May 2nd Dyeing of Eggs May 3rd Holy Friday Youth Retreat May 5th PASCHA May 9th Golden Circle May10th MOMS After Church May 17th TNT May 23rd A.R.E.


 Philoptochos P.O. BOX 578128 News MODESTO, CA 95357

 May- parish website: Namedays

PARISH E-MAIL: PARISH TELEPHONE: [email protected] (209) 522-7694 Greek Orthodox Church of the 313 Tokay Avenue, Modesto, CA 95350 P.O. Box 578128, Modesto, CA 95357 Weekly Services Office: 209-522-7694 Fax: 209-522-3926 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. Saturday Website: Facebook: www.facebook/goannunciation Great Vespers 5:00 p.m. REV. FR. JON MAGOULIAS PARISH PRIEST Sunday Divine Services ANNUNCIATION PARISH COUNCIL 9:00 a.m. MITCHEAL WORD– PRESIDENT KEVIN MOORE


month’s APOGONI TIS KRITIS LEFKA OREE bulletin. SOPHIA THYMAKIS MICHAEL J. KORDAZAKIS Thank you! OFFICE PERSONNEL Carol Dunn, I.E. Jaureguy & Malina Kokologiannakis Please remember your church in your will!

Our young adults cordially and joyfully invite our Parish Family to attend the Resurrection Meal Following the Midnight Liturgy of Pascha in the Very Rev. Emmanuel Papageorge Cultural Center A free will offering will be accepted to support our Young Adult Ministry


Reverend Protopresbyter Jon Magoulias

May 2013 Dearly beloved in the Lord:

Christ is Risen! The three words comprise the message of the Apostles! These three words are the foundation of our Christian Faith! These three words are the Church! Christ is Risen, the doxology offered by the martyred saints of the Church as they gave their lives confessing the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Christ is Risen is the hope and expectation of all those who struggle and exhaust themselves to do God’s Will in the world. The one thing that gives assurance to the righteous and that their cause is just is believing that Christ is Risen! Reverend Protopresbyter Christ is Risen, the greeting of all the faithful who celebrate the new Passover from Jon Magoulias today until the Ascension; the Feast of feasts and the Celebration of celebrations, first and foremost above all the feastdays of the Church. Christ is Risen, the triumphant hymn of the Christ; the hymn that we sing today and echoes throughout all creation: Christ is Risen from the dead and by His death He has trampled down death and to those in the tombs does He grant life!

The hymn of the Resurrection, known by all young and old, is unique and distinct. In the rich hymnology of the Orthodox Church, no other hymn is sung with the music of Christ is Risen! In the same manner, the Resurrection of Christ is the Wonder of wonders, and as such, the Resurrection is set apart from other feastdays of the Church. “...and you shall be witnesses to Me in St. Paul, in the entire 15th chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians, is heavenly Jerusalem, inspired and writes about the Resurrection of our Lord and the resurrection of the dead. The and in all Judea and Resurrection of Jesus Christ guarantees that the dead will rise. “...Christ died...He was buried, Samaria, and to the He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” Holy Scripture directs its end of the earth.” message to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The mystery of God’s divine plan for mankind and the miracles in which He reveals Himself to us are verified in the Holy Gospel and (Acts 1:8) confirmed in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we no longer speak of the dead, but of those who have fallen asleep in the hope of awakening to new life. St. Paul offers his testimony to the Resurrection with complete and unwavering faith by saying: “But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep…” If our faith in Jesus Christ is only for this life and our death is the absolute end, then he again states: “If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied.” The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, however, is the vision of the Prophets, the sermon of the Apostles, the Faith of the Church, and the message of the Holy Gospel, the joy of the Saints, and the hope of the Righteous, the strength of the Martyrs and the patience of the holy ones, the anticipation of the living and the expectation of those who have fallen asleep. Dearly beloved in the Lord - Christ is Risen!

