Legislative Assembly Hansard 1976
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Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1976 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Papers [13 APRIL 1976} Questions Upon Notice 361~ QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE 1. BUILDING SoCIETY MORTGAGE TRANSFERS Mr. Marginson for Mr. Melloy, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Works and Housing- Will he give an assurance that, if mort gages are transferred from any of the suspended building societies to another soc iety, there will be no cost involved for the mortgagor? TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1976 Answer: Yes. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 2. AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTIONAL 11 a.m. CONVENTION Mr. Marginson for Mr. Melloy, pursuant ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF to notice, asked the Deputy Premier and CLAYFIELD AND PORT CURTIS Treasurer- Has Queensland yet paid alJ its due BY-ELECTION DATES contributions and/ or commitments for meetings of the Australian Constitutional Mr. SPEAKER: I inform the House that Convention and, if not, what amounts are the dates in connection with the issue of the outstanding? writs for the election of members to serve in this House for the electoral districts of Clayfield and Port Curtis will be as fol Answer:- lows:- Provision for Australian Constitutional Issue of writs-27 April 1976; Convention expenses is provided for in the Date of nominations-4 May 1976; Vote of the Premier's Department. All Polling Day-29 May 1976; accounts received to date from the con vention secretariat have been paid and all Return of writs-25 June 1976. other ongoing expenses-for example, air travel of delegates to executive committee meetings are paid by the Premier's Depart MEETING OF QUEENSLAND BRANCH ment as such accounts are recorded. I am OF COMMONWEALTH not aware of any accounts on hand for PARLIAMENTARY ASSOCIATION payment at the present juncture. Mr. SPEAKER: I wish to notify honour able members that a meeting of the execu tive committee of the Queensland Branch of 3. INVESTIGATION INTO PoLICE FORCE the Commonwealth Parliamentary Associa tion will be held in my room at 12.30 p.m. Mr. Marginson for Mr. Melloy, pursuant today and that it will be followed by a full to notice, asked the Minister for Police- meeting of members of the branch in this ( 1) In view of his statements on 19 Chamber at 12.45 p.m. The sitting of the January and 20 March 1975, does he still House will be suspended at 12.45 and will approve of, and believe in, the secret resume at the usual time of 2.15 p.m. methods used by the fine squad under Inspector Pitts? PAPERS (2) As it must be assumed, in view of the unanimous judgment handed down by The following papers were laid on the the Full Court and the findings that the table:- prosecution evidence was tainted with Orders in Council under illegality and that the evidence was unlaw Harbours Act 1955-1972. fully procured by police witnesses who District Courts Act 1967-1972. entirely Jacked credibility, that Inspector Primary Producers' Co-operative Asso Pitts and others have conspired, forged ciations Act 1923-1974. documents and even committed perjury, and as these are criminal offences, why Regulations under have no charges been made? Liquor Act 1912-1975. ( 3) If the promised investigation is to Hen Quotas Act 1973-1975. proceed, when wilJ the Supreme Court Ordinance under the City of Brisbane Act judge be appointed to conduct it and the 1924-1974. terms of reference be announced? 3620 Questions Upon Notice [13 APRIL 1976] Questions Upon Notice Answers:- 5. CoLOUR OF ROAD MARKINGS FOR (1) I approve of the use of all lawful TRAFFIC methods which will assist in bringing to Mr. Doumany, pursuant to notice, asked justice persons who offend against the the Minister for Local Government and laws of this State. Main Roads- (2) Whilst the judgment may have indi In view of the serious traffic hazard cated that the obtaining of evidence for that exists during night hours under wet the prosecution was tainted with illegality, conditions owing to the poor visibility of it cannot be assumed, as suggested, that white road markings, will he examine the police officers concerned were guilty of the efficacy of alternative colours and conspiracy, etc. This aspect will be materials for such markings and, given the included in matters which the New Scot availability of a superior system, arrange land Yard detectives will investigate upon for its earliest implementation in the inter their return to Queensland. ests of road safety? (3) As previously mentioned in this House, two members of the Queensland Police Force and one ex-member of the Answer:- force have been charged before a court The matter of road markings is under with others on a number of charges of constant review, and the use of raised official corruption. studs on the freeways is a typical innova I would direct the honourable member's