Prepared by




Energy was always of primary importance in the life of humankind. At the beginning of its evolutionary development, only the energy of muscles was accessible for human beings. Later on a man learned to get and to use the energy of the fire. New round of evolutionary development of the humankind brought a possibility to use the energy of water and wind.

The discovery of new energy sources at the initial stage of evolutionary development of the humankind went on in the complicated ways: either by a lucky chance or due to the scientist of genius or the discovery performed over a significant period.

In the XVIII century, a steam engine invented. XIX century marked by the appearance of electricity: voltaic arc was opened, electric lighting, electric motor and electric generator. XX century was a century of a true revolution in the development of ways and methods of generation and usage of energy. Powerful systems of oil and gas supply were appearing at the same time.

Discovery of electricity propel the human civilization, and modernized the whole era in true sense. In present time, electricity is perquisite for economic growth and human development. It requires for almost all type of basic needs e.g cooking, lighting, mobility, communication, pumping of water, entertainment, agriculture etc. Absence of access to electricity services deprives people from the bare minimum living standard, it constrains generation of productive activities, incomes and employment in rural areas.

Government of and Jharkhand Government strive hard to provide electricity to all villages of Jharkhand by December 2018. There are several villages in and district of Jharkhand still not electrified and villagers are residing in dark era.

This Plan deals with the remote and rural villages of Latehar and comes under Palamu Tiger Reserve. Due to geographical, social and wildlife / Forest issues, these villages/helmets are still not electrified.


This plan has been prepared after intensive field survey for getting proper route alignment for electrification so that it put minimum impact of biodiversity and wildlife of Palamu Tiger Reserve. Many discussions has been held for the purpose with Field Director Palamu Tiger Reserve, Deputy Director Palamu Tiger Reserve, North & South Division, General Manager, Electric Supply Medninagr, Electrical Superintendent Engineer, Electic Supply, Medninagar & Electrical Executive Engineer Latehar & other field staff including various stakeholders operating in the area. Direction & suggestions given by higher authorities are incorporated in this plan.

We pay sincere thanks to Shri Rahul Purwar I.A.S. Managing Director, JBVNL, Shri. Mohanlal, I.F.S., C.C.F & Field Director Palamu Tiger Reserve, Shri. M.P. Singh, I.F.S, Former A.P.C.C.F & Field Director Palamu Shri A.K. Mishra, I.F.S., Deputy Director, North Division, PTR, Shri Mahaling, I.F.S, Deputy Director, South Division, PTR, Shri N.P. Sinha, G.M., Electric Supply , Shri B.S. Pal, Superintendent Engineer, Electric Supply Medininagar, Shri H.P. Baranwal, Executive Engineer, Electric Supply Division Latehar and their staff for directions, valuable suggestions and cooperation in course of preparation of this plan.

At last but not the least, our thanks extend to field surveyors and villagers residing in and around the Palamu Tiger Reserve for their support in gathering information on various issues related to the electrification, Palamu Tiger Reserve and forest around.

Team Navdrishti


INDEX S.NO Content Page No. 1 Chapter 1: Energy Planning & Access 1.1 Introduction 1-2 1.2 Energy Access in India 2-3 1.2.1 Energy access statistics 3-4 2 Chapter 2:Electricity 2.1 What is Electricity 5-7 2.2 Making of Electricity 8-9 2.3 What Electricity Gives us 10 2.3.1 Why Electricity is an important of our Daily Lives 10-11 2.4 How did Electricity change the world 11-12 2.4.1 Why Electricity is so useful 12 2.5 The aspects of life that Electricity has Improved 12-13 2.6 Electrification in Jharkhand 14 3 Rural Electrification 15-16 3.1 Rural Electrification in India –in view of five year plans 17-18 3.2 Why do Rural people need Electricity 19 3.3 The Social and Economic benefits of rural electrification 19-20 3.4 Problems & Efforts rural electrification 20-21 3.5 Development of rural electrification 21 3.6 Government Electrification efforts 22-24 3.7 Electrification Scheme Details 24-27 3.8 Status of Rural Electrification in Jharkhand 28-29 3.9 Status of Rural Electrification in villages of 29-30 4 Palamu Tiger Reserve 4.1 Introduction to the Area 31 4.1.1 Brief description of Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR) 32 4.1.2 About PTR North Division 32 4.1.3 About PTR South Division 33 4.2 Statement of Significance 4.2.1 General Significance 34-35 4.2.2 Significance at Local Level 35 4.2.3 Significance of Conservation 36 4.3 Roads & Railways 36-37 4.4 Village in and around Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR) 37-42 4.5 Population Dynamics of village in and around Palamu Tiger Reserve 43-48


4.6 Agriculture 48-50 4.7 Livestock 50-51 4.8 Village Livelihood 51-52 4.9 Topography & Drainage 53 4.10 Flora & Fauna Palamu Tiger Reserve 5354 4.10.1 Vegetation Cover Type 54 List of Tree found in Palamu Tiger Reserve 55-57 List of Shrubs & Herbs 57-58 List of Climbers, Parasites, Semi Parasites, Orchids 58-59 List of Grasses, Bamboo, Agave 59 4.10.2 Wild fauna 60 List of Wild Animals found in Palamu Tiger Reserve 60-61 List of Birds found in Palamu Tiger Reserve 61-65 List of Reptiles 65 5 Electrification in villages under Palamu Tiger Reserve 66 5.1 Location of Project 67 5.2 Goals & objective of Plan 67 5.2.1 Short term goal 68 5.2.2 Long term goal 68 5.3 Project at a glance 68-70 5.3.1 Rural Electrification in Latehar and Garhwa District 70-71 5.4 Electrification of villages under Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR) 71 5.4.1 Village un-electrified/ semi electrified in PTR due to issue of wildlife 71-73 /Forest Clearance 5.5 Key Hurdle in Electrification of villages under PTR 74 5.6 Methodology & Survey used for Alignments of Electric Line 74-75 6 Findings & Recommendations 6.1 Findings 76 6.1.1 Latitudes & Longitudes of route alignments 76 6.1.2 Brief detail of route alignments in Palamu Tiger Reserve 76 Detail of route alignment in North Division, ( & 76 Bhandariya Civil Block) Palamu Tiger Reserve. Detail of route alignment in South Division ( Garu & Barwadih Civil 76 Block) Palamu Tiger Reserve. 6.1.3 Route alignment in Palamu Tiger Reserve 77 Route alignment in Palamu Tiger Reserve on Toposheet 78 6.1.4 Route alignment in Barwadih Block (Under PTR) 79 6.1.5 Route alignment in North Division (PTR) on Toposheet 80


6.1.6 Route alignment in Garu Block (Under PTR) 81 6.1.7 Route alignment in South Division (PTR) on Toposheet. 82 6.1.8 Route alignment in Bhandariya Block (Under PTR) 83 6.2 Suggested Recommendation 84 6.2.1 Recommendations for 1st Phase 84 General Recommendations for 1st phase 84 Component wise Recommendations for 1st phase 84-85 6.2.2 Recommendations for 2nd Phase 85


Annexure Contents Page No. No.

I Latitudes Longitudes of Alignments 86-184

II Geo-Reference map of electric line(11kv) in Palamu Tiger 185 Reserve III Geo-Reference map of coordinates point of electric 186 line(11kv) in Palamu Tiger Reserve IV Route alignment map of electric line(11kv) in North 187 Division (PTR) on Toposheet V Route alignment map of electric line(11kv) in South 188 Division (PTR) on Toposheet Vi Route alignment map of electric line(11kv) in Bhandariya 189 Block (Under PTR) on Toposheet


Index Table S.NO Contents Page No. 1 About PTR North & South Division 32 2 List of Mammals 34-35 3 Village in and around PTR 37-42 4 Population Dynamic of village in and around PTR 43-47 5 Cropping Pattern 49-50 6 NTFP Collection 51-52 7 List of Tree Found in PTR 55-57 8 List of Shrubs and Herbs 57-58 9 List of Climbers, Parasites, Semi Parasites, 58-59 Orchids 10 List of Grasses Bamboo Agave 59 11 List of Wild Animals found in PTR 60-61 12 List of Birds found in PTR 61-65 13 List of Reptiles 65 14 Village un-electrified/ semi electrified in PTR due 71-73 to issue of wildlife/ forest clearance 15 Brief detail of Route alignment in PTR 76 16 Detail of route alignment in North Division, (Barwadih 76 & Bhandariya Civil Block) Palamu Tiger Reserve. 17 Detail of route alignment in South Division ( Garu & 76 Barwadih Civil Block) Palamu Tiger Reserve.


Chapter 1

Energy Planning & Access

1.1 Introduction

Energy is the power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light, heat and to operate machines. The word energy is derived from the Ancient Greek energia which possibly appears for the first time in the work of Aristotle in the 4th century BC. Energy usually measured in joules/kilowatt hours.

Energy Planning is the process of developing long-range policies to help guide the future of a local, national, regional or even the global energy system. Energy Planning may be carried out with input from different stakeholders drawn from government agencies, local utilities, academia and the other interest groups. Energy planning has traditionally played a strong role in setting the framework for regulations in the energy sector.

India is the fourth largest consumer of energy in the world after U.S.A., China & Russia but it is not endowed with abundant energy resources. It must, therefore, meet its development needs by using all available domestic resources of coal, uranium, oil, hydro and other renewable resources, and supplementing domestic production by imports. It is one of the countries where the people's occupation is predominantly agriculture and most of the population lives in villages. Many of these villages are remotely located and their connectivity with

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the grid is very difficult resulting in their being not electrified at all or lack of continuous supply. For the development of the region, there is every need to utilize energy efficient techniques and potential of available energy resources.

Proper energy management can change the canvas and achieve all round sustainable development in country. By employing existing but well proven energy conversion techniques, these resources can be used for various energy requirements for basic needs like electricity, cooking, water heating etc.

The main objective of this plan is effectively electrifying the village under Palamu Tiger Reserve with minimum impacts on biodiversity.

1.2 Energy Access in India

Access to modern energy services is a prerequisite for economic growth and human development and is critical in fulfilling basic needs such as cooking, lighting, mobility, water pumping etc. Absence of access to modern energy services deprives people from the bare minimum living standard - it constrains generation of productive activities, incomes and employment in rural areas. While there is no internationally adopted definition of ―energy access‖, it could broadly be defined as the physical availability of modern energy carriers and improved end-use devices at the household level at affordable prices. It includes access to less polluting and efficient household energy for cooking and heating (improved cook stoves with traditional solid biomass fuels, liquid and gaseous fuels like kerosene and LPG), or energy from renewable sources such as solar, electricity for powering appliances and lights in households and public facilities and mechanical power from either electricity or other energy sources that improve the productivity of labour.

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Access is a function of availability and affordability and can also be defined as a household‘s ability to obtain an energy service, should it decide to do so. For energy to be considered available to a household, it must be within the economic connection and supply range of the energy network or supplier.

Energy access is about creating a development space that reduces inequality and makes growth inclusive. It is also about decentralization and giving control to the rural people to plan for themselves. In the Indian context ―energy access‖ fits well with overall development priority of alleviating poverty, enhancing economic prosperity, promoting social development, improving the well being of women and girl child and increasing the standard of living. If the trends were to continue it would be possible for India to achieve universal access to electricity and cleaner cooking fuels and stoves within shortest possible time. It would certainly require innovative institutions, enabling mechanisms, targeted policies, including appropriate subsidies and financing. The necessary technologies are available, but resources would need to be directed to meet these goals. The energy access policy would need to be aligned with policies for other sectors. Ideally, the linkages between energy and other policy priorities, such as health, education, gender equality and poverty alleviation, could be recognized explicitly and local solutions that address these needs are encouraged and supported.

Lack of energy access is primarily a rural issue. Although a percentage of the urban population still does not have access to modern energy, the problem is acute in the rural context where it is manifold higher than the urban areas.

1.2.1 Energy access statistics

According to the Ministry's report, out of total 597,464 inhabited villages in the country (As per Census 2011), as on 01.04.2015, 18,452 villages did not have access to electricity. As on 31.10.2016, electrification of 10,628 villages has been completed as reported by States and it is expected to achieve electrification of remaining un-electrified villages much before the targeted timelines. As per Census 2011, out of the 1,678 Lakh rural households in the country, there were 750 Lakh un-electrified rural households. States, through their Distribution Companies (DISCOMs) are releasing electricity connections to the households on regular basis of their own like State Specific Schemes & Central Sector Schemes. Further, based on information obtained from the States and data available in Power for all documents prepared jointly with the States, it is estimated that there are about 576 Lakhs un-electrified rural households in the country.

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India aims at universal energy access and views energy as the key for accelerating development and inclusive growth. There have been sustained efforts to provide modern energy services for lighting and cooking purposes at least at subsistence level to its entire population.

According to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, while supporting around 16% of the world population India’s share in world energy use is low at only 4.9%. In absolute terms, the commercial energy consumption stands at 637.8 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe). Per capita annual electricity consumption of around 1010 kWh is less than a two and half of the world average.

The Ministry has also stated that Electricity access has improved over the last two decades. ―Electricity for All‖ is a declared objective of the Central and State Governments and has been accorded high priority since 1970s when rural electrification was identified as a key component of the Minimum Needs Programme. Since then, successive governments have continued with their efforts to increase rural electrification through a number of initiatives including the Kutir Jyoti Scheme in 1988-89, the Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana in 2001-02, the Accelerated Rural Electrification Programme in 2003-04 and the Accelerated Electrification of one lakh villages and one crore households in 2004-05 and recently 24x7 Power for all. In terms of cost of electricity and sustained availability, grid extension is the most preferred and viable option in densely populated areas where demand is high and caters to productive energy requirement. However, for meeting unmet demand and also for thinly populated areas renewable energy offers sustainable solutions for energy access.

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Chapter 2


2.1 What is Electricity?

Electricity is a little different from the other sources of Energy that we talk about. Unlike coal, petroleum, or solar energy, electricity is a secondary source of energy. That means we must use other primary sources of energy, such as coal or wind, to make electricity. It also means we can‘t classify electricity as a renewable or nonrenewable form of energy. The energy source we use to make electricity may be renewable or nonrenewable, but the electricity is neither.

Primary source of Energy e.g Coal, Petroleum

ELECTRICITY Primary source Primary source of Energy e.g of Energy e.g Hydro, Thermal, Chemical Nuclear energy

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People have been using electricity for more than 100 years. From cooking, heating & lighting our homes, to a cleaner way to power cars, electricity has become so much a part of our lives. Electricity is the type of energy that can either be a charge (like the static that builds up on clothes and zaps in winter) or a current (the energy that flows through transmission lines and powers the device). It can either be helpful- like when a doctor uses an electric charge to restart a patient‘s heart – or harmful if we come in direct contact with too much of it.

Benjamin Franklin generally gets the credit for ―discovering‖ electricity with his famous kite experiment. What he really discovered was that humans could potentially harness this amazing power source. About 100 Years after Franklin‘s discovery, electricity pioneer Nicola Tesla found ways to make generation, transmission and use of electricity feasible for widespread use.

XIX century was marked by the appearance of electricity like voltaic arc, electric lighting, electric motor and electric generator. XX century was a century of a true revolution in the development of ways and methods of generation and usage of energy. Powerful systems of oil and gas supply were appearing at the same time.

A replica and diagram of one of the ancient electric cells. Source:-

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Discovery of electricity has changed the humankind and civilization, like never before. Civilization then entered into the Modern era in true sense. Infrastructure, Economic, Health, Education, Technology and all other pillars of development got the wings from electricity.

Electricity is a key input towards raising the standard of living of citizens of any country, as is evident from the correlation between per capita electricity consumption and Human Development Index (HDI). Accordingly, energy policies of India have over the years directly aimed to raise per capita energy (and electricity) consumption, even while the main focus of the country‘s development agenda has been on eradication of poverty. With nearly 304 million Indians without access to electricity, and about 500 million people, still dependent on solid biomass for cooking, it may be acknowledged that the country has to still go a long way on securing its energy security objective. While India strives to achieve a double digit growth rate in its national income, making clean energy available to all of its citizens, it ought to be included as a key component of the poverty alleviation programmes.

Electricity is a particularly high grade of energy and the lifeblood of a modern society. Electricity facilitates technological advancement and underpins a wide range of products and services that enhance our quality of life and stimulate economic productivity. Thus, demand for power is positively and highly correlated with population and economic growth.

The National Energy Policy (NEP) aims to chart the way forward to meet the Government‘s recent bold announcements in the energy domain. All the Census villages are planned to be electrified by 2018, and universal electrification is to be achieved, with 24x7 electricity by 2022.

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2.2 Making of Electricity

The power sector in India is mainly governed by the Ministry of Power. There are three major pillars of power sector which are Generation, Transmission, and Distribution.

As far as generation is concerned it is mainly divided into three sectors which are Central Sector, State Sector, and Private Sector.

Sector MW % of Total

State Sector 84517 24.6

Central Sector 103761 30.2

Private Sector 155511 45.2

Total 3,43,789 100.00

Source: Website Power of ministry, Govt. of India

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200000 150000 State Sector 100000 Central Sector 50000 0 Private Sector State Sector Central Private Sector Sector

% of Total

50 45 40 35 30 State Sector 25 20 Central Sector 15 Private Sector 10 5 0 State Central Private Sector Sector Sector

 Central Sector or Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), constitute 29.78% (62826.63MW) of total installed capacity i.e., 210951.72 MW (as on 31/12/2012) in India. Major PSUs involved in the generation of electricity include NHPC Ltd., NTPC Ltd., and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL).

 Besides PSUs, several State-level corporations are there which account for about 41.10% of overall generation, such as Jharkhand State Electricity Board (JSEB), Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB), Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB).  Other than PSUs and state level corporations, Private sector enterprises also play a major role in generation, transmission and distribution. About 29.11% (61409.24MW) of total installed capacity is generated by private sector. The Power Grid Corporation of India is responsible for the inter-state transmission of electricity and the development of national grid.

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2.3 What Electricity Gives Us?

Electricity is one of the most important blessings that science has given to mankind. It has also become a part of modern life and one cannot think of a world without it. Electricity has many uses in our day to day life. It is used in lighting rooms, working of fans and domestic appliances like electric stoves, A/C and more. All these provide comfort to people. In factories, large machines are worked with the help of electricity.

Modern means of transportation and communication have been revolutionized by it. Electric trains and battery cars are quick means of travel. Electricity also provides means of amusement such as radio, television and cinema, which are the most popular forms of entertainment. Modern equipments like computers and robots have also been developed because of electricity. Electricity plays a pivotal role in the fields of medicines and surgery too — such as X-ray and ECG. The use of electricity is increasing day by day.

Out of the great construction projects of the last century, Electric Power system has been the most impressive in its technological, economic, and scientific aspects, most influential in its social effects, and has engaged our constructive instincts and capabilities the most. A great network of power lines, which will forever order the way in which we live, is now superimposed on the industrial world.

2.3.1 Why Electricity is an Important Part of Our Daily Lives

 To maintain the life of the human community and in order to facilitate the life, many important inventions were discovered. There is no doubt that one of the most important of these inventions is electricity, which we depend on in the current modern time.  Electricity is one of the greatest technological innovations of mankind.  It has now become a part of our daily life and one cannot think of a world without electricity.  Electricity is now important part of homes, business and industries because all of them are running because of electricity.  The primary use of electricity depends on the place where it is used and the nature of the facility. For example In Travelling – As electricity is an important part of our daily lives so is travelling. Today a vast number of travelling medium like the electric

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train, airplanes, electrical car and electric rickshaw are running on electricity. In Medical Facility – The medical sector is considering the place where you find continuous flow of electricity 24*7*365. Light, X-ray machine, ECG and other devices work on electricity.

Electricity is now important part of homes, business and industries because all of them are running because of electricity.

2.4 How Did Electricity Change the World?

Lighting, refrigeration and air conditioning are three things that most people in developed countries rely on in their daily lives that did not exist prior to electricity. Electricity has triggered the scientific development giving power to run simple machines, computers, trains, etc which has lead to the advancement and progress of the entire mankind.

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As we grow in our understanding of our impact on the planet, humans will continue to look for ways to make electricity cleaner, more efficient and available to everyone who needs it.

2.4.1 Why Electricity is so useful

 Electricity is the most versatile and easily controlled form of energy. At the point of use it is practically loss-free and essentially non-polluting. At the point of generation it can be produced clean with entirely renewable methods, such as wind, water and sunlight.  Electricity is weightless, easier to transport and distribute, and it represents the most efficient way of consuming energy.  Electrification- conversion from using another form of energy to using electricity-is a central tool. The IEC believes that smart electrification – a core competence of the IEC – will be one of the most significant factors in addressing the energy challenge.

2.5 The aspects of life that electricity has improved a. Communication- This is probably the most improved aspect in people‘s lives. With electrically powered gadgets and computers, people now communicate with each other no matter how far the distance is. As long as we have a source of power to use our mobile phone or the internet, we will not have any problem with long distance communication. We cannot imagine a world without smart phones and laptops. b. Entertainment – Electricity has improved entertainment a lot too. People can use television and radios because of electricity. It is also used for printing books and powering microphones during events. Imagine life without these entertainment appliances and equipment. Life will become very dull without it. c. Work – From construction to corporate jobs, from white-collared to blue collared-work, people need electricity to operate equipments needed to finish their daily tasks. When there is shortage of energy companies suffer a lot because they cannot operate and provide the service they had promised to their clients. d. Transportation – Electricity is starting to transform the transportation system in many countries. Aside from this trains, cars and other vehicles have

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been designed to be powered not by gas but by electricity. This is because it is eco-friendly and does not create harmful by products such as carbon emissions. If all modes of transportation do not use gas air pollution and global warming will definitely be solved. e. Food- The food industry also needs power to operate. It‘s a lot faster and easier to produce food items now because of machines. Imagine fast food chains or restaurants having no source of power. We may have to wait hours to eat the meal we ordered in absence of electric power. f. Home- Electricity is also very efficient for households. Homes can use air conditioners during summers. They can also deviate from traditional heaters and choose electric heaters during the winter season. The family can bond together by watching movies on DVD or by playing games together.

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2.6 Electrification in Jharkhand

In compliance of the Electricity Act, 2003, the State has restructured the erstwhile Jharkhand State Electricity Board (JSEB) with effect from January 6, 2014, into the following 4 entities: a) Jharkhand Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. (Holding Company) b) Jharkhand Urja Utpadan Nigam Ltd. (Generating Company) c) Jharkhand Urja Sancharan Nigam Ltd. (Transmission Company & SLDC) d) Jharkhand Bijli Vitaran Nigam Ltd. (Distribution Company)

Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC) was established on August 22, 2002 and became operational from April 24, 2003. JSERC carries out its functions and roles in accordance with applicable provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003. JUVNL One of the JUUNL distinguishing features of power sector in JUSNL Jharkhand is that it is being served by

JBVNL multiple distribution licensees‘ viz. JBVNL, DVC, Tata Steel, JUSCO and SAIL Bokaro. Two licensees, viz. DVC and JUSCO have overlapping geographical boundaries with the State distribution utility, JBVNL. Out of the total load of 3,255 MW at the State level, about 1,810 MW is served by JBVNL, while the remaining 1,455 MW is served by the other 4 distribution licensees. It is pertinent to mention that except JBVNL, other utilities operating in the State have already achieved 100% electrification and nearly 24X7 power availability within their respective areas of operation.

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Chapter 3

Rural Electrification

Rural electrification is often considered to be the backbone of the rural economy. Rural energy needs include energy for Cooking, Basic lighting, Irrigation, Farm machinery, Communication, Water heating, Cottage industry and so on. Rural electrification can meet most of these and the impact can be seen on improved farm productivity, improved health and education, improved communication and economic development through creation of employment in rural areas, which traditionally depend on agriculture related income generation activities.

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Status of State wise Household electrification

100 80 60 40 20 0 … … Goa Kerala Sikkim Assam Punjab Odisha Tripura Gujarat Haryana Manipur Mizoram Nagaland Rajasthan Karnataka Arunachal Arunachal Telangana Jharkhand Meghalaya Tamil Nadu Tamil Puducherry West Bengal West Uttarakhand Maharashtra Uttar Jammu & & Jammu Andhra Pradesh Andhra Madhya Himachal Pradesh Himachal

Total Household Electrification (%) Rural Household Electrification (%)

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3.1 Rural Electrification in India – in view of five year plans

The 1st Plan emphasized that support for projects that ensure that irrigation potential is met. At this point, only 1 in 200 villages were connected to grid supply across the country.

The 2nd plan named rural electrification as an area of special interest, and proposed to cover all towns with a population of 10,000 or more. Only 350 out of a total of 856 were eventually electrified.

The 3rd Plan for the 1st time raised the issue of efficiency in the sector. The REC (Rural Electrification Corporation) was created in 1969 with renewed focus on poverty alleviation.

The target based approach of rural electrification was developed in the 4th and 5th Plan periods, with focus on pump set energization and guidelines for village grid connectivity for all villages with a population of at least 5000.

The early 80‘s saw major changes in conjunction with the creation of the Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE) in 1981, which evolved into a full-fledged Ministry for Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) in 1992.

The 6th and 7th Plan periods witnessed the launch of innovative rural energy programs like the National Program on Improved Chulha (NPIC) in (1983), The National Project on Biogas Development (1981-82), Special Program Agriculture (SAP) and integrated energy programs like IREP (Integrated Rural Energy Planning) and Urjagram. With the institutionalization of the MNES in the early 90s, rural energy provision now largely rests with the RECs and MNES. Covering a wide range of technology and fuel options including renewable sources, national efforts at rural energy provision offer a variety of programs to address the range of energy requirements of rural populations.

Growth in the period from 1947 until reforms were instated in 1991 was impressive in increasing capacity generation from 1362 MW in 1947 to nearly 1,23,558 MW by 2004-2005. Despite a per capita power consumption increase from 15.55 Kwh to 606 Kwh, SEBs were financially weak. The 4th Plan and the findings of the Venkateraman Committee report (created to examine the financial working of the SEBs), concurred that SEBs should at

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the very least aim at revenues sufficient to cover operational and maintenance charges, depreciation of reserves and interest charges on the capital base Even as the 40 year period saw nearly 80% of the country connected to grid supply, up from the few urban pockets of electricity supplied at the time of independence, the SEBs cumulatively were being given an annual gross subsidy of Rs.7,450 crores by 1991-92, losing about Rs.4,021 crores a year and showing an average rate of return (without subsidy) of about -12.5%. By March 31, 2001 the gross subsidy had shot up to Rs. 38,000 crores a year with total SEB outstanding to CPSU and others at Rs.27, 760 crores.

While electricity was perceived as a public good, there was lack of clarity as to who should pay for it. The lack of transparent and well defined subsidies that would be paid from the exchequer to the SEBs to implement specific government policies led to tariffs that were not sustainable.

Despite the recommendations of the Venkataraman Committee (1964), which suggested that SEBs should aim at an overall return of 11 percent, and the 6th Plan‘s calling for an energy pricing policy, the commercial principles underlying tariff revision more often than not were superseded by political considerations. The first report of the Standing Committee on Energy, Fourteenth 2004-05, had identified rural electrification as an essential infrastructure input for improving production-oriented activities and speeding up the pace of development of the rural economy. In its submission to the committee for the year 2004-05, the Ministry of Power outlined a new strategy involving creation of a Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB), Village Electricity Infrastructure (VEI). This also included distribution transformers in each village where grid access was feasible, and a decentralized distributed generation (DDG) and supply for villages where grid connectivity or NCES (non conventional sources of energy) might not be possible or cost effective. The committee, while accepting the Ministry of Power‘s new proposal, had, however, highlighted that despite the availability and sanctioning of funds, the actual utilization of funds for rural electrification projects was low.

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3.2 Why Do Rural People Need Electricity?

Electricity is important for people living everywhere!  Rural electrification is the process of bringing electrical power to rural and remote areas. Electricity is used not only for lighting and household purpose, but it also allows for mechanization of many farming operations, such as well-pumping, threshing, milking, and silo filling.  In rural areas the main source of income in agriculture and doing agriculture on a big scale means a lot of water has to be pumped in the villages. Irrigation systems maybe required for this purpose (many of which are automatically operated and thus require electricity). Also rural housing needs the electricity for lighting, water etc. just like a normal house in a town or a city.  Electricity has big impact on rural areas in relation to farming activities, housing and providing services.

3.3 The social and economic benefits of rural electrification a. It will facilitate activities to occur after daylight hours, including education. In impoverished and undeveloped areas, small amounts of electricity can free large amounts of human time and labor. In the poorest areas, people carry water and fuel by hand, their food storage maybe limited, and their activity is limited to daylight hours. b. It will reduce isolation through telecoms. c. It will ensure safety with the implementation of street lighting, lit road signs. d. It will improve healthcare by electrifying rural clinics. e. It will reduce the need for candles and kerosene lamps as well as their inherent fire safety risks and improve indoor air quality. f. It will improve productivity, as electricity will be used for irrigation, crop processing, and other activities.

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Impact of Electricity in Rural Area

Habitual Change of Improving Improving Living Change of Education Health Recreation Standard

3.4 Problems & Efforts rural electrification

 Number of remote village of country has never seen electricity. While government schemes such as Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana(DDUGJY), worth $11 billion, have visions to provide continuous power supply to rural India but rural areas have suffered from darkness forever. Because of lack of electricity, livelihoods of people suffer. They undertake agriculture, small business and daily survival without the available of modern-day technology. As the night falls, their lives depend on the fire. Their children struggle to study under the lamps. Various problems plague the dark village. As many children are unable to study under oil lamps they have dropped out of school.

 Various international studies have made a strong positive relation between rural electrification, literacy and education, leading to better living standards. It has been observe that average literacy rate in Indian villages without electricity was lower than the villages that had been newly

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electrified or had been electrified since long. Electrification in rural areas also helps in improving overall health- as there is a reduction in polluting fuels used for, cooking, lighting and heating and also provides access to various everyday technologies.

 The residents of the village have appealed to various administrative heads to solve the situation, but fake assurances are all they got in return. They have been to the Sarpanch and the block office of the State Power Corporation multiple times, but problems are still not resolved even after assurance and no lights have been lit there.

3.5 Development of rural electrification

In today‘s context, rural electrification has five major facets a. Setting up of rural electricity infrastructure. b. Providing connectivity to households. c. Adequate supply of desired quality of power. d. Supply of electricity at affordable rates. e. Providing clean, environmentally benign and sustainable power in efficient way.

India has always had a rural economy and since independence successive governments have tried to improve the rural infrastructure including energy infrastructure. However, a lot is yet to be achieved to give a real impetus to rural economy

In spite of launching of ambitious schemes to achieve 100% rural electrification, lot remains to be achieved. More than 75 million households (45% of the total rural households) are yet to be electrified (Census of India, 2011).

As per latest data, about 19,679 villages are yet to be electrified (source: However, not all electrified villages are getting quality power and it is estimated that nearly 33% of the population may be facing under-electrification, accessing less than 50kWh of electricity per month/household.

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3.6 Government Electrification efforts


The Indian government has been making efforts for rural electrification since the 1960s, but the issue has been more prominently addressed in the past few years as despite growth the electricity generation capacity of the India, rural areas have not been able to draw benefits of this development on large scale. In line with this goal, several major policies have been launched to strengthen the electricity access in rural areas in the past few years, whose objectives, challenges, success and failures are discussed below in detail.

According to the amended definition of electrified village as provided in Electricity Act, 2003, a village is said to be electrified when 10% of its houses and all public places are connected to gird. This implies that if one out of ten houses is electrified, then the village is said to be an electrified village.

To attain rural electrification, the government of India initiated a program in April 2005, Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), which aimed to provide 90% subsidy on capital for the development of infrastructure and involved distribution lines and transformers. The program resulted into achieving 98% rural electrification as per definition, which involved only 10% of

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households. Consequently, the scheme failed in ensuring electricity access for the whole village. The electricity supply is erratic, irrational and villagers get electricity only for six hours. Even, the voltage is also very poor and fails to power lightening system in village.

As RGGVY failed the government came up with a scheme named as Rural Electrification Policy, launched in 2006, which aimed for the complete electrification of Indian villages and also aimed to provide good quality and consistent power supply to the villages by 2009. The program, by 2012, also aimed to provide 1 kWh of energy consumption to each household. But, the target has not been achieved yet, only 55.3% of rural household has access to electricity as per 2011 census. The following six states, which failed majorly in achieving electrification, are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal and Assam. Since 2014, the objective of scheme is modified as 24×7 electricity supply to all till 2019. The scheme emphasized on the electricity generation through renewable energy resources. It also focused on grid expansion.

The Ministry of Power also launched a scheme called Decentralized Distribution Generation (DDG) under RGGVY in 2009 which initiated with the intention of providing 1kWh energy to each household in a village where grid connection was not possible. The scheme has only achieved 12% of the projects to be commissioned as sanctioned by the ministry. Thus, the scheme failed in achieving its objectives.

In July 2015, the government of india initiated Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY), which absorbed RGGVY. The scheme aimed to provide a separate distribution wire for agricultural consumption, so that the farmer receives a consistent electricity supply. Rs 1,123 crore, released under the scheme, was used for grid expansion.

The renewable energy promoted, since the 1980s, for bridging the gap of rural electrification. Renewable projects also create employment opportunities for local people, which consequently boost the local economy. Such project has the ability to supply consistent electricity because of large locally available resources and also makes the village independent from the large grid. However, such projects are still limited to only those remote villages which are not connected to the grid. Thus, for the proper utilization of locally available resources, MNRE launched Remote Village Electrification Program (RVEP) to cover 18,000 villages in India. The program aimed to expand the use of off- grid renewable technologies for facilitating basic lighting sources in these villages by 2012. The scheme was discontinued in the 12th Five Year Plan due to government shift.

To promote the solar energy in India, the government launched a scheme named as Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) in 2010. The

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program aimed to promote off-grid distribution systems based on solar energy. It offered two subsidies on the high project cost, which involved 30% capital subsidy and 50% interest subsidy. The scheme was successful in exceeding its target of 200 MW. The program managed the installation of about 252 MW by 2013, but only 27.5% share of the installed capacity was allocated in the rural areas. More than 40% was installed in the government institutions and the rest of the capacity was allocated to urban and semi-urban areas.

The major drawbacks involved with all these schemes are:

 They are mainly aimed to provide only lighting services  The supply is erratic and only for few hours  They are mainly installed in institutions.

Thus, they were failed in both conceptualization and implementation front. The schemes were also not sufficient in providing electricity to the nation as whole. Thus, MNRE drafted a new policy called “National Policy for Renewable Energy-based Micro and Mini-Grids”, in June 2016. Through this, the government made its first step towards transformation of electricity access and its supply in India. The scheme aims at installing around 10,000 such projects, which have the minimum capacity of 500 MW till 2021. The scheme aims to provide the support of the centre for the development of this sector by providing assistant to all the technological options for the developers. States need to draft their own policies on the guidelines provided by centre under the scheme on the basis of their regional circumstances and local environmental conditions. The existing mini-grids of India only provide lighting services that too for only few hours and at high costs to the remote locations, where people have less options, whereas, this new policy proposed to provide better services at subsidized rates. The concept of mini-grids in the policy emphasizes on the role of diversified customer base and thus differentiated tariffs for different kind of loads.

3.7 Electrification Scheme Details

Rural electrification under Minimum Needs Programme

It was launched in 1974. The MNP, exclusively targeted states with less than 65% rural electrification (by the old definition) & provided 100% loans for last mile connectivity. The program resources were drawn from the Central Plan Assistance. Rs. 775 crores was released during 2001-03 for rural electrification under the MNP. The scheme was discontinued in 2004-05 on account of difficulties in implementation.

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Kutir Jyoti Yojana. KJP was initiated in 1988-89 to provide single point light connection (60 w) to all Below Poverty Line (BPL) households in the country. KJP provided 100% grant for one time cost of internal wiring and service connection charges and builds in a proviso for 100% metering for release of grants. Nearly 5.1 million households have been covered under the scheme to date. The scheme was merged into the ‗Accelerated Electrification of One Lakh Villages and One Crore Households‘ in May 2004 and then into the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY).

Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana The PMGY launched in 2000-2001 provided additional financial assistance for minimum services by the central government to all states on a 90% loan and 10% grant basis. These included rural health, education, drinking water and rural electrification. The PMGY, with an outlay of about Rs 1600 crores during the 10th Plan period, was being coordinated and monitored by the Rural Development Division of the Planning Commission. More importantly, under PMGY states had the flexibility to decide on the inter-reallocation of funds amongst the 6 basic services. Thus states could enhance allocations to expedite the pace of rural electrification. The scheme has been discontinued from 2005 onwards.

Remote Village Electrification Programme It was launched in 2001 by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). This programme focused on electrifying remote villages not connected to grid through use of renewable energy sources.

Accelerated Rural Electrification Program (AREP): The AREP, operational since 2002, provided an interest subsidy of 4% to states for RE programs. The AREP covers electrification of un-electrified villages and household electrification and has an approved outlay of Rs. 560 crores under the 10th Plan. The interest subsidy is available to state governments and electricity utilities on loans availed from approved financial institutions like the REC (Rural Electrification Corporation), PFC (Power Finance Corporation) and from NABARD under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF).

Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY): The RGGVY was launched by the Ministry of Power to execute the vision for rural electrification as enunciated in the NCMP and recommended by the Chief Ministers conference in 2001. The plan was instated in April of 2005 with the following objectives:

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• 100% electrification of all villages and habitations in the country • Electricity access to all households • Free of cost electricity connection to BPL (Below Poverty Line) households

For achieving the said objectives, the RGGVY envisioned creating : • Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB) with at least one 33/11 KV(or 66/11 KV) substation in each block • Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI) with at least one distribution transformer in each village/habitation • Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) systems where the grid is not cost-effective or feasible

Decentralized Distributed Generation Scheme It was launched in 2009 by MoP under RGGVY to electrify un-electrified villages through mini grids. This also included villages which receive less than six hours of electricity per day. Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) is for providing electricity access to the un- electrified villages/habitations where grid connectivity is either not feasible or not cost effective. DDG can be from conventional or renewable sources such as biomass, biofuels, biogas, Mini hydro, solar etc. DDG scheme provides a subsidy towards 60% (85 % for special category states) of the project cost. However, an additional subsidy of 15% (5 % for special category states) is applicable subject to timely completion of DDG projects. The balance amount can be arranged by the State Govt. /Implementing Agency through Loan/Equity. Initially, DDG was a sub-scheme of erstwhile RGGVY programme. Guidelines for village 27 electrification through DDG were issued by Ministry of Power vide Order No.44/1/2007-RE dated 12.01.2009. Later RGGVY subsumed into DDUGJY.

Deen Dayal Upadhayay Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY)

In order to expedite rural electrification the Ministry of Power (MoP) launched the above scheme in 2015 which is now subsumed with Deen Dayal Upadhayay Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY). Government of India approved DDUGJY for electrification of un-electrified villages through grid connectivity by 2020. Components of DDUGJY are as follows:- (i) Separation of agriculture and non-agriculture feeders facilitating judicious fostering of supply to agricultural & non- agricultural consumers in the rural areas

(ii) Strengthening and augmentation of sub-transmission & distribution (ST&D) infrastructure in rural areas, including metering at distribution transformers, feeders and consumers end

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(iii) Rural electrification, as per CCEA approval under erstwhile RGGVY by subsuming RGGVY in DDUGJY and carrying forward the approved outlay for RGGVY to DDUGJY

The DDUGY scheme will enable to initiate much awaited reforms to the rural area. It focuses on feeder separation (Rural households & agricultural) and strengthening of sub-transmission & distribution infrastructure including metering at all levels in rural areas. This will help in providing round the clock power to rural households and adequate power to agricultural consumers. The earlier scheme for rural electrification viz. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGYY) has been subsumed in the new scheme as its rural electrification component.

The Ministry of Power has launched a new app, GARV-II app to provide real- time data of all six lakh villages of the country. The app is envisaged to ensure transparency in the implementation of rural electrification programme. The new app will also enable the citizens to participate in the developmental works and give their feedbacks and inputs related to the rural electrification programme. The participation of Citizens will enable public scrutiny of the rural electrification programmes. In addition, the village-wise works sanctioned under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) has been mapped to scrutinize the progress of work carried out under the project in each village. The deadline for the Centre‘s rural electrification program was May 2018. However it was achieved before the deadline on April 2018.

Benefits of this scheme are:-  All villages and households shall be electrified  Increase in agricultural yield  Business of Small and household enterprises shall grow resulting in new avenues for employment.  Improvement in Health, education, Banking (ATM) services.  Improvement in accessibility to radio, telephone television, internet and mobile etc.  Betterment in social security due to availability of electricity.  Accessibility of electricity to schools, panchayats, hospitals and police stations etc.  Rural areas shall get increased opportunities for comprehensive development.

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3.8 Status of Rural Electrification in Jharkhand Expansion of electrification and electricity services are vital to both the economic and social development of society. The current state of electricity services in most of the states of India is not good enough. Almost 14% of total rural household are still not electrified.

Status of Household Electrification

Elelectrified To be Electrified

12 % 14%

88% 86%

Total Household Rural Household

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District wise Electrification status of Jharkhand

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 … Khunti Gumla Godda Chatra Ranchi Pakaur Bokaro Palamu Latehar Garhwa Jamtara Simdega Ramgarh Koderma Sahibganj Pashchimi Pashchimi Lohardaga Purbi Singhbhum Purbi Sarikela-Kharswana

Household Electrification (%) Household to be Electrified (%)


3.9 Status of Rural Electrification in villages of Latehar District Latehar is known for its natural environment, forest, forest products and mineral deposits. Latehar remained a part of as a sub division since 1924. It was elevated from sub divisional status to a Latehar district on 4th April 2001, vide 80 Jharkhand Govt. 60 Notification No Household Electrification 40 (%) 946 dated 20 Household to be 04.04.2001. 0 Electrified (%) Latehar is located Household Household to be on the north–west Electrification Electrified (%) (%) corner of Jharkhand in the Palama Commissionaire. It is surrounded by Ranchi, Lohardaga, Gumla, Palamu and apart from Chhattisgarh state and district headquarters is

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situated at Latehar Town 84.51198 East Longitude and 23.741988 North Latitude. It‘s a predominantly tribal district with almost 45.54% of the population belonging to the schedule tribes and more than 66% of total population comprises SCs and STs. The total area of the district is 3,622.50 km2 and one of the block headquarters is more than 200 km away from the district headquarters.

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Chapter 4

Palamu Tiger Reserve

4.1. Introduction to the Area The Palamu Tiger Reserve was notified in 1974 as one of India‘s first nine tiger reserves established under Project Tiger. It is located in the western part of the Chhotanagpur Plateau and spans an area of 1129.93 km² comprising the Palamu Wildlife Sanctuary (979.27 km²) and (226.32 km²) is spread over districts of Latehar and Garhwa in Jharkhand. It is bounded by River North Koel on its west and River Auranga on its north. The reserve‘s immediate adjoining landscape includes the forests of Mahuadnr Wolf Sanctuary and the forests of Bhandaria and Ranka East ranges of Garhwa Forest Division which are contiguous with the Sarguja Forest Division of Chhatisgarh. The forest of Latehar Forest Division is on the western side. There is also connectivity with forests of Medininagar Forest Division on the northeastern part of the reserve.

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4.1.1 Brief description of Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR)

Palamu Tiger Reserve is headed by Chief Conservator of Forest & Field Director and it has two divisions namely PTR North Division and PTR South Division. Each division is headed by a Deputy Director. PTR North Division has four ranges while PTR South Division has three ranges. Each range is comprised of several Beats and each beat is comprised of sub-beats. Each range is headed by a Range Officer, the incharge of a beat is called Beat Officer or forester while the incharge of a sub-beat is known as Forest Guard.

Palamu Tiger Divisions Ranges Beats Reserve PTR North Division Betla Betla Quila Chhipadohar- Chhipadohar East Kerh Ambatikar Chhipadohar- Barwadih West Morwai Mandal Lat Kutku Kutku Madgari PTR South Division Garu-West Mundu Maromar Garu-East Garu Rud (South) Rud (North) Sarju Baresanr Baresanr Kujrum (East) Kujrum (West) Adhey

4.1.2 About PTR North Division North Division of Tiger Reserve is located in the District of Latehar and Bandariya Block of Garhwa District in Jharkhand. The faunal composition of tract is very rich and diverse. 40 species of mammals, 205 species of birds, 28 species of amphibians and reptiles, 21 families of insects and 36 species of spiders are recorded.

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4.1.3 About PTR South Division

The South division of Palamu Tiger Reserve is situated in Latehar district. The south division encompasses the North Division and is surrounded by forest of Latehar on eastern side, Medininagar Forest Division on northern side, Garhwa south Forest Division and forests of Chhatisgarh on west and Mahudar Wolf Sanctuary by southern side.

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4.2 Statement of significance

4.2.1 General significance

Palamu Tiger Reserve has a wide range of biological diversity. It is located in the western side of Latehar district on the Chhotanagpur plateau in Jharkhand. Tiger is the main species of vital importance. The other keystone species are Elephants, Leopards, Grey Wolf, Gaur, Sloth Bear, Four- Horned Antelope, Indian Ratel, Indian Otter and Indian Pangolin. There are 11 Schedule- I species distributed in this area among mammals only.

S.NO ENGLISH NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SCHEDULE 1 Bandicoot Rat Bandicota indica V 2 Barking Deer Muntiacus muntjak III 3 Common Indian Langur Presbytis entellus II 4 Common Mongoose Herpestes edwardsi II 5 Common Palm Civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus II 6 Four-horned Antelope Tetraceros quadricornis I 7 Grey Musk Shrew Suncus murinus IV 8 Indian Bush Rat Golunda ellioti V 9 Indian Elephant Elephas maximus I 10 Indian Field Mouse Mus booduga V 11 Indian Flying Fox Pteropus giganteus V 12 Indian Fox Vulpes bengalensis II 13 Indian Fruit Bat Rousettus leschenaulti V 14 Gaur (Indian Bison) Bos gaurus I 15 Indian Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica I 16 Indian Hare Lepus nigricollis IV 17 Indian Gerbilles Tarera indica V 18 Indian Jackal Canis aureus II 19 Indian Otter Lutra lutra II 20 Indian Pangolin Manis crassicaudata I 21 Indian Porcupine Hystrix indica IV 22 Indian Wild Dog (Dhole) Cuon alpinus II 23 Indian Wolf Canis lupus I 24 Jungle Cat Felischaus II 25 Leopard Panthera pardus I 26 Long-tailed Tree Mouse Vendeleuria oleracea V 27 Mouse Deer (Indian Tragulus meminna I Chevrotain) 28 Nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus III

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29 Ratel (Honey Badger) Mellivora capensis I 30 Rhesus Macaque Macaca mulatta II 31 Sambhar Deer Cervus unicolor III 32 Short-nosed Bat Cynopterus sphinx V 33 Sloth Bear Melursus ursinus I 34 Small India Civet Viverricula indica IV 35 Small Indian Mangoose Herpestes javanicus IV 36 Spotted Deer (Chital) Axis axis III 37 Striped Hyaena Hyaena hyaena III 38 Three-striped Squirrel Funambulus palmarum IV 39 Tiger Panthera tigris I 40 Wild Boar Sus scrofa III

The management plan of Palamu Tiger Reserve, Year- 2013- 14 to 2022- 23 given lists 97 species of important seed bearing plants, 46 species of shrubs and herbs, 25 species of climbers, parasites, semi- parasites and orchids and 17 species of grasses, bamboo and agave.