With much love in the Resurrected Christ,

Rev. Protopresbyter Jon Magoulias PARISH PRIEST

P A S C H A 2013

The Resurrection of our Lord and Savior the Resurrection.” Jesus Christ constitutes the basis and foundation St. Paul writes in his Epistle to the of our faith, as well as, our spiritual life. When Hebrews: “Strive for peace with all men, and reading the writings of St. Paul, the herald of the for the holiness…” (Heb. 12:14). It is a divine Resurrection, we realize the true spiritual peace that is not obtained or gained apart from dimensions of the Resurrection. St. Paul’s entire virtue and sanctification. Peace and holiness life was spent proclaiming the Resurrection. The proceed with each other to purify and cleanse spiritual gifts of God’s love emanated from the the heart. In this way, peace becomes empty tomb. The Resurrection announced the permanent for all people. In addition, the triumph of faith, the annulment of death, the Psalmist writes: “Too long have I had my erasing of sin, the new life in Christ. dwelling among those who hate peace. I am At that time, the Risen Lord brought three for peace” (Psalm 119:6-7). priceless gifts not only to His disciples, but to the All those who accept the Risen Christ as faithful of every age. These gifts are: peace, joy, their Lord and God will receive peace in their and forgiveness. He offers the peace of God hearts. The natural result of peace will bring joy that is superior to all understanding, the peace to the believer. Prior to the Resurrection the that protects our hearts and our senses. The disciples of the Lord were afraid and Risen Lord bestows forgiveness, remission, traumatized. When the Risen Lord came into reconciliation, and fellowship with God. their midst He offered them the salutation of Forgiveness has risen from the tomb preaches peace as recorded by the Evangelist, “Then the St. John Chrysostom. disciples were glad when they saw the “Peace be unto you” is the greeting of our Lord” (John 20:20). When the disciples saw the Risen Lord to the disciples who were hiding and Risen Lord they received the gift of joy, a gift afraid “for fear of the Jews.” Do not allow that would strengthen them throughout their anything to disturb the gift of heavenly peace trials and tribulations. offered in the Resurrection. Do not let fear The third gift that perhaps should be influence you and cause you to lose this divine understood as the first gift is that of forgiveness, gift of peace. Allow the peace of the Risen the forgiveness that comes from the empty Christ to enter your souls and it will become an tomb. The Resurrection bestows on us the unshakeable fortress that will withstand any remission of sins and reconciliation with our obstacle in life. heavenly Father. Let no one mourn that he has The divine peace that is a gift of the fallen again and again; for forgiveness has Resurrection is not false, or deceiving, or risen from the grave (St. John Chrysostom). hypocritical. It is an internal peace impregnable Truly, forgiveness is the first gift because and unassailable by situations that may strive to without forgiveness, peace and joy cannot exist. disrupt it. It is a peace that is experienced with How can the soul be peaceful and joyful if there more than those around us, it is a contentment is a feeling of guilt? It is the forgiveness of God and peace in God and oneself! The saints, along that has risen from the grave lifting the weight with all sincere Christians motivated to live with of sin as if it has wings to release it from the peace from above, are renewed by the grace bondage. A beautiful world of love is given to of God because they have accepted “power of those who accept the Risen Christ.

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LITURGICAL CALENDAR MAY - 2013 Wednesday, May 1st Saturday, May 11th WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK Great Vespers 5:00 p.m.

Presanctified Liturgy 6:00 a.m. th Holy Unction 3:00 p.m. Sunday, May 12 Matins of the Mystical Supper 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY OF ST. THOMAS Epistle Acts 5:19-31 Thursday, May 2nd Gospel John 20:19-31 THURSDAY OF HOLY WEEK Sunday Divine Services 9:00 a.m.

Divine Liturgy of the th Last Supper 9:00 a.m. Sunday, May 19 THE PASSION OF CHRIST AND SUNDAY OF THE MYRRH-BEARING WOMEN THE PROCESSION OF THE CROSS 7:00 p.m. Epistle Acts 6:1-7 Gospel Mark 15:43-16:8 Friday, May 3rd Sunday Divine Services 9:00 a.m.

FRIDAY OF HOLY WEEK st Royal Hours 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 21 3:00 p.m. SS. CONSTANTINE & HELEN Service of the Lamentations 7:00 p.m. EQUAL TO THE APOSTLES Epistle Acts. 26:1, 12-20 Saturday, May 4th Gospel John 10:1-9 SATURDAY OF HOLY WEEK Divine Services 8:30 a.m.

Epistle Rom. 6:3-11 th Gospel Matt. 28:1-20 Saturday, May 25 Divine Liturgy Announcing Great Vespers 5:00 p.m.

The Resurrection 9:00 a.m. th Sunday, May 26 RESURRECTION SUNDAY OF THE PARALYTIC OF OUR LORD AND Epistle Acts 9:32-42 SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST Gospel John 5:1-15 Epistle Acts. 1:1-9 Sunday Divine Services 9:00 a.m..

Gospel John 1:1-17 Wednesday, May 29th MATINS & DIVINE LITURGY OF MID- THE RESURRECTION 11:00 p.m. Epistle Acts. 14:6-18

SUNDAY, MAY 5TH Gospel John 7:14-30 PASCHA SUNDAY Divine Services 8:30 a.m. AGAPE VESPERS 11:30 a.m. MEMORIAL DAY Monday, May 6th MONDAY, MAY 27, 2013 MONDAY OF BRIGHT WEEK There will be one memorial service offered at each ST. GEORGE THE GREAT MARTYR cemetery. Please have your memorial prayer lists Epistle Acts 1:12-17, 21-26 available. Gospel John 1:18-28 ACACIA CEMETERY 10:00 A.M. Divine Services 8:30 a.m. LAKEWOOD CEMETERY 11:00 A.M. th Friday, May 10 TURLOCK CEMETERY 12:00 P.M. FRIDAY OF BRIGHT WEEK

THE LIFE-GIVING FOUNTAIN OF THE Epistle Acts 3:1-8 Gospel John 2:12-22 Divine Services 8:30 a.m.

