundthatamongpopularsongson producers tocommithiringmorewomenfortheirprojects.Astudyby Academy startedaninclusioninitiativein2019askingartists,labelsand gender gapsandbarrierstowomenpeopleofcolor.TheRecording songs.” ing album“Rosegold”comingoutonApril30. fl with rocksinthevocalboothforher,alongafreshbouquetof for her2018soloalbum“Sparrow.”JohnsonhadputatinyZengarden owers. Thetwo of themworkedtogetheragainforMonroe’supcom- Johnson hasbeenworkingwithandmentoringothernewengineers “It’s biggerthanmebecauseIneedtorepresentinawayandprovide Despite beinginamostlymaledominatedfi Her nominationcameasthemusicindustryhasbeenexamining “She’s justsowise,”Monroesaid.“Shecaresaboutthewords, us paythe pricewhenwewere with us.Taughtus right,made anyone else’sbutts iftheymessed our buttsifwemessed up,kicked above anyoneelse. Shekicked who shewas,butneverputherself family’s burgeoningburgerchain. series “Wahlburgers,”aboutthe to herappearancesontheA&E became ahouseholdnamethanks “She madenoapologiesfor Brown. ■ Now,” CarlyPearceandLeeBrice. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Carly PearceandLeeBrice. ■ Laura Veltz,JimmyRobbins. ■ ton. ■ ■ ■ ■ emy ofCountryMusicAwards:

A listofwinnersinthetopcategoriesat2021Acad- New maleartistoftheyear: New femaleartistoftheyear: Group oftheyear: Duo oftheyear: Male artistoftheyear: Female artistoftheyear: Entertainer oftheYear: Musical eventoftheyear: Single oftheYear: Album oftheyear: Video oftheyear: this year. after hewascaughtoncamerausingaracialslurearlier try andpopcharts,wasdeclaredineligiblebytheACMs and singleshavefoundmajorsuccessonboththecoun- ing fromtheshow.MorganWallen,whoselatestalbum cently testedpositiveforCOVID-19. key” withoutbandmemberPhillipSweetsincehere- some. TheGrammywinnerssang“Wine,Beer,Whis- my inthecountrycategorythisyear. came thefi Keith Urban.Sherecentlyhadherfi of “HoldOn”duringtheshow,whichshehostedwith borne andGuyton,whogaveanall-starperformance Lady A,BlakeShelton,AshleyMcBryde,BrothersOs- of theyear. the yearandJimmieAllenwasnamednewmaleartist new femaleartistoftheyear.Rhettwonmale won musicaleventoftheyear,whileBarrettwasnamed Song oftheYear: Sweet andBryanweren’ttheonlycountrystarsmiss- Little BigTownalsoperformed—butasathree- Those actsperformedSunday,asdidAlanJackson, Pearce andBrice’s“IHopeYou’reHappyNow”also rst BlacksolowomannominatedforaGram- Dan +Shay Winners Old Dominion. “WorldwideBeautiful,”Kane “IHopeYou’reHappyNow,” “Starting Over,”ChrisStaple- “The Bones,”MarenMorris, Thomas Rhett. LukeBryan. Maren Morris. “IHopeYou’reHappy JimmieAllen. Belle there toperformitlive. (AP) own, hesurprisedher byhaving children’s weddings, butathis danced tothatsong ateachofher Regina Belle.Hewrote thatshe her favoritesongs,“IfICould”by dancing athisweddingtooneof the wordgrace.” Sunday. “Shewastheepitomeof wrong,” DonnieWahlbergwrote Gabby Barrett. He also included a video of them He alsoincludedavideoofthem eld, Johnsonhasworked rst childandbe- eld thatcame ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 SPORTS 14

Stricker rallies to clinch Chubb Classic title Cink coasts to win at Hilton Head for 2nd title of season HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C., April won for the third time in the last eight 19, (AP): Stewart Cink shot a steady, months on the European Tour, closing stress-free 70 to cap off a dominant, with a 7-under 65 and outlasting Maxi- record-breaking week and win his third milian Kieffer on the fi fth playoff hole RBC Heritage title. in the Austrian Open. The 47-year-old Cink fi nished at Catlin, who grew up in California 19-under 265 at Harbour Town, four and played college golf in New Mex- better than Emiliano Grillo and Harold ico, moves into the top 80 in the world Varner III. Grillo shot a 68 while Var- and is poised to play in his fi rst major ner, who had the highest fi nish of his next month at the PGA Championship, career, fi red a 66. which typically takes the top 100. He joined Bryson DeChambeau as Kieffer, who closed with a 66, the only two-time winners this season missed a birdie putt on the fi rst play- and continued his resurgence on the off hole. He ultimately made it easy PGA Tour at a time when many pros on Catlin by hitting in the water three his age are looking ahead to the PGA times on the fi fth extra hole. Tour Champions. They fi nished at 14-under 274. Cink, who end- Catlin now has 10 victories world- ed 11 years with- wide, including four on the Asian Tour. out a victory at In Las Vegas, former U.S. Amateur the Safeway Open in September, has added fi ve more GOLF top-20 fi nishes, including a tie for 12th last week at champion Peter Uihlein built a big lead the Masters. early and was never seriously chal- He also just the lenged the rest of the way as he closed fourth player to Stricker with a 3-under 69 to win the MGM Re- win twice in the sorts Championship at Paiute by four same PGA Tour season after turning shots. 47. Sam Snead, Julius Boros and Ken- It was the second Korn Ferry Tour ny Perry, who accomplished it twice, victory for Uihlein, and his fi rst since are the others. 2017. He also has a victory on the Eu- Cink set the 36-hole record at Har- ropean Tour in 2013. bour Town (126) and 54-hole tourna- Uihlein, who won the U.S. Amateur ment record (195). Cink, who fi nished at Chambers Bay in 2010, started the Denny Hamlin (11) leads Joey Logano (22) and Martin Truex Jr. (19) during a restart after a caution during the NASCAR Cup Series auto race at Rich- at 22-under 262, fi nished two shots shy fi nal round with a one-shot lead over mond International Raceway in Richmond, Va., on April 18. Inset: Alex Bowman poses with the trophy as he celebrates winning the NASCAR Cup Series of the 72-hole record Webb Simpson Jamie Lovemark. He birdied four of auto race at Richmond International Raceway in Richmond, Va. (AP) set last June. the opening seven holes, Lovemark In Naples, Florida, Steve Stricker played them in even par, and the rout fi gured someone could come out of was on. David Lipsky, the Californian the pack with a low score and win the who has been playing in Europe and Chubb Classic, and it turned out to be Asia, shot 65 and was runner-up along him. Stricker closed with a 5-under 67, with Lovemark, who closed with a 72. Bowman denies Hamlin with taking control with a wedge into 3 feet Uihlein fi nished at 16-under 272. for birdie on the 16th hole. That carried Other Tours: Takumi Kanaya closed him to a one-shot victory in Naples, with a 