LIBERTY PLEDGE NEWSLETTER Published exclusively for members of the Libertarian Party's Monthly Pledge Program

JANUARY 1991 Ballot Access Efforts Shifting Into High Gear and Bringing Results

The Libertarian Party's Ballot Access Commit- On the petitioning front, the Alabama LP and tee hopes to have a good chunk of its job com- Kansas LP have recently completed petition pleted by the time delegates name the LP presi- drives. The Kansas drive was funded primarily dential nominee over Labor Day weekend in by the state LP. Chicago, and recent successful efforts give Liber- Petitioning is now underway in Arizona, tarians good reason for optimism. while state legislators there consider a bill aimed In addition to the substantial gains realized at cutting the petition requirement from 15,000 to from 1990 LP vote totals, an independent's show- 7,000. Petitioners will collect about 8,000 signa- ing in Maine is responsible for the LP being tures and then wait for the legislature's vote certified as an official party there. The indepen- before continuing. In North Carolina, the 51-'92 dent, Andrew Adam, received enough votes to organization is conducting a petition drive to qualify for official party status, and by changing place the LP on the ballot. his registration to Libertarian—which he did January 18th—his status was transferred to the CORRECTION: Contrary to last month's LP. BAC Chair Bill Redpath and 51-'92 Commit- Liberty Pledge Newsletter, pledgers of $10/ tee Chair were on hand for the month or more will continue to have their official change-of-registration. memberships automatically renewed. Libertarians in Forefront of Opposition to Persian Gulf War The LP is setting up a new "900 Number" people will take advantage of this service who for opponents of U.S. involvement in the wouldn't take the time to sit down and write Persian Gulf. Callers will hear a recorded their congressman a letter." message stating opposition to the intervention, College chapters are being urged to get which will be delivered in their names to their involved in this hot issue. Informational pack- congressmen if they leave their names and ets were sent to 222 campus contacts regarding addresses. The LP will also send each caller a their role in establishing strong opposition to "Bring U.S. Troops Home" bumper sticker. reinstituting the draft. LP anti-draft activist "We wanted to encourage people to speak Paul Jacob recently spoke to over 70 students at up and be counted on this important issue," one of the smaller campuses of the University National Director Nick Dunbar said. "We hope of Wisconsin. (See article on page 2.)

LIBERTARIAN PARTY NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 1528 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20003 • (202) 543-1988 Libertarian candidate sounds like a president By JOSEPH GARCIA tion. doesn't want a call that says, 'Jesse, my "We must remember: They (government); g Citizen Staff Writer "Because what we're talking about is garbage wasn't picked up.' He doesn't worry should be our servant, not our master," he o THE based on two basic principles — No. 1, do about garbage, he wants to talk all this other said. "It is not a government's responsibility Richard "Dick" Boddie can do lively im- all you agree to do, and No. 2, do not en- stuff out here and make his $10,000 (to) to hike care of people. It is a government's University of Wisconsin- personations of Ronald Reagan, Lyndon B. croach on other people or other people's $30,000 a hit for his speech." responsibility to defend their rights when; Johnson, Jesse Jackson property. Those two moral principles are Boddie, chief fundraiser for Libertarian their rights are violated. All other functions• Milwaukee Campus and Jimmy Carter. the foundation of ." 's 1984 presidential cam- are illegitimate." 'the animated speaker Boddie, 51, was in Tucson last night speak- paign, said the time for Libertarianism is Boddie, a political science graduate of fe-) hopes some day some- in to the Pima County Libertarian Party. ripe because the United States has gone Bucknell University of Lewisberg, Pa., holds body will copy his vocal And although he's African-American and through its natural cycle — from bondage a law degree from Syracuse University, but characteristics. After all, running for president, he wants it made very to spiritual faith, to great courage, to lib- failed the bar exam 13 times. this one-time-Democrat- clear he's not another Jesse Jackson just be- erty, to abundance, to selfishness, to com- "I flunked 13 bar exams," he said. "That's one-time-Republican is cause he's black. placency, to apathy, to dependency, and back heavy-duty stuff — a wife