Alumni Association News Director’Sdiary
. “This spells it out” Buslnesvnenconcerned inmaking esecutive Thismonthly diagnosis of thecurrent (‘ana- decisionsoften make reference to the authorita- dian economic scene is prepared at the B of XI’S tiveBusiness Review published monthly by the Head OfFicc by economistshaving the sources Bankof Montreal. Experience has taught them andthe esperience of Canada‘sfirst bank at theycan rely onthis concise report for factual their disposal. If you feel it would be of value in informationand for accurateinterpretation of your work, anote to the Business Development econonlicdevelopments alfecting their particu- Division,Bank of hlontreal, P.O. Box 6002, lar business interests. Xlontreal, will put you on our regular mailing list. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERYWALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 Volume 17, No. 3- Autumn, 1963 CONTENTS EDITOR 4-8 "Before wecan help consfrucfively . ." Frances Tucker, BA'50 9 UniversityNews BUSINESS MANAGER 11 Sfudenf News Gordon A. Thom, BCom'56, MBA(Maryland1 12The New Freddy Wood Theatre EDITORIALCOMMITTEE 14 Man of Two Worlds:Dean MacPhee John L. Gray, BSA39, chairman Inglis (Bill) Bell, BA'51, BLS(Tor.1 16The Beedles in Kuala Lumpur Mrs. T. R. Boggs, BA'29 17 Commerce FacultyinMalaya Mrs. J. J. Cvetkovich, BA'57 19-26Homecoming 1963 Stanley Evans, BA'41, BEd'44 Allan Fotheringham, BA'54 27 AlumniAssociation News Cecil Hacker, BA'33 28Alumni Annual Giving Himie Koshevoy, '32 30 Alumnaeand Alumni Frank P. Levirs, BA'26, MA31 J. A. (Jock) Lundie, BA'24 42Alumni Association Directory Publishedquarferly by !he AlumniAssociafion of !he University of Brifish Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Busi- ness andediforial offices: 252 Brock Hall, U.B.C., Van- couver 8, B.C.
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