1-under 70 for a one-shot victory where the 54-year-old from Wisconsin in the Token Homemate Cup, his third makes his winter home. victory on the Japan Golf Tour. Kanaya, The U.S. Ryder Cup captain won for who joined Masters champion Hideki the sixth time on the PGA Tour Cham- Matsuyama as the only Japanese win- swift late move at Richmond pions, his fi rst title since the U.S. Sen- ners of the Asia-Pacifi c Amateur, moved ior Open in the summer of 2019. inside the top 100 in the world and is Robert Karlsson of Sweden, who poised to join Matsuyama in the Olym- Logano 3rd shared the 36-hole lead with Fred Cou- pics. Keita Nakajima, the 20-year-old ples, and Monday qualifi er Alex Cejka amateur, was runner-up. ... Ruixin Liu Palou scores 1st career IndyCar win of Germany each made birdie on the overcame a six-shot defi cit by closing RICHMOND, Va., April BIRMINGHAM, Ala, April 19, (AP): race driving for the storied Ganassi previously but introduced himself to fi nal hole to tie for second. Cejka is with a 5-under 67 and winning the Ca- 19, (AP): Another week, Fernando Alonso is winless so far organization. Ganassi last August at the Indian- assured of getting into the next open sino Del Sol Golf Classic on the Symetra this season in Formula One. Same Dixon, the six-time and reigning apolis 500 in hopes of landing a job Champions event without qualifying. Tour with a birdie on the second hole of a another agonizing loss for with Carlos Sainz. IndyCar champion, fi nished third with an elite team. Couples shot 71 and tied for sixth. playoff. She beat Morgane Metraux, who Denny Hamlin. Over in IndyCar, though, Alex and was followed by pole-sitter “One of the dreams was to come In Atzenbrugg, Austria, John Catlin shot a 73 in the fi nal round. And this time it was to Alex Palou scored a victory for Spain. Pato O’Ward, who was on a three- here to the U.S. and once you are Bowman, who came from nowhere Palou picked up his fi rst career stop strategy. in the US you want to be more and with 10 laps to go at Richmond win - in his fi rst race with Chip Ga- Palou was the quieter offseason you want to be competitive, and to nassi Racing - by holding off a pair signing of the Ganassi organiza- be competitive I wanted to be part Raceway to put the No. 48 Chevro- of series champions in season- tion, which also added seven-time of Chip,” Palou said. “I actually in- let in victory lane for the fi rst time opening race at Barber Motor- NASCAR champion Jimmie John- troduced myself to Chip at the Indy in nearly four years. sports Park. The affable 24-year- son to the four-car lineup. But Ga- 500 because I wanted to be part Bowman won for the third time in old raised his fi sts in the air when nassi also took a gamble on Palou, of that team. I saw the spirit of the his career Sunday and denied Ham- he realized he’d reached victory who had spent one season driving team. To be part of Chip Ganassi is lin a win in a race he had dominated lane before his fellow countrymen, for Dale Coyne Racing with one po- 50 percent of another dream, which to become the eighth winner in nine who both raced 5,000 miles away dium fi nish and one lap led all year. is to become a champion.” Cup races this season. He dedicated in Italy earlier Sunday. He’d raced in Japan and Europe the victory to crew member William Palou is only the second Span- “Rowdy” Harrell and his wife, Blakley iard to win in the IndyCar Series, CAR RACING Harrell, who were killed in a Novem- joining Oriol Servia, who won in ber car crash in Florida while on their 2005 at Montreal. honeymoon. “It’s just amazing but I think it was Ganassi had been impressed “This one is for Rowdy and his fam- part of the job,” he said. “When you through preseason testing and ily. Miss him and Blakley every day,” are part of a big team and a suc- warned Palou would be a force this Bowman said. cessful team like Chip Ganassi, season. Bowman’s victory in the No. 48 they give you all the tools. You “We did some testing over the have everything you need to win, winter and he was quick all day Chevrolet for Hendrick Motorsports long at the tests, at one test he was and that’s why you see so many Stewart Cink kisses the championship trophy after winning the fi nal round came on the same day the former successful drivers.” quicker than Dixon,” Ganassi said. driver of the car, seven-time champion of the RBC Heritage golf tournament in Hilton Head Island, S.C., on April Palou then vowed to fi nd the best “So we knew the potential was 18. (AP) Jimmie Johnson, made his debut in the fried chicken in Alabama to cel- there but you don’t know where you IndyCar Series in Alabama. It was the ebrate his achievement. are relative to other teams.” fi rst victory for the No. 48 since June “I think that 80% of the drivers will Ganassi fi nished with three driv- 4, 2017. tell you that after a race we need ers in the top eight as Marcus Er- something that is not good for our icsson fi nished eighth, and Dixon Enders claims 30th career win body and that’s what I’m going to has enjoyed this young new team- CAR RACING take tonight if I can, fried chicken. mate who won’t stop following him And fries. Lots of fries,” he said. around both at the shop and at the with Pro Stock victory in Vegas Palou used a two-stop strategy race track. Johnson was the only driver of the on the picturesque permanent road “He’s actually one of those re- LAS VEGAS, April 19, (AP): Erica Tasca III in Funny Car and Ryan No. 48 when it was formed in 2001 and course to take control of the race Chip Ganassi Racing driver Alex ally nice guys. There has to be Enders went from nearly not qualify- Oehler in Pro Stock Motorcycle also Bowman was hand-picked by sponsor but still had to hold off hard-charg- Palou raises his trophy after win- some underlying thing going on ing to winning the Pro Stock finale in won in their respective categories at Ally to replace him. ing Will Power and Ganassi team- ning the Honda Indy Grand Prix of there somewhere. None of us the DENSO Spark Plugs NHRA Four- the second race of the NHRA Camping Bowman overcame a penalty on lap mate Scott Dixon over the closing Alabama auto race at Barber Mo- have found it yet,” Dixon said. Wide Nationals at Las Vegas Motor World Drag Racing Series season. 