4.2.2 Significance at Local Level

The people living in and around the reserve gets their requirements of fuel- wood, fodder, small timber, thatch, bamboo, edible mushroom, honey, myrobalons, tendu Leaves, medicinal plants, etc. In lieu they protect and preserve the flora of the reserve. It acts as recreation centre for Datonganj town and neighboring areas.

A historical fort of Raja Medini Roy is situated inside the reserve, 2 km from Betla. Raja Medini Roy fought with the Britishers successfully, however their descendants have left the area, and the remains are preserved as monuments known as old fort and new fort.

Earlier employment was available to the villagers in forest extraction works. They were engaged in extraction of bamboo and Kendu leaves, timber etc. Bamboo of the area is very dense, widespread and was a major source of raw material for paper industries. The villagers get employment in different Forestry Works. Development works are also implemented by district administration, which gives them employment. Tourism is also a source of benefit as in the Betla area.

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4.2.3 Significance of Conservation

(i) Diverse types of Forest – Northern Indian Moist & Dry Peninsular Sal Forest, Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest, dry bamboo brakes etc. (ii) Supports significant population of wild life species specially Indian Tiger, Asian Elephants, Leopards, Indian Gaur etc. which are endangered species. (iii) Catchment conservation of North Koel, Auranga and Burha rivers and its tributaries. Stable Eco-system with tremendous regeneration, self supporting and self capability. (iv) Supports local tribal population (More than 50% of total population of the area). (v) Potential for Wildlife Tourism, aesthetic value, Nature Interpretation and education to tourists. (vi) Immense scope for Wildlife Research and Education. (vii) Excellent habitat for top carnivores – Tiger & leopard.

4.3 Roads & Railways: The major road connectivity in the reserve is Daltonganj- Barwadih- Mandal- Bhandariya- Bargarh- Godarmana. and SH-9, Dalton ganj_ Betla- Baresarh- . Main road, which leads from Betla to Netarhat almost, bifurcates the reserve. In this road buses and other vehicle runs regularly. Tramping of small animals and disturbance to the other animals has been on record. Rail Track from barwadih to Kumandih which links Ranchi and Delhi passes through the Reserve. Railway track Ranchi-Delhi passes through the tiger reserve with stops at Barwadih, Chhipadohar, Hehegara and Kumandih.There are Electric Transmission lines in Betla and Chhipadohar.

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4.4 Village in and around Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR)

S. No. Name of Village Admin. Block Thana No. 1 2 3 4 1 Akhra Barwadih 16 2 Amdiha Barwadih 5 3 Babhandih Barwadih 32 4 Barichattan Barwadih 54 5 Barichattan PF Barwadih 33 6 Baridohar Barwadih 53 7 Barkheta Barwadih 49 8 Bere Barwadih 45 9 Betla Barwadih 15

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10 Bode Barwadih 31 11 Chamardiha Barwadih 25 12 Chapri Barwadih 27 13 Chatam Barwadih 79 14 Chhencha Barwadih 28 15 Chhipadohar Barwadih 57 16 Chungru Barwadih 69 17 Dorami Barwadih 7 18 Ganeshpur Barwadih 75 19 Gari Barwadih 59 20 Gasedag Barwadih 46 21 Gua Barwadih 65 22 Haratu Barwadih 73 23 Harhe Barwadih 48 24 Harinamanr Barwadih 55 25 Harparwa alias Biratpurwa Barwadih 2 26 Hehegara Barwadih 64 27 Hendehas Barwadih 6 28 Horilong Barwadih 30 29 Hosir Barwadih 66 30 Jargarh Barwadih 51 31 Jatha alias Baibal Barwadih 36 32 Jobe alias Ambatikar Barwadih 74 33 Juruhar Barwadih 56 34 Kachanpur Barwadih 3 35 Kalyanpur Barwadih 4 36 Kechki Barwadih 1 37 Kerh Barwadih 62 38 Khamhikhas Barwadih 42 39 Khura Barwadih 24 40 Kolpurwa Barwadih 13 41 Korwadih Barwadih 41 42 Kuchila Barwadih 58 43 Kuku Barwadih 80 44 Kutmu Barwadih 8 45 Labhar Barwadih 70 46 Lanka Barwadih 26 47 Lat Barwadih 47 48 Ledgain Barwadih 19 49 Luhur Barwadih 21

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50 Lukumkhanr Barwadih 60 51 Lushhabathan Barwadih 11 52 Manatu Barwadih 77 53 Mandal Barwadih 37 54 Mangra Barwadih 23 55 Barwadih 81 56 Morwai Kalan Barwadih 38 57 Morwai Khurd Barwadih 34 58 Mundu Barwadih 71 59 Murgidih Barwadih 22 60 Muru Barwadih 17 61 Nawadih Barwadih 68 62 Nawarnago Barwadih 40 63 Paira Barwadih 20 64 Patradih Barwadih 44 65 Pokhari Kalan Barwadih 10 66 Pokhri Khurd Barwadih 12 67 Putuagarh Barwadih 29 68 Rabdi Barwadih 61 69 Saidupe Barwadih 52 70 Saraidih Barwadih 9 71 Selaritanr Barwadih 78 72 Serandag Barwadih 43 73 Sindhorwa Barwadih 35 74 Sukul Katha Barwadih 76 75 Tanwai Barwadih 39 76 Tongari Barwadih 50 77 Ukamar Barwadih 14 78 Ukamar Barwadih 18 79 Wopag Barwadih 67 80 Bhajna Bhandaria 218 81 Bijpur Bhandaria 204 82 Chapiya Bhandaria 215 83 Chemo Bhandaria 222 84 Hesatu Bhandaria 208 85 Khaira Bhandaria 217 86 Khwra Bhandaria 216 87 Korwadih Bhandaria 210 88 Korwadih Bhandaria 220 89 Kudgara Bhandaria 223

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90 Kulhi Bhandaria 209 91 Kutku Bhandaria 219 92 Madgari Bhandaria 186 93 Parro Bhandaria 182 94 Bhandaria 214 95 Saneya Bhandaria 221 96 Sangali Bhandaria 185 97 Saruat Bhandaria 207 98 Telri Bhandaria 206 99 Totki Bhandaria 184 100 Tumera Bhandaria 211 101 Turer Bhandaria 212 102 Ausane Chainpur 181 103 Ausane Chainpur 181 104 Barhaniar Chainpur 165 105 Barhaniar Chainpur 165 106 Khapia Chainpur 164 107 Khapia Chainpur 164 108 Armu Mirchaiya Garu 50 109 Baheratola Garu 47 110 Baigatoli Garu 33 111 Baresanr Garu 62 112 Baribandh Garu 29 113 Bhawarbandha Garu 58 114 Champi Garu 21 115 Chiraiya Garu 24 116 Daldalia Garu 48 117 Darichapar Garu 30 118 Darkocha Garu 65 119 Derhgaon Garu 61 120 Dhangartola Garu 57 121 Doram Garu 35 122 Garu Garu 56 123 Goindi Garu 43 124 Hendehas Garu 28 125 Hesag Garu 52 126 Hethtola Garu 45 127 Hurdagtola Garu 42 128 Kabri Garu 27 129 Kante Garu 25

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130 Karwai Garu 46 131 Korwatola Garu 40 132 Kotam Garu 32 133 Kui Garu 44 134 Lohargara Garu 49 135 Lohurtanr Garu 54 136 Mahuadaber Garu 26 137 Mangra Garu 63 138 Maromar Garu 60 139 Mayapur Garu 66 140 Paharkocha Garu 67 141 Pati Garu 23 142 Piri Garu 2 143 Purni Armu Garu 51 144 Purni Hesag Garu 53 145 Ramseli Garu 64 146 Rol Garu 5 147 Rud Garu 22 148 Salwe Garu 34 149 Samodhtola Garu 55 150 Simakhas Garu 20 151 Siram Garu 31 152 Surkumi Garu 59 153 Adhe 79 154 Aksi Mahuadanr 76 155 Bandua Mahuadanr 71 156 Chetma Mahuadanr 68 157 Dauna Mahuadanr 78 158 Durup Mahuadanr 84 159 Gaurgara Mahuadanr 70 160 Jamdih or Haramgara Mahuadanr 73 161 Janta Mahuadanr 69 162 Korgi Mahuadanr 80 163 Lodh Mahuadanr 105 164 Naina Mahuadanr 83 165 Parewa Mahuadanr 102 166 Sirsi Mahuadanr 167 Tamoli Mahuadanr 74 168 Tisia Mahuadanr 72 169 Ambatikar Manika 85

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170 Antikheta Manika 84 171 Barkadih Manika 176 172 Bhatko Manika 106 173 Deobar Manika 175 174 Hatta Manika 83 175 Jabla Manika 86 176 Jagtu Manika 107 177 Jerua Manika 108 178 Koili Manika 114 179 Kope Manika 111 180 Kurumkheta Manika 82 181 Lanka Manika 112 182 Lawagara Manika 177 183 Patki Manika 87 184 Pipra Kalan Manika 126 185 Rabda Manika 121 186 Ranki Kalan Manika 119 187 Ranki Khurd Manika 118 188 Salaia Manika 120 189 Sewdhara Manika 113 190 Thema Manika 123 191 Themi Manika 122

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4.5 Population Dynamics of Village in and around Palamu Tiger Reserve

S.No. Name of Village Household Total S.C. S.T. OBC Literate Non Population & (in %) Worker Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Akhra 432 2,193 381 156 279 9.8 430 2 Amdiha 357 1,606 237 1,288 81 39.17 868 3 Babhandih 338 1,755 310 474 971 68.49 1,258 4 Barichattan 119 706 - 706 - 27.2 420 5 Barichattan PF 35 145 48 33 64 55.86 99 6 Baridohar 110 714 40 648 26 44.82 521 7 Barkheta 205 1,183 9 1,149 25 30.52 658 8 Bere 170 890 112 697 81 33.71 660 9 Betla 432 2,193 381 156 1,656 52.62 1,423 10 Bode ------11 Chamardiha 123 614 87 44 483 65.15 484 12 Chapri 430 2,086 1,538 248 300 35.47 1,468 13 Chatam 42 233 - 166 67 35.62 92 14 Chhencha 622 2,862 622 1,010 1,230 49.9 1,877 15 Chhipadohar 952 5,085 820 2,813 1,452 50.68 3,186 16 Chungru 355 2,019 65 1,762 192 34.47 1,038 17 Dorami 138 663 254 386 23 37.1 464 18 Ganeshpur 194 1,012 22 988 2 30.63 578 19 Gari 304 1,681 560 974 147 41.05 930 20 Gasedag 109 592 - 587 5 20.44 452 21 Gua 63 318 - 313 5 21.38 1,061 22 Haratu 270 1,401 224 907 270 25.7 632 23 Harhe 157 788 21 648 119 36.55 436 24 Harinamanr 63 346 30 280 36 22.54 755 25 Harparwa alias Biratpurwa 6 25 21 - 4 32 15 26 Hehegara 339 1,745 774 612 359 34.96 929 27 Hendehas 53 299 48 243 8 46.49 157 28 Horilong 182 890 192 578 120 47.53 492 29 Hosir 172 897 297 517 83 27.09 515 30 Jargarh 40 176 10 160 6 25 76 31 Jatha alias Baibal 55 375 - 367 8 30.4 252 32 Jobe alias Ambatikar 138 654 134 401 119 37.92 245 33 Juruhar 300 1,774 133 1,525 116 27.9 1,107 34 Kachanpur 273 1,453 71 1,332 50 58.98 1,022 35 Kalyanpur 137 795 75 720 - 24.65 560

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36 Kechki 274 1,792 193 1,464 135 29.46 993 37 Kerh 604 3,138 953 1,598 587 36.55 1,778 38 Khamhikhas 55 305 - 282 23 52.79 161 39 Khura 480 2,396 905 206 1,285 65.23 1,560 40 Kolpurwa 88 476 5 382 89 51.68 357 41 Korwadih 28 197 - 197 - 9.64 606 42 Kuchila 432 2,727 1,065 931 731 42.54 1,762 43 Kuku 85 490 - 463 27 36.33 246 44 Kutmu 193 1,143 289 540 314 23.01 861 45 Labhar 35 268 7 180 81 62.31 152 46 Lanka 55 333 266 45 22 16.52 160 47 Lat 216 1,215 38 1,105 72 30.45 494 48 Ledgain 148 792 403 231 158 39.02 603 49 Luhur 293 1,641 673 618 350 47.9 1,053 50 Lukumkhanr 104 508 197 324 27 37.6 305 51 Lushhabathan 5 33 4 - 29 9.09 22 52 Manatu 71 402 169 211 22 32.59 217 53 Mandal 230 1,043 164 524 355 23.11 599 54 Mangra 474 2,459 928 1,228 303 43.72 1,450 55 Meral 21 132 - 132 - 12.12 59 56 Morwai Kalan 457 2,436 532 1,752 152 53.28 1,287 57 Morwai Khurd 52 237 64 173 - 43.88 75 58 Mundu 148 865 325 389 151 41.85 590 59 Murgidih 256 1,316 295 842 179 48.86 897 60 Muru 344 1,876 530 1,309 37 36.25 1,327 61 Nawadih 288 1,482 76 621 785 23.14 797 62 Nawarnago 33 182 - 182 - 56.04 77 63 Paira 119 659 119 515 25 38.24 365 64 Patradih 28 140 - 118 22 37.86 89 65 Pokhari Kalan 611 3,886 289 48 3,549 25.45 2,207 66 Pokhri Khurd 150 790 288 212 290 19.62 580 67 Putuagarh 50 234 10 201 23 40.17 127 68 Rabdi 138 629 225 334 70 27.34 298 69 Saidupe 394 2,147 246 1,862 39 32.42 1,142 70 Saraidih 297 1,719 519 202 998 29.26 952 71 Selaritanr 29 134 42 91 1 9.7 69 72 Serandag 79 447 10 436 1 47.65 216 73 Sindhorwa 24 123 24 97 2 48.78 50 74 Sukul Katha 12 60 12 48 - 41.67 23 75 Tanwai 41 210 - 210 - 43.81 79

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76 Tongari 190 974 9 925 40 31.62 522 77 Ukamar 3 12 - 8 4 33.33 9 78 Ukamar 288 1,644 181 1,438 25 36.68 1,141 79 Wopag 93 482 19 404 59 40.46 251 80 Bhajna 15 82 8 53 21 25.61 44 81 Bijpur 98 535 1 436 98 56.26 273 82 Chapiya 56 269 - 268 1 40.15 116 83 Chemo 73 321 - 122 199 5.92 139 84 Hesatu 131 622 - 507 115 36.33 280 85 Khaira 2 13 - 13 - 46.15 3 86 Khwra 81 379 - 350 29 8.97 188 87 Korwadih ------88 Korwadih 2 4 - 4 - 50 - 89 Kudgara ------90 Kulhi 42 199 - 166 33 34.67 108 91 Kutku 101 460 44 416 - 38.91 187 92 Madgari 921 4,276 1,734 445 2,097 46.52 2,076 93 Parro 206 1,067 23 869 175 41.99 494 94 Polpol 22 90 - 90 - 48.89 35 95 Saneya 133 675 59 490 126 50.52 324 96 Sangali 45 203 - 72 131 15.76 100 97 Saruat 85 412 - 292 120 25.97 208 98 Telri 166 888 465 423 - 73.2 731 99 Totki 55 299 29 268 2 44.82 64 100 Tumera 43 167 - 164 3 29.94 86 101 Turer 71 312 - 310 2 44.23 164 102 Ausane 791 4,017 796 1,071 2,150 46.4 2,330 103 Ausane 446 2,804 496 724 1,584 15.26 104 Barhaniar - - - - - 105 Barhaniar 79 446 - 431 15 0 106 Khapia 101 525 163 284 78 52.19 297 107 Khapia 53 361 108 192 61 0.55 108 Armu Mirchaiya 44 226 - 226 - 26.99 122 109 Baheratola 88 459 - 440 19 63.62 123 110 Baigatoli 123 582 88 394 100 33.85 300 111 Baresanr 253 1,303 197 497 609 48.73 691 112 Baribandh 96 518 - 491 27 31.27 252 113 Bhawarbandha 32 168 - 160 8 29.76 93 114 Champi 17 104 - 97 7 8.65 193 115 Chiraiya 11 41 - 39 2 39.02 24

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116 Daldalia 102 579 19 436 124 43.52 316 117 Darichapar 39 157 3 154 - 36.31 72 118 Darkocha 57 264 - 262 2 47.73 144 119 Derhgaon 82 433 142 209 82 40.88 237 120 Dhangartola 331 1,558 101 524 933 61.04 1,049 121 Doram 88 382 14 368 - 51.31 185 122 Garu 77 362 2 242 118 58.01 219 123 Goindi 73 370 - 370 - 32.97 169 124 Hendehas 93 439 16 373 50 28.47 242 125 Hesag 81 436 - 414 22 43.12 257 126 Hethtola 46 240 - 226 14 36.67 113 127 Hurdagtola 62 342 22 305 15 45.61 160 128 Kabri 70 302 12 229 61 54.97 154 129 Kante - - - - - 16 130 Karwai 156 806 5 779 22 40.45 412 131 Korwatola 64 301 - 301 - 29.24 136 132 Kotam 224 1,210 84 1,058 68 40.58 706 133 Kui 74 403 100 299 4 48.39 244 134 Lohargara 110 633 56 545 32 33.65 344 135 Lohurtanr 103 470 18 447 5 43.83 306 136 Mahuadaber 29 118 66 29 23 19.49 205 137 Mangra 7 37 - 37 - 43.24 18 138 Maromar 70 301 11 265 25 49.5 151 139 Mayapur 186 873 1 681 191 62.08 450 140 Paharkocha 90 514 - 413 101 69.26 294 141 Pati - - - - - 125 142 Piri 100 573 15 558 - 41.71 334 143 Purni Armu 64 674 - 660 14 62.76 547 144 Purni Hesag 23 132 - 125 7 54.55 80 145 Ramseli 153 750 - 683 67 46.27 419 146 Rol 97 502 6 271 225 46.41 262 147 Rud 157 773 - 732 41 27.17 364 148 Salwe 99 478 57 380 41 50.21 271 149 Samodhtola 53 633 48 479 106 80.41 425 150 Simakhas 71 325 12 268 45 51.38 176 151 Siram 22 100 - 100 - 32 48 152 Surkumi 236 1,176 - 1,126 50 46.68 546 153 Adhe 49 274 - 206 68 42.7 126 154 Aksi 200 1,157 8 1,064 85 58.17 540 155 Bandua 178 852 - 850 2 38.97 481

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156 Chetma 139 767 42 701 24 59.84 287 157 Dauna 160 761 36 529 196 54.01 375 158 Durup 189 1,072 - 884 188 50.37 500 159 Gaurgara ------160 Jamdih or Haramgara 171 977 36 853 88 7.57 - 161 Janta 24 131 7 117 7 38.17 - 162 Korgi 22 128 - 64 64 16.41 163 Lodh 95 598 84 402 112 26.59 - 164 Naina 22 18 - 18 - 22.22 165 Parewa 62 313 - 312 1 33.55 - 166 Sirsi 71 385 - 304 81 7.79 167 Tamoli 136 690 22 606 62 28.84 - 168 Tisia 43 226 1 111 114 6.64 169 Ambatikar 37 189 - 188 1 42.86 50 170 Antikheta 129 719 116 561 42 35.19 413 171 Barkadih 248 1,173 137 772 264 47.66 660 172 Bhatko 161 972 50 243 679 53.29 694 173 Deobar 111 667 179 488 - 37.48 402 174 Hatta 119 626 - 617 9 23 453 175 Jabla 66 329 - 328 1 42.86 177 176 Jagtu 124 591 171 373 47 57.87 301 177 Jerua 186 997 82 641 274 50.55 558 178 Koili 49 295 131 107 57 57.97 165 179 Kope 266 1,363 373 575 415 43.21 1,176 180 Kurumkheta 26 118 - 112 6 47.46 60 181 Lanka 284 1,503 292 1,201 10 43.58 842 182 Lawagara 39 173 66 29 78 46.82 79 183 Patki 43 250 24 176 50 54.8 144 184 Pipra Kalan 191 1,051 250 293 508 19.89 - 185 Rabda 226 1,216 195 981 40 11.76 - 186 Ranki Kalan 372 1,982 849 479 654 52.32 1,114 187 Ranki Khurd 86 491 178 46 267 43.99 - 188 Salaia 81 410 207 142 61 17.8 - 189 Sewdhara 89 422 40 191 191 39.81 327 190 Thema 50 285 98 53 134 17.19 - 191 Themi 79 388 320 7 61 7.22 - Total 28,224 1,49,374 26,605 86,742 34,690 39.77 81,933

Statistics are based on Census data, 2011

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Population Dynamics of PTR

160,000 140,000 120,000 Household 100,000 80,000 Total Population 60,000 40,000 S.C. 20,000 S.T. 0 OBC & Others Non Worker


4.6 Agriculture

Agriculture is main occupation in the area, but productivity is very low because the main agriculture crops are practiced only in 10% of the village area. The land condition in villages could be divided into upland (Tanr), Middle slope land (Chour), Down land (Dohar). The paddy is cultivated in dohar land whereas chour is utilized for maize, millet and Arhar. The uplands are generally not cultivated but sometimes Til is cultivated. One can see the vast stretch of upland in the villages covered with Lantana and has no use to the owner. Only 10- 15% of the owner‘s land is available for cultivation. Some areas have dohar in valleys in which summer paddy is also cultivated. Thus, the main cultivation consisting of paddy and maize sustain for about three to five months in the household. The land distribution in the villages is also depending upon the type of community residing in the villages.

The best agriculture land is with the Cheros and Khairwars who are called ‗agriculture community‘. The community like Birjia and Parahiya belonging to most primitive tribe group are always found in separate hamlet in the some village, having very less land holding. These are hunter and gatherer community. The Korwas are called baiga/ medicine- man and are found in the forest areas only. Therefore, land distribution determines the type of

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agriculture practiced in the villages. The old cultivation method is still used in these villages. The major crops are as following:

1. Kharif- Consists of Paddy, Madua, Maize, Goindli, Urad, Arhar, Moong, Til and Groundnut. 2. Rabi- The early rabi crops are Kulthi, Lotani, Sargujia whereas late rabi crops are pea, gram, potato, tomato etc. (Cropping pattern) During the summer season, most of the land remain barren uncultivated with very little summer paddy and summer vegetation cultivation in dohar areas.

Cropping Pattern- Paddy, maize and wheat are the major crops raised in the area. Followed by Bajra, Arhar, Moong, Gram, Sarso. The various vegetable and horticulture plants are also raised.

S.NO LOCAL BOTANICAL NAME FAMILY NAME A. CEREALS 1 Paddy Oryza sativa Poaceae 2 Maize Zea mays Poaceae 3 Wheat Triticumaestivum Poaceae 4 Barley Hordeumvulgare Poaceae 5 Bajra Pennisetumtyphoides Poaceae B. PULSES 1 Arhar Cajanuseajan Leguminosae 2 Gram Cicerarietinum Leguminosae 3 Lentil Lens culineris Leguminosae 4 Mung Phaseolusaureus Leguminosae 5 Khsesari Lathyrussativus Leguminosae 6 Kulthi Macrotylomauniflorum Leguminosae 7 Urid Phaseolusmungo Leguminosae 8 Barbati Vignaunguiculata Leguminosae C.OIL YIELDING PLANTS 1 Mustard Brassica campestris Cruciferae 2 Castor Ricinuscommunis Linaceae D. Spices 1 Chilly Capsicum annuum Solanaceae 2 Garlic Allium sativum Liliaceae 3 Adrak Zingiberofficinale Zingiberaceae E. VEGETABLES 1 Brinjal Solanummelongena Solanaceae

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2 Lady‘s finger Abelmoschusesculentus Malvaceae 3 Karela Momordicacharantia Cucurbitaceae 4 Brassica oleracea var. Cauliflower botrytis Cruciferae 5 Pumpkin Cucurbitapepo Cucurbitaceae 6 Bean Phaseolus vulgaris Leguminosae 7 Parol Luffa cylindrical Cucurbitaceae 8 Jhinga Luffaacutangula Cucurbitaceae 9 Kundri Cocciniagrandis Cucurbitaceae 10 Kakori Momordicadioca Cucurbitaceae 11 Sahjan Moringaoleifera Moringaceae 12 Kohra Cueurbita maxima Cucurbitaceae F. FRUITS 1 Guava(piyara) Psidiumguajava Myrtaceae 2 Jamun Syzygiumcumini Myrtaceae 3 Ber Zizyphusmauritiana Myrtaceae 4 Papaya Carica papaya Caricaceae 5 Custard apple Anona reticulate Annonaceae 6 Bel Aeglemarmelos Myrtaceae 7 Toot Morus alba Moraceae 8 Dabh Citrus aurentifolia Myrtaceae 9 Kathal Artocarpusintegrifolia Moraceae 10 Pindra Catunaregamuliginosa -

The village crop productivity is low as the cultivation is mostly rain fed. The low area is cultivated with Paddy which is most favored crop. The uplands is cultivated with maize in combination with Arhar and Til. The irrigated area has Wheat and Barley also. However, the production is not much.

4.7 Livestock

Livestock playing vital part in the livelihood of villages located in Palamu Tiger Reserve. The smaller variety of cattle, goats, local smaller pigs and local poultry are kept. The cattle and goats provide good income through sale. These cattle are unproductive for milk but are kept in large number as these are the base of status in the villages and used for exchange during marriages also. So, these cattle are not stall fed and left in forest for grazing. On an average each household has 5- 10 such cattle.

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In recent years, buffalos are also seen in the villages. These are not kept by any tribal but are the property of outside settlers in these villages. The buffalo and larger cattle variety also enjoy the privilege of rights granted to tribal community in the forest. Such villages are found in Mandal, Serendag, Lat and Parro area where outside settlers take advantage of tribal‘s right. The magnitude of the cattle is very high villages. These cattle are disturbing the fodder balance of the wildlife in the area.

4.8Village Livelihood

Agriculture and livestock could are not able to provide livelihood to the people for the year. It provides nearly 6- 8 months of rural livelihood in the area. The rest is earned through:

Labour: The villages of tract are famous for migratory laborers who go for employment in Punjab, Haryana, U.P., Kerala and Karnataka. The local employment generation is not sufficient and local youths are forced to go to other states to earn livelihood.

NTFP Collection: The NTFP are the major source of the income to local villagers. The collection of kendu leaves, mahulan leaves, honey, amla, harra, bahera, satawar, bel, indrajaw, mushrooms, bantulsi etc. is made and sold in the local market. The magnitude of the collection of NTFP is increasing gradually as the market demand for herbal products is increasing.

S. Name of Natural Season Remark N. Resource 1 Firewood All Seasons 2 Poles Winter & Summer 3 Timber All Seasons

4 Bamboo Summer & Winter

5 Myrobolans Summer & Winter 6 Kendu Leaves Summer 7 Mahua Flower & Summer Seed 8 Sal Seeds Summer 9 Mahulan Leaves Winter & Summer 10 Sal Leaves All Seasons 11 Medicinal Plants Summer & Winter 12 Other MFP Summer & Winter Tulsi, Neem, Kusum,

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Amla,Harre,Bahera etc. 13 Mushroom Rainy 14 Tubers All seasons 15 Fruits in seasons Bel, Jamun, Tend, Mahua, Kusum,Karond, Amla 16 Oil Seeds Summer & Winter Kusum, Neem, Karanj, Dori 17 Honey All Seasons 18 Vegetable All Seasons Bamboo shoots, Leaves of Cassia 19 Fodder All Seasons Grasses and Leaves 20 Fibres All seasons ―Chop‖,―Semal‖, wild cotton.

The 78% of population is ST and some most primitive tribe like Nagesia, Korwa also constitute this population. These have nearly 45% of non- workers and rest depends upon minor agriculture forest produce Village Livelihood (NTFP) and as labour force. 30 The major dependency on 20 forests was 10 observed for firewood, grazing, 0 mushroom Agriculture Livestock NTFP Labour collection, other MFP collection like Mahua flower, Piyar, tendu leaf and mahulan. As the area is very cold during winter and temperature drops to 1- 2ºC. The requirement of firewood is more in these villages. It is estimated that 1 Household consumes nearly 30,000 kg of firewood per year in these villages. The local labour components also include agricultural labourers and pure labourers who are engaged in various labour oriented works. As per the interviewed with the villagers, the local wages sustain them for 2- 3 months. The rest is depended upon NTFP and livestock.

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4.9 Topography & Drainage

The topography is undulating with hills, spur and valleys. The major hill are Kukud Pat 987 m, Gulgul Pat- 1165m, Lachhua pat- 946m, Kara Pat- 979m, Burha Pahar- 945m from MSL. The highest village Turer is situated at 945m height. These hills and spurs produce the various topographical features and are sources of natural drainages.

The area is the catchment of River North Koel, which receives 100s of streams from Palamu Tiger Reserve area. Some important small rivers are Burha, Gunga, Haraiya, Saphi, Masuriya, Kulhi and Auranga.

4.10 Flora & Fauna Palamu Tiger Reserve The Palamu Tiger Reserve was notified in 1974 as one of India‘s first nine tiger reserves established under Project Tiger. It is located in the western part of the Chhotanagpur Plateau and spans an area of 1129.93 km2 comprising the Palamu Wildlife Sanctuary (979.27 km2) and Betla National Park (226.32 km2) is spread over the districts of Latehar and Garhwa in Jharkhand.

Palamu Tiger Reserve has been classed within the Central Indian Landscape Complex–the largest tiger landscape in India as described by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII). On its western side, the contiguity of habitat from Palamu extends into the Sanjay- Dubri Tiger Reserve, through Guru Ghasidas National Park, all the way to Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve. This makes it part of the 25,000 km2 of Bandhavgarh- Sanjay- Guru Ghasidas- Palamu Landscape.

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Palamu Tiger Reserve is also connected to the Achanakmar- Kanha Tiger Landscape through the Jashpur and Mahan Forests of Chhattisgarh. To its north-east, Palamu TR is weakly connected to the Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary and Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary along the border with Bihar through the Wildlife Sanctuary in Chatra District as well as the Hazaribag Wildlife Sanctuary. Towards the south, it is connected to the Saranda/ Odisha landscape through forests of Simdega and Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary in the near Jashpur region of Chhattisgarh.

The management plan of Palamu Tiger Reserve, Year- 2013- 14 to 2022- 23 given lists 97 species of important seed bearing plants, 46 species of shrubs and herbs, 25 species of climbers, parasites, semi- parasites and orchids and 17 species of grasses, bamboo and agave.

4.10.1 Vegetation Cover Type Dry Mixed Forest Adina cordifolia, Diospyros melanoxylon, Buchanania lanzan, Madhuca longifolia, Pterocarpus marsupium, Holoptelea integrifolia, Schleichera oleosa, Acacia catechu, Anogeissus latifolia, Boswellia serrata, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Terminalia tomentosa, Woodfordia fruticosa etc.

Dry Sal Forest Diospyros melanoxylon, Buchanania lanzan, Pterocarpus marsupium, Anogeissus latifolia, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Terminalia tomentosa, Woodfordia fruticosa, Emblica officinalis, Indigofera pulchella etc.

Moist Sal Forest Diospyros melanoxylon, Buchanania lanzan, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia tomentosa, Anogeissus latifolia, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Schleichera oleosa, Woodfordia fruticosa, Adina cordifolia, Bauhinia spp. Bombax ceiba etc.

High level plateau Sal Forest Terminalia tomentosa, Anogeissus latifolia, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Woodfordia fruticosa, Bauhinia spp. Bombax ceiba, Butea monosperma, Madhuca longifolia etc.

Moist Mixed Forest Terminalia tomentosa, Adina cordifolia, Bauhinia spp. Albizia procera, Syzygium cumini, Mallotus philippensis etc.

Energy Plan Palamu Tiger Reserve 54 List of Tree found in Palamu Tiger Reserve Sl. No. LOCAL NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME 1 Ach Morinda tinctoria 2 Amla Emblica officinalis 3 Amda Spondias mangifera 4 Arjun Terminalia arjuna 5 Asan Terminalia tomentosa 6 Babul Acacia arabica 7 Bahera Terminalia bellirica 8 Bahuar Cordia myxa 9 Bakain Melia azedarach 10 Bar Ficus benghalensis 11 Barhar Artocarpus lakooc 12 Barun Ficus tomentosa 13 Bel Aegle marmelos 14 Belwanjan Cordia Macleodii 15 Ber Ziziphus mauritiana 16 Beri Casearia tomentosa 17 Bhabiranj Antidesma ghaesembilla 18 Bhaire Ehretia laevis 19 Bharhul Chloroxylon swietenia 20 Bhelwa Semecarpus anacardium 21 Bhurkur Hymenodictyon excelsum 22 Bia/Paisar Pterocarpus marsupium 23 Champa Michelia champaca 24 Chatni Alstonia scholaris 25 Chilbil Holoptelea integrifolia 26 Dhanraj/Amaltas Cassia fistula 27 Dhautha Anogeissus latifolia 28 Dhela Alangium lamarckii 29 Dimar Ficus hispida 30 Galgal Cochlospermum gossypium 31 Gamhar Gmelina arborea 32 Genjan Lannea grandis 33 Ghato Schrebera swietenioides 34 Ghorkaranj/ Ghorkaram Ailanthus excelsa 35 Guri/Gurikaram Mitragyna parviflora 36 Gursukhi Grewia hirsuta 37 Hardi Dalbergia lanceolaria 38 Harra Terminalia chebula 39 Imli/Jojo Tamarindus indica

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40 Jamun Eugenia jambolana 41 Jang Siris Albizzia odoratissima 42 Jotsingh Rubia cordifolia 43 Kachnar Bauhinia variegata 44 Kajhi Bridelia retusa 45 Kala Shisham Dalbergia latifolia 46 Kamini/Otel Murraya exotica 47 Karam Adina cordifolia 48 Karanj Pongamia glabra 49 Saccopetalum tomentosum (Syn. miliusa Kari velutina) 50 Katai Vangueria pubescens 51 Katber Ziziphus mauritiana 52 Kathal Artocarpus integrifolia 53 Kathul Bauhinia retusa 54 Katjamun Eugenia heyneana 55 Katmauli Bauhinia racemosa 56 Keonjhi Sterculia urens 57 Khair Acacia catechu 58 Koenar Bauhinia purpurea 59 Koreya Holarrhena antidysentrica 60 Kudmi Polyalthia cerasoides 61 Kumbhi Careya arborea 62 Kusum Schleichera oleosa 63 Lohajangin Ixora parviflora 64 Madartendu Diospyros embryopteris 65 Mahua Madhuca latifolia 66 Mango Mangifera indica 67 Medh Litsea sebifera 68 Neem Azadirachta indica 69 Pader Stereospermum suaveolens 70 Paiman Eugenia operculata 71 Palas Butea frondosa 72 Papra Gardenia latifolia 73 Parho Ficus cunia 74 Patdhaman Grewia asiatica 75 Piar Buchanania lanzan 76 Pipal Ficus religiosa 77 Piurar Randia uliginosa 78 Pula Kydia calycina 79 Rai Dillenia pentagyna 80 Ratangur Elaeodendron mukorossi

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81 Ritha Sapindus mukorossi 82 Rohan Mallotus philippinensis 83 Rohena Soymida febrifuga 84 Safed Siris Albizzia procera 85 Sagwan/Teak Tectona grandis 86 Sal/Sakhua Shorea robusta 87 Salia Boswellia serrata 88 Sandan Ougeinia oojeinensis 89 Semal Bombax ceiba 90 Shisham Dalbergia sissoo 91 Sidha Lagerostroemia parviflora 92 Siris Albizzia lebbek 93 Sonapatta Oroxylum indicum 94 Tend/Kend/Tiril Diospyros melanoxylon 95 Tilia/Tiril Wendlandia exserta 96 Toon Toona ciliata 97 Tut Morus spp. List of Shrubs & Herbs

S. Name Scientific Name No 1 Aitha/Atham Helicteres isora 2 Akaon Calotropis gigantea 3 Amti Antidesma diandrum 4 Baborang Embelia robusta 5 Ban/ Kapasi Thespesia lampas 6 Belsain Limonia acidissima 7 Bhant Clerodendron infortunatum 8 Binda/Bindhu Colebrookea oppositifolia 9 Birja/Bara/Jirhul Sophora bakeri 10 Chakor Cassia tora 11 Chandra Rauwolfia spp. 12 Chirchiri Achyranthes aspera 13 Chiretta Swertia pulchella 14 Dekamali Gardenia gummifera 15 Dhathora Ziziphus oenoplia 16 Dhawai Woodfordia fruticosa 17 Dudhi Euphorbia hirta 18 Gaiti Hypericum gaitii 19 Galphuli Flemingia chappar

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20 Gond/Marmaridara Strobilanthes auriculatus 21 Jangli Karonda Carissa spinarum 22 Jangli Piaj Urginea indica 23 Jirhul Indigofera pulchella 24 Kalchu/Chiku Glochidion lanceolarium 25 Kalmegh Andrographis paniculata 26 Kanwar Carissa carandas 27 Kapar/Adhkapar Wrightia tinctoria 28 Kargali Cleistanthus collinus 29 Karhar/Dhanuk Gardenia turgida 30 Kashmoi Berberis aristata 31 Katai Flacourtia ramontchi 32 Keonti Ventilago maderaspatana 33 Khejur Phoenix acaulis 34 Lajwanti Mimosa pudica 35 Lodh Symplocos racemosa 36 Makoi Solanum nigrum 37 Mowar Randia dumetorum 38 Putri Croton oblongifolius 39 Putus Lantana camara 40 Rengni Solanum xanthocarpum 41 Salpani Flemingia stricta 42 Samshihar/Harsingar Nyctanthes arobor-tristis 43 Sarpuka Tephrosia purpurea 44 Satawar Asparagus racemosus 45 Sika Flueggia obovata 46 Sindwar Vitex negundo List of Climbers, Parasites, Semi- Parasites, Orchids

S. No Name Scientific Name 1 Alaj-jori/ Parasite Cuscuta reflexa 2 Alkosi Mucuna pruriens 3 Arar Acacia pennata 4 Banda Loranthus spp. 5 Banda Viscum spp. 6 Bhidia lar Porana paniculata 7 Bilari Mukia maderaspatana 8 Cihut Butea parviflora 9 Dorang Butea superba 10 Dudhia lar Cryptolepis buchanani

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11 Gurnar Millettia auriculata 12 Harjorwa Vitis repanda 13 Karjani Abrus precatorius 14 Keksa Momordica dioica 15 Khopri Vitis latifolia 16 Maholan Bauhinia vahlii 17 Orchid Habenaria susannae 18 Orchid Pogonia spp. 19 Orchid Vanda spp. 20 Patal Konhra Pueraria tuberosa 21 Ram datwan Smilax macrophylla 22 Ram datwan Smilax prolifera 23 Rateng/Phalandur Combretum decandrum 24 Saon lar Ichnocarpus frutescens 25 --- Cassytha spp. List of Grasses, Bamboo, Agave

S. No Name Scientific Name 1 --- Chrysopogon mountanus 2 Bans/Bamboo Dendrocalamus strictus 3 Bara bans Bambusa arundinacea 4 Cherograss Imperata arundinacea 5 Chor kanta Chrysopogon aciculatus 6 Doob Cynodon dactylon 7 Dudhia sauri Apluda varia 8 Jharu/Broom grass Thysanolaena agrostis 9 Jharu/Motaminijhar Arundinella setosa 10 Kher/Sauri grass Heteropogon contortus 11 Khrj Panicum montana 12 Khus-khus Vetiveria zizanioides 13 Moraba Agave spp. 14 Munj Saccharum munja 15 Nanha dudhe grass Cymbopogon martinii 16 Sabai Eulaliopsis binata 17 Ulu Imperata cylindrica

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4.10.2 Wild Fauna

Palamu Tiger Reserve is very rich and diverse in terms of faunal composition. Forty species of mammals, 205 species of birds, 28 species of amphibians and reptiles, 21 families of insects and 36 species of spiders recorded in the tract.

Chief species are Tigers, Elephants, Leopards, Grey Wolf, Gaur, Sloth Bear, Four- Horned Antelope, Indian Ratel, Indian Otter and Indian Pangolin. There are 11 Schedule- I species distributed in PTR among mammals only. List of Wild Animals found in Palamu Tiger Reserve S.NO ENGLISH NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME 1 Bandicoot Rat Bandicota indica 2 Barking Deer Muntiacus muntjak 3 Common Indian Langur Presbytis entellus 4 Common Mongoose Herpestes edwardsi 5 Common Palm Civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus 6 Four-horned Antelope Tetraceros quadricornis 7 Grey Musk Shrew Suncus murinus 8 Indian Bush Rat Golunda ellioti 9 Indian Elephant Elephas maximus 10 Indian Field Mouse Mus booduga 11 Indian Flying Fox Pteropus giganteus 12 Indian Fox Vulpes bengalensis 13 Indian Fruit Bat Rousettus leschenaulti 14 Gaur (Indian Bison) Bos gaurus 15 Indian Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica 16 Indian Hare Lepus nigricollis 17 Indian Gerbilles Tarera indica 18 Indian Jackal Canis aureus 19 Indian Otter Lutra lutra 20 Indian Pangolin Manis crassicaudata 21 Indian Porcupine Hystrix indica 22 Indian Wild Dog (Dhole) Cuon alpinus 23 Indian Wolf Canis lupus 24 Jungle Cat Felischaus 25 Leopard Panthera pardus 26 Long-tailed Tree Mouse Vendeleuria oleracea 27 Mouse Deer (Indian Tragulus meminna

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Chevrotain) 28 Nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus 29 Ratel (Honey Badger) Mellivora capensis 30 Rhesus Macaque Macaca mulatta 31 Sambhar Deer Cervus unicolor 32 Short-nosed Bat Cynopterus sphinx 33 Sloth Bear Melursus ursinus 34 Small India Civet Viverricula indica 35 Small Indian Mangoose Herpestes javanicus 36 Spotted Deer (Chital) Axis axis 37 Striped Hyaena Hyaena hyaena 38 Three-striped Squirrel Funambulus palmarum 39 Tiger Panthera tigris 40 Wild Boar Sus scrofa List of Birds found in Palamu Tiger Reserve S. Name Scientific Name No 1 Alexandrine or Large Indian Psittacula eupatria Parakeet 2 Ashy Swallow Shrike Artamus fuscus 3 Ashy Wren Warbler Prinia socialis 4 Baby-backed Shrike Lanius vittatus 5 Bank Myna Acridotheres ginginianus 6 Barn or Screech Owl Tyto alba 7 Barred Jungle Owlet Glaucidium radiatum 8 Baya Weaver Ploceus philippinus 9 Black Bird Turdus merula 10 Black Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis 11 Black Ibis Pseudibis papillosa 12 Black Partridge Melanoperdix niger 13 Black-bellied Finch Lark Eremopterix grisea 14 Blackbreasted or Rain Quail Coturnix coromandelica 15 Black-breasted Weaver Ploceus benghalensis 16 Black-headed Cuckoo Shrike Coracina melanoptera 17 Black-headed Munia Lonchura malacca 18 Black-headed Oriole Oriolus xanthornus 19 Black-necked Strok Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus 20 Blackwinged Kite Elanus caeruleus 21 Blackwinged Stilt Himantopus himantopus

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22 Blossom-headed Parakeet Psittacula cyanocephala 23 Blue-tailed Bee-eater Merops philippinus 24 Blue-throated Barbet Psilopogon asiaticus 25 Blue-winged Leaf bird Chloropsis cochinchinensis 26 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus 27 Brahminy Myna Sturnus pagodarum 28 Brown Fish Owl Ketupa zeylonensis 29 Button Quail Turnix tanki 30 Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 31 Chestnut Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus 32 Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch Sitta castanea 33 Chestnut-headed Bee-eater Merops leschenaulti 34 Collared Scopes Owl Otus bakkamoena 35 Common Babbler Turdoides caudatus 36 Common Green Pigeon Treron phoenicoptera 37 Indian Grey Hornbill Ocyceros birostris 38 Common Hawk Cuckoo Cuculus varius 39 Common Hoopoe Upupa epops 40 Common Indian Nightjar Caprimulgus asiaticus 41 Common or Blue legged Bustard Turnix suscitator Quail 42 Common or Grey Quail Coturnix coturnix 43 Common Pariah Kite Milvus migrans 44 Common Sandgrouse Pterocles exustus 45 Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos 46 Common Swallow Hirundo rustica 47 Common Teal Anas crecca 48 Common Wood Shrike Tephrodornis pondicerianus 49 Coppersmith Barbet Megalaima haemacephala 50 Crested Hawk Eagle Spizaetus cirrhatus 51 Crested Lark Galerida cristata 52 Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis cheela 53 Crested Tree Swift Hemiprocne longipennis 54 Crow Pheasant Centropus siensis 55 Curlew Numenius arquata 56 Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus 57 Golden-backed Woodpecker Dinopium benghalense 58 Golden-fronted Leaf bird Chloropsis aurifrons 59 Green Munia Estrilda formosa 60 Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 61 Grey Patridge Francolinus pondicerianus 62 Grey Tit Parus major

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63 Grey Wagtail Motacilla canerea 64 Grey-headed Flycatcher Culicicapa ceylonensis 65 Grey-headed Myna Sturnus malabaricus 66 House Crow Corvus splendens 67 House Sparrow Passer domesticus 68 House Swift Apus affinis 69 Indian Great Horned Owl Bubo bubo bengalensis 70 Indian Myna Acridotheres tristis 71 Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus 72 Indian Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae 73 Indian Pitta Pitta brachyura 74 Indian Robin Saxicoloides fulicata 75 Indian Roller Coracias benghalensis 76 Indian Small Skylark Alauda gulgula 77 Indian Tree Pie Dendrocitta vagabunda 78 Indian Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 79 Indian Wren Warbler Prinia subflava 80 Iora Aegithina tiphia 81 Jungle Babbler Turdoides striatus 82 Jungle Bush Quail Perdicula asiatica 83 Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos 84 Jungle Myna Acridotheres fuscus 85 King or Black Vulture Torgos calvus 86 Koel Eudynamys scolopacea 87 Large Cuckoo Shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 88 Large Grey Babbler Turdoides malcolmi 89 Large Pied Wagtail Motacilla maderaspatensis 90 Little Brown Dove Streptopelia senegalensis 91 Little Egret Egretta garzetta 92 Little Green Bittern Butorides striatus 93 Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 94 Little Stint Calidris minuta 95 Lorikeet Loriculus vernalis 96 Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis 97 Malabar Pied Hornbill Anthracoceros coronatus 98 Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 99 Painted Sandgrouse Pterocles indicus 100 Palm Swift Cypsiurus parvus 101 Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone paradisi 102 Pied Bushchat Saxicola caprata 103 Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis

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104 Pied Myna Sturnus contra 105 Pigmy Woodpecker Picoides nanus 106 Pintail Duck Anas acuta 107 Pond Heron Ardeola grayii 108 Purple Sunbird Nectarinia asiatica 109 Purple-rumped Sunbird Nectarinia zeylonica 110 Quaker Babbler Alcippe poioicephala 111 Racket-tailed Drongo Dicrurus paradiseus 112 Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus 113 Red or Waxbill Munia Estrilda amandava 114 Red Spurfowl Galloperdix spadicea 115 Redrumped or Striated Swallor Hirundo 116 Redshank Tringa totanus 117 Red-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer 118 Redwattled Lapwing Vanellus indicus 119 Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 120 Red-winged Bush Lark Mirafra erythroptera 121 Refous-tailed Finch Lark Ammomanes phoenicurus 122 Ring Dove Streptopelia decaocto 123 River Tern Sterna aurantia 124 Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri 125 Rufous Woodpecker Micropternus brachyurus 126 Rufous-backed Shrike Lanius schach 127 Rufous-bellied Babbler Dumetia hyperythra 128 Scarlet Minivet Pericrocotus flammeus 129 Shama Copsychus malabaricus 130 Shikra Accipiter badius 131 Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus 132 Sirkeet Cuckoo Taccocua leschenaultii 133 Slaty-headed Scimitar Babbler Pomatorhinus schisticeps 134 Small Blue Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 135 Small Green Bee-eater Merops orientalis 136 Small Minivet Pericrocotus cinnamomeus 137 Spotted Babbler Pellorneum ruficeps 138 Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis 139 Spotted Munia Lonchura punctulata 140 Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus 141 Streaked Fantail Warbler Cisticola juncidis 142 Streaked Weaver Ploceus manyar 143 Tailor Bird Orthotomus sutorius 144 Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax

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145 Thick-billed Flowerpecker Dicaeum agile 146 Tickell's Blue Flycatcher Cyornis tickelliae 147 Tickell's Flowerpecker Dicaeum erythrorhynchos 148 Verditer Flycatcher Terpsiphone paradisi 149 White Ibis Eudocimus albus 150 White Scavenger Vulture Neophron percnopterus 151 White Stork Ciconia ciconia 152 White Wagtail Motacilla alba 153 White-backed Munia Lonchura striata 154 White-backed Vulture Gyps bengalensis 155 White-bellied Drongo Dicrurus caerulescens 156 White-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis 157 White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus 158 White-eyed Buzzard Butastur teesa 159 White-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus 160 White-spotted Fantail Flycatcher Rhipidura albicollis 161 White-throated Munia Lonchura malabarica 162 Wire-tailed Swallow Hirundo smithii 163 Wood or Spotted Sandpiper Tringa glareola 164 Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava Motacilla flava 165 Yellow-eyed Babbler Chrysomma sinense 166 Yellow-fronted Pied Woodpecker Picoides mahrattensis 167 Yellow-headed Wagtail Motacilla citreola 168 Yellow-Throated Sparrow Petronia xanthocollis 169 Yellow-wattled Lapwing Vanellus malabaricus List of Reptiles

S. No Name Scientific Name 1 Red Sand Boa Eryx johnii 2 Indian Cobra Naja naja 3 King Cobra Ophiophagus hannah 4 Banded Karait Bungarus fasciatus 5 Common Karait Bungarus caeruleus 6 Burmese Python Python molurus 7 Rat Snake Ptyas mucosa 8 Russel Viper daboia

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Chapter 5

Electrification in Villages under Palamu Tiger Reserve

Achieving universal access to electricity is one of the most important goals set for the energy sector by governments in our country. Electricity alone is not sufficient to spur economic growth, but it is certainly necessary. Access to electricity is particularly crucial to human development, as certain basic activities—such as lighting, refrigeration, running household appliances, and operating equipment—cannot easily be carried out by other forms of energy. Sustainable provision of electricity can free large amounts of time and labor and promote better health and education. Electrification can help achieve economic and social objectives.

