LIBERTY PLEDGE NEWSLETTER Published exclusively for members of the Libertarian Party's Monthly Pledge Program JANUARY 1991 Ballot Access Efforts Shifting Into High Gear and Bringing Results The Libertarian Party's Ballot Access Commit- On the petitioning front, the Alabama LP and tee hopes to have a good chunk of its job com- Kansas LP have recently completed petition pleted by the time delegates name the LP presi- drives. The Kansas drive was funded primarily dential nominee over Labor Day weekend in by the state LP. Chicago, and recent successful efforts give Liber- Petitioning is now underway in Arizona, tarians good reason for optimism. while state legislators there consider a bill aimed In addition to the substantial gains realized at cutting the petition requirement from 15,000 to from 1990 LP vote totals, an independent's show- 7,000. Petitioners will collect about 8,000 signa- ing in Maine is responsible for the LP being tures and then wait for the legislature's vote certified as an official party there. The indepen- before continuing. In North Carolina, the 51-'92 dent, Andrew Adam, received enough votes to organization is conducting a petition drive to qualify for official party status, and by changing place the LP on the ballot. his registration to Libertarian—which he did January 18th—his status was transferred to the CORRECTION: Contrary to last month's LP. BAC Chair Bill Redpath and 51-'92 Commit- Liberty Pledge Newsletter, pledgers of $10/ tee Chair Andre Marrou were on hand for the month or more will continue to have their official change-of-registration. memberships automatically renewed. Libertarians in Forefront of Opposition to Persian Gulf War The LP is setting up a new "900 Number" people will take advantage of this service who for opponents of U.S. involvement in the wouldn't take the time to sit down and write Persian Gulf. Callers will hear a recorded their congressman a letter." message stating opposition to the intervention, College chapters are being urged to get which will be delivered in their names to their involved in this hot issue. Informational pack- congressmen if they leave their names and ets were sent to 222 campus contacts regarding addresses. The LP will also send each caller a their role in establishing strong opposition to "Bring U.S. Troops Home" bumper sticker. reinstituting the draft. LP anti-draft activist "We wanted to encourage people to speak Paul Jacob recently spoke to over 70 students at up and be counted on this important issue," one of the smaller campuses of the University National Director Nick Dunbar said. "We hope of Wisconsin. (See article on page 2.) LIBERTARIAN PARTY NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 1528 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20003 • (202) 543-1988 Libertarian candidate sounds like a president By JOSEPH GARCIA tion. doesn't want a call that says, 'Jesse, my "We must remember: They (government); g Citizen Staff Writer "Because what we're talking about is garbage wasn't picked up.' He doesn't worry should be our servant, not our master," he o THE based on two basic principles — No. 1, do about garbage, he wants to talk all this other said. "It is not a government's responsibility Richard "Dick" Boddie can do lively im- all you agree to do, and No. 2, do not en- stuff out here and make his $10,000 (to) to hike care of people. It is a government's University of Wisconsin- personations of Ronald Reagan, Lyndon B. croach on other people or other people's $30,000 a hit for his speech." responsibility to defend their rights when; Johnson, Jesse Jackson property. Those two moral principles are Boddie, chief fundraiser for Libertarian their rights are violated. All other functions• Milwaukee Campus and Jimmy Carter. the foundation of Libertarianism." David Bergland's 1984 presidential cam- are illegitimate." 'the animated speaker Boddie, 51, was in Tucson last night speak- paign, said the time for Libertarianism is Boddie, a political science graduate of fe-) hopes some day some- in to the Pima County Libertarian Party. ripe because the United States has gone Bucknell University of Lewisberg, Pa., holds body will copy his vocal And although he's African-American and through its natural cycle — from bondage a law degree from Syracuse University, but characteristics. After all, running for president, he wants it made very to spiritual faith, to great courage, to lib- failed the bar exam 13 times. this one-time-Democrat- clear he's not another Jesse Jackson just be- erty, to abundance, to selfishness, to com- "I flunked 13 bar exams," he said. "That's one-time-Republican is cause he's black. placency, to apathy, to dependency, and back