PINK STUMPS DAY FUNDRAISING T LKIT Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 2

Table of contents

Introduction Module 4 – Fun in FUNdraising

3 A message from Glenn McGrath 15 Fundraising Ideas for Cricket Clubs

4 A message from Tracy Bevan Module 5 – Case Studies 5 A message from the Fundraising Team 18 Kingston Heath Cricket Club

Module 1 – Planning your Event 19 Northern Power Cricket Club

6 PSD – Plot, Story, Divide 20 Ringwood Cricket Club

Module 2 – Sourcing Support

7 Sourcing Community Support

Module 3 – Promoting your Pink Stumps Day

9 Promotional Items

10 Social Media

11 Fundraising Page

12 Traditional Media

13 Guide to contacting Media

14 Jimboomba Bushrangers Cricket Club Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 3

A message from Glenn McGrath

Thanks so much for getting involved with Pink Stumps Day this season and pinking up a cricket match to support Aussie families experiencing breast cancer. After a year of ups and downs, we understand that getting out and hosting a Pink Stumps Day event may be tough this season.

If you can bring together your community together safely for your Pink Stumps Day event, this cricket toolkit has been developed by our dedicated fundraising team to help every step of the way. This season Pink Stumps Day is all about playing your way, so a virtual event or backyard match may be more appropriate, and the McGrath Foundation team is here to support you.

Since its conception, I have loved seeing Pink Stumps Day grow into be a fun and inclusive way to bring the spirit of the Pink Test to your own game and help fund our McGrath Breast Care Nurses. We simply couldn’t do what we do without your support! Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 4

A message from Tracy Bevan

This cricket season is one worth celebrating! Thank you for signing up to play your way this Pink Stumps Day to help continue to fund 151 McGrath Breast Care Nurses who support families experiencing breast cancer. I know it has been a tough year for many Australians and is the reason why I love seeing people support each other.

Over the years I have seen the positive impact Pink Stumps Day has had on cricketing communities who unite to support our mission. Even better this season, we can continue the celebration of our Aussie Women’s Team and their triumphant win at the Women’s T20 World Cup in March. I am so excited to see everyone get involved, especially the ladies, who we know form an important part of our sporting communities. Looking forward to an incredible show of support and thank you for all you do! Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 5

A message from the Fundraising Team

We are here to support you every step of Stumps Day team that are available for the way and the best we can. This cricket any questions, ideas and assistance. Our fundraising toolkit is for those who can hope is this toolkit will be the foundations safely host an event at the local cricket of an amazing event. However, please club or in the community. At the McGrath don’t hesitate to reach us on the below Foundation we have a dedicated Pink contact details:

Marcus Vinski Fundraising Officer

[email protected]

[email protected]

02 8962 6109 Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 6

Module 1 Planning your event

The most important part of hitting your event for a six is the planning. Now that you have registered your Pink Stumps Day, planning will help give a timeline to when certain tasks need to be done and allows you to delegate the workload amongst others. At the McGrath Foundation we use the acronym ‘PSD’ for Pink Stumps Day; but you can also use it to help you with this first module:


Plotting the tasks on a timeline that need to purpose of ensuring it fits in with your cricket be completed will help you understand the game and weekend competitions. It is important deadlines. Creating a timeline can act as a that every task has a specific date which will checklist to ensure you have everything ready also help you on this step of this acronym. to host your Pink Stumps Day and bring your Your timeline can look like this and can be cricket community together. It also serves the adapted to suit you:

1 2 3

Communicate and seek Register your event and Rally a team or approvals from Cricket set a date committee to help with Club / Association the allocation of tasks

4 5 6

Begin promoting, get Organise event activities Pink Up and have fun! social and seek support and create a running from local businesses order for the day Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 7


Story telling is a very important part of a ‘why’ behind getting involved, which will be fundraising event. Your decision to hold a Pink what motivates people to turn up, donate and Stumps Day was based on something that support. People want to know the impact their inspired you. Make sure you clearly explain the support is having on the cause.