247 for a loose tire on pit road to rally laps. He beat Power by .4016 sec- torsports Parkway on April 18, in “It’s great to see somebody that’s Speedway. Torrence, who has won three for the win. onds to claim his fi rst win in his fi rst Birmingham, Ala. (AP) easy to work with. In her 300th straight world titles, went 3.823 at For Hamlin, it was the third defeat career start, the 321.73 in the final round in his drag- in three races. think of all of the families in Indy tinsville Speedway, but lost the lead to for much of the race but his day was back-to-back ster to get his 41st career victory and At the dirt race at Bristol Motor right now,” Hamlin said. “Awful trag- Truex with 15 laps to go. ruined about 20 laps from the end world champ first this season. Speedway he didn’t do enough to edy to happen there. Our thoughts and Hamlin did hang on Sunday to fi nish when a blown tire sent him into the earned her 30th move Joey Logano out of his way to career win with a prayers are with these names. We will second, followed by Logano, Christo- Turn 1 wall. He fi nished 24th. run of 6.656 sec- DRAG RACING earn the win, and last week at Martin- get (wins). We will keep digging. We pher Bell and Truex, who led 107 laps A week after the race at Martinsville sville Speedway he was caught late by onds at 205.88 Joe Gibbs Racing teammate Martin are dominating - just have to fi nish it.” and overcame a penalty for speeding on featured plenty of paint-trading and mph in the final Truex Jr. Hamlin won the fi rst two stages and pit road. Kyle Busch fi nished eighth, the 15 cautions for 102 laps, this race saw round in her Tasca earned his first victory in In Richmond, Hamlin raced with notched his eighth top-fi ve fi nish in second week in a row that all four JGR only fi ve yellow fl ags, and only two Chevrolet nearly two years and seventh overall the hashtag #fedexstrong on the back nine starts this season. drivers fi nished in the top 10. for incidents on the track. Beside Har- Camaro. Enders with a run of 3.938 at 328.46 in his of his car and on his pit wall to honor “We just didn’t take off quite as “Denny and I had a hell of a race,” vick’s crash, Ryan Newman brought slipped into the Enders Mustang. the eight people who were fatally shot good there at the end. I tried to warm it Logano said. “It was pretty fun there out a yellow when he spun in Turn 3. qualifying field Oehler got his second career victory at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis on up and do everything that I could - just for a minute, but here we are third. It Brad Keselowski, the winner of the at No. 13 on her last attempt on on his EBR, going 6.911 seconds at Thursday. He again had the dominant the 48 had a little more on those last stings. We were up there all day. only race at Richmond last year, gam- Saturday and became the first Pro 194.83 mph in the final round. car and led 207 of the 400 laps. He’s few laps and I couldn’t hold the bot- “The 48 kind of snookered every- bled during the second stage by stay- Stock racer to win from that spot since The season resumes April 30 with led 483 laps the last two weeks. tom,” Hamlin said. body.” ing on the track when the leaders pitted 2006. the Lucas Oil NHRA Southern “First and foremost, we want to Last week, he led 276 laps at Mar- Kevin Harvick raced in the top 10 on lap 184. Steve Torrence in Top Fuel, Bob Nationals at Atlanta Dragway. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 SPORTS 15

Hosmer delivers late for Padres in 5-2 win over Dodgers Tsutsugo’s big hit off Cole gives Rays 3-game sweep of Yanks NEW YORK, April 19, (AP): The last- place New York Yankees lost their fifth straight game as Yoshi Tsutsugo hit a tiebreaking double off Gerrit Cole in the seventh inning that lifted the Tampa Bay Rays to a 4-2 win and a three-game sweep. Canucks outlast Maple Leafs in Four pitchers combined on the Rays’ second three-hitter of a series in which New York managed 11 hits in all. Cole (2-1) was hurt by slipshod de- fense that made three mistakes in the third inning alone, two by center field- er Aaron Hicks and one by left fielder OT in return from COVID layoff Clint Frazier. Joey Wendle added a ninth-inning off Darren O’Day. Tampa Bay has won 18 of its last 23 MLB Results/Standings Reinhart scores twice in Sabres’ 4-2 win over Penguins against the Yankees, including in last year’s Division Series. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 19, (AP): Bo but some of Vancouver’s regular starters remained out of the lineup, including Padres 5, Dodgers 2 goalie Thatcher Demko, defenseman Nate Schmidt and forwards Tyler Motte and In San Diego, Eric Hosmer deliv- WASHINGTON, April 19, (AP): Re- Harvat scored his second goal of the game 1:19 into over- Jake Virtanen. ered the tying and go-ahead RBIs in sults and standings from the MLB time, giving the Vancouver Canucks a 3-2 victory over the the seventh and eighth innings, helping games on Sunday. William Nylander had a goal and an assist for Toronto in his first game after miss- Chic. Wht. Sox 3 Boston (7 inn 1st game) 2 ing five due to COVID-19 protocols. Auston Matthews added his league-leading 33rd San Diego beat Los Angeles to avoid Cleveland 6 Cincinnati 3 Toronto Maple Leafs in their return from a nearly four- a sweep in the first series of the year Tampa Bay 4 NY Yankees 2 week layoff because of a COVID-19 outbreak. goal in his return from a nagging wrist injury and John Tavares added a pair of assists. between the NL West rivals. Kansas City 2 Toronto 0 Bruins 6, Capitals 3 Texas 1 Baltimore (10 inn) 0 Horvat also had an assist, Nils Hoglander had a goal and an assist, and Dodgers starter Trevor Bauer Oakland 3 Detroit 2 In Boston, David Krejci, Patrice Bergeron and Brad Marchand each scored two handed off a 2-1 lead to Los Angeles’ Seattle 7 Houston 2 Braden Holtby made 37 saves as the Canucks played their first game since goals and Boston held off Washington. bullpen after six innings in tight duel Chic. Wht. Sox 5 Boston (7 inn 2nd game) 1 March 24 – a span of 25 days. At least 21 players and four members of the Philadelphia 2 St Louis 0 Marchand also had two assists for the Bruins, who won their fourth straight. with another Cy Young Award winner, San Francisco 1 Miami 0 coaching staff tested positive for the coronavirus. Tuukka Rask stopped 30 of 33 shots in earning his 10th win this season and just Blake Snell. Arizona 5 Washington 2 No Canucks players remained on the NHL’s COVID-19 protocol list Sunday, his second victory since February. Hosmer doubled in the tying run NY Mets 2 Colorado 1 Pittsburgh 6 Milwaukee (10 inn) 5 Washington has lost two of its past in the seventh off Brusdar Graterol, San