Retriever Weekly
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T I-I E ETRIE WEEKLY "It's like that twilighty show about that zone... "- Homer Simpson, The Simpsons, 1995 Volume XXXIII, Number 15 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 January 26, 1999 Police Report Chess Team Recaptures Reveals New Pan-Am Championship JESSICA ROTHFUS practice and coaching sessions. Information Retriever Weekly Editorial Staff Many members have also noticed the link between physical and men The Pan-American Intercolle tal fitness, and, as a result pursue on Stabbing giate Team Championship is the activities such as jogging and mar World Series of college chess, and tial arts. Matches at Pan-Am can be this year. UMBC's team brought six hours long. and greater endur VERGlL BUSHNELL peake 314 home the glory. While many of us ance can often ensure one player's Retriel·er Weekly Editorial Staff (CPK 3l4) were reveling in the bliss of winter victory over another. and mixed the break, the chess team spent the last UMBC has a very strong chess Despite Interim Chief of Police vodka with few days of December locked in recruiting program, and is one of the John Cook's assessment that "gen iced tea. competition with 20 other chess only schools to offer chess scholar erally, this is a very quiet campus," When all of teams, including those of Harvard ships. The university is also seek the violent events of the December the tea was and Stanford. ing to turn chess into a spectator 6. 1998 campus stabbing disrupted consumed, The tournament was held this sport. Since the Pan-Am tourna the image of a peaceful residential they substi year in Dallas. Texas. Since most ment triumph, both the chess team community. tuted pow of the major chess teams are located and the university have received Detailed information in a crimi dered grape Amy Banowetz I Retriever Weekly Staff on the East Coast. only about 20 media attention, including a front nal report recently provided to The drink as a Scarred Student: Kevin Blackistone displays two teams competed, as opposed to the page story in the Baltimore Sun and Retriever Weekly by the UMBC mixer. Drink- healed neck lacerations. usual40 or more. Competition was an interview on WJZ's "Coffee police (in compliance with the ing began in lessened, but the Texas location With ... " program. Higher Education Amendments of earnest around II :30 p.m. and con Blackstone [sic] stated that the very ensured that the teams who did raise Victory in Dallas marks the 1998 to the Family Educational tinued for several hours. last thing he could remember be the funds to get there were truly top team ·s second Pan-Am win in three Rights and Prhacy Act [FERPAJ), Blackistone told campus police "he fore the attack was sitting on the notch. years. This time around. they were about the stabbrng in Chesapeake may have had,'' the equivalent of bed ... He stated that he was not In order to maintain their success. by no means surprise winners. Jay Hall early that morning presents a ·'between 10 and I 5 shots of members of the UMBC chess team much more comprehensive picture vodka." see STABBING. page 4 spend many hours each week at see CHESS. page 7 of the incident than the initial press They settled down for a night of releases given to the media last se video games, television and casual mester. conversation. Freshman Kelly Campus Police Get New Home, Image Although UMBC police still Warson, an ancient studies major. have not determined the actual mo described an encounter with JEN SICILIANO tivation that sparked the early morn Keenan on December 6th. Rt>triever Weekly Editorial Staff ing armed attack. the broader scope ·'I saw him earlier that night," of reports, interviews and pictures Warson said. "He seemed like a nor The former campus police station create a deeper context for under mal drunk; he was a little incoher is gone; demolished; ·'history'' standing a crime which has mysti ent." even, and along with it the police's fied the UMBC community. Erup Watson, who had known Keenan reputation for being unreachable tions of violence are rarely experi prior to his enrollment in UMBC. except in cases of emergency, ac enced at UMBC, and never in this added: "In high school he was just cording to Manny Lewis, special magnitude. a quiet kid. He didn't bother any assistant to the chief of police. According to documents fur body." The campus police made the nished by the campus Police De switch from their old offices, across partment. Brian James Keenan. 18, "I'm bleeding. Help, Help!" from Student Health Services, in a freshman majoring in English, and Watson was one of several who order to make room for the new Kevin B lackistone. 