and three kids and running for president. "Jesse's a joke," Boddie said in an ear- to bondage. Thesday, December 4, 1990 In the Public Interest since 1956 Volume 35, Number 25 you know you're a good lawyer. So what do "I just keep on talking lier interview. "Jesse is an opportunistic "After the tyranny is when the Libertar- you do, go out and blow somebody away? . . and never change," Bod- person who showed his hand when he had ian ideas are going to take over," Boddie Or do you just say, hey, let me just re-evalu- die, a Libertarian, said in Boddie the opportunity to run for mayor of D.C. said yesterday. ate what's going on here. I don't want to be a 0,, an interview, explaining his strategy for win- and he didn't do it. This guy wants a whole Boddie said government's original role ning over votes in the 1992 presidential elec- lot of rhetoric with no responsibility. He in American society is soon forgotten. BODDIE, continued/6A. Continued from 5A S Speaker at UWM calls Selective Service totalitarian O KANKAKEE. IL part of that. These are the same peo- Jacobs compared the military draft to community service requirement. "You have choices to make," he said to ple who are stealing my money as by Theresa Flynn ■ "I had literally dozens of friends who the audience. "And there are conse- PURL. DAILY government bureaucrats, passing! the Soviet economy. "The government CIRC. 30.334 doesn't have any right to take me out of also didn't register; they, however, didn't quences to these choices. Twenty, 30 laws that oppress my freedom. hat would I kill for? my life and put me into their slot. That's appear on talk shows on television and years ago people had to make the same Boddie has been a cook, a jazz - w ziuPaul Jacobs asked himself .thfs how the Soviets run their economy, and radio," said Jacobs. decisions." r nCT 29. 19913 musician, a folk singer. a Hoy Scout, Jacobs 'calked about some of the op- a stadetit radical, a banker, a TV back 1Q80 he we've :ieen how well that w,ks." Jacobs made his decision to publicly tions for evading military service, includ- persouatity, a decathlon champion, was presented with the requirement to "What you want to do with your life is resist registration in order to protest what sign up with the Selective Service on his important, and it's wrong to tell somebody ing his resistance by not registering. Illinois legation opposed budget a salesman and a financial plan- he said was "slavery" by the government. ner. 18th birthday; he chose not to sign the that what they want to do with their life is His prosecution for non-registration was "I did not try to file as a conscientious WASHINGTON (UPI)IL ixteen of due disCipline." He's now all adjunct professor of card. He was among about 25 percent of wrong. That's slavery:" Jacobs said. due to his vocal, public stance on the is- In Chicago, U.S. Rep. Lynn Martin, objector," he said, "because I am not the 22 congressmen representing nu- Many House GOP members op- s.v.i,i,g) at the University of La eligible 18-year-old men that year to defy Jacobs spent six months in a Federal sue, he said. Even though many of the R-Ill., criticized her House col- against all wars. I am against the draft." nois voted against the federal budget posed the package because of their Verne in Orange Comity, Calif.. and the Selective Service requirement. prison in Arkansas following his 1984 young men in the audience may have regi- leagues for their "arrogance" in plan now before President Bush disdain for higher taxes. pushing through tax increases in the is president and founder of The Mo- Jacobs explained his decision last conviction for not registering for the draft; "I am not a pacifist," Jacobs said. "I stered because of financial aid restrictions while both Illinois senators voted Aside from Michel, only other Re- new budget. tivators, a professional speakers ; Thursday night in the east corridor of the he was one of about a dozen men believe in a national defense, but it's a slap and parental pressures, Jacobs said re- firm fur seminars, wurkshop, coo-, against the package. publican congressman from TIlinois Jim Tobin, chairman of the Angry Union's second floor. A reserved room convicted during the decade for publicly in the face of young people to believe that sistance and draft avoidance were still ferettres and conventions. Congress, however, approved the voting in favor of the package was proved too small for the gathering of over advocating non-compliance with Selective they will not come to the defense of their Taxpayers Action Committee, was Whitt does that potpourri of life historic agreement Saturday to re- Rep. Edward Madigan. In addition to 50 people. Service requirements. He also fulfilled a country when It is necessary." Turn to Jacobs/page 2 cheered as he read a "Taxpayers' experience say to Boddie? 