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Maleficent's Character Development As Seen In

Maleficent's Character Development As Seen In




Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Gaining The Bachelor Degree in English Literature

By :

Nur Asmawati









Oleh Nur Asmawati


Skripsi ini berjudul “Perubahan Karakter Maleficent dalam Film Maleficent”. Maleficent adalah karakter utama dalam film Maleficent karya Joe Roth. Movie ini menarik untuk di analisis karakter utama Maleficent tersebut mengalami perubahan dari seorang peri yang baik menjadi peri yang jahat. Perubahan ini disebabkan oleh cintanya pada manusia bernama Stefan dan kemudian dan mendapat penghianatan. Data yang diambil dari film untuk analisis ini adalah naskah film tersebut. Metode analisis data merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penulis menggunakan teori struktural khususnya teori perubahan karakter, teori tersebut berhubungan dengan gagasan perubahan karakter yang di usulkan oleh William Kenny. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Maleficent sebagai tokoh utama dalam film Maleficent mengalami perubahan karakter. Dalam cerita, Maleficent mengalami dua perubahan karakter yaitu, pertama karakter baik berubah menjadi karakter buruk, dan buruk karakter menjadi baik. Dalam perubahan karakter dari baik menjadi buruk disebabkan oleh dari berjiwa kepemimpinan dan persahabatan dan memiliki dendam dan dari mempunyai rasa cinta dan mengasihani menjadi marah dan benci. Sedangakan perubahan karakter dari buruk menjadi baik hanya karena dari rasa benci dan marah menjadi cinta dan menjadi kasihan

Kata Kunci : Tokoh, Film, Perubahan Karakter.




By Nur Asmawati


This graduating paper is entitled “Maleficent’s Character Development as Seen in Maleficent Movie”. Maleficent is the main character in Joe Roth’s movie. This movie is interesting to analyzed because this main character, Maleficent experiences the change from good fairy becomes bad fairy. This change is mainly caused by her love to a human named Stefan and then gets betrayal. The data are taken from the movie in this element analysis is the movie script. The method of the data analysis is descriptive qualitative research. The writer applies structuralism theory especially the theory of character development. In which the theory relates to the idea of character development by William Kenny. The conclusion from this research is Maleficent as the main character in the movie Maleficent experiences of character development. In this story, Malficent experiences two character developments, they are: a good character becomes a bad character and a bad character becomes a good character. Influence factors character development in a good character becomes bad character because from holding leadership and friendship to having revenge and from having love and mercy to anger and hate. Although, influence factors development in a bad character becomes bad character because from having hate and anger to love and compassion. Keywords : Character, Movie, Character Development



AssalamualaikumWr. Wb

First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah S.W.T who has given His mercy and blessings, so this work is written completely, and presented without any matters.

Secondly, shalawat and salam be with the great prophet Muhammad S.A.W, who has brought us the new world with the lightness, thought the way of Islam.

It would be the writer’s pleasure to complete this work by finishing this paper. It is the great experience once in lifetime. This study would not be completed without any supports and contributions from other people. For those reasons the writer would like to say the great thanks to:

1. The Dean of Adab and Cultural Sciences Faculty, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Dr. Zamzam Afandi, M. Ag.

2. The Head of English Department, Dr. Ubaidillah, S.S. M.hum

3. My thesis consultant, Witriani, S.S. M.Hum. Thank you for being the best consultant to finish this paper. Without your suggestions and supervision, this graduating paper will be nothing. I must say that it is not an easy work but with your guidance it is easier.

4. My academic advisor, Ulyati Retno Sari, M. Hum. Thank you very much for your motherly motivation

5. All of my honorable lecturers in English Department. Thank you very much for your exertion, valuable knowledge, opportunity and experiences that you have given to me.

6. SEMA Faculty of Adab and Cultural Science. Thanks for giving me such many great experiences.

7. All of my family members who always care, understand and encourage me to do the best. Thanks all for your prayings, supports, advices etc. And especially thanks to my beloved mother. You are my hero, my


angel, my everything. I love you so much. Mamah and Bapak thanks for your affection and support.

8. My beloved sister and brother. Thank you very much for your best support, your sincerity, and your affection.

9. My beloved nephew Unit, Rara, and Myla Thank you very much for your smile, hug and kiss.

10. My best friends; Nisa, Fitri, Mila, Lika, and Zaim Thanks for your support, beautiful moment, and patience.

11. My beloved one, Harish thanks for your beautiful moment, support, and patience.

12. All my friends of English Department. Thanks for your attention and support.

Yogyakarta, 17 December 2015

Nur Asmawati



I dedicate this graduating paper for:

My beloved Mother and Father

My sister and brother

My big family


My great teacher and lectures

English Literature of UIN Sunan Kalijaga



“Educate people without religion and you make them but clever devils.” – Duke of Wellington Arthur Wellesley

Because: "Success does not depend on your aptitude or your altitude. It depends on your attitude."