Several villages of Latehar and Garhwa district, which are settled deep inside forest under Palamu Tiger Reserve has no access to electricity. Villagers are still bound to reside without electricity. Absence of electricity slows down the economic and social development of this area.

There are many obstacles intercepting the process of electrification of these villages since independence e.g. lack of will power, infrastructure, weak implementing capacity, shortage of power, tough geographical and social condition etc. But know both Government of India and State Government committed to provide electricity to deprived villages and households. The responsible agency for the execution JBVNL (Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited) is working in mission mode and trying to overcome all obstacles. This Energy Plan deals with route alignment for electrifying the villages so that wildlife/forest clearance should get for the project.

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5.1 Location of Project

This plan deals with rural electrification of the villages which comes under Palamu Tiger Reserve, situated at Barwadih, Garu (Latehar district) and Bhandaria (Garhwa district) civil block.

5.2 Goals & Objective of Plan

Main goal of this plan to do the alignment for electrification work through fragmented area so that no fresh forest will taken for the purpose so that wildlife/forest clearance will be obtained from forest department.

• Maps out efficient path to achieve result • Brings desired energy future into clear focus • Considers hurdles/challenges • Progress indicators • Documents for short- and long-term planning to achieve the goal

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5.2.1 Short term goal • To Electrify all village/household those still reside in dark era. • Conduct electrification work with minimum impact on biodiversity and wildlife • To electrify the forest villages/helmet through solar energy.

5.2.2 Long term goal • Electrification process should have almost no impact on biodiversity of Palamu Tiger Reserve.

5.3 Project at a glance

 The Government of India has now announced the electrification of all inhabited census villages. A village is considered electrified if it possesses basic electrical infrastructure and 10% of its homes have access to power. However, nearly one-fifth of India‘s rural households still remain in acute darkness. The government is committed to reaching these households through the saubhagya scheme by 31 December 2018- a deadline that has been moved up to 31 March 2019. The project‘s ambition is praiseworthy.

 Electrification scheme like the previous Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), and the ongoing Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) and Saubhagya Schemes have focused on establishing village electricity infrastructure. DDUGJY is for the remaining 18,452 inhabited villages. There are issues with these

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schemes like confusion over data regarding the number of households in the country and inconsistencies in the data put out by state electricity discoms. The largest issue, however, might be the lack of focus on supply- side barriers.

 The rapid pace of rural electrification has clearly not been matched by adoption at the household level. According to a 2015 World Bank study, Power for All: Electricity Access Challenge in India is that ―even where electricity service has been locally available, many village households choose not to adopt a connection‖. For instance, states like Tripura and Sikkim, despite almost universal access, have among the lowest consumption rates. Examination of this gap between electricity access and household level adoption allows for a better understanding of supply-demand problems that characterize the lag between village electrification and household‘s decisions to connect.

 India faces a terrible power reliability situation. Rural electrification by itself means little when load shedding and power outages are frequent technicality. Only six states had, on an average 24 hour power supply in rural areas as of December 2017. This lack of reliability often discourages households from adopting electricity, which disincentivises discoms, thus undermining investment in rural electrification. This makes power supply even more unreliable, perpetuating a vicious cycle.

 This is just one aspect of the long running problem of discom finances. Discoms face multiple challenges, ranging from revenue losses due to high cost of power theft, irregularity and delay in disbursement of state subsidies assured to domestic/agriculture consumers. The lack of political will across governments to rationalize traffic and slash these subsidies is a long-running problem. The Modi government‘s attempt to address discom‘s financial stress via the Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana, rolled out in 2015, is the latest in a long line of government bailouts. It hasn‘t been any more successful than previous attempts. The continued stress doesn‘t just have negative consequence on the demand side in the form of reduced investment in network modernization, up gradation of transformers and unreliable power supply. The ripple effects spread back up the supply chains as well, affecting the power generation sector when discoms push for regeneration of power purchase agreement or prefer the spot market.

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 Little wonder that basic economic logic militates against rural households in areas with poor power reliability adopting grid electricity. They have to pay a monthly fixed minimum charge irrespective of brownouts and blackouts. Meanwhile, poor reliability forces them to also use traditional fuels, like kerosene and fuel wood, for lighting and cooking purposes, in effects these households end up paying for two power sources. Unsurprisingly, this affects rural household‘s decision to electricity adoption.

 While India has made remarkable progress in bringing electricity to almost every village, the achievement on this front masks continuing challenges. These challenges will only grow as the government‘s focus on renewable energy further disrupts the power sector – both financially and in terms of technical challenges. There is still a long way to go for lowering barriers to adoption, easing discom‘s financial stress and incentivizing rural adoption.

5.3.1 Rural Electrification in Latehar and Garhwa district

Electrification in remote and rural area is on war in Jharkhand, State Government is committed to provide electricity in all 29492 villages of Jharkhand by December 2018.

The district like Ramgarh & Bokaro achieved 100 % electrification but some district like Latehar and Garhwa is still away to achieve. Most of un-electrified villages in these area are located in forest and geographically tough. After above mention problem Number of villages in Latehar (Barwadih & Garu Block) and Garhw (Bhandaria Block) are un-electrified due to technical, issue i.e. Wildlife/Forest clearance.

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Status of Electrification Latehar & Garhwa District in %

Garhwa Latehar

81.16 81.42

18.58 18.84

Elelectrified To be Electrified

5.4. Electrification of Villages under Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR)

 Village situated inside Palamu Tiger Reserve has no other story than the village situated remote inside the forest area.  Numbers of villages of PTR are still not electrified/semi electrified and people remain lives in darkness.

5.4.1 Village un-electrified/semi electrified in Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR) due to issue of Wildlife/Forest Clearance.

S. Name of Village Block Thana No. of No. No. Household 1 2 3 4 6 1 Baridohar Barwadih 53 110 2 Barkheta Barwadih 49 205 3 Bere Barwadih 45 170 4 Chatam Barwadih 79 42 5 Chungru Barwadih 69 355 6 Ganeshpur Barwadih 75 194 7 Gasedag Barwadih 46 109 8 Gua Barwadih 65 63 9 Haratu Barwadih 73 270 10 Harhe Barwadih 48 157 11 Harparwa alias Biratpurwa Barwadih 2 6

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12 Hehegara Barwadih 64 339 13 Hosir Barwadih 66 172 14 Jargarh Barwadih 51 40 15 Jobe alias Ambatikar Barwadih 74 138 16 Kachanpur Barwadih 3 273 17 Khamhikhas Barwadih 42 55 18 Kuku Barwadih 80 85 19 Labhar Barwadih 70 35 20 Lat Barwadih 47 216 21 Manatu Barwadih 77 71 22 Mandal Barwadih 37 230 23 Meral Barwadih 81 21 24 Morwai Kalan Barwadih 38 457 25 Morwai Khurd Barwadih 34 52 26 Mundu Barwadih 71 148 27 Murgidih Barwadih 22 256 28 Nawadih Barwadih 68 288 29 Nawarnago Barwadih 40 33 30 Patradih Barwadih 44 28 31 Pokhri Khurd Barwadih 12 150 32 Saidupe Barwadih 52 394 33 Selaritanr Barwadih 78 29 34 Serandag Barwadih 43 79 35 Sindhorwa Barwadih 35 24 36 Sukul Katha Barwadih 76 12 37 Tanwai Barwadih 39 41 38 Tongari Barwadih 50 190 39 Bhajna Bhandaria 218 15 40 Chapiya Bhandaria 215 56 41 Chemo Bhandaria 222 73 42 Hesatu Bhandaria 208 131 43 Khaira Bhandaria 217 2 44 Khwra Bhandaria 216 81 45 Korwadih Bhandaria 210 - 46 Korwadih Bhandaria 220 2 47 Kudgara Bhandaria 223 - 48 Kulhi Bhandaria 209 42 49 Kutku Bhandaria 219 101 50 Madgari Bhandaria 186 921 51 Polpol Bhandaria 214 22 52 Saneya Bhandaria 221 133 53 Sangali Bhandaria 185 45 54 Saruat Bhandaria 207 85 55 Totki Bhandaria 184 55

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56 Tumera Bhandaria 211 43 57 Turer Bhandaria 212 71 58 Armu Mirchaiya Garu 50 44 59 Baheratola Garu 47 88 60 Baigatoli Garu 33 123 61 Baribandh Garu 29 96 62 Bhawarbandha Garu 58 32 63 Champi Garu 21 17 64 Chiraiya Garu 24 11 65 Daldalia Garu 48 102 66 Darichapar Garu 30 39 67 Darkocha Garu 65 57 68 Derhgaon Garu 61 82 69 Hendehas Garu 28 93 70 Hethtola Garu 45 46 71 Hurdagtola Garu 42 62 72 Kabri Garu 27 70 73 Karwai Garu 46 156 74 Kotam Garu 32 224 75 Kui Garu 44 74 76 Lohargara Garu 49 110 77 Mahuadaber Garu 26 29 78 Mangra Garu 63 7 79 Maromar Garu 60 70 80 Mayapur Garu 66 186 81 Paharkocha Garu 67 90 82 Piri Garu 2 100 83 Purni Armu Garu 51 64 84 Purni Hesag Garu 53 23 85 Rud Garu 22 157 86 Salwe Garu 34 99 87 Simakhas Garu 20 71 88 Siram Garu 31 22 89 Surkumi Garu 59 236

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5.5 Key Hurdle in Electrification of villages under PTR

 Wildlife/Forest clearance  Villages situated far inside remote forest area. This area is geographically and socially challenged  Weak implementing capacity  High costs of supplying electricity  Rapid growth of population  Power generation shortage

5.6 Methodology & Survey used for Alignments of Electric Line

1. Survey team surveys the route alignments through the road (PWD/RCD/Forest) with help of DGPS (RTK Mode). 2. No fresh or defragmented forest-land taken for the purpose. Alignment survey restricted with existing roads.

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Photographs taken during route alignment survey regarding electrification in villages under Palamu Tiger Reserve.

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Chapter 6 Findings & Recommendations

6.1 Findings Survey team surveyed the route alignment for electrification of villages in Palamu Tiger Reserve and collected the coordinates (latitude & longitude) of it more than 300 K.M.

6.1.1 Latitudes & Longitudes of Alignments Detail of coordinates given in annexure: 1. Latitude & Longitude

6.1.2 Brief detail of route alignment in Palamu Tiger Reserve.

TYPE OF ELECTRIC LINE LENGTH MTR KM Insulated cable 88686 88.686 Non Insulated line 84104 84.104 Proposed line 70787 70.787 TOTAL 243577 243.577 Detail of route alignment in North Division, (Barwadih & Bhandariya Civil Block) Palamu Tiger Reserve.

TYPE OF ELECTRIC LINE LENGTH MTR KM Insulated cable 49701 49.701 Non Insulated line 27971 27.971 Proposed line 15649 15.649 Proposed line (Bhandariy Block/Kutku 52237 52.237 Range) TOTAL 145558 145.558 Detail of route alignment in South Division ( Garu & Barwadih Civil Block) Palamu Tiger Reserve. TYPE OF ELECTRIC LINE LENGTH MTR KM Insulated cable 38985 38.985 Non Insulated line 56133 56.133 Proposed line 2901 2.901 TOTAL 98019 98.019

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6.1.3 Route alignment in Palamu Tiger Reserve.

Energy Plan Palamu Tiger Reserve 77 Route alignment in Palamu Tiger Reserve on toposheet

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6.1.4 Route alignment in Barwadih Block (Under PTR).

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6.1.5 Route alignment in North Division (PTR) on Toposheet

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6.1.6 Route alignment in Garu Block (Under PTR).

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6.1.7 Route alignment in South Division (PTR) on Toposheet.

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6.1.8 Route alignment in Bhandariya Block (Under PTR)

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6.2 Suggested Recommendations

The following recommendation are providing for the consideration to the Government to minimize the impact of Electrification program. This recommendation has been provided for Project proponent, Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (JBVNL), Govt. of Jharkhand and also for Forests Department, Govt. of Jharkhand. As the impact of electric line falls on forest, wildlife, ecology, environment and local people of the area, it will be necessary to implement these recommendation as per as possible. The Govt. of Jharkhand is requested to accept these recommendations for the benefit of forest, wildlife, ecology, environment and local people.

6.2.1 Recommendations for 1st phase General Recommendations for 1st phase:

1. All electric lines will go along the existing roads (PWD/RCD/Forests).

2. No fresh & new forest area will be used for the purpose.

4. Insulated cable will be used for the purpose.

5. ROW plan will be followed in full swing.

6. Guidelines issued by National Board for Wildlife will be followed. Component wise Recommendations for 1st phase: Component Recommendation Action Plan Existing Electric line 1. All electric lines will go 1. Deviated routes are included along the existing roads in proposed route alignment. (PWD/RCD/Forests) only. Some place has deviation it should be corrected.

2. All non-insulated cable line 2. Length of non-insulated line should replace with insulated is 110.404 k.m. in Palamu cable in Palamu Tiger Tiger Reserve. Reserve.

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Proposed Electric 1. Route alignment proposed 1. All Proposed electric line Line through the existing roads must electrify through (PWD/RCD/Forests) only. insulated cable only.

2. Length of proposed line is 84.737 k.m.

Forest Villages 1. It is difficult of reach these Forest village Latu, Kujrum, villages along roads and Ramandag, Bijaypur, without using fresh forest Gopkhanr, Ghutuwa, Pandra area, therefore solar power and Henar should be electrified can be used here for through solar power. electrification.

6.2.2 Recommendations for 2nd phase

For achieving long term goal and mitigate the impact of electrification program on biodiversity and wildlife of Palamu Tiger Reserve underground cable may be considered in 2nd phase of electrification program.

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Annexure 1: Latitude & Longitude of route alignments 11 KV Line in Palamu Tiger Reserve, Jharkhand.

POINTS LATITUDE LONGITUDE 0 23° 49' 51.561" N 84° 4' 42.073" E 1 23° 45' 38.268" N 84° 1' 34.240" E 2 23° 47' 21.328" N 84° 7' 40.424" E 3 23° 40' 41.858" N 84° 4' 28.370" E 4 23° 40' 37.919" N 84° 5' 33.045" E 5 23° 41' 48.999" N 84° 4' 23.649" E 6 23° 42' 28.291" N 84° 6' 6.260" E 7 23° 42' 46.095" N 84° 7' 4.155" E 8 23° 42' 48.952" N 84° 8' 1.908" E 9 23° 42' 18.151" N 84° 8' 57.165" E 10 23° 43' 35.366" N 84° 10' 16.603" E 11 23° 40' 53.158" N 84° 11' 26.658" E 12 23° 42' 49.167" N 84° 12' 33.505" E 13 23° 43' 42.289" N 84° 14' 5.123" E 14 23° 43' 33.174" N 84° 15' 42.779" E 15 23° 47' 30.051" N 84° 16' 46.309" E 16 23° 46' 54.963" N 84° 18' 44.715" E 17 23° 46' 4.263" N 84° 18' 59.453" E 18 23° 45' 35.249" N 84° 17' 27.228" E 19 23° 45' 20.683" N 84° 18' 25.321" E 20 23° 43' 49.165" N 84° 17' 44.598" E 21 23° 40' 49.553" N 84° 16' 25.938" E 22 23° 40' 23.898" N 84° 16' 3.136" E 23 23° 38' 0.430" N 84° 17' 44.199" E 24 23° 36' 55.180" N 84° 17' 33.778" E 25 23° 36' 16.872" N 84° 16' 56.402" E 26 23° 35' 50.858" N 84° 17' 19.305" E 27 23° 35' 31.011" N 84° 17' 34.825" E 28 23° 33' 56.726" N 84° 18' 26.788" E 29 23° 34' 35.131" N 84° 17' 21.086" E 30 23° 34' 33.529" N 84° 17' 3.210" E 31 23° 34' 31.043" N 84° 16' 39.085" E 32 23° 34' 39.969" N 84° 16' 6.890" E 33 23° 35' 10.130" N 84° 16' 32.458" E 34 23° 34' 56.070" N 84° 17' 6.104" E 35 23° 40' 46.616" N 84° 13' 40.990" E

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36 23° 40' 36.511" N 84° 14' 24.628" E 37 23° 40' 13.104" N 84° 14' 39.660" E 38 23° 39' 58.103" N 84° 13' 58.187" E 39 23° 39' 38.135" N 84° 14' 36.803" E 40 23° 39' 59.207" N 84° 14' 31.204" E 41 23° 39' 13.405" N 84° 11' 38.984" E 42 23° 37' 40.480" N 84° 12' 10.124" E 43 23° 35' 43.183" N 84° 8' 37.840" E 44 23° 35' 2.886" N 84° 8' 34.236" E 45 23° 35' 40.645" N 84° 7' 44.167" E 46 23° 34' 14.784" N 84° 6' 35.531" E 47 23° 33' 55.354" N 84° 7' 49.692" E 48 23° 33' 47.280" N 84° 8' 45.945" E 49 23° 35' 7.273" N 84° 7' 17.322" E 50 23° 48' 6.314" N 84° 8' 56.108" E 51 23° 48' 7.889" N 84° 9' 40.576" E 52 23° 47' 18.489" N 84° 11' 18.721" E 53 23° 49' 4.626" N 84° 11' 14.658" E 54 23° 41' 9.014" N 84° 6' 58.943" E 55 23° 40' 59.179" N 84° 6' 15.617" E 56 23° 42' 56.055" N 84° 9' 3.204" E 57 23° 41' 19.930" N 84° 2' 54.023" E 58 23° 41' 55.084" N 84° 19' 31.230" E 59 23° 41' 11.231" N 84° 18' 16.508" E 60 23° 40' 59.479" N 84° 17' 45.975" E 61 23° 41' 17.145" N 84° 18' 48.867" E 62 23° 38' 37.914" N 84° 17' 11.543" E 63 23° 39' 12.660" N 84° 16' 17.517" E 64 23° 39' 42.926" N 84° 15' 38.809" E 65 23° 39' 31.299" N 84° 15' 18.366" E 66 23° 41' 54.907" N 83° 53' 57.597" E 67 23° 40' 39.956" N 83° 55' 44.043" E 68 23° 36' 47.599" N 83° 54' 24.658" E 69 23° 36' 34.169" N 83° 54' 46.193" E 70 23° 38' 23.120" N 83° 55' 3.657" E 71 23° 40' 5.457" N 83° 57' 27.413" E 72 23° 40' 45.446" N 83° 58' 40.869" E 73 23° 41' 40.940" N 83° 59' 17.207" E 74 23° 42' 18.211" N 83° 58' 39.703" E 75 23° 39' 46.814" N 83° 59' 7.259" E

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76 23° 40' 49.100" N 84° 1' 45.172" E 77 23° 33' 45.100" N 84° 8' 11.000" E 78 23° 33' 49.000" N 84° 8' 1.500" E 79 23° 33' 51.500" N 84° 7' 55.000" E 80 23° 33' 54.200" N 84° 7' 55.500" E 81 23° 33' 55.300" N 84° 7' 49.800" E 82 23° 33' 57.500" N 84° 7' 51.100" E 83 23° 33' 59.900" N 84° 7' 47.400" E 84 23° 34' 5.700" N 84° 7' 50.100" E 85 23° 34' 8.500" N 84° 7' 45.500" E 86 23° 34' 10.200" N 84° 7' 40.800" E 87 23° 34' 11.500" N 84° 7' 36.400" E 88 23° 34' 12.300" N 84° 7' 36.300" E 89 23° 34' 15.900" N 84° 7' 33.000" E 90 23° 34' 15.500" N 84° 7' 24.100" E 91 23° 34' 18.000" N 84° 7' 19.300" E 92 23° 34' 21.100" N 84° 7' 14.000" E 93 23° 34' 24.600" N 84° 7' 8.400" E 94 23° 34' 26.100" N 84° 7' 3.700" E 95 23° 34' 25.600" N 84° 7' 2.000" E 96 23° 34' 27.000" N 84° 6' 58.500" E 97 23° 32' 34.200" N 84° 17' 52.800" E 98 23° 32' 37.000" N 84° 17' 54.400" E 99 23° 32' 38.800" N 84° 17' 56.300" E 100 23° 32' 43.800" N 84° 18' 0.300" E 101 23° 32' 47.800" N 84° 18' 4.400" E 102 23° 32' 54.000" N 84° 18' 7.900" E 103 23° 32' 56.500" N 84° 18' 12.300" E 104 23° 32' 56.100" N 84° 18' 12.500" E 105 23° 33' 4.000" N 84° 18' 16.800" E 106 23° 33' 8.100" N 84° 18' 18.600" E 107 23° 33' 13.400" N 84° 18' 23.000" E 108 23° 33' 16.200" N 84° 18' 24.600" E 109 23° 33' 21.400" N 84° 18' 24.000" E 110 23° 33' 28.500" N 84° 18' 26.200" E 111 23° 33' 34.800" N 84° 18' 27.800" E 112 23° 33' 38.600" N 84° 18' 28.400" E 113 23° 33' 42.800" N 84° 18' 30.500" E 114 23° 33' 45.300" N 84° 18' 32.000" E 115 23° 33' 46.700" N 84° 18' 34.100" E 116 23° 36' 21.600" N 84° 17' 28.300" E

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117 23° 36' 24.900" N 84° 17' 28.800" E 118 23° 36' 26.500" N 84° 17' 28.300" E 119 23° 36' 27.500" N 84° 17' 28.500" E 120 23° 36' 29.700" N 84° 17' 27.400" E 121 23° 36' 32.900" N 84° 17' 28.700" E 122 23° 36' 37.000" N 84° 17' 31.100" E 123 23° 36' 42.700" N 84° 17' 33.300" E 124 23° 36' 44.400" N 84° 17' 33.300" E 125 23° 36' 47.800" N 84° 17' 33.000" E 126 23° 36' 50.300" N 84° 17' 33.900" E 127 23° 36' 52.600" N 84° 17' 34.400" E 128 23° 36' 55.200" N 84° 17' 33.900" E 129 23° 37' 0.600" N 84° 17' 34.600" E 130 23° 37' 7.600" N 84° 17' 33.900" E 131 23° 37' 9.100" N 84° 17' 34.400" E 132 23° 37' 11.800" N 84° 17' 35.700" E 133 23° 37' 13.900" N 84° 17' 36.200" E 134 23° 37' 14.900" N 84° 17' 35.500" E 135 23° 37' 16.800" N 84° 17' 34.000" E 136 23° 37' 18.200" N 84° 17' 33.500" E 137 23° 34' 31.400" N 84° 16' 18.300" E 138 23° 34' 33.700" N 84° 16' 20.200" E 139 23° 34' 35.000" N 84° 16' 23.100" E 140 23° 34' 34.900" N 84° 16' 25.900" E 141 23° 34' 39.500" N 84° 16' 27.100" E 142 23° 34' 42.600" N 84° 16' 30.300" E 143 23° 34' 46.500" N 84° 16' 32.800" E 144 23° 34' 50.100" N 84° 16' 35.100" E 145 23° 34' 50.800" N 84° 16' 37.600" E 146 23° 34' 50.500" N 84° 16' 39.600" E 147 23° 34' 52.800" N 84° 16' 45.700" E 148 23° 34' 59.000" N 84° 17' 0.300" E 149 23° 35' 3.300" N 84° 17' 1.900" E 150 23° 35' 6.100" N 84° 17' 4.400" E 151 23° 35' 9.000" N 84° 17' 6.400" E 152 23° 35' 9.800" N 84° 17' 8.000" E 153 23° 35' 10.900" N 84° 17' 11.300" E 154 23° 35' 11.700" N 84° 17' 12.800" E 155 23° 35' 14.800" N 84° 17' 19.600" E 156 23° 35' 17.000" N 84° 17' 23.300" E 157 23° 35' 19.400" N 84° 17' 28.200" E

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158 23° 35' 22.600" N 84° 17' 33.200" E 159 23° 35' 23.100" N 84° 17' 35.500" E 160 23° 33' 44.700" N 84° 8' 34.700" E 161 23° 33' 46.200" N 84° 8' 30.700" E 162 23° 33' 45.600" N 84° 8' 29.800" E 163 23° 33' 48.100" N 84° 8' 28.900" E 164 23° 33' 45.600" N 84° 8' 27.200" E 165 23° 33' 43.400" N 84° 8' 26.100" E 166 23° 33' 43.900" N 84° 8' 24.300" E 167 23° 33' 43.400" N 84° 8' 20.000" E 168 23° 33' 42.300" N 84° 8' 17.300" E 169 23° 33' 43.100" N 84° 8' 14.700" E 170 23° 33' 42.600" N 84° 8' 13.600" E 171 23° 33' 44.000" N 84° 8' 11.200" E 172 23° 30' 39.800" N 84° 18' 1.500" E 173 23° 30' 46.700" N 84° 17' 59.100" E 174 23° 30' 57.100" N 84° 17' 54.700" E 175 23° 31' 2.900" N 84° 17' 51.800" E 176 23° 31' 5.700" N 84° 17' 51.400" E 177 23° 31' 16.100" N 84° 17' 43.400" E 178 23° 31' 19.700" N 84° 17' 39.500" E 179 23° 31' 20.400" N 84° 17' 36.600" E 180 23° 31' 24.200" N 84° 17' 33.500" E 181 23° 31' 26.100" N 84° 17' 33.700" E 182 23° 31' 30.900" N 84° 17' 29.500" E 183 23° 33' 44.800" N 84° 18' 41.200" E 184 23° 33' 51.600" N 84° 18' 46.800" E 185 23° 33' 54.600" N 84° 18' 53.000" E 186 23° 33' 57.600" N 84° 19' 2.200" E 187 23° 33' 58.700" N 84° 19' 3.600" E 188 23° 34' 0.100" N 84° 19' 4.700" E 189 23° 34' 1.200" N 84° 19' 6.600" E 190 23° 34' 6.200" N 84° 19' 12.000" E 191 23° 34' 7.000" N 84° 19' 12.000" E 192 23° 34' 7.500" N 84° 19' 11.200" E 193 23° 34' 7.800" N 84° 19' 7.600" E 194 23° 34' 8.600" N 84° 19' 6.900" E 195 23° 34' 15.000" N 84° 19' 6.000" E 196 23° 34' 16.900" N 84° 19' 5.000" E 197 23° 34' 19.600" N 84° 19' 4.300" E 198 23° 34' 23.600" N 84° 19' 2.300" E

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199 23° 34' 28.800" N 84° 18' 59.700" E 200 23° 34' 30.000" N 84° 18' 57.600" E 201 23° 34' 32.700" N 84° 18' 53.600" E 202 23° 34' 33.300" N 84° 18' 53.700" E 203 23° 34' 35.200" N 84° 18' 57.000" E 204 23° 34' 39.700" N 84° 18' 56.800" E 205 23° 34' 42.500" N 84° 18' 58.700" E 206 23° 38' 44.400" N 84° 16' 53.400" E 207 23° 38' 48.200" N 84° 16' 46.800" E 208 23° 38' 50.200" N 84° 16' 46.600" E 209 23° 38' 53.900" N 84° 16' 49.300" E 210 23° 38' 54.700" N 84° 16' 48.800" E 211 23° 38' 57.200" N 84° 16' 45.000" E 212 23° 39' 2.300" N 84° 16' 36.700" E 213 23° 39' 5.100" N 84° 16' 32.500" E 214 23° 35' 8.600" N 84° 17' 54.100" E 215 23° 35' 10.300" N 84° 17' 51.700" E 216 23° 35' 13.600" N 84° 17' 47.900" E 217 23° 35' 16.700" N 84° 17' 43.500" E 218 23° 35' 18.000" N 84° 17' 40.600" E 219 23° 35' 21.200" N 84° 17' 37.800" E 220 23° 35' 22.800" N 84° 17' 37.800" E 221 23° 35' 24.000" N 84° 17' 38.100" E 222 23° 35' 27.400" N 84° 17' 40.200" E 223 23° 35' 35.500" N 84° 17' 47.100" E 224 23° 35' 37.100" N 84° 17' 47.000" E 225 23° 35' 42.400" N 84° 17' 42.600" E 226 23° 35' 42.100" N 84° 16' 32.200" E 227 23° 35' 43.800" N 84° 16' 33.300" E 228 23° 35' 43.100" N 84° 16' 35.300" E 229 23° 35' 45.400" N 84° 16' 37.400" E 230 23° 35' 48.100" N 84° 16' 37.800" E 231 23° 35' 52.400" N 84° 16' 38.100" E 232 23° 35' 52.300" N 84° 16' 39.200" E 233 23° 35' 50.800" N 84° 16' 45.300" E 234 23° 35' 52.400" N 84° 16' 47.100" E 235 23° 35' 52.900" N 84° 16' 48.800" E 236 23° 35' 52.800" N 84° 16' 50.100" E 237 23° 35' 51.400" N 84° 16' 53.600" E 238 23° 35' 51.100" N 84° 16' 54.700" E 239 23° 35' 50.300" N 84° 16' 57.300" E

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240 23° 35' 56.300" N 84° 16' 58.700" E 241 23° 37' 20.100" N 84° 17' 33.600" E 242 23° 37' 21.400" N 84° 17' 34.200" E 243 23° 37' 24.300" N 84° 17' 34.700" E 244 23° 37' 26.800" N 84° 17' 34.600" E 245 23° 37' 36.500" N 84° 17' 35.900" E 246 23° 37' 33.400" N 84° 17' 37.900" E 247 23° 37' 37.300" N 84° 17' 42.200" E 248 23° 37' 42.600" N 84° 17' 46.300" E 249 23° 37' 44.900" N 84° 17' 47.500" E 250 23° 37' 47.500" N 84° 17' 48.300" E 251 23° 37' 51.200" N 84° 17' 48.800" E 252 23° 37' 54.000" N 84° 17' 48.100" E 253 23° 39' 37.300" N 84° 15' 34.700" E 254 23° 39' 34.800" N 84° 15' 34.000" E 255 23° 39' 33.100" N 84° 15' 32.900" E 256 23° 39' 30.600" N 84° 15' 31.900" E 257 23° 39' 28.900" N 84° 15' 29.600" E 258 23° 39' 38.000" N 84° 15' 32.800" E 259 23° 39' 37.800" N 84° 15' 30.100" E 260 23° 39' 37.400" N 84° 15' 28.100" E 261 23° 39' 37.100" N 84° 15' 28.400" E 262 23° 39' 37.300" N 84° 15' 21.100" E 263 23° 39' 37.000" N 84° 15' 14.000" E 264 23° 39' 36.500" N 84° 15' 9.100" E 265 23° 39' 37.900" N 84° 15' 3.000" E 266 23° 39' 40.100" N 84° 14' 55.700" E 267 23° 34' 43.400" N 84° 18' 59.300" E 268 23° 34' 48.300" N 84° 19' 0.100" E 269 23° 34' 50.200" N 84° 19' 1.100" E 270 23° 34' 54.400" N 84° 19' 0.700" E 271 23° 34' 56.500" N 84° 18' 59.400" E 272 23° 34' 58.100" N 84° 18' 57.900" E 273 23° 35' 1.400" N 84° 18' 53.700" E 274 23° 35' 7.300" N 84° 18' 49.500" E 275 23° 35' 8.500" N 84° 18' 48.000" E 276 23° 35' 9.700" N 84° 18' 44.600" E 277 23° 35' 9.700" N 84° 18' 42.600" E 278 23° 35' 8.400" N 84° 18' 39.100" E 279 23° 35' 8.500" N 84° 18' 37.500" E 280 23° 35' 8.100" N 84° 18' 33.200" E

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281 23° 35' 8.400" N 84° 18' 19.400" E 282 23° 35' 8.700" N 84° 18' 12.300" E 283 23° 35' 8.400" N 84° 18' 10.400" E 284 23° 35' 7.500" N 84° 18' 8.500" E 285 23° 35' 8.100" N 84° 18' 3.300" E 286 23° 35' 7.300" N 84° 18' 0.600" E 287 23° 35' 7.400" N 84° 17' 58.700" E 288 23° 35' 8.200" N 84° 17' 56.600" E 289 23° 34' 43.100" N 84° 17' 12.700" E 290 23° 34' 44.500" N 84° 17' 12.500" E 291 23° 34' 45.300" N 84° 17' 12.500" E 292 23° 34' 46.300" N 84° 17' 10.400" E 293 23° 34' 19.200" N 84° 17' 6.300" E 294 23° 34' 49.000" N 84° 17' 4.600" E 295 23° 34' 47.700" N 84° 17' 3.200" E 296 23° 34' 47.800" N 84° 17' 1.300" E 297 23° 34' 48.200" N 84° 17' 0.000" E 298 23° 34' 41.100" N 84° 16' 56.800" E 299 23° 34' 42.700" N 84° 16' 58.000" E 300 23° 34' 45.700" N 84° 16' 59.300" E 301 23° 34' 50.000" N 84° 16' 59.500" E 302 23° 34' 52.400" N 84° 16' 58.500" E 303 23° 34' 56.000" N 84° 16' 59.500" E 304 23° 39' 33.800" N 84° 15' 49.300" E 305 23° 40' 27.400" N 84° 16' 24.500" E 306 23° 40' 21.800" N 84° 16' 22.900" E 307 23° 40' 17.500" N 84° 16' 21.200" E 308 23° 40' 12.400" N 84° 16' 17.900" E 309 23° 40' 7.800" N 84° 16' 16.300" E 310 23° 40' 2.300" N 84° 16' 14.200" E 311 23° 39' 59.900" N 84° 16' 8.000" E 312 23° 39' 53.300" N 84° 16' 3.800" E 313 23° 39' 41.400" N 84° 15' 57.400" E 314 23° 39' 29.400" N 84° 15' 59.200" E 315 23° 35' 51.100" N 84° 17' 38.300" E 316 23° 35' 52.700" N 84° 17' 37.700" E 317 23° 35' 56.300" N 84° 17' 37.100" E 318 23° 35' 57.900" N 84° 17' 36.900" E 319 23° 36' 0.400" N 84° 17' 37.200" E 320 23° 36' 5.600" N 84° 17' 38.400" E 321 23° 36' 10.400" N 84° 17' 36.900" E

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322 23° 36' 14.900" N 84° 17' 35.800" E 323 23° 36' 16.500" N 84° 17' 34.300" E 324 23° 36' 19.600" N 84° 17' 30.700" E 325 23° 39' 32.400" N 84° 15' 48.600" E 326 23° 39' 54.700" N 84° 15' 44.900" E 327 23° 39' 35.200" N 84° 15' 40.500" E 328 23° 39' 38.100" N 84° 15' 30.000" E 329 23° 39' 39.900" N 84° 15' 30.300" E 330 23° 39' 40.500" N 84° 15' 30.600" E 331 23° 39' 40.700" N 84° 15' 31.500" E 332 23° 31' 40.500" N 84° 18' 54.100" E 333 23° 31' 41.400" N 84° 18' 50.300" E 334 23° 31' 39.400" N 84° 18' 44.200" E 335 23° 31' 32.600" N 84° 18' 38.300" E 336 23° 31' 26.000" N 84° 18' 33.400" E 337 23° 31' 22.800" N 84° 18' 28.400" E 338 23° 31' 18.200" N 84° 18' 28.500" E 339 23° 31' 15.300" N 84° 18' 30.600" E 340 23° 30' 57.900" N 84° 18' 25.100" E 341 23° 30' 53.800" N 84° 18' 21.400" E 342 23° 30' 57.900" N 84° 18' 16.700" E 343 23° 30' 48.900" N 84° 18' 12.900" E 344 23° 30' 40.600" N 84° 18' 4.400" E 345 23° 35' 4.600" N 84° 16' 19.500" E 346 23° 35' 1.600" N 84° 16' 19.500" E 347 23° 35' 1.200" N 84° 16' 19.100" E 348 23° 35' 1.500" N 84° 16' 12.500" E 349 23° 34' 59.900" N 84° 16' 20.400" E 350 23° 35' 0.200" N 84° 16' 21.900" E 351 23° 34' 58.600" N 84° 16' 29.300" E 352 23° 35' 1.500" N 84° 16' 30.300" E 353 23° 35' 2.000" N 84° 16' 31.200" E 354 23° 35' 2.100" N 84° 16' 34.100" E 355 23° 35' 1.500" N 84° 16' 38.700" E 356 23° 34' 59.700" N 84° 16' 42.400" E 357 23° 34' 58.900" N 84° 16' 45.700" E 358 23° 34' 55.000" N 84° 16' 44.900" E 359 23° 34' 53.500" N 84° 16' 45.800" E 360 23° 34' 52.800" N 84° 16' 48.100" E 361 23° 34' 53.300" N 84° 16' 52.600" E 362 23° 34' 55.300" N 84° 16' 57.400" E

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363 23° 34' 57.400" N 84° 16' 59.000" E 364 23° 34' 58.200" N 84° 16' 59.900" E 365 23° 34' 26.000" N 84° 6' 54.400" E 366 23° 34' 28.500" N 84° 6' 50.200" E 367 23° 34' 34.700" N 84° 6' 53.700" E 368 23° 34' 39.900" N 84° 7' 7.200" E 369 23° 34' 46.000" N 84° 7' 9.000" E 370 23° 34' 47.600" N 84° 7' 12.900" E 371 23° 34' 52.200" N 84° 7' 19.000" E 372 23° 34' 53.000" N 84° 7' 22.400" E 373 23° 34' 52.800" N 84° 7' 25.600" E 374 23° 34' 55.300" N 84° 7' 41.700" E 375 23° 34' 57.700" N 84° 7' 47.100" E 376 23° 35' 2.600" N 84° 7' 55.700" E 377 23° 35' 7.300" N 84° 7' 59.100" E 378 23° 35' 10.600" N 84° 7' 59.800" E 379 23° 35' 17.200" N 84° 7' 59.300" E 380 23° 35' 23.300" N 84° 8' 0.600" E 381 23° 35' 30.600" N 84° 8' 1.100" E 382 23° 36' 0.200" N 84° 17' 0.400" E 383 23° 36' 4.600" N 84° 17' 2.000" E 384 23° 36' 6.100" N 84° 17' 3.500" E 385 23° 36' 6.000" N 84° 17' 4.100" E 386 23° 36' 2.400" N 84° 17' 4.800" E 387 23° 36' 1.700" N 84° 17' 7.000" E 388 23° 36' 3.000" N 84° 17' 8.300" E 389 23° 36' 3.100" N 84° 17' 11.300" E 390 23° 36' 2.300" N 84° 17' 14.100" E 391 23° 36' 1.900" N 84° 17' 14.700" E 392 23° 35' 59.100" N 84° 17' 18.000" E 393 23° 35' 58.100" N 84° 17' 20.100" E 394 23° 35' 58.000" N 84° 17' 25.700" E 395 23° 35' 58.300" N 84° 17' 30.100" E 396 23° 35' 58.300" N 84° 17' 34.000" E 397 23° 37' 56.200" N 84° 17' 47.000" E 398 23° 37' 58.500" N 84° 17' 45.300" E 399 23° 38' 0.500" N 84° 17' 44.300" E 400 23° 38' 2.900" N 84° 17' 41.300" E 401 23° 38' 4.800" N 84° 17' 40.700" E 402 23° 38' 8.100" N 84° 17' 38.900" E 403 23° 38' 8.200" N 84° 17' 37.500" E

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404 23° 38' 6.400" N 84° 17' 35.100" E 405 23° 38' 6.400" N 84° 17' 34.000" E 406 23° 38' 10.200" N 84° 17' 28.400" E 407 23° 38' 13.200" N 84° 17' 20.600" E 408 23° 38' 14.000" N 84° 17' 19.000" E 409 23° 38' 19.300" N 84° 17' 13.000" E 410 23° 38' 21.000" N 84° 17' 11.900" E 411 23° 38' 23.400" N 84° 17' 11.000" E 412 23° 38' 24.800" N 84° 17' 10.700" E 413 23° 38' 26.200" N 84° 17' 9.100" E 414 23° 40' 18.600" N 84° 14' 37.100" E 415 23° 40' 24.500" N 84° 14' 37.500" E 416 23° 40' 26.500" N 84° 14' 36.400" E 417 23° 40' 28.200" N 84° 14' 36.300" E 418 23° 40' 28.900" N 84° 14' 32.000" E 419 23° 40' 29.800" N 84° 14' 29.200" E 420 23° 40' 32.500" N 84° 14' 29.200" E 421 23° 40' 35.300" N 84° 14' 29.200" E 422 23° 40' 35.600" N 84° 14' 28.800" E 423 23° 40' 36.400" N 84° 14' 24.600" E 424 23° 40' 35.600" N 84° 14' 23.700" E 425 23° 40' 34.300" N 84° 14' 21.300" E 426 23° 40' 32.700" N 84° 14' 18.500" E 427 23° 40' 33.300" N 84° 14' 16.700" E 428 23° 40' 28.400" N 84° 14' 11.200" E 429 23° 40' 28.700" N 84° 14' 6.300" E 430 23° 31' 33.200" N 84° 17' 28.100" E 431 23° 31' 39.500" N 84° 17' 27.100" E 432 23° 31' 44.900" N 84° 17' 22.300" E 433 23° 31' 47.700" N 84° 17' 20.400" E 434 23° 31' 50.200" N 84° 17' 21.100" E 435 23° 31' 55.100" N 84° 17' 27.200" E 436 23° 31' 57.200" N 84° 17' 34.300" E 437 23° 32' 0.100" N 84° 17' 37.800" E 438 23° 32' 5.300" N 84° 17' 40.300" E 439 23° 32' 9.000" N 84° 17' 43.300" E 440 23° 32' 12.900" N 84° 17' 43.300" E 441 23° 32' 16.000" N 84° 17' 45.300" E 442 23° 32' 17.500" N 84° 17' 49.200" E 443 23° 32' 19.300" N 84° 17' 51.000" E 444 23° 32' 21.200" N 84° 17' 51.500" E

