Compilation of U.S. Tundra Biome Journal and Symposium Publications
COMPILATION OF U.S • TUNDRA BIOME JOURNAL .Alm SYMPOSIUM PUBLICATIONS* {April 1975) 1. Journal Papers la. Published +Alexander, V., M. Billington and D.M. Schell (1974) The influence of abiotic factors on nitrogen fixation rates in the Barrow, Alaska, arctic tundra. Report Kevo Subarctic Research Station 11, vel. 11, p. 3-11. (+)Alexander, V. and D.M. Schell (1973) Seasonal and spatial variation of nitrogen fixation in the Barrow, Alaska, tundra. Arctic and Alnine Research, vel. 5, no. 2, p. 77-88. (+)Allessio, M.L. and L.L. Tieszen (1974) Effect of leaf age on trans location rate and distribution of Cl4 photoassimilate in Dupontia fischeri at Barrow, Alaska. Arctic and Alnine Research, vel. 7, no. 1, p. 3-12. (+)Barsdate, R.J., R.T. Prentki and T. Fenchel (1974) The phosphorus cycle of model ecosystems. Significance for decomposer food chains and effect of bacterial grazers. Oikos, vel. 25, p. 239-251. 0 • (+)Batzli, G.O., N.C. Stenseth and B.M. Fitzgerald (1974) Growth and survi val of suckling brown lemmings (Lemmus trimucronatus). Journal of Mammalogy, vel. 55, p. 828-831. (+}Billings,. W.D. (1973) Arctic and alpine vegetations: Similarities, dii' ferences and susceptibility to disturbance. Bioscience, vel. 23, p. 697-704. (+)Braun, C.E., R.K. Schmidt, Jr. and G.E. Rogers (1973) Census of Colorado white-tailed ptarmigan with tape-recorded calls. Journal of Wildlife Management, vel. 37, no. 1, p. 90-93. (+)Buechler, D.G. and R.D. Dillon (1974) Phosphorus regeneration studies in freshwater ciliates. Journal of Protozoology, vol. 21, no. 2,· P• 339-343.
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