4 duce the federal deficit by $490 bil- positive vote from Rostenkowski, "l irre's Declaration of Independence" to a a person who ought to be' Page 2 - The UWM Post lion over the next five years through other Illinois Democrats joining him crowd of about 100 people in down- running for president, a guy who, a mix of tax increases and benefit were Reps. Richard Durbin, Lane town Chicago. has touch with a lot of elfments of Gainesville, FL, Sun cuts. President Bush said he will sign Evans, William Lipinski Glenn our society, a lot of stratu and tie the measure. • Poshard and Marty Russo. The rest tint stratificiations, a guy who can Nov. 5, 1990. Despite the Illinois delegation voted against the package while Sid- walk a mile in a lot of different peo- Selective Service Requirement vote, the House approved the bill ney Yates did not vote. ple's shoes," be said. 228-200 in the early morning hours The Li arty and other One of Mose pairs of shoes was as and the Senate passed the bill 54-45 anti-tax bcellPiroups organized a "student radical" during the Viet- willing to get involved, they're most totalitarian laws in this nani Jacobs/from page 1 later in the day and sent it to the War. Boddie said the Syracuse. willing to defend their freedom, country. "Even by telling people IN THE MARGIN the rallies, riding a wave of growing University riot scene featured White House. Democrats, who in uality—Jacobs said refusing In- but not when they don't know how to get out of the draft, even taxpayer opposition to the 1991 bud- the movie "Born on the Fourth of Representatives from the local Republi- crafted most of the legislation, pro- duction to service is an evasion what the reason Is," he said by just counseling that can be get. July" was based on a peaceful war-. can, Democratic and Libertarian parties vided the winning margins in both of last resort An all-volunteer Army serves prosecuted as aiding and abet- protest he organized there in May ting [a criminal)." were on hand to woo voters at the Alachua chambers. 1970. Since Canada arid Mexico sup- as a check against fighting a war Sens. Paul Simon and Alan Dixon that doesn't have popular sup- County Fair. The Republicans and Demo- "They didn't give me-no credit,"- port the possibility of military ac- Jacobs' speech was sponsored crats were doing a brisk business passing out also voted against the measure, Si- Boddie said of the movie based on a port, Jacobs said. "[Based on reg- tion In Saudi Arabia, Americans by the Young Libertarian Alli- mon terming it a "mistake." paralyzed .veteran's life story. "I istration statistics and opinion free bumper stickers supporting their candi- evading the draft will not be ance, a UWM student organiza- Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, D-IIL, 6A THE DETROIT NEWS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1990 was there, (veteran) Ron Rolle granted refuge across these bor- polls,' the support's not there. dates and policies. tion. But representatives from the Libertarian chairman of the Ways and Means wasn't. He never set wheelchair on ders, he said. With a draft, you don't have to that campus to this day. Party — a movement know for its strong Committee, called the plan "a re- get support," Jacobs said. Reality versus perception. That's, A student draft deferment such support of the free market — were charging sponsible and balanced plan of as the one given in the early "rm not saying 18, 20 and 22- shared sacrifice." the problem today In trying to $2.50 for their bumper stickers. "wake up" Americans about the, years of the Vietnam War will year-old men should make deci- House GOP leader Robert Michel ."We're capitalists here," explained a party `Two party' myth is un-American. - control government has .on their? probably not be reinstated, Ja- sions of national policy, but if staffer. of Illinois added, 'We're attempting lives, Boddie said. cobs said. part of that policy Is dragging you to turn our backs on instant gratifi- n Mark Shields' coliann of Oct- presidential candidate Toni Nathan Boddie said many Americans ref- out of bed to fight and die, you cation, the curse of this institution, use to vote, not out "The liberals in Congress are 26; "GOP bloopers keep Demo- in the 1972 election.1 " : of laziness or. should have some choice," said and subject ourselves to long over- I apathy, fighting for the draft, claiming crats going,' he stated: "Because we The myth of a two-party system but because they're intellk Jacobs. gent enough to know that we live in that it would make the