To Oiip Patrons. J. W. Fitzgerald, editor of tho Clinton Pomoiift Grftiig-e. LADIES AND MISSES' .' Jugltain-County Jpocmi nnd Shiawassee Union, has sold his olfioe Lamb Wool Lined Uublbcr It is with some dogi'ee of ptide that wo and business to Messrs. Reeves & Allen of The annual meeting oflngliain County GoodN at Brown Rros'. ]'ublI^ljod ovory Thiiradiiy Pomona Grange, for tho election of officei'S by this week cull the attention of our patrons the Ovid liegisier, who havu consolidated lo the fact that we have enlarged the DEM. for the coming year, and settling accounts WE HAVE; JUST RECEIVED Si. P. WHITMORE, the two papers, and with tho increased oCRAT from a five to a six column quarto, busitifss thus secured, the Begister-Union for tho past year, will be hold at North Auotlicr lot of Ladles' Warm iiABON, mwmaAif. thereby inoi'pasing the size nearly one- will doubtless prove to be a better paper Lansing grange hall on Saturday, Dec. II, Lined SIiocs at Browa Bros'. 188G, at 10 o'clock, a. in,, sharp. P33ICES : quarter, VVi- have long desired to make than over published at Ovid. Ono Year, Jl.50 ; Six months, 75 conia ; Three this change bill have not felt that our busi­ This meeting will be open to nil dth WE ARE The Stockbridge Siui says another shoot­ monlhi, 40 centa. ness .juatided iiiir dolngso. And even now, degree members and it is very important Constantly Receiving IHcw ing affray occurred at Muiiith last Saturday: we havu bad cunsiderable hesitancy in in- that there should bo a good atteiulanco. C}ood8 of all kinds at Browu "It seems that Loren Nichols, a brother- currin-: the net.'essary increased expense, Impoi'lant business other than that men­ Bros'. Our adrertlslnK rates aro SlOO por column por an­ in-law of Pat. Ryan, getting full of whiskey num. Business notices live cents per line for oach Go to the Bee Hive and but linally, trnsling that by fio doing our tioned will bo presented for consideration. lusortlon. Jidltorlal notices 10 cents. was put out of tho saloon by Pat., who GEMTLEMEV JliiBiniiss cards SI.OO per lino iier year. business would be snlTiclently increased to Coino out early and stay all day. Tho appears to be the heavy man there, where­ Marilage, hlrlh and death notices Insorlod fioo, get nice fresh goods. We are justiiy the act, we have taken the step, nnd aftornoon meeting will ba an open, free for You will llnd timt tlio Cliiciigo Glove Ohltiinrv conunrnis, reaidutions, cards of Ilianks, etc. upon Nichols opened a fusihido of bullets will hircaftor bo charged for at the rate of live cents to-day the DEMociiA'r salutes you, a larger . A good programme will be arranged Fitting, llio Rochester or tlio Ilinira I por line. buying our goods by the car- at tho olFenditig brotlier-in law. who was Boots will outwear any boot iu llic inar- Corr'simndonco containing local iieivs. Is HOlleited and we hope, better paper than ever before, by tho Capitol Grange. out of range^^^ from all iiarts of the county. If you like it, say a good word for it to Icot, all Imnd-inado and warrantoU at AnoMvmons connnunlcationa not Inaorted under Load and can sell you good It is oxpetzted that there will ho a 5th Brown Bros'. anyclrcuinetances, your neighbor. In renewing his subscription to the degree meeting in the evening for confer Groceries very cheap. If you DEMOCRAT, Prof. H. F. Dorr, formerly ring tbe degree, JOB PRINTING! The Tbanksgivitig sertnon by Rev. W, BROWIV BRO,S. superintendent of our city school;!, hut now ELLIOTT H. ANGELL, Sec'y. Have tlic Exclusive Sale ortlio Ourmnlerlal Is new and of tho latest styles nnd we want nice fresh Coffee, buy C. Phillips at the M. E, church last Thurs­ Kiiarantoe eatlsfacllon, both in prices and occupping a like position at Elgin, Illinois, Bunkerbill, Nov. 29,188(1. day morning is pronounced a decidedly Chicago and Dakota Protec­ fjualliy of work. says: "My work in tho schools here has of us. We roast our ownabl e address by those who heard it. tion Ankle Fclts. Don't buy This paper can be found on file at Geo. P. Itowell k been hard but thoroughly enjoyed. WR use Ailvortlsed letter List. Co.'s Kowsiiniinr Advertising liurran (10 Spruce St.) until you Hcetlicin. whoro advnrtlsing conti'acts can bo mudo for It in Don't fail to hear the Meigs Sisters at nt present ten school buildings and employ Coffee. MASON, NOV. 29,188C. Sew Xiirk. Rayner opera house to-night. The finest 4,S teachers." Not much titne to get List of letters remaining uncalled for at Don't Eead Tliia, Official Directory. LOCAL AJVD GENERAL STEWS. lady quartette in the country. Doors open homesick, eh ? tho above named office : But call on Witbeck & Yocum in the check­ ered front when in need of a first class SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS. at seven o'clock, concert begins nt eight. Rollo Bryan, the lightning chalk talker Oamiiboll, Mr, Flan Bondoll, Mr. M. S. Reovos, Mr. Buvid Iloirels. Mis. 0.13. Wagon, Carriage, Cutter or Cart, as we President ....0. M. riuNTiNOTOS See lost notice. of Lansing, acknowledged the drollest of Smith, Mlas Viola Jt. Willlaon, Ohas, Q. Mns. KMJIA D. COOK Farmers, keep your barns and granaries have a full line and will sell at prices that Treasurer 0, W. VANSi.yKB poets and rival of Nast, will give ono of Persons calling for any of the above say defy competition. J.U. Gov K. Ps, soo notice. securely fastened and your blunderbusses his ininiitable entertainments at the advertised. R. G. C, K^fIaiIT, P. M. TruBtoos .7. a Cl.S-NOK ready for action; wheat and clover seed Grout Biirculns 0. M. IJUNTINOTOS 1887 will soon ho here, North Aui-elius church, to-morrow (Friday) In Winter Goods of All kinds at thieves are reported in close vicinity to this BiiMlnosH Locals. evening. Admission only 10 cents j diild- HOLMES & Co.'s.- OFFICERS. See notice lo city taxpayers, county. Mayor PEKIIV fjENncnsojf ren under 10 years, free. Go and have n Ladles. Aureiius tn.\payers see notice. First-class Coal Stove for salo cheap. Olork.- GEO, A.KARLK Go and hear Frank G. Reynolds at tho City Marshal J. P. SMITH gojd hearty laugh. He will be at tho Wil­ M. D. ClIATTERTON. 82 Newmarkets and 60 Children's and Treasurer and Collector ,1. A. Sntniwoon See notice to Vovay taxpayers. opera house to-night, He is a humorist of son school House, Vevay, to-night. Notloo K. Pa. Misses' Cloaks still on hand, which will be Bchool Inspociur CIIAIII.KH WIMTOAN sold at greatly reduced prices ot Btroot OomiulMioner Piiii.ii' NIOE tho best character. He will make yon A meeting at Castle Hall, on Friday ev. ....leii.N A. BARNES Opening of'tlie lecture course thiseveninj; MARCOS QUEGOR'S. laugh nnd you will call hiin back to make A pleasant social ovent occurred at the ening, Dec, 3d, at 7:30 p, m, sharp. There h. n. RioR Juaticcaof tho Peace .... WM. II. Ci.AiiK Circulating library at Van Horn's grocery, you laugh again. home of Mr. and Mrs. William Northrup will he work and arrangements made for Kod SuUod Mittens, S. W. llAMJIONP drill. . CuAS. M. SllAFEK ol Vevay, Tuesday evening last, in the The best, at 2oc per pair, at Al dorm on at Largo Cliristmas three weeks from next Sat­ A, V. PEEK We ore requested lo state there wi be a L. G. WEBB, The Clothier's. marriage of George M. Webb of Aureiius, To Taxpayers of AuroUuB. ...3. II.llEEonr.R urday, meeting at the Hawley school house, Vevay, Aldornion, 1st ward • fj_ ROI.FK and Miss Elnorah Shattuck of Vovay. The Notice is hereby given that I will bo at Vox Cajis, ,,, , t C. W. VANSI.VKR to-morrow (Friday) evening, for the pur­ Taxes in this city amount to ,'J1,71 on a cei'emony was perfortned by Rev, J. A. the houso of Amos Topliff, Dec. 18, and at One thousand fine Silk Lined Fur,Caps Aldornion, 2d ward j pose of organizing a literary-society, Good the store of M. ,1, Powers, Deo, 20 and 30, at $1.50 each; others ask $2.00 each for a AI.HEIIT BUTLEU hundred this year. Barnes of Mason, in the presenno of tho Supervisor, 1st ward J. H. SAVEHI music in attendance. to receive taxes. A. J. DOOI.ITTLE, cup not near as good, Can't you induce your neighbor to sub­ relatives and a select circle of intimate 48w'l Treasurer. L. C. WEBB, The Clothier. BuporviBor.2d COUNTward Y OFFICERS A. W. MEKA.N scribe for the DE.MOCRAT? Go to Vandercook's Bee Hive, Dec 2'1', friends. The young couple start out in life BUotlll' Tnos. MOKKBNA city Tax Collector's Notice, Notice. Troasu ror Wir ITNKY .IO.N and get a nice dish of oysters. Every per­ with the best wishes of their entire acquaint­ Cutters were out Monday morning, for Notice is hereby given that I will be at MASON, MICU., Dec. 1, 1886, Olork Jou« W. WiiAi.i.oN son purchasing goods to the amount of one ance. Keglst..r 0, C. FiTO the first time this sensoii—Nov, 29. the Farmers' Bank in Mason, on Saturday The Bohemian Oat and Cereal Company JudgeufProbate Q.A.SMITJI dollar or more, will get a good diah of raw of each week during Deoentber, 188G, particularly request that all persons holding Pros. A ttornov - J. U.NionoLs A little point of interest to all, but which Crack your eye on Howard & Son's to receive taxes, Parties having taxes to bonds against said company, coming due , „ . f J,0.SQOiMns or stewed oysters free. * is not generally known, is that railway OironllOonrtOoni'rs j _ ..A.r.Bous advertisement tliis week. Somelhine new. pay will find me at that place on the days during the month of December, will call a -fervoyor ",'.'.'.'.',i',"!!!r.'....'joiiN MUUETT Two ladles' cloaks, found with a lot of companies are compelled to refund the named, prepared to take money and give , ,, IIKNHV FuEKStAN their ofiice and have the same raised accord Coroners, {"""' SMITH TOOICEII Temperance meetiilf; ut Hubbard school other plunder stolen by the Bently gang at money on all railroad tickets which have receipts. J. A, SHERWOOD, ing to agreement. house, South-east Vevay, to-morrow even' Lansing, have been turned over to the n'lt been used. For instance, if a peracn '18w2 City Collector, 46tf BOHEMIAN OAT AND CEUEAL CO. BiLsiiicss Directory. ing. Ladies' Aid Society of that city, the officers here purchased a ticket for Toronto ond To Tuxpiiyom of 'Vovay. New BoodH. ATTORNEYS. Tho pastors of the Presbyterian and being unable to find the owners. then is unable to make the trip, or a part I will be at the Farmers' Bank in Mason A magnificent line of New Hooda just on Saturdays, and at my home, known as roceiyed at ' MARCUS GREOOR'S. GEO.M. nuNTI.NQTON. H. P 11 KNIlERSOIf, Baptist churches exchanged pulpits of tbe trip, a refund may be legally de­ According to the Saline Observer, the the L. S, Bates farm, on Fridays during the ONTINGTON & IIHNDKBSON, Attortneye and manded for the unused portion of the ticket. Bontlatry. Sunday. Bohemian oat note suit before Justice Webb month of December, to receive taxes. H (Jounsolors at Law, Oilico over First Nutional Best Teeth, $7,50 ; Filling, 50 cents up ; DADk, Mason,Mich. 2yl But the refund must be demanded during 48w3p H. I. NoiiTiiuop, The military department nt tho Agricul­ of that village last week, was quickly dis­ Extruding, 25 cents. Teeth extracted with­ the number of days the ticket is good. Township Treasurer. PHYSICIANS. tural College has been supplied with a now posed of. A judgtnent was rendered in favor out pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. This plan of redeeming tickets was mado Lost. n OULVKK, M. 1)., physician and Surgeon, 150 foot flajj staff. of the plaintiff, with costs on the defendant. A. P. VANDEOSEN, S, Gfllco ovor Howard .t Son's Orocory, Mason, H a law two years ago, when the law to pro Between Mason and the Randall farm on Darrow block. Mason, Mich. ' OOTOIt A, B. OAMI'UELL,PhyBlclan, Surgeon A. I. Barber of this city, the owner of the Dansville road, a short Plane. The The teaehoi's' itistitute at Lansing last hibit ticket-scalping was passed.—TJeZZcuiie Wall Paper. OiHoeover 11 M. Willlam'sdrugstoro,Mason. finder will confer a favor by leaving tho D Saturday was well attended by the teachers Greenbacks, has recently purchased of Gazette, Five Times the Largest Stock in the city, B- DODGE, M, D.. lloniaiiiatldst. Oilico in Dar same at this office. Williamston parties, the Hambletonian J, roiv block, llesiileiico curiier A and Oak Sts. of Mason and vicinity, The Howell Bepublican suggests a cus­ at UNPERHILL'S Furniture Store. To Taxpayors ot Iuj;linm. stallion, Victor Knight, sire of the famous tom for general uso by farmers everywhere. Big Bargains D. 'Vfnrinors'Bank. Offlce hours from 10 to 12 a. The toboggan craze now seems to be mare, Colored Girl, also tbe property of Notice is hereby given that I will bo al In Ladies' and Children's Underwear and m., 'i to 4 and 7 to 0 p. m, affecting Michigan cities as severely as the That is, that they put their names on tab­ the offico formerly occupied by Dr. Shcr Woolen Hosiery for the next 30 days at Mr. Barber. lets and attach them to tho gate posts, to DENTISTS. skating rink mania a few years ago. man, in the village of Dansville, on eacl MAROUS GREOOR'S. Wo will take wood in payment for Iheconvenien t shade trees, on the barns, or in T\R. MOFFKTT, DENTLST, Onioo overi Holmes Tuesday ond Saturday during the month o Our city schools were closed from Wed­ At Webb's SUoe Storo, JJ A; CO,'B store. Mason, Mich, Tooth extracted DEMOCRAT when it is not convenient for any desirable and conspioious place, so that December, to receive taxes, Withont |iain by the use of Vitalized Air. Artillciii nesday evening of last week Hiitil Monday 47w2p S. F. SKADAN, Treasurer. A few snide Kid Button Shoes at your own tooth «itliout [dates. • All work warranted. parties to pay the cash, but we must insist travelers may know readily whose residence morning, on account of Thanksgiving. Poultry! I'oultryl price. l". VANDUSDN , DENTIST. Olllco in Darrow on having marketable wood at the market, they are passing. A few have already block, Mason, Mich. We want a few tons of Poultry, Call at Ovorcoata, A There seems to be a general scarcity of price. Tbe price of the paper remains at adopted this feature and it is decidedly ap our sloreliouse and get prices.and instruc Silk and Sutin Lined, the finest in the land, SURVEYING. S51.50 a year. hard coal all over tho west. This city preciated by those who ride through the lions for dressing. nt L, C, WEBB, The Clothier's, )'. DBAKK, Deputy Connty SiM'voyor, Mason; however, thus far seems to be supplied. rural distrids, for it affords them the oppor 4Gw3p VANOSTRAND & ELMER, A. Slloh. Dniln work a specialty. Frank Siddall, the Philadelphia soap Ovorooats. Overcoats. tunity of learning just where many of their Mrs. B. J. Crittenden lost her spectacles man, says: "I have confined my advertis­ To Tiixpiiyers of Kunlcorhlll, Silk Lined Overcoats, F1NANCIAI-. business acquaintances and personal friends about the city Ttiesduy and would be Ihank- ing ontierly to newspapers. The man who Notice is hereby given that I will be at Pur Beaver Overcoats, M. BBESSEB, Inanranoo, Loan and Collection reside. Cross' store, Fitchburg, on tho two last Buffalo Overcoats, , A((6nt. Ail hnsinoss promptly attended to, Of. ful if the Dnder would return them to her. does no't read a newspaper does not use J Thursdays of December from 9 a, m. to 3 Rocky Mountain Overcoots. floo In tcarniors' Bank, Mason. soap," Mr, .SiiMall is a philosopher and au Judging by the following from the How­ Ethel, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and p. m. and at home each Tuesday of Decern Three times the lai'gesl stock to,be found INSURANCE. observing iniln, ell Democrat, speaking upon the subject of ber, for the purpose of receiving taxes. Mrs, Warner Potter of Bunkerliill, died anywhere, at L. 0. WEBB, The Cloihier's.' T^ABMlffiS MUTUAL FIBE INSURANCi: COM electric lights, this city, by a little exertion 47w2 C. H. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. JTlunnols ana Yarns. : - yesterday. Funeral will he held to day at Henry Al'instrong, a former resident of ij paiiyoflnghum county. .Safoot,choapoat, boot, on the part of our enterprising citizens A large line of the for Information write to 0, F. Miller, siioretary, the house. this county, was recently arrested at Jack­ Oonl. Ooal, JMsaon. .SamuelSkodan nrosldent Danaville. might also be lighted by electricity: Flannels and Yarns to be.f Our price for Soranton or Lacawonna The Slate BepiMican says tho supply son and brought back to Lansing to answer "At the request of some of our citizens MAR' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. coal is still six dollars per ton, delivered to engine at the Lansing water works now to tho charge of stealing a cow from Martin J, 0. Wilson, superintendent of construc­ any part of the city, BuOUlo and 17(1 A. BABNKS, Justice of tho Poaco, Insurance and .Collection Agont. Ofllco up stairs, ovor Farmers' pumps 350,000 gallons daily, and the system Redmond, near the Agricultural College, tion of tho Edison electric lights, visited 47tf VANOSTRAND k ELMEB, Lap Robes and Horse : ok. 611 has 2,225. about two years ago. times the largestjstock l Howell Tuesday, and surveyed the town in Big bargains in Dress Goods at REAL ESTATE AGENT LC-'W^nj-j E. Culver, the jeweler, annoiinces this The Grand Trunk and Central Michigan regard to the matter. He says if our busi­ MARCUS GREOOR'S. •Onil DUNSBAOK, Bcal Estnto And Loan Agont Agricultural Society right of-way muddle at ness men will take one hundred lights a Cutter For Sulo Or Exohaugo. ' ray Vi\ Main Btroot, south of poBloflloo, Mason, week his seventh annual distribution and A good square box cutter for sale cheap, My books will be founij grand holiday sale of watches,-jewelry and Lansing, which baa been honging fire for plant will be put in here and operated.'' or will exchange for wood. Enquire of A; Barnes, Please cfl silverware. 15 years, was settled last week by Rail­ Let some electric light man bob around • 0. F. MILLER. oblige. road Commissioner Wm.McPhersonaward­ this way. The Young People's Missionary Band of Houso to ICont, At Wobb'fl Sb ing the society $1,545.98. the Baptist church will meet with Miss The IT. S. signal service bureau is organ­ Inquire al Vandercook's grocery. You can get the old rtl izing a state signal service for this state. Every pair good for a ' Myrtie Smith next Wednesday evening. \\e money raised for the benefit of A row Lady Canvassom All are invited, i^''pJAmmo. Turnor, whose death at St. The work is under the supervision of Sergt. Can find light and money making employ, At Webb's ShoJ Louis we announCijd last week, we areNorma n Conger, whose headquarters will meut, by calling on, or addressing The best $3 Kid ButtoiiT^ The corner store in the Cook block in the city, : ' informed, $22.80 was.paid for treatment be at Lansing, Lansing will also be made •WiTBECK & 'ifoouM, Mason, Mich. occupied by Messrs. F. W. Webb and B. SoldOv and care at St. Louis and Ann Arbor and a cold wave station, and the flag indicating Groat Sale of Uudorvrcar. Culver, will shortly be supplied with a My books will bo.fou $30 for the funeral expenses. the approach of cold waves will be displayed Gents' Furnishing Goods, Gloves and plate glass front,' ' ,. boot and shoe storeiftPli ^he Magara Falls (Route. usually 24 hours before it arrives. Daily Mittens at cost to close out. We are going Walter Thomas Mills will discuss the po­ and oblige, i SOnTRWAllD. Secure a gonuine oil painting for a holi indications will be sent to all parts of tbe out of the • Gents' Furnishing Goods line '.Loavo Mason .....10:25 a.m. 0:32 p. m, litical issues of the day from the prohibition At Webb's S day present. The now advertisetoent of state tind the flags will also be carried by and it will pay you to come and see us. ' '•Arrive Jabltaon 11:20a m. 1U:3I) p, m. Something that' willikei stand point, at the court house to-morrow • HOLMES & Co, i Arrive Kahuna/.oo... 1:60 p.m. 'hICa.m. Messrs, Ball & Sherman will explain to all railroad trams. Stations .will be estab­ when your wife. maki;s" Nlloi 3:22 p.m. 3:05 a.m. (Friday) evening. Mr. Mills is the editor At Woblj'a Slioo Store, Ohlcugo...... C'lOp.m. , 7:00a.m. you how you oalii do it. lished in all parts of the state to tako build a firo of the Toice, published in New York City, A Bang Up Ladies' Kid Button Shoe for 3:00 p.m. ti:00n. m. observations of temperature, rainfall, etc., $2.50, ______Money l We receive subscriptions''at this office, for and is said to be a very able speaker, ; >;',Arrlvo Ann Arbor., , 6i,10p.ra. 4:3Ba. m' which will b^ kept a strict record of and a On real estate at tho'bfl Tpsllttnti atiy newspaper or niugazine published, Olouks, Cloalia. . 6:46p.m., ;,4:52n.m' monthly summary published. at the Farmer's Bank.: Detroit ...... ;,..,.„.. 0:46 p. m. 0:00 a. m' Leave your subscription with us and avoid - C, 0, Bureeaa of Alaiedon, C, and A, R An elegant line of Seal Plush Sucques i):55 a. m' tuii, St. Thomaa...... „,. 11:10 p.m. Barnes of Meridian and; Johhi'F. Thayer'of and Short Wraps just received at Windows ^' Bulfulo. 4:36 o.ra. 8:65 p, m' all trouble and annoyance, , *tf The sentiment expressed iii the following JiOllTRWAIlD. Aureiius, returned oh.tbe'22d -inst. from a MAHCOS GREaoit's. And Curtain Ij'ixtiireBJ^^ ^IioaTcJackaoft,...... „„.. 7i0on,m. 4:30p,m The ' A, D.. A, V, Union Temperatico language by the Eaton Rapids Journal, UNDERIIILL'S Piiriiitiiro,:! ,Mason..,.....:.,....;.,,!.. 7:66 n.m' 6-24p.m. three". w'eeks'''hunt:4ii' 'Griiidwin, c Ifcw Homo aud Domotitlo Sewing MuolilnuB. . Arrive Lansing ,..;..•...„.;..8:20 n.m. 6:48 p.m. Society will give QU, oyster supper at Mr, we have no doubt, would receive tha hearty I wish to dose out my Sowing Machine INSUZtANl OwoBBo.;.•...:.„;.....„,. 9:22 0.m. 7:13p.m. Thoy killed ten!fine deer, two'of the iiuhiber H.' C, Rowe's, two nii.l^s. west of Mason, endorsemeiit of nine tentha of the aucceasful Business and will make Special Prices for Tho Oeriuuu luaii Snglua\vOUy,..i.„.„,10:50n.m. , 8:.35p.m. weighing'512' pouiidB:'T report .an ' > • B.iy01ty..,;„,'.....,...]l;45 o.m; ,,;•0:30p.m. DecMOth,': All are invi^i^/ \ buaineas men of the country : "The way to the next 60 days, J. A, UNDEIIUILL, ' Of Preeport, Illinois,'haa ' MackinowOrty..,,,... 8:60p.m.. ,' 6:30 a.m. Enjoyable tirue.-yi,:' ; ;:; -"::<;-• •'^ 'M. J.MuiiiiAT, V :, O. W. BPOMES, . : draw custom is to odvertiae, not with three Ynrus uud Kopliyru. ill thiasta {•^ 1 Ticket Agont,. Qon'i Pasa. and TloUofAgt. ,|io toVaadoroobk's Bee Bive, Deo. 24i^ ital ia $200,000. • Total l' I'.MnSou, ' JOliicogo.' . ,;;Tlie beat-proorbf,sthBMincraa8irig, pOpu^ biv foiirliiiea of looiils but by on advertiae- All colors in Saxony, Spanish,Woor8toda, 08, • The rate of, inauraii? and get 0 nics'disli. of oyst^ German Knitting Yarn, Fairy Zephyrs, lurity^f ihe Detroit 2^'t6wnfl':^ inentiri profiM Peo- this company ianotiu'I son purchasing goods to the amount ofono Miduightund Germuntown. Yarns oU'hand inoi'ettsing-aubHoription.'liat.-•; Tito'.ith'iMIie ple-ahyays judge of theVsiaeld^ Qiontoriosfles'will bejraade^ at ' - ' .. MAUOtlS'GllBQOB'S., , %wm fin - - omploya agents of lon^g'exp'ej hua been galloping right along to a grand by'tliB aspect of a store ?fronl; and by their Vi '- ThoMftiUloutorrom. YoKo ol WorUlng Oxon iTor Sale, ,-i ^ , 1. H. VANDEKOOOT ^success.and hasTcnchodthogoalwilhoiita' advertiaonieiit in.lhB''pBpep. A litllo stingy PANSVILLE 'TO , 3IAS0N, Wellnmtelied,fl-yeara-old nextapr'ng. En­ lOtf ' - 'Ma's 'breafc'?or"n;;hitclii ;?TliO^ advcr'tiaeuicnti or no, advertisement: at all, 0, • ^Af ril1|l||^'.(l|M$V(tB;i'od jtlio: sttbBOrlbo'r.'wlll quire of CharjesBiukley, three miles south • , ;. ,.• ','.CarpotB.'l r |J|u)roi»ftoryiffM,q(^ will; give people >an idea of your, business liWiftM »i&'*t1i»jl6iiiiy>ix,MjteaJ ofvLtinaingoii^Biiton.EnpidB road. 45w4p All grades'of CarpBlSit '•roiiBoiiKble\i' froislltB'.tOt:) . propoillonod to tha way'^in which you UBDi'!itnit.i.'B:Fnrnitnrif" it!iej«Ut'S',oloolc iji'ifi mi riind, ^ Siinta'ClBua ' •woUrppiiUe'd andboundf-iand'-alinost iiidia- 'addilsB tiioiiiV/-:,riid^ ' "''' ^ —flp:(Vi^mii^iiil}r

Uavfl tlio vory Iii.qhost tostlnioiilaia to JlnnwiUK's Hoiohsiag Umporor Willinm aunouucad THE CASE OF STONE. MICJin3A?< AFFAIUS. aliiUty and eharnelur, iiiul tlmt DEATH OF H. M. HOXIE. BIUD Bitdi in- (hat a measure would ho intioducod to durHiiiiKiutu could not bo rojoctod, cmibiK iiu tlioy did from Ii(iiiorn,blo mon. Hut Lonisiiiiia riiiiiu the olfoctivo Kltxmglli of the army, —Mrs.. George Holsel, of Summit City, liiKipio horo say that Jliiiiniiig'B habit of goliii,' wliich, bo said, was jusliliedliyflu! increas­ The SiispoiidQd Distriot Attorney of Man Who, from a Hostler, has killed four door recently. (111 a liin-ou aeii)i-()ooiiBioua.lly in no nocrot in Unit ing nf tbo armies of iioigbboring •States, MASON, MICH. state, luid must hnvo liuoii known to tlio !3onii- nnd was iiidis|iaii«nblo to licrman security. Wostom PenilsylvaniR, Vill Not tiirs who rocniniiiendod liini, 't'lioro i.s no , wnmfOHB, riiDi,iiini.:ti.' tioii tliiU lio IH oiui of tlio iibloNt mon iu Lou- Fnl: Inldiig |iiirl in a Siicialistii.^ donioii- Bo Eoinstatotl, Adrian with a capiioity of 'iO,000 foot. iiilanii, Ktiiiirin liiijii nt tlio bur, iiiul Railroad World. slratioii at Ijoipsic liisl Sijili'iiilx-r, four cit- is a. iiiDiuhor of tliu niont ariatoeratlu Hocial —Ono Cbolioygan lumber company has. eirelo, but lins liiiil tliis uiiforttiiiatu liiibll al I iZLiiH have bouii soiili'iii^ud to imprisonment hlH llfo. If JMiiiiiiliii; is not roealleil nt oiiun or ri'osideiit Clevc'lRiid's Kciisons Tliei-e- |Now York Bjioulal,! throa camps iu the woods, omjiloying 150 lit hard liihor for terms ranging from two THE NEWS CONDENSED. dooK not ruBinii, tlio Koiiiito will iindoulitodlv Mr, H. M'. Hoxio died at his rooms in rojout Uiiii, St. .lobii, the I'rolilbltioiiiHtciiiiili- to four .years eacb, ... ,\ a iigilatioii bus been ior—'I'lie CorresjioiKlence in mon. ditto for l^rnHldoi.t, tiotmiB to bo the only aviiil- tho Metropolitan Oporn House in this city slnrlod'for lho pnrpiisi,' of Kcciiriiig tho the iLlilo iiiiLiito HiioGooil j\iiiiiiiiii^, ami lio jiiiiy jiol. —By the fall of a soafl'oldiMg in Detroit oil Tuo.sdiiy. The causo of his death wus ho ahlo to Htaiid tlio iutoxieatliiy Innuuiioed of iioniiiialiou of Priiuw i'Jiiiaiinel Vogoridos, ono workman was killed and throe others tho I\lu.\lcaii cliuiatc. IN nu elovGU-i-ouutH ilglit Doniiuiok Mu- lU'pliew of Ali'kn Piiulia, to tlio Hiilgnriiin oxbmislion consequent on nn oiioralion seriously injured. IWiialiiiiKtou tclo(!riini.| OftU'roy Ituoclted out " Spanow" Golileu. throne. Tho I'l iiioo. i.s ii liUKfiopbilo. perfoniiod ou him at Saratoga iu ,Iuno last Tho I'roHiduiit miikea publio lho followint; —Mrs. Custer, Iho widow ot Gon. Custer, Xho battle, whicli was for §2,500 a side l-tim.BTICAir.., hy rcniDviiig Btoues fioiii his bladdir. Ho oorroBiionitoueu: and a contributed purse ol' §1,000, wns I'lT-rsiii'iuui, I'll., Nov. 18. hiid also suli'ered from kidiiuy diseiiso for is hrokou in beallh, aud is seeking riistora- A. K. DKLANUY has formally iipjilied lo Ai)i)i!i'iOi\viL fouglit in a cnuvas pavilion ou tho banlw Tlio 11(111, A, If. Clai-Iiiiiil, Attoriiuy Uoucml: the last thirty-livo yeiiry. Mrs. Iloxio nnd tioii in Herkimer County, N. Y. Attoruoy Ooiieral Giirlimd for roapi-ioint- Hill—1 iiavu I'uud tho enrrnupuiuloiieu lmtwoon Ciipl. Hayes 'wero wilb liini when ho ex­ of tho Hudson, ten miles from Now Yorlc. thu PruBidi'iit iiiui tlio linn. .|.;. iieiitnii, hioiit as Dislrict Attorney for Iho i'liistcm THE president of tho Marquette, On­ —A Saginaw hunting party recently re­ Unitod fitiit.'H Attorney, I'liiiiientud ivilli Ills pired. THE NOW Yorlc Court of Appeals has iJislric.t of WiHcoiisin. Tbo |)liico was re- tonagon nnd Portago road is credited with ruHturiaioii Wnllleu, In wliicli it iiii|iuni'.s tl.a'. liu turned from Thunder liay Hivor. near Ot­ coulirniod tho judgmout of tho coiiii Ixilow cenlly toudoi'ed to (:lou, Jirngg, who de- Sborlly after tin) triuiljles on tho Wnliasb saving tbo lives of twcuty-fonr iiiensbiii- was auBiiuiiiioil frniii (illl'n for liis ii|ijiiirnnt sego Lnlui, liiiviiig killed iiiiictooii doer luid iioi^loct of oiliciiil dalles in DiaUiiiM iiiiinj aiiiii B.vstuiii iif railroads and lho Soutbwostorn in Iho case of Buddousioli, tbo Now Vorlc cliuud. wroekod off ManpiQtto iu a recent sloim. Hpneehoa, l'roHiiiiialily my HiiH)iUiiBiuii wini roiiils last ?ilay Jlr. Ibixio began to com- It wolf. builder convicted of ninnHlanghlor,,.. Wm. Jill, JMCGEE, who wns olcctod to lho PJu ordorod the railway track cleared of ordorod for thu Hiiiiiu I'L-IIBOII. 