tion. Road markings meet Australian attention to the provrsrons of section standards and officers of the Main Roads 4A (1) of the Commissions of Inquiry Department are on national committees Acts, which provide that when a commis that review colour systems for road mark sion of inquiry has been appointed to ings and signs. The latest standards and inquire into a matter and a court is practices are always used. inquiring into that matter or any other matter having a direct or indirect bear ing on the inquiry, the court shall have no jurisdiction to and shall not make, con 6. PHOSPHATE TREATMENT PLANT, tinue or proceed with that inquiry. SoUTH TOWNSVILLE The pressing of any inquiry prior to Mr. Ahern for Mr. Aikens, pursuant to the determination of the charges, referred notice, asked the Minister for Industrial to could, I feel, only result in the courts' Development, Labour Relations and Con having no jurisdiction to determine the sumer Affairs- charges and thereby pervert the true course of justice. I feel sure the honourable As prominent trade union officials in member has no desire to do this. Townsville associated with the A.L.P. have publicly stated that under no circumstances will trade-unionists be allowed to build the phosphate treatment plant at South 4 .. JMPACT OF WAGE RISES ON STATE Townsville, what action will he take or BUDGET can he take to have the plant erected, if Mr. Doumany, pursuant to notice, asked investigations prove beyond any shadow the Deputy Premier and Treasurer- of doubt that no distress, nuisance or incon ( 1) What is the impact of wage rises venience will be caused by the plant and on the current State Budget? the Townsville City Council approves of its erection? (2) What is the accumulated percentage increase in average wage levels to date this fiscal year, and has this figure exceeded Answer:- estimates incorporated in the Budget? The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitra Answers:- tion Commission is fully empowered under the provisions of the Industrial Concilia (1) The estimated cost to Consolidated tion and Arbitration Act to deal with Revenue Fund of award and basic wage disputes between employers, employees increases granted to date in the current and unions. Should the employees of any year is estimated at $69,500,000 for the contractor engaged in the erection of the 1975-76 year. phosphate treatment plant at South (2) The most recent estimates of the Townsville refuse to work on this project, increase in average weekly earnings of then the employer is at liberty to report adult males in Australia for the 12 such dispute to the Industrial Conciliation months ending March 1976 over the 12 and Arbitration Commission under the months to March 1975 is 15 per cent. provisions of section 36 of the Act. How The increase in average earnings this finan ever, if the existing legal industrial proces cial year has been somewhat less than ses prove inappropriate to meet the estimated but, of course, as a consequence situation which the honourable member State revenues from Financial Assistance suggests will arise, then, as in the past, the Grants payments and pay-roll tax are Government will not hesitate to take other reduced proportionately. appropriate action. Questions Upon Notice [13 APRIL 1976] Questions Upon Notice 3621 7. TRAFFIC SIGNALS FOR IPSWICH RoAD AND figures on their investment policy regard CHuRCH STREET fJ:NTERSECTION, GooDNA ing home-financing have been largely unsuc Mr. Marginson, pursuant to notice, asked cessful because a code of silence has been the Minister for Local Government and adopted as if they have something to Main Roads- hide- When will traffic signals be installed at ( 1) What proportion of funds is invested the dangerous intersection of the Ipswich in home loans to policyholders? Brisbane hi~l-tway and Churoh Street, (2) What proportion of funds is invested Goodna? in building societies? (3) What proportion of funds is invested Answer:- in commercial property? Materials for this project are currently ( 4) What is their policy for home being assembled and it is anticipated that financing in Queensland? actual work on the signalisation and auxiliary road works will commence in the Answer:- near future-because of the honourable member's representation, obviously. ( 1 to 4) The Queensland Government has no statutory returns that show the information sought and has no power to ask for such information. However, life 8. LAND HELD BY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT offices have a duty to their policyholders IN WOLSTON ELECTORATE to earn the highest possible rate of interest consistent with safety of investment. I 1\'ir. Marginson, pursuant to notice, asked understand that, because of the relatively the Minister for Education and Cultural high costs of administration involved, which Activities- have a very distinct bearing on the net ( 1) What land is held by his department interest return, some offices do not favour for education purposes in the electorate home loans.