forces have only two parties in our country, that Shields perpetuates is dangerous a two-party system with no differ more representative [of the. do well politically by to the economic future of our nation He also stressed that people at one party can ence between Republicans and country's racial and economic and is doubly dangerous to the con-: risk of being drafted should put doing next to nothing while the other Democrats. - • background]. They're not trying stitutional guarantees of individual pressure on politicians who do Deseret News, (Salt Lake City, UT), Nov. '1, 1990. party is doing harmful things to itself "They're the same, it's just a dif- to stop a war from happening. liberty that have continually been , make up national policy. Jacobs and the nation." • ferent 'W' they deal with," Boddie' That is Insane," he said. • eroded under the power politics of 7, advocated writing letters to the • • • I would like to welcome Mr. said of the two major political per' the Republicans and Democrats. • Talk of reinstituting the draft Is editor of local papers, writing to Shields back from Mars ... or whatev- ties. "Their policy is 'W,' and they With highly restrictive ballot ac- also spurred on by a drop in en- members of Congress and get- Libertarian finds cuts to make if food tax goes er planet he's been living on. He, like just switch the letter -- welfare or cess laws that the two older parties listment Jacobs said. According ting Involved with anti-draft or- others who have had their heads warfare, warfare or welfare. And —10 a departments to prove state government can slash sonal car has 122,000 miles and is going strorlg.f.. firmly embedded in the sand, does an ' have passed to protect themselves there's no pattern as to who will to the New York Times, military ganizations. By Matthew Brown -30 -2_ (2...9 from competition in the political are- recruitment is below Pentagon $70.99 million in expenditures while raising $9.86 He also suggests state printing move to the state injustice to millions of concerned carry whirls 'W.' But the point is, Deseret News staff writer na, Libertarians and others must it's a two W syndrome." expectation; Jacobs compared "We owe a debt to our country, million through user fees. He claims the reduced prison and Gov. Norm Bangerter move back' W Americans who have rejected the but who is our country? We are," continually struggle to make people As a Libertarian, Boddie believes this decrease to skyrocketing re, Libertarian Bob Waldrop spending combined with user fee revenue would "his nice house in West Valley City" or "pay ins corrupt, status-quo politics of the ' he said. more than offset a predicted shortfall caused by two older parties and have been seek- aware that voting alternatives do ex- In neither. Defense of the linden cruitment after Japan's attack on says he knows his chances of own tent to live up town." .• on food. ing a political haven that represents ist. will go only as far as U,S. borders, Pearl Harbor to 1941. Jacobs said that the Selective winning a State Senate seat The only areas Waldrop left alone were higher and welfare will be done away with In his introductory notes, Waldrop, who is run- individual liberty, economic free- Shields' perpetuation ofthe two- "When people are mad they're Service and draft laws are the next week are slim. education, corrections and transportation. Wal- because It is a trap, Inc said. fling M the Avenues/Capitol Hill/Central City dis- dom, strong moral values and limited party myth is terribly un-American. Still, he hopes and works drop suggested less than $1 million cut from Hu- He should use his influence to inform "I am black. I grew up poor. The trict, said the tax limitation movement has hurt its government. difference Is right here,'he said, hard. And he's done what no man Services and the state office and board of the American people that the Liber- case by not suggesting where spending can be re- Founded in 1970, the Libertarian pointing to his head, "not imelll- other candidate or elected of- education be eliminated. tarian Party is alive arid well and is ficial has even attempted: duced. So, he decided to "read every line and Party is the third largest and fastest gence, but attitude. There will al- In his biting and often humorous commentary scaring the political hell out of the Coming up with a detailed every word" of a 16-inch stack of fiscal documents growing political movement in ways be poor people, no matter on oath cut, Waldrop's underlying message is:that proposal for cutting the state and come up with a "first phase" of suggested America. The Libertarian Party is entrenched politicians of the two old- what society It