NO. 48 VOL. XL MASON. MICHIGAN, THUESDAY, DECEMB.EE 3, 1886. To Oiip Patrons. J. W. Fitzgerald, editor of tho Clinton Pomoiift Grftiig-e. LADIES AND MISSES' .' Jugltain-County Jpocmi nnd Shiawassee Union, has sold his olfioe Lamb Wool Lined Uublbcr It is with some dogi'ee of ptide that wo and business to Messrs. Reeves & Allen of The annual meeting oflngliain County GoodN at Brown Rros'. ]'ublI^ljod ovory Thiiradiiy Pomona Grange, for tho election of officei'S by this week cull the attention of our patrons the Ovid liegisier, who havu consolidated lo the fact that we have enlarged the DEM. for the coming year, and settling accounts WE HAVE; JUST RECEIVED Si. P. WHITMORE, the two papers, and with tho increased oCRAT from a five to a six column quarto, busitifss thus secured, the Begister-Union for tho past year, will be hold at North Auotlicr lot of Ladles' Warm iiABON, mwmaAif. thereby inoi'pasing the size nearly one- will doubtless prove to be a better paper Lansing grange hall on Saturday, Dec. II, Lined SIiocs at Browa Bros'. 188G, at 10 o'clock, a. in,, sharp. P33ICES : quarter, VVi- have long desired to make than over published at Ovid. Ono Year, Jl.50 ; Six months, 75 conia ; Three this change bill have not felt that our busi­ This meeting will be open to nil dth WE ARE The Stockbridge Siui says another shoot­ monlhi, 40 centa. ness .juatided iiiir dolngso. And even now, degree members and it is very important Constantly Receiving IHcw ing affray occurred at Muiiith last Saturday: we havu bad cunsiderable hesitancy in in- that there should bo a good atteiulanco. C}ood8 of all kinds at Browu "It seems that Loren Nichols, a brother- currin-: the net.'essary increased expense, Impoi'lant business other than that men­ Bros'. Our adrertlslnK rates aro SlOO por column por an­ in-law of Pat. Ryan, getting full of whiskey num. Business notices live cents per line for oach Go to the Bee Hive and but linally, trnsling that by fio doing our tioned will bo presented for consideration. lusortlon. Jidltorlal notices 10 cents. was put out of tho saloon by Pat., who GEMTLEMEV JliiBiniiss cards SI.OO per lino iier year. business would be snlTiclently increased to Coino out early and stay all day. Tho appears to be the heavy man there, where­ Marilage, hlrlh and death notices Insorlod fioo, get nice fresh goods. We are justiiy the act, we have taken the step, nnd aftornoon meeting will ba an open, free for You will llnd timt tlio Cliiciigo Glove Ohltiinrv conunrnis, reaidutions, cards of Ilianks, etc. upon Nichols opened a fusihido of bullets will hircaftor bo charged for at the rate of live cents to-day the DEMociiA'r salutes you, a larger . A good programme will be arranged Fitting, llio Rochester or tlio Ilinira I por line. buying our goods by the car- at tho olFenditig brotlier-in law. who was Boots will outwear any boot iu llic inar- Corr'simndonco containing local iieivs. Is HOlleited and we hope, better paper than ever before, by tho Capitol Grange. out of range^^^ from all iiarts of the county. If you like it, say a good word for it to Icot, all Imnd-inado and warrantoU at AnoMvmons connnunlcationa not Inaorted under Load and can sell you good It is oxpetzted that there will ho a 5th Brown Bros'. anyclrcuinetances, your neighbor. In renewing his subscription to the degree meeting in the evening for confer Groceries very cheap. If you DEMOCRAT, Prof. H. F. Dorr, formerly ring tbe degree, JOB PRINTING! The Tbanksgivitig sertnon by Rev. W, BROWIV BRO,S. superintendent of our city school;!, hut now ELLIOTT H. ANGELL, Sec'y. Have tlic Exclusive Sale ortlio Ourmnlerlal Is new and of tho latest styles nnd we want nice fresh Coffee, buy C. Phillips at the M. E, church last Thurs­ Kiiarantoe eatlsfacllon, both in prices and occupping a like position at Elgin, Illinois, Bunkerbill, Nov. 29,188(1. day morning is pronounced a decidedly Chicago and Dakota Protec­ fjualliy of work. says: "My work in tho schools here has of us. We roast our ownabl e address by those who heard it. tion Ankle Fclts. Don't buy This paper can be found on file at Geo. P. Itowell k been hard but thoroughly enjoyed. WR use Ailvortlsed letter List. Co.'s Kowsiiniinr Advertising liurran (10 Spruce St.) until you Hcetlicin. whoro advnrtlsing conti'acts can bo mudo for It in Don't fail to hear the Meigs Sisters at nt present ten school buildings and employ Coffee. MASON, NOV. 29,188C. Sew Xiirk. Rayner opera house to-night. The finest 4,S teachers." Not much titne to get List of letters remaining uncalled for at