Is the Mount Zinit story over or will there be more chapters in the future?

Azael: Yes, there will be more, we want to continue the story, this will probably happen in 2014. We also want to review the beginning of the story, the way you are introduced to the story, Ogrest, the beginning of Zinit, etc.

Can we have a preview of the class revamps?

Azael: About the Feca, which was announced for the end of the year, there has been so many requests to have this released as soon as possible, so we have decided to aim for November, which means that we will have to delay the other class revamps because we only work on one class revamp at a time. Right now we’re not sure which class will have its revamp in December because there is a lot of content coming.

So right now Foggernaut in October, Feca in November and maybe nothing in December, then we will keep revamping the other classes after that.

Can you talk about the item revamp for items level 65+?

Troyle: We won’t answer this question right now for the simple reason that we have a Devblog coming that is written by Zeorus. It will be completely detailed and it will give all the details, how it will be done, the reasons for it happening, how it’s going to work…

What are your plans regarding the random aspect of the game?

Azael: There are 2 aspects on the random aspect of the game. The first is item drops and such and the other is combat system with the lock and the dodge and such. In regards to the lock and dodge, this is something we are working on because we want to make it clearer and easier for the players to know the chances they have over dodging and locking. We want players to have more control over what happens in combat.

Then there is the drop aspect. We know that you have all been asking for the token system to make a return, but we will instead be linking the drops with the crafts. So there will still be the random aspect of getting the item as a drop but if you don’t get the drop then you can still craft the item.

As we are working on it we can’t really give too many details right now but we are looking forward to it as it is a very significant change from the current system and it will be much better for the players. We more we work on it, the more we are convinced that adding level 200 crafting will be good for the game. This new system will make getting drops much more controllable by the players. So look forward to this update!

On another note, we will have more content come out soon that isn’t Ultimate Bosses. It will be some very tactical combat, and we want to reward the players with no random drops. There might be some random items drop, but they will only be cosmetic. These fights will reward the players with equipment in a system that is similar to the old token system. This content will be for all levels but it will be elite content, so it will be for the really good players.

Are there any plans to make fishing a bit more interesting?

Azael: This won’t be changed much as the gathering professions will stay quite similar to how they are right now with the crafting revamp, but we might try to make it a bit more interesting by, for example, adding items that can only be obtained while fishing… It is something that we are looking into, it’s still in the design process so nothing is concrete, but we are working on it.

Will the heal resist mechanic be modified or changed?

Azael: This is something we are talking a lot about within the team as this is a big aspect of the game. This is something that we may modify, but not right now. First, we want to wait for more PvP content, like GvG and such, and we want to wait for more PvE content so that we have complete stats on what impact this current heal resist mechanic has on the game, and then maybe we’ll modify the heal resist if it’s found to be too crippling. We have no ETA on this and there is no guarantee that it will be changed, this will all be dependent on the stats.

What will happen with the classes that already have had their revamps but still have branches that do not work so well or are not fun?

Azael: We want to keep the planning as is right now but in due time we will work on the classes that have already had the revamps and make them more fun. This is something that will happen when we have the PvP systems and such implemented so that we have more information on what impact each element/branch has and we will modify accordingly.

Something else that you have to keep in mind is that some revamps can be done with only game designers and others will also require the game developers to work on it too. We all get called game designers, but there are game developers who do the coding, game designers who design and graphic artist who make the sprites and particle effects and such. Some that developers have to help with are like the Feca, because they are changing the whole mechanics of the class, so these are ones that change the whole schedule of the class revamps because you have to take into account all the other content that developers are currently working on.

Troyle: Why don’t I have a legendary weapon named after me?

Azael: You’ll get one!

Will the Arenas return? If so, will they be reopened as they are or will they be changed?

Azael: 3 things. The first is the rank system, we think that the rank system is not clear enough and it can be confusing, so players do not always understand what must be done to unlock new ranks and such and this is something that we really want to change. Second, we implemented arenas for all levels and that was a lot of items that we had to implement, after the revamp they might be more targeted. Third, the rewards did not feel significant enough and this is something that we really wanted to change. We want the arenas to be a proper alternative to leveling. When leveling a character we want you to decide whether you want to level your character by doing arenas.

Can we expect PvP only equipment and consumables with the GvG content?

Azael: There are 2 aspects to PvP, the normal PvP and GvG. The PvP is something very important to the game but right now there is no real PvP feature. This is something very important to me as I am a PvP player! Right now we want to focus on the PvP aspect and provide a better feature and then later we will do the GvG content. With the GvG content we have planned PvP only equipment and consumables. We also expect to have PvP rewards with the release of the outlaw vs guard system. We believe that everything you do should have a worthwhile reward like gear or a title or something to make a player want to use this feature.