Diego 5 LA Dodgers 2 three. T.J. Oshie had two goals and then delivered the decisive blow in the Atlanta 13 Chicago Cubs 4 Anthony Mantha added another for the eighth. East Division first-place Capitals. Mantha has scored Indians 6, Reds 3 W L Pct GB a goal in five consecutive games, in- In Cincinnati, Shane Bieber kept up Boston 10 6 .625 _ cluding all four since being acquired in Tampa Bay 8 8 .500 2 his record strikeout run, fanning 13 and Baltimore 7 9 .438 3 a deal with Detroit at the trade dead- pitching Cleveland past Cincinnati. Toronto 7 9 .438 3 line earlier this month. Vitek Vanecek Bieber (2-1) become the first pitcher New York 5 10 .333 4-1/2 made 22 saves. in big league history to begin a season Central Division Capitals star Alex Ovechkin was W L Pct GB with four straight starts with at least 10 Kansas City 9 5 .643 _ held scoreless and remains one goal strikeouts. Cleveland 8 7 .533 1-1/2 back of tying Marcel Dionne for fifth The AL Cy Young Award winner Chicago 8 8 .500 2 on the NHL’s career goals list. Minnesota 6 8 .429 3 has 48 strikeouts this year, matching Detroit 6 10 .375 4 Islanders 1, Flyers 0 Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan for the most West Division In Philadelphia, Nick Leddy scored through the first four start of a season. W L Pct GB 2:23 into overtime and Ilya Sorokin Bieber has fanned at least eight in a Seattle 10 6 .625 _ Los Angeles 8 5 .615 -1/2 made 30 saves to lift New York. 16 straight starts, one short of Randy Oakland 9 7 .563 1 After both goalies were stellar Johnson’s major league mark. Houston 7 8 .467 2-1/2 throughout the contest, Leddy scored Bieber went eight innings, allowing Texas 7 9 .438 3 National League a fluke goal when his backhand pass three runs and six hits with two walks. East Division went off the stick of Flyers defense- W L Pct GB man Travis Sanheim and through the New York 7 4 .636 _ BASEBALL Philadelphia 8 7 .533 1 legs of goalie Brian Elliott. Miami 7 8 .467 2 The victory sent the Islanders past Atlanta 7 9 .438 2-1/2 Pittsburgh into second place in the Emmanuel Clase struck out the side Washington 5 8 .385 3 East Division. New York is two points in the ninth, again hitting 100 mph Central Division W L Pct GB behind first-place Washington. with his heater, to earn his fourth save. Cincinnati 9 6 .600 _ Elliott made 27 saves, including Phillies 2, Cardinals 0 Milwaukee 8 7 .533 1 several stellar stops late in the third pe- St Louis 7 8 .467 2 In Philadelphia, Aaron Nola struck Pittsburgh 7 9 .438 2-1/2 riod. Philadelphia is nine points behind out 10 and threw a two-hitter for his Chicago 6 9 .400 3 Boston for the final playoff spot in the first nine-inning shutout in the majors, West Division East Division. W L Pct GB Toronto Maple Leafs’ Auston Matthews (34) is stopped by Vancouver Canucks goalie Braden Holtby (49) during leading Philadelphia past St. Louis. Los Angeles 13 3 .813 _ the first period of an NHL hockey game in Vancouver, British Columbia on April 18. (AP) It was the sixth time in eight games Bryce Harper homered and had San Francisco 9 6 .600 3-1/2 in the season series that the game went three hits for the Phillies. His 111.8 San Diego 10 7 .588 3-1/2 past regulation. Arizona 6 10 .375 7 mph shot off righty John Gant (0-1) Colorado 4 12 .250 9 Márquez finishes 7th in 1st race back Golden Knights 5, Ducks 2 went 425 feet. In Anaheim, California, Mark Stone, Nola (1-1) threw 109 pitches and did Max Pacioretty and Nicolas Roy each little more than give a small fist bump games. had a goal and an assist to help Vegas when he completed the milestone. Mets 2, Rockies 1 Quartararo wins Portuguese GPrix move into a tie for first place in the Braves 13, Cubs 4 In Denver, Marcus Stroman pitched West Division with Colorado. In Chicago, eight innings of one-run ball and made PORTIMÃO, Portugal, April 19, crushed one of four homers in the first a dazzling defensive play, catcher (AP): Fabio Quartararo won the Por- ICE HOCKEY inning against , leading James McCann threw out Trevor Story tuguese Grand Prix from pole position, Delhi, Bangalore Atlanta past Chicago. attempting to steal second for the final with six-time MotoGP champion Marc Atlanta’s Ronald Acuña Jr. departed out and New York beat Colorado. Márquez fi nishing seventh in an emo- Alex Pietrangelo and Alex Tuch also in the fourth due to pain in his lower J.D. Davis delivered an RBI single tional return after nine months. enjoy easy wins scored goals, while Marc-Andre Fleury abdominal muscles. and Jeff McNeil had an RBI groundout Quartararo fi nished ahead of Fran- made 33 saves as the Golden Knights ex- for the Mets, who have won five of six, MUMBAI, India, April 19, (AP): Travis d’Arnaud, Ehire Adrianza cesco Bagnaia and defending MotoGP Royal Challengers Bangalore tended their winning streak to six games, and Guillermo Heredia also connected including two of three at Coors Field champion Joan Mir. The Frenchman matching a season best. Stone had his this weekend. thumped Kolkata Knight Riders by fourth consecutive multi-point game, during the Braves’ fast start, and Here- moved into the championship lead 38 runs for its third straight win and dia added his first career grand slam in Charlie Blackmon had an RBI with the victory at the Algarve cir- matching his career best, previously done the sixth for his first multihomer game. single for the Rockies, who have lost cuit. Quartararo’s celebration after the Delhi Capitals enjoyed a six-wicket Dec. 13 to 19, 2019. Max Comtois and (1-0) pitched five in- eight of nine. race included an imitation of Cristiano victory against Punjab Kings in the Danton Heinen scored goals for Ana- nings of three-run ball in his first ap- Edwin Díaz earned his second save Ronaldo’s goal celebration. Indian Premier League. heim, while Adam Henrique reached pearance of the season. with a scoreless ninth. At Mumbai, Delhi rode on opener 200 assists in his career. Anthony Rizzo hit two solo drives White Sox 3, Red Sox 2, 1st Game Shikhar Dhawan’s 49-ball 92 to Sabres 4, Penguins 2 MOTOR CYCLING reach 198-4 with 10 balls to spare in for Chicago, which lost for the sixth White Sox 5, Red Sox 1, 2nd Game In Buffalo, NY, Sam Reinhart scored time in eight games. reply to Punjab’s 195-4. twice, and Buffalo played spoiler in the In Boston, Yermín Mercedes “It’s good to be back in this mind- The dew at Wankhede Stadium Diamondbacks 5, Nationals 2 opened a three-run fourth inning with East Division playoff race. In Washington, Madison