“Nearly eleven years ago I “Pink Stumps Day provides an experienced first-hand the opportunity for people who fantastic work McGrath have a common link with cricket Breast Care Nurses do, to express joy and gratitude when my sister was for the work that is done by diagnosed, so it was a no organisations such as the brainer to support through McGrath Foundation” Pink Stumps Day.” Joshua, Head of Cricket, Debbie, Lara Cricket Club Barker College

“It was a super special day and I am so proud of what our ladies team achieved and the unity within the club that Pink Stumps Day brought about. The ladies played in the truest spirit of the game and brought so much joy to those women in the team and community who have experienced breast cancer.” Sally Oman, Southern Spirit Ladies


Divide and conquer. Once you have a great plan empower them to be as passionate as you are and a touching story, people will naturally follow about Pink Stumps Day and share the success at to pitch in and do their part. Don’t be afraid the end. to ask for help! Hold people accountable and Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 8

Module 2 Sourcing Support

Now that the planning has been bowled over, you can now look to how you can source support from a range of stakeholders within your Cricket Club that LOVE cricket and supporting a cause.

Batsman – cemented his place as a top-order batsman, works at a local sporting goods store that may donate prizes for a raffle or auction.

Umpire – loves the game and has cricket networks to tap into and gain support from an Association level. May also allow ‘pinking up’ on field.

New Recruit – young lad that has come up the New Batsman ranks at a rival club and was convinced to play Recruit for your squad. Has parents who have been on numerous social committees and can be major players in helping to organise the day, by Umpire Spin sourcing tables, chairs, BBQs, merchandise and Bowler much more.

Captain (Skipper) – has influence on a team and Spin Bowler – been around the club for over 15 coach that can help rally support from other years and is now a board member that can help teams to assist with fundraising efforts. source local business support.

Remember Pink Stumps Day is about bringing the community together and celebrating the game of cricket. If you are a well-known member of the Cricket Club you shouldn’t have a hard time approaching different members to get them on board. And even if you don’t know many people within the Club, it is a great opportunity to connect with people outside of cricket and build lasting relationships.

There are plenty of resources that help in making that ask for support, both on and off the pitch. • Sponsorship request letter • Dollar Matching Template

Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 9

Module 3 Promoting your Pink Stumps Day

Now that you have a plan and have had some great initial conversations with your club, it is important to keep your run-rate up. Remember your Pink Stumps Day planning is a team effort and promoting the event will take a few people and may even require your twelfth man.

Promotional Items

Traditional forms of promotional items such as posters and flyers can be used in and around the clubhouse and on local community notice boards. Although, it may be old-fashioned the more people who see your collateral regularly in the community, the broader your reach gets. Throughout the time you promote your event, people will begin to associate the colour pink with the cricket club.

Some top tips:

Make sure you include Utilise your Logo and important details like McGrath Foundation’s event date and time. Community Friend Logo.

Ensure the details In the lead up, hand are concise and the out flyers at community promotional item is pink. events and match days.

We have some great templates you can use as base, and please remember to gain approvals from the McGrath Foundation before you go to market. Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 10

Social Media

Social media platforms are a great tool to share your story and promote Pink Stumps Day. This is where you can get creative and broaden the reach even further. We know most juniors and teenagers are quite up-to-speed with social media, so why not pass on the responsibility to them? It’s a way you can empower different types of people in your club and allow them to also make a difference in their own way.

Some top tips:

Any posts to social media Keep it simple, yet creative should be included in your and of course add those story to inspire support. touches of pink.

Utilise the clubs Facebook Include images to bring your and/or Instagram account (if event to life and use you don’t have these social #pinkstumpsday accounts, it is a great excuse to create one!)

Share your online fundraising Ask the members of your page link (see more cricket club to share any posts information on following page) on their personal social media channels. Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 11

Fundraising Page

Arguably your most important tool to promote and gain support for your Pink Stumps Day is your online fundraising page. This page has a load of features where you can personalise so many aspects. When you registered your Pink Stumps Day, an online fundraising page was automatically created.

This page is your hub for all online fundraising and is set up to go directly towards your fundraising target. You can even add in your story and blog posts to keep people engaged.

Some top tips:

Make sure you include the Personalise, so its look URL to share on all your professional. social media posts and on promotional flyers.

Consider a self-donation Remember to thank those who to start. A donor is more generously donated to your inclined to contribute fundraising page. when they can see progress towards a fundraising target.