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445 23° 39' 56.900" N 84° 14' 5.100" E 446 23° 39' 58.300" N 84° 14' 3.000" E 447 23° 40' 0.900" N 84° 14' 1.800" E 448 23° 40' 4.900" N 84° 14' 1.900" E 449 23° 40' 9.800" N 84° 14' 3.500" E 450 23° 40' 12.600" N 84° 14' 4.300" E 451 23° 40' 16.500" N 84° 14' 4.900" E 452 23° 40' 20.200" N 84° 14' 4.700" E 453 23° 40' 22.100" N 84° 14' 3.800" E 454 23° 40' 23.800" N 84° 14' 2.500" E 455 23° 40' 26.700" N 84° 14' 1.500" E 456 23° 40' 28.000" N 84° 14' 1.600" E 457 23° 40' 28.700" N 84° 14' 2.500" E 458 23° 40' 29.600" N 84° 14' 5.700" E 459 23° 40' 33.800" N 84° 14' 8.600" E 460 23° 40' 39.100" N 84° 14' 13.400" E 461 23° 40' 40.600" N 84° 14' 13.400" E 462 23° 40' 46.800" N 84° 14' 9.600" E 463 23° 40' 48.700" N 84° 14' 9.200" E 464 23° 40' 53.300" N 84° 14' 9.000" E 465 23° 39' 40.500" N 84° 14' 54.300" E 466 23° 39' 42.200" N 84° 14' 51.200" E 467 23° 39' 45.200" N 84° 14' 44.800" E 468 23° 39' 46.600" N 84° 14' 42.000" E 469 23° 39' 49.100" N 84° 14' 37.200" E 470 23° 39' 49.800" N 84° 14' 31.400" E 471 23° 39' 48.600" N 84° 14' 27.000" E 472 23° 39' 48.900" N 84° 14' 25.000" E 473 23° 39' 51.000" N 84° 14' 22.100" E 474 23° 39' 52.300" N 84° 14' 16.100" E 475 23° 39' 53.100" N 84° 14' 13.100" E 476 23° 39' 55.200" N 84° 14' 7.800" E 477 23° 39' 6.600" N 84° 16' 30.300" E 478 23° 39' 7.900" N 84° 16' 29.000" E 479 23° 39' 9.900" N 84° 16' 27.600" E 480 23° 39' 13.500" N 84° 16' 26.400" E 481 23° 39' 16.200" N 84° 16' 23.100" E 482 23° 39' 17.900" N 84° 16' 20.700" E 483 23° 39' 19.900" N 84° 16' 18.600" E 484 23° 39' 21.400" N 84° 16' 15.700" E 485 23° 39' 23.700" N 84° 16' 8.600" E

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486 23° 39' 26.100" N 84° 16' 5.700" E 487 23° 39' 29.800" N 84° 15' 58.400" E 488 23° 39' 31.200" N 84° 15' 52.300" E 489 23° 38' 26.400" N 84° 17' 9.400" E 490 23° 38' 29.700" N 84° 17' 9.600" E 491 23° 38' 31.400" N 84° 17' 9.000" E 492 23° 38' 34.600" N 84° 17' 9.300" E 493 23° 38' 36.400" N 84° 17' 10.200" E 494 23° 38' 27.200" N 84° 17' 7.800" E 495 23° 38' 29.700" N 84° 17' 4.700" E 496 23° 38' 32.400" N 84° 17' 0.700" E 497 23° 38' 32.700" N 84° 16' 57.800" E 498 23° 38' 33.500" N 84° 16' 57.100" E 499 23° 38' 38.800" N 84° 16' 55.700" E 500 23° 35' 2.400" N 84° 8' 17.100" E 501 23° 35' 4.100" N 84° 8' 15.700" E 502 23° 35' 6.200" N 84° 8' 15.500" E 503 23° 35' 7.700" N 84° 8' 13.200" E 504 23° 35' 10.400" N 84° 8' 15.100" E 505 23° 35' 10.900" N 84° 8' 17.700" E 506 23° 35' 15.300" N 84° 8' 20.600" E 507 23° 35' 20.800" N 84° 8' 20.500" E 508 23° 35' 23.700" N 84° 8' 21.600" E 509 23° 35' 26.200" N 84° 8' 21.200" E 510 23° 35' 30.600" N 84° 8' 22.300" E 511 23° 35' 32.100" N 84° 8' 23.700" E 512 23° 35' 35.400" N 84° 8' 26.800" E 513 23° 35' 34.500" N 84° 8' 32.000" E 514 23° 35' 36.800" N 84° 8' 41.400" E 515 23° 35' 37.400" N 84° 8' 44.000" E 516 23° 35' 41.800" N 84° 8' 49.300" E 517 23° 35' 45.200" N 84° 8' 52.000" E 518 23° 35' 48.000" N 84° 8' 52.400" E 519 23° 35' 54.300" N 84° 8' 50.800" E 520 23° 36' 1.000" N 84° 8' 57.700" E 521 23° 36' 2.700" N 84° 9' 0.700" E 522 23° 39' 5.100" N 84° 11' 59.900" E 523 23° 39' 9.500" N 84° 12' 7.900" E 524 23° 39' 13.800" N 84° 12' 9.300" E 525 23° 39' 16.300" N 84° 12' 13.000" E 526 23° 39' 19.100" N 84° 12' 15.200" E

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527 23° 39' 21.900" N 84° 12' 14.700" E 528 23° 39' 23.700" N 84° 12' 15.700" E 529 23° 39' 28.300" N 84° 12' 19.800" E 530 23° 39' 31.800" N 84° 12' 22.900" E 531 23° 39' 40.800" N 84° 12' 26.700" E 532 23° 39' 49.800" N 84° 12' 26.900" E 533 23° 39' 57.700" N 84° 12' 29.100" E 534 23° 39' 58.500" N 84° 12' 34.000" E 535 23° 40' 5.500" N 84° 12' 36.800" E 536 23° 40' 5.100" N 84° 12' 44.100" E 537 23° 40' 4.600" N 84° 12' 54.300" E 538 23° 40' 4.000" N 84° 12' 59.000" E 539 23° 40' 5.100" N 84° 13' 0.800" E 540 23° 39' 15.800" N 84° 14' 8.600" E 541 23° 39' 17.600" N 84° 14' 11.900" E 542 23° 39' 16.900" N 84° 14' 15.100" E 543 23° 39' 18.700" N 84° 14' 17.500" E 544 23° 39' 18.400" N 84° 14' 20.100" E 545 23° 39' 21.100" N 84° 14' 26.800" E 546 23° 39' 25.200" N 84° 14' 38.000" E 547 23° 39' 29.800" N 84° 14' 40.300" E 548 23° 39' 36.000" N 84° 14' 35.600" E 549 23° 39' 38.200" N 84° 14' 36.700" E 550 23° 39' 44.500" N 84° 14' 43.300" E 551 23° 39' 45.600" N 84° 14' 43.400" E 552 23° 40' 38.700" N 84° 13' 48.500" E 553 23° 40' 37.600" N 84° 13' 48.600" E 554 23° 40' 37.200" N 84° 13' 50.800" E 555 23° 40' 31.200" N 84° 13' 52.600" E 556 23° 40' 31.300" N 84° 14' 0.000" E 557 23° 40' 27.700" N 84° 14' 1.400" E 558 23° 37' 24.800" N 84° 10' 58.400" E 559 23° 37' 25.100" N 84° 11' 1.800" E 560 23° 37' 23.900" N 84° 11' 9.000" E 561 23° 37' 23.800" N 84° 11' 11.800" E 562 23° 37' 26.100" N 84° 11' 15.700" E 563 23° 37' 28.900" N 84° 11' 17.500" E 564 23° 37' 33.200" N 84° 11' 15.600" E 565 23° 37' 39.500" N 84° 11' 19.000" E 566 23° 37' 39.900" N 84° 11' 21.500" E 567 23° 37' 39.100" N 84° 11' 27.200" E

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568 23° 37' 40.100" N 84° 11' 31.200" E 569 23° 37' 40.100" N 84° 11' 34.000" E 570 23° 37' 41.300" N 84° 11' 41.500" E 571 23° 37' 40.800" N 84° 11' 48.300" E 572 23° 37' 38.600" N 84° 11' 50.100" E 573 23° 37' 37.500" N 84° 11' 55.000" E 574 23° 37' 37.600" N 84° 11' 56.300" E 575 23° 37' 41.300" N 84° 12' 2.800" E 576 23° 37' 48.700" N 84° 12' 6.400" E 577 23° 37' 52.000" N 84° 12' 14.100" E 578 23° 37' 55.400" N 84° 12' 18.200" E 579 23° 37' 56.400" N 84° 12' 25.100" E 580 23° 35' 34.700" N 84° 8' 24.600" E 581 23° 38' 51.700" N 84° 14' 39.800" E 582 23° 38' 53.700" N 84° 14' 39.800" E 583 23° 38' 56.800" N 84° 14' 40.100" E 584 23° 39' 0.400" N 84° 14' 40.700" E 585 23° 39' 5.600" N 84° 14' 42.000" E 586 23° 39' 9.300" N 84° 14' 42.700" E 587 23° 39' 14.800" N 84° 14' 40.500" E 588 23° 39' 18.600" N 84° 14' 39.500" E 589 23° 39' 23.500" N 84° 14' 41.200" E 590 23° 39' 25.000" N 84° 14' 38.100" E 591 23° 35' 5.600" N 84° 6' 55.700" E 592 23° 35' 6.900" N 84° 6' 56.500" E 593 23° 35' 9.100" N 84° 6' 57.100" E 594 23° 35' 13.800" N 84° 7' 0.600" E 595 23° 35' 20.700" N 84° 7' 8.200" E 596 23° 35' 22.900" N 84° 7' 11.600" E 597 23° 35' 20.700" N 84° 7' 17.800" E 598 23° 35' 20.000" N 84° 7' 22.400" E 599 23° 35' 22.500" N 84° 7' 26.000" E 600 23° 35' 23.300" N 84° 7' 27.900" E 601 23° 35' 24.100" N 84° 7' 33.200" E 602 23° 35' 26.100" N 84° 7' 41.600" E 603 23° 35' 26.300" N 84° 7' 47.000" E 604 23° 35' 26.800" N 84° 7' 51.500" E 605 23° 35' 28.900" N 84° 7' 56.000" E 606 23° 35' 31.200" N 84° 8' 0.300" E 607 23° 35' 31.200" N 84° 8' 1.600" E 608 23° 35' 32.600" N 84° 8' 4.300" E

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609 23° 35' 33.400" N 84° 8' 9.600" E 610 23° 35' 35.800" N 84° 8' 11.600" E 611 23° 35' 38.800" N 84° 8' 17.300" E 612 23° 35' 40.300" N 84° 8' 21.200" E 613 23° 35' 39.400" N 84° 8' 25.500" E 614 23° 35' 2.000" N 84° 5' 54.500" E 615 23° 35' 4.600" N 84° 5' 54.200" E 616 23° 35' 9.100" N 84° 5' 54.700" E 617 23° 35' 10.900" N 84° 5' 55.100" E 618 23° 35' 11.600" N 84° 5' 58.600" E 619 23° 35' 14.300" N 84° 6' 4.300" E 620 23° 35' 15.300" N 84° 6' 10.100" E 621 23° 35' 17.200" N 84° 6' 13.500" E 622 23° 35' 17.900" N 84° 6' 15.800" E 623 23° 35' 14.000" N 84° 6' 19.400" E 624 23° 35' 9.600" N 84° 6' 22.600" E 625 23° 35' 8.600" N 84° 6' 24.700" E 626 23° 35' 8.200" N 84° 6' 28.200" E 627 23° 35' 8.300" N 84° 6' 38.200" E 628 23° 35' 7.500" N 84° 6' 41.600" E 629 23° 35' 6.600" N 84° 6' 45.800" E 630 23° 35' 5.400" N 84° 6' 48.500" E 631 23° 35' 5.000" N 84° 6' 54.300" E 632 23° 41' 13.600" N 84° 19' 54.800" E 633 23° 41' 9.300" N 84° 19' 54.400" E 634 23° 41' 4.900" N 84° 19' 55.100" E 635 23° 41' 1.000" N 84° 19' 57.200" E 636 23° 40' 59.700" N 84° 19' 59.200" E 637 23° 40' 58.100" N 84° 19' 56.700" E 638 23° 40' 54.700" N 84° 19' 53.900" E 639 23° 40' 52.200" N 84° 19' 49.200" E 640 23° 40' 52.200" N 84° 19' 44.700" E 641 23° 40' 51.200" N 84° 19' 42.000" E 642 23° 40' 57.700" N 84° 19' 33.800" E 643 23° 41' 0.900" N 84° 19' 28.800" E 644 23° 41' 3.400" N 84° 19' 25.000" E 645 23° 41' 8.000" N 84° 19' 12.900" E 646 23° 41' 9.300" N 84° 19' 6.000" E 647 23° 41' 11.000" N 84° 19' 2.800" E 648 23° 41' 12.500" N 84° 19' 2.800" E 649 23° 41' 12.300" N 84° 18' 57.100" E

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650 23° 41' 6.300" N 84° 18' 54.000" E 651 23° 41' 5.400" N 84° 18' 47.100" E 652 23° 41' 3.700" N 84° 18' 41.200" E 653 23° 41' 9.300" N 84° 18' 35.400" E 654 23° 41' 11.800" N 84° 18' 30.000" E 655 23° 36' 3.000" N 84° 9' 3.300" E 656 23° 36' 2.600" N 84° 9' 5.100" E 657 23° 36' 4.300" N 84° 9' 9.400" E 658 23° 36' 5.800" N 84° 9' 15.100" E 659 23° 36' 5.400" N 84° 9' 20.200" E 660 23° 36' 4.900" N 84° 9' 22.700" E 661 23° 36' 1.600" N 84° 9' 23.200" E 662 23° 36' 0.800" N 84° 9' 25.500" E 663 23° 36' 1.000" N 84° 9' 28.600" E 664 23° 36' 0.700" N 84° 9' 31.400" E 665 23° 36' 2.000" N 84° 9' 34.000" E 666 23° 36' 6.600" N 84° 9' 37.600" E 667 23° 36' 9.200" N 84° 9' 38.200" E 668 23° 36' 14.600" N 84° 9' 41.100" E 669 23° 36' 17.100" N 84° 9' 41.400" E 670 23° 36' 17.800" N 84° 9' 41.000" E 671 23° 36' 19.200" N 84° 9' 39.000" E 672 23° 36' 21.000" N 84° 9' 38.800" E 673 23° 36' 23.700" N 84° 9' 40.200" E 674 23° 36' 27.800" N 84° 9' 45.300" E 675 23° 36' 34.500" N 84° 9' 44.900" E 676 23° 36' 37.800" N 84° 9' 45.800" E 677 23° 36' 41.000" N 84° 9' 42.900" E 678 23° 36' 43.800" N 84° 9' 40.900" E 679 23° 36' 48.800" N 84° 9' 40.600" E 680 23° 36' 53.300" N 84° 9' 42.400" E 681 23° 36' 56.000" N 84° 9' 45.600" E 682 23° 36' 57.100" N 84° 9' 49.700" E 683 23° 36' 59.800" N 84° 9' 52.400" E 684 23° 37' 2.000" N 84° 9' 52.600" E 685 23° 37' 2.800" N 84° 9' 55.000" E 686 23° 37' 9.400" N 84° 10' 1.100" E 687 23° 37' 13.200" N 84° 10' 3.400" E 688 23° 37' 16.200" N 84° 10' 6.900" E 689 23° 37' 19.000" N 84° 10' 16.100" E 690 23° 37' 22.300" N 84° 10' 17.800" E

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691 23° 37' 24.000" N 84° 10' 24.800" E 692 23° 37' 25.000" N 84° 10' 28.900" E 693 23° 37' 27.000" N 84° 10' 32.300" E 694 23° 37' 27.900" N 84° 10' 38.700" E 695 23° 37' 26.100" N 84° 10' 41.900" E 696 23° 37' 23.200" N 84° 10' 45.700" E 697 23° 37' 24.500" N 84° 10' 48.200" E 698 23° 37' 26.300" N 84° 10' 49.200" E 699 23° 37' 26.700" N 84° 10' 51.000" E 700 23° 37' 25.000" N 84° 10' 54.500" E 701 23° 37' 57.500" N 84° 12' 28.900" E 702 23° 37' 59.600" N 84° 12' 32.100" E 703 23° 38' 3.200" N 84° 12' 34.400" E 704 23° 38' 3.500" N 84° 12' 36.000" E 705 23° 38' 2.200" N 84° 12' 37.300" E 706 23° 38' 6.200" N 84° 12' 40.900" E 707 23° 38' 9.100" N 84° 12' 42.000" E 708 23° 38' 11.400" N 84° 12' 44.200" E 709 23° 38' 14.600" N 84° 12' 50.400" E 710 23° 38' 17.100" N 84° 12' 53.400" E 711 23° 38' 18.400" N 84° 12' 55.900" E 712 23° 38' 21.600" N 84° 12' 58.200" E 713 23° 38' 24.200" N 84° 13' 3.700" E 714 23° 38' 34.800" N 84° 13' 9.900" E 715 23° 38' 38.700" N 84° 13' 14.500" E 716 23° 38' 41.400" N 84° 13' 16.300" E 717 23° 38' 47.600" N 84° 13' 21.200" E 718 23° 38' 51.000" N 84° 13' 25.700" E 719 23° 38' 53.400" N 84° 13' 29.500" E 720 23° 38' 57.100" N 84° 13' 33.300" E 721 23° 39' 5.000" N 84° 13' 43.000" E 722 23° 39' 11.000" N 84° 13' 58.900" E 723 23° 39' 11.700" N 84° 14' 1.600" E 724 23° 40' 3.100" N 84° 13' 10.500" E 725 23° 40' 2.100" N 84° 13' 19.100" E 726 23° 40' 1.200" N 84° 13' 24.300" E 727 23° 40' 2.200" N 84° 13' 25.600" E 728 23° 40' 1.700" N 84° 13' 31.900" E 729 23° 40' 2.600" N 84° 13' 33.800" E 730 23° 40' 1.900" N 84° 13' 38.200" E 731 23° 40' 1.700" N 84° 13' 40.800" E

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732 23° 40' 2.900" N 84° 13' 44.100" E 733 23° 40' 2.200" N 84° 13' 55.300" E 734 23° 40' 0.800" N 84° 14' 0.500" E 735 23° 40' 4.400" N 84° 14' 1.800" E 736 23° 41' 12.400" N 84° 18' 26.700" E 737 23° 41' 5.700" N 84° 18' 21.200" E 738 23° 41' 5.700" N 84° 18' 18.200" E 739 23° 41' 9.100" N 84° 18' 14.700" E 740 23° 41' 6.200" N 84° 18' 9.300" E 741 23° 41' 2.200" N 84° 17' 59.500" E 742 23° 40' 59.100" N 84° 17' 52.500" E 743 23° 40' 58.800" N 84° 17' 49.400" E 744 23° 40' 59.600" N 84° 17' 46.200" E 745 23° 41' 1.400" N 84° 17' 44.100" E 746 23° 41' 0.000" N 84° 17' 41.100" E 747 23° 40' 55.800" N 84° 17' 34.800" E 748 23° 40' 56.800" N 84° 17' 29.700" E 749 23° 40' 54.400" N 84° 17' 23.300" E 750 23° 40' 42.900" N 84° 17' 20.600" E 751 23° 40' 39.400" N 84° 17' 18.800" E 752 23° 40' 32.800" N 84° 17' 19.800" E 753 23° 40' 36.700" N 84° 17' 7.900" E 754 23° 40' 34.700" N 84° 17' 5.100" E 755 23° 40' 35.200" N 84° 16' 58.100" E 756 23° 40' 28.200" N 84° 16' 51.800" E 757 23° 40' 27.800" N 84° 16' 47.900" E 758 23° 40' 29.000" N 84° 16' 35.600" E 759 23° 40' 29.100" N 84° 16' 27.800" E 760 23° 37' 56.300" N 84° 12' 23.900" E 761 23° 38' 0.900" N 84° 12' 15.200" E 762 23° 37' 57.500" N 84° 12' 11.000" E 763 23° 37' 55.600" N 84° 12' 6.700" E 764 23° 37' 54.700" N 84° 12' 5.000" E 765 23° 37' 56.200" N 84° 12' 1.400" E 766 23° 37' 57.000" N 84° 11' 55.700" E 767 23° 37' 56.100" N 84° 11' 53.600" E 768 23° 37' 58.200" N 84° 11' 49.900" E 769 23° 37' 59.400" N 84° 11' 44.200" E 770 23° 38' 3.000" N 84° 11' 44.700" E 771 23° 38' 4.900" N 84° 11' 44.700" E 772 23° 38' 9.900" N 84° 11' 46.400" E

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773 23° 38' 13.300" N 84° 11' 46.300" E 774 23° 38' 16.500" N 84° 11' 45.200" E 775 23° 38' 15.800" N 84° 11' 39.800" E 776 23° 38' 17.300" N 84° 11' 33.900" E 777 23° 41' 8.700" N 84° 2' 46.700" E 778 23° 41' 9.400" N 84° 2' 40.300" E 779 23° 41' 8.800" N 84° 2' 34.300" E 780 23° 41' 8.200" N 84° 2' 32.100" E 781 23° 41' 9.400" N 84° 2' 28.100" E 782 23° 41' 13.600" N 84° 2' 20.900" E 783 23° 41' 14.200" N 84° 2' 14.000" E 784 23° 41' 13.900" N 84° 2' 9.800" E 785 23° 41' 13.100" N 84° 2' 7.700" E 786 23° 41' 12.000" N 84° 2' 2.500" E 787 23° 41' 10.400" N 84° 1' 57.300" E 788 23° 41' 9.200" N 84° 1' 54.600" E 789 23° 41' 11.100" N 84° 1' 46.000" E 790 23° 41' 9.400" N 84° 1' 41.200" E 791 23° 41' 10.000" N 84° 1' 33.900" E 792 23° 41' 9.000" N 84° 1' 31.300" E 793 23° 41' 8.900" N 84° 1' 30.000" E 794 23° 41' 10.100" N 84° 1' 26.700" E 795 23° 41' 13.700" N 84° 1' 17.600" E 796 23° 41' 15.600" N 84° 1' 16.600" E 797 23° 41' 17.000" N 84° 1' 10.500" E 798 23° 41' 15.800" N 84° 1' 7.000" E 799 23° 41' 16.300" N 84° 0' 58.200" E 800 23° 41' 17.200" N 84° 0' 55.400" E 801 23° 41' 17.800" N 84° 0' 49.000" E 802 23° 41' 24.900" N 84° 0' 46.800" E 803 23° 41' 28.800" N 84° 0' 44.800" E 804 23° 41' 26.500" N 84° 0' 42.900" E 805 23° 41' 27.400" N 84° 0' 40.500" E 806 23° 41' 36.000" N 84° 0' 42.100" E 807 23° 41' 40.000" N 84° 0' 37.600" E 808 23° 41' 40.700" N 84° 0' 36.800" E 809 23° 41' 42.200" N 84° 0' 33.000" E 810 23° 41' 43.100" N 84° 0' 30.700" E 811 23° 41' 42.400" N 84° 0' 25.800" E 812 23° 41' 41.200" N 84° 0' 23.900" E 813 23° 41' 37.500" N 84° 0' 19.800" E

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814 23° 41' 35.300" N 84° 0' 16.600" E 815 23° 41' 32.900" N 84° 0' 14.100" E 816 23° 41' 30.600" N 84° 0' 7.800" E 817 23° 41' 31.800" N 84° 0' 2.300" E 818 23° 41' 38.200" N 84° 0' 1.400" E 819 23° 41' 41.900" N 83° 59' 59.500" E 820 23° 41' 43.500" N 83° 59' 59.500" E 821 23° 41' 46.200" N 83° 59' 57.800" E 822 23° 41' 49.700" N 83° 59' 58.100" E 823 23° 41' 54.000" N 83° 59' 56.400" E 824 23° 42' 2.400" N 83° 59' 55.900" E 825 23° 42' 9.100" N 83° 59' 58.600" E 826 23° 42' 12.200" N 83° 59' 54.500" E 827 23° 42' 15.700" N 83° 59' 53.800" E 828 23° 42' 19.900" N 83° 59' 49.200" E 829 23° 42' 25.000" N 83° 59' 45.200" E 830 23° 42' 27.700" N 83° 59' 42.000" E 831 23° 42' 31.000" N 83° 59' 38.600" E 832 23° 42' 33.200" N 83° 59' 36.500" E 833 23° 42' 34.700" N 83° 59' 35.300" E 834 23° 42' 34.900" N 83° 59' 32.700" E 835 23° 42' 37.200" N 83° 59' 30.900" E 836 23° 42' 38.200" N 83° 59' 27.000" E 837 23° 42' 34.700" N 83° 59' 18.200" E 838 23° 42' 29.900" N 83° 59' 15.000" E 839 23° 42' 24.000" N 83° 59' 11.400" E 840 23° 42' 18.700" N 83° 59' 9.300" E 841 23° 42' 16.100" N 83° 59' 7.400" E 842 23° 42' 14.600" N 83° 59' 4.400" E 843 23° 42' 14.800" N 83° 59' 1.200" E 844 23° 42' 12.800" N 83° 58' 58.600" E 845 23° 42' 9.900" N 83° 58' 56.600" E 846 23° 42' 8.900" N 83° 58' 55.400" E 847 23° 42' 8.300" N 83° 58' 53.500" E 848 23° 42' 0.400" N 83° 58' 51.600" E 849 23° 41' 58.100" N 83° 58' 51.200" E 850 23° 41' 56.900" N 83° 58' 50.300" E 851 23° 41' 51.700" N 83° 58' 51.200" E 852 23° 41' 50.300" N 83° 58' 49.600" E 853 23° 41' 49.000" N 83° 58' 47.600" E 854 23° 41' 43.400" N 83° 58' 46.400" E

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855 23° 41' 41.500" N 83° 58' 45.800" E 856 23° 41' 38.700" N 83° 58' 43.500" E 857 23° 41' 38.100" N 83° 58' 39.900" E 858 23° 41' 32.900" N 83° 58' 37.500" E 859 23° 41' 28.600" N 83° 58' 41.500" E 860 23° 41' 25.000" N 83° 58' 41.100" E 861 23° 41' 15.500" N 83° 58' 42.500" E 862 23° 41' 12.400" N 83° 58' 42.700" E 863 23° 41' 8.200" N 83° 58' 41.700" E 864 23° 41' 6.800" N 83° 58' 42.500" E 865 23° 41' 2.200" N 83° 58' 47.000" E 866 23° 41' 1.200" N 83° 58' 47.400" E 867 23° 40' 59.600" N 83° 58' 49.900" E 868 23° 40' 54.200" N 83° 58' 53.200" E 869 23° 40' 51.600" N 83° 58' 55.700" E 870 23° 40' 49.900" N 83° 58' 56.000" E 871 23° 40' 46.300" N 83° 58' 54.200" E 872 23° 40' 42.600" N 83° 58' 52.400" E 873 23° 40' 40.900" N 83° 58' 51.400" E 874 23° 40' 37.300" N 83° 58' 47.700" E 875 23° 40' 36.700" N 83° 58' 47.300" E 876 23° 40' 36.600" N 83° 58' 47.500" E 877 23° 40' 32.200" N 83° 58' 49.100" E 878 23° 40' 30.100" N 83° 58' 49.200" E 879 23° 40' 28.300" N 83° 58' 48.500" E 880 23° 40' 21.800" N 83° 58' 48.600" E 881 23° 40' 17.000" N 83° 58' 48.800" E 882 23° 40' 13.900" N 83° 58' 49.500" E 883 23° 40' 11.100" N 83° 58' 48.800" E 884 23° 40' 7.600" N 83° 58' 47.300" E 885 23° 40' 5.000" N 83° 58' 46.100" E 886 23° 40' 0.700" N 83° 58' 45.700" E 887 23° 39' 57.200" N 83° 58' 50.300" E 888 23° 39' 50.700" N 83° 58' 53.800" E 889 23° 39' 49.600" N 83° 58' 53.800" E 890 23° 39' 43.200" N 83° 58' 51.100" E 891 23° 39' 40.400" N 83° 58' 50.900" E 892 23° 39' 35.800" N 83° 58' 51.600" E 893 23° 39' 33.600" N 83° 58' 51.600" E 894 23° 39' 30.800" N 83° 58' 53.600" E 895 23° 39' 28.300" N 83° 58' 55.100" E

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896 23° 39' 27.400" N 83° 58' 59.000" E 897 23° 39' 26.700" N 83° 58' 59.400" E 898 23° 39' 24.900" N 83° 58' 59.700" E 899 23° 39' 23.600" N 83° 59' 1.900" E 900 23° 39' 23.400" N 83° 59' 5.700" E 901 23° 39' 23.500" N 83° 59' 11.500" E 902 23° 39' 22.900" N 83° 59' 13.500" E 903 23° 39' 22.700" N 83° 59' 16.400" E 904 23° 39' 21.700" N 83° 59' 17.900" E 905 23° 39' 19.700" N 83° 59' 19.200" E 906 23° 39' 18.700" N 83° 59' 23.800" E 907 23° 39' 16.100" N 83° 59' 25.000" E 908 23° 39' 10.500" N 83° 59' 25.600" E 909 23° 39' 8.500" N 83° 59' 25.200" E 910 23° 39' 6.400" N 83° 59' 31.400" E 911 23° 39' 5.800" N 83° 59' 33.400" E 912 23° 39' 5.700" N 83° 59' 36.700" E 913 23° 39' 6.000" N 83° 59' 41.600" E 914 23° 39' 4.300" N 83° 59' 44.500" E 915 23° 39' 3.300" N 83° 59' 42.000" E 916 23° 39' 1.500" N 83° 59' 40.700" E 917 23° 39' 0.600" N 83° 59' 42.000" E 918 23° 38' 59.200" N 83° 59' 40.100" E 919 23° 38' 59.200" N 83° 59' 38.800" E 920 23° 38' 57.200" N 83° 59' 35.700" E 921 23° 38' 57.100" N 83° 59' 33.300" E 922 23° 38' 56.900" N 83° 59' 31.300" E 923 23° 38' 55.200" N 83° 59' 30.100" E 924 23° 38' 55.300" N 83° 59' 26.800" E 925 23° 38' 53.800" N 83° 59' 23.500" E 926 23° 38' 53.000" N 83° 59' 23.300" E 927 23° 38' 52.400" N 83° 59' 24.600" E 928 23° 38' 49.200" N 83° 59' 22.500" E 929 23° 38' 48.300" N 83° 59' 22.600" E 930 23° 38' 47.800" N 83° 59' 23.500" E 931 23° 38' 48.200" N 83° 59' 25.300" E 932 23° 38' 48.700" N 83° 59' 28.500" E 933 23° 38' 49.500" N 83° 59' 32.600" E 934 23° 38' 50.900" N 83° 59' 33.800" E 935 23° 38' 50.700" N 83° 59' 36.200" E 936 23° 38' 51.700" N 83° 59' 38.800" E

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937 23° 38' 47.200" N 83° 59' 35.400" E 938 23° 38' 44.100" N 83° 59' 35.000" E 939 23° 38' 40.700" N 83° 59' 33.800" E 940 23° 38' 38.600" N 83° 59' 32.200" E 941 23° 38' 36.800" N 83° 59' 33.200" E 942 23° 38' 32.600" N 83° 59' 31.200" E 943 23° 43' 57.186" N 84° 1' 29.753" E 944 23° 43' 57.216" N 84° 1' 30.119" E 945 23° 43' 58.570" N 84° 1' 33.044" E 946 23° 43' 59.100" N 84° 1' 33.445" E 947 23° 44' 0.577" N 84° 1' 34.348" E 948 23° 44' 1.866" N 84° 1' 35.605" E 949 23° 44' 2.756" N 84° 1' 36.974" E 950 23° 44' 3.207" N 84° 1' 38.681" E 951 23° 44' 3.067" N 84° 1' 42.552" E 952 23° 44' 3.240" N 84° 1' 43.518" E 953 23° 44' 5.055" N 84° 1' 46.818" E 954 23° 44' 7.231" N 84° 1' 49.096" E 955 23° 44' 8.095" N 84° 1' 52.639" E 956 23° 44' 8.311" N 84° 1' 54.072" E 957 23° 44' 9.308" N 84° 1' 56.628" E 958 23° 44' 10.635" N 84° 1' 58.405" E 959 23° 44' 12.439" N 84° 1' 59.957" E 960 23° 44' 12.727" N 84° 2' 0.483" E 961 23° 44' 12.829" N 84° 2' 0.925" E 962 23° 44' 12.780" N 84° 2' 2.774" E 963 23° 44' 12.822" N 84° 2' 3.051" E 964 23° 44' 14.874" N 84° 2' 5.221" E 965 23° 44' 16.981" N 84° 2' 6.115" E 966 23° 44' 17.491" N 84° 2' 6.754" E 967 23° 44' 17.826" N 84° 2' 7.674" E 968 23° 44' 18.118" N 84° 2' 9.243" E 969 23° 44' 18.962" N 84° 2' 11.674" E 970 23° 44' 19.347" N 84° 2' 12.757" E 971 23° 44' 20.202" N 84° 2' 16.083" E 972 23° 44' 20.805" N 84° 2' 17.871" E 973 23° 44' 21.221" N 84° 2' 19.738" E 974 23° 44' 21.945" N 84° 2' 22.662" E 975 23° 44' 22.172" N 84° 2' 23.085" E 976 23° 44' 22.640" N 84° 2' 23.455" E 977 23° 44' 26.759" N 84° 2' 25.740" E

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978 23° 44' 28.250" N 84° 2' 26.886" E 979 23° 44' 29.921" N 84° 2' 28.355" E 980 23° 44' 33.465" N 84° 2' 29.670" E 981 23° 44' 35.491" N 84° 2' 30.278" E 982 23° 44' 36.090" N 84° 2' 30.788" E 983 23° 44' 36.774" N 84° 2' 31.939" E 984 23° 44' 37.732" N 84° 2' 36.129" E 985 23° 44' 38.571" N 84° 2' 37.183" E 986 23° 44' 42.067" N 84° 2' 37.756" E 987 23° 44' 47.012" N 84° 2' 39.293" E 988 23° 44' 48.541" N 84° 2' 39.315" E 989 23° 44' 50.668" N 84° 2' 38.511" E 990 23° 44' 54.474" N 84° 2' 39.578" E 991 23° 44' 56.925" N 84° 2' 41.010" E 992 23° 45' 0.481" N 84° 2' 42.762" E 993 23° 45' 2.092" N 84° 2' 42.695" E 994 23° 45' 3.044" N 84° 2' 41.972" E 995 23° 45' 4.127" N 84° 2' 41.640" E 996 23° 45' 7.866" N 84° 2' 41.415" E 997 23° 45' 10.870" N 84° 2' 40.755" E 998 23° 45' 11.889" N 84° 2' 41.144" E 999 23° 45' 12.339" N 84° 2' 42.228" E 1000 23° 45' 12.280" N 84° 2' 43.036" E 1001 23° 45' 12.855" N 84° 2' 44.323" E 1002 23° 45' 15.259" N 84° 2' 46.086" E 1003 23° 45' 16.613" N 84° 2' 47.546" E 1004 23° 45' 17.056" N 84° 2' 48.583" E 1005 23° 45' 17.530" N 84° 2' 50.629" E 1006 23° 45' 18.327" N 84° 2' 54.937" E 1007 23° 45' 18.503" N 84° 2' 55.855" E 1008 23° 45' 18.373" N 84° 2' 56.698" E 1009 23° 45' 17.255" N 84° 2' 59.668" E 1010 23° 45' 16.440" N 84° 3' 2.348" E 1011 23° 45' 16.281" N 84° 3' 3.253" E 1012 23° 45' 15.727" N 84° 3' 5.655" E 1013 23° 45' 14.710" N 84° 3' 7.025" E 1014 23° 45' 14.908" N 84° 3' 8.229" E 1015 23° 45' 16.098" N 84° 3' 10.564" E 1016 23° 45' 17.407" N 84° 3' 13.296" E 1017 23° 45' 17.339" N 84° 3' 14.858" E 1018 23° 45' 16.629" N 84° 3' 17.536" E

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1019 23° 45' 15.629" N 84° 3' 20.287" E 1020 23° 45' 14.573" N 84° 3' 23.033" E 1021 23° 45' 14.180" N 84° 3' 24.698" E 1022 23° 45' 13.968" N 84° 3' 28.270" E 1023 23° 45' 13.902" N 84° 3' 30.672" E 1024 23° 45' 14.204" N 84° 3' 32.281" E 1025 23° 45' 15.122" N 84° 3' 34.028" E 1026 23° 45' 15.478" N 84° 3' 35.251" E 1027 23° 45' 15.511" N 84° 3' 38.459" E 1028 23° 45' 15.435" N 84° 3' 41.621" E 1029 23° 45' 15.328" N 84° 3' 43.096" E 1030 23° 45' 15.463" N 84° 3' 44.694" E 1031 23° 45' 16.263" N 84° 3' 48.930" E 1032 23° 45' 16.613" N 84° 3' 50.545" E 1033 23° 45' 16.615" N 84° 3' 55.271" E 1034 23° 45' 16.588" N 84° 3' 59.104" E 1035 23° 45' 16.391" N 84° 4' 0.068" E 1036 23° 45' 15.145" N 84° 4' 2.227" E 1037 23° 45' 14.804" N 84° 4' 3.862" E 1038 23° 45' 14.821" N 84° 4' 4.222" E 1039 23° 45' 14.968" N 84° 4' 4.703" E 1040 23° 45' 15.501" N 84° 4' 5.393" E 1041 23° 45' 16.833" N 84° 4' 6.626" E 1042 23° 45' 17.471" N 84° 4' 9.777" E 1043 23° 45' 17.804" N 84° 4' 11.267" E 1044 23° 45' 18.197" N 84° 4' 12.022" E 1045 23° 45' 20.012" N 84° 4' 13.654" E 1046 23° 45' 20.962" N 84° 4' 15.985" E 1047 23° 45' 21.289" N 84° 4' 17.561" E 1048 23° 45' 21.585" N 84° 4' 22.463" E 1049 23° 45' 21.809" N 84° 4' 23.046" E 1050 23° 45' 22.152" N 84° 4' 23.288" E 1051 23° 45' 22.722" N 84° 4' 23.338" E 1052 23° 45' 23.604" N 84° 4' 23.006" E 1053 23° 45' 24.511" N 84° 4' 22.989" E 1054 23° 45' 25.157" N 84° 4' 23.489" E 1055 23° 45' 26.106" N 84° 4' 24.802" E 1056 23° 45' 26.334" N 84° 4' 25.524" E 1057 23° 45' 26.576" N 84° 4' 28.270" E 1058 23° 45' 27.225" N 84° 4' 30.307" E 1059 23° 45' 28.164" N 84° 4' 31.355" E

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1060 23° 45' 28.201" N 84° 4' 31.424" E 1061 23° 45' 29.707" N 84° 4' 32.630" E 1062 23° 45' 31.173" N 84° 4' 33.523" E 1063 23° 45' 35.263" N 84° 4' 35.477" E 1064 23° 45' 39.748" N 84° 4' 38.672" E 1065 23° 45' 40.899" N 84° 4' 39.010" E 1066 23° 45' 47.354" N 84° 4' 37.185" E 1067 23° 45' 54.021" N 84° 4' 35.243" E 1068 23° 45' 54.935" N 84° 4' 35.146" E 1069 23° 45' 58.165" N 84° 4' 36.090" E 1070 23° 45' 59.120" N 84° 4' 35.929" E 1071 23° 46' 4.600" N 84° 4' 33.814" E 1072 23° 46' 7.564" N 84° 4' 32.565" E 1073 23° 46' 9.350" N 84° 4' 31.958" E 1074 23° 46' 10.320" N 84° 4' 32.157" E 1075 23° 46' 13.901" N 84° 4' 35.885" E 1076 23° 46' 15.234" N 84° 4' 36.950" E 1077 23° 46' 18.483" N 84° 4' 38.800" E 1078 23° 46' 22.761" N 84° 4' 41.655" E 1079 23° 46' 23.395" N 84° 4' 42.555" E 1080 23° 46' 24.174" N 84° 4' 46.441" E 1081 23° 46' 24.714" N 84° 4' 49.305" E 1082 23° 46' 25.016" N 84° 4' 50.649" E 1083 23° 46' 27.989" N 84° 4' 55.360" E 1084 23° 46' 28.969" N 84° 4' 57.247" E 1085 23° 46' 30.505" N 84° 5' 1.955" E 1086 23° 46' 30.156" N 84° 5' 7.584" E 1087 23° 46' 29.859" N 84° 5' 11.862" E 1088 23° 46' 28.907" N 84° 5' 16.673" E 1089 23° 46' 27.768" N 84° 5' 22.057" E 1090 23° 46' 27.240" N 84° 5' 24.452" E 1091 23° 46' 26.386" N 84° 5' 27.201" E 1092 23° 46' 26.927" N 84° 5' 28.261" E 1093 23° 46' 27.993" N 84° 5' 28.852" E 1094 23° 46' 31.109" N 84° 5' 28.816" E 1095 23° 46' 23.552" N 84° 5' 30.846" E 1096 23° 46' 23.962" N 84° 5' 33.358" E 1097 23° 46' 23.920" N 84° 5' 34.830" E 1098 23° 46' 23.223" N 84° 5' 36.844" E 1099 23° 46' 23.241" N 84° 5' 39.898" E 1100 23° 46' 23.711" N 84° 5' 41.304" E

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1101 23° 46' 25.066" N 84° 5' 44.224" E 1102 23° 46' 25.862" N 84° 5' 44.695" E 1103 23° 46' 27.893" N 84° 5' 47.003" E 1104 23° 46' 28.514" N 84° 5' 47.662" E 1105 23° 46' 30.106" N 84° 5' 48.693" E 1106 23° 46' 32.076" N 84° 5' 50.717" E 1107 23° 46' 34.961" N 84° 5' 52.388" E 1108 23° 46' 36.282" N 84° 5' 53.103" E 1109 23° 46' 37.772" N 84° 5' 53.673" E 1110 23° 46' 37.777" N 84° 5' 53.942" E 1111 23° 46' 37.336" N 84° 5' 55.130" E 1112 23° 46' 37.690" N 84° 5' 56.884" E 1113 23° 46' 38.532" N 84° 5' 58.836" E 1114 23° 46' 41.097" N 84° 5' 59.490" E 1115 23° 46' 41.582" N 84° 5' 59.714" E 1116 23° 46' 41.799" N 84° 5' 59.962" E 1117 23° 46' 42.308" N 84° 6' 1.719" E 1118 23° 46' 42.457" N 84° 6' 2.262" E 1119 23° 46' 42.831" N 84° 6' 2.334" E 1120 23° 46' 43.856" N 84° 6' 2.483" E 1121 23° 46' 43.841" N 84° 6' 3.715" E 1122 23° 46' 44.092" N 84° 6' 5.182" E 1123 23° 46' 45.585" N 84° 6' 9.239" E 1124 23° 45' 57.663" N 84° 5' 16.415" E 1125 23° 45' 58.088" N 84° 5' 16.736" E 1126 23° 45' 58.485" N 84° 5' 17.387" E 1127 23° 45' 59.198" N 84° 5' 19.960" E 1128 23° 45' 59.146" N 84° 5' 21.468" E 1129 23° 45' 58.692" N 84° 5' 24.204" E 1130 23° 45' 58.582" N 84° 5' 25.651" E 1131 23° 45' 58.639" N 84° 5' 26.385" E 1132 23° 46' 0.109" N 84° 5' 27.963" E 1133 23° 46' 1.598" N 84° 5' 29.554" E 1134 23° 46' 2.956" N 84° 5' 30.471" E 1135 23° 46' 4.557" N 84° 5' 30.475" E 1136 23° 46' 7.389" N 84° 5' 30.918" E 1137 23° 46' 10.142" N 84° 5' 31.292" E 1138 23° 46' 13.087" N 84° 5' 32.021" E 1139 23° 46' 17.962" N 84° 5' 32.507" E 1140 23° 46' 19.247" N 84° 5' 32.387" E 1141 23° 46' 21.879" N 84° 5' 31.569" E

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1142 23° 46' 21.898" N 84° 5' 31.553" E 1143 23° 46' 23.585" N 84° 5' 30.832" E 1144 23° 46' 27.993" N 84° 5' 28.852" E 1145 23° 43' 43.451" N 84° 0' 33.011" E 1146 23° 43' 44.252" N 84° 0' 36.613" E 1147 23° 43' 46.643" N 84° 0' 45.191" E 1148 23° 43' 47.804" N 84° 0' 49.823" E 1149 23° 43' 48.309" N 84° 1' 0.449" E 1150 23° 43' 49.422" N 84° 1' 8.094" E 1151 23° 43' 51.252" N 84° 1' 11.047" E 1152 23° 43' 51.987" N 84° 1' 17.132" E 1153 23° 43' 56.129" N 84° 1' 23.671" E 1154 23° 43' 57.196" N 84° 1' 29.731" E 1155 23° 43' 43.451" N 84° 0' 33.011" E 1156 23° 43' 43.986" N 84° 0' 28.790" E 1157 23° 43' 44.883" N 84° 0' 27.304" E 1158 23° 43' 45.098" N 84° 0' 27.210" E 1159 23° 43' 45.565" N 84° 0' 27.007" E 1160 23° 43' 48.125" N 84° 0' 23.681" E 1161 23° 43' 48.266" N 84° 0' 23.615" E 1162 23° 43' 49.182" N 84° 0' 21.890" E 1163 23° 43' 50.242" N 84° 0' 14.875" E 1164 23° 43' 50.582" N 84° 0' 12.961" E 1165 23° 43' 47.008" N 84° 0' 5.520" E 1166 23° 43' 47.745" N 84° 0' 2.561" E 1167 23° 43' 47.361" N 83° 59' 59.491" E 1168 23° 43' 47.320" N 83° 59' 59.382" E 1169 23° 43' 45.723" N 83° 59' 49.575" E 1170 23° 43' 45.517" N 83° 59' 50.404" E 1171 23° 43' 45.285" N 83° 59' 53.524" E 1172 23° 43' 45.506" N 83° 59' 56.802" E 1173 23° 43' 47.320" N 83° 59' 59.382" E 1174 23° 48' 1.216" N 84° 9' 38.077" E 1175 23° 48' 1.022" N 84° 9' 39.045" E 1176 23° 48' 0.615" N 84° 9' 39.702" E 1177 23° 47' 59.746" N 84° 9' 40.723" E 1178 23° 47' 59.296" N 84° 9' 41.341" E 1179 23° 48' 0.395" N 84° 11' 27.635" E 1180 23° 48' 4.905" N 84° 11' 26.740" E 1181 23° 48' 8.757" N 84° 11' 24.268" E 1182 23° 40' 53.050" N 84° 14' 8.992" E

