11.—Abraham's Hospitality
20 HISTORY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. suing, defeated those kings, delivered Lot, and, recovering all his substance, led him back to his own country. 3. It was on this occasion Abraham was met by Melchise- dech, King of Salem, and priest of the Most High, who, offering sacrifice of bread and wine, blessed Abraham. At the same time, the King of Sodom offered Abraham all the booty that had been taken, only to restore the captives, but Abraham would take nothing. 4. In this victory over the foreign kings, we have a type of Christ's victory over the powers of hell. The sacrifice of Melchisedech in bread and wine was a symbol of the Sacrifice of the Mass, which is also offered under the appearances of bread and wine. 5. Abraham's Faith. — One night God led Abraham to the door of his tent, and said to him : " Lift up your eyes to heaven, and count the stars if you can; thus shall your pos terity be multiplied upon the earth." 6. God again appeared to him, and confirmed His former promise, adding that He would make a covenant with him. In return, God required Abraham to serve Him faithfully. To confirm this covenant between them, God promised Abra ham a son, whose name should be called Isaac. Abraham believed the word of the Lord, and his faith, confirmed by his works, was imputed to him. It was on this occasion that God prescribed the ceremony of circumcision. 11.— Abraham's Hospitality. 1. During the extreme heat of the day, three strangers ap proached Abraham's tent.
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