Struggling to navigate your online fundraising page? The fundraising team is here to help, feel free to get in touch with them via phone or email. Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 12

Traditional Media

Getting local media to cover your Pink Stumps Day can be a great way to raise awareness of your fundraiser and celebrate your club coming together. It doesn’t need to be daunting – just follow this handy guide to help get you going.

Getting Started:

Before approaching the media here’s some things to consider first:

Work out your why – why did you choose to host a Pink Stumps Day? Why is the Why? McGrath Foundation a cause close to your heart? Or is seeing your club come together for a good cause your driving factor?

Agree on your spokesperson – who at your club is most passionate about the Who? cause? Why? Is there someone in your club who has been supported by a McGrath Breast Care Nurse?

Get your materials ready – use our handy media templates on the following pages.

Organise your photographer – A great photo can make your media story more prominent. You don’t need to hire a professional. Ask if any of your club has a photography hobby or is willing to take on photography duties for the day. Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 13

Our Step-By-Step Guide to Contacting Media


3-4 weeks before event • Send an alert to the editor of your local media outlets (print, community radio and local TV) to include your Pink Stumps Day event in their “What’s on” or “Community Diary” section.

• Make sure you include all the relevant details of the event including date, time, what to wear, what to bring etc.

1-2 weeks before event • Send an alert to the editor / producers of your local media outlets and community radio station to excite and encourage people from your community to attend your Pink Stumps Day event.

• Encourage your local media outlets to attend your event.

• Make sure you include all the relevant details of the event including date, time, what to wear, what to bring etc.

Thank you – Post event • It’s important to thank your community for supporting your Pink Stumps Day event.

• Send a thank you media release to your local media outlets.

• Make sure you include the amount raised as well as any high-quality images that were taken on the day.

• If media attended the day or provide coverage, remember to thank them via email too. Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 14

Bushrangers create media buzz with local celebs and family fun

The Jimboomba Bushrangers Cricket Club hosted a Pink Stumps Day and created a fun, family-friendly event around the match. To increase media coverage and hype around the event, Jimboomba organised a number of media moments such as:

• Stacking the opposition team with local celebrities. • Recruiting a Big Bash League umpire to officiate the match.

Spokespeople Spokespeople with connections to breast cancer were chosen from each team to emphasize the reason behind the fundraiser:

• Pink Stumps Day organiser Rodney • Logan City Council Candidate and Teese, whose partner was diagnosed opposition team captain Scott Bannan, with breast cancer last year. whose child’s grandmother had breast cancer. Coverage Jimboomba earned eight pieces of media coverage in their local media about their Pink Stumps Day. Some article ideas you might like to pitch include:

• A piece announcing the details of the Pink Stumps Day.

• A piece on the day reminding the public about the day.

• A piece after the game thanking the community for their support.

• Another piece in the week after the game with a fundraising update and reiterating thanks to community.

• Photo spreads in the local paper’s social pages.

You can find some great Media Release Templates – here. Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 15

Module 4 Fun in FUNdraising

Are you for fundraising ideas? Pink Although it can be enjoyable, fundraising for Stumps Day is all about having fun, making a cricket clubs can also be time-consuming which difference in your community and celebrating is why you will want to have those helpers. It is your love for the game of cricket. a good idea to have at least one person on the committee whose main role is raising funds. This The good news is that fundraising for sports should be separate from the treasurer whose job clubs can have plenty of benefits besides is looking after the money you do raise. bringing in much-needed cash. If you do it right you can get the whole club involved, forge links Below are some great fundraising ideas for with the local community, recruit new members cricket clubs to get you started. With a little and get some free publicity. Fundraising can be imagination, you can use these or come up with great fun and if you recruit a few helpers it need your own to turbocharge your fundraising. not be such hard work.

