Chhattisgarh Road Development Corporation Limited 3.d Floor, sirpur Bhawan Campus,Behind Akashwanicvil Lines, RaiPu (c.G.) 492001 Website : www.cgrdcji, enail ID :
[email protected] Ph. No. 0Zl1 :4043391 Fax No.On14o33242 CIN : U45200CT2014SGC001560 ( .9. 2020 No. : Qog /ccRDc/2020 Raiprr, Dated: 3 / | / To The DiYisional foreet officer Forest Division, Suraipur Subr Diversion of 20.236 ha of Forest land favour of Chhattiegarh Road Development Corpotation ltd. Raiput for widening of existing road from Tara-Premnagar- Ramanujnagar Road in Suraipur forest divisiort Suraipur district in the state of Chhattisgarh-regarding. Refr 1. MoEF regional office letter no.FC:|ACH'125/2079-NGP/6000 date 18.12.2019 2. Yow letter no. rlT.fil1o9 guraipw date d 09.07.2020 -000-- The Pointwise reply to the obsevations made vide reference no. 1 is as followsi 1. In online submitted part-I non-forest area involved in Proposal is 58.278 Ha. Dudng initial online submissiory it was by mistak, entered 0. We tried to corect it now but it cannot be corrected at this stage. We also con.sulted to MoEF&CC- NIC - Delhi in this regard by email. They replied that, once recommended by Divisiory Circle, Nodal officer, we cannot change in area of the proposal. (For ready reference email print is attached).Thus, it requested to do the needful in this regard please. The Further total time for which diversir is proPosed is "forever", but in online proposal only numeric can be entered, so it is entered as 99 years. Accordingly the correction has been done. CAnhexqt'(- I ) 2.