1 ilusire, tliuru- pliiin of ])aiiis ill bis loins. i.''iniill.v bo bo- Keod, Trensuror of the South ]5o,stou —Grand Travevas wns visited by a large Georgia Logislntnro by tlio fumiors of trains, nud appoalod lo tbo lifo-saviug crow fnro, to Btiitfl tllo faelB in my eiiin,., i iiiailu lnil Iwn BpoecliuB prior to tho I'eiiulja of tlin nr.tur ciiniu so iiiueli worse thai he was eonipellod liorso railway, has boon arroKtod for tlio ut Portage City to travel 110 miles, with a wliito eagle last Sunday, which staid long Jliirriiy County, has introduced a bill limit­ nf BiiHiieiiflioii-oiio at Hiitlcr in un lalj.iiii- lo give u]i bis work and iiiko a nineli- overiSHuo of §100,000 in stock ami tho em- s)iecial 011^.110 and car, nt the greatest ing iiierciintile iirnlits ou lho neccfisnrios of iiil! eoiiiity tlio ovoiiini; nf Our,. 1, ii.U(I iieedod rust. The tronbhi wilb tlio strikorn eiioiigli to got a good view of the town and boz/.lenioiitof nu BUJII in cash... .11. H)iced jiossiblo, Tlio iiniioriled 'sailors nun at Iviltiuiniiit;, u town imiir I'ittB- life tn jii pi>r I'oiit,, under Bcvmo ))p.iiiiltii.>s, worried liiiii very niueli. Ilo left St. .Ijonis then liew iiway, jr. JToxio, Gouoriil l\Iaiia{jor of tho Gould wero liikon from (bo rocks in a toiribh! biii'Kli. tlie ovuiiiii;,' of (let. 2. I ili.l iint Tlio inensiin) liiis sonio olinnco of jmssiiig luiivu i'iUalnirt! for .liiillcr iiutil ii(>iii-ly I ii'e.liieli. ill llie bitter part nf llay and eaiiie Ikist to linos, (lied at Now York last wook. galo. —C'oldwater will not got tliu crenniory the ilouso.,. ,Tho vacancy in tlio Unilud Out. 1, and I'otanied tlii. ninriiiii!; nt tlin .'.I nl.init Saratoga. .'Vflcr euiisultatioa uitb a pliy- 11 o'eloek. 111.ft i'ittaliiii'y I'nr Kltcaiiiiiii!;, Satur­ Tliu jniy in the case of Mf.Quado, tlio •'Slai'.is Senate ciiiised liy tlio death of Aus­ AT Corydon, Tud., .Tolin M. iJenl.v, ro- siciaii he coiieludcd to liiivo tbo (ipuratioii which a Chicago jiarly projiosiMl lo calab- day, Oct. 2, iLliniitn o'(dii(-'l; ]). 111,, iiiiit rutui'ii'd poi'foriiu'd wliicli resiiUnl in bis deatli. Now y.oA "boodle" Aldorrnnn, wero dis- tin P. Pike, of NoM' iliiinpshiro, has been eorder-oloct, ,(ook iiossession of tbo oilico, tlin BiLiiin iiijjlir, BoiU of the iiljuve ilatuB tlio iish there, after all, as it is to bo Ineatod in IJnit'jd ,StiitOB (Jniirts hero \voro nut in sosBioii, After Ibu (iperatiuu iir. Huxic was relieved, chargetl by^ Iloconler Smytlio, of Now tilled by tho appointniont of ox-Govornor baving received bis coinniissiou and taken some town in the E.'^.^t, o.xuepl 11 Blini't tiiiio in tlie iiinriiiiii.'ni oaeliday York, hoiuf; iiuablo lo nproo. A nioUoii Chciioy. tbo oath. Honry Wrigbf, tbo retiring re­ and felt hotter for 11 tiiiiu Ibaii he hud for fnr onliiiiiry iiincioii.s, f was in iilteiidiLiien upon was granted for a now trial, lo begin iiu- years, lie linped that by taking a rest ho —Mrs. ('iiiiliy, willow of the gallant Gon­ PER,SON,S joining tbo Honry Georgo corder, aud n iiiu'ty of friends entered lho tho coiii'ta (luriiit; tlioir siltiiiHs tiiul di.l iinl niediatoly... .The ynlo-l*rincoton cham- luiLVo tlm oity ii|inn oitiier (leeasLou niitil Iniii; wnnld rogaiu his lieallli entirely, oral of Modoc, war fame, aud aunt of Jliss ProgroHKivo Democratic, parly aro coiii- ollice, knockod lioiily down, nnd lookawii.v after tho eniirt.i Jiad mljinniied. Oct., IS tlm Mr, Ho.vie, in cnmpniiy with bis wife, lionfiliip foot-bftll Kamo wns ])layed at the books. Two linndred citizoiis inter­ i'Calo I'rall, nf Mount Holyokn Seniiniuy, liollod to ])lcdgo tlieiiisclvcs thai, tho.v will Piiltml States iJiBlriot ('oiirL bet.iaii its aoBSion took a trip to Montreal Aug. 25. Prom ;.'rhicot()U iuu driving Show-Htorm, and ro- fered, placing lliu riotorsjiu thooonrl-honso lit Piltshiii'i; for tliu ti'iai nf jury causes, a I'oiit iiiiido Ij.v the decision of Ibo majority; do fliere they went In (ineboc nnd tbo AVhito will )ia!!B the winter in Kalaniii/.oo.—Kiitii- Hiiltod in a draw... .Tlio heavy clotli for safe keeping. and flniiid ,)iiry hoiiiH ia attuiidiiiioo. i'rnia Oct, faithful eoniinittoo work; use I'lU legi.'i- jMoii'iiliiii'is. Ho canui lo Now •i'ork Sojit, mitzoo Trlrgraph. curtain which during iho daylimi! 2 until Oct, 181 was unt'iifjod in tlio iiruparatioii miito inoiiiiK to ]irocnro votos for tboir .'V coLr.iKiON of trains near Grooiiwood, uf oiiiiacB for triiil, and froiii Oct, IH until Oct, 27, 1(1, and to'.ik iipiiiliiioiilK in Iho Brondwiiy covers Ilia oloctric-liglit loiiKos on tho —All iluiii in tho f/'c^c'/raiii—•'I'lupire caiididalos; attend all niootings of llie or- i\ro., caused the death of Col. Elijah tlm (Into of tlierocoiptnf tlie order of BiiBpuiisioii, tiais in tlio JIelrn]ioliliui Ojiora House Bnrtholdi Statue, caught iiw and fellou the I was oiiRa^ed in tlio triiil of tiienu (iiuiBeB. Noi- giini/.ation; nnd report any indications of JlagolUu, postal cleric, a nepliew of the blnek. His iili.yaieiiiiis, Drs. Metcalfe and and Mrs. (Jiiest will winter in Detroit"— light woodwork of tlio staircaso iu (lie tlmr during' tliio iiia'iod frtiiii Oct, 2 to Oct, 27 trcncbory to llio party that may como to e.v-Govoriior o£ I'ienlindiy. nor at any othor timo dlil J. in any iiiirtieuiar Ward, were (Milled. Ho was still weak from loads uB to desiioration, and wo despair­ interior., It wns only by hard .work Hint Ibcir Imowlcdgo. iiO|;leet tlm diitioB nf iiiyoUiee. 'i'liUBe statu- tho ell'cets of tbo 0))eriitiDii. Any oxeite- Till': Unitod iStntes .Minister at Paris has ingly iiminuiico that " Bonkkeoper and (bo stntuo was saved from ruin Sovcro iiiuiitB iiitiy lie vorillod liy iiKjnirj' uf any oiJlunr iiiont wns deleterious. He failod rapidly, beon requoHtod by tho iMiiiiicipnl Cnnncil of our uniii'ts, I foul it my duty after readiiif; snow and sloet storinH aro reported iu lho but HiiU'ered littlo. Mrs. .Tniios will siiring in ICalaiua/.oo,"— GI'l.^'llilflCAlL. to intercodo with tho (lovoriior of Illinois tlm eorroBjioiuieiioo lietwuon tlio I'rosidoiit and East... .An iraiiortant labor niovurnout was Jlr, liontnii tn stato tlieno facts in .instico tin Mr. Hoxio's youth was sjient in Polk Pwl;. in belialf of tho coiideniiied Amircliists of consummated nt Pittsburgh last week. It THE visible supply of wheat and coru is iiiyaoK, 1111(1 roBiiectfiiUy reqiioBI; that thin ciua- Connty, Iowa. Ho eiimo nf a jjoor family, Chicngo. —A. Lowell evaporator has cKiscd for tbo consists of tbo eomploto disljnndinent of iiiuiiiuatioii 1(0 roforrod to tho I'roaidoiit, 1 iiiiiy and his llrst occiipiitioii was that of a rospeotivoly 50,551,li.Ol and 12,'2«0,..1.08 also mid that I did nut tliiiik that iiiaUiiit! an tho Minors and Mlu(5-IjaborerB' Amalga­ s/:aK0ii, having turned out '20,000 pounds of busbols. Sinco last roportwboiit incioascd Ifr.NilY Ol'.oiifi].; is iiiakiiig arraugoinenta oeeasiniial campaign Bjiooeli tn my iioigliliori, hostler ill a eoiiiilry liutel, '.flioro be lie- mated AsBocirition of llio Monongnliela canio iie(]Uniiited with ninny proniiiirnt l,228,H0;i Imsbels, wbilo i;orn decreased lo jmblisli a weekly )iaiior in New York, in wliilo not iiOKlootlnB tbo (latins of my ollioo, evniiorated apjilos nnd 200 barrels nf vino- Valley and the niili'oaci niiiios in tbo Pitts­ would bo a vinliLliou of tlie Prosidtiit's order of tbe inlerost of all who work wilb Imiid or men. At the outbreak of tbo war lie gnr. On nn avonigc LIO biisbols of iqiiiles 807,;.i05 bushels. .Inly 111, JS.Si), Vory roBiioctfuliy, voiii-obedient burgh districts, which supply all tlio lako oiilered iiolilics. in i!ili.I-5 lie was chair- lioad. Tbo lirst number will be issued in Bervaiil, W.M. --V. HTONH. por day were used during the drying aea- nnd iSouthorn river ports with coal. As n A kSISNS ATio.VATi stoi'y ccueorniiig Ministor iiiaii ot the bnva iie|iiil)licaii Stato Com­ J.',xi:cuTi\'i'; M,iNBio.v, Nov. i'.\. Jiuuinry. Ron. result, tho organization of Mio ICiiiglits of Mnuuing's oxporicnco at a baiiqnot comes 'J'lm Ifnii, \. II. (iiiriiiiid, Attoruoy (luiioinl: inittoe inid was afterward appoiiil,'.!d Unitod babor bus nn iiCcosskm lo ils ranks at ouo S, H, IC. CI;AI;I»"I', has been called lo tbe .llli,\u Silt—i hnvo road tllo 1 tturof tlm l.sth States Marslial. .\fl.i..rtb(i war bo reiiiovod from the City oC Mexico by spocial tole- —ilobii Porqnor, of Reading, was shot iu Coll swoop of 0,1)00 mon. first ^'ico Prcsidoiicy of tbe Missouri I'licitio inst., wrilt(.n tn ynii hy Williiiiii A. .Stoiio, lately (0 Palestine, 'Texas, nnd liceaiiio cnuiieetod grani to tlin Cbicago Tiinrn: BaspniKlod lr((m ollico IIH liistiiet. Attoriiov for road, in place of the liiln 11. M. Ihixio with tlio nianngoiiioiit of Ibo luterualional tbo log while scouting in in lS('r2. tlio W'ostorn Distriot nf PoDiiByiviiiiiii. ami lliu 'I'ho Ainoriuan oniony in tlila oity is jirofmnid- TMBi •l^'H.S'l'. siibjuet iiiatter 10 wiiicli it rofors liay i'eouiV(.:(i Pailrniid, linldiug the pnsitions of Snper- Tbo bullet was not extraotod. A fow days ly asitatoil ainl windiort by iiu alTuir whicli Till.", water-'svoi'ks at Jfeiiiphis woro sold my ciirufiilcuiisldcratioii. I Hhali not iiupiito toucbo.s .• priilu to a, d-(jrcio ovon aiir- lo Bullock ,t Co., of New York for ipnllO,- inleudeut and (leneral Sn)ieriiiteiident. ago ho jumped from a llinisbing niacliino Jupou HOTOiiixs, of Clovoland, has tij'tlm wrilur any iiiiBcliiovnuB niulivo in Ilia piiBSiiig till) Si!di;wiek alVair. 'J'liiB story in liriof When ]\fr. Gould organized tbo A\'ubiisb 000. plainly orroiiucaiH aBsiiiiiptioii that liis cuso iiiui to tho ground. By this action the bullet held .Benjamin Wholler for tho nuirdor of is to tlio oll'uot (luit tlin now -•Viiierii'iiii MiiiiBtor, tiiat of Wr. iioiitoii, racoutly siiBjmiulod and ro- s.ysteni bo idinso Mr. Hoxio for .l.'"irst \'ioo Hull. Tlioiiinti 11. i\liuiiiiiiK. (if J.iniiHiaiin, lias HENRY JI. STANLPn-, who bus airivod in bis wife. Each had S'200,000, aud oacdi instated, rest upon tlin fliiino stiitu of faets, bat President, and bis liendiiiiarters was os- was forced tbroiigb tbe skin. Itwastbon fiilluii a viutiiii tn tlio riilentlc'ss oiioiuy of Alr, New York, says the nppor Congo ciiii be jirofer to rei^'iirtl liis iuitor as uniitiLiiiiiii; tlm ivfts an oclogouanan. "W'beller^ that Kodfiwick, 'I'liiirsdiiy aftf.nii.nm, Nnv, 18, iMr, liiiilislied at St. Louis. i\tr, Iloxio was readily removed. host fitatenioiit poasiblo upon tlm (pioBttuii nf MiLiining iLttumloil tuliiiner i^ivcii in his honor liliu'cd in direct coniiiiuuicatioii willi all Third Vice I'rosidont of the Missonti Pa- liis wifo Wns liillod by robljcrs. lliu reliistateuiont, ^'nll n.ineiiilmr, nf oniirBo. by Bl, Jy, (Ininirii, oiiii of tho Iiiiiiliiif; coniilries by tbe construction of tlio railway —Subseribow to the fund for poor .Teniiio Ihiii rioun after tlio presoiit adiiiiiilHtra- eilie, and I'or siiveml years Gouoral Mali­ HON. jEnij BAKER, who is lo succeed Inoinljoi-B (if tliu ..NllKUicall unlnliy, aloiigsido tlie eatiiriicts ns proposed by 11 tinii wns iiiBtiillod, iiiid i tliiiik iieiirly a. nger of lliu road. Ho was auo of l\rr, .Farley's funeral nt .bKOcson bavo ren'.'ivod Jliuiy of tilt) most (listiiiHiiirtliod .Ih'.x- Hon. 'Wni. ll. j\.Iorrisoii in Congress, cre- your 1111(1 a lialf ago, J cuiisidoroil witli'yoii iuiui pnlitieiniiH itiiit IniiilvurB worn jiresuiit liolgiaii uyudieate. Gould's nuisfc Irasted lientenantR, and nt (diecks .for the aninnnts ,'jivan liy tbcni. oortaiu cliaryos whieii liiui lmnn preforriul nled a sensation in lho .iJoUeville (III.) Post- al. tlin l)aii(]iini, to moot thu now i\liiiifilor, Al tbe lime of the recent .Soiilhwostern slriko THE jail nt iSoiaorvillo, '.reainossfie, was aiiiiiiiBli l\ir, Stnuo as a l^'edoral (iHioial, Yuii Tbe iiioiie.y in supposed to have come I'ipiii tiin cniieliiHinn nf tliii biuitiJ;!, .Imiyu JliuiiiiiiK office by making iiii iisHiiiilt. n])on ,T. i\. roiiioiiil>ur, too, that thu iiotinii tlioii eoiituni- so great was Gould's onnfidmico in him that rojtiiiriul tr., liis rnniiiK, ntid wn.-i nut iif^aiii HUOM dosli'oyed by a liro li,i^hled by a prisoner. relnlives in Detroit, '.l.'ho Ibttora to Ibo lieach, a local iio\vfi|iapor correspondent. platud wiiB svitliliold Ijy loasuu of tlm o.fciifles when it was jiroposed to settle tbo strike nil lliu .4(:r(!(jt fur Hourly n. WIMM.. HO was ru- Nine men in ooiiliiiciiieiit wero Irunsforred IUKI o.xplaaalioiiH of his frioiiils, 'i'iiOHn c.xciiBos Tlie Coiigrossmnu-cloct niiiiod a iiowerfiil imrtuii by tlio HoulTCary iif ],(.i|!iiti(Mi lUld fitll(M-a by nrliilratiuii tlio luntlor was placed in Mr, local ii.i.;t'nt said: "Jlefniid to all except lo Jileiiipliis. itiid o.xphiiiiLtioiiB iiKliicod lliu ic) buliovo tliat as iioiii,'.; ill iimi oniiliiu.'d tn liiu rnniii. it IH now blow at him with his cane. Jicnoh cnnglit Air, KtojKj'B I'uteiitinii would iiisiii-o a fnitlifiil Hnxio's eliiirgo. .liidd ('i'" Ktntoii, llowu\'(.'r, tlmt tliu ilintilii^niiBllud ^M)lltlo- . tho blow on his loft Mr. iJiihor fol­ Till;; King of lioumnnin, beiug cbildless, jiorfnniiiLiion of olliciai duty, nnd Hint wiiiifnvm' miui (liiriiif; fnm- entire diiyH InllnwiiiK has selcclod I'riiieo Pordiiinnd of Holieu- nll'uiiaivn iiiirtisaiisiiip lie Imil (luoiiiod jiietiliiildo —Ill one \\{\\WJ iu -•Vllogan lives .Mrs. lowed n]i tho iitliKik, and snccoedod in get­ tlin liiuKinot wiiH ill u fi-uii>^:u(l Bliiro, IMtlKCK.S.S Jtl'lATIlICK, ill otliir oinaimstiiiicoB lie would, diirliii; iiis ami coiitiiHiod tn iiHiiilj^u HU friioly Unit, zollern aa tho beir to tlm tbrouo. Harrison Seyiiiour, aud with her ar,; bor ting in several blows. 'I'ho altiiek wns iii- cniitiiiiiaiico ill ofiiiK. at IiiH reiiiioBt, iiiidor an liiH Hoorotiiry iiiiil tlm iiituriii'ntur' ouuld stigatod by nowsjiaiior arlicles upon the ro- THE elovntorof tlio SI. Paul and Huliitb udiiiiaiBtratinu opjioBod to liiui in political orocii (ineen I'il'furlla's Nn^vu.-il; rjralidsoii. iiotiiiiiliu liiiii niiiiiso wiiat iiu was iloiii!.'., 'J'lio two dauglitei's, -Mrs, Allen and Mrs, Will- and ]ioliuy, eoiitoafc liiiiiBt.lf witli a (jiiiet and coufc eampaign, jwejiarod lij' iiwicli. .Sucr.'tary of Lnuiitioii culled on an oM iiioiiiliur road at the iiitlor city, eontiiiniiig half a .K calilo dis|)atchfroiii Loiidnn aiinouncos iiiioliiriisive uiijnyiimat nf his jinlitiuul privi- iiim Pai.'kiird, tluiy also being widows, and nf llio Aiiiuriciui cnluiij-, uinl tui;uMi(u- timy niilliou bushels of wheal, was destroyed l0|,'os, I eovtaiiily BiijiiniBud Hint ills senso of tliat Priiic as Beatrice, wifo of Prince Hen­ Tuf; Great Wostorn GliiKs Works nt St. liiiiilly Biico.ioduil bv liberal n»u of iiioiIieiiiuB each of tlieni bnvo a diiu:^ We doubt proin-ioty would uaiisn liiiii to vefrain from iiiir- Louis have closed down, the mnnngors in briiiKiiiH tlm Jliiiiiitor tn roaiii^i! liisi Hitiiiitinn, by lire. ry of Bnlteuberg and youngest daughter nf siiiiif/ stadi a partiHiiii cniirse iiH would waiitnnly if tliore is anntlier such family in Ibo State. .•VH BOoii IIH Miiiuiiiiy rniilizoil what liiul tniii- (.(uoeu Vieteriii, bus given birth tn a son. claiming that, owing (o llio tiiijiliiig ])ro- •\ViLijfAjt .DUTCHEli, hailing from Chi­ nll'eiKl and irritate tlm frioiids nf tlm aiiiiiiii- Bjiir.(1, ills Buorotiiry visited tlio iiowHpaiiur iutriLtioii, who iiiBisteil that lio Blioiild 'The iiinlbor and eon aro doing well. Lord —(truud Hitnidi-: I'kmlc. peusities of the inon, tbe factory could not niliuos and corrospoiidoiitB luid tried 11 iiidiiuu cago, has boon vainly cxcavaliag uoar .Port lint ho retained in ollifto, eitlior liecituBO ' bo properly oporiiied. Tlio worljiiiuii enter timiii to Buy iiotliiUj,' iilioiit tho<;.r. Iliiiriird, Ontario, at Oswego, niidor lho direction of —'I'lio vast Hunis of money i'or which of his imrBoiiiii iiioril lU" in inliiurouco to llio jinrsnn nt wll0.^n tiiblu tlio liainiimtnceiinoii, n denial, and iissort a strilco was iiiipoiidiiig Mrs. Oliver Pnireliild, lo llud a largo tlio inotimds wliiuli have for a Innt' timo pro- is suv('rul,\' ceiisnrod. Iiu in tlm ](i;rsoii lliose iJotrnit newspapers have sued each BIIMIO valloil ill tlie diBtriljiitinii of i.'odoi'al oll'mts. In dno to lho einplo.ymoiit of boys io do meii'.s who ilitrodiiceit I.;ii\'oy Heiiyv,-inii f,i ini'itilierH amount of gold buriod at tlio time of tbo t.iio lii;!it of a U(^ttov systuiii, and witlinut coiisid- other ad'ord oviclcnco of a fii'ia deterinina- nt tiio fiiiiiniiB .loolcey Cluli. it IB tlloii.;lit on Prencb evacnnlioii. work Iteliyioiw oxeitemimt niado a oriiit; ilia jiolitioiil iiiliiiiitions. Air. Stone, wiioii iillBidni; tlmt tlio iiijfortiiiiiitu Dvuiit AVill, in ail tion to Ig^p lho iiiniioy iu the city that Sun- periiiitteil to reiimiii ill ollice, iH^oaiuo a part of maniac of Itbodo Clomoiis, at ITaveusvillo, piMliiibility, leiul lo an early reuisnatioii of A .TLMtl" at Jlilwaukou convicted threo tho businoBH orsiuiizatioii of tho iirnsont adiiiin- alor Jones of Plorida has put in cireubition AliiiistoV ;\ln.iiiii]i|,'. inovo of tbo boor-ijardeii riolors aud ac­ Kansas. Wliilo going lionio from ]ira.ver- iatration, boiiiui hy every oliliwitinu of Iioaorto there Ibrough the luodium of tbo wet- moeting ou AVodiioKday night he iniiidored Ll.i.;t,"rF.NA.N-T PEAI:OV urrivodat Halifax quitted six others. auslst witliiii ills spliovo la Its siiei^uBsfiil ojmrii,- tioii, 'lliiB nbli|,nitioii iin'ulved not only tlio a neighbor, and was oiilitig his lioaf t whoa ou his way homo from Grotaihind, whoro AVlllfjE in transit Uirougb Holgimn, gi'oecry stores.^—(Hiirago Trilnmi'. yiropov imvforiiiaimu nf oilioial duty, iiiit a cer­ found on the roadw.iv. ho lias been for the purpose of eslablish- twenty-two sacks nf mail from England tain 1^00(1 faitli and rKl(.Iity, wliieli, ^viiiio not —Dr. C. JL Putiiiini, of Flint, Bued Na- iiig llio feasibility of anew route far arctic wer cut open aud ail tho registered letters uximtiiig tiio loaat Hucrilico o'f politieal priiieiiilo, forbiirto aoti'.o partiuipatinii in purely partisan thiuv Liuiip.sou for Sill, which be claimod 'A'HIM !«i(i)iB;T!l!!. fxplorei'K that conntry. ]^(^ iniido wore tiikeii. doiiioiistratioiiH of a ju'oiioiiiiced typo, iiador- for profcssiuiial services. Tho dofeuse his liendijniirloi'H at a Bdiiisli soltleiiieiit ou takeii for tho piirposo of ativiinoiiif^ piirtiBini iii- AmiKi) EuiiANK.s, who died (hirty TJIE Soldiers'Home at Wasbiiiglon lias tho west coast, and from Ihcro niiide sev­ torostH, and ooiulimtoii upon tlio avowed tlmnry was that lho Doctor and Laiii]isou agreed to 810 regular iiiniiitos. 'Ibecotlago fsrmorly years ago nt lladiaon, Ga,, left a planta­ that tlio iiduiiiiistratioii of tlio Gcivornmont eral joiu'iioys iuliQid, tho principal oue be­ "wrestle it out," the doctor to have doubla oec.upiod iiy tlio Prosideiit as a suiiinier was not ontitlod to tlio omilideiieo and re- tion valued at ,'J2n,000. Eight brolhor.s ing to a point 100 miles eastward. Hero residence bas beon assigned to tbo veterans. fipect of tlio pooiile, Thuro Is im disiuito what- if bo won and iiotbiiig if ho lust. He lost ,, who olaiinod tho property have over sluco he found the elovnlion above the sea fo bo ovor coiicoriiliifi tho fauc tlial i\fr, Stouodid join in tbe wrestling iiialeli, but tho jury gave Icopt up litigation. Tbroo survivors bavo 7,5011 foot. Hois satisliod lhat Groptiliind THE boot mid shoo iirni of ,T. .t S. B. otliory who wovo cainpai;;iiiiit,' tbo Statu of Puiiii- svlvaniiL in 0]ij)OSiLiuii tn tlio adiiniiiBtraticm. it can he crossed from west lo east by fntiiro Sachs, of Cineiiiiuili, bas made an assign­ him 1?G0. just boon paid i?200 eacb, tbo rest haviug appuara, too, tiiat bo was activo and proiniiioiit exiieditioiis to the iiorth pole. ment, lis liiibilities are ?20(l,000. witli noiay oiitbusiaaiii in attuiidaiioo npon at gouo to tbo hiwyers. —"So Miss Blank is innmod'i'" he in­ THE Citizuiis' association of Cliicago, least two lai'h'u iiubiio ineotiujia whoru tjio THE Commissioner of lutornal Ilovcnno THE Mexican Governnient bas pro­ spoeciioa "wer.i largely devoted tn abuBo aud quired. "Ves." "I hoard that hor father after considering the practicability of estab­ bas demiiudad $3,000 nt onco from a land claimed lho nbolitian of inlorslalo duties iiiiBroxiroaciitatioa of tlio adiuiiiiHtratioii; tiiat gave hor a chock for §1.0,000." "'Ves, he lishing a loan ollice to meet tbo nocossilios lio approved all tliiH, and aotiially addroased and lumber company in Georgia which, for on natiounl nnd foreign morcliandise iu of tbo poor at tlio lowest possible riito of tlio iiiootiii(;s hiinsolf in soiuowhut tho BIUIIO did." "Was it good for nnythiugr' "Well, tho last eight yoar.s, has kept afloat a largo transit, in acoordauce •with a ooHstitutioiiiil strain; tliat lio atteiidod Hiieli inootiuyB away interest, has sent to tho Pawners' bank, of that's the point tbnt piiy.zles everybody who amount of scrip, nnd lius cu'dorod suit to from bifl lioaio for the purpoao of niakiiiy ancli nnicndiiicut adopted by a majority of the Boston, for a copy of its charter aud by­ addressps ; and that lio waa advevtifiod as 0110 bo brought for $18,000 moro. Tho scrip was there. 'Tboy wero all crowding around Stales Business failures for lho week iu laws. ot tlm Bpoakora at cacii of said mootiuH. 1 was generally roooivod for mercbaudise iu the United States and Caiiiulaiiuniborod 21 (i, abali aooopt aa trim tlio Btatoinont of i\Ir. to see if it was cortitiod, when she bold it 'J'HR corpse of Capt. Smith, of the Stonu that tiio timo spout by him in tima do- Glyun County, aud ovon for taxes. Iigainst 211 the provions week. Casualliea aloft and exolaimod: 'Dear father, but those schooner Conway, was found on tho beach iimiigtriitlng liia williugiioaa to hold a proiit- Kaiidolph Churchill was tho Minister in THE engineers and brakomon on the wore more nuinerous in tbo Sonlb than iu ablo ollico at tho haiula ol au adiiiliiiatriitioii diai'nonds aro enough!' She touched it to near Montaquo, Jlicb. There was no atlondiiiioe ut lho accoucliemout. 'We pre- liny olber section of iho countiy, sixly-sov- whicli iio oiiduavorod to dirorodil with tho poo- Soutberu Pacific Itnilroad have griovnucos, trace of §1,0110 kno'ivu to havo boon iu bis Bout au nxcelleiit likenosK of tbo Priucoss, tbe gas, and away it went, I think it's a 011 being roporlod. Tolegranis lo liritil- ]ilo, ami whioli had nvorlookod hia pruvloiiB of- which, unless settled, may result in a pockot boforo bis death. feiiBOB, did not result in tho iioglootof ordinary from a photograph taken just boforo lior new kink, nnd ouo intended to savo tho old ,'itrccl'K record riitbor less activity in the onioiai duty; Iiiit his conduct JiiiB broiii^ht to sti'iko. Tbo brakoinen iissort that tho ngroe- marringo, . inovoniput of general mercbaudise, al- 'Till.; lake steamers Alaska aud Oregon liylit Hiich an uiifriondiiiioBH toward tho adiiiiii- .man."—.De(r(;//, yfccc Pram. mont of last winter is being violated, while r tliongb at Chicngo there bas beon an in­ collided in Detroit River, through a niis- istriitioii wiiicli iio protoiida to sorvo, and of whicli ho ia iminiiiaily u part, and sucli a conso- tbo engineers complain of tbo unjust dis- creasing volume of sales, particularly of l';i)iHUKI).S AND JiLAINE. —Ton years ago Mrs. Ada Martin, of undorstiinding ef signals. Tbo former put rjuontlack of loyal iiitoroat in ita aucooaa, that ohnrgo of two of their number. dry goods, and iu a loss iiotoworthy degree tho BatoBt and fiuroat guaranty of liia faitlif iil Bronsou, fractured ouo of her logs, nnd Ijiick to Dotroit; the latter was boacliod ou Tiio A'oninilit Senator .SiiablHul by lho at .St, Paul, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and sorvioo is, in my opinion, oiitiroly wanting. Hia •\VniLE Senator "Wado Hampton, of Bois Blanc Island. paralysis of fbemonibor followed, with loss Burlington. At Eastern conto(S tbe movo- coiirau, ill itsolf, such as flhould not have boon M:\n i'Youx iilaiiie. South Caroliun, was bunting on bis Mis­ Altiioii DAY wns inaugurated nt Sau entered upon whilo uialiitaiiiiug ofricial rola- of speech. During bor allliction sho de­ iiiout of dry goods has boon disa]ipointing. [New York tolograiii.] sissippi plantation, the accidental discharge Francisco by tho school-children, who tioiis to tbo adiiiiniBtratiou, also reiiowa and voted much of hor timo to miilcing crnisy Prices generally aro snslaiuod, and Iho out­ rovivea, with, aiiiiiifltalialilo iijtorprotatioii of Mr. Blaine's refusal to take Senator Ed- of his gun Idllod bis borsc, which fell npon planted trees on Goat Island nud at tbe look for heavy-weight woolous continues thoir cbaract'er and iiitaut, tho charcea of inundB' proll'erod hand when tboy met in quilts, nnd has received patches from him. Having but one log, the Senator Presidio. oiroiisivo piii'tiBiiiiship horetotoro made, bright. Ib'iiils, bowovor, bavo declined i the house of tho dead ox-President has Presidents Hayes, Giirliolil, and Arthur. aud up to tliis timo bold iu alioyance. labored live bours to reach bis bouse. cent from 31 cents for (id's after a month Jlr. Stono and otliora of like diajioaition created a Bonsatiou in political circles. Friday she received a patch with the com­ SoiUBttinuiiAst month n family of eight of oxtrouio firmuo^s. Paw wool is rinict, aro not to suppose tiiat party iiiiufl aro TIE MARKETS^ Many of Mr. Blaine's friends regret the pliments of tho ]irosont President, and tbe |d to bavo been burned but tends to favor buyers, as concessions BO far olilitoratod tlmt tho aUiiiiiiistratioii occurrence, aud say tbalit waa uiiforluuato. Upty, Kentucky. By have been made to mannfaclurors wanting NEW YOUK. of tho Govoriiiiiont ia to ho triistod, in plaooa pleasure of the event induced her to rise. BEITEB , S3.7.'i rrti 5.30 higher low, to tlioau wiio aggrossivoly and oou- Others .say that Mr. Blaine noted perfectly Pad residing iu tbo largo lines. There is ralber Ics.i couiidenee Hor son's rcvolvor lay ou n stand near by Hons .|.00 4T1 .1.73 Btantly oiidoavor unfairly to doatroytbo con- has developed that lis to biglior prices. Pig-iron continues Ildouoo of tho people in tlic party reBpouBlhlo right, nnd tlint Mr. Edmunds' coutluot jnS- WUKAT-No, 1 While .811 @ .Bay, and joggled oil', its falling causing tbe for Buch adniiiiiBtratioii. Whilo vicioiia par- tttho throats of tho vory iirin, with no cbaugo in jiricos. Stool Nn, 2 Itod ;...., .8S & .8.1;.'. lilied tbo rebuke. Mr. Blaino refused tobo tiaau inotboda ahoiiid not bo iilloivod for parti­ wenpon to be discharged. The ball passed rails aro moro active aud more proliliible to Conx—No. 2 . ..IG & ..IS • interviewed on tho subject, but talked quito T;s'^oa tho lloor, and san purjioaos to dogrado or iiijiiro tho public OATS -White , .3.1 .'IO through the invalid's paralyzed leg. The Kio umrderers are makers than ha.s boon generally made pub­ aorvioo, it ia my holiof tliat nothing tondB so freely to sovorai inlimnto friends. Ouo of PoiiK—Now iMeas 10,50 (gll.UO ^d tbo exoitemeut lic, and prices nro l?l higher, at 835 to i?,'!!! CHfCAGO, much to diacrndit our olTorta, iu tiio iiitoroat of tboni said: shock restored Mrs. Martin's spooch, and apoh aorvico, to troat fairly and gonoroualy the por ton. nEEVEB—Ciioioo to i'riiiiu Htoors ."i.OO @ r,M • 11 l.vnching... , olliciai iiicumboiioy of politieal oppouonts aa "Mr. Blaino made no response whatever hor limb will be useful after the bullet ("food Sliiiiping 3.7.'i ((Ti 'L.^O flispatch says tbnt conduct such aa ia hero diaolosod. The to Mr. Edmunds' greeting. This is what TBIK KAIB.WAYS. Coiniiinii. 3,00 @ ;i,.io wound is healed. poopio of thia country ocrtaiiily do not .express car of a Hons—Sliippiui,' (iriidos 3. CO L". .i.i)o happened: Mr. Edmunds was seated on a roqniro tho beat resuita of adininistrativo l.'i^ouii—E.vt.i'a fi]iring •I. CO sofa when Mr. Blaino entered the parlor. Tji small station on A NEW railway between Now I'ork and endeavor to bo roaclicd with such ageu- KveuiiiK 'I'liiiigs Vp.'—No, 2 Kiiriaj ,71 (dl .7.I!.', nplly arrostod by Boston will bo speedily constructed, nnd oioa as thoso. Upon a full' oonaidoration Jlr. Blaine bowed to Colonol McMich.iel, CoKN—No. 2 ,.., ..'17 ,!)?i.'. 'Two tons of coal wore dumped almost ot all I hiiio hoforo mo, I am constrained to and Mr. Edmunds advanced to greet Mr. Issougor..,,Robert will bo kiio'\vn as tbo Now York, Dnnbnry OATS—No. 2,,., .20 .27 ' decline tho ajiplioation of Jir Stono for liis ro- simultaneously yesterday in front of two and Poston Iload. One million of iirst- ]3UTTi..Ii—Choioo Croiiinory ,2j ,27 B aiuo with bis right band extended, say­ Pony dead at Atlanta, inatatcraout. I incloso hia lottor with thia, and lawyers' oBlees ou Griswokl street, and one l.'iiio Hairy ,18 ,2S ing: 'Good morning, Mr. .IHniuo,' Mr. TLiinself. Tbo crime morlgnge liouds have beon tiikeu by a s.yn- rtosiro you to acijuaint him with my dooiaion. Cnnnsi.;—Full Crdiiiii, Cheddar,. .VI ,12','. of the lawyers was speedily visited by a Youra vory truly, GiiovEn OLEVISLAND. Blaino was iu tho act of drawing off his ,,. Tbroo uogrooB, dicate... .To govern lho sbipnient of live Full Cioaai, now .12';,® young manwiio solicited tbe job of bring­ gloves.. He givo the Vcrraonter a quick gin-house, wore stock and perishable goods, the Union Pa­ EGOS—Frosh .'iO ,22 ing up the coal. I'o'i'ATdKS—Choice, ]ier bu..