A Yearlong Study of Responsible Stewardship Church of the Annunciation: “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit…Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing…If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love…You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit…” (John 15:1-5; 7-9; 16)


In his commentary on the holy Gospel according to St. John, our holy father among the saints, the great hierarch and ecumenical teacher St. John Chrysostom wrote:

"The abiding in the Root is what makes the branches to be fruit-bearing...Then He says, 'He is cast out,' and no longer enjoys the cultivator's hand. 'And he is withered'; that is, if he had any root, it is exposed; if he had any grace, he is stripped of this, and is bereft thenceforward of help and life. And what is the end? He is cast into the fire. But such is not to the one who abides with Him. Then He indicates what it is to abide, saying, 'If...My words abide in you (Jn. 15:7).' ...Do you see that He seeks the proof by works? For having said, 'If you should ask anything in My Name, I will do it,' He adds, He adds, 'If you love Me, keep My commandments' (Jn. 14:14-15); and here, 'If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.' (Jn. 15:7) These things He was saying to show that on the one hand they who plotted against Him are burned up, but on the other hand the others shall bear fruit. Then transferring the fear from them to those others, and showing they shall be invincible, He says, 'By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.' (Jn. 15:8)"

This is an excellent teaching on the 2013 theme of our Stewardship Ministry. St. John Chrysostom helps us to understand that being a faithful Steward of the local Church makes us disciples of the Lord. It is for this very reason that He chose us and emphasizes the importance of being productive in our faith!

Our Christian Orthodox Faith has always taught that being an Orthodox Christian means actively participating in the Faith. This process, which leads to our salvation in Christ Jesus, is a balance between proclaiming Christ as Savior, and also doing the will of God the Father. This is attested first in Scripture as Christ Himself says, “Not those who say Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom, but those who do the Will of my Father in heaven” (Mt. 7:21). St. Gregory of Rome explained it this way: “Perhaps each of you will say to himself: I have believed, I shall be saved. He speaks what is true if to faith he joins good works. That is indeed true faith which does not deny in work what it professes in word. For this Paul says of certain false faithful: They profess that they know God; but in their works they deny Him (Titius1:16). For this John also says: He who says that he knows God, and keeps not His Commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” Knowing this, we should strive to insure that our actions support our words of faith in Christ as our Lord, God and Savior. This is ultimately the concept of Stewardship or service to God and His earthly

vessel of salvation, the Church. We offer our Time, Talent, and Treasure not so that we can find our names in the Parish Directory or so that we are in “good standing” so that we may be a sponsor during a Holy Sacrament, but because it is the natural product of our love for and faith in Christ. We want you to know that your support for our 2013 Stewardship Ministry is the life and heartbeat of our Church. It is the practical means by which we put our faith into action! We are truly grateful to all that have responded to the call of our Faith to be active stewards of God’s Church. Each year we are blessed that a number of our stewards increase their commitment to the Church. In recent years, we have had a number of stewards increase their offering above the 10% we hoped for with some increasing their previous year offering by as much as 25%! It is also our prayer that you have increased your offering for 2013 willingly and with a cheerful heart. The continuous study and evaluation of our commitment to Christ and His Church are necessary in living our Christian Orthodox Faith. This is the message for all of our parishioners that call the Annunciation Church their spiritual home. Stewards that strive to live our Faith to its fullest are encouraged to reach out to family and friends to invite them to Church and to become more active in the life of our Parish.

Our Stewardship obligations determine a family (husband, wife, & children) or an individual as stewards of our Parish. Young adults (18 years and older) that have completed their schooling and/or find themselves in the workplace are expected to become stewards of the Parish. These individuals are not included in one’s “Family Stewardship” obligation. Please remember Jesus’ words: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing…”

If you have any questions regarding your offering please contact Fr. Jon.


Income $25,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000

2.5% $625 $1,250 $1,875 $2,500 $3,750 $5,000

3% $750 $1,500 $2,250 $3,000 $4,500 $6,000

4% $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000

5.0% $1,250 $2,500 $3,750 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000

10.0% $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000

The above guideline is meant to assist you in realizing the percentage in which you find yourself in contributing to the sacred work of our Church. When offering your 2013 Stewardship Ministry to our Parish, prayerfully evaluate your budget when making your commitment in recognizing that you are called to “Abide” in Christ for He has chosen You! Please remember, the first $175.00 offered per steward supports the ministry of our national Church. We seek your benevolent Stewardship offering in support of “Christ and His Ministries”.