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1183 23° 40' 54.289" N 84° 14' 8.771" E 1184 23° 40' 54.889" N 84° 14' 7.915" E 1185 23° 40' 54.185" N 84° 14' 3.723" E 1186 23° 40' 53.905" N 84° 13' 58.959" E 1187 23° 40' 53.910" N 84° 13' 55.928" E 1188 23° 40' 53.816" N 84° 13' 51.735" E 1189 23° 40' 54.259" N 84° 13' 50.513" E 1190 23° 40' 54.278" N 84° 13' 50.443" E 1191 23° 40' 56.058" N 84° 13' 49.338" E 1192 23° 40' 56.755" N 84° 13' 47.700" E 1193 23° 40' 57.320" N 84° 13' 46.683" E 1194 23° 40' 57.627" N 84° 13' 45.933" E 1195 23° 40' 58.080" N 84° 13' 44.311" E 1196 23° 40' 58.574" N 84° 13' 44.009" E 1197 23° 40' 59.598" N 84° 13' 44.013" E 1198 23° 41' 1.292" N 84° 13' 43.218" E 1199 23° 41' 2.826" N 84° 13' 41.763" E 1200 23° 41' 3.892" N 84° 13' 40.295" E 1201 23° 41' 8.700" N 84° 13' 37.206" E 1202 23° 41' 8.950" N 84° 13' 35.993" E 1203 23° 41' 8.739" N 84° 13' 34.155" E 1204 23° 41' 8.801" N 84° 13' 32.943" E 1205 23° 41' 9.263" N 84° 13' 32.028" E 1206 23° 41' 10.053" N 84° 13' 31.353" E 1207 23° 41' 12.261" N 84° 13' 29.724" E 1208 23° 41' 13.988" N 84° 13' 28.738" E 1209 23° 41' 16.486" N 84° 13' 25.213" E 1210 23° 41' 17.708" N 84° 13' 24.134" E 1211 23° 41' 20.309" N 84° 13' 23.439" E 1212 23° 41' 22.589" N 84° 13' 23.483" E 1213 23° 41' 24.146" N 84° 13' 24.800" E 1214 23° 41' 25.489" N 84° 13' 26.962" E 1215 23° 41' 26.711" N 84° 13' 27.820" E 1216 23° 41' 27.600" N 84° 13' 27.897" E 1217 23° 41' 29.356" N 84° 13' 27.162" E 1218 23° 41' 31.269" N 84° 13' 27.938" E 1219 23° 41' 31.386" N 84° 13' 28.015" E 1220 23° 41' 33.658" N 84° 13' 29.543" E 1221 23° 41' 35.778" N 84° 13' 31.685" E 1222 23° 41' 39.057" N 84° 13' 33.218" E 1223 23° 41' 43.385" N 84° 13' 34.967" E

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1224 23° 41' 44.813" N 84° 13' 36.539" E 1225 23° 41' 46.086" N 84° 13' 37.575" E 1226 23° 41' 47.567" N 84° 13' 37.848" E 1227 23° 41' 49.629" N 84° 13' 37.110" E 1228 23° 41' 50.941" N 84° 13' 35.806" E 1229 23° 41' 53.756" N 84° 13' 34.020" E 1230 23° 41' 55.710" N 84° 13' 33.398" E 1231 23° 41' 56.767" N 84° 13' 33.491" E 1232 23° 41' 59.305" N 84° 13' 34.828" E 1233 23° 42' 0.299" N 84° 13' 35.980" E 1234 23° 42' 0.807" N 84° 13' 36.742" E 1235 23° 42' 1.757" N 84° 13' 38.059" E 1236 23° 42' 2.480" N 84° 13' 38.609" E 1237 23° 42' 2.526" N 84° 13' 38.749" E 1238 23° 42' 3.886" N 84° 13' 39.178" E 1239 23° 42' 6.846" N 84° 13' 38.929" E 1240 23° 42' 8.604" N 84° 13' 38.920" E 1241 23° 42' 12.210" N 84° 13' 37.152" E 1242 23° 42' 16.120" N 84° 13' 35.829" E 1243 23° 42' 17.475" N 84° 13' 36.310" E 1244 23° 42' 18.709" N 84° 13' 36.880" E 1245 23° 42' 22.060" N 84° 13' 38.814" E 1246 23° 42' 24.622" N 84° 13' 42.459" E 1247 23° 41' 12.428" N 84° 18' 26.688" E 1248 23° 41' 11.454" N 84° 18' 30.003" E 1249 23° 41' 9.750" N 84° 18' 32.361" E 1250 23° 41' 8.035" N 84° 18' 33.081" E 1251 23° 41' 6.708" N 84° 18' 34.282" E 1252 23° 41' 5.840" N 84° 18' 35.824" E 1253 23° 41' 4.743" N 84° 18' 38.787" E 1254 23° 41' 4.244" N 84° 18' 39.588" E 1255 23° 41' 3.646" N 84° 18' 41.143" E 1256 23° 41' 2.832" N 84° 18' 44.327" E 1257 23° 41' 4.292" N 84° 18' 45.655" E 1258 23° 41' 5.287" N 84° 18' 46.958" E 1259 23° 41' 5.968" N 84° 18' 48.880" E 1260 23° 41' 5.684" N 84° 18' 51.789" E 1261 23° 41' 5.701" N 84° 18' 51.863" E 1262 23° 41' 6.232" N 84° 18' 54.208" E 1263 23° 41' 9.302" N 84° 18' 55.849" E 1264 23° 41' 12.210" N 84° 18' 56.909" E

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1265 23° 41' 11.789" N 84° 19' 0.195" E 1266 23° 41' 12.534" N 84° 19' 2.476" E 1267 23° 41' 14.310" N 84° 19' 3.091" E 1268 23° 41' 16.142" N 84° 19' 5.205" E 1269 23° 41' 18.148" N 84° 19' 5.897" E 1270 23° 41' 19.798" N 84° 19' 5.151" E 1271 23° 41' 21.136" N 84° 19' 1.540" E 1272 23° 41' 22.181" N 84° 18' 58.528" E 1273 23° 41' 23.057" N 84° 18' 57.196" E 1274 23° 41' 25.587" N 84° 18' 57.711" E 1275 23° 41' 28.282" N 84° 18' 58.075" E 1276 23° 41' 30.635" N 84° 18' 58.608" E 1277 23° 41' 35.214" N 84° 18' 59.641" E 1278 23° 41' 37.010" N 84° 19' 0.136" E 1279 23° 41' 39.655" N 84° 18' 59.294" E 1280 23° 41' 41.098" N 84° 18' 58.826" E 1281 23° 41' 41.671" N 84° 18' 59.114" E 1282 23° 41' 12.428" N 84° 18' 26.688" E 1283 23° 41' 15.257" N 84° 18' 28.101" E 1284 23° 41' 17.582" N 84° 18' 29.101" E 1285 23° 41' 20.582" N 84° 18' 30.831" E 1286 23° 41' 23.592" N 84° 18' 32.194" E 1287 23° 41' 26.679" N 84° 18' 32.808" E 1288 23° 41' 28.153" N 84° 18' 33.114" E 1289 23° 41' 29.852" N 84° 18' 33.825" E 1290 23° 41' 32.425" N 84° 18' 35.111" E 1291 23° 41' 35.671" N 84° 18' 35.981" E 1292 23° 41' 38.252" N 84° 18' 36.868" E 1293 23° 41' 42.032" N 84° 18' 38.024" E 1294 23° 41' 43.328" N 84° 18' 40.629" E 1295 23° 41' 46.923" N 84° 18' 42.999" E 1296 23° 41' 49.985" N 84° 18' 45.420" E 1297 23° 41' 49.636" N 84° 18' 47.280" E 1298 23° 41' 49.833" N 84° 18' 50.204" E 1299 23° 41' 49.442" N 84° 18' 52.732" E 1300 23° 41' 47.506" N 84° 18' 52.987" E 1301 23° 41' 45.525" N 84° 18' 53.981" E 1302 23° 41' 43.617" N 84° 18' 56.483" E 1303 23° 41' 41.671" N 84° 18' 59.114" E 1304 23° 41' 12.428" N 84° 18' 26.688" E 1305 23° 41' 12.701" N 84° 18' 23.995" E

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1306 23° 41' 8.423" N 84° 19' 6.044" E 1307 23° 41' 12.534" N 84° 19' 2.476" E 1308 23° 41' 25.054" N 84° 19' 31.965" E 1309 23° 41' 27.727" N 84° 19' 30.117" E 1310 23° 41' 41.671" N 84° 18' 59.114" E 1311 23° 41' 44.102" N 84° 19' 0.383" E 1312 23° 41' 46.594" N 84° 19' 3.276" E 1313 23° 41' 47.453" N 84° 19' 7.566" E 1314 23° 41' 51.060" N 84° 19' 8.935" E 1315 23° 41' 56.650" N 84° 19' 10.209" E 1316 23° 42' 1.459" N 84° 19' 10.147" E 1317 23° 44' 29.978" N 84° 13' 37.632" E 1318 23° 44' 30.236" N 84° 13' 37.514" E 1319 23° 44' 33.529" N 84° 13' 37.995" E 1320 23° 44' 39.670" N 84° 13' 38.531" E 1321 23° 44' 44.714" N 84° 13' 38.943" E 1322 23° 44' 46.825" N 84° 13' 39.379" E 1323 23° 44' 49.497" N 84° 13' 41.636" E 1324 23° 44' 52.659" N 84° 13' 42.691" E 1325 23° 44' 54.650" N 84° 13' 41.544" E 1326 23° 44' 55.970" N 84° 13' 40.904" E 1327 23° 44' 56.756" N 84° 13' 40.925" E 1328 23° 45' 0.234" N 84° 13' 41.836" E 1329 23° 45' 2.372" N 84° 13' 40.967" E 1330 23° 45' 4.337" N 84° 13' 39.699" E 1331 23° 45' 5.866" N 84° 13' 39.125" E 1332 23° 45' 7.787" N 84° 13' 37.620" E 1333 23° 45' 8.877" N 84° 13' 37.362" E 1334 23° 45' 10.510" N 84° 13' 37.853" E 1335 23° 45' 12.361" N 84° 13' 37.544" E 1336 23° 45' 15.367" N 84° 13' 35.845" E 1337 23° 45' 18.618" N 84° 13' 34.653" E 1338 23° 45' 20.509" N 84° 13' 30.568" E 1339 23° 45' 23.654" N 84° 13' 27.197" E 1340 23° 45' 19.718" N 84° 14' 41.452" E 1341 23° 45' 20.069" N 84° 14' 42.761" E 1342 23° 45' 20.319" N 84° 14' 45.109" E 1343 23° 45' 20.483" N 84° 14' 46.458" E 1344 23° 45' 20.680" N 84° 14' 46.827" E 1345 23° 45' 21.673" N 84° 14' 47.125" E 1346 23° 43' 27.055" N 84° 14' 39.527" E

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1347 23° 43' 29.165" N 84° 14' 39.440" E 1348 23° 43' 30.073" N 84° 14' 39.390" E 1349 23° 43' 30.636" N 84° 14' 39.181" E 1350 23° 43' 31.237" N 84° 14' 39.079" E 1351 23° 43' 31.512" N 84° 14' 39.268" E 1352 23° 43' 31.552" N 84° 14' 39.739" E 1353 23° 43' 31.372" N 84° 14' 40.862" E 1354 23° 43' 31.767" N 84° 14' 41.025" E 1355 23° 43' 32.697" N 84° 14' 41.266" E 1356 23° 43' 34.067" N 84° 14' 41.424" E 1357 23° 43' 34.594" N 84° 14' 41.539" E 1358 23° 43' 35.302" N 84° 14' 41.685" E 1359 23° 43' 35.995" N 84° 14' 41.703" E 1360 23° 43' 36.735" N 84° 14' 41.479" E 1361 23° 43' 37.981" N 84° 14' 42.076" E 1362 23° 43' 39.586" N 84° 14' 42.899" E 1363 23° 43' 39.760" N 84° 14' 43.116" E 1364 23° 43' 39.383" N 84° 14' 45.834" E 1365 23° 43' 40.742" N 84° 14' 46.244" E 1366 23° 43' 41.002" N 84° 14' 46.870" E 1367 23° 43' 41.051" N 84° 14' 47.195" E 1368 23° 43' 40.990" N 84° 14' 48.532" E 1369 23° 43' 41.205" N 84° 14' 49.001" E 1370 23° 43' 41.626" N 84° 14' 49.627" E 1371 23° 43' 42.268" N 84° 14' 50.421" E 1372 23° 43' 42.588" N 84° 14' 50.694" E 1373 23° 43' 43.512" N 84° 14' 50.907" E 1374 23° 43' 44.316" N 84° 14' 50.760" E 1375 23° 43' 44.034" N 84° 14' 48.643" E 1376 23° 43' 44.325" N 84° 14' 47.880" E 1377 23° 43' 44.631" N 84° 14' 47.488" E 1378 23° 43' 45.549" N 84° 14' 47.474" E 1379 23° 43' 46.075" N 84° 14' 47.483" E 1380 23° 43' 47.592" N 84° 14' 47.908" E 1381 23° 43' 48.686" N 84° 14' 47.862" E 1382 23° 47' 22.643" N 84° 6' 44.863" E 1383 23° 47' 22.743" N 84° 6' 45.616" E 1384 23° 47' 22.652" N 84° 6' 48.480" E 1385 23° 47' 20.643" N 84° 6' 51.785" E 1386 23° 47' 20.088" N 84° 6' 54.210" E 1387 23° 47' 19.785" N 84° 6' 56.375" E

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1388 23° 47' 18.241" N 84° 7' 0.315" E 1389 23° 47' 18.015" N 84° 7' 1.644" E 1390 23° 47' 18.280" N 84° 7' 4.414" E 1391 23° 47' 18.728" N 84° 7' 6.029" E 1392 23° 47' 21.133" N 84° 7' 10.109" E 1393 23° 47' 21.866" N 84° 7' 11.588" E 1394 23° 47' 21.111" N 84° 7' 14.418" E 1395 23° 47' 21.155" N 84° 7' 16.138" E 1396 23° 47' 20.333" N 84° 7' 19.640" E 1397 23° 47' 20.633" N 84° 7' 21.073" E 1398 23° 47' 20.631" N 84° 7' 21.100" E 1399 23° 47' 21.489" N 84° 7' 23.181" E 1400 23° 40' 53.158" N 84° 11' 26.658" E 1401 23° 40' 54.012" N 84° 11' 27.262" E 1402 23° 40' 56.048" N 84° 11' 27.244" E 1403 23° 40' 58.826" N 84° 11' 26.823" E 1404 23° 41' 1.722" N 84° 11' 26.682" E 1405 23° 41' 4.086" N 84° 11' 26.795" E 1406 23° 41' 3.330" N 84° 11' 28.526" E 1407 23° 41' 3.596" N 84° 11' 30.631" E 1408 23° 41' 3.188" N 84° 11' 33.223" E 1409 23° 41' 3.009" N 84° 11' 35.568" E 1410 23° 41' 3.593" N 84° 11' 38.528" E 1411 23° 41' 5.034" N 84° 11' 41.259" E 1412 23° 41' 5.617" N 84° 11' 42.786" E 1413 23° 41' 6.344" N 84° 11' 44.111" E 1414 23° 41' 6.994" N 84° 11' 46.206" E 1415 23° 41' 7.023" N 84° 11' 46.278" E 1416 23° 41' 8.707" N 84° 11' 46.846" E 1417 23° 41' 11.432" N 84° 11' 47.691" E 1418 23° 41' 11.479" N 84° 11' 47.686" E 1419 23° 41' 11.585" N 84° 11' 47.786" E 1420 23° 41' 14.835" N 84° 11' 48.428" E 1421 23° 41' 17.197" N 84° 11' 49.554" E 1422 23° 41' 19.289" N 84° 11' 49.177" E 1423 23° 41' 20.225" N 84° 11' 49.351" E 1424 23° 41' 22.845" N 84° 11' 50.514" E 1425 23° 41' 25.034" N 84° 11' 52.219" E 1426 23° 41' 25.690" N 84° 11' 52.631" E 1427 23° 41' 25.741" N 84° 11' 52.664" E 1428 23° 41' 27.638" N 84° 11' 55.141" E

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1429 23° 41' 29.073" N 84° 11' 56.638" E 1430 23° 41' 31.179" N 84° 11' 57.098" E 1431 23° 41' 34.204" N 84° 11' 56.928" E 1432 23° 41' 37.025" N 84° 11' 57.896" E 1433 23° 41' 38.145" N 84° 11' 58.358" E 1434 23° 41' 39.255" N 84° 11' 57.986" E 1435 23° 41' 40.682" N 84° 11' 58.090" E 1436 23° 41' 42.571" N 84° 11' 58.483" E 1437 23° 41' 43.329" N 84° 11' 58.091" E 1438 23° 41' 43.620" N 84° 11' 57.410" E 1439 23° 41' 44.027" N 84° 11' 56.481" E 1440 23° 41' 44.083" N 84° 11' 55.673" E 1441 23° 41' 44.376" N 84° 11' 55.163" E 1442 23° 41' 44.939" N 84° 11' 55.127" E 1443 23° 41' 46.052" N 84° 11' 56.509" E 1444 23° 41' 46.912" N 84° 11' 56.943" E 1445 23° 41' 47.908" N 84° 11' 56.960" E 1446 23° 41' 48.570" N 84° 11' 56.659" E 1447 23° 41' 49.774" N 84° 11' 56.121" E 1448 23° 41' 51.759" N 84° 11' 56.060" E 1449 23° 41' 52.509" N 84° 11' 56.165" E 1450 23° 41' 54.445" N 84° 11' 57.637" E 1451 23° 41' 56.536" N 84° 11' 58.657" E 1452 23° 41' 58.071" N 84° 11' 59.723" E 1453 23° 41' 59.495" N 84° 12' 1.285" E 1454 23° 42' 0.105" N 84° 12' 2.012" E 1455 23° 42' 0.836" N 84° 12' 2.688" E 1456 23° 42' 1.510" N 84° 12' 4.801" E 1457 23° 42' 2.336" N 84° 12' 6.690" E 1458 23° 42' 2.741" N 84° 12' 8.253" E 1459 23° 42' 3.638" N 84° 12' 9.409" E 1460 23° 42' 4.632" N 84° 12' 10.681" E 1461 23° 42' 5.896" N 84° 12' 11.581" E 1462 23° 42' 6.239" N 84° 12' 11.937" E 1463 23° 42' 6.318" N 84° 12' 13.153" E 1464 23° 42' 6.816" N 84° 12' 14.425" E 1465 23° 42' 7.053" N 84° 12' 15.044" E 1466 23° 42' 6.214" N 84° 12' 15.848" E 1467 23° 42' 5.110" N 84° 12' 17.257" E 1468 23° 42' 4.410" N 84° 12' 18.722" E 1469 23° 42' 4.835" N 84° 12' 20.048" E

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1470 23° 42' 5.724" N 84° 12' 21.485" E 1471 23° 42' 7.844" N 84° 12' 22.977" E 1472 23° 42' 9.596" N 84° 12' 24.113" E 1473 23° 42' 9.881" N 84° 12' 24.378" E 1474 23° 42' 10.356" N 84° 12' 26.345" E 1475 23° 42' 10.632" N 84° 12' 28.223" E 1476 23° 42' 10.949" N 84° 12' 28.847" E 1477 23° 42' 10.963" N 84° 12' 28.879" E 1478 23° 42' 10.981" N 84° 12' 28.919" E 1479 23° 42' 11.747" N 84° 12' 30.057" E 1480 23° 42' 11.829" N 84° 12' 30.917" E 1481 23° 42' 11.634" N 84° 12' 31.641" E 1482 23° 42' 11.107" N 84° 12' 33.474" E 1483 23° 42' 10.607" N 84° 12' 34.891" E 1484 23° 42' 10.701" N 84° 12' 35.701" E 1485 23° 42' 10.469" N 84° 12' 37.680" E 1486 23° 42' 10.204" N 84° 12' 38.709" E 1487 23° 42' 10.245" N 84° 12' 39.270" E 1488 23° 42' 10.546" N 84° 12' 39.769" E 1489 23° 42' 10.947" N 84° 12' 40.215" E 1490 23° 42' 11.425" N 84° 12' 40.426" E 1491 23° 42' 11.733" N 84° 12' 40.694" E 1492 23° 42' 12.071" N 84° 12' 41.997" E 1493 23° 42' 12.404" N 84° 12' 42.689" E 1494 23° 42' 13.288" N 84° 12' 43.525" E 1495 23° 42' 14.074" N 84° 12' 44.013" E 1496 23° 42' 14.886" N 84° 12' 44.197" E 1497 23° 42' 15.680" N 84° 12' 44.698" E 1498 23° 42' 15.996" N 84° 12' 45.106" E 1499 23° 42' 15.468" N 84° 12' 46.500" E 1500 23° 42' 15.173" N 84° 12' 47.480" E 1501 23° 42' 15.622" N 84° 12' 48.925" E 1502 23° 42' 16.919" N 84° 12' 50.528" E 1503 23° 42' 18.000" N 84° 12' 51.695" E 1504 23° 42' 18.846" N 84° 12' 53.223" E 1505 23° 42' 19.244" N 84° 12' 54.734" E 1506 23° 42' 19.522" N 84° 12' 58.009" E 1507 23° 42' 20.041" N 84° 12' 59.537" E 1508 23° 42' 19.896" N 84° 13' 5.017" E 1509 23° 42' 18.879" N 84° 13' 7.471" E 1510 23° 42' 16.119" N 84° 13' 11.612" E

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1511 23° 42' 15.674" N 84° 13' 14.991" E 1512 23° 42' 15.451" N 84° 13' 16.791" E 1513 23° 42' 16.785" N 84° 13' 18.754" E 1514 23° 42' 17.752" N 84° 13' 20.495" E 1515 23° 42' 17.350" N 84° 13' 22.599" E 1516 23° 42' 16.787" N 84° 13' 23.511" E 1517 23° 42' 16.707" N 84° 13' 23.532" E 1518 23° 42' 14.495" N 84° 13' 24.220" E 1519 23° 42' 13.031" N 84° 13' 25.091" E 1520 23° 42' 12.275" N 84° 13' 26.774" E 1521 23° 42' 12.952" N 84° 13' 29.125" E 1522 23° 42' 15.889" N 84° 13' 32.047" E 1523 23° 42' 17.555" N 84° 13' 34.140" E 1524 23° 42' 17.475" N 84° 13' 36.310" E 1525 23° 41' 41.671" N 84° 18' 59.114" E 1526 23° 41' 41.237" N 84° 19' 2.592" E 1527 23° 41' 41.480" N 84° 19' 6.882" E 1528 23° 41' 40.979" N 84° 19' 9.175" E 1529 23° 41' 36.757" N 84° 19' 12.692" E 1530 23° 41' 33.104" N 84° 19' 11.397" E 1531 23° 41' 31.955" N 84° 19' 11.417" E 1532 23° 41' 31.548" N 84° 19' 11.926" E 1533 23° 41' 31.682" N 84° 19' 12.991" E 1534 23° 41' 31.942" N 84° 19' 15.036" E 1535 23° 41' 31.782" N 84° 19' 16.623" E 1536 23° 41' 31.451" N 84° 19' 18.866" E 1537 23° 41' 30.000" N 84° 19' 22.058" E 1538 23° 41' 28.435" N 84° 19' 27.038" E 1539 23° 41' 27.727" N 84° 19' 30.117" E 1540 23° 41' 29.996" N 84° 19' 29.019" E 1541 23° 41' 32.994" N 84° 19' 28.624" E 1542 23° 41' 35.296" N 84° 19' 28.323" E 1543 23° 41' 37.124" N 84° 19' 27.484" E 1544 23° 41' 38.027" N 84° 19' 27.380" E 1545 23° 41' 41.930" N 84° 19' 27.724" E 1546 23° 41' 43.933" N 84° 19' 28.988" E 1547 23° 41' 45.925" N 84° 19' 29.291" E 1548 23° 41' 46.842" N 84° 19' 30.665" E 1549 23° 41' 49.285" N 84° 19' 32.568" E 1550 23° 41' 50.211" N 84° 19' 30.757" E 1551 23° 41' 50.491" N 84° 19' 30.676" E

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1552 23° 41' 51.173" N 84° 19' 31.065" E 1553 23° 41' 51.655" N 84° 19' 30.692" E 1554 23° 41' 51.977" N 84° 19' 29.296" E 1555 23° 41' 53.134" N 84° 19' 29.132" E 1556 23° 41' 53.501" N 84° 19' 28.729" E 1557 23° 41' 54.049" N 84° 19' 27.182" E 1558 23° 41' 54.931" N 84° 19' 26.943" E 1559 23° 41' 55.429" N 84° 19' 26.912" E 1560 23° 41' 56.080" N 84° 19' 25.983" E 1561 23° 41' 56.515" N 84° 19' 22.961" E 1562 23° 41' 56.944" N 84° 19' 22.083" E 1563 23° 41' 57.318" N 84° 19' 20.989" E 1564 23° 41' 58.329" N 84° 19' 20.636" E 1565 23° 42' 1.369" N 84° 19' 21.498" E 1566 23° 42' 1.946" N 84° 19' 20.818" E 1567 23° 42' 2.623" N 84° 19' 21.246" E 1568 23° 42' 4.207" N 84° 19' 21.987" E 1569 23° 42' 5.633" N 84° 19' 22.363" E 1570 23° 42' 5.610" N 84° 19' 22.339" E 1571 23° 42' 24.601" N 84° 13' 42.584" E 1572 23° 42' 26.018" N 84° 13' 46.369" E 1573 23° 42' 27.028" N 84° 13' 48.630" E 1574 23° 42' 26.630" N 84° 13' 53.174" E 1575 23° 42' 27.426" N 84° 13' 54.894" E 1576 23° 42' 29.493" N 84° 13' 57.722" E 1577 23° 42' 31.410" N 84° 14' 0.633" E 1578 23° 42' 33.338" N 84° 14' 3.864" E 1579 23° 42' 34.648" N 84° 14' 5.233" E 1580 23° 42' 36.255" N 84° 14' 6.911" E 1581 23° 42' 38.382" N 84° 14' 8.457" E 1582 23° 42' 40.545" N 84° 14' 9.703" E 1583 23° 42' 42.715" N 84° 14' 12.039" E 1584 23° 42' 44.947" N 84° 14' 15.485" E 1585 23° 42' 47.870" N 84° 14' 19.149" E 1586 23° 42' 49.053" N 84° 14' 20.936" E 1587 23° 42' 50.239" N 84° 14' 23.911" E 1588 23° 42' 52.469" N 84° 14' 26.382" E 1589 23° 42' 53.493" N 84° 14' 27.852" E 1590 23° 42' 54.468" N 84° 14' 30.096" E 1591 23° 42' 55.462" N 84° 14' 32.946" E 1592 23° 42' 56.148" N 84° 14' 35.368" E

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1593 23° 42' 56.713" N 84° 14' 35.902" E 1594 23° 42' 59.944" N 84° 14' 37.912" E 1595 23° 43' 1.518" N 84° 14' 38.892" E 1596 23° 43' 3.544" N 84° 14' 38.646" E 1597 23° 43' 5.675" N 84° 14' 39.317" E 1598 23° 43' 7.355" N 84° 14' 38.832" E 1599 23° 43' 8.284" N 84° 14' 38.235" E 1600 23° 43' 10.629" N 84° 14' 35.024" E 1601 23° 43' 11.142" N 84° 14' 34.596" E 1602 23° 43' 14.482" N 84° 14' 34.023" E 1603 23° 43' 17.316" N 84° 14' 33.907" E 1604 23° 43' 19.427" N 84° 14' 34.122" E 1605 23° 43' 22.605" N 84° 14' 34.980" E 1606 23° 43' 26.107" N 84° 14' 34.230" E 1607 23° 43' 28.705" N 84° 14' 33.296" E 1608 23° 43' 30.013" N 84° 14' 32.666" E 1609 23° 43' 30.900" N 84° 14' 31.862" E 1610 23° 43' 32.644" N 84° 14' 28.334" E 1611 23° 43' 32.833" N 84° 14' 25.596" E 1612 23° 43' 32.625" N 84° 14' 23.078" E 1613 23° 43' 33.924" N 84° 14' 20.633" E 1614 23° 43' 34.594" N 84° 14' 19.114" E 1615 23° 43' 35.788" N 84° 14' 18.245" E 1616 23° 43' 37.490" N 84° 14' 17.469" E 1617 23° 43' 40.773" N 84° 14' 15.556" E 1618 23° 43' 43.919" N 84° 14' 14.450" E 1619 23° 43' 46.345" N 84° 14' 14.779" E 1620 23° 43' 50.805" N 84° 14' 14.294" E 1621 23° 43' 54.485" N 84° 14' 13.431" E 1622 23° 43' 57.109" N 84° 14' 12.352" E 1623 23° 43' 58.940" N 84° 14' 10.538" E 1624 23° 44' 1.006" N 84° 14' 9.960" E 1625 23° 44' 1.836" N 84° 14' 9.143" E 1626 23° 44' 2.748" N 84° 14' 7.215" E 1627 23° 44' 4.562" N 84° 13' 59.574" E 1628 23° 44' 6.399" N 84° 13' 58.635" E 1629 23° 44' 11.311" N 84° 13' 57.033" E 1630 23° 44' 16.903" N 84° 13' 55.156" E 1631 23° 44' 18.529" N 84° 13' 53.713" E 1632 23° 44' 19.962" N 84° 13' 51.210" E 1633 23° 44' 20.910" N 84° 13' 47.599" E

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1634 23° 44' 25.445" N 84° 13' 42.134" E 1635 23° 44' 29.152" N 84° 13' 38.008" E 1636 23° 44' 29.978" N 84° 13' 37.632" E 1637 23° 45' 39.471" N 84° 15' 5.443" E 1638 23° 45' 39.521" N 84° 15' 5.480" E 1639 23° 45' 39.826" N 84° 15' 8.078" E 1640 23° 45' 39.735" N 84° 15' 10.290" E 1641 23° 45' 39.957" N 84° 15' 12.482" E 1642 23° 45' 39.658" N 84° 15' 15.954" E 1643 23° 45' 38.929" N 84° 15' 19.330" E 1644 23° 45' 37.755" N 84° 15' 22.333" E 1645 23° 45' 36.446" N 84° 15' 24.439" E 1646 23° 45' 34.829" N 84° 15' 25.990" E 1647 23° 45' 34.362" N 84° 15' 28.327" E 1648 23° 45' 36.676" N 84° 15' 29.373" E 1649 23° 45' 37.808" N 84° 15' 33.334" E 1650 23° 45' 38.906" N 84° 15' 34.816" E 1651 23° 45' 38.977" N 84° 15' 35.760" E 1652 23° 45' 37.993" N 84° 15' 37.558" E 1653 23° 45' 37.395" N 84° 15' 39.171" E 1654 23° 45' 37.278" N 84° 15' 40.744" E 1655 23° 45' 36.805" N 84° 15' 42.140" E 1656 23° 45' 35.444" N 84° 15' 43.378" E 1657 23° 45' 35.221" N 84° 15' 45.545" E 1658 23° 45' 35.254" N 84° 15' 47.533" E 1659 23° 45' 36.056" N 84° 15' 50.348" E 1660 23° 45' 37.033" N 84° 15' 53.367" E 1661 23° 45' 38.316" N 84° 15' 55.682" E 1662 23° 45' 39.055" N 84° 15' 58.063" E 1663 23° 45' 40.479" N 84° 16' 1.073" E 1664 23° 45' 41.801" N 84° 16' 3.757" E 1665 23° 45' 43.598" N 84° 16' 6.695" E 1666 23° 45' 44.875" N 84° 16' 9.058" E 1667 23° 45' 45.744" N 84° 16' 11.408" E 1668 23° 45' 47.331" N 84° 16' 13.846" E 1669 23° 45' 48.096" N 84° 16' 16.664" E 1670 23° 45' 49.429" N 84° 16' 18.965" E 1671 23° 45' 51.533" N 84° 16' 21.766" E 1672 23° 45' 53.182" N 84° 16' 23.772" E 1673 23° 45' 53.867" N 84° 16' 27.167" E 1674 23° 45' 53.937" N 84° 16' 29.030" E

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1675 23° 45' 55.425" N 84° 16' 30.895" E 1676 23° 45' 55.647" N 84° 16' 33.185" E 1677 23° 45' 54.547" N 84° 16' 35.973" E 1678 23° 45' 54.818" N 84° 16' 39.331" E 1679 23° 45' 55.143" N 84° 16' 40.163" E 1680 23° 45' 53.455" N 84° 16' 42.274" E 1681 23° 45' 53.211" N 84° 16' 44.498" E 1682 23° 45' 54.947" N 84° 16' 47.158" E 1683 23° 45' 55.548" N 84° 16' 50.366" E 1684 23° 45' 56.732" N 84° 16' 54.620" E 1685 23° 45' 57.174" N 84° 16' 57.052" E 1686 23° 45' 57.726" N 84° 16' 58.540" E 1687 23° 45' 56.866" N 84° 17' 3.018" E 1688 23° 45' 55.308" N 84° 17' 7.240" E 1689 23° 45' 53.845" N 84° 17' 10.110" E 1690 23° 45' 52.140" N 84° 17' 13.666" E 1691 23° 45' 49.907" N 84° 17' 17.301" E 1692 23° 45' 48.425" N 84° 17' 20.611" E 1693 23° 45' 48.499" N 84° 17' 23.077" E 1694 23° 45' 49.720" N 84° 17' 25.611" E 1695 23° 45' 52.565" N 84° 17' 27.368" E 1696 23° 45' 55.950" N 84° 17' 28.534" E 1697 23° 47' 9.999" N 84° 16' 47.763" E 1698 23° 47' 11.434" N 84° 16' 46.455" E 1699 23° 47' 12.174" N 84° 16' 43.371" E 1700 23° 47' 14.638" N 84° 16' 43.854" E 1701 23° 45' 56.041" N 84° 17' 28.484" E 1702 23° 45' 56.814" N 84° 17' 27.407" E 1703 23° 45' 57.894" N 84° 17' 27.725" E 1704 23° 45' 58.795" N 84° 17' 27.966" E 1705 23° 46' 0.239" N 84° 17' 28.165" E 1706 23° 46' 1.981" N 84° 17' 27.897" E 1707 23° 46' 2.703" N 84° 17' 27.529" E 1708 23° 46' 4.823" N 84° 17' 25.994" E 1709 23° 46' 5.479" N 84° 17' 25.670" E 1710 23° 46' 7.554" N 84° 17' 25.214" E 1711 23° 46' 8.577" N 84° 17' 24.997" E 1712 23° 46' 9.715" N 84° 17' 25.213" E 1713 23° 46' 11.230" N 84° 17' 26.254" E 1714 23° 46' 12.720" N 84° 17' 26.629" E 1715 23° 46' 14.131" N 84° 17' 25.871" E

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1716 23° 46' 15.934" N 84° 17' 25.592" E 1717 23° 46' 17.829" N 84° 17' 25.249" E 1718 23° 46' 19.753" N 84° 17' 25.557" E 1719 23° 46' 20.629" N 84° 17' 24.616" E 1720 23° 46' 22.208" N 84° 17' 24.362" E 1721 23° 46' 23.172" N 84° 17' 23.954" E 1722 23° 46' 24.394" N 84° 17' 23.772" E 1723 23° 46' 26.012" N 84° 17' 22.638" E 1724 23° 46' 27.233" N 84° 17' 22.130" E 1725 23° 46' 28.012" N 84° 17' 21.576" E 1726 23° 46' 29.786" N 84° 17' 19.228" E 1727 23° 46' 30.240" N 84° 17' 18.511" E 1728 23° 46' 30.930" N 84° 17' 16.993" E 1729 23° 46' 32.667" N 84° 17' 15.701" E 1730 23° 46' 34.011" N 84° 17' 14.612" E 1731 23° 46' 34.774" N 84° 17' 13.578" E 1732 23° 46' 35.767" N 84° 17' 12.882" E 1733 23° 46' 36.559" N 84° 17' 11.627" E 1734 23° 46' 38.040" N 84° 17' 10.498" E 1735 23° 46' 39.486" N 84° 17' 9.101" E 1736 23° 46' 40.777" N 84° 17' 7.561" E 1737 23° 46' 43.132" N 84° 17' 5.023" E 1738 23° 46' 44.549" N 84° 17' 3.667" E 1739 23° 46' 45.297" N 84° 17' 3.255" E 1740 23° 46' 46.391" N 84° 17' 2.118" E 1741 23° 46' 48.240" N 84° 16' 58.520" E 1742 23° 46' 49.048" N 84° 16' 58.037" E 1743 23° 46' 50.991" N 84° 16' 58.148" E 1744 23° 46' 52.254" N 84° 16' 57.930" E 1745 23° 46' 53.832" N 84° 16' 57.555" E 1746 23° 46' 55.612" N 84° 16' 57.390" E 1747 23° 46' 56.996" N 84° 16' 56.115" E 1748 23° 46' 58.738" N 84° 16' 54.551" E 1749 23° 46' 59.375" N 84° 16' 54.354" E 1750 23° 47' 0.870" N 84° 16' 54.035" E 1751 23° 47' 2.360" N 84° 16' 53.697" E 1752 23° 47' 3.618" N 84° 16' 53.667" E 1753 23° 47' 4.596" N 84° 16' 53.324" E 1754 23° 47' 6.103" N 84° 16' 53.004" E 1755 23° 47' 6.883" N 84° 16' 51.285" E 1756 23° 47' 8.356" N 84° 16' 50.621" E

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1757 23° 47' 9.441" N 84° 16' 50.242" E 1758 23° 47' 9.999" N 84° 16' 47.763" E 1759 23° 46' 56.715" N 84° 16' 56.374" E 1760 23° 46' 58.308" N 84° 16' 56.684" E 1761 23° 46' 59.946" N 84° 16' 56.946" E 1762 23° 47' 2.450" N 84° 16' 58.120" E 1763 23° 47' 3.555" N 84° 16' 58.398" E 1764 23° 47' 4.109" N 84° 16' 58.111" E 1765 23° 47' 4.863" N 84° 16' 58.474" E 1766 23° 47' 5.461" N 84° 16' 58.517" E 1767 23° 47' 6.807" N 84° 16' 59.500" E 1768 23° 47' 9.611" N 84° 17' 0.087" E 1769 23° 47' 9.494" N 84° 17' 1.361" E 1770 23° 47' 9.478" N 84° 17' 1.318" E 1771 23° 47' 9.307" N 84° 17' 2.774" E 1772 23° 47' 9.598" N 84° 17' 3.374" E 1773 23° 47' 11.275" N 84° 17' 3.944" E 1774 23° 47' 11.960" N 84° 17' 2.699" E 1775 23° 47' 15.026" N 84° 17' 2.415" E 1776 23° 47' 16.142" N 84° 17' 2.130" E 1777 23° 47' 17.886" N 84° 17' 0.963" E 1778 23° 47' 19.516" N 84° 17' 0.150" E 1779 23° 47' 22.577" N 84° 16' 59.969" E 1780 23° 47' 22.933" N 84° 16' 59.886" E 1781 23° 47' 24.611" N 84° 16' 59.569" E 1782 23° 47' 27.210" N 84° 16' 59.863" E 1783 23° 47' 28.687" N 84° 17' 0.338" E 1784 23° 47' 30.883" N 84° 16' 59.240" E 1785 23° 47' 31.838" N 84° 16' 58.557" E 1786 23° 47' 32.949" N 84° 16' 57.550" E 1787 23° 47' 33.193" N 84° 16' 57.301" E 1788 23° 47' 34.436" N 84° 16' 56.388" E 1789 23° 47' 35.360" N 84° 16' 56.021" E 1790 23° 47' 36.239" N 84° 16' 55.863" E 1791 23° 47' 38.894" N 84° 16' 53.834" E 1792 23° 47' 41.084" N 84° 16' 51.419" E 1793 23° 47' 42.640" N 84° 16' 50.018" E 1794 23° 47' 44.329" N 84° 16' 50.238" E 1795 23° 47' 46.664" N 84° 16' 50.474" E 1796 23° 47' 47.858" N 84° 16' 49.892" E 1797 23° 47' 49.778" N 84° 16' 48.171" E

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1798 23° 43' 13.765" N 84° 17' 46.423" E 1799 23° 43' 15.932" N 84° 17' 46.456" E 1800 23° 43' 17.592" N 84° 17' 46.776" E 1801 23° 43' 19.437" N 84° 17' 46.976" E 1802 23° 43' 21.650" N 84° 17' 47.465" E 1803 23° 43' 22.763" N 84° 17' 47.595" E 1804 23° 43' 25.796" N 84° 17' 47.807" E 1805 23° 43' 28.316" N 84° 17' 47.547" E 1806 23° 43' 32.654" N 84° 17' 47.693" E 1807 23° 43' 35.269" N 84° 17' 48.116" E 1808 23° 43' 38.181" N 84° 17' 49.341" E 1809 23° 43' 40.626" N 84° 17' 50.418" E 1810 23° 43' 42.013" N 84° 17' 51.195" E 1811 23° 43' 43.305" N 84° 17' 51.509" E 1812 23° 43' 45.378" N 84° 17' 51.507" E 1813 23° 43' 46.960" N 84° 17' 51.109" E 1814 23° 43' 48.388" N 84° 17' 51.580" E 1815 23° 43' 50.042" N 84° 17' 52.313" E 1816 23° 43' 51.410" N 84° 17' 51.600" E 1817 23° 43' 52.626" N 84° 17' 50.337" E 1818 23° 43' 53.578" N 84° 17' 49.807" E 1819 23° 43' 55.307" N 84° 17' 49.491" E 1820 23° 43' 55.997" N 84° 17' 49.208" E 1821 23° 43' 57.587" N 84° 17' 48.426" E 1822 23° 43' 59.548" N 84° 17' 46.996" E 1823 23° 44' 1.480" N 84° 17' 46.638" E 1824 23° 44' 3.207" N 84° 17' 46.766" E 1825 23° 44' 4.742" N 84° 17' 47.208" E 1826 23° 44' 7.172" N 84° 17' 48.538" E 1827 23° 44' 9.994" N 84° 17' 49.566" E 1828 23° 44' 12.288" N 84° 17' 50.160" E 1829 23° 44' 13.926" N 84° 17' 51.590" E 1830 23° 44' 14.844" N 84° 17' 52.354" E 1831 23° 44' 16.503" N 84° 17' 53.976" E 1832 23° 44' 18.249" N 84° 17' 55.066" E 1833 23° 44' 20.057" N 84° 17' 55.616" E 1834 23° 44' 20.804" N 84° 17' 56.045" E 1835 23° 44' 22.087" N 84° 17' 55.123" E 1836 23° 44' 24.406" N 84° 17' 54.760" E 1837 23° 44' 27.432" N 84° 17' 53.222" E 1838 23° 44' 28.231" N 84° 17' 52.430" E

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1839 23° 44' 28.658" N 84° 17' 50.992" E 1840 23° 44' 28.712" N 84° 17' 50.966" E 1841 23° 44' 32.349" N 84° 17' 50.617" E 1842 23° 44' 34.510" N 84° 17' 50.502" E 1843 23° 44' 36.633" N 84° 17' 49.398" E 1844 23° 44' 39.082" N 84° 17' 49.058" E 1845 23° 44' 40.354" N 84° 17' 48.442" E 1846 23° 44' 39.767" N 84° 17' 45.587" E 1847 23° 44' 40.081" N 84° 17' 44.194" E 1848 23° 44' 39.817" N 84° 17' 42.345" E 1849 23° 44' 39.914" N 84° 17' 40.996" E 1850 23° 44' 39.698" N 84° 17' 39.287" E 1851 23° 44' 38.702" N 84° 17' 38.401" E 1852 23° 44' 37.943" N 84° 17' 37.857" E 1853 23° 44' 36.648" N 84° 17' 36.869" E 1854 23° 44' 35.600" N 84° 17' 35.959" E 1855 23° 44' 35.431" N 84° 17' 35.314" E 1856 23° 44' 36.302" N 84° 17' 32.874" E 1857 23° 44' 37.483" N 84° 17' 30.821" E 1858 23° 44' 38.933" N 84° 17' 29.864" E 1859 23° 44' 39.725" N 84° 17' 29.041" E 1860 23° 44' 41.284" N 84° 17' 27.416" E 1861 23° 44' 42.517" N 84° 17' 23.593" E 1862 23° 44' 42.540" N 84° 17' 22.007" E 1863 23° 44' 46.070" N 84° 17' 23.371" E 1864 23° 44' 48.455" N 84° 17' 24.339" E 1865 23° 44' 50.911" N 84° 17' 25.626" E 1866 23° 44' 51.809" N 84° 17' 25.446" E 1867 23° 44' 54.020" N 84° 17' 25.955" E 1868 23° 44' 55.474" N 84° 17' 26.558" E 1869 23° 44' 58.980" N 84° 17' 26.141" E 1870 23° 44' 59.727" N 84° 17' 28.056" E 1871 23° 45' 0.717" N 84° 17' 30.141" E 1872 23° 45' 1.667" N 84° 17' 31.522" E 1873 23° 45' 2.773" N 84° 17' 33.976" E 1874 23° 45' 4.017" N 84° 17' 35.660" E 1875 23° 45' 6.103" N 84° 17' 37.492" E 1876 23° 45' 8.512" N 84° 17' 38.690" E 1877 23° 45' 10.401" N 84° 17' 40.597" E 1878 23° 45' 14.056" N 84° 17' 39.140" E 1879 23° 45' 16.608" N 84° 17' 38.305" E

