Hed Bank's Large Night Bank's Busiest Week. Want Tpaved
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Issued VVifflUl?, {Snared as Second-Clem Matter at tho Post* VOLUME XLVII, NO. 24. office a1 *ud EanU, M. K Under tho Act of frfarcb 3d, 1870, RED BANK, N. J.f WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1924. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 16. MEETING FOR YOUNG FOLKS. WANT TPAVED ROAD.!MAKING MORE ICE CREAM LAWSUIT FROM AN ACCIDENT. \ HED BANK'S LARGE NIGHT BANK'S BUSIEST WEEK. Institute Held Last Week at the Charles Mitchell Gets No Damages THREE PLACES RAIDED. STORE TO BECOME HOUSE COMMUNITY' PARTY USHERS CONSOLIDATED BANK IN ITS Prsebyterian Church. MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHI" WILL NEW MACHINERY PUT IN THE from Anthony DeMarco. DETECTIVES VISIT EATON- THE"HOLMEY BOP.DEN" BUILD- IN SHOPPING SEASON. NEW QUARTERS. An institute f >r young folks of MAKE THE REQUEST. HESSE PLANT. Last month ,-i taxieab owned by ; TOWN' AND PINE BROOK ING TO BE MOVEU. Monmouth county was held last Charles Mitchell of Red Bank Wi;s! 3idewaII{B Crowded Last Thursday Second National Bank and tho Red Wednesday nnd Thursday nights at Township Committee Will Ask Growing Business Necessitates New damaged in a collision with an auto- Barber Shojt, Pool Room and Store Stores at the Cronrondj at ShrewShrewss . Night During Parade, Block Bank Trust Company Under Ono the Red Bank Presbyterian church. Freeholders to Take Over Road Machinery Costing $8,000—The mobile, driven by Anthony De-' Searched Last Week—The Arrest bury Has Ccc:i Bnurflit by Coun- Dance and "Red Letter- Hunt"—• Roof as a Combined Institution About 200 persons attended the from Former Middletown Trolley Most Important Part of the Work Marco of Red Bunk. Josenh'Thcir- of Jolm W- Ei8ril" Creates a Sen- cilman Schcnck S. Thompson--- Big Drawing far $300 Saturday. --All Old Employees Retained. meetings. Conference on young Station to New Monmouth. Done by a Woman. cciin of Fair View, who is employed , sation at Eatotitov/n. Will Be Taken to Hanco Park. Thc ' Christmas shopping season Last week waa the busiest week people's work in church societies At. the last meeting of tho Mid- Now electrical driven machinery by Mr. -Mitchell, was driving the' 'Tony Squillantc and John W. El- Tlie building at the rrohsroiidsroiids ::t opened at Red Hank last Thursday the Second national bank of Red were conducted by Rev. J. Lawrence taxieab and three weeks ago he grim of Eatontown and John Pur- hb night with ono of the biggest cele- dletowft township committee for making ice and ice cream was Shrewsbury whii-li wa.-i U:;«l as ii Baijk has ever known. On Monday Pitt, formerly of Red Bank, who is Iharles H. Tindall asked the com- placed last week in the Hesse plant brought suit against Mr. DeMarco. | "ell of I'ine Brook were arrested brations thiB town hns over wit- the bank moved to the Trust com- last store by th • late A. Holme.-! liorden director of religious education in mittee to request the freeholders on Front street at a cost of $8,000. The case v.as tried before Justice week on charges of selling has been sold by his estate to Couil- nessed. Lnto in the afternoon a pany building, which it bought last tho Methodist church; Esther I. Charles It. I"). Kuxwell, who dig- ,liqvi»_i" illt-Kally. Each mis released eilmun Subem-l; H. Thompso.i of Red braiis band went about town on a Janunry, and the consolidation of to make a county load of the road It i.s one of the most up-to-date il Sh Williams, associate young people's which rum fiom the old Mid- outfits of its kind in this section and missed the suit on the grounds that '" ?«"", bail fo r the action of the Hank. Uml.- tin; terms of the mills ' largo truck playing "There'll be a tho two banka was complete. The superintendent of the state Sunday- Mr. Theireelm could not legally sue grand jury. The arrests were made Mr. Thompson imul move tho buihl- Hot Time in tho Old Town To- busiest day ia tho life of the Sec- dletown trolley sUb - Mon- it will greatly increase the capacity school association; Rev. Abram mouth. lie o£ the'Mco cream plant. Growing Mr. DeMarco for damages done |,, i'>y Doti-i-tive John M. .Smith and inp; thiri month, It; state!) that u night." It certainly was a true ond national bank, combined with Duryce, educational secretary of the the taxieab because Theircelin was .thl 'eu assistants. party wh > live: I lance Park, in the busiest day in the lifo of tho property before business mado the installation of A Mr prophecy- There was "a hot time Reformed church of America; Hen- not the owner of the taxieab. i ' - SquiUante s pool room the Shrewsbury township, near Red in tho old town" that night. Red Bank Trust company, did not t,he' 1 free- the neww machinerniiteniueiy necessaryneLebscii j.. 