Is — if the brothers government wastes a lot of money for spedal budget to make up for reve- budget cuts. the only other party to field presiden- er parties. took over and ran this and there's • interests. few poor white folks out there . . . nue lost if the sales tax were "No more ngw cars, no more replacing cars tial candidates in each presidential ' Richard Whitelock Bob Waldrop "It is a sad day when the 'General Welfare election since its inception. Libertar- there's always going to be poor peo- removed from food. when they get 75,000 miles," Waldrop declares, Put Chair ple.," Waldrop, an avid supporter of the food tax ini- justifying his $22.47 million cut in general govern- becomes an excuse for a 'General Looting' ofAtie ians claim the very first electoral col- Libartariaa Party tiative, has pored over the budgets of 15 state ment and capital facilities expenditures. "My per- walle,s of hard working taxpayers," he said.' lege. vote in American history to be of Michas...I cast for a woman candidate vice- IONIA Two-party gatecrashers

Editor's note: A former vice president of the now- open forum for artistic, religious and political thought the timing was right. The Libertarians have dizfunct Gainesville Gas will speak about the forced sale expression, and the right to trial by jury. The registered with the county Supervisor of Elections. in 1989 of the company to Gainesville Regional Utilities Libertarian Party, which was founded on those and In the meantime, members will casually hammer at Grace Knight Hall in the County Administration other ideals written into the Bill of Rights, has out their agreements and differences in what member Building. Mitchell Prugh will speak about the "winners extended their political platform even further. They Kirchoff calls the distinctive individualistic style of and the losers' of the buyout. The speech is Tuesday support the decriminalization—or re-legalization—cif Libertarians. Kirchoff, in turn, is called by Nov. 27, 7:30 p.m. and is sponsored by the new illegal drugs and the shifting of welfare programs .compatriot Clark Hodge a "Libertarian crank." Libenarian Party of Alaciuta County. from the public to private sector, as well as "We all have our differing beliefs, different privitization of most government services and the reasons for being in the parry," said John Schueller, a By Tim J. Hill eventual elimination of the federal income tax. professor in UF mechanical engineering and They more or less seek to undo the evolution toward secretary of the party. He said the party's core group The table occupied by the Libertarian Party at socialism the federal government has been of 12 don't agree entirely about all local issues, but a the Alachua County Fair was nondescript compared undergoing since the early 20th century. general consensus exists. Like his compatriots around to their neon-bedecked neighbors, the Florida Notoriety, and maybe acceptance later on—these town and through time, Schueller w'nts a Lottery, and the Republican Party down the row, are the current goals of the Libertarian Party of government that governs least. For exarr 'le, he whose booth was decorated with ribbons, political Alachua County. thinks the county airport serves as a model for huw posters and a five-foot cartoon elephant. The table The group was brought together in Augus: Ly the rest of the county government should run by the newly-formed Alachua County party Fender, and all of them meet at one time or another operate: farm out as many services to private industry featured literature, hand-drawn signs and at the Philosophy Bookstore. Behind the local parry as possible. bumperstickers on sale for a donation. The only icon One issue the local group firmly stands behind is insight was the Statue of Liberty. against the grain seeing that Bill Hatfield—the owner of Novel Ideas In between renditions of "We're in the Money" who is being prosecuted for "distributing harmful by the Florida Lottery dixieland band, you could Mfg eht tsniaga material to a minor" in the form of a revealing comic have spoken to parry members about platform issues book—does not go to jaiL They have started a legal such as relaxing ballot-access laws, passing laws to defense fund to help offset the cost of a lawyer. ensure "fully-informed juries," privatization of and offering moral support is the bookstore's owner, Many of the members the local parry belong to government services and generally establishing Jon Asfour, "the longest-tenured Libertarian around," the state or national Libertarian parties. A national according to member Fred Kirchoff, 73, a self- laissez-faire capitalism. And for many people who party issue is