^,, .m 13 DF.PAIVTMEMT or .TOSTICE, I glance but of the corners of his oyes, and; pty, Mississippi. cific Company haa decided to estalilisb a "How much'?" was the cautious iucitiiry, rojiii—Moss il.50 (212,00 WAaniNGTON, D. C„ Nov. 24, 1880.' f •without: any show of recognition, stepped weather bureau similar to tbe Signal Ser­ JIIIiWAUKIilE, Tho Hon. William A. Stono,.]?lttabiirK, Pa.: forward to shake hands with Colonel Mc- "Fifty cents," , vice, 'n'ith tbirty-two stations, beadijuartors Wiiis.vr-CaBh..,,. .72 .73 Silt—I am dlrootod by tho Proaldent to aay to m Jlichaol. Mr. Edmunds , iippeared sur­ "Too much." row.- ,. CiiiiN—NO. 2, .37 O ,!17'.', you that, after ooiiaidoration,:ot your letter of being at Omaha Edward Sheldon, cash­ "Well, say thirty-five." OAT.s~.No, 2 .20 prised. His face flushed slightly, and he ier of tho Lalto Shoro and Miohignn South­ C'l .27 the 18th Inat,, ho will not revoke or change tho hoport pf-.Coni- lli-i.;-Ko. 1 .51 & .50 order horocoforo miulo auapeudlog yoa aa Dia- retired to his seat ou tbo sofa, Mr. Blaine At this iiguro ho was set to work, but ern Road, died nt Clevelimd, aged (>'2. Buporintendeut of I'oiiK—Moaa 9.D0 ©10.00 • trlot Attomoy for tho Woatoni District ol Poun- Qxprossed his:regret at the ocenrrenee to when he camo up with tho last basketful TOLEDO. aylvonla, Vory reapeotfully, lAcademy, .is de- Colonel McMichael, and shortly afterward the lawyer snid; WiiKAT—No. 2 77 ,77!.-. A, Attomoy Gonoral, 'I •"FOKEi«Sfr H. GAIILAND, "Seo here, mister, I've had a dozen oilere iupport of ( Onus—Cash .37 ,38 left the house. since you begtin work to have that coal fcdoniic ooursij. That OATB—No. 2 '28 .28)/, Enough of a Good Tiling. Frank Hatton, who was Mr. Arthur's THE Austrian (Jovernment has prohibit- iJETiiulT. brought up for a ipiarter,. 'iour hgiire is . livnnous reasons in Postmaster General, in commenting on ..ed poker-playing.,. .Heavy snow-storms BBI!!' CATTLE i.m ((7( 5,00 :"Papa, just-see my new dross," said a the atl'iiir, said: "Blaine knew perfectly too high.' pnld be assigned lldoa, '. 3.2.5 •a .1.50 aire reported from Upper Austria. Tbo young society girl, as sho presented her­ "I know you'd say that," replied the man,: SllKEP 3.75 .J.75 well whom he was likely to meet at Gen. lof tbe service at snow is six feet deep on tho Scbnicder self iittirod for her first grand bnll. "Isn't WiicAT-UiohiBanHoa ,77 .77 Arthur's house, nnd if lie did'net cnre to "and so " tend of six, nool- rnnge...,The Belgian Parliament bas CoiiN—No. 2 it too sweet for anything'i"' .38 .30 meet them he should have remained aWay. "You'll make it a quirter?" at sea before ngreed to consider a bill compuUing citizens OA'CS-NO, 2 White ,32 .32;^ "Does it suit you, mv dear?" . "Aud so Pve brought you up almost halt: , bT, l.OUia, If be had met Mr. Edmunds ou the street to enter tbe military ,service at the "I just dote on it." tho other pile to make things oven." Wn]iAT~No. 2 • ,70 .70;.; or at a iiublic reception and refused to ago of twenty .,vears... .Princess Boat- , "If that is so, I should think that you ^VnsIliugton' cul- Coiw—Mixed ,,.. ,31 .3(5 speak to him, it would have boon another The lawyer looked ont find saw, that it rice, wife of Piiu'Moxioo and- oMJol-f f •thiig>}nnikin«.k'P.ari8'?.av sonportj.. the, . ' KAST^HBEUTV. battle With a bur.Lu^jAho was^alching J^Ji-iY^J'* •:r;.i"ies,'mother;.':thntibottlocoiitnins. night-:' llt';to talknabouf it. ,vA- wild. ,Work-to:cost';S200,0(l0,00(l, OATTLC—Be at ! -1,7,7 , im 5,'2(5 -;' the house." ii-Thoie^, was .avbig so^ounlU', (• leonssfUrulaboiWroniitho' I- l''alr,..i ,4.00 m 4,7SV': DuiiiNO tbo twelve yeais ll2 capB,"fS(iul the viuiioi, "and 1 wcai thorntij , „ ' , Common , 3.75. 01 I.IM iinonliave:beeii:muidere(i m 'tho town mali:e:uiy„han cml." ^ tho.'Dootor:cliscovoretlilhat' tho buiKlai-«a3- 'Ji. NJopa .'. •i.oo ,0 i.ffi.a eraptyibarroli': filill^. 3.25,, ;of,Edgefioljl Ijavo tho very liighost testiuionlalB tn JInnitii-iij'a li'cichsing Kniporor AVsllinm nniiouucad THE CASE OF STONE. MICJIKLIN AFI'^AIIIS. iililllty (111(1 ehiiviictor, mid saya that air.cli In- DEATH OF H. M. HOXIE. dorsiinionts could not bo ro]uotod, oeMiiliit' as that a iiieasuro would bo introduced to igliam ft).Jeiiiocrat . thoy did from hoiiiOTitjIo men. liut Loulolnna raiiio tho tilleotivo slrunglh of (ho army, —Mrs., George Holsol, of Summit City, pooplo bore say that Mminlntj'H habit ol going which, ho said, was justiiied In'llio increas­ The Siispouded Diatriot Attorney of on a sproo sonil-oooaBiouallv is no aocrot In that A Man Who, from a Hostler, bus killed four doer recently. MASON, -MICH. Stato, and must hiivo boon known to tho Sona- ing of (he armies oi' neighboring Statoa, Wostern Ponnsylvauia Will Not Came to Be a Power in the —A saw-mill is being construetod at tors who rdeommoiidod him, 'I'horo ia no ijiioa- and was iiidispoiisiiblo lo ilcrninn security, tion that ho is ono of tlio nblost men in Lou­ Be Eeinstatecl. Adrian wilh a capncity ot 20,000 fuel, isiana, ataiulB hliih at tbo bar, and PoIt Inking )uii't iu il HiKtialistic donion- Railroad World. is ll nioiiihor of tho moat arlstooriitie sncial stiiitioii at Loipsic lilsl Scplcnlber, four cit- —Ono Choboygau lumber company haft (ilrcio, but liiiii lind this uiifortuimto habit all i/.tiis have boon senli'tu'cd to iinprismunoiit his life. If Miiiinlnti 1H not roetilU'd lit oiiet> or I'l'esidont. CIcvcluiul's Kcasoiis Tlicre- |.\e\v Vork Bjiocial.l ihroo camps iu (he woods, omiiloying 100 THE NEWS CONDENSED. dooK net i'osl(;n, tho Sniinto will iindoubtiHlU' at hard labor i'or l(;riiin laiiyiiig from two I'or—Tlio Corresiioudt'iit'o in Mr. H. JI. Hoxio died at his rooms in men, rojoet liiiii, Kt. ,loliii, tin. ]'r(ililbitioniHt)caMili- to four years each... An ngiliition has been iluto for ProHlcloi.t, to bo tho only avall- tho jMoli'opolitiin Opera Houso iu this city KOOIIIK tlu! Casd. —By the fall of a Koafl'olding iu Detroit alilo man to uiioBooil JIaiiiiini,', and lui inay not. sliirlod 'for Iho jmrpiiBu ot scoiiriiig tho on Tuesday. The cnnse of his death was bo able to stuiid tho iiitoxieittiug inlliioiKiOd of noiiiinatiou of Priiioii I'hiiaiiucl \'ogorideK, one workman was killed aud three othors tbo fllo.vloau climate. nephew of Aicltn Piisliii, to tho Hulgnrian oxiiauslion conseiiuciit ou an ojieraliou IN an oleveu-rouud light Doiainiok Mc- soi'iouBly injured, lAVashiugtoii tolograni.l Oafi'rey Ituooked out ".SpniTow'' Golilou. throne. The .Piiium is a liussopbilo. performed ou him at Saratoga in .hiuo last Tho PruHidoiit makes piiblio Iho following I'Ciil.ITICAI.. by removing stones from his bladdir. Ho —Mrs. Custer, tho widow of Gim, thisler, The battle, \vhloh was for $2„'J0O n sido corruspoudoiieii: and a contributed purse of ?1,(IOO, wos I'l'rraittinciii, I'a., Nov. 18. Imd also siirfored I'roin kidney disease for is broken iu Ilenllh, aud is acoking restol'a- -•v. K. TlELANEY has foi'iiitilly ap))lied (» ADDITIO.YAL -M'aV.S, fought ia a canvas jiavilion ou tho banks Tho Itoii. A, II. (Jiu'liiiul, .Attornoy tloueval: llie ln.4 (liirly-livo yeiil'j'. Mrs. lioxie nnd tioi) in Herkimer Couuly, N, Y. Attorney (leneral Giirlauil for reapiioint- Siu-.f have roatl tho oorroHiiomleiiou botweeu . of tho Hudson, ten miloa from Now Yorlc, tho Proaidoiit antl tbo lion. .\l. .K. Ik'iitoii, Capl. linyes wero wilh him whon ho ux- nuiiit as District Attorney for (ho Pjiistcrn THE president of the Mnrfjuotte, Ou- —A Saginaw huiiling ))arty recenlly ro- THE Now 'i'ork Court of Appeals has United .Stat-!H Altoniuy, lomu'i.'ted v.'itli lils jiiriid. Dislrict of WlHCoiisin. Tho iilnce was re­ lonagou nnd Portage road is credited \vitli roaloratioii lo ollico, in wltioh il iippoars tha'. h... tul'uoil from '.rhnndor Hay ]{ivcr, near Ot­ conflrmod ihe judgniont of tho coilrt bolow Shorlly afler thn (roubles ou (ho Wnliaah cently tendered to (Ion. Hrligg, who de­ saving the lives of twenty-four men ship­ was Buajiiindoil troiii ofli 'o for bis aiiparout sego Lake, liiiviiig killed niuctooii door and iu tho case of ]3uddi!nBick, the Now Vork iieuloot of oilieial duties in innkini,' caiui-iiifjii systciu of niill'onds and tho Southwestern clined, wrecked oil' Marquotto iu a recent stoiin. huilder eouvietedof nuiiislangbtor.,. .Wm. sjieueliofl, I'rosuiiiatily jiiy HusjiUuHiun was roails InsI ;\liiy Mr. lloxic begun lo com­ a wolf. lio ordered the railway track cleared of ordorod for Ihu Hiiniu reason. 1 deBli-c, tlmro- Mi[, MCGKK, who was elected to the plain of ]iailiH in liis loiiiH. l''iiiiilly he bo- Bood, TreaHuror oi! Ilie Soutli lio.ttou fia'o, to Htato the fiuits in niy easo. I niado hut —Grand Traverse was vifiited hy ii large Georgia Ldgislnturo by tho funnel's of trains, aud apiioalcd (o Iho life-saving crow iiorso railway, has hoeu arregtod for tlio twii K])coclu)S prior to the rceeipl of tlio or.ler ennie so iiiiieli that ho was eom|)elled at Portngo City to travel 110 miles, wilh a wliito eagle last Sunday, which staid long Idnrrny County, has inlrodnccd a bill limit­ o( auHiu'ji»ioii-oiio 111 llntlor in an adjoin to give u|i his work and take a inucli- overissuo of I?1I10,()I)0 iu stock and Ihe oni- special and car, at tho grealcBt ing merciiiitiloiu'olits on lllo iiecesaarioK of iiU! oouatv tho ovoiiing of Out, I, and needed rest, 'J.'lie Ironblo wilh Ibe strikoru enough lo got a good view of tho town nnd hozzlomont of au cqi;.al sum iu cash... ,H. spood ]U)Baibln, Tho imperiled 'siiilors oiui at KiltllIlnill^', a town nuar I'llts- life lo I'j jiur cent,, under sevuio pnnnltios. worried him very uineli, lio left St, Louis then llcM' ilwiiy, JI. Hoxio, Gbuornl ii[iiiiagcrof Iho Gould wero taken from Ihn rocks in a teniblo biirgh, the oviiiiiiiK nf Oct. i. I ili.l not The ineasnro lias sonio cliiiiico of ]>nssiiig luavu I'lttabiii't; for lliiller until iioai'ly I o'uhKili, in tin.' lallel'part of JMay nlid taiiiu East lo linos, died nt New York last week. gale. —Coldwater will not got the orenniory the Houso... .'J'lio vacancy in tho United Oct. l, and rolnrneil the niornim.' of 11*10 '.'il about Saruloga. After eoiimittiiioii with a phy- '.' o'clock. 1 left Pittabni't; for Kittiinninu', Snmr- THE .iniy in the caso of Mc.Quntlo, the Slii.^os .Senate caused hy tlio doiith of Aus­ A'l' Corydon, lud,, .Tohn Jil, Rcnly, re- Kiciaii he coiieliided lo liiivo the operalioii which a Chicago )iarly proposed lo eslnb- day, (.let. '1, aboiiL ;i o'ldiiek p. in., iiiiii rotiiriutl lierl'oriiu'd wliieli resiilteil in his death, New York "boodlo" Alderman, wore dis- tin .I''. I'iko, of Now Hanipshiro, has been eordor-oloel, .look possession ot the ollice, tho Hanio iiif^lit. llotli of tho ahovo diites tho lisli there, after all, as it is to lie loealcd in Afler tlie oiiei'iitiou Mr. IIo\ie was relieved, thnrged by^ Kecordcr Sniytho, of Nowiilledbytb o nppoinlnient of cx-Governor having received his coniiuission luid taken Uiittad .States (.'onrIB licru woro not in sossioii, Boiiio town in the E:^.-it. oxcopt a .short tlnio in tho inorning of ('acli nay imd felt better for ii lime than lie had for \'ork, boing unable to aRreo. A inoliou Glif.'iioy. the oath. Henry Wright, tho retiring re­ for ordinary inoiloiai, I waa iu'O iipiiii lie |iod iliiil by taking a rest ho —;\Irs. willow of tho gallant ( wiiK granted for a now trial, to begin iiii- corder, nnd iiiirty of friends entered Iho ycuiB. lio (.iiiiiby, TCU- joining the Iloiiry Cloorgu a tho ooui'ta diiriiig tlioir sittingB aial diil not J'EHSONK would regnin bis health entiroly, iiiedhitoly... .Tho Yiilo-Prinoeton cliiini- ollice, knocked lleiily dinvti, and took away loavu tho city iijioti iiitlier oueitsion until long eral of Motloo war fume, and aunt of Jlis.s Progressive Democratic jiarly arc com- piouslijp foot-ball giimo was i)layod at after tlio court., hail niljoiirin'd. Out. IK thn ;\rr. lli')xie, in cnmpaiiy with bis wifo, tho books. Two li'uiulred citizens iiiler- Kale l.'nill, of Jrouiit llolyoke Seuiinaiy, pellod lu ])lcdgo thenlsolvos that Iho.v will United States JJistriet t-'oiirt btjgan IIB BOBSIUII took a Irip to Montreal Aug, 25, Pl'oiii i'rineotou iu a driving suow-stonn, aud fo- fered, placing ilie riolcrsliu tho courl-houso abide by the decision of Iho majority; do at PiltsluirjJ for tbo ti'ln.t of jury caiiHcs, a I'otil will ]iasH tho winter in ICalania/.oo,—Knhi- sultod iu a draw.. ..The heavy doth thoro they went lo (ji.neboc and tho AVIiito for siifo koejdiig. antl CJriiiuliliirybcdng Inattoiidanco, h'runiOct, curtain wliiob dilring Iho 'diiytiino faithful cominittoo work; use nil IcgiXi- '2 until Oct. 13 I waa ongagod In tlio jireiiarallon Moiwitiiiiis. Ue cauie lo Kow York Sept, muzoo 'fi'.U'iiraph. .'V of trains noar Greenwood, covers the oleetric-liglit loii.sos on theniat o means lo procnro votes for thoir COLLISION of oaiiHOH for trial, and from Oct. IH iiiifil Oct.'27, III, and to'.ik apiirliiioiifs iu the Iirondwny the date of tho roeoijitof tlioonlorof niisponaion, —Au ileni in tho .V't'/'aoi--"'Umpire Bartholdi Statue, cnilght liro and I'ollou tlio caiulidalcs; attend all mcotijigs of the or- JMO., ciinsod tiio dentil of Col, Elijah A. IliiiK in tlui Jlelrn]uililnii Opera Houso I was oiiRat'od in tho triiil of tliuHO eanses. Nul- Magolliu, postal clerk, a iiejihew of tho bloelf, ilia pliysiciiiiis, Drs, Metcalfo aud and Jll's, (,UieBl will wiulor iu Detroit"— light woodwork of tho iu llie gaiii'/'.ntiou; aiul roiiort uuy indications of tlier dnriiii; tliio iwriod from Oct. '2 to Oct. '27 . interior. It wns only hy liiird .work that Irciudiory to tho party that may come to e,';-Governor of Kentueky. nor at any other tliiiodid I in aiiv partiiinlar Wiil'd, were rallied. Ho was still weak from loads UK lo desiioratloii, and wo dospnir- iiogleut tlio duties of my oll'iee, 'I'hoso Btatii- tho elfucts of iho operation. Any oxcilc- tho statuo was saved froii'i ruin.... Severe Ibuir kiiowlodgo. THE Unilod Slntes .Mlnislor at Pnris has iugly iiuliotiiiee Unit " Bookkeeper and niiiiitfl may bo vorifloil by iiupiiry of nny oOicer snow and sloot storins aro roporied in (ho meiil wns deleterious, llo failed rapidly, boon roquesled by Ibe Municipal Council of onr oourta. I fool it my duty aftor reading Mrs. .Jones will niiriilg in Kalamui'.oo. "•— but fliiil'ered littio, East... .An important labor inovernont was to iiitcrcodo with the Govornor of IllinoiK the eoi'roH]Kiii(leiioo liotwoon tbo I'roaidunt iiiul /'He/,-. consummated at Pitlsbnrgli last week. It ^Ir. l'oiit<)ii lo stato tlier.o facts in .iiistico to .Mr, lloxio's yonlh was spent iu Polk in behalf of the condeiilued Aiiureliisls of niysolf, and roBpeotfulIy reqiiost that this coin- consifllB of tho complete disbandnient of THE visible supply of wheat and com is County, lowii. He cauio of a poor family, niuniuatioii bo rcfurrod to the I'roaidont. 1 may —A Lowell oviiporntor has closed for tho Chiciigo. and his lir.-it oconpnliou was that of a the Minora and Mine-Laborers' Aninlga- rcspcctivoly 50,551,351 and 32,'3H0,.lOS also luld that I did not think that making ail llE.N'llV GKOIKIE is making iirraugoinents liosUer in a enulitry hotel. There ho be­B/;aaoii, having turned out 25,000 pounds of nlntod Afisociatioii. of (he Moiiongahola busliolH, Sinco last rojiort wheat iiici eased occaaional canipaign Bpoouli to iny uoiyliliori, Valley and Uio raiiroad mines iu (be Pitts­ to pnblisli a weekly paper in Now York, in wliil.i not nogloclinc tho diiliiw of my odioo, came aiupiaioted with iriiiiiy iironiiuent cvaiiol'iited iipploa and '200 barrels of vino- 1,22!J,H03 bushels, whilo corn decreased would bo a violation of tbo I'rosiib nt'a order (if burgh districts, which Bui)ply all tlio Lake tlio iiilerost of all who M'ork with hand or luoii. At the oullireiik ot the war hognr , On iili nverngo 1511 busliols of ap))los 8(17,311,5 hiisliols. ,luly III. I.SHii, N'ory respectfully, your nbediunt entered jiolitics. In IbTil-.T ho wins cllnir- and .Southern rivor jiorts wllli coiil. As a head, Tho lirRt niinilmr will be issnod in servant, W.n. X. SroNi'i. per day wero used dul'iug iho drying Ben- tho organlzntiou Iho Knights of A SEN.SA'i'io.NAL stofy concoriiilig Minister niaii of the Iowa lleimblicnii Stato Com­ Tosnlt, of Jnunnry, ]''.xi:fjtrri\'i.: .AIANSIOX, NOV, *23. Labor hns au accession to its rnuks at ouo Manning's oxporienco al a binir|iiot coines 'J'lio IfcMi, .\. If. (larlaiid, Atlornoy (ioiicral: niittee and was iifterwaril appointed United S, H, II. CLAIII;I'; has been called lo (In? -lijjl.Mi SiH—1 hiivo roiL.I tlio I tier of tiio Islh States .Jlnrsliiil. .\ Iter tho ynw bo roliiovod fell H\voop of 11,(100 meu. from tho City of Mexico hy special telo- —John Porijuer, of Reading, was shot iu first \ico Presidency of (he Missouri l.'aeilic inst., \vrit.teii to you by William -'\, Stotio, lately lo Pidestiiie, Texas, and bocaiiio counceted grani to tho Chicago Tiiiic.n: siiBpeiuloil li'oni ollico as liistiict Attornov for with tbo iniiuiigonleut of (lie liiteriiiitional tho log wliils scouting in Kentucky iu 18(12. road, in place of the late 11. M. lloxio tho Woatorii IJistrii^t of roniisylvaiiiii, and fiio 'Tlio Ainnriciui colony in this eity Is iirofDiiinl- THE waler-wolks at i[eiii|iliis wore sold Bubjoct matter 10 which it rofio's has rceeivud Hailrnad, lioUling the positiolis of Sii]ier- Tho bullet was net oxiraclod. A fow days ly aMitatoil and wnrktid by au affair whicli my caruliil consliionilion. I aball not iiiiimto iutoiideiit nnd Gonorai Su])erinten(ienfc. toiiclios .'Vinoricaii prklo to a. d'yri'O ovon snr- lo Jinllock it Co., of New Vork for li55(lll,- ago ho jumped from a thrnBliiug intichiiio .TuBCl'; Hu'fCiiiN.s, of Clovoland, has 111 tho ivrlter any iiiiHcliiuvnus inolivo in bis passlii}^ tho Setlf^wiek iilfalr. 'I'liis story in hriof When I\Ir. Gould orgnni'/'.ed tlio 'Wnbiiali 000. plainly orronooiiB asBiiniiition that his oaso nnd to Iho ground. By this action Ihe bullet hold Bcujlimlu AVholler fol' tliu niiiider ot is to the oti'uot thai llio now ..Vin(.'rl(!aii Miiiistor, tliatot Mr. Uontoii, reeoiitly BiiHpondoil nnd ro- syKtem he elioKo Mr. Hoxio for .l.'"irst Vice Ikui. TlnnnuH 11. MiiniiiiiH, of l.oniHiaiiM, has UE.VIIY J\L S'l'Axr.i'.y, who has arrived in his wife. Enoh had i?'2()0,000, nnd oacli iiiBtatud, rost upon the same state of fiiets, but PresidenI, nnd his headtjiuirlers wns os- waa forced through the skiu. It was thou falloii a viclini to tho roloutlos.s oiioiny of Mr. Now Yorli, says the up]ier Congo enii he jirofer to regiinl bis loitor as eontaiiiiiig tlio was nn oclogonanun. "Whollcr insists that Kodgwiuk. 'I'hiir.sdiiy nfteriii.«iii, Nov. JS, Mr. tiiblislied at SI. Louis, i\fr, Hoxio was readily roiuoved. placed in direct eonimnniealioii wilh nil Itoal stiituineut pnssiblo upon the ijiieHlloii of Manniiiy attoiidod a (liniior given In his honor '.I'liii'ii Vice I'reBideiit of tho JflHSoiiri Pa- liis wifo wnfl killed hy rolibors. Ilia roiiiHtateiiioiit. Vou rtuiienibor, of eoiirse, by M, li, (ruiraril, ono of tho I(?(i(lliif.' coiinlries by tho coualrtielioii of the riiilwny --Silbscribow to tho fund for poor .Teiinie Hint soon after tho iiroacnt lulminlHtra- eilic, and I'or Bovwal years Geuoral J\faii- nioinbers of lliu Ainericim colony. HON, HAK)';]!, who is lo filtoeeod alongside tl'.e catariicis as jiroposed by a tion was iiistaliocl, and I think nearly a ilgor of llie road, lie was one of Mr.].''arley 'a fiiiiisral ut .Tiieksou havo rcciivod Jinny of ilio must distiiiHUisliod ."\lo.\. Hon. Win. li, Morrison in Congress, cre­ yuiir and a iiiiu' ago, 1 oonsidia-iid with yon lean iioliticinnt mill liaiikcrH worn |n-osriit ]!elgian syudicnte. Gould's most (mated liculenanta, and at eliecks for tho nnlouiits eivoii by Iheiii. curtain cl!ari.;oH which bail boon iirolomiii ated a seiisiitioii in Iho Lollevillc (III.) Post­ (U. rlui bamiiiiJt In nujot tlio now MiniMor. ,'\l the Ilnio of the recent Southwoslern strike 'l.'ili': jail ut Soinervillo, Toiiiiessee, was against Dir. Stone as a l-'edoral ofliclal. Yon 'J.'lin iiiniicy in auiiposed to have come fipni tlio coliolnainii of tlio baiirjOJ t ,1 nilKo .'^1 aiiiiiiiH oflico hy making an assault upon ,T, Jf, roiiiombor, too, that tho action llioii coiitom- BO gi'Oiit was Gould's oonfidoiico in him thiit rcjiiiin.'d til his rooiii.s, niul wii.-i not ii.Kaiii soon destroyed by a lire lighluil by a prisoner. relalives in Uotrnit. The loiters lo llin Bench, ii local iiewspa|ior correspondent, lilnted was witlibelil by roason of tho o..:ciiHeB when it wns proiiosod to soltlo tbo slriko on Iho sti'oot for Hourly ii. woidc. llu was ro- Nino men in conlliiciiieiit wero transferred and o.vplaiiatloiis of bis friends. Thoso exoiiHes local agent said: "lictnnd to idl cveejit Tho Congrossinan-eloct ainu^d a powerful jmrtuil by tho Hoorot:ary of l.oijiitioii nnd otliera by arliitriitiiin the inntlur was phieod iu .Mr. to Jloiiipliis. and oxplauations indnuoil me to bolievo that aa iiuliiK ill (ind uiiiil'iiinil to bis rnoni, It is now blow at him with his calio, lioaoli caught Mr. Stono's rotoiitiou would iiisiiro a faithful lloxio's cliiirgo. .Tiidd (.'I'ou.'h." statod, liowover, that tho ilistiiigniahi'il Koiitlo- .tho blow ou his lol't wrist, Mr, linkor fol­ THE King of .lionninnia, being cliildless, ]M!rforinaiu:o of olllcial ilut.v, iiiiil that wli.'ituver nmu ituriiiK four ontlre ilayB Inllowiiii,' has selocled Prineo Kurdiiiniid of Ilobcii- oll'oiisivu partifULiiHliiplio had deenieil juatiliiiLlo —In oue liiiilii:;. in .'Vllogan lives .Mrs. lowed up lliu idtiifik, and sncccodod iu gct- till! biini|iief; was in a fr.-'iizliul stato, 'IIIKOMS.S lii'lATIlIC!';. in otiii r eh'tiiinistaiicoB hu would, during his and eontiniuiil to indiilijo so fr.iolv that zollern as tho heir to the tlirone. Harrison Seynioiir, and willi her ai',3 her tiug in Bovol'iil blows, Tho attack was 'in- contiiniiuice in ollico at hlH rofiiioBl, iindur an his soorotary and tho intcrprt'tor" could stigatoil by nowspajier iirticles npon the ro- TitE elcvnlor of the St. Paul and Uuliilh lulminialration opiioaoil to bim in ])Olilioal croeil (lueen Vict.i.rlil's Nuu'est tiramlsmi. two daughtens Mrs. Alien and Mis. Will- not niiiJio lihii n.'iilii'.o what hu was doini.'.. '.I'lio anil jiolicy, conttiiit himself ivitli a (jinet and cout onmijaign, jireiiarcd liy licacli. Sijcri'tary of l,ni4M.tion oallcil on an old moiiilior road at tho latter eily, eontiiiniiig half a .'V oilble dispatch frniii Loudon nniiouncoB iiim P.'iekiird, they nlso being widows, anil iniolitruBivo enjoyiiioiit of bis jiolitical jirlvi- of tliu .'\iin-'ricaii colony, and tof^othor thoy that Trine ss Boiilrice, wifo of Prineo Hen­ iiiillioli bushels of wbeiit, wan deslroyod legoB, 1 certainly BiipiioBOd that his BCIIBO of each of Ihem have a diuiglilor. AVo doubt TMI'! Great Western (.'HUBS Works at St. IliiMlly Hnoeoodod bv liboral iisn of imiilioinns liriiprioty would oanaii liiiii to refrain from luir- ry of liatteuborg iindyonligost (laughter nf Loiiia havo closed down, tho laaiingors in briiif,'inK tile JMInistor to roali.'to his sitiiation. by liro. Biiiiig such a pai'tisiLii courBu aa woiilil "wantonly if tliere i.s iiiiollier suedi family in Ihe .Sinte. .'\B .soon ns IMiiniiiiiy ronlif^oil wliiit bail traii- Quoeli Victorin, has given birth to a son. claiming that, owing to the tipjiliiii;; pro­ WiLLiAM DUTCH I':K, hailing from Chi­ oli'enil and irritate tliu frionds of tho ailiiiiii- Hliir. ll, his Hi.'orotary viaiti.'d tbo iiuwHfiaiicr The inol.hor and ijoii are doing well. Lord — (Inind Jlii})idf; Kut/lc. lotralion, AVIO insisted that, ho ahoitld pensities of tho men, (ho I'nctol'v could not (iflioos aiifl oorroHjioiMlonts aiul (rioil ti iiultico cago, hns been vainly oxcnvaling noar Port not bo retained in olliuo, eitlior beoaiiso thi-'tii to liiii' iiotliiii^' about tiuj iiiiiltor. tlnirai'd, Ontario, at Oswego, tinder tho direelinu of —The vnst sums ot uionoy .Cor which be properly operated. The worl;nii'U enter ot his iiei-BOiial merit or in adlioroiicu to tlio iioriion al whoso tablo tliu hani|iiotOLiL'.iii'ro'l, a denial, and assert u striko was iiiipeliiliHg j\[rs. Oliver .I'liireliild, (o liad n largo l.lio niutnmis wliicli have for a long tiniu pro- those Iletroit newspapcr.s have sued oacll is suvorcly coiiHiirfid, lie is tlio simio pi'i'f.oii vailod ill llie diatrllmlion of federal ollices. In duo to Iho employment of hoys lo tlo nioii's who iiitrmliHii'il Eu\'oy Si'(lj;\viok t.i uioiiibcrs aiiiDunt of gold buried nt llio timo of tlie tho liglibof a i;ot.tor syKtoni, and withoutconsUl- olbcr all'ord evidelico o! a linn delornilna- of tlio faiiions .lookuy'Cluli. Jt is tlioiiKlit on Preiieh ovacualion, work,,, ,.Eeligious cicitolnent iiiiule ii oring liis political iiirilliitimiK, Mr. Stoue, when all sides tliat tlm iiiifortuiiato uvt'iit will, in all tion to 1^)1 the iiionoy in llin city that Seu- maniac of .Tihotlo Ciloiiions, nt Ifavonsvillo, lieriiiittud to reiiiiiin In ollico, iicciuno apart of j.rolnibilltv. lead to an early reaignatioii of A ,7UliY at Jlilwankce coiivicled throo tbo buainefiB orgaiii/.atiou of tbo xu'esoiit adinin- a!or ilone.s of ploriihi hns pat in cireululiou Kansas, Whilo going homo floni inityer- AliiiirftLT Jlaiiiiini,'. more of tho boor-ijardeu riolors and ac­ istratieii, boinul by ovory oliligation of honor to mootiug ou Wodiicsdny night he mimlored lliei'o througli (.lie medium of tile wct- Ll):i."r.l;N-AXT Pi'iARfiY arrived at Iliilifax quitted si.i othors. assist within libs aplioro in its siiccoBsfnl oitora- 'a neiglibor, and was ualiug his heart whon tion, 'rbia obligiitifin involved not only tbo gt'oeory stores. —C/i/ciif/o TriliHvc. on his way lioiiie front Oroelihind, wliero WHILE in Iransit through Belgium, found ou llio roadway, liroper iierforniaiico of (.llicial duty, but a cer­ lie has beou for the imrposu of csliiblisli- twenty-two Backs of mail from England tain good faith and lUIelity, wliicii, while not —Dr. C. M. Piilniiiu, of Plint, iiiied Na­ iiig lllo I'l'iisiljility of a new rouio i'or iirclic wer cut open nud all thn registered letters exacting tho least aaorilicc ot poliliical |iriiH:i|ilo, forbadu active participation in luii'ely partisan than Lainp;-iOii for ij'lll, which he elaiiucd T'M: arn'iia. oxplolei'K ncroKS that cnuiilry. lln iiiuilo M'oi'o tiikeii, donionstratioiia of a pronounced tytie, iiiiilor- for professional services. 'I'bo dofense Ills headipinrters at a Ddnish soltleiiieiit ou THE Soldiers' IJonicat Washinglou lins takcii for tho inirpoao ot lulvamiing partiHim in- AL1''I!E13 EuliANlcs, whu diod thirty the west coast, and from tliero made sev­ turosts, and ceiuliictoil niioii the avowed lliom'y was that Ihe Doctor and LainpBou agreed to .Sl',1 regular iiiniatos. '.I lieoottago fsrinorly years ago al Madison, Ga., kift a planta­ that tlio lubniniatration of tho (lovormnont eral journeys iulaud, Iho principal ouo be­ "wrestle it out," tho doctor to havo doubla occupied iiy the President as a suniiuer waa not entitled to tho conlideiicu and re­ tion valued at §20,000. Eight hrothcr.