We are currently working on the schedule of 2014 and we want this PvP aspect implanted early into the year because we want to get as many stats as possible on the PvP then we can start implementing more content like GvG and such.

Will you be implementing more Haven Worlds and how many?

Azael: We will not be implementing any new Haven Worlds with this new update but there will be new Worlds added in November and December. The goal was to have 150 Haven Worlds on each server then take a look at the data and see how many have been purchased, how often they are used, how much constructing people do in them, then we can check to see if it’s necessary to add more or if we need to change anything. In the future we will also do a rebalancing of the cost and maybe make the buildings cheaper in kamas then rebalance by increasing resource cost.

Will the difference in kamas be refunded if kama cost is lowered?

Azael: Yes! We plan to refund the difference if we do lower the costs. We know which buildings you own, so we know how many kamas to refund. Resources won’t have their prices lowered, but since the prices will be increased, you’ll actually save some resources.

Will the Phoenix pet be enabled in game?

Azael: The Phoenix pet isn’t planned to be released anytime soon, however we are planning on new pets to be released in the future, but I can’t really talk about this right now. Ecology and Politics – how and when?

Azael: This will be one of the main themes of 2014. We don’t want to implement everything in one update, we want to implement everything step by step so that the players are not overwhelmed.

We want to revamp the vote system and increase the requirement to vote to impact the mules used to vote. Also regarding the politic system we want the system to feel impactful. If you have seen the post on the forums of the nation revamps, this is the kind of direction we want to be taking the nations, giving them all their own identity. The first modifications of the visual revamp should be coming soon.

What are your plans with mounts?

Azael: This is something we want to have in the game. We are working to have them implemented during the 2014 schedule. They will not come right away so expect them at the beginning of the year and we already have an idea of how to implement them, they might be related to something in the game already.

Are you playing on Aerafal?

Azael: Yes, I am.

Troyle: Maybe you should come and join ‘Troylicious’ on Dathura.

When will you start advertising the game in North America? Nox is a dead server.

Troyle: Nox is not a dead server, the numbers are quite encouraging. However we are aware that there is a lack of advertising and it’s not only Nox – it’s the whole English speaking market. This is something we are working on. Quite soon – maybe in the next few weeks – we will have something to tell you all about the English speaking community, but right now we can’t say much. We have also opened an office in Montreal, Canada, that already has some developers so this is a step in the right direction for the English market, and this is just the first step.

We are aware that the English speaking market is huge and this is something that we are working to fix for . There will be changes and efforts made in 2014 for the English speaking market.

Are there any plans to revamp the leveling system? It gets very tedious after roughly level 110.

Azael: This is something that we are talking about internally as it’s something that we are experiencing too on our personal accounts. We want to really work on the experience curve and we want to work on the experience rewards. We also want to add more alternatives to leveling like quests, side attractions, dungeons, arenas etc. We are also really looking to focus on low levels as the game currently at low levels can be very hard, confusing and frustrating so we want to address this.

Will some of the earlier adventure islands (Sadida Kingdom, Kelba, etc) receive a revamp as well?

Azael: Right now we are working on the Wild Estate revamp. For the other islands, this is something that will happen with the whole experience on the players. Right now we are focusing on the low levels content, and what we don’t want is for people to level up then get to these islands that are empty of content, so we want to make as many alternatives to leveling as possible. Also many of these islands have a lot of potential when it comes to the story aspect so we really want to improve the story and quest aspect of these islands.

This year we worked a lot more on the story aspect of the islands as you saw with Chillberg and Wabbit Island and such, so this is something that we really want to be doing with the older islands and this is something that we will continue to be doing during 2014.

Will Sadidas have any more changes this year?

Azael: This won’t be a popular opinion, but we believe that Sadidas revamp is satisfying. The only thing that we do not find satisfying is the dolls, but this is not just for Sadidas it’s the whole summons aspect, we are not happy with the way summons work and we will be working on all summons in the future. Outside of dolls you should not expect any more changes for Sadida because we are happy with how Sadidas are right now.

Will the Wakfu/Stasis feature be expanded on/given a purpose?

Azael: This is a very complicated subject. The Wakfu/Stasis system was implanted into the game a really long time ago – before I was on the WAKFU project. If we were to expand on this feature we would have to design a whole new feature. Unfortunately, planning wise, this is very complicated as if we were to plan this feature we would have to put another feature aside; whether it be PvP or classes or something. It’s just a matter of setting priorities, and right now we see other features as more important.