'wi- «-'»^ ^....^. •-. --.-• ....... *...,. n- ' .i. c i n c ,> . equal tho amount of business dono ry Reed Bowcn of the New Jersey holders had mid TSftffLlJSv would to buy The parade, the red letter, hunt, •Part of the new outfit comprise, \ „ Last week Mr Mitchell brought liejuorofiicer.s ,aAyt Mrthey^fonnd^lo,. PurntH's store ,thfyl'buildin ^ ! Bank. g,; ; and that if the sales goes on Monday of last week; whon tho council of religious education, Au- give consideration to the matter if the block danco nnd all the otner bono Hoyle of Newark and Frank the request was made by the town- at tankHesse's, whic. hA nwa unusuas rivetel dfeatur togethee orf |]suit'ngaim- and tho casl eMr wa. sDeMarc tried beforo tore M5Jus0- found some wine which bad "gone j ibron^h tlie buihlinjr will be moved usual features vvero put through as business of both banks was trans- to vinegar" and which was unfit to j to that, place. It is planned to con- acted in the on® building. Tho de- D. Getty o* Philadelphia. Similar ship committee. Mr. Tindall stated tins work was that it was done by | tice Foxwell and a jury, with planned and us outlined in last aw drink. Mr. Klgrim's barber nliopj vert the lanldii:^ in:« a lioute. posits that day amounted to $335,- meetings were held at Puterson and that the object in having the road a woman. The woman, Mrs. Kate [Thomas 1". Dm-emus as the l >'">' w week's Register. Tho sidewalks 289.U2. Collingswood. made a co-int. thoroughfare was to Nelson of Perth Amboy, worked! for Mr. Mitchell and Edward w-!'and resilience \ .,,, , were searchc-d and Thc Mure Is on the old Quaker were thronged with people most of A supper was served for tho nolhin v found ! meeting house properly. Mr. Bor- have it paved with concrete. The with all the muscular efficiency and | Wise as the lawyer for Mr. He- Rev. Dwigl'it L. Parsons, pastor of tho evening. Two brass bands nnd' Tho bank was thronged, pot only delegates in tho church ilininjr hall township committee passed a reso- precision of the best men experts! Marco. The jury took the view ili-n had it lniilL there ten years the American Legion fife nnd drum n the opening day, but oil through boforo each meeting. The alumni the Shrewsbury Presbyterian ago, after his flnre building on tho lution calling tho attention of Uvs at this kind of work. Clad in over- ! that each driver was equally re- church, v.'n^1 having his liair eul by corps provided music. Plenty of tho week. Deposits are made and of tho Christian Endeavor socioty freeholders to the need of taking sponsiblu for tlie collision in which opposite side of tho road lin.il been red tire was used to illuminato tho checks are cashed at the same win- of tho Red Bank Presbyterian all and a J ii-.per and with a cap Mr. when the defective and destroyed by tiro. lie leased the ver the road and paving it. fitted backwards on her head she; tVi taxieab was damaged and his three'Assistants entered the bar- property for ten years from the parade and it made a colorful spec- dows, instead-of having some win- church prepared tho supper and An extension of thirty days was De was a picture of feminist ability, j brought in a verdict that Mr. -1 |jCr s]]u|op, . (Juakei-s an.! the lease expired lart tacle. ' dows for paying out money nnd Mrs. Howard S. Higginson was granted to Thomas W. Collins of some for taking in money,, as was The riveting was done by electricity Marco should not be compelled to oThis'is au Olltra(re » exclaimcd Jl Th To most folks the principal event chairman of tho supper committee. Kcansburg to complete the work of and power was generated by a plant pay damages. The jury consisted j, ' ' ' fl: . July. The ], perty ia undw <%"! was the "red letter hunt," the de- the former custom. M wl the o lcel s management A roast Virginia ham supper was putting cinders and gravel on the on an automobile outside the store, of Dominick A. M.-izza, f n Quaker society- tails of which were outlined in The A very large safe deposit vault served each night. Those who road fn. i fji-eonwoc:!' Corner nt Register last week. Alexander G. has been installed in tho bank worked in tho serving kitchen weiye Middletown village to New Mon- Russell of Rector place was the first building, containing 1,672 safety Mrs. John Muller, MiV Errickson, mouth.