TITLE ...... i


ABSTRAK ...... iii

ABSTRACT ...... iv


DEDICATION ...... vi

MOTTO ...... vii



1.1 Background of Study ...... 1

1.2 Research Questions ...... 5

1.3 Objectives of Study ...... 5

1.4 Significances of Study ...... 5

1.5 Literature Review ...... 6

1.6 Theoretical Approach ...... 8

1.7 Method of Research ...... 9

1.8 Paper Organization ...... 11


2.1 Plot ...... 13

2.2 Novel summary ...... 17

2.3 Character and Characterization ...... 18

2.4 Setting ...... 24


2.5 Point of View ...... 26

2.6 Theme ...... 27


3.1 Maleficent’s Character in The Movie ...... 28

3.2 Maleficent’s Character Development in The Movie ...... 34

3.2.1 Protagonist Character Becomes Antagonist Character ...... 34

3.2.2 Antagonist Character Becomes Protagonist Character ...... 41


4.1 Conclusion ...... 44

4.2 Suggestions ...... 45

REFERENCE ...... 46

APPENDIX ...... 48




1.1 Background of Study

“Wellek and Warren say that literature presents the life, and that life is largely made up of social reality, although, literature is also considered as a social phenomenon” (1995: 109). Whereas, a literary work is a creative activity of a work of art. Literature is everything that is written and printed. In addition, the literature is also an imaginative work that is a deemed a broader understanding of the work of fiction (1995: 3-4).

The movie can be categorized as a literary work because movie is result of

creative activity of a work of art. Movie has a similarity to the drama form,

movie and drama have an important part to express a feeling and imagination of

someone. Movie also has the basic elements of a literary work those plot and

characters. The movie consists of series of moving pictures, usually shown in a

cinema or on television and colored with a story. The movie is also one form of

popular cultural product that is produced on a large scale (Rohani Adi, 2011: 70).

Storey states in his book Cultural Theory and Popular Culture that

popular culture is simply culture that is widely favoured or well liked by many

people. He also states that popular culture as mass culture. The first point that

refers to popular as mass culture want to establish is that popular culture is a



hopelessly commercial culture. It is mass produced for mass consumption (2009:

5-8). One of popular movie is Maleficent.

Maleficent movie is a 2014 American dark fantasy film directed by Robert

Stromberg from a screenplay by Linda Woolverton. Produced by Joe Roth

for Pictures with Angelina Jolie as an executive producer,

principal photography took place between June and October 2012.

Maleficent premiered at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood on May 28,

2014, and was released in the United Kingdom in same day. The film was

released in the U.S. on May 30, 2014 in the Disney Digital 3D, RealD 3D,

and IMAX 3D formats, as well as in conventional theaters. It was met with

mixed reviews from critics, but was a commercial success, having grossed

over $758 million worldwide, becoming the fourth highest-grossing film

of 2014. The film received an Academy Award nomination for Best

Costume Design at the 87th Academy Awards. The original music is done

by James Newton Howard. The cinematography in this movie is done by

Dean Semler. This movie is starred by Angelina Jolie as Maleficent, Sam

Riley as Diaval, as , BrentonThwaites as Price Phillip,

Sharlto Copley as King Stefan, Hannah New as Queen Leila, Kenneth

Cranham as King Hendry, as Knotgrass, Juno Temple as

Thistlewit, and as Flittle (http://Maleficent_film.htm,

accessed on August, 13 2015).


Maleficent movie tells the story of a fairy named Maleficent. Maleficent and other fairies live in a mysterious place called Moors. Maleficent is a Moors fairy guard. Therefore, Maleficent keeps the Moors when King Henry attacks the

Moors. King Henry is a king for human kingdom. King Henry was defeated and went back to the Castle. King Henry makes contest, everybody who can kills

Maleficent will be rewarded. Therefore, Stefan goes back to the Moors to kills

Maleficent. But, he does not kill Maleficent, Stefan cuts the Maleficent’s wings.

Then, Stefan comes back to the Castle brings Maleficent’s wings.

Maleficent losts her wings, she becomes grudge Stefan. Maleficent curses

Aurora as retaliation of Maleficent to King Stefan. In the end of story, Maleficent turns into a good fairy because of Aurora. Maleficent always keeps Aurora, and she wants to break her curse. Maleficent worries if the curse cannot be broken.

Yet, Maleficent tries to break the curse, she brings prince for Aurora, but her effort fails. Maleficent’s curse is broken when she gives the true love’s kiss for


This movie is unique because the story tells about mutual relation between the fairies and humans. The fairies want to defend, because the Moors are their kingdom. While, the human are willing to dominate the Moors, because the

Moors is special place. The Moors is the residence of fairies. In addition, the movie is a live-action re-imagining of Walt Disney's 1959 animated film

Sleeping Beauty, portraying the story from the perspective of the antagonist,

Maleficent (http://imdb.com, accessed on August, 23 2015).


In this research the writer focuses on the Maleficent’s character because,

Maleficent describes a woman who has character development in her life.

Maleficent’s character is described as a good character becomes a bad character and a bad character becomes a good character. The writer also sees the influencing factors of Maleficent’s character development. This character development can be seen from the scenes and dialogues in the movie. The writer tends to analyze the character and characterization of character development that is experienced by the main character Maleficent in Maleficent movie because character development can be experienced by anyone. So, by analyzing the character development of Maleficent in Maleficent movie, it can be benefit for the reader in understanding character development. Besides, this movie is interesting to be analyzed, because the genre of this movie is fantasy movie.

This research uses the theory of structuralism, the writer observes the character development on the main character Maleficent in Maleficent movie.

Structuralism is a way of thinking about the world that is primarily associated with the response and the description of the elements in a work of literature.