Are you going to be making more quests?

Azael: Yes, there will be more quests. While we understand that most quests ask you to just kill monsters and such, you’ll see we have other quests like in Bilbiza where some are mini-games. However these are hard to implement as they are very development heavy, so we cannot implemented large amounts of them at a time but these are the kinds of things we want to offer you in terms of alternatives to just grinding monsters. Right now the fastest way to level is doing these quests and killing monsters and that’s something we want to change – we want you to have more alternatives while leveling.

Are we going to be getting more active and passive class skills as the maximum level increases?

Azael: No. It would be quite complicated to add new passive and actives for the classes. First we need to work on the revamps to make sure all the classes will be as balanced as possible, so as it stands right now we do not have any plans to add new skills. We don’t want to add any new system that would impact the combat – apart from lock and dodge. We want to make sure that we have a good basis to work on. Maybe after this we could think about implementing new passives/actives, but not right now.

Will Grou be posting/answering questions on the forums?

Troyle: The game designers usually reply during their free time, because when the developers are in the office they don’t communicate on the forums as they are working. Communicating on the forums is not their job, it is our job as community managers to form a bridge between the game developers and the players. When the game developers post a lot on the forums then the players start to get used to that and then expect more comments from the game designers, but just remember that when they are posting on the forum they are doing it in their free time because they have a passion for the game and they have a passion for hearing your feedback on what they are doing and they cannot do it every time. We try to make sure we forward your feedback to the game developers. Azael will often get huge emails with feedback and suggestions from the community from us.

I know that the game developers often communicate a lot more on the French forums, but as you can see [pointing to Azael] they are French speakers and when they want to talk to the community they talk on the forum in the language that they are most comfortable with, and that’s just the way it goes. The other communities are there in their minds and they often come to Sabi and me for the feedback from the English speaking community. They will read the feedback from the French community and the English community, and the feedback will not always be the same, so that is something to keep in mind.

It is just a fact that is a French company and most of the developers speak French. Ankama is making an effort to make sure that all communities are heard even if it’s not directly by the game designers, and that is what we community managers are here for. So if Grou is not posting that means that he is busy working on class revamps and that should be a good sign!

Azael: And I will work on my English!

Troyle: Maybe one day we will get a Q&A where I don’t have to translate for Azael!

Why can we not use Lemon Jelly as a summon?

Azael: Some monsters we will not give you access to just to ensure that combat stays balanced.

Will we get account storage?

Azael: It is something that we are thinking about. While it sounds simple, it takes a lot of time and resources, and as we have said, it is a matter of priorities, and right now this is not a priority.

Are deleted characters stored in the database? And if so, can they be restored? Azael: We have this requested a lot by the community. We think that this is very necessary but right now, deleted characters are not saved. The system is not here right now, but we will add this to the schedule soon. We want to add it, but it is a matter of when.

Are you going to add extra character slots or are you going to add the option to obtain extra character slots?

Troyle: This is something that they are thinking about and something they want to do. This may have some importance to features being added next year.

Are there any plans to expand interaction between and WAKFU outside of Krosmaster in the future?

Azael: There is no plan for this right now. If a nice idea comes up then we will definitely think about it.

Will we see a revamp of the rune system?

Azael: Yes. This is something we know is an issue and is something we really want to change. I personally really hate the random aspect of the rune system. We already have an idea of how we want to revamp this and Grou is currently working on it. We want this implemented in December, although there is some very important content coming out in December so we are not 100% sure if this rune system revamp will fit in but we will try.

Will there be Shushu items added in the future?

Azael: We are thinking about this as it’s very emblematic in the Krosmos. It’s not just an item that we would implement, it would be a whole feature, as we would need something worthy of being a Shushu. Same as usual it’s very development heavy, so it’s a matter of priorities and getting balance in the classes and items, then we will work at implemented features like the Shushus and they won’t be sold on the Boutique.

Will there be more Relics of the same type? (2 rings, 2 helmets, etc)

Azael: Yes there will, the goal is to add more and more and to force you to make a choice of which one to use.

Can we get a twin sword weapon like daggers?

Azael: This is not planned.

Can we have more information on Krosmoz Vigilantz?

Azael: No. Maybe later.

When will the next Ultimate Boss come and what will it be?

Azael: It’s not planned for now. Zeorus who created all the Ultimate Bosses is currently working on other stuff, but maybe we will see more in 2014.