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1880 23° 45' 19.023" N 84° 17' 39.418" E 1881 23° 45' 21.311" N 84° 17' 40.471" E 1882 23° 45' 22.457" N 84° 17' 41.769" E 1883 23° 45' 23.114" N 84° 17' 43.846" E 1884 23° 45' 23.792" N 84° 17' 45.347" E 1885 23° 45' 25.816" N 84° 17' 45.303" E 1886 23° 45' 27.726" N 84° 17' 45.814" E 1887 23° 45' 30.328" N 84° 17' 46.130" E 1888 23° 45' 31.901" N 84° 17' 45.807" E 1889 23° 45' 34.291" N 84° 17' 45.488" E 1890 23° 45' 35.390" N 84° 17' 45.486" E 1891 23° 45' 36.203" N 84° 17' 46.195" E 1892 23° 45' 38.778" N 84° 17' 46.753" E 1893 23° 45' 39.987" N 84° 17' 46.063" E 1894 23° 45' 42.871" N 84° 17' 44.045" E 1895 23° 45' 44.432" N 84° 17' 43.044" E 1896 23° 45' 45.072" N 84° 17' 42.591" E 1897 23° 45' 46.743" N 84° 17' 42.217" E 1898 23° 45' 49.027" N 84° 17' 42.126" E 1899 23° 45' 51.035" N 84° 17' 41.971" E 1900 23° 45' 53.638" N 84° 17' 41.922" E 1901 23° 45' 55.973" N 84° 17' 41.924" E 1902 23° 45' 55.792" N 84° 17' 39.505" E 1903 23° 45' 55.598" N 84° 17' 37.806" E 1904 23° 45' 55.008" N 84° 17' 35.716" E 1905 23° 45' 55.206" N 84° 17' 33.090" E 1906 23° 45' 55.308" N 84° 17' 31.735" E 1907 23° 45' 56.033" N 84° 17' 29.875" E 1908 23° 45' 55.929" N 84° 17' 28.472" E 1909 23° 46' 12.984" N 84° 19' 44.880" E 1910 23° 46' 13.872" N 84° 19' 42.758" E 1911 23° 46' 14.621" N 84° 19' 40.042" E 1912 23° 46' 15.131" N 84° 19' 38.218" E 1913 23° 46' 15.283" N 84° 19' 38.078" E 1914 23° 46' 15.913" N 84° 19' 38.135" E 1915 23° 46' 16.545" N 84° 19' 36.697" E 1916 23° 46' 17.337" N 84° 19' 35.578" E 1917 23° 46' 17.693" N 84° 19' 34.341" E 1918 23° 46' 16.590" N 84° 19' 33.456" E 1919 23° 46' 15.949" N 84° 19' 32.729" E 1920 23° 46' 14.537" N 84° 19' 32.028" E

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1921 23° 46' 14.539" N 84° 19' 30.965" E 1922 23° 46' 12.518" N 84° 19' 30.249" E 1923 23° 46' 12.810" N 84° 19' 28.423" E 1924 23° 46' 11.116" N 84° 19' 27.761" E 1925 23° 46' 11.590" N 84° 19' 24.431" E 1926 23° 46' 11.634" N 84° 19' 23.712" E 1927 23° 46' 11.243" N 84° 19' 22.075" E 1928 23° 46' 11.045" N 84° 19' 20.325" E 1929 23° 46' 11.133" N 84° 19' 19.250" E 1930 23° 46' 10.451" N 84° 19' 17.416" E 1931 23° 46' 10.300" N 84° 19' 15.562" E 1932 23° 46' 10.677" N 84° 19' 14.466" E 1933 23° 46' 10.347" N 84° 19' 13.113" E 1934 23° 46' 10.412" N 84° 19' 11.798" E 1935 23° 46' 8.544" N 84° 19' 10.879" E 1936 23° 46' 7.189" N 84° 19' 10.316" E 1937 23° 46' 5.963" N 84° 19' 9.944" E 1938 23° 46' 3.419" N 84° 19' 8.444" E 1939 23° 46' 2.142" N 84° 19' 7.621" E 1940 23° 46' 1.821" N 84° 19' 6.851" E 1941 23° 46' 2.120" N 84° 19' 4.977" E 1942 23° 46' 3.222" N 84° 19' 3.470" E 1943 23° 46' 4.252" N 84° 19' 1.117" E 1944 23° 46' 5.175" N 84° 18' 58.888" E 1945 23° 46' 2.579" N 84° 18' 58.491" E 1946 23° 45' 59.854" N 84° 18' 57.719" E 1947 23° 45' 58.145" N 84° 18' 56.934" E 1948 23° 45' 56.415" N 84° 18' 55.807" E 1949 23° 45' 54.704" N 84° 18' 53.795" E 1950 23° 45' 53.167" N 84° 18' 51.518" E 1951 23° 45' 52.144" N 84° 18' 50.577" E 1952 23° 45' 50.754" N 84° 18' 49.550" E 1953 23° 45' 49.114" N 84° 18' 48.437" E 1954 23° 45' 48.650" N 84° 18' 47.791" E 1955 23° 45' 48.677" N 84° 18' 46.972" E 1956 23° 45' 49.553" N 84° 18' 43.214" E 1957 23° 45' 49.468" N 84° 18' 42.155" E 1958 23° 45' 48.534" N 84° 18' 39.533" E 1959 23° 45' 48.604" N 84° 18' 37.118" E 1960 23° 45' 48.285" N 84° 18' 35.870" E 1961 23° 45' 47.351" N 84° 18' 33.924" E

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1962 23° 45' 46.662" N 84° 18' 32.049" E 1963 23° 45' 45.920" N 84° 18' 28.901" E 1964 23° 45' 45.649" N 84° 18' 27.190" E 1965 23° 45' 45.168" N 84° 18' 26.602" E 1966 23° 45' 43.800" N 84° 18' 25.364" E 1967 23° 45' 42.750" N 84° 18' 25.248" E 1968 23° 45' 41.788" N 84° 18' 24.940" E 1969 23° 45' 40.407" N 84° 18' 23.583" E 1970 23° 45' 39.186" N 84° 18' 22.662" E 1971 23° 45' 37.079" N 84° 18' 21.403" E 1972 23° 45' 35.217" N 84° 18' 20.184" E 1973 23° 45' 33.664" N 84° 18' 19.190" E 1974 23° 45' 32.303" N 84° 18' 18.111" E 1975 23° 45' 30.937" N 84° 18' 16.371" E 1976 23° 45' 29.557" N 84° 18' 14.502" E 1977 23° 45' 28.734" N 84° 18' 13.555" E 1978 23° 45' 27.598" N 84° 18' 11.073" E 1979 23° 45' 26.877" N 84° 18' 8.557" E 1980 23° 45' 25.741" N 84° 18' 5.639" E 1981 23° 45' 25.989" N 84° 18' 1.535" E 1982 23° 45' 26.257" N 84° 17' 58.467" E 1983 23° 45' 27.233" N 84° 17' 53.684" E 1984 23° 45' 27.824" N 84° 17' 51.692" E 1985 23° 45' 29.405" N 84° 17' 50.700" E 1986 23° 45' 29.512" N 84° 17' 48.954" E 1987 23° 45' 29.749" N 84° 17' 47.667" E 1988 23° 45' 30.221" N 84° 17' 46.139" E 1989 23° 44' 11.724" N 84° 18' 11.010" E 1990 23° 44' 13.324" N 84° 18' 9.128" E 1991 23° 44' 14.619" N 84° 18' 7.718" E 1992 23° 44' 15.560" N 84° 18' 6.457" E 1993 23° 44' 16.284" N 84° 18' 5.072" E 1994 23° 44' 16.710" N 84° 18' 2.903" E 1995 23° 44' 16.727" N 84° 17' 59.964" E 1996 23° 44' 16.983" N 84° 17' 59.238" E 1997 23° 44' 18.142" N 84° 17' 58.336" E 1998 23° 44' 19.812" N 84° 17' 57.007" E 1999 23° 44' 20.841" N 84° 17' 56.031" E 2000 23° 43' 28.076" N 84° 14' 33.523" E 2001 23° 43' 27.976" N 84° 14' 36.251" E 2002 23° 43' 27.800" N 84° 14' 37.733" E

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2003 23° 43' 27.388" N 84° 14' 39.085" E 2004 23° 43' 26.754" N 84° 14' 39.850" E 2005 23° 43' 23.787" N 84° 14' 39.909" E 2006 23° 43' 20.889" N 84° 14' 39.712" E 2007 23° 43' 19.467" N 84° 14' 41.009" E 2008 23° 43' 19.703" N 84° 14' 41.434" E 2009 23° 43' 21.194" N 84° 14' 44.959" E 2010 23° 43' 22.251" N 84° 14' 48.012" E 2011 23° 43' 22.680" N 84° 14' 49.663" E 2012 23° 43' 22.580" N 84° 14' 51.655" E 2013 23° 43' 25.707" N 84° 14' 53.813" E 2014 23° 43' 26.761" N 84° 14' 55.043" E 2015 23° 43' 29.408" N 84° 14' 56.260" E 2016 23° 43' 31.405" N 84° 14' 56.858" E 2017 23° 43' 34.297" N 84° 14' 59.988" E 2018 23° 43' 35.630" N 84° 15' 1.656" E 2019 23° 43' 35.490" N 84° 15' 4.797" E 2020 23° 43' 34.907" N 84° 15' 6.727" E 2021 23° 43' 37.184" N 84° 15' 9.036" E 2022 23° 43' 38.159" N 84° 15' 11.321" E 2023 23° 43' 38.254" N 84° 15' 14.249" E 2024 23° 43' 39.793" N 84° 15' 16.004" E 2025 23° 43' 39.977" N 84° 15' 20.068" E 2026 23° 43' 40.034" N 84° 15' 24.006" E 2027 23° 43' 39.662" N 84° 15' 25.479" E 2028 23° 43' 39.883" N 84° 15' 31.873" E 2029 23° 43' 40.616" N 84° 15' 33.086" E 2030 23° 43' 42.934" N 84° 15' 33.626" E 2031 23° 42' 24.561" N 84° 13' 42.440" E 2032 23° 42' 25.612" N 84° 13' 41.477" E 2033 23° 42' 27.026" N 84° 13' 40.573" E 2034 23° 42' 28.073" N 84° 13' 40.394" E 2035 23° 42' 29.647" N 84° 13' 40.259" E 2036 23° 42' 31.113" N 84° 13' 39.217" E 2037 23° 42' 32.801" N 84° 13' 38.421" E 2038 23° 42' 34.549" N 84° 13' 38.383" E 2039 23° 42' 36.907" N 84° 13' 37.655" E 2040 23° 42' 38.895" N 84° 13' 36.625" E 2041 23° 42' 41.768" N 84° 13' 35.586" E 2042 23° 42' 42.630" N 84° 13' 35.215" E 2043 23° 42' 43.321" N 84° 13' 33.966" E

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2044 23° 42' 44.680" N 84° 13' 32.487" E 2045 23° 42' 45.575" N 84° 13' 31.247" E 2046 23° 42' 46.065" N 84° 13' 29.645" E 2047 23° 42' 46.114" N 84° 13' 28.720" E 2048 23° 42' 46.021" N 84° 13' 27.693" E 2049 23° 42' 46.081" N 84° 13' 26.658" E 2050 23° 42' 46.581" N 84° 13' 26.043" E 2051 23° 42' 47.284" N 84° 13' 25.625" E 2052 23° 42' 48.574" N 84° 13' 23.583" E 2053 23° 42' 48.727" N 84° 13' 21.874" E 2054 23° 42' 49.113" N 84° 13' 20.240" E 2055 23° 42' 49.511" N 84° 13' 18.667" E 2056 23° 42' 49.818" N 84° 13' 17.413" E 2057 23° 42' 51.271" N 84° 13' 15.940" E 2058 23° 42' 52.266" N 84° 13' 13.670" E 2059 23° 42' 52.438" N 84° 13' 13.000" E 2060 23° 42' 52.385" N 84° 13' 11.714" E 2061 23° 42' 53.181" N 84° 13' 10.244" E 2062 23° 42' 53.350" N 84° 13' 9.236" E 2063 23° 42' 52.970" N 84° 13' 6.368" E 2064 23° 42' 52.901" N 84° 13' 5.096" E 2065 23° 42' 53.345" N 84° 13' 3.492" E 2066 23° 42' 54.683" N 84° 13' 2.037" E 2067 23° 42' 56.261" N 84° 13' 1.488" E 2068 23° 42' 57.395" N 84° 12' 59.732" E 2069 23° 42' 57.694" N 84° 12' 58.334" E 2070 23° 42' 57.171" N 84° 12' 56.335" E 2071 23° 42' 56.760" N 84° 12' 54.733" E 2072 23° 42' 56.522" N 84° 12' 53.550" E 2073 23° 42' 56.881" N 84° 12' 51.267" E 2074 23° 42' 56.174" N 84° 12' 48.979" E 2075 23° 42' 55.812" N 84° 12' 47.707" E 2076 23° 42' 55.394" N 84° 12' 45.150" E 2077 23° 42' 55.568" N 84° 12' 42.664" E 2078 23° 42' 55.798" N 84° 12' 41.375" E 2079 23° 42' 55.181" N 84° 12' 39.968" E 2080 23° 42' 54.499" N 84° 12' 37.461" E 2081 23° 42' 55.063" N 84° 12' 35.277" E 2082 23° 42' 55.264" N 84° 12' 34.179" E 2083 23° 42' 54.633" N 84° 12' 32.348" E 2084 23° 42' 52.446" N 84° 12' 31.461" E

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2085 23° 42' 51.761" N 84° 12' 31.227" E 2086 23° 42' 50.921" N 84° 12' 30.489" E 2087 23° 42' 49.866" N 84° 12' 29.850" E 2088 23° 42' 48.374" N 84° 12' 30.278" E 2089 23° 42' 48.047" N 84° 12' 28.018" E 2090 23° 42' 47.753" N 84° 12' 26.687" E 2091 23° 42' 48.066" N 84° 12' 25.971" E 2092 23° 42' 48.950" N 84° 12' 25.078" E 2093 23° 42' 49.939" N 84° 12' 24.506" E 2094 23° 42' 50.472" N 84° 12' 22.636" E 2095 23° 42' 51.223" N 84° 12' 20.583" E 2096 23° 42' 51.617" N 84° 12' 18.597" E 2097 23° 42' 51.280" N 84° 12' 17.782" E 2098 23° 42' 51.420" N 84° 12' 16.799" E 2099 23° 42' 50.874" N 84° 12' 16.152" E 2100 23° 42' 50.961" N 84° 12' 14.592" E 2101 23° 42' 49.082" N 84° 12' 14.311" E 2102 23° 42' 47.514" N 84° 12' 14.282" E 2103 23° 42' 46.945" N 84° 12' 14.237" E 2104 23° 42' 46.168" N 84° 12' 13.733" E 2105 23° 44' 59.661" N 84° 13' 41.669" E 2106 23° 44' 59.074" N 84° 13' 39.983" E 2107 23° 44' 58.282" N 84° 13' 38.448" E 2108 23° 44' 57.874" N 84° 13' 36.879" E 2109 23° 44' 57.752" N 84° 13' 36.294" E 2110 23° 44' 57.499" N 84° 13' 34.345" E 2111 23° 44' 57.313" N 84° 13' 33.605" E 2112 23° 44' 56.854" N 84° 13' 33.311" E 2113 23° 44' 55.635" N 84° 13' 33.375" E 2114 23° 44' 55.045" N 84° 13' 33.358" E 2115 23° 44' 54.168" N 84° 13' 32.887" E 2116 23° 44' 53.096" N 84° 13' 33.465" E 2117 23° 44' 50.022" N 84° 13' 33.183" E 2118 23° 44' 48.662" N 84° 13' 33.056" E 2119 23° 44' 46.616" N 84° 13' 32.212" E 2120 23° 44' 45.462" N 84° 13' 32.203" E 2121 23° 44' 44.497" N 84° 13' 32.305" E 2122 23° 44' 43.317" N 84° 13' 32.337" E 2123 23° 44' 42.556" N 84° 13' 32.189" E 2124 23° 44' 41.879" N 84° 13' 32.036" E 2125 23° 44' 41.340" N 84° 13' 31.687" E

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2126 23° 44' 41.270" N 84° 13' 31.470" E 2127 23° 44' 41.249" N 84° 13' 30.859" E 2128 23° 44' 41.883" N 84° 13' 30.201" E 2129 23° 44' 42.455" N 84° 13' 29.732" E 2130 23° 44' 42.781" N 84° 13' 28.764" E 2131 23° 44' 42.713" N 84° 13' 27.834" E 2132 23° 44' 42.388" N 84° 13' 26.686" E 2133 23° 44' 41.467" N 84° 13' 25.378" E 2134 23° 44' 40.903" N 84° 13' 24.790" E 2135 23° 44' 39.853" N 84° 13' 23.546" E 2136 23° 44' 37.930" N 84° 13' 21.266" E 2137 23° 44' 36.597" N 84° 13' 19.316" E 2138 23° 44' 36.101" N 84° 13' 18.017" E 2139 23° 44' 36.143" N 84° 13' 17.686" E 2140 23° 44' 36.193" N 84° 13' 16.810" E 2141 23° 44' 35.879" N 84° 13' 14.227" E 2142 23° 44' 33.541" N 84° 13' 10.653" E 2143 23° 44' 32.243" N 84° 13' 10.610" E 2144 23° 44' 30.572" N 84° 13' 10.285" E 2145 23° 44' 28.557" N 84° 13' 9.038" E 2146 23° 44' 27.713" N 84° 13' 8.246" E 2147 23° 44' 27.301" N 84° 13' 7.513" E 2148 23° 44' 26.740" N 84° 13' 5.549" E 2149 23° 44' 25.607" N 84° 13' 3.580" E 2150 23° 44' 25.184" N 84° 13' 2.694" E 2151 23° 44' 23.474" N 84° 13' 1.002" E 2152 23° 44' 21.708" N 84° 12' 59.281" E 2153 23° 44' 19.466" N 84° 12' 57.789" E 2154 23° 44' 18.412" N 84° 12' 57.269" E 2155 23° 44' 16.439" N 84° 12' 55.672" E 2156 23° 44' 15.385" N 84° 12' 54.589" E 2157 23° 44' 15.062" N 84° 12' 53.654" E 2158 23° 44' 15.080" N 84° 12' 51.620" E 2159 23° 44' 15.645" N 84° 12' 49.367" E 2160 23° 44' 16.424" N 84° 12' 46.148" E 2161 23° 44' 16.757" N 84° 12' 44.592" E 2162 23° 44' 16.682" N 84° 12' 40.855" E 2163 23° 44' 16.005" N 84° 12' 36.784" E 2164 23° 44' 15.599" N 84° 12' 32.994" E 2165 23° 44' 15.040" N 84° 12' 30.933" E 2166 23° 44' 14.171" N 84° 12' 28.173" E

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2167 23° 44' 13.720" N 84° 12' 25.626" E 2168 23° 44' 14.249" N 84° 12' 20.084" E 2169 23° 44' 14.599" N 84° 12' 17.889" E 2170 23° 44' 13.874" N 84° 12' 13.672" E 2171 23° 44' 13.448" N 84° 12' 11.225" E 2172 23° 44' 12.955" N 84° 12' 7.978" E 2173 23° 44' 12.375" N 84° 12' 3.754" E 2174 23° 44' 11.982" N 84° 12' 0.397" E 2175 23° 44' 11.831" N 84° 11' 56.842" E 2176 23° 44' 11.885" N 84° 11' 54.841" E 2177 23° 44' 12.463" N 84° 11' 51.536" E 2178 23° 44' 12.321" N 84° 11' 50.532" E 2179 23° 44' 10.787" N 84° 11' 48.858" E 2180 23° 44' 13.006" N 84° 11' 43.878" E 2181 23° 44' 12.861" N 84° 11' 42.123" E 2182 23° 44' 13.015" N 84° 11' 41.424" E 2183 23° 44' 13.560" N 84° 11' 40.307" E 2184 23° 44' 13.432" N 84° 11' 39.322" E 2185 23° 44' 13.726" N 84° 11' 38.191" E 2186 23° 44' 12.591" N 84° 11' 36.833" E 2187 23° 44' 11.308" N 84° 11' 35.449" E 2188 23° 44' 10.476" N 84° 11' 33.402" E 2189 23° 44' 11.231" N 84° 11' 29.955" E 2190 23° 44' 11.884" N 84° 11' 28.322" E 2191 23° 44' 12.036" N 84° 11' 25.230" E 2192 23° 44' 12.327" N 84° 11' 22.922" E 2193 23° 44' 13.374" N 84° 11' 20.250" E 2194 23° 44' 13.582" N 84° 11' 18.202" E 2195 23° 44' 12.982" N 84° 11' 16.041" E 2196 23° 44' 12.825" N 84° 11' 14.532" E 2197 23° 44' 12.133" N 84° 11' 12.870" E 2198 23° 44' 11.503" N 84° 11' 11.480" E 2199 23° 44' 10.847" N 84° 11' 10.020" E 2200 23° 44' 9.755" N 84° 11' 8.716" E 2201 23° 44' 8.646" N 84° 11' 6.726" E 2202 23° 44' 8.689" N 84° 11' 6.314" E 2203 23° 44' 9.304" N 84° 11' 5.029" E 2204 23° 44' 9.225" N 84° 11' 3.636" E 2205 23° 44' 9.121" N 84° 11' 3.462" E 2206 23° 44' 8.729" N 84° 11' 2.401" E 2207 23° 44' 7.054" N 84° 11' 2.148" E

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2208 23° 44' 6.275" N 84° 10' 59.570" E 2209 23° 44' 5.324" N 84° 10' 59.449" E 2210 23° 44' 4.744" N 84° 10' 58.288" E 2211 23° 44' 3.452" N 84° 10' 57.866" E 2212 23° 44' 3.419" N 84° 10' 56.496" E 2213 23° 44' 3.670" N 84° 10' 55.805" E 2214 23° 44' 3.295" N 84° 10' 54.769" E 2215 23° 44' 3.576" N 84° 10' 54.196" E 2216 23° 44' 4.728" N 84° 10' 54.034" E 2217 23° 44' 5.640" N 84° 10' 53.688" E 2218 23° 44' 5.650" N 84° 10' 52.634" E 2219 23° 44' 5.003" N 84° 10' 50.920" E 2220 23° 44' 3.152" N 84° 10' 51.115" E 2221 23° 44' 0.211" N 84° 10' 51.507" E 2222 23° 43' 59.396" N 84° 10' 50.866" E 2223 23° 43' 59.626" N 84° 10' 49.576" E 2224 23° 43' 58.283" N 84° 10' 49.351" E 2225 23° 43' 57.824" N 84° 10' 48.768" E 2226 23° 43' 57.618" N 84° 10' 47.567" E 2227 23° 43' 56.093" N 84° 10' 46.527" E 2228 23° 43' 55.766" N 84° 10' 44.963" E 2229 23° 43' 55.184" N 84° 10' 42.246" E 2230 23° 43' 54.469" N 84° 10' 40.884" E 2231 23° 43' 51.318" N 84° 10' 39.674" E 2232 23° 43' 51.013" N 84° 10' 38.083" E 2233 23° 43' 50.624" N 84° 10' 37.225" E 2234 23° 43' 49.890" N 84° 10' 36.039" E 2235 23° 43' 49.168" N 84° 10' 35.441" E 2236 23° 43' 47.659" N 84° 10' 34.615" E 2237 23° 43' 47.494" N 84° 10' 34.146" E 2238 23° 43' 47.648" N 84° 10' 32.216" E 2239 23° 43' 47.605" N 84° 10' 31.689" E 2240 23° 43' 47.272" N 84° 10' 29.704" E 2241 23° 43' 47.090" N 84° 10' 28.303" E 2242 23° 43' 46.760" N 84° 10' 26.892" E 2243 23° 43' 46.747" N 84° 10' 25.075" E 2244 23° 43' 46.788" N 84° 10' 23.889" E 2245 23° 43' 46.700" N 84° 10' 21.862" E 2246 23° 43' 46.043" N 84° 10' 20.877" E 2247 23° 43' 44.862" N 84° 10' 20.173" E 2248 23° 43' 44.419" N 84° 10' 19.846" E

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2249 23° 43' 43.863" N 84° 10' 18.611" E 2250 23° 43' 43.320" N 84° 10' 17.902" E 2251 23° 43' 43.268" N 84° 10' 16.818" E 2252 23° 43' 43.067" N 84° 10' 15.437" E 2253 23° 43' 42.241" N 84° 10' 13.579" E 2254 23° 43' 41.569" N 84° 10' 11.551" E 2255 23° 43' 40.764" N 84° 10' 9.547" E 2256 23° 43' 40.009" N 84° 10' 7.180" E 2257 23° 43' 39.273" N 84° 10' 4.642" E 2258 23° 43' 39.120" N 84° 10' 3.782" E 2259 23° 43' 38.994" N 84° 10' 2.800" E 2260 23° 43' 38.225" N 84° 10' 0.522" E 2261 23° 43' 36.489" N 84° 9' 51.584" E 2262 23° 43' 35.568" N 84° 9' 48.230" E 2263 23° 43' 34.870" N 84° 9' 46.083" E 2264 23° 43' 34.776" N 84° 9' 42.682" E 2265 23° 43' 35.153" N 84° 9' 38.227" E 2266 23° 43' 35.208" N 84° 9' 36.592" E 2267 23° 43' 34.146" N 84° 9' 34.423" E 2268 23° 43' 32.848" N 84° 9' 32.136" E 2269 23° 43' 31.983" N 84° 9' 30.472" E 2270 23° 43' 30.712" N 84° 9' 29.502" E 2271 23° 43' 30.201" N 84° 9' 28.487" E 2272 23° 43' 29.845" N 84° 9' 26.965" E 2273 23° 43' 29.439" N 84° 9' 25.698" E 2274 23° 43' 28.441" N 84° 9' 24.448" E 2275 23° 43' 27.409" N 84° 9' 23.189" E 2276 23° 43' 25.873" N 84° 9' 21.909" E 2277 23° 43' 23.992" N 84° 9' 20.153" E 2278 23° 43' 22.033" N 84° 9' 18.269" E 2279 23° 43' 20.486" N 84° 9' 16.801" E 2280 23° 43' 18.471" N 84° 9' 14.896" E 2281 23° 43' 17.389" N 84° 9' 13.846" E 2282 23° 43' 16.289" N 84° 9' 12.670" E 2283 23° 43' 13.494" N 84° 9' 10.160" E 2284 23° 43' 11.911" N 84° 9' 8.667" E 2285 23° 43' 11.129" N 84° 9' 7.741" E 2286 23° 43' 9.919" N 84° 9' 6.269" E 2287 23° 43' 8.367" N 84° 9' 4.441" E 2288 23° 43' 5.991" N 84° 9' 2.090" E 2289 23° 43' 3.957" N 84° 9' 0.330" E

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2290 23° 43' 3.617" N 84° 9' 0.008" E 2291 23° 43' 2.228" N 84° 8' 57.875" E 2292 23° 43' 1.469" N 84° 8' 57.470" E 2293 23° 43' 0.217" N 84° 8' 57.460" E 2294 23° 42' 58.921" N 84° 8' 57.427" E 2295 23° 42' 57.230" N 84° 8' 56.905" E 2296 23° 42' 56.140" N 84° 8' 55.587" E 2297 23° 42' 55.745" N 84° 8' 54.055" E 2298 23° 42' 55.499" N 84° 8' 53.275" E 2299 23° 42' 54.448" N 84° 8' 52.314" E 2300 23° 42' 53.392" N 84° 8' 51.913" E 2301 23° 42' 52.357" N 84° 8' 51.871" E 2302 23° 42' 50.305" N 84° 8' 51.869" E 2303 23° 42' 48.426" N 84° 8' 52.058" E 2304 23° 42' 47.049" N 84° 8' 52.725" E 2305 23° 42' 45.665" N 84° 8' 53.437" E 2306 23° 42' 45.104" N 84° 8' 53.400" E 2307 23° 42' 43.058" N 84° 8' 52.579" E 2308 23° 42' 41.304" N 84° 8' 51.596" E 2309 23° 42' 40.285" N 84° 8' 51.225" E 2310 23° 42' 39.296" N 84° 8' 51.265" E 2311 23° 42' 37.837" N 84° 8' 51.949" E 2312 23° 42' 35.576" N 84° 8' 51.622" E 2313 23° 42' 33.913" N 84° 8' 50.923" E 2314 23° 42' 32.030" N 84° 8' 50.072" E 2315 23° 42' 30.891" N 84° 8' 48.239" E 2316 23° 42' 29.530" N 84° 8' 45.198" E 2317 23° 42' 29.448" N 84° 8' 42.919" E 2318 23° 42' 29.433" N 84° 8' 41.873" E 2319 23° 42' 29.212" N 84° 8' 39.257" E 2320 23° 42' 28.790" N 84° 8' 38.016" E 2321 23° 42' 28.907" N 84° 8' 35.809" E 2322 23° 42' 29.088" N 84° 8' 34.725" E 2323 23° 42' 29.447" N 84° 8' 33.628" E 2324 23° 42' 29.363" N 84° 8' 32.095" E 2325 23° 42' 28.964" N 84° 8' 31.356" E 2326 23° 42' 27.109" N 84° 8' 30.268" E 2327 23° 42' 25.706" N 84° 8' 28.274" E 2328 23° 42' 25.388" N 84° 8' 26.504" E 2329 23° 42' 25.455" N 84° 8' 24.055" E 2330 23° 42' 25.560" N 84° 8' 22.809" E

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2331 23° 42' 26.103" N 84° 8' 21.571" E 2332 23° 42' 25.996" N 84° 8' 19.880" E 2333 23° 42' 25.150" N 84° 8' 18.106" E 2334 23° 42' 24.882" N 84° 8' 15.767" E 2335 23° 42' 24.364" N 84° 8' 12.278" E 2336 23° 42' 23.805" N 84° 8' 7.741" E 2337 23° 42' 23.127" N 84° 8' 6.037" E 2338 23° 42' 22.886" N 84° 8' 5.813" E 2339 23° 42' 21.305" N 84° 8' 4.995" E 2340 23° 42' 20.100" N 84° 8' 4.138" E 2341 23° 42' 18.436" N 84° 8' 1.380" E 2342 23° 42' 16.741" N 84° 7' 58.354" E 2343 23° 42' 15.912" N 84° 7' 56.874" E 2344 23° 42' 15.351" N 84° 7' 54.944" E 2345 23° 42' 15.109" N 84° 7' 53.394" E 2346 23° 42' 14.463" N 84° 7' 51.881" E 2347 23° 42' 13.389" N 84° 7' 50.251" E 2348 23° 42' 12.035" N 84° 7' 47.282" E 2349 23° 42' 10.831" N 84° 7' 45.065" E 2350 23° 42' 10.472" N 84° 7' 43.415" E 2351 23° 42' 10.526" N 84° 7' 42.536" E 2352 23° 42' 10.509" N 84° 7' 38.595" E 2353 23° 42' 11.090" N 84° 7' 37.319" E 2354 23° 42' 12.170" N 84° 7' 35.860" E 2355 23° 42' 13.342" N 84° 7' 32.219" E 2356 23° 42' 15.243" N 84° 7' 28.264" E 2357 23° 42' 16.264" N 84° 7' 27.280" E 2358 23° 42' 17.737" N 84° 7' 26.267" E 2359 23° 42' 21.502" N 84° 7' 24.074" E 2360 23° 42' 22.300" N 84° 7' 23.471" E 2361 23° 42' 23.644" N 84° 7' 21.467" E 2362 23° 42' 25.406" N 84° 7' 19.006" E 2363 23° 42' 25.851" N 84° 7' 17.162" E 2364 23° 42' 26.093" N 84° 7' 14.909" E 2365 23° 42' 27.497" N 84° 7' 14.213" E 2366 23° 42' 29.794" N 84° 7' 14.015" E 2367 23° 42' 31.050" N 84° 7' 13.436" E 2368 23° 42' 32.567" N 84° 7' 13.607" E 2369 23° 42' 34.545" N 84° 7' 14.094" E 2370 23° 42' 35.690" N 84° 7' 13.781" E 2371 23° 42' 36.500" N 84° 7' 12.409" E

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2372 23° 42' 36.858" N 84° 7' 10.327" E 2373 23° 42' 37.543" N 84° 7' 6.624" E 2374 23° 42' 37.426" N 84° 7' 5.497" E 2375 23° 42' 38.196" N 84° 7' 4.793" E 2376 23° 42' 39.843" N 84° 7' 4.776" E 2377 23° 42' 41.393" N 84° 7' 4.729" E 2378 23° 42' 42.664" N 84° 7' 4.564" E 2379 23° 42' 43.325" N 84° 7' 3.751" E 2380 23° 42' 46.002" N 84° 7' 4.085" E 2381 23° 42' 46.815" N 84° 7' 2.821" E 2382 23° 42' 47.209" N 84° 7' 2.445" E 2383 23° 42' 47.961" N 84° 7' 1.692" E 2384 23° 42' 48.872" N 84° 7' 0.170" E 2385 23° 42' 49.419" N 84° 6' 59.687" E 2386 23° 42' 50.208" N 84° 6' 59.246" E 2387 23° 42' 51.125" N 84° 6' 58.511" E 2388 23° 42' 51.653" N 84° 6' 58.212" E 2389 23° 42' 53.130" N 84° 6' 57.799" E 2390 23° 42' 55.097" N 84° 6' 57.557" E 2391 23° 42' 57.112" N 84° 6' 56.903" E 2392 23° 42' 59.259" N 84° 6' 56.646" E 2393 23° 43' 0.626" N 84° 6' 56.277" E 2394 23° 42' 21.204" N 84° 6' 55.202" E 2395 23° 42' 21.022" N 84° 6' 56.142" E 2396 23° 42' 21.201" N 84° 6' 57.359" E 2397 23° 42' 21.246" N 84° 6' 57.418" E 2398 23° 42' 21.783" N 84° 6' 58.360" E 2399 23° 42' 21.833" N 84° 6' 59.080" E 2400 23° 42' 21.830" N 84° 6' 59.101" E 2401 23° 42' 21.708" N 84° 6' 59.866" E 2402 23° 42' 21.807" N 84° 7' 0.390" E 2403 23° 42' 22.229" N 84° 7' 0.836" E 2404 23° 42' 22.418" N 84° 7' 1.573" E 2405 23° 42' 22.510" N 84° 7' 2.586" E 2406 23° 42' 22.476" N 84° 7' 3.733" E 2407 23° 42' 22.455" N 84° 7' 4.245" E 2408 23° 42' 23.051" N 84° 7' 6.057" E 2409 23° 42' 23.399" N 84° 7' 7.452" E 2410 23° 42' 23.394" N 84° 7' 7.487" E 2411 23° 42' 24.173" N 84° 7' 10.410" E 2412 23° 42' 24.271" N 84° 7' 11.442" E

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2413 23° 45' 28.793" N 84° 15' 27.914" E 2414 23° 45' 29.732" N 84° 15' 27.550" E 2415 23° 45' 30.677" N 84° 15' 27.402" E 2416 23° 45' 31.954" N 84° 15' 27.694" E 2417 23° 45' 33.143" N 84° 15' 28.143" E 2418 23° 45' 34.399" N 84° 15' 28.326" E 2419 23° 40' 47.434" N 84° 6' 49.551" E 2420 23° 40' 47.878" N 84° 6' 49.233" E 2421 23° 40' 48.527" N 84° 6' 48.524" E 2422 23° 40' 49.037" N 84° 6' 48.105" E 2423 23° 40' 50.171" N 84° 6' 47.943" E 2424 23° 40' 54.184" N 84° 6' 47.701" E 2425 23° 40' 55.682" N 84° 6' 47.555" E 2426 23° 40' 56.999" N 84° 6' 46.870" E 2427 23° 40' 57.675" N 84° 6' 47.001" E 2428 23° 41' 1.172" N 84° 6' 46.731" E 2429 23° 41' 3.785" N 84° 6' 46.204" E 2430 23° 41' 6.349" N 84° 6' 46.586" E 2431 23° 41' 7.364" N 84° 6' 46.530" E 2432 23° 41' 8.449" N 84° 6' 46.059" E 2433 23° 41' 11.132" N 84° 6' 45.880" E 2434 23° 41' 11.937" N 84° 6' 44.851" E 2435 23° 41' 12.610" N 84° 6' 44.656" E 2436 23° 41' 14.160" N 84° 6' 44.857" E 2437 23° 41' 16.892" N 84° 6' 45.537" E 2438 23° 41' 18.546" N 84° 6' 44.974" E 2439 23° 41' 19.965" N 84° 6' 44.776" E 2440 23° 41' 21.367" N 84° 6' 43.884" E 2441 23° 41' 23.720" N 84° 6' 42.604" E 2442 23° 41' 25.387" N 84° 6' 42.059" E 2443 23° 41' 27.045" N 84° 6' 41.864" E 2444 Y_text X_text 2445 23° 41' 29.176" N 84° 6' 42.398" E 2446 23° 45' 23.654" N 84° 13' 27.197" E 2447 23° 45' 25.423" N 84° 13' 25.702" E 2448 23° 45' 28.395" N 84° 13' 24.614" E 2449 23° 45' 29.886" N 84° 13' 22.984" E 2450 23° 45' 32.350" N 84° 13' 20.521" E 2451 23° 45' 36.036" N 84° 13' 20.128" E 2452 23° 45' 37.157" N 84° 13' 21.051" E 2453 23° 45' 37.335" N 84° 13' 24.020" E

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2454 23° 45' 39.951" N 84° 13' 27.155" E 2455 23° 45' 43.004" N 84° 13' 29.249" E 2456 23° 45' 45.253" N 84° 13' 29.616" E 2457 23° 45' 46.870" N 84° 13' 28.957" E 2458 23° 45' 46.146" N 84° 13' 22.035" E 2459 23° 45' 45.281" N 84° 13' 20.902" E 2460 23° 45' 45.144" N 84° 13' 19.688" E 2461 23° 45' 46.049" N 84° 13' 18.114" E 2462 23° 45' 46.548" N 84° 13' 15.985" E 2463 23° 45' 46.938" N 84° 13' 14.944" E 2464 23° 45' 48.217" N 84° 13' 16.241" E 2465 23° 45' 48.470" N 84° 13' 16.351" E 2466 23° 45' 51.536" N 84° 13' 17.204" E 2467 23° 45' 56.184" N 84° 13' 16.783" E 2468 23° 46' 0.405" N 84° 13' 15.513" E 2469 23° 46' 3.537" N 84° 13' 13.717" E 2470 23° 46' 7.028" N 84° 13' 12.295" E 2471 23° 46' 8.653" N 84° 13' 12.847" E 2472 23° 46' 9.389" N 84° 13' 13.769" E 2473 23° 46' 12.324" N 84° 13' 15.528" E 2474 23° 46' 15.445" N 84° 13' 17.344" E 2475 23° 46' 17.791" N 84° 13' 18.248" E 2476 23° 46' 17.985" N 84° 13' 18.199" E 2477 23° 46' 19.204" N 84° 13' 17.798" E 2478 23° 46' 19.357" N 84° 13' 16.117" E 2479 23° 46' 19.338" N 84° 13' 15.827" E 2480 23° 46' 19.794" N 84° 13' 12.537" E 2481 23° 46' 20.359" N 84° 13' 8.873" E 2482 23° 46' 22.618" N 84° 13' 6.394" E 2483 23° 46' 25.564" N 84° 13' 4.053" E 2484 23° 46' 27.785" N 84° 13' 2.801" E 2485 23° 46' 31.275" N 84° 12' 59.305" E 2486 23° 46' 31.315" N 84° 12' 59.200" E 2487 23° 46' 34.013" N 84° 12' 55.104" E 2488 23° 46' 36.462" N 84° 12' 52.169" E 2489 23° 46' 38.314" N 84° 12' 51.562" E 2490 23° 46' 39.500" N 84° 12' 51.404" E 2491 23° 46' 41.437" N 84° 12' 51.279" E 2492 23° 46' 46.744" N 84° 12' 52.633" E 2493 23° 46' 50.130" N 84° 12' 54.106" E 2494 23° 46' 53.017" N 84° 12' 56.215" E

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2495 23° 46' 55.815" N 84° 12' 55.889" E 2496 23° 46' 59.553" N 84° 12' 54.084" E 2497 23° 47' 2.367" N 84° 12' 56.341" E 2498 23° 47' 4.460" N 84° 12' 57.969" E 2499 23° 47' 6.471" N 84° 12' 58.750" E 2500 23° 47' 7.577" N 84° 12' 58.807" E 2501 23° 47' 9.788" N 84° 12' 55.676" E 2502 23° 47' 12.652" N 84° 12' 51.582" E 2503 23° 47' 17.447" N 84° 12' 46.713" E 2504 23° 47' 20.774" N 84° 12' 43.629" E 2505 23° 47' 22.825" N 84° 12' 41.295" E 2506 23° 47' 22.978" N 84° 12' 41.216" E 2507 23° 47' 28.139" N 84° 12' 36.952" E 2508 23° 47' 30.499" N 84° 12' 34.364" E 2509 23° 47' 32.182" N 84° 12' 33.998" E 2510 23° 47' 36.436" N 84° 12' 33.952" E 2511 23° 47' 42.853" N 84° 12' 33.591" E 2512 23° 47' 44.294" N 84° 12' 32.059" E 2513 23° 47' 49.879" N 84° 12' 27.962" E 2514 23° 47' 54.456" N 84° 12' 24.699" E 2515 23° 48' 0.358" N 84° 12' 20.929" E 2516 23° 48' 8.257" N 84° 12' 19.501" E 2517 23° 48' 13.338" N 84° 12' 17.020" E 2518 23° 48' 17.005" N 84° 12' 14.058" E 2519 23° 48' 18.676" N 84° 12' 11.178" E 2520 23° 48' 22.982" N 84° 12' 8.536" E 2521 23° 48' 25.366" N 84° 12' 4.539" E 2522 23° 48' 26.635" N 84° 11' 56.890" E 2523 23° 48' 27.118" N 84° 11' 54.823" E 2524 23° 48' 31.501" N 84° 11' 48.451" E 2525 23° 48' 35.394" N 84° 11' 43.217" E 2526 23° 48' 37.611" N 84° 11' 38.639" E 2527 23° 48' 37.932" N 84° 11' 38.429" E 2528 23° 48' 40.514" N 84° 11' 36.473" E 2529 23° 47' 22.643" N 84° 6' 44.863" E 2530 23° 47' 23.657" N 84° 6' 43.053" E 2531 23° 47' 25.111" N 84° 6' 41.622" E 2532 23° 47' 26.222" N 84° 6' 40.925" E 2533 23° 47' 28.491" N 84° 6' 40.732" E 2534 23° 47' 31.047" N 84° 6' 40.319" E 2535 23° 47' 35.463" N 84° 6' 37.954" E

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2536 23° 47' 36.105" N 84° 6' 36.545" E 2537 23° 47' 36.656" N 84° 6' 35.110" E 2538 23° 47' 37.198" N 84° 6' 34.568" E 2539 23° 47' 38.937" N 84° 6' 34.620" E 2540 23° 47' 41.512" N 84° 6' 32.313" E 2541 23° 47' 42.525" N 84° 6' 30.357" E 2542 23° 47' 43.002" N 84° 6' 29.736" E 2543 23° 47' 44.721" N 84° 6' 29.161" E 2544 23° 47' 46.313" N 84° 6' 27.353" E 2545 23° 47' 46.879" N 84° 6' 26.007" E 2546 23° 47' 47.514" N 84° 6' 22.864" E 2547 23° 47' 48.949" N 84° 6' 21.587" E 2548 23° 47' 50.034" N 84° 6' 18.756" E 2549 23° 47' 49.803" N 84° 6' 14.598" E 2550 23° 47' 49.600" N 84° 6' 13.619" E 2551 23° 47' 49.240" N 84° 6' 13.270" E 2552 23° 47' 48.159" N 84° 6' 12.839" E 2553 23° 47' 46.691" N 84° 6' 11.564" E 2554 23° 47' 45.478" N 84° 6' 9.983" E 2555 23° 47' 45.410" N 84° 6' 9.344" E 2556 23° 47' 45.728" N 84° 6' 7.554" E 2557 23° 47' 42.344" N 84° 6' 4.926" E 2558 23° 47' 40.217" N 84° 6' 2.035" E 2559 23° 47' 40.170" N 84° 6' 0.633" E 2560 23° 47' 40.342" N 84° 5' 59.425" E 2561 23° 47' 40.162" N 84° 5' 54.700" E 2562 23° 47' 39.332" N 84° 5' 53.297" E 2563 23° 47' 36.067" N 84° 5' 50.795" E 2564 23° 47' 33.493" N 84° 5' 47.889" E 2565 23° 47' 31.411" N 84° 5' 46.938" E 2566 23° 47' 30.204" N 84° 5' 45.762" E 2567 23° 47' 30.110" N 84° 5' 45.483" E 2568 23° 47' 29.475" N 84° 5' 43.136" E 2569 23° 47' 29.247" N 84° 5' 41.216" E 2570 23° 47' 29.217" N 84° 5' 41.131" E 2571 23° 47' 29.245" N 84° 5' 40.881" E 2572 23° 47' 29.995" N 84° 5' 38.310" E 2573 23° 47' 31.904" N 84° 5' 34.732" E 2574 23° 47' 34.999" N 84° 5' 31.259" E 2575 23° 47' 36.506" N 84° 5' 29.001" E 2576 23° 47' 37.386" N 84° 5' 26.537" E

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2577 23° 47' 38.418" N 84° 5' 24.033" E 2578 23° 47' 39.985" N 84° 5' 23.180" E 2579 23° 47' 42.075" N 84° 5' 23.490" E 2580 23° 47' 43.628" N 84° 5' 23.233" E 2581 23° 47' 44.229" N 84° 5' 22.315" E 2582 23° 47' 44.581" N 84° 5' 20.461" E 2583 23° 47' 45.055" N 84° 5' 19.288" E 2584 23° 47' 45.181" N 84° 5' 18.263" E 2585 23° 47' 45.799" N 84° 5' 17.518" E 2586 23° 47' 45.840" N 84° 5' 17.497" E 2587 23° 47' 47.166" N 84° 5' 16.462" E 2588 23° 47' 43.439" N 84° 5' 13.399" E 2589 23° 47' 40.746" N 84° 5' 12.407" E 2590 23° 47' 36.589" N 84° 5' 13.545" E 2591 23° 47' 30.477" N 84° 5' 14.530" E 2592 23° 47' 26.569" N 84° 5' 15.649" E 2593 23° 47' 21.521" N 84° 5' 17.428" E 2594 23° 47' 19.033" N 84° 5' 18.373" E 2595 23° 47' 10.194" N 84° 5' 20.360" E 2596 23° 47' 7.867" N 84° 5' 20.466" E 2597 23° 47' 5.069" N 84° 5' 20.435" E 2598 23° 47' 2.775" N 84° 5' 19.106" E 2599 23° 46' 57.537" N 84° 5' 19.766" E 2600 23° 46' 48.733" N 84° 5' 23.324" E 2601 23° 46' 43.299" N 84° 5' 24.304" E 2602 23° 46' 30.984" N 84° 5' 28.819" E 2603 23° 47' 22.629" N 84° 6' 48.494" E 2604 23° 47' 23.251" N 84° 6' 49.313" E 2605 23° 47' 24.456" N 84° 6' 49.702" E 2606 23° 47' 25.626" N 84° 6' 49.823" E 2607 23° 47' 27.483" N 84° 6' 50.202" E 2608 23° 47' 29.185" N 84° 6' 51.067" E 2609 23° 47' 29.110" N 84° 6' 51.851" E 2610 23° 47' 31.297" N 84° 6' 53.048" E 2611 23° 47' 32.166" N 84° 6' 54.481" E 2612 23° 47' 34.563" N 84° 6' 56.682" E 2613 23° 47' 35.186" N 84° 6' 56.873" E 2614 23° 47' 35.816" N 84° 6' 55.723" E 2615 23° 47' 41.096" N 84° 6' 57.474" E 2616 23° 47' 42.211" N 84° 6' 57.806" E 2617 23° 47' 42.579" N 84° 6' 58.126" E