Bumgar- set, I feel like I’m full of confi dence,” didn’t help Punjab’s bowlers to con- Rookie Arttu Ruotsalainen and Ras- a long homer, and Chicago swept a Quartararo said. “We did an amazing ner had his best outing of the season, doubleheader against Boston. tain Dhawan, who smashed 13 fours mus Asplund, with an empty-netter, allowing a run over five innings as Ari- job. Yesterday we were fi rst in all the and two sixes. Prithvi Shaw played a also scored for Buffalo. The Sabres Nick Madrigal had two hits and sessions, and today we won. This is a zona beat Washington. drove in two runs for Chicago, which MotoGP rider Fabio Quartararo of cameo of 32 off 17 as Delhi raced to bounced back a day after becoming Bumgarner (1-2) gave up just two great way to start the celebrations for France celebrates on the podium 59 inside the first six overs. the NHL’s first team eliminated from climbed back to .500 at 8-8. my birthday in two days.” hits and dropped his ERA from 11.20 In the opener, Tim Anderson hom- after winning the Portuguese Mo- playoff contention following a 3-2 loss to 8.68 through four starts. He struck Márquez had a lackluster race in torcycle Grand Prix at the Algarve to Pittsburgh. ered on the game’s first pitch and Dal- his return after breaking his right arm CRICKET out five and walked one, helping Ari- las Keuchel pitched five solid innings The Penguins had a 4-0-1 run zona split the four-game series. at the Spanish GP last summer. He ahead of brother Álex Márquez. snapped and squandered an opportu- for Chicago. missed the rest of last season and the Marc Márquez couldn’t hold back Stefan Crichton earned his first save J.D. Martinez had an RBI single for Bowlers found it difficult to grip nity to move within a point of East- of the season. fi rst two races this year. his emotions as he received a round leading Washington. Boston’s lone run in the second game. “I’m relieved,” Márquez said. “Not of applause from the members of his the wet ball and India fast bowler Paulo Espino (0-1) pitched 4-1/3 in- Mercedes hit a changeup from Mar- Mohammed Shami returned 0-53. Dustin Tokarski stopped 34 shots nings and allowed solo homers to Josh only about fi nishing the race, but about team after the race. and had his shutout bid end on Jason tín Pérez (0-1) off a backwall behind being back on a motorcycle, about feeling “I’m the kind of person who likes Dhawan missed out on a deserved Rojas and Carson Kelly. the batter’s eye, a drive estimated at century when he was clean bowled Zucker’s goal scored off a faceoff with like a rider again, even though I couldn’t to keep things inside and not express 9:42 remaining, and cut Buffalo’s lead Giants 1, Marlins 0 431 feet. ride the way I wanted to. But this week- my emotions, but I broke down when by Jhye Richardson in the 15th over In Miami, Alex Wood pitched five Matt Foster (1-1) got five outs in to 3-1. Teddy Blueger also scored in end wasn’t about where I fi nished.” I returned to the box,” Marc Márquez before Marcus Stoinis finished off the the final minute. innings in his season debut and four scoreless relief for the win. The Spaniard jumped to fourth at said. “It was tough.” game with an unbeaten 27 off 13 balls. relievers completed a three-hitter as Royals 2, Blue Jays 0 the start and was as high as third dur- Quartararo lost ground early on “We were under pressure at the Rangers 5, Devils 3 San Francisco scored an unearned run In Kansas City, Mo, Salvador Perez ing the fi rst lap, but he made contact but was back in front by the halfway start because the wicket was not do- In Newark, NJ, Mika Zibanejad cel- to beat Miami and avert a series sweep. tapped his bat twice on the plate to with another rider on the second lap point of the race in southern Portugal, ing much and they had a good start,” ebrated his 28th birthday by scoring a Wood (1-0), returning from a back make sure it wasn’t cracked, then sent and eventually dropped to ninth place. holding on for his fi fth MotoGP win. said Delhi captain Rishabh Pant. power-play goal with three minutes to problem that sidelined him midway the next pitch he saw from reliever He kept a decent pace but could only He was coming off a win in Qatar two Earlier, Delhi recovered well to play and New York swept a four-game through spring training, allowed three T.J. Zeuch into the left-field fountains, make up a few positions, fi nishing just weeks ago. series over the six days. contain Punjab after Mayank Agar- Chris Kreider, Vitali Kravtsov, Alexis hits and walked none. breaking open a scoreless game and wal (69) and captain Lokesh Rahul Tyler Rogers pitched a perfect ninth sending Kansas City past Toronto. Lafreniere and Ryan Strome also scored for his first save to complete the Gi- Brady Singer kept the Blue Jays off Zimmer (1-0) and Josh Staumont each John King (1-0) pitched a scoreless (61) had featured in a 122-run open- as the Rangers extended their season- ants’ third shutout in their past seven the board through six innings. Kyle worked a perfect inning, and Greg 10th for the Rangers. ing stand off 76 balls. high point streak to six games (5-0-1). Holland finished off the two-hitter for Athletics 3, Tigers 2 In the early game, Glenn Maxwell Alexandar Georgiev, who had to leave his second save of the season. In Oakland, California, Matt Olson and AB de Villiers shone with the the ice late in the first period with a low- Pirates 6, Brewers 5, 10 Inn scored from second base on a fielding bat as Royal Challengers Bangalore er-body injury only to return, finished In Milwaukee, Colin Moran hit an error by Detroit third baseman Jeimer rounded off its Chennai leg of the with 25 saves as New York improved to early three-run homer, then had an Candelario with two outs in the ninth event with third win in a row. 13-4-3 in its past 20 games. RBI double in the 10th inning that sent inning, rallying Oakland past Detroit Pittsburgh past Milwaukee. for its eighth straight win. The Pirates withstood a two-homer Sean Murphy hit a tying home run NHL Results/Standings performance from Milwaukee’s Dan- in the eighth as the A’s swept the four- iel Vogelbach to win the deciding game series. Lou Trivino (1-0) retired game of this series. three batters for the win. Pittsburgh’s Bryan Reynolds and Olson hit a one-out double off WASHINGTON, April 19, (AP): Results and standings from the NHL games on Milwaukee’s Avisaíl García also hom- Gregory Soto (1-0) when Tigers cen- Sunday. ered. ter fielder Victor