Structuralism theory is only concerned with literature itself, especially the

intrinsic structure. This is because the theory of structuralism relatively

objective approach, so that researchers only focused on the literary work

itself, specifically the intrinsic elements as building blocks of literary and

socio-cultural background (http://learn.lexiconicnet. Accessed on, August

23 2015).


Considering the explanation above, the writer limits the scope of this

research in analyzing character and characterization of the movie. The writer just

focuses on script of the movie to observing how Maleficent’s character

development and what are the factors influencing Maleficent’s character


1.2 Research Question

Based on the explanation above, the writer formulates the following questions

to analyze:

1. How are Maleficent’s character described in the Maleficent movie?

2. How are Maleficent’s character development and factor influence

Maleficent’s character development described in the Maleficent


1.3 Objective of Study

Based on the problem statement above, the objectives of this research are:

1. To describe how the Maleficent’s character is described

2. To explain how the Maleficent’s character development and factor

influence Maleficent’s character development is described

1.4 Significance of Study

The significance of this research include the followings:


Theoretically, this research is to give a contribution in literary field, particularly as a reference and additional input in discussing character and characterization in a movie. It can be used as appropriate references in conducting the further research with similar topic by structuralism theory.

Practically, this research can be used to understand the content of the work

Maleficent. As represented in the story. Besides, the kind of character development and influence factor in this analysis can which is viewed on this movie.

1.5 Literature Review

They are literary review about Maleficent movie. Literary review presents

some related studies from the other students on the same work or same topic.

The first related study is a graduating paper entitled “Women Representation In

Maleficent Movie” Written by Fitri Nanda Annur, 2015, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. In this research, the writer focuses on women

representation of Maleficent movie and to examine how narratives are built in the

movie. The research is a qualitative method by Vladimir Propp's narrative

analysis to determine the position of each character. It also uses Todorov models

analysis to look at the structure of the narrative in the Maleficent movie. The

results show that the Maleficent films still showing that women are weak in this

Maleficent figure. Indeed, at the beginning of the narrative Maleficent’s figure

shown as a strong woman. Yet, in the middle of the story Maleficent loses

because of her maternal attitude.


The second related study is graduating paper entitled “Representasi

Feminisme Dalam Film Maleficent (Analisis Semiotika John Fiske Mengenai

Feminisme Yang Diperankan Oleh Angelina Jolie” Written by Amanda Diani,

2015, Telkom University of Bandung. The purpose of this research is to

determine the meaning of semiotics code of feminism in the level of reality, the

level of representation and ideological level. To achieve the goal of the study,

researcher uses a qualitative approach to the semiotic analysis of John Fiske

based on television codes which are divided into three levels, namely the level of

reality, the level of representation and ideological level. The results show the

values of feminism at the level of reality through the code looks, makeup,

costumes, speech, environment and behavior. At the level of representation, the

values of feminism shown, by the camera code, character, action, conflict and

dialogue. At the level of ideology of feminism that represented the flow of eco-

feminism in which women and nature are intimately connected and inseparable.

The last related study is graduating paper entitled “Deconstructive

Analysis of Maleficent Movie” Written by Rian Irawati, 2015, Gorontalo State

University. The research method in this study is descriptive qualitative method.

Moreover, the study uses deconstructive approach of Jacques Derrida in reading the script of the movie. The first result of the analysis in this study shows the three figures of magic pixies appears as the strong character of motherhood concept because of their sacrifice and their efforts to survive in looking after

Princess Aurora, the second is character of Diaval becomes the true hero in this movie based on his devotion, loyalty and integrity towards others character make


Diaval appears as a hero in this movie, and the last is the concept of witch in

Maleficent character show a new view and perception about witch, that the witch is not always evil. These three concepts are found in “Maleficent” movie through the deconstructive approach. It is a new perception that different from the previous perception about the characters inside the story line. It is a new evidence that through the deconstructive approach it can show there are many view points and sides in every single moment.

Indeed, the previous researchers above are different from this research, because here the writer tends to analyze personality development of the character in Maleficent movie.

1.6 Theoretical Approach

In this research, the writer uses structuralism theory to analyze the character development in the main character shows in the Maleficent movie which is illustrated by Maleficent. Abrams (1971: 21), states that a character may remain essentially “stable,” or unchanged in his outlook and dispositions, from the beginning to the end of the work, or he may undergo a radical change, either through a gradual development or as the result of an extreme crisis.

His ideas are supported by Griffith (1986), who classifies characters into two groups of characters, dynamic and static character. Dynamic characters are characters that change significantly during the story. The changes include the change in insight, commitment, values, circumstance, and all the changes that result in some changes within the character’s self. On the other hand, static


characters are characters that do not experience significant changes throughout the story. Whether a character remains the same or changes, the readers require

“consistency” in a character – he should not suddenly break off and act in a way not plausibly grounded in his temperament as the readers already have come to know it.

The consistency of the character is believed in structuralism since the unity of the fictional characters just can be reached through that. Even if there is the consistency of the character, he can be consistently inconsistent (Kenny, 1966: 3).

It means that one time the inconsistency of the character can be found in a story that must be interpreted as not the simple way of the author to solve the difficulty of the plot, for example to make the story ended happily.

1.7 Method of Research

1.7.1 Type of Research

The method used in this research is descriptive method that describes the data that is then analyzed qualitatively. The data description is reviewing an event.

“Qualitative researches study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomenon in terms of the meaning people bring to them” (Denzim, 1994).