We pray that God continues to give you the ability to support His holy Church in a loving, sacrificial and faithful manner. We offer our sincere and prayerful expression of appreciation to all that have attentively and faithfully participated in the ministries of our Parish for 2013. If you have any questions regarding your offering please contact Fr. Jon. Have you made your commitment to Christ and His Church this year?

It is the practice of our Church to give the name of a Saint to the new born child. By assuming the name of a Saint, we not only honor and express our gratitude to a Holy Person for his exceptional contribution to the Orthodox Faith, but provide the new Christian with an example worthy of emulation. The Saint then becomes the Patron of the child protecting it from all danger. Through his prayers, God will grant the child the necessary illumination to become a zealous member of the Church and an ardent follower of Christ. Each month we will be acknowledging those celebrating their nameday in our monthly bulletin. If by chance we accidentally miss someone's nameday, we ask that you please contact the Church Office so that we may correct our records. We extend our prayers to all those celebrating December Namedays and beseech our heavenly Father to grant them many years.   May 5, Holy Pascha George J. Sakaldasis Diana Demetrulias Anastasia Alexander George Simvoulakis Dean Flesoras Anastasia Andritsakis Georgia Simvoulakis Lindsey Fostinis Anastacia Bouzeneris George Sirogiannis Helen Katotakis Anne Bouzeneris George Tavernas Gus Kiousis Anne Davis George Thomsen Malina Kokologiannakis Anastasia Doukas George Thoukis Eleni Kordazakis Anastasia Jacobs George Zacharias Eleni Kordazakis Kosta Kordazakis Anastasia Kiousis Ernest Kogeones Ellen Kosmas Anastasia Magoulias May 9, St. Christopher Helen Kounias Tom Manologlou Ryan Cerny Eleni Machado Taso A. Papadopoulos Bryan Letson Kevin Moore Taso C. Papadopoulos Christopher Letson Dina Maroudas Andy Paras Erik Martin Ilene Mellis St. Irene The Great Martyr May 10, Life-Giving Helen Metropoulos Irene Angelo Fountain of the Theotokos Charles Micheletti Irene Forakis Zoi Haworth Gus Mouzes I.E. Jaureguy Zoe Keriotis Dean Nicolacakis Irene Kennedy Zoi Kondarakis Helene Panos Irene Pallios Zoi Moraitis Dena Papadopoulos Dena Papadopoulos Erin Parreira Joy Pallios Gus Paras Irene Peros Kostas Parisis May 10, St. Lauren Elaine George Pardini May 6, St. George Lauren Nicholson Elaine Perlinghis the Great Martyr Dean Petrulakis George Blanas May 16, St. Alexandros Eleni Quick George Boodrookas Alexander Aja Eleni Rosso George Borden Alexander Kokologiannakis Connie Simvoulakis George Gianulias Helen Sirogiannis George Kiliveros May 17, St. Andronikos Dena Stamos George Kordazakis Lynn Summers George Kosmas Andronike Simvoulakis Dino G. Tasiopoulos George Kounias, Jr Gus Tasiopoulos Gina Louis May 18, St. Julia Denna Tsatsaronis Pres. Georgia Magoulias Julie Baker Kosta Varvatakis Ella Velthoen George Markantonis Eleni Venierakis George Maroudas May 21, Sts. Constantine & Helen George L. Mitsopoulos George T. Mitsopoulos Helen Andritsis George Pallios Eleni Baker Nina Pallios Helen Baney George Panigiris Gus Berris George Parisis Charles Bird George Petrulakis Constance Bird George Rodarakis Dean Brown Georgette Rodarakis Dena Brown Georgia Roditis Graham Burt George Sakaldasis Elaine Chyrklund Elaine Daniels

The holy season of Great Lent enabled us to experience a blessed Holy Week and glorious celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. We call the “Feast of feasts” – Pascha! Our greeting to one another, until the Great Feastday of the Ascension (40 days after Pascha) is: Christ is Risen! We respond by saying” Truly He is Risen!

During this beautiful season Fr. Jon and the Parish Council would like to express their appreciation to all the stewards that made this experience meaningful and uplifting. We would like to thank:

The Seminarians: Dan Triant and Aaron Gilbert The Office Staff The Philoptochos The Senior Choir Dynami Choir The Chanters The Altar Boys Our Youth Advisors H.O.P.E. J.O.Y. G.O.Y.A. Y.A.L.