Reyes lost a high Boston 6 Washington 3 Vegas 5 Anaheim 2 Moran hit a leadoff double off J.P. fly ball in the sun. After Matt Chap- Buffalo 4 Pittsburgh 2 NY Islanders 1 Philadelphia OT 0 Feyereisen (0-1) to bring home auto- man struck out looking, Murphy NY Rangers 5 New Jersey 3 Vancouver 3 Toronto OT 2 matic runner Bryan Reynolds from walked before pinch-hitter Mitch East Division West Division second base. Moreland hit a sharp grounder that GP W L OT Pts GF GA GP W L OT Pts GF GA Washington 46 29 13 4 62 163 141 Rangers 1, Orioles 0, 10 Inn rolled under Candelario’s glove into NY Islanders 45 28 13 4 60 127 105 Colorado 43 30 9 4 64 154 101 left field. Pittsburgh 45 28 14 3 59 152 126 Vegas 44 31 11 2 64 147 98 In Arlington, Texas, Nate Lowe Boston 43 25 12 6 56 125 110 Minnesota 43 27 13 3 57 132 115 singled with two outs and the bases Mariners 7, Astros 2 NY Rangers 45 23 16 6 52 151 118 Arizona 45 20 20 5 45 121 141 loaded in the 10th inning, giving Texas In Seattle, Ty France hit a two-run Philadelphia 45 20 18 7 47 128 162 St Louis 43 19 18 6 44 124 135 the win over Baltimore after a pitcher’s home run and six Seattle pitchers com- New Jersey 44 14 24 6 34 109 150 San Jose 44 18 22 4 40 118 149 Buffalo 45 12 26 7 31 111 154 Los Angeles 42 16 20 6 38 114 127 duel between a pair of opening day bined on a one-hitter against depleted Central Division Anaheim 46 14 25 7 35 103 147 starters. Houston. GP W L OT Pts GF GA North Division The hit ended a five-game home los- France followed Mitch Haniger’s Carolina 43 29 10 4 62 140 104 GP W L OT Pts GF GA Florida 45 28 12 5 61 143 123 Toronto 45 28 12 5 61 147 120 ing streak for the Rangers. In the top of two-run triple with a blast to left field Tampa Bay 44 29 13 2 60 149 115 Winnipeg 45 27 15 3 57 144 120 the 10th, Rangers right fielder Adolis in the decisive four-run fifth inning to Nashville 46 24 21 1 49 121 130 Edmonton 43 26 15 2 54 137 120 García threw out Maikel Franco at the give the Mariners the series. Chicago 45 21 19 5 47 127 139 Montreal 42 19 14 9 47 125 119 Dallas 43 17 14 12 46 122 109 Calgary 44 19 22 3 41 116 129 plate. The loss was Houston’s seventh in Columbus 46 15 22 9 39 114 154 Vancouver 38 17 18 3 37 103 122 Tampa Bay Rays Joey Wendle hits a solo home during the ninth inning of Lowe grounded a single to left its last eight games and comes with Detroit 46 16 24 6 38 103 145 Ottawa 45 15 26 4 34 122 164 a baseball game against the New York Yankees, on April 18, at Yankee against the shift off Travis Lakins Sr. five players - including four starters Note: Two points for a win one point for overtime loss. The top four teams in each Stadium in New York. Yankees catcher Kyle Higashioka (66) is behind the (1-1), ending a stretch of 13 2/3 score- - still on the injured list due to COV- division will qualify for playoffs under this season’s temporary realignment. plate. (AP) less innings for the Baltimore bullpen. ID-19 concerns. ARAB TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 16 Stefanos Tsitsipas of Greece kisses the trophy after defeat- ing Andrey Rublev of Russia in the Monte Carlo Tennis Masters tournament fi nals in Monaco. Tsitsipas won the Monte Carlo Masters without dropping a set, beat- ing Rublev 6-3, 6-3 for his fi rst title this year and sixth overall. (AP) Sports Latest sports scores at — 12 European clubs launch breakaway league UEFA could ban SL players from Euro 2020, WC Clippers ‘rout’ MONTREUX, Switzerland, April UEFA’s 55 member federations are announcing the formation of a largely- seemingly because they couldn’t con- 19, (AP): Players at the 12 clubs set- gathering for an annual meeting on closed Super League. They are leaving trol the sale of rights to the existing ting up their own Super League could Tuesday, including 24 nations that are the existing UEFA-run Champions competition. be banned from this year’s European playing in Euro 2020. League structure despite warnings they Meanwhile, the 12 clubs planning to Timberwolves Championship and next year’s World “My opinion is that as soon as could be kicked out of their domestic start the breakaway Super League told Cup, UEFA President Aleksander Ce- possible they (the clubs) have to be competitions and face legal action. the leaders of FIFA and UEFA that they ferin said Monday. banned from all our competitions, and The seismic move to shake up the have begun legal action aimed at fending Ceferin spoke following a UEFA ex- the players from all our competitions,” world’s biggest sport is partly engi- off threats to block the competition. Heat edge Nets ecutive committee meeting held only Ceferin said. neered by the American owners of The letter was sent by the group to hours after the English, Italian and Span- Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester Ceferin and FIFA President Gianni LOS ANGELES, April 19, rebounds and eight assists in his return ish clubs announced the project that SOCCER United who also run U.S. franchises in Infantino saying the Super League has from a four-game absence because of a threatens to split European soccer. closed leagues - a model they are try- already been underwritten by funding (AP): Paul George led five sore right foot. Fans attending a Clip- “They will not be able to represent ing to replicate in Europe. of 4 billion euros ($5.5 billion) from starters in double figures with pers game at Staples Center for the fi rst their national teams at any matches,” Three of the 12 rebels - Chelsea, The power-play came after the rebel American bank JPMorgan Chase. 