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2618 23° 47' 42.166" N 84° 7' 1.086" E 2619 23° 47' 41.941" N 84° 7' 3.009" E 2620 23° 47' 42.114" N 84° 7' 4.984" E 2621 23° 47' 42.085" N 84° 7' 6.307" E 2622 23° 47' 42.071" N 84° 7' 6.383" E 2623 23° 47' 41.654" N 84° 7' 8.252" E 2624 23° 47' 41.635" N 84° 7' 9.366" E 2625 23° 47' 41.877" N 84° 7' 9.753" E 2626 23° 47' 42.119" N 84° 7' 12.491" E 2627 23° 47' 42.735" N 84° 7' 12.714" E 2628 23° 47' 42.764" N 84° 7' 12.763" E 2629 23° 47' 44.544" N 84° 7' 12.784" E 2630 23° 47' 45.990" N 84° 7' 13.800" E 2631 23° 47' 46.547" N 84° 7' 14.326" E 2632 23° 47' 46.870" N 84° 7' 15.254" E 2633 23° 47' 47.026" N 84° 7' 15.949" E 2634 23° 47' 46.449" N 84° 7' 19.598" E 2635 23° 47' 47.341" N 84° 7' 20.106" E 2636 23° 47' 49.185" N 84° 7' 20.409" E 2637 23° 45' 31.227" N 84° 1' 22.632" E 2638 23° 45' 31.308" N 84° 1' 22.567" E 2639 23° 43' 35.796" N 84° 14' 18.194" E 2640 23° 43' 33.924" N 84° 14' 17.603" E 2641 23° 43' 33.321" N 84° 14' 17.363" E 2642 23° 43' 32.601" N 84° 14' 17.120" E 2643 23° 43' 32.099" N 84° 14' 16.644" E 2644 23° 43' 31.778" N 84° 14' 16.154" E 2645 23° 43' 31.623" N 84° 14' 13.824" E 2646 23° 43' 31.505" N 84° 14' 12.885" E 2647 23° 43' 31.248" N 84° 14' 12.251" E 2648 23° 43' 29.344" N 84° 14' 11.871" E 2649 23° 43' 29.224" N 84° 14' 10.929" E 2650 23° 43' 28.980" N 84° 14' 9.311" E 2651 23° 43' 28.867" N 84° 14' 8.129" E 2652 23° 43' 29.446" N 84° 14' 6.567" E 2653 23° 43' 29.301" N 84° 14' 5.526" E 2654 23° 43' 28.419" N 84° 14' 2.219" E 2655 23° 43' 27.956" N 84° 13' 59.893" E 2656 23° 43' 27.650" N 84° 13' 59.164" E 2657 23° 43' 27.660" N 84° 13' 58.141" E 2658 23° 43' 27.941" N 84° 13' 57.199" E

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2659 23° 43' 28.421" N 84° 13' 55.866" E 2660 23° 43' 28.712" N 84° 13' 53.931" E 2661 23° 43' 29.155" N 84° 13' 52.611" E 2662 23° 43' 30.139" N 84° 13' 53.455" E 2663 23° 43' 30.871" N 84° 13' 53.942" E 2664 23° 43' 32.681" N 84° 13' 54.595" E 2665 23° 43' 34.273" N 84° 13' 55.180" E 2666 23° 43' 35.877" N 84° 13' 55.797" E 2667 23° 43' 36.990" N 84° 13' 56.138" E 2668 23° 43' 39.754" N 84° 13' 56.243" E 2669 23° 43' 41.724" N 84° 13' 56.243" E 2670 23° 43' 42.451" N 84° 13' 56.369" E 2671 23° 43' 43.906" N 84° 13' 57.573" E 2672 23° 43' 45.574" N 84° 13' 58.844" E 2673 23° 43' 46.873" N 84° 13' 59.152" E 2674 23° 43' 47.135" N 84° 13' 59.511" E 2675 23° 43' 47.100" N 84° 14' 0.602" E 2676 23° 43' 48.402" N 84° 14' 1.466" E 2677 23° 43' 48.989" N 84° 14' 1.977" E 2678 23° 43' 49.527" N 84° 14' 2.281" E 2679 23° 43' 51.790" N 84° 14' 2.807" E 2680 23° 43' 52.688" N 84° 14' 2.845" E 2681 23° 43' 54.468" N 84° 14' 2.503" E 2682 23° 43' 56.365" N 84° 14' 2.371" E 2683 23° 43' 58.517" N 84° 14' 2.722" E 2684 23° 43' 59.727" N 84° 14' 2.643" E 2685 23° 44' 0.637" N 84° 14' 2.552" E 2686 23° 44' 2.491" N 84° 14' 3.124" E 2687 23° 44' 3.483" N 84° 14' 4.404" E 2688 23° 47' 44.070" N 84° 9' 32.448" E 2689 23° 47' 44.176" N 84° 9' 33.817" E 2690 23° 47' 46.649" N 84° 9' 34.617" E 2691 23° 47' 49.297" N 84° 9' 35.127" E 2692 23° 47' 51.208" N 84° 9' 36.209" E 2693 23° 47' 53.068" N 84° 9' 38.135" E 2694 23° 47' 55.428" N 84° 9' 40.202" E 2695 23° 47' 57.223" N 84° 9' 41.500" E 2696 23° 47' 59.296" N 84° 9' 41.341" E 2697 23° 48' 2.636" N 84° 9' 43.371" E 2698 23° 48' 1.962" N 84° 9' 46.799" E 2699 23° 48' 5.201" N 84° 9' 48.847" E

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2700 23° 48' 8.201" N 84° 9' 50.035" E 2701 23° 48' 9.104" N 84° 9' 50.645" E 2702 23° 48' 9.844" N 84° 9' 54.081" E 2703 23° 48' 10.133" N 84° 9' 55.339" E 2704 23° 48' 13.287" N 84° 9' 58.346" E 2705 23° 48' 14.838" N 84° 9' 59.807" E 2706 23° 48' 17.915" N 84° 10' 2.312" E 2707 23° 48' 20.203" N 84° 10' 3.711" E 2708 23° 48' 21.816" N 84° 10' 4.474" E 2709 23° 48' 11.246" N 84° 8' 16.280" E 2710 23° 48' 13.344" N 84° 8' 17.150" E 2711 23° 48' 15.072" N 84° 8' 18.841" E 2712 23° 48' 16.112" N 84° 8' 19.611" E 2713 23° 48' 16.524" N 84° 8' 20.496" E 2714 23° 48' 17.316" N 84° 8' 21.528" E 2715 23° 48' 18.458" N 84° 8' 22.586" E 2716 23° 48' 19.420" N 84° 8' 23.368" E 2717 23° 48' 19.208" N 84° 8' 24.605" E 2718 23° 48' 20.225" N 84° 8' 25.677" E 2719 23° 48' 21.689" N 84° 8' 26.865" E 2720 23° 48' 23.930" N 84° 8' 28.338" E 2721 23° 48' 25.594" N 84° 8' 29.645" E 2722 23° 48' 25.573" N 84° 8' 31.562" E 2723 23° 48' 25.758" N 84° 8' 32.205" E 2724 23° 48' 26.810" N 84° 8' 32.856" E 2725 23° 48' 27.713" N 84° 8' 33.924" E 2726 23° 48' 28.143" N 84° 8' 34.859" E 2727 23° 48' 27.975" N 84° 8' 35.898" E 2728 23° 48' 27.380" N 84° 8' 37.110" E 2729 23° 48' 26.827" N 84° 8' 38.346" E 2730 23° 48' 26.331" N 84° 8' 39.896" E 2731 23° 48' 25.573" N 84° 8' 41.449" E 2732 23° 48' 24.467" N 84° 8' 41.891" E 2733 23° 48' 23.465" N 84° 8' 43.046" E 2734 23° 48' 22.923" N 84° 8' 44.939" E 2735 23° 48' 22.563" N 84° 8' 45.996" E 2736 23° 48' 21.484" N 84° 8' 48.487" E 2737 23° 48' 20.655" N 84° 8' 50.317" E 2738 23° 48' 19.816" N 84° 8' 51.691" E 2739 23° 48' 19.518" N 84° 8' 51.792" E 2740 23° 48' 18.575" N 84° 8' 52.222" E

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2741 23° 48' 16.838" N 84° 8' 54.126" E 2742 23° 48' 16.149" N 84° 8' 56.286" E 2743 23° 48' 15.095" N 84° 8' 58.052" E 2744 23° 48' 14.388" N 84° 8' 58.653" E 2745 23° 48' 13.503" N 84° 8' 59.845" E 2746 23° 48' 6.267" N 84° 8' 56.220" E 2747 23° 48' 2.280" N 84° 8' 54.352" E 2748 23° 48' 1.190" N 84° 8' 53.776" E 2749 23° 48' 6.267" N 84° 8' 56.220" E 2750 23° 48' 13.503" N 84° 8' 59.845" E 2751 23° 48' 15.250" N 84° 9' 0.785" E 2752 23° 48' 15.693" N 84° 9' 2.017" E 2753 23° 48' 16.546" N 84° 9' 2.592" E 2754 23° 48' 17.017" N 84° 9' 3.665" E 2755 23° 48' 19.926" N 84° 9' 4.977" E 2756 23° 48' 21.492" N 84° 9' 5.783" E 2757 23° 48' 23.126" N 84° 9' 6.604" E 2758 23° 48' 22.644" N 84° 9' 9.520" E 2759 23° 48' 21.622" N 84° 9' 11.157" E 2760 23° 48' 20.402" N 84° 9' 11.767" E 2761 23° 48' 20.195" N 84° 9' 11.977" E 2762 23° 48' 19.846" N 84° 9' 14.097" E 2763 23° 48' 18.257" N 84° 9' 16.521" E 2764 23° 48' 15.705" N 84° 9' 20.047" E 2765 23° 48' 16.261" N 84° 9' 22.363" E 2766 23° 48' 17.108" N 84° 9' 26.318" E 2767 23° 48' 17.707" N 84° 9' 28.921" E 2768 23° 48' 18.652" N 84° 9' 29.619" E 2769 23° 48' 19.281" N 84° 9' 30.957" E 2770 23° 48' 19.983" N 84° 9' 35.839" E 2771 23° 48' 20.329" N 84° 9' 39.581" E 2772 23° 48' 20.830" N 84° 9' 43.561" E 2773 23° 48' 21.002" N 84° 9' 44.866" E 2774 23° 48' 21.374" N 84° 9' 45.957" E 2775 23° 48' 21.163" N 84° 9' 49.344" E 2776 23° 48' 21.227" N 84° 9' 51.257" E 2777 23° 48' 21.613" N 84° 9' 54.833" E 2778 23° 48' 22.837" N 84° 9' 57.401" E 2779 23° 48' 22.786" N 84° 9' 58.239" E 2780 23° 48' 21.733" N 84° 10' 1.374" E 2781 23° 48' 21.816" N 84° 10' 4.474" E

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2782 23° 48' 21.681" N 84° 10' 6.616" E 2783 23° 48' 21.169" N 84° 10' 9.288" E 2784 23° 48' 21.451" N 84° 10' 11.645" E 2785 23° 48' 21.149" N 84° 10' 12.290" E 2786 23° 48' 20.206" N 84° 10' 12.691" E 2787 23° 48' 19.603" N 84° 10' 14.144" E 2788 23° 48' 19.892" N 84° 10' 15.331" E 2789 23° 48' 21.003" N 84° 10' 19.332" E 2790 23° 48' 22.022" N 84° 10' 22.999" E 2791 23° 48' 21.671" N 84° 10' 24.861" E 2792 23° 48' 22.880" N 84° 10' 27.738" E 2793 23° 48' 23.026" N 84° 10' 30.616" E 2794 23° 48' 21.563" N 84° 10' 32.763" E 2795 23° 48' 20.815" N 84° 10' 36.343" E 2796 23° 48' 19.253" N 84° 10' 39.091" E 2797 23° 48' 17.077" N 84° 10' 42.477" E 2798 23° 48' 13.553" N 84° 10' 43.590" E 2799 23° 48' 12.017" N 84° 10' 44.263" E 2800 23° 48' 10.992" N 84° 10' 46.755" E 2801 23° 48' 8.372" N 84° 10' 49.954" E 2802 23° 48' 5.998" N 84° 10' 51.604" E 2803 23° 48' 4.056" N 84° 10' 55.064" E 2804 23° 48' 2.957" N 84° 10' 58.212" E 2805 23° 48' 3.144" N 84° 10' 59.108" E 2806 23° 48' 4.697" N 84° 11' 1.735" E 2807 23° 48' 5.447" N 84° 11' 3.846" E 2808 23° 48' 6.197" N 84° 11' 10.042" E 2809 23° 48' 6.827" N 84° 11' 12.103" E 2810 23° 48' 6.533" N 84° 11' 13.888" E 2811 23° 48' 6.174" N 84° 11' 18.858" E 2812 23° 48' 7.603" N 84° 11' 21.979" E 2813 23° 48' 8.819" N 84° 11' 24.276" E 2814 23° 48' 40.514" N 84° 11' 36.473" E 2815 23° 48' 37.333" N 84° 11' 30.120" E 2816 23° 48' 29.611" N 84° 11' 23.700" E 2817 23° 48' 25.930" N 84° 11' 21.836" E 2818 23° 48' 20.221" N 84° 11' 22.480" E 2819 23° 48' 14.951" N 84° 11' 20.832" E 2820 23° 48' 8.757" N 84° 11' 24.268" E 2821 23° 40' 59.479" N 84° 17' 45.975" E 2822 23° 40' 59.059" N 84° 17' 47.809" E

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2823 23° 40' 58.902" N 84° 17' 48.796" E 2824 23° 40' 58.403" N 84° 17' 50.648" E 2825 23° 40' 58.830" N 84° 17' 52.088" E 2826 23° 40' 59.284" N 84° 17' 53.672" E 2827 23° 40' 59.787" N 84° 17' 55.502" E 2828 23° 41' 0.767" N 84° 17' 57.367" E 2829 23° 41' 1.775" N 84° 17' 58.518" E 2830 23° 41' 2.302" N 84° 18' 0.067" E 2831 23° 41' 3.948" N 84° 18' 1.851" E 2832 23° 41' 4.433" N 84° 18' 2.525" E 2833 23° 41' 4.941" N 84° 18' 3.534" E 2834 23° 41' 5.147" N 84° 18' 4.947" E 2835 23° 41' 5.404" N 84° 18' 6.802" E 2836 23° 41' 5.796" N 84° 18' 8.686" E 2837 23° 41' 6.412" N 84° 18' 9.326" E 2838 23° 41' 7.776" N 84° 18' 10.718" E 2839 23° 41' 8.635" N 84° 18' 12.886" E 2840 23° 41' 9.038" N 84° 18' 14.164" E 2841 23° 41' 8.618" N 84° 18' 15.287" E 2842 23° 41' 6.386" N 84° 18' 17.340" E 2843 23° 41' 5.503" N 84° 18' 18.212" E 2844 23° 41' 5.323" N 84° 18' 20.591" E 2845 23° 41' 6.042" N 84° 18' 21.518" E 2846 23° 41' 8.575" N 84° 18' 22.720" E 2847 23° 41' 11.334" N 84° 18' 25.593" E 2848 23° 41' 12.428" N 84° 18' 26.688" E 2849 23° 40' 59.479" N 84° 17' 45.975" E 2850 23° 41' 1.438" N 84° 17' 46.461" E 2851 23° 41' 2.921" N 84° 17' 46.414" E 2852 23° 41' 4.499" N 84° 17' 43.947" E 2853 23° 40' 33.956" N 84° 17' 20.250" E 2854 23° 40' 35.241" N 84° 17' 20.666" E 2855 23° 40' 36.799" N 84° 17' 20.907" E 2856 23° 40' 38.125" N 84° 17' 20.769" E 2857 23° 40' 39.172" N 84° 17' 20.521" E 2858 23° 40' 41.321" N 84° 17' 20.285" E 2859 23° 40' 42.582" N 84° 17' 20.371" E 2860 23° 40' 43.597" N 84° 17' 20.968" E 2861 23° 40' 45.035" N 84° 17' 21.349" E 2862 23° 40' 46.570" N 84° 17' 21.442" E 2863 23° 40' 47.614" N 84° 17' 22.008" E

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2864 23° 40' 49.040" N 84° 17' 22.511" E 2865 23° 40' 50.814" N 84° 17' 23.135" E 2866 23° 40' 52.685" N 84° 17' 23.140" E 2867 23° 40' 54.102" N 84° 17' 23.187" E 2868 23° 40' 54.599" N 84° 17' 23.622" E 2869 23° 40' 54.786" N 84° 17' 24.906" E 2870 23° 40' 54.825" N 84° 17' 26.951" E 2871 23° 40' 55.161" N 84° 17' 27.698" E 2872 23° 40' 56.585" N 84° 17' 29.295" E 2873 23° 40' 56.332" N 84° 17' 30.923" E 2874 23° 40' 55.716" N 84° 17' 33.770" E 2875 23° 40' 55.749" N 84° 17' 35.292" E 2876 23° 40' 56.705" N 84° 17' 37.167" E 2877 23° 40' 58.789" N 84° 17' 38.980" E 2878 23° 40' 59.664" N 84° 17' 39.936" E 2879 23° 40' 59.986" N 84° 17' 41.137" E 2880 23° 41' 1.000" N 84° 17' 41.678" E 2881 23° 41' 1.290" N 84° 17' 44.250" E 2882 23° 40' 59.479" N 84° 17' 45.975" E 2883 23° 45' 0.827" N 84° 13' 41.566" E 2884 23° 45' 1.114" N 84° 13' 42.595" E 2885 23° 45' 0.049" N 84° 13' 45.022" E 2886 23° 45' 0.079" N 84° 13' 47.959" E 2887 23° 45' 0.893" N 84° 13' 49.487" E 2888 23° 45' 1.871" N 84° 13' 52.833" E 2889 23° 45' 0.762" N 84° 13' 55.289" E 2890 23° 44' 58.639" N 84° 13' 57.247" E 2891 23° 44' 58.145" N 84° 13' 59.745" E 2892 23° 44' 59.702" N 84° 14' 1.540" E 2893 23° 44' 59.813" N 84° 14' 2.876" E 2894 23° 44' 59.511" N 84° 14' 4.437" E 2895 23° 44' 59.702" N 84° 14' 6.045" E 2896 23° 44' 58.886" N 84° 14' 8.184" E 2897 23° 44' 58.800" N 84° 14' 10.169" E 2898 23° 44' 59.639" N 84° 14' 12.353" E 2899 23° 45' 1.200" N 84° 14' 14.906" E 2900 23° 45' 2.751" N 84° 14' 16.844" E 2901 23° 45' 3.790" N 84° 14' 18.786" E 2902 23° 45' 6.372" N 84° 14' 20.640" E 2903 23° 45' 7.489" N 84° 14' 22.029" E 2904 23° 45' 8.059" N 84° 14' 24.140" E

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2905 23° 45' 8.890" N 84° 14' 25.710" E 2906 23° 45' 10.857" N 84° 14' 28.504" E 2907 23° 45' 12.844" N 84° 14' 30.917" E 2908 23° 45' 14.312" N 84° 14' 32.616" E 2909 23° 45' 14.328" N 84° 14' 32.644" E 2910 23° 45' 15.218" N 84° 14' 34.926" E 2911 23° 45' 15.559" N 84° 14' 37.338" E 2912 23° 45' 18.290" N 84° 14' 39.416" E 2913 23° 45' 19.581" N 84° 14' 41.056" E 2914 23° 45' 19.733" N 84° 14' 41.484" E 2915 23° 45' 21.673" N 84° 14' 47.125" E 2916 23° 45' 21.699" N 84° 14' 47.133" E 2917 23° 45' 23.566" N 84° 14' 47.590" E 2918 23° 45' 24.841" N 84° 14' 48.487" E 2919 23° 45' 26.449" N 84° 14' 50.140" E 2920 23° 45' 29.324" N 84° 14' 53.166" E 2921 23° 45' 31.753" N 84° 14' 55.072" E 2922 23° 45' 32.319" N 84° 14' 57.895" E 2923 23° 45' 32.380" N 84° 14' 59.516" E 2924 23° 45' 31.992" N 84° 15' 2.574" E 2925 23° 45' 32.034" N 84° 15' 3.691" E 2926 23° 45' 34.802" N 84° 15' 4.221" E 2927 23° 45' 36.742" N 84° 15' 4.777" E 2928 23° 45' 38.976" N 84° 15' 5.075" E 2929 23° 45' 39.471" N 84° 15' 5.443" E 2930 23° 43' 13.765" N 84° 17' 46.423" E 2931 23° 43' 15.932" N 84° 17' 46.456" E 2932 23° 43' 17.592" N 84° 17' 46.776" E 2933 23° 43' 19.437" N 84° 17' 46.976" E 2934 23° 43' 21.650" N 84° 17' 47.465" E 2935 23° 43' 22.763" N 84° 17' 47.595" E 2936 23° 43' 25.796" N 84° 17' 47.807" E 2937 23° 43' 28.316" N 84° 17' 47.547" E 2938 23° 43' 32.654" N 84° 17' 47.693" E 2939 23° 43' 35.269" N 84° 17' 48.116" E 2940 23° 43' 38.181" N 84° 17' 49.341" E 2941 23° 43' 40.626" N 84° 17' 50.418" E 2942 23° 43' 42.013" N 84° 17' 51.195" E 2943 23° 43' 43.305" N 84° 17' 51.509" E 2944 23° 43' 45.378" N 84° 17' 51.507" E 2945 23° 43' 46.960" N 84° 17' 51.109" E

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2946 23° 43' 48.388" N 84° 17' 51.580" E 2947 23° 43' 50.042" N 84° 17' 52.313" E 2948 23° 43' 51.410" N 84° 17' 51.600" E 2949 23° 43' 52.626" N 84° 17' 50.337" E 2950 23° 43' 53.578" N 84° 17' 49.807" E 2951 23° 43' 55.307" N 84° 17' 49.491" E 2952 23° 43' 55.997" N 84° 17' 49.208" E 2953 23° 43' 57.587" N 84° 17' 48.426" E 2954 23° 43' 59.548" N 84° 17' 46.996" E 2955 23° 44' 1.480" N 84° 17' 46.638" E 2956 23° 44' 3.207" N 84° 17' 46.766" E 2957 23° 44' 4.742" N 84° 17' 47.208" E 2958 23° 44' 7.172" N 84° 17' 48.538" E 2959 23° 44' 9.994" N 84° 17' 49.566" E 2960 23° 44' 12.288" N 84° 17' 50.160" E 2961 23° 44' 13.926" N 84° 17' 51.590" E 2962 23° 44' 14.844" N 84° 17' 52.354" E 2963 23° 44' 16.503" N 84° 17' 53.976" E 2964 23° 44' 18.249" N 84° 17' 55.066" E 2965 23° 44' 20.057" N 84° 17' 55.616" E 2966 23° 44' 20.804" N 84° 17' 56.045" E 2967 23° 44' 22.087" N 84° 17' 55.123" E 2968 23° 44' 24.406" N 84° 17' 54.760" E 2969 23° 44' 27.432" N 84° 17' 53.222" E 2970 23° 44' 28.231" N 84° 17' 52.430" E 2971 23° 44' 28.658" N 84° 17' 50.992" E 2972 23° 44' 28.712" N 84° 17' 50.966" E 2973 23° 44' 32.349" N 84° 17' 50.617" E 2974 23° 44' 34.510" N 84° 17' 50.502" E 2975 23° 44' 36.633" N 84° 17' 49.398" E 2976 23° 44' 39.082" N 84° 17' 49.058" E 2977 23° 44' 40.354" N 84° 17' 48.442" E 2978 23° 44' 39.767" N 84° 17' 45.587" E 2979 23° 44' 40.081" N 84° 17' 44.194" E 2980 23° 44' 39.817" N 84° 17' 42.345" E 2981 23° 44' 39.914" N 84° 17' 40.996" E 2982 23° 44' 39.698" N 84° 17' 39.287" E 2983 23° 44' 38.702" N 84° 17' 38.401" E 2984 23° 44' 37.943" N 84° 17' 37.857" E 2985 23° 44' 36.648" N 84° 17' 36.869" E 2986 23° 44' 35.600" N 84° 17' 35.959" E

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2987 23° 44' 35.431" N 84° 17' 35.314" E 2988 23° 44' 36.302" N 84° 17' 32.874" E 2989 23° 44' 37.483" N 84° 17' 30.821" E 2990 23° 44' 38.933" N 84° 17' 29.864" E 2991 23° 44' 39.725" N 84° 17' 29.041" E 2992 23° 44' 41.284" N 84° 17' 27.416" E 2993 23° 44' 42.517" N 84° 17' 23.593" E 2994 23° 44' 42.540" N 84° 17' 22.007" E 2995 23° 44' 46.070" N 84° 17' 23.371" E 2996 23° 44' 48.455" N 84° 17' 24.339" E 2997 23° 44' 50.911" N 84° 17' 25.626" E 2998 23° 44' 51.809" N 84° 17' 25.446" E 2999 23° 44' 54.020" N 84° 17' 25.955" E 3000 23° 44' 55.474" N 84° 17' 26.558" E 3001 23° 44' 58.980" N 84° 17' 26.141" E 3002 23° 44' 59.727" N 84° 17' 28.056" E 3003 23° 45' 0.717" N 84° 17' 30.141" E 3004 23° 45' 1.667" N 84° 17' 31.522" E 3005 23° 45' 2.773" N 84° 17' 33.976" E 3006 23° 45' 4.017" N 84° 17' 35.660" E 3007 23° 45' 6.103" N 84° 17' 37.492" E 3008 23° 45' 8.512" N 84° 17' 38.690" E 3009 23° 45' 10.401" N 84° 17' 40.597" E 3010 23° 45' 14.056" N 84° 17' 39.140" E 3011 23° 45' 16.608" N 84° 17' 38.305" E 3012 23° 45' 19.023" N 84° 17' 39.418" E 3013 23° 45' 21.311" N 84° 17' 40.471" E 3014 23° 45' 22.457" N 84° 17' 41.769" E 3015 23° 45' 23.114" N 84° 17' 43.846" E 3016 23° 45' 23.792" N 84° 17' 45.347" E 3017 23° 45' 25.816" N 84° 17' 45.303" E 3018 23° 45' 27.726" N 84° 17' 45.814" E 3019 23° 45' 30.328" N 84° 17' 46.130" E 3020 23° 45' 31.901" N 84° 17' 45.807" E 3021 23° 45' 34.291" N 84° 17' 45.488" E 3022 23° 45' 35.390" N 84° 17' 45.486" E 3023 23° 45' 36.203" N 84° 17' 46.195" E 3024 23° 45' 38.778" N 84° 17' 46.753" E 3025 23° 45' 39.987" N 84° 17' 46.063" E 3026 23° 45' 42.871" N 84° 17' 44.045" E 3027 23° 45' 44.432" N 84° 17' 43.044" E

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3028 23° 45' 45.072" N 84° 17' 42.591" E 3029 23° 45' 46.743" N 84° 17' 42.217" E 3030 23° 45' 49.027" N 84° 17' 42.126" E 3031 23° 45' 51.035" N 84° 17' 41.971" E 3032 23° 45' 53.638" N 84° 17' 41.922" E 3033 23° 45' 55.973" N 84° 17' 41.924" E 3034 23° 45' 55.792" N 84° 17' 39.505" E 3035 23° 45' 55.598" N 84° 17' 37.806" E 3036 23° 45' 55.008" N 84° 17' 35.716" E 3037 23° 45' 55.206" N 84° 17' 33.090" E 3038 23° 45' 55.308" N 84° 17' 31.735" E 3039 23° 45' 56.033" N 84° 17' 29.875" E 3040 23° 45' 55.929" N 84° 17' 28.472" E 3041 23° 46' 5.173" N 84° 18' 58.889" E 3042 23° 46' 8.913" N 84° 18' 58.679" E 3043 23° 46' 10.521" N 84° 18' 58.492" E 3044 23° 46' 13.430" N 84° 18' 58.620" E 3045 23° 46' 14.069" N 84° 18' 58.508" E 3046 23° 46' 14.587" N 84° 18' 57.998" E 3047 23° 46' 15.192" N 84° 18' 56.281" E 3048 23° 46' 15.707" N 84° 18' 55.142" E 3049 23° 46' 16.380" N 84° 18' 52.804" E 3050 23° 46' 17.466" N 84° 18' 51.343" E 3051 23° 46' 18.284" N 84° 18' 50.331" E 3052 23° 46' 18.904" N 84° 18' 49.540" E 3053 23° 46' 19.915" N 84° 18' 47.143" E 3054 23° 46' 20.786" N 84° 18' 44.966" E 3055 23° 46' 21.751" N 84° 18' 43.577" E 3056 23° 46' 22.591" N 84° 18' 43.152" E 3057 23° 46' 23.519" N 84° 18' 43.223" E 3058 23° 46' 24.440" N 84° 18' 44.879" E 3059 23° 46' 25.045" N 84° 18' 45.174" E 3060 23° 46' 25.821" N 84° 18' 45.049" E 3061 23° 46' 27.062" N 84° 18' 45.307" E 3062 23° 46' 28.154" N 84° 18' 45.460" E 3063 23° 46' 29.347" N 84° 18' 46.037" E 3064 23° 46' 31.981" N 84° 18' 46.822" E 3065 23° 46' 34.277" N 84° 18' 46.096" E 3066 23° 46' 36.596" N 84° 18' 46.090" E 3067 23° 46' 38.081" N 84° 18' 45.415" E 3068 23° 46' 40.375" N 84° 18' 44.386" E

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3069 23° 46' 41.061" N 84° 18' 42.742" E 3070 23° 46' 41.174" N 84° 18' 41.282" E 3071 23° 46' 41.997" N 84° 18' 38.823" E 3072 23° 46' 42.654" N 84° 18' 37.323" E 3073 23° 46' 43.637" N 84° 18' 36.826" E 3074 23° 46' 46.429" N 84° 18' 36.923" E 3075 23° 46' 47.787" N 84° 18' 37.035" E 3076 23° 46' 49.514" N 84° 18' 37.304" E 3077 23° 46' 51.380" N 84° 18' 38.397" E 3078 23° 46' 52.032" N 84° 18' 39.235" E 3079 23° 46' 52.123" N 84° 18' 41.504" E 3080 23° 46' 52.717" N 84° 18' 42.201" E 3081 23° 46' 53.724" N 84° 18' 43.480" E 3082 23° 46' 55.034" N 84° 18' 44.619" E 3083 23° 46' 55.782" N 84° 18' 44.682" E 3084 23° 46' 56.730" N 84° 18' 45.111" E 3085 23° 46' 57.050" N 84° 18' 46.669" E 3086 23° 47' 0.591" N 84° 18' 48.431" E 3087 23° 47' 1.854" N 84° 18' 48.810" E 3088 23° 47' 4.122" N 84° 18' 47.755" E 3089 23° 47' 5.398" N 84° 18' 46.719" E 3090 23° 47' 7.186" N 84° 18' 46.088" E 3091 23° 47' 8.624" N 84° 18' 45.664" E 3092 23° 47' 10.152" N 84° 18' 46.263" E 3093 23° 47' 12.035" N 84° 18' 47.352" E 3094 23° 47' 12.839" N 84° 18' 47.530" E 3095 23° 47' 14.368" N 84° 18' 48.401" E 3096 23° 47' 15.221" N 84° 18' 48.594" E 3097 23° 47' 15.269" N 84° 18' 53.234" E 3098 23° 47' 15.847" N 84° 18' 54.678" E 3099 23° 47' 17.389" N 84° 18' 55.795" E 3100 23° 47' 19.431" N 84° 18' 55.075" E 3101 23° 47' 20.595" N 84° 18' 55.020" E 3102 23° 47' 21.679" N 84° 18' 55.291" E 3103 23° 47' 22.167" N 84° 18' 56.022" E 3104 23° 47' 23.218" N 84° 18' 55.954" E 3105 23° 47' 25.263" N 84° 18' 54.535" E 3106 23° 42' 10.714" N 84° 7' 38.255" E 3107 23° 42' 9.906" N 84° 7' 36.858" E 3108 23° 42' 8.784" N 84° 7' 35.749" E 3109 23° 42' 6.657" N 84° 7' 33.487" E

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3110 23° 42' 4.677" N 84° 7' 31.714" E 3111 23° 42' 2.393" N 84° 7' 31.194" E 3112 23° 42' 0.573" N 84° 7' 30.601" E 3113 23° 41' 58.355" N 84° 7' 29.972" E 3114 23° 41' 56.029" N 84° 7' 29.664" E 3115 23° 41' 49.092" N 84° 7' 29.305" E 3116 23° 41' 43.885" N 84° 7' 30.542" E 3117 23° 41' 40.740" N 84° 7' 29.032" E 3118 23° 41' 36.782" N 84° 7' 27.708" E 3119 23° 41' 34.243" N 84° 7' 24.911" E 3120 23° 41' 31.973" N 84° 7' 20.535" E 3121 23° 41' 29.115" N 84° 7' 16.145" E 3122 23° 41' 27.641" N 84° 7' 13.660" E 3123 23° 41' 26.602" N 84° 7' 11.161" E 3124 23° 41' 26.321" N 84° 7' 9.379" E 3125 23° 41' 26.266" N 84° 7' 9.114" E 3126 23° 41' 27.442" N 84° 7' 6.128" E 3127 23° 41' 27.928" N 84° 7' 5.026" E 3128 23° 41' 28.461" N 84° 7' 2.627" E 3129 23° 41' 29.321" N 84° 7' 0.878" E 3130 23° 41' 29.647" N 84° 6' 59.692" E 3131 23° 41' 30.098" N 84° 6' 56.406" E 3132 23° 41' 30.251" N 84° 6' 53.615" E 3133 23° 41' 30.220" N 84° 6' 52.544" E 3134 23° 41' 29.983" N 84° 6' 50.495" E 3135 23° 41' 29.508" N 84° 6' 47.138" E 3136 23° 41' 29.272" N 84° 6' 43.763" E 3137 23° 41' 29.231" N 84° 6' 42.313" E 3138 23° 41' 30.651" N 84° 6' 41.168" E 3139 23° 41' 31.662" N 84° 6' 40.036" E 3140 23° 41' 32.419" N 84° 6' 38.777" E 3141 23° 41' 33.477" N 84° 6' 37.575" E 3142 23° 41' 34.026" N 84° 6' 36.300" E 3143 23° 41' 34.575" N 84° 6' 35.615" E 3144 23° 41' 36.161" N 84° 6' 34.434" E 3145 23° 41' 37.728" N 84° 6' 33.694" E 3146 23° 41' 38.615" N 84° 6' 33.079" E 3147 23° 41' 39.255" N 84° 6' 32.339" E 3148 23° 41' 39.705" N 84° 6' 31.031" E 3149 23° 41' 40.206" N 84° 6' 29.823" E 3150 23° 41' 42.530" N 84° 6' 27.743" E

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3151 23° 41' 43.154" N 84° 6' 27.274" E 3152 23° 41' 44.554" N 84° 6' 25.623" E 3153 23° 41' 44.586" N 84° 6' 24.862" E 3154 23° 41' 44.829" N 84° 6' 22.000" E 3155 23° 41' 45.688" N 84° 6' 20.092" E 3156 23° 41' 46.358" N 84° 6' 18.087" E 3157 23° 41' 46.419" N 84° 6' 16.522" E 3158 23° 41' 46.681" N 84° 6' 14.873" E 3159 23° 41' 46.338" N 84° 6' 13.278" E 3160 23° 41' 45.729" N 84° 6' 11.089" E 3161 23° 41' 45.845" N 84° 6' 10.560" E 3162 23° 41' 46.520" N 84° 6' 9.846" E 3163 23° 41' 48.237" N 84° 6' 8.385" E 3164 23° 41' 49.384" N 84° 6' 7.758" E 3165 23° 41' 50.491" N 84° 6' 6.744" E 3166 23° 41' 52.513" N 84° 6' 4.772" E 3167 23° 41' 54.805" N 84° 6' 2.512" E 3168 23° 41' 56.317" N 84° 6' 1.159" E 3169 23° 41' 57.374" N 84° 6' 0.154" E 3170 23° 41' 58.327" N 84° 5' 59.768" E 3171 23° 42' 0.560" N 84° 6' 0.147" E 3172 23° 42' 3.560" N 84° 6' 0.234" E 3173 23° 42' 5.451" N 84° 5' 59.957" E 3174 23° 42' 6.604" N 84° 6' 0.237" E 3175 23° 42' 9.306" N 84° 6' 1.643" E 3176 23° 42' 11.079" N 84° 6' 2.392" E 3177 23° 42' 11.541" N 84° 6' 2.490" E 3178 23° 42' 12.454" N 84° 6' 2.465" E 3179 23° 42' 14.341" N 84° 6' 2.063" E 3180 23° 42' 16.587" N 84° 6' 1.857" E 3181 23° 42' 18.495" N 84° 6' 1.810" E 3182 23° 42' 20.822" N 84° 6' 1.783" E 3183 23° 42' 23.288" N 84° 6' 1.603" E 3184 23° 42' 24.767" N 84° 6' 1.578" E 3185 23° 42' 26.920" N 84° 6' 1.927" E 3186 23° 42' 28.484" N 84° 6' 1.943" E 3187 23° 42' 28.649" N 84° 6' 2.453" E 3188 23° 42' 28.722" N 84° 6' 3.262" E 3189 23° 42' 28.415" N 84° 6' 5.994" E 3190 23° 42' 28.401" N 84° 6' 6.228" E 3191 23° 42' 28.958" N 84° 6' 6.373" E

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3192 23° 42' 29.090" N 84° 6' 6.599" E 3193 23° 42' 28.654" N 84° 6' 9.309" E 3194 23° 42' 29.600" N 84° 6' 9.767" E 3195 23° 42' 29.935" N 84° 6' 9.976" E 3196 23° 42' 29.853" N 84° 6' 11.101" E 3197 23° 42' 30.069" N 84° 6' 11.832" E 3198 23° 42' 30.287" N 84° 6' 12.244" E 3199 23° 42' 29.821" N 84° 6' 14.536" E 3200 23° 42' 29.113" N 84° 6' 14.472" E 3201 23° 42' 28.801" N 84° 6' 16.233" E 3202 23° 42' 28.713" N 84° 6' 17.151" E 3203 23° 42' 28.650" N 84° 6' 18.433" E 3204 23° 42' 27.990" N 84° 6' 18.759" E 3205 23° 42' 27.179" N 84° 6' 21.069" E 3206 23° 42' 26.679" N 84° 6' 22.061" E 3207 23° 42' 26.854" N 84° 6' 23.150" E 3208 23° 42' 27.614" N 84° 6' 23.374" E 3209 23° 42' 27.927" N 84° 6' 23.950" E 3210 23° 42' 28.390" N 84° 6' 24.530" E 3211 23° 42' 28.313" N 84° 6' 25.793" E 3212 23° 42' 28.999" N 84° 6' 25.980" E 3213 23° 42' 29.070" N 84° 6' 28.795" E 3214 23° 42' 29.131" N 84° 6' 29.867" E 3215 23° 42' 29.181" N 84° 6' 31.080" E 3216 23° 42' 29.147" N 84° 6' 31.833" E 3217 23° 42' 28.789" N 84° 6' 32.479" E 3218 23° 42' 26.949" N 84° 6' 31.965" E 3219 23° 42' 25.399" N 84° 6' 31.456" E 3220 23° 42' 24.055" N 84° 6' 31.293" E 3221 23° 42' 23.611" N 84° 6' 31.863" E 3222 23° 42' 22.763" N 84° 6' 34.018" E 3223 23° 42' 21.653" N 84° 6' 34.189" E 3224 23° 42' 21.128" N 84° 6' 34.833" E 3225 23° 42' 20.880" N 84° 6' 36.008" E 3226 23° 42' 20.487" N 84° 6' 36.698" E 3227 23° 42' 20.171" N 84° 6' 38.075" E 3228 23° 42' 19.576" N 84° 6' 38.318" E 3229 23° 42' 18.501" N 84° 6' 38.204" E 3230 23° 42' 18.120" N 84° 6' 39.291" E 3231 23° 42' 17.447" N 84° 6' 40.287" E 3232 23° 42' 17.343" N 84° 6' 40.684" E

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3233 23° 42' 17.416" N 84° 6' 41.794" E 3234 23° 42' 17.945" N 84° 6' 46.404" E 3235 23° 42' 18.233" N 84° 6' 48.363" E 3236 23° 42' 20.240" N 84° 6' 50.277" E 3237 23° 42' 22.211" N 84° 6' 51.630" E 3238 23° 42' 23.185" N 84° 6' 52.352" E 3239 23° 42' 23.555" N 84° 6' 53.193" E 3240 23° 42' 24.265" N 84° 6' 52.110" E 3241 23° 42' 24.721" N 84° 6' 50.641" E 3242 23° 42' 25.038" N 84° 6' 49.081" E 3243 23° 42' 23.555" N 84° 6' 53.193" E 3244 23° 42' 23.512" N 84° 6' 53.274" E 3245 23° 42' 22.457" N 84° 6' 54.195" E 3246 23° 42' 21.204" N 84° 6' 55.202" E 3247 23° 42' 24.271" N 84° 7' 11.442" E 3248 23° 42' 25.127" N 84° 7' 12.307" E 3249 23° 42' 25.480" N 84° 7' 13.180" E 3250 23° 42' 26.096" N 84° 7' 15.037" E 3251 23° 42' 21.224" N 84° 6' 55.334" E 3252 23° 42' 21.022" N 84° 6' 56.142" E 3253 23° 42' 21.201" N 84° 6' 57.359" E 3254 23° 42' 21.246" N 84° 6' 57.418" E 3255 23° 42' 21.783" N 84° 6' 58.360" E 3256 23° 42' 21.833" N 84° 6' 59.080" E 3257 23° 42' 21.830" N 84° 6' 59.101" E 3258 23° 42' 21.708" N 84° 6' 59.866" E 3259 23° 42' 21.807" N 84° 7' 0.390" E 3260 23° 42' 22.229" N 84° 7' 0.836" E 3261 23° 42' 22.418" N 84° 7' 1.573" E 3262 23° 42' 22.510" N 84° 7' 2.586" E 3263 23° 42' 22.476" N 84° 7' 3.733" E 3264 23° 42' 22.455" N 84° 7' 4.245" E 3265 23° 42' 23.051" N 84° 7' 6.057" E 3266 23° 42' 23.399" N 84° 7' 7.452" E 3267 23° 42' 23.394" N 84° 7' 7.487" E 3268 23° 42' 24.173" N 84° 7' 10.410" E 3269 23° 42' 24.287" N 84° 7' 11.540" E 3270 23° 41' 52.204" N 84° 4' 9.768" E 3271 23° 41' 51.757" N 84° 4' 10.328" E 3272 23° 41' 50.995" N 84° 4' 12.540" E 3273 23° 41' 50.346" N 84° 4' 15.163" E

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3274 23° 41' 50.154" N 84° 4' 16.049" E 3275 23° 41' 50.115" N 84° 4' 17.183" E 3276 23° 41' 49.623" N 84° 4' 18.749" E 3277 23° 41' 49.193" N 84° 4' 20.001" E 3278 23° 41' 48.984" N 84° 4' 21.970" E 3279 23° 41' 48.886" N 84° 4' 23.633" E 3280 23° 41' 48.667" N 84° 4' 25.507" E 3281 23° 41' 50.551" N 84° 4' 27.173" E 3282 23° 41' 50.854" N 84° 4' 28.125" E 3283 23° 41' 51.020" N 84° 4' 29.792" E 3284 23° 41' 51.133" N 84° 4' 31.781" E 3285 23° 41' 50.543" N 84° 4' 33.940" E 3286 23° 41' 50.482" N 84° 4' 34.451" E 3287 23° 41' 51.305" N 84° 4' 35.895" E 3288 23° 41' 52.308" N 84° 4' 37.215" E 3289 23° 41' 52.881" N 84° 4' 38.611" E 3290 23° 41' 53.400" N 84° 4' 40.042" E 3291 23° 41' 53.314" N 84° 4' 41.169" E 3292 23° 41' 52.824" N 84° 4' 44.007" E 3293 23° 41' 52.440" N 84° 4' 45.068" E 3294 23° 41' 52.205" N 84° 4' 45.993" E 3295 23° 41' 52.494" N 84° 4' 47.183" E 3296 23° 41' 52.583" N 84° 4' 48.388" E 3297 23° 41' 52.867" N 84° 4' 49.306" E 3298 23° 41' 53.743" N 84° 4' 50.756" E 3299 23° 41' 54.501" N 84° 4' 51.672" E 3300 23° 41' 54.621" N 84° 4' 52.386" E 3301 23° 41' 54.460" N 84° 4' 54.551" E 3302 23° 41' 54.798" N 84° 4' 56.148" E 3303 23° 41' 55.136" N 84° 4' 56.851" E 3304 23° 41' 55.375" N 84° 4' 57.462" E 3305 23° 41' 55.115" N 84° 4' 58.357" E 3306 23° 41' 54.113" N 84° 4' 59.637" E 3307 23° 41' 53.449" N 84° 5' 0.426" E 3308 23° 41' 53.123" N 84° 5' 1.045" E 3309 23° 41' 52.776" N 84° 5' 2.348" E 3310 23° 41' 52.495" N 84° 5' 3.401" E 3311 23° 41' 52.638" N 84° 5' 4.893" E 3312 23° 41' 52.574" N 84° 5' 6.139" E 3313 23° 41' 52.122" N 84° 5' 7.252" E 3314 23° 41' 51.715" N 84° 5' 9.408" E