-ii ing to a ]iaiiit 100 iiiileB eastward. Iloro residence has been assigned to Iho votoriins. spect of the peojile, 'There is no uiajiuto what­ if ho won and nothing it ho lost. He lost [, who claimed tho property Liivo ever since lie found llio elovalion above tho sea lo bo ever concerning the fact that J\Ir, Stono did join THE boot and shoe lirui of .T. ,t S, B. others who wero cainpaigning the Statoof I\inn- iu tho wrestliugiiialeh, but tho jury gave kept up litigation. Three survivors have 7,5(111 fool. .Tlo is snlisliod that Greeiilnnd Sachs, of Ciueiiiiiati, has made an assign­ avlviinia in opposition to tho adminiatratiou. Jt him fOd. just boon paid !?20(1 each, Iho rest haviuj can be crossed from west lo east by tiitiiro appuara, too, that ho was active an.I proiiiiiiont oxiiedilions to tlio uorlli pole. ment. Ha liabilities are $200,000. gono to (ho lawyers. with noisy ontbuaiasni in attemlaiiou upon at —"So Miss Blank ia raniTicd'i'" ho in­ THE Citizens' ussocialiou of Chicago, least two large public niootings ivlioro tho THE Coinmis.sioner ot lulornal licvoiuie THE Mexicau Ciovorniiiont hns pro­ siioochos worn largely devoted to abuse and quired. "Yes." "I hoard that hor father afler considering tho priicticabilily of ostiib- has deiniiudod l?3,000 at once from a land iiiisroprosencatlon of tho adinlnistralion ; that claimed (ho iibolilion of iiilorstale duties gave hor a cheek for §10,000." "Yes, he lishing a loan olfico to meet the necossilios he approved all this, and actually nddrosaed and lumber comiiniiy iu G corgia whicli, for oil national nud foreign inerchnudise iu of the poor at liio lowest possible rate ot tbo niootiiiga hinisolf iu somewhat the saiiio tlid." "Was it good for anythiiigV" "Well, the last eight years, has kept alloat a largo transit, in accordauou with a constitutional strain; that ho attendod such inoetiiigs away iuterost, has sent to tbo Pawuors' bank, ot that's tho point that ])u*/Kloa everybody who nmonut of scrip, aud has ordorod suit to from his home for tho luirposo o( making nnch anioiidm'out adopted by a majority of the Boston, for a copy of lis charter aud by­ (uldroaaea ; and tliat ho was advertised as ono . be brought for !?1S,00(I more, :i.1ie scrip was there. Thoy woro all crowding uroiuid Slates linsiuoss failures ftir the week iu laws. of the speakora at each of aald inouting. I ' was gonoi'ully received for nicrcUa.udiso iu the United Stales aud Cmuidniiuuiherod 21II, ahall aeeeiit as true tho statement of Mr. to BOO if it was certified, when flho hold it THE corpse of Capt. Smith, of Iho Stono that the time spent by him in thus rto- 'Glynn Oouuty, and oven for taxes. against'ill tho provions wook, Casualties aloft and exclaimed: '.Dear father, but thoso schooner Conway, was foiiiid on the beach inonstratiug his wilb'iignosa to hold a prolit- Randolph Cbiircliill was tho Minister in were innre numerous the .Soulli llinu onginooi's nud brakoinon ou tho in in ablo ollico at tbo hands ol an adniinislratlon THE near Montaquo, Jlicli. Thero was no atleudaiico at Ihe accouchement. Wo pre­ diamouils aro enough!' Sho louchod it to any olher Bection of ihe comilry, sixly-sov- which ho ondeavoroil to di-croilit with tho |ioo- Southern Pacific Hailrond have grievances, sent an excellent likeuosB of tlio Princess, tho gas, nnd away it wont. I think it's a on beiug reported. Telegrams lo Ilnid- triieo of i?l,OOII known to have boen iu his jilo, aud wliioh had ovoidookotl his provions of- which, unless settled, may result in a feiisos, did uotrosnlt in tho nogloct of ordinary pocket before his death. from a pholograpli taken just before hor now kink, and ono intended to savo the old ,s/r(?(^/'K record rather loss activity in tho ollioial duty; bnt his conduct has bronglib to sti'iko. Tho brakenien assert that tboagroo- marriage. , movoineut of genornl merchandise, al­ THE lake steauiers .Alaska and Oregon light such im niifi-londliiiosa toward the iidniln- man."—DcAruU Frcu Pccs.t. luent of last wiutor is being violated, whilo though at Chicago vhero lias been an in­ collided iu Detroit River, through a inis- istnitloii which ho protends to sorvo, and of the engineers complaiu of tho unjust dis­ creasing volunio of sales, pnrtioulavly of •which bo ia nominally a part, and such a oonao- EDML'NDS AND IILAI.M'!. —Ten years ago Jlrs. Ada Martiu, of undcrstauding ef signals. Tho former put (•inoiit lack of loyal Intorost In its suoeoss, that charge ot two of their numhor. dry goods, and iu a less noteworthy degree tho anfost and aurost giianmty of hia faithful Bronsou, frnelured ouo of her legs, aud back to Detroit; tho latlor was beached ou The A'ornioiil Scimtor Smibb.Ml by tll« at St, Paul, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, nnd service is, in my opiiiion, oiitiroly wanting. Ills Wriii;].; Senator Wndo Ilnrapfon, of Bois Blanc Island. paralysis of Iho nienibor followed, with loss Burlington, At Eastern contois the movo­ course, in Itself, such as Rbould not have boon jUaii I'loin niabus South Carolina, was himtiug on his Mis­ inaugurated San oiitored upon while nuiiiitaiuiiig oirioial rela­ of speech. During her afllictiou she do- ineut ot dry goods has boon disappointing. AKDOI) DAY was at [New York telegram.] sissippi plantation, tho nccidoutnl difchal'go Francisco by tho school-children, who tions to the adniiiilstriition, also ronows and voted much of her time to making crazy Prices generally aro suslainod, and the out­ revives, with iinnilslakablo iutorpretation ot Mr. Blaine's refusal to take Senator Ed­ ilanted trees on Goat Islaud at the of his gnnkillod his horse, which fell upon look for heavy-weight woolous continuos and thoir characfer and iiitant, tho charges of munds' proll'orod hnnd when they mot in quilts, and has received patches from ?residio. olfouBlVQ iiartisaiishiii horotoforo mado, him. Haviug but one leg, the Senator bright, I'rinis, however, have deciinod J the house of the dend ox-ProBident has Presidents Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur. aud up to tills timo bold iu aboyanc,', cent from 3A cents for I'A'n after a month labored live hours to reach liis house. Mr. Stono aiul othors of like disjiusition crontnd a fioiisatiou in political circles. Friday sho received a patch with tho cora- ot extrouio iirlnno!=s. Haw wool is tpiiet, aro not to auijpoao that iiarty liuoa are SoMB-|tiimjj||6t month a family of eight THE MAEIETS. Many of Mr. ISlaiue'e friends regret the plimonts of. tho proseut President, and tho but tends (o favor buyers, as concessions ao far oblitoratod that tbo adniliiibtration persgfl^^HAgJiild to havo been burned oeouri'oiice, and sny thiititwasuuforlnuato. have been made to nmnnfaetureis wanting NEW YORK. of tho Govorninout Is to be IruBtod, In plaooa pleasure of the event induced her to rise. iity, Kentucky. By BP.IEVEB J3.7.^ *9 5.3O high or low, to.tboae who aggroaaivoly and ouu- Other.3 say that Mr. Bliiiuo acted perfectly largo lines. There is rather los.s colifldenoo Her son's revolver lay on a stand near by Hoos .1,00 & .1.73 otaiitly oiuloiivor unfairly to deatroy tbo eou- pad residing in the as to higher prices. Pig-irnn continues right, and that Mr. Edmunds' conduct jns- WiiEAT-No. 1 White ,8() @ M'A Ikloiioe of the peojilo in the imrty reapoimiblo and joggled ofl', its falling causing the has developed that I'ory firm, with no obiuigo iu jirices. Stool No. i lied ; So for ancli administriitioii. Wliile vicioiia par­ tiiied tho rebuke. Mr. Blaiiio refused to bo tisan luotliods should not be nllowod for parti­ weapon to be discharged. Tho ballpussotl It the tbi'oats of the rails are more active and more profitable to Cons'—No, 2 .Jli & ..18 • interviewed ou tho subject, but talked qnito OA'I'S -White ;•).-, (fd .'IO san piir]ioaoa to degrade or injurQ tho public fs^oii the floor, and milkers than has boen goucrnily mado pub­ freely to several hitiiuato friends. One of through the invalid's paralyzed leg. The ToiiK—Now Moss 1O.5O (SILOO Bervioo, it IB niy boliof that nothing tunds so I'lo murderers aro lic, nnd prices nro $1 hi.ghor, at S35 to i?3(j CITfCACiO. much to discredit oar olforfs, in tho iiitoroat of tboin said: shook restored Mr,5. Martin's apeoch, aud siiob sorvico, to treat fairly aud genorously tho kid the excitement por ton. ^ BEEVES—Ciioioo to i'riiiio Sitoors 5.OQ & r,.m olllcial inoiimhoncy of politloal opponents as "Mr. Blaino made no response whatever hor limb wilUbo useful after the bullet Good Shippiiit' 3.7S (!'. •(..'•lO a lynching to Mr. Ednmnils' greeting. This is what Couinion H.OO & '.i.m conduct such aa la horo dlBolosod, 'Tho wound is healed. pooplo of this country oertainly do not flispatch says that noG.B—Shippinu' Gmdos S.CO (.". '1.1)0 hnppouDd: Mr. Edmtiuds was seated on a reriuiro tho best rosnlta of adminiBtrativo I express car of a l.'i.otill—Extra Spring .i.l'C sofa whou Mr. Blaine entered tbo piirlor. A NEW railway betM'eoii New York and & 4.ra oudottvor to bo reached with such ngon- KvenbiK 'I'liingis L'p.'—No. 'i !-priuj 71 «.5 .7'l)o II small station ou Boston will be speedily constructed, and cioa as thoso. Upon a full' oonsidcriition Mr. Hlniiie bowed lo Colonel McMichael, Coux—No. 2 !I7 (iS .3i'!.'. Tv.-o tons of coal wore dumped almost nplly arrested by ot all I bai 0 beforo mo, I am coiistraiuod to nud Mr. .Edmunds advanced to greet Mr. will bo known ns the New York, Dnubiiry OATS—No,'J 20 &„ .27 • decliuo tho application of Mr Stono for his ro- simultaneously yostordny iu frout of two ssengor... .Hobort Uu'i'Ti'.ii—Choico Croainory 2j .27 B aiue with his right hand extended, say­ and Boston Rond. One million of first- i'l inBtatomout, liiicloso hia lottor with this, and lawyers' oIKces on GriswoUl stl'cot, aud one li'lno Hairy 18 &(i .2.'S 1 ing; ' Good morning, Mr. .Hhiiue.' Mr. fony dead nt Atlanta, mortgage bonds have boon taken by a syn­ dosiro you to aoqualut lilm with my decision. CiiEKSi.;-Kiill Croaiii, Choddar,, ,12 @ of tho lawyers was speedily visitod by a timself.' The crime M'i Youra vory truly, Guo-vi'm Blaino was iu the act of drawing off his dicate To govern the shipment of live Pull Croaiii, now 12v.@ CLKVELAKD. young iniin who solicited tbo job of bring­ gloves. He givo ihe Vermouter a tjuick ..Throe negroes, Eons-Fi'osb ..: - 'jO ~t§ stock niitl perishable goods, tho Union Pa­ ing up tho coal, ' gia-honse, wero POTATOES—Choico, lior bu.H...,. .38 DI!PAnT^rEN•^ I glance bnt ot the corners of his eyes, and, m .IS OP .TUS'TICE, "How much?" wns the cautious inquiry. iity, Mississippi. cific Company has decided to establish a I'onii—Mtsa U.fJO (n. 12.00 WAsnmoTON. D. C'NOV. 24,18SO.' ] without iiriy show of recognition, stepped "Fifty cents." weather bureau similar to the Signal Ser­ 51ILWAUK1SE. Tho Hon. William A. Stone..Pittsburg, Pa,: forward to shake linudB with Colonel Mc­ WiiKAT—Cash.. .72 Silt—I am direotod by tha-Presidoiit to say to vice, with thirty-two stations, bendiiuarters m .73 Michael. Mr. Edinuuds appeared sur­ "Too much," row. . CoUN-No. li ;17 & ..'17(6 you that, after considoratioa;. of your lottor of being at Omaha Edward Sheldon, cash­ "Well, siiy thirty-five." OATS-NO, 2 .21) al .27 tho 38th inst., ho will not revoke or change tho prised. His face flushed slightly, and he At this figure he was set to work, but 1 report-. pf-Com- ier of tho Lake Shore and Michigan South­ llvi.;-No. 1 .51 & .50 order horotoforo mado Buajjonding you as Dia­ retired to his Beat on the Bofa. Mr. Blaino [inperinteudentof ern Road, died at Cleveland, aged 0'2. PoiiK—Moas 0.50 mo.oo' triot Attorney for the.Wostoin Diatriot of Peiin- expressed his . regret at tho ocourrouco to whon he came up with the last, bafiketf ul TOLEDO. uylvanla. Yoryreapootfully, i.cndemy, .is de- Colonel McMichael, and shortly afterward tho lawyer said: AVliEA'i'—No. 2 77 Attoniey General. .77K. , OAKLAND, "See hero, mifltor, I've had a dozen oli'ers ,^ ITsupportof CiliN—Cash 37 .38 left the house. Cvrs—No. 2 28 since you began work to havo that conl ' fcdomio course. That .28;c. Eiiflu(,'h ol'n (ilood Tliini,'. Frank Hatton, who was Mr. Arthur's THE Austrian Government hns prohibit- brought up for a quarter. Your figure is li\!arioii8 reason.* in uKTituIT. Postmaster General, iu commenting on .ed pokor-playing....Heavy snow-storms BuEi'' CATTLE .1.0,1 ('Ti 5,00 "Papa, just-see my new dross," said a too high.''' . pnld be assigned Hoos '. 0 2.5 & .1.50 the affair, said;, "Blaine knew perfectly are. reported from Upper Austria. Tho young society girl, as she presented her­ "1 know you'd say that," replied tho man, [of. the Service at SitKEl' 3.75 •J. 75 well whom, he was likely to meet at Gou. sno\v is sis feet deep on tho Schuieder self attired for her first grand ball. "Isn't "and so " ^ead'of six, nbol-' Wiii'A'i'-Michigan Itod... .77 .77)2 Arthur's house, und if lie did not caro to range....The Belgian Parliament has COU:N—No. '2. , ,. 38 .3!) it too sweet for anylhing'i'" "You'll make it a quii'tor?" • at sea before meet thorn he should have remniiied away. agreed to consider a bill compelling citizens OA'rs-No, 2 White,.. .32 "Does it suit you, mv dear?" "Aud so I've brought you up almost: half, ST, LOUIri. If be Lad met Mr. Edniun.ds on tho street to enter tho military service at tho "I just dote on it." tho other plle lo make things even," WinjAT—No. 2 .'..... • .70 or at a public recopiiou and refused to "If that is so, I should think that you ^'nsiiiugton ctil- age of twenty years Princess BoiU- CoBN—Mixod 31 .31) speak to him. it would have been another Tho lawyer looked out (ind_ saw that it. OATS-Mi.vod 25 would have had moro of it," said jmter litiou .of Superiu- rice, wife of PniNie Henry of Batten- .20)/. matter; but under the circunistaiioes I think was a faqt, and he cheerfully handed over ,'; roRK—Now Moss.. : 0.7.; t? 10.25 flismissnl of Liou- berg, nud youngest danghter of Queen familins; after lalciug a sharp glance at the tho price agreed upon.—JJelroU Jpree CINCINNATI. his conduct ludeieusiblo from tho stand­ decollete costume.—C/wccif/o hadoer. fiissioiiers seutfrom Victorin,' hns.gvon bath tovasou:... WHEAT—No. 2Kod.,.. 78 mi .78V, point of deoency." ... Press. ',-,.' . .. _ _ Jallotnient of lauds Prince Henry of Prussia has proposed ConN-No. '.i 38 U .38W " SOMEWHERE among the daily no'ws |v.Iudinu8 ol Mon- raniTingo to. Elizabeth,' ihe youuirest O.vrs—No. 2 .23 .30 —A.Cedar Springs young man c,'i]Iea:on.,^;y PoHK—Moss.. n.75 l» COBV—No 2 31 & 3 ^ havo .(noticed :that widows invSriably '(^""i'ou'dontweiir.aiiythingoutof that.bigi othei nighfc, roused him out oil boa to do ^ . i • » .n'-j > ,l,ifl. BroatIyaiatros3bd;'at-tlio; a.scheuio lo:convoi't:'Ihe river Seine.uito;a-; OAIS .i7 ® 23 auivivo their Inisbauda —/adye. bottle, 1 hope?" |liart>Ala}'MinB ll ati^iloxi 00. and. o«n'al?i'..tlm8.'-«>akmg.'«KMi8 -la'. 8oaporti'.-'thft' I AST. HBEllTY battle ^vith a biu-Iai ))^Lo i'vtas,J[wBtching ' i.^. •d[jtoito,llt.ita'bouti.'lt;'5r;iA;l;'uill(V •f !'.,'i'cs,-motherj (hatbotllo coutliins nighti' woijf tooost $2(0.00(1.000. J \ OAITLL—Beat 4,7.1 (CO 5 25 the house."'tTLeie «a8.,a.,big soSio tmliU-/.<'l»'•».?, iJ^ioflnflntuUhoiUiom tho- . ,1.00 l» i 75 I., caps;"' Biiid-thO'.viBtlor, >,Jf and l-woar. thom to.' •**^"'£t«W.tllbolltiy(a(lMmr,Si .ii!|Ainaei';ol;,Afghnnistau^is.;:'gi'ad'aally. .. S.7S ' (1.2J' " jovolt of'the Glnlzaia WSi ..'ROOj.* <.BS '* .. S.23, 4.00 « 'M '•J • il ' ."-•'^'liju.:'

Mir caMVJS.s. hour uo 0110 who has not oxporioncod such Our JJiniopoly-l''ost(!riiig 'I'lirid". Jhit lot us lake a few nf Iheao fads, en­ bo imported, nnd ilioro woro large smeltiug 1>IT1I AND POIW' tirely at random, and lot it bo nndorstood agony can rcalizo. Sho had boon so Bccuro J. B, M'mn-o, ii] n lellor lo the New York works in Jioslon and Baltiinoro. '.L'his did liy JASIE3 II1.:JIKY iJENSKL. that they can bo multiplied indolinitoly. not suit tho mino owners at all; nud so in John's lovo. It had heeii the oue green Timi:f, taking as his text au extract from n A COOL letter—ieod T. ." One ot the greatest nud luost patent facts regardless of tho fact that tho wliolo TlilB brova, swoet Ijoy, iisalnnl whoilo ettra spot iu tho desert of hor lifo; nnd now to Kjieetdi of Hun, 'Wni. L. Scott, iiind:i nt A.LWAYH idiend—tho sknll- is tlial for Ihren Ihonsnnd miles east and couiilry was asked to pay ii tax for tbeir Goii pruDued liis linnd ao buiivlly, have tho droiini rudely broken, M'lieii it Erie, Tn., nn lli; lillth nit,, sliow.^ in a very It sliut out sound for all tho yom-a wc-l. and tifteen hundred miles north aud beuelit, and of the I'nrlher fact that the A swiCLL dinner—dried applo; undV was growin.f; swooler ovory dny. wua cruol. clear liglitliie trilnite wliieli tlm lai iff en­ ' then und far futurity— Hut at tho cud of an hour K'iltie's reso­ Muith, between all the States of tbo Union, smelting industry would bo utterly de­ water. ; ' ' ;•.";-; I'Lls dark-hrowod laddlo iiska mo ivlioro ables Ihe iron and iitiuil inoiiO)iiilistH of I lie with the grenlost liossiblo ilivorsily of local stroyed, as i't was, to build up tho ininiug 1 ko'ji luycrnvi's, mid all tliowlido lution waa I'tiriiiod. All this was in Iho United Stales lo levy from the cinisiiniers. CAI'ITAT. imnisliiilont—making the nad) inbu'ests, local advniilngos, cliiimto, soil, iudiistry, thoy asked and reeoiyod iuJStill iJpou his fiico, so hrii;!it auil fair, past. Ileiioeforlli her life would ho de­ ]!:i'.ililoeii luonlhs ago Mr. Scott boiiglil boys .sit with the good girls. DluijdiW a tt.-ani,'.-), enohautlni; aiuilo, voted lo her ]iarciit8, nnd when Ibey wore iiiiiiernl nud oilier resources, gouoriil jiro- an iuereaso of diil.v about equnl to that JO.IIIlll tons uf steel rails tioiil u I'oiiiisyl- 'TiiF, mail who carries a pack of cti'da . at rest, she would try to iind some ono else diielioii, and labor and wagos—free trade, from 0 to 23 per conl. After this cojiper "'Jfy irrnvoa I" I look him iu llio oyua viiniii rolling null, paving .".''.l.'i.f'll per I'oii to comfort and bless". Hut she would slill iilisolule has )irevailod for just a conlniy, milling booanio a close corporation. ^ 'Tho about his clothes is protty sure to li.ivoi. Anil •nonilcrithis feot hiivo otioiiBth Ihoroi'or—a priee iisrfeetly siilisfnelory to "I'o tread tha path that niado mo winu— havo fond iiieinorios, of which no ouo could and with iiniverHiilly ndniitled beneficial coiupnnios coiiiliiiiod and set an arbitrary Ilis "liitilds" in his pockets. the seller. '.I.'lier.'was lliiju no eonibina- results. price upon their product. 'This every That path iio roiigli, oo groai, of loutitli; rob lier, for A uiT.LV-oOAT should be tho best )im- V/hlle all akiiiK lln sidn tliero llo, tion of Iho steel iiillls of the eoniitry. Si.\' Aiuerieaii oonsumorhnd topny, nt tho same You iiiav lireak, yon may shatter the vaao if you Aiinllier I'nct is lliiil Iho avoriigo wages of torinl for oleolnargarino. • He is oho Jioiii-ath tho cmirhanKliii; boimliK, iiiontlis Inter n coiiibiniitiou was ell'eeted, timo Unit Hleso same coiuiinnios wero sell­ My (jriives, tho hlossnil xi-avos that I will, nil engaged in Hie production ot iron oro iu and now tho price of steel I'IIIIH is ^llll per ing abroad their surplus product at prices best butter among linadrnpcds. Iiovo bettor tbau my ln:'iivou-3ot vows, Xiiit the scent of the roaos will linger thoro Btlll. the United Slates, is llio veriest tfille ovor Ion. 'J.'he adv.iuce iu tlic cost of |irodue- And, althoii,gli her idol liiid boon sluitturod a dollar a day. The inipi'uteeled tnrins pav far below tho Anioriean nial'ket. '.rho "TiiK.N vou don't behove that lovs is'•. 1 love my graves I tho pink-hnod tlowm' tidii nineo Mr. Scott made his piireliaso in the dust, 'ihe iiicinorics of days that wero belter thui! that, wages paid were those fixed by Uio coiiiiio- blind?" ""No. I drm't." "How dbes That grows tlioro In a ahindor "wrcatb does not exceed .•r'J.."ill ]ier ton. lonving au Ution ot lllo lunrket. 'The jirolits of tho Sooms to uio like a prlcoloss dowor, all bright wilh love's lia])pineBU would Anotlior fuel is that inori; lliaii a hiiiiilrcd Hint conio?" "Woll, sir, I never Ici ew adviinco in steel mils of ij^') iierloli wilhout mining coni])nnies wero uiiiong tho largest BcoauBii my d.nnd ouos ahiop bonoatb. linger around Iho ruins. years ago, when tlierii was no tarilV al all It .yotiMg womnii to fall in love wil li ft any necessity for it. '.i'ho steel rail mills known. 'J'heso enormous prolits, logother Tciira thread tbo graaa llJtn ilropB of doiv. So sho stooped lo bcnr this extra hnrden and England was doing her best lo lireak And now and thou n hlood-red litaiu ]iroiliice I,olio,mill tens of steel rails a year, with the discovery of olhor deposits iu iii'au who dyed Ids whiskers." laid upon her, and nnying-oidy-'Tt might down Hie colonial iiidiislries, wo niiiiiul'itc.t- (jbows how ft heart-tliroh hroko In view, BO that Ibe a-ldiliomil ni'olit of .^.'i p.r Ion Montana nnd Arizima, cuilsod the mining A PLATR has been discovered on wl ich linvo beon," wont on, as many a weary nred pig-iron uuil slii|.i)eil it aud sold it in Whon Botiu) tranacondout hope wan alain, ninoiiuls lo r<'(,,'jl)ll,OU0, lo In; iiiiiiiiully di­ busiuesH to be overdone, '.i'ho price of tho grini lias done, with only au added look of Knglaiid—and nt n prolit at tluit! 11 \w. can lie bilked without biu'i ing vided between the seven or oi^jht mills, luolal foil heavily. Tho duty was cut down Hleh overhnid, with rippling song sorrow and a few lines nioro (o loll (hat she 'J liink of this fuel, AInssacliusotta is a whilo llio mistress of tho lionso is Jin sh-' 'I ho little birda fill up tho air, 'J'lio riiilroails, siiid Jilr, Scott, do not pay ill Ib'Sii from 5 to i. cents por jioiind. But had Huli'ered. liiglily pi'otecled Sinio, wilh a Inrgo Con­ ing lior novel niiil the cook is liavir j a., And thoir Bweet imiaio makes iiio strong this exeessivo prolit. Thny "siiii]ily ad- overproduction eontiiiuod until soiuothiug To elinil) aud yiolil eonfeaaion tlioro; I'Tve vuilrs more jiiissod slowly on their gressional delegation. In Ijiiwreneo, one I'cw last words with the jioliconinn. ' vaneo the money, and it is you who travel hud lo liii done lo restore the mngnifieeut To own my faiilta witliont a frown. way, bringing to K'ittie M'ilioii first (he lose of the must higiily pi'ofeclod cities iu Iho over railroads, and wlio your divideuds at tho pnsl. Wlmt is Uio reiuo- A lJcliK has sued a skating-rink ow uir: To draw a lio.T,vy breath and piias, of iler father^ and following shortly iifler- the trniiBiiort Stale, enpitnl invested in inuiinfnotories hns Wblln green leaves catch a Hut nf browu, dy? Jliiiea aro shut down and hun- i'or a lost ciiao. .Sucli un exliibitioii of , wal'd, IIH! diintb of hor niotlier. 'J.'hon iiierehnlidiso and )iroduco ovor theui, who made a not gain of ovor till per cent, per And swoi't biuiii wither in tho grass. d'rods of men will bo thrown out of eni- alone, with no ono to earn for, she took up iu the ond pay this exeessivo prolit to tho nnnniii for twenty eonseeutive'years. Tho coiiviige loads to tlin dark snspiciou that pliiyincnt uiilil Iho price lias been raisod Kill'..', Iil til! blr.lH, iiliovo iny graves ; lior work, and iiatiently, day after dny, iiuiniifiictnrei's. It conies nt last n|)on tho wnges of Ihe "highly jirotectoil" lahorers Iho dude Mwiillowed it and so acquifod-; agiiiii lo tho level of tho profit that lUow, gcnblii bree;;t.'a, from the aou; taught in llio old school. people," in Uicfic siiiae inannfaetoi'io.s is lunv about a toiiiporary spino.—.Lo'((;cH Cithen. Como, BaUy fuigriiiiee nf the waves, tho iiiiinnfactiiiror requires. When tho ninr- Mnny who wore not born when she began ,S,"i cunts a dny for men nnd ll.'j cents a day And ui,ake li-e Roiu'jwhal good for uio, '1 he duly en steel mils is I?I7 a ten. 'J'lie ket wns good, laborers received tho ruling A "WiisTMiix lechiror recently tidier-; to leach there, were now roeeiving ijisirlic- for women! cliild-iabor, of wliieii there is What if I bear giave.s in iiiy lienrt price ]inid iu Engliiiul, when i\lr. Seott wages, not a ].ieimy more, nnd the tax lev­ tisod a loid pro I'or ]itdii\s ovor '2.'5 ytara; li'aith, til', y ar.' mino fo toiul and luiPi)! lions frfiin hor. l!nl williout Iho bright altogether loo much, is "thrown in." boiiglil his rails, was nlnnil $17..111. With ied on every usol' ami manufacturer ot cop­ Aud v/liat if'I from lifo iihoulil part.' of iig'c. '.riio Icctiu'or w'lis promptly on hope that bad Rustaiiied her in former 'riic Fall .liiver (Mnssacliusetts) iiroletded Mayhaji lu aomo heart 1 might Bleep. Ihe duly, freiglil, and cost of liniidling, tho per iu the country went to swell tho for­ yours, Iho work was more liresoiiie, nnd hand, but the aiidionco consisted of only cost of foreign l'uils in the UiiitotI Sliilo mills pay the stockliolders about forty-six tunes of the uiine-owiior. AViieu the fjerain- "wrinkles slowly <;uino out ou the fair face, 0110 iioi'sou—the lectnvor's aged graiul- So lot tho lamol drop a wmith would be ubi.nil r-'iUi. 'Jibe sloel rail uiiikevH per eoiit. per aniiuiii—and the prolecteil hi- blo I'or those prolils overdoes Ihe business, Down on my graven, ami let tbo vino while a look of weariness crept into tho iiiotlier. of (he United Stntes, by eombiiliug, forced liol'or nbont (nverngo) S21)0 jier niiiiuiii, and limes bei^inio bad, the laborer ninkos Run wliorn iny dead oura lie Iieiieath, gray eyoa, which seldom spal'kUid wilh tho price up to l?3:!, 'Vho duty iildno made (jUt Ihis fai^t out iiiul stick it in the lop tho saerilieo by lieitig deprived of work, A oiTiZKN of liiiU'alo inipiircs: "Why p'or every grass blinio thoro is mino. inirtli or iilen.'^urG, Even tho liando thai uaoii to touch this possible—nloiio niiide il possible to of your liat, ready .for the next high larilf nnd cut off from wages until the monopoly cannot wo havo n siibturrancan hotel at T.iglil ly my ciiiHng BtmiidB of hair The close of one day, however, found ])liiilder the people, niaii Hint blows his iiiieieiit liorn in yuiir croatod by the larill soesiit lo rosuiuo busi­ Niagani; niidoriicatli tho Aiiloricau Still iirouiy own ; I love tlicm niuoli, Kiltie fiitting ill tho little school dco))ly 111 I.S.Sll, Mr. Atoorii yioints oiil. the totu! ear. From 1N:||) (O J.'i(il) is callod the low ness, Though bid Iroui oiijbt luid elaapod in thinking, ,'\n oiieii letler lay on the desk falls?" I.^robiibly bocanso that would luayor. eiipilal invesled in steel production in this (lu'iir iieiiud; ftoiii USdl) to l.'iSli has been a before her, Jt was from the .lohu of okloii high old tiirili; jieriod. Xow seo the re­ bo running Iho hotel l.msiuoss into tho coniilry was Siill,'.l7.'),lllhl; the wngns paid, Ju tlie hislory of this, pei'lia|is the least times—John Walora, Many woro tho sults—facts: gri:m\d.—J.Httt:biirgk Chronide. .'?l,ii;ill",.'llll; Hie total value of production, excitsablo ot all our tiirlll' iuiqiiities.wo llavo cliaugea which time had brought to him in ?.".-i,Sll.^,'HII. 'J'lle steel rail iiroductof IHSO .•\dvancoof Advanooof Kct an illustration of the invariabla working of A i'(H''.T ..says: "I throw my lovo to five short yeiirs. Ho was a wealthy man— A TliUST FlIOM TIIE DEA«. Wagea, Pricna, Oaiii. high und useless duties. Thoy begin iu was i'll7,lllS,('.'2.'i; the wagea iu round unin- him, nnd it lifttli gono astray." Of course. Kitlie thouglil of Ihis with a, for she I.S:il-lSi;il, per eoiil, ...iil.i; J;;.7 .'i7,P oxlrnviignnt prolits forinonopolios, and cud bers, $:t,71111,0111), or about $."j per Ion. AVuges j.S(ji).l,ss:i, lier cent...21.1 il.r, If sho had thrown a stono at a cow tho "I cnnnot!" And the sweet voioo i'nltorod remeinboroil bow Iho wealth was giiined, ll.'.l iu iiidustriiil )iro8trntiion; but, fl'oui b.'gin- are not higher now than in LSSH. and the missile would llavo gono astray, too. a littio, and into the f;raj eyes crept a loolc Hifi wife hnd been dead a yonr, nnd ho was 'V\ml hits Inird, doesn't it? iiiug to ond,tbo only individual who cannot wn.ges |)ald i'or Iho production of 1.,1(1(1,111)11 of nuguish, now loft wilh a luotherloss child lo care Here's anollier. .For sovoral years the possibly gain any beiiolit whatovor, and '.I'llo bettor jilaii would linvo boon to. toils of steel rails will not exceed $1JiW),- "lint, Kiltie," it wns a iniin'a voico for, eonibiiied Ijossoiuer steel ooiniiaiiies paid who bears the heaviest share of Iho loss, carry hor love to him in a basket. \ 11(1(1. '.I'his is the iinuinut ot the extra prolit spoulting now, "is yonr ba)'])inefls nothing? "l.''or her sake," he wrote,—".! cannot ask the St. Louis Vnleau Jroii AVorl;s !?7l),lll)l) is tho workiiigiunn. This is tho system by "I CAN'T sing," said the young lady which the eonibinnlioii euableil the steel jMust yon druilgo forovi.-r, when you might for 11 lyseIf, but for my litllo girl's sake I ]ier nuniiiii to lio idle aud givo thom Hie winch Capital has, for nearly a generation, manufacturers lo iiinke—thai is, tlie coiii- when invited to 'warhle, hnt she coiii-^ bo happy?" ask yon, Kitlie, lo coi'iio and bo a mother control of the market, Y'ot they need ]iro- "])rotcctod" labor for its own private oraol- liiiiiition reiiiiliiU'siHl tliomsolves for lliesum ])liedRpou being rtirtliorpressed. AVhen | "I iiiiist not tiiiiik of my own hnppinoss to her," teetion "to enable thom to hotter remiuiernto iiiuont.—St. Pniil J'ioneer-J'n;is. paid for Ihe wages fit [imdiicing tlif 1,5011,- .she hnd ilm'slieil Fogg thanked Iter and first, John. i\ty ]inreiils need me—1 iini Could she refuse? Bid Kittio Wilton ..'iniericaii labor." IIIHI tons of rails. added, sotto voi;c: ,".T.'ll never doubt; thoir only Hn)iporl—anil oh! .loliii, you ever refuse lo minister lo any ono who A. fact well worth ronicmbering and j\Ir. Mo.ol'0 is iierfeelly com iuced Hull ll itliybody's word again."—Burlinr/lon\ would noi, you could not. ask uio to leavo iieeiiod her, Ko; nnd tho next inorninR it quoting is that iiino-loutlis of our roal bet Us Have tiie rigiires. duty of SHI per ton would he iiioio tliau them now, when they areoUliindhoIjiless!" loiter w;ont speeding to London to John, American labor has been driven out ot Ihu '.riie disclosures made by J-lepresoiita(ivo Free Frcaa. anijile, not only lo iirotoct our ninuufiictiir- "And 1 eaiuiot stay. 