Don't Eead Tliia, Official Directory. LOCAL AJVD GENERAL STEWS. lady quartette in the country. Doors open homesick, eh ? tho above named office : But call on Witbeck & Yocum in the check­ ered front when in need of a first class SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS. at seven o'clock, concert begins nt eight. Rollo Bryan, the lightning chalk talker Oamiiboll, Mr, Flan Bondoll, Mr. M. S. Reovos, Mr. Buvid Iloirels. Mis. 0.13. Wagon, Carriage, Cutter or Cart, as we President ....0. M. riuNTiNOTOS See lost notice. of Lansing, acknowledged the drollest of Smith, Mlas Viola Jt. Willlaon, Ohas, Q. Diroot.ir Mns. KMJIA D. COOK Farmers, keep your barns and granaries have a full line and will sell at prices that Treasurer 0, W. VANSi.yKB poets and rival of Nast, will give ono of Persons calling for any of the above say defy competition. J.U. Gov K. Ps, soo notice. securely fastened and your blunderbusses his ininiitable entertainments at the advertised. R. G. C, K^fIaiIT, P. M. TruBtoos .7. a Cl.S-NOK ready for action; wheat and clover seed Grout Biirculns 0. M. IJUNTINOTOS 1887 will soon ho here, North Aui-elius church, to-morrow (Friday) In Winter Goods of All kinds at thieves are reported in close vicinity to this BiiMlnosH Locals. evening. Admission only 10 cents j diild- HOLMES & Co.'s.- OFFICERS. See notice lo city taxpayers, county. Mayor PEKIIV fjENncnsojf ren under 10 years, free. Go and have n Ladles. Aureiius tn.\payers see notice. First-class Coal Stove for salo cheap. Olork.- GEO, A.KARLK Go and hear Frank G. Reynolds at tho City Marshal J. P. SMITH gojd hearty laugh. He will be at tho Wil­ M. D. ClIATTERTON. 82 Newmarkets and 60 Children's and Treasurer and Collector ,1. A. Sntniwoon See notice to Vovay taxpayers. opera house to-night, He is a humorist of son school House, Vevay, to-night. Notloo K. Pa. Misses' Cloaks still on hand, which will be Bchool Inspociur CIIAIII.KH WIMTOAN sold at greatly reduced prices ot Btroot OomiulMioner Piiii.ii' NIOE tho best character. He will make yon A meeting at Castle Hall, on Friday ev. ....leii.N A. BARNES Opening of'tlie lecture course thiseveninj; MARCOS QUEGOR'S. laugh nnd you will call hiin back to make A pleasant social ovent occurred at the ening, Dec, 3d, at 7:30 p, m, sharp. There h. n. RioR Juaticcaof tho Peace .... WM. II. Ci.AiiK Circulating library at Van Horn's grocery, you laugh again. home of Mr. and Mrs. William Northrup will he work and arrangements made for Kod SuUod Mittens, S. W. llAMJIONP drill. CuAS. M. SllAFEK ol Vevay, Tuesday evening last, in the The best, at 2oc per pair, at Al dorm on at Largo Cliristmas three weeks from next Sat­ A, V. PEEK We ore requested lo state there wi be a L. G. WEBB, The Clothier's. marriage of George M. Webb of Aureiius, To Taxpayers of AuroUuB. ...3. II.llEEonr.R urday, meeting at the Hawley school house, Vevay, Aldornion, 1st ward • fj_ ROI.FK and Miss Elnorah Shattuck of Vovay. The Notice is hereby given that I will bo at Vox Cajis, ,,, , t C. W. VANSI.VKR to-morrow (Friday) evening, for the pur­ Taxes in this city amount to ,'J1,71 on a cei'emony was perfortned by Rev, J. A. the houso of Amos Topliff, Dec. 18, and at One thousand fine Silk Lined Fur,Caps Aldornion, 2d ward j pose of organizing a literary-society, Good the store of M. ,1, Powers, Deo, 20 and 30, at $1.50 each; others ask $2.00 each for a AI.HEIIT BUTLEU hundred this year. Barnes of Mason, in the presenno of tho Supervisor, 1st ward J. H. SAVEHI music in attendance. to receive taxes. A. J. DOOI.ITTLE, cup not near as good, Can't you induce your neighbor to sub­ relatives and a select circle of intimate 48w'l Treasurer. L. C. WEBB, The Clothier. BuporviBor.2d COUNTward Y OFFICERS A. W. MEKA.N scribe for the DE.MOCRAT? Go to Vandercook's Bee Hive, Dec 2'1', friends. The young couple start out in life BUotlll' Tnos. MOKKBNA city Tax Collector's Notice, Notice. Troasu ror Wir ITNKY .IO.N and get a nice dish of oysters. Every per­ with the best wishes of their entire acquaint­ Cutters were out Monday morning, for Notice is hereby given that I will be at MASON, MICU., Dec. 1, 1886, Olork Jou« W. WiiAi.i.oN son purchasing goods to the amount of one ance. Keglst..r 0, C. FiTO the first time this sensoii—Nov, 29. the Farmers' Bank in Mason, on Saturday The Bohemian Oat and Cereal Company JudgeufProbate Q.A.SMITJI dollar or more, will get a good diah of raw of each week during Deoentber, 188G, particularly request that all persons holding Pros.
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