Quality of Chemical Measurements International Evaluation Program Prof. De Bièvre as coordinator. Interest was immedi- Reveals True Situation ately demonstrated by UNESCO (Dr. A. Pokrovsky), and cooperative information dissemination efforts began. IUPAC’s Committee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) Although a brief summary of the concerns, “Me- has submitted the following article, prepared by Dr. trology in Chemistry”, had been published in Chemis- Philip D. P. Taylor (Joint Research Centre-European try and Engineering News (C&EN, 31 May 1999, Commission, Institute for Reference Materials and Mea- p. 29), COCI encouraged Prof. De Bièvre to submit a surements, Retiesweg, B-2440 Geel, Belgium; E-mail: more detailed summary to Chemistry International (CI).
[email protected]), Dr. Ioannis Papadakis This article provides “snapshot” pictures of chemical (
[email protected]), Mrs. Lutgart Van Nevel measurement (un)reliability, with many practical, so- (
[email protected]), Dr. Ciaran Nicholl (nicholl@ cietal implications. irmm.jrc.be), and Prof. Paul De Bièvre (Duineneind 9, B-2460 Kasterlee, Belgium; E-mail: paul.de.bievre@ Dr. A. Nelson Wright skynet.be). COCI Chairman Dr. A. Nelson Wright Chairman, IUPAC Committee on Chemistry and (12539 Ranger, Montreal, Quebec H4J 2L7, Canada; Industry (COCI) E-mail:
[email protected]) contributed the Introduc- tion. Introduction Background The wide variation in chemical trace measurements was Chemical measurements form the basis of many im- first brought to my attention by Prof. De Bièvre at the portant economic, political, environmental, medical, 1998 meeting of the Committee on Chemistry and In- and legal decisions. Each day, millions of such mea- dustry (COCI) in Johannesburg, South Africa.