To all the stewards of our beloved Parish of the Annunciation who expressed their love and support by offering their Time, Talent and Treasure, we thank you. May our Risen Lord bless you all for your love and commitment to His Church and our Parish. May the unwaning Light of the Resurrection illumine your heart and mind to al- ways give glory to His Name. May Pascha 2013 be a time of renewed faith and love so that we may be more attentive in living our Christian Orthodox Faith. YOUTH UPDATE

Questions and Answers

As we enter the glorious season of our Lord’s Resurrection, we remember that while He was on the Cross, He showed great love for the care of His mother, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. As we continue to study the impact the female saints have had on the life of the Church we continue to study the one who is “holiest” of all saints: our most holy and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and Ever- virgin Mary. (Do not forget we celebrate the Myrrh-Bearing Women on Sunday, May 19)

Questions and Answers

What did the early Church have to say in regards to the Virgin Mary?

The Church continued to call the Theotokos the "Virgin" even after the time when she supposedly would have had other children, as some say. It would be a rather odd thing to keep calling a woman "the Virgin" and even "Ever-Virgin" when one was standing next to her other offspring in Church.

Additionally, throughout the earliest liturgies of the Church, she is continually called "Ever -Virgin." One can also find references to her ever-virginity in the Fathers' writings, such as in those of St. Peter of Alexandria, St. Epiphanios, St. Athanasios, St. Didymos the Blind, St. Jerome, St. , St. Sophronios I of Jerusalem, St. John of Damascus, St. John Cassian, St. Ephraim of Syria, and the documents of the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 553 A.D. (In short, nearly everywhere.) One such example is in St. Ambrose of Milan (4th century): "The virgin did not seek the consolation of bearing another child" (See Letter 63; NPNF v. 10, p. 473). There are many other such quotations. Anyone familiar with the writings of the Church Fathers will see her being called "the Virgin" and "Ever-Virgin" frequently. St. Hippolytus was a scholar, bishop, and martyr, who lived in or near Rome and wrote in Greek; he was martyred in A.D. 235. He is considered to be one of the most important witnesses as to how the early church worshipped. This is a brief excerpt (210 AD) regarding the Blessed Theotokos: “But the pious confession of the believer is that, with a view to our salvation, . . . the Creator of all things incorporated with Himself a rational soul and a sensible body from the all-holy Mary, ever-virgin, by an undefiled conception, without conversion, and was made man in nature, but separate from wickedness: the same was perfect God, and the same was perfect man; the same was in nature at once perfect God and man (Against Beron and Helix, Frag VIII).” Notice that St. Hippolytus refers to Mary as “all-holy, and ever-virgin”. Since he does this in passing, we may be sure that he is introducing no new teaching about Mary, so that it was common to refer to Mary in these terms before he wrote. “Thus, too, they preached of the advent of God in the flesh to the world, His advent by the spotless and God-bearing Mary in the way of birth and growth, and the manner of His life and conversation with men, ... (A Discourse on the End of the World).” YOUTH UPDATE Here St. Hippolytus casually refers to Mary as “spotless and God-bearing”. We may assume this latter term is the equivalent to “Theotokos” in the Greek, which means Bearer of God, commonly translated Mother of God (the Son). This title was that affirmed by the . St. Ephrem (4th century): “Some dare to claim that Mary became fully Joseph's wife after the Savior's birth. How could she who was the dwelling-place of the Spirit, who was overshadowed by the divine power, ever become the wife of a mortal and bear children in pain, according to the ancient curse? It is through Mary, ‘blessed among women,’ that the curses uttered in the beginning have been removed according to which a child in such torments cannot be called blessed. Just as the Lord entered through all closed doors, so he came out if an original womb, for this virgin bore him truly and really without pain.” The Second Council of Constantinople, 553, Article II: “If anyone shall not confess that the Word of God has two nativities, the one from all eternity of the Father, without time and without body; the other in these last days, coming down from heaven and being made flesh of the holy and glorious Mary, Mother of God and always a virgin, and born of her: let him be anathema.” The ancient Christian titles for Mary, Theotokos ("Birth-giver to God") and Meter Theou ("Mother of God"), are not to be understood in the sense that she somehow created God. Even mothers giving birth to exclusively human children do not create their children. Rather, these titles for the Virgin are an affirmation that the Christ contained in her womb is indeed God, the Theanthropos ("God-man"). She is not His origin nor the source of the Godhead, but she did quite literally give birth to God. If we affirm that Jesus Christ is God, then we must call her Theotokos, for she gave birth to God Himself. Nestorius, a heretic in the ancient Church, refused to call her Theotokos, preferring instead Christotokos, because he could not understand the idea that a creature could give birth to the Creator, yet is this scandal not at the heart of the Incarnation? Nestorius' doctrines insisted on a separation between the divine Logos and the man Jesus, that somehow the Son of God had inhabited a man, not that God became man as the Christian faith has always held. Is the one who was in her womb God? Then we must call her Theotokos.