presently the "Fully-Informed Jury Act," employed burglar alarm installer and long-time area stopped by on their way to the wild rides outside the an attempt to get courts to follow the English resident. (Asfour was out of town while this article convention hall, talk centered on why the common-law practice of allowing juries to not only was being written, and could not be reached.) Libertarians, and third parties in general, are nearly judge the guilt or innocence of an accused person but The current parry line-up, according to Fender, is unheard of in Florida. to decide whether the law itself is just. "The ballot-access laws in Florida are some of the the third attempt to form an Alachua County While popular issues abound in the party's - toughest in the country," said Mike Fender, a UF law Libertarian group. Fender, once a member of a platform, the goal of the Libertarian party and its student and local party organizer. In order for campus Republican group until he quit when the members—from local to national level—is to get Libertarians to get on the ballot, he said, canvassers president was impeached for being gay, and then a voters to question the basic processes of elections and have to collect signatures from about five percent of member of the until he moved campaigning. Third parties have not been the state's 6.8 million registered to Orlando, got on the phone this time because he contenders in American politics since the early 20th voters-340,000 people in all. And they have mtury, when the Populists emerged from to have a candidate as well. the heartland to represent farmer interests Ronald Reagan, who helped increase the in Washington. They faded away, but their size of the federal government, ironically was spirit remains. Ann Richards' victory in elected for his Libertarian ideal of reducing Texas, for example, has been called a the national bureaucracy. Yet the party has populist victory. gained little headway into mainstream But in Florida, Libertarian candidates politics. has run for president on have rarely been elected to any office. Alan the Libertarian ticket since the party was Sawyer has run for Gainesville city formed in 1971, and Libertarians here and commission several times but lost. Allison there have managed to get elected. But no DeFoor, Gov. Bob Martinez' running mate major movement has coalesced. in the recent election, was elected to sheriff In Florida the party has had little success, of Monroe County as a Libertarian. and members blame the ballot laws. To get Elsewhere in the state, Libertarian onto the ballot for the U.S. House of candidates have fought uphill to get on a Representatives, for example, a candidate for ballot but are usually subsumed by the two a third party in Florida (not an independent) major parties. Marlon Migala successfully would need about 170,000 signatures. In challenged the state's ballot access laws Louisiana the candidate would only need when Rep. Claude Pepper of Miami died. 107,000 signatures, and in Mississippi zero. The special election after his death "The president is talking about how good discriminated against minor parties by it is to have multi-party systems is Eastern requiring difficult hurdles. Last year, the Europe. We hardly have a multi-party system U.S. Ustrict Court in Gainesville agreed: here, do we?" Fender said. A woman who Florida statutes for minor party access to stopped at the table to offer a cynical remark special elections violates the state about the elections agreed, and was about to constrution. sign her name to a mailing list when her Kirchoff wants less government in his husband ushered her away. life. "And we want to get voters thinking

5 About 70 other people, however, did sign about basic. philosophy. Too raany people 1 their names to a mailing list last month at the when they go to the polls, they think about

dec Legalize Hemp Rally at the downtown just issues or the style of the candidate," courthouse, where Fender and other party Kirchoff said. 19 to leaders called for the legalization and mass And Schueller, recalling general cultivation of hemp—the marijuana plant. nov dissatisfaction with the trend or

ine Libertarians generally believe in the rights politics to exclude more people than it az of the individual in the face of ever- includes, and the tendency of local politics expanding government. Libertarian, or to become bloated with burs:aecracy, says: N mag classical liberal, precepts were the political "I'm not proposing a Utopia. I just want

MOO philosophies of the country's Founding something that will work.' Fathers. Most of them believed in an 18

e unrestricted, or laissez-faire, marketplace, an mike fender ag p