Top 14 Fundraising ideas for Clubs

1 Social nights 3 Seasonal Events Make your clubhouse the centre of the club’s The cricket season is full of opportunities to social life pre and post-match. You can host a put on an event. Remember you aren’t limited Pink Morning Tea for the parents who brave the to host a Pink Stumps Day during the season – morning games, or a post-game celebration to think Pink social competitions in the Spring or award the Player of Match for the Pink Stumps having a family fun match to farewell the season Day round. You will find you can sell a fair few during presentation days. raffle tickets this way! 4 Club Merchandise 2 Sponsorship This is a way to raise your profile and make Advertising and sponsorship should form a some money at the same time. You can have all big part of a cricket club fundraising strategy. kinds of products created with your name on. Start by asking small to medium-sized local Choose things that people will find useful but businesses if they are interested in sponsoring are not too expensive. Maybe even reach out to your club. These tend to be the most interested players for some signed merchandise they might in localised advertising. be willing to donate.

Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 16

5 ‘Bring a friend’ Practice Session 9 Family Fun Day Organise a practice session for your youth This can be a big fundraising occasion and a teams where the players can bring their friends. chance to show the local community what your The newcomers pay a modest amount for an club is about. You will need a lot of helpers for introduction to club cricket, and the coaches can this one, so recruit your members, friends of the use the day to recruit new players. club and extended families.

6 Sponsored Challenge 10 Matchday Tuck Shop Sponsored walks or runs are a staple of Ever been stood watching on the sidelines and fundraising for cricket clubs, but to generate wished you’d brought a thermos along? So more sponsorship you need something have all the other spectators. Get a small table, newsworthy. This could be an event you organise a hot water dispenser, and head to a nearby as a club with lots of people taking part. wholesalers for some teabags, coffee and biscuits. Sell snacks and refreshments at all your 7 Matchday Raffle games and use the funds gathered to support the club. This is another fundraising staple because it is easy to organise and does not take much time. 11 Club Film Night Ask members or local businesses to donate prizes (in exchange for advertising). Once a month, why not organise a regular social where the whole team gets together and 8 Sweepstakes watches a movie. Sell tickets and refreshments to boost your club funds. Whether it’s the World Cup or the Pink Test, everybody loves a sweepstake. Charge a couple 12 Parents vs. Kids of dollars to have a go, give out the teams or horses at random and split the pot between the Many parents will have been fidgeting in the winner and the club. stands for years, desperate to join in. Well, now is their chance. Organise a charity game pitting the adults against the children.

Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 17

13 High Tea 14 Put a Twist on the Match Cricket and Pink Stumps Day thrive of the Be a step-in front of your competitor in your inclusion of everyone in the community. Over social match; donate a minimum amount to the years we know the ladies love a High Tea receive match advantages for your team. We during the Pink Stumps Day. This kind of event always love some healthy competition and can include a lot of fundraising activities such FUNdraising – make sure you reward the as raffle, silent auctions, lucky dips and portion winning team to incentivise. of ticket sales are donated as a proceed. An opportunity to host a High Tea should not be • Buy an extra ball in the over for $5 overlooked! • Tip and run next ball $5 • Free Hit for $10 • Choose who bowls next $10 • Deduct 10 runs (only in 10th over) from opponents runs for $10 • Buy a batsman a second chance for $20 Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 18

Module 5 Case Studies

Kingston Heath Cricket Club Cheltenham, VIC Raised $1,208

Why is Pink Stumps Day so important to the club? Pink Stumps Day is important to our club as we have had numerous people from the club have a connection to breast cancer in one way or another. We want to show that we as a club involved and enjoy the incredible spread we had support this magnificent cause and it is a great put on. Having big ticket items to raffle off had a way to get together as a club and celebrate massive impact and helped in getting us a lot of women in general. extra donations.

What is the inspiration behind your Pink What was most special about the day? Stumps Day? The most special and memorable moment was Simply put, we just wanted to start supporting looking out at everyone in the front of our club the cause and generate more awareness for rooms and just seeing a massive sea of pink. breast cancer. The thought of doing a fundraiser Everyone went above and beyond to be wearing while also showcasing our women’s teams was a pink that day and it made everything so magical. great way to get everyone in the club involved. We got a massive group photo that turned out so well and everyone thoroughly enjoyed How did you fundraise and make your Pink the day. We had live music after the women’s Stumps Day such a success? game had finished, there were pink balloons We used social media to gain momentum for and streamers hanging on the fence and the our event and advertised our cricket club’s atmosphere was just something that will never fundraising link on Facebook. On the day we be forgotten. The fact that we raised so much had a number of raffles, a High Tea/Ladies money for such an incredible cause while still Lunch and donation boxes - where all money having one of the best days ever, is something I went directly to the McGrath Foundation. We think everyone involved in our Pink Stumps Day found that the High Tea generated a lot of the will never forget. donations as everyone was wanting to get Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 19