This method can also be described as the method of gathering data, in which the researcher does not do any observations to collect the data, but only gathers the data from some referential books, websites, and other data sources.


Then, this research collects the data by using library research by reading several books which contain the data needed in the research. Therefore, the writer also collects some literature books and other supporting literary documents in order to get sufficient and necessary data to analyze the movie.

1.7.2. Sources of Data

The data sources in this paper are the main data and supporting data. The main data is the object that is used in the analysis taken from a script Maleficent movie. The supporting data are taken from any data relating to the material concerns, such as: web sources and book references aims to support the analysis of the research.

1.7.3 Data Collection Technique

“Technique of data collection is divided into seven methods. They are sampling, interview, observation, documentation, questioner, triangulation and reading “(Ratna, 2010:210). To collect the data, the writer uses the documentation method.

In this research, a movie is a kind of documentation which is formed as writing. In the documentation, the writer does it by doing library research and web surfing. The library research is done by doing some observations from some books that have relation to the topic of this research, while web surfing is done by searching some websites that support the writer in doing the analysis.


The documentation method in this research consists of some steps. The first step is watching the movie of Maleficent repeatedly, the second step is searching the script of the movie from internet and reading the script of that movie, the third step is making the point of the script to make easy in analyzing it, the fourth step is classifying and determining the relevant data into some categories and the last step is taking notes from the material and some other resources related to the movie and the analysis.

1.7.4 Data Analysis Technique

The writer analyzes the data descriptively using the literary theory of the structuralism approach. The writer attempt to understand the story in Maleficent movie and content analysis to gain the data. The writer uses those data to analyze the main character in Maleficent movie by employing the structuralism theory related to character and characterization. The writer makes the outline of the data that have been collected and analyzes in detail. After the analysis is completed, the writer describes the result of the analysis and makes the conclusion.

1.8 Paper Organization

This paper is divided into four chapters, they are: The first chapter consists of the introduction of the paper including the background of study, research question, objectives of study, significances of study, literature review, theoretical approach, method of research and paper organization. The second chapter consists


of the intrinsic elements of Maleficent movie; character and characterization, setting, theme, and plot. The third chapter consists of the discussion and analysis of how Malefcent’s character is described and Malficent’s character development and factors influencing Maleficent’s character development is described in

Maleficent movie. The last chapter consists of conclusion. This chapter states some conclusions of the analysis and suggestions related to this research.



4.1 Conclusion

In this research, the writer focuses on Maleficent’s character development as main character in Maleficent movie, a movie produced by Joe Roth and directed by Robert Stromberg. After watching the movie, the writer formulates three research questions which describe the character, character development, and the influence factors Maleficent’s character development.

The first part of the analysis discusses the description of Maleficent’s character. In this part, the reader can find Maleficent’s character they are; friendly, forgiving, helpful, loving, grudge, and grumpy. From the character above

Maleficent include to the dynamic character. Second part of the analysis shows about Maleficent’s character development. In this part, the readers can finds

Maleficent’s character development they are protagonist character becomes antagonist character and the influences factors Maleficent’s character development are from holding leadership and friendship to having revenge and from having love and mercy to anger and hate. Antagonist character becomes protagonist character and the influence factor Maleficent’s character development protagonist character becomes antagonist character is from having hate and anger to love and compassion.



4.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusion, the suggestion for the next researchers who conduct the similar research are using theory of character development to elaborate more about the main character of the movie. Furthermore, suggestion for the readers is the readers can take moral value from the study. Do not revenge.

Because, revenge behavior will lead to disputes and prolonged hostility, Allah and

His Messenger SAW hate people who revenge. Allah recommends to forgiveness the fellow associate. Allah says in the Quran Ali Imran verse 133-134;

ُ َو َس ِار ُعىآإِلَه َم ْغفِ َز ٍة ّمه ّر بِّ ُك ْم َو َجنَّ ٍة َع ْز ضُهَا اَ لَ َّس َم َى ُت َو ْا ْآلرضُ أ ِع َّد ْت لِ ْل ُمتَّقِ َيه

The meaning:

And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth are prepared for the righteous (Ali Imron, verse 133).

ألَّ ِذ َيه ْيُنفِقُ َىن فِى اُ َّلس َّز ِأء َواُ َّلض َّز ِأء ْوا َلع ِظ ِم َيه َو ْا ْل َعافِ ْي َه َع ِه ْالَنَّ ِاس َو ََّّللاُ ِيُح ُّب ْا ُلم ْح ِسنِ َىه

The meaning:

Who spend (in the cause of Allah) during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people and Allah loves doers of good (Ali imron, verse


Revenge behavior will harm yourself or someone else, besides hated by the people it is also hated by Allah and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad: "The most hated

God is a vengeful man” (HR . Bukhari)


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Moderator Let us tell an old story a new. And we will see. How well you know it. Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms that were the worst of neighbors. So vast the discord between them, that is was said only a great hero, or a terrible villain might bring them together. In one kingdom lived folk like you and me with a vain and greedy king to rule over them. They were forever discontent and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors. For in the other kingdom, the Moors lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature. And they needed neither king nor queen but trusted in one another. In a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors lived one such spirit. You might take her for a girl. But she was not just any girl. She was a fairy.

Maleficent : There you go.

Moderator And her name was Maleficent.