'I'lu'ro is no ehaiieo tellin.f; him lliat she would bo his wife; aud "lirotecled" inaiiutactoriea lo make room Scott in his J'jrio speech suggest a nieasiiro ers nf rails, but even keep foreign rails out. Si'iiivriiALisTic iilodniin—Younow be-1 Cor 1110 here le support yen and llicni. iMy there was ot the nld-linio dreiim for "the iianjier labor of the ell'ete old to which tbo manufacturing iieneliciiirios of Hut it would also .give eonstiniels sloel rails liokl Hie spirit of Algernon Hnobbius. only hope is iu going to l.oiidou. Ilut itis yet lingering in her liosoin to ninkc her world." protection linvo no right to object. It will ?i; or $7 a (ou clienper. .V t?lll duly eoiib.i I'lo you recognize him? Visitor—I ilo. hard lo go alone. Kiltie, you don't know iiniipy, It is a fact tliat Ibe protected labor of bo renioiiibered that Mr. Scott statod that a not jinssibly reduce wages, bnl it wouhl Spiritualistic medium—.He docs not | how I have plunned aud waited i'or the l.'erbaps she was foolish lo forgive so Ihis country is bnl one-twoiilieth of tho inau wl.10 mado it his boast that ho was a innleriully lednee the enormous iil'olits of seem to rocognize you. Visitt 0,j time when you would bo mine." easily. Hut she knew bcst—ean we judgo whole. Briiiflli subject, liad ]]ockotud !?.'),UtlO a day tho nionopolisls. "£ kuow it is luil'd, but"—and hero tlio her? Our iiicreiise of wealth por inhabitant for 11(10 days, or SI,.5lll),llllll in ono yenr, as tllal:',s beciiuso I failed iu husinc oi I Mr. iMuoro places in luirallel eolmnl'.fi a liationt voice faltered—"since llio denlh oC So ill a short time the aiiswiM' came buck under low tarilV for twenty years—IS 1(1 lo his share of tho prolits of an iron aiid steel oonily.—Rumhkr. slat:>ineiil made by -Mr. Scolt, on the au- iny brother, father niulniotbcr lire depcnit- to lier, "I will eoiiie on for ,von nt once. l.SHO—was 1,'iOper ei.'nl,; liniler high larifV, lliorily of the greiilest iini'cliaser ot steel nuinufaetnring eoiieom in J'ittsbui'gli, nnd "1 DO.V'T think much of the luoi ,k- I cuL on ma, ami as they are both ill I can­ He prepared lo return with nio," nnd more l.SljO to bSHII, it WHS only SO per cent. He- rails iu tlie I'liiled States, Unit the piiiie pal Hint ho was building a castio in his native ing fclieiti as a clii.SK, good, had, .i I in-1 not leave tlieiii. I can Biiiiport ihem Iiy wliieli we linvo uo right lo know, twoen bS."!!! and 1 Sill) il was (Hi jior cent.; lioiii; of eontcniiou in the Hoard of Di- hind with what ho had mado out of onr dill'orent," remarked a Chicago toacliing, and niy duly is liere. lint oh! it Al liisl the long-lookod-for dny arrived, l.S7(land bSSd, •J:i jier eoiil. Give Hiis to rcctol's of a I'oniisylviiiiiii iron imVI sti.'el laiilV for the ])rotectioii of ..Vnierieiiu labor. is as ill!ni forme as for you, and helievu nnd Killie, lior licni'l full of the happiaoss soiiu! tarilf "fiicC liuiiter. "Ycs," returned her couipanioii, ' I |.iol| coiiiimny, wilh a capital o'' Sll',l'Oli,!ll)ll, has It will also bo reineniberod Unit Mr. Scolt Ilie, 1 sliiill never forget you." which had i^enie niter so many years of 'J'lic MiniiiJ'iieliirc.r miil liilo can prottuee just as right to know it. The country has been Of poasosflion In your luoiLBiirti, 'I'lie sun bad just begun lu decline lio- was torture. And yet she iiiiist net. Ac- composed largely of Illinois farinora or of cheaply as any |)0ople, and c.iu eompeto favored with many statements about wagos And a year of adaptatiou baa r'omodolod yourdo-| "hind the hills iu the dialuneo, and Kiltie, eompaniod by tin elderly iiiun, one of the Cliicngo traders should Bligniiitizu and do- with thom anywiicro, it thoy can only get iu tlie jii'otectod indusliies, and thoy do eiro; gn/.ing lisllessly at il, was ilnnkingof .Inhu. school coinniittoe, sho went eu lo C —, uoiiiico the Cobden Club is a phoiiomenou cheap oeoiiu traiisportatiou. Jiliiniiiiito not go to show that Ihosij who work i'or biro Whou vou modify tho rapture Her Ihouglit.sWere nearly iilwiiys of liini, foiunl John's littio eii'l, who was alive and which ennuot be explained on any tlioory the factor of iirolectiou from our coniiuor- uiakn iiinch out of tho tariff. Tho worker Of yonr liymonoal capture, aud vely [lieasant llionglits fhoy were loo. niihnrt, and lieariuc; Ihe reniains of liini of siuiity or ordinary iutelligciieo. If lliu As you shiver iu attoinptlug to conBtruotthc oial policy, which largely iucrouscs Ihe coat hns boon called ou to filled light on ihis In her hand aiie had a letter in tlie dear, who was to have beou her husband, sho re- Ctjbdcu Club existed for the purpose of ex­ kitchen flro. of production here, by moans of heavy du­ subject by telling what wagos ho gets. fiuniliar haiulwriling, which sho bud inst tnnied to hor home. cluding Americnii ju'oducts from J'^nglniid ties ou tho raw materinls, and pliieo iu its !PLOSSIR liad been presented with til received at llio posloHleo, aud which she Now let bis eiuployor bo cnlled on to shed Hut she had grown aged iu those few there would bo soinething rational iu de­ stead a good liboi'hl froo-triide ]ioliey, and box of French (landy. "Now, I'lo,ssie,'j was waiting to rend at lioino. more light by telling what prolits ho gets. days. Hor hair was thickly sprinkled with nouncing it, bnt the very reverse is tho ease. no doubt ourunUou could Bncee.ssfiilly com­ .•\s long as ho is snjiportod at the ]iul;lic said her mother, "yon have eaten all She was sure dear .lohu would havo gray, and hot form bowed. An she stood, Tliero is something sensible iu our com­ pete with auy nation in tlio world's iiinrkets. expense the public has a right to know that you ought to. You can have ontl something jilensniit lo say, though of late a few days aflorward by the open Lirave of plaints iigiiinst h'tauee nud Cornlany for Ilut handicapped with lllo tarilr, finch colii- whet bor ho is nblo to Bupimrt lunisolf. Let his lotlcrs had boon fewer'und shorter, .So piece moro, .and then we' will ).int tli(| .lohu Waters, hoUliug his child by tho hand excluding our pork, but what sense is there potitloii boconius extroiiiely diiiicult, if not she walked on with rjuickeiiod steps, until ns seo who it is that is cnrieliod by tho tariff. box away until to-niorrow." "Cau .11 —a sacrod trust from Iho deiitl—no ono iu reviling tho Cobden Club, which nctually impossible. If our i)co])le cnniiut compete sho reached her own house. —Chieugo TimcH. would have recognized beneath tho heavy prevents great Jlrltniu Irom doing tho saiiio wilh the cheap iiroduclioiis of ether coim- liavo any'piece I like?" asked Flossiol First she ran to greet hor dour, palo- crape veil the onco lieaiiliful aud merry thing? Tho Cobden Club is Uie ouo su- Il'ios iu onr own innrkols, how do wo ox])ecfc "Yes; tako the kind you like best.'r faced, patient niolher, who had been au Kitlie Wilton, pi«nio commcreiul friend wo have in iin- to do so in external nlarketR, even if oconn •^'Thc OUier Hanson." Flos.sio hesitated. "Well, niamnia,"shil iuralid for years; and her father, who was How woll sho fnltilled hor trust lo vopo. the one, institution Ihut may bo said trniispoi'tiition is free? Over iu tho West Hivisiou Mr. 'Thoo. said, finally, "if I tako the kind I .don'f growing weaker nud could not live long. the eliild yon may know, when I tell you to koo]) watch and ward ovor American iu- But Uio fact is Uml a good foreign trado Hanson hired a painter tojgot him up a likii best clm 1 llave'two pieces?"- AVith a sniilo and iilonsnnt word for both, that one cool afleriuiou in early auluniii. terosts in the old world, and especially ovor und a protective tarill' cauunt exist nt Uio sign. ]{arper'H Bazar. ' ^;;l;'' Ihongh hor benrt felt very heavy as she Kill io Wilton sat by my sido and told mo the iuloresis of Illinois and Chicago, Every snmo tiiilo. If wo will nut trado with Hero's a Hanson across do street," ho gnzod on the pale, drawn features of her this slory as I have told it to you, audi atteniiit fo exclude Illinois products froiii external nations onr morubiiut vessels explained. "Doy all call him 'Old Ilan- Rendy to FIoj). father, sho seated herself beside thoiu. was tlial child whom John Wators left as a Groat IJritaiu has been resisteil and dotent- uinst iloat in our hnrbors idle. AVhy is Bou,' and me peoples calls 'de odor Hausou.' "llnvo you boen lonesome, mother?" logney to Iho woman whoso heart ho hnd A 'Westorn Michigni^^KOoi.tiJiyor .W^ od by the Cobden Club, and yet nn Illinois this? Simply this; The purchasing power Now, do de sign right," aud ho wrote out "I nlways mlss yon, Kittle," answered eriielly lacerated. was circulating .aWij^fn&svR'tof' gathering will applaud the orator who of a nation cousists almost wholly of its his namn: Theodor l:Ianson. Mrs. Wilton. "15nt you have a letter. gage tlieir clips, m If I loved hor before, what do you think seloeta it for censure aud donuuciation. liroduelions. If wo shut our markets ]tead il, nnd tell us tho"good news." Tho painter was true to his orders. Tho wore my feelings then? Why, I worshiiied inclined to looj 'Thoro is a Btouo-wall stnpiduess in this against foreign inorchanrtise and conqioU- sign was put up that night: "'The Oder So Kittle opened the lottor with eager the sweet, ]inlo-Caeed woman who for Jif- that is not creditable to Illinois, tion, other nations cuiiuot tiiido wilh us, if Hnuson." sort of gainblin'il lingers, nud read il through wilh a face teon years had beeu my more than mothor. Tho gloatost friend tliiit Illinoia ever hnd Ihoy aro ever so much inclined to. 'Thoy "You agree that slowly turned ns white as tho paper ou And thoro by tho "grave of niy father, among foreign stiitesnion was liichtird Cob­ must bo nblo to sell to us their produc­ Too IJashfni. much, a niontli which tho cruel words wero written. where we had como, as we often came, iu den. We do not mean iu a soutiiauutal tions or they cannot pnrcliliso our pro­ This is what sho road: "Bridget, you sit up so lato that we don't said he. "Hoi "the silent city of the dead," where we way, luiliu a practical, material way. He ductions. Thoso priuciplos are so simple "HEAuKiTTiu: Whon yon read this I fihall havo breakfast till nine o'clock." won't go U]) I seoniod so iicnr iu reality to those who waa the great leader of the commercial aud elouientary that they need not bo hero bo married—would I darod to say dead! You may were lying sloeiniig there; amid the solemn "I'll lliry aud do better, mum." be too .much i revolution that mado ovory port iu Hrituiu eldbornted. All liberal men accept them , coiuiomn mo—yon nnist desjiiBO iiic—aud 1 do- calm which brooded over tho pleasant "I think it's the beaux, Bridget." like Hying in; nil absolutely free market, for everything as self-evident or first truths. So when florvo your bittorest hatred. placo, Kittio Wilton told me hor story. "Likely, mum." After a long "But lot mo toll, in aa fow words as possible, we make, from it ship to a paper of wo restrict or prohibit Iho importations of And when sho hnd fiuishod, I could only "And you'll have to slop sitliug up so tho whole miaorablo story, ^fy uuccoaa, aa you jiina, nnd for ovorylliiiig we cau tbo produclions'of other naUons, to that leavo it to lii^ weep nud cling more closely to her who late nigiits in tho kitchen with them." know, waa at first poor. 'Then I bcciuiio ac­ raise, from an ox to a,cau ot tomatoes. extout wo restrict our trade with thom. "Look' a-lie"! quainted with Doctor Carltou, who mado nio a had sacrificed her whole life for love's "Oh, tliauk ye, mum, but they'd bo so 'The Cobden Chib is nn institution found­ .\.ud an oeoau full of vessels may be largely good fl Ha.ptist;( pwtiier with bim. Ho had a daughter whom 1 sake. bashful iu the parlor, ye Roo."—Cli,icugo havo always .treated aa a sister, but whom I did ed on his ]n'iuciples and carrying out subsidized, aud tho markets o"f tho civil'- Lcdycr. is anything:iu,6i| not dream of marrying Until a week ago. Doctor his ))olioy. J^argoly ihrongli his iuHucnce ized world may bo filled with Americans Carltou takou mortally ill, und on hisdoatb- Au Eiisily Coiiipralicntleil (jiaiiie. we ,slia'n'ttako WHS the Illinois faniiors, millers, aud atoek- trying to oxtontJ^iir trade, aud oar coiu- bod aaUod mo to proinlao to marry his daughter, They were having' a fonr-Landod gnnio OF all taxes levied tho import tax is Iho wool when Hve "wbu was, as ho saya, in love with mo. It waa a raiaei's are in absolute jiosse.ssiou of tho morcu will not be enlarged to any material most difficult to escape. A cajiitalist may of encliro in llie smokiiig-car, and ono we'll accept; groatteTuptittion.^,.,.V''bo benolit 1 should got only free market for their produce among extent. It hns always required, and always nit his money in United States bonds, or (for Doctor Cavlton"'prouiisod to loavo mohia of the players said to Ids partner, a the' great untions of the earth. If thoro will require, two parties to a sale or ex­ flop ovlaying three "for revenue only."—Tax-Oathcrer, chosb'iiviOf ihb'l hibits morodirectly tho essential immor­ intolhe house., AVhat areyou ;out;iii.itho' ,: you have sacriliood nllitirrus!!' ' ; . , hearts; "a flush, as,yo"call it, beats bo wbriv'aiid'|\cl] ality and tho certain results of ultra-pro­ snow for without a; shawl?!',.: ','Ph', nothing . "No; it is a'plonsiiTO to miuistor to you. Free Triulc Tacts. •whicli'miitiii^ three of a kmd. As I said," ho oon- tection. '. There -was .hevor, in tho llrs't much, 'ma. .You, see: Augustus, has just Believe me, I could not have been hiippv while oveiylhiugl tiniicd,-.poekoting the;inoiioy, :''I'dou't' Acorrospoudont (isk's if. we oan linmo any place, the sllghiest excuse, for: a .duly on palled, are his footprints,;iri'.tho. ,; .otherwise.; • all f()r thehtist;' and now, know; .notliin' iabout pokpr, .bnt; from, '.'.froom-atle facts'—it:there really ni'o;"anj'. 'copper; - The sole sou rep of domestic sup'-' .;: dear. molher, I will ran up-stairs and put enow.; .I'm inoaauring. to get the.'right ;;;->TAiL^R'Tto:ft;sij^. what ye havo told ino about it, I reckon fnots'fivvo'ring free trade." .We' could &lV.a ply, up to iifteen years, ago, was • thorLako; •• away my things,-nud then coiaa downand: size (for those'slipp'er'si and,:do.yoii linow,! , the 'Idnil pu? yoiir's il/?Mic'ivwitli nbtliiug ,•,The fact Superior •mines';:; 'Thostj.eoiild have; boeaj «;get supper.",;, And;with a.loving smile on ifc ain't a very . hard game to larn, don't believe I've got half doth enough; ih' is'fh(it,:all the facts'are.bii our. side'! of;. this; .workod to ;ndvnnlago':inVfree;:competition' bit; oli); tapei: i'sir-^]ua ;;.-li6r~fac6~she4eft her.- stranger."~2'rai;eZe7"'s Magnime.' • ^ - 'them..yv:;,.''...;: 'i'my-'^y^lZ-:-'^^^^^^^^^^ .great:;discnssion.;;:The.:; greato!3t thcM^ .with the'; w'oi'ld.;;;, But tho:o\yners';>yftnt(3d:;a' rouhd'jih.'a.; niimit'e^l'Ml Onco m hei own looni, ihongh, thofoiccd tbe;most;iibflolnt6 and moiitimbntal/moo .moiibpolyi 'and;wh('n;:;eyoiybddy?;'els6;^wa3' '••;'^^nEN. do'btors give .a inaiinipi '.his eiiaiiM" SiSf "WE prosnmo tailors are generally •\ViiE\ mnv two I'lol i.amilo faded awftyj';leaving only tho pitiful' fihiiio'i's?'''nre:;lli'6;:pi^ hiiving::a tarifl: :sliea •;thoy got/theirsit j'^tilli' foi life hns gone A\hei> IsvjeiB ei\o one ilookof agony. sueceaslul ill love alhiirs—they know so hall-wittod.'^'WlKjjije''* a'way^ h'xvo ;boon >iu ]ust this oatoctory. ,tindor.;tlio; original.tarill,'.Uhiliau'^^ojo^f'oald^ U]), lus money is gono, ' J KoT? Kittia Wilton Buftoiea durigg tbot welve, l Low to press a smt. . > '•staittTirKr'botwoOJjl ' , »i Mi I'rohiito Order. rclicioiH servieeu, a sernion, and an e.\tra Of tlfo good things of this iigiiaiir Cjoiuilg Democrai ESTATE OK TflK CONJCLIN MINORS, giiiiil iliiiiier thrown in. _ life nro sorrowfully lot ,Slate of Michlgun, counly of Ingham, ss. At ii •Iiihn liced of Kuhunn/.oo, a carpenter 45 alone on account of Dyspojisia, Acker's Hcsslon of the probate court for said county, held at the iH'obate ollice, in Ihe city ol Mason, on Ihi' Kid yiMirs of age, was instantly killed Moiidny Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1886. ludigestiou and Constipation; sold on a ilay of Novondier, In the year one thousand, eight afl'.'rnoon by falling; from a scaffold, a dis­ linndred and eighty-six. positive guaruutoe at 35 and CO cents, liy tance of 22 feet, to the gl-ound, Present (J. A, SnHlh,Judge of prolmlo. Sold by 11, M, Williams ami 0,W,lhilsiPMd In tho matter of ilie nstain of Olillla Conklin, I'hirn \ Hon. M. E. Rumsey of this distfict, bus Peter Cliristianson, a resident of Grand Oonktli),Sariiplilne('ontilln,nn(l MabelConklln.iul'iois, On rending and filing itio petlllon, duly vorllb' 1, of been making a vigorous canvass for UieRapids , WHS fnlully injured while felling a lUason lUiii'Kels. Florence (,'onklln, guardian of said minors, pri yiiig spealiersbip of the ne.vt bouse of repre.ieti- tree on the farm of his son in law, a short for liciniso to soil iludr real estate in sah! poi itfoii described I'or the purpose ofsupiiortlngand oduc ling distance from that place Sunday, oa.viN. ttttives and it ia cluimcd v.'ilh e.':cellent said iiilniirsaiid investing the surplus at hiteri-'.t for WHEAT Red No.'J I'orbiishol thelr benent ; Bliipments of iron ore from tbo Lake WHEAT While, No. l,porhn»hiil prospects of prettiiifi tliere. Tliei'eniion 11 Is oi'dsrod that Iho SOth «lH.v of .Superior district aggregated 2,'n2,!12 Ions WHEAT While, No, 2, Per llnshol ® I am now Closing Out tlie entire stock formerly cwned by llccniiiber next, nt len o'cloelc in tlio I'oroiieii i, ho up lo Nov, 25, a gain of ],0;il,;^UO tons OATS Per Bushel .., nssi|:;iied for tho lii'tu-liigof said petition, n;id Itir.r. the OOllN fnllioear,perbUBho ® L. J. Ford, consisting of The republican ninjorily in Massachn. slii[iped to the same date last year, ne.\t of Icln of said minors, and all other ja sous OLOVEIl SEED, per bushel S O0(n)'l 10 inlerested in said estate, are rt'iiutreil toiippdii at a aetlB is 1,283 and the plurality 9,'MO, It N, S, Baldwin's barn, near St. Louis, TIMOTUy SEED Por bnshol &i -10 sos.'^joii of said court, then to bo holden in tho |ir ibalo GItOOISUIKS ASli I'UOVISIONS, Woolen Goods, Yarns, Fancy Goods, Notions, Groceries, Tobaccos Graliot county, burned Friday oveiiuig, oillee ill the city of Mason, nnd shewciinse, 1; any used: to be anjwhere from '10,000 to 70,. WOOL Por ponnil Oi and Cig-ars, Crockei'y, Gla-sswai-c, Tinware, there be, why the prayer of the petilloner slioul I net Los,'< $2,500, ifbsuraiice §1,500, He lost his SALT SaBlnaw,iJerbarrel ©I 05 be ,';miiled. And It Is fiirtlior ordered tlnil sold poll- 000, That venerable coinnioiiweallli sociiis IIEA.NS Unpicked, iHirliusliel SOfti) 75 house in the same way a year ago, tioiier givo notice to the |)orsoiis interested li. said to bo determined to lollnw the example of POTATOES per bnsliet , 'JDfil RO esiiite, of the peiitleney of aalil iielilloii and iho ic-nr- Tliomas Seolt, for many years in tbe eni' VLOUR Per 10(1 poniiils I'.O BOOKS, ALBUMS, PLUSH GOODS, Ing thereof, Ity causing a copy of this order to bo ils chief city, and become democratic. RUOKWHKAT FLOUR Per lOOpounds,, @ll 00 published ill tho IKOU.KM COUNTY DI-:JIOOII.\T, a ows- ploy of Alger, Smith & Go,, waa found dead KOGS ifresh.uor do'/,i.ii 18 i)n|ier printed and circulated in said county, threo in his bed at Black River, Alcona county, BUTTER @ 111 Mittens and Gloves, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scrap Books, Hueeessivo weeks previous losaid day of hearing. Tho recent election in New Jersey Nov, 18, Supposed cause ol death heart LAItn I'oi'pound @ 7 Lamps, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, VVhip.s, Suspenders, (A Irno copy.) (J. A. SMITH, APPLES Dried,perponnd @ a 'liwl Jiidgu of Probiito, illustrates tho power of a single vote, One disease, PEAOIIKS Dried, per i.onnd 0® 10 Corsets, Toys, Holiday Goods, An elegant Line of 1,IVK STOCi; ANP WKAT demoorntio member of the lectialatnre receiv­ Vrolinte Ordor. Ira Phillips of West Branch, aooidontally OATTIiE Per 100 pounds 2 m&i SO shot bis latbei'i Andrew Phillips, through DEEV Dressed, per lOO iiounds 5 OOfilO 00 ESTATE Oil" PIIEDI'] J, ,IAC0I)3, DECEASI'ln, ed bare ono mnjority, J;W\U<^ the party n tbo body at the lionse of .1, B, Howe, near IIOOS PnrlUO pound tl liti(n);i 7,'i State of Michigan, counly of Ingham, ss, A t u sen- control ol the legislature by one iniijnrity. I'ORK Dressed,porlOO pounds 1 00(31 'i-'i shin of the probato court for said connty, held iil tlui that place last Friday, fJoceased lived in MAM-) I'lir iionnd umViy, pridiate olllco, in tlie city of Masiin, on the till li ly n! Thus by a 8in/?le individual vole a United es'ii (i0iilf Go Niivember, In tho year ono IlionsnnU, eight hniidled Windsor and was visiting his son. ,S1I0ULDER3 I'eriioniiil la) 7 and eighly-sl,x, States senator ia pained to tho democrats. OIIIOKKNS Dressed,perponnd Sfijl 'O Clocks,Jewell')^ Silverware, Fine Gold and Steel I^owcd Spectacles, There is a movement on loot in the Sag­ OlirOKENS Live, perponnd (SI -1 I'reseiil, (J. A, Smith, judge of probate. In tho iiiatior of tho estate of Phobe J, ,lacobK, Into TURKEYS Live, perponnd ® 8 inaw valley to o.'tpovl no more rough Inm and all Icinds of Optical Goods, ami in fact the largest of Sleckhridge, deceased. Tbo Detroit 'IVibune siiys that "the TURKEVS Dressed,porpouml @ iO her, but instead to inatiiilactiiro it into IIUILDINO MATr.HlAI,, variety oi goods to be found in any one store in On reading and llliug Ihe iiollllon, duly verifl d, of republican party believes in snch a read­ dressed lumber, sash, doors, blinds, furiii' WATER LIME Por barrel ©150 Ollliert W, ,lacobs, a son of said iloceased, pi, .ying tlmt ndnilnistration of snid ostato ho granted t,i 1m ,1, OALOINEli PLASTER I'nr harrul 2 25(a'J fiO Central Michigan, lure, tools and many oilier articles. iCi'Ilogg of Stoekbridge; justment of tariff duties from time lo time PLA.STEIUNG HAIR Per bushel (SI SO "I'lieieupon It is mdori'd that Iho IKtli : , - Hanson, ISast Milan, chnrn dnsliei'; L, C, Williams & thus far been worked, but now we wish to We refer here, to ttioPostniastor, tho Sunt, of Mon­ Sold iu MasoM by II. M. ffillinins.- : A. It; HAIIHY, Chairman; Pino take, v .Louis, ft boy 12 years J, A. WIselogel,'Albion, harvostor platform; IP, L, ey Order Div„ and to ollloiiils of the V. S. Patent extend the-saleof our Record all over the J. J,CALKINS, Suiirotary, Leslie, Mailt, Olio, cur coupling j P, SI, Sours, East Saginaw, Ofllco, Jor circular, advice, terms and rotoroncoB to ron Pine river Thanks- y J.S. HBSTON.-WiiliaiiiBton; , hidy's cuff supporter. United Slates. It sells rapidly and gives actual olionts in your own atato or county, writo to broke throuah tho ice and Boaid School:KxMulnotil)•: universal, satisfaction afterward. It will- €. A. SNOW & CO., ^c\iUv*i' pociftlly liable to sudden lienlurs, - WitBI oic ic Yootiji, B i'lnagijelie healer," ua a Colds, Coughs, Croup, VVhoopiufi: Cough, Stile Agents, Mason, Mich. JOB PEiNTma 016thQt8,'ir^lio wish tooxamino lud,", and cites the proof ot etc.^^^^^ Acker's English We want also a few mon,- witti. experience ,th(B papor. Of obtain.osllmatoi Dir advertising epnco'whon tn.Cliica|:o,'will:flnd It ondleigt, Eomody a positive cure. It saves or buaiiipss tact, t.o„ uct^ua maniigoia and — • 1-1 I -* < i}5 to 49'Randolph :St,i lioura of anxious watchinff. Sold la supeiinteiid thesaleof^ourSEdeordiJih^ail^ !,a'onfllolnPIillBdclnIil(i \ '.f.-", Iho Advoitliins Asoncy.of tlatiiBABojio-''tho,HowBpapor-Ailver.%,y of Mo %TB,\->' , ,'I Sold';by;j'H'i'Mi'W:llianiB nnd O.W.Ual8teBd|lei>>iklocalitie8, OFFICE ;i NaWTAYxTriioN. ; V ' I' 1%K ADlttlTIOBlAt SiOCAJ.. Your Tolks and Our T^olks, Wo are itifnrmud that George Carr, proiiiiiiont farmer of Wlioalheld, was ar Mrs. Matie P. Brown uf Jaclisoii, is the Coiinf(;as wiircotivene ilo.xt •Munday. rested Tiieadny at the instance of his guest of Mason friends, Fii'i Uoinininy meeting to moi'i'ow nighl. bondsmen in tho Otis ifuai'diniiship mailer. Goo. W. Quick and i'atnily will reinovo It ia claimed he haa lost heavily in Bohe Don't let this announcement knock you Suivoyor Dfiilto'a curd iippears in out' this week to Grass Lako. iniaii oat speculations, onuaiiig bis present olf the bo.\ you are sitting on, but Imng on "business dii'cetofy" this weelt. A. 0. DuBois and Mr. Bisse went to trouble, We hope Mr. Carr will be able and seo wliat I am doing, Bifi Shoes—call at Webh's shoo store Brighton on business yesterday. to show his transactions to have been nnd sue'the hirKest pair o( shoes ever worn, straight-forward and all right. W, W, Turwilliger of Onondaga, passed SELLING Roiul Iho new advuriisoniculs of Ford's Sunday with Mason friends, Will. Beebe of Ingham townsliip, who Horse Blankets worth 90o for G5o, bazaar und Beeuhor Bros.' grocery this recently secured the arrest of young Henry Percy Jones of Kalamazoo, visited Frank Horse Blankels wortli SI for7oo \/Qok. Polls oa tho false charge of horse stealing C. Sayers tho first of the weok. Horse Blankets worth §1.75 ior $1,2,3, -OF- is likely to loom up proiniiieiilly to the pub­ Jolui Haliger and Ann Bliza Blakesloe Horse Blankets worth S2 ior §1,50 Harry Turner of Roacominoiii baa been lic eye for a similar on'eiise, Beebe hired (wiiio.v of Riiel Bhilicaleo) wore joined in a rig of Frank Higgins, a Williamston liv­ Horso Blankets wortli $2.75 for l5i2, visiting Mason iriends this week. Horse Blankels worth %\\ lor S2.25 Kiftrri.11,'0 hy Justice Clark Saturday even­ ery keeper, laat week, traded the horso to Alderinaii Rolfe returned last week from anntlier man, and then nold his latest ac- And 80 on through the Horse Blanket de ing bisl. partment, which I assure you is very oxtuu a bunting expedition iu Crawford connly. ([uisitioii to Chas. Jacobs of this cily. A sive. I also desiro to call your attention The Baptist flociely received nhout S.SO warrant for his iirroat was sworn out this Bradford Dean of Klloadale, Dakota, is aftBrtiooii.—RepublicaH. to my Large and Jillegant stock of as ll result of their Tlianksgiviiir; dinner in tho city visiting his sister, Mrs. H. L. and bazaar, Thoy filrnishod au o.^Loellent Brown, Real Estate Sales. Buffalo Robes, Jap. Wolf Robes dinner wliich was woll patronized, Judge ilunlinjlon is nttciuling court in Witli Three Times the Largest Stock ever brought to Following is a list of real estate transac­ .A.:i>TX) IJ.A,P The Ladies' Aid Society will meet in tho Toiiin, and his wife is visiting friends in tions reenrdiiil in register's onioo of Ingham Mason, I cam, enabled to give parlois of the Baptist churcli next Wednes­ Lansing. county, for the week ending Nov. 27, '8G : at tho following Reduced Prices ; day al'tiirnoon, Dec, 8, Tea will bo served Mrs. Ed, II, Putnam of Frnderio, .lolni B Piililn lo Peter Linn,o Jfjofs w^,sec Robes worth $0,50 Reduced to §5, in till- cveiiiiig, 10, >\'li.alllold 8 4020 is visiting liorparei:tS| Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Robes worth .$7 llednced to $5,50 Chas. Murray te Jnlin L, Bradford, lots:!.'! and Robes worth $10 Reduced to jiS, Iloil, Wm, W, VauBureii of Lanaiiig, we Rolfe of this city. 0, blk C, Groon Oak add, LanuinB .lOOO Robes worth $12 Reduced to $9,50 understand liaa boon ollicially desigiiutcd as Mr. M. Reynolds and Miss Minnie Cowan Artiiur if. West to Edwin S, Rates, lots 21 and Robes worth $15 Reduced lo $11,50. -THAN EVEK BEFORE.- 22, blk 2 LansinK 250 Under .Slioriir. Well, no one ought to (ind of Panna, have been spending a few days Gloves, Mittens, Whips, Trunks, Travel Andrew S, West to Artiiur II, West, und 14 of fault iiLout that. with friends at Sunny Side. w of lota 7 and 8, blk 28, Lansing 750 ing Bags, etc., etc., at equally Low Prices, Melvin 0, Itohinsoii to Ellnaheth and Lydia Now, don't work hard to earn money when .I»n, B. Dwiiioll ol this city, is ap;ain Mr. West of Detroit, passed the Sabbath The Following List of Elegant Presonia will he Distribuled among luy Customers, at Taylor, lot .| and n of 6, blk 70, Lansing,,. 2050 you can save it much easier by buying owner of what ia known ns tbe "east mill," and Monday with his wife, ?i6'd Miss Ada Goo. Rnali to Ooo. W. Cross, ptof « o 14 of BOO goods of my Store ou New Years Evo.: three miles cast of Mnaon, and will put it Butler, and friends in Mason. ;!1,12 ac, Ahuodon ,^ 700 C. F. BROWN, Mason. Henry Klockalom to Albert E,'Ronso, lot:!, blk in lirst-class shape for doiiiK sawing. Mrs. M. McRobert returnOfl Saturday 70, Lansing 1325 Silver Tea Set, or Gold Wnlob, ,$35 00 Lady's Bar Pin, . . • $1 fiO from a stay of a fow weeks with her daugli. Go to Validcfoook'a Bee Hive, Deo, 2-1, Ellaa BI. Sanders to Page W. Sanders, a 3^ ef o I Gent's Silver Ore Open Face, Stem Pair Bangle Bracelets, 1 50' nnd gut a nice dish of oystoi's. Every per­ ter, Mrs. Sackrider of Detroit, >i of n e 1^ of aec 35, Aurollns 2000 l^TE-W" Winding Watch, . . IC 00 China Cologne Bottle, 50 Triple Plate Caster, , 5 00 Individual Pepper and Salt Caster, 1 00 son purchasing goods to tho amount of one Dr. F. II. Bangs left Monday evening for C. C. FiTL'ii, llegiator. Set Roll Plate Bracelets, . 