But what do the founders of the Protestant churches have to say? Though the Christian Orthodox Church does not follow the teachings of the Protestant Reformers, their views regarding the Theotokos' ever-virginity are a point of commonality with Orthodoxy. Many of the major figures amongst the Protestant fathers in the faith believed in the Theotokos' ever-virginity. John Calvin: “He says that she [Mary of Cleophas] was the sister of the mother of Jesus, and, in saying so, he adopts the phraseology of the Hebrew language, which includes cousins, and other relatives, under the term 'brothers'.” - John Calvin, Commentary of the Gospel According to John, on John 19:25 “The word 'brothers', we have formerly mentioned, is employed, agreeably to the Hebrew idiom, to denote any relative whatever; and, accordingly, Helvidius displayed excessive ignorance in concluding that Mary must have had many sons because Christ's 'brother' are sometimes mentioned.” - John Calvin, Commentary on a Harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, vol. II, p. 215 (on Matthew 13:55)

YOUTH UPDATE [Note: Helvidius was a 5th-century Christian who denied the perpetual virginity of Mary and was rebuked and refuted by St. Jerome in his treatise, "On the Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary Against Helvidius"] Huldrych Zwingli: “I give an example: taught by the light of faith the Christ was born of a virgin, we know that it is so, that we have no doubt that those who have been unambiguously in error have tried to make a figure of speech of a real virgin, and we pronounce absurd the things that Helvidius and others have invented about perpetual virginity.” - Huldrych Zwingli. "Friendly Exegesis, that is, Exposition of the Matter of the Eucharist to Martin Luther, February 1527," in Selected Writings of Huldrych Zwingli, Volume Two, trans. and ed. by H. Wayne Pipkin, Pickwick Publications, 1984 p.275. “Then the pious mind finds wonderful delights in searching for the reasons why the Lamb chose to be born of a perpetual virgin, but in this other case it finds nothing but a hopeless horror.” [The other case that Zwingli here refers to is the Real Presence] - Huldrych Zwingli. "Subsidiary Essay on the Eucharist, August 1525," in Selected Writings of Huldrych Zwingli, Volume Two, trans. and ed. by H. Wayne Pipkin, Pickwick Publications, 1984 p.217. Martin Luther: “A new lie about me is being circulated. I am supposed to have preached and written that Mary, the mother of God, was not a virgin either before or after the birth of Christ, but that she conceived Christ through Joseph and had more children after that.” - Martin Luther, "That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew," in Luther's Works, vol. 45, ed. Walther I. Brand, 1962, Muhlenberg Press, p. 199. “The form of expression used by Matthew is the common idiom, as if I were to say, 'Pharaoh believed not Moses, until he was drowned in the Red Sea.' Here it does not follow that Pharaoh believed later, after he had drowned; on the contrary, it means that he never did believe. Similarly when Matthew says that Joseph did not know Mary carnally until she had brought forth her son, it does not follow that he knew her subsequently; on the contrary, it means that he never did know her. Again, the Red Sea overwhelmed Pharaoh before he got across. Here too, it does not follow that Pharaoh got across later, after the Red Sea had overwhelmed him, but rather that he did not get across at all. In like manner, when Matthew says, 'She was found to be with child before they came together,' it does not follow that Mary subsequently lay with Joseph, but rather that she did not lie with him.” - Martin Luther, "That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew," in Luther's Works, vol. 45, ed. Walther I. Brand, 1962, Muhlenberg Press, p. 212. John Wesley: “I believe that he was made man, joining the human nature with the divine in one person; being conceived by the singular operation of the Holy Spirit, and born of the blessed Virgin Mary, who, as well after as before she brought him forth, continued a pure and unspotted virgin.” - John Wesley "Letter to a Roman Catholic" Protestants who deny the ever-virginity of the Theotokos are breaking even with the beliefs of those who founded their faith! YOUTH UPDATE

HYMNS TO THE THEOTOKOS There are many hymns that are sung to the Theotokos. The two following are from the Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great. From the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: It is truly meet to call you blessed, the Theotokos, the ever-blessed and all-pure, and the Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, you who without corruption bore God the Word, the truly Theotokos, you do we magnify.

From the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great: In you, the one full of grace, all creation rejoices: the assembly of angels and the race of man, O sanctified Temple and rational Paradise, virgins’ pride, from whom God was made flesh and was born a Child, though He existed before all ages. For He made your womb His throne, more spacious than the heavens He made it. In you, full of grace, all creation rejoices. Glory to you.

The Orthodox Study :

“The Incarnation of the Son of God is not only the work of the Trinity, but also the work of the will and the faith of the Virgin. Therefore, the Virgin Mary is honored not only because God chose her, or because she bore the Son of God in the flesh, but also because she herself chose to believe and obey God firmly.”

For this reason, the Ever-Virgin Mother has been most affectionately called, from the earliest of centuries, the Theotokos (lit. Birth-giver of God), a title which implies that Her son is both fully man and fully God.