Maleficent : Good morning, Mr. Shantuwell. I love your car. No! No! Don't do it! Ha, you missed me! Good morning. Moors’soccupant : Good morning. Maleficent : Love your walk, girls. Maleficent : What's all the fuss about? Knotgrass : The border guards... Flittle :Why'd you get to tell her? I want to tell her! Knotgrass : There are rules, Flittle. I tell this time, you tell next time. The border guards... Flittle : No, you told last time. So I should tell this time and Thistletwit next time. Maleficent :Tell me what? Knotgrass: Fine! Flittle : Ah, thank you. Thistlewit : Maleficent, the border guards. The border guards have found a human thief at the Pool of Jewels!I'm sorry.She's always in a hurrywith her big wings. 49

Knotgrass : Humans, here. I hope this isn't another war.

Maleficent : I'm not afraid. Besides, I've never seen a human up close. Come out! Stefan : No! They mean to kill me. And besides, they're hideous to look at. Maleficent : That's extremely rude! Don't listen to him, Balthazar. You're classically handsome. but we don't kill people for it. Come out! Come out this instant! Are you fully grown? Stefan : No. Maleficent : I believe he's just a boy. Stefan : And you're just a girl, I think. Maleficent : Who are you? Stefan : I'm called Stefan. Who are you? Maleficent : I'm Maleficent. Yes, right. You have to give it back. Stefan : Give what back? Stefan : If I knew you would throw it away, I would have kept it. Maleficent : I didn't throw it away. I delivered it home, as I'm going to do for you. Stefan : Someday, you know, I'll live there. In the castle. Maleficent : Where do you live now? Stefan : In a barn. Maleficent : So, your parents are farmers then? Stefan : My parents are dead. Maleficent : Mine too. Stefan : We'll see each other again. Maleficent : You really shouldn't come back here, you know. It's not safe. Stefan : And If I made that choice? if I came back, would you be here? Maleficent : Perhaps. Stefan : What's wrong? Maleficent : Your ring! Iron burns fairies. 50

Stefan : I'm sorry. I like your wings.

Moderator Maleficent thought of how Stefan cast away his ring. He, who had so little in the world so that their hands might touch again. And her heart was moved. Thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel steal something far more precious.

Stefan : Maleficent! Maleficent! Maleficent : After all these weeks, look who came back. Stefan : I thought it worth the risk. So, what do you do for fun?

Moderator Stefan and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends. And for a time, it seemed as if - in them at least the old hatred between man and fairy had been forgotten. As it will friendship slowly turned into something else. And on her 16th birthday Stefan gave Maleficent a gift. He told her it was true love's kiss. But it was not to be. As the years passed Stefan's ambition called him away from Maleficent and towards the temptations of the human kingdom. While Maleficent, the strongest of the fairies rose to become the protector of the Moors. Maleficent often wandered alone and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be. For she had never understood the greed and envy of men. But she was to learn. For the human king had heard of a growing power in the Moors. And he sought to strike it down.

King Henry : Guards, hold! Guards, hold! There they are! The mysterious Moors and no one dares to venture for fear of the magical creatures that lurk within. Well, I say Crush them! Maleficent : Go no further! King Henry : A king does not take orders from a winged elf. Maleficent : You are no king to me! King Henry : Bring me her head. Soldier : Battalion. Attack! Maleficent : Arise and stand with me! 51

Soldier : Hold the line! It's the dark creatures! Charge! Maleficent : You! Soldier : To the king! Maleficet : You will not have the Moors. Not now, nor ever! You...

King Henry : When I ascended to the throne I promised the people one day we would take the Moors and it's treasures. Each of you swore allegiance to me and to that cause... Stefan : Your Majesty. King Henry : Defeated in battle. Is this to be my legacy? I see you're waiting for me to die. It won't be long, but what then? I will choose a successor to take the throne and care for my daughter. Who among you is worthy? Kill the winged creature! Avenge me! And upon my death you will take the crown.

Stefan : Maleficent. Maleficent! Maleficent : So, how is life with the humans? Stefan : Maleficent, I've come to warn you. They mean to kill you. King Henry will stop at nothing. Please, you have to trust me.

Moderator They spoke of many things and the years faded away. And she forgave Stefan, his folly and his ambition. And all was as it happened long ago.

Stefan : Are you thirsty? Maleficent?

King Henry : What is this? Stefan : I have avenged you, Sire. King Henry : She is vanquished. Ah, you have done well, my son. You have done what others failed to do. You will be rewarded. I shall do my best to be a worthy successor. Stefan : Your Majesty. 52

Farmer : I got you! bird! Maleficent : Into a man. Farmer : It's a demon! Diaval : What have you done to my beautiful south? Maleficent : Would you rather I let them beat you to death? Diaval : I'm not certain. Maleficent : Stop complaining. I saved your life. Diaval : Forgive me. Maleficent : What do I call? Diaval : Diaval And in return for saving my life I am your servant. Whatever you need. Maleficent : Wings. I need you to be my wings.

Kingdom I present to you the first of his line: His Royal Highness, King Stefan.

Maleficent : He did this to me so he would be king. Now what, mistress? Moor’s Occupant : She! Her wings!

Servant : It's a girl! O, my God, it's a girl! It's a girl! Maleficent : Well? Stefan : Well, I saw nothing. But there's been a... Maleficent : What? Stefan : child. King Stefan and the Queen have had a child. There'll be a christening. They say it's to be a grand celebration. Maleficent : A grand celebration... for a baby. How wonderful!