heavy-duty stuff — a wife and three kids and running for president. "Jesse's a joke," Boddie said in an ear- to bondage. Thesday, December 4, 1990 In the Public Interest since 1956 Volume 35, Number 25 you know you're a good lawyer. So what do "I just keep on talking lier interview. "Jesse is an opportunistic "After the tyranny is when the Libertar- you do, go out and blow somebody away? . and never change," Bod- person who showed his hand when he had ian ideas are going to take over," Boddie Or do you just say, hey, let me just re-evalu- die, a Libertarian, said in Boddie the opportunity to run for mayor of D.C. said yesterday. ate what's going on here. I don't want to be a 0,, an interview, explaining his strategy for win- and he didn't do it. This guy wants a whole Boddie said government's original role ning over votes in the 1992 presidential elec- lot of rhetoric with no responsibility. He in American society is soon forgotten. BODDIE, continued/6A. Continued from 5A S Speaker at UWM calls Selective Service totalitarian O KANKAKEE. IL part of that. These are the same peo- Jacobs compared the military draft to community service requirement. "You have choices to make," he said to ple who are stealing my money as by Theresa Flynn ■ "I had literally dozens of friends who the audience. "And there are conse- PURL. DAILY government bureaucrats, passing! the Soviet economy. "The government CIRC. 30.334 doesn't have any right to take me out of also didn't register; they, however, didn't quences to these choices. Twenty, 30 laws that oppress my freedom. hat would I kill for? my life and put me into their slot. That's appear on talk shows on television and years ago people had to make the same Boddie has been a cook, a jazz - w ziuPaul Jacobs asked himself .thfs how the Soviets run their economy, and radio," said Jacobs. decisions." r nCT 29. 19913 musician, a folk singer. a Hoy Scout, Jacobs 'calked about some of the op- a stadetit radical, a banker, a TV back 1Q80 he we've :ieen how well that w,ks." Jacobs made his decision to publicly tions for evading military service, includ- persouatity, a decathlon champion, was presented with the requirement to "What you want to do with your life is resist registration in order to protest what sign up with the Selective Service on his important, and it's wrong to tell somebody ing his resistance by not registering. Illinois legation opposed budget a salesman and a financial plan- he said was "slavery" by the government. ner. 18th birthday; he chose not to sign the that what they want to do with their life is His prosecution for non-registration was "I did not try to file as a conscientious WASHINGTON (UPI)IL ixteen of due disCipline." He's now all adjunct professor of card. He was among about 25 percent of wrong. That's slavery:" Jacobs said. due to his vocal, public stance on the is- In Chicago, U.S. Rep. Lynn Martin, objector," he said, "because I am not the 22 congressmen representing nu- Many House GOP members op- s.v.i,i,g) at the University of La eligible 18-year-old men that year to defy Jacobs spent six months in a Federal sue, he said. Even though many of the R-Ill., criticized her House col- against all wars. I am against the draft." nois voted against the federal budget posed the package because of their Verne in Orange Comity, Calif.. and the Selective Service requirement. prison in Arkansas following his 1984 young men in the audience may have regi- leagues for their "arrogance" in plan now before President Bush disdain for higher taxes. pushing through tax increases in the is president and founder of The Mo- Jacobs explained his decision last conviction for not registering for the draft; "I am not a pacifist," Jacobs said. "I stered because of financial aid restrictions while both Illinois senators voted Aside from Michel, only other Re- new budget. tivators, a professional speakers ; Thursday night in the east corridor of the he was one of about a dozen men believe in a national defense, but it's a slap and parental pressures, Jacobs said re- firm fur seminars, wurkshop, coo-, against the package. publican congressman from TIlinois Jim Tobin, chairman of the Angry Union's second floor. A reserved room convicted during the decade for publicly in the face of young people to believe that sistance and draft avoidance were still ferettres and conventions. Congress, however, approved the voting in favor of the package was proved too small for the gathering of over advocating non-compliance with Selective they will not come to the defense of their Taxpayers Action Committee, was Whitt does that potpourri of life historic agreement Saturday to re- Rep.
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