23 points and the Los Angeles time in over a year saw their team hit a Ceferin said. “UEFA and the foot- Manchester City and Real Madrid - are clubs reneged on a promise on Friday Currently, teams have to qualify season-high 21 3-pointers. balling world stand united against the scheduled to play in the Champions to back the plan by UEFA - European each year for the Champions League Clippers routed the Minneso- disgraceful self-serving proposal we League semifi nals this month. football’s governing body - to expand through their domestic leagues, but the ta Timberwolves 124-105 on Heat 109, Nets 107 have seen in last 24 hours from a se- Earlier group of 12 elite English, the Champions League beginning in Super League would lock in 15 places In Miami, Bam Adebayo’s 13-foot Sunday night for their eighth jumper rattled in as time expired, and the lect few clubs in Europe that are fueled Spanish and Italian clubs dramatically 2024. The deal was designed to ap- every season for the founding mem- win in nine games. purely by greed above all else.” split European soccer on Sunday by pease their wishes for more games, bers. Miami Heat defeated the Brooklyn Nets Kawhi Leonard had 15 points, 11 109-107 to snap a three-game slide. Adebayo had 21 points and 15 re- Atlético extend bounds for the Heat, who trailed by six points in the fi nal minutes before fi nish- ing the game on a 10-2 run. Goran Dragic ‘lead’ over Real scored 18 points, Kendrick Nunn scored MADRID, April 19, (AP): Af- 17 and Trevor Ariza had 15 for Miami. ter seeing rivals gradually cut Kings 121, Mavericks 107 into their lead, Atlético Madrid In Dallas, De’Aaron Fox scored 30 fi nally got some breathing room points, Harrison Barnes added 24 and at the top of the Spanish league . Terence Davis II 23 as the Sacramento Atlético ended their winless Kings snapped a nine-game losing run by routing last-place Eibar streak with a 121-107 victory over the 5-0, then saw city rivals Real Dallas Mavericks. Madrid held 0-0 by Getafe. Those results gave Atlético a three-point lead over second- BASKETBALL place Madrid, and a fi ve-point cushion over third-place Barce- Barnes scored 11 in the third quarter lona, which have a game in hand as the Kings built a 21-point lead mid- after winning the Copa del Rey way through the period. Sacramento, fi nal against Athletic Bilbao . which never trailed, held off a late Dal- Madrid had moved within a las run that cut the lead to six with 3½ point of the lead after beating minutes left. Barcelona in the previous round. Raptors 112 ,Thunder 106 Atlético was coming off a loss In Tampa, Fla, Chris Boucher had to Sevilla and a 1-1 draw against 31 points and 11 rebounds, and the To- Real Betis. ronto Raptors extended Oklahoma City’s Ángel Correa and Marcos season-worst losing streak to 10 games, Llorente scored two goals each beating the Thunder 112-106 . Gary and Yannick Carrasco added Trent Jr. added 23 points for Toronto, another as Atlético routed Eibar which has won three straight. Malachi at the Wanda Metropolitano Sta- Flynn had 15 points and eight rebounds. dium. Hornets 109, Trail Blazers 101 In Charlotte, NC,Terry Rozier had SOCCER 34 points, 10 assists and eight re- bounds, and the Charlotte Hornets rode a strong fi rst quarter to a 109-101 win Simeone’s team easily won over the Portland Trail Blazers , snap- despite playing without Luis ping a four-game losing streak. Suárez and João Félix because P.J. Washington had 23 points and of injuries. Correa, one of the eight rebounds after missing three players who came in to replace games with an ankle injury, and Miles the injured regular starters, New York Knicks forward Julius Randle (30) and New Orleans Pelicans center Jaxson Hayes (10) battle for a rebound during the first half of an NBA Bridges added 19 points, including two broke the deadlock with a goal basketball game in New York. (AP) highlight-reel dunks for the Hornets from close range in the 42nd (28-28). minute, then quickly added to Hawks 129, Pacers 117 the lead after a nice turn to clear United move within eight points of City a defender inside the area in the In Atlanta, Trae Young scored 34 44th. points, Clint Capela had 25 points and 24 rebounds and the Atlanta Hawks Carrasco scored the third goal beat the Indiana Pacers 129-117. in a breakaway in the 49th, then Leicester reach final as fans return to Wembley Bogdan Bogdanovic and Kevin Llorente got the fourth from Huerter each chipped in 23 points and inside the box in the 53rd and LONDON, April 19, (AP): The goal Young had 11 assists for the Hawks, the fi fth from close range in the who have won eight of 10 and are 17-6 68th. scored by Kelechi Iheanacho didn’t just send Leicester into a fi rst FA Cup Tottenham fire under interim coach Nate McMillan. Eibar’s winless streak in the Atlanta has won nine of 11 at home. league reached 14 consecutive fi nal since 1969. It was the fi rst to be matches. The Basque Country cheered by spectators at Wembley in manager Jose Knicks 122, Pelicans 112 OT club, which had no shots on tar- more than a year. In New York, Julius Randle had 33 get, is four points from safety. Not since March 2020 had fans been al- LONDON, April 19, (AP): Tottenham points and 10 assists, Derrick Rose Missing some of their top lowed into English football’s national sta- fired Jose Mourinho on Monday after made huge plays all over the court to dium through three national lockdowns. players, Real Madrid struggled only 17 months in charge, and just as spark New York’s streak-saving fi nish Now as coronavirus restrictions are eased, against Madrid rivals Getafe and he was preparing to coach the club in and the Knicks beat the New Orleans needed a good performance by Wembley was allowed a 4,000-strong, Pelicans 122-112 in overtime for their socially distant crowd to witness Leices- the League Cup final. goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois to Mourinho was hired in November sixth consecutive victory. avoid an even more disappoint- ter’s 1-0 victory over Southampton to test the return of spectators. 2019 to replace Mauricio Pochettino, ing result. who unexpectedly led the London club After diffi cult games against While those permitted were only NBA Results/Standings local residents in the north London to the Champions League final before Liverpool in the Champions Southampton’s Danny Ings (left), jumps for the ball with Leicester City’s the team collapsed the following sea- League and against Barcelona in district over the age of 18 who tested negative for COVID-19, some fans of Jonny Evans during the English FA Cup semifinal soccer match between son. the Spanish league, Zidane rest- Leicester City and Southampton at Wembley Stadium in London. (AP) Mourinho failed to get Tottenham ed some of his regular starters, both teams did manage to land tickets. WASHINGTON, April 19, (AP): NBA Returning to a game for the fi rst back into the Champions League and results and standings on Sunday. including Toni Kroos and Karim Atlanta 129Indiana 117 time in 2021 gave Leicester supporter in the May 15 FA Cup fi nal, the gov- grounds are due to have up to 10,000 has overseen another collapse this sea- Benzema, the team’s leading ernment hopes up to 21,000 spectators fans allowed for the fi nal two rounds son. The team were in first place in New York 122New Orleans OT 112 scorer this season. Pascal Mollar a chance to refl ect on Miami 109Brooklyn 