Moderator All manner of folk came to the christening. Even three of the fairies who sought to foster peace and good will.

Flittle : Look, there's the baby! Thistlewit : Love baby! Flittle : Concentrate, please! I'm not telling you again. Knotgrass : Greetings, Your Majesty. I am Knotgrass of the Moorland fair folk. Flittle : I am Flittle, Your Kingship. TwiAnd I amThistletwit, Your Royals... Queen Leila : They bring gifts for our daughter. Flittle : These are not just any old gifts. For you see, we are magic! Knotgrass : And very good with children. King Stefan : Very well. Thistlewit : Sweet baby I wish for you the gift of beauty. Flittle : My wish is that you'll never be . Only happy, all the days of your life. Thistlewit : Sweet baby. My wish for you is that you'll find... Fairies : Maleficent! Maleficent : Well, well. What a glittering assemblage, King Stefan. Royalty, nobility the gentry and... How quaint. Even the rabble. I must say I really felt quite distressed. of not receiving an invitation. Stefan : You're not welcome here. Maleficent : Oh, dear. What an awkward situation. You're not offended? Why no. And to show I bear no ill-will I too shall bestow a gift on the child. Stefan : No! We don't want your gift! Knotgrass : Stay away from the princess! Thistlewit : Yes, stay away! Maleficent : Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty. Beloved by all who meet her. Queen Leila : That's a lovely gift. 54

Stefan : Don't do this. Maleficent : But... Maleficent : Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on the spindle of a and fall into a sleep like death! A sleep from which she will never awaken! Stefan : Maleficent, please don't do this. I'm begging you. Maleficent : I like you begging. Do it again. Stefan : I beg you. Maleficent : Alright. The princess can be woken from her death sleep. But only by... true love's kiss. This curse will last until the end of time! No power on earth can change it!

Moderator King Stefan ordered his men to seize every spinning wheel in the kingdom. The wheels were broken and burned that they might never be used and thrown in the deepest dungeon in the castle. Secretly he entrusted the safety of the child to the magic of the pixies who would take her to a remote hideaway for sixteen years and a day. Stefan shut himself behind the walls of his castle while his soldiers rode far and wide to hunt Maleficent down. But she made walls of her own that the Moors might never again suffered the touch of any human. And she reveled in the sorrow that her curse had brought. The fairies began their charge to raise Aurora in a snug little cottage in the woods.

Flittle : Oh, no! What is it? Looks dreadful. Knotgrass : Come on. This We need a smaller baby. Flittle : Or a bigger body. Knotgrass : No, what we need is a proper disguise. Thistlewit : What do you mean? Knotgrass : Well, we have to blend in, don't we? Knotgrass : We have to be big enough to look after this baby. So, gather around, ladies. Get ready. One, two, three. Grow! Oh, that went quite well. That's very nice. Now, there'll be no questions asked. We are no longer fairies. We are three peasant women, raising our orphan child in the woods. So, no more flying. 55

Flittle : No flying? Thistlewit : No, no. Knotgrass : And no magic. Thistlewit : No magic? Yes, you've heard. Flittle : But we in the middle of nowhere. No one is going to find us here. Thistlewit : There you are. Why are you always hiding? Come on. Here you go.

Maleficent : It's so ugly you could almost feel sorry for it. I hate you. Beastie.

Moderator The fairies were perhaps unequal to their task.

Flittle : Why is she crying? Thistlewit : Maybe she might be hungry. Knotgrass : Then feed her!

Maleficent : It's gonna to starve with those three looking after it.

Knotgrass : What? Flittle : You're cheating. Thistlewit : I saw that. Flittle : We're starting again. Knotgrass : Suit yourself. Flittle : Greedy, bloated goat! Thistlewit : Bloated goat! Knotgrass : Stop doing that. Flittle : I'm not doing anything. 56

Knotgrass : Well, someone is. Thistlewit : It's not me. Knotgrass : You two are having a go at me and I will not tolerate. Stop it! This is all your fault!

Maleficent : Oh, come on! That's funny!

Moderator As the days went on, Stefan darkened. further consumed by paranoia and vengeance. Pull down! The torch! Flame! Make ready! Release!

Stefan : You failed me. The wall cannot be burned. It is indestructible. Nothing is indestructible! Not a wall, not Maleficent! Not even her curse! Bring me the iron workers.

Maleficent : Oh, look! The little beast is about to fall off the cliff. What?

Aurora : Hello. Maleficent : Go away. Go. Go away. I don't like children. Aurora : Up, up. Maleficent : Go on. Go, go, go.

Moderator As Maleficent had said Aurora did grow in grace and beauty.

Aurora : Pretty bird.

Moderator 57

Far away from the lofty palace that she remembered not. And as the seasons changed and the flowers grew so did she.

Aurora : Hello. That's it.

Moderator She wondered at the world about her and at what lay beyond the fearsome wall of thorns.

Maleficent : Curious little beastie.

Moderator She was not the only one who wished to get through.

Soldier : Is that her? Is that Maleficent? Soldier : I don't know. Maleficent : Bring her to me. Soldier : Ah, it's just a silly peasant girl. It's her! It's her! Diaval : How could you do that to me? Maleficent : You said, anything I need! Diaval : Yeah, but not a dog! It was a wolf, not a dog. It's the same thing! They are dirty, vicious and they hunt birds! Maleficent : Fine, next time I'll turn you into a mealy worm. Diaval : Well, I'll be a mealy worm gladly! Anything but a filthy, stinking... Maleficent : I wonder...