What a remarkable example the Virgin Mary brings as the Mother of God and the Orthodox Christian model of stewardship! We, too, must offer ourselves unselfishly to the Lord as an instrument of His will. Only in this spirit can we hope to emulate the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and successfully manage our Time, Talent, and Treasure to the glory of God and to the benefit of the His Church. In concluding our study on the impact female saints have had on the Church, remember this is only a “glimpse” of their importance. What we must remember that we are all called to be saints! Living our Christian Orthodox Faith knowing that the saints, both male and female, have taught us to follow our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. May our prayer be that of St. Ambrose of Milan who wrote:

“Your name, O Mary, is a precious ointment, which breathes for the odor of Divine Grace. Let this ointment of salvation enter the innermost recesses of our souls.”




“Dyeing of Eggs” Church Services 9:00 am Students out of school can help too!

HOLY FRIDAY ~ May 3rd Decorating the Epitaphio after the Church Service of the Royal Hours 9:00 am

Descent from the Cross 3:00 pm Donation for flowers & palms are still being accepted. Please contact Anna Petrulakis or the Church Office HOLY FRIDAY RETREAT

For all members of HOPE, JOY and GOYA Friday, May 3rd

9:00 AM

Program includes Church Services, Fellowship, Discussion Groups

~Lunch will be provided~


During the holy season of Great Lent, Flowers are used to decorate our church. If you would like to assist by donating Please contact Anna Petrulakis or the church office.

Please make checks payable to The Annunciation Church PHILOPTOCHOS NOTES President: Helen Katotakis ~ Vice President: Dena Brown Secretary: Gloria Vincent ~ Treasurer: Maria Skordos Moore Next Meeting: May 7, 2013 7:00 pm May 2~Holy Thursday~ May 9~Golden Circle Dying of Eggs June - No Meeting May 3~Good Friday~ June 30 - Scholarship Applications Epitaphion Preparation are due May 5~PASCHA CHRIST IS RISEN! July 25~Winetasting Event

May 7~General Meeting and Elections to the Board

Pot luck dinner at 6:00pm

~Please join Philoptochos as a member. We need your helping hands to fulfil and complete our ministries. For our current members, the 2013 membership is now due and can be given to the treasurer Maria Skordos Moore or to the church office. Look for the membership table in the parish hall during fellowship hour.

~The Philoptochos cookbooks continue to be offered for sale each Sunday after church. Contact Ella Velthoen if you are interested in purchasing a cookbook. The price of the cookbook is $15.00.

~Save the date for the “Taste of the Mediterranean” wine tasting event on July 25th at 6:00. Join us for an evening of tasting excellent wines and appetizers. We need your support in the planning, preparation and attending of this event. Please save the date!

~Thank you Golden Circle Team for the April luncheon. You continue to offer your ministry each month to our Annunciation Seniors. Well Done!

~Please attend the last meeting of the year on May 7th. We will have a brief meeting and elections. We will also have a potluck dinner and have the opportunity for fellowship with one another. Join us.

A.R.E Adult Religious Education A.R.E. YOU ready to participate and join in the study of our precious Christian Orthodox Faith? A.R.E. is the Adult Religious Education forum for young adults and adults interested in learning more about our precious Christian Orthodox Faith. Our topic is: “Living the Changeless Faith in Changing Times”. This forum will study Holy Scrip- ture and the writings of the Church Fathers. Please bring your Orthodox Study Bible and join us! Our next meeting will be Thursday, May 23rd at 7:00 p.m. in the Classroom Building.

GOLDEN CIRCLE Please join us to celebrate May Birthdays and a great meal on Thursday, May 9 At Noon In the Very Rev. Fr. April Birthdays Papageorge Cultural Center (Mothers of Orthodox Minors)

Invite you to their May gathering on Friday, May 10th We will attend Divine Liturgy for Renewal Friday at 8:30 a.m. After Church we will meet at Velvet Grille on McHenry for Brunch. Questions? Please contact Diane at 523-6266

A fun time for preschool kids to get together and play!

Come join us for our next play date!

May 17th at 10:30 am in the Sunday School Classroom A fun time for preschool kids to get together and play! Email Laura if you have any questions. [email protected]

We would like to give a special thanks to Kari Fortin for arranging a donation from the Stanislaus County Air Support Association

for new toys in the Preschool classroom!

Bring your Mom

To our Special

Mother’s Day

Luncheon Hosted by G.O.Y.A.


MAY 12TH Free will Offering to support our GOYA ministry in honor of “Motherhood”

It’s time to start thinking about summer plans for your kids, and there is no better place than Summer Camp at St. Nicholas Ranch in Dunlap, CA, sponsored by the Metropolis of San Francisco. There's no question that camps and retreats have continually proven to be a positive and life-transforming experience that strengthens the faith of all those who participate. All youth ages 8 (or entering the third grade in September 2013) to 17 years old (or Spring 2013 high school graduates) are invited and encouraged to enroll in camp today!