0 00 Gent's rtoll Plate Charm, . 1 00 dollar or more, will get a good dish of raw Chicago, where he will remain unlil March Roll of Honor. Set Roll Plate Jewelry , . 5 flO Triple Plato Napkin Ring, . ' 1 26 or slewed oysters free. * and then return to his lioiuo in Areata, Cal. 14 K. Band Ring, , . 2 60 Following is the list of pupils neither Set Roger Bros. Knives, , 2 00 Set Itogor Bros. Forks, . , 2 00 Single Plato Pickle Castor, 1 60 The railroad depot at Williamston was Otis Puller of the St. Johns Rejmhlican, absent or tardy duriug the month of No Gent's Roll Plato Ring, . 1 50 Pair Jot Ear Rings, 1 00 visited relatives and friends here the latter destroyed hy (ire hist Thui'sday evening, vember : Lady's Roll Plate Ring, , . I 50 Pair Roll Plate Bar Rings, 1 50 The new engine and hook and ladder truck, part of last week, We acknowledge a mon SCHOOL. Gent's Roll Plate Sleeve Buttons, 1 50 Lady's Initial Pin, 1 00 IloBQ Boardsloy, Will Hcechor, Silver Thimble, 50 but recently purchased, were brought ont pleasant call. Nina llristol, Alvin Rush, Lady's Roll Plate Sleeve Bulton.s, . I OO At UIO iirgont roquoat of iiitiny cltizona of Miiaoii ami Olllo Call, Dwight Cole, Lady's Initial Pin, , , 1 00 Pair Roll Plato Pins, 1 00 mirroumlliiy country, M'O Iiavo beon iiitlncod but ciiuld only save Ihe adjoiniiiK property. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brower of Jackson Anna Dewey, Dora l-^lmer, to oiioii u Now fileclrn Gold Plate Chain, , , 2 00 T'ripio Plato Napkin Ring,' 1 25 county, visited the family of Levant Main LIlllo Eleld, Harvey Whipple of Vovay, w,as convlcled Oliv'O I.'llll80II, Orrln Frnoland, Roger Bros, Butter Knife, , 75 Set Garnet Ear Rings, 2 00 and otlior relatives in Mason, while on their Lllibio Kolar, i^liiiiiie nines, Pair Ladies' Roll Plate Ear Rings, 1 50 Liady's Initial Pin, . . 1 GO yesterday, hnfore Justice ILiminond, for OlIITord mil, .John Marsliall, way lo iiorlhevu Michigan last week. Nettle nines, Maude Rhodoo, MEAT MAEKET! Roll Plate Neck Chain, §5,00. nssault nnd battery upon a young son of Louis Marsliall. Noltio Wait, Whoro ovcrytlting usitiilly (onnil In w FlrHt-Olnaa j Angus Teniploton. He was sentenced to Pred'k F. Ingrain of tbe firm of Milburn Walter Siivoranco, CliarHe Wordon, Hurt Walker, Ilarvoy Young. Marluit will Lo ou imlu ut For Every .^2 Worth of Goods Piirchascil of .fl[o a Number "^Vill bo GIvcu for tho pay a lino of SIO and costs, making a total & Williamson, nianufacluring druggists, I\fyrtie Wright, Frank ^Viirlleld, Drawing', -jrliicli is to take place ns lieretoforc. of Si::. Detroit, made us a pleasant call and renew­ EIGUTU GRADK. Prices to Suit tlie Times! ed old acquaintance while iu the city Mon­ Ilattio nowiann, Mvrta Ronnntt, Death of lliclimoiitl. Fred Darrow, CiiorKe Gi-miii, day. Iteiia Lincoln, Koscuo Laiidis Byron Owen, Itoy lEolih, POSITIVELy NO GIFTS EXCHANGED. "Xbicle" Jesse Richiuoiid, as ho was Willis H. Horloii returned to his duties IJortSqiilors, Loiiii "Wliltlng, nigbost Marlcet Price in Casli paid for Grace Tiibbs, Newton Bateiiiau. familiarly known, died at his homo in South fis mail route agent in northern Michigan Oliarlio Pyer, East \'evay, Nov. 24. aged ahout 70 years. and Wisconsin last SaUirday, after a two SIIVENTH GRADK, HIDES AND PELTS Mary Oallnglian, Mary Hollows, Litllo is known of his early life, farther weeks' visit. He is woll pleased with his Lne Miirmy, Naiinio Tripp," Remember our Prices will be below any Com- Addle forguson, than that he wtis horn a slave and remained situation, SIXTU GRADtL petitor carrying the same class of goods. in bondage until about 45 years of age. Dr. J. B. Dodge and family now reside rionry Cook, Itohhiiis Rayiior, THE POPULAR BUTCHER, HERMAN FRAZEL Ule llayner, Jilaiido Taylor, Call and look us over, whether you when, like thousands of others of his race, in their residence, cast of the Presbyterian Fred Gloason, HUH boon onKii};;ticl to piirchuHO Stock for our now inurket, on ftliiplo Htrool, whicli IH II k'liarnntoo that he escaped the toils of his master by Hoeing FIITTH QRADl.;. wish to purchase or not. church. Mr. Boles and family have also Roy Bartliolomow, Illando Criimli, wo will Bliuiglitor nothing but tho vory boat, to the union lines, taken possession of their new homo on Willie GreKE, Nelson Rogers, Dessle Soniorvillo, lieiilali Toplilf., In Ajiril, ISG-I, he presented himself to north Main street. FOURTO GltADE. We reupoctfiiliy solicit a lilmral share of your liat- I one of Uncle .Sam's recruiting oflloers and Genie Uennolt, Louie Ganaloy, ronage and will GUARANTEE S.VTISFAOTION in | Elhridge M. Hortou of Chicago, camo to Goorgo llaiThigton, Lena Thompson. every particular, Yoiirfa Tjiily, was nuistoved into service as a (irstelaas Mason and took Thanksgiving dinner with Cbarlio Miller, TUIBD GRAPE. boy, luid assigned to duty ou hoard the U. Spencer Brothers. his father, L W, Uorlon, Thursday, besides Walllo Dopow, Flora Doano. CJook Block, Mason, Mich. S. S. "General Lyon." He remained in the Mable Dyer, Nettie Grillln, Inking occasion lo shako bauds with a few 1st Door East of Ilunt'a, Maple St., M'nosu service until after the close of the war. He Carl Gansloy, Orva Kogers. of his many friomls hero. SECOND OUADE. fell in'with a rGtnrning rogiiuent and wi l\Iaiid DninQut, Edna Canflold, J. VJ. Hall, now foreman of the Cheboygan tholu camo into , where he lived some Dick flendorsou, Cliarllo Parkor, Democrat, was called to Leslie, his former Stove .SpoMcor, AllioSweot, years. Ho has been a resident of this Uortha Soutlnvick, Cora Southwiok. home, last Thursday to attend the funeral Corla Wliuiioii, county nearly 15 years, a greater portion of FIRST GRADE, of Ins father, Othniel Hall, who died at the the lime living uoar Danavillo. "Uncle" Lutio Canflold, Joaie Brown, Soldiers' Home, Grand Rapids, ou the 23d, Lottie Bowman, David Cliriswell, Jesse was a character. He possessed the Maude Dresser, Mable Dresser, Joe matte us a welcome call wliilo in the Editli Dresser, Rolihie Darrow, happy faculties of making Iriends of all Maiiilo Ferguson, Clinord Flora, city Monday ovenitig. who know him. For several years he bus Oora Foster, Aiiiilo Fellows, Madge Ilorton, George Huntington, beon trying to secure a pension justly duo S, W, Wright and George X, Wendling of Ernest Kolley, Guy lancoln, M. FEEEDMAN, Orrie Laseiiby, Eiiio Quick, Now you will have to'have some­ liim, but for want of evidence the claim Is Apploton, Clark county, Kansas, made us Ered llogora, Jifadgo Ithodcfl, lua Sowers, Bessie Stanton, -TUE- Btill pending. Tho uluinitnous verdict of a pleasant call yesterday, They speak in Rlaiiclio A'andorcoolc, Bessie Wehb. thing to keep your feet warm, and. his friends is, "Uncle Jesse was a good old glowing terms of Kansas and think there Itoy Dresser, SECOND WARD-PRIMARY. you can find it at man," His funeral services were held at is no better country for young energetic Clyde Boclio, Pearl Curry, the Hawley school house, Rev. Louis Do- men to make money. Ifr, Wright was for­ Harry Grunih, Clarence ffleld, .Iiiild Gregory, Ciiinde llonaol, Lamarler ollioiatitig- He was buried iu the merly of Aurellus, and they are here only Claude llnll, .loliii Lyon, iRiiT mi Oriiiige Moore, Mary Moore, Hawley cemetery Nov. 2C. for a short visit. Guy Mosiior, Frank Perry, Formerly of Cliaidotte, lias removed, and Is now nice­ Ernie I'nrkor, • Bert Royston, ly located In the SJIITII BLOCIC, opposite lho llonry Soyiiionr, Clyde Siviui, Hudson House. tore. lugliaiii County Teaclfcrs' Association. The abiluclioii case against David Palmer Ira Siiy.ler, Lena Snillli. before Justice Barnes yesterday was contin­ Nellie Walker, SliCOND, THIRD nnd lOURTII GRADES, LANSING, MICHIGAN. The flecohd meeling of the assoeiatioii ued, and the case against Allen C. Cook, Fred Dement, Olaiide Boiiieiit, Ilo hiiH a tood trado in tlio vicinity of Muson und tho this yenr, was held at the Lansing high charged with refusing to support his family, Frod Iloollo, Carrie Curry, "ilts" lio hufl givou Konio of our citixonb Eddie Fleming. The Largest Line of Felt and Knit school, Saturday, Nov. 27, 1S8G. Eva Harris, spoiik onough in lilfl fuvor to war­ was dismissed, the complaining witness Ilortha iftlosher, Willie Odell, rant un iiicroa,>JO of hnai-. Meeting was calld to order at lOa^O a. failing to appear. Frod Parker, liorhort Sitts, ncB3 lioro. Mo kuopB iBoots, Shoes and Slippers ever shown Nellie Swan, George Williams, a full lino of m., by President Do Witt of Leslie, Devo­ Maggie Callagh'.iii, Evart Clark, Yornoii Coltoii, Gay Fleld, tin Mason. tional e.xeroises conducted by Supt, Howell Co, F of this city, was inspected by Brig- Earl Gregg, Flora iliilso, Josio Moon, * Fred O'dell, of Laiising- Gen'l James H. Kidd of Ionia, yesterday, fliiy Royston, Lottie Smith, Alis^i Lizzie Trefry of Leslie, then read and we understand Iho boys presented a NoraTorrill, Gary Brace, Goods to select from nnd makes lino sulta a'specialty. We still sell the Felt Boot, with the Everythliig right and plenty of it. .All work war­ an e.xeelleiit paper on iiriiiiary work. As very neat and soldierly appearance. We A. P, WKIISTER, Supt. ranted. No 2.50 linings nr cheap shoddy triinralugs used as many others do in tho samo business. acknowledge a friendly eall from the Leather Protection around thelftkile.' a general thing children are sent to school *k. o\rov^ «s. Blood Elixir is the only too young ; at the age of seven or eight is general, after he had finished bis ofiicial ~1-^V^%S.VJ% n Remedy guaran- young enough for them to conimctice sludy. dudes. He is editor of the Ionia Sentinel teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup­ He will pay your faro from Mason to Lansing nnd Women's Button Beaver Shoe tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the return if yyupurclinaeovenapnirof pantaloons. Teaching reading, writing, spelling nnd one of the leading republican papers ot whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic Women's Beave.r Foxed La^ nuuiBers is not all there is to teach. Neat Central Micbican. and Neuralgic pains. Wo guarantee it. M. PEEEDMAN, ness, quiet, order and obedience have to be Sold by H, M. Williams and O.W.Halstead Lansing-, Mfcli. $1.35. taught also. Discussion followed, led by Common Council Proceedings. Prof. Hipp, Prof. UeWitt, Supt. Howell, MASON, Mich,, Nov, 20, I88G. Prof, .fohnaoii of the business college of Council met in regular session and was Lansing, and several others. called to order by Mayor Henderson, Wo ne.'Ct listened to a paper on history, Present—Aid, Beecher, Butler, Peek, by Mias Axtell of Williamston. We should Rolfe, Shafer and '\fanSlyke. teaeh history to inalvc better citizens. Ii'oster Minutes pf last meeting read aud approy ia the pupils a love for onr country, Dis. ed, we have got and what we cussion, lod by Prof, McEwen of the agri REPORT OF CO.MMITTEK, cultural college, The finance eommiltee reported ou the , Meeting then adjonrnod until 1:30 p, m, following olaims,recomineiidiug their allow for during the NEXT THIRTY; Pickled 0.1 Tongues, Malaga and Catawby Grapes, AFTEBNOON SESSIOiV. anoe as follows •. Pickled Pigs' Feet, E.xtra Fine Seedless Raisins, ' Meeting called to order by Pres. DeWitt. Philip Nice, to work on street aud hauling tile JI5 18 E.Stanton, to 6 lampposts .„,.. 3 76 Pickled Onions in Bulk, Extra Fine Layer Raisins, Miss Woodford of Lansing, showed sev­ S. N. Kolfo, to 3 days on hoard of registration Mixed Pickles in Bulk, Extra Fine Layer Figs, eral hinds of kindergarten work. First a and oloctlon... .6 00 Fresh Mustard in Bulk A Good Suit of Clothes from class recitation in numbers, using cubes, David Southwick, to 7 niglits on streets,. 7 87 Fresh Arabian Mocha Coffee, Fresh Prunes, very choice; very cheap, splints, etc, after which the children make Wm. SonierviOo, to 7 nighta on atroota 7 87 Fresh Mandeling Java-Coffee A Good Wool Cassiinere Suit from Evaporated Raspberries, aoveral pretty designs with, splints and D. L, Cady, to 2 days on hoard of anaossors -1 00 Evaporated Peaches, Fresh Jap's and Oolong Teas, A Union Cassimere Suit from - blocks. Report of conunittee accepted and adopt­ Henry Clay, Key West, and tho ed as follows: Yeas, Aid. Beeoher, Butler Evaporated Plums, Mr. Emery of Lansing, Hien gave a de- A Good Overcoat from - Peek, Rolfe, Shafer and VaiiSlyke. Cape Cod Cranbei'ries, , Best Brands of Nickel.Cigars BCriplion of a inanakin,'showing the skele­ Pull-sized Horse Blanket, one Strap, , RESOLUTIONS AKD NEW ])U.S1KE3S.' [Jecker's Self Rising Buckwheat Flour, All the Best Lines of Plug ton, muscles, ciroulatioii of the blood, nnd On motion of Aid, Beeoher the street Kienieville Mills Buckwheat Flour, and Fine-Cut Tobaccos. effect of alcohol ou.the delicate organs. . Double Thick, two straps, committee was instructed to look after the -.Prof.; Carman and his class, of Lansing city lamps nnd havo same repaired, Good $1 Overall for - high school,then gave some experiments On'motion the street commissioner was : iu chemistry, using tho air pump in showing And We are in the Market for Butter and Eggs, |.A.ll Wool Fulled Mittens, per pair, instructed to see that the side walk in front the pressure of the atmosphere, ,' Poultry, Game, etc.. etb, of the N. A. Gardner property on east side Query box,d, cluaii alablea and cover, Ihesizoof a largo Bhoet and niado of InUrailllcs iiecullur to tliclr •ca, •hould try Clin bo rilled by tho giii liottlo, which is well-cured grn-.s, aiijiplemenieil witli the con- two ibicliiies.-ios of uubleaclieil eoUon cloth, ,Farin and Eouselioid IjiitK of a good alio and wcll-lilled root collar, Willi n i.ingie biycr of eottou lialtiiig qnilloil liis divinity, Tlio King is paid SrityiOO till.'eiiiiifort, lK--iltli, and lU'olit of tho cows beiwoeii Ihoni, slionld bo a sino ipin nou. Laid V. V. •\vniTi\roRK, l'i;nf.isni-.ii. a year, his C'liooii SUi,0!>O, the licir pre- IVIanagenisnt, uhoiilil be no more prol.ileiiiaticiil in wiiitor luuler llio slKiet il aids iu Hofteniug the couch, Ihiiii in sinnnior. 'ihoiio of Jlrs. Wliibioy'a renders familittr siiniiitive tho siiliio, one royid jiriiicoss 'The following general rules v/ill apply in Ibe with the delaila of lied-niaking ap|)reciato aa MI8S MAUD BANKS has been wtTiliing £•515,0(10, another i?o,OtlO, His Jlajesty's Iiil'oriiiiitloii Ciir the Plowman, .Slock- soloctioii of ealvua to bo raiiried for dairy eow.i: no iilliurH can jVuiit lidy's doairu to liavu the slieiit '•.•.trelebed as fight and amoolb aa a a great deal of success iiiNew Eiiglnml Tile lieail i-bould mil bo ovor-large, the iioek cliantboi'lfiiii S7,000, \vbil(> .•yiU.ODH is inaic, roiii'tcrer, A'lir.scr.viiiiMi, lliin riil-nor than thick, and the akin lirehoard." Inileeil, smooth slrotehing i^nd during her two months of stage lil'o, allowed in iiddition for lionseliold ox- iind ildusewire. ing a soft feel that eau only bo jiulgod by an oloao tucking-inat the sides and foot are osaeii- expert booli tn tlm osc'iitcliooii and iiiilk tials nut only t J the eouil'orl tint alao to tho G-cii. lianlw. Iter father, was not pleased )ienscs. '.I.'lie. King's, voiiiH, TlioHonre ns good indications of clinr- iientiie.'..a ot' the bod. Tliero is hardly any to have his daughter adopt tlifc life of |>roni]ited by the advisers, lend Ifiiii to a.ner na Iho pedigr.-ie. iniiior aunsalioii iii,orc liopolussly iniscrablo FARMmQ. tlinntliatof feeling Iho beilelotlioa givo way A swino-breoiler says that iu weaning pigs an actress, but of late has ahovvil 11 (Mideavor to iloat ('nnnnoiis loans, at the bottom ot the bed as llu'v aro drawn up Oiereia Honielliiiig inoro tn be eonsiderod liian i'rop^i oil Siimtt .ii'iHts. over Ibe ahunldora, and Unow'ing lliat poaeo great deal of satisfaction at lier success. wliicli must loud tlin kingdom to bank- siuipiy luking Oieiu away from tlioir luothor. ^Miiny of the Inrgo eriips por acre irliieh aro of mind iiiid liody cannot be restored without 'I'liey should bo weaned gniduiillv, ao ns not At a peri'oriuance of "Caiiiillo" rocontl.v rii]itcy. Spreckel.s' iiilltteiloo led ton renoi'leil are grown en very small nalohes, and lirst leaving tlid snug neat and aliiveringly to got any sluiit nr sol-bnek, 'i'o Inlte pigs lliu enip from Ilie.^iO niullipliod hy ilio iiuuihor wrestling wiOi mattress and coverings. Heavy ho was moved to teiu's in tho last acl;, defeat in llic 'liOgislatirrc of an iitlemiit away before thoy havo beou lailglit tooatgives ru(|uirj(l to iiiako a tujl aero, A single hill of conil'orliiblns should net bo u.sod except iit thom a check for nt least two weelia. li'eediug .and e.KcIaimod, with emotion. "It is |iot;iines iniiy lliua lie lakoii, and this nuilti- extroiiio cold weatlior, aud then only !«id folded lo obtain saiielion for Iho flonliilgofa lliern iu 11 se|)ni'ato ]ilace to wliieli Ihoy liiive Tilts medlcinn combines Iron with puro vegotnblo P'li.'d In' •t.SM, Oio miniliur of lulls on an aero ou the foot of (ho bed to l.o pulloil up in caso .great!" . ' lU'COSB wil'i necustom Ihoiii lo ealiiu'. ioalce. and Is invtduitlilo (or lyiseaatis p.ieulinr to $10,000,(100 loan, but hns recoillly bium at tiiroij foot dislniieo apart l!ut i'esuit..| thus extra warmlli ia reipiirod. Light, lloocy Women, and all who l..a.. BALTIAIOiiE. .Mil. said tho colored nian to the astollisllcd P.ihtc.iilnl J.yirtnnv. remain in the linlil uiidl ,iuat before siiov/ laeo 1111 a inorning giuglinin. whose, long wliitoboiivd extended l.ielnw General. Onr most sneeoiiuful I'ariiiora are not eoiiies, llieii cut when frozen solid, and ]mek '.iho same priiicljOo may be applied to shams the bottom of his waistcoat, placed his who Work lial' atinanuiiihibor; tluiy work, away in aomo couvoniont iilaco where it will —ornaiiients, by the way, lliai try tlie tleah roiiiaiii frozen all winter. Aa ilis ivaiited for Tilh; circils fakirs call ci-eryliody iiloiltli clo.ic to l.lin I'l'osideiit's car and iiiivertlielOHn, with all ilioir energies. A'oiie and |iatiotieo of every 'liediiiaker. U'itliout lire exempt from bihor; but iu all it is not use, take out a sniiill portiiin, thaw, chop line going HO far na tn bnni'ali ilioiii allogetbor, it "guys," Some—the more jili])(irl;ilit sail! ill a vnico loud enough to be heard equally woll applied nnd direcloT If wo t;ike anil feed it to tlie hens. Tlioae who havo tried may at least be urged Unit they should noTOr this iiiolliod claim lliat il proinoles the health peraou,s—..are designated as"miiiii guys." ill Iho liio!;l oxli'omn corner of tile moiii: any iwo nion, pliyaioally equnI, Ihe one will le'oiiiployod for tho luirposo of eoncoaling aeciiiiplisli iiiost who e.\i',els in l.n'ain power, of Ihoir ilocks and iin'reases the lunnber of roiled pillows. Kepudinto, also, tbo great Countiwinon arc "jays" ami "JlnTseeds," "^'011 are the host President this Tli(.n!ioro, lot liiatsnniU iiielosiire witliin his egga. ^ sqiiaro abominations stnll'ed wilh Juto and known lo fnriiilnre ilealera aa day'pillows, "blokes" and "suckorH," jVoncy is cfiiiiitry hns over had, and thn ficoplc owifakiill be (Uiltivatoil as a.ssidiionsiy and aa carefully hy the I'urincr asis his ehoieoHt crop. J^vxdinif 1*0 ultra. far proforalile aro plump feather pillowB, ' "bunt," "tin," or "cases." Beer or o'thev in my seidion of I'onii.'iylvaliiii are Whatever I'arining may havo been in tlin piist, To feed poultry in tho proper niauuer, wiOi eovcreil with whilo linen, riiilled or tucked. food boat adniiteil to their ivaula, ia one ef iho 'Tlieso can lie laid naiilo nt nigiit aud thoir drinks are spoken of as "," clothes stronger t'lnn ever for yoln" 'I'llc limn the timo has come wii,.n tbo intelli- gciico ia dcnuiiiilial as 11 iieoi s.sary (plalillealiun Bocreta of snecesa in Oio pmiltry business, places aupiiliod by a bolalor. Or, if this ia as. "," or "harness," food ns "gl'idi," wii.s ipiitc do.i.f nud roldly llionglitlie on the )>ai't of thu agrieiOliirisl,' Tbo market is iilwaya well su|ip'licd with x not ilesirod,'an extielleiit ])lan ia lo keep two groat variety of grain's and diil'ereiit kinda of sola of slips, tlie lU'oiiaed and tniiibletl ones lliiiik I .niiiiig, liow.'..ver, dorriod, and -couvnrHation aa "wcediligs," tile vei'li to was wliispering. Mv. GJoveland found 'li is toed for iioiiltry, tliat nro olVurod at rniliicoil used nt night lo ho replaced each iiiuriiiug '•faniior.s nro not 11 rcadiin,; class, " Wo, on our Imptd.SliinionCin!llLr070(SL'!l).WInnorofSwoop- considorablo dinicnlty in making Iliiilself prices, lieeauaiiof a quality that renders them by tliii frosli ones kopi for day wear. Tho Bt.ilies l'roiiiliini at the r.rnat J', iclieron .showoi: tlio see ia rondei'od "slag," eyes aro called part, noillier uiulerriilo the pniotii'.al kiiowl- iiiilil lor othor jinrpoaea, thus implying that w'aaliingot ono mere ]iair a week gives littio Uls.Htiito I'idr.held in Clileugo Svpi.lsSU. i'roportyof nor llic -"ogles," ft hat a "diccr" or a "cndy," nnderslood ill replying to tbo coiupli- eilgo, ovorral:. ilpj iinpnrlaiioo of anything is good enough to feed to'ponllry, additional work, and Uio troublo of oliang- scleiititle stuily of I'ariiiing, Tlio one ia need­ while ladiea .ire ,si)oken ofiis "daliios," nicilt, nnd as a last resort M'as com­ 'Tina is a great inialake, I'or wliilo a lion may iiig ia more tliau repaid by tho gain iu uoat- ful the otiior, and sciciico is if does ijii'oinTU! ANii uuiiKiiKii or to futilo it bo foroi'd lo oat iiliiiost anvUiing, vory few uosa. not help practice lo do its work bolter and IK B syj 13 girls as "moll," argniuont ns "gnlV," pelled lo iildicale his a|ij)]'eciiition by niiiinals fool tho roault of bnd food quicker p J5iit want tho In many I'auiilioH cotton shoots aro used all •clowns as "joeys," and bank bills 11s a vigorous and repeated nodding of tho elioa or, lliere is 0110 grout iu tliiiii a hen, ospoeially a laying hen. Bad most of our farm liouBos, anil Unit is Iho nl- tlm year around, oitiior from choico or iieooa- food v/ill reduce the number o'f eggs nt once; 'J'ho X.arge.nt Breeding p^iihibllslimentof PnroRlood lieitd. Thero was one small boy who, most entire abaonco of agricullural liloraturo, aity. Hut, if it is poaaiblo, pillow and holster "'flimsies," and if it dons not caitflo a picniianont in.lniy lo I'er.dicron.s In Ibe I'liiteil Sijit-a. l''ivo biiiiilrod lienil both book and periodical form. Tlio vol­ cases should beef liuoii. 'This ia especially of Pure lllnod nud liiadoa now on hand, abngo niiiii- as bo took Ihe Pl'csideut's hiuld, said to thu lien, 11 will roqiiirn aomo time, witli Iho desirable for those who aro troublod wilh rost- umes 0110 most expects to see on a bci of ivlilch wcrniinporled in .liilv. IftSil. ami anotnci: E. A. CLOiJDjrAN, a Newlmi'yport boat of care, I'or her to recover bor foriiior lesHuesa or iiiHoiuiiia. 'The easily heated cot- l.n'gn iniportilioiioi! from l.'.Oto-OO bond will arrivo liiiii that ho luid once met Ilini iu New I'nruior'a lablo are generallv conapietion.s by coiKhlion. Kveii corn thai liaa boon heated so Ion slip onhanees diaconifort, while Iho aluiat the middle ot October. Visitors idwavs wel- skipper, is going to make a tonr of the tlioir nl.iaaieo; niul, will it be beliovod, there conie-enniuaiul snd Ihem. I hnuilin nothing but tins York. I\ll-. Olcvclitnd looked at the thai a Hiiiiill portion of it is damaged, should smoolli^ cool surfnuc of tho linen sooius ul- ia niaii.v a fanner who does not tako an agri- best, and take pridulnahowingstock. ^ globe from east to west in a .'iO-foot never be I'od to laying lions, jllany bens are most to )iosaes3 aonothiiig inllueKrio. lad for a full niinute, tlion called him Hoys nn .T^ix'niioii, .run 3vAi.,i;5, :rT..i'D. ( cilltural noivspiiper. nnd girls grow injured hy focdiiig tliciii ponrserapa, and alao .yawl. Capf., Clondman is now pre­ on the farm, and siiciiil (luiso yoara wliioli Too nitioli alress cannot bo laid upon Uio Is CS milua WMt 111' C.birago, on Oumln Piv. C. .V S. W. "' by name alul niontioned the timo nnd ]iiirlially (luca.yod swill; becniian hens will oat Ry. ;9j>"*SijndfoeCataloguo. will so iiuicli inllnoiiee their 'fiiliiro lives lulviaabilily of airing beds thoroughly. To paring Lis boat for the voyage, and such tliiii,ga, it is no ov.doneo that Ihoy al'o of place tlie littio boy had culled iljiotl witliont over onco lioiiig lod fo realize Iho eiirelcsaiieas in this regard mny lie attr'ibiitod any lionnlit. "Whatovor meat is fed out to TlIK GJIAND JiAPlDiS lUilil) will start in idjoiit ten days for rtuninni, iiiniiieiiloiHiics-i of wbnlis before llioni. 'Thny tho close, oll'eiiaivo oilers wliieli froquontly him, 'J'lie President's fiiinilty for rc- poultry aliould bo foil wliiloawoot and fro meet one, not alono in Uin lioinea of the poor- grow lip, ton, willlniil a tasic for reailiiig, and Ho will cl'oss the .l.sthnlns, proceed nji pure water is also very desirable. epclasHes, but in tlio bedrooms of tho higli- moiubcl'ilig llanies nnd faces is reinark- so miss a iiuver-l'ailiiig aoiireo of liapninoss, liriced liolola, It is not enoiigh to turn down the wholi! coast of North .AniiH'ica nud not lo H|)eak of menial ciilini'i; ami rcliii'uiiient. 'in the care of iinnllry it .'•.diould lie the effort iddo. Tlm boy had callod to see liiln the coverings, only to draw Iheiii back half au l''iir ali tliis, tho wiml of suitable bonks and of the keeper lo ined each day no more than by Bolirings Strait down Uio .•\Hiutie hour later. Tlie I'lnaavory fact Oiat tho body with Ilia iiinth(U' on last Dcconitioii Dny, piiliors oil tlio fiirni-lionHi.' lalde is lo be will be eaten up clean bel'oro iiiglit, oapeoialiy actually Inaoa weight dnri'ng a night Hllimber oontineiit, arniind to ,Sunz; inid lliroilgli bhnno;!. 'I'ho lindily tnilcrs cointi in lliorouj,'bly nf food that in to bo nioistoned with water. when tli(! PresidenI was Kloi)|iiiig at llio shows clearly that nioro vigorous melhoda of weiiric.l, ami oftou'witlia loiie;iiig I'or relaxii- \\'liilo it is -well to feed a groat variety uf food, tho Btcditori'.'iiioau to Oibrult,ar. lie Gilsey House, and linil seen Iiiln but for nn ol'forl HIIOUIII he made to luniiHb the prop­ troaliiieiit lli'aii these arn ro(]nireu to free llio lioii iif noniu liiiiil; bill llior.i ia no paper and bod eoveriii;;H of the exhalalioiia from tlio will I'eturn hoiiin liy way of the Sbot- a miiinfe oi' two. no iiilorestiiig voliniio that ilu'y eaii turn to, er proportion of each variety, so that all shall bo eaten iq) olcaii; if a niistako bo nuulo, and sleopor. donnteriiano', blankela, and slioota nnd HO tliey live w.lliiii tlieiiiaelve.s, ns it wor.i, bo fttripp from the bed, well ahakeu, land Islaiula, Iceland, mld possilily it ia found at night Unit tlioro is a. surplus of Bhoiild eil ami in too niiiiiy casos Bice]) awav Iheir exist­ and hung on Iwo eli:iii'« to jirovoiit their gath­ any one kind of food, it siiuuld bo taken away, Greenland, occupying at least two ence. ering dual by riiatiiig on tbo floor. Tlio mat­ TiiE sliitiKlics of tlie world's produc­ and Ihe next day a less amount givon. .tint .inst let tho yonn,': tnrlniu' think I'or a tress aliould be half turned and jiroppod yeiii's, and]iossibly throo, inllis jouriloy. Whon it is I'oiiiid that llio layirtg hens aro tion of sugar sliows tllnt tliorc is a nioiiient of Oil) I'orcfs, the iiropertics, priiici- against Iho fooHioar.l. so as lo allow tho I'roo getting too I'al, less corn and iiioi'o oats and Ilo goes in tho intero-sl. of a niontlily l.kM, iiilliienee-', Ihe laws—ilcvulopeil and un- aece.!H of air to both sidci. i'iliows iiiid bol­ stonily an,! large iinnlial increnso. '.I'ho shorts should bo given. Homo bri^ods of hens jnngaidnc. devcloi>L'(l—.\vilh wliicli 111! niiiHl cunr.i in eon- ster aliould b;i beaten energeticiilly. '.Plion, tako on fat more readil.v tlinii others; thoro­ tminiint of cuile sligar jn'odiiced in the tact, anil iiinl.-.r.Y for SERVICE 18St-5, aud l,a7H,5,S.'! tons ove.r that of In feeding youug chicks caro should bo tak­ familiar a siglit in many places as the ill aliiioi-od. was $.10 a ]ioiind a few years ago, is cngagod iu il, llio young ospe.oially, HIIOIIM Oiat ia given tiiom sliouUI ho amall BOoda until alaniling for weoks or oven days. Adauquieas Write for Catalagiic and pricrs, aud state pgc and sex iif;.sirod, or conic and ace the herd, 'Iliort: was also a dccrc'iise in the lose no opportiniity of nikling to thoir prosoiit tliey aro largo enough lo eat whole corn, Mil- seems ui gaiiior about tho slieola, a iiiustiueas said to have been reduced to $8 a pound M, I.. SWKKT, Brccderand ImpOTtcr, stuck of ideas by reiuling, by iuvostigiitiiig for lot aeed makes an oxeoUont fond for young about OIO blankets and bedding, that givoa Uie product of .Tava, the next greatest [MaOTioNTiiisi.Ami.l Criind Kaphlls, Mloh. by a now process, with llie themselves, and through 'iiitnrcoui'ao wifli chicks. 