107 what he’s missed. will be allowed, including a sizable of the season next month. December but a run of poor results has Charlotte 109Portland 101 Zidane again had to deal contingent offi cially from both clubs. Manchester United moved within seen them fall to seventh place. Houston 114Orlando 110 While reaching an FA Cup fi nal is Toronto 112Oklahoma City 106 with a depleted defense be- rare - and it has never won the compe- The pilot scheme is aimed at trying to eight points of Manchester City with “Jose and his coaching staff have cause of injuries and suspen- Sacramento 121Dallas 107 tition - Leicester did win the Premier increasing the numbers up to half of the a 3-1 victory over Burnley. It could been with us through some of our LA Clippers 124Minnesota 105 sions, having to use reserve- League so unexpectedly in 2016 and 90,000-capacity Wembley for the Euro- be too late to return to the top of the most challenging times as a club,” Eastern Conference team player Víctor Chust in collected the League Cup in 2000. pean Championship fi nal on July 11. league with only six games left to reel Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy Atlantic Division central defense. W L Pct GB By the time Leicester face Chelsea Before then all Premier League in their neighbors. said. “Jose is a true professional who Philadelphia 39 17 .696 - showed enormous resilience during the Brooklyn 38 19 .667 1-1/2 United had to show resilience after Boston 31 26 .544 8-1/2 Mason Greenwood’s opener at the pandemic. On a personal level I have enjoyed working with him and regret New York 31 27 .534 9 Verstappen wins dramatic Emilia-Romagna GP start of the second half was quickly Toronto 24 34 .414 16 canceled out by James Tarkowski’s that things have not worked out as we Southeast Division W L Pct GB IMOLA, Italy, April 19, (AP): Max after he picked up a bonus point for header. Greenwood’s defl ected strike both had envisaged. He will always be welcome here and we should like to Atlanta 31 26 .544 - Verstappen eased to victory in an in- the fastest lap in Imola. Bottas had the restored the lead in the 84th before a Miami 29 28 .509 2 cident-packed Emilia-Romagna Grand fastest lap in Bahrain. Lando Norris stoppage-time tap-in from Edinson thank him and his coaching staff for Charlotte 28 28 .500 2-1/2 Prix as he comfortably beat Lewis was third, 23.7 behind Verstappen. Cavani. their contribution.” Washington 23 33 .411 7-1/2 Mourinho’s exits comes two days Orlando 18 39 .316 13 Hamilton, who almost crashed out af- Verstappen started third, behind Central Division before a Premier League game against ter a rare error from the world cham- Red Bull teammate Sergio Perez and SOCCER W L Pct GB pion. pole-sitter Hamilton. The Dutch driver Southampton and with the League Cup Milwaukee 35 21 .625 - final on Sunday against Manchester Indiana 26 30 .464 9 Hamilton hit a wall in a race that got off to a great start and jumped his Chicago 23 33 .411 12 was also temporarily suspended fol- teammate before touching wheels with “Our fi tness, confi dence and belief City. Tottenham, which haven’t won Cleveland 20 36 .357 15 lowing a separate incident involving Hamilton and forcing his way into the has improved so much this season a trophy since the 2008 League Cup, Detroit 17 40 .298 18-1/2 said youth coach Ryan Mason had Western Conference his Mercedes team-mate Valtteri Bot- lead. compared to last year,” United manag- Southwest Division tas. er Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said. “That’s been put in charge of training. W L Pct GB The 23-year-old Verstappen led for big, big progress. (Catching City) is It is Mourinho’s shortest spell at a Dallas 30 26 .536 - MOTOR RACING club since breaking into the big time Memphis 29 26 .527 -1/2 the majority of the race on the wet probably unrealistic but stranger things San Antonio 27 28 .491 2-1/2 Imola track and the Red Bull driver have happened in football and we’ve with Porto in 2004. New Orleans 25 32 .439 5-1/2 beat Hamilton by 22 seconds for the Hamilton damaged his front wing in just got to do our job and see what Disgruntlement over his tactics Houston 15 42 .263 15-1/2 everyone else does.” Arsenal, which and methods have resurfaced in re- Northwest Division 11th win of his career. that incident but was running a com- W L Pct GB Verstappen almost threw victory fortable second until he slid off the were briefl y allowed 2,000 spectators cent months, with Tottenham slip- Utah 42 15 .737 - away as he nearly lost control of his track, through the gravel and into the in December, might be glad not to have ping out of the Champions League Denver 36 20 .643 5-1/2 car during the restart after the red fl ag Red Bull driver Max Verstappen of wall on lap 31. The British driver man- a disillusioned fan base at the Emirates places and getting eliminated from Portland 32 24 .571 9-1/2 the Europa League in the round of 16 Oklahoma City 20 37 .351 22 but recovered and gradually pulled The Netherlands leads Mercedes aged to return to the track eventually Stadium to show their discontent dur- Minnesota 15 43 .259 27-1/2 away from the fi eld out front. driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain but had dropped to ninth. ing a miserable season. after a surprising 3-0 loss at Dinamo Pacific Division Hamilton, who won the season- during the Emilia Romagna For- A short time later, Bottas and Wil- It took a goal in the seventh minute Zagreb. W L Pct GB opening Bahrain GP last month, mula One Grand Prix, at the Imola liams driver George Russell were of stoppage time from Arsenal substi- Tottenham are five points behind Phoenix 40 16 .714 - racetrack, Italy. (AP) LA Clippers 40 19 .678 1-1/2 showed all his skills to make his way involved in a crash and the race was tute Eddie Nketiah to rescue a 1-1 draw fourth-place West Ham, which occupy LA Lakers 35 22 .614 5-1/2 back up the fi eld after falling as far race. red-flagged on lap 34 with debris on Sunday against a Fulham side fi ght- the final Champions League qualifica- Golden State 28 29 .491 12-1/2 back as ninth following the incident The 36-year-old Hamilton is still from their cars scattered across the ing relegation, tapping in a rebound to tion place. The club have won only one Sacramento 23 34 .404 17-1/2 just before the halfway point of the ahead of Verstappen in the standings track. cancel out Josh Maja’s penalty. of their last five games.


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