Northern Power Cricket Club Central Coast, NSW Raised $10,590

Why is Pink Stumps Day so important to the club? Northern Power Cricket Club is a massive supporter of women in cricket and is proud to have a ladies side that highlighted their importance and contribution to the great How did you fundraise and make your Pink game. For the ladies, Pink Stumps Day is chance Stumps Day such a success? to raise awareness and vital funds to support those families experiencing breast cancer. Not We saw most of our fundraising success in only that, it is also an opportunity to showcase our raffle and two silent auctions. With a huge our cricket skills and passion to the men and support from local businesses, one price being juniors of the club, family and friends. an original print from a local artist and the other was a weekend to the Gold Coast including What is the inspiration behind your Pink flights and accommodation. Stumps Day? And of course, the BBQ was open all day with Sammy Thomas, a fellow player on our women’s the proceeds going towards the cause. Goes to team owes her thanks to Northern Power Cricket show every little bit counts! Club for supporting a cause that is close to her heart… What is the inspiration behind your Pink Stumps Day? “At 39 years of age, the words the result is positive, you carry the BRACA 1 gene - fast Our Pink Stumps Day was not only about the forward 6 months (a double mastectomy and women but also got the juniors involved and hysterectomy later) and I felt like the luckiest men’s teams did their part to support. What was woman alive. most special about our Pink Stumps Day was the strong sense of community and support from “At 44, a friend said to me, come play cricket every team and aspect of the club. with us next season. This kind invitation led me to meet 11 remarkable women. Women’s cricket We had a Ladies only VIP tent which included is about friendship, fun, support, fairness, drinks and grazing table all served by one of our commitment and how to respect and appreciate senior male players. The afternoon was when each other’s differences.” the senior ladies took to the pitch. We split our 3 ladies’ teams up into 2 teams. The white and the pinks! We played an 11 a side game with the whites taking the win! Pink Stumps Day Cricket Fundraising Toolkit 20

Ringwood Rams Cricket Club Ringwood, NSW Raised $7,100

Why is Pink Stumps Day so important to the club? Holding a Pink Stumps Day event within our club and wider community gives us an opportunity to contribute to such a worthwhile cause. Being a Premier Cricket Club in How did you fundraise and make your Pink Victoria, it connects us to Glenn McGrath and his Stumps Day such a success? contribution to our great game of cricket, family We hosted a beautiful morning tea, which was life and our need of support when needed within what contributed most funds and was the a club environment. perfect start to our day of activities.

This year our Pink Stumps Day committee Eastland Ringwood, our major shopping centre included 5 new members. This was an extremely in the City of Maroondah are our club sponsor, important essence of inclusion at club level and they provided gift bags for each lady on the having them contribute their own individual gifts day. Flowers were donated with our costs and talents to bring to the event. being very minimal due to our sponsors and community’s generosity prior and on the day. What is the inspiration behind your Pink Stumps Day? Our fundraising was well supported with local There has been quite a significant impact to our businesses providing many gifts and vouchers club with a long-time volunteer having breast for a silent auction and raffle. cancer over 30 years ago. She continued running the afternoon teas and canteen up until 4 years What is the inspiration behind your Pink ago. Other volunteers and players Mothers have Stumps Day? been affected by breast cancer within Ringwood Our highlights on the day were having 120 Cricket Club and have all been survivors. women attend our morning tea with two Ringwood cricket club also have 3 female teams amazing guest speakers. The morning tea that form an important part of the club. This was an abundance of beautiful, home cooked brings with it a female perspective of awareness and donated treats presented on a shared and support on a larger scale of women’s health grazing table. Both our Male and Female First and awareness of breast cancer. Pink Stumps XI captains were also interviewed with a Q & A Day acts a support network between males and style of discussion, to give different perspectives females, as we know the horrible disease can on what the day means to them. affect both.