'Wlien corn \i givon it aliould bo only occupant an iniploaaant sensation that tho source of snpiily, of 00,000 tons from cnii'ked small ennngli for tbo chick to oat it; prcspcot of still further clioapening. A others.—.S'eo«;,sA A(/nnill.iiriil GaMc. couch haa not been ]iroporly aired, and uwak- ELY'S the yield of 1881-5. But in the pro­ tine grounil cornmeal ahoiild novor bo given ous I'oara of oohia, rheuniatiaui. and other wire of moderate sine orjnals the light J'VirHi E.Vju'.rU'ncfi. to young chicks unless mixed with aborts. (lealiy ilia. duction of almost, all othor cane-grow- Cf]EAM_ %m. of soYoiity-livo stoarino candles, niiddiig A iTAUT.tnR's wifo says that mustard aood A pleiitiriil provision of oxira covering inf.;^countriea there has boen, as shown DAIRYING. aliould always bo prepared for tliognnat room. tlio coat at jjro.sent bnt little more than will provont mold from forming in vinegitr. Many a viaitor wifo dro.atla to hurt the I'ooliugs For cold in Iht by the totals, a iilarkod advance. The ./VN ordinary cocoon iviU rod 1,000 yards of tba't of gas, while uo expensive works 'J'liitrnioindcr.i. of a lioalesH, or ia too littio at home iu a house (ibor, the largest contiuuous liber known. hcad July's Crcnm yield of beet-root sngiir (2,01.1,000 tons In controlling dairy opoi'atlous by a llior- to ask for addilional blankols, haa Hliivorod all or street mains are rci|nircd for its nsc, THE clovorseod miilgo, an inqiortation from momolor it is well to rcmonibor that these 111- this .seiLson') has fallen oil' ,501,000 Ions night in a Iiandaoinoly appointed cliainbor, or Bcthn uorhn UI; Tho niaguesiuin is simply burnod in Kuriipe, is proving annually a vory sorioii.s alritnienta do nut all regiater Uio same and boen roducod to piling hia own gariuonta upon from iho last nnmml re).inrt, bnt com­ drawback to tbo clovor crops of Canada, aud that, except througli the use of old or recent­ tbo bod to seouro the needed lioat. 'The ailk vuigic. Jt cured in lamps provided Wiitli clockwork move­ ia gradually oacroacliing over this eoniitry. ly tested oaoa, it ia iiupoasiblo to doloriiiino parison with the statistics of 18T5-(» or satiu duyots atuffod with eider-down aro at ment to feed the ribbon of nletal regit- TP.UXE in wiulor for wood aud iu auniinor the exact tomiieraturo to a dogreo or two. onco the wartnost and ligliieat of eovera. lint of catarrh und re­ .shows a growth of 702,(180 tons iu ton for fruit." Hut do notpruno too iiuicli. .lust To'isibly all may bo of'oiio standard when lirst when tlieso cannot bo procured an cxcollont lavly. niacio, but for slime reason thoy aro 8iib.ieci stored Iho .S'CH.'iC yoni'H. 'These reports do not recognize enough lo lot in auflicicnt light and air to givo Htihstilulo may bo mailo of eolured choose the loaves tlieir fair quota is right. A good to change, and nearly two years will elapse cloth lined with cotton batUiig or Kronoli wool of mncU.—Jij. If. A. jrosT ainusiag scetio to iihilo.sophic glucose and gratie sugar, or sorglinni rule is, wliea yuu seo a limb intorl'orilig with boforo thoy sctOe down to tho ])oint whoro wadding. Very prolly are thnao with ouo sido thev will roniain iierniauonlly, and it correct, sugar or iniijilo sugar, and aro evidently luiother out with it, whatever tbo time of year. oardninl rtxl, the othor light bluo, Uio stnfling Sherwood, Bank- .spirits rocolitly occurred at a Londmi Whou Iho sn]i ia iu full How wounds will'licnl at tho start tliey fall awiij' one lo four de­ l.'etwoon being bold in phuo by tufts of Court in a litigation concerning tlin made up) from the basis of commercial ovorqiiiokost. grees, t'o ouo must bocoma acqunintod wiOi worsted to match, Thoso aro proforablo to er,,elh,N.J.m^''^'^^-^m his own tliornioiiioter, and make aolno allow- A particle lMaiaili«lbiUH..iicliim.Ktril ami iaagrooidilo . If niiinurois lo bo used in tbo orchard it tbo heavy alleged "comrortablcs" eolil iu ownership of a donkey, 'L'lio presiding stiiListics coiu'criiiug the sugar that Illis anco fordili'oronce in inalruinents in diqilicat- lo use, I'rlcc.'ilicl..... by mull oral druggists. Send I'nr should never bo fresli, or such as will quickly s lores.—C'/i imgo Trilimif. ((rciilar. lil.V nJlO'l.'lJEUS, DriigKlBta, Owego, N,Y. entered the market, IJeyond this Uioro ing or testing tlie uiethodB of others. —ISrved- ,Tudgo, borroM'ing a liint-from Solomon ferniout '.I'luit •which hiiH boen tlioronglily crs' f.ln:;rU<: , are vast (pniiititios ot t^ano sugar ]iro- cnmpo.stod, or woll docamposod, is iiost. 'Wooil FRUIT-CULTURE. .and the Call|iliH of Bagdad, had tho Issued Kept. anA Harcli, duced for douioslic use in all trojiical mold, mixed with linio and a>lios, haa liceii Modern Erti/lis/i I>nirj/.'7rrriUnfj. .•auinlal brought into Court to test tho found excellent, and the better tho inuuuro in Pcrlillzntloii of tlio Grnpn, , cacli ycal. 313 pagts, Tlio followin,'.; from ono of the moat carol'iil countries and consiiined by tho pro­ iiao;i03.a of coiulilion and freedom troindoconi- I'rof. .1. A, Lintner, Albany, N, Y., ia toinako SYt^'iiy. lucliea,-H'lUi.ovcr^. ;allcgutiaii of the defendant that it would dairymen of Euglund ia relation lo Ihe I'eoil- posuig mailer tlio loss liability of tbo trees to a fctutly ut the inlluonc.o ot iiisocta in lorliliz- ' 3,500' UlHslrutlons — it. ducers and their imiuediate neighbors, uig and care ofinilob cowa oorr.fflpoiids nearly • oat bread or vegetables ollored it "with liisoase. iiig llio grapo. 'I'ho hope iu expressed that -wliolo Picliu-e tlullcry. to tbo practice ol' thy beat and moat ane.'ioas- liorticuitiwiala will forward to him auy insects GIVES "Wliolooalc Pvlcei which do not enter into the computa­ 'Tnli WeMcrn J<'-ti drliili, •«vfiiy, or from feurtoeii acl'o.^; tliat a farnior near IJar- of Ibissia, which has grown from 222,- I know of no food for suiiinior equal to This is a small boo about half the sizo of and have fun wltl>. ThcBC INVALU-'ilSLIJ / Glatlstono was named as the donor. As aboo raised ItiO bushels of potatoes from .a graaa grown on Honiid, newly limed or woU- resoiubliiig aomoivhat tho Ilaliau honey boe. KOOIiS contain Isiforinntloji gleaned V 000 tons in tho .soa.son of 1S75-C and barrel of tubers, and Unit a fariiior near • it happened, the wily quadrttiied, when boiiod land, with an allowanco of food made Stealthy and solitary in ita habits, tiio "ihaoot from tlic inarlteta of Oio •ivorld. IVc Mount Hope tlirasliod an aver.ago crop of Oiir- ;i8fi,000 tons ill 1SS1-5 up to 525,000 from lioino-grown corn tir maizo. Cats, beans, BOoms 'to bo unknown to entomologists, at wlU innU n copy E'llKli: to auy uil- 1 • challenged by the claimant,' not only de- ty-iive and ouo-quartor buslmls of wheat por peaa, wheat, barloy, and wheat-bran aro allleast , in this connection. ilrcss Jipon rcciliit of 10 ctfl. to defray tons in 1885-1!, aero. - vourod indiscriminately the Troy and ood, and aro betlor mixed together iu such cxx^cnso of jnalliiig. lict ua Jicur Jioiu . Liberal carrots, showing no partisan proportions a.s Ihe atalo ot Iho paaturea and you. Ei^pcctfiUly, . STOCK BREEDING. the eouditioa of the cow iiulicato. '.I'lio extra, J'cnch Yelloirg. -siiirifc whatever, bnt, when tho experi- AT the Waabington (D. C) night food m tho form of corn, meal, nud bran, >T. n. Halo 6.i.y3 thoir groat enemy in peach Cfoss-Jiyvntiitfj .Pif/:i. MOWTGOMERY WARD & CO. Bluinld consist cliiefly of orushecl oats and oultiiro iu Connecticut is tlio voUows. Ilo sot ; was acknowledged a failure setn|) school, when it opened for the winter, When a thorouglibrod of any kind ia S37 & 220 WiUiuuh Aveuiio, ClUcuso, 111. brain. out 800 troos iu IS,77, 200 of which woro fortil- bred to 11. good native Sow with largo fnuno ^,mixed notes of exultation and pro- ifc was found necessary to exclude all for winter keep I linvo found good hay, izod with bnrn manure, tho rest with potash and vigoroua coiiatitutioii, the progeny will soiuul Swedes grown on good hind-and with­ and bono. Tho I'ourOi year tho ouos treated the nnigistrate, deafened by over 40 yeai'.s of age. "While the prin­ ofteu be isujierior for fattening 10 tho tlior- out being I'orcocl by artilicial inanuros—maize, with barn manure began to ahow indications oughbrod. In the firat idiice, tho largo nativo rageons brti_v, suniniarily dis- cipal was going over the list and pick­ raoal, and crualicd homo-grown com and bran of tho yellows, which wero stronger Iho fol- sow will probably bo a bettor mothor and a to answer woll. Good oata straw ia far better lowhig year. 'Tlioao treated witif bono and jiio claim. ing out those over 40 Ihe other teatdiers hotter milker than the thoroughbred. 'This than poorly accnrod hav. Crnsliod oats, car- potash wero not nffectocl .Snbsoquently half were going on with their classes. In will help tlio pigs both Ijol'oro and aftor birth. rota, and aweot upland hay jirodncQ flrst-class of the fornior diod of yellows. Only ono caso Plenty uf ricli fooil from tho dam gives pigs a On Oio KASY I'A'VMENT .system, from tja.SO ouo room lliere was a line of about butter in winter. I profor carrots for 'dairy of yobowB occurrod lu tho others. To this IK tailor Ims invented a shirt when other foodiug is not practicable. per mouth up. 100 atyloa. $?J to ssoo, ."i-m.i f.."Ost- cowa in cold weather to any othor root. When troo ton pounda of inuriato of potash woro alofuo with lull particulars, juailed free. twenty persons reading in the im'iner. But if ihis orosa-broeding is coritinuod wiOi- ich he expects to bring him the laud ia too atrong for roots, awcot oiieilago applied, audit was aevoroly prunod. It mado out tliorouglibrods on ono sido or the other, It was a strange sort of jiriniary class. may, with advantage, bo usotl na a siibstituto. a porfectly healthy growth. Tbo safer way icauso he thinks it responds tho litters of pigs ivill show a motley appoar­ I'think it bottor not to givo brooding cattle, would havo boon to tako thia out, but it was Some of thom had gray hair, some of aiico. Komo will bo nearly equal lo tlio boat. need of the times. If it were except for afew wooks aftor calving, cookou loft for oxporimont. Mr. Hale thought that Conatructort on tbo now mothod oC stringing, or. sim­ ilar torins. Send for do.scriiitivo Catalogue. st.ablo, it would be called them, like "Old Untjle Ned," had "no ivliilo olhora ivill tako aftor the op])osito sido, food. I bolievo that tho di.goativo powers of a by careful culture, cloao pruning, and I'ortiliz- and bo inferior. ing wilh bono and potash, we may aoouro in a MASON & H.HIViLIN ORGAN. AND PIAflO CO, wool on the top of his head." There C01V largely fed ou cooked food become iiu- nely bnt expressive term, a p.'urod, and'thongli alio may yield nioro milk groat me.isuro oxomption from Una dieenBo,— Abont llmjs, Boston. New York, Chicaao. ' but as it is for use by man, were wrinkled ftices and 'wise-looking m tho winter sJio will not tlirivo so woll iu Uio (Jomilrij (icntU'inan, 'Tho hog ia not naturally a nasty auiina On .1. paaturea iu sunnnor. In-oalf cows ami boifera s :a ,wnist-comprossor. It old eyes peering at the book through •tUo contrary, ho is particular where ho vory aliould always bo paalurod soparatoly from Vttlliontion of the Peach. sleeps aud what ho oata. It is true, if lio can­ ibelt of linen, fitted with big spectacles. A diminutive little thoso which aro not in calf. Mr, .T, F, Taylor, of Miohigan, who lias givon _, —a^ ttungfl you ntrt'cr kiifiirt^^ir thoughlj not got puro, cold water tn batlio or roll in, he o( about laWiinaan body ttad..i^a'urloun orRana. ,• Tho cow-lionso aliould bo lofty and woll groat atlontiou to tlio cultivatiou ot tho poach, :-bouos iu front and lyith toaehcr was drilling this class in "a-b- will tal:-) Iho bwt ho can got, oven if it bo llio Doio Hfe U iiaJiutaKd, hmUb^imea, dlstme tjulucali vontilatoil in tho roof, and shoiild have a writes the Ilorliadturist of that Stato livo rules JJoto io avutcl pitfaSgfivfJ^jmrance-aiid indiscretion,, filthiest nnul-liolo. If you want awootpork, straps;behind, and. is in- abs." Soine of. the old pupils had a aoutliern aapoot, and ahonid bo on rising each ou the conditions of failure and anccoss flm to apiilil mmti^siiUn all forms of, dlstase,, the hog must have pure water to drink and for /row to euro CrvKffOllJ3i/acS^^!ure, fihimdsln, tici i ground. iu tho cultivatiou ot the fruit Failure oonioa l(luce the figures of corpn- groat deal of dilTicnlty in' understand­ wallow. Whoa shut up to fatten, ho nuiat /Joio to iiiate,J^mippi/ in mfttTia{/&fii.'iao«prt:e4w'(^ 1 Tbo alalia for a p.iir of l,5.'>0-lb cowa from tbo following c.ausea: li.avo a clean plnuk lloor, with a little clean •'his tailor has di.scpyered, ing how it camo to pass that i-s spoiled aliould bo fully oigirt foet wide, otborwiao, I. A wot soil, or ono that from any causo betiding, clnuigod often. Givo clean corn, when heavy in calf, thoy might not got aufli- holds water around the ronta of t)ie troo, r£s^^fe.{-— has, that corptdoncy is do- "is." .AVhen the announcement v.'as oillior raiv, cooked, or ground, with ])iiro ciont rest. The lloor should HIOJIO a little, ao wiicthor tho laud ia aitu'atod high or low. Murray tllll Pub. Co..Eo,i7SO.rjovvVorK water. In auinir.or-timo ho should have, with a tremendous extent in made that idl over -10 years old that the water may readily got away, but the JJ. I'lxcortsivo foriilily while tlio trees aro his grain, all tho sweet grass ho wants; in FACJi, HAINDS, PEET, V:; cowa should staud on gratoil woodsn plat­ young, whcllior it bo 'secured in Uio natural ''lind that most men of glob- woidd be oxcnsod,. there consider­ Winter,' sooond-growth ot clovor ha.v. In suin­ and all Ihclr iinporrectlons, incluillnrr F*'- forms, raised in front aliout throo incliea, and condition of tho soil or by tho ingouuity of elal Development, ll.-.lraii(l Scalp. Super. able constoi'natit')n among the old folks. iner and wiutor lio should havo aa much a-.\ ho nuoiis Ilalr. llirln Marks, Jlolca, WartA , anne in front are ashamed beiiiutr about tour inches irom tho ground, man. v«ll cat. of limo and salt inixotb Novor let Moth, Krcekles, lied Koae,,Acne; Jllack 'A. liy thia n'rrangoniont tho oows stand and lio on .Sovoro cutting back of tho young growth ^/>c^ Heads, Scara, I'ltling;andthi^Ji' treatinenll, lenranco, and will siiU'ei' auy Some of them suddenly discovered that liim stop growing; and slaughter him in his a lovol aurfaco, and lees straw ia requirod for each year, thua dwarlliig the troo and robbing i'f^^n t^'^Hcnil Il'c. for boolc of fiO partes, itli edition,,- they had given thoir ages wrong, and boat lliglit el' growth, nnd (lien yon will havo l)r,J,lI.Wiiodlmi.r,SrN.I'carlSt.,Albany,N,Y„m'b:dlS7(l, torture to reduce or liatton boddiug. Cows ahould bo groomed daily whon it of luuob natural vitality. swoi't iiurk. — fi'(.'»vnrt«ioK);i Tolcijvrqili. xiity, .Ho advises those who be.gan to,revise thefignrcs. Some were hoiiaod, and should ho turned out for water .|. Allowuig trees lo ovorbsar titid lints ex- I MorphiuoUubit Cnrnl in lO and oxercisu in winter twioo daily. Iniust tlioir vitiiliiy by ajaiiiglo crop of fruit tolislduya, I'Vo iiny lib cured." indignant. "What yon have day school I Dr. J, bloiihcns, i.vbaiiou,Olilo*^i or valets to employ them in Stoelt yolr.a and JC.ppt:rloiicr.. In rolation to tho grooming of cattlo it 5. l*y doiicit and improper cultivation. 'lese coinpreSBors as tight as fo'?",said one old lady. ' "Doy is fo' At tho Cauadhiu Exporimoatni Station it has oboiildh^romomboroilthatitia not necessary Conditions of sue^jeas aro aiatad aa follows: whon cattlo andliorsoa aro kept in yards and ''BQN'TPAYJIBI&PRICE!" 4 tlio pressure.. Bachelors the yonng folks, 'Pears .to me oldboo n detoruiinod that feeding timothy without 1. An olovatod location Uiat is not auljjectto much clover h'lid a tondoncy to dr)' tho How of bhOtla. Aniinala oxpOHod to tno woathor iiro lato froats in iho spring or, curly irosto'in tho t(.) do this Jnust got .along with folks got no chance noAvadays. Dey milk in winter. provided with a ecurf which oollecta outaido fall. the akin, forming a blanket, as it woro, to pro­ 65 Cents ?rto'''tyw^??i^^vn"?c»' '\ A litter ot pigs farrowed in apring or suni- 3. Aw.irm and motloratolv fertile soil that i2)re3,sibn, : The compressor has isn't let into do day, tind now doy turn tect them from tho chnngos of wentuor. In llni'iil .Ifomc, Kocliostai', N. V,, wltliout,nro_inl. ,{ mor grow rapidly if nt pasture, because tho is woll drained by nature; Artificial drainage tho case of animals kopt in stables, howovor,- nm—"tbo Cbiiapest .,ntd Host Weoklv iu tho AVorla,j?, sale a, year or more, and is 'em out of the night school." "I was green food koops tho pig's digeation good and may provo anooeaaful, butitautiUty has not B v,iBe8, .IScohmnw, tO yoars old. Ii'or ticiu UoUar ,f whioh do not got oxorciao. the, oaroful, cleaning rised by men ^6f aldorniauic di- doing right well," said one.niorry-look- oiiiiblosit to got full benefit from any otiior yot boon fully demon8tratod.:iu thia region. ,. vou navo ouo choice from over 15V dlfteront Clotn".'}»'p>i ot the skin by the bruali is iiiost iinpbrtaut, , 3. 'Thorough .cultivation, without manui'o,. lioiniil Dollar-VolTinioa, 800 toOOOpp,, anai)opopj.'fe;ii> food.that may ho oaton:. • .. ' : : ono year, post-paid, nook. ppstaBO. Ko Extra.;. W.iw;*^^^^^^ whoneyor;: they.-irat on their ing old woman, "and Pin inighty sorry, CBpeciallyinniUch cowa.—Chlcat/o Tribune. nutil tho troos. come into boaring, !.tlion com­ Ions ThouatiiriU lifo of tho sheep Is.sliortcr than hooka Kiveu_4iway., Among thom ,^Bro ^LawAyaho^^ mis. •i';--Vh:}yiy:h:/ that,I can't' stay,' in school. .1 wont to that of,any oth'er domostio animal.^ Hvo"or six bine tho two so,as to supply all thoHloplotion yours is the hmit of their practical naeftilnoos, HOUSEKEEPING. '' produood; in:tho soil'by growth of trees.'aiid the 11 ight school last winter and got into though- vahiablp'brooding/, owes ,kopt fruit-,';•^:•:•:.•.':••^?iv•.r^^'•V:.^./••••!•••:^• ,•.•:„:.,'•:::':' , „ Wys'^tooiiir-PaotlmeaVPlvo'jf''-'^ WraBcfora.the• M»atr I'eoplo'a Histor.T.ot^Onltad*;; tlio second'reader. ; All I wmi to do is! ono or two yoars longer. , •,, Ded-tiialclng and Meil-covormya, . 4, ' Novor lot li troo overbear. JLATJS bi'iiF.OKKLS'oxplains tho .riip-; Ktaips 1 Mlnivorsal:History oli'AllrMationajfPopulap• , Thoro is nti.: doubt that a good hiiir mattros's ;,.'• C,'Contlnuo bnltiviiti6n,,:nntil-.,-,wt»T< to.'t^tweon'himaQlf nnd the King of and;;:re'dr.yoyer;).t6gethor,.8liieo:.;.-,thi3y;a(i.:not wilbgi-vo moi'o 8olid';comfor£ totho squai'diach tho dry aeasori ovory;;s«iamor:ovon;ifiit:oon-,' , •,'An.v ONE bdoki,an(li-p,«per, .one yoar, tiUjpqst-pMft tliaiiany.othorspBcioa of .'boddin'K;ijJut'thoso, tinnes uatibSoi)temDor,i;',C?-'S^i';ASA';iS .•i(ir.»l.tSnnly,".!l?apop.alono,'.Oje,lfBillisi!rlboa'bolloroJ ^,SRuawioh^l8lttnas,by tho statoment, IB a irnghty hard book to read." ripon'to'pothor.ibttt advidaa tho' raaniitVoth ,va-' rllid>toi;Mttrblr,V-:S»UsIsctlon'»KUiirastootliOii!.boolM' riely.aa ripening 1100.101 a ith the ud clovai to.wwra these oxponsivo luxuries are'. the.; can.i'llnd:...;: tolerable'iisubstitntoa.'! :Mosa':and tion sliattishatOd bo only nnch an lo insuio a pepor-;r ' ;'n-' ;-rAiiuOKo- - - - .'M»yoi'Mayoi'.atooliOHtorW'Samplo.iiiatioi'li;'.;itoolioHtorwSainplo.;iii * .cotton topp6d:with:oxcolsior, .whilo: they..''havo • I'ooilooififiiifacotdti ffSrfaoo tdth'ioU off i tholfloitholfloil'to'iiBsi-l to iiBsi ttja,.ooii ia» con- , i,>- KUlltLUOMLOO. . g'likmhing^i^Toatniowr^ho^ ^J-B a mtui.1 driuka'ihko.ft fiali^hisslicna maniraoth olover-is'not rptisUocl'.itiy.-atock,*'os-.- *8pt'hossi.;oa;iwcouat:oCjUiO'taao^.oi';tho,8talk!(r' not,thoiwoarnistiuaht'.(j^'iot.-)hair,':.8iipply'jita: florsftij thtt'm(>l4tiuoa9 )jiUt)Ufti*^osiwW(!. WimoHtI»wj»lnini8S4iB}0)irlR ;:oolliing to loBO-afldi'oYorvtlUnet'o gain •jfjUkQnpttoilBWHft-ljkobuo.' iicrosa thci Cumhevlaild, nud dolermicod to Ini|)<:3ii'i'/.s, dosiguiited liy high-iioiiiidiug iiuiiios, and of fieui'i'iilship—knowledge of wliiit Ihe en- tion Is received to ,Inn, 1, 1887, and a full year from that dale. This Count Z,, ono of tlio doiiutics who ucarly uvery Voiujiany had liouie jiol that I'lo.y would do iiiiilir eerliuii eireninsliineos. KoE dyspepsia, indiKOstion, doprossion of od'cr Inolntles tlio Christmas Double Number. •We'll, sir, he his resented tlio olTense most; keenly. On was to l.-'i cwrriod tlii'ougli tho cnrna.^j'P. iieeoiii]ilished iiiirpose. spirits and..i0 m u iliiy. All partitmlars free. Boln sexes. All ages. Capital not "'J-'hoy woro willing to let IOHKO Ihe 'dogs II mull as we tluHight.' " Ne.'^t. day he slept till Tl. Af(:er brcnk- Of, war,' eh':'" iieedeil; yini are slurted free. All is now. fiisl ho took a turn in tbo park, and was 'I'hoso who stiirt al oiii;e eiiniiot help rapidly "Yos; their love of eoiiulry took llnd. way Farragut Talcinj* Possession of Now obsfivved by his valet gazing for somo making sunt,'litlla fortniius. AW EAisVCHAWCE F05? A BBG REWARD.. .^^ ofe.v; iroH.sing itself. Orleans. im'uutos at the I'aeiido of the ancestral To the 500, aul,:,crihersjr;na,,s«;e,n. correct y, 0,1 or being at tho sumo jirico, wu coii- in llie liilileis I'irsll'ound thoWord llllljBAND" i.'rI'/« ,st<)r[cH. <]IICStlUU. "Where nian.slon; aftor which lie liid hisfiieo in will don.^tcthc lollowinB rcward.s; oludod to talce the liiryost one presented, ('.'iiinmuiider KouLz contrilniles to the T/ii: Yaiilti\i (.'oinjnnrioii niaintains its repu- ...Sioo Ills bauds for a moment, as it woojiing. i-Cash Present in Gold,.. Ifa.soo 9—Cash Present in Gold,.. 200 Ring . rind obtained u Xewfoundhiiid of pure latioii for iiiililishiiif,' (he hesi .Serial and .Short 17—One ~ ir'ccchioading Ci-iiliini somo of tho "Iiieidents of tho Oo- .j.-Cash Present inOohl,.. y.oofi lb—Casll Present in Gold,.. 100 onco iianied He then pulled out his watch! .It .ShotKiiu...... 7° blood. Ho wiiB at Hickory, eiination of Xew Orleans," ij'hieli eaino iin- iStorio.s, n.H ivoll u.H strikin)! slorio.s of advoii- C;.i.sJi Present in (lolil,.. 3,.'vx u—One Uprijiht I'l.ino, val Coo iS~Oue Ladies CroUl whicli S]ioodily dejijeiiornled lo Hie, mid wtuited but live minutes of noon. M. tnre. The next veluiiio will eoiitaiii tlio eiijht .1—Caiili Present in (lold,.. t,^oo iQ—(hic Mm; Top lUisffy.. seo (lei- his obseivntiou us an oflieer iiiidor •Watch...... ;. 5" scon bec.'inie tho pet of each and nil." prize stories ueleeled as the heat from ovor 5—Cash Preacut JiiGidd,.. 1,000 13—Ono Cabiu,:t OrKun.... Kuiriignt's eoiiimand. from the article we De I'Motow entered his study. At 112 to-One Ladies' Pair 11,000 niaanKeri|>ts sent in cniiqielil ion. The (i—Cash Present intloltl,.. 600 i^~Onc Dinnioiid Brcaslpm 100 "A very ]ivo])or cogiioiiioii, as, if any one ]iveci;,ely the roport of ii pistol .shoolr 15—One Set iMiruilure S 120 Bracelets 0° ipiole us follows; "A biiilalion of murines linst Serial !-'tery In uppcar, l)'of;iiiiiiii,i,' in .raun- Present in Gold,.. 500 Bnspoeled iiiebriely Iruin .your bici'OUf^lis, 8—Cash Present In Gold...? 40a tfi—One Scdltaire Di.niuood :o-Oiie Sev.-inff Mac lino 50 iiiade jiiirt of our ox|ieditioii; this was un­ the window-piuie.s. Ho had punet- iirv. will he "llfiiiil Hrotlier," in eiglit clmpters, you cniiUl say yuii wore calling tho dog," To h n^t'o .h aS^^ l'" ''V"^^'5°, each a KSool iidd SilveW r dor tbe comniiind of Onjilain .lohii L, uallv killed liiuLse'If. —.S'(. James Ga- fully illiistraled. Uvury one will want (ii road • — the put iu tho .Major. J!i-oome. Wo landed nt Iho foot of Canal it. II'.Jl.'";"! IS i-niit now, it will pay for tho 1.50. zellk iie.\L "No; wi) went from a proliiliilioii .Sliile," street, uiid, proceeded to a position in front piiper hi ,laiuiary, l.''^..;iS. e.M ,.5, •••:=^;|;;!^,'i;i^ ^,,„f;,'j f„i,ou the nrs, h; «;;n seui't a diance foronc ef onr If a cenipctiter ^-^^ MI.^W AKIJS. , . . ^, said li., not pill, out liy the interruption. of the (JiiRtoin House, where the marines "Our dog M'lis a yreat ncijiii.silion to llio wore drawn up in line, with loaded pieees, 'I'lvo l.SSli (JoJd Medals. ••!i01J(,'II OX ItATS" To the .58 pcr.^on.s whose names come in ihe .ttiddle, couulinB from nttmbcr one to the last .e- coiuiiiin.y ill (ho way ot" niiiiclile, anyhow, Cleurs out mt,«i, inleo, rfinehoe, /Hon, ,i.nta, bod- iiud Hanked b.y tin) howit'/.eis, loaded with Siessrs, i\fasoii & Hnnilin'ngaiii havo and lio would eat luiytliiiig, oveu liiird tack, iHiKS, boelles, iiisocts, skunks, jack rabbits, ^-feSiV;L;;ri;rG!^d - ;; shi'diiiiel, '.I'he peojile made uo domonstra- uiiurrowy, eoiiiioiv:. l.',,;. At driif.i.'d.'ita. Second Ca.sli Present in Cold,. nftor we got to the iielil. the di.-.itinKuisiied hniior of having boeu Kevellth Casll l'rcsent in _CoUl,. . 5° tion, bill looked on in sullen sileiiee. Ciiji- Tlitrd Casll Present in Gold, . 230 nwai-di.'d llie lii.ghest gidd iiu'diils ovor 75rF.irluli Casll l'rcsent in Gold "Throii.jh (lie varind exporieiices of army (uin Hell and I, with a boatswain's mute ••itoi;f;u ox coi;.v.s." I''onrill Cash I'resenl in Gold, „. , . all o-vliibitofs, .•\lnt^rieun and Envu|ioan, To the 30, e.ncli$ioin cniih. 'lo the nc.vr 20, c.-ich^.5 lu c.isb. I'D the nc.\t so, c.ich ?2,5o life ho roiiiaiiiod with us, the friend of every rainying onr ensign, entered Iho Ouslom Ask for Wells' "Hoii|!lioiiCoriiH." Quiek roliof, mail in tlio CI)III|MIII.V. iiKviiys willing to lielp House, where iho postmaster received us liolli nt ,l'!iliiiburfvli nud nt Liverpool, coiuiilete c.ui-i). Corns, v.-urts, liuiiioaa. JOc. "•'^"^''•"^''''^IASTKKWAI^OS. . . . . miy one of raiioiis, from Iho (Jiiji- the two nio.-t iiiipnrlnnt exhibitions of eoi'diall.y, roiiiiirking; "Thank Godlhat.voii ••i;oL'(;ii <»; ci'Lir." To thoct; who aro loo lale for any of ibu id.oveiioove . rcu'unirewards u special oppuioj>portun.t5mipt.y ;_s.....on. ,jemam tain to tho lii.t;li priviito in the rear iMiik— the year bS.SCi. Since (lie llrst great wc will donate the following rewards : 10 the last are here. I iiiive baoii a Union man all'lhe •l'o tlie 353 p.crsons whose names come in last impartial iu his alteiitions, seeining to real­ "lleii.uili on Iteir'eui'.M skin luiiiKirs, oruiHinna, he last name wc will give $3(» cash, lo the tliird time, 1 was appoiutod by lUichanan, I'ari.s H.xliiiulion of 1,S(J7, the Miisou & riut;wt,viii, tiiUur, salt rlieuiii, Iroatoil foot, ohil- ize I hill ho WHS the c.oiiii):iiiy dog. name on ' '• To tliencxtioo,e:ich$5 not by JeJr jjnvi.s; he only uUowed Jlamlin Ori,'ans have invariably received bliiius, itcli,.ivy ]ioist)ij, burber'd itcli. ;jOe jura. Ilielist, $5imiucasli. To Ihc uc.-ct 10 11.. - - . ".But thu chiinge of huso i'loiii Ihc Oliick- mo (o remain.' The postiiuisler showed the highest lionor.s at all great M'Oiid's 'i'^ W. c we wml;ind ^s^pa^^ aplendi.l ^, aiul'l'KN ofllie '^^^Il^^;^ ^^j^V- hoiifciwuin's niute bout on the Hag and .1 TltK nio:it agreeable of all conipan- for fiipUtjjcria, sore tiiiviat, tonl nroatli. oUo. l'reseut siihscrihcrs can coiiipcle by paying for another ycal.- er for a friend, ihe regular subscnp- •we I'oaehed HiirriHOu'sTjundingour iitvorile reporteil al! roiuly, when Ciiptuin J>ell gave ious is a .sinijile, I'raii].: man, without lion price of our elegant Ma(t.bli5l.ed miito and J put our iiiinds to the halliards, PlEO's lloniody lor Catarrh. .'>U cents. ,,,c ,i.;il he Sent to the sticcessfnl ones, ai blow tn the Biirvivors. groiitiicRs; one who loves life, and un- Sin onr Feliruiiry issue ofTIllC PO VA LUl^ MON Tl I I.V Don't cleiay. The Jl.agazine isworth and 'the slurs nnd stripes roso iuto tbo sk.y 'und 10 books frccrhy answering tpiickly yon niny r,ccure 011c of the flerstands the use of it; obliging; aliko much more i.ban tlic money, |iind 10 books free) hy • • • 1 nmv r.ccurc out "AU stud'.vuiiiiisl liiive ills sliiu mounted, and swelled on Ihe breeze.' A guard •with • iou of THE POPULAR MONTHLY, all having .it all hours; above all, of a golden l;irger nrizcs. This is tlie Pourtecnlh Compctaiou .ind ho wa.';; ueewrdin/jly Khiuiied und Ihe a lieiiloiiant of inuriues was ioft in charge 8S '='''lve;ypl°nt"lKudd euciurnge eldlclren to enter this contest. Besides lamilian.iug themselves Lido prepared for the of the Hag at the Custom Jlonso, aud the tamper, and steadfast as ,an auclior. mim ".