Aurora : I know you're there. Don't be afraid. 58

Maleficent : I'm not afraid. Aurora : Then come out. Maleficent : Then you will be afraid. Aurora : No, I won't. I know who you are. Maleficent : Do you? Aurora : You're my . Maleficent : What? Aurora : Fairy godmother. You've been watching over me my whole life. I've always known you were close by. Maleficent : How? Aurora : Your shadow. It's been following me ever since I was small. Wherever I went, your shadow is always with me. I remember you... pretty bird. Maleficent : This is Diaval. Diaval : Hello, Aurora. I've known you since you were a little one. Aurora :It's everything I imagined it would be. Oh, it's just so beautiful! I've always wanted to come...

Maleficent: Goodnight, beastie.

Stefan : You mock me. I know what you're doing. I know exactly... what you're doing. Soldier : Sire, your presence has been requested by the Queen. Stefan : Leave me. Soldier : Sire, she is not well. The nurses are fearful that she won't make it through the night. Stefan : Can you not see we're having a conversation? When the curse fails, Maleficent will come for me. And on that day... I will be ready.

Aurora : They're so beautiful. 59

Maleficent : I revoke the curse. Let it be no more. I revoke the curse. Let it be no more. I revoke my curse! Let it be no more! I revoke my curse! Let it be no more! Let it be no more!

Moderator This curse will last until the end of times No power on earth can change it.

Aurora : Do all the fair people have wings? Maleficent : Most do. Aurora : Then, why don't you? All the other fairies fly. Maleficent : I had wings once. They were stolen from me. That's all I wish to say about it. Aurora : What color were they? Were they big? Maleficent : So big they dragged behind me when I walked. And they were strong. They could carry me above the clouds and into the headwinds. And they never faltered. Not even once. I could trust them.

Stefan : She's coming.

Stefan :Where are your workers? Worker : prIn their beds, Majesty. Stefan : Get them back to work without delay. Worker : They're exhausted, Sire. But I'll have them back to work at first light. Stefan : I need them back to work now. It's the wee hours. Aye. Aye. It is... the wee hours. So, wake them up.

Woker : Sire? Stefan : So, wake them up! And get them back to work now! We're running out of time! 60

Go on!

Maleficent : Aurora! Come here. Sit. There is something I need to tell you. Aurora : What is it? Maleficent :There is an evil in this world. And I cannot keep you from it. Aurora :I'm almost 16, godmother. I can take care of myself. Maleficent :I understand.That's not what I have to say to you.. Aurora : I have a plan. When I grow up, I'm going to live here in the Moors with you. Then we can look after each other. Maleficent :You don't have to wait until you're older. You could live here now. Aurora :Then I will! I'll sleep in a tree and eat berries and black nuts. And all the fair people will be my friends. I'll be happy here for the rest of my life. I'm going to tell my aunties tomorrow. Maleficent :Until tomorrow. Aurora :Oh, I'm so excited!

Aurora :Aunties. I'm almost 16. I need a life of my own. No, I love you very much. But it's time to say goodbye. You've been very good to me. Except the time you accidentally fed me spiders. Phillip :Hello. I'm sorry to bother you but I'm on my way to King Stefan's castle and I've become... hopelessly lost. Can you help me? I'm sorry, that was my fault. I rushed into... Forgive me. Aurora :It's that way. The castle.What's your name? Phillip :It's Phillip. Aurora :Hello, Phillip. Phillip :What's yours? Aurora :Aurora. Phillip :Hello, Aurora. Well, it was nice meeting you and once again my apologies for being such a clumsy fool. Aurora :You're forgiven. 61

Phillip :That's good. Well, I'll best be off then. Goodbye. Aurora :Will you be back this way? Phillip :Nothing could stop me. Aurora :Then I'll see you soon. Phillip :Very soon. Aurora :Goodbye, Phillip. Phillip :Goodbye... for now.

Maleficent :Stop doing that. Diaval :Well? That boy is the answer! Maleficent :No, Diaval. Diaval : Yes! True love's kiss, remember? It can break the spell. Maleficent :True love's kiss? Have you not worked it out yet? I cursed her that way, because there is no such thing. Diaval :Well, that might be how you feel. But... what about Aurora?That boy could be her only chance. It's her fate, anyway. Go ahead. Turn me into whatever you want. A bird, a worm.I don't care anymore.

Thistlewit :I'm so happy Knot we're leaving tomorrow. Knotgrass :You're not leaving tomorrow. Thistlewit :Tomorrow is Aurora's 16th birthday. Knotgrass :And Stefan told us to take her back the day after her birthday. Thistlewit :No, he said,on her birthday. Knotgrass :No, after her birthday. Thistlewit :On. Knotgrass :After. Thistlewit :On. 62

Knotgrass :After. Thistlewit :On, on, on! Knotrgrass : After, after! Thistlewit :On, on! Knotgrass :After, after! Flittle :Stop it! Knotgrass :What? How could you? Aurora :I need to talk to you about something. Flittle :O yes, sweetie, what is it? Aurora :I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But I'll be 16 tomorrow. Flittle :Oh, yes, quick, Knotgrass :put it here. Aurora :I'm leaving home. Knotgrass : See here, young lady. I did not spend 16 years in this miserable hovel with these two imbeciles... Hush! So that you could ruin it on the last day! We are taking you back to your father without... Aurora :My father? You told me my parents were dead. Flittle :I think you better come and sit down.