20, a junior dropped by CPK 314 that night. residence hall in front of the library. majoring in visual arts, supplied Blackistone himself paid a few in The new station - formerly $12 for the purchase of a 1.75 liter ternlittent visits to nearby friends, known as the Physical Plant - of jug of Gordon's Vodka. A 21-year fmally returning to the room around fers more space than the old one, old student, who did not consume 3:20 a.m. which makes a major difference to any alcohol, made the purchase for A report compiled by Detective the officers. Amy Banowetz I Retriever Weekly Staff the two minors at a local liquor Corporal Eber Greene of the "[With] more room to operate out Room to Move: After transferring into their new space, campus store. The students returned to UMBC police paraphrased an inter police are expanding into the community to establish positive Keenan's dormitory room, Chesa- view with Blackistone, stating: "Mr. see POLICE, page 3 relationships and a feeling of security for students. Plmpln' pirates, eBsy Men's J:'b;itslc:ett•ttll chess champs, Insert add{cts and "UN remains uo.cfefitateld your name In our SPEAKABLE In conference pltty, comments on last weekly contest, meet damage" - De women avenge month's stabbing in Dreamworlfs' Jeffrey termined to delineate earlier season loss to Chesapeake Hall, and Katzenberg, burn and debunk, the Monmouth to move Jessica Rothfus away those holiday Focus staff dons into third place, the discusses the merits pounds and cook up cybemaut suits and swimmers took on of enviro-friendly something special in descends into the West Virginia, and earthships. digital dives of the Chris Kerner looks at the Survival Skillet. World· Wide-Web. Super Bowl XXXJ/1. PAGE2 THE RETRIEVER WEEKLY NEWS January 26, 1999 THE SCENES Alcohol Related Deaths Continue The Mystery Man BIG RAPIDS. Mich. - Alcohol has hccn linked to the death of another Yeah. ) ou kno\s. who mire on campus ami v. hy. Michigan college student smcc a Ferris we're talking about. You've No''. hold on one sec State Universit) student fell from her seen her on campus every ond This isn't a contest. so third-floor bedroom windov. after a da) in the last semester. don't get so excited. Thi~ is night of drinking. busil) "orking on some your chance to shO\\ ho\\ Adriane Allen. a 20-)ear-old dental project or another. but you much you care about your hygiene student from\\ illiam~ton. had can't quite recall her name. facult) and staff. You v. ill. t\\ icc the amount of alcohol in her You''c read about his hO\\Cver. receive a v.arrn. bloodstream neccssar} to be consid achie,cments in the paper fuay feeling inside from ered legaiJy drunk in Michigan. said a couple of times. but the joy of knowing that Kc\ in Courtne). the director of pubhc you're not sure you'd know your nominee v. ill appreci safety in Big Rapids. Allen's blood him if you saw him in the ate the recognition you're alcohol level was 0.22. hall. She just got promoted giving them. Allen died Frida) afternoon after after fi\c years of hard Students and facult) arc falling the preYious night from the v. in work in your department. \\Clcome to submit nomina dov. in her off-campus apartment. An but you· ve ne' cr heard of tions. Tel us as much infor autops) shO\\Cd Allen died from mas her before. mation as ) ou can about the sive head and internal inJunes. The Retriel•er Weekly person. For example. name. Since October. two MSt., students v.ould tile to shine the position and reason for have died after consuming alcohol. spotlight on some lesser nomination are all helpful. known facult) and staff II you· re not sure of a name Live Nudes on Campus here at UMBC. In the or position. that's okay. just PRINCETON. N.J. - President Shapiro weeks to come. we hope to as long as you point us in announced Monday he is asking Dean give you a look into their the right direction. of Student Life Janina Montero to ex lives and jobs, so that you can appre But before we start digging around. Send your submissions to amine the future of the Nude Olym ciate the great deal of work these we'd like to give you a chance to nomi [email protected] by Tuesday. pics in light of the "serious risks that people contribute to our campus com nate someone you think may be under-ap February 9 for early consideration. the Nude Olympics pose." munity. preciated. We want to knO\\ who you ad- In a strongly worded letter to the edi tors ofThe Daily Princetonian, Shapiro cited the high number of students who were taken to McCosh Health Center and Princeton M edical Center Friday Thanks to you.