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3315 23° 41' 51.322" N 84° 5' 11.340" E 3316 23° 41' 51.038" N 84° 5' 12.028" E 3317 23° 41' 50.874" N 84° 5' 13.470" E 3318 23° 41' 50.632" N 84° 5' 14.473" E 3319 23° 41' 49.932" N 84° 5' 15.482" E 3320 23° 41' 49.102" N 84° 5' 16.146" E 3321 23° 41' 47.678" N 84° 5' 17.324" E 3322 23° 41' 46.500" N 84° 5' 18.520" E 3323 23° 41' 46.094" N 84° 5' 19.477" E 3324 23° 41' 45.287" N 84° 5' 21.246" E 3325 23° 41' 44.677" N 84° 5' 22.947" E 3326 23° 41' 43.629" N 84° 5' 24.711" E 3327 23° 41' 43.184" N 84° 5' 25.572" E 3328 23° 41' 43.333" N 84° 5' 27.152" E 3329 23° 41' 44.271" N 84° 5' 28.968" E 3330 23° 41' 44.541" N 84° 5' 29.918" E 3331 23° 41' 44.316" N 84° 5' 31.253" E 3332 23° 41' 43.187" N 84° 5' 32.888" E 3333 23° 41' 41.256" N 84° 5' 35.073" E 3334 23° 41' 40.183" N 84° 5' 36.538" E 3335 23° 41' 39.827" N 84° 5' 38.242" E 3336 23° 41' 40.026" N 84° 5' 39.813" E 3337 23° 41' 40.879" N 84° 5' 42.362" E 3338 23° 41' 42.467" N 84° 5' 45.322" E 3339 23° 41' 43.672" N 84° 5' 48.191" E 3340 23° 41' 44.454" N 84° 5' 50.179" E 3341 23° 41' 44.272" N 84° 5' 51.770" E 3342 23° 41' 44.377" N 84° 5' 53.532" E 3343 23° 41' 44.478" N 84° 5' 54.799" E 3344 23° 41' 44.527" N 84° 5' 54.769" E 3345 23° 41' 44.284" N 84° 5' 56.478" E 3346 23° 41' 43.461" N 84° 5' 58.489" E 3347 23° 41' 43.182" N 84° 5' 59.554" E 3348 23° 41' 43.547" N 84° 5' 59.937" E 3349 23° 41' 44.650" N 84° 6' 0.548" E 3350 23° 41' 44.754" N 84° 6' 1.224" E 3351 23° 41' 44.467" N 84° 6' 3.457" E 3352 23° 41' 44.523" N 84° 6' 4.322" E 3353 23° 41' 44.866" N 84° 6' 6.107" E 3354 23° 41' 44.663" N 84° 6' 7.518" E 3355 23° 41' 44.934" N 84° 6' 8.998" E

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3356 23° 41' 45.753" N 84° 6' 11.049" E 3357 23° 42' 32.509" N 84° 5' 44.073" E 3358 23° 42' 31.065" N 84° 5' 43.685" E 3359 23° 42' 30.283" N 84° 5' 43.565" E 3360 23° 42' 30.114" N 84° 5' 43.628" E 3361 23° 42' 29.611" N 84° 5' 46.820" E 3362 23° 42' 28.811" N 84° 5' 49.308" E 3363 23° 42' 28.270" N 84° 5' 49.947" E 3364 23° 42' 28.037" N 84° 5' 50.511" E 3365 23° 42' 28.204" N 84° 5' 54.290" E 3366 23° 42' 28.246" N 84° 5' 57.383" E 3367 23° 42' 28.655" N 84° 5' 59.369" E 3368 23° 42' 29.038" N 84° 6' 1.055" E 3369 23° 42' 29.020" N 84° 6' 1.351" E 3370 23° 42' 28.514" N 84° 6' 1.954" E 3371 23° 40' 49.428" N 84° 5' 49.289" E 3372 23° 40' 50.363" N 84° 5' 49.680" E 3373 23° 40' 51.369" N 84° 5' 49.789" E 3374 23° 40' 52.468" N 84° 5' 49.963" E 3375 23° 40' 53.133" N 84° 5' 50.076" E 3376 23° 40' 53.671" N 84° 5' 49.993" E 3377 23° 40' 54.176" N 84° 5' 49.524" E 3378 23° 40' 54.944" N 84° 5' 49.273" E 3379 23° 40' 56.333" N 84° 5' 48.833" E 3380 23° 40' 57.897" N 84° 5' 48.591" E 3381 23° 40' 39.393" N 84° 4' 23.198" E 3382 23° 40' 40.492" N 84° 4' 23.970" E 3383 23° 40' 40.003" N 84° 4' 25.786" E 3384 23° 40' 39.722" N 84° 4' 28.165" E 3385 23° 40' 41.028" N 84° 4' 28.807" E 3386 23° 40' 41.113" N 84° 4' 29.707" E 3387 23° 40' 41.055" N 84° 4' 32.220" E 3388 23° 40' 40.749" N 84° 4' 32.984" E 3389 23° 40' 40.229" N 84° 4' 34.347" E 3390 23° 40' 40.136" N 84° 4' 36.174" E 3391 23° 40' 40.875" N 84° 4' 37.216" E 3392 23° 40' 41.494" N 84° 4' 38.136" E 3393 23° 40' 41.846" N 84° 4' 39.022" E 3394 23° 40' 42.253" N 84° 4' 40.428" E 3395 23° 40' 42.814" N 84° 4' 41.656" E 3396 23° 40' 43.236" N 84° 4' 43.003" E

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3397 23° 40' 43.490" N 84° 4' 44.232" E 3398 23° 40' 43.745" N 84° 4' 45.383" E 3399 23° 40' 44.152" N 84° 4' 46.060" E 3400 23° 40' 44.973" N 84° 4' 47.111" E 3401 23° 40' 45.617" N 84° 4' 48.076" E 3402 23° 40' 46.159" N 84° 4' 48.700" E 3403 23° 40' 46.567" N 84° 4' 49.926" E 3404 23° 40' 46.843" N 84° 4' 51.673" E 3405 23° 40' 47.009" N 84° 4' 52.064" E 3406 23° 40' 47.013" N 84° 4' 53.086" E 3407 23° 40' 46.842" N 84° 4' 54.375" E 3408 23° 40' 46.950" N 84° 4' 54.846" E 3409 23° 40' 46.945" N 84° 4' 55.644" E 3410 23° 40' 46.724" N 84° 4' 56.298" E 3411 23° 40' 46.551" N 84° 4' 57.098" E 3412 23° 40' 46.569" N 84° 4' 58.376" E 3413 23° 40' 47.035" N 84° 4' 59.395" E 3414 23° 40' 48.148" N 84° 5' 0.534" E 3415 23° 40' 48.676" N 84° 5' 1.158" E 3416 23° 40' 48.551" N 84° 5' 2.416" E 3417 23° 40' 48.420" N 84° 5' 3.164" E 3418 23° 40' 48.280" N 84° 5' 3.780" E 3419 23° 40' 48.048" N 84° 5' 4.063" E 3420 23° 40' 47.516" N 84° 5' 4.356" E 3421 23° 40' 46.609" N 84° 5' 5.160" E 3422 23° 40' 45.793" N 84° 5' 6.385" E 3423 23° 40' 45.873" N 84° 5' 7.558" E 3424 23° 40' 46.162" N 84° 5' 8.443" E 3425 23° 40' 46.690" N 84° 5' 9.200" E 3426 23° 40' 49.313" N 84° 5' 56.360" E 3427 23° 40' 50.087" N 84° 5' 57.871" E 3428 23° 40' 50.855" N 84° 5' 59.442" E 3429 23° 40' 51.578" N 84° 6' 0.479" E 3430 23° 40' 52.305" N 84° 6' 1.844" E 3431 23° 40' 54.153" N 84° 6' 3.338" E 3432 23° 40' 55.657" N 84° 6' 4.075" E 3433 23° 40' 56.485" N 84° 6' 4.758" E 3434 23° 40' 56.668" N 84° 6' 5.355" E 3435 23° 40' 57.026" N 84° 6' 6.323" E 3436 23° 40' 58.113" N 84° 6' 7.623" E 3437 23° 40' 59.757" N 84° 6' 10.282" E

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3438 23° 41' 2.372" N 84° 6' 11.495" E 3439 23° 41' 4.964" N 84° 6' 12.039" E 3440 23° 41' 7.890" N 84° 6' 13.466" E 3441 23° 41' 10.557" N 84° 6' 15.523" E 3442 23° 41' 13.243" N 84° 6' 18.216" E 3443 23° 41' 14.263" N 84° 6' 19.723" E 3444 23° 41' 16.443" N 84° 6' 22.291" E 3445 23° 41' 18.293" N 84° 6' 22.702" E 3446 23° 41' 19.404" N 84° 6' 22.959" E 3447 23° 41' 20.029" N 84° 6' 24.464" E 3448 23° 41' 20.769" N 84° 6' 25.042" E 3449 23° 41' 22.390" N 84° 6' 24.684" E 3450 23° 41' 23.956" N 84° 6' 25.321" E 3451 23° 41' 24.971" N 84° 6' 26.459" E 3452 23° 41' 25.326" N 84° 6' 29.822" E 3453 23° 41' 25.533" N 84° 6' 30.798" E 3454 23° 41' 25.540" N 84° 6' 30.976" E 3455 23° 41' 26.366" N 84° 6' 32.865" E 3456 23° 41' 27.389" N 84° 6' 33.583" E 3457 23° 41' 28.666" N 84° 6' 33.563" E 3458 23° 41' 29.804" N 84° 6' 34.119" E 3459 23° 41' 30.833" N 84° 6' 35.488" E 3460 23° 41' 31.539" N 84° 6' 37.471" E 3461 23° 41' 32.378" N 84° 6' 38.918" E 3462 23° 40' 46.738" N 84° 5' 9.203" E 3463 23° 40' 46.735" N 84° 5' 9.882" E 3464 23° 40' 46.704" N 84° 5' 10.623" E 3465 23° 40' 47.091" N 84° 5' 11.706" E 3466 23° 40' 47.615" N 84° 5' 12.958" E 3467 23° 40' 48.355" N 84° 5' 14.305" E 3468 23° 40' 48.980" N 84° 5' 15.894" E 3469 23° 40' 49.336" N 84° 5' 16.849" E 3470 23° 40' 49.316" N 84° 5' 17.630" E 3471 23° 40' 49.394" N 84° 5' 18.486" E 3472 23° 40' 49.094" N 84° 5' 19.614" E 3473 23° 40' 48.308" N 84° 5' 20.609" E 3474 23° 40' 47.081" N 84° 5' 21.555" E 3475 23° 40' 46.262" N 84° 5' 22.800" E 3476 23° 40' 45.425" N 84° 5' 24.785" E 3477 23° 40' 45.460" N 84° 5' 26.508" E 3478 23° 40' 45.529" N 84° 5' 27.779" E

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3479 23° 40' 45.871" N 84° 5' 28.463" E 3480 23° 40' 47.372" N 84° 5' 28.964" E 3481 23° 40' 47.681" N 84° 5' 29.299" E 3482 23° 40' 47.787" N 84° 5' 30.613" E 3483 23° 40' 47.897" N 84° 5' 31.375" E 3484 23° 40' 47.962" N 84° 5' 32.473" E 3485 23° 40' 48.153" N 84° 5' 33.131" E 3486 23° 40' 47.840" N 84° 5' 34.906" E 3487 23° 40' 47.512" N 84° 5' 36.565" E 3488 23° 40' 47.390" N 84° 5' 37.880" E 3489 23° 40' 48.467" N 84° 5' 38.499" E 3490 23° 40' 49.146" N 84° 5' 39.655" E 3491 23° 40' 49.768" N 84° 5' 40.415" E 3492 23° 40' 50.452" N 84° 5' 42.260" E 3493 23° 40' 50.537" N 84° 5' 43.071" E 3494 23° 40' 49.927" N 84° 5' 44.772" E 3495 23° 40' 49.627" N 84° 5' 47.520" E 3496 23° 40' 49.672" N 84° 5' 47.998" E 3497 23° 40' 48.894" N 84° 5' 50.784" E 3498 23° 40' 48.771" N 84° 5' 51.658" E 3499 23° 40' 49.116" N 84° 5' 52.904" E 3500 23° 40' 48.995" N 84° 5' 54.439" E 3501 23° 40' 49.104" N 84° 5' 55.708" E 3502 23° 40' 49.320" N 84° 5' 56.410" E 3503 23° 43' 42.038" N 84° 0' 35.036" E 3504 23° 43' 39.909" N 84° 0' 36.839" E 3505 23° 43' 38.233" N 84° 0' 38.995" E 3506 23° 43' 37.782" N 84° 0' 40.574" E 3507 23° 43' 35.066" N 84° 0' 43.306" E 3508 23° 43' 34.268" N 84° 0' 49.493" E 3509 23° 43' 33.585" N 84° 0' 51.062" E 3510 23° 43' 32.844" N 84° 0' 51.535" E 3511 23° 43' 32.265" N 84° 0' 50.697" E 3512 23° 43' 31.027" N 84° 0' 51.474" E 3513 23° 43' 30.145" N 84° 0' 51.105" E 3514 23° 43' 28.682" N 84° 0' 51.913" E 3515 23° 43' 27.007" N 84° 0' 51.812" E 3516 23° 43' 25.807" N 84° 0' 53.015" E 3517 23° 43' 24.411" N 84° 0' 55.986" E 3518 23° 43' 24.674" N 84° 0' 59.952" E 3519 23° 43' 23.797" N 84° 1' 0.610" E

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3520 23° 43' 22.621" N 84° 1' 0.961" E 3521 23° 43' 21.199" N 84° 0' 59.426" E 3522 23° 43' 18.949" N 84° 1' 2.692" E 3523 23° 43' 18.369" N 84° 1' 4.598" E 3524 23° 43' 18.864" N 84° 1' 5.697" E 3525 23° 43' 18.033" N 84° 1' 6.663" E 3526 23° 43' 17.878" N 84° 1' 7.575" E 3527 23° 43' 18.705" N 84° 1' 8.542" E 3528 23° 43' 18.636" N 84° 1' 9.749" E 3529 23° 43' 18.157" N 84° 1' 10.948" E 3530 23° 43' 17.789" N 84° 1' 14.455" E 3531 23° 43' 18.982" N 84° 1' 14.945" E 3532 23° 43' 19.328" N 84° 1' 15.592" E 3533 23° 43' 19.446" N 84° 1' 19.544" E 3534 23° 43' 18.992" N 84° 1' 22.269" E 3535 23° 43' 18.525" N 84° 1' 23.132" E 3536 23° 43' 18.076" N 84° 1' 22.783" E 3537 23° 43' 17.434" N 84° 1' 20.558" E 3538 23° 43' 16.749" N 84° 1' 19.222" E 3539 23° 43' 15.602" N 84° 1' 18.569" E 3540 23° 43' 14.548" N 84° 1' 17.672" E 3541 23° 43' 11.623" N 84° 1' 17.501" E 3542 23° 43' 10.471" N 84° 1' 18.155" E 3543 23° 43' 9.764" N 84° 1' 17.636" E 3544 23° 43' 8.687" N 84° 1' 18.401" E 3545 23° 43' 9.473" N 84° 1' 19.110" E 3546 23° 43' 10.011" N 84° 1' 20.555" E 3547 23° 43' 9.302" N 84° 1' 23.044" E 3548 23° 43' 8.741" N 84° 1' 24.316" E 3549 23° 43' 7.624" N 84° 1' 24.388" E 3550 23° 43' 6.254" N 84° 1' 23.773" E 3551 23° 43' 5.997" N 84° 1' 25.035" E 3552 23° 43' 5.891" N 84° 1' 27.707" E 3553 23° 43' 6.830" N 84° 1' 27.949" E 3554 23° 43' 7.024" N 84° 1' 28.462" E 3555 23° 43' 6.659" N 84° 1' 29.108" E 3556 23° 43' 5.617" N 84° 1' 29.460" E 3557 23° 43' 5.081" N 84° 1' 30.085" E 3558 23° 43' 3.623" N 84° 1' 30.777" E 3559 23° 43' 0.370" N 84° 1' 34.743" E 3560 23° 42' 59.357" N 84° 1' 37.180" E

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3561 23° 42' 59.869" N 84° 1' 38.797" E 3562 23° 42' 58.935" N 84° 1' 39.961" E 3563 23° 42' 57.713" N 84° 1' 40.457" E 3564 23° 42' 57.114" N 84° 1' 41.810" E 3565 23° 42' 53.846" N 84° 1' 43.479" E 3566 23° 42' 52.610" N 84° 1' 46.163" E 3567 23° 42' 48.474" N 84° 1' 48.223" E 3568 23° 42' 46.203" N 84° 1' 47.803" E 3569 23° 42' 44.563" N 84° 1' 49.362" E 3570 23° 42' 42.774" N 84° 1' 52.533" E 3571 23° 42' 41.745" N 84° 1' 52.800" E 3572 23° 42' 41.396" N 84° 1' 53.764" E 3573 23° 42' 40.566" N 84° 1' 54.327" E 3574 23° 42' 36.914" N 84° 1' 54.604" E 3575 23° 42' 36.345" N 84° 1' 54.856" E 3576 23° 42' 35.218" N 84° 1' 55.889" E 3577 23° 42' 34.512" N 84° 1' 56.109" E 3578 23° 42' 30.983" N 84° 1' 57.826" E 3579 23° 42' 30.377" N 84° 1' 57.722" E 3580 23° 42' 29.111" N 84° 1' 55.609" E 3581 23° 42' 28.113" N 84° 1' 55.196" E 3582 23° 42' 26.563" N 84° 1' 53.214" E 3583 23° 42' 25.811" N 84° 1' 53.382" E 3584 23° 42' 25.018" N 84° 1' 54.662" E 3585 23° 42' 24.605" N 84° 1' 54.871" E 3586 23° 42' 23.458" N 84° 1' 54.585" E 3587 23° 42' 23.020" N 84° 1' 53.892" E 3588 23° 42' 22.379" N 84° 1' 52.187" E 3589 23° 42' 21.788" N 84° 1' 52.225" E 3590 23° 42' 21.882" N 84° 1' 51.551" E 3591 23° 42' 21.447" N 84° 1' 51.454" E 3592 23° 42' 20.665" N 84° 1' 51.998" E 3593 23° 42' 19.280" N 84° 1' 54.200" E 3594 23° 42' 18.264" N 84° 1' 56.290" E 3595 23° 42' 17.740" N 84° 2' 0.656" E 3596 23° 42' 17.291" N 84° 2' 1.905" E 3597 23° 42' 17.072" N 84° 2' 4.112" E 3598 23° 42' 16.740" N 84° 2' 5.289" E 3599 23° 42' 15.678" N 84° 2' 6.026" E 3600 23° 42' 15.093" N 84° 2' 6.237" E 3601 23° 42' 14.465" N 84° 2' 5.983" E

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3602 23° 42' 12.401" N 84° 2' 5.568" E 3603 23° 42' 11.826" N 84° 2' 5.025" E 3604 23° 42' 10.727" N 84° 2' 4.808" E 3605 23° 45' 22.397" N 84° 1' 18.367" E 3606 23° 45' 22.364" N 84° 1' 18.563" E 3607 23° 45' 22.577" N 84° 1' 18.930" E 3608 23° 45' 23.476" N 84° 1' 19.596" E 3609 23° 45' 24.020" N 84° 1' 19.982" E 3610 23° 45' 24.686" N 84° 1' 20.454" E 3611 23° 45' 25.233" N 84° 1' 20.823" E 3612 23° 45' 25.924" N 84° 1' 21.201" E 3613 23° 45' 26.710" N 84° 1' 21.630" E 3614 23° 45' 27.176" N 84° 1' 22.459" E 3615 23° 45' 28.515" N 84° 1' 23.773" E 3616 23° 45' 28.467" N 84° 1' 24.890" E 3617 23° 45' 28.570" N 84° 1' 26.315" E 3618 23° 45' 29.099" N 84° 1' 27.834" E 3619 23° 45' 29.244" N 84° 1' 28.399" E 3620 23° 45' 29.123" N 84° 1' 29.430" E 3621 23° 45' 28.927" N 84° 1' 30.569" E 3622 23° 45' 28.423" N 84° 1' 32.379" E 3623 23° 45' 28.069" N 84° 1' 32.709" E 3624 23° 45' 27.605" N 84° 1' 32.964" E 3625 23° 45' 27.355" N 84° 1' 33.541" E 3626 23° 45' 27.494" N 84° 1' 33.852" E 3627 23° 45' 28.201" N 84° 1' 34.399" E 3628 23° 45' 28.738" N 84° 1' 34.862" E 3629 23° 45' 30.139" N 84° 1' 36.294" E 3630 23° 45' 30.453" N 84° 1' 37.081" E 3631 23° 45' 30.536" N 84° 1' 37.764" E 3632 23° 45' 30.596" N 84° 1' 39.545" E 3633 23° 45' 30.450" N 84° 1' 42.201" E 3634 23° 45' 30.435" N 84° 1' 44.887" E 3635 23° 45' 30.439" N 84° 1' 45.290" E 3636 23° 45' 30.762" N 84° 1' 46.791" E 3637 23° 45' 30.952" N 84° 1' 47.208" E 3638 23° 45' 30.965" N 84° 1' 48.774" E 3639 23° 45' 31.047" N 84° 1' 49.423" E 3640 23° 45' 31.616" N 84° 1' 50.108" E 3641 23° 45' 33.767" N 84° 1' 51.615" E 3642 23° 45' 34.171" N 84° 1' 52.153" E

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3643 23° 45' 34.280" N 84° 1' 52.510" E 3644 23° 45' 33.790" N 84° 1' 54.508" E 3645 23° 45' 32.926" N 84° 1' 56.397" E 3646 23° 45' 30.775" N 84° 2' 0.084" E 3647 23° 45' 28.782" N 84° 2' 2.218" E 3648 23° 45' 27.289" N 84° 2' 3.873" E 3649 23° 45' 26.140" N 84° 2' 5.825" E 3650 23° 45' 25.902" N 84° 2' 8.211" E 3651 23° 45' 26.127" N 84° 2' 9.162" E 3652 23° 45' 26.560" N 84° 2' 9.768" E 3653 23° 45' 27.441" N 84° 2' 10.492" E 3654 23° 45' 27.805" N 84° 2' 11.132" E 3655 23° 45' 27.906" N 84° 2' 12.074" E 3656 23° 45' 27.048" N 84° 2' 16.542" E 3657 23° 45' 27.684" N 84° 2' 13.772" E 3658 23° 45' 27.540" N 84° 2' 18.753" E 3659 23° 45' 27.769" N 84° 2' 21.625" E 3660 23° 45' 24.921" N 84° 2' 30.404" E 3661 23° 45' 24.505" N 84° 2' 35.855" E 3662 23° 45' 23.830" N 84° 2' 38.963" E 3663 23° 45' 23.520" N 84° 2' 41.106" E 3664 23° 45' 23.421" N 84° 2' 42.495" E 3665 23° 45' 23.309" N 84° 2' 44.064" E 3666 23° 45' 23.148" N 84° 2' 45.548" E 3667 23° 45' 23.098" N 84° 2' 45.884" E 3668 23° 45' 22.816" N 84° 2' 46.485" E 3669 23° 45' 22.481" N 84° 2' 46.670" E 3670 23° 45' 21.522" N 84° 2' 46.512" E 3671 23° 45' 21.135" N 84° 2' 46.733" E 3672 23° 45' 17.530" N 84° 2' 50.629" E 3673 23° 47' 47.100" N 84° 5' 16.200" E 3674 23° 47' 57.200" N 84° 5' 23.400" E 3675 23° 48' 6.600" N 84° 5' 24.200" E 3676 23° 48' 10.200" N 84° 5' 23.500" E 3677 23° 48' 14.500" N 84° 5' 25.400" E 3678 23° 48' 19.400" N 84° 5' 27.000" E 3679 23° 48' 25.300" N 84° 5' 27.600" E 3680 23° 48' 29.400" N 84° 5' 26.600" E 3681 23° 48' 31.700" N 84° 5' 24.900" E 3682 23° 48' 32.400" N 84° 5' 23.400" E 3683 23° 48' 30.900" N 84° 5' 20.300" E

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3684 23° 48' 31.500" N 84° 5' 18.600" E 3685 23° 48' 33.900" N 84° 5' 17.900" E 3686 23° 48' 40.300" N 84° 5' 19.500" E 3687 23° 48' 46.900" N 84° 5' 19.800" E 3688 23° 48' 56.800" N 84° 5' 24.600" E 3689 23° 49' 3.100" N 84° 5' 24.600" E 3690 23° 49' 6.400" N 84° 5' 25.800" E 3691 23° 49' 7.900" N 84° 5' 28.500" E 3692 23° 49' 11.800" N 84° 5' 29.700" E 3693 23° 49' 13.900" N 84° 5' 31.000" E 3694 23° 49' 16.000" N 84° 5' 30.800" E 3695 23° 49' 19.900" N 84° 5' 28.200" E 3696 23° 49' 23.200" N 84° 5' 31.300" E 3697 23° 49' 25.300" N 84° 5' 36.400" E 3698 23° 49' 27.800" N 84° 5' 39.100" E 3699 23° 49' 33.100" N 84° 5' 43.000" E 3700 23° 49' 40.100" N 84° 5' 44.900" E 3701 23° 49' 43.100" N 84° 5' 44.400" E 3702 23° 49' 46.000" N 84° 5' 42.800" E 3703 23° 49' 49.800" N 84° 5' 41.500" E 3704 23° 49' 51.600" N 84° 5' 41.900" E 3705 23° 49' 56.500" N 84° 5' 44.900" E 3706 23° 49' 57.700" N 84° 5' 46.400" E 3707 23° 49' 58.800" N 84° 5' 49.400" E 3708 23° 49' 50.600" N 84° 5' 53.700" E 3709 23° 50' 11.700" N 84° 5' 56.700" E 3710 23° 50' 15.900" N 84° 5' 56.000" E 3711 23° 50' 20.400" N 84° 5' 59.300" E 3712 23° 50' 22.400" N 84° 6' 7.700" E 3713 23° 50' 21.600" N 84° 6' 13.700" E 3714 23° 50' 24.000" N 84° 6' 17.500" E 3715 23° 50' 28.400" N 84° 6' 22.000" E 3716 23° 50' 35.700" N 84° 6' 26.600" E 3717 23° 50' 38.500" N 84° 6' 27.700" E 3718 23° 50' 57.000" N 84° 6' 23.000" E 3719 23° 40' 28.200" N 83° 58' 48.300" E 3720 23° 40' 27.500" N 83° 58' 47.400" E 3721 23° 40' 26.100" N 83° 58' 39.300" E 3722 23° 40' 25.400" N 83° 58' 38.300" E 3723 23° 40' 24.200" N 83° 58' 38.000" E 3724 23° 40' 20.800" N 83° 58' 38.500" E

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3725 23° 40' 19.700" N 83° 58' 39.000" E 3726 23° 40' 16.700" N 83° 58' 38.400" E 3727 23° 40' 16.400" N 83° 58' 37.600" E 3728 23° 40' 17.200" N 83° 58' 38.500" E 3729 23° 40' 16.500" N 83° 58' 34.300" E 3730 23° 40' 14.400" N 83° 58' 32.900" E 3731 23° 40' 11.200" N 83° 58' 31.200" E 3732 23° 40' 6.700" N 83° 58' 29.900" E 3733 23° 40' 4.600" N 83° 58' 29.700" E 3734 23° 40' 2.300" N 83° 58' 27.500" E 3735 23° 39' 59.600" N 83° 58' 26.000" E 3736 23° 39' 58.100" N 83° 58' 23.600" E 3737 23° 39' 56.900" N 83° 58' 20.700" E 3738 23° 39' 56.700" N 83° 58' 18.400" E 3739 23° 39' 56.700" N 83° 58' 17.700" E 3740 23° 39' 57.600" N 83° 58' 16.400" E 3741 23° 39' 56.400" N 83° 58' 10.900" E 3742 23° 39' 54.900" N 83° 57' 58.700" E 3743 23° 39' 55.800" N 83° 57' 55.500" E 3744 23° 39' 57.500" N 83° 57' 52.500" E 3745 23° 39' 59.100" N 83° 57' 49.900" E 3746 23° 39' 59.400" N 83° 57' 48.400" E 3747 23° 39' 59.000" N 83° 57' 47.400" E 3748 23° 39' 58.000" N 83° 57' 47.100" E 3749 23° 39' 56.700" N 83° 57' 47.400" E 3750 23° 39' 56.200" N 83° 57' 38.500" E 3751 23° 39' 55.700" N 83° 57' 32.100" E 3752 23° 39' 48.400" N 83° 57' 44.400" E 3753 23° 39' 46.100" N 83° 57' 43.900" E 3754 23° 39' 40.600" N 83° 57' 42.900" E 3755 23° 39' 39.800" N 83° 57' 42.700" E 3756 23° 39' 35.800" N 83° 57' 40.400" E 3757 23° 39' 33.700" N 83° 57' 38.600" E 3758 23° 39' 28.700" N 83° 57' 36.700" E 3759 23° 39' 27.500" N 83° 57' 36.100" E 3760 23° 39' 23.800" N 83° 57' 34.100" E 3761 23° 39' 21.900" N 83° 57' 34.000" E 3762 23° 39' 19.000" N 83° 57' 35.100" E 3763 23° 39' 17.500" N 83° 57' 37.700" E 3764 23° 39' 15.600" N 83° 57' 41.400" E 3765 23° 39' 15.100" N 83° 57' 41.800" E

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3766 23° 39' 11.300" N 83° 57' 42.300" E 3767 23° 39' 8.100" N 83° 57' 41.300" E 3768 23° 39' 7.400" N 83° 57' 40.100" E 3769 23° 39' 6.200" N 83° 57' 40.600" E 3770 23° 39' 3.700" N 83° 57' 40.800" E 3771 23° 39' 1.000" N 83° 57' 39.400" E 3772 23° 38' 57.200" N 83° 57' 36.100" E 3773 23° 38' 54.700" N 83° 57' 32.500" E 3774 23° 38' 54.400" N 83° 57' 29.900" E 3775 23° 38' 55.200" N 83° 57' 15.000" E 3776 23° 38' 56.000" N 83° 57' 6.300" E 3777 23° 38' 55.900" N 83° 57' 3.700" E 3778 23° 38' 54.800" N 83° 56' 58.600" E 3779 23° 38' 54.700" N 83° 56' 56.200" E 3780 23° 38' 53.400" N 83° 56' 47.100" E 3781 23° 38' 51.900" N 83° 56' 38.900" E 3782 23° 38' 50.400" N 83° 56' 34.500" E 3783 23° 38' 45.500" N 83° 56' 19.800" E 3784 23° 38' 45.300" N 83° 56' 17.100" E 3785 23° 38' 44.700" N 83° 56' 14.600" E 3786 23° 38' 43.500" N 83° 56' 14.300" E 3787 23° 38' 42.000" N 83° 56' 13.000" E 3788 23° 38' 40.400" N 83° 56' 6.800" E 3789 23° 38' 39.900" N 83° 56' 3.600" E 3790 23° 38' 38.800" N 83° 55' 59.000" E 3791 23° 38' 38.600" N 83° 55' 56.500" E 3792 23° 38' 38.200" N 83° 55' 55.200" E 3793 23° 38' 37.000" N 83° 55' 52.100" E 3794 23° 38' 36.800" N 83° 55' 51.300" E 3795 23° 38' 35.800" N 83° 55' 49.700" E 3796 23° 38' 35.300" N 83° 55' 45.000" E 3797 23° 38' 32.200" N 83° 55' 38.300" E 3798 23° 38' 31.500" N 83° 55' 33.600" E 3799 23° 38' 31.400" N 83° 55' 30.500" E 3800 23° 38' 30.100" N 83° 55' 26.500" E 3801 23° 38' 28.900" N 83° 55' 22.000" E 3802 23° 38' 29.100" N 83° 55' 19.200" E 3803 23° 38' 29.600" N 83° 55' 16.700" E 3804 23° 38' 28.500" N 83° 55' 13.300" E 3805 23° 38' 28.500" N 83° 55' 11.900" E 3806 23° 38' 27.900" N 83° 55' 10.900" E

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3807 23° 38' 28.300" N 83° 55' 9.200" E 3808 23° 38' 28.100" N 83° 55' 5.500" E 3809 23° 38' 27.600" N 83° 55' 0.900" E 3810 23° 38' 26.500" N 83° 54' 58.500" E 3811 23° 38' 26.300" N 83° 54' 54.500" E 3812 23° 38' 25.100" N 83° 54' 51.200" E 3813 23° 38' 25.100" N 83° 54' 48.600" E 3814 23° 38' 24.300" N 83° 54' 47.000" E 3815 23° 38' 23.300" N 83° 54' 46.300" E 3816 23° 38' 20.400" N 83° 54' 46.600" E 3817 23° 38' 18.000" N 83° 54' 44.200" E 3818 23° 38' 17.500" N 83° 54' 42.700" E 3819 23° 38' 16.800" N 83° 54' 41.900" E 3820 23° 38' 18.700" N 83° 54' 42.000" E 3821 23° 38' 18.500" N 83° 54' 39.500" E 3822 23° 38' 16.500" N 83° 54' 37.800" E 3823 23° 38' 16.000" N 83° 54' 34.400" E 3824 23° 38' 14.400" N 83° 54' 33.300" E 3825 23° 38' 15.000" N 83° 54' 30.100" E 3826 23° 38' 14.300" N 83° 54' 26.500" E 3827 23° 38' 13.300" N 83° 54' 24.600" E 3828 23° 38' 13.100" N 83° 54' 23.000" E 3829 23° 38' 9.100" N 83° 54' 19.100" E 3830 23° 38' 7.900" N 83° 54' 15.500" E 3831 23° 38' 7.500" N 83° 54' 13.800" E 3832 23° 38' 5.300" N 83° 54' 10.200" E 3833 23° 38' 5.100" N 83° 54' 8.500" E 3834 23° 37' 56.600" N 83° 54' 7.000" E 3835 23° 37' 53.300" N 83° 54' 7.300" E 3836 23° 37' 50.900" N 83° 54' 7.100" E 3837 23° 37' 49.400" N 83° 54' 8.200" E 3838 23° 37' 45.400" N 83° 54' 6.500" E 3839 23° 37' 41.300" N 83° 54' 6.900" E 3840 23° 37' 38.500" N 83° 54' 13.900" E 3841 23° 37' 34.800" N 83° 54' 16.200" E 3842 23° 37' 31.700" N 83° 54' 19.300" E 3843 23° 37' 28.800" N 83° 54' 26.100" E 3844 23° 37' 24.500" N 83° 54' 28.600" E 3845 23° 37' 23.300" N 83° 54' 25.500" E 3846 23° 37' 20.500" N 83° 54' 21.600" E 3847 23° 37' 16.100" N 83° 54' 19.600" E

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3848 23° 37' 10.700" N 83° 54' 18.100" E 3849 23° 37' 8.500" N 83° 54' 20.700" E 3850 23° 37' 1.700" N 83° 54' 18.800" E 3851 23° 37' 0.300" N 83° 54' 17.100" E 3852 23° 36' 58.400" N 83° 54' 17.700" E 3853 23° 36' 55.900" N 83° 54' 18.500" E 3854 23° 36' 51.800" N 83° 54' 18.800" E 3855 23° 36' 50.500" N 83° 54' 18.700" E 3856 23° 37' 9.100" N 83° 54' 21.400" E 3857 23° 37' 9.300" N 83° 54' 26.600" E 3858 23° 37' 11.700" N 83° 54' 31.300" E 3859 23° 37' 12.200" N 83° 54' 34.800" E 3860 23° 37' 12.800" N 83° 54' 36.700" E 3861 23° 37' 13.200" N 83° 54' 43.400" E 3862 23° 37' 14.200" N 83° 54' 45.000" E 3863 23° 37' 19.000" N 83° 54' 46.900" E 3864 23° 37' 17.800" N 83° 54' 51.900" E 3865 23° 37' 17.600" N 83° 54' 54.900" E 3866 23° 37' 20.000" N 83° 54' 53.600" E 3867 23° 37' 21.000" N 83° 54' 55.100" E 3868 23° 37' 20.700" N 83° 54' 57.500" E 3869 23° 37' 21.500" N 83° 54' 58.500" E 3870 23° 37' 21.900" N 83° 55' 2.700" E 3871 23° 37' 22.500" N 83° 55' 8.600" E 3872 23° 37' 22.100" N 83° 55' 12.400" E 3873 23° 37' 22.200" N 83° 55' 18.200" E 3874 23° 37' 22.100" N 83° 55' 21.200" E 3875 23° 37' 21.900" N 83° 55' 27.300" E 3876 23° 37' 22.300" N 83° 55' 29.600" E 3877 23° 37' 23.300" N 83° 55' 34.600" E 3878 23° 37' 24.700" N 83° 55' 35.000" E 3879 23° 37' 26.200" N 83° 55' 37.600" E 3880 23° 37' 24.900" N 83° 55' 40.000" E 3881 23° 37' 27.600" N 83° 55' 43.500" E 3882 23° 37' 30.100" N 83° 55' 45.000" E 3883 23° 37' 33.000" N 83° 55' 44.100" E 3884 23° 37' 35.100" N 83° 55' 44.000" E 3885 23° 37' 37.000" N 83° 55' 45.900" E 3886 23° 37' 37.300" N 83° 55' 48.600" E 3887 23° 37' 36.700" N 83° 55' 51.100" E 3888 23° 37' 36.900" N 83° 55' 53.100" E

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3889 23° 37' 38.900" N 83° 55' 54.600" E 3890 23° 37' 40.800" N 83° 55' 56.100" E 3891 23° 37' 42.700" N 83° 55' 59.300" E 3892 23° 37' 43.500" N 83° 56' 0.900" E 3893 23° 37' 42.100" N 83° 56' 4.600" E 3894 23° 37' 42.700" N 83° 56' 9.800" E 3895 23° 37' 42.100" N 83° 56' 12.900" E 3896 23° 37' 42.500" N 83° 56' 15.100" E 3897 23° 37' 42.500" N 83° 56' 17.000" E 3898 23° 37' 44.500" N 83° 56' 17.700" E 3899 23° 37' 45.000" N 83° 56' 18.900" E 3900 23° 37' 44.700" N 83° 56' 21.800" E 3901 23° 37' 43.900" N 83° 56' 24.300" E 3902 23° 37' 43.400" N 83° 56' 25.600" E 3903 23° 37' 42.400" N 83° 56' 27.700" E 3904 23° 41' 33.900" N 83° 58' 37.000" E 3905 23° 41' 34.100" N 83° 58' 34.600" E 3906 23° 41' 38.500" N 83° 58' 28.400" E 3907 23° 41' 40.000" N 83° 58' 24.500" E 3908 23° 41' 40.600" N 83° 58' 23.000" E 3909 23° 41' 40.900" N 83° 58' 21.000" E 3910 23° 41' 41.800" N 83° 58' 19.400" E 3911 23° 41' 41.800" N 83° 58' 14.700" E 3912 23° 41' 43.000" N 83° 58' 12.700" E 3913 23° 41' 44.900" N 83° 58' 11.500" E 3914 23° 41' 45.400" N 83° 58' 9.100" E 3915 23° 41' 44.500" N 83° 58' 7.500" E 3916 23° 41' 41.300" N 83° 58' 4.800" E 3917 23° 41' 34.000" N 83° 58' 4.600" E 3918 23° 41' 30.300" N 83° 58' 3.800" E 3919 23° 41' 26.300" N 83° 58' 2.100" E 3920 23° 41' 25.100" N 83° 57' 59.000" E 3921 23° 41' 24.500" N 83° 57' 57.900" E 3922 23° 41' 23.700" N 83° 57' 54.400" E 3923 23° 41' 21.500" N 83° 57' 47.500" E 3924 23° 41' 19.600" N 83° 57' 45.400" E 3925 23° 41' 20.000" N 83° 57' 37.800" E 3926 23° 41' 19.700" N 83° 57' 35.400" E 3927 23° 41' 18.700" N 83° 57' 31.100" E 3928 23° 41' 19.400" N 83° 57' 25.700" E 3929 23° 41' 19.500" N 83° 57' 18.900" E

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3930 23° 41' 19.600" N 83° 57' 8.500" E 3931 23° 41' 18.500" N 83° 57' 6.100" E 3932 23° 41' 17.500" N 83° 57' 4.800" E 3933 23° 41' 15.000" N 83° 57' 2.900" E 3934 23° 41' 14.600" N 83° 57' 0.000" E 3935 23° 41' 13.700" N 83° 56' 51.600" E 3936 23° 41' 12.900" N 83° 56' 48.400" E 3937 23° 41' 11.800" N 83° 56' 47.100" E 3938 23° 41' 8.600" N 83° 56' 46.900" E 3939 23° 41' 5.400" N 83° 56' 46.000" E 3940 23° 41' 3.200" N 83° 56' 44.400" E 3941 23° 41' 1.400" N 83° 56' 42.400" E 3942 23° 41' 0.700" N 83° 56' 40.200" E 3943 23° 41' 0.800" N 83° 56' 39.000" E 3944 23° 41' 0.400" N 83° 56' 35.200" E 3945 23° 41' 0.400" N 83° 56' 33.400" E 3946 23° 41' 0.700" N 83° 56' 30.900" E 3947 23° 41' 0.000" N 83° 56' 29.100" E 3948 23° 41' 1.300" N 83° 56' 25.100" E 3949 23° 41' 3.800" N 83° 56' 22.100" E 3950 23° 41' 7.500" N 83° 56' 17.000" E 3951 23° 41' 8.800" N 83° 56' 13.700" E 3952 23° 41' 9.500" N 83° 56' 9.100" E 3953 23° 41' 10.700" N 83° 56' 3.600" E 3954 23° 41' 10.700" N 83° 56' 0.800" E 3955 23° 41' 9.500" N 83° 55' 58.000" E 3956 23° 41' 8.100" N 83° 55' 57.400" E 3957 23° 41' 4.100" N 83° 55' 58.000" E 3958 23° 40' 54.700" N 83° 55' 56.300" E 3959 23° 40' 52.300" N 83° 55' 56.500" E 3960 23° 40' 43.000" N 83° 55' 57.200" E 3961 23° 40' 38.000" N 83° 55' 59.900" E 3962 23° 40' 33.600" N 83° 56' 2.100" E 3963 23° 40' 26.800" N 83° 56' 0.100" E 3964 23° 40' 30.100" N 83° 55' 47.300" E 3965 23° 40' 30.500" N 83° 55' 41.200" E 3966 23° 40' 32.000" N 83° 55' 36.600" E 3967 23° 40' 35.100" N 83° 55' 34.200" E 3968 23° 40' 40.000" N 83° 55' 31.000" E 3969 23° 40' 44.400" N 83° 55' 23.200" E 3970 23° 40' 47.400" N 83° 55' 20.800" E

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3971 23° 40' 47.900" N 83° 55' 15.200" E 3972 23° 40' 48.600" N 83° 55' 12.100" E 3973 23° 40' 49.200" N 83° 55' 7.400" E 3974 23° 40' 50.300" N 83° 55' 5.600" E 3975 23° 40' 52.400" N 83° 55' 3.900" E 3976 23° 40' 56.100" N 83° 54' 59.100" E 3977 23° 41' 0.800" N 83° 54' 49.000" E 3978 23° 41' 3.400" N 83° 54' 48.300" E 3979 23° 41' 8.500" N 83° 54' 44.400" E 3980 23° 41' 9.800" N 83° 54' 40.800" E 3981 23° 41' 12.200" N 83° 54' 37.000" E 3982 23° 41' 13.200" N 83° 54' 35.500" E 3983 23° 41' 22.500" N 83° 54' 31.300" E 3984 23° 41' 24.600" N 83° 54' 31.600" E 3985 23° 41' 25.900" N 83° 54' 30.600" E 3986 23° 41' 29.000" N 83° 54' 26.900" E 3987 23° 41' 32.200" N 83° 54' 23.800" E 3988 23° 41' 31.600" N 83° 54' 15.200" E 3989 23° 41' 33.600" N 83° 54' 13.900" E 3990 23° 41' 34.000" N 83° 54' 11.200" E 3991 23° 41' 35.100" N 83° 54' 8.800" E 3992 23° 41' 37.900" N 83° 54' 1.500" E 3993 23° 41' 39.000" N 83° 53' 59.800" E 3994 23° 41' 40.100" N 83° 53' 57.800" E 3995 23° 41' 42.000" N 83° 53' 52.700" E 3996 23° 41' 43.500" N 83° 53' 48.100" E 3997 23° 41' 44.700" N 83° 53' 41.800" E 3998 23° 41' 48.800" N 83° 53' 38.700" E 3999 23° 41' 50.600" N 83° 53' 33.700" E 4000 23° 41' 50.200" N 83° 53' 32.800" E 4001 23° 41' 0.800" N 83° 56' 39.000" E 4002 23° 40' 59.300" N 83° 56' 40.900" E 4003 23° 40' 57.300" N 83° 56' 41.400" E 4004 23° 40' 56.300" N 83° 56' 41.000" E 4005 23° 40' 51.900" N 83° 56' 42.500" E 4006 23° 40' 50.000" N 83° 56' 44.000" E 4007 23° 40' 47.800" N 83° 56' 45.700" E 4008 23° 40' 46.800" N 83° 56' 47.500" E 4009 23° 40' 45.700" N 83° 56' 52.500" E 4010 23° 40' 44.900" N 83° 56' 54.100" E 4011 23° 40' 42.400" N 83° 56' 54.300" E

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4012 23° 40' 41.500" N 83° 56' 55.000" E 4013 23° 10' 41.100" N 83° 57' 0.000" E 4014 23° 40' 38.600" N 83° 57' 1.100" E 4015 23° 40' 36.200" N 83° 56' 59.800" E 4016 23° 40' 31.400" N 83° 57' 0.300" E 4017 23° 40' 28.100" N 83° 57' 4.400" E 4018 23° 40' 26.500" N 83° 57' 6.100" E 4019 23° 40' 23.900" N 83° 57' 11.600" E 4020 23° 40' 24.600" N 83° 57' 16.400" E 4021 23° 40' 20.300" N 83° 57' 21.200" E 4022 23° 40' 18.200" N 83° 57' 29.400" E

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