Do Not Neglect to Show Hospitality to Strangers, for by Doing That Some Have Entertained Angels Without Knowing It” – Sodom, Sex, and Hatred of the Other
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it” – Sodom, Sex, and Hatred of the Other The Genesis story of Sodom and Gomorrah is obviously a key text in any discussion of Bible and Homosexuality. It’s a shared story, not just of all the religious traditions, Samaritan, Jewish, Christian, who canonize collections of biblical texts as their Scripture, but it’s also retold and referred to frequently in the Qur’an and so forms an important narrative for Muslims, as well. From the name Sodom, we get the words sodomy and sodomite which have been used for centuries to defame and debase same sex love and eroticism. It’s not the only biblical text used against us LGBT folks, but probably because it’s a gripping disaster story, with the added frisson of divine retribution for unspeakable evil, it looms large in the imagination much more readily than the Levitical proscriptions, the sinner lists in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy, and the Gentile parody in Romans 1. However, unlike those passages, the Sodom and Gomorrah story is in many ways far easier to deal with. With Leviticus, the discussion is around the meaning of the Hebrew, what is being proscribed and why.1 With the New Testament texts, for the sinner lists so much hinges on the meaning of arsenokoitai, a word that appears for the first time ever in the Pauline corpus. What did Paul mean by it in 1 Corinthians and did it always have a “homosexual” referent or did that meaning develop over time? Likewise with Romans, what does Paul intend here and, more specifically, does he refer at all to female homoeroticism? Augustine didn’t think so and neither did Christians before him.
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