Each camp session is one week in duration (Sunday through Saturday):

Session I: July 7 – 13 Session II: July 14 – 20

Session III: July 21 – 27 Session IV: July 28 – August 3

Summer Camp is a week of fun, fellowship and faith-building. Campers will have the opportunity to meet other youth from throughout the Metropolis, while participating in the following camp activities: campfires, theater, music, hiking, pool time, Olympics, athletics, capture the flag, dodge ball, Orthodox Challenge sessions, stargazing and much more. Campers will also be offered a rich liturgical experience with daily Orthros and Vespers, and weekly Divine Liturgy.

Registration is available now! Additional savings are available when you enroll more than one child from the same family. Sessions fill up quickly, so be sure and reserve your spot today!

If you are interested in attending camp, more information, including the Online Camp Registration form, is available at: camp/

Summer Camp is one of the best experiences of the year. Hope to see you there!

*Our Annunciation Church offers a “camp scholarship” for young people whose families are stewards of our Parish. Young people in grades 3 - 12 are eligible for the scholarship if they participated in the Parish Oratorical Festival.

We are pleased to announce the meeting schedule in preparation for our Greek Food Festival 2013

May 22 June 19 July 17 August 11 (Kickoff Luncheon) August 21 September 11 September 19 & 20 (GFF Setup) September 21 & 22 (GFF) October 16 All meetings scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in the Classroom Building. Committee Chairpeople are to attend all meetings.

Parishioners and friends of our Parish are asked to please make their plans to be a part of this year’s Greek Food Festival. Jeff Brown Irene Jaureguy Chairperson Co-Chairperson Rev. Fr. Jon Magoulias Mitchael Word Parish Priest Parish Council President



Parents are asked to please contact the Church Office before, May 27, if your child is graduating from:


Summer Sunday Church School

June 16 - August 25, 2013 9:30 am SHARP! in the Classroom Building

Young people ages 3 - 18 are invited to participate in this exciting program.

2011 - 2013 Improvements we have made to our Church Complex In an effort to share the activities of the Parish Council we would like to inform the Stewards of our Parish of the following upgrades and improvements that have been made to our Church Complex. The projects that have taken place have been completed at a cost of $94,050.00! We are grateful to ALL that have contributed to these projects. We hope you too will consider a donation!

They include:

1. The replacement of the doors throughout our facility; 2. The installation of new lighting around the complex perimeter; 3. The new lighting in front of the church (replacing the old MID poles); 4. Sealing and repairing the parking lot; 5. The addition of new curbing on back parking lot planters; 6. New lighting in the Classroom Building; 7. New Heating/Air Conditioning unit for the back of the Church Hall; 8. Upgrading of the main electrical panel of our Church complex; 9. Painting the pavilion interior; 10. Landscaping in the upgraded planters behind our complex (currently being worked on).

Still to be accomplished:

1. New handicap ramp on side of the church;

We are grateful to the parishioners that have already made contributions towards these projects that equal $57,135.00 . If you would like to contribute towards any or all of these projects, please send your donation to the Church Office or contact Fr. Jon or a member of the Parish Council. The Annunciation Church Travel Site

An exciting new way to turn your vacations into donations!

Book ALL your travel plans where it makes a difference!

Visit the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation travel website at: (Should you not be able to link into the site from our website, go directly to the travel website by typing in the address.)

• You'll find the same airlines, hotels, rental cars and cruises as on other travel websites! • You'll get great travel prices! • Each time you book travel a portion of the travel commissions will go to The Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation!

It's that simple!

The Church of the Annunciation Travel

Our site also includes: Vacation Packages • Weekend Escapes • Travel Insurance • Sporting Events • Concert Tickets • Theme Park Tickets • Golf Tee Times • Passport Services • Honeymoon Registry • Currency Exchange • And More!

We wish to thank ALL the parishioners that have booked their trips on our site!

ANNUAL ANNUNCIATION MODESTO PARISH PICNIC Hosted by the Cretan Clubs of Modesto Lefka Oree - Sisterhood Eleftheria - Apogoni tis Kritis SUNDAY, JUNE 9TH, 2013

Located at Gallo’s “Paisano” Park near Turlock, CA

● Divine Liturgy begins at 10 am at the Park Picnic Immediately after the Divine Liturgy

● New York Steak (or Chicken), Pilafi, Salata & Hot Dogs for the Children

● Free Drinks ALL DAY – Soft Drinks, Bottled Water, Coors Beer, Gallo Wine, Snow Cones

You’ll have an enjoyable day of Fellowship w/ Friends and Playing Softball, Horse Shoes, a “Bounce House”, Music, Dancing & Assorted other Activities $15.00 Adults - $6.00 Children 12 - Under For more information contact: Mike Stagakis, Chair Event 510-325-6308 Mike J. Kordazakis, 209-551-6693