\t thill timt! the noxl rogimont to ns i'or .such ii ono wo gladly oxcliange tho with the*li ble they secure a liiBhly-deserving I'aiiuly MaEa,.,ne. (with 10 hooks free) and .also a Inndiiig iiiirly moved on lo tbo fjily Hall, chance for one of the reward.s. We lefcr 10 over^o snh.scribtirS; We enter every ettc in ^ (New .lorsey li'oops) had a lino re|)ntaiioii greatest .^^eniu.s, the n-uwt wit, By .scrofulous mini in Ihe blood, 'J'liorerore, to the crowd i/ierouHing as that Btriall body of ,.,ihc c cadeorder received, andd tiuud.enuuilierr the name-"'S-'--;-"^s as recorded' !i- i onr sulMOnnlloi^ll'^^^flC snudkli Ix ^ll^dli^d^hn^ as foragrrs,, and I. think they ouruod il. euro cutarrh, vnrijutlii'hlnail, 'i'lunisands wlio havo no mislaUes, Ifyoii do not .t^et one of the largest yon m..y get one olibc sma l.'nion men aiiprouehed (he ',Sla(o dag.' tho prol'oimdc.'st thinker.—Lcssing. l 1,0 books free), you will be sat- Anyhow, our hoys allowed tli'o .ler.soyuien iMien trouldiHl u-lili Ilu* disnf,'recablo syniptoius ot' amply repaid, ifvou don't get anvlbiiig but onr Ma.^'azine (and 1,5 booi< '1,'liore the marines were ayaiii drawn up in latniark dale later ihun 1st, didn't leave miieli for any troops IhiiL raiuo ealiirili, have been eiitlrely cured liy Hood's Sarsa- isfied nsit lias no crfual at 1 be price. No answers recorded liearing poatniarl( line, nnd tho howitzers eouiraniidei] tho Tin; I'stiinatod outimfc of ]ia- y order or rcgistcrecl letter. ailer thoiii, und, ns we were often iu their (Kti-iMa, I lie iH-'Nt blool-itticif.vioK niedbdtio bel'uro tbo , , C, 1 —^ . 1...... 1I ,, „,n„,.,r or, streets; tbonsiiiids of spectators iillcd tbo per mills in the United .'•jtiitcs is 1,'.'.UIJ,- roar, eoiisideriiblo ieeliii,t,' was evoked iu public, it e.vpols every tuint or Imiiurity from tlie open sjiaees. Tbnt iniiiienso asscmhlago lilnod, and vltidlau..; iiml'euridios it. It yon sulfcr the mutter. (.)',)(;,O0() ptuiiids. hud the will lo anuiliilnle tlieKiimll force of fi-ijui eatnrrli. itivo UUOU'.H t'arsuparilla a trial. .•\ luoniioent farAiia-of Bowling Groon, "AH oiir poor deg'.s ciii.'ciiss huug nii, with sailors and nuirinoH, lint they had begun lo i liavesnirerf.l wlih eatiirriiln inyhoiiil for year •skin, head and feet removed, sonie wicked Ihiiik, and the im]n'ossiou that rcsistaneoto Howard County, ltd., Mr. J. T. J!id|.ol.y, ami paid ont huiiilreds ofdullars for medicines, but. said his four children wero sick with soro luive licretofnro roceivoii only toniponiry roliof. 1 ^ wag remarked; United Slates authority would invoke (he t'lii'out ,nnd cough,'; .it tho same timo. Hod hOKun to tako lloiid's Baisaparilln and It liolpod me " 'Dress it, and them blamed iJersoy- wriilli of Iho squudroii had gone abroad; Star Cough Oiiro cured Ihom iu a week. soinucli tlmt Idcciiled to koeiion. Nuwmy cutiirrh nien '11 steal itaforo moriiiu'.' still, no ono know but one or two do.sjierate No opiates. is niNU'ly eiircd, tiiewenkut^ss of my bodyl.s all Kone, "Xo sooner suid thuii dnuo. Inn short men woro reud.\- to lire the train that would my npiu'tito is ^'ood—in fact, I fool liko unotlicr per. timo thcfo wa.s as prelty ii oiiroass of mut­ son. ILiod'sAlrnimrlllii |3 Uieboatincdieine 1 have lead to tho iiiagnzine. A i'o:.Ti;.-,-rei) iiiiia Is hotter than n'elios; fffch'crJck 112-1 'i'reinoiit'nveu'uo, llavcnport, Iowa, oiie "White" .Sewing H.iclline, I50. ever lakeii, and Mto only one thai hns dono ine per­ ton huhgiug between tHoslalce.s ns ever .von "Oaptain .liell gavo Mayor Monroe tho and .vol. .you euii't buy a hriek hloek iior p'.iy 'Wrilo to ANY OP TUKSK FAKTIRS if you want any fiirll.ei- proof, saw. II hiiuni hill uiili Ir. manent Kooil." .Mas. A.CaN.\iNoiL.\Ji,Provldouco, 0,. (o\(r a DUon Mricii(jlln,ArI:.,wlmwn.sawiirtic,lSl.rNl(nnniiO(il'nurnililL,emiteslH; also t<, .MiM Tlnra Crnwronl, Af- privilege of luuding down Iho State tlag, 11.1. laii'tn. Tcian', »l.o was aVninlni SI .'.'iw, I fvoii annl a !.c»i,t jumiii, will «eud a list e( over 1,M0 who -vvcru awatdcil prea- "Xo.vf, day the (ifficors of the .lorsoy ve.iii- Imt ho ijidigiiaiitly declined. Captain lioll eiilM r'jiin-iimrromfl InS'j.OSIl. 'riii, rullowluii receipt siieaks lor ItseU'l nient scut their eoKiiilimoiits lu our odicors, Baby falls and humps its head, then directed nio lo go to tho roof of the Baby bawls, tlioy tbiulc it's dead. Hood's Sarsaparilla 'IM: A tlinn».oi,l liii.nki foryni.r promi.lnesa In sriulinR UIB TwcalyFlvo llnndr,;,l ln>lli,r:i la col.l, by wlileb 1 am •with nn iiivitalioii to a liold biuicjiiot. Ol building a.nd haul the Ihig down, ho ro- Imm.llysiirnrlseiltuknow lluil I MILS llni lucky one tn llrst uiiswfr j.iiir liildeluesUnn ol M'licro (,iil!(!<:<: tin renMuiia:—ol iho smiles and heartiness, ofi'orvoseod ovor DATCRIT ''Oil .S.'VLK. THE j\i)A.MSON CO., CliristiEias ITesciits for Everybody, "©a sjiroiid was roast mutlou! should be perjielrated. Forlunnteiy for the bis friend in such a way as to provoke tn I Cll I I'atent Solicitors, Muncia, Indiana. "Vonranswcrln alhlo ComiietfUoaiacludea your olioleoof TEKa-om lliewoiO books. Uounilla cloth form irouia cojl 41.00 eaidi. Order by jioiiibL.r only. „ . ... . , , ,,.„,' . ,' . . lie.ico of tbo city of Now Orleans, tho vast tho inquiry: Habit Cu red. 'J'reiUment.sonton trluL "Tho full •^vas f.nst und furious.. Only I. 'I'liK WIDOW liiioorr PAPKRS. The book over which grandmothers laughed nil they cried, it's crowd looked on in sullen silence, as tlio HUMANE REMi:i)Y Co.. LftFiiyetto.Ind. i'ono (hnig.scoiii..d to inav tbo enjoynieiit of "What ollice aro you a candidato for as funny now. 2. WINTHK EVKNING ItitcaitATioNs, large collection Charades, Tableaux, Games, (lag oanio down. Thoro was uo ibig hoisted etc., for .socials, tlientricahs, evenings at home; illustrated, 3. BACK TO'riiE Obp PIOME, Kovel, tho occasion—nono ot tho visitors ato mut­ nnillCinMC 01^.1,''':i:Ci3:i{.«.ii'Pav, Bounty, on the Cit.y Hall in place of tho Stato tlag, now, Jiidgo ?" WUlaiUnai etc, Wi-lto for <.|rcnlar« and laws. By l\lary Cecil Hay, iiiiihorof "Hidden Perils," etc, 4, DiAi.onoas, RKCITATIONS AND RHADI.NGS, lou! A most siugahir coiuoidonce it was for the reasou that it had not covered The ,fud,ije made a cloprecatory moyo- a A.W. MoCORMlCK.V SON, Cincinnati, (i. clioicc collections for public and private entertainments. 5. THE STANpAUD LKTTHR WaiTna for that such a immlier of ofliocrs were afllictod Lathes and Geiitlciilcii, complete guirleto correspondence, plain directions for letters innuinerahlc United .States properly. Tho mis.sion of mcnt with an outw.ii'd turned jialm, and • U> m 11 liny. Samples wortli Jl.!10, ITItEE. forms and examples. (,.'Pint l''Kozr.;N Dunr, Novel, P.y Wilkie Collins, author of "'ihe Woman in tho samo way, soiiio forouo reason und h Liuea not under the horae'R feet, Addrcsa tho landing inirty having been aecoiu- said: iu White," etc, 7. Run CouitT FAHM, Noveb By Mrs. Henry Wood, autlior of "East Lynuc," fionio for another. Howover, thoy wont in ' Brewster's Safety Eoln Holder, IloUy, Mich. plished, the ollicers and men returned to etc. 8. I'nic LADY OK Tiiic LAKE, Py Sir Walter Scott, romance inverse, of ail tlie works of Scott for 'etilcLaw,' und praised tho Boston hcnu, "For nono at all, iny dear brother ^ Loarn horpand earn none more hcautiful. 9. IN Conn's Na'r. Novel. By the author of "'Dora Tliorne." 10. AMOS the levee in marching ordor, whoie the.v so 'all woul merry us a niarriago bell,' and am .simj^jly a can'iidato for tlio Kingdom ffood pay. Slmaliona BAKTON. Novel. By George Eliot, author of "Adam Bedc," "The Mill on tlic Floss," etc. 11. took boats for thoir rospootivo vessels. 'The Write Vulciitino Uraa.. .loncaviUc. Wld.^ii'sDiiHAM. Novel, By the author oi "Dora Tliornc," etc. 12. Tnrc Mys'TiiiiY' tho omission was hardly noticed, their of Heiivcu." LADV ling ou tbe Custom was guarded by j and Morpliino tlBbltCnrcd In lOto OK-riiK HOLVTKEU, Novel. By the author of "IJora Tho; ne," etc, 13, 'fiiR BUDGET OF: WIT, hosts doing full juslico to Iho mutton. His I'ldeud rcgnrdud him sorrowfuriy HUMOR AND FUN, large collection of stories, sketches, and jokes that have been written, in years; tho marines of (he Hartford until the arri­ I so (lays. Kefer to 1000 patientfl cured "AVhon all wore full (o repletion, Gnptaiu foe an instant, and, then, •with iiiovo wit I iuallpATta. Ilr.Huab.Quincy.llIich. illustrated, 34, Joan BOWKIIUANK'B •\VII'E. Novel, By Miss Mulock, .author of "John Halifaj, val of General Butler with his troops. Gentlemen," etc. 15. TilE GRAY WOMAN. Novel. By Mrs, G.askell, author of "Mary Barton, T. was deputed to reply to tho toast, ' Onr than jiolitonoss, and more' profanity on Jiuno.i ltivor,Vu.,ln Olareinont etc. 16. Si.\Ti!HN CoHri.aTii STOiiif.s by Popular Authors, cmhr.aciiig love, humorous, detective Colony, lllustratod ClroularKreo. .society life, adventure, railway etc., very interesting. 17. JASI'1'.R DANn'.sSncaHT. Novel. By Miss Gno.sts.' than oithev, said; .). F. MANCU A, Claremont, Va. "His remiu-ks wero, ns nearly as .1 can He ma Not Walk. M. K. Braddon, author of "Aurora Floyd,'' etc. 18. FA.N'CY WORK Foa HoMii ADORNMENT, an "I'H l)ot you don't; carry a d— entirely new work upon this subject, containing easy and practical instructions for making fancy •remember, .noniothing as follows; ' Coui- I(5l procuml or no Fee. Solilleri nnd Jabe Mnthis.'of tho Thirteenth Georgia, township!" lielrs. N,.,vla,,... ri,I.;N.NER.V CO. baskets. „ , wal„l pockets, brackets, ...needl. - e -work , embroidery^, Finest , collectioetc., profn ufoselry childrenand elegantl. 20. y MANUAilliistrRtcclL . rudos, yonr good cheer has gone far to com­ Aa'yi, 15 yc.iri', Wnshlngtou, D, 0. I'.TK^ucTTiGUIMM'E Sfo FAIRr LaYdie Ss-roniE and SGentlemen KOR Tint, •youNt;a guide. t"o' politenes --„.-.:..s an. d good breeding, givin» —g rule s of fort meil; who were nearly lieartbiokon. was a fjood soldier, but ono day when tho Doubtless tho iTt.idge lost sight of tho modern etiiiuctte for .nil occasions. 21, USBFUI, KNOWLI;OCI! FOR THU JIILMON, handy book uscM BuirerinB Irom Norvona DeblUy upon mauy and various.subiects; illustrated. 22. 1-loiiiK KooK Piiv,-"'"" As you liiiow, wo havo gono through a Confederates were rotraating from tho gory man's jirofanity in admiration of liis - VUai Wottl.ncss, WaatlnR Ail- THE COOK A,VD FAMILY ontaining hundreds of excellent cooking recipes, hints to housekeepers, telling how to cured field of Gettysburg Jabo threw his musket .sublimely trutliful oimdor. iiiont.H,./n;m nni/ mime, send for particulars and aU- series of hard-foiight battles, aud tho gups vicel'or self homo onru. ])r.,l,14uiiniu't, Porn.Ind. ai..11..lment. .... s.n bI..y . simpl....nnlAlmme homen remediesr.>,nn.l!no . \fAM,L.|r,7C 1 XJr,. f ^ 11 .^.Tn M a , VT b'1 n , Ts iu our ranks are iuau.y. Some of tho ab­ nn tho ground, seated himself by the road­ ing, instructive book of travels, describing peculiar life, habits, manners, customs of people sent ones will never be with us again on side, aud tiXolaiiiied with much I'ohemonco; Tiie Vi'caker Sex ILS. A A. P. LAOIY, Patent countries;illustrated, of FiPTV-.sitvaNPoruLAR BAI.LACS. Samensslicct ransic- Allok Attornoys, WaohlnBlon, n. C. tlie inarch or nt the biyonno, whilo others "I'll bo dashed if I walk another step! Aro immensely stroiigtlienod by tho uso of Dr. songs. 33. CALLED BACK. NoveL By Hugh Conway, author of "Dark Days," etc ,. .26.. Instruotlous and opinions aa WORLD'S MERCV. Novel. By Florence Warden, author of "The House on the M.arsh.ij I'm broke down! I can't do it!" And .Jabe to putaiitablUty I'llEE. BSTl 7 yoara'eiporlunco. •.lio in far-oil'hospitals, a prey to pain nud K. V. I'ioice'a "Favorite Proscriphon," which MiLLARD TRKVANION. NOVCI. By "The Dutchess," 28. DARK DAYS. NoveL Byllty fovor from wounds or sickness. Some of was tho picture of despuir. euros all I'cnialo ilorangoinonts^ and gives tona author of "C.-dled Back," etc. 29, SHADOWS ON TIJK SNOW. Novel. By B. L. Farjejf our bravest and, best aro goiio. Death, who "Git up, man," oxclaimcd his Captain, to the system. Sold by druggiata. f""":iSTHriIlL "," etc. 30. LEOLINH. Novel. By Mary Cecil H.ay, autlp lovos a shinin,t,' mark, even took "Old Hie," "don't you know the Yankees iiie following K!00ER'SPA8TILLES.!:;m°au.=SiTc;S: •S'orkc," etc. 31. GADRIKI.'S MARRIAGE. NOVCL By Wilkic Collins, author. 3a.! WHIRLWIND. Novel, By Mary Cecil Hay, author of "Old Middletoii's Money,'''ctfl • our favoritfl dog. This is t!io greater adlic- US'? Thoy'U git yon, snro!" The Melodious Ifand Organ. CARLTON. Novel. ByMissM. E. Braddon, oulhDrof"LadyAadlcy'sSecrct,''ctc. "Can't help it," said Jabe, "I'm dono for. DAWK, Novel. By the author of "Dora Thome," etc. 35, VALERIE'S FATE. Novl Uon from' tho fact that we were even denied Tho poet Grillpnzger says of Vienna; I'll not walk another step!" Alexander,authorof "The •Wooing O't," etc. 36. SISTER ROSE. Novel. By Wilkie Collinl • 'the consolation,of giving his bodyli decent "Happy tho young man of artistio en­ NoveL By Mrs. Henry'Wood, authorof "East Lynne," 38. THE LAUREL'BUSH. NaT Tbe Confederates jiassed idong ovor tho rnerKelic worker; btislnesu hi his acctloii. Salary ' sepultur.', for'somo thieving foragers stole 870. nctereneos. AimM'/',,' Housu.SBarelttyBt.N.^. Mulock. 35. ROBINSON CRUSOE. Thrilling narrative, on an island in the,South,Pacific.1 crest of the hill, and lost sight of poor, de­ dowments who can live in Vienna. His MAKE POULTRY PAY. A practical work by P. H.Jacobs, Poultry Editor, of ?'FAIIJI ANIT liis carcass last night, and iinagination •«iH hero receive food and Dr, AViUlKma'Indian Pile Ointment We pay ao itteutlon to postal eiLidi, O^^eation this p.por, irrito yonr name, eoauty and llt&lo pliinlw "Hut he was not allowed to proceed, and, jected ilabo. ia a sure enro for iillnd.bleedinR or In a niomout thero was a frosb rattle of stimulftuts in the life of the people and Itehini; pllea. Cure Kuurastaed. auiid a chorus of stomach-rouding groans, Price rih: and (11. At drngilBt's or THE POPULAR rflOMTHLY; Kansas City, ours'made their retreat in good order." musicotry and a tenowod crash of shells. every possiblo woy; but tlie rijioning mailed by .MS MFO. CO., aioveland.Ty. . ,;• "Hickory'iiiust have had' many mourn-. Sndilouly Jabe appeared on the crest of man belongs to.tho more stable North. thu hill moving like a hurriciiuoi and fol­ Thoair of Vienna is. too balmy, tlio E WANT Yom srr«esss ers," remarked tho Major.—ir. IJ., in Olii- profllablo employment; to roprcsciiCua :u every lowed by a cloud of dust. AK he dashed woraon too beautiful, ' and Stranss's W ' eS^;'^^i^'v"''Ycs,'Bir;' it;^as my'good fortune to,be t'cntury, and npt.witliHtaudlni^ tho many bUior propar- Itatioiis and bogus,companies; ilCleeIr ,./•.•:;;,...;. ,"itoiiciu.pif'Pii,ii:s.!'). : 'y'-'i 'al;ous ilmt liave licon introduced into tlio market, tho are entitled to a pension, don't delay Jfapture. 700 cured in'S5,'-'Stind staip' f;- /•••^^•!,;.';':undor his 'com'mand'when ho miidofhoiiit- his gun." •'• •.;•'..•.•.' .. •...^.•;. ':i'-.y :.e^ 0 of tills iirticlo is constantly inereiiaiiifr. Il; the (li­ it, Kojdctetl and ' NoKli'oteil " Say," remiirkod. hn oPSpor, "that's' Beau- Why sulTor Pil'ce ?'. iiiimedi'ato roliof and com- nt t-ona are followed It will'never f;dl, Wtt pardcii- CliilniBin Imiiils ol'Otliei' A^r'ta ilil.W. J. HORNE,:1MVEI1T,0II,,I8IW/\BAI ' .••vj,;.tac^^ 'Tliiit hiis been pleto onro (juarantuoci, ,Aslt for "Itouah oh Piloa." ;rily Invito (bo attention of nliynidana to its inoriw. ft.'SlJeiiittUy. MFSonil oracireii- J» ,;-;j^pi:ononnoea b.y •;able:'miUtary critics the rogard thore; ho's a sort of ii Gonerol,"; turo ouro for iiclilnt', proti-adlii«, blooding, or •!iihii L.}i, Suiin it Co., Trov, N. -Y. lar o£ .VeiiPlna and Bounty Arts. Ad- Wo Ropcto Cut :Off HorsnsMHfj "A.11 right,'.';said'tho unabashed soutincl; any forni of pllos, SCO, At drct.iiisto or untiiod. dreaa•."T.I'ZCIERAUO ,t POWiiLL, i^'fjiiimostWilliant *a(d^ the war, and' U. B;Clidm Agency for; Wostarn Sol-, ; ceiebraicd %umes&rimiui^ -' ••'>I was'so impressed with the; niilitaiy.goniiVs •'if lie'll wnit.'till I got this gun together 'and !itlS.IBll/]!<: €6iii'biti'ccIV'ciinl MjblANAi'oLJS, IND, : not be Slipped by anyihoiso.-' Suinplo.'i.J ';,,',j"j';y,pu,;.Mr., Algernon. A It/has ooniii; all' known (Oiarauteo; comfort and' cure without opora- for i'rlce.Wnti'i.'.:;;V;,:.;,:ij;;j.-,'_';- J% ^\ [ Oii: "In Iho win'orof 1&0'2, while tho Con- wi:Li,a',itAm ijAicisAni. ' tion or hindrance from labor?; Noatoid oriron h.anda. :J,0,UGil'J:HOUS£,ni)ciic3teriN.V;^ thO'.vway.jlTpiii'.i'ohdoii'; Perfect roteiitioa night and day; no challns i; |Kf,;fifjiapivile;Mu riTMgfiy,;Mi't6ro'ii to'oiiriliial 'color. I'Ali' ologiint iDnparall6l(!dBucce8s,lnrDliihthoi'ta; Soarlot Ftjver, i'ight;;»T6inkyiis>'';;It'ia^y^ all uRoa.':'A't;io WlO onl)/. Send (or circular of meas- ij:B:',u.,:;-ir,;'>v.''v;vn'viyg^ »;J^bflt'o'vtTyii]Vj ?,<^ .aveMiiift';Botton»"cand;',buttutllioo. :?Ko .oil., iior Crou|), liillamGd,'rhroiit, ulcorutud ,Soro;;Mni|thti,.' and may yon be rewarded for your labor friends, who wished lo bestow a token of hy Miin wlio knows all our good deeds, remeinbrauce and frieiulship upon their Mr, Freshour's brother from N, Y,, we teacher and friend before ho inoved Farmers' CInb. are informed bus bought the Colton farm Mason. Ilunry iii''ornu'd his liillier tint and inoved his family hero, with the inten­ there was a man in the house to sec him CLUII ROOM, Nov. 27, 188G, tion of making Michigan bis future homo. and to go directly in and lie would care for A. goodly nuinbof of tho "stalwarts" the horse. "Who is it? Has ho got a found their way into the club room to day Island Corners. horse 7" were questions Mr. L. could not to attend the first regular meeting of the keep back, but when he opened the door . club lot the season. There seemed lo pro Mias Lois Allen is atteiid^ig school at all was plain, fur lie said there waa no man vail a general feeling of irraliiicaUon und Okemos. there. Clara Doty, in beliall of her class thonltugiving for the good harvest of the Owing to the illness of Elder North, Rev, mates, presented him with a beautiful gold Desiring to sliow our appreciation of the liberal Patronage we are receiving from people season—and the fact that ns a rule tho Covey conducted services at the "Island pen and holder, with credit to herself. of this vicinity, we have completed arrangements for farmers were better prepared for winter lust Sabbath. After a considerable "smacking" the com than was usunl at this Beasoii. Joel ]3eunett started for Kansas last pany loft, wishing Wr. L. a happy and The club is in most excellent worhing Monday. He intends to reside there per profitable oflicial career. order aiid as in all time past tho utmost manenlly. A Grand Holiday Free Gift Distribution! harmony prevails and good results may be Mrs. Wood, who has been very sick the Wlieallleld. expected from its deliberations, The time past summer, is recovering. -OF- NoVE,MRER 29, 188G, was largely taken up with special business Steve Ilompy will go to Ohio next Tues A.D.Pollok, Simeon Kent and J.Salshury —noceBBilnling the regular question foi'dis­ day, were subpoinaeil as witnesses lo attend tbe cussion—"Swindles and Swindlers"—to go A dance nt Ben Bai'iies' last Friday night cireuit court at Howell, Livingston county, over until next Saturday. Wesley Fisher of Pennsylvania, is yisit- on Ihe 29th iust, Communication had been received asking ing at H, D. Box's, Simeon Kent returned from Hastings, IN REAL LEAF FRAMES. the club to take action favoring the passage \Vest Alaledou, l?arry county, ou tho 28tli inst,, where he by congress of the bill known as the Hatch has been attending to some business duriuG; experiment station bill, now under consid­ NoviMiBER 30, 188G, the last week. eration by that body. The bill was read Thermometer registered at 5° above zero this morning, There have been no more caaes of diph af length. ^R provides for the establishment W. 0. Liiisday of Saline, called on friends theria reported during the last two weeks nf experiment stations ill connection with hero last week. and'no deaths have occurred from the last tne agricultural colleges iu the several Sheriff elect H. 0. Call has sold his farm outbreak. The school in district No. three states and territories in tbe United States. to Charles Foler. will coiniuence again this inorning, it hav. All Our Customers will Stand an Equal Chance of Winning a Prize, 'ORJEOTS OP THE 3T.U'I0!(S. Observations of the weather taken each ing been closed for the past two weeks on Seo. 2, That it shall be the object and duty of said experiment stations to conduct day noon during the month ol November, account of dipbtlieria iu tbe vicinity. original researches or verify experiments shows the average temperature lo havo been A reunion dinner at Simeon Kent's the Until the Drawing takes place every person, who at ono time purchases goods of us to thu on the physiology of plants and animals j 12°, highest tempteratiire 72°, lowest 5° 2filli was partaken of by about 15 relatives. amount of §2 or upwards, will receive a numbered ticket, which gives them one chance in the the diseases to which they are severally 1 and IIG inches ofrainand3 inches of All report a good time. Drawing of PrizeS|Which will be superintended by a committee of disinterested persons. Separate cards subject, with the remedies for tbe same ; the snow full during the mouth. November with numbers corresponding to thoso on every ticket given out will be placed in a eloaed sack and chemical composition of useful plants at Lovewell Irish has sold his farm ol eighty their different stages of growth; tho com­ eontaincd 24 days of fair weather. acres of laud on section No, 29 to John M. after being thoroughly mixed, a person seleeted by the committee will bo blindfolded, and will draw parative advantages of rotative cropping I'rof. Weeks has a telescope, which for Dresser; cotisideration, $2,800, a numbered card from the sack. Whoever holds a ticket which corresponds in number with the ns pursued under a varying series of crops; usefulness and meahaiiical ingenuity, is Georje Stewart at White Dog corners, card so drawn will receive the First Prize, A second drawing will then he made for the Second the capacity of new plants or trees tor ao- worthy of notice. It is about five feet long, Prize, and so on until all the Prizes aro fairly distributed. Everybody in iltvi(c quested to call at II. M. Williams' drug NovEMRtni 29,1S8C. house this winter. store and get a trial bottle free, large bot­ Uenry Dorus has repainted his house, Net receipts from our school social last tles, §1.00. l=H Mrs. D. D. Smith of Ionia, is visiting weok, oyer SIO. Renews her Youth. relatives here. Dftiisylllo. Mrs.Phosbe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Eddie Kimble haa gone north in pursuit Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, of doer, the truth of whieh is vouched for by the DEOEMaEit 2, I8SG, residents of the town : "I am 73 years old, Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Goodrich of Nebraska, era Old Mr, Blackney of St. Johns, but for­ and have been troubled with kidney com­ OVEECOATS, OVEECOATS, visited al E, N, Moore's last week. merly of this place, was brought here for plaint and lameness for many years ; could Rev. Anderson of Allegan eoiinty, preach­ not dress myself without help. Now I am burial Nov. 30. Services were held at the ed at the Presbyterian church last Sunday free from till pain and soreness, and am Storm Overcoats, Sil and Satin-Lined Overcoats, Buffalo Overcoats, Baptist church. Rev. Monroe onicialing. able to do all my own housework, I owe morning and evening. Jumbo, the large horso owned by Wm my thanks to Electric Bitters for having Rocliy [i/loiiiitain Overcoats, Men's Overcoats at $2.00 Each. Dr. C, M. VVatson, formerly of this place, renewed my youth, and removed completely 0=3 Telford of the National hotel, died last but now of Lansing, and Miss Emma Grain all disease nnd pain," Try a bottle, only THREE TIMES THE LARdEST STOCK EVER BRQU&HT TO MASON. night of pneumonia and paralysis. He 50o at Williams' drug store. of Lansing, were united in marriage Thtirs- was probably the largest horse in tho state day evening, Nov. 18. CON, weighing 2,100 pounds and beinjr over 19 Nortli Aurellus. hands high, and of bright hay color, sSiirs thousanda suffering from Asthma, Con- Shirts and Drawers. Fur Caps, Fur Caps. Wert J. Richards, who has been traveling DECE,M1!E!1 1,188C. sumption, Couriis, etc. Did you ever try through Wisconsin nnd Minnesota, has re Acker's English Remedy? It is the best Bay Baker of St, Croi.K Falls, Wis., Do not buy until you come to the Live Clothing Store of turned home, on account of the illness of preparation known for all Lung Troubles, visited friends ia this vicinity the latter his mother. sold on a positive guarantee at lOc, COo, 'SB ; oflaat week. Sold by H. M. Williams nnd 0,W,Halstead{ C, "WEBB of ^^SO^bT. Rev, Cape of tho M, P, church, has gone uan has returned from Dakota, back to Caro, preparatory to moving here f South Bend, is visiting at A CARD. CHRISTMAS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND MUFFLERS. Dan Hewes has his shop completed, and To all thoso who are sullbring from the orrora nnd he intends doing carriage repairing and indiscretions of youtii, nervous weakness, early decay, Jiiat a farmers' institute teas of maiiliooii, etc, I will send a recipe that will other job work, cure you, TREE OF OHAKQE, This (jront remedy Aurelius some time was discovorod hy a missionary of South America John 0. West and wife, who have been Send a self iiddroaaod envelope to'tho REV. JosEPii T, iNJiA.v, Station D, Now York Citv. 46yl visiting friends and relatives the past week |ed our pulpit last have returned to their home in Detroit, The M. P. social will be held at the resi Enid TImos hnvo knocked Prices clour to tho will pflve his Boltom, ut dence of James Dennis on Friday evening alk" at the church of this week. An admission fee of J. R. McKnight is confined to the house, PETEES' eed, to help defray caused by poison shuinaoh. A. Densmore shipped a nice drove of I am now showing the Largest Stock of House Bteers Monclay; Furnishing Goods in Central Michigan. , Icslie. Meat Market EMBER 30, 188C. Asli {Street, Masou, Mlcli. the date fixed to Prom tho Local. D. PEATT, church. Elders Mrs, Dewey Dwight of Onondaga town ALSO A LARGE' LINE OF sre will be in at- ship, was buried Tuesday, Mrs, Dwight ''of great intereat died with typhoid fever, arid Mr, Dwight is WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER i —A Oholoo Slock of— Jreat credit is due not expected to live, • having the same Formerly of Jackson, Mich,, where ho hns boon liring energies in disease. Both are old residents of Onon­ , in business for 29 years, intends to stay with CARPETS, ffliiSHiiSif ALL PAPER daga, and have a wide acquaintance. ua in Maaon for a fowyoarg and locate hia Itlie work to com- bualnoas pornmnontly in this city. When Justice Wheaton came home her, one oftho teachers Sunday evening he saw a carriage at his BRING YOUE WATCHES, Full Assortment of the Celebrated Always on hand, and School; spent Thanks- gate, and found that a couple from Mason Mrs, Isaac Russell. were waiting to be married The man was tlmt other Jowelora hnvo said woro no good, alga tho wntclios you havo tlirown awny as worth­ LJiis parly, who went about 25 and tho gii'l was not yet IG, aad less and bftvo them mudo as good as now. Ifflur Moneys Worth Every Time. lal, returned last week were accompanied by n lady of about 30 Domestic Sewing Machines! Ir with them, teporting who claimed to be the girl's aunt. All -"Special Attention— three insisted that tho square pronounce the POULTRY AND GAME Always in Stock. |, who has boan ooufined vword, but •• thinking that something. was given to ropalrlHg old Knglleh watches and old wootl- un oloclts, Bpootaolea, Jewelry,, hrolton .allvorwaro "aslyoar with old.oge, is, wrong, ho refused to do the work for which noally roiinlred, In short, Mr. Pratt nndorstunds ro- J.'S XTS eSASOIf. (laughter,-Mrs. Mary'E. they offered good pay. pairing all kinds of watches that liivvo boon innili). tlo Guu repair brokon watch cases, ropluco tho Joints as 'raakiuR her fts^oomfortabio • vW.' D. Loiigyear was happily surprisod, good ns now uiid ninko tliuni open nnd shut to :ordor. lo lius boou a wntchiuakornnd Jowolorfor^ SB yoa™, BEALIl GUARANTEED! J;j7lPKU>^«elf privilegoa oii'roturninghomo from choir prftctico.loat innhlug lilm a llrBt'ClusBworknian;::'All.'worlt ..war­ ItegfoctfUllr, '»y in BQciflty,"to mks her .SiUurday^oveniug," to. Qnd: his houaevilllQd ranted to givo porfoct sntlsfuctlon. / - Mary, this is cv nobis n«v \»)th \vi qW^Saiiafty sehool cluss^Rnd their .MO.JOOKBma.-^' : HEKrRY:PETERS.