Aurora :Fairy godmother! Maleficent :I'm here. Aurora :When were you going to tell me that I'm cursed?Is it true? Maleficent :It is. Aurora :My aunts said it was an evil fairy. I... I can't remember her name. They said... that is was... Maleficent :Maleficent. Aurora :Is that you? Are you Maleficent? No! Don't touch me. You're the evilest in the world. it's you! Maleficent :Find the boy! 63

Soldier :...all the men to the east wing now! There should be no guards at the gate. I want her to walk in. Sorry to disturb, Your Majesty. We found this girl at the gate. She claims to be the princess. Aurora :Father, it's me, Aurora! Stefan :You look just like your mother. They brought you back a day too soon. I told those three idiots! Lock her up in her room. Go. Maleficent is coming. Thistlewit :It's so good to be small again! Flittle :Look at my feet! I love my tiny little feet! Knotgrass : Pay attention! We have to find Aurora! Oh, the king will have our heads!

Waiters : Wait! Princess.

Phillip :I'm looking for a girl. Maleficent : Of course you are. Maleficent :I need a horse. Come on, Diaval! Faster, Diaval! Faster! It's done. Diaval :They pulled the guards. He's waiting for you in there. If we go inside those walls, we'll never come out alive. Maleficent :Then don't come. It's not your fight. Diaval :Well, thank you very much. I need you, Diaval.I can't do thiswithout you, Diaval. Maleficent :I can hear you.

Stefan :Look at her. Look at what you've done. Knotgrass :She's only sleeping. Stefan :She's only sleeping, you say? She's only sleeping.She's only sleeping forever! Thistlewit :What about the kiss? 64

Knotgrass :Yes, true love's kiss. Stefan :True love does not exist. Flittle :But it's her only chance, Your Majesty.

Maleficent :Mistress.

Flittle :What are we going to do? Knotgrass :Well, we can't give up, can we? Come on, girls! Flittle : But we don't even know where to start! Thistlewit : True love doesn't just fall from trees, you know. Phillip :Pardon me. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know where I am. Thistlewit :In King Stefan's castle. Phillip :This is where I was meant to be. Although I can't recall how I got here. Knotgrass :Why have you come? Phillip : My father sent me to see the king. Knotgrass :Who is your father? Phillip : King John of Ofsted. Fairies :A prince! Phillip :Aurora. Thistlewit :He knows her. Phillip :Why is she sleeping? Knotgrass :She's trapped in an . Flitle :Isn't she beautiful? Phillip :The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Thistlewit :Do you want to kiss her? Phillip :Very much. Thistlewit :Just go on then. 65

Phillip :I'm not sure about it. I barely know her. We've only met once. Knotgrass :Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight? Kiss her! Go on. Phillip :An enchantment, you say? Fairies :Kiss her! Knotgrass :You didn't do it properly! Flittle :It's supposed to be true love's kiss! Knotgrass :I was certain he was the one! Phillip :What are you doing? Knotgrass :We have to keep looking. Maleficent :I told you. I will not ask your forgiveness. Because what I have done to you is unforgivable. I was so lost in hatred and revenge. Sweet Aurora. You stole what was left of my heart. And now I have lost you forever. I swear, no harm will come to you as long as I live. And not a day shall pass that I don't miss your smile. Aurora :Hello, godmother. Maleficent :Hello, beastie. Diaval :No true love. Soldier :She's here, Sire. Aurora:Are we going back to the Moors now? Maleficent :If that is what you wish. Aurora :Stop! Stefan :Get back! Maleficent :Into a dragon. Run, Aurora! Stefan :Enough! How does it feel? To be a fairy creature without wings? In a world where you don't belong! Kill her! Kill her! Shoot her! Maleficent :It's over.

Moderator 66

Maleficent brought down her wall of thorns and took off her crown And she invited Aurora to see how the Moors had been once. Long ago when Maleficent was but a child and her heart was bright. For now, it was again. But that was not all. Over there she is. Hurry up, they're waiting!

Twistlewit :Wait for me! Knotgrass : We present this crown to our little Aurora for whom we have sacrificed the best years of our. Never mind. Maleficent : Our kingdoms have been unified. You have your Queen!

Moderator So you see, the story is not quite as you were told. And I should know. For I was the one they called Sleeping Beauty. In the end, my kingdom was united. Not by a hero or a villain as legend had predicted. But one who was both hero and villain. And her name was Maleficent. Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

1. Name : Nur Asmawati

2. DOB : Kebumen, 25 Mei 1992

3.Address : Malang, Sidorejo, Ambal, Kebumen 4. Contact : 085747762921 5. Email : [email protected]

6. Hobby : reading, watching

Educational Background 1. State Elemantary School of Sidorejo (1998-2004) 2. State Junior High School of 1 Mirit (2004-2007) 3. State Islamic Senior High School of Kutowinangun (2007-2010) 4. State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga (2010-2015)

Work Experience: 1. SEMA Faculty of Adab and Cultural Science 2. Crew in Pekan Budaya Faculty of Adab 2013 and 2014 3. Crew in OPAK faculty of Adab 2011 and 2012 4. The chief of Workshop Kepenulisan Skripsi English Literature 2012