ENTOMOI,OGICAI~ SOCIETY OF SASKATCHEWAN INC: .. ~ N,~WS_ZETTER 'Issue 2, Vol. 2 ,,., 6 Novi 1.:981

" And there's never a blade nor a 1ea~ too mean to be.some happy creature's place." Goodfellow

NEW MEP2BERS: We ~~2].come tw.o new members znte our Society: Mrs. Leslie Moffatt, Research Station, Agriculture Canada,.Saskatoon John Gruszka, P'rov. ~Apiarist;~ Saskatchewan Agrie., Prince A1•bert., Saskatchewan

I~EMBr~RSHI:P T,IST: I will send a nevr list out early in the New Rear. So if have than ged er intend to change or know of someone who'has changed his or hex address, please let me know soon.

TW~,NTX-NINTH ANNTJI~ I~4EiTING: All those present enjoyed the very good presentation's on honey (~am~ron'Jay, U. of i~. Manitoba)leal-cutter (Phil Curry, Agr. dart. Melfor~) and bumble bees (Harvey Craig, Agric. Can., Saskatoon), and another one on honey bees (John Gruszka (the ~'xovincial Apiarist in Yrice Albert, as well as the good fellowship. - ~.

SUMI~r1RX OF" THL BUS IiVES S ME~T~IIJG .' 1. SAa"KATCF~'~TAN SiJ~4VEY: The new and correct Saskatchev{an Outline Maps'ar~ ready and waiting to be .used: ; as we].1 as templates and •~..~; indaa ink pens so th•i symbols can be placed ready foi printing. Phil Curry asked• for some maps and is doing tl~ 'bees of S~,ska.t c~ewa,n . 2. JOINT M~H~LTIN~s WITH THE NTOMOI;OGICA~, SOCILTX 0~' CANADA The Sheraton(in Regina) is booked. fpr i - 5 October '$3, Committees as they stand so far: General Chair-man.: Pau]..:Rieg.ert . ~: ~Za~al Arrangements: Peter Harris •: ~. . "Program: Murray Maw (Chairman.), Jim J~~~rsey, harry ~• Burgess Finance: Die~he~ 1'esc~ilcen(Chairman); Iia,rvey .Crazg, . Al Ewen. ~ . . Theme: Biological Contro]. (maybe a7.1 methods to save en pesticides) seems to be the most~~avour.ed. suggestion as" of today. Suggestions on any phase of this big event and ~;:'~° •.:_: . .• volunteers to serve on-.any o~ the coinmitte~'s.(publl0ity, ••~•~ •~•-• registration, ' •etc. ) are v~eleo~e: ~. 3': ~• ~4•Z~RO~~OPs~S Warren Steck and Cedric Gillett reported that the University of Sask. turns over all surplus equa.pment to the Central Clearing Office. Items can anly be obtained by bidding. It was decided there was no use to pursue the matter any further. 2 -

4'. STUDyIJT AND AMAT~~'URS ENCOURAG-~hI~;NT Cedric Gillatt and John Doane organized and led an. entonolo~ie~31, ~~ield trig for the Saskatchewan Branch of the Natural riistory Society on June 20th. At least one .dozen,, attend.ed'.~ :A~talk ~.t -the Saskatoon:Patblzc Zibrary on Sat. Ma,y 2nd 1981 was only attended by six (Joey Doane and five friends). A talk on vas given by John Doane' to -the ' grad~.TV class at the Bishop Roborecki Schoo3 on May st,_ 1 g81.. M~.ny questions were 'asked. Congratul.~.tibns ~to an active committee. . . 5 a r ~Nac~; . ~ . We again ended'iri'the black,to tie tune of ~ 660. .Thus annual membership dues stay the same, for the 5th consecutive year. Tdo ~.nfl,-~tion herei . . r, BUT . ~ . . DUB, S AI2E DUE (ram*a'h~~ ^^ni, ;,,-Q~.r at thB .ta.me r~~ the A'~n.nu3,J.. Meeting) ~o ple~.se, send me your cheque. itegular ~' 5.00 Student ~ 2.00 6 e T~~~~CHIPIG ~~~~TOMOI,OGY Tk~ere is a geelir~g that this is not adequately ~. .,., cove:ced at the undergr~.duat~ level.• A. Arthur, H. Fredeen and C. Gillott agreed tq prepare ~~ a pos.ation paper in t12is regard for our Spring :, Meting (See,we~ are already thinking o~ spring). 7c. N:EYi '~xECUTIV~; PRi~STDLNT: Warren Steck, Z'rairie negior~al Laboratory Nat. nes. C~un.cil, University Campus . SASK~TOON, Sask. s711 owg VICE-PR~SI:UENT: Cedric Gillott, Dept, of:Bio~lPgy, Uriiv. of Sask. , ~ASIiATOUN, Sask. S7N O1r10 SEC,R.--TR:GAS Diether~~Pes.chken; Res. Station, Agric. • Canada, Sox' 440, R~UINA, Sask. 84-P 3A2.

~'~SON~ZIA: John and Martha Doane lef~,for Auckland, New Zealnd, where John. accepted a.t:cansfer o~ work for ene • y.ea,r~ at the O~aairaka Research Centre. TYle ~Entonology ~~ •~ _ Section of the •Saskatoon Station •held a noon lunchebn '~ in their honour.

IdyW RrJ~^iOt~DS OF TI~TSuCT5 TN SASKATCIi~'HAI~ nun Iiooper re,~orts: ~ .. : Catoca.la ultronia.(Ht~bner).~•One.speci~en taken at'sugar•bait on ash, fort Qu'Appelle~, Sask., July 27, 1981° One other one w~.s seen. This is the first • Sask~.tchewan record. phis eastern species h~,d been ~n~~~r'.~~~collected o~est to nusavick ~,nd Rosebank~ P~~~itoba. The food plant is cherries.. Notodontidae:Schizura badia•(•Pa.ckard.) _One specimen collected at -ultra violet light ~ trap in' elm bluff aJ.png the ;;;.~~••.' ' Led Meer Rivers 26 tune '1981. :This speoies has been taken from eastern North America westvaard 'to CartwrigYst, Manitoba, This appears to be the first Saskatchewan (Viburnum). . ~ rec~rde Th.e food~ plant•is bush cr~.nbexries' ~~ — 3 —

Geometridae: A icia confusaria (Hubner) - One specinen collected at light trap at Rache Perc~e Campsite, June 26~ 1980. This is the farthest west reported record. The species has been previously taken as far west as Aweme, Manitoba. The caterpillars feed on a variety of Composite plants as well as on clover. Noctuidae: circumlucens (Smith) (P. humuli (Bird)) Two specimens were collected ~t light traps at Roche Perc~e Campsite, August 1~, 1g80. The species has been previously collected as fax ~~est as Ninette, Manitoba. The females oviposit on hops stems causing a gall to form. Bulia deducta (Morrison) (The riexican ) - One specimen was collected at a light rap south east of Pladena, Saskatchewan on July 14, 1980. This species occurs in PSesico and tha southern States of the United. States. From there it strays northward. There is one record fox Kaslo, British~Celumbia, and one for the Calgary area of A~.berta. B. ,~,ded ucta~ ie a species of -the sub-family Erebinae. T~vo other species of Lrebinas stray znto Saskatchewan from the southern United States: Erebue odora (Linnaeus) (The Black Witch Moth) (at least seven records and Th~~sania zenobia (Dalm.)(one record for Regina .

This is all the news I know for now. P~:ease send me some new News for the next Newsletter.